2007-11-28_Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jour City of Saint John Common Council Meeting Wednesday, November 28, 2007 Committee of the Whole 1. Call to Order 5:00 p.m. Committee of the Whole Open Session - Council Chamber 1.1 Saint John's Community Vision Presented by the Vision 2015 Citizens Advisory Group City of Saint John Seance du conseil communal Le mercredi 28 novembre 2007 Comite plenier 1. Ouverture de la seance 17 h Comite plenier en seance publique - salle du conseil 1.1 La Vision Communautaire de Saint John Presentee par Ie Comite Consultatif des Citoyens ReIatif it Ia Vision 2015 VISION 2015 OUR SAINT JOHN OF THE FUTURE CITY OF SAINT JOHN NOVEMBER 26, 2007 .------- . -------. VISION 2015 OUR SAINT JOHN OF THE FUTURE CITY OF SAINT JOHN NOVEMBER 2007 TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS............................................................................................................... .... 1 THE CITIZENS ADVISORY GROUP.............................................................................................. 1 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................... ........... 2 WHAT Is VISION 2015? .................................................................................................................. 3 WHY IS VISION 2015 IMPORTANT? ................................................................................................3 P ARTNERING FOR SUCCESS........................................................................................................... 3 How WAS VISION 2015 DEVELOPED? ............................................................................................4 TRANSLATING VISION INTO ACTION ................................................ ............................................. 4 COMMUNITY VISION.................................................................................................................. 5 INTEGRATED COMMUNITY SUSTAINABILITY PLAN ..................................................................5 COUNCIL PRIORITIES AND STRATEGIC POLICY PLANS ............................................................5 CORPORATE STRATEGIC PLAN.................................................................................................. 6 SERVICE DELIVERY PLANS........................................................................................................ 6 WHAT IS A SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITY? ........................................................................................6 CITIZENS ADVISORY GROUP.......................................................................................................... 7 ENGAGING THE COMMUNITy......................................................................................................... 7 OUR SUST AINABILITY PRINCIPLES................................................................................................ 9 SUSTAINABILITY PRINCIPLES FOR SAINT JOHN ........................................................................9 Sustainability Principle One.................................................................................................. 9 Sustainability Principle Two................................................................................................ 10 Sustainability Principle Three............................................................................................. 10 Sustainability Principle Four.............................................................................................. 11 Sustainability Principle Five ............................................................................................... 11 Sustainability Principle Six ................................................................................................. 11 Sustainability Principle Seven.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 12 Sustainability Principle Eight................................................ .............................................. 12 Sustainability Principle Nine.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 13 Sustainability Principle Ten................................................................................................ 13 OUR COMMUNITY VISION............................................................................................................ 14 CITY OF SAINT JOHN COMMUNITY VISION STATEMENT........................................................ 14 OUR COMMUNITY GOALS............................................................................................................ 14 TWENTY YEAR COMMUNITY GOALS....................................................................................... 15 Social.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... ... 15 Economic...................................................................................................................... ........ 15 Environment................................................................................................................... ...... 15 Infrastructure................................................................................................................ ....... 15 Governance.................................................................................................................... ....... 16 VISION 2015 NEXT STEPS............................................................................................................. 16 RECOMMENDATIONS................................................................................................................. ... 17 . . VISION 2015 OUR SAINT JOHN OF THE FUTURE CITY OF SAINT JOHN NOVEMBER 2007 . 11. VISION 2015 OUR SAINT JOHN OF THE FUTURE CITY OF SAINT JOHN NOVEMBER 2007 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thank you to the thousands of people who shared their hopes and dreams for the future of Saint John by participating in the public consultation process. Your thoughts and ideas formed the basis for a Community Vision and Goals. We look for your continued support and input as we work to translate your vision into action. Together we will build a stronger community. The City of Saint John Environment Committee is recognized for their time and effort in drafting a set of sustainabiIity principles for the City of Saint John. The Vision 2015 Committee appreciates the contribution made by the Environment Committee. The Vision 2015 Committee would like to acknowledge the valuable role of the Citizens Advisory Group. The leadership and dedication of this group of community leaders was instrumental in the success of the public engagement. Special thanks to Mike Schulze, Susan Atkinson, and Pran<;ois Beaulieu who shared chair person responsibilities throughout the project. THE CITIZENS ADVISORY GROUP Mike Schulze Susan Atkinson Pran<;ois Beaulieu Stephanie Bell Ross Galbraith Daniel Goodwin Sarah Jones Janet McLaughlin Jocelyn Stevens Ivy Wang . 1. VISION 2015 OUR SAINT JOHN OF THE FUTURE CITY OF SAINT JOHN NOVEMBER 2007 INTRODUCTION His Worship Mayor Norm McFarlane and Members of Common Council Your W orshi p and Members of Common Council: I am pleased to provide the final report - Vision 2015 Our Saint John of the Future - to Saint John Common Council. The report outlines the background, process, and results of the Vision 2015 eleven month public engagement lead by the Citizens Advisory Group. The Citizens Advisory Group was asked to accomplish three objectives. The first was to develop a community vision by consulting with the public. The second was to identify goals we can all work towards to achieve this vision, and the third objective was to develop a set of sustainabiIity principles for Saint John. The public engagement process was a tremendous success. The Citizens Advisory Group received feedback from approximately 4.2% of the community, translating into well over fifteen thousand ideas on the future for Saint John. This information became the basis for a community owned and developed vision statement and goals to describe our Saint John of the future. With the support of the Saint John Environment Committee, sustainabiIity principles were developed. Vision 2015 will build on the success of this public consultation. With a community developed vision and goals, we are well prepared to translate vision into action. . 2. VISION 2015 OUR SAINT JOHN OF THE FUTURE CITY OF SAINT JOHN NOVEMBER 2007 WHAT Is VISION 2015? Vision 2015 is a shared plan for continuous improvement to make Saint John a national leader as a sustainable community. Starting with a long-term vision and goals developed and owned by the community, Vision 2015 is a multi-year program designed to translate vision into action while providing balance amongst community needs as we move to a sustainable future for Saint John. The project is using an integrated approach of planning, strategy, action, and performance measurement to align City services to the vision, goals and objectives identified by the citizens of Saint John. WHY IS VISION 2015 IMPORTANT? Many people believe Saint John is on the verge of transformational change. ~." "Change has to happen by design, not by default. You need a vision, and leadership to acknowledge the problem. And you need a mechanism for translating this vision into the detailed actions that happen on the grou nd" . 1 Elisa Campbell, SPADE With this change, we have both the opportunity and the responsibility to seek solutions for our community needs and to maximize the benefits on the horizon. We must do this in a way that moves us forward as a sustainable community. Specifically, we must ensure today's solutions do not jeopardize the ability of future generations to meet their needs. Vision 2015 will provide a framework for the City of Saint John to change how it operates in responding to community identified goals and opportunities, while improving accountability and transparency in local government. P ARTNERING FOR SUCCESS Saint Johners have completed an important first step. The community has spoken and this voice resulted in the development of a long-term vision and goals for Saint John. Attainment of the community vision and goals will not be easy. Success will require partnerships. Community groups, institutions, businesses, volunteer agencies, individuals and government must work together to reach our common goals. The support of organizations and the people of Saint John is critical in moving towards sustainabiIity. Every person or group can actively participate by examining what they are doing today to ensure success, and what changes they can make in decisions, plans, and actions to 1 SPADE - Sustainability Planning and Design Essentials: Fundamentals for Implementing Sustainability into Practice By Elisa Campbell, Elisa Campbell Consulting / Design Centre for Sustainability, School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture at DBC. Page 3. . 3. VISION 2015 OUR SAINT JOHN OF THE FUTURE CITY OF SAINT JOHN NOVEMBER 2007 move us closer to reaching the community vision. As individuals, we represent many diverse sectors. Collectively, we are all stakeholders working to ensure Saint John moves forward. The City of Saint John has an integral role to play. Vision 2015 will work to ensure that city services are aligned to the desired outcomes for the community. These outcomes directly contribute to the achievement of the vision for Saint John. The City of Saint John will continue to make sure its operation provides value to Saint Johners and that the effectiveness and efficiency of every service will be measured and reported to the community. How WAS VISION 2015 DEVELOPED? In February 2005, Saint John Common Council retained Chartwell Inc., a consulting firm specializing in solutions for the public sector, to review operations of the City of Saint John and its Agencies, Boards, and Commissions. Chartwell worked with stakeholders to design, develop, and carry out the review. Close to two-hundred people from the City of Saint John and affiliated organizations, participated in the study that spanned a seven-month period. Chartwell reviewed and analyzed existing strategies, plans, and financial documents. They completed a preliminary inventory of municipal services using the Governments of Canada Strategic Reference Model, a methodology used by many Canadian cities and the Federal Government. The consultant noted that the City was fortunate it had not experienced service failure due to financial challenges and increased demand for quality services. 2 Vision 2015 was a direct recommendation of the Operational Review. Common Council received and approved the Operational Review report in September 2005 and shortly thereafter Vision 2015 was initiated. TRANSLATING VISION INTO ACTION ~." "What is required is a bold step toward the future of Saint John; the wholehearted adoption and embracing of a comprehensive program that represents a significant investment but reaps even more significant rewards - a program that redresses 1 0 years of under-investment in the City's people and its physical infrastructure; and a program that turns all improvement opportunities into the delivery of superb programs and services that will make Saint John a model community in Atlantic Canada. Vision 2015 - Saint John's Program of Excellence is that program." Alan Mitchell, Chartwell Report, Page 8 Vision 2015 is using a long-term, integrated, planning framework to translate vision into action. The framework recognizes that the City of Saint John, like all municipalities, is a complex system, and it addresses environmental, economic, social, governance, and infrastructure needs.3 2 Chartwell Inc., Saint John Operational Review Program Final Report. 2005. Page 9. 3 City of Saint John Project Charter - Translating Vision Into Action: Defining The Planning Framework . 4. VISION 2015 OUR SAINT JOHN OF THE FUTURE CITY OF SAINT JOHN NOVEMBER 2007 I I I I 1_______________________ . ction Figure 1: Translating Vision into Action from City of Saint John Project Charter - Translating Vision Into Action: Defining The Planning Framework COMMUNITY VISION The planning framework uses a top down approach that starts with a shared community vision and goals developed through widespread public engagement. The citizens of Saint John not only need to support a vision, it is essential they have an active role in defining it. Successful change happens when those involved in the transformation share and work toward a common purpose. Community participation is essential for Saint John to achieve its vision for the future. INTEGRATED COMMUNITY SUSTAINABILITY PLAN The Integrated Community SustainabiIity Plan (ICSP) looks twenty to thirty years in the future and is developed in consultation with the community. The strength of an ICSP is the whole systems approach to planning. Policies will be developed to balance the community needs and goals. Along with a community vision and sustainabiIity principles, this plan includes an analysis of current issues, identification of community goals and outcomes, action plans with performance measurement, and an implementation and monitoring plan. COUNCIL PRIORITIES AND STRATEGIC POLICY PLANS Saint John Common Council operates on a four-year term and each new council will set priorities for their mandate from the outcomes and strategies contained in the ICSP. These priorities will be measurable and contribute to reaching the Vision for Saint John. Strategic . 5. VISION 2015 OUR SAINT JOHN OF THE FUTURE CITY OF SAINT JOHN NOVEMBER 2007 policy plans provide more detail on Council priontles. It is expected they will become the responsibility of the Standing Policy Committees under the proposed Council Policy-Committee form of governance. CORPORATE STRATEGIC PLAN Saint John Common Council sets priorities and establishes policy to provide direction to the City of Saint John administration. In doing so Common Council will ensure the services provided by the City are aligned with community outcomes. The corporate strategic plan translates the needs of the community into action plans. It provides the vision, values, principles, focus, and direction for the organization. SERVICE DELIVERY PLANS The final step in the planning framework is the development of Service Delivery Plans. These are detailed administrative plans describing how services will be delivered to successfully achieve the identified outcomes. These plans ensure the community's needs are met, achievement of Council priorities, and maximization of limited resources. WHAT IS A SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITY? In the future, Saint John will be nationally recognized as a sustainable community. The Brundtland definition describes sustainabiIity as "Meeting the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs." 4But what does this really mean? We think there are three major differences between a sustainable community and a community that uses a traditional approach. A sustainable community recognizes the importance of long range planning and in doing so has a vision and goals to describe the future. This look forward allows communities to determine what needs to be done today to reach tomorrow. Sustainable communities understand that social, economic, and environmental needs are interrelated and take a whole systems approach to provide for balanced priorities. ~." The Brundtland Commission, convened by the United Nations in 1983, was created to address growing concern about the accelerating deterioration of the human environment and natural resources and the impact of that deterioration for economic and social development. In establishing the commission, the UN recognized environmental problems were global in nature and determined that it was in the common interest of all nations to establish policies for sustainable development. Sustainable communities know that community groups, institutions, businesses, volunteer agencies, government and individuals must work together to set goals, form plans, and implement solutions. 4 http://en. wiki pedia. org/wiki/SustainabiIity . 6. VISION 2015 OUR SAINT JOHN OF THE FUTURE CITY OF SAINT JOHN NOVEMBER 2007 CITIZENS ADVISORY GROUP One of the first initiatives in the Vision 2015 public engagement was to establish a Citizens Advisory Group. The citizens of Saint John not only needed to support a vision for the future, it was essential they had an active role in defining this vision. The Citizens Advisory Group led the public engagement. This group was a working committee that researched, planned and implemented the community consultation. The Citizens Advisory Group is a team of community leaders committed to ensuring the success of this project. The group is comprised of; Susan Atkinson, Fran<;ois Beaulieu, Stephanie Bell, Ross Galbraith, Daniel Goodwin, Sarah Jones, Janet McLaughlin, Michael Schulze, Jocelyn Stevens and Ivy Wang. The group prepared the Community Vision Statement and Goals based on the hopes and dreams people of Saint John shared through the consultation. ENGAGING THE COMMUNITY On November 6, 2006, Common Council initiated a wide spread public engagement by adopting the following resolution: "RESOLVED that Common Council endorse and support the initiation of a community consultation process regarding the long-term vision for our community as detailed in the submitted report Vision 2015 - Community Consultation." Engaging the community was accomplished through a Community Visioning project, which was lead by the Citizens Advisory Group. The project had three goals. The first goal was to develop a shared community vision for Saint John through public engagement. The second was to identify outcomes or community needs, because without understanding the needs it will be difficult for the City of Saint John and the community to position Saint John a national leader in sustainabiIity. The last goal of the project was to develop a set of sustainabiIity principles for Saint John. These principles were used to help guide the development of the vision and the goals. One of the first assignments for the Citizens Advisory Group was to prepare a strategy to gather input from as many people in the community as possible. The strategy considered the different stakeholder groups and the best way to engage them in the process. During the public consultation, a great deal of effort was made to identify and engage various stakeholder groups. Reflecting the diversity in the community was a priority in this project. Communication with the public was important and a communications plan was prepared. Both the public engagement and communication strategies were evaluated throughout the process to assess effectiveness and to make adjustments as necessary. Here are some highlights of the public engagement. . 7. VISION 2015 OUR SAINT JOHN OF THE FUTURE CITY OF SAINT JOHN NOVEMBER 2007 ... Public launch of the community consultation held at the New Brunswick Museum on April 13,2007. Close to two hundred people attended the well-received event. ... Collaborated with Fusion Saint John on the theme and activities of the "Faces of Fusion Dinner - What's Your Visionfor Saint John." ... Release of "My Saint John" video, highlighting opinions about the future of our city and what individuals can do to make this future a reality. ... City of Saint John website hosts the Vision 2015 questionnaire and video. ... EmaiI Campaign, "What are your Hopes and Dreams for Saint John?" involving over fifty stakeholder groups. ... Establishment of a feedback line, 633-2015, for people wishing to respond verbally to the five questions. ... One-hundred percent participation from middle and high schools in Vision 2015 contest. ... Community barbeques held at the South End, Somerset, North End, Carleton, and Forest Glen Community Centres. Volunteers were on hand to capture the opinions of people requiring assistance. ... Attendance at local events and venues with the questionnaire. ... Solicited group response to the questions. ... Meetings with the local business community. ... Vision 2015 Facebook set up on the networking web site to exchange ideas about the future of Saint John. ... Collaborated with Saint John Energy to have Vision 2015 messaging on energy bills. ... Support from Harbour Station for promotion of the public consultation on the out door digital billboard. ... Promotional give away sponsored by McDonalds Restaurants for returned surveys. The public consultation concluded in July, 2007. The advisory group received feedback from approximately 4.2 % of the community. This translates into well over fifteen thousand ideas on the future of Saint John. This is a tremendous response and the opinions and comments once again show the commitment the people of Saint John have to our city. The Citizens Advisory Group analyzed, debated, reviewed and understood this information. It became the basis for our Community Vision Statement. . 8. VISION 2015 OUR SAINT JOHN OF THE FUTURE CITY OF SAINT JOHN NOVEMBER 2007 The second objective of the project was to identify goals to ensure a clear picture of the needs of the community. The public consultation process was enhanced by hosting an open workshop to assist the Citizens Advisory Group to define community needs. Stakeholder groups and interested individuals from the community were invited to participate in this workshop by public advertisement and direct mailing. Shaping the Vision, A Community Conversation was held on September 25 and 26, 2007 with close to one hundred and fifty individuals attending the two-day workshop. Facilitators from Jacques Whitford expertly guided the participants through a series of sessions to collaborativeIy develop community goals and to provide feedback on a draft vision statement. At the end of the workshop, substantial progress was made. A set of draft community needs was prepared and ready for the next stage of the engagement. Additional input from a number of stakeholder groups on the draft goals was provided to the Citizens Advisory Group before the final version was prepared. OUR SUSTAINABILITY PRINCIPLES An important goal of the Community Vision project was the development of sustainabiIity principles. The City of Saint John Environment Committee was requested to review and modify the Melbourne Principles to make them applicable to Saint John. The Melbourne Principles were developed to assist cities that wanted to achieve sustainable development. They provide a set of statements on how a sustainable city would function and were intended to guide thinking, and provide a strategic framework for decision making. The Principles are not prescriptive. They allow cities to develop sustainable solutions that are relevant to their particular circumstances and this was the approach taken by the Environment Committee. The Environment Committee completed this initiative and presented the sustainabiIity principles to Common Council in June, 2007. The principles guided the development of the vision and the goals, and are an important component of the whole systems approach to the project. SUSTAINABILITY PRINCIPLES FOR SAINT JOHN Sustainability Principle One Provide a long-term vision for Saint John based on the pillars of sustainabiIity: social/cultural, environmental and economic. Elaboration ... Sustainable development is the process of balancing the need of humans for economic and social development with the need to protect the natural and built environment. Balancing these three areas is commonly referred to as the "Triple Bottom Line". These needs must be met not only in the present, but in the indefinite future. Sustainable development is defined . 9. VISION 2015 OUR SAINT JOHN OF THE FUTURE CITY OF SAINT JOHN NOVEMBER 2007 as development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (Brundtland Commission). ... Saint John is a city experiencing substantial changes to its social, cultural, economic and environmental characteristics. A long-term vision, which is developed with the community, will ensure the informed governance and management of its resources. ... A vision founded on the principles of sustainabiIity will incorporate the needs of all sectors of society. Promoting a legacy of human and natural resource conservation and reflecting the individuality of Saint John are prerequisites. Sustainability Principle Two Recognize and incorporate the valued and distinctive characteristics of Saint John - including its human, cultural, historical and natural attributes - in our vision and planning for a sustainable city. Elaboration ... Saint John has distinct human, cultural, historic and natural characteristics. It is important to incorporate these characteristics into a plan because this will motivate people in Saint John to achieve sustainable development and regeneration. ... Our local leaders should understand the human and natural characteristics that define our community. Because these characteristics change over time, our local leaders should participate in ongoing community engagement to ensure they remain in touch with the changes in Saint John. ... Understanding these characteristics and their historical context will assist local leaders to gauge the long-term consequences of the decisions made about growth, urban form and the natural environment. Sustainability Principle Three Engage the entire community of Saint John in the planning and implementation of sustainable solutions. Elaboration ... The journey towards sustainabiIity requires strong support from within the community. It is critical to have the active participation of the community in all stages of the process, from long-term planning to implementation of solutions. ... People have a right to be involved in the decisions that affect them. Attention needs to be given to empowering those whose voices are not always heard. Everyone in the community should have the capacity to participate in their local government processes. . 10. VISION 2015 OUR SAINT JOHN OF THE FUTURE CITY OF SAINT JOHN NOVEMBER 2007 Sustainability Principle Four Respect Saint John's natural ecosystems. Act as a custodian for the biodiversity and natural ecosystems of Saint John, and protect and restore them. Elaboration ... Nature is more than a commodity for the benefit of humans. We share the Earth with many other life-forms that have their own intrinsic value. They warrant our respect, whether or not they are of immediate benefit to us. ... It is through people's direct experience with nature that they understand its value and gain a better appreciation of the importance of healthy habitats and ecosystems. This connection provides them with an appreciation of this need to manage our interactions with nature respectfull y. ... Just as humans have the ability to alter the habitat and even to extinguish other species, we can also protect and restore biodiversity. Therefore, we have a responsibility to act as custodians for nature. ... Saint John is a coastal city where the Saint John and Kennebecasis Rivers join and meet the ocean. These freshwater, estuarine and seashore ecosystems are critical to the character and future of Saint John. Sustainability Principle Five Model the development of Saint John on the characteristics of natural systems. Elaboration ... Saint John can become more sustainable by modeling urban processes on the ecological principles by which natural ecosystems operate. ... The characteristics of ecosystems include diversity, adaptiveness, interconnectedness, resilience, and regenerative capacity. Incorporating these characteristics into the development of Saint John will make the city more sustainable, resulting in environmental, social and economic benefits. ... For example, in nature there is no such thing as waste, just a resource for a new product. By striving for this in Saint John, we can increase our efficiency and minimize our ecological footprint. Sustainability Principle Six Strive to minimize Saint John's ecological footprint. . 11. VISION 2015 OUR SAINT JOHN OF THE FUTURE CITY OF SAINT JOHN NOVEMBER 2007 Elaboration ... Cities consume significant quantities of resources and have impacts that extend well beyond their borders. ... One way of describing the impact of a city is to measure its ecological footprint. The ecological footprint measures the 'load' on nature imposed by meeting the needs of its population. It represents the land, water and air necessary to sustain current levels of resource consumption and deal with waste discharged by that population. Reducing the ecological footprint of a city is a positive contribution towards sustainabiIity. ... Like any living system, Saint John consumes material, land, water, air and energy, and generates wastes. This is the 'metabolism' of the city and it can be made more efficient to reduce our ecological footprint. Reducing the footprint involves solving problems locally, rather than shifting them to other geographic locations or to future generations. ... Using tools such as Life Cycle Assessment in decision making helps to identify and implement sustainable habits and practices. Sustainability Principle Seven Achieve long-term economic stability and social security in Saint John. Elaboration ... Long-term economic and social stability and security are prerequisites for beneficial change and are dependent upon environmentally sound, sustainable development. ... To achieve "triple bottom line" sustainabiIity, economic strategies need to increase the value and vitality of human and natural systems. Economic strategies should seek to meet basic human needs in a just and equitable manner through fair allocation of resources, and should enable access to potable water, clean air, food, security, shelter and safe sanitation. ... Cities support and nurture human diversity; their policies, structures and institutions can significantly contribute to fostering cohesive, stimulating, safe and fulfilling communities. Sustainability Principle Eight Foster communication among community groups and organizations to emphasize sustainabiIity as a common shared goal. Elaboration ... Develop and strengthen new and eXIstmg networks within Saint John. Promote multi- disciplinary partnerships to facilitate the transfer of knowledge, build capacity and support continual environmental, economic and social improvement. . 12. VISION 2015 OUR SAINT JOHN OF THE FUTURE CITY OF SAINT JOHN NOVEMBER 2007 ... The people of Saint John are the key to making our city sustainable. It is critical that the people of Saint John be well-informed and that they can easily access and share knowledge. The energy and talents of people are maximized by working together through such networks. ... There is also value in Saint John sharing its experience with other communities, pooling resources to develop sustainabiIity tools, and supporting and mentoring one another through regional networks and collective efforts. Sustainability Principle Nine Promote sustainable production and consumption through the use of environmentally sound technologies and effective demand management. Elaboration ... A range of approaches and tools can be used to promote sustainable production and consumption in Saint John. Increasing public awareness about these approaches is a valuable strategy to achi eving sustainabiIi ty. ... Demand management means conservation of resources and reduction in consumption. This approach can also provide significant savings in infrastructure investment. ... Sustainable production is achieved by using environmentally-sound technologies. These technologies are less polluting, use resources in a more sustainable manner, recycle wastes and bi-products, and handle all remaining wastes in an environmentally acceptable way. ... Environmentally sound technologies can create economic growth, reduce environmental impacts, enhance value along a supply chain, and support responsible product stewardship. Sustainability Principle Ten Establish a systematic process of continual improvement, based on action planning, accountability, transparency and good governance. Elaboration ... Good governance requires processes that achieve sustainabiIity through continual improvement. While in some areas, gains may be incremental, there are also opportunities to make much more substantial improvements through innovative strategies, programs and technologies. ... The continual improvement cycle requires relevant indicators, targets based on benchmarks and monitoring of progress against milestones to achieve these targets. This facilitates progress and accountability and ensures effective implementation. ... Transparency and openness are a requirement of good governance. . 13. VISION 2015 OUR SAINT JOHN OF THE FUTURE CITY OF SAINT JOHN NOVEMBER 2007 OUR COMMUNITY VISION In April 2007, the Citizens Advisory Group launched a public consultation by asking, "What are your hopes and dreams for Saint John?" The response to the five questions was tremendous. The Citizens Advisory Group received and analyzed well over fifteen thousand ideas on the future of Saint John. It was evident that Saint Johners care deeply about the future of our city and the Citizens Advisory Group considered it a privilege to review and understand the community's response. A vision statement is a shared description that will provide purpose, direction, and inspiration as we define what we want Saint John to be in the future. The Citizens Advisory Group is proud to share a Community Vision for Saint John - a vision that has been developed through ideas and opinions expressed by the citizens of Saint John. CITY OF SAINT JOHN COMMUNITY VISION STATEMENT OUR SAINT JOHN OF THE FUTURE ~." What do you value about Saint John? What is it like for you to live here? What changes would you most like to see in the community? What are your hopes and dreams for Saint John in 100 years? What could you do to make these hopes and dreams happen? Our Saint John, Canada's first city, leads the nation as an example of a sustainable community. Our Saint John was born of the water. Like the tides we live by, we are responsive to the constant changes in our environment, economy, and society. Our Saint John is a livable city designed for people where everyone can feel at home. We are diverse in cultures, rich in arts, full of exciting entertainment and recreational activities. Our Saint John provides educational excellence and life long learning opportunities to help people reach their full potential. Our dynamic economy is built on creativity, innovation and entrepreneurial spirit. Our Saint John is a population of problem solvers where each individual and organization has a vital role to play. It is a place where leadership is based on transparency, integrity, and trust. Our Saint John is a place where we overcome our challenges and live our dreams. This is our Saint John. OUR COMMUNITY GOALS The Citizens Advisory Group was asked to identify community goals to clarify and fulfill the vision for Saint John. The goals provide a further description of Saint John in the future and can be used to focus community attention and actions. The goals developed in this project are at a . 14. VISION 2015 OUR SAINT JOHN OF THE FUTURE CITY OF SAINT JOHN NOVEMBER 2007 high level and reflect the intent of the vision. They state what we want to achieve for the future of Saint John. TWENTY YEAR COMMUNITY GOALS Social Our City has a strong sense of community and belonging. We live active and healthy lifestyles supported by a diversity of parks and open spaces, recreation facilities and programs, cultural and social events and public gathering places. Our City provides a diverse and seamless array of educational opportumtles that promote individual self-sufficiency, innovation, creativity and life-long learning. Educational programs are supportive of our community and economic environment. Our City has a flexible and adaptive housing market that meets the range of needs within our community. Affordable and suitable our housing market contributes to beautiful and diverse neighbourhoods that evoke and encourage a strong sense of place. Economic Our City has a diverse, vibrant, resilient, environmentally sound economy that actively supports wealth creation, innovation, entrepreneurship and individual economic well-being. Our City offers a variety of economic and employment opportunities where individuals thrive with exciting employment options that reward them for their service. Environment Our City recognizes the inherent responsibility of every individual and organization to embrace a shared commitment to environmental stewardship. We are dedicated to living in balance with our natural settings and decreasing our demands on finite natural resources. Our City has magnificent waterfronts with public access and bicycle and pedestrian trails that connect the entire city. Life without a car is perfectly possible and enjoyable. Infrastructure Our City serves the access and mobility needs of all people through an evolving array of convenient, comfortable, affordable and efficient modes of transportation. Our City insists on the highest standards of quality in architecture, landscaping, infrastructure management and urban design. Our natural and built heritage is a key component in developing new and renewed places to live, work, play and learn. . 15. VISION 2015 OUR SAINT JOHN OF THE FUTURE CITY OF SAINT JOHN NOVEMBER 2007 Governance Our City fosters civic engagement and pride through responsible, cooperative, inclusive and fiscally responsible government that is accountable for achieving results that matter most to our community. Our City plays a leadership role with other local, provincial and national elected officials to address common challenges and opportunities for our community. VISION 2015 NEXT STEPS The future is exciting for Saint John and Vision 2015 will build on the success of the public engagement process. Now that we have a community developed vision and goals we can begin to translate vision into action by specifying measurable outcomes, strategy, action plans, and performance measurement. Next steps for Vision 2015 include, ... Implementation of a new governance model for the City of Saint John, ... Collaboration with the Province of New Brunswick on Sustainable Communities, ... Development of an Integrated Community SustainabiIity Plan, ... Development of a Council Priorities and Strategic Policy Plans, ... Development of a Corporate Strategic Plan, and ... Development of a Service Delivery Plan. . 16. VISION 2015 OUR SAINT JOHN OF THE FUTURE CITY OF SAINT JOHN NOVEMBER 2007 RECOMMENDA TIONS The following recommendations are proposed. That this report, termed Vision 2015 Our Saint John of the Future, dated November 26,2007, be received and approved. That Common Council endorse the Community Vision Statement, Twenty Year Goals and SustainabiIity Principles for Saint John. That Common Council extends appreciation to the thousands of people who participated in the public consultation process. That Common Council recognizes the commitment and effort of the Saint John Environment Committee in developing SustainabiIity Principles for Saint John. That Common Council commends the leadership and commitment from the Vision 2015 Citizens Advisory Group throughout the public engagement and that their role be deemed completed with the approval of this report. Respectfully submitted, Councillor Glen Tait Chair Vision 2015 Committee . 17. >- a:: o ....J (5 Q) s::: .- 0) co E: .- ~"' Q) "0 co Q) ....J ~ .- --. .- ..0 co s::: .- co ~ CI) ~ CI) ~ .- s::: ~ E: E: o o CI)"' ...... s: Q) ....J s::: ..s::: o ~ (1)"' () oS::: s e Q ~ s::: (1) 0- () tE: ~ CI) "to.!.. - (1) CI) CO oS t5 ~ o~ ~ CI) o - s::: S 2 ECQ E S: o (1) 0<:: -se'Q ..0 (1) CO () oS s::: CO 0- ~ ~ CI) e J5Q lLJ a Cf C/) ::::::~ Q) ..Q ~ co o co CI) '- QJ s::: ..s::: o ~ ~ oS CO CI) '+- o s::: Q) N ~ 0- o ':( LU a a: CI) :::::::: "' Q) ..0 ~ co o co CI) 0- OJ c .- en - ..c c 0> CI) CI) en ::J N > CI) co - CI) C .....J ::J +-' 0 U ..c C/) 0> J ~ U C C C/) co ..c ~ $ +-' - co CI) CI) CI) s.... C ~ U ~ co co .- 0 C/) ~ > J J ::J CI) C C .- - 0 ::J - ..c .- - S en co CI) +-' C CI) CO co "'C .- CO s.... 0 ~ CI) ..c 0 +-' .- - <( en c co C) .- C) C 0 co co (.)\ ..c en CI) c c.. .- en co CI) en c ::J s.... +-' 0 co C/) LL C/) 0:: 0