2007-10-22_Supplemental Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jour supplémentaire
City of Saint John
Common Council Meeting
Monday, October 22, 2007
Supplemental Agenda
1.5 Nominating Committee 1 0.2( 4)(b)
8.1 Revised Report - Mayor's Task Force on UNBSJINBCC
Re 9.2 Re-submitted By-law Proposed Rezoning 1964 Loch Lomond Road
Re 9.2 Letter of Objection - Proposed Rezoning 1964 Loch Lomond Road
13.0 Committee of the Whole Report - Appointments to Committees
City of Saint John
Seance du conseil communal
Le lundi 22 Octobre 2007
L'ordre du jour supplementaire
1.5 Comite des candidatures alinea I 0.2( 4)(b)
8.1 Rapport revise - groupe de travail du maire - UNBSJ et CCNB
Alinea 9.2 I'arrete remplace relative au projet de modification de l'arrete sur Ie zonage
visant Ie 1964, chemin Loch Lomond
Alinea 9.2 Lettre d'opposition relative au projet de modification de I'arrete sur Ie zonage
visant Ie 1964, chemin Loch Lomond
13.0 Rapport du comite plenier relativement aux nominations pour sieger aux
comi tes
? pI
On September 24th, 2007 Common Council created The Mayor's Task Force -
UNBSJ and NBCCSJ. The Task Force was given the mandate to prepare and
present a report to Council covering the following issues:
1. Review the recommendations made in the report on Post-Secondary
2. Consider the implications of the recommendations; and
3. Examine how UNBSJ and NBCCSJ can be enhanced.
In view of the limited time available a decision was made by the members of the
Task Force to consider mainly the issues that directly affect post secondary
educational opportunities in Saint John. It was recognized that a review of post -
secondary education is timely and that there are recommendations in the report
which will facilitate student access and better serve them and all New Brunswick.
The Task Force held a series of meetings over the last three weeks including
listening to the views expressed by different groups of interested stakeholders.
The Task Force also had a meeting with the Deputy Minster of Post-Secondary
Summary of Recommendations:
1. The primary recommendation of the Task Force is that there must be a
university in Saint John including Liberal Arts and Science programs.
2. The university in Saint John must continue to be a part of UNB.
However changes must be made to give separate funding and local
autonomy to enable the Saint John Campus to realize its full potential
and to be responsive to community needs.
3. NBCC must have autonomy from the Provincial Government and more
funding to meet the needs and opportunities of our community.
4. The expansion of articulated programs between NBCC and UNBSJ
must be a priority.
Summary of Recommendations: (continued)
5. The significant benefits of co-location of UNBSJ and NBCC at Tucker
Park must be realized.
6. A structure must be put in place to ensure that the advantages of
institutional collaboration and of co-locating NBCC to the UNBSJ
Campus are maximized. This could take the form of a partnership
between the two institutions, responsible for targeted and collaborative
programs and services.
7. There should be a representative from UNBSJ on the recently
announced working group of University President's and Community
College principals which are being asked to review the future of Post
Secondary Education in the province.
Recommendation 1
The primary recommendation of the Task Force is that there must be a university
in Saint John including Liberal Arts and Science programs..
Educational and Economic Advantages:
The presence of a university in Saint John provides opportunities to
people in the community who would not otherwise be able to attend
university. The Report by the Commission on Post-Secondary
Education states on page 23, "We know from studies by Statistics
Canada that university participation rates decrease by nearly half
when distance from a university exceeds 80 kilometers." Saint
John must have a university to avoid this happening to our city and
Saint John is the economic engine of New Brunswick. A university in
Saint John is critical for individual and community growth. Families will
not relocate to Saint John if there is no university presence. This will
have a negative impact on the City and the entire province. The
presence of an accredited university plays an important role in the
overall quality of life offered to residents. It complements and supports
such attractions as The New Brunswick Museum, the Imperial Theatre,
the Aquatic Centre and Harbour Station.
Recommendation 1 (continued)
The university provides economic benefits from both local and foreign
students. Whether from other parts of Canada or from around the
world such students add greatly to the diversity of our community and
become catalysts for growth and diversity by choosing to stay, live and
work in the region.
The Province's Population Secretariat aims to increase New
Brunswick's immigration rate to 5,000 people per year by 2015. Saint
John needs a university to attract a significant share of these new
citizens. As well the Province will need Saint John to fully participate in
this initiative in order to accomplish its Self-Sufficiency objectives.
Saint John has the highest incidence of urban poverty in Canada. In
the Saint John CMA there are 6,765 lone parent families - the majority
of them headed by a single mother. According to Statistics Canada,
over half of these lone parent families live in poverty. Women, a
number of them young mothers, are now over half of UNBSJ's
undergraduate enrolment. Serious efforts are being made in Saint
John to reverse the cycle of poverty and a university is an essential
component in the battle to improve the lives of such families.
The economic contributions to the region of the many well paid
employees of the university who spend on housing, cars, restaurants,
food, clothing and entertainment cannot be ignored.
The Greater Saint John area is on the verge of substantial growth in
economic activity and population. A vibrant and growing City needs a
university. At the present time all CMA's in Canada with a population
over 100,000 have a university. Saint John must not be the only City
of this size in Canada without a university.
Research and Grant Funding:
UNBSJ attracts substantial funding for research ($14-$15M).This
research and grant funding has a significant economic benefit for the
community and the local economy. It contributes in the attraction and
retention of high quality faculty many of whom are recognized
nationally and internationally in their chosen fields.
Recommendation 1 (continued)
The affiliation of UNBSJ with UNB Fredericton is a strong advantage
for both campuses and that affiliation must be maintained. This is
significant for two reasons. First the larger the school the more likely it
is to be considered in the selection of research funding. And secondly
the reputation of the institution is important in the competition for
research funding and therefore the excellent research records on both
campuses benefit both in specific competitions.
Research carried out by UNBSJ is a platform for environmental and
economic development. Today UNBSJ is home to the following:
o Centre for Coastal Studies and Aquaculture
o Canadian Rivers Institute Research Facility
o Electronic Commerce Centre
o G. Wallace F. McCain Institute for Business Leadership
o Centre for Criminal Justice Studies
Recruitment, Training and Retention of a Specialized Workforce
The region will lose a critical mass of faculty, researchers and students
if students are required to go to an out-of-province university for
programs such as Marine Biology. Such courses are not offered at
many universities. This results in an influx of faculty and students in
highly specialized disciplines to Saint John. UNBSJ can attract and
retain these specialized individuals thus putting Saint John on the map
internationally as a centre of expertise.
The inverse of this situation is also a risk. Local students would be
forced to leave the area to study and may not be able to return home
to Saint John to work in their desired field if UNBSJ did not exist or did
not offer these programs.
The population of Saint John, primarily the young, but in many
instances the mature and senior must be well prepared to work and
live in a global economy and a complex world. Access to a university
education and its concomitant research opportunities are a vital thread
for a community on the move.
Recommendation 2
The university in Saint John must continue to be a part of UNB. However
changes must be made to give separate funding and local autonomy to enable
the Saint John Campus realize its full potential and to be responsive to
community needs.
Research is extremely important to both campuses. Neither Saint John
nor Fredericton will be able to maintain their current status without the
UNB is a recognizable brand name. Founded in 1785 the University of
New Brunswick is one of the oldest public universities in North
The size of the combined student population in conjunction with the
reputation of UNB are important factors in support of a continuing
relationship for the two campuses.
Funding for UNB has and continues to be a problem. This fact has
been recognized by both campuses and there must be a revision of
the 25 year old funding model which will ensure equitable funding for
There is the belief that UNBSJ does not have adequate influence on
decisions made in Fredericton. Whenever major decisions are being
made the local campus is not on equal footing.
UNBSJ has its own Senate; however, there is one Board of Governors governing
both campuses. With funding allocated separately and each campus with
autonomy, the role and scope of the Board of Governors may be more clearly
defined with responsibility for overall Corporate issues.
Recommendation 3
NBCC must have autonomy from the Provincial Government and more funding
to meet the needs and opportunities of our community.
NBCC must be capable of being responsive to current needs,
something which has not been possible with central control in
Fredericton. NBCC's should be governed by an entity (i.e. Crown
Corporation) that can operate at arms length from government.
Recommendation 3 (continued)
NBCC in Saint John cannot currently meet the demand of students.
The number of applications far exceeds the availability of training
places. It is reported that there can be as many a five applications for
each seat. The College was only able to provide 30 seats for their
Power Engineering program. Two Hundred and Fifty applied.
- The buildings on Grandview Avenue and the North End locations are
aging and in desperate need of repair. Some buildings are nearly 45
years old and there has been very little invested other than routine
Our City anticipates several major industrial and business growth
initiatives which are calling for significant increases for educated and
well trained employees. They will be looking for the type of skilled
workers the College educates and trains. NBCC estimates it needs to
double its "intake" of students to meet the forecasted needs for the
labour market.
If our province is to achieve its objective of Self-Sufficiency, a
Community College system that is properly governed and funded will
play an important role.
Recommendation 4
The expansion of articulated programs between NBCC and UNBSJ must be a
Optimization of the medical program and related articulated programs
in medical science. This can help to build inter-professional learning
teams (Le. nurses, lpn's, respiratory techs, lab techs, doctors, etc.)
which can be facilitated by the co-location of the health care programs.
Complementary programs have value and enhance the value of co-
Of the 16 certificate and diploma programs currently offered by UNBSJ
- 6 of the programs are articulated.
- Ability for creativity and flexibility in curriculum design while at the
same time ensuring that curriculum meets national standards.
Better overall quality of student learning experience by proving greater
flexibility and program design opportunities.
Recommendation 4 (continued)
Enhance and promotes the transferability of credits between
institutions which is a goal of the PSE report which is a goal that we
Recommendation 5
The significant benefits of co-location of UNBSJ and NBCC at Tucker Park must
be realized.
Co-location would bring together on one campus educational
programs that are key to the City's growth. These could be programs
in the area of health sciences, and business and information
technology. UNBSJ and NBCC have been working cooperatively on
articulated programs but co-location will facilitate the process, and
provide for the future development of Centers of Excellence.
Co-location provides the opportunity to share facilities (recreation,
athletics, residence, food services, student aid, classrooms, and
student information system) which will result in better utilization of
facilities and equipment.
Co-location provides the opportunity for the two organizations to look
for improved efficiencies in administrative areas. This can be a
definite competitive advantage in comparison to other educational
institutions and resulting in cost-savings by eliminating the duplication
of these services.
Co-location of the two institutions provides opportunities for students to
interact with each other and to understand what each institution has to
offer. This may motivate students to continue their education beyond
the level they originally anticipated or to pursue an avenue of which
they may not previously been aware or understood. Such interaction
could be a catalyst for future business collaboration.
Co-location will also facilitate the delivery of academic, technical, and
professional training between UNBSJ, NBCC, and the Atlantic Health
Sciences Corporation.
Recommendation 6
A structure must be put in place to ensure that the advantages of institutional
collaboration and of co-locating NBCC to the UNBSJ Campus are maximized.
This could take the form of a partnership between the two institutions,
responsible for targeted and collaborative programs and services.
It is recognized that co-location by itself will not result in the creation of
new programs in response to community needs. Co-Location by itself
will not result in the development of more articulated programs.
While it is recognized that there has been a lot of cooperation between
the two institutions, this has been the result of the insight and
initiatives of certain individuals. This is not enough.
A structure must be put in place that ensures opportunities are
identified and appropriate and timely action is taken.
Recommendation #7
There should be a representative from UNBSJ on the recently announced
working group of University President's and Community College principals which
are being asked to review the future of Post Secondary Education in the
Our citizens, students and business leaders have been deeply
concerned for the past month on the future of post secondary
education in our City. Our University should be directly involved in any
discussions concerning its future.
There exists a long standing feeling in our City that we are not always
adequately represented in Fredericton when decisions concerning our
campus are discussed.
Your Worship and Councillors, we are leaving you with seven recommendations.
As you have seen from our report we have given you reasons for following the
suggested courses of action.
There is a lot of work to be done to convince the decision makers in Fredericton
to do the right thing for the Greater Saint John area. We hope that the work we
have done will assist you in achieving this objective.
Respectfully Submitted
Mayor's Task Force - UNBSJ & NBCC
Daryl Wilson, Chair
Councillor Stephen Chase
Anne Marie McGrath
Annette Albert, NBCC
John Johnson, UNBSJ
Gary Lawson
Patrick Beamish UNBSL SRC
Gregory J. Yeomans
Administration Support - Valerie Judge
Be it enacted by The City of Saint
John in Common Council convened, as
Lors d'une reunion du conseil
communal, The City of Saint John a
decrete ce qui suit :
The Zoning By-law of The City of L'arrete sur Ie zonage de The City
Saint John enacted on the nineteenth day of of Saint John, decrete Ie dix-neuf (19)
December, A.D. 2005, is amended by: decembre 2005, est modifie par:
1. Adding the following to the list of 1. L'adjonction de l'element suivant a la
zones in Section 30(1): liste de zones du paragraphe 30(1) :
"special zones SZ-24" << zones speciales SZ-24 >>
2. Adding the following as Section 2.
"Special Zone #24 (SZ#24)
a) Uses
Any land, building or structure
may be used for the purpose of,
and for no other purpose than,
i) the following uses:
a veterinary clinic or
hospital for the treatment
of animals;
all uses permitted in
Section 51O(1)(a), subject
to any applicable
conditions contained in
Section 510(2);
ii) the following uses subject to
such terms and conditions as
may be imposed by the
all uses permitted in
Section 510(1)(b), subject
to any applicable
conditions contained in
Section 510(2);
iii) subject to Section 830, an
accessory building, structure or
use, incidental to a use,
building or structure permitted
in this zone.
b) Zone Standards
Standards for development m
Special Zone #24 shall be as set
out in Section 510(3), and Section
810 to 910 where this zone shall be
considered a "B" zone, a "B-1"
zone, or a business zone, as the
case may be."
3. Rezoning a parcel of land with an area 3.
of approximately 3 796 square metres,
located at 1964 Loch Lomond Road,
also identified as being PID Nos.
00329003 and 55098826, from "RS-2"
L'adjonction du paragraphe 740(24)
qui se lit comme suit:
<< Zone speciale nO 24 (SZ#24)
a) Usages
Tout terrain, batiment ou structure
ne peut etre affecte :
i) qu'aux utilisations suivantes :
une clinique veterinaire ou
un h6pital pour animaux ;
toutes les utilisations
penmses en vertu de
l'alinea 510(1)(a), sous
reserve des conditions
stipulees au paragraphe
ii) qu'aux utilisations suivantes,
sous reserve des conditions
imposees par Ie comite :
toutes les utilisations
permises en vertu de
l' alinea 510(1 )(b), sous
reserve des conditions
stipulees au paragraphe
Hi) sous reserve de l'article 830,
qu'a une utilisation auxiliaire
ou accessoire 1iee a une
utilisation, un batiment ou une
structure permis dans cette
b) N ormes de zone
Les normes d' amenagement dans
la zone speciale nO 24 doivent etre
conformes aux dispositions du
paragraphe 510(3) et des articles
810 a 910, et la zone en question
doit etre consideree en tant que
zone <<B >>, zone <<B-1 >> ou zone
commerciale, selon Ie cas. >>
Modification du zonage d'une parcelle
de terrain d 'une superficie d' environ
3796 metres carres, situee au 1964,
chemin Loch Lomond, et portant les
NID 00329003 et 55098826, de zone
One and Two Family Suburban
Residential to "SZ-24" Special Zone
- all as shown on the plan attached hereto
and forming part of this by-law.
Saint John has caused the Corporate
Common Seal of the said City to be affixed
to this by-law the * day of *, A.D. 2007
and signed by:
residentielle de banlieue - habitations
unifamiliales et bifamiliales <<RS-2>> a
zone speciale nO 24 << SZ-24 >>
- toutes les modifications sont indiquees sur
Ie plan ci-joint et font partie du present
EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John
a fait apposer son sceau communal sur Ie
present arrete Ie 2007,
avec les signatures suivantes :
Common Clerk/Greffier communal
First Reading
Second Reading -
Third Reading -
Premiere lecture
Deuxieme lecture
Troisieme lecture
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Planning and Development
Urbanisme et developpement
P.O. Box/C.P. 1971
Saint John, NB/N.-B.
Canada E2l4L1
September 28, 2007
The City of Saint John
Dear Sir/Madam:
Re: Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment
1964 Loch Lomond Road
The Planning Advisory Committee has received an application, from Hampton Real Estate
Services Inc., for a zoning by-law amendment in order to permit a wider ran~e of commercial
es on the above-noted pro erty. The property currently contains a house and a separate
building that is use as a veterinary hospital (Loch Lomond Veterinary Hospital). The veterinary
hospital was approved by the Planning Advisory Committee in 1993 as a similar or compatible
use to a doctor or dentist office, which is permitted under the existing "RS-2" One and Two
Family Suburban Residential zoning of the site.
The owner now wishes to make improvements to the property, including installation of an
additional driveway, parking and landscaping improvements and improvements to the interior
and exterio!:yfthe bllildings)n addition, the applicant indicates that it wishes to be a~le to
convert the house t.g.,professional offices. As a result, the owner has requested that the property
be rezoned from "RS-~' One and Two Family Suburban Residential to "commercial with
s~'. The proposed special zone, to be known as Special Zone #24 (sz:L4)
would be the same as the "B-1" Local Business zone, but would also permit a veterinary clinic or
animal hospital.
A location map and a site plan illustrating the proposal are attached.
The Committee is interested in hearing the views of neighbouring property owners who might be
affected by this proposal. If you wish to express your views, either in favour of or against the
proposal, you can do so by submitting your comments in writing and/or by attending the
Planning Advisory Committee's meeting on '[-,~sday, October 16,2007 at 6:00 p.rn. in the
Council Chamber, Lobby Level, City Hall. Signed letters shOtiTCfl)e addressed to the Planning
Advisory Committee, City of Saint John, P.O. Box 1971, Saint John, NB, E2L 4L1, and should
be received on or before the Monday preceding the meeting. All received letters will be
available to the applicant, the Committee, and anyone who may have an interest in the
Planning and Development
Urbanisme et de\'e1oppement
P.O. Box/C.P. 1971
Saint John, NB/\.-B.
Canada E2 L 4 L1
W\\ \\'. sain tjohn. ca
Le 28 septembre 2007
The City of Saint John
Madame, Monsieur,
Objet: Projet de modification de I'arrete de zonage
1964, chemin Loch Lomond
Le Comite consultatif d'urbanisme a re9u une demande de Hampton Real Estate Services Inc.,
relative a la modification de l'arrete de zonage afin de lui permettre d'exploiter un eventail plus
large d'activites commerciales sur la propriete mentionnee en rubrique. A l'heure actuelle, une
habitation et un autre batiment abritant une clinique veterinaire sont situes sur la propriete (Loch
Lomond Veterinary Hospital). En 1993, Ie Comite consultatif d'urbanisme a approuve l'exploitation
de la clinique veterinaire a titre d'usage similaire ou compatible en etablissant une comparaison
entre celle-ci et un cabinet de medecins ou de dentistes, dont l'usage est permis en vertu de la
classification de la zone residentielle de banlieue - habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales << RS-
2 >>.
A l'heure actuelle, Ie proprietaire souhaite effectuer des travaux d'amelioration a la propriete, y
compris l'amenagement d'une allee d'entree supplementaire et une aire de stationnement, des
travaux d'amenagement paysager et de modemisation a l'exterieur et a l'interieur des batiments. De
plus, Ie requerant indique qu'il desire transformer l'habitation en bureaux professionnels. En
consequence, Ie requerant demande que Ie zonage du terrain soit modi fie pour passer de zone
residentielle de banlieue - habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales << RS-2 >> a zone commerciale
comportant des dispositions speciales. La zone speciale proposee, devant etre appelee zone
speciale nO 24 (S2-24), serait semblable a la zone commerciale locale << B-1 >>, sauf qu'une clinique
ou un hopital veterinaire serait egalement permis.
Vne carte de situation et un plan de site illustrant les modifications proposees sontjoints aux
Le comite est interesse a connaitre Ie point de vue des proprietaires de terrains avoisinants qui
pourraient etre touches par cette proposition. Si vous desirez exprimer votre opinion, qu'elle soit en
faveur de la proposition ou contre celle-ci, vous pouvez Ie faire en transmettant vos commentaires
par ecrit ou en assistant a la reunion du co mite consultatif d'urbanisme Ie mardi 16 octobre 2007 a
18 h dans la salle du conseil, au niveau du hall d'entree, a l'hotel de vii/e. Les lettres signees
doivent etre envoyees a l'attention du Comite consultatif d'urbanisme, City of Saint John, C.P.
1971, Saint John (N.-B.) E2L 4Ll, qui les accepterajusqu'au lundi precedant la reunion. Toutes les
lettres reyues seront mises a la disposition du requerant, du comite et de to ute personne concemee
par la demande.
The Committee's recommendation will be considered at a Public Hearing to be held by Common
Council on Monday, October 22,2007 at 7:00 p.rn. in the Council Chamber. You may make
additional representation at the hearing; however, any letters received by the Committee will be
forwarded to Council.
If you have any questions, or would like a copy of the report (available between 4 :00 p.m. and
4:30 p.m. on Friday, October 12,2007, or between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. on the regular
business days thereafter), please contact me at (506) 649-6076.
!~l~\ Wt~
Randall G. Pollock, MCIP
Project No. 07-354
La recommandation du comite sera etudiee au cours d'une audience publique que tiendra Ie conseil
communal Ie lundi 22 octobre 2007 it 19 h dans la salle du conseil. Vous pourrez faire d'autres
commentaires pendant l'audience; cependant, toutes les lettres qu'aura re9ues Ie co mite seront
transmises au conseil.
Si vous avez des questions ou desirez obtenir une copie du rapport (disponible entre 16 h et 16 h 30
Ie vendredi 12 octobre 2007 ou entre 8 h 30 et 16 h 30 pendant les jours ouvrables par la suite),
veuillez communiquer avec Ie soussigne au I (506) 649-6076.
Veuillez agreer, Madame, Monsieur, l'expression de mes salutations distinguees.
m~tmf;b1 fdtl
Randall G. Pollock, MICU
Projet nO 07-354
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The City of Saint John
October 22, 2007
Deputy Mayor Hooton
And Councillors
Deputy and Councillors,
Subject: Recommended Appointments to Committees
The Committee of the Whole having met on October 22, 2007 makes the following
Saint John Free Public Library: Nicholas Barfoot and Suzanne Ball re-appointed for a 3
year term ending October 22, 2010.
Saint John Transit Commission: Lionel Bordage and Donna Reardon for a term of3 years
ending October 22,2010.
Saint John Board of Police Commissioners: Amanda Masters for a term of 3 years ending
October 22, 2010.
Saint John Development Corporation: Peter Asimakos and Brian Cunningham for a term
of3 years ending October 22,2010.
Norm McFarlane
P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada Ell4l1 I www.saintjohn.calc.p. 1971 Saint John, N.-B. Canada Ell4l1