2007-06-20_Supplemental Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jour supplémentaire City of Saint John Common Council Meeting Wednesday, June 20, 2007 Committee of the Whole 1. Call to Order 11 :30 a.m. 7th Floor City Hall 1.1 Governance - Standing Committee System City of Saint John Seance du conseil communal Le mercredi 20 juin 2007 Comite plenier 1. Ouverture de la seance 11 :30 h Salle de conference du 7e etage a l'hotel de ville 1.1 Le regime gouvememental des commissions permanentes INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR AND COUNCIL FROM: J. PATRICK WOODS SUBJECT: GOVERNANCE - STANDING COMMITTEE SYSTEM DATE: 6/19/2007 Attached for your reference are a series of questions to assist you during your meeting with the representatives from the City of Fredericton. Please feel free to explore any issues of concern during the meeting. Vv\ ~ Saint John Governance Project Questions Related to the Development of a Council Committee System 1. What is the role of Council? (decision making vs deliberative) 2. What is the role of a Committee of Council? 3. What is the role of the Standing Committee Chair and/or Vice Chair? (presiding, agenda, signs recommendations from committee) 4. What is the role of the CAO? (does he attend all meetings, does he sign reports) 5. How do standing committees interact with agencies, boards and commissions? Is there a reporting relationship? 6. How does a matter important to citizens get to a committee? 7. Is the Mayor a member of all committees? Does he vote? Is he included in the quorum? 8. What is the focus of your standing committees? Policy? Administrative detail? 9. Can a committee member or chair get involved in operational matters? 10. What are some examples of items that would be placed on a standing committee meeting agenda? 11.Can a standing committee make a final decision? a recommendation? 12.Do standing committees have authorization to approve expenditures or change budget allocations? 13.How are items resolved that must be presented before more than one standing committee? 14.How is the corporate budget created and adopted? (Council, Committee of the Whole, Finance Committee) IS.Can a committee direct staff or the CAO to take an action or does the item have to go to Council? 16.How are standing committee recommendations made to Council? Committee report? Staff report? 17. What are the rules of debate in a standing committee meeting? (relaxed or stri ct ) 18.Can Members of Council who are not appointed to a standing committee attend committee meetings? Can they participate in the debate? Can they vote? 19.Who must attend committee meetings? City Manager? Staff? 20.Can the public speak on an item at a standing committee meeting? If so, what is the process? Do they have to make a request in advance? 21.How does a Member of Council get an item on a standing committee meeting agenda? 22.How does staff get an item on a standing committee meeting agenda? 23.How far in advance of the meeting does the standing committee receive the agenda and related reports? 24.Are agendas for standing committee meetings reviewed prior to the meeting? If so, how far in advance and who participates? 25.How many standing committees do you have? How did you decide on the number of committees? 26.Do you have ad hoc or sub committees? If so, what are the criteria for their creation and dissolution? 27.What are the mandates for each of the standing committees? How were the standing committee mandates determined? 28.How does the organization align with the standing committee structure? Service or departmental alignment? 29.How many Members of Council are on each standing committee? 30.How are Members of Council appointed to standing committees? 31.How are the Chair and/or Vice-Chair appointed to a standing committee? 32. What is the term of a standing committee member? 33.How often do standing committees meet? 34.What time do standing committees meet?How long are standing committee meetings? Is allotted time enforced? 35.Where are standing committee meetings held? 36.Are standing committee meetings open to the public? 37.How often does Council meet? 38.How long are Council meetings? 39.What are the notice requirements for regularly scheduled standing committee meetings? Special meetings? 40.What are the pros and cons of your Council-Committee system? 41.If you could make improvements to your system, what would they be? 42.Do you think your system works well? If so, why? Why not? 43.Who decides what committee will deal with a matter? (clerk, City manager, chairman) 44.Do you have any comments or suggestions as we move forward? BRIEFING NOTES RE; PROPOSED GOVERNANCE MODEL STRUCTURE . FOUR STANDING COMMITTEES, FIVE MEMBERS EACH . ONE COORDINATING/ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE . POLICY FOCUS ON ACHIEVING STRATEGIC OUTCOMES . OVERARCHING GOAL OF ALL COMMITTEES AND COUNCIL IS TO ACHIEVE AGREED UPON COMMUNITY VISION . RESPECTS EXISTING REPORTING RELATIONSHIPS COMPOSITION STANDING COMMITTEES . COMMITTEE CHAIR APPOINTED BY MAYOR . VICE-CHAIR SELECTED FROM MEMBERS OF COMMITTEE . MEMBERS APPOINTED BY COUNCIL . TWO YEAR TERMS AS CHAIR . ROTATION OF MEMBERS AND CHAIRS AFTER TWO YEARS OPERATION . BROAD COMMITTEE MANDATES TO A VOID FUNCTIONAL SILOS . EACH COMMITTEE HAS A PLAN IN PLACE TO DELIVER OUTCOMES . CITY MANAGER TO SIGN-OFF ON ALL STAFF REPORTS . COMMITTEE RECOMMENDS TO COUNCIL - COUNCIL DECIDES . COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR BUDGET & BROAD ISSUES . AD-HOC AND SUB-COMMITTEES FOR SPECIAL PURPOSES . PLANNING/PRIORITIES COMMITTEE FOR COORDINA nON AND ADMINISTRA TIVE MATTERS PRACTICAL IMPACTS . FOCUS IS ON POLICY AND PERFORMANCE . REFERENCE POINT IS ALWAYS COMMUNITY VISION . INCREASED TIME COMMITMENT FOR COUNCILLORS . MORE PUBLIC AND STAKEHOLDER INPUT . BETTER ACCESS TO DECISION MAKING PROCESS . MORE DELIBERATION BEFORE DECISIONS MADE BY COUNCIL . MORE INVOLVED ROLE FOR COUNCILLORS . COUNCILLORS WILL PLAY A MORE ACTIVE ROLE, GET BROADER EXPOSURE AND MORE IN DEPTH UNDERSTANDING OF ISSUES . PORTFOLIO SYSTEM WILL BECOME UNNECESSARY WITH COMPRHEN~IVE COMMITTEE MANDATES . APPOINTMENTS OF COUNCILLORS TO MANY ABC'S CAN BE PHASED OUT . TRANSITION/ADJUSTMENT PERIOD WILL BE REQUIRED - PROCESS, SCHEDULING, PROCEDURES . ADDITIONAL STAFF RESOURCE REQUIRED IN CLERK'S OFFICE AND TO SUPPORT POLICY/PLANNING ROLE OF COMMITTEES . SOME EXISTING COUNCIL COMMITTEES WILL BECOME REDUNDANT . ABC WILL HAVE TO ALIGN THEIR PRIORITIES/STRATEGIES WITH COMMUNITY VISION . DEPARTMENTS WILL INTERACT WITH MORE THAN ONE COMMITTEE AS MATTERS NECESSITATE (I) 0(1) I oaen W -W Z -I E (!)~ j 0<( u: Wo -0 0 ~~ c ~(!) Q2 c 0 tiS 02 13 D.. 1:5 c c ::> j ::> l.L l.L Q) Q) .~ u }g c e '" E .511 I HI D.. c Oiiilii Cll!l Q) 'E lV'- I ~ "C :::I.So;! ~ CD <C 0"0 ~ II :::I "'CIS. -, a) {5 if z . - <( lii -> lii _0 ~ ~(!) ~ -., ~ U) en c: Z IS lii = '15 i:3 i z ~ 0 Ci5 ~ ~ .s :c :> :~ CIO ~ -.... i I 11 0 0 ~ 0 0 m 0 :a:: Z c: 0 J!:! ..c: ...J I 0 <( 0(3 0 en ~ (,) 0 -, c:: - CIl i= 0 .r:. ........ ::J ::J 'OT .s c: 0 0 '(6 0 u 0 j D- o en 0 "t- o --t e 0 -t: CIl >. Q) i ........ u G c: Q) 0 E i ..c: E ........ .... Q)~ ~ 0 Z .E :m~ (,) OE s; oS CD E Q) J "8 0::; (,)'0 ~ _oJ Z 0 C) 0 'l5 c:: J i 32 , Q) , j ro ~ In E oS I I 0~1~ ~ i J c: 0 Ji ~ ~ E I 'w lV '0 -tt:'i).., g Q) 8fijtt:lV I Cl c: i.5: .~ ~ ~ ,2 u..:I:-1Z C) . . . . Q) en ........ en Q ~ ~ ro ...... W Z ........ Q W Iii en u ~ W b W ~ :111 c 0 ~ z 0 W !\! 0:: BY-LAW NO. A-2 A BY-LAW RESPECTING ADMINISTRATION AND THE CITY COUNCIL Incorporating By-law No. 's: A-2.1 to A-2.2 PASSED: October 25,2004 BE IT ENACTED by the Council of the City of Fredericton as follows: 1. HOURS OF SERVICE 1.01 The official hours for the transaction of public business in City Hall shall be from 8:15 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Monday through Friday of each week, except on holidays. 1.02 Nothing herein prevents the extension of official hours when public business so demands. 2. DEFINITIONS 2.01 Unless otherwise defined, in every by- law of the City of Fredericton: "by-law" means a by-law of the City of Fredericton. (arrete') "City" means the City of Fredericton. (municipalite) "Clerk" means a clerk appointed pursuant to section 74 of the Municipalities Act. "Corporation" means the City. (municipalite) "Council" means the Mayor and Councillors of the City of Fredericton. (conseil) ARREnt NO A-2 ARRETE CONCERNANT L'ADMINISTRATION ET LE CONSEIL MUNICIPAL Incorporant les arretes nO: A-2.1 it A-2.2 ADOPTE: Ie 25 octobre 2004 Le conseil municipal de la ville de Fredericton edicte : 1. HEURES D'OUVERTURE 1.01 Les heures d'ouverture officielles des bureaux de l'hOtel de ville pour Ie service au public sont de 8 h 15 it 16 h 30 du lundi au vendredi inclusivement, sauf les jours feries. 1.02 Le present arrete n'a pas pour effet d'empecher la prolongation des heures d'ouverture officielles pour repondre aux besoins du public. 2. DEFINITIONS ET INTERPRETATION 2.01 Sauf disposition contraire, les definitions qui suivent s'appliquent it l'ensemble des arretes municipaux de la ville Fredericton. (( annee>> Peri ode de douze mois consecutifs; (( annee civile >> Periode du 1 er JanVIer au 31 decembre inclusivement. (year) (( arrete >> Arrete de la municipalite. (by-law) (( comite permanent>> Tout comite du conseil constitue pour etudier des questions d'interet permanent, it I' egard desquelles sa responsabilite est en general continue. (Standing Committees) (( conseil>> Corps compose du maire et des conseillers de la municipalite. (Council) By-law No.1 Arrete NO A-2 "Councillor" means a Member of the Council other than the Mayor. (conseiller) "herein" used in any section shall be understood to relate to the whole by-law and not just to the section in which it is used. (Version anglaise seulement) "Mayor" means Mayor of the City or the person for the time being having the powers of or performing the duties of the Mayor. (maire) "Member" or "Member of Council" means any person elected to Council. (membre) "month" means calendar month. (mois) "municipality" means the City of Fredericton. (municipalite) "person" includes a corporation, partnership or society and the heirs, executors, administrators or other legal representatives of a person. (personne) "personally interested" means having a conflict of interest pursuant to the provisions of section 90.1 of the Municipalities Act. (inten~t personnel) "point of order" means an issue raised by a participant at a meeting claiming that the procedures of a meeting or the actions of an individual participant are contrary to procedural rules or practices. (rappel au reglement) "question of privilege" means an issue raised pertaining to a violation or a perceived violation of the rights or interests of the meeting or organization as a whole or of a Member personally. (question de privilege) "quorum" unless otherwise defmed means a majority of the Members of Council holding office from time to time. (quorum) "Standing Committees" are committees of council established for the purpose of considering matters of ongoing nature and they usually have a continuing responsibility in those areas. (comite permanent) 2 << conseiller )) Membre du conseil autre que Ie maire. ( Councillor) << inten~t personnel )) Inten~t donnant lieu it un conflit d'interets au regard de l'article 90.1 de la Loi sur les municipalites. (personnally interested) << maire)) Le maire de la municipalite ou la personne qui exerce ses attributions par suppleance ou interim. (Mayor) <<membre)) ou <<membre du conseil)) Toute personne eIue au conseil. (Member) <<mois )) Mois civil. (month) << municipalite)) The City of Fredericton. (City, Corporation, municipality) << personne)) Sont assimiles aux personnes les personnes morales, les societes de personnes et les associations, ainsi que leurs heritiers, executeurs testamentaires, administrateurs de succession ou autres representants personnels. (person) << quartier)) Division d'une municipalite aux fins d'administration et de representation, s'agissant en particulier d'une circonscription electorale. (ward) <<question de privilege)) Objection soulevee par suite d'une atteinte reelle ou apparente aux droits ou aux interets de l'assemblee, de l'organisation dans son ensemble ou de la personne d'un membre. (question of privilege) << quorum)) Sauf disposition contraire, la majorite des membres du conseil en exercice. (quorum) << rappel au reglement )) Objection soulevee au cours d'une reunion par un participant qui pretend que Ie deroulement de l'assemblee ou les actes d'un autre participant derogent au reglement interieur normal. (point of order) <<rue)) Toute voie situee dans la municipalite, notamment les routes, chemins, ruelles, avenues, promenades, ponts, voies publiques, trottoirs, boulevards, caurs, terrains By-law No.1 Arrete NO A-2 "street" means all roads or paths located in the City and includes highway, road, lane, alley, avenue, drive, bridge, way of public nature, sidewalk, boulevard, court, courtyard, common, public square, park and any other public place in the City. (rue) "ward" is a division of a city, especially an electoral district, for administrative and representative purposes. (quartier) "year" means twelve consecutive months; and "calendar year" means the period from the first day of January to the last day of December then following, inclusive. (annee) 3. TERMINOLOGY In every by-law, 3.01 a word importing the masculine gender includes the feminine; 3.02 a word importing the singular includes the plural, and a word importing the plural includes the singular; 3.03 "shall" is to be construed as imperative, and "may" as permissive and empowering. 4. LANGUAGE Pursuant to the Official Languages Act, S.N.B. 2002, c. 0-0.5, s. 35, all by-laws must be adopted and published in both official languages. 5. COMPOSITION OF COUNCIL 5.01 (1) The division of Members of the next elected Council of the City of Fredericton shall consist of one Councillor for each of the twelve 3 communaux, places publiques, parcs et autres lieux publics. (street) 3. GENRE ET NOMBRE Les regles qui suivent s'appliquent a l'ensemble des arretes. 3.01 Le mas cuI in vise egalement les personnes de I' autre sexe. 3.02 Le pluriel ou Ie singulier s'appliquent egalement a l'unite ou a la pluralite. 3.03 L'obligation s'exprime essentiellement par l'indicatifpresent du verbe porteur de sens principal et, a I' occasion, par des verbes ou expressions comportant cette notion. L'octroi de pouvoirs, de droits, d'autorisations ou de facultes s'exprime essentiellement par Ie verbe (( pouvoir >> et, a I' occasion, par des expressions comportant ces notions. 4. LANGUES Conformement a l'article 35 de la Loi sur les langues officielles, L.N.-B. 2002, chap. 0-0.5, les arretes doivent etre adoptes et pub lies dans les deux langues officielles. 5. COMPOSITION DU CONSEIL 5.01 (1) Le prochain conseil municipal sera forme d'un maire, designe candidat et elu par I' ensemble des electeurs, et de douze conseillers designes By-law No.1 Arrete NO A-2 wards who shall be nominated and elected by ward, and one Mayor who shall be nominated and elected at large. (2) The boundaries of the twelve wards shall be as delineated in "Schedule A" and made a part hereof. 5.02 (1) All qualified voters resident in the City shall be entitled to vote for candidates for the office of Mayor. (2) All qualified voters resident in a ward shall be entitled to vote for candidates for the office of Councillor in that ward. 6. REMUNERATION OF COUNCIL 6.01 The Mayor shall be paid an annual salary of $25,616.88 and an annual allowance of $12,808.44 for expenses incidental to the discharge of the duties of the Mayor; the amounts being payable in equal bi- weekly instalments. 6.02 The Deputy Mayor shall be paid an annual salary of $10,673.70 and an annual allowance of $5,336.85 for expenses incidental to the discharge of the duties of the Deputy Mayor; the amounts being payable in equal bi-weekly instalments. 6.03 Each Councillor shall be paid an annual salary of $8,538.96 and an annual allowance of $4,269.48 for expenses incidental to the discharge of the duties of a Councillor; the amounts being payable in equal bi-weekly instalments. 6.04 On the first day of January, 2003 and on the first day of January in each and every year thereafter, the salaries and allowances set out in paragraphs 6.01 to 6.03 hereof, shall be adjusted by an amount equal to the average increase in 4 candidats et elus dans les douze quartiers respectivement. (2) Les douze quartiers sont delimites conformement a l'annexe A, qui fait partie integrante du present arrete. 5.02 Ont Ie droit de voter a l' election du maire les electeurs habiles a voter qui resident dans la municipalite. (1) (2) Ont Ie droit de voter a l' election du conseiller d'un quartier les electeurs habiles a voter qui resident dans ce quartier. 6. REMUNERATION DES MEMBRES DU CONSEIL 6.01 Le maire touche des appointements annuels de 25616,88 $, ainsi qu'une allocation annuelle de 12808,44 $ pour frais imputables a I' accomplissement de ses fonctions de maire, payables aux deux semaines en versements egaux. 6.02 Le maire suppIeant touche des appointements annuels de 10 673,70 $, ainsi qu'une allocation annuelle de 5 336,85 $ pour frais imputables a l'accomplissement de ses fonctions de maire suppIeant, payables aux deux semaines en versements egaux. 6.03 Chaque conseiller touche des appointements annuels de 8 538,96 $, ainsi qu'une allocation annuelle de 4269,48 $ pour frais irnputables a l'accomplissement de ses fonctions de conseiller, payables aux deux semaines en versements egaux. 6.04 Le 1 er janvier de chaque annee a compter de 2003, les appointements et allocations prevus aux sous-articles 6.01 a 6.03 sont reajustes d'un montant egal a l'augmentation moyenne de l'indice des prix a la consommation (IPC) pour Ie By-law No.1 Arrete W A-2 the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for New Brunswick recorded for the immediately preceding calendar year. 6.05 When the Mayor, Deputy Mayor, or any Councillor is absent from a regular meeting of the Council, the City Treasurer shall deduct the sum of ten dollars from the salary of each absentee unless such absentee is excused for reasonable cause by resolution of the Council. 7. THE DEPUTY MAYOR Not later than the second regular meeting of City Council following a regular quadrennial election the Mayor shall nominate a candidate for Deputy Mayor and an election by show of hands shall be held by the Council in open session. The successful candidate shall hold office for a period of one year at which time the process shall be repeated. 8. THE CITY CLERK In addition to the duties prescribed by statute or by any other by-law of the City, the City Clerk shall: 8.01 attend all meetings of the Council and record in a book, without note or comment, all resolutions, decisions and proceedings of the Council; 8.02 record the name of every Member voting nay on a question; 8.03 cause such minutes and proceedings to be reproduced; 8.04 cause a copy of such minutes to be mailed to, or left at the residence or place of business of, each Member of the Council at least one day before the next meeting of the Council; 8.05 furnish promptly to the Chairman of any Committee and any City Officer affected thereby copies of all orders or resolutions made by the Council so that the requirements of the same may be carried 6.05 7. 5 Nouveau-Brunswick enregistree l'annee civile precedente. Le tresorier municipal retranche dix dollars des appointements de tout absent - maire, maire suppleant ou conseiller - it une reunion ordinaire du conseil, sauf dispense pour motif valable par resolution du conseil. MAIRE SUPPLEANT Au plus tard a la deuxieme reunion ordinaire du conseil apres une election quadriennale ordinaire, Ie maire doit proposer un candidat pour combler Ie poste de maire adjoint. Lee conseil procede a un vote a mains levees lors d'une seance ouverte. Le candidat retenu aura un mandat d'un an, moment auquella procedure sera repetee. 8. SECRETAIRE MUNICIPAL Les fonctions du secretaire municipal, outre celles que prevoient la loi ou tout autre arrete de la municipalite, sont les suivantes : 8.01 assister aux reunions du conseil et consigner, sans autres observations, ses resolutions, decisions et actes; 8.02 consigner les noms des membres qui votent contre les propositions; 8.03 faire reproduire les proces-verbaux et actes susmentionnes; 8.04 faire expedier par la poste ou remettre au lieu de residence ou de travail de chaque membre du conseil une copie des proces-verbaux au moins une joumee avant la reunion suivante du conseil; 8.05 communiquer sans delai au president de tout comite et a tout fonctionnaire municipal concemes une copie des decrets et des resolutions du conseil, de maniere que les prescriptions en soient mises en By-law No.1 Arrete W A-2 into effect; 8.06 prepare and cause to be delivered to the Members of Council notices of all special meetings of Council and of all meetings of Committees when so directed by the Mayor or by the Chairperson of the Committee; 8.07 prepare, issue and keep a record of all licenses granted; 8.08 prepare and attend to the execution of all bonds or other securities required to be taken by the City from any person and all contracts and agreements to be entered into by the City; 8.09 communicate or convey to the proper Committee petitions and other documents or correspondence referred to it by the Council; 8.10 act as custodian of the books, documents and records of the Council and the originals of all by-laws and resolutions, all title documents, mortgages, leases, bonds, agreements or other instruments relating to the property of the City, and allow the same to be taken from his or her office only on the order of the Councilor of a Court; 8.11 act as custodian of all bonds and securities of fidelity given for the faithful discharge of the duties of officials and servants of the City; 8.12 be the custodian of the corporate seal of the City and the person authorized to affix and authenticate it; 8.13 notify any person appointed to any office by the Council of his or her appointment and prepare and lssue any necessary commissions for such officers; 8.14 perform such other duties as are imposed upon him or her by the Municipalities Act or that he or she may be required to do by 6 ceuvre; 8.06 etablir et faire parvenir aux membres du conseil les aVlS de convocation aux reunions extraordinaires du conseil et aux reunions des comites, sur I' ordre du maire ou des presidents respectifs de ceux-ci; 8.07 etablir et delivrer les licences et perrms accordes et en tenir un registre; 8.08 etablir Ie texte des cautionnements et autres garanties que la municipalite re~oit, ainsi que des contrats et conventions qu'elle conclut, et assister it leur passation; 8.09 communiquer ou transmettre competents les petitions documents et lettres que Ie renvoie; aux comites et autres conseil leur 8.10 assurer la garde des livres, documents et archives du conseil, des originaux des arretes et resolutions, alOSl que des minutes des titres, actes hypothec aires, baux, obligations, accords et autres actes relatifs aux biens de la municipalite, et n'en permettre Ie retrait que sur I'ordre du conseil ou d'un tribunal; 8.11 assurer la garde des cautionnements et autres assurances garantissant la loyale execution des obligations des fonctionnaires et employes de la municipalite; 8.12 assurer la garde du sceau de la municipalit6 et se charger de son apposition et de son authentification; 8.13 notifier leur nomination aux personnes nommees it une charge par Ie conseil, et etablir et delivrer it ces fonctionnaires les mandats necessaires; 8.14 remplir les aUtres fonctions que lui attribue la Loi sur les municipalites, que lui assignent Ie conseil ou ses comites par By-law No.1 Arrete W A-2 resolution of the Councilor any Committee thereof or which would naturally devolve upon him or her in his or her official capacity. 9. THE ASSIST ANT CITY CLERK The Assistant City Clerk shall be subject to the direction of the City Clerk. He or she shall act as City Clerk in the absence or disability of the City Clerk and, in such case, exercise all the powers of the City Clerk. 10. THE CITY MARSHAL The Council may by resolution appoint an employee of the City or such other person as the Council deems fit, to act as City Marshal. It shall be the duty of the City Marshal: 10.01 to attend all meetings of the Council; 10.02 to preserve order in the Council Chamber while the Council is in session and perform such other services as may be required of him or her by the Mayor, City Clerk or Council; 10.03 to do and perform any other act or service that may be required of him or her by resolution of the Councilor any Committee of the Councilor which would naturally devolve him or her in his or her official capacity. 11. PROCEDURE 11.01 Call to Order As soon after the hour of meeting as a quorum is present, the Mayor shall take the chair and call the Members to order. 11.02 Chairperson in Absence of Mayor In case the Mayor and Deputy Mayor are both absent, the City Clerk shall call the meeting to order and, on a chairperson having been chosen on motion, the Council shall proceed with the business of 7 resolution ou qui decoulent naturellement de ses attributions. 9. SECRET AIRE MUNICIPAL ADJOINT Le secretaire municipal adjoint reIeve du secretaire municipal. En cas d'absence ou d'empechement de celui-ci, il exerce ses pouvoirs et fonctions. 10. HUISSIER MUNICIPAL Le conseil peut nommer par resolution un employe de la municipalite ou toute autre personne, a son gre, a la charge d'huissier municipal. L'huissier municipal remplit les fonctions suivantes : 10.01 assister aux reunions du conseil; 10.02 maintenir l'ordre aux reunions du conseil et remplir les autres taches que lui assignent Ie maire, Ie secretaire municipal ou Ie conseil; 10.03 remptir les autres fonctions que lui assignent Ie conseil ou ses comites par resolution ou qui decoulent naturellement de ses attributions. 11. REGLEMENT INTERNE 11.01 Ouverture de la seance Des que Ie quorum est atteint apres l'heure fixee pour la reunion, Ie maire assume la presidence et ouvre la seance. 11.02 Choix du president de seance en cas d'absence du maire En cas d'absence du maire et du maire suppleant, Ie secretaire municipal ouvre la seance et, apres Ie choix par voie de motion d'un president de seance, Ie conseil passe a l'ordre dujour. By-law No.1 Arrete W A-2 the meeting. 11.03 Absence ofOuorum Unless there is a quorum within thirty minutes after the time appointed for the meeting of the Council, the Council shall then stand adjourned until such day of meeting as the City Clerk shall then declare. 12. MEETINGS 12.01 Regular Meetings (1) The Council shall hold regular meetings on the second and fourth Mondays of each month. (2) When any such Monday falls on a civic, public, or statutory holiday, the Council shall meet on the following Tuesday if Council so determines. (3) Meetings of the Council shall be held in the Council Chamber in the City Hall or at such other place as the Council may establish by resolution. A resolution passed under this subsection shall make provision for public notice. The regular meetings of the Council shall be held at 7:30 o'clock in the afternoon. (4) All meetings of the Council shall be open to the public and no member of the public shall be excluded therefrom except for improper conduct, or pursuant to s. 10.2(4) of the Municipalities Act. The Mayor or other presiding officer may order the expulsion from any meeting any person guilty of improper conduct at such meeting. (5) The City Clerk shall allot to each Councillor a seat within the bar of the Council Chamber, which he or 8 11.03 Absence de quorum Lorsque Ie quorum n'est pas atteint dans les trente minutes suivant l'heure fixee pour la reunion, celle-ci est ajournee jusqu'a nouvelle convocation par Ie secretaire municipal. 12. REUNIONS 12.01 Reunions ordinaires (1) Le conseil tient ses reunions ordinaires Ie deuxieme et Ie quatrieme lundis de chaque mois. (2) Dans Ie cas OU l'un de ces lundis coincide avec un jour ferie municipal, public ou legal, Ie conseil peut decider de se reunir Ie lendemain. (3) Le conseil tient ses reunions dans la salle du conseil de l'hOtel de ville ou a un autre endroit qu'il fixe par resolution, laquelle prevoit la publication d'un avis. Ses reunions ordinaires commencent a 19 h 30. (4) Les reunions ordinaires du conseil sont publiques et seule une conduite reprehensible peut justifier l'exclusion d'un membre du public ou comme l'indique l'alinea 10.2(4) de la Loi sur les municipalites. Le maire ou autre president de seance peut ordonner l' expulsion de toute personne qui se conduit de maniere reprehensible a une reunion. (5) Le secretaire municipal assigne a chaque conseiller une place dans la salle du conseil que celui-ci a Ie By-law No.1 Arrete NO A-2 she shall thereafter be entitled to occupy at all meetings of the Council. 12.02 Emergency Meetings (1) The Mayor or any 3 members of Council, when deemed necessary, may call an emergency meeting of Council in which time requirements would not apply. (2) Only the subject matter set out in a Notice of Meeting is to be considered at the emergency meeting and the City is to make reasonable efforts to notify the public of the meeting. (3) Council may waive a regular meeting or change the date for such meeting when, by resolution made at least four (4) weeks prior thereto, the Council deems it appropriate. 12.03 Special Meetings (1) The Mayor may at any time summon a special meeting. (2) Upon receiving a petition to summon a meeting by three Councillors, the City Clerk shall summon a meeting for the purpose and at the time mentioned in the petition. (3) In case the office of Mayor or Councillor becomes vacant, the City Clerk may summon a special meeting of the Council for the purpose of declaring such vacancy. (4) The City Clerk shall issue notices of all special meetings of the Council and shall specify the time of such meeting and the business 9 droit d'occuper par la suite a toutes les reunions du conseil. 12.02 Seances d'urgence (1) (2) Le maire ou n'importe quels trois membres du conseil, lorsqu'ils Ie jugent necessaire, peuvent demander une seance d'urgence du conseil a laquelle les exigences temporelles ne s'appliqueront pas. Seuls les points enumeres dans l'avis de convocation doivent etre consideres lors de la seance d'urgence, et la municipalite doit faire tout effort raisonnable d'aviser Ie public de la seance. (3) Le conseil peut annuler une seance ordinaire ou modifier la date d'une telle seance si, par voie d'une resolution deposee au moins quatre (4) semaines au prealable, Ie conseille juge acceptable. 12.02 Reunions extraordinaires (1) Le maire peut convoquer a tout moment une reunion extraordinaire du conseil. (2) Sur reception d'une requete en ce sens signee par au moins trois conseillers, Ie secretaire municipal convoque une reunion extraordinaire du conseil aux fins et aux date et heure y specifiees. (3) En cas de vacance de la charge de maire ou d'une charge de conseiller, Ie secretaire municipal peut convoquer une reunion extraordinaire du conseil pour declarer cette vacance. (4) Le secretaire municipal etablit pour toute reunion extraordinaire du conseil un avis de convocation precisant la date, l'heure et l'ordre By-law No.! Arrete NO A-2 to be transacted thereat. He or she shall cause such notices to be mailed or delivered to the residence or place of business of the Mayor and Councillors at least one day before the meeting. 12.03 Council-in-Committee (Committee of the Whole) There shall be a regular meeting of the Members of Council to be known as Council-in-Committee called for the purpose of reviewing issues pertaining to the operation of the municipal corporation. (1) The Mayor shall be chairperson of Council-in-Committee. (2) The general rules of Council shall be observed during Council-in- Committee so far as they are applicable except that: (a) no motion for adjournment shall be allowed, (b) the yeas and nays shall not be recorded, (c) Members shall not be limited in the number of times they may speak on any question. (3) Questions of order ansmg m Council-in-Committee shall be decided by the chairperson subject to an appeal to the Committee. In case of disorder, the Mayor shall immediately resume the chair without any question being put. (4) All motions relating to the matter under consideration shall be put in the order in which they are proposed. 10 du jour, qu'il fait envoyer par la poste ou remettre au lieu de residence ou de travail du maire et de chaque conseiller, au moins une joumee avant la date fixee pour la reunion. 12.03 Comite plenier La reunion en comite plenier est une reunion ordinaire des membres du conseil, convoquee afin de passer en revue les questions relatives aux affaires internes de la municipalite. (1) Le maire preside Ie comite plenier. (2) Le reglement interne general est observe en comite plenier dans la mesure ou il est applicable, compte tenu des derogations suivantes : (a) les motions d'ajoumement sont irrecevables; (b) il n'y a pas de scrutin par appel nominal; (c) Ie nombre d'interventions des membres par question n'est pas limite. (3) En comite plenier, Ie president, sous reserve d'appel au comite, statue sur les rappels au reglement. Si l'ordre est trouble, Ie maire reprend immediatement la presidence sans necessite d'un vote. (4) Les motions concernant les questions ai' etude sont mises aux voix dans l'ordre de leur presentation. By-law No.1 Arrete NO A-2 (5) All amendments made in Council-in-Committee shall be reported by the chairperson to the Council, which shall receive the same forthwith. After such report has been received, it shall be open to debate and amendment before being finally decided by the Council. (6) When a motion is seconded it shall be read or stated by the Mayor before debate. 13. STANDING COMMITTEES The Mayor is an ex officio Member of all Standing Committees and, as such, will be included in the membership to constitute a quorum of the Committee, and will have voting privileges on motions before Standing Committees. In the absence of the Mayor from the Standing Committee meeting, the Deputy Mayor shall be an ex officio Member. 13.01 Composition (1) There shall be the following Standing Committees: (a) the Community Services Committee (New Subparagraph (a) and Remaining Re- numbered/By-1aw No. A-2.1/Enacted March 14, 2005) (b) the Development Committee (c) the Finance Administration Committee and (d) the Information Technology Committee (e) the Planning and Priorities Committee II (5) Le president presente au conseil un rapport sur les modifications adoptees en comite plenier, que Ie conseil re90it sur-Ie-champ. Le conseil peut ensuite Ie debattre et Ie modifier avant de statuer definitivement sur lui. (6) Dne fois une motion appuyee, Ie maire en donne lecture ou l'enonce avant qu'elle ne so it debattue. 13. COMITES PERMANENTS Le maire est membre d'office des comites permanents; en cette qualite, il fait partie du quorum et a voix deliberative sur les motions dont ces comites sont saisis. En cas d'absence du maire a une reunion d'un comite permanent, Ie maire suppleant est membre d'office de celui-ci. 13.01 Composition (1) Sont constitues les comites permanents suivants : (a) Ie comite des services communautaires (Nouvel aliDt~a (a); suivants renumerotes/ Arrete nOA-2.1/edicte Ie 14 mars 2005) (b) Ie Comite du developpement; (c) Ie Comite des finances et de I' administration; (d) Le Comite de la technologie de l'infonnation; (e) Ie Comite de la planification et des By-law No.1 Arrete NO A-2 (f) the Public Safety and Environment Committee (g) the Transportation Committee (2) With the exception of the Planning and Priorities Committee, each Standing Committee shall be comprised of: (2) (a) a chairperson, Vlce- chairperson and two other members, all of whom shall be Members of Council, (b) such other members who: (i) may be Members of the Council but shall not be employees of the City of Fredericton, and (ii) shall be qualified to vote within the City of Fredericton at an election held under the Municipalities Act. (3) The Planning and Priorities Committee shall be comprised of the chairperson of each of the Finance and Administration Committee, the Public Safety and Environment Committee, the Development Committee, the Community Services Committee, the Transportation Committee, and the Information Technology Committee, and shall be chaired by a seventh Member of Council as appointed by Council. (Subsection (3) Repealed and Replaced/By-law No. A-2.2/Enacted July 11, 12 priorites; (f) Ie Comite de la securite publique et de I' environnement; (g) Ie Comite des transports. Exception faite du Comite de la planification et des priorites, la composition de chaque comite permanent est la suivante : (a) un president, un Vlce- president et deux autres membres, tous egalement membres du conseil; (b) d'autres membres qui remplissent les conditions suivantes : (i) ils peuvent etre egalement membres du conseil, mais non des employes municipaux, (ii) ils sont habiles a voter aux elections tenues dans la municipalite sous Ie regime de la Loi sur les municipalites. (3) Le Comite de la planification et des priorites est constitue des presidents respectifs du Comite des finances et de I' administration, du Comite de la securite publique et de I' environnement, du Comite du developpement, du Comite des services communautaires, du Comite des transports, et du Comite de la technologie de I' information, et preside par un septieme memhre du conseil que celui-ci designe. (Paragraphe 3 abroge et remplace/Arrete nO A- 2.2/eclicte Ie 11 juillet 2005) By-law No.1 Arrete NO A-2 2005) 13.02 Appointments (1) The Council shall appoint a chairperson, vice-chairperson, and two Members of the Council to serve on each Standing Committee on the recommendation of the Mayor. (2) The Council shall appoint the members of each Standing Committee who are to serve pursuant to section 13.01 (2)(b) on the recommendation of the chairperson of each Committee respectively. 13.03 Attendance by Non-Members A Councillor may attend any meeting of a Standing Committee of which he or she is not a member to observe its deliberations and, with the consent of the chairperson, to address the Committee. But he or she shall not move or second any motion, nor vote on any matter before the Committee. 13.04 Quorum The chairperson or vice-chairperson and any two other members shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of conducting a meeting of a Standing Committee. 13.05 General Duties (1) Each Standing Committee shall carry out the duties assigned to it in sections 13.06 to 13.11 respectively, and shall carry out such other duties as may from time to time be referred to it by the Council. (2) Each Standing Committee shall provide liaison in relation to the program(s) assigned to it between the departments of the City 13 13.02 Nominations (1) Le conseil nomme sur la recommandation du marre Ie president, Ie vice-president et les deux autres membres, choisis en son sein, de chaque comite permanent. (2) Le conseil nomme sur la recommandation des presidents des comites permanents respectifs les membres de ceux-ci vises a l'alinea 13.01 (2)b). 13.03 Participation de non-membres Un conseiller peut assister aux reunions d'un comite permanent dont il n'est pas membre pour en observer les travaux et, avec Ie consentement du president, pour y prendre la parole, mais il ne lui est pas permis d'y presenter ou appuyer des motions ni d'y voter sur les questions dont ce comite est saisi. 13.04 Quorum Le quorum des comites permanents est constitue par Ie president ou Ie vice-president et deux autres membres. 13.05 Mandat general (I) Les comites permanents remplissent, outre les mandats qui leur sont respectivement attribues aux sous-articles 13.06 a 13.11, les fonctions que Ie conseil leur assigne de temps a autre. (2) Les comites permanents assurent, relativement a leurs programmes respectifs, la liaison entre le conseil et chacun des services de By-law No.1 Arrete NO A-2 Administration and the City Council and shall monitor the delivery of the services contained within the program(s). (3) Each Standing Committee shall develop short and long-term plans, including the fiscal aspects thereof respecting municipal services and shall develop policies for consideration by the Council. 13.06 Duties of the Community Services Committee (1) monitor and support the delivery of the Leisure Program; (2) co-ordinate the implementation programs; planning and of recreation (3) promote and co-ordinate voluntary citizen participation in the operation of recreation programs; (4) provide liaison between the Council and Community Recreation agencies and organizations throughout the city; (5) oversee the implementation of Council's recreation facilities strategy; (6) co-ordinate the use and maintenance of existing parks and trails; (7) co-ordinate the planning and development of new parks and trails within the city: (8) provide liaison between the Council and the Fredericton Tree Commission in the development and implementation of tree planting and preservation programs. (New Subsection 6 14 l'administration municipale, et ils surveillent la prestation des services de ces programmes. (3) Les comites permanents elaborent des plans a court et a long termes de prestation des services municipaux, y compris d'un point de vue fmander, et elaborent des projets de politique pour examen par Ie conseil. 13.06 Mandat du comite communautaires (6) (7) (8) des servIes (1) surveiller et appuyer I' execution de programme de loisirs; (2) coordonner la planification et la mise en reuvre des programmes de loisirs; (3) promouvOlr et coordonner la partICIpation de benevoles a I' execution des programmes de loisirs; (4) assurer la liaison entre Ie conseil et l'ensemble des conseils des loisirs communautaires de la municipalite; (5) coordonner la mise en reuvre de la strategie relative aux installations de loisirs du conseil; coordonner l'usage et l'entretien des parcs et sentiers existants; coordonner la planification et I' amenagement de nouveaux parcs et sentier dans la municipalite; assurer la liaison entre Ie conseil et la Fredericton Tree Commission touchant l'elaboration et la mise en reuvre de programmes de plantation et de conservation d'arbres. (Nouveau By-law No.1 Arrete NO A-2 and Remaining By-law No. March 14,2005) Renumbered! A-2.l/Enacted 13.07 Duties of the Development Committee (1) (2) monitor and support the delivery of the Community Development and Economic Development Programs; develop and co-ordinate the implementation of programs directed toward the encouragement of tourism and the holding of conventions; (3) develop and co-ordinate in cooperation with the government of the Province of New Brunswick, tourism and convention promotion programs; (4) provide liaison between the Council, and service clubs and business organizations; (5) promote the planning, development, and implementation of housing programs in co- operation with such agencies as the New Brunswick Housing Corporation and the Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation and in co-operation with private enterprises; (6) co-ordinate the administration and reVISlOn of the Urban Development Plans of the City; (7) co-ordinate the planning and development of Industrial Parks; (8) promote the location of industry within the City; (9) co-ordinate the planning and implementation of zoning 15 paragraphe 6/ renumerotes/ Arrete 2.1/edicte Ie 14 mars 2005) suivants nO A- 13.07 Mandat du Comite du developpement (1) surveiller et appuyer l'execution des programmes de developpement communautaire et de developpement economique; (2) assurer I' elaboration et coordonner la mise en reuvre de programmes de promotion du tourisme et des congres; (3) elaborer et coordonner, de concert avec Ie gouvemement du Nouveau- Brunswick, des programmes de promotion du tourisme et des congres; (4) assurer la liaison entre Ie conseil d'une part, et les clubs philanthropiques et associations de gens d'affaires d'autre part; (5) promouvoir la planificaiton, I' elaboration et la mise en reuvre de programmes de logement en collaboration avec des organismes tels que la Societe d'habitation du Nouveau-Brunswick et la Societe canadienne d'hypotheques et de logement, ainsi qu'avec l'enterprise privee; (6) corrdonner l'administration et la reVISlOn des plans de developpement urbain de la municipalite; (7) coordonner la planificaiton et l'amenagement de pares industriels; (8) promouvoir l'imlantation d'entreprises dans la municipalite; (9) coordonner la planification et la mIse en reuvre des services By-law No.1 Arrete W A-2 enforcement servIces. (Subsection (7) Repealed and Replaced/By-law No. A- 2.1/Enacted March 14,2005) 13.08 Duties of the Finance and Administration Committee (9) (10) (1) monitor and support the delivery of the Corporate Services program and report to Council; (2) receive, review, and co-ordinate the estimates of revenue and expenditures for the year for recommendation to the Council; (3) consider all requests for expenditures in excess of those provided for in the annual budget and report to the Council with recommendations; (4) receive and consider all requests for grants and report to the Council with recommendations; (5) study and determine the insurance requirements of the City and report to the Council with recommendations; (6) study, provide advice, and recommend to the Council on all matters regarding capital funding; (7) co-ordinate the development of short and long-term financial planning for the City; (8) monitor [mancial management and other common support services; co-ordinate the maintenance of properties; use and City-owned ensure that the acquisition and 16 d'application des arretes de zonage. (Paragraphe 7 abroge et remplace/Arrete nO A-2.1/edicte Ie 14 mars 2005) 13.07 Mandat du Comite des finances et de I' administration (1) Surveiller et appuyer l' execution du programme de Gestion integree et en rendre compte au conseil; (2) recevoir, examiner et coordonner les budgets annuels des recettes et des depenses pour recommandations au conseil; (3) examiner les demandes de credits suppIementaires et en rendre compte, avec ses recommandations, au conseil; (4) recevoir et examiner les demandes de subventions et en rendre compte, avec ses recommandations, au conseil; (5) etudier et determiner les besoins d' assurances de la municipalite et en rendre compte, avec ses recommandations, au conseil; (6) etudier les questions relatives au financement des immobilisations et presenter a ce sujet ses conseils et recommandations au conseil; (7) coordonner l'elaboration de plans financiers a court et a long termes pour la municipalite; (8) surveiller la prestation des services de gestion financiere et autres services de soutien communs; (9) coordonner 1 'usage et l' entretien des biens immobiliers de la municipalite; (10) veiller a ce que l'acquisition et By-law No.1 Arrete NO A-2 disposal of properties are carried out within the terms of policy directives issued by the Council; (11) comrmsslOn architects for the planning, design, and development of City-owned buildings within the terms of policy directives issued by the Council; (12) co-ordinate and monitor the planning and execution of Capital Works projects. 13.09 Duties of the Information Technologv Committee (I) monitor and support the delivery of information technology (IT) servIces; (2) promote a co-ordinated strategic approach to technology and innovation projects across all City of Fredericton departments and divisions and their partners; (3) encourage and support the planning and implementation of information technology (IT) servIces; (4) provide liaison between the Council and the knowledge sector in Fredericton; (5) provide liaison between the Council and business community in Fredericton; (6) promote the planning of information technology (IT) infrastructure within Fredericton; (7) monitor and support partnerships with the private sector that strengthen the City's information technology (IT) sector. (11) (12) 17 l'alienation des biens immobiliers soient executees conformement aux directives generales etablies par Ie conseil; mandater des architectes pour la planification, la conception et l' amenagement des biitiments de la municipalite conformement aux directives generales etablies par Ie conseil; coordonner et surveiller la planification et l' execution des travaux d' immobilisations. 13.08 Mandat du Comite de la technologie de l' information (1) Surveiller et appuyer la prestation des servIces de technologie de l'information (TI); (2) promouvOlr une concertation strategique a l'egard des projets de technologie et d'innovation entre les servIces munIcIpaux, mnsl qu'entre eux et leurs partenaires; (3) appuyer et encourager la planification et la mise en reuvre de servIces de technologie de l'information (TI); (4) assurer la liaison entre Ie conseil et les industries du saVOlr de Fredericton; (5) assurer la liaison entre Ie conseil et les milieux d' affaires de Fredericton; (6) promouvOlr la planification de l'infrastructure de technologie de l'information (TI) a Fredericton; (7) surveiller et appuyer les partenariats avec Ie secteur prive propres a renforcer Ie secteur de la technologie de I'information dans Ie cadre municipal. By-law No.1 Arrete W A-2 13.10 Duties of the Planning and Priorities Committee (1) maintain an awareness of the various activities and programs of the Federal and Provincial Govemments and their agencies that may affect the City of Fredericton, with a vlew to recommending to Council the appropriate action or representation that should be made to those governments or their agencies; (2) meet periodically, and m conjunction with City staff, to recommend to Council appropriate strategies for dealing with the Federal and Provincial Governments and their agencies; (3) co-ordinate representations on behalf of the City of Fredericton to various elected officials at the Federal and Provincial Government levels; (4) co-ordinate the preparation of new by-laws and the amendment of existing by-laws in accordance with the policy resolutions of the Council; (5) ensure the consolidation and existirlg by-laws; continuirlg reVlSlOn of (6) provide liaison between the Council and other levels of government, air, rail, bus, and taxi compames with respect to transportation policies relatirlg to the City; (7) provide liaison between the Council and departments and 18 13.09 Mandat du Comite de la planification et des priorites (1) Se tenir au courant des activites et programmes des gouvemements federal et provincial et de leurs organismes qui pourraient concemer la municipalite, afin de recommander au conseil les mesures a prendre ou les demarches a faire aupres de ces gouvemements ou organismes; (2) se reunir periodiquement et, de concert avec Ie personnel de la municipalite, recommander au conseil les strategies a suivre dans les rapports avec les gouvemements federal et provincial et leurs organlsmes; (3) coordonner les demarches a faire pour Ie compte de la municipalite aupres de divers representants elus des gouvemements federal et provincial; (4) coordonner I' elaboration et la modification des arretes conformement aux decisions de principe du conseil; (5) assurer la codification et la revision permanentes des arretes; (6) assurer la liaison entre, d 'une part, Ie conseil et, d'autre part, les autres ordres de gouvemement et les societes d'aviation, de chemin de fer, d'autobus, d'autocars et de taxis, au regard des politiques de transport qUl concement la municipalite; (7) assurer la liaison entre Ie conseil et les mirlisteres et organismes du By-law No.1 Arrete W A-2 agencies of the government of the Province of New Brunswick involved ill the provision of public works services. 13.11 Duties of the Public Safety and Environment Committee (1) monitor and support the delivery of the Public Safety Program and the Environmental Health Program and report to Council; (2) co-ordinate the planning and implementation of crime prevention servIces and fire prevention services; (3) co-ordinate the planning and implementation of building code enforcement services; (4) co-ordinate the planning and delivery of water, sewer, sanitation and pollution control servIces; (5) co-ordinate the planning and delivery of operational police and fire services; (6) co-ordinate the planning and implementation of any other programs or policies that affect public safety or the environment. 13.12 Duties of the Transportation Committee (1) monitor and support the delivery of the Transportation Program; (2) co-ordinate the implementation comprehensive Plan for the City; planning and of a Transportation (3) co-ordinate the planning and administration of traffic control regulations and City-owned 19 gouvemement du Nouveau- Brunswick fournissant des services de travaux publics. 13.10 Mandat du Comite de la securite publique et de l'environnement (1) Surveiller et appuyer l' execution du programme de securite publique et du programme d'hygiene du milieu et en rendre compte au conseil; (2) coordonner la planification et la mIse en reuvre des services de prevention du crime et de prevention des incendies; (3) coordonner la planification et la mIse en reuvre des servIces d'application du code du batiment; (4) coordonner la planification et la prestation des servIces d' eau, d'egouts, d'hygiene publique et de lutte contre la pollution; (5) coordonner la planification et la prestation des servIces operationnels de police et d'incendie; (6) coordonner la planification et la mIse en reuvre des autres programmes et politiques touchant la securite publique et l' environnement. 13.11 Mandat du Comite des transports (1) Surveiller et appuyer l' execution du programme des transports; (2) coordonner I' elaboration et la mise en reuvre d'un plan global des transports pour la municipalite; (3) coordonner la planification et l'application de la reglementation relative a la circulation, de meme By-law No.1 Arrete W A-2 parking facilities; (4) study and make recommendations to the Council respecting the enactment and enforcement of parking regulations; (5) study all aspects of the provision of public transportation services within the City and report to the Council with recommendations; (6) co-ordinate the planning and delivery of transit services; (7) co-ordinate all issues relating to Taxicabs. 14. SELECT COMMITTEES The Council may establish select Committees, as it may from time to time deem necessary and may appoint members to and establish terms of reference for such Committees. 15. GENERAL ORDER OF BUSINESS The following shall be the order of business of each regular Council meeting: Recording of attendance Adoption of minutes Prayer Presentations Proclamations Special Event Requests Planning Advisory Committee reports Committee reports Treasurer's monthly reports Tenders AnnuaL1)epartmentalreports Other matters Resolutions Public presentation of by-laws Consideration of by-laws 20 que la planification et la gestion des installations de stationnement appartenant a la municipalite; (4) effectuer des etudes et presenter des recommandations au conseil touchant la reglementation du stationnement et son application; (5) etudier sous tous ses aspects la prestation des services de transports en commun dans la municipalite et presenter a ce sujet ses conclusions et recommandations au conseil; (6) coordonner la planification et la prestation des services de transport; (7) coordonner les questions relatives aux taxis. 14. COMITES SPECIAUX Le conseil peut instituer au besoin des comites speciaux, en nommer les membres et en etablir les mandats. 15. ORDRE DU JOUR NORMAL L'ordre du jour des reunions ordinaires du conseil est Ie suivant : Tenue des registres de presence Adoption du proces-verbal Priere Presentations Proclamations Demandes d'evenements speciaux Rapports du Comite consultatif sur l'urbanisme Rapports du Comite Rapports mensuels du tresorier Soumissions Rapport annuel et rapports des services Autres points Resolutions Presentation publique des arretes Etude des arretes By-law No.1 Arrete W A-2 (Section 15 reordered/By-law No. A-2.1/ Enacted March 14, 2005) 15.01 Variations in Order of Business (1) The business before the Council at each meeting shall be taken up in regular order unless otherwise determined by the vote of the Members present, and all questions as to precedence or to the suspension of the general orders of the day shall be decided without debate. (2) The minutes of the next preceding meeting need not be read in open Council unless a Councillor present requires the reading. 15.02 Order of Business - Special Meetings The business before the Council at each special meeting shall be taken up in the order in which the items appear on the notice of meeting. 16. ORDER 16.01 Relation of Public to Council Except by special invitation of the Mayor or vote of Council, no person other than Members of the Council and the City Officers having duties to perform shall be allowed within the bar of the Council Chamber while the Council is in session. No person other than a Member of the Council shall address the Council without permission of the Council. 16.02 Preservation of Order The Mayor shall preserve order and decorum and decide all questions of order, subject to an appeal to the Council; and in the absence of the Mayor and Deputy Mayor, the chairperson shall have the same authority. 16.03 Rulings on Order 21 (Article 15 - ordre des elements modifie/Arrete nO A-2.1/ecticte Ie 14 mars 2005) 15.01 Modification de l'ordre du iour (1) Les reunions du conseil se deroulent suivant l' ordre normal, sauf decision contraire des membres presents. II est decide sans debat des questions de preseance et de suspension de points a l'ordre dujour normal. (2) II n' est donne lecture du proces-verbal de la reunion precedente que sur demande d'un conseiller present. 15.02 Ordre du iour des reunions extraordinaires Les reunions extraordinaires du conseil se deroulent suivant l'ordre du jour precise dans l'avis de convocation. 16. L'ORDRE 16.01 Rapports du public avec Ie conseil Nul ne peut, a moins d'etre membre du conseil ou de devoir intervenir en qualite de fonctionnaire municipal, etre admis a la table de la salle du conseil pendant que celui-ci tient seance, sauf invitation speciale du maire ou vote en ce sens du conseil. Nul ne peut, a moins d'etre membre du conseil, prendre la parole aux reunions de celui-ci sans son autorisation. 16.02 Maintien de l'ordre Le maire maintient l'ordre et Ie decorum et, sous reserve d'appel au conseil, statue sur les rappels au reglement. En cas d'absence du maire et du maire supple ant, Ie president de seance est investi de ces pouvoirs. 16.03 Rappels au reglement By-law No.1 Arrete W A-2 When called upon to decide a point of order, procedure, or practice, the Mayor shall state the question without unnecessary comment and shall forthwith announce his or her decision citing any rule or authority he or she may deem necessary. 16.04 Mavor Entering Debate If the Mayor desires to leave the chair for the purpose of taking part in the debate or for any other purpose, he or she shall call on the Deputy Mayor. If the Deputy Mayor is not present, a Councillor can be called on to preside until he or she assumes the chair. 17. RULES OF DEBATE 17.01 Who Shall Have The Floor When two or more Members raise their hands to speak, the Mayor shall name the Member who, in his or her opinion, first rose his or her hand. 17.02 Reading: of Motion Any Member may require the question or motion under discussion to be read at any time during the debate but not so as to interrupt a Member who is speaking. 17.03 Limits of Debate No Member shall speak more than once on the same question without the consent of the Chair, subject to challenge by the Council, except in explanation of a material part of his or her speech, which may have been misconceived, and in doing so, he or she shall not introduce a new matter. A reply is allowed to a Member who has made a substantive motion to the Council, an amendment or the previous question. No Member, without consent, shall speak to the same question in reply for longer than a quarter 22 Lorsqu'il est appele a statuer sur un rappel au reglement ou une question de procedure, Ie maire enonce la question sans observations superflues et tranche sur-1e- champ en citant la regie ou Ie precedent qu'il estime necessaire d'invoquer. 16.04 Participation du maire au debat S'il desire quitter la presidence afin de participer au debat ou pour toute autre raison, Ie maire la confie au maire suppleant ou, en cas d'absence de celui-ci, a un conseiller, jusqu'a ce qu'illa reprenne. 17. REGLES DE DEBAT 17.01 Droit de parole Lorsque deux membres ou plus levent la main pour intervenir, Ie maire donne la parole a celui qui, a son avis, l'a levee Ie premier. 17.02 Lecture des motions Tout membre peut a tout moment au cours du deb at, a condition de ne pas interrompre un autre membre qui a la parole, demander lecture de la question ou de 1a motion a I' etude. 17.03 Modalites limitatives des debats Sauf contestation du conseil, un membre ne peut, sans I'autorisation du president de seance, prendre la parole plus d'une fois sur 1a meme question, si ce n'est pour expliquer, sans presenter d' elements nouveaux, une partie importante de son intervention qui a pu etre mal comprise. Le droit de replique appartient au membre qui a presente au conseil une motion de fond ou un amendement a une motion, ou a pose la question prealable. Un membre ne peut, sauf consentement, exercer son droit de replique sur la meme question durant plus By-law No.1 Arrete W A-2 of an hour. 17.04 Appeal to Council When a point of order is raised or when a Member is called to order by the chair, the Mayor shall state and decide the point of order raised. The Council, if appealed to from the decision of the chair, shall decide the question but without debate; if there is no appeal, the decision of the Mayor shall be final. 17.05 If the public is granted permission to address Council, the rules of debate shall apply. 18. RULES OF CONDUCT 18.01 Members Must Address the Mavor Every Councillor before speaking to any question shall respectfully address the Mayor. 18.02 Disrespectful Statements No Member shall: (1) speak disrespectfully of Her Majesty the Queen, or any of the Royal Family, or of the Governor-General, the Lieutenant-Governor, or of any person administering the Government of Canada or of this Province, (2) use offensive language concerning the Councilor any Member thereof, (3) speak beside the question III debate, (4) reflect upon any vote of the Council except for the purpose of moving that such vote be rescinded, or (5) resist the rules of the Council, nor 23 d'un quart d'heure. 17.04 Appel au conseil En cas de rappel au reglement par Ie president de seance ou un autre membre, Ie maire enonce Ie probleme et rend sa decision. Lorsque Ie conseil est saisi d'un appel de cette decision, il statue sans debat; a defaut d'appel, la decision du maire est defInitive. 17.05 Les regles de debat s'appliquent aussi au cas ou Ie conseil accorde Ie droit de parole au public. 18. REGLES DE CONDUlTE 18.01 Obligation de s'adresser au maire Le conseiller qui prend la parole s'adresse au maire, en termes respectueux, avant de s' exprimer sur la question. 18.02 Propos irreverencieux II est interdit aux membres : (1) de tenir des propos irreverencieux a l'endroit de Sa Majeste la Reine, d'un autre membre de la famille royale, du gouverneur general, du lieutenant-gouverneur, ou de la personne qui administre Ie gouvernement du Canada ou celui du Nouveau-Brunswick; (2) de tenir des propos offensants a l'endroit du conseil ou de l'un de ses membres; (3) de s ' ecarter de la question a I' etude; (4) de critiquer Ie resultat d'un vote du conseil, sauf pour proposer l' annulation de ce vote; (5) de refuser de se conformer aux By-law No.1 Arrete NO A-2 disobey the decision of the Mayor, or of the Council on a question of order or procedure, or upon the interpretation of a rule of the Council. In case any Member shall so speak, resist, or disobey, the Mayor or other presiding officer may order such Councillor to vacate his or her seat for the rest of the meeting; but, on his apologizing, he or she may by vote of the Council be permitted forthwith to retake his or her seat. 18.03 When a question is being put, no Member shall walk across the room, leave his or her place, or make or cause to be made any noise or disturbance. When a Member is speaking, no other Member shall pass between him or her and the chair, or interrupt him or her except to rise to a point of order. 18.04 Excepting a woman, no Councillor, City Officer or other person shall wear a hat within the Council Chamber, while the Councilor Council-in-Committee is in session. 18.05 No applause shall be permitted other than by Council. 19. MOTIONS 19.01 Motions to be Seconded before Debate (1) Every motion shall be seconded before being debated or put from the chair; (a) and shall be in writing, except motions to go into Council-in- Committee or refer any matter to a Committee, or to adjourn, which may be made viva voce. 24 regles du conseil, ou de desobeir a la decision du maire ou du conseil sur un rappel au reglement, une question de procedure ou l'interpretation d'une regIe du conseil. Le maire ou president de seance peut exclure pour Ie reste de l'assemblee tout conseiller qui contrevient a une disposition du present sous-article. Toutefois, si Ie contrevenant presente ses excuses, il peut reprendre sa place sur-Ie-champ, moyennant l'approbation des membres du conseil. 18.03 Lorsqu'une question est mise aux voix, il est interdit aux membres de circuler dans la salle, de quitter leur place ou de perturber ou faire perturber la seance par Ie bruit ou autrement. Lorsqu'un membre a la parole, il est interdit de circuler entre lui et le fauteuil, ou de l'interrompre sauf pour un rappel au reglement. 18.04 Seules les femmes peuvent porter une coiffure dans la salle du conseil lorsque celui-ci y siege, que ce soit en assemblee d61iberante ou en comite plenier. 18.05 Seulle conseil a Ie droit d'applaudir. 19. MOTIONS 19.01 Appui prealable au debat (1) Les motions doivent etre appuyees avant d'etre debattues ou mises aux VOlX; (a) elles doivent etre presentees par ecrit, exception faite des motions de constitution en comite plenier, de renvoi d'une question a un comite ou d'ajoumement, qui peuvent etre presentees de vive voix; By-law No.1 Arrete W A-2 (b) when a motion is seconded, it shall be read or stated by the Mayor before debate. 19.02 Withdrawals of Motions After a motion is read or stated by the Mayor, it shall be deemed to be in possession of the Council but may, with permission of the Council, be withdrawn at any time before decision or amendment. 19.03 Motions to Adiourn A motion to adjourn the Councilor adjourn the debate shall be in order except: (1) when a Councillor possession of the floor; IS III (2) when the yeas and nays have been called for; (3) when the Councillors are voting; (4) when it has been decided that the previous question shall be put forthwith; (5) in Council-in-Committee; but a second motion to the same effect shall not be made until after some intermediate proceeding has taken place provided, however, the Council shall automatically adjourn at midnight, unless two-thirds of the Members present shall consent to continuing the proceedings. 19.04 Questions under Debate When a question is under debate, no motion shall be received unless; (I) to approve it, (2) to amend it, 25 (b) une fois la motion appuyee, Ie maire en donne lecture ou l'enonce avant d'ouvrir Ie debat. 19.02 Retrait de motions La lecture ou l'enonciation d'une motion par Ie maire vaut saisine du conseil. Toutefois, avec I'autorisation du conseil, la motion peut etre retiree a tout moment avant d'avoir fait l'objet d'une decision ou d'un amendement. 19.03 Motions de cloture Les motions de levee de la seance ou d'ajournement du debat sont recevables, sauf: (I) lorsqu'un conseiller a la parole; (2) lorsqu'un vote par appel nominal a ete demande; (3) pendant que les conseillers votent; (4) lorsqu'a ete decidee la mise aux voix immediate de la question prealable; (5) en comite plenier. Toutefois, il ne peut etre presente de deuxieme motion dans Ie meme sens qu'apres I'accomplissement d'autres travaux; il est cependant entendu que les seances du conseil prennent fin automatiquement a minuit, sauf si les deux tiers des membres presents consentent a poursuivre les travaux. 19.04 Durant Ie debat Lorsqu'une question est a l'etude, aucune motion n'est recevable, si ce n'est pour : (1) I'approuver, (2) I' amender, By-law No.1 Arrete W A-2 (3) to lay it on the table, (4) to defer it, (5) to adjourn it, (6) to move the previous question, (7) to move that the vote be now taken, (8) to extend the hour therefor. 19.05 The Previous Question The previous question is a motion to end debate and bring the pending matter to an immediate vote. The previous question, until it is decided, shall preclude all amendment of the main question and shall be put in the following words: "Shall this question now be put?" If this motion be resolved in the affIrmative, the original motion is to be put forthwith without any amendment or further debate, but if the proposed question is resolved in the negative the main question may then be debated or amended. 19.06 Order of Amendments Amendments shall be put in the reverse order to that in which they are moved except in filling up blanks when the longest time and the smallest sum shall be put first. Every amendment submitted shall be reduced to writing and shall be decided or withdrawn before the main question is put to the vote. Only one amendment shall be allowed to an amendment and any amendment more than one must be to the main question. 20. VOTING 20.01 Every question submitted to the Council shall be determined by open vote of a show of hands of the Members present. 26 (3) la deposer, (4) la reporter, (5) l'ajourner, (6) poser la question prealable, (7) proposer Ie vote immediat, (8) prolonger la duree de l'etude de cette motion. 19.05 La question prealable La question prealable est une motion visant a clore Ie deb at et a forcer la mise aux voix immediate de la question a l'etude. Formulee ainsi: (( La question doit-elle maintenant etre mise aux voix? >>, elle empeche, taut qu'elle n'a pas ete tranchee, que la question principale soit amendee. Tranchee affmnativement, elle force la mise aux voix immediate de la motion principale sans amendement ni autre debat, sinon, la question principale peut encore etre debattue ou amendee. 19.06 Ordre de preseance des amendements Les amendements sont mis aux voix dans l'ordre inverse de celui OU ils sont proposes, sauf lorsqu'il s'agit de completer la motion, auquel cas Ie delai Ie plus long et la plus petite somme sont mis aux voix en premier lieu. Tout amendement est presente par ecrit et donne lieu a une decision ou est retire avant la mise aux voix de la motion principale. Un seul sous-amendement est autorise et les autres amendements doivent se rapporter a la question principale. 20. VOTATION 20.01 Le conseil statue sur chaque question dont il est saisi par un vote it main levee. By-law No.1 Arrete NO A-2 20.02 Upon a division of the Council, the names of those who voted for and those who voted against the question shall be entered upon the minutes. 20.03 Subject to section 20.04 the Mayor shall vote only in case of an equal division. 20.04 Notwithstanding 20.03 the Mayor may vote on any question before Council which under any statute or by-law requires more than a simple majority of the Council in order to pass. If the Mayor's vote results in an equal division on such questions, he or she shall not have a second or deciding vote and the question shall be declared lost. 20.05 Every Councillor who is present in the Council Chamber when a question is put shall vote thereon unless he or she declares that he or she IS personally interested m the question. If any Councillor persists in refusing to vote for other than the reason herein before stated, he or she shall be recorded as voting in the affmnative on the question before the Council. 20.06 When the question under consideration contains more than one distinct point, upon the request of any Member the vote upon each point shall be taken separately. 20.07 After a question is finally put, no Member shall speak to the question nor shall any other motion be made until after the result has been declared. 21. CONFLICT OF INTEREST Any conflict of interest will be governed by sections 90.1 to 90.91, inclusive, of the Municipalities Act. In addition, Council Members in conflict must fill out a disclosure of interest form to be excluded from any motions involved. 22. RECONSIDERATION 27 20.02 En l'absence d'unanimite, les noms des membres qui votent pour et de ceux qui votent contre la proposition sont consignes au proces-verbal. 20.03 Sous reserve du sous-article 20.04, Ie maire ne vote qu'en cas de partage des voix. 20.04 Par derogation au sous-article 20.03, Ie maire peut voter sur toute proposition dont I' adoption, par efIet d'une loi ou d'un arrete, necessite plus qu'une majorite simple du conseil. Dans Ie cas ou la voix du maire entraine un partage sur cette proposition, il n'a pas de voix additionnelle ou preponderante et la proposition est declaree rejetee. 20.05 Tout conseiller present dans la salle du conseil lorsqu'une question est mise aux voix est tenu de voter sur celle-ci, sauf s'il declare y avoir un interet personnel. Tout conseiller qui persiste it refuser de voter pour une autre raison sera repute s' etre prononce par I'affirmative. 20.06 Lorsque la question it l'etude comprend plusieurs points distincts, ceux-ci sont mis aux voix separement sur demande d'un membre. 20.07 Apres la mise aux voix de la question, les membres ne peuvent intervenir sur celle-ci ou presenter une autre motion qu'apres la proclamation du resultat du vote. 21. CONFLIT D'INTltIlliTS Les conflits d'interets sont regis par les articles 90.1 it 90.91 inclusivement de la Loi sur les municipalites. En outre, les membres du conseil doivent remplir un formulaire de divulgation d'interets afm d'etre dispenses de voter sur les motions concernees. 22. REEXAMEN By-law No.1 Arrete W A-2 22.01 A substantive resolution, by-law, or any matter that has been adopted by Council within the past twelve months may be reconsidered by Council subject to the following: (I) a notice of motion to reconsider, given in accordance with this by- law, must be given by a Member on the prevailing side; (2) a motion to reconsider, if duly moved and seconded, shall be considered at the next Regular Council Meeting after the Council Meeting that received the notice of motion to reconsider; (3) a motion to reconsider must be supported by a majority of the Members of the whole Council before the matter to be reconsidered can be debated; and (4) a motion to reconsider shall not be considered more than once in a three month period. 22.02 A substantive resolution, by-law, or any matter that has been adopted by Council for a period of more than twelve months may be reconsidered by Council at any time provided notice of motion has been given at a previous Council Meeting; and provided further that: (1) no discussion of the mam question shall be allowed unless reconsidered; and (2) after such motion to reconsider, no action shall be taken by Council on the main motion until such reconsideration is disposed of 23. PRIVILEGE When any matter of privilege arises, it shall be immediately taken into 28 22.01 Le conseil peut reexaminer les resolutions, arretes ou autres actes de fond qu'il a adoptes dans les douze mois precedents, sous reserve des dispositions suivantes : (I) un avis de motion de reexamen, presente suivant les modalites prevues au present arrete, doit etre donne par un membre qui a vote avec la majorite; (2) la motion de reexamen, regulierement presentee et appuyee, est examinee a la reunion ordinaire du conseil qui suit celle ou Ie conseil a ete saisi de I' avis de cette motion; (3) la motion de reexamen doit ral1ier les suffrages de la majorite de I' ensemble du conseil avant la mise en debat de la question en cause; (4) une motion de reexamen n'est recevable qu'une fois par periode de trois mois. 22.02 Le conseil peut reexaminer a tout moment les resolutions, arretes ou aUtres actes de fond qu'il a adoptes depuis plus de douze mois, a condition qu'un avis de motion de reexamen ait ete donne a une de ses reunions precedentes et sous reserve des dispositions suivantes : (1) I' etude de la question principale est subordonnee au reexamen; (2) Ie conseil ne prend aucune mesure touchant la motion principale avant d'avoir statue sur Ie reexamen. 23. PRIVILEGE Toute question de privilege est etudiee immediatement. By-law No.1 Arrete NO A-2 consideration. 24. MEMBERS DIVISION TO PLACES ON Members shall immediately take their place when any division is called for and shall remain in their respective seats until the presiding officer has declared the result of the vote. 25. APPOINTMENT OF OFFICIALS When any office in the gift of the Council falls vacant or a new office is created, the matter shall be referred to the Council-in- Committee for recommendation and report before the appointment is made. 26. AUTHORITY OF BOURINOT In matters of procedure not herein provided for, "Bourinot's Rules of Order (4th Revised Edition)" shall govern. 27. COMMUNICATIONS 27.01 Where a petition, tender, or other written communication is received concerning a subject within the cognizance of any Standing Committee, the City Clerk may refer it to such Committee, which shall consider the matter and report to the Council. 27.02 When a petition or communication is received concerning a subject which is not within the cognizance of any standing Committee, it shall be presented to the Council- in-Committee. 27.03 (I) No petition or communication shall be presented to a regular meeting of the Council unless it is received by the City Clerk before four thirty 0' clock m the afternoon of the Thursday preceding the regular meeting. 29 24. PENDANT LE VOTE Lorsque Ie vote est reclame, les membres reprennent immediatement leur siege et y restent jusqu'a la proclamation du resultat par Ie president de seance. 25. NOMINATIONS En cas de vacance ou de creation d'une charge relevant du conseil, la question est renvoyee au comite plenier pour qu'il formule une recommandation et fasse rapport avant que n'intervienne la nomination. 26. REGLESSUPPLETIVES Les questions de procedure non definies dans Ie present document sont assujetties aux reglements enonces dans Bourinot 's Rules of Order (4th Revised Edition). 27. COMMUNICATIONS 27.01 Lorsqu'il rec,;oit une petition, une soumission ou quelque autre communication ecrite dont I' objet releve d'un comite permanent, Ie secretaire municipal peut la renvoyer a ce comite, qui examme la question et fait rapport au conseil. 27.02 Les petitions et autres communications dont l'objet ne releve pas d'un comite permanent sont presentees au comite plenier. 27.03 (1) Les petitions et autres communications ne sont presentees au conseil en reunion ordinaire que SI Ie secretaire municipal les a rec,;ues avant 16 h 30 Ie jeudi precedant Ie jour de la reunion. By-law No.1 Arrete NO A-2 (2) No matter shall be placed on the agenda for consideration at any regular meeting of the Council unless the request for consideration of such matter is received by the City Clerk before four thirty o'clock in the afternoon of the Thursday preceding the regular meeting. (3) Notwithstanding subsection (1) and (2), a Member of Council may introduce any item of business to a regular meeting of the Council. 28. ENACTMENT OF BY-LAWS 28.01 (1) Every by-law shall be read three times by title and read in its entirety in Councilor in Council- in-Committee at least once subsequent to second reading by title. If a notice describing the by- law by title and the subject matter generally is published in a general circulation newspaper, and has been published twice a week for two weeks the By-law may be passed by the reading of the section numbers only. (2) Unless all the Members of Council present declare by resolution that an emergency exists, not more than two of the three readings by title shall take place at one meeting of the Council. (3) A proposed by-law may be amended at any time prior to third reading by title. 28.02 When a by-law has been given the several readings required, it shall be deemed to have been passed and enacted and shall then be sealed with the corporate seal of the City and signed by the City Clerk and by the Mayor or other Member of Council 30 (2) Ne sont inscrites a l'ordre du jour d 'une reunion ordinaire du conseil que les questions soumises au secretaire municipal avant 16 h 30 Ie jeudi precedant Ie jour de la reunion. (3) Malgre les paragraphes (1) et (2), un membre du conseil peut proposer I' examen de toute question a une reunion ordinaire du conseil. 28. EDICTION DES ARRETES 28.01 (I) Tout projet d'arrete fait l'objet de trois lectures par titre, ainsi que d'une lecture integrale en conseil ou en comite plenier au moins une fois apres la deuxieme lecture par titre. Peut toutefois etre adopte en lecture par numero d'article seulement, Ie projet d'arrete pour lequel a ete publie dans un journal a grand tirage deux fois la semaine pendant deux semaines un avis Ie decrivant par titre et en enons;ant la matiere de maniere generale. (2) II n'est pas donne plus de deux des trois lectures par titre au cours d'une meme reunion du conseil, sauf S1 les membres presents declarent par resolution unanime l'urgence de l'ediction. (3) Tout projet d'arrete peut etre amende a tout moment avant la troisieme lecture par titre. 28.02 L'arrete qUl a fait l'objet des lectures successives prescrites est repute avoir ete adopte et edicte. II est alors revetu du sceau municipal et signe par Ie secretaire municipal et Ie maire ou Ie membre du conseil qui presidait la reunion ou il a fait By-]aw No.1 Arrete NO A-2 who presided at the meeting at which it received third reading by title. 29. APPROPRIA nONS EXPENDITURES AND 29.01 Over Expenditure No work or expenditure, the cost of which will exceed the relevant appropriation, shall be undertaken without preVIOUS authorization of the Council. 29.02 Purchase Orders No purchase shall be made unless a purchase order for such has been signed by an official authorized by the City Treasurer to sign purchase orders. 29.03 Checking Purchases On receipt of goods purchased, the official receiving them shall check the goods with the purchase order and invoice, certify the fact with the date of his or her so doing and forthwith file the invoice and purchase order with the City Treasurer. 29.04 Accounts Against the City All accounts against the City for payment shall be itemized and approved by the appropriate Department Head or a person designated by the Department Head. 29.05 Payment of Accounts All accounts shall be paid upon approval of the appropriate Department Head or a person designated by the Department Head. 29.06 Treasurer's Report The Treasurer's Report shall show the amount paid each claimant, as well as a description of all transactions and be certified in writing by the City Treasurer and presented to City Council monthly for ratification. 3] ]'objet de]a troisieme lecture par titre. 29. CREDITS ET DEPENSES 29.01 Depassement de credits Les travaux ou depenses dont Ie cout depasse les credits applicables ne peuvent etre effectues sans l'autorisation prealable du conseil. 29.02 Bons de commande II ne peut etre effectue d' achat que si un bon de commande a ete signe par un fonctionnaire autorise a ce faire par Ie tresorier municipal. 29.03 Verification des achats A la livraison des marchandises achetees, Ie fonctionnaire receptionnaire les verifie par rapport au bon de commande et a la facture, et il paraphe, date et transmet ces documents sur-Ie-champ au tresorier municipal. 29.04 Comptes crediteurs Les comptes crediteurs de la municipaliM sont detailles et approuves par Ie chef de service competent ou une personne designee par lui. 29.05 Paiement des comptes Les comptes sont payes sur approbation du chef de service competent ou d'une personne designee par lui. 29.06 Rapport du tresorier Le tresorier municipal presente chaque mois au conseil pour ratification un rapport, qu'i! certifie par ecrit, portant les sommes payees a chaque creancier et une description des operations. By-law No.1 Arrete W A-2 29.07 Auditor's Report The City Auditor shall complete an annual audit in accordance with Section 82 of the Municipalities Act and shall transmit to City Council a certified copy of the financial statements of the City together with a copy of a report thereon. 30. SUSPENSION OF RULES Notwithstanding any other rule or order, no standing rule or order of the Council set out in this by-law shall be suspended unless two-thirds of the Members present shall consent thereto, nor shall this by- law be repealed or amended unless a week's notice in writing is given of the motion therefor, nor unless a majority of the whole Council shall concur therein. 31. REPEAL PROVISIONS 31.01 By-law No. A-I, A By-law Respecting: Administration of the City of Fredericton. and amendments thereto, given third reading on August 12, 1996, is hereby repealed. 31.02 The repeal of By-law A-I, A By-law Respecting Administration of the City of Fredericton. shall not affect any penalty, forfeiture or liability, incurred before such repeal or any proceeding for enforcing the same completed or pending at the time of repeal; nor shall it repeal, defeat, disturb, invalidate or prejudicially affect any matter or thing whatsoever completed, existing or pending at the time of repeal. 31.03 By-law No. A-2 A By-law Respecting the City Council. and amendments thereto, given third reading on November 9, 1992, is hereby repealed. 31.04 The repeal of By-law A-2 A By-law Respecting the City Council. shall not 32 29.07 Rapport du verificateur Le verificateur municipal effectue une verification annuelle des comptes conformement a l'article 82 de la Loi sur les municipalites et presente au conseil une copie certifiee conforme des etats financiers de la municipalite ainsi qu'une copie de son rapport sur ceux-ci. 30. SUSPENSION DES REGLES Malgre tout autre decret ou regIe, la suspensIOn de tout decret ou regIe permanent du conseil enonce dans Ie present arrete est subordonnee au consentement des deux tiers des membres presents. Le present arrete ne peut etre abroge ou modifie que sur adoption, par la majorite de l'ensemble du conseil, d'une motion dont a ete donne un preavis ecrit d'une semaine. 31. DISPOSITIONS ABROGATIVES 31.01 Est abroge l'arrete nO A-I intitule A By-law Respecting Administration of the City of Fredericton, adopte en troisieme lecture Ie 12 aout 1996, ensemble ses modifications. 31.02 L'abrogation de l'arrete mentionne au sous-article 31. 01 n' a aucun effet sur les peines ou confiscations encourues, ou sur la responsabilite engagee, avant cette abrogation, ni sur les procedures d'execution achevees ou pendantes au moment de celle-ci; elle n'a pas non plus pour effet d'abroger, d'annuler, de modifier, d'invalider ou d'alterer quoi que ce soit qui serait acheve ou pendant a ce moment. 31.03 Est abroge l'arrete nO A-2 intitule A By-law Respecting the City Council, adopte en troisieme lecture Ie 9 novembre 1992, ensemble ses modifications. 31.04 L'abrogation de l'arrete mentionne au sous-article 31.03 n'a aucun effet sur les By-law No.1 Arrete W A-2 affect any penalty, forfeiture or liability, incurred before such repeal or any proceeding for enforcing the same completed or pending at the time of repeal; nor shall it repeal, defeat, disturb, invalidate or prejudicially affect any matter or thing whatsoever completed, existing or pending at the time of repeal. Read a first time this 12th day of October, 2004 Read a second time this lih day of October, 2004 Read a third time and fmally passed this 25th day of October, 2004 (Sgd.) Brad Woodside Brad Woodside Mayor/maire 33 peines ou confiscations encourues, ou sur la responsabilite engagee, avant cetle abrogation, ni sur les procedures d'execution achevees ou pendantes au moment de celle-ci; elle n'a pas non plus pour effet d'abroger, d'annuler, de modifier, d'invalider ou d'alterer quoi que ce soit qui serait acheve ou pendant it ce moment. Premiere lecture: Ie 12 octobre 2004 Deuxieme lecture: Ie 12 octobre 2004 Troisieme lecture et adoption: Ie 25 octobre 2004 (Sgd.) Pamela G. Hargrove Pamela G. Hargrove City Clerklsecretaire municipale