2007-06-18_Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jour City of Saint John Common Council Meeting Monday, June 18,2007 Committee of the Whole 1. Call to Order 5:00 p.m. 8th Floor Boardroom City Hall 1.1 Personal Matter 10.2(4)(b) 1.2 Proposed Agreement 10.2(4)(c) 1.3 Capital Contract Issue 10.2(4)(f) 1.4 Legal Proceedings 1 0.2( 4)(g) Regular Meeting 1. Call to Order - Prayer 5:30 p.m. Council Chamber 2. Approval of Minutes 2.1 Approval of June 6, 2007 Minutes 3. Adoption of Agenda 4. Disclosures of Conflict of Interest 5. Consent Agenda 5.1 2007 Borrowing Resolution (Recommendation in Report) 5.2 Request for Funds - Canada Day Countdown (Recommendation: Refer to City Manager) 5.3 Eric Teed Letter High Rise Development Policy (Recommendation: Receive for Information) 5.4 Mispec Park Assoc Request for Amendment to Animal Control Bylaw (Recommendation: Refer to City Manager) 5.5 Bill Brienza Letter Tmck Traffic Concerns Richmond St (Recommendation: Refer to City Manager) 5.6 Saint John Police Force 2006 Operating Budget (Recommendation: Receive for information) 5.7 Contract 2007-24 MacLaren Blvd (Taylor Ave to Sandy Point Rd) Street Reconstmction (Recommendation in Report) 5.8 Contract 2007-22 Marsh St Valve and Chamber Renewals (Recommendation in Report) 5.9 Contract 2007-2 Watennain Cleaning & Lining Phase 2 (Recommendation in Report ) 5.10 Contract 2007-30 Chip Seal 2007 (Recommendation in Report) 5.11 Millidgeville Wastewater Treatment Facility Grand Opening (Recommendation in Report) 5.12 Easement PID 401539 (Recommendation in Report) 5.13 Public Hearing Date 233 Westmorland Rd (Recommendation in Report) 5.14 Amending Resolution 467-469 Rothesay Ave (Recommendation in Report) 6. Members Comments 7. Proclamation 8. Delegations / Presentations 9. Public Hearings 6:00 p.m. 9.1(a) Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment 37 Golden Grove Rd 9.1 (b) Planning Advisory Committee Recommending Approval 9.2(a) Proposed Section 39 Amendment 8-14 Simpson Dr 9.2(b) Planning Advisory Committee Recommending Approval 9.3(a) Prop sed Zoning By-law Amendment 69 Russell St with Letters of Support 9.3(b) Planning Advisory Committee Recommending Approval 9.4(a) Proposed Section 39 Amendment 400 Main St 9.4(b) Planning Advisory Committee Recommending Approval 9.5(a) Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment 10 Culloden Ct 9. 5(b) Planning Advisory Committee Recommending Approval 9.6(a) Proposed Section 39 Amendment 100 Prince Edward St 9. 6(b) Planning Advisory Committee Recommending Approval 9.7(a) Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment 921 Ashburn Rd 9.7 (b) Planning Advisory Committee Recommending Approval 9.8(a) Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment 937 Hillcrest Rd with Letter of Objection 9. 8(b) Planning Advisory Committee Recommending Denial 10. Consideration of By-laws 10.1 Proposed Municipal Plan Amendment 1265-1285 Loch Lomond Rd 10.2 Proposed Municipal Plan Amendment 326-336 Latimore Lake Rd 10.3 Proposed Municipal Plan Amendment 103 Technology Dr 11. Submissions by Council Members 11.1 Pedestrian Walkways (Councillor Tait) 11.2 Need for Repairs at Loyalist House (Councillor White) 11.3 Wearing Red Ribbons on Fridays (Councillor Court) 11.4 Moto Cross Race Track West Side (Councillor Court) 11.5 Public Transit Fuel Tax Rebate (Councillor Titus) 11.6 Town Hall Meeting with Ability Advisory Committee (Councillor McGuire) 12. Business Matters - Municipal Officers 12.1 Proposed Rezoning 85 Hayes Ave 12.2 Town Hall Meeting - Disability Awareness 12.3 Understanding the Need: Safe, Clean Drinking Water 12.4 Award of Contract for Design Build of Skate Park 12.5 Retail Drive Upgrades 12.6(a) Contract 2007-32 Red Head Road Sanitary Forcemain 12.6(b) Contract 2007-32: Red Head Road Sanitary Forcemain, Water & Sewer Mains, Slope Stabilization and Road Reconstmction 13. Committee Reports 14. Consideration of Issues Separated from Consent Agenda 15. General Correspondence 15.1(a) Abel LeBlanc MLA re Exhibition Association 15 .1 (b) City Solicitor's Report re Exhibition Association 15.2 Mayor Bishop Letter Funding for Mulitplex Feasibility Analysis 16. Adjournment City of Saint John Seance du conseil communal Le lundi 18 juin 2007 Comite plenier 1. Ouverture de la seance 17 h Salle de conference du Se etage de l'hotel de ville 1.1 Question relative au personnel- alinea 10.2(4)b) 1.2 Projet de convention - alinea 10.2(4)c) 1.3 Question relative aux contrats d'immobilisations - alinea 10.2(4)f) 1.4 Procedures judicia ires Seance ordinaire 1. Ouverture de la seance, suivie de la priere 17 h 30 Salle du conseil 2. Approbation du proces-verbal 2. 1 Approbation du proces-verbal de la seance tenue Ie 6 juin 2007 3. Adoption de l'ordre du jour 4. Divulgations de conflits d'interets 5. Questions soumises it l'approbation du conseil 5.1 Empnmt par voie de resolution pour 2007 (recommandation figurant au rapport) 5.2 Demande de financement - compte a rebours pour la fete du Canada (recommandation : transmettre au directeur general) 5.3 Lettre re<;ue de Eric Teed relative a la politique sur l'amenagement des immeubles-tours (recommandation - accepter a titre informatif) 5.4 Demande presentee par l'association Mispec Park visant la modification de l'arrete relatif au contr6le des animaux (recommandation : transmettre au directeur general) 5.5 Lettre re<;ue de Bill Brienza relative aux preoccupations visant la circulation des camions sur la me Richmond (recommandation : transmettre au directeur general) 5.6 Budget de fonctionnement 2006 du corps de police de Saint John (recommandation : accepter a titre infonnatif) 5.7 Contrat nO 2007-24 relatifa la refection du boulevard MacLaren (depuis l'avenue Taylor jusqu'au chemin Sandy Point) ((recommandation figurant au rapport) 5.8 Contrat nO 2007-22 relatif aux travaux de renouvellement des vannes et du bassin de la me Marsh (recommandation figurant au rapport) 5.9 Contrat nO 2007-2 relatif a la phase 2 des travaux de nettoyage et de revetement de la conduite d'eau principale (recommandation figurant au rapport) 5.10 Contrat nO 2007-30 relatif a la pause d'enduit superficiel pour 2007 (recommandation figurant au rapport) 5.11 Ouverture officielle de l'installation de traitement des eaux usees de Millidgeville (recommandation figurant au rapport) 5.12 Servitude relative au NID 401539 (recommandation figurant au rapport) 5.13 Date de la tenue d'une audience publique relativement au 233, chemin Westmorland (recommandation figurant au rapport) 5.14 Resolution modificatrice relative au 467-469, avenue Rothesay (recommandation figurant au rapport) 6. Commentaires presentes par les membres 7. Proclamation S. Delegations et presentations 9. Audience publiques IS h 9.1a) Projet de modification de l'arrete de zonage visant Ie 37, chemin Golden Grove 9.1b) Rapport du Comite consultatifd'urbanisme recommandant l'approbation 9.2a) Projet de modification des conditions imposees par l'article 39 visant Ie 8- 14, promenade Simpson 9.2b) RappOli du Comite consultatif d'urbanisme recommandant l'approbation 9.3a) Projet de modification de l'arrete de zonage relatif au 69, me Russell accompagne de lettres d'appui 9.3b) Rapport du Comite consultatif d'urbanisme recommandant l'approbation 9.4a) Modification proposee aux conditions imposees en vertu de l'article 39 relativement au 400, me Main 9.4b) Rapport du Comite consultatif d'urbanisme recommandant l'approbation 9.5a) Projet de modification de l'arrete de zonage relatifau 10, impasse Culloden 9.5b) Rapport du Comite consultatif d'urbanisme recommandant l'approbation 9.6a) Modification proposee aux conditions imposees en vertu de l'article 39 relativement au 100, me Prince Edward 9.6b) RappOli du Comite consultatif d'urbanisme recommandant l'approbation 9.7a) Projet de modification de l'arrete de zonage visant Ie 921, chemin Ashburn 9. 7b) Rapport du Comite consultatif d'urbanisme recommandant l'approbation 9.8a) Projet de modification de l'arrete de zonage relatifau 937, chemin Hillcrest accompagne de lettres d'opposition 9.8b) RappOli du Comite consultatif d'urbanisme recommandant Ie rejet 10. Etude des arretes municipaux 10.1 Projet de modification du plan municipal relatif au 1265-1285, chemin Loch Lomond 10.2 Projet de modification du plan municipal relatif au 326-336, chemin Latimore Lake 10.3 Projet de modification du plan municipal relatifau 103, promenade Technology 11. Intervention des membres du conseil 11.1 V oies pietonnieres (conseiller T ait) 11.2 Travaux de reparation exiges a l'edifice Loyalist House ( conseiller White) 11.3 Port d'un mban rouge Ie vendredi (conseiller Court) 11.4 Piste de moto-cross dans Ie quartier ouest (conseiller Court) 11.5 Remboursement de la taxe sur l'essence pour Ie service de transport en commun (conseiller Titus). 11.6 Assemblee publique locale de concert avec l'Ability Advisory Committee [comite consultatif sur les personnes habiles] (conseiller McGuire) 12. Affaires municipales evoquees par les fonctionnaires municipaux 12.1 Projet de rezonage relatif au 85, avenue Hayes 12.2 Assemblee publique locale visant la sensibilisation a la situation des personnes handicapees (conseiller McGuire) 12.3 Reconnaissance des besoins en matiere d'eau potable saine 12.4 Octroi du contrat relatif a la conception et au pilotage de l'amenagement du planchodrome 12.5 Travaux de modernisation sur la promenade Retail 12.6a) Contrat nO 2007-32 relatif ala conduite de refoulement sanitaire du chemin Red Head 12.6b) Contrat nO 2007-32 relatif aux travaux visant la conduite de refoulement sanitaire, les conduites d'eau et d'egouts, la stabilisation de la pente et la refection du chemin Red Head 13. Rapports deposes par les comites 14. Etude des sujets ecartes des questions soumises it l'approbation du conseil 15. Correspondance genera Ie 15.1a) Abel LeBlanc, depute, relativement a l'association d'expositions 15 .1 b) Rapport de l'avocat municipal relatif a l'association d'expositions 15.2 Lettre re<;ue du maire Bishop relative au financement de l'analyse de faisabilite visant Ie centre multiplex 16. ClOture de la seance present Norman McFarlane, Mayor Councillors Chase, Court, Farren, Ferguson, McGuire, Tait, Titus and White - and - 1. Totten, City Manager; J. Nugent, City Solicitor; G. Yeomans, Commissioner of Finance and Treasurer; P. Groody, Commissioner of Municipal Operations; J. Baird, Commissioner of Planning and Development; W. Edwards, Commissioner of Buildings and Inspection Services; W. Reid, Deputy Chief of Police; R. Simonds, Fire Chief, P. Woods, Common Clerk and Deputy City Manager; and E. Gormley, Assistant Common Clerk SEANCE DU CONSEIL COMMUNAL DE THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN A L'HOTEL DE VILLE, LE 6 JUIN 2007 A 17 H Sont presents: Norman McFarlane, maire Les conseillers Chase, Court, Farren, Ferguson, McGuire, Tait, Titus et White et 1. Totten, directeur general; J. Nugent, avocat municipal; Greg Yeomans, commissaire aux finances et tresorier; P. Groody, commissaire aux operations municipales; J. Baird, commissaire a I'urbanisme et au developpement; W. Edwards, commissaire aux services d'inspection et des batiments; W. Reid, chef de police adjoint; R. Simonds, chef du service d'incendie, P. Woods, greffier communal et directeur general adjoint; ainsi que E. Gormley, greffiere communale adjointe. 1. Call To Order - Prayer Mayor McFarlane called the meeting to order and Rev. Edward Powell of Grand Bay Baptist Church offered the opening prayer. 1. Ouverture de la seance, suivie de la priere La seance est ouverte par Ie maire McFarlane. Le reverend Edward Powell, pasteur de I'eglise Grand Bay Baptist Church, recite la priere d'ouverture. 1.1 Environmental Awards Christine Saumure, Chair of the Environment Committee, Mayor McFarlane and Councillor Court presented the 2007 Environmental Awards as listed in the submitted report from the Committee. 1.1 Prix du Comite sur I'environnement Christine Saumure, presidente du Comite sur I'environnement, Ie maire McFarlane et Ie conseiller Court presentent les prix du Comite sur I'environnement pour 2007, tels qu'ils sont indiques au rapport soumis par ce comite. 1.2 Vision 2015 Update Referring to a submitted electronic slide presentation, Andrew Beckett, Deputy City I\/I::m::ln,:>r nf Prnnr::lmc:: ::Inri Prinriti,:>c:: nr,:>c::,:>nt,:>rI h::lrknrnllnrl infnrm::ltinn nn hnIM \/ic::inn Referring to a submitted electronic slide presentation and submitted report, Christine Saumure introduced Susan Atkinson, Vice Chair of the Environment Committee, who reviewed the Principles of Sustainable Communities, based on the Melbourne Principles, which are outlined in the submitted report. On motion of Councillor Tait Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that the reports from the Vision 2015 Committee and the Environment Committee be referred to the City Manager for a report back to Council. Question being taken, the motion was carried. On motion of Councillor Farren Seconded by Councillor Ferguson RESOLVED that Chartwell return for a presentation to the Committee and further consultation. Question being taken, the motion was defeated with the Mayor and Councillors McGuire, Tait, Titus and White voting nay. 1.2 Mise a jour relative a la Vision 2015 Se reportant a une presentation electronique de diapositives, Andrew Beckett, directeur general adjoint, charge des programmes et des priorites, presente les faits saillants de la Vision 2015, des son origine, fondes sur un examen operationnel, I'importance de I'engagement du public et les besoins en matiere de planification municipale strategique; et donne un aperyu de la concretisation de la vision en exploit efficace, transparent et responsable. Christine Saumure presente Susan Atkinson, vice-presidente du Comite sur I'environnement, qui se reporte a une presentation electronique de diapositives et au rapport soumis afin de donner un aper<;u des principes de durabilite des collectivites, suivant Ie modele de principes de Melbourne, soulignes au rapport presente. Proposition du conseiller Tait Appuyee par Ie conseiller McGuire RESOLU que les rapports presentes par Ie Comite sur la Vision 2015 et Ie Comite sur I'environnement soient transmis au directeur general aux fins de rapport a I'intention du conseil. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Proposition du conseiller Farren Appuyee par Ie conseiller Ferguson RESOLU qu'un representant de Chartwell donne a nouveau une presentation devant Ie comite et offre davantage de conseils. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est rejetee. Le maire et les conseillers McGuire, Tait, Titus et White votent contre la proposition. 2. Approval of Minutes 2.1 Approval of May 22, 2007 Minutes On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of Common Council, held on May 22,2007 be approved. Question being taken, the motion was carried. On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of Common Council, held on May 28, 2007, be approved. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 2. Approbation du proces-verbal 2.1 Approbation du proces-verbal du 22 mai 2007 Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par Ie conseiller McGuire RESOLU que Ie proces-verbal de la seance du conseil communal tenue Ie 22 mai 2007 so it approuve. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 2.2 Approbation du proces-verbal du 28 mai 2007 Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par Ie conseiller McGuire RESOLU que Ie proces-verbal de la seance du conseil communal tenue Ie 28 mai 2007 so it approuve. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 3. Approval of Agenda On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that the agenda of this meeting be approved. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 3. Adoption de I'ordre du jour Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par Ie conseiller McGuire RESOLU que I'ordre du jour de la presente seance so it adopte. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 4. Disclosures of Conflict of Interest 4. Divulgations de conflits d'interets 5. Consent Agenda 5.1 That the letter of resignation from Edward Keyes from the Board of Saint John Energy be referred to the Nominating Committee and a letter of thanks be sent to Mr. Keyes. 5.2 That the letter from Saint John Industrial Parks informing Council of vacant positions on the Board, be referred to the Nominating Committee. 5.3 That the thank you letter from CNIB regarding accessibility and the positive step the City has put forward benefiting the citizens of Saint John be received for information. 5.4 That as recommended by the City Manager, Contract 2007-33: Prince Street C::::tnrm C::::I'>wI'>r Inc::t::lll::ltinn ::Inri '^,I'>c::tmnrl::lnrl Rn::lrl r.llrh ::Inri C::::irll'>w::Ilk r.nnc::tn Irtinn hI'> 5.5 That as recommended by the City Manager, Contract No. 2007-29: Expanded Asphalt Stabilization - 2007, be awarded to the low tenderer, Industrial Cold Milling, at the tendered price of $462,111.25 as calculated based upon estimated quantities, and further that the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary contract documents. 5.6 That as recommended by the City Manager, the proposals submitted by Controls and Equipment Limited for the supply and installation of a ventilation system at a total cost of $27,600. plus tax, in the administration area and a Building Automation System in the amount of $33,800. plus tax, in the mechanical garage section of the Fleet Services area of the Rothesay Ave. Complex, be accepted. 5.7 That as recommended by the City Manager, the proposal submitted by Techno Feu Inc., of Quebec, on behalf of E-One Canada Inc. for the supply of one only 2007 Fire Department tanker truck in the amount of $214,609.28 plus tax, be accepted. 5.8 That as recommended by the City Manager, the City accept the proposal submitted by Leica GeoSystems for the purchase of its model GX1230 Rover GPS Survey Package at a cost of $28,000. plus tax. 5.9 That as recommended by the City Manager, Common Council approve the additional fee of $32,688. from GEMTEC Limited to provide additional engineering consulting services outlined in this report for the Howes Lake Landfill closure for 2007. 5.10 That as recommended by the City Manager, Council approve the submission of Roadway Systems Limited for the supply and installation of the new lighting system and service entrance for the Allison Grounds field in the amount of $362,600. plus HS1. 5.11 That as recommended by the City Manager, the tender in the amount of $102,966., plus tax, for the supply and installation of a new roof at the Hilton Belyea Arena be awarded to the low bidder Flynn Canada of Dieppe, NB as indicated on the submitted summary of bids. 5.12 That as recommended by the City Manager: WHEREAS the Common Council of The City of Saint John has enacted certain By-laws pursuant to the authority of the Municipalities Act of the Province of New Brunswick, including its Animal Control By-law, and it may from time to time be necessary to commence proceedings in court when a person has contravened or failed to comply with such By-laws; AND WHEREAS section 101 of the Municipalities Act provides that proceedings for the breach of a By-law shall be commenced in the name of the clerk of the municipality or such other person as is designated for that purpose by the Council; AND WHEREAS section 14(1) of the Police Act of New Brunswick provides that a Council may appoint persons as By-law enforcement officers for that municipality. RESOLVED that David Crawford is hereby appointed as a By-law enforcement officer with respect to the enforcement of the Saint John Animal Control By-law. This appointment shall continue until he ceases to be employed in the City's Buildings and Inspection Services Department or until it is rescinded by Common Council, whichever comes first; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that David Crawford is also hereby designated and authorized to lay Informations in the Provincial Court of New Brunswick with respect to violations of the Saint John Animal Control By-law. This designation and authorization shall continue until he ceases to be employed in the City's Buildings and Inspection Services Department or until it is rescinded by Common Council, whichever comes first. 5.13 That as recommended by the City Manager, Common Council appoint another C::::t::lnrl::lrrlc:: Inc::nl'>rtnr h\l ::Irlnntinn thl'> C::llhmittl'>rI rl'>c::nli Itinn appointed a Standards Inspector. The appointment shall continue for so long as the person is employed by The City of Saint John in its Buildings and Inspection Services Department or until the appointment is cancelled by Common Council. 5.14 That as recommended by the City Manager, Common Council schedule the Public Hearing for the rezoning application of Faye Adams (178 Bridge Street) for Tuesday, July 3,2007 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber. 5.15 That as recommended by the City Manager, Common Council rescind its resolution dated April 23, 2007 contained in M & C #2007-113. and The City of Saint John sell 51-59 Metcalf Street (PID Numbers 376756 and 376764) to Rehabitat Inc. for $5,000. (plus HST, if applicable) on or before December 31,2007, conditional upon Rehabitat Inc. providing The City of Saint John confirmation of funding for the development; and that the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to sign any necessary documents required to finalize this transaction. 5.16 That as recommended by the City Manager, The City of Saint John grant two Licenses to Atlantic Coastal Action Program (ACAP) Saint John Inc. under the terms and conditions contained in the Licenses submitted with M&C 2007-168 and that the Mayor and Common Clerk are authorized to execute the Licenses. 5.17 That the report on three-dimensional building data software, a tool for evaluating proposed developments and detailing all the required specifications, be received for information. 5.18 That the letter from the Students' Representative Council of UNBSJ advising Council on the newly elected Council members for the year 2007-2008, be received for information. On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor White RESOLVED that the recommendation set out for each consent agenda item respectively, be adopted. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 5. Questions soumises a I'approbation du conseil 5.1 Resolu que la lettre de demission reyue de Edward Keyes, en vue de se demettre de ses fonctions au sein du conseil d'administration de Saint John Energy, soit transmise au Comite des candidatures et qu'une lettre de remerciements lui so it envoyee. 5.2 Resolu que la lettre reyue de Saint John Industrial Parks [parcs industriels de Saint John], avisant Ie conseil de certains postes vacants au conseil, so it transmise au Comite des candidatures. 5.3 Resolu que la lettre de remerciements reyue de I'INCA relative a la question d'accessibilite et aux demarches positives entreprises par la Ville pour beneficier aux citoyens de Saint John, so it acceptee a titre informatif. 5.4 Resolu que, comme Ie recommande Ie directeur general, Ie contrat nO 2007-33, relatif a I'installation des egouts pluviaux sur la rue Prince et la construction de trottoirs et de bordures sur Ie chemin Westmorland, soit accorde au soumissionnaire Ie moins- disant, Valley Excavation Services Inc., au prix offert de 369 738,70 $, etabli a partir de quantites estimatives et, de plus, que Ie maire et Ie greffier communal soient autorises a signer toute documentation contractuelle requise. 5.5 Resolu que, comme Ie recommande Ie directeur general, Ie contrat nO 2007-29, relatif a la stabilisation de I'asphalte expanse pour 2007, so it accorde au soumissionnaire Ie moins disant, Industrial Cold Milling, au prix offert de 462 111,25 $, etabli a partir de quantites estimatives et, que Ie maire et Ie greffier communal soient ::Illtnric::,:.c:: il c::innl'>r 1::1 rlnrllml'>nt::ltinn rnntr::lrtlll'>lI1'> rl'>nllic::I'> d'un systeme de ventilation, au prix total de 27 600 $, taxes en sus, dans les bureaux administratifs et un systeme de controle automatique de batiments, au montant de 33 800 $, taxes en sus, dans Ie garage mecanique du parc automobile situe au complexe de I'avenue Rothesay, soient acceptees. 5.7 Resolu que, comme Ie recommande Ie directeur general, la proposition presentee par Techno Feu Inc. de Quebec, au nom de E-One Canada Inc., relative a la fourniture d'un seul camion-citerne a eau de I'annee 2007, pour Ie service d'incendie, au montant de 214 609,28 $, taxes en sus, soit acceptee. 5.8 Resolu que, comme Ie recommande Ie directeur general, la Ville accepte la proposition presentee par Leica GeoSystems relative a I'acquisition d'un systeme d'arpentage GPS sans fil, modele GX1230, au prix de 28000 $, taxes en sus. 5.9 Resolu que, comme Ie recommande Ie directeur general, Ie conseil communal approuve Ie versement a GEMTEC Limited des frais supplementaires au montant de 32 688 $ pour les services consultatifs en ingenierie soulignes au present rapport relativement a la fermeture du site d'enfouissement du lac Howes en 2007. 5.10 RESOLU que, comme Ie recommande Ie directeur general, Ie conseil approuve la soumission de Roadway Systems Limited relative a la fourniture et a I'installation du nouveau systeme d'eclairage et du branchement d'abonne au terrain de jeux Allison, au montant de 362 600 $, TVH en sus. 5.11 RESOLU que, comme Ie recommande Ie directeur general, la soumission au montant de 102 966 $, TVH en sus, relative a la fourniture et a I'installation d'un nouveau toit a I'arena Hilton Belyea, soit accordee au soumissionnaire Ie moins-disant, Flynn Canada de Dieppe, N.-B., comme I'indique Ie sommaire des soumissions presente. 5.12 Le directeur general recommande I'adoption de la resolution suivante : A TTENDU que Ie conseil communal de The City of Saint John a edicte certains arretes municipaux en vertu de la Loi sur les municipalites de la province du Nouveau- Brunswick, y compris I'arrete relatif aux animaux, et qu'il serait necessaire, de temps a autre, d'entamer des procedures judiciaires, lorsqu'une personne viole les conditions de ces arretes ou neglige de les respecter; ET ATTENDU que I'article 101 de la Loi sur les municipalites prevoit que les procedures relatives a une infraction a I'encontre de I'arrete doivent etre entamees au nom du greffier de la municipalite ou de toute autre personne designee a ces fins par Ie conseil; ET ATTENDU que Ie paragraphe 14(1) de la Loi surla police du Nouveau-Brunswick prevoit qu'un conseil municipal est habilite a nom mer des personnes a titre d'agents charges de I'execution des arretes municipaux; RESOLU que David Crawford est, par les presentes, nom me agent charge de I'execution des arretes municipaux visant I'application de I'arrete relatif aux animaux. Cette affectation demeurera en vigueur aussi longtemps que celui-ci sera a I'emploi du Service d'inspection et des batiments de la Ville ou jusqu'au moment ou ce poste est aboli par Ie conseil communal, selon la premiere eventualite; IL EST DE PLUS RESOLU que David Crawford soit, par les presentes, designe comme personne autorisee, a deposer aupres de la Cour provincia Ie du Nouveau-Brunswick des denonciations relatives aux infractions commises a I'encontre de I'arrete relatif aux animaux de The City of Saint John. Cette designation et I'autorisation correspondante demeureront en vigueur aussi longtemps que celui-ci sera a I'emploi du Service d'inspection et des batiments de la Ville ou jusqu'au moment ou ce poste est aboli par Ie conseil communal, selon la premiere eventualite. 5.13 RESOLU que, comme Ie recommande Ie directeur general, Ie conseil communal nom me un inspecteur des normes supplementaire au moyen de I'adoption de la resolution presentee. RESOLU qu'en vertu de I'article 5 de I'arrete sur les normes minimales regissant conseil communal n'annulera pas la nomination. 5.14 RESOLU que, comme Ie recommande Ie directeur general, Ie conseil communal fixe la date d'une audience publique au mardi 3 juillet 2007 a 19 h dans la salle du conseil relativement a la demande de rezonage presentee par Faye Adams visant Ie 178, rue Bridge. 5.15 RESOLU que, comme Ie recommande Ie directeur general, The City of Saint John revoque la resolution adoptee Ie 23 avril 2007 annexee au contrat nO MC 2007-113 et procede a la vente des biens-fonds situes au 51-59, rue Metcalf (NID 376756 et 376764) a Rehabitat Inc., au montant de 5 000 $ (TVH en sus, Ie cas echeant) au plus tard Ie 31 decembre 2007, sous reserve de la presentation par Rehabitat Inc., a The City of Saint John, de la confirmation d'obtention du financement necessaire pour Ie projet d'amenagement, et que Ie maire et Ie greffier communal soient autorises a signer to ute documentation exigee afin de conclure ladite transaction. 5.16 RESOLU que, comme Ie recommande Ie directeur general, The City of Saint John cede deux permis a Atlantic Coastal Action Programme (ACAP) Saint John Inc., sous reserve des modalites prevues aux permis presentes avec Ie contrat nO MC 2007- 168, et que Ie maire et Ie greffier communal soient autorises a signer lesdits perm is. 5.17 RESOLU que Ie rapport relatif au logiciel de donnees de construction en format tridimensionnel, un outil destine a I'evaluation des projets d'amenagement comportant tous les details sur les specifications exigees, soit accepte a titre informatif. 5.18 RESOLU que la lettre reyue du conseil representatif des etudiants de I'UNBSJ, soumettant au conseil municipal Ie nom des membres nouvellement elus a son conseil representatif pour I'annee 2007-2008, soit acceptee a titre informatif. Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par Ie conseiller White RESOLU que la recommandation de chaque point de I'ordre du jour necessitant I'approbation du conseil so it adoptee. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 6. Members Comments 6. Commentaires presentes par les membres 7. Proclamation 7.1 The Mayor proclaimed June 10, 2007 as "Rich Hanson Wheels In Motion Day" in the City of Saint John. 7.2 The Mayor proclaimed the week of June 14, 2007 as "National Blood Donor Week" in the City of Saint John. 7. Proclamation 7.1 Le maire declare que Ie 10 juin 2007 est la << Journee Rick Hansen, Rouler vers demain >> dans The City of Saint John. 7.2 Le maire declare la semaine du 14 juin 2007 la Semaine nationale des donneurs de sang dans The City of Saint John. 8. Delegations/Presentations 8. Delegations et presentations 9. Public Hearings 7:00 P.M. ~ Allrlij:>n"'j:>~ n1lhlinllj:>~ il 1 ~ h 10.1 Proposed Municipal Plan Amendment - Secondary Access Road to Red Head Area On motion of Councillor White Seconded by Councillor Farren RESOLVED that the Proposed Municipal Plan Amendment - Secondary Access Road to Red Head Area be referred to the Planning Advisory Committee for a report and recommendation and authorize the necessary advertising with a Public Hearing to be held on Monday, July 16,2007 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 10. Etude des arretes municipaux 10.1 Presentation publique relative au projet de modification du plan municipal visant la voie d'acces secondaire en direction de la region Red Head Proposition du conseiller White Appuyee par Ie conseiller Farren RESOLU que Ie projet de modification du plan municipal relatif a la voie d'acces secondaire en direction de la region Red Head, so it transmis au Comite consultatif d'urbanisme en vue de I'etablissement d'un rapport et de la presentation de recommandations, que la publication des avis exiges soit autorisee et qu'une audience publique ait lieu Ie lundi 16 juillet 2007, a 19 h, dans la salle du conseil. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 10.2 Third Reading By-law Number M-13, A By-Law to Amend a By-law Respecting the Control of Dogs and Cats On motion of Councillor White Seconded by Councillor Farren RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "By-law Number M-13, A By-Law to Amend a By-law Respecting the Control of Dogs and Cats in the City of Saint John Made Under the Authority of Section 96 of the Municipalities Act", repealing Section 9(3) and substituting the following: "9(3) A person who fails to comply with any other provision of this by-law commits an offence and is liable to a fine of not less than $250. and not more than $500.", be read. Question being taken, the motion was carried. The by-law entitled, "By-law Number M-13, A By-Law to Amend a By-law Respecting the Control of Dogs and Cats in the City of Saint John Made Under the Authority of Section 96 of the Municipalities Act" was read in its entirety. On motion of Councillor White Seconded by Councillor Farren RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "By-law Number M-13, A By-Law to Amend a By-law Respecting the Control of Dogs and Cats in the City of Saint John Made Under the Authority of Section 96 of the Municipalities Act", repealing Section 9(3) and substituting the following: "9(3) A person who fails to comply with any other provision of this by-law commits an offence and is liable to a fine of not less than $250. and not more than $500.", be read a third time, enacted and the Corporate Common Seal affixed thereto. Question being taken, the motion was carried. Read a third time by title, the by-law entitled, "By-law Number M-13, A By-Law to Amend a By-law Respecting the Control of Dogs and Cats in the City of Saint John Made Under the Authority of Section 96 of the Municipalities Act". Proposition du conseiller White Appuyee par Ie conseiller Farren RESOLU que I'arrete intitule<< Arrete nO M-13 modifiant I'arrete concernant Ie controle des chiens et des chats dans The City of Saint John, edicte en vertu de I'article 96 de la Loi sur les municipalites >>, abrogeant Ie paragraphe 9(3) et Ie remplayant par ce qui suit: << 9(3) Toute personne qui omet de se conformer a toute autre disposition du present arrete commet une infraction et est passible d'une amende d'au moins 250 $ et d'au plus 500 $ >>, fasse I'objet d'une lecture. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. RESOLU que I'arrete intitule << Arrete nO M-13 modifiant I'arrete concernant Ie controle des chiens et des chats dans The City of Saint John, edicte en vertu de I'article 96 de la Loi sur les municipalites >>, est lu integralement. Proposition du conseiller White Appuyee par Ie conseiller Farren RESOLU que I'arrete intitule << Arrete nO M-13 modifiant I'arrete concernant Ie controle des chiens et des chats dans The City of Saint John, edicte en vertu de I'article 96 de la Loi sur les municipalites >>, abrogeant Ie paragraphe 9(3) et Ie remplayant par ce qui suit: << 9(3) Toute personne qui omet de se conformer a toute autre disposition du present arrete com met une infraction et est passible d'une amende d'au moins 250 $ et d'au plus 500 $ >>, fasse I'objet d'une troisieme lecture, que ledit arrete soit edicte et que Ie sceau communal y so it appose. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Troisieme lecture par titre de I'arrete intitule <<Arrete nO M-13 modifiant I'arrete concernant Ie controle des chiens et des chats dans The City of Saint John, edicte en vertu de I'article 96 de la Loi sur les municipalites >>. 11. Submissions by Council Members 11.1 Traffic Light Pre-emption Systems On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that the letter from Councillor Titus regarding traffic light pre-emption systems be referred to the City Manager for research, with input from the stakeholders, and report back to council explaining some of the concepts involved in the traffic light systems. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 11. Intervention des membres du conseil 11.1 Systemes de priorite routiere Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par Ie conseiller McGuire RESOLU que la lettre presentee par Ie conseiller Titus relative aux systemes de priorite routiere soit transmise au directeur general aux fins de recherche, avec la collaboration des parties interessees et qu'il fasse un compte rendu au conseil en vue de souligner certains concepts lies aux systemes de priorite routiere. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 11.2 Automatic Vehicle Locater System On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that the letter from Councillor Titus regarding Automatic Vehicle Locator System (A VL) for Saint John Transit, be referred to the City Manager to examine the possibility of city departments/ commissions partnering '.,:........ C'_:.......... 1_............ T...__...:......_ _,,,.......1_..._ __,.....:1.-..1_ h.___~:...... Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par Ie conseiller McGuire RESOLU que la lettre reyue du conseiller Titus, relative aux systemes de localisation automatique de vehicules destines a I'usage de la Commission des transports de Saint John, soit transmise au directeur general pour qu'il evalue la pertinence de la creation d'un partenariat entre les commissions et les services municipaux et la Commission des transports de Saint John afin d'etudier les avantages eventuels. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 13. Committee Reports 13.1 Streekraft (1997) Ltd. - 836 Norris Road - Subdivision On motion of Councillor White Seconded by Councillor Titus RESOLVED that Common Council: 1. assent to a subdivision plan for the initial 5 lots of the proposed development as generally illustrated on the submitted Streekraft (1997) Ltd., Norris Road Tentative Subdivision Plan, dated April 12, 2007 and to any required municipal services or public utility easements. 2. accept cash-in-lieu of Land for Public Purposes equal to 6% of the market value of the proposed lots, and 3. authorize the preparation and execution of a City/Development Subdivision Agreement(s) to ensure provision of the required work, including detailed drainage plans for the approval of the Chief City Engineer or his designate. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 13. Rapports deposes par les comites 13.1 Streekraft (1997) Ltd. - lotissement au 836, chemin Norris Proposition du conseiller White Appuyee par Ie conseiller Titus RESOLU que Ie conseil communal: 1. autorise un plan de lotissement pour les 5 premiers lots du projet d'amenagement, comme Ie montre de maniere generale Ie plan de lotissement provisoire depose par Streekraft (1997) Ltd. date du 12 avril 2007, et to ute servitude de services municipaux ou d'entreprise de service public exigee; 2. accepte une compensation monetaire pour Ie terrain d'utilite publique d'un montant egal a 6 % de la valeur marchande des lots vises; 3. autorise la redaction et la signature d'un ou plusieurs contrats de lotissement entre la Ville et Ie promoteur afin de permettre I'execution des travaux requis, notamment en ce qui concerne I'elaboration de plans de drainage detailles soumis a I'approbation de I'ingenieur municipal en chef ou son representant. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 13.2 Saint John Industrial Parks Ltd. - Capital Budget Transfer On motion of Councillor Court Seconded by Councillor White RESOLVED that Common Council approve the transfer of $150,000. within the Saint John Industrial Parks Ltd. approved capital budget from the Paddy's Hill Drive project to the White Rocks Road project. Question being taken, the motion was carried. Proposition du conseiller Court Appuyee par Ie conseiller White RESOLU que Ie conseil communal approuve Ie transfert de 150 000 $ a meme Ie budget d'immobilisations approuve destine a Saint John Industrial Parks Ltd. [parcs industriels de Saint John] afin d'attribuer cette somme au projet du chemin White Rocks plutot qu'au projet de la promenade Paddy's Hill. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 14. Consideration of Issues Separated from Consent Agenda 14. Etude des sujets ecartes des questions soumises a I'approbation du conseil 15. General Correspondence 15. Correspondance generale 16. Adjournment The Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m. 16. Cloture de la seance Le maire declare que la seance est levee a 19 h 15. Mayor/maire Common Clerk/greffier communal OPEN SESSION M & C 2007 - 185 June 18,2007 His Worship Mayor Norm McFarlane And Members of Common Council SUBJECT: BORROWING RESOLUTION BACKGROUND: The Bank of Nova Scotia has requested certain resolutions to be passed by Common Council to formalize the line of credit with the City. Council normally passes the required resolutions during the first part of the year. The Bank requires the appropriate resolutions for 2007. ANAL YSIS: The City has a $16,250,000 line of credit with the Bank of Nova Scotia. This amount represents $4,250,000 for general operating purposes and $12,000,000 for bridge financing on capital expenditures. The calculation of the line of credit for operating purposes is outlined in the Municipalities Act and is set at a maximum of 4% of the operating budget. Based on the City's 2007 operating budget the maximum the City could borrow for operating purposes is $4,481,667. It is proposed to seek approval from the bank to set the operating line of credit at $4,250,000. With respect to the bridge financing for capital expenditures, as a result of the magnitude of the City's capital programs, it is proposed to maintain this credit at the current level of $12,000,000. It is most unlikely that actual borrowings will reach these combined levels, but there is no harm in having the credit limits in place as a precautionary measure. M & C 2007 - 185 June 18,2007 PAGE TWO RECOMMENDATIONS: It is recommended that for general operating purposes: 1. That the Commissioner of Finance is hereby authorized to borrow, on behalf of the City of Saint John (the Corporation), from the Bank of Nova Scotia (the Bank) from time to time by way of promissory note, a sum or sums not exceeding at anyone time four million two hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($4,250,000) to meet current expenditures of the Corporation for the year 2007; 2. That any two of the Commissioner of Finance, the Deputy City Manager, Comptroller or Assistant Comptroller are hereby authorized to sign on behalf of the Corporation and to furnish to the Bank from time to time a promissory note or notes sealed with the corporate seal for the sum or sums so borrowed with interest at such rate as the bank may from time to time determine; 3. That the Commissioner of Finance is hereby authorized and directed to furnish to the Bank at the time of each borrowing and at such other times as the Bank may from time to time request, a statement showing the nature and amount of the estimated revenues of the current year not yet collected or where the estimates for the year have not been adopted, a statement showing the nature and amount of the estimated revenues of the Corporation as set forth in the estimates adopted for the next preceding year and also showing the total of any amounts borrowed in the current year and in any preceding year that have not been repaid, and 4. That the Commissioner of Finance is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowed from the Bank, with interest thereon, all of the monies hereafter collected or received on account or realized in respect of the taxes levied for the current year and for any preceding years and all of the monies collected or received from any other source. 5. That for the purposes of bridge financing on Capital Expenditures, that the City of Saint John establish a revolving term loan to bridge finance capital expenditures to a maximum of $12,000,000 and the Commissioner of Finance be authorized to borrow from the Bank to the specified limit, and M & C 2007 - 185 June 18,2007 PAGE THREE RECOMMENDATIONS (CONT'D.) 6. That any two of the Commissioner of Finance, the Deputy City Manager, Comptroller or Assistant Comptroller are hereby authorized to sign on behalf of the Corporation and to furnish to the Bank from time to time a promissory note or notes sealed with the corporate seal for the sum or sums so borrowed with interest at such rate as the Bank may from time to time determine, and 7. That any two of the Commissioner of Finance, the Deputy City Manager, Comptroller or Assistant Comptroller are hereby authorized to sign on behalf of the Corporation and to furnish to the Bank an Agreement or Agreements under the seal of the Corporation providing for payment to the Bank of all amounts required to be paid by the Bank pursuant to each promissory note of the Corporation guaranteed by the Bank with interest at such rate as the Bank may from time to time determine and of a guarantee fee in respect of each such promissory note at such rate as the Bank may from time to time determine. Respectfully submitted, Gregory J. Yeomans, CGA, MBA Commissioner of Finance /.-- ( J' f" 'iiiiIiii June 11 th, 2007 Mayor Norm McFar1ane & Saint John City Council City of Saint John 15 Market Square C.P.1971 Saint John (NB), E2L 411 Mayor & Council, This is a revised request from the Saint John Canada Day Planning Committee, meant to replace an replace an earlier request by FUSION Saint John Inc. to speak in front of council regarding the Canada Day Countdown. Realizing better synergies for pulling off a successful event, The Canada Day Countdown has been absorbed by the experienced Saint John Canada Day Planning Committee. Wanting an edgy, focused, celebratory event to ring in Canada Day in the country's first incorporated city, a group of young Saint Johners worked with FUSION Saint John Inc., the Saint John Canada Day Planning Committee and the local business community to proudly introduced the Canada Day Countdown to Saint John on June 30, 2005. Starting at dusk and culminating in a New Yeats Eve-style countdown to July 1st midnight, the Countdown has attracted award-winning bands and record-setting crowds to the Market Square Boardwalk - and has earned the reputation of an event that is a unique amongst other Canada Day celebrations in Saint John and around Atlantic Canada. Entering its third year, Canada Day Countdown continues to be an event that people are planning for and want to be involved in ~ from artists to sponsors to Atlantic Canadians wanting to kick.start Canada's birthday party in Saint John. This year, the event organization has been absorbed by the experienced Saint John Canada Day Planning Committee to ensure the lasting success of the event. In 2005, Saint John City Council saw the vision of the Countdown event and generously contributed $5000 to kick-start the hugely successful first Canada Day Countdown on June 30th, 2005. In 2006, the event carried on as a continued success without financial support required from Council. Now in 2007, the event has lost a few key corporate financial sponsors from previous years and the Saint John Canada Day Planning Committee would like to ask Saint John City Council for a contribution of $2500 to keep the event alive & well. On behalf of the Saint John Canada Day Planning committee, we would like to make a formal presentation before council & request for sponsorship from the City of Saint John for the 2007 Canada Day Countdown. Si ~YaL Craig A en Canada Day Countdown Coordinator SJ Canada Day Planning Committee 506-633-2012 callen@evolYinasolutlons.ca 42 Princess Street Saint John, NB E2L 1K2 Eric L. Teed, O.C., C.D., Q.C. 127 Prince William Street, Saint John, New Brunswick, E2L 2B4 Tel: (506) 634-7324 Fax: (506) 634-7423 Common Council City of Saint Jolm 15Market Square Saint John, NB E2L 1 E8 June 7, 2007 Your Worship and Councillors, At present it appears that city policy is to limit high rise developments in the central part of the city including the peninsula and West Side. As a result this policy prevents greater density of population which is sorely needed to keep area vibrant. Apparently this policy is based in some concept of maintaining the Heritage areas of the city. While this may seem commendable it is not followed in the same manner in other cities and urban areas not only in Canada but in other municipalities whose housing far exceeds that of Saint John. Enclosed is an example of what is being done else where. I believe in England the Historic city of Birmingham has approved a major high rise structure in the centre. The economics of high rise are significant. It is suggested that council seriously consider the need for and benefits of similar projects being sought for this City so it may meet the needs for the future and keep in step or lead other progressive cities. - Pickering Upscale Condo at City Centre A new IS-story condominium in Pickering has a pri~e location in the heart of the city center and deSigns that wIll app;:al to people who enjoy special, upscale living. With HIO"hway 401 and the GO station practically at its doorstep, :he 128 unit Odyssev is ideal for people who appreciate having numerous am~nities within walKing dis- tance of home. The building to be situated on the cOf.ners. of Diefenbaker and Valley Farm Road, off PlCkenng Parkway, is steps away from the city's 250,000 sguare foot recreation complex, adjacent to rne central li~rary and Pickering Cirr Hall, and a shorr moll to Pickermg Town Center shoppIng mall. This is the latest offering from the Rockport Group, which has a 40-year hisrorv In Pickering. Rockport president, JaCk Winberg says Odyssey will apReal to move down buyns and young professionals looking for upscale suites. "We have predominanrly two bedroom and one bed- room plus den models," says Winberg. "This is for peo- ple wno like space and are moving from generously sized homes and don't want to sactifice everythmg they n.ad." He sa)'s the Pickering market has matured and will include those who live in the area now looking ro down- size, as well as people who want to be closer to their Durham based grandchildren. "When you age and your kids are gone, you wam some- thing fresh and new to go into the next chapter of your life", says \XTinberg. "we learned a lot about this (empty nester) market from Reflections on Bogart Pond", a condo ptQlect Rockpon built in Newmarket. We learned from that project that buyers want well- designed living and kitchen areas and "wonderful bath- rooms." The Odyssey suites range from 700 to 1850 square feet in size and are priced from $179,990 to $459,900. All come with one or two patios, balconies and terraces. The majority of units will have 8'6" ceiling:;, except for penthouses and ground floor suites, which will have 9 to 10 foot ceilings. Kitchens in the suites corne with break- fast bars, grantte countertops, double sinks and vegetable sprayers. Master bedrooms feature soaker tubs and some units have separate shower stalls. There is a wide range of floor plans to choose from, including standard suites, plus upgraded club suites and penthouses. Suites on the ninth floor and above will have views of Lake Ontario to the south. The exterior of the building will be precast concrete and brick. The lobby will be appOinted with columns, coffered ceilings, marble inlaid floors, chandeliers, upscale furni- ture and artwork. And (he building's "point block tower" design means there are no long corridors. "For residents, it allows easy access to elevators, and for a builder this is a very ef:1cient design; it maximizes the living space", says Winberg. The Odyssey amenities include a parry room, bil- liards room, and exercise room. The building has been remarkably well received by the market. The sales pavillion has several room vignettes to dernonsrrare the quality to be buih in (OOdvssey. It is located on 'Pickering Parkway at VaHey Farm Rd. Hours are Monday to Wednesday 1pm-7pm. Thursdays by appolDt- memo Closed Fridays. Saturday ISunday/Holidays Noon to 5pm. Phone 905-420-3369 or click on their si te at www.rockportgroup.net. The 1 28-unit Odyssey indudes a lobby appointed with columns, coffered ceiling one mcnble inlaid floors. JUN-14-2007 10:10 From:BRIAN HARRIS INS To:505 574 4214 506 633 1520 MISPEC PARI( RECREAnON COMMI"EE INC. P.Ul o June 12, 2007 Mayor Norm MacFarlane & Council 15 Mllfket Sq P.O. Box 1971 Saint J OM N -B- E2L 4Ll Re: Dog Control It appeal's thai Dog Control uDder the Saint John Anhnal Control bylaw does not apply at Mispec Park. We ucde{staDd the Animal Rescue League is cont:racted to C(Jlltrol animals within the city Jimi15. Recent increases in fines for irresponsible pet own.~$, we bope. will mak.e their job easier. We are having OUt share of problems with dogs at Mispec Park, especially em the beach. We are very concerned about the ~tentjalliabjlity hazard that e<t.ists should someone, particula.dy a young child~ be attacked and bitten. Beach goors from time to time have brought to OUT attention the flct that a dog is running loose On the beach, this despite signs stating thaI the practice is not penniUed_ What we would like to see is <Ill amendme:tlt to Section 96 of the Municipalit)/ Act which would r~define the c.City>) under Section 2f to read" The City of Saint John and all City owned beacbes" or simply include. ,. Mil)pec Bc:ach)!. With this amendment we !;QuId add signage which would indicate that Dog ControJ was enforced by The Animal Re$Cue League. Their vehicle driving thrOUgh the Park from time to time WOuld Bet the messa~ across. Th~ City Police do this ~asionally aud it is very effective. The phone number We have for the Saint John County Dog Control Constable IDls an ~$Wering machine and calls ille not retumt;d. Fol' this reil.~n we would like to see tbe CitY bylaw amended with the potelltial of SOlving our ongoing Dog Problem. t1an a ns Mispee Pilrk Recreation Committee Inc 506.633.0178 i26' RED MiAD ROAD, P. O. lOX 2414, !lINT JOHN, N.8. E2l tV, PHONE 506-6!J-13iO FAX 504-"'-1420 :'""'i ~.:;: : ,.,',' ; ','''. ~-;;:;:::~ t.~~:~ ~~i;l~ ~,~ ri~ ".1""."'.... ~i ~i~i ~:' .J "I~ ~:' ,,~ t;,...~ ll~ I l\'tt J~" I 5: ] 3 June 2007 FROM: William M. Brienza 36 Richmond Street Saint John NB CANADA E2L 3B2 506-635~5827 SUBJECT: Heavy Vehicle Traffic (Trucks & Busses) on Richmond Street TO: Members of Common Council Three years ago this month, I wrote Common Council expressing my problems and concerns with trucks traveling up and down Richmond Street I have also talked about this problem to the media. Newspaper, television and radio reporters have given me an opportunity to discuss the issues of such heavy traffic on such a small street. In general these problems are general and numerous. To date still nothing has been done to reduce the volume. Presently, I have one very specific and important problem that warrants your action. The trucks and busses that use Richmond Street cause tremendous vibrations against my building, Those vibrations loosen the electrical service connection to the building. This is a safety issue that can be avoided by simple law enforcement. Trucks and busses should not be using Richmond Street. There needs to be greater restrictions. Three years ago, the electricity in my building went out. One of my computers was "fried" as a result. It cost me over five hundred dollars to repair the electrical service and the computer. This electrical accident was a direct result of truck travel on Richmond Street. This past Saturday, r received an inspection of my electrical system and the electrical inspector found the same problem. The e]ectrical service connection had come loose again because of the vibrations caused by trucks and busses using Richmond Street. This is going to cost me money again to repair. I would like this problem to be properly addressed this time by Saint John Energy, the City of Saint John Fire Department, City Transit, and the Saint John Police Force. I need a cost-free resolution. I certainly do not need a fire in the middle of the night or anytime. Your prompt attention to this problem will be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Sincerely J1 ...... BiLL BRIENZA --------...,. LJ.AA ~ SAINT JOHN BOARD OF POLICE COMMISSIONERS PO Box 1971 Saint John, New Brunswick Canada E2L 4L1 Bureau des Commissaires du &rvi~ de Police de Saint John c.p 1971 Saint John Nouveau-Brunswick Canada ElL 4L1 ANDREW BRITTON Chair/President DAVID EMERSON Vice Chair/Vice President CHARLENE HAYES SecretarylSecretaire IV AN COURT Commissioner! Commissaire NORMAN McFARLANE C ommiss ionerlCommissaire ALLEN G. BODECHON Chief of Police/Chef de Police SARAH WILSON Executive Secretaryl Secretaire Administrative Telephone/fe/ephone: (506) 674-4142 Fax/Telecopieur: (506) 648-3304 E-mail/Courriel: sarah. wilson@fiaintjohn.ca ~ SAINT JOHN Explore our past! Exp{ol'ez "otre pa:sse Discover your fUll/rei Decwvrez vorre aveniI' 5. June 11, 2007 His Worship Mayor Norman McFarlane And Members of Common Council Y our Worship and Councillors: Re: 2006 Operating Budget - December Financial Results Attached for the information of COlllillon Council is a copy of the Saint John Police Force 2006 (unaudited) Operating Budget Report which was accepted by the Saint John Board of Police Commissioners at its meeting on June 12' 2007. Attachment c: Greg Yeomans, Commissioner of Finance 1J(tt/) ~ . REPORT TO SAINT JOHN BOARD OF POLICE COMMISSIONERS PUBLIC SESSION June 12, 2007 Andrew Britton, Acting Chairman and Members of the Board of Police Commission Chairman Britton and Members SUBJECT 2006 Operating Budget - December Financial Results BACKGROUND The purpose of this report is to provide the Board with the December 31, 2006 year-end (audited) financial results for the Saint John Police Force's Operating Budget. FINANCIAL POSITION/RESULTS For the period ended as at December 31,2006, the Saint John Police Force was over budget by $245,887 which is equivalent to 1.36% of the total operating budget of $18,014,630. Explanation of the Under Budget Variance There were five key items that contributed to the $245,887 unfavourable budget variance for 2006. 1. Salaries and Wages were under budget by $144,346. 2. Overtime costs exceeded budget by $138,761. 3. Wage costs for Other Personnel and Court Time were over budget by $)58,756. 4. Fringe Benefits were over by $32,266. . 5. Good and Services were over by $60,451. Andrew Britton, Acting Chairman and Members of the Board of Police Commission June 12.2007 Page 2 Subject: 2006 Operating Budget - December 2006 Audited Financial Results Budget - Variance Analysis SALARIES AND WAGES Local 61 Salaries were under budget by $164,802 and this variance relates mainly to the vacancies that occurred during the year that were filled in November 2006. It was these savings that offset the overtime costs of approximately $57,000 to run the Summer Time Directed Patrol program. OVERTIME Local 61 Overtime was over budget by $134,830 and the Patrol Division accounts for $73,756 or 55% of this figure. There was another $34,036 or 35% that relates back to the Criminal Investigation and Support Services Division. The Community Police Office (CPO) investigative operation in the Old North End along with a homicide in November 2006 were two significant incidents that created a drain on regular resources and extra personnel would have been deployed on an overtime basis. The Summer Time Directed Patrol program was re-introduced for a second year based on its success in 2005. The program is only implemented when known savings exist in salaries due to vacancies that occur with staff retirements. The 2006 program commenced on June 22,2006 with four members (1 Sergeant and 3 Constables) working on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday evenings. The Directed Patrol team is scheduled to work an eight hour shift that typically has an 8:00 p.m. start time. The mandate of the Directed Patrol Team is to augment Patrol Services Division by targeting specific hot spots throughout the City during peak times when calls for service are high. There were a total of 39 shifts worked from June 22, 2006 to September 16, 2006 with an overtime cost of $57,000. OTHER PERSONNEL COSTS (COURT TIME) Patrol Division The court time incurred by the Patrol Division was $237,378 compared to a budget of $88,000. This $149,378 over budget amount relates to overtime for approximately 110 uniform members that attend court several times throughout the year. Such court appearances are controlled and scheduled by the judicial system and officers often are required to attend hearings on their days off. Andrew Britton, Acting Chairman and Members a/the Board o/Police Commission June 12, 2007 Page 3 Subject: 2006 Operating Budget - December 2006 Audited Financial Results GOODS & SERVICES The total expense for the various Goods and Services was $3~310,058 compared to a budget of $3,249,608 which resulted in an over expenditure of$60,45] or 1.9% of the annual budget amount. The following are four key expense lines that experienced unbudgeted expenditures amounts in 2006 that are necessary business costs but were not planned or anticipated during the budgeting process. Budget Account Budget Actual V arian~e Fleet Maintenance 255,200 280,864 (25,664) Fleet Fuel 264,000 283,385 (19,385) Building Maintenance 25,000 55,595 (30,595) Evergreen Program ]45,000 164,994 (19,994) $ 689~OO $ 784,838 $ (95,638) The Evergreen Program is the Corporate Services computer lease program and the additional expense of $19,994 is specific to the Tough Books (laptop computers) that are being utilized in Mobility Project for the marked patrol vehicles INPUT FROM OrnER SOURCES The flllancial data used for this report was extracted from the fmancial information that was generated and provided from the HIE financial reporting system by City of Saint John finance staff. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Board accept and approve this Financial Report for the period ended as at December 31,2006 and forward a copy to Common Council as required under Section 7 (3) of the New Brunswick Police Act. Andrew Britton, Acting Chairman and Members of the Board of Police Commission June 12,2007 Page 4 Subject: 2006 Operatine: Bude:et - December 2006 Audited Financial Results Enclosed reports and documents: . Budget Variance Analysis - December 31,2006 · Consolidated Statement of Operations - Comparative Report 2006 vs. 2005 . Detailed Statement of Operations Respectfully submitted, ~~ DIRECTOR HR & FINANCE Wil . . Reid PUTY POLICE CHIEF L~~~ · Allen G. Bodechon CHIEF OF POLICE SAINT JOHN POLICE FORCE BUDGET VARIANCE ANALYSIS For the Period Ended December 31, 2006 Budget Expenses Variance Current Variance is= Timina Actual $18,014,630 $18,260,517 $245J887 $51,046 $ 194,841 Details of Actual variance: (Comment on Actual variances over/under $5,000) Expense Category Variance Explanation of Variance Salaries & Wages $144,346 . Salaries-486 is under budget by $20k and there is an offset in Salaries-Temp for expense ($29k). . Local 61 Salaries were under budget by $165k. . The increase in Salaries-Temp for ($29k) has a corresponding offset of $20k for Salaries-486. . Note: 1-Day accrual for ($42k) in wage expense was made at lear-end to set up pending liability for 53r pay in 2009 Overtime ($138,761) . Overtime-Patrol: Overtime was over budget by ($74k) for the first eight months of 2006. Approximately $44k is (8 months) overtime costs specific to the Summer Time Directed Patrol program that operated from June 22-September 16,2006. Another $34k is for CID and $26k for Admin and Support Services officers. Other Personnel Costs ($158,756) . Court-Time: Payment for overtime relating to court appearances for Patrol members was over budget by ($149k). This is an expense line that is difficult to manage as the justice system determines when officers must attend court and court dates often do not coincide with members work 12-Hour shifts. Saint John Police Force - December 2006 Budget Variance Analysis Expense Category Variance Explanation of Variance Fringe Benefits ($32,266) . Benefits are set at 21 % and this expense is calculated on salaries and wages. Note: 1-Day accrual for ($1 Ok) in benefit expense was made at tear-end to set up pend ing liability for 53~ pay in 2009 General Services $70,753 . Telephones: This account is under budget by $38k and this is appears to a timing difference between the payment of December Aliant charges and year- end. . Employer Training: This account for employee training was over budget by ($15k). . Other Training (E.I.C.D): This account for the Employee Initiated Career Development is under budget by $44k and this is relates to the timing of when employees take courses. Insurance $7,084 . Vehicle Insurance: The actual premium cost for insurance coverage in 2006 (fleet and facilities) was $17k less than the anticipated expense of $120k. . Deductible: The actual insurance deductible account used to pay the City's deductible amount or share of insurance claims was over budget by ($10k). Professional Services (64,977) . Detention Security Services: The cost for detention security is over budget by ($40k) which results from a +24% increase in hourly rates (negotiated through the tendering process) for male guards. These additional costs were not budgeted for in 2006. . Police Act Investigations: The unbudgeted cost for Police Act Investigations in 2006 was $14k. 2 Saint John Police Force - December 2006 Budget Variance Analysis Expense Category Variance Explanation of Variance Other Purchased Services (12,878) '. . No significant variance at the end of August. Repair & Maintenance $3,988 . No significant variance at the end of 2006. Rentals $2,061 . No significant variance at the end of 2006. Purchased Goods (30,680) . Meals: ($12k) - The cost for meals in 2006 exceeded the budget allocation of $19k. . Safety Supplies: ($i0k) - The cost to issue new and replace existing body armour was over budget as a higher number of officers were outfitted in 2006 than anticipated. . Office Supplies: ($23k) - The cost for office supplies exceeded the budget allocation of $49k. There is an increase in the volume and cost of supplies to run printers, copiers, fax machines, and other office equipment. . Imprest Fund - $12k - The imprest fund used to pay Informants! Agents was under budget by $12k. . Special Operations - ($5k) - The Budget account for special criminal operation was over by $5k and the CPO operation in the Old North End 2006 was significant. Government Services ($1,500) . No significant variance at the end of 2006. 3 Sai nt John Police Force - December 2006 Budget Variance Analysis Expense Category Variance Explanation of Variance Internal Services ($93,496) . Fleet Maintenance: The maintenance and repair expense for police vehicles was over budget by ($26k). . Fleet Fuel: Fleet fuel costs were over budget by ($19k) and this variance results from the high gasoline prices in 2006. . Building Maintenance: The building maintenance costs to the North End police facilities and the City Hall lobby area were over budget by ($31 k) due to necessary repairs and renovations . Evergreen Computer Replacement Program ($20k) - Unanticipated additional monthly lease cost for the Mobility Project that required Tough books (laptops) installed in marked police cars Asset Purchases $59,695 . Vehicle Purchases: A total of (7) new marked uniform patrol units were purchased in 2006 and the total cost was under budget by $22k. . Office Furniture, Equipment, Computers & Other Assets: These under-budget amounts for a total of $37k. Net Variances $245,887 4 REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL June 13, 2007 M & C 2007 - 189 The City of Samllohn His Worship Mayor Norm McFarlane & Members of Common Council y our Worship and Members of Council, SUBJECT CONTRACT 2007-24: MACLAREN BOULEVARD (TAYLOR AVENUE TO SANDY POINT ROAD) STREET RECONSTRUCTION BACKGROUND This Contract consists of a project that is approved in the 2007 General Fund Capital Program as follows: 1. A street reconstmction on MacLaren Boulevard, from Taylor Avenue to Sandy Point Road, which includes excavation, backfill, curb, sidewalk, landscaping, and paving. TENDER RESULTS Tenders closed on June 13, 2007 with the following results: 1) Fairville Constmction Ltd. $813,038.00 Saint John, NB 2) Galbraith Constmction Ltd. $862,000.00 Saint John, NB 3) Lafarge Canada Inc. $896,496.02 Saint John, NB 4) Debly Enterprises Ltd. $1,151,365.00 Saint John, NB The Engineer's estimate for the work was $ 878,544.00. M & C 2007 -189 June 13, 2007 Page 2 ANALYSIS The tenders were reviewed by staff and all tenders were found to be formal in all respects. Staff is of the opinion that the low tenderer has the necessary resources and expertise to perform the work, and recommend acceptance of their tender. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS The Contract includes work that is charged against one capital work project. Assuming award of the Contract to the low tenderer, an analysis has been completed which includes the estimated amount of work on this project that will be performed by City forces and others. The analysis concludes that a total amount of $900,000.00 was provided in the budget and that the projected completion cost of the project included in the Contract is estimated to be $793,844.93, including the City's eligible HST rebate - a $106,155.07 positive difference in the General Fund Capital Program. POLICY - TENDERING OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS The recommendation in this report is made in accordance with the provisions of Council's policy for the tendering of constmction contracts, the City's General Specifications and the specific project specifications. RECOMMENDA TION It is recommended that Contract 2007-24: MacLaren Boulevard (Taylor Avenue to Sandy Point Road) - Street Reconstmction be awarded to the low tenderer, Fairville Constmction Ltd., at their tendered price of $813,038.00 as calculated based upon estimated quantities, and further that the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary contract documents. Respectfully submitted, lM. Paul Groody, P. Eng. Commissioner, Municipal Operations & Engineering Terrence L. Totten, F.C.A. City Manager REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL M & C 2007-183 The City of Samllohn June 11, 2007 His Worship Mayor Norm McFarlane and Members of Common Council y our Worship and Members of Council: SUBJECT: Contract 2007-22: Marsh Street Valve and Chamber Renewals BACKGROUND This contract consists of a project that is approved in the 2007 Water & Sewerage Utility Fund Capital Program as follows: 1. Renew valves and chambers on the 900 mm and 500 mm diameter water transmission mains to replace old existing valves and chambers that no longer function adequately in the area of Marsh Street. TENDER RESULTS Tenders closed on June 6, 2007, with the following results: 1) Fairville Constmction Ltd. Saint John, NB $366,834.30 2) Galbraith Constmction Ltd. Saint John, NB $463,900.00 The Engineer's estimate for the work was $432,000.00 M & C 2007-183 June 11, 2007 Page 2 ANALYSIS The tenders were reviewed by staff and all tenders were found to be formal in all respects. Staff is of the opinion that the low tenderer has the necessary resources and expertise to perform the work, and recommend acceptance of their tender. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS The contract includes work that is charged against one capital work project. Assuming award of the contract to the low tenderer, an analysis has been completed which includes the estimated amount of work on this project that will be performed by City forces and others. The analysis concludes that a total amount of $405,000 was provided in the budget and that the projected completion cost of the project included in the contract is estimated to be $382,818.30 including the City's eligible HST rebate - a positive difference of $22,181. 70 in the Water & Sewerage Utility Fund Capital Program. POLICY - TENDER OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS The recommendation in this report is made in accordance with the provisions of Council's policy for the tendering of constmction contracts, the City's General Specifications and the specific project specifications. RECOMMENDA TION It is recommended that Contract 2007-22: Marsh Street Valve and Chamber Renewals be awarded to the low tenderer, Fairville Constmction Ltd., at the tendered price of $366,834.30 as calculated based upon estimated quantities, and further, that the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary contract documents. Respectfully submitted, J. M. Paul Groody, P. Eng. Commissioner Municipal Operations & Engineering Terrence L. Totten, F.C.A. City Manager REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL M & C 2007- 184 June 11,2007 The City of Samllohn His Worship Mayor Norm McFarlane and Members of Common Council y our Worship and Members of Council: SUBJECT: CONTRACT 2007- 2: WATERMAIN CLEANING & LINING, PHASE 2 BACKGROUND This Contract consists of a project that is approved in the 2007 Water & Sewerage Utility Fund Capital Program for the cleaning & lining of approximately 4.6 km of existing cast- iron watennains to improve water quality and flows in the following locations: . Anglin Drive, Anglin . Sixth Street Crescent . Park Street . Pidgeon Terrace . Rockland Row . Thornbrough Street . Cedar Grove Crescent . Somerset Street . Mount Pleasant Avenue . Corkery Street . Arrow Walk Road . Cranston Avenue . Highwood Drive . First Street . Seely Street . Second Street . Rocky Terrace . Fourth Street . Spmce Street . Fifth Street TENDER RESULTS Tenders closed on June 5, 2007 with the following results: Alltech Solutions Inc., Moncton, NB $950,275.00 $1,400,281.00 1) 2) Atlantic Underground Services Ltd., Riverview, NB The Engineer's estimate for the work was $973,952.54 M & C 2007- 184 June 11, 2007 Page 2 ANALYSIS The tenders were reviewed by staff and all tenders were found to be formal in all respects. Staff is of the opinion that the low tenderer has the necessary resources and expertise to perform the work, and recommend acceptance of their tender. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS The Contract includes work that is charged against one capital work project. Assuming award of the Contract to the low tenderer, an analysis has been completed which includes the estimated amount of work on this project that will be performed by City forces and others. The analysis concludes that a total amount of $1,000,000.00 was provided in the budget and that the projected completion cost of the project included in the Contract is estimated to be $950,665.08 including the City's eligible HST rebate - a $49,334.92 positive difference in the Water & Sewerage Utility Fund Capital Program. POLICY - TENDERING OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS The recommendation in this report is made in accordance with the provisions of Council's policy for the tendering of constmction contracts, the City's General Specifications and the specific project specifications. RECOMMENDA TION It is recommended that Contract 2007-2: Watermain Cleaning & Lining, Phase 2, be awarded to the low tenderer, Alltech Solutions Inc., at the tendered price of $950,275.00 as calculated based upon estimated quantities, and further that the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary contract documents. Respectfully submitted, J. M. Paul Groody, P. Eng. Commissioner Municipal Operations & Engineering Terrence L. Totten, F.C.A. City Manager REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL M & C 2007-182 The City of Samllohn June 11, 2007 His Worship Mayor Norm McFarlane and Members of Common Council y our Worship and Members of Council: SUBJECT: Contract 2007-30: Chip Seal - 2007 BACKGROUND The 2007 General Fund Operating Budget included a provision for the chip sealing of a number of roads in the City. This is an annual program to maintain the City's inventory of chip seal roads. The work consists generally of the supply of all necessary labour, materials and equipment for the placement of approximately 10,938 m2 of single coat and 6,750 m2 of double chip seal surface on various roads. Also included is the preparation of 6,750 m2 of roadbed for chip sealing by pulverizing and regrading the existing surface treatments. There are a total of 4 roads in this contract. TENDER RESULTS Tenders closed on June 6, 2007 with the following results: 1) Industrial Cold Milling Ltd. Moncton, NB $121,300.00 The Engineer's estimate for the work was $121,970.00. M & C 2007-182 June 11, 2007 Page 2 ANALYSIS The tender was reviewed by staff and found to be formal in all respects. Staff are of the opinion that the tenderer has the necessary expertise and the resources to perform the work, and recommend acceptance of their tender. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS This contract includes work that is charged against the 2007 General Fund Operating Budget. Assuming award of the contract to the tenderer, staff completed an analysis that concluded that a total of $132,000.00 was provided in the General Fund Operating Budget and that the projected completion cost is estimated to be $110,051.87, including the City's eligible H.S.T. rebate - a positive difference of $21,948.13. POLICY - TENDER OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS The recommendation in this report is made in accordance with the provisions of Council's policy for the tendering of constmction contracts, the City's General Specifications and the specific project specifications. RECOMMENDA TION It is recommended that Contract 2007-30: Chip Seal -2007, be awarded to the tenderer, Industrial Cold Milling Ltd., at the tender price of $121,300.00, as calculated based upon estimated quantities, and further, that the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary contract documents. Respectfully submitted, J. M. Paul Groody, P. Eng. Commissioner, Municipal Operations & Engineering Terrence L. Totten, F.C.A. City Manager REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL M & C 2007- 191 The City of Samllohn June 14,2007 His Worship Mayor Norm McFarlane and Members of Common Council y our Worship and Members of Council: SUBJECT Millidgeville Wastewater Treatment Facility - Grand Opening PURPOSE The purpose of this report is to invite Y our Worship, Members of Common Council, the general public and senior staff to attend the Grand Opening of the upgraded Millidgeville Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF); request that Council identify a Master of Ceremonies for the event, share the proposed agenda; and demonstrate the website link. The Grand Opening will commence at 10:00am on Thursday June 28, 2007 and nm to 1:00pm. Please note the formal ceremony will not commence until 11 :OOam. BACKGROUND The 1993 Wastewater Strategy identified the need to expand the Millidgeville WWTF to provide additional wastewater treatment capacity from 6,280 cubic metres per day to 10,000 cubic metres per day for Saint John's North End. The expansion has allowed additional flows to be directed to the treatment facility from areas that were serviced without treatment, areas that were not previously serviced and from future developments. Financial assistance for this project was co- funded by the CanadaINew Bmnswick Infrastmcture Program. Constmction began in late 2002. The estimated cost of the engineering design and constmction work was approximately $7,957,985. Both the Federal and Provincial contributions were each $1,666,666.67 (21%) for a total of $3,333,333.34 (42%). The City of Saint John's contribution was the remaining $4,624,651.74 (58%). M & C 2007-191 June 14,2007 Page 2 ANALYSIS The Grand Opening was originally scheduled for June 19th and advertisements were prepared accordingly to nm in the May Saint John Energy bills. A short notice cancellation however by the federal government representative resulted in the need to reschedule the event. The House of Commons remained in session longer than it was originally scheduled. The majority of Saint John Energy bills were able to be altered however some of the bills had already been printed with the June 19th date. Invitations were originally extended to all District 8 Schools however the new date will not permit classes to attend as school will no longer be in session. Arrangements are therefore now being made with the Community Centres so that children can still attend. The event will be advertised in the Telegraph Journal and on the City of Saint John website. Representatives from other levels of government are scheduled to be in attendance as noted on the proposed agenda. This report is being provided for the information of Council to extend an invitation to attend and participate in the official opening of this key Saint John Harbour Clean-Up facility, to identify a Master of Ceremonies, share the proposed agenda and demonstrate the City of Saint John website link (established for children) and associated information that has been created. As noted previously, the Millidgeville Wastewater Treatment Facility Grand Opening will occur on June 28, 2007 commencing at 10:00am and ending at 1:00pm, with the formal ceremony beginning at 11:00all1. The event will focus particular attention on the young people 111 our community and the significance of this vitally important facility to their futures. RECOMMENDA TION It is recommended that Common Council: 1. Identify a Master of Ceremonies for the June 28th Grand Opening of the Millidgeville Wastewater Treatment Facility; and 2. Receive and file this report. Respectfully submitted, J. M. Paul Groody, P. Eng. Commissioner Municipal Operations & Engineering Terrence L. Totten, F.C.A. City Manager Proposed Agenda Millidgeville Wastewater Treatment Facility - Grand Opening Thursday, June 28,2007 11:00am 1. Master of Ceremonies (MC) - Introduce Honourable Minister Greg Thompson, P.c., M.P. Minister of Veterans Affairs, Riding: New Bnmswick Southwest - 1 minute 2. Honourable Greg Thompson gives remarks - 4 minutes 3. MC - Introduce Honourable Minister Roly MacIntyre - Minister of Supply and Services and Minister responsible for the Regional Development Corporation - 1 minute 4. Honourable Roly MacIntyre gives remarks - 4 minutes 5. MC - Introduce Mayor Norm McFarland - Iminute 6. Mayor Norm McFarland gives remarks - 4minutes 7. MC - Invite Mayor Norm McFarland and Members of Common Council to unveil their recently adopted Pollution Prevention (Wastewater Treatment) Policy. This policy will be placed in each of the City' s Wastewater Treatment Facilities. - 1 minute 8. Mayor Norm McFarland and Members of Common Council unveil the Pollution Prevention (Wastewater Treatment) Policy - 2 minutes 9. MC - Invite elected officials to gather for ribbon cutting and photographs - 1 minute 10. Ceremonial ribbon cutting and photographs - 3 minutes 11. MC - Invite elected officials to cut cake - 1 minute 12. Cake cutting and photographs - 3 minutes 13. MC - Invite six children to stage to draw for each of the contests - 2 minutes 14. MC - Announce contest winners and present gifts - 4 minutes 15. MC - Invite people to take a tour of the facility as they are commencing in a few minutes and will take approximately 45 minutes M & C - 2007-194 June 15,2007 His Worship Mayor Norm McFarlane and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: Easement PID 401539 BACKGROUND: The City of Saint John as part of its project to rebuild a portion of Mana wagon ish Road intends to install a water main from the stand pipe on Ocean Court to Manawagonish Road. After exploring a couple of alternatives, it became apparent the only route available would be through PID 401539, lands owned by F. Andrew Simpson Contracting Ltd. (Simpson). In discussions with Mr. Simpson regarding the required 844 square metre i: easement, City staff determined several issues would require addressing prior to reaching an agreement. Simpson intends to continue to improve PID 401539, a former gravel pit. Mr. Simpson has identified a need to remove approximately 6 feet from the crown of PID 401539 to improve access to the larger portion of his parcel. Simpson for his part will incur costs to remove the aforementioned crest; however, this work would have been done at some future point in time. This site improvement will allow the City to install the water line through his property at a depth which is appropriate for the City as well as Simpson's future development. The desired easement is valued at approximately $15,000 based on a land values for acreage in this area of West Saint John. Conversely the work being performed by the City will be adding value to the Simpson parcel by installing water infrastmcture which will benefit Simpson's future development. This work is valued at approximately $15,000 based on savings Simpson would accme by not having to install the pipe using his company forces. Mr. Simpson has asked that several water and sewer laterals be installed (locations to be determined) at his two parcels impacted by the Manawagonish Road project; PIDs 401539 and 55155329. The installation of these laterals as part of the Manawagonish Road improvements will ensure the new surface of Manawagonish Road will not require penetration at a later date as Simpson develops his lands. It should be noted the installation of these laterals does save RepOlt to Common Council June 15, 2007 Page 2 Simpson future labour and equipment costs; however, the pipe materials are rebatable, as such no net benefit. The purpose of this report is to seek Council's concurrence to exchange an easement through Simpson's land, PID 401539 for various City work and installations. RECOMMENDATION: That The City of Saint John acquire an 844 square meter i: Easement for Municipal Services/Municipal Services Easement from F. Andrew Simpson Contracting Ltd. on PID 401539 as generally shown on the attached sketch on or before December 31,2007 for $1.00. In exchange for the grant of easement the City shall; 1. Install the largest available water, sanitary and storm laterals to PIDs 401539 and 55155329 at locations to be approved by F. Andrew Simpson Contacting Ltd. a part of the Manawagonish Road project; and 2. relocate, if necessary, the hydro line support pole located on PID 401539 to a mutually acceptable location if necessary; and 3. that The City of Saint John pay for any plan of su bdivision and legal costs required to secure the easement; and 4. that the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute any documents of plan required to effect this easement acquisition. Respectfully submitted, Jim R. Baird, MCIP Commissioner Planning and Development Terrence Totten, F.C.A. City Manager Ell mmf Attachment F. Andrew Contracting Ltd~property Doc. 86119 Vol. 1644 Pg. 37 / P.I.D. 00401539 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~:S Its i!Z m . . . . . . . . . . . .. .;s J \ \ . P,I.D. 55D~~~~'A . . Part B See File 57 No. see File 28 No. 62 Cedar Hill Cemetery Company Property Doc. 169215 Vol. 342 Pg. 323 . Doc. 252455 Vol. 743 Pg. 957 d Doc. 103329 Vol. 170 Pg. 580 0 ~o ft~ Q;.oc; . .1 ~ c.V (j ./ New STA 457 459 460 461 462 4065 20093 Brunswick Grid Co-Ordinate x y 2 529 716.386 7 359 720.410 2 529 668.4-66 7 .359 8.36.079 2 529 711.849 7 359 715.684 2 529 661.549 7 359 637.099 2 529 659.095 7 359 858.796 2 529 6.32.873 7 359 908.265 2 529 949.064 7 359 806.522 Scale Foctor AODlied 1.000038 / Values RMKS Plan 603 Pion 18591579 Calc. Pt. Calc. Pt Cole. Pt. N.B. Mon. N.B. Mon. Doc. 386119 Vol. 1644 Pg. 37 Reg. May 12. 1993 . Registration Data St. John Terminals , Umited to F. Andre.. SimplOn Controc:tinll Ltd. Notes 1 ) Directions are N. B. Grid ozimuths derived from observation on N. B. Mon's. 4065 and 20093 . (NA083 CSRS Adjusted ValuM) 2 ) All distances are in metres . to convert to imperial equivalent. divide by 0.3048 . .3 ) Areo of survey outlined thus .(3 c'. peripheral information compiled rrom various sources . 4 ) All document and pion references ref.r to Registry Offlc. for Saint John County 5 ) rleld survey completed on Jon. 22. 2007 . 6 ) All computations performed and coordinates shown on this plan ore based on New Brunswick Stereollrophic Double Projection and the NA08J(CSRS) Ellipsoid os realized by SelVice New Brunswick Adjusted coordinots survey monuments . \ \ P.I.D. 55002190 n\ see PIon No. 603 \ \ 77-2 '\ / / \\/ .~ Y AO OV P P.I.D. / ~ ,oY 55002182 '. . :sf .~ 2> Ion s~~. 60~ / .~~f7~'Q <,<>0. ~ ~ 77 -1 f.::' .(,.~~ Q.D ..... . 0 ~o' \ / ~O~~. 457. ~ 0 , ~ . r-c) - ",C>./ ~ 'V ~. 169239 . V)6 v)v:> / No. . ~. ~ Survey Showing requirements for Easement for Municipal Services crossing F. Andrew Simpson Contro~l;t"ttd,. Property . City oJ.:';-SQ.in:t~~l:ln . Saint John CfJ~~,-: NaY/Brunswick . ,'Correct ..&t. GQNS.V.L TA.NTS INC. '~2. 2007 Parkhill Dote Surveyor , 362 60 80 I metres Disk No. 2007 Plan Of HUGHES Surveyed by ,'\' " . David-. V. New Brunswick' 'land 20 0 20 1: 1000 ,-.-.._ 40 o..g. No. Disk No. 200.7 Job No. V7-nlR-~ r./n1_7~n 1:\11 Topos 507016 S07016 O..n. By Mop Ref. RC:U REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL ~(3 M & C - 2007 - 186 June 12,2007 His Worship Mayor Norm McFarlane and Members of Commotil Council Your Worship and C<l>uncillors: City of Saint John SUBJECT: Publi~ Hearing Date - 233 Westmorland Road BACKGROUND: As provided in ConlltlOn Council's resolution of August 3,2004, this report indicates the rezoning and Section 39 applications received and recommends an appropriate public hearing date. The full applications lire available in the Common Clerk's office and will form part of the document~tion presented at the public hearing. The following applic<lltion has been received. Name of Applicant Location Existing Zone Proposed Zone Reason I Pamela 1. McDermott ! 233 West- "R-2" (Beltone Better . morland Rd. Hearing Aid Centre) "B-1 " To construct a business office RECOMMENDAT~~: That Common Coun9il schedule the public hearing for the rezoning application of Pamela J. McDermo~ (Beltone Better Hearing Aid Centre) (233 Westmorland Road) for Monday, J\jlly 16,2007 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council hamber. Re/~. .I tfully su~mitti.d'j / /.. f3 '" ! ./ u)v . ;' '! ( )im R. Baird, MCIP : V 90mmissioner [ Planning and Develotment JRB/r Terrence Totten, F.C.A. City Manager M & C 2007-195 June 14,2007 His Worship Mayor Norm McFarlane and Members of Common Council y our Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: Amending Resolution 467-469 Rothesay Avenue BACKGROUND: On June 21, 2004 Common Council resolved to acquire the fee simple interest in an 85 square metre::l: portion ofPID Numbers 307033 and 307041, from lC. Mufflers Ltd. for $50.00 per square metre (plus H.S.T. if applicable). Subsequent title search work revealed that lC. Mufflers Ltd. was dissolved as per Corporate Affairs, in December 2004. The property had since been conveyed to 610257 N.B. Ltd. In June of2005 Council resolved to amend its resolution as follows.. . "1. That Common Council amend its resolution of June 21, 2004 to "acquire the fee simple interest in an 85 square metre ::I: portion of PID Numbers 307033 and 307041 from lC. Mufflers Ltd.", by; a) Deleting "lC. Mufflers Ltd."; and b) Inserting in its place "610257 N.B. Ltd." 2. That Common Council amend its resolution of June 21, 2004, by; a) Deleting "the City shall reimburse lC. Mufflers Ltd. to a maximum of$350.00 (inclusive ofH.S.T.) the legal fees required to finalize this transaction"; and b) Inserting in its place "That the City pay up to a maximum of $500.00 for the legal costs incurred by 610257 N.B. Ltd. to finalize this transaction, and any applicable processing fees from financial institutions and all registrations fees necessary to secure the City's interest. " With all other elements of the resolution to remain unchanged." Subsequent to this resolution a number of issues arose which further impacted the acquisition; there was a bankmptcy, a new ownership scenario, title issues were discovered and an outstanding property tax issue with the Province all compounded by the retirement of the vendor's solicitor. The purpose of this report is to further amend the resolution of Council to reflect the new ownership of 467-469 Rothesay Ave. RECOMMENDATION: That the amended resolution adopted by Council in M&C 2005-159 be further amended by deleting "610257 N.R Ltd." where it appears and inserting in its place "621331 N.R Ltd.", with all other elements of the resolution remaining unchanged. Respectfully submitted, Jim R. Baird, MCIP Commissioner Planning and Development Terrence Totten, F.C.A. City Manager CL/c Application for a Zoning By-law Amendment Demande de modification a l'arrete sur Ie zonage Applicant Related Information / Renseignements sur Ie demandeur Name of Applicant / Nom du demandeur Hughes Surveys & Consultants Inc. on behalf of White Rose Car Wash Inc. Mailing Address of applicant / Addresse postale du demandeur 575 Crown Street Saint John, NB Postal Code / Code postal E2L 5E9 Telephone Number / Numero de telephone Home / Domicile Work / Travail 634-1717 Fax Number / Numero de telecopieur 634-0759 Name of Property Owner (if different) / Nom du proprietaire (si different) Diesel Power Services, Ltd. Address / Adresse 2207 Loch Lomond Road Postal Code / Code postal E2N 1 A 1 Property Information / Renseignements sur la propriete Location / Emplacement Golden Grove Road Civic # / No de voirie Street / Rue 55183958 PID / NIP Lot Area / Superficie du lot 5500 square metres Street Frontage / Far;ade sur rue 62.13 metres Existing Use of Property / Utilisation actuelle de la propriete Vacant Land Municipal Plan Land Use Designation Designation de utilization des terres sur Ie plan municipal Amendment Requested / Modification demandee Present Zoning / Zonage actuel RS-2 ~ Change Zoning to / Modification du zonage it B-2 and/or / ou o Text Amendment (indicate particulars) / Modification due texte (indiquez les details) .' Development Proposal/Proposition d'amenagement Description of Proposal/Description de la proposition The proposal is to have this property rezoned from RS-2 to B-2 so that it can be ioined with the adiacent property fronting on Simpson Drive and developed in conjunction with an expansion of the existing car wash. Once rezoned. the property will be added to the adiacent property and the existing car wash will be expanded to include a drive through section. There are also plans to have a strip mall and accompanying parking on the remainder of the lot. You must provide a scaled site plan that illustrates your proposal. You may also provide photographs, building plans, elevation drawings and any other form of information. The plan must show the dimensions of the property. the location of all buildings, driveways. parking areas. landscaping and signs. It is important that the distance between the property boundary and buildings are shown. Vous devezfournir un plan du site a /'echelle illustrant votre proposition. Vous pouvez egalementfournir des photographies, des plans de bdtiment, des dessins de plan d'elevation et toute autre forme de renseignement. Le plan doit indiquer les dimensions de la propriite. l'emplacement de la totalite des bdtiments. des allees, des aires de stationnement, des amenagements paysagers et des panneaux de signalisation. II est important d'indiquer la distance entre les limites de la propriete et les bdtiments. Provide reasons why these amendments should be approved. / Fournir tout autre renseignement concernant votre proposition qui pourrait etre approuvees. Rezoning of this property will allow it to be ioined to the adiacent property and developed as described. It will allow the car wash to be expanded and will allow the possibility of a strip mall. Provide any other information about your proposal that would be helpful. / Fournir tout autre renseignement concernant votre proposition qui pourrait etre utile. See attached Application for Amendment to Section 39 Agreement for the adiacent Signature of Applicant / Signature du demandeur Date i-/\ J -r 7 VlU 1 $400 Application Fee Enclosed / Ci-joint les frais de dema~d e 400 $ Si vous n'etes pas Ie proprietaire du terrain en question, veuillez obtenir la signature du proprietaire dans la partie ci-dessous. La signature du proprietaire autorisant Ie traitement de la presente demande pour que cette derniere :zom;n?ar I, ~on";1 communal ~~ pL;'~ e~i., 0l"J 7,> Zr/o1 ~ If you are not the owner of the land in question please have the owner sign below. The signature of the owner is authorizing this application to proceed for consideration by Common Council. Signature of Owner (if applicable) Signature due proprietaire (s'il y a lieu) Date: . ! I ~ t ~ ~ ! J Ii i Jl I Jl t i ~ !I 5 I . I ~ I ; III i ! l J- I J ai ~ it ,1: 1 ~ S fl::! t : I~ ill Il ~ h ;; il ~} ! _ N .... ... If) ~ II E !! c !i i r. !! 1'8 '. h . > . :> · 0 . . II " :> II c .S! "U ~ lJI O'c U ceo ~ 0:.0 "U(II ~'5 Ql 0 c C w CD .~ ~ 2 o~_o CD - lJI 0 Ql CL 0'- c > ~ ~~oov Q1lJ1'-z Q) '- E a..t.? _ -<-J 0 E.S c c (f)uoV1~.g "Ouvo-' ~"Uot.?..... o C:J .S a.o~ 0 ~ V1 V1 CL \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ---\ '2.0.''2. \ \ -0 o o ct- ~ "7 o \..- (.) c. ~ -0 -0 (.) I n ,..... 01 ...... o -.J ~T~ I \\ ~ l: & ~ "" Co .~~ ~o -- ~ o r\< J~ --- ---.---. --- I '96 .9? O)/\!.1O ~l UOSdlU!S City of Saint John INTERNAL INSERTION ORDER For City of Saint John use only: Budget Number: 1100801 4422010 Department: Common Clerk's Office (Account # 71206) Contact: J. Patrick Woods Phone: (506) 658-2862 I Fax: (506) 674-4214 Special Instructions (if any): Newspaper Insertion Dates (Check as applicable) (SJTJ= Saint John Telegraph Journal) .. SJT J City Information Ad Date(s): Tuesday, May 22, 2007 Tuesday, June 12, 2007 .. SJT J Independent Placement .. SJT J Classifieds Date(s): Date(s): Information for Ad (Boldface anything you want Bold in Ad, Centre, Tab, etc.) Section Headline: D General Notice D Tender D Proposal ~ Public Notice Sub-Headline (if applicable): Text: INSERT ATTACHED Call to Action: J. Patrick Woods, Common Clerk/Greffier communal Contact: I Telephone: (506) 65S-2S62 PROPOSED ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT RE: 37 GOLDEN GROVE ROAD Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Saint John intends to consider amending The City of Saint John Zoning By-law at its regular meeting to be held in the Council Chamber on Monday, June 18, 2007 at 6:00 p.m., by: Rezoning a parcel of land located at 37 Golden Grove Road, having an area of approximately 5500 square metres, also identified as being PID No. 55183958, from "RS-2" One and Two Family Suburban Residential to "B-2" General Business. (INSERT MAP) REASON FOR CHANGE: To rezone the subject area in order to undertake a commercial development consisting of a strip mall and expansion to an existing car wash. The proposed amendment may be inspected by any interested person at the office of the Common Clerk, or in the office of Planning and Development, City Hall, 15 Market Square, Saint John, N.B. between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, inclusive, holidays excepted. Written objections to the amendment may be sent to the undersigned at City Hall. J. Patrick Woods, Common Clerk 658-2862 PROJET DE MODIFICATION DE L'ARRETE SUR LE ZONAGE OBJET: 37, CHEMIN GOLDEN GROVE Par les presentes, un avis public est donne par lequel Ie conseil communal de The City of Saint John indique son intention de modifier l'arrete sur Ie zonage de The City of Saint John, lors de la reunion ordinaire qui se tiendra dans la salle du conseil Ie lundi 18 juin 2007 a 18 h, en apport ant la modification suivante : Rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain situee au 37, chemin Golden Grove, d'une superficie approximative de 5,500 metres carres et portant Ie NID 55183958, afin de faire passer la classification de zone residentielle de banlieue - habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales <<RS-2>> a zone commerciale generale << B-2 >>. (INSERER LA CARTE) RAISON DE LA MODIFICATION: Le rezonage de la parcelle en question dans Ie but d'entreprendre un amenagement commercial qui consiste en un centre commercial et une expansion a un lave-auto existant. Toute personne interessee peut examiner la modification proposee au bureau du greffier communal ou au bureau de l'urbanisme et du developpement a l'hOtel de ville situe au 15, Market Square, a Saint John, au Nouveau-Brunswick, entre 8 h 30 et 16 h 30 du lundi au vendredi, sauf les jours feries. Veuillez faire part de vos objections au projet de modification par ecrit a l'attention du soussigne a l'hOtel de ville. J. Patrick Woods, greffier communal 658-2862 PROPOSED ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT RE: 37 GOLDEN GROVE ROAD Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Saint John intends to consider amending The City of Saint John Zoning By-law at its regular meeting to be held in the Council Chamber on Monday, June 18, 2007 at 6:00 p.m., by: Rezoning a parcel of land located at 37 Golden Grove Road, having an area of approximately 5500 square metres, also identified as being PID No. 55183958, from "RS-2" One and Two Family Suburban Residential to "B-2" General Business. REASON FOR CHANGE: To rezone the subject area in order to undertake a commercial development consisting of a strip mall and expansion to an existing car wash. The proposed amendment may be inspected by any interested person at the office of the Common Clerk, or in the office of Planning and Development, City Hall, 15 Market Square, Saint John, N.B. between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, inclusive, holidays excepted. Written objections to the amendment may be sent to the undersigned at City Hall. J. Patrick Woods, Common Clerk 658-2862 PROJET DE MODIFICATION DE L'ARRETlt SUR LE ZONAGE OBJET: 37, CHEMIN GOLDEN GROVE Par les presentes, un avis public est donne par lequel Ie conseil communal de The City of Saint John indique son intention de modifier 1 'arn~te sur Ie zonage de The City of Saint John, lors de la reunion ordinaire qui se tiendra dans la salle du conseille lundi IS juin 2007 a 18 h, en apportant la modification suivante : Rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain situee au 37, chemin Golden Grove, d'une superficie approximative de 5,500 metres carres et portant Ie NID 55183958, afin de faire passer la classification de zone residentielle de banlieue - habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales <<RS-2>> a zone commerciale generale << B-2 >>. RAISON DE LA MODIFICATION: Le rezonage de la parcelle en question dans Ie but d'entreprendre un amenagement commercial qui consiste en un centre commercial et une expansion a un lave-auto existant. Toute personne interessee peut examiner la modification proposee au bureau du greffier communal ou au bureau de I'urbanisme et du developpement a 1 'hOtel de ville situe au 15, Market Square, a Saint John, au Nouveau-Brunswick, entre 8 h 30 et 16 h 30 du lundi au vendredi, sauf les jours feries. Veuillez faire part de vos objections au projet de modification par ecrit it l'attention du soussigne a l'hOtel de ville. J. Patrick Woods, greffier communal 658-2862 \ \ , " \\ \ \ ~z -..-----. ----.-. ---...-------.---- " \ '\ \------- ----- - ---------------- - -- \ \ \--. ---.---.- (l \\ -::1\\___ · Gl\\ <3.\\ 0-'----- '; <a ~ (0 ~ . \ \-- \ - .-.....--- PrOtn.' SimpSon Dr. \- - \ \ \ \ \ BY -LAW NUMBER c.P. 110- A LAW TO AMEND THE ZONING BY-LAW OF THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by The City of Saint John in Common Council convened, as follows: ARRETE N~ c.P. llU- ARREnt MODIFIANT L' ARREnt SUR LE ZONAGE DE THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Lars d'une reunion du conseil communal, The City of Saint John a decrete ce qui suit : The Zoning By-law of The City of L'arrete sur Ie zonage de The City Saint John enacted on the nineteenth day of of Saint John, decrete Ie dix-neuf (19) December, A.D. 2005, is amended by: decembre 2005, est modifie par: 1 Amending Schedule "A", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re-zoning a parcel of land located at 37 Golden Grove Road, having an area of approximately 5500 square metres, also identified as being PID No. 55183958, from "RS-2" One and Two Family Suburban Residential to "B-2" General Business classification - all as shown on the plan attached hereto and forming part of this by-law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by-law the * day of *, A.D. 2007 and signed by: 1 La modification de l'annexe <<A>>, Plan de zonage de The City of Saint John, permettant de modifier la designation d'une parcelle de terrain situee au 37, chemin Golden Grove, d'une superficie approximative de 5,500 metres carres et portant Ie NID 55183958, afin de faire passer la classification de zone residentielle de banlieue - habitations unifarniliales et bifarniliales <<RS-2>> a zone commerciale generale << B-2 >> - toutes les modifications sont indiquees sur Ie plan ci-joint et font partie du present arrete. EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur Ie present arrete Ie 2007, avec les signatures suivantes : Mayor/ Maire Common Clerk/Greffier communal First Reading Second Reading - Third Reading - Premiere lecture Deuxieme lecture Troisieme lecture June 15,2007 y our Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: Proposed Rezoning 37 Golden Grove Road On May 22, 2007 Common Council referred the above matter to the Planning Advisory Committee for a report and recommendation. The Committee considered the attached report at its June 12, 2007 meeting. The applicant, Mr. Richard Turner of Hughes Surveys and Consultants Inc., appeared before the Committee in support of the application and staff recommendation. There were no other presentations made regarding this matter, and no letters were received from surrounding property owners. After some discussion regarding the flood risk abatement program, the Committee resolved to recommend the requested rezoning as recommended by staff, but with the additional condition that if possible that the necessary flood water storage capacity required by the City's Flood Risk Area By-law be provided on the subject site. It should be mentioned that the Committee also recommended in favour of the applicant's request to amend the existing Section 39 conditions pertaining to the adjacent property at 8-14 Simpson Drive. This Section 39 amendment is necessary in order to allow for the proposed car wash facility that would be constmcted over both properties. A separate recommendation has been provided regarding that matter. RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Common Council rezone a parcel of land located at 37 Golden Grove Road, having an area of approximately 5500 square metres (59,203 square feet), also identified as being PID No. 55183958, from "RS-2" One and Two Family Suburban Residential to "B-2" General Business. 2. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 39 of the Community Planning Act, the proposed commercial development on the parcel of land with an area of approximately 5500 square metres (59,203 square feet), located at 37 Golden Grove Road, also identified as being PID No. 55183958, be subject to the following conditions: Planning Advisory Committee June 15, 2007 Page 2 (a) The use of the subject site be restricted to the applicant's proposal to develop a commercial strip mall and proposed drive thm car wash facility for the existing building located at 8-14 Simpson Drive. (b) The site be developed and maintained in accordance with an approved detailed site plan, which would be prepared by the proponent and submitted to the Development Officer for approval, illustrating the location of buildings, driveway accesses, parking areas, exterior lighting, and landscaping, and that this approved site plan be attached to the application for the required building permit( s). (c) The driveways and parking areas for the commercial development must be paved with asphalt and enclosed with continuous concrete curbing, and site drainage must be in accordance with a detailed plan approved by the Chief City Engineer. (d) Landscaping must be extended onto the street right-of-way to the existing curb, and the proponent must constmct dropped panels at the driveway with respect to the curbing and sidewalk along Golden Grove Road. (e) All public utilities must be provided by underground conduits from existing facilities to any building. (f) If possible that the necessary flood water storage capacity required by the City's Flood Risk Area By-law be provided on the subject site. Respectfully submitted, Stephen Horgan Chairman MRO Attachments Project No. 07-184 DATE: TO: FROM: FOR: SUBJECT: Name of Applicant: Name of Owner: Location: NBGIC: Municipal Plan: Zoning: Proposal: Type of Application: JUNE 8, 2007 PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE COMMUNITY PLANNING MEETING OF JUNE 12, 2007 Mark O'Hearn Planning Officer Hughes Surveys and Consultants Inc. (White Rose Car Wash Inc.) Diesel Power Services Ltd. & White Rose Car Wash Inc. 37 Golden Grove Road & 8-14 Simpson Drive 55183958,00300384& 55066666 Low Density Residential Existing: "RS-2" One and Two Family Suburban Residential and "B-2" General Business Proposed: "B-2" General Business To undertake a commercial development consisting of a strip mall and expansion to an existing car wash. Rezoning and Section 39 Amendment White Rose Car Wash Inc. 37 Golden Grove Road & 8-14 Simpson Drive Page 2 June 8, 2007 JURISDICTION OF COMMITTEE: The Community Planning Act authorizes the Planning Advisory Committee to give its views to Common Council concerning proposed rezoning applications. The Committee's recommendation will be considered by Common Council at a Public Hearing on Monday, June IS, 2007. Common Council has also requested the views of the Committee concerning the proposed amendment to the Section 39 conditions. Common Council will consider the Committee's recommendation at a Public Hearing on :Monday, June IS, 2007. STAFF RECOMMENDATION TO COMMITTEE: 1. That Common Council rezone a parcel of land located at 37 Golden Grove Road, having an area of approximately 5500 square metres (59,203 square feet), also identified as being PID No. 55183958, from "RS-2" One and Two Family Suburban Residential to "B- 2" General Business. 2. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 39 of the Community Planning Act, the proposed commercial development on the parcel of land with an area of approximately 5500 square metres (59,203 square feet), located at 37 Golden Grove Road, also identified as being PID No. 55183958, be subject to the following conditions: (a) The use of the subject site be restricted to the applicant's proposal to develop a commercial strip mall and proposed drive thm car wash facility for the existing building located at 8-14 Simpson Drive. (b) The site be developed and maintained in accordance with an approved detailed site plan, which would be prepared by the proponent and submitted to the Development Officer for approval, illustrating the location of buildings, driveway accesses, parking areas, exterior lighting, and landscaping, and that this approved site plan be attached to the application for the required building permit(s). (c) The driveways and parking areas for the commercial development must be paved with asphalt and enclosed with continuous concrete curbing, and site drainage must be in accordance with a detailed plan approved by the Chief City Engineer. (d) Landscaping must be extended onto the street right-of-way to the existing curb, and the proponent must constmct dropped panels at the driveway with respect to the curbing and sidewalk along Golden Grove Road. White Rose Car Wash Inc. 37 Golden Grove Road & 8-14 Simpson Drive Page 3 June 8, 2007 ( e) All public utilities must be provided by underground conduits from existing facilities to any building. 3. That Common Council amend the Section 39 conditions imposed on the August 24, 1998 rezoning of the subject property located at 8-14 Simpson Drive, also identified as PID Nos. 00300384 & 55066666 in order to permit an approximate 222 square metre (2,390 square foot) expansion to the existing car wash facility as illustrated on the submitted site plan. BACKGROUND: With respect to the property located at 37 Golden Grove Road (formerly known as 31 Golden Grove Road), on April 2, 1996 the Planning Advisory Committee considered a rezoning application from the present landowner. The application involved the rezoning of the subject property to "TH" Townhouse in order to permit the development of twelve (12) one-storey townhouse units and a new private street. While staff and the Committee supported this application, it was denied by Common Council due to concerns regarding flooding. On January 12, 1999 the Committee considered another rezoning application from the same property owner. The application involved the rezoning of the subject property to "B-2" General Business in order to permit the development of two commercial buildings with a total ground floor area of 1161 square metres (11,840 square feet). This application also involved a number of variances relating to commercial access and reduced landscaping. The Committee resolved to deny this application. At that time the Committee also suggested that the property be acquired by the City and used as a retention area for storm water management. This matter was explored by City staff, but due to the property's configuration and small area it was not considered suitable for floodwater storage. Therefore, Common Council did not seek the acquisition of the property. At the request of the proponent the rezoning application was eventually withdrawn, and on May 4, 1999 the Committee considered a new commercial proposal involving just one commercial building near the centre of the subject property with parking along both sides and front of the site. At that time staff still could not support the commercial development of a property that was beyond the designated commercial district. There were concerns expressed by residents relating to noise, litter, traffic, and flooding. In light of all these concerns Common Council also denied that application. Regarding the property at 8-14 Simpson Drive, Common Council rezoned the corner property from "RS-2" One and Two Family Suburban Residential to "B-2" General Business on August 24, 1998 in order to permit the constmction of a multi-bay, self-serve car wash facility. A number of Section 39 conditions were imposed on the rezoning pertaining to site development standards. White Rose Car Wash Inc. 37 Golden Grove Road & 8-14 Simpson Drive Page 4 June 8, 2007 On August 31, 1999 the Planning Advisory Committee granted necessary variances to allow 3 freestanding signs to remain on the property. INPUT FROM OTHER SOURCES: Municipal Operations and Engineering has no objection to the proposed rezoning and Section 39 amendment. However, the proposed commercial stmcture at 37 Golden Grove Road will require separate water and sewer services, and cannot be serviced from 8-14 Simpson Drive. Municipal water is available from Golden Grove Road, and municipal sewer is available at the rear of the property within an easement. All site surface water must be directed to either Marsh Creek through catch basins and piping so as to prevent erosion of the bank, or directed to the Golden Grove Road storm sewer system. Catch basins and associated storm piping will be required for collection and transport of the storm water to the existing storm system on Golden Grove Road. Concrete curbing and sidewalk must be constmcted with dropped panels at the driveway on Golden Grove Road. Additionally, any new development must be constmcted in accordance with the Flood Risk Area By-law. Building and Technical Services has indicated that the proposed commercial development must be developed in accordance to the Flood Risk Area By-law. Detailed plans for the proposed stmctures will be reviewed when necessary building permits are submitted for approval. Saint John Energy has previously indicated that adequate facilities exist along Golden Grove Road to service the proposed commercial development. The costs associated with the service extension will be borne by the Developer. Aliant Telecom has indicated that facilities are available from Golden Grove Road to service the proposed development. Rogers has been advised of this application. Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline has no concerns with regards to this proposed commercial development. Fire Department has no objection regarding this proposal. White Rose Car Wash Inc. 37 Golden Grove Road & 8-14 Simpson Drive Page 5 June 8, 2007 Saint John Transit has no concerns with this application. ANALYSIS: Site and Nei2hbourhood The subject properties are situated at the intersection of Golden Grove Road and Simpson Drive in the Glen Falls area (see attached location map). The property at the corner (8-14 Simpson Drive) has been developed with a self-serve car wash facility. Also included in the development is a small restaurant. This portion of the area has been developed with an asphalt driving surface enclosed with concrete curbing and landscaping. The remainder of the site (37 Golden Grove Road) has remained undeveloped. The neighbourhood is comprised of a diverse mix of land uses. Immediately to the west is the Three Mile Entertainment Complex, and beyond that property there are a number of commercial businesses. Across the street (Simpson Drive) from the car wash facility is a long-existing industrial storage yard. The Marsh Creek and a City pumping station are immediately to the north. Beyond the Creek is a residential neighbourhood. Across the street (Golden Grove Road) to the south is the Exhibition Park horseracing track and facilities. To the east is a small residential neighbourhood consisting of 16 residential properties (Dutch Garden! Ashton Place area). On the other side of this neighbourhood are commercial properties containing commercial plazas, self-storage warehousing, repair garages, and a small lounge. Development Proposal The proponent (White Rose Car Wash Inc.) is seeking permission to constmct a drive thm facility to its existing car wash building at 8-14 Simpson Drive. The common property boundary would be amended as illustrated on the submitted site plan. The applicant is also seeking approval to undertake a commercial development on the vacant property at 37 Golden Grove Road. This commercial project consists of a 460 square metre (4,952 square foot) plaza situated near the car wash building (see attached site plan). Parking areas would be developed next to the building and along the front of the property. The plan provides for 36 off-street parking spaces. A loading facility would be situated between the proposed car wash drive thm and this new commercial strip mall. It should be noted that the loading area would have to be revised to provide a turnabout. Also, while the site plan provides adequate yards and landscaping, it should be noted that the Zoning By-law requires a minimum 2 metre (6.6 foot) width oflandscaping consisting of trees, shmbs or hedges in a manner designed to interfere with vehicle headlights shining across the White Rose Car Wash Inc. 37 Golden Grove Road & 8-14 Simpson Drive Page 6 June 8, 2007 property line. This would be required between the parking area in the south eastern corner and the adjoining residential property at 41 Golden Grove Road. The submitted site plan can otherwise satisfy all the applicable requirements of the Zoning By- law. Municipal Plan and Proposed Amendments In order to permit this commercial development the following amendments are necessary: · Back in August 24, 1998 when the property at 8-14 Simpson Drive was rezoned, a Section 39 condition was imposed that limited the commercial building to a maximum ground floor area of 465 square metres (5,000 square feet). The existing building is only 354 square metres (3,813 square feet). In order to allow for the proposed drive thm car wash facility, which would increase the total ground floor area of the new building to approximately 576 square metres (6,200 square feet), this Section 39 condition would have to be amended. · The adjoining property at 37 Golden Grove Road is zoned "RS-2" One and Two Family Suburban Residential. In order to allow for the proposed commercial development this undeveloped property would have to be rezoned to "B-2" General Business. The Municipal Development Plan has designated the area as Low Density Residential. The policies of the Municipal Plan for a designation does permit the development of small-scale commercial uses as proposed if measures can be undeliaken to prevent any nuisance or inappropriate impacts on adjacent residential uses. The Plan does restrict commercial development to approximately 1000 square metres (10,764 square feet). The property to the west where the car wash is situated is on the edge of the existing Service Corridor district, and the lands to the east and north have been designated for residential purposes for many years. At the time when previous applications were considered for the commercial development of the subject property (37 Golden Grove Road) the Municipal Plan did not provide any support for its commercial use. However, in 2002 Common Council redesignated the large property situated at 77-81 Golden Grove Road from Low Density Residentia/ to Service Corridor, and rezoned the same in a manner to permit the constmction of two commercial plazas with self-storage warehousing at the rear. This property is 210 metres (689 feet) further east along Golden Grove Road. In light of this policy decision, and given the proximity of the subject area to existing commercial land uses associated with the expanding commercial Regiona/ Centre, it would now be White Rose Car Wash Inc. 37 Golden Grove Road & 8-14 Simpson Drive Page 7 June 8, 2007 appropriate to permit a commercial development to occur on the subject property (37 Golden Grove Road) next to the recent car wash development. Therefore, the requested rezoning and Section 39 amendments have been recommended for approval. As stipulated by Plan policies with respect to small commercial developments occurring in designated Low Density Residential areas, a number of Section 39 conditions have been recommended to help minimize any impact that the proposed commercial plaza development may have on the residential neighbourhood to the east. It is anticipated that further commercialization will occur along this portion of Golden Grove Road as the Regional Centre continues to expand. At that time it would be appropriate to redesignate the site and a portion of the larger area to Service Corridor. The Flood Risk Abatement Pro2:ram The subject property is situated within the Glen Falls Flood Risk Area, and is subject to the provisions of the Flood Risk Area By-law of the City of Saint John. The Flood Risk Abatement Program allows for development within areas subject to flooding, provided prescribed engineering and building techniques are followed to minimize the possible risk of damage to new development, while at the same time reducing the risk of adversely affecting surrounding developed properties already in the flood risk area. Should this development be approved, all site work and constmction would also be subject to the requirements of this By-law. Where development would reduce the flood storage capacity of a property, a developer must provide compensating flood storage or seek to provide a payment to the City for the development of such compensation elsewhere in the designated flood risk area. The applicant is aware of the additional requirements imposed by the Flood Risk Area By-law. CONCLUSION: The applicant is requesting amendments to carryout a project involving an expansion to an existing car wash facility and the constmction of a new commercial plaza. In light of the decision to resdesignate a property further along Golden Grove Road to Service Corridor east of the subject area, and given the commercial land uses in the area, the requested amendments can be recommended for approval. Section 39 conditions have been recommended to ensure the new commercial development is constmcted to acceptable standards, and such standards help to minimize any impact onto the residential neighbourhood in the area. Project No. 07-184 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT/URBANISME ET DEVELOPPEMENT ;---r----+- J f j [' :~ I~ I ! i ~--L.-... I I /.. , ;:: ,/1 ,~i ..; ~ i;!;;!! 1:----::" 11;.J!f!1 il.~/. ~ 'I r 'I I J' I i--------J r .. f1 , . I J I I I JI ! u .: -,: fw J ! I, COllr PrinCes ' -1 ,t;------ i , I ,.. ' s Ct '.-, , J t ; ,- f:rJ j . L.,. I, · IL'; 11,1 ~ I j '" I;-r-~ . ! ----...........' \ , ,- I I . I j I''''! __ Ia.; '...... \ ,,1 :::1..1,' :,/' IQ~\ i I: / .. I . It j C' . -! ~,., "'1' ;,/ >>'0' - ~ , ! i :' ' ..: I ! 4-:1 r--__/!. f>> + ~ ,I :::. r ,~.~- I E ~f I' : I I,',' -.,....... . I ..... l. ___________ · Ii! : i ! 1 i I I. 'c/) ;. . . : I I,.: I ! I . / g' , . · L t! I I I r 1 ' - _ ' I I' ,. I : /' , f / . to ' . · 'B2' 1..,'". I . I . I . I '! ~ I .' " .," ni Q. ~ - . I . I I I .,. I' · i~."'f""" \.. - "i i '" ... i ... """ .. I,.. .... . I . .. ' . . " . . . I....., .'t- I . I / ... : .,,'.. -::7---.:. -'.'.1'" .'11- . r , ' Ii __________ - I . t ~ - .. .p " ",,' ---------- . i . 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C) ~L Application for Amendment to Section 39 Resolution or Agreement Demande de modification de la resolution ou de l'entente relative it l'article 39 Applicant Related Information I Renseignements sur Ie demandeur Name of Applicant I Nom du demandeur Hughes Surveys & Consultants Inc. on behalf of White Rose Car Wash Inc. Mailing Address of Applicant I Adresse postale du demandeur 575 Crown Street Saint John. NB Postal Code I Code postal E2L 5E9 Telephone Number I Numero de telephone: Home I Domicile Work I travail 634-1717 Fax Nwnber I Numero de telecopieur 634-0759 Name of Property Owner (if different) / Nom du proprietaire (si different) White Rose Car Wash Inc. 299 Golden Grove Road Postal Code I Code postal E2H 2V5 Existing Resolution I Resolution actuelle Date of Resolution to be Amended I Date de la resolution it modifier August 24. 1998 "'5CO:5B'1 ;00284&55066666 PID I NIP Location I Emplacement 8-14 Simpson Drive Civic No. I No de voirie Street I Rue Applicant's Interest in Property I Interet de demandeurs dan la propriete Surveyor!Consultant What is your Proposal? ! En quoi consiste votre proposition? Note: Provide a fully dimensional drawing or plan which illustrates your proposaL (Describe proposal in detail) Nota: Fournier un plan ou un dessin entierement cote illustrant votre proposition. (Decrire la proposition en detail) The proposal is to ioin this property to the adjacent property on Golden Grove Road and expand the existing car wash to include a drive through section. There are also plans to have a strip mall and accompanying parking on the remainder of the lot. A new detailed site grading and drainage plan will be submitted for approval. Condition Cd) will need to be amended to increase the maximum allowable floor area of the buildings. D A fee of$300.00 is enclosed in the form ofa cheque or Money Orde made payable to the City of Saint John. Ci-joint des frais de 300 $ sous forme de ch' e ou d5'~P st ibelle a l'ordre de The City of Saint John. Signature of Applicant I Signature du demandeur Date rY1:11)? J?('J 7 Signature of the owner must be included. I Lasignature due proprietalre O1t etre mcluse. Signature of Owner (if applicable) I signature du proprietaire (s'i! ya lieu) Date ~ j i ~ I I i I ! I ~ f lip ; ~.9 d ~ ! i jl ~ i : s II il> I ; . fJ J r !A~ii!: l ~ ~ ~ - H '" ... ..... I ~ I 1"'1 I' ...... o -! --r-- --- ll' Co .~! ~g ~ o' <'I J____ -'---'- -. al\!.JO UOSdUJ!S ~ II l: .'2 "0 .::t. I!! ~g'l: u!E~ 0'- 0 ~ .. V "'Om ~ ~'5 ~ 0 l: Iii C W ll)',: ~ 2 r: 2 o 'ti 00 ~ III ;8 CL O'u g ~ ~ I" ~;lI''-zIE'' Q) ... E 0..(.;) _ ........oEEl:1: , (J)uoin~{5 ii" "OUQlo-' . 3:"00(.:).... a Ol:~ i: ~ 0.. 0 ='= '0 . e Vl Vl Cl. "1J o o ci- \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \1----\ , 2-0. \ ~ \ -0 -0 o c:v ~ ...... t.? 1\\ 8 -Eo ~li ~ -ZL I I I City of Saint John INTERNAL INSERTION ORDER i For City of Saint John use only: ! I Bud2et Number: 110 0801442 2010 . Department: Common Clerk's Office (Acco!unt # 71206) Contact: J. Patrick Woods Phone: (506) 658-2862 I Fax: (506) 674-4214 Special Instructions (if any): Newspaper Insertion Dates (Check as applicable) (SJTJ= Saint John Telegraph Journal) .. SJTJ City Information Ad Date(s): Tuesday, May 22, 2007 Tuesday, June 12, 2007 .. SJTJ Independent Placement .. SJT J Classifieds Date(s): Date(s): Information for Ad (Boldface anything you want Bold in Ad, Centre, Tab, etc.) Section Headline: D General Notice D Tender D Proposal Ii Public Notice Sub-Headline (if applicable): Text: INSERT A TT ACHED Call to Action: J. Patrick Woods, Common Clerk/Greffier communal Contact: I Telephone: (506) 658-2862 PROPOSED SECTION 39 AMENDMENT RE: 8-14 SIMPSON DRIVE Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Saint John intends to consider a proposal at its regular meeting to be held in the Council Chamber on Monday, June 18, 2007 at 6:00 p.m., by: Amending the Section 39 conditions imposed on the August 24, 1998 rezoning of the subject property located at 8-14 Simpson Drive, also identified as PID Nos. 00300384 & 55066666, to permit a revised proposal. REASON FOR CHANGE: To permit an approximate 222 square meters expansion to an existing car wash. The proposed amendment may be inspected by any interested person at the office of the Common Clerk, or in the office of Planning and Development, City Hall, 15 Market Square, Saint John, N.B. between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, inclusive, holidays excepted. PROJET DE MODIFICATION DE L'ARTICLE 39 OBJET: 8-14, PROMENADE SIMPSON Par 1es presentes, un avis public est donne par lequel Ie conseil communal de The City of Saint John indique son intention d'examiner une proposition lors de la reunion ordinaire qui se tiendra Ie lundi 18 juin 2007 a 18 h dans la salle du conseil en apportant les modifications suivantes : Modification des conditions de l'article 39 imposees relativement au rezonage du 24 aoo.t 1998, du terrain en question situe au 8-14, promenade Simpson, et portant les NID 00300384 & 55066666 afin de permettre la preparation d'une proposition revisee. RAISON DE LA MODIFICATION: Permettre une expansion d' environ 222 metres carn~s it un lave-auto existant. Toute personne interessee peut examiner la modification proposee au bureau du greffier communal au au bureau de l'urbanisme et du d6veloppement it l'hotel de ville situe au 15, Market Square, a Saint John, au Nouveau- Brunswick, entre 8 h 30 et 16 h 30 du lundi au vendredi, sauf les jours feries. Written objections to the amendment may be sent Veuillez faire part de vas objections au projet de to the undersigned at City Hall. modification par ecrit a l'attention du soussigne a l'hOtel de ville. J. Patrick Woods, Common Clerk 658-2862 J. Patrick Woods, Greffier communal 658~2862 PROPOSED SECTION 39 AMENDMENT RE: 8-14 SIMPSON DRIVE Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Saint John intends to consider a proposal at its regular meeting to be held in the Council Chamber on Monday, June 18, 2007 at 6:00 p.m., by: Amending the Section 39 conditions imposed on the August 24, 1998 rezoning of the subject property located at 8-14 Simpson Drive, also identified as Pill Nos. 00300384 & 55066666, to permit a revised proposal. REASON FOR CHANGE: To permit an approximate 222-square metre expansion to an existing car wash. The proposed amendment may be inspected by any interested person at the office of the Common Clerk, or in the office of Planning and Development, City Hall, 15 Market Square, Saint John, N.H. between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, inclusive, holidays excepted. Written objections to the amendment may be sent to the undersigned at City Hall. J. Patrick Woods, Common Clerk 658-2862 PROJET DE MODIFICA nON DE v ARTICLE 39 OBJET: 8.14, PROMENADE SIMPSON Par les presentes, un avis public est donne par lequelle conseil conununal de The City of Saint John indique son intention d'examiner une proposition lors de la reunion ordinaire qui se tiendra Ie lundi 18 juin 2007 a 18 h dans 1a salle du conseil en apportant les modifications suivantes : Modification des conditions de l'article 39 imposees relativement au rezonage du 24 ao11t 1998, du terrain en question situe au 8-14, promenade simpson, et portant les NID 00300384 & 55066666 afin de pennettre la preparation d'une proposition revisee. RAISON DE LA MODIFICATION: Pennettre une expansion d'environ 222 metres carn~s it un lave-auto existant. Toute personne interessee peut examiner la modification proposee au bureau du greffier communal ou au bureau de ]'urbanisme et du developpement it ] 'hOtel de ville situe au 15, Market Square, a Saint John, au Nouveau-Brunswick, entre 8 h 30 et 16 h 30 du lundi au vendredi, sauf les jaurs feries. Veuillez faire part de vos objections au projet de modification par ecrit a l'attention du soussigne it l'hOtel de ville. J. Patrick Woods, Greffier communal 658-2862 June 15,2007 y our Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: Proposed Section 39 Amendment S-14 Simpson Drive On May 22, 2007 Common Council referred the above matter to the Planning Advisory Committee for a report and recommendation. The Committee considered the attached report at its June 12, 2007 meeting. The applicant, Mr. Richard Turner of Hughes Surveys and Consultants Inc., appeared before the Committee in support of the application and staff recommendation. There were no other presentations made regarding this matter, and no letters were received from surrounding property owners. After some discussion regarding the flood risk abatement program pertaining to the adjacent property at 37 Golden Grove Road, the Committee resolved to recommend the requested Section 39 amendment. It should be mentioned that the Committee also recommended in favour of the applicant's request to rezone the adjoining property at 37 Golden Grove Road in order to undertake the development of a new commercial strip mall. A separate recommendation has been provided regarding that matter. RECOMMENDATION: That Common Council amend the Section 39 conditions imposed on the August 24, 1998 rezoning of the subject property located at 8-14 Simpson Drive, also identified as PID Nos. 00300384 & 55066666 in order to permit an approximate 222 square metre (2,390 square foot) expansion to the existing car wash facility as illustrated on the submitted site plan. Respectfully submitted, Stephen Horgan Chairman MRO Attachments DATE: TO: FROM: FOR: SUBJECT: Name of Applicant: Name of Owner: Location: NBGIC: Municipal Plan: Zoning: Proposal: Type of Application: JUNE 8, 2007 PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE COMMUNITY PLANNING MEETING OF JUNE 12, 2007 Mark O'Hearn Planning Officer Hughes Surveys and Consultants Inc. (White Rose Car Wash Inc.) Diesel Power Services Ltd. & White Rose Car Wash Inc. 37 Golden Grove Road & 8-14 Simpson Drive 55183958,00300384& 55066666 Low Density Residential Existing: "RS-2" One and Two Family Suburban Residential and "B-2" General Business Proposed: "B-2" General Business To undertake a commercial development consisting of a strip mall and expansion to an existing car wash. Rezoning and Section 39 Amendment White Rose Car Wash Inc. 37 Golden Grove Road & 8-14 Simpson Drive Page 2 June 8, 2007 JURISDICTION OF COMMITTEE: The Community Planning Act authorizes the Planning Advisory Committee to give its views to Common Council concerning proposed rezoning applications. The Committee's recommendation will be considered by Common Council at a Public Hearing on Monday, June IS, 2007. Common Council has also requested the views of the Committee concerning the proposed amendment to the Section 39 conditions. Common Council will consider the Committee's recommendation at a Public Hearing on :Monday, June IS, 2007. STAFF RECOMMENDATION TO COMMITTEE: 1. That Common Council rezone a parcel of land located at 37 Golden Grove Road, having an area of approximately 5500 square metres (59,203 square feet), also identified as being PID No. 55183958, from "RS-2" One and Two Family Suburban Residential to "B- 2" General Business. 2. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 39 of the Community Planning Act, the proposed commercial development on the parcel of land with an area of approximately 5500 square metres (59,203 square feet), located at 37 Golden Grove Road, also identified as being PID No. 55183958, be subject to the following conditions: (a) The use of the subject site be restricted to the applicant's proposal to develop a commercial strip mall and proposed drive thm car wash facility for the existing building located at 8-14 Simpson Drive. (b) The site be developed and maintained in accordance with an approved detailed site plan, which would be prepared by the proponent and submitted to the Development Officer for approval, illustrating the location of buildings, driveway accesses, parking areas, exterior lighting, and landscaping, and that this approved site plan be attached to the application for the required building permit(s). (c) The driveways and parking areas for the commercial development must be paved with asphalt and enclosed with continuous concrete curbing, and site drainage must be in accordance with a detailed plan approved by the Chief City Engineer. (d) Landscaping must be extended onto the street right-of-way to the existing curb, and the proponent must constmct dropped panels at the driveway with respect to the curbing and sidewalk along Golden Grove Road. White Rose Car Wash Inc. 37 Golden Grove Road & 8-14 Simpson Drive Page 3 June 8, 2007 ( e) All public utilities must be provided by underground conduits from existing facilities to any building. 3. That Common Council amend the Section 39 conditions imposed on the August 24, 1998 rezoning of the subject property located at 8-14 Simpson Drive, also identified as PID Nos. 00300384 & 55066666 in order to permit an approximate 222 square metre (2,390 square foot) expansion to the existing car wash facility as illustrated on the submitted site plan. BACKGROUND: With respect to the property located at 37 Golden Grove Road (formerly known as 31 Golden Grove Road), on April 2, 1996 the Planning Advisory Committee considered a rezoning application from the present landowner. The application involved the rezoning of the subject property to "TH" Townhouse in order to permit the development of twelve (12) one-storey townhouse units and a new private street. While staff and the Committee supported this application, it was denied by Common Council due to concerns regarding flooding. On January 12, 1999 the Committee considered another rezoning application from the same property owner. The application involved the rezoning of the subject property to "B-2" General Business in order to permit the development of two commercial buildings with a total ground floor area of 1161 square metres (11,840 square feet). This application also involved a number of variances relating to commercial access and reduced landscaping. The Committee resolved to deny this application. At that time the Committee also suggested that the property be acquired by the City and used as a retention area for storm water management. This matter was explored by City staff, but due to the property's configuration and small area it was not considered suitable for floodwater storage. Therefore, Common Council did not seek the acquisition of the property. At the request of the proponent the rezoning application was eventually withdrawn, and on May 4, 1999 the Committee considered a new commercial proposal involving just one commercial building near the centre of the subject property with parking along both sides and front of the site. At that time staff still could not support the commercial development of a property that was beyond the designated commercial district. There were concerns expressed by residents relating to noise, litter, traffic, and flooding. In light of all these concerns Common Council also denied that application. Regarding the property at 8-14 Simpson Drive, Common Council rezoned the corner property from "RS-2" One and Two Family Suburban Residential to "B-2" General Business on August 24, 1998 in order to permit the constmction of a multi-bay, self-serve car wash facility. A number of Section 39 conditions were imposed on the rezoning pertaining to site development standards. White Rose Car Wash Inc. 37 Golden Grove Road & 8-14 Simpson Drive Page 4 June 8, 2007 On August 31, 1999 the Planning Advisory Committee granted necessary variances to allow 3 freestanding signs to remain on the property. INPUT FROM OTHER SOURCES: Municipal Operations and Engineering has no objection to the proposed rezoning and Section 39 amendment. However, the proposed commercial stmcture at 37 Golden Grove Road will require separate water and sewer services, and cannot be serviced from 8-14 Simpson Drive. Municipal water is available from Golden Grove Road, and municipal sewer is available at the rear of the property within an easement. All site surface water must be directed to either Marsh Creek through catch basins and piping so as to prevent erosion of the bank, or directed to the Golden Grove Road storm sewer system. Catch basins and associated storm piping will be required for collection and transport of the storm water to the existing storm system on Golden Grove Road. Concrete curbing and sidewalk must be constmcted with dropped panels at the driveway on Golden Grove Road. Additionally, any new development must be constmcted in accordance with the Flood Risk Area By-law. Building and Technical Services has indicated that the proposed commercial development must be developed in accordance to the Flood Risk Area By-law. Detailed plans for the proposed stmctures will be reviewed when necessary building permits are submitted for approval. Saint John Energy has previously indicated that adequate facilities exist along Golden Grove Road to service the proposed commercial development. The costs associated with the service extension will be borne by the Developer. Aliant Telecom has indicated that facilities are available from Golden Grove Road to service the proposed development. Rogers has been advised of this application. Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline has no concerns with regards to this proposed commercial development. Fire Department has no objection regarding this proposal. White Rose Car Wash Inc. 37 Golden Grove Road & 8-14 Simpson Drive Page 5 June 8, 2007 Saint John Transit has no concerns with this application. ANALYSIS: Site and Nei2hbourhood The subject properties are situated at the intersection of Golden Grove Road and Simpson Drive in the Glen Falls area (see attached location map). The property at the corner (8-14 Simpson Drive) has been developed with a self-serve car wash facility. Also included in the development is a small restaurant. This portion of the area has been developed with an asphalt driving surface enclosed with concrete curbing and landscaping. The remainder of the site (37 Golden Grove Road) has remained undeveloped. The neighbourhood is comprised of a diverse mix of land uses. Immediately to the west is the Three Mile Entertainment Complex, and beyond that property there are a number of commercial businesses. Across the street (Simpson Drive) from the car wash facility is a long-existing industrial storage yard. The Marsh Creek and a City pumping station are immediately to the north. Beyond the Creek is a residential neighbourhood. Across the street (Golden Grove Road) to the south is the Exhibition Park horseracing track and facilities. To the east is a small residential neighbourhood consisting of 16 residential properties (Dutch Garden! Ashton Place area). On the other side of this neighbourhood are commercial properties containing commercial plazas, self-storage warehousing, repair garages, and a small lounge. Development Proposal The proponent (White Rose Car Wash Inc.) is seeking permission to constmct a drive thm facility to its existing car wash building at 8-14 Simpson Drive. The common property boundary would be amended as illustrated on the submitted site plan. The applicant is also seeking approval to undertake a commercial development on the vacant property at 37 Golden Grove Road. This commercial project consists of a 460 square metre (4,952 square foot) plaza situated near the car wash building (see attached site plan). Parking areas would be developed next to the building and along the front of the property. The plan provides for 36 off-street parking spaces. A loading facility would be situated between the proposed car wash drive thm and this new commercial strip mall. It should be noted that the loading area would have to be revised to provide a turnabout. Also, while the site plan provides adequate yards and landscaping, it should be noted that the Zoning By-law requires a minimum 2 metre (6.6 foot) width oflandscaping consisting of trees, shmbs or hedges in a manner designed to interfere with vehicle headlights shining across the White Rose Car Wash Inc. 37 Golden Grove Road & 8-14 Simpson Drive Page 6 June 8, 2007 property line. This would be required between the parking area in the south eastern corner and the adjoining residential property at 41 Golden Grove Road. The submitted site plan can otherwise satisfy all the applicable requirements of the Zoning By- law. Municipal Plan and Proposed Amendments In order to permit this commercial development the following amendments are necessary: · Back in August 24, 1998 when the property at 8-14 Simpson Drive was rezoned, a Section 39 condition was imposed that limited the commercial building to a maximum ground floor area of 465 square metres (5,000 square feet). The existing building is only 354 square metres (3,813 square feet). In order to allow for the proposed drive thm car wash facility, which would increase the total ground floor area of the new building to approximately 576 square metres (6,200 square feet), this Section 39 condition would have to be amended. · The adjoining property at 37 Golden Grove Road is zoned "RS-2" One and Two Family Suburban Residential. In order to allow for the proposed commercial development this undeveloped property would have to be rezoned to "B-2" General Business. The Municipal Development Plan has designated the area as Low Density Residential. The policies of the Municipal Plan for a designation does permit the development of small-scale commercial uses as proposed if measures can be undeliaken to prevent any nuisance or inappropriate impacts on adjacent residential uses. The Plan does restrict commercial development to approximately 1000 square metres (10,764 square feet). The property to the west where the car wash is situated is on the edge of the existing Service Corridor district, and the lands to the east and north have been designated for residential purposes for many years. At the time when previous applications were considered for the commercial development of the subject property (37 Golden Grove Road) the Municipal Plan did not provide any support for its commercial use. However, in 2002 Common Council redesignated the large property situated at 77-81 Golden Grove Road from Low Density Residential to Service Corridor, and rezoned the same in a manner to permit the constmction of two commercial plazas with self-storage warehousing at the rear. This property is 210 metres (689 feet) further east along Golden Grove Road. In light of this policy decision, and given the proximity of the subject area to existing commercial land uses associated with the expanding commercial Regional Centre, it would now be White Rose Car Wash Inc. 37 Golden Grove Road & 8-14 Simpson Drive Page 7 June 8, 2007 appropriate to permit a commercial development to occur on the subject property (37 Golden Grove Road) next to the recent car wash development. Therefore, the requested rezoning and Section 39 amendments have been recommended for approval. As stipulated by Plan policies with respect to small commercial developments occurring in designated Low Density Residential areas, a number of Section 39 conditions have been recommended to help minimize any impact that the proposed commercial plaza development may have on the residential neighbourhood to the east. It is anticipated that further commercialization will occur along this portion of Golden Grove Road as the Regional Centre continues to expand. At that time it would be appropriate to redesignate the site and a portion of the larger area to Service Corridor. The Flood Risk Abatement Pro2:ram The subject property is situated within the Glen Falls Flood Risk Area, and is subject to the provisions of the Flood Risk Area By-law of the City of Saint John. The Flood Risk Abatement Program allows for development within areas subject to flooding, provided prescribed engineering and building techniques are followed to minimize the possible risk of damage to new development, while at the same time reducing the risk of adversely affecting surrounding developed properties already in the flood risk area. Should this development be approved, all site work and constmction would also be subject to the requirements of this By-law. Where development would reduce the flood storage capacity of a property, a developer must provide compensating flood storage or seek to provide a payment to the City for the development of such compensation elsewhere in the designated flood risk area. The applicant is aware of the additional requirements imposed by the Flood Risk Area By-law. CONCLUSION: The applicant is requesting amendments to carryout a project involving an expansion to an existing car wash facility and the constmction of a new commercial plaza. In light of the decision to resdesignate a property further along Golden Grove Road to Service Corridor east of the subject area, and given the commercial land uses in the area, the requested amendments can be recommended for approval. Section 39 conditions have been recommended to ensure the new commercial development is constmcted to acceptable standards, and such standards help to minimize any impact onto the residential neighbourhood in the area. Project No. 07-184 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT/URBANISME ET DEVELOPPEMENT ;---r----+- J f j [' :~ I~ I ! i ~--L.-... I I /.. , ;:: ,/1 ,~i ..; ~ i;!;;!! 1:----::" 11;.J!f!1 il.~/. ~ 'I r 'I I J' I i--------J r .. f1 , . I J I I I JI ! u .: -,: fw J ! I, COllr PrinCes ' -1 ,t;------ i , I ,.. ' s Ct '.-, , J t ; ,- f:rJ j . L.,. I, · IL'; 11,1 ~ I j '" I;-r-~ . ! ----...........' \ , ,- I I . I j I''''! __ Ia.; '...... \ ,,1 :::1..1,' :,/' IQ~\ i I: / .. I . It j C' . -! ~,., "'1' ;,/ >>'0' - ~ , ! i :' ' ..: I ! 4-:1 r--__/!. f>> + ~ ,I :::. r ,~.~- I E ~f I' : I I,',' -.,....... . I ..... l. ___________ · Ii! : i ! 1 i I I. 'c/) ;. . . : I I,.: I ! I . / g' , . · L t! I I I r 1 ' - _ ' I I' ,. I : /' , f / . to ' . · 'B2' 1..,'". I . I . I . I '! ~ I .' " .," ni Q. ~ - . I . I I I .,. I' · i~."'f""" \.. - "i i '" ... i ... """ .. I,.. .... . I . .. ' . . " . . . I....., .'t- I . I / ... : .,,'.. -::7---.:. -'.'.1'" .'11- . r , ' Ii __________ - I . t ~ - .. .p " ",,' ---------- . i . 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C) ~L 01/25/2067 15:48 1 PLANNn~G /l.!'-lD DEVELIJP PAGE: a3/04 AppUcatiOD for a Zening By-law Amendment DemaDde de modifica.tioD i I'anke sur Ie zonage ApplicaDt Related )nfonnatien I RenHipemeott sur Ie demandeur NameofApplXalt/NoanduA~l'Iu,nd~ r'~"' ,-.<;.: ,<..; '5 11)'rtJC'y rffiuS:- l.TY. Mailing Address of appliQmt I ~ pas;ta1e du ~ tJl 1</1 ~C;6lL '5+- · SA I Jl)f5 Qf(,J I tJ 8. . ,~PosW Coda: I D* po=! e~:21 - J H ~. . , -,~ Teleplu1c Number / Nmntro dt ~~ ~ 5ocQ, 7" to 4<;( - 'fl-/ I J Home I Domid1c ;16 {po_ f.o q (P"~ ~ tfl OD Work I Travail fl8'l Nmnber I Num8JO de ~Ueopieur ~ 't ~ - 91(, 'I Neme ofPn:lperty Owoer Q;f lfitJmDt) I Ncm dB. propri.6taire (st d1ff'~) . . . ,,_ ;. (,"Js'~'1Ntl 'ili. Addras I Adressc r'i (CL6 \ ~ ~ l~cK~ ; iiI{) ( ,,~J Penal ~ J Code postal ~?. ~ - H t); /" Property hf'ormatieo I R~ipaneDtll~ I. proprieti '--tionIE",,_ 1.9 !<Ll5)8~ s.t. 55/UCi72 3 Me __ ! No de voirle Street I be PID I NIP J nlJo.l-.ldi " ~ 0 LolAn:a' Superfk:ie ~ lot iclrKi "'~Id + SbeCtFrou./F~IlII'1'Ut-^Ll \. Sf:,IL SA. EldstingUSC ofPropcrty IUtiJisatioo actuelle de Ia proprie.e L, (-ell ~'el.l J) /n t'~' j <0[.)1-1 Municipal'" Imd. UK :DoIi.paliOll. S ,/ DSigoaticn de Wi_OJ. del tCD'CllliIlI' Ie plan DlUIIiCipal - et' V }c..,~ CD r (J (fOf Ammdment Requested I MlMIifia.t~D de....lldee ). . .. " ) ...-_,_...... / i/!ef!5eL 11;;(lJ. ~~B-t l' ~M-I fZ" Cloop ZOIliqto 1._"'''''' ~--. ,I Ii ~~I/d;-;i; rt2?f7)4lll1'.5ab and/or I au ri' Telrt AmendmcDl (1iIdicate parti.culaJS) I Moclifioation due texte (irIdi.cpz les d6tWs) :/~~e~4J. 5fill<< lU!l1e 10 fumd ab<!l/r' ~/)1~,}'.a\(j/j ~1/25/2007 15:48 1 PLANNING ~D DEVELOP PAGE 1J4/E14 DeveJOp..tdt proposal !Proposition. d'am.maaemeDt OcaeriptiCII of~ I DesmpIion de la prcposiIl'on >,' ! /A )P-L li,~7 (JAJ r;"l/i- f,;filoi-7 i'~i (:-.02'/ 7)'!0!4p)ulUf ~)[J/Jl)[; /2'S ~. ; ~ ~) F ~ )0!,\1 ~ '7"6:/212 V '5) ~UlJ,J (.7 /hJl/S/'; l T D" /Ai/li L ",n /,//./E ., 'r(c jj:.r/2-'tilJiT'/ .-It) /lPPl\/ FDI2 f1.:.-- , . . .. - / ilUB. A~f~ /~/ceI-151, p;{Ofe.""Y<,'TY aWAlI::YC W/SffE.s Tb {)f't:.""P...ATrt A 5/J1ALL CAi'< SALtFS LoT aN f'tC.ti,pG~TY. y"... m.~ pTUVtde <II 8CtIied slie pltl1l that iI~ltrDtfS }'QW" {N'Op0s4J. YOIt moy tJbo prrwl. photographs. buildin, piau. ,levatifJII dmwtngs (Dfd DI'l]' OIhe,. form o[tn/o",,<<um. 17a.t plan 1JQIst show the dtmotsiOIU of"" pn'}Pfr7y, the f6cQ/'&rl Q{ 011 b1iil4iHII. drlv~ pa-Id/l# tlJ'CtIS. l4ndacop"'8 emd sips. Jt is Jmporlurrt that the til$km<< ~n tire property bormdtJl"}' _d ln4lld1ngD rn 8h(,1'Wtl. VoW' UwzjbtmJir WI plDn rbt stte Q l'lr;;Mllf!: ilhi.strr:lntvotrs propotition. VMtI pollVU qaz~_,dfo"""'" des phoroyapht#.s, du p/atu 41 bartmAt. des deufns d! plan d't/lvution Pit /Olde wh jQrme. rrm_igneme"t Le plan thit i~' Irs di",."sictlJ rb /Q proprli'tI, l'emplacemellt dE la rot41ttl de. bdlt,."ts. delS awe.!. tin "'re6 dI J1rzti~","t, des r""imuge1Mnu paysogeI'~.t .$ pmmealllt de lipJI.allt:Jlt. nest tmporf/Ult tl'lrtd/qtMr /Q di8tr1ncle en"., Ie:! limileS dt IQ proprirN ftt Ju bit/mentis, PruviIk R850IllI wby tbae amcndmmts !hoald be ~ I FO'\ll'I\iJ tout aulH MlSeigncmcat coacemant vocre pmposttion qui pounIi:t etre~. ". 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TNt siptJn",! of the owtttN' is QlltlrOrizt1lg this appiication to J1'V<<d flJrcwr~derr;Jti01'l by Common Counc;11, /It67TY ~ IE-!2I2Y IJ WI!\J(] !lOl/SE LT])_ GCj /(L1SS ~LL 51. 0AIAJ T '0OflAJ) 1013- cd-.T-:JHh L5oto - GLf9 - qq.-I I /II!) y 1/-0 7 ID WHOH -TI HAy t!iJtJ0CRIV) CuE (4rJJJe7T[; BlStIoP 1/E /2J2( 7il~)t1 P:;oAJ ) DWiUcll5 OF II IVc;ny ~ (D/2Rt'S CuIAJu Iiod<;E II WOil[p L-/~E TO t1PPl Y 'FoR vA lj)u~E LICEP5C-. ' ZAJ 'Do//Jg .50 w6 wDuc 0 ?I2DUi7:)(:~ (;MPl-o,/ U8-AJ/ ()pfbl2/uAJ/rles / 8E77t12- ,-~73f2 u ; LE~ ArV7> :;LI\.JClLcAsE- 5/1 ~ E5 . UJE 6'KPeCT 12) KEEP /He 5f1HE CLr:-6JJ-r;AG AND Nor C HArJ0E file I}-IH()5fJrlc/2f OF ouR bT4BLISHHCIVT t3t-<! P/?o/);O(::: lf1T8f2- !-/otAlL S I7AlD 1I.q[)E 7f/F C!-tlC)/CG '/0 7!U!J Dl.l/2.. t:-/7LftEAJ /15 ?tl9Ne~C" 7J/c J~rC.& , r,.J CDNC-U.{f>DAJ WE "FEEL A- WU.AJ66 tiCe/1/5t- tul(~L- GlUE US -rifE vIR)/lTuILJ; Ir rJO r720c)/DE -gE71E1L !3ERJ)fCE5 KJR oU fL. {2u5roH ms, , '-,;; tUHut1 11 Mlfj CU/tJ~E/W) ']0; 9-01. . 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To planning & development & city council may 11/07 I john hosford would like to bring fourth a proposal for rezoning my land at 69 Russell Street, p.i.d 5518072365 I would like to ask planning & council to rezone this property as a whole to allow a resaurantllounge & the use of a parcel of the same land for a used car lot, the lot size of land i would like to use is 58ft. x 100ft. ( see attached )this property will be used for no more than one half dozen used vehicles and no outbuildings will be added to this property and in no way disturb the resaurantllounge for as far as parking goes. the ladies j lease the licenced dining room to do not have any problem with my proposal for the used car lot as i do not have any problem with their proposal to upgrade their dining room licence to a lounge licence .i would like to thank planning& council for their consideration in this matter. yours truly john hosford 100 11. en1r8nct: 17" ft ') eJIt.tarre 11 J dliuic" JOt:UIl J2 ;; 13 :3 14 f.IIt.r3Jrl! /.5 4 ~ 16 .5 'If riJ 1j".L J7 6 .J? 18 7 Jg li 9 ~ 10 City of Saint John INTERNAL INSERTION ORDER For City of Saint John use only: Budget Number: 11 00801 4422010 Department: Common Clerk~s Office (Account # 71206) Contact: J. Patrick Woods Phone: (506) 658-2862 I Fax: (506}674-4214 Special Instructions (if any): Newspaper Insertion Dates (Check as applicable) (SJTJ= Saint John Telegraph Journal) " SJT J City Information Ad Date(s): Tuesday, May 22,2007 Tuesday, June 12,2007 .. SJT J Independent Placement .. SJT J Classifieds Date(s): Date(s): Information for Ad (Boldface anything you want Bold in Ad, Centre, Tab, etc.) Section Headline: D General Notice D Tender D Proposal ~ Public Notice Sub-Headline (if applicable): Text: INSER T A TT ACHED Call to Action: J. Patrick Woods, Common Clerk/Greffier communal Contact: I Telephone: (506) 658-2862 PROPOSED ZONING BY -LAW AMENDMENT RE: 69 RUSSELL STREET Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Saint John intends to consider amending The City of Saint John Zoning By-law at its regular meeting to be held in the Council Chamber on Monday, June 18, 2007 at 6:00 p.m., by: FROJET DE MODIFICATION DE V ARRETE SUR LE ZONAGE OBJET: 69, RUE RUSSELL Par les presentes, un avis public est donne par lequel Ie conseil communal de The City of Saint John indique son intention d'etudier la modification suivante a I 'arrete sur Ie zonage de The City of Saint Jolm, lors de la reunion ordinaire qui se tiendra dans la salle du conseil Ie lundi 18 juin 2007 a 18 h : 1. Adding the following to the list of zones m 1. L'adjonction de l'element suivant a la liste de Section 30(1): zones du paragraphe 30(1) : "special zones SZ-22"<< zones speciales 82-22 >> 2. Adding the following as Section 740(22): "Special Zone #22 (82#22) a) Uses Any land, building or structure may be used for the purpose of, and for no other purpose than, i) the following uses: a club or lounge; all other uses permitted in Section 520(1)(a), subject to any applicable conditions contained in Section 520(2); ii) the following uses subject to such tenns and conditions as may be imposed by the Committee: a car sales lot; all other uses permitted in Section 520(1)(b), subject to any applicable conditions contained in Section 520(2); iii) subject to Section 830, an accessory building, structure or use, incidental to a use, building or structure permitted in this zone. b) Zone Standards Standards for development in Special Zone #22 shall be as set out in Section 520(3), and Section 810 to 910 where this zone shall be considered a "B" zone, a "B-2" zone, or a business zone, as the case may be." 2. L'adjonction du paragraphe 740(22) qui se lit comme suit: << Zone speciale nO 22 (SZ#22) a) Usages Tout terrain, batiment ou structure ne peut etre affecte : i) qu'aux utilisations suivantes : un club au un salon-bar; toutes les autres utilisations permises en vertu de l'alinea 520(1 )(a), sous reserve des conditions stipulees au paragraphe 520(2); ii) qu'aux utilisations suivantes, sous reserve des conditions impasees par Ie comite : un terrain affecte a la vente d' automobiles; tautes les autres utilisations permises en vertu de l'alinea 520(1 )(b), sous reserve des conditions stipuIees au paragraphe 520(2); iii) sous reserve de l'article 830, qu'a une utilisation auxiliaire ou accessoire liee a une utilisation, un batiment au une structure permis dans cette zone. b) N ormes de zone Les normes d'amenagement dans la zone speciale n" 22 doivent etre conformes aux dispositions du paragraphe 520(3) et des articles 810 a 910, et la zone en question doit etre consideree en tant que zone II B >>, zone <<B-2 >> ou zone commerciale, selon 3. Rezoning a parcel of land with an area of 3. approximately 1650 square metres, located at 69 Russell Street, also identified as being PID No. 55180723, from "B-2" General Business and "RM-l'~ Three Storey Multiple Residential to "SZ-22" Special Zone #22. REASON FOR CHANGE: To permit the existing restaurant to be licensed as a lounge, and to pennit a car sales lot. The proposed amendment may be inspected by any interested person at the office of the Common Clerk, or in the office of Planning and Development, City Hall, 15 Market Square, Saint John, N.B. between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, inclusive, holidays excepted. Ie cas. )) Modification du zonage d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 1 650 metres cam~s, situee au 69, rue Russell, et portant Ie NID 55180723, de zone commerciale generale <( B-2)> et zone d'edifices it logements multiples de trois etages <<RM-h) a zone speciale nO 22 << SZ-22 >>. RAISON DE LA MODIFICATION: Permettre au restaurant existant de devenir un salon-bar ayant une licence de debit de boisson, et permettre un terrain affecte a la vente d' automobiles. Toute personne interessee peut examiner Ie projet de modification au bureau du greffier communal au au bureau de 1 'urbanisme et developpement it l'hOtel de ville au 15, Market Square, a Saint John, au Nouveau-Brunswick, entre 8 h 30 et 16 h 30 du lundi au vendredi, saufles jours feries. Written objections to the amendment may be sent Veuillez faire part de vos objections au projet de to the undersigned at City Hall. modification par eerit a I'attention du soussigne it I 'hOtel de ville. J, Patrick Woods, Common Clerk 658-2862 J. Patrick Woods, Greffier communal 658-2862 PROPOSED ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT RE: 69 RUSSELL STREET Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Saint John intends to consider amending The City of Saint John Zoning By-law at its regular meeting to be held in the Council Chamber on Monday, June 18, 2007 at 6:00 p.m., by; 1. Adding the following to the list of zones in Section 30(1): "special zones SZ-22" 2. Adding the following as Section 740(22): "Special Zone #22 (S2#22) a) Uses Any land, building or structure may be used for the purpose of, and for no other purpose than, iv) the following uses: a club or lounge; all other uses permitted in Section 520(1 )(a), subject to any applicable conditions contained in Section 520(2); v) the following uses subject to such terms and conditions as may be imposed by the Conunittee: a car sales lot; all other uses permitted in Section 520(1 )(b), subject to any applicable conditions contained in Section 520(2); vi) subject to Section 830, an accessory building, structure or use, incidental to a use, building or structure permitted in this zone. b) Zone Standards Standards for development in Special Zone #22 shall be as set out in Section 520(3), and Section 810 to 910 where this zone shall be considered a "B" zone, a "B-2" zone, or a business zone, as the case may be." 3. Rezoning a parcel of land with an area of approximately 1650 square metres, located at 69 Russell Street, also identified as being PID No. 55180723, from "B-2" General Business and "RM-tt' Three Storey Multiple Residential to "SZ-22" Special Zone #22. REASON FOR CHANGE: To permit the existing restaurant to be licensed as a lounge, and to permit a car sales lot. The proposed amendment may be inspected by any interested person at the office of the Common Clerk, or in the office of PI arming and Development, City Hall, 15 Market Square, Saint John, N.R between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, inclusive, holidays excepted. Written objections to the amendment may be sent to the undersigned at City HalL J. Patrick Woods, Common Clerk 658-2862 PROJET DE MODIFICATION DE L' ARRETlt SUR LE ZONAGE OBJET: 69, RUE RUSSELL Par les presentes, un avis public est donne par lequel Ie conseil commWlal de The City of Saint John indique son intention d'etudier la modification suivante a l'arrete sur Ie zonage de The City of Saint John, lors de la reunion ordinaire qui se dendra dans la salle du consei1le lundi 18 juin 2007 a 18 h : I. L'adjonction de I' element suivant ala liste de zones du paragraphe 30(1) : << zones speciales 8Z-22 >> 2. L'adjonction du paragraphe 740(22) qui se lit comme suit: << Zone speciale nO 22 (82#22) a) Usages Tout terrain, batiment ou structure ne peut etre affecte : IV) qu'aux utilisatians suivantes : un club au un salon-bar; tautes les autres utilisations permises en vertu de l' alinea 520(1)( a), sous reserve des conditions stipulees au paragraphe 520(2); v) qu'aux utilisations suivantes, sous reserve des conditions imposees par Ie comite : un terrain affecte a la vente d'automobiles; toutes les autres utilisations permises en vertu de I'alinea 520(1)(b), sous reserve des conditions stipulees au paragraphe 520(2); vi) sous reserve de 1 'article 830, qu'a une utilisation auxiliaire au accessoire liee it une utilisation, un batiment ou une structure permis dans cette zone. b) Normes de zone Les normes d'amenagement dans la zone speciale nO 22 doivent etre canformes aux dispositions du paragraphe 520(3) et des articles 810 a 910, et la zone en question doit etre consideree en tant que zone (( B >>, zone (< B-2 >> au zone commerciale, selon Ie cas. >> 3. Modification du zonage d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 1 650 metres carres, situee au 69, rue Russell, et portant Ie NID 55180723, de zone commerciale generale (< B-2)> et zone d'edifices it logements multiples de trois etages <<RM-1>> a zone speciale nO 22 << SZ-22 >>. RAISON DE LA MODIFICATION: Permettre au restaurant existant de devemr un salon-bar ayant une licence de debit de boisson, et permettre un terrain affecte a la vente d'automobiles. Toute personne interessee peut examiner Ie projet de modification au bureau du greffier communal au au bureau de J'urbanisme et developpement a l'hOtel de ville au 15, Market Square, a Saint John, au Nouveau-Brunswick, entre 8 h 30 et 16 h 30 du lundi au vendredi, saufles jours feries. Veuillez faire part de vas objections au projet de modification par ecrit a 1 'attention du soussigne a I 'hOtel de ville. 1. Patrick Woods, Greffier communal 658-2862 BY-LAW NUMBER C.P.110- A LAW TO AMEND THE ZONING BY-LAW OF THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by The City of Saint John in Common Council convened, as follows: ARRETlt NO C.P. 110- ARRETE MODIFIANT L' ARRETE SUR LE ZONAGE DE THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Lors d'une reunion du conseil communal, The City of Saint John a decrete ce qui suit : The Zoning By-law of The City of L'arrete sur Ie zonage de The City Saint John enacted on the nineteenth day of of Saint John, decrete Ie dix-neuf (19) December, A.D. 2005, is amended by: decembre 2005, est modifie par: 1. Adding the following to the list of 1. L'adjonction de l'element suivant a la zones in Section 30(1): liste de zones du paragraphe 30(1) : "special zones SZ-22" << zones speciales SZ-22 >> 2. Adding the following as Section 740(22): "Special Zone #22 (SZ#22) a) Uses Any land, building or structure may be used for the purpose of, and for no other purpose than, i) the following uses: a club or lounge; all other uses permitted in Section 520(1)(a), subject to any applicable conditions contained in Section 520(2); ii) the following uses subject to such terms and conditions as may be imposed by the Committee: a car sales lot; all other uses permitted in Section 520(1 )(b), subject to any applicable conditions contained in Section 520(2); iii) subject to Section 830, an accessory building, structure or use, incidental to a use, building or structure permitted in this zone. b) Zone Standards Standards for development in Special Zone #22 shall be as set out in Section 520(3), and Section 810 to 910 where this zone shall be considered a "B" zone, a "B-2" zone, or a business zone, as the case may be." 3. Rezoning a parcel of land with an area of approximately 1650 square metres, located at 69 Russell Street, also identified as being PID No. 55180723, from "B-2" General Business and 2. L'adjonction du paragraphe 740(22) qui se lit conune suit: << Zone speciale nQ 22 (SZ#22) a) Usages Tout terrain, biltiment ou structure ne peut etre affecte : i) qu'aux utilisations suivantes : un club ou un salon-bar; toutes les autres utilisations permises en vertu de l'alinea 520(1)(a), so us reserve des conditions stipulees au paragraphe 520(2); ii) qu'aux utilisations suivantes, sous reserve des conditions imposees par Ie comite : un terrain affecte a la vente d'automobiles; toutes les autres utilisations permises en vertu de l'alinea 520(1)(b), sous reserve des conditions stiputees au paragraphe 520(2); iii) sous reserve de l'article 830, qu' a une utilisation auxiliaire ou accessoire Iiee a une utilisation, un batiment ou une structure permis dans cette zone. b) Normes de zone Les normes d' amenagement dans la zone speciale nO 22 doivent etre conformes aux dispositions du paragraphe 520(3) et des articles 810 a 910, et la zone en question doit etre consideree en tant que zone ({ B)>, zone (< B-2 )) ou zone conunerciale, selon Ie cas. >> 3. Modification du zonage d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ I 650 metres carres, situee au 69, rue Russell, et portant Ie NID 55180723, de zone commerciale generale {( B-2)) et "RM-l" Three Storey Multiple Residential to "S2-22" Special Zone #22 - all as shown on the plan attached hereto and forming part of this by-law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by-law the * day of *, A.D. 2007 and signed by: zone d'edifices a logements multiples de trois etages ((RM-l>> 11 zone speciale nO 22 (( SZ-22 II - toutes les modifications sont indiquees sur Ie plan ci-joint et font partie du present arrete. EN For DE QUor, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur Ie present arrete Ie 2007, avec les signatures suivantes : Mayor/Maire Common Clerk/Greffier communal First Reading Second Reading - Third Reading - Premiere lecture Deuxieme lecture Troisieme lecture June 13, 2007 y our Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment 69 Russell Street On May 22, 2007 Common Council referred the above matter to the Planning Advisory Committee for a report and recommendation. The Committee considered the attached report at its May 22, 2007 meeting. Annette Bishop, Terry Thompson and John Hosford attended the meeting on behalf of the application. They expressed agreement with the recommendation in the attached report and answered questions posed by the Committee with respect to the proposal. No other persons addressed the Committee and no letters were received. However, the Committee did receive a copy of the petition in favour of the proposal that the applicants had submitted to Common Council as part of their application for rezoning. After considering the matter, the Committee resolved to adopt the recommendation contained in the attached report. RECOMMENDATION: A. That Common Council amend the Zoning By-law by: 1. Adding the following to the list of zones in Section 30(1): "special zones SZ-22" 2. Adding the following as Section 740(22): "Special Zone #22 (SZ-22) a) Uses Any land, building or stmcture may be used for the purpose of, and for no other purpose than, i) the following uses: a club or lounge; all other uses permitted in Section 520(1)(a), subject to any applicable conditions contained in Section 520(2); ii) the following uses subject to such terms and conditions as may be imposed by the Committee: a car sales lot; all other uses permitted in Section 520( 1 )(b), subject to any applicable conditions contained in Section 520(2); Planning Advisory Committee June 15, 2007 Page 2 iii) subject to Section 830, an accessory building, stmcture or use, incidental to a use, building or stmcture permitted in this zone. b) Zone Standards Standards for development in Special Zone #22 shall be as set out in Section 520(3), and Section 810 to 910 where this zone shall be considered a "B" zone, a "B-2" zone, or a business zone, as the case may be." 3. Rezoning a parcel of land with an area of approximately 1650 square metres, located at 69 Russell Street, also identified as being PID No. 55180723, from "B-2" General Business and "RM-l" Three Storey Multiple Residential to "SZ-22" Special Zone #22. B. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 39 of the COllllllunity Planning Act, the proposed establishment of a club or lounge and a car sales lot on the parcel of land with an area of approximately 1650 square metres, located at 69 Russell Street, also identified as being PID No. 55180723, be subject to the following conditions: 1. The number of licensed clubs or lounges on the site is restricted to a maximum of one. 2. The club or lounge is restricted to the existing building and a maximum of 84 seats. 3. The provision of entertainment in conjunction with the clu b or lounge is subject to the following restrictions: a) entertainment is restricted to the interior of the building; b) the sound from any recorded music or live entertainment must not be detectable outside of the building; c) "exotic entertainment" is prohibited. 4. Any car sales lot on the property is limited to the display of a maximum of five cars at anyone time. 5. The existing gravel portion of the parking area must be paved and the existing paved area must be repaved with asphalt prior to the commencement of any club, lounge or car sales operation on the site. Respectfully submitted, Stephen Horgan Chairman Attachment Project No. 07-172 DATE: JUNE 8, 2007 TO: PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE FROM: PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT FOR: MEETING OF JUNE 12, 2007 Randall G. Pollock, MCIP Planner SUBJECT: Name of Applicant: Nettie & Terry's Wing House Ltd. and John Hosford Name of Owner: 625487 N.B. Ltd. (John Hosford) Location: 69 Russell Street PID: 55180723 Municipal Plan: Service Corridor Zoning: Existing: "B-2" General Business and "RM-l" Three Storey Multiple Residential "SZ-22" Special Zone #22 Proposed: Proposal: To convert an existing restaurant to a lounge and to establish a small car sales lot Type of Application: Rezoning and Conditional Use (car sales lot) JURISDICTION OF COMMITTEE: The Community Planning Act authorizes the Planning Advisory Committee to give its views to Common Council concerning proposed amendments to the Zoning By-law. Common Council will consider the Committee's recommendation at a public hearing on Monday, June 18,2007. Nettie & Terry's Wing House Ltd. and John Hosford 69 Russell Street Page 2 June 8, 2007 The provisions of the proposed "SZ-22" zone authorize the Committee to impose terms and conditions upon the establishment and operation of a car sales lot STAFF RECOMMENDATION TO COMMITTEE: A. That Common Council amend the Zoning By-law by: 1. Adding the following to the list of zones in Section 3 O( 1): "special zones SZ-22" 2. Adding the following as Section 740(22): "Special Zone #22 (SZ-22) a) Uses Any land, building or stmcture may be used for the purpose of, and for no other purpose than, i) the following uses: a club or lounge; all other uses permitted in Section 520(1)(a), subject to any applicable conditions contained in Section 520(2); ii) the following uses subject to such terms and conditions as may be imposed by the Committee: a car sales lot; all other uses permitted in Section 520( 1 )(b), subject to any applicable conditions contained in Section 520(2); iii) subject to Section 830, an accessory building, stmcture or use, incidental to a use, building or stmcture permitted in this zone. b) Zone Standards Standards for development in Special Zone #22 shall be as set out in Section 520(3), and Section 810 to 910 where this zone shall be considered a "B" zone, a "B-2" zone, or a business zone, as the case may be." 3. Rezoning a parcel of land with an area of approximately 1650 square metres, located at 69 Russell Street, also identified as being PID No. 55180723, from "B-2" General Business and "RM-l" Three Storey Multiple Residential to "SZ-22" Special Zone #22 B. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 39 of the Community Planning Act, the proposed establishment of a club or lounge and a car sales lot on the parcel of land with an area of approximately 1650 square metres, located at 69 Russell Street, also identified as being PID No. 55180723, be subject to the following conditions: 1. The number of licensed clubs or lounges on the site is restricted to a maximum of one. Nettie & Terry's Wing House Ltd. and John Hosford 69 Russell Street Page 3 June 8, 2007 2. The club or lounge is restricted to the existing building and a maximum of 84 seats. 3. The provision of entertainment in conjunction with the club or lounge is subject to the following restrictions: a) entertainment is restricted to the interior of the building; b) the sound from any recorded music or live entertainment must not be detectable outside of the building; c) "exotic entertainment" is prohibited. 4. Any car sales lot on the propeliy is limited to the display of a maximum of five cars at any one time. 5. The existing gravel portion of the parking area must be paved and the existing paved area must be repaved with asphalt prior to the commencement of any club, lounge or car sales operation on the site. C. That the Planning Advisory Committee impose no additional terms and conditions upon the establishment and operation of a car sales lot at 69 Russell Street. BACKGROUND: On November 22, 1977, the Planning Advisory Committee granted variances to permit an expansion of the Vito's restaurant with the provision of 13 off-street parking spaces on the (then) adjacent lot at 67 Russell Street, whereas the Zoning By-law required a minimum of 15 spaces on the same lot as the restaurant. The variances were granted subject to an agreement pursuant to Section 101 of the Community Planning Act requiring site improvements in accordance with an approved site plan. Although not specifically itemized as a variance, the parking area to the side of the building was permitted to abut the front lot line of the property rather than have a landscaped setback from the sidewalk (the area directly in front of the building, which did have parking directly off the street, was required to be converted to a landscaped front yard). On December 18, 1979, the Committee granted a variance to permit Vito's to erect an illuminated pole sign on condition that the Section 101 agreement be amended to provide for completion of all previous obligations by May 15, 1980; the size, location, design, etc. of the sign being acceptable to the Deputy Commissioner of Community Planning; and that no permit be issued for the sign until all other conditions of the agreement have been met. A note in the file indicates that the required site work was completed and the amendment to the Section 101 agreement was signed on June 5, 1981. INPUT FROM OTHER SOURCES: Municipal Operations and Engineering has no objection. Nettie & Terry's Wing House Ltd. and John Hosford 69 Russell Street Page 4 June 8, 2007 Building and Technical Services has been advised of the application. Saint John Transit advises that it offers extensive service in close proximity to this location along Rothesay Avenue. There are no concerns with the application. Fire Department has no objection; however the applicant is reminded to ensure that display cars do not block the access route to the main building. Saint John Police Force has been advised of the application. N.B. Department of Public Health and Wellness has been advised of the application. School Board has been advised of the application. ANALYSIS: Site and Nei2:hbourhood The subject site is located on the east side of Russell Street, between Rothesay Avenue and Kane's Corner, in East Saint John. This area contains a mixture of commercial, industrial and residential uses. Russell Street is a major arterial street that is designated as part of the East Side Service Corridor area by the City's Municipal Plan. The site has a frontage of approximately 54 metres (177 feet) on Russell Street and a depth of approximately 30 metres (IOO feet). It contains a long-existing restaurant (formerly Vito's) and an associated parking area to the side. The original portion of the parking lot is paved. It appears that at some time in the past the previous owner expanded the parking area southward onto a residential lot, which is now incorporated into the site. This southerly portion of the parking lot is not paved. The owner intends to repave the existing parking lot (the asphalt is in fairly poor condition) and, at the same time, pave the existing gravel portion if the proposal is approved. The properties to the north of the site are all zoned and developed commercially, while those to the south are still occupied by residential uses. The house on the property immediately south of the site is at a higher elevation due to the excavation that was undertaken by the previous owner for the parking area. The property on the opposite side of Russell Street from the site is a vacant industrial parcel that has been acquired for use in conjunction with constmction of the One Mile House highway interchange project. At the rear of the site is a high, almost vertical, rock face, on top of which are the rear yards of the residential properties fronting on St. Catherine Street. A 4.5-metre (I5-foot) wide undeveloped fire lane at the top of the rock face separates these residential properties and the subject site. Nettie & Terry's Wing House Ltd. and John Hosford 69 Russell Street Page 5 June 8, 2007 Proposal There are two components to the applicants' proposal; conversion of the existing restaurant to a lounge, and establishment of a small car sales operation on a portion of the site. The existing restaurant, now known as Nettie & Terry's Wing House, currently operates at this location with a Dining Room liquor licence. The licence includes an Entertainment licence that permits karaoke singing and one-man bands. The establishment has 61 seats, but is permitted under the Dining Room licence to have up to 84 patrons, based on the floor area, rest room facilities and emergency exiting. A 61-seat restaurant requires a minimum of 12 off-street parking spaces, which can easily be accommodated on the original paved parking area. The original parking area, along with subsequent expansion area can also easily accommodate the 17 parking spaces that would be required if the establishment provided the licence maximum of 84 seats. The restaurant operators wish to convert their liquor licence to a Lounge in order to permit the consumption of alcoholic beverages with or without meals. Although the food service would continue to exist for a majority of the operating hours, they would like to have the option of closing the kitchen at certain times. They do not propose any other changes to the existing operation. At the same time, the owner of the site wishes to establish a small car sales lot at the south end of the site's parking area (in the area currently zoned "RM-l" Three Storey Multiple Residential). The car sales operation would only consist of three or four cars on display at anyone time. There would be no building associated with the sales but, rather, the cars would have signs in the windshields with a telephone number for interested persons to call. The existing "B-2" General Business zoning of the site does permit a club or lounge, but requires a minimum separation from churches, schools, "R" zones and from other clubs and lounges. The establishment cannot meet the minimum separation requirement because of the proximity of the residentially-zoned properties to the rear of the site on St. Catherine Street. The adjacent properties fronting on Russell Street to the south of the site are also zoned residential, although they are designated Service Corridor by the Municipal Plan. Similarly, while the "B-2" General Business zone permits a car sales lot as a conditional use, it is subject to the condition that the lot be located on a provincial highway. Russell Street is not considered to be a provincial highway and, in any event, the portion of the site where the cars are proposed to be displayed is currently zoned "RM-l" Three Storey Multiple Residential. Consequently, the applicants have requested that the subject site be rezoned from "B-2" General Business and "RM-l" Three Storey Multiple Residential to a special zone ("SZ-22"). The proposed "SZ-22" zoning contains the same permitted and conditional uses as the "B-2" General Business zone, but does not include the minimum separation requirement for lounges or the requirement that a car sales lot front on a provincial highway. Nettie & Terry's Wing House Ltd. and John Hosford 69 Russell Street Page 6 June 8, 2007 The property-owner has provided the attached rough site plan of the property to indicate the location of the building and layout of the parking, as well as the location of the proposed car sales area. While the submitted plan illustrates the applicants' concept in a general way, it should be noted that, based on scaling from air photography and staff's site visit, the parking area will realistically only accommodate up to 25 or so cars with proper manoeuvring aisle widths, stall dimensions and provision of an accessible loading space at the rear of the building. This more realistic amount of parking would still be enough to accommodate the parking requirements for the proposal. Zonin2 Bv-law and LiQuor Licences As suggested above, the "B-2" General Business zone provisions permit a restaurant, which may be licensed as a Dining Room. The terms of a Dining Room licence require that meals be served in the establishment and place strict limits on the amount of sales from alcohol as a percentage of total receipts. The serving of alcohol is, therefore, considered to be incidental to the primary purpose of the business as an eating establishment. A club or lounge, on the other hand, is permitted to serve drinks with no requirement that food be made available, and beer, liquor and wine sales can constitute up to 100 percent of the total receipts of the business. It should be noted that these latter licences also apply to large night club type establishments as well as to facilities such as Royal Canadian Legions. Because of the differing nature of the various licence categories, the Zoning By-law treats facilities with only a Dining Room licence differently from those holding a Club or Lounge licence. A club or lounge must be separated by at least 150 metres ( 500 feet) from a church, school or residential zone on the street on which the establishment fronts, and by at least 90 metres (300 feet) in any other direction. The facility must also be separated by at least 300 metres (1,000 feet) from any other club or lounge on the same street or within a radius of 180 metres (600 feet) in any other direction. The Zoning By-law does not prescribe any separation requirements for facilities with Dining Room licences, recognizing that these do not have the same potential impact as clubs and lounges. Proposed Rezonin2 to "SZ-22" The Zoning By-law's separation requirements are designed to reduce the negative effects of licensed drinking establishments, as well as to prevent an undue concentration of night clubs in one area. Parking, traffic and noise associated with the developments are the main factors that cause a concern. Therefore, the applicant's proposal should be considered carefully. The Committee and Council have approved similar rezonings in the past in situations where the club or lounge is within a large shopping centre complex with significant building setbacks and off-street parking facilities, and/or within an established commercial corridor with some form of physical or spatial separation from the residentially-zoned properties. In assessing these approvals, Nettie & Terry's Wing House Ltd. and John Hosford 69 Russell Street Page 7 June 8, 2007 the size and nature of the proposed operation are also taken into account and, if approved, the use is usually restricted in this regard by the imposition of conditions. In the present case, the proposed lounge would be a relatively small operation with little or no capacity to expand without the acquisition of additional land and further rezoning. It is located within a designated Service Corridor that, while still containing existing residential properties fronting on Russell Street to the south, is expected and intended to continue to transform into more of an exclusively commercial corridor in the nlture. The more permanent residential neighbourhood (to the rear of the site) is physically separated by the major difference in elevation and the orientation of the residential properties toward St. Catherine Street. With regard to the proposed car sales component of the proposal, the intent of the By-law in restricting such uses to provincial highways is to prevent car sales activities in a "B-2" General Business zone to major thoroughfares rather than more neighbourhood-oriented commercial areas or isolated commercial properties within residential neighbourhoods. Again, in the present case, the subject site is located on a major arterial street within a larger designated Service Corridor. Also, it can be noted that a similar proposal was approved at nearby 85-89 Russell Street approximately twenty years ago. Given the above observations, the proposed rezoning can be supported. However, conditions will be necessary to ensure that both the lounge and the car sales operation are limited in size, as well as to ensure that the nature of the lounge operation remains as proposed. Based on the approximate total number of spaces available in the parking area and the seating capacity of the existing building, it is recommended that the number of cars for sale be limited to a maximum of five cars. The lounge should continue to have a kitchen facility and provide food services until at least 8:00 p.m. and entertainment should be restricted to the interior of the building and the sound not be detectable on adjacent properties. With respect to site development, the only improvement that would appear necessary is repaving of the parking lot. Although the parking lot does not meet present-day standards with respect to number of entrances, curbing and separation from the front lot line, this is not a major redevelopment of the site and, therefore, improvements in this regard are not deemed necessary in this case. Conditional Use As is the case in the "B-2" General Business zone, car sales lot is a conditional use in the proposed "SZ-22" zone; that is, it is subject to such additional terms and conditions as may be deemed necessary by the Planning Advisory Committee. As the proposal includes rezoning of the property, it is possible for all necessary conditions to be imposed by Common Council in the form of a Section 39 resolution. Section 39 resolutions are filed in the Registry Office with the rezoning. As a result, it is not necessary for the Committee to impose an additional set of conditions. Nettie & Terry's Wing House Ltd. and John Hosford 69 Russell Street Page 8 June 8, 2007 CONCLUSION: With respect to the proposed lounge, provided that the size and overall nature of the existing operation remains the same, the change from a Dining Room to a Lounge licence should have no additional negative impact on adjacent and nearby residential properties. The proposed display of a few cars for sale on the property on this major commercially designated street does not create any concerns from a planning perspective. Consequently, the proposed special zoning for the subject site can be supported with the conditions as set out in the recommendation. RGP/r Project No. 07-172 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT/URBANISME ET DEVELOPPEMENT -2 17$ 1 ., , \ \ \ \ \ \ I · w: I I. I I I i I I I I 10 Subject Site/site en question: - I ul . U - . .. r.'.T~ I 2.1 I - 2U ~I . ~ ~. . .... , . '001 - urn . . - . , - . I - lei . - - . . c , . - . I ~ . I . UI . - . 2" . . . U2 . - . . " lOA . - . , . . - . . B-2 IS . . n n . . . . . . . . 53 . · avo WOodlawn Av. . . . . . - 11 . . :l1 :l5 C!' 21 I Location: 69, promenade Bayside Drive Date: May 16 mai 2007 Scale/echelle: Not to scale/Pas a I'echelle . or . so . 52 . - 41 . - " . 42 . . . . - . - . - . - . , . - . . - . - . - . - . - . " 73 .. " .. 12 .... (J) PID(s)/NIP(s): 55180723 mtr3oc~ eo1T8l1C ~ 114ft "> "C C, 3 .c, J'~, r "-" 11...,\ f) 3D 7 m AltrA.. I b 5D 51 r{\ 1'.300 05/01/2007 13:43 506-652-3596 05/01/2007 11:02 1 CREATIVE SERVICES PLANNING AND DEVELOP ...... Application for Amendment to Section 39 Resolution or A&reement Demaode de modification de la resolution ou de I'enteofe relative it I'article 39 Applicant Related l.fonuatioD I Renseignements snr Ie demllDdeur Name of Applicant / Nom du demandeur 1)8/,;J}I1JlF d:1l..Ulte) /"uC./iv A~' I A J~UP.A/tJcb Mllling Addr~5 of Applicant I Mtesse pomle du demandeur ,2.'0 )AJJ)(I5T(2 JI!l" :J}Jl.1iE ,~5'.ff/l(ff.7/jflA.J1 .tJ. e < Ptlstal Code / Code posta] p.;e I /J;~ Telephone Number INl,,\mero de telephone: HgmeJDOr'l\lo'lle Work/travail 6tJjZ.- 3S-96--;;~j -&>}'Oct Fax Number I Numero dlllt61eooplN ~rf4. :-35"'~f? / . N.... of_1: O~ C;ldl_~: Nom d. "",pri,~", (.1 djff;;mrt) Jo.?4~ w- sankluocJ IlItjJ1f1, - 'IOi) /}fJ/ZtJ,5f ~4ilJ/i..1L ""'\;11 Code J Cod<'- . Existing Resolution I Resolution actuelle. Dato of "Resolution to be Amended I Dale de la resolution A mod.ifier Loc.a.ticn I EmpllCClTletl~ Civil:! No. I No de voirie Street I Rue Pro /NtJl Applicant's In~rest In Pro.perty / Interet de demandel,fT$. den la propriete What is your Proposal'll En quoi cODBi,te votT4! propos~tion? Note: Pr9"ide a fully dimensional drawing or plan whioh iIIu3tratl:S Y01,l.r proposaL (Describe proposal in detail) Not;l~ Fo:umler lIr1 plan ou un desain entierement r:ate iIIustrant vetre proposition. (D~cril't la prQ~jtion ell. d&lI) 7tJ /;Ui-rJU} I'IEMmJ/tL ~ It s-EtTtmJ.rr Amir;efflX:lJ ~/tfd aT ~:~:;~~::2~:::;t::~.4T ~'u1 Si(rlJ Sl2P-'" 31)(3' G(<ApUl(:-;;,-o r~l~' tfY;tJ ()/.JC/.. ~. A fll~ ofS30D.OO is. anclosed in the form ofa ctJequc or M Ci~joint de-a ih\is de 300 $ sow fume de Signature ofAppli~ant I Sisnllt\.ltl! du dcmande\lt Dare Sign.ture of the owner ml.lit be: lncluded. / L.aslgnaturc due pMprtetalre dol ~!g.q.l. ::&e." /UJ-A / I I _-d-.:... _ ./ Signat\ITl! "fOwner (iF Iflpliclble) / signature du proprletalJe (s'lI y a lieu) ~JL ~~ ~ Date CORPORATE SIGNAGE & GRAPHICS - DESIGN, PRODUCTION, INSTALLATION TO: Patrick Foran, Saint John City Planning Dept. DATE: April 23/07 FROM: Robin Prin~le PG.1 of RE: APPLICATION FOR SECTION 39 AMMENDMENT Patrick: Further to our telephone and email exchanges, I enclose: - Completed Application form - Site Photos I Drawings - Application Fee of $300.00 Page 2 of this memo contains information regarding the applicant, AXA Insurance and their presence in Saint John. Please advise if you require any additional information for this purpose and 1 will be happy to oblige. Thank you. 290 INDUSTRIAL DRIVE - GRANDVIEW INDUSTRIAL PARK SAINT JOHN. NEW BRUNSWICK E~ 1A5 TEL: (506) 6524595 FAX: (506) 652..3596 e~ AXA INSURANCE IN SAINT JOHN. NEW BRUNSWICK Early in 2005,AXA Insurance opened their first offices in Saint John, located in Hilyard Place at 600 Main St. Over the past two years, demand for their services have forced them to re-Iocate in the Place 400 complex. a short distance up the street. Their current office space has grown to 8,330 square feet in size, with a total of 32 full-time staff employed. Operating throughout Canada, AXA offers an extensive range of services. including personal insurance products and financial services. AXA currently employs more than 2250 employees, serving more than 4,000 brokers and consultants, throughout Canada. We are respectfully requesting. in our new location. the same variance that was earlier granted for our Hilyard Place offices. We wish to move the existing approved sign from Hilya rd Place to Place 400. Presently our sig n is on the Portland St. elevation. facing East. In it's new location it would be on the Portland St. elevation. facing West. The sign size is a modest 3ft by 3ft. It displays only our company logo, nothing more. As with our prior location, we will undertake to keep our large office windows, free of the unregulated signage. that is common to a number of Main 5t. premises. With the opportunity to move our existing small sign. we will feel no need for further identification on the exterior of our bUilding. We thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Robin Pringle For AXA Insurance Suite 2094,400 Main St. Saint John, NB, E2K 4N5 II February 16,2006 To Whom It May Concern, Dear Sir I Madame, We hereby authorize Creative Services Inc. to appl)' for Signage pennits and variances on our behalf, with regard to out premises at 400 Main Street, Saint John. Thank you for your help on this and if you have any questions please call me at 877-292-4968, ext.4132. Sincerely, ~t~44Sr- John Henderson Manager, Administration AZA INSURAIK. IU..lIlADAJ 5700 Yange S[fet.'t. SUlle 1400. N()rth York. Onlcm() .\il2 M '. K) Tf'If'ph"n..' l-iJ77-AXI\-4YOU ;2'};',4'J60t rilX 14161 ?SO.r,fBl '--, O!.,.. . ... 1'"'~:~;:.~ 'II! $':I,11ir'.. r...."'), 1:'''''' rn a nag e 1T18n.... '., """i >,.. ....x ..~~ '.~~ ~,~~ ';_.1-", ';'t~,~r '''~.o,n ~ CnnadA Co. Marcil 8, 2007 N<A Insurance Place 400 400 Main Street Saint John, NB Dear Janet, RE: Building Slgnage AXA Insurance Please be advised that Sandalwood Management authorizes AXA Insurance to install new signage at Place 400 as per the request received February 16ltl. Providing that any damage/repairs to the building caused by the installation/removal of the signage will be at your cost includ ing any maintenance/operating costs incurred. Please sign i1 the space proVided belOW as your acceptance of the terms and fax back a copy to me for my files. Sincerely, Ross Carpenter Property Manager Sandalwood Management /, . r.... +-- Y,----L,,-- (=.'-- .~ ~'\ L/ v ------- ~nel rvlO ,_/ (('oAt I, d G / J-GC 7 Date Sandalwood Management 400 Main Street. Saint John, NB E2K 1.14 Tel: 506-632.2029 Fax: 506-634-8588 City of Saint John INTERNAL INSERTION ORDER For City of Saint John use only: Budget Number: 1100801 4422010 Department: Common Clerk's Office (Account # 71206) Contact: J. Patrick Woods Phone: (506) 658-2862 I Fax: (506) 674-4214 Special Instructions (if any): Newspaper Insertion Dates (Check as applicable) (SJTJ= Saint John Telegraph Journal) .. SJT J City Information Ad Date(s): Tuesday, May 22,2007 Tuesday, June 12, 2007 .. SJT J Independent Placement .. SJTJ Classifieds Date(s): Date(s): Information for Ad (Boldface anything you want Bold in Ad, Centre, Tab, etc.) Section Headline: D General Notice 0 Tender 0 Proposal ~ Public Notice Sub-Headline (if applicable): Text: INSERT ATTACHED Call to Action: J. Patrick Woods, Common Clerk/Greffier communal Contact: I Telephone: (506) 658-2862 I I , I PROPOSED AMENDMENT OF SECTION 39 CONDITIONS RE: 400 MAIN STREET Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Saint John intends to consider a proposal at its regular meeting to be held in the Council Chamber on Monday, June 18, 2007 at 6:00 p.m., by: Amending the Section 39 conditions imposed on the July 3, 1973 rezoning of the subject property located at 400 Main Street, also identified as PID Number 55006027, to permit a revised proposal. REASON FOR CHANGE: To permit additional fascia signage. The proposed amendment may be inspected by any interested person at the office of the Common Clerk, or in the office of Planning and Development, City Hall, 15 Market Square, Saint John, N.B. between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, inclusive, holidays excepted. PROJET DE MODIFICATION DE CONDITIONS DE L' ARTICLE 39 OBJET: 400, RUE MAIN Avis public est donne, par la presente, que Ie conseil communal de The City of Saint John a Pintention d\~tudier la une proposition au cours de la reunion ordinaire du conseil prevue Ie lundi 18 juin 2007 a 18 h dans la salle du conseil: Modification des conditions de I' article 39 imposees relativement au rezonage du 3 juillet 1973 du terrain en question situe au 400, rue Main, et identifiee sous Ie NID 55006027, pour permettre la preparation d'une proposition revisee. RAISON DE LA MODIFICATION: Pour permettre les signes additionnels de fasce. Toute persanne interessee peut examiner Ie projet de modification au bureau du greffier communal au au bureau de l'urbanisme et du developpement it. l'h6tel de ville au IS, Market Square, Saint John, N.-B., entre 8 h 30 et 16 h 30 du lundi au vendredi, sauf les jours feries. Written objections to the amendment may be sent Veuillez faire parvenir vos objections au projet de to the undersigned at City Hall. modification par ecrit a l'attention du soussigne a l'hOtel de ville. J. Patrick Woods, Common Clerk 658-2862 J. Patrick Woods, Greffier communal 658-2862 PROPOSED AMENDMENT OF SECTION 39 CONDITIONS RE: 400 MAIN STREET Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Saint John intends to consider a proposal at its regular meeting to be held in the Council Chamber on Monday, June 18, 2007 at 6:00 p.m., by: Amending the Section 39 conditions imposed on the July 3, 1973 rezoning of the subject property located at 400 Main Street, also identified as PIO Number 55006027, to permit a revised proposal. REASON FOR CHANGE: To permit additional fascia signage. The proposed amendment may be inspected by any interested person at the office of the Common Clerk, or in the office of Planning and Development, City Hall, 15 Market Square, Saint John, N.B. between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, inclusive, holidays excepted. Written objections to the amendment may be sent to the undersigned at City Hall. J. Patrick Woods, Common Clerk 658-2862 PROJET DE MODIFICATION DE CONDITIONS DE L' ARTICLE 39 OBJET: 400, RUE MAIN Avis public est donne, par la presente, que Ie conseil communal de The City of Saint John a I'intention d'etudier une proposition au cours de la reunion ordinaire du conseil prevue Ie lundi, 18 juin 2007 it 18 h dans la salle du conseil: Modification des conditions de l'article 39 imposees relativement au rezonage du 3 juillet 1973 du terrain en question situee au 400, rue Main, et identifiee sous Ie NID 55006027, pour permettre la preparation d'une proposition n!ivisee. RAISON DE LA MODIFICATION: Pour permettre les signes additionnels de fasce. Toute personne interessee peut examiner Ie projet de modification au bureau du greffier communal ou au bureau de I'urbanisme et du developpement it I'hOtel de ville au 15, Market Square, Saint John, N.-B., entre 8 h 30 et 16 h 30 du lundi au vendredi, sauf les jours f6ries. Veuillez faire parvenir vos objections au projet de modification par ecrit a ('attention du soussigne it ]'hotel de ville. J. Patrick Woods, Greffier communal 658-2862 , I June 13, 2007 y our Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: 400 Main Street - Section 39 Amendment On May 22, 2007, Common Council referred the above matter to the Planning Advisory Committee for a report and recommendation. The Committee considered the attached report at its June 12, 2007 meeting. Mr. Robin Pringle of Creative Services Inc. appeared to speak on behalf of the application. No one appeared with questions or concerns related to the application and no letters were received. After considering the attached report and Mr. Pringle's comments the Committee adopted the recommendation set out below. RECOMMENDATION: That Common Council amend the Section 39 conditions imposed on the July 3, 1973 rezoning of the subject site at 400 Main Street, also identified as PID Number 208, to permit the proposed fascia sign on the building's Portland Street elevation, as generally illustrated on the submitted photos. RespectnJlly submitted, Stephen Horgan Chairman SKH Attachments Project No. 07-179 DATE: JUNE 8, 2007 TO: PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE FROM: PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT FOR: MEETING OF JUNE 12, 2007 Sarah Herring, MCIP Planner SUBJECT: Name of Applicant: Creative Services Inc. for AXA Insurance Name of Owner: 9176-2542 Quebec Inc. c/o Arthur T. Doyle Location: 400 Main Street PID: 208 Municipal Plan: Business Park Zoning: "ID" Integrated Development Proposal: To permit additional fascia signage for AXA Insurance. Type of Application: Section 39 Amendment JURISDICTION OF COMMITTEE: Common Council has requested the views of the Planning Advisory Committee concerning the proposed amendment to the Section 39 conditions. Common Council will consider the Committee's recommendation at a Public Hearing on :Monday, June 18,2007 at 7:00 p.m. Creative Services Inc. for AXA Insurance 400 Main Street Page 2 June 8, 2007 STAFF RECOMMENDATION TO COMMITTEE: That Common Council amend the Section 39 conditions imposed on the July 3, 1973 rezoning of the subject site at 400 Main Street, also identified as PID Number 208, to permit the proposed fascia sign on the building's Portland Street elevation, as generally illustrated on the submitted photos. BACKGROUND: The subject site, as well as other lands on Main Street, Hilyard Street and Chesley Drive, was placed in an "ID" Integrated Development zone in 1973 in order to permit the redevelopment of the area in accordance with the North End Urban Renewal Scheme. This scheme was adopted as a "proposal" pursuant to Section 39 of the Community Planning Act. The "ID" Integrated Development zarling of the subject site provides for the development and operation of the hotel and office portion of the Place 400 complex as well as the signage concept for the overall development. The concept allowed for exterior signs identifying the name of the complex, but limited the amount of exterior tenant slgnage. This concept has been amended a number of times to permit additional tenants signs in conjunction with the main office building and hotel, mainly for major tenants of the development. The most recent amendments occurred in April of 2005 to permit a freestanding monument sign for the Holiday Inn Express and a freestanding "cube" sign for IBM located adjacent to one of the office building entrances on Main Street. INPUT FROM OTHER SOURCES: Municipal Operations and Engineering has no objections to the proposed Section 39 Amendment. Building and Technical Services has no objection to this proposal. ANALYSIS: The Place 400 development includes an office complex fronting on Main Street (on the subject site) and a Holiday Inn Express hotel on the adjacent site. The office complex has evolved since its constmction from an office/retail/entertainment complex to primarily office uses for a wide variety of tenants. The applicant is proposing to locate an exterior tenant sign for AXA Insurance on the Portland Street elevation of the subject site. The proposed sign is approximately 0.91 metres (3 feet) by 0.96 metres (3.16 feet) in size, and would contain only the AXA logo, as shown on the attached photos. Creative Services Inc. for AXA Insurance 400 Main Street Page 3 June 8, 2007 As noted in the Background section of this report, the subject site is zoned "ID" Integrated Development, tying the development of the site, including signage, to an "approved proposal" adopted by Common Council pursuant to Section 39 of the Community Planning Act. The applicant is requesting that Common Council amend the approved proposal to pennit the proposed sign for AXA Insurance. AXA's office was previously located in the adjacent Hilyard Place complex, and on Febmary 23,2005 the Planning Advisory Committee considered an application to amend the Section 39 Conditions at 560 Main Street (Hilyard Place) to permit the same sign. As AXA was then considered to be a smaller office tenant, staff and the Committee recommended that the application be denied. Common Council approved the application at their Febmary 28, 2005 meeting. Following an increase in demand for AXA' s services over the past two years, the growing company has relocated to Place 400 and currently occupies approximately 774 square metres (8,330 square feet) of office space in the building for 32 nJll-time employees. The applicant has noted that, should the proposed Section 39 Amendment be approved, AXA will ensure that office windows will be kept free of unregulated signage and that no nlrther identification on the exterior of the building will be required. The "ID" Integrated Development zoning of the subject site requires that any new exterior signage must be approved by Common Council and is intended to prevent a proliferation of advertising on the exterior of this large, highly visible development. Developments within "ill" Integrated Development zones are generally encouraged to have an overall sign concept approved as a package so that new signage that complies with the approved proposal can proceed without nlrther approvals. In the absence of such an approved overall concept, as is the case with the Place 400 complex, new signs must be considered by the Committee and Common Council on a case-by-case basis. In these situations, a limited amount of signage is considered appropriate for businesses with their own exterior entrances and for major internal tenants. The proposed AXA Insurance sign will identify the company's corporate presence as a major tenant of the Place 400 Complex. The proposed sign will not detract from the quality of the development and can be considered appropriate at the proposed location. Approval of the proposed Section 39 Amendment is therefore recommended. SKH Project No. 07-179 SC 1:r PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT/URBANISME ET DEVELOPPEMENT u .... .. . ~ .. ~ :.. .. . 1- 1 J ~ ) I Subject Site/site en question: PID(s)/NIP(s): 55006027 Location: 400, rue Main Street Date: May 30, 2007 Scale/echelle: Not to scale/Pas a I'echelle ...... . .~." ;.-' . .' . ~:.;f '. .>.;_:.~-'_.... '00' ,.:..:'", ~ . "" ,"""'''i,~A''~ : ." c." ,,-- ..f:::~]rt o o ~ GJ U ca - Q. \0 C'W) )( a U) C'I) II u N - en c: tall .- en .. Z o - !;( U o ..J Z c o " ::: - ~ U'J ~ I.&J 3= .; l&J U) Z -g "' - c i 1&.1 a.. U) o a.. o a:::: D.. z 0...= i=(/) c:(c U.- oftl ..J:E z' "cu _ CJ VI..!! CJa. z"O - .. ....ftI en.!:' - .- )(% . . . 04/18/2007 15:42 5585171 ~4/18/2ee7 ~S:4e 1 FCS HOUSING PLANNIN6 AND DEVELDP PAGE 03/04 PAGE El4/05 , ... I ApplieatioD for a Zoning By-law Amendm~nt Demande de modification a }'arr@tt sur Ie toDage I AftpJimnt Rdnted In.fornlationl :RenseignemeniS ~r Ie demaudetll' I NaJ:De of AppliClllrt I Nom. dUo ~ F, c..., i..... -odC'tln t ~ <:. :.... c:" MaiJ.i!lg Addftss of ~lic:am.1 A~ ~1e du dcm3ndeut ! cPO r;C1~ $'00. SQ.;^'+.:r....~^" [('II) PO!ltalCode/CodeJJQ~--E,"L '1'1" Te1cphom:Numta/NumSI'odetilepbone ro Co'':'" "I >8.. S j !:" '0 Home I Domicile ~ork I Travail Fa...... NUlIlber I NIDIIiro de t6U:cclpicw r;:- 0 ~ ,. ~:; 8y~' t ( '1 ) Name of'propcrty Owner (tf difterent) I Nom. dn proprieIaire (~ di1ferent1 N.~. ~t:ll.ol."":....."'1 Adclress f Ad~ S ~ ~__ ~ ~ ~ ~ ':,.?-- Postal Codc.1 Code postal Property Informadou I Renseignemenb sor .. PrWriCti I Loc:ItiCII. / Emp1ar:=mcot , 0 C + t ( 0 & oft ..... c..o u. ~ +- 0 DOLl 'B., 1 Civic # I No de wine, Street I ~QC :PJD f NIP , Lot An:a I Supuficic Clu lot 2 ,( h. S1I'Cet Fro\itagQl F~de surnJe Existing Use of~ I UtilismiOl:l: ac:tudJe de 1a propriE:tti! c1"\ ...",..1 +: ~ c:...... , \ '" . M111Iicipal Plan land Use ~on . Pl:si.gnatiOll de uti.1izmi0\'l de$ terres Sllr Jc pl. municipal I I Amendment ~uuted I ModificatiOJJ dcma.dieJ I ~ ZoDiDs: I Zorrage 3ClU/b] (Y\ I.-< t of- " 4~ """" f ~ o Cbangt toning to I Modification duzonllF3 7i ~....'" ~. +-,,.,, <I H' ~ ~"".1Il , .''lit..... ")/t. "" "f'- P ("".s, ( <r+c...:f.f . and/or/t.m ! · rL - \ II o T~ Amend.ment (.ixtdicat.c perticu1an;) ! Modific::ati~ du! tm,e (indiqu.ezle$ ~) ! i : 04/18/2007 15:42 6585171 e4/l8/2e~7 eS:45 1 FCS HOUSING PI..ANl'-IING AND DEVEL.OP PAGE 04/04 PAGE ~!5/e5 i I Developmlllt ~sal f Proposition dtltm~apm~t ~on ofPropoAl r~ de laproposition ! I ~ ~ rf..:i t.w' ~~"'----9 ~.\ ~ '+ B.Q.fn ca___ CL _+~n.... :t. h.,Q "'J'~ ~4 :... ~ (.~" 'fa.$. ~.-.. " ..f)... w..o~ J- -f '" c.: ~,;&A .tJ_ )..........' ......., ~ 1'-^........~~,'...... i VDW' d ' foum" W7 plan d:u: $i~ I1l'edre/Jr. il.bt$ronf votre pmpositio . VOJlS pof.OC egakmentj'mmrJr an photo il!;f, ~ plans de PtJt/ment, .~ dessine de plan rJ'eUvati ,t tcute au1tW fMmt de rmv:t!iEtlflmIJnt. Le pUtrl doit mil; lef dimensl.QtI~ '* JrJ. prvprieli. l'etnpltJctlr1erd tit 10 tr;taliN 3 b4timcnts, dc~ alld8s. au edrrlJ dI1 stati9 ~ des am~nage:mtm~ ~6el.pl~ de ~ignaU tlo". Jr ,$1 UtIporIt2nt 4'1ndIqt4ltr la ~(;C entre l~ li,."Jtt:. tk ID prop1'ieU d l~~ hdrtmenh. I i Prr:rvidc reasons ~ these ~ shoWd be 3pJlIO\=\ r F~mkt.oat 3llIIe ~gnc;:nlen.'l oonccmam votn:: proposition qtti poumdt ilIre a~ ! feu mll$t ~ a scaled site pf(Z17 that illflStrmes you,. pr'CpOsaL YM4 mDY alsrJ ~tde ph(Jlographs. building plans, efevariD7t ~ cmri tDr)1othu 10m;. "finfor'mtJtion. The P/M1 mu.'It MOW 1M d/1ItUJ$#(Nfs of tM praf1'!1'9l. the 'oQ(lt'on (If alJ buildIngs, ~s, pmkirrg i2'I"ta!, /mfthotzpmg (md $I"s. 11' i$ impo~ Ihd /he disttmCt! bttw\w'f rht: pt'Optlrty boundary and lnlildings an: sf1.Q'fAI'fI., i : I i Provide my other infurlNliOll a'bol:rt ylJUi: proposal that would bl= h=lpM. / Fou:rt'tix-lout autre n;nscignenu;nt conccmant "YOm: proposition qui pourmit b urlh:. ' LJ - . ,..... ,J. ~(...v~ _ 4 '- I 1!:.1'I ..,.,...... r-1......~,....."l. Date I ,4 it..... I f e {~1!:J 0'7 . I , I ~ $41](1 Application F= :Enctose::d I Ci~joird: les 1m$. de ~ de 400 $ ! SigaatUrC of ~icant J Signature du dcmandl!Ut fjyotJ are not the f7W1fCr a/the kmd itt tJIIIl~Q1'I pfet1$C ~ thr>. owner sJ81f billow. 17la sfgna11lJ't of the ~ is ~Z1ng dlls Qppli:;af1orl to FOaled fr con:;idoa/ion by Cctrmw" Cowncit. Si~ ofOwncr (if;appIicabl.o) Signattltc: dac ~ (s'n'Y a tier:t) Date:. 1; c,{.... .'",~~ r 1-1",,-.;." ," ., Si Vmt . "'~,, pels Ie propt'idtaJrr tirJ. ttt1'l'DI7f 1m t{wr$~on, vatl/; ~b~~it 10 si~rt! .ml propri81aire 41m3 ft1 ptMfe ci s. :La atgnot:n du prJprltltIirr! arl/r}ri6D1I't J" trafre .n: rk JQ prtsenre M1MIlde pour que Cdtf! tkmiere soft irr6<! par Ie ~nJMJ ~nut1tt'1. . . 04/18/2007 15:42 5585171 FCS HOUSING PAGE 01/04 '::" ...~,;<;,:.,,:. ,,..,.':,:;t,,.,.",::;,;.r:..'::':'::'. ":::>"i. . . .."""a..ren. I.n, ,\.,,:fl~,.,~:.:.!':I',..,;',~~.i"JI1tr~ ~"",,\; ":'8l'E":: I,',.. ::::,;,k!j:.~~~\J~~jr:[~\:T~'ft~!:;::~:t.~~m~;1.;.~i.::..' ;~~ ""'i"~': ~:,:,:r,.:.,::.'...:f:tt~.::.,.p;;.fe:.~t ':::;;.;:;:;';~tt~;~~\~:';;"l{;~~;;~IL. " "'"....:r::.._.".".':~i.... "'.""""" " .,. ".,.,"','~I\. .'D""'~~ .. '~11'on~','atJqettip'~;:'ie: ,", ", :1'!t.1Jt 1'..1 . . . "~~:,'i/d~'i":;::;'!-~.ii~f~?:-:"'. _.':II"I::~~~'.,:"j~n..ft ,~ , . f "..I!.:'~:~~;::y.t...>.'>: ',t' ...f.1J"1;U "f"I(' "~:r~t:.::,'~~ :,>~;,~':.r\'~~:.:I~,~~;-:::, _.~(~:,:':.::'~~.:~.~/" , " .::::~. I". _,,' , ~,C.'~</,i;~,~:~~'i~':':;/. .".:..".':.::[ .. ."'"""':':,::".~ . '\ FAMILY & COMMUNjTY SERVICES 1'" APR 18 2001 ~J ! \0.. /;1 \~CP:O~b -."f'( ~ .,/ "'~"""~ SA1\' .. ._'W' Fax Tal SC<..6~~ t.( ~ Q:t;l:" ,...,.., Fret f2." ~ r:::..tiJ g, ,~L.t:..- pag~s= '" I Da~ lirA, ( (9{o'7 ! ee: i : i n Please Comtnen~ D Please Reply D Please ReO:YQ;le I , c (g. )(5"& Fax: ~.cca }..fi3.7 Phone: Rt:!: t:I Urgent D For Review , MESSAGE: a6~"c.J,,~^-, 4^ ^ A,' 6 f , . I fU.- ~ - ,'... '1 A,..,J. '~J"l-~~ L 000 f./B':i7 . :7:f:5J. ..J7 , ! I This message is intended only for the use Of the a~ressee and may contain informatiDn that is' privileged and Gonfldel'1tial. ff you are not the intend dreclpjent, you are hereby notified that any distribution of this oommunication is strictly prohibited. If au have received this c;ommunic:ation in error, please noti.fy us immediately by telephone. i I , , I IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE IS MESSAGE IN rT$' ENTIRETY, PLEASE CALL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE AT (506) 658-4 ('/' OPERATOR: 04/18/2007 15:42 5585171 FC5 HOUSING PROPOSED ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT RE: 10 CULLODEN COURT Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Saint John intends to consider amending The City of Saint John Zoning By-law at its regular meeting to be held in the Council Chamber on Monday, June 18, 2007 at ~:oo p.m., by: Rezoning a parcel of land located at 10 Culloden Court, having an area of approximately 133 square metres, also identified as being a portion of Pill No. 00017897, from "RM-2" High Rise Multiple Residential to "IL-l" N eighbourbood Institutional. REASON FOR CHANGE: To permit a transition house with six temporary residents and staff. The proposed amendment may be inspected by any interested person at the office of the Common Clerk, or in the office of Planning and Development, City Hall, 15 Market Square, Saint John, N.B. between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, inclusive, holidays excepted. PiOJET DE MODIFICATION DE L'ARRETlt SUR LE ZONAGE OBJET: 10, COUR CULLODEN ; ; A~' s public est donne, par la presente, que Ie c seil communal de The City of Saint John a l'i tention ct'etudier la modification suivante de l' ete sur Ie zonage de The City of Saint John, au c~urs de la reunion ordinaire du conseil prevue Ie lurdi 18 juin 2007 a 1'\h dans la salle du conseil: I ~ezonage d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie approximative de 133 metres carres, situee au 1p, cour Culloden, et identifiee a partie du ~'ID 00017897, de zone de tours d'habitations a I gements multiples HRM-2>> a quartier a , cation collective << IL-l )>. RAISON DE LA MODIFICATION: Permettre l'etablissement d'une maison de transition hebergeant six residents temporaires et son persotmel. Toute personne interessee peut examiner Ie projet de modification au bureau du greffier communal ou au bureau de l'urbanisme et du developpement a llhOte! de ville au 15, Market Square, Saint John, N.~B., entre 8 h 30 et 16 h 30 du hmdi au vendredi, sauf les jours feries. Written objections to the amendment may be sent Veuillez faire parvenir vos objections au projet de to the undersigned at City Hall. modification par ecrit a l'attention du soussigne a l'hOtel de ville. ], Patrick Woods, Common Clerk 658-2862 1. Patrick Woods, Greffier communal 658-2862 PROPOSED ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT RE: 10 CULLODEN COURT Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Saint John intends to consider amending The City of Saint John Zoning By-law at its regular meeting to be held in the Council Chamber on Monday, June 18, 2007 at 7:00 p.m., by: Rezoning a parcel of land located at 10 Culloden Court, having an area of approximately 133 square metres, also identified as PID No. 00017897, from "RM-2" Higb Rise Multiple Residential to "IL-1" N eigbbourhood Institutional. REASON FOR CHANGE: To pemit a transition house with six temporary residents and staff. The proposed amendment may be inspected by any interested person at the office of the Conunon Clerk, or in the office of Planning and Development, City Hall, 15 Market Square, Saint John, N.B. between the hours of 8:30 a,m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, inclusive, holidays excepted. Written objections to the amendment may be sent to the undersigned at City HalL J. Patrick Woods, Common Clerk 658-2862 PROJET DE MODIFICATION DE L'ARRETE SUR LE ZONAGE OBJET: 10~ COUR CULLODEN Avis public est donne, par la presente, que Ie conseil conununal de The City of Saint Jo1m a l'intention d'etudier la modification suivante de l'arrete sur Ie zonage de The City of Saint John, au cours de la reunion ordinaire du conseil prewe Ie lundi~ 18 juin 2007 a 1\ h dans la salle du conseil: Rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie approximative de 133 metres cam~s, situ6e au 10, cour Culloden, et identifi6e a partie du NID 00017897, de zone de tours d'babitations a logements multiples <<RM-2>> a quartier a vocation collective << IL-l )). RAISON DE LA MODIFICATION: Pennettre l'etablissement d'une maison de transition hebergeant SIX residents temporaires et son personnel. Toute personne interess6e peut examiner Ie projet de modification au bureau du greffier communal ou au bureau de l'urbanisme et du developpement a l'hotel de ville au 15, Market Square, Saint John, N.-B., entre 8 h 30 et 16 h 30 du lundi au vendredi, sauf les jours f6ries. Veuillez faire parvenir vos objections au projet de modification par ecrit a l'attention du soussigne a l'h6tel de ville. J. Patrick Woods, Greffier communal 658-2862 City of Saint John INTERNAL INSERTION ORDER For City of Saint John use only: Bud et Number: 1100801 4422010 De artment: Common Clerk's Office (Accou'nt # 71206 Contact: J. Patrick Woods Phone: (506) 658-2862 ax: (506) Q74-4214 Special Instructions (if any):: Newspaper Insertion Dates (Check as applicable) (SJTJ= Saint John Telegraph Journal) .. SJT J Independent Placement .. SJT J Classifieds Date(s): Tuesday, May 22, 2007 Tuesday, June ts. 2007 ot. Date(s): ,. SJT J City Information Ad Date(s): Information for Ad (Boldface anything you want Bold in Ad, Centre, Tab, etc.) Section Headline: D General Notice 0 Tender 0 Proposal I!I Public Notice Sub-Headline (if applicable): Text: INSERT ATTACHED Call to Action: J. Patrick Woods, Common Clerk/Greffier communal Contact: I Telephone: (506) 658-2862 BY-LAWNUMBERC.P.1l0- A LAW TO AMEND THE ZONING BY-LAW OF THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN ARRETIt NO C.P. 110- ARRETE MODIFIANT L' ARRETE SUR LE WNAGE DE THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by The City of Saint Lors d'une reunion du conseil Jolm in Common Council convened, as communal, The City of Saint John a follows: deerete ce qui suit: The Zoning By-law of The City of L'arrete sur Ie zonage de The City Saint John enacted on the nineteenth day of of Saint Jolm, decrete Ie dix-neuf (19) December, A.D. 2005, is amended by: decembre 2005, est modifie par: 1 Amending Schedule "A", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by rezoning a parcel of land located at 10 Culloden Court, having an area or approximately 133 square metres, also identified as being a portion of PID No. 00017897, from "RM-2" High Rise Multiple Residential to "IL-I" Neighbourhood Institutional. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal ofthe said City to be affixed to this by-law the * day of *, A.D. 2007 and signed by: 1 La modification de l'annexe (<A)), Plan de zonage de The City of Saint Jolm, permettant de modifier la designation pour um: parcelle de terrain d'une superficie approximative de 133 metres cam~s, situee au 10, cour Culloden, et identifiee a partie du NID 00017897, de zone de tours d'habitations a logements multiples (<RM- 2)) a quartier a vocation collective ({ IL-l )). EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur Ie present arrete Ie 2007, avec les signatures suivantes : Mayor/Maire Common Clerk/Greffier conununal First Reading Second Reading - Third Reading - Premiere lecture Deuxieme lecture Troisieme lecture May 30, 2007 y our Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: 10 Culloden Court - Rezoning Application On May 7, 2007 Common Council referred the above matter to the Planning Advisory Committee for a report and recommendation. The Committee considered the attached report at its May 29, 2007 meeting. Mr. Ron McNeill of the Technical Services Division of Family and Community Services appeared to speak in support of the application, and noted that his division has been in contact with the Saint John Fire Department and is prepared to undertake any required fire safety upgrades for the unit at 10 Culloden Court. Ms. Patty Donovan, the House Coordinator for Coverdale Centre also appeared in support of the application and offered additional clarification on the intent of the proposed transition home and the supervision and policies for the temporary residents at 10 Culloden Court. Following consideration of the attached report and the information provided by Mr. McNeill and Ms. Donovan, the Planning Advisory Committee adopted the recommendation as set out below. RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Common Council rezone a parcel of land with an area of approximately 183 square metres, located at 10 Culloden Court, also identified as being a portion of PID Number 00017897, from "RM-2" High Rise Multiple Residential to "IL-l" Neighbourhood Institutional. 2. That, pursuant to Section 39 of the Community Planning Act, the proposed rezoning be subject to the condition that the use of the property is limited to a community centre and grounds, a group care facility housing a maximum of 10 persons and not including a public hospital or a jailor similar correctional institution, a kindergarten, nursery or day care centre, or senior citizens housing in association with a group care facility and subject to the unit size requirements of Section 310(3)(g) of the Zoning By-law, and further, that upon rezoning of the property, the land and Planning Advisory Committee June 15, 2007 Page 2 building or stmcture thereon must be developed and used in conformity with the proposal and condition identified herein. Respectfi.Jlly submitted, Stephen Horgan Chairman SKH Attachments Project No. 07-150 DATE: MAY 25, 2007 TO: PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE FROM: PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT FOR: MEETING OF MAY 29, 2007 Sarah Herring, MCIP Planner SUBJECT: Name of Applicant: Family and Community Services - Housing Name of Owner: New Bnmswick Housing Corporation Location: 10 Culloden Court PID: 17897 (portion thereof) Municipal Plan: Medium Density Residential Zoning: current: "RM-2" High Rise Multiple Residential proposed: "IL-l" Neighbourhood Institutional Proposal: To permit a transition home for 6-12 temporary residents and staff. Type of Application: Rezoning. JURISDICTION OF COMMITTEE: The Community Planning Act authorizes the Planning Advisory Committee to give its views to Common Council concerning proposed rezoning applications. The Committee's recommendation will be considered by Common Council at a Public Hearing on Monday, June 18 at 6:00 p.m. Family and Community Services - Housing 10 Culloden Court Page 2 May 25,2007 STAFF RECOMMENDATION TO COMMITTEE: 1. That Common Council rezone a parcel of land with an area of approximately 183 square metres, located at 10 Culloden Court, also identified as being a portion of PID Number 00017897, from "RM-2" High Rise Multiple Residential to "IL-l" Neighbourhood Institutional. 2. That, pursuant to the provisions of Section 39 of the Community Planning Act, the proposed rezoning be subject to the condition that the use of the property is limited to a community centre and grounds, a group care facility housing a maximum of 10 persons and not including a public hospital or a jailor similar correctional institution, a kindergarten, nursery or day care centre, or senior citizens housing in association with a group care facility and subject to the unit size requirements in Section 310(3 )(g) of the Zoning By-law, and fi.lrther, that upon rezoning of the property, the land and building or stmcture thereon must be developed and used in conformity with the proposal and condition identified herein; and INPUT FROM OTHER SOURCES: Municipal Operations and Engineering has no objections to the proposed rezoning. Building and Technical Services will require complete floor plans prior to approval of a Building Pennit. There may be life safety issues requiring upgrading prior to occupancy of the building as a transition house. Fire Department has no objection to this application provided that: fire rated doors (20 minutes) with appropriate door closures are installed to separate the bedrooms; all smoke alarms need to be hard wired and interconnected per the National Building Code Section; and any consideration to have more than 6 residents and staff will require an additional application. On this note, there are substantial differences in property requirements if the number of residents mcreases. Saint John Police Force has been advised of this application. ANALYSIS: Site and Neighbourhood The subject site is located in the New Bnmswick Housing Corporation development located between Crown Street and Bnmswick Drive in the City's South End. The subject site, 10 Culloden Court, is a semi-detached dwelling with four bedrooms on the second floor. The surrounding area contains Family and Community Services - Housing 10 Culloden Court Page 3 May 25,2007 multiple-family dwellings also owned by the New Bnmswick Housing Corporation. Parking for this development is located in a central parking lot offBmnswick Street, and each of the COUlis in the development can then be accessed on foot from either the parking lot or from the sidewalk on Crown Street. Proposal The applicant is a non-profit organization, governed by a board of directors, which currently offers programs and services to women including group and individual counselling, a drop-in centre where women can find support, referrals to community services, general counselling, addiction counselling, positive recreation, self-improvement courses and educational upgrading. Coverdale Centre also offers programs at the Saint John Regional Correctional Centre and provides residential facilities that offer independent living with supports and life skills training. The applicant is now proposing to lease the subject site from the Department of Family and Community Services for use as a transition home for 6-12 homeless women. The facility would provide short-term housing (to a maximum of one month) with 24-hour supervision and support for homeless women while they transition to more permanent housing arrangements. The applicant does not plan to make any stmctural changes to the subject site and the attached internal site plan illustrates how the dwelling unit will be arranged. This application is similar to one which was considered for a homeless women's shelter on the West Side in July of2003. The Committee considered the application to rezone the property at 186 Queen Street West from "R-2" One and Two Family Residential to "IL-l" Neighbourhood Institutional to permit an increase in the occupancy of an existing homeless women's shelter. The Committee recommended approval of the application; however, Common Council tabled the application at their meeting on July 21, 2003 to allow time for discussions between the applicant and concerned residents. Following an Open House and two meetings held by the applicant in July and August, Council denied the application for rezoning at its meeting of September 2, 2003. On December 9,2005 the Committee considered an application to rezone the same property from "R- 2" One and Two Family Residential to "SZ-19" to permit the establishment of a group care facility for homeless women. The Committee recommended approval of the rezoning, with a revised recommendation that the facility be limited to a maximum of 10 homeless women and one apartment within the same building. Common Council subsequently approved the rezoning with the Committee's recommended Section 39 conditions. Zoning and Municipal Plan Policies The proposed transition home falls under the Zoning By-law's definition of a group care facility, which is not permitted under the site's existing "RM-2" High Rise Multiple Residential zoning. Were the proposed facility to house a maximum of 5 women, it could be permitted under the present zoning as afamily, defined by the Zoning By-law as not more thanflve persons occupying a dwelling unit as Family and Community Services - Housing 10 Culloden Court Page 4 May 25,2007 a single, non-prqf7t housekeeping unit. The proposal to house between 6 and 12 women; however, requires that the site be rezoned to "IL-l" N eighbourhood Institutional to permit a group care facility. The subject site and surrounding area are designated as Mediul1l Density Residential by the Municipal Plan. The Plan's policies envision that various types of residential accommodations and local institutional uses, such as churches, schools, small clinics and nursing homes, will be permitted in these areas. Small-scale, local institutional uses are considered to be compatible with and required in close proximity to residential neighbourhoods. These uses are; however, required to observe suitable standards to ensure that they do not become a nuisance or result in the depreciation of adjacent residential uses. Basic site requirements intended to mitigate the potential impact of "IL-l" Neighbourhood Institutional uses include increased minimum setbacks and limitations on building height and lot coverage. These requirements are especially important for larger institutional uses, such as large care facilities or schools. In this case, the proposal is limited to a maximum 12-bed transition home that will be wholly contained within an existing four-bedroom semi-detached dwelling. Although the subject site does not meet the typical lot area, side yards or maximum lot occupancy for a freestanding building on its own lot in the "IL-l" Neighbourhood Institutional zone, the front and rear yard and landscaping requirements are exceeded and the proposed use does not appear to be out of context with the surrounding neighbourhood. It is expected that the short term residents of the transition home will fi.1l1ction largely like afamily within the dwelling unit, especially given the continuous supervision and support services offered to these women during their residency. The subject site is similar in appearance to the other semi-detached dwelling units in the neighbourhood, save for a small sign in a front window, and it is expected that the exterior of the subject dwelling unit and the front and rear yards will continue to be maintained as they are at present. The Zoning By-law requires one off-street parking space for every six group care beds in a group care facility. Using this formula, the proposed transition home would require 2 parking spaces if the proposed maximum of 12 beds were provided. Parking spaces are currently provided for the development in the central parking area offBmnswick Street, and although parking spaces are not designated for each unit, it is not expected that parking will be a problem as likely only the staff of the transition home will be driving to the site. Fire Safety Concerns The original application received from Community and Family Services stated that only 6 residents and staff would be housed in the proposed transition home. Subsequent discussions with the Coverdale Centre revealed that between 6 and 10 residents would be housed, with 10 beds provided in the upstairs bedrooms as shown on the attached site plans. The applicant also stated that should an additional 2 persons require housing (an "overflow" situation), they would be housed on cots in the basement. This information was not available at the time that the Fire Department's comments were requested; however, the comments provided noted that additional fire safety measures would be required should Family and Community Services - Housing 10 Culloden Court Page 5 May 25,2007 more than 6 residents be housed at the subject site. As well, it is not known whether the windows in the basement would be acceptable to the Fire Department and the National Building Code as a means of emergency egress. Coverdale Centre has been advised of the Fire Department's conunents and has noted that they will contact the Department; however, it is recommended that the transition home be limited to a maximum of 10 persons plus staff, provided that all required fire safety measures are implemented. CONCLUSION: The proposed transition home appears to be a compatible institutional use in this neighbourhood, especially given that there are no other group care facilities in close proximity to the subject site. The rezoning of this site from "RM-2" High Rise Multiple Residential to "IL-l" Neighbourhood Institutional to pennit a transition home for homeless women can be supported, but it is recommended that conditions be imposed pursuant to Section 39 of the Community Planning Actto limit the use of the site to a group care facility with a maximum of 10 beds. SKH Project No. 07-150 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT/URBANISME ET DEVELOPPEMENT .\.'.\' \ B -,\7 ) 1 I i Subject Site/site en question: I . ~. I - Location: 10, cour Culloden Court Date: May 1, 2007 Scale/echelle: Not to scale/Pas a I'echelle i f . \ J I i \ \ , I I I I" .~ \ \ I. i I \, I I I i I . . - ..,. ......~QIf'...Sw I. ,; I . I ' i M I 1 I - 1) I .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4\ .' - 1.' . .;1 \ \ I ; j \ 1 · ; "\. . 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"I ~f i 1', C" :...., :.... (. ~:i~v(~ I ~~)I ....l .0M4 ,....~-' : L :-. .'. ; J. .... --.... - ~ d ~G~~~~~~'^ ~.n::.~. _~..l ~ -3::..'011 1.'':' ~ t P.'JI"!r.t lian --J II"I!$ ~;.~ TO l: 1(.-M t .._~..._.~______+ ...._~----.i- 'tI " 0; :lOtr~ fl'.;lJi ' , . -' ! . : t l. - - - -- - - - - .- -- - - - - - -' - - - .. - - - - -~- - - - - - - ~ ~-Ci-_!Et------..-- --.. ..- -- i "1fG..f'~-+- . .1N~ l.......zi..- ~ ~ t 'fC~: ! +-.~ , ~:;'~;;;;--;;;r1 ---1 . Application for Amendment to Section 39 Resolution or Agreement Demande de modification de la resolution ou de I'entente relative it I'article 39 Applicant Related Information / Renseignements sur Ie demandeur Name of Applicant! Nom du demandeur &0 f 'J<JM YAlcJ- lj 00 # 'E}Jc.. Mailing Address of Applicant / Adresse postale du demandeur j q -.:2J Ha. Zen ftuenu e. --..s,.L.NI-t- ~ AJj, Postal Code / Code postal &dL - .3GG;. Telephone Number J Numero de telephone: Home/Domicile (~) 7?3-0t?tJt? Work/travail [SO')''1/, -dlOq Fax Number / Numero de telecopieur {StJlJ Gji.J -tJ 1 f.5 Name of Property Owner (if different) / Nom du proprh~taire (si different) 1; t:i::u) LnG . J.-ro- ~MhuJ ~~ ~ I ~t-Sd\.A.. Postal Code/Code postal EdL"3&(, Existing Resolution I Resolution actuelle Date of Resolution to be Amended I Date de la resolution a modifier Location / Emplacement / ~ Prrn (.i!J ~du.>>fd ~ Civic No. / No de voirie Street I Rue ~~Iq S 13J PID / NIP Applicant's Interest in Property I Interet de demandeurs dan la propriete Id~ l-r~ What is your Proposal? / En quoi consiste votre proposition? Note: Provide a fully dimensional drawing or plan which illustrates your proposal. (Describe proposal in detail) Nota: Fournier un plan au un dessin entierement cote ilIustrant votre proposition. (Decrire la proposition en detail) ('j//~ q~ ft'r:;{t.uL,O duf1~ /;j if.v 'I 61<1 ~U! u{ ~~z ~ ~ IX r ~ A fee of$300.00 is enclosed in the form ofa cheque or Money Order made payable to the City of Saint John. Ci-joint des frais de 300 $ sous forme de cheque ou de mandat-poste Iibelle a I'ordre de The City of Saint John. Signature of ~p~D~ demandeu, ?~mdA'~ fi/~RPeF'\I!D ~~~\ Date ~ ,2J'/;i!J'&/ Sig"3tu the own" must b. includ \.aSign"ur. due pcoprietair. doit etr. lncl:" f) e' - /1 Signatu Own~Lif Bflp,\ic~b,~"~ / sig 're du proprietaire (s'i1 y a lieu) 4 l! .--'- ct..L~ ~ py~ 0:.. ~ -.'- / \~ g) Date orA ~'7 ~ 7 '~q~$A~ \~ / J!I,~IJ ~tr en () J: a.. <( rr. (') ,-I >- Z > I .... $ z <..HJ (f) Cl o o ~ 0- Z o N UJ a: () ~. ?< o;;t t.: .s: ~ ~ ~ ... 0'I.l ::I "0 ~ .. 1 - ell -= ~ i i =c .. QZ ... 0'I.l '" - i>'Ii ,e, ~ =- ell CIl Q ~ ~ ~ ., = ~ ~ 5;t~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ "'"' l::;:.l~tI.l ~ ~rI}UOZOO~ 9~6u8~~ "'"'~o<z-'O =- tI'l tx\ 0 ~ rIl .. ~~=-t...o~~ ~ ~~~~~~~ rIlZ~~O~Z~ ....~~ ~~ ~ z....E-o::=~-.-l ~~otl.lE;~~ r:J'l~Z~<""'~~ ~ O~ \C ~~~> ~j;l~"!' r:J'lo IJ.lOO ~ - ~= .. ~ ~~~ ! ~ ~ ,.. !i ~ I I PROPOSED SECTION 39 AMENDMENT RE: PRINCE EDWARD SQUARE Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Saint John intends to consider a proposal at its regular meeting to be held in the Council Chamber on Monday, June 4, 2007 at 7:00 p.m., by: Amending the proposal adopted by Council on May 8, 1972 pursuant to Section 39 of the Community Planning Act in conjunction with the "ID" Integrated Development zoning of Prince Edward Square, also identified as PID 55158133, to permit additional exterior signage. PROJET DE MODIFICATION DE L' ARTICLE 39 OBJET: PRINCE EDWARD SQUARE Par les presentes, un avis public est donne par lequel Ie conseil communal de The City of Saint John indique son intention d'examiner une proposition 10rs de la reunion ordinaire qui se tiendra Ie lundi 4 juin 2007 a 19 h dans la salle du conseil en apportant les modifications suivantes : La modification de la proposition, adoptee par Ie conseille 8 mai 1972, en vertu de l'article 39 de la Loi sur /'urbanisme, de concert avec Ie zonage de developpement integre <( ID >) de Prince Edward Square, portant egalement Ie NID 55158133, pour permettre la mise en place de panneaux d'affichage supplementaires a l'exterieur. REASON FOR CHANGE: MOTIFS DE LA MODIFICATION: To permit signage for the YMCA-YWCA's new Permettre la mise en place de panneaux d'affichage location. pour les nouveaux locaux du YMCA-YWCA. The proposed amendment may be inspected by any interested person at the office of the Common Clerk, or in the office of Planning and Development, City Hall, 15 Market Square, Saint John, N.S. between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, inclusive, holidays excepted. Toute personne interessee peut examiner la modification proposee au bureau du greffier communal ou au bureau de l'urbanisme et du developpement a l'h6tel de ville situe au 15, Market Square, a Saint John, au Nouveau-Brunswick, entre 8 h 30 et 16 h 30 du lundi au vendredi, sauf les jours feries. Written objections to the amendment may be sent Veuillez faire part de vos objections au projet de to the undersigned at City Hall. modification par ecrit a l'attention du soussigne a l'hOtel de ville. 1. Patrick Woods, Common Clerk 658-2862 J. Patrick Woods, greffier communal 658-2862 PROPOSED SECTION 39 AMENDMENT RE: MARKET SQUARE Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Saint John intends to consider a proposal at its regular meeting to be held in the Council Chamber on Monday, June 4,2007 at 7:00 p.m., by: Amending the proposal adopted by Council on May 8, 1972 pursuant to Section 39 of the Community Planning Act in conjunction with the "10" Integrated Development zoning of Prince Edward Square, also identified as prD 55158133, to permit additional exterior signage. REASON FOR CHANGE: To permit signage for the YMCA- YWCA's new location. The proposed amendment may be inspected by any interested person at the office of the Common Clerk, or in the office of Planning and Development, City Hall, 15 Market Square, Saint John, N.H. between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, inclusive, holidays excepted. Written objections to the amendment may be sent to the undersigned at City Hall. J. Patrick Woods, Common Clerk 658-2862 ------------------------------------------------------------------ PROJET DE MODIFICATION DE L' ARTICLE 39 OBJET: PRINCE EDWARD SQUARE Par les presentes, un avis public est donne par lequel Ie conseil communal de The City of Saint John indique son intention d'examiner une proposition lars de la reunion ordinaire qui se tiendra Ie luudi 4 juiu 2007 Ii 19 h dans la salle du conseil en apportant les modifications suivantes : La modification de la proposition, adoptee par Ie conseille 8 mai 1972, en vertu de l'article 39 de la Loi sur l'urbanisme, de concert avec Ie zonage de developpement integre <<ID )) de Prince Edward Square, portant egalement Ie NID 55158133, pour permettre la mise en place de panneaux d'affichage supplementaires a l'exterieur. MOTIFS DE LA MODIFICATION: Permettre la mise en place de panneaux d'affichage pour les nouveaux locaux du YMCA-YWCA. Toute personne interessee peut examiner la modification proposee au bureau du greffier communal ou au bureau de I'urbanisme et du developpement it l'hOtel de ville situe au 15, Market Square, it Saint John, au Nouveau-Brunswick, entre 8 h 30 et 16 h 30 du lundi au vendredi, saufles jours feries. Veuillez faire part de vos objections au projet de modification par ecrit a 1'attention du soussigne a I'hOtel de ville. J. Patrick Woods, greffier communal 658-2862 PROPOSED SECTION 39 AMENDMENT RE: PRINCE EDWARD SQUARE Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Saint John intends to consider a proposal at its regular meeting to be held in the Council Chamber on Monday, June 18, 2007 at"'f.:OO p.m., by: /.g Amending the proposal adopted by Council on May 8, 1972 pursuant to Section 39 of the Community Planning Act in conjunction with the "IO" Integrated Development zoning of Prince Edward Square, also identified as PID 55158133, to permit additional exterior slgnage. PROJET DE MODIFICATION DE L'ARTICLE 39 OBJET: PRINCE EDWARD SQUARE Par les presentes, lUl avis public est donne par leque[ Ie conseil communal de The City of Saint John indique son intention d'examiner une proposition Ion; de la relUlion ordinaire qui se tiendra Ie lundi 18 juin 2007 a 'tt,h dans la salle du conseil en apportant lek~ modifications sui vantes : La modification de la proposition, adoptee par Ie conseille 8 mai 1972, en vertu de l'article 39 de la Loi sur ['urbanisme, de concert avec Ie zonage de developpement int{:gre (( 1D>> de Prince Edward Square, portant egalement Ie NID 55158133, pour permettre la mise en place de panneaux d'affichage supplementaires a I'exterieur. REASON FOR CHANGE: MOTIFS DE LA MODIFICATION: To permit signage for the YMCA-YWCA's new Permettre la mise en place de panneaux d'affichage location. pour les nouveaux locaux du YMCA-YWCA. The proposed amendment may be inspected by any interested person at the office of the Common Clerk, or in the office of Planning and Development, City Hall, 15 Market Square, Saint John, N.B. between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, inclusive, holidays excepted. T oute personne interessee peut examiner la modification proposee au bureau du greffier communal ou au bureau de l'urbanisme et du developpement it l'h6tel de ville situe au 15, Market Square, a Saint Jolm, au Nouveau-Brunswick, entre 8 h 30 et 16 h 30 du lundi au vendredi, sauf les jours f6ries. Written objections to the amendment may be sent Veuillez faire part de vas objections au projet de to the undersigned at City Hall. modification par ecrit a l'attention du soussigne a l'hOtel de ville. J, Patrick Woods, Common Clerk 658-2862 J. Patrick Woods, greffier communal 658-2862 PROPOSED SECTION 39 AMENDMENT RE: PRINCE EDWARD SQUARE Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Saint J aim intends to consider a proposal at its regular meeting to be held in the Council Chamber on Monday, June 18, 2007 at 7:00 p.m., by: Amending the proposal adopted by Council on May 8, 1972 pursuant to Section 39 of the Community Planning Act in conjunction with the "ID" Integrated Development zoning of Prince Edward Square, also identified as PID 55158133, to pennit additional exterior signage, REASON FOR CHANGE: To permit signage for the l'MCA-YWCA's new location. The proposed amendment may be inspected by any interested person at the office of the Common Clerk, or in the office of Planning and Development, City Hall, 15 Market Square, Saint Jalm, N.R between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, inclusive, holidays excepted. Written objections to the amendment may be sent to the undersigned at City Hall. J. Patrick Woods, Common Clerk 658-2862 ------------------------------------------------------------------ PROJET DE MODIFICATION DE L'ARTICLE 39 OBJET: PRINCE EDWARD SQUARE Par les presentes, un avis public est donne par lequel Ie conseil communal de The City of Saint John indique son intention d'examiner une proposition lors de la reunion ordinaire qui se tiendra Ie lundi 18 juin 2007 a 1th dans la salle du conseil en apportant les modifications suivantes : La modification de la proposition, adoptee par Ie conseille 8 mai 1972, en vertu de Particle 39 de la Loi sur l'urbanisme, de concert avec Ie zonage de developpement integre <<ID>> de Prince Edward Square, portant egalement Ie NID 55158133, pour permettre la mise en place de panneaux d'affichage supplementaires a l'exterieur. MOTIFS DE LA MODIFICATION: Permettre la mise en place de panneaux d'affichage pour les nouveaux locaux du 'YMCA~ YWCA. Toute personne interessee peut examiner 1a modification proposee au bureau du greffier communal au au bureau de l'urbamsme et du developpement a l'hOtel de ville situe au 15, Market Square, a Saint Jo1m, au Nouveau-Brunswick, entre 8 h 30 et 16 h 30 du lundi au vendredi, sauf les jours feries. Veuillez faire part de vos objections au projet de modification par ecrit a l'attention du soussigne a l'hotel de ville. J. Patrick Woods, greffier communal 658-2862 City of Saint John INTERNAL INSERTION ORDER For City of Saint John use only: Budget Number: 1100801 4422010 Department: Common Clerk's Office (Account # 71206) Contact: J. Patrick Woods. Phone: (506) 658-2862 I Fax: (506) 674-4214 Special Instructions (if any): Newspaper Insertion Dates (Check as applicable) (SJTJ= Saint John Telegraph Journal) .. SJT J City Information Ad Date(s): Tuesday, May 22, Z007 Tuesday, June 12, 2007 .. SJTJ Independent Placement .. SJTJ Classifieds Date(s): Date(s): Information for Ad (Boldface anything you want Bold in Ad, Centre, Tab, etc.) Section Headline: o General Notice D Tender D Proposal ~ Public Notice Sub-Headline (if applicable): Text: INSERT ATTACHED Call to Action: J. Patrick Woods, Common Clerk/Greffier communal Contact: I Telephone: (506) 658-2862 Planning Advisory Committee P.O. Box 1971 Saint John New Brunswick Canada E2L 4L1 506658-2800 q . ~ C~) May 30, 2007 Your Worship and ctunCillors: ~' City of Saint John SUBJECT: Prop sed Section 39 Amendment -IOO Prince Edward Street (Prin e Edward Square) On May 7; 2007 Co on Council referred the above matter to the Planning Advisory Committee for a report and recommendation. The Committee considered the attach d report at its May 29; 2007 meeting. Shilo Boucher attended the meeting d spoke in favour of the proposed amendment. No other persons attended the eeting and no letters were received. After considering the I' attached report, the Committee adopted the recommendation contained therein. RECOMMENDAT ON: That the proposal ad pted by Common Council on May 8; 1972 pursuant to Section 39 of the Co unity Planning Act in conjunction with the .'ID" Integrated Developm nt zoning of Prince Edward Square be amended to permit one additional exteri r facia sign, having a maximum area of 1.48 square metres (16 square feet) and I cated on the southwest side of the building, facing the entrance to the under round parking area. I itt,d, I ! PF Attachments Planning and Development Urbanisme et developpement P.O. Box/C.P. 1971 Saint John, NB/N.-B. Canada E2L 4Ll w'N\V.saintjohn.ca DATE: MAY 4, 2007 PL ING ADVISORY COMMITTEE The City of Saint John TO: FROM: ING AND DEVELOPMENT FOR: MEET G OF MAY 29, 2007 M~/~ · Patrick F o rail Planning Officer SUBJECT: Name of Applicant: Saint John YMCA-YWCA Inc. Name of Owner: Tidan Inc. Location: 100 Prince Edward Street (Prince Edward Square) PID: 5515813 Municipal Plan: Uptown Regional Centre Zoning: "10" Integrated Development Proposal: To place a facia sign advertising the new location of the Saint John YMCA-YWCA. Type of Application: Section 39 Amendment JURISDICTION OF COM ITTEE: i Common Council has requested the views of the Planning Advisory Committee concerning the proposed amendment to the approved development concept for Prince Edward Square. Common Saint John YMCA-YWCA Inc. 100 Prince Edward Street Page 2 May 25, 2007 i Council will consider the COl~mittee's recommendation at a Public Hearing on Monday, June 18,2007. I ST AFF RECOMMENDA T~ON TO COMMITTEE: That the proposal adopted by ommon Council on May 8, 1972 pursuant to Section 39 of the Community Planning Act in onjunction with the "ID" Integrated Development zoning of Prince Edward Square be amended t permit one additional exterior facia sign, having a maximum area of 1.48 square metres (16 squ e feet) and located on the southwest side of the building, facing the entrance to the undergrou d parking area. BACKGROUND: The subject property was zon d "ID" Integrated Development in 1972 to allow the construction of Prince Edward Square in a cordance with a development concept approved by Common Council pursuant to Section 3 of the Community Planning Act. Several amendments to this original scheme have been ap roved since 1972, including several signs, canopies, enclosure of a loading dock and two additio al entrances to the building on Prince Edward Street. The most recent sign to be apf' roved was a facia sign to advertise "H & R Block Cashback", approved in January of 1997. i i INPUT FROM OTHER SOjuRCES: I Municipal Operations and tngineering indicates that they have no objections to the proposed Section 39 amendment. i ! i ! ~uilding and Technical Se1. ices advises that they have no concerns regarding the proposed slgnage. I ANALYSIS: I ; The Prince Edward Square sh' pping mall is on the fringe of the Uptown and was developed in the early 1970's. Similar to 0 er developments in the "ID" Integrated Development zone, such as Market Square, all site im rovements (including signage) must be developed in accordance with a plan approved by Com on Council at the time of rezoning. The approved concept for signage included a combinati n of freestanding and facia signs to identify the name of the development and major tenan s with their own exterior entrance. This concept is similar to the Zoning By-law's standard for:the "SC" Shopping Centre zone. The intent of the standard is to avoid the cluttered appearanct of a proliferation of signage on the building. Saint John YMCA-YWCA Inc. 100 Prince Edward Street Page 3 May 25, 2007 As noted above, a number of endments have been approved to accommodate additional signs. Most of these have been for ajor tenants who do not have their own exterior entrance or for smaller tenants with a separat entrance, On a number of occasions, the mall management has been encouraged by staff to d velop a comprehensive signage scheme in order to avoid individual applications such the present proposal. While these suggestions have been positively received, they have not resulted in the submission of a comprehensive plan. The present applicant is seeki g approval of one facia sign, as illustrated on the attached site plan and drawing. The sign would ave an area of 1.5 square metres (16 square feet) and would be located next to the main entr ce to the mall. The sign would display the logo for the YMCA- YWCA and would not contai any other text or graphics. The purpose of the sign is to advertise the new location of the YMC - YWCA While the applicant is not a ajor tenant in terms of occupied floor space and does not have its O\NU exterior entrance, the vo ume of traffic generated by this occupant would suggest that an exterior identification is appr priate. The main entrance fayade is the appropriate location for such signage and given that t e proposed sign is smaller than those which have been previously erected approval of this appli ation can be supported. PF Project No. 07.152 PLANNING AND DE ELOPMENT/URBANISME ET DEVELOPPEMENT \ " \ \ \ - \ .\ /~\ /.... \ ....... \ ~~\ / ~\ , ~~, ~\ ~\ iI.\ ~\ ';l, ,\ '1\ \\ :.,'~ ~\ ~' ~\ ~ ~\ --- IL 1 ~v- '" '" ,,~~\Of\lgtL "_:.: ~ ,.,.' ~~'" ------- . ' " ~ ' ..., \ _ \_\ ~_,.\_\ l, \ .------ .1-1- - \\ \ \ \ '; - \.\.\.. ~\ \." \ \ .,. I . ~ \ \ 1 \' \ \, " \ '''''.''''~'h~K\Ik-J~ '\~~~n\ .,.,.'. _ ~-m., \~ \, \ W"J.-\, ~ '" \~~ \ \ \. \ U..'''''-I ~ .......,c~\. \ j' "I .t 'I \. \ \ \, ~\ I,. -.."'''''--', ',."" '\ .".... ~,Q .... \ .,jIIIIIIIIi'-l ,. ~\, ~ \. 'I ....--' \ 0 \ \ lIl. 1\._>-.\ ..:.." \, .'" ~---., \\ \ \, '.." \\ \ \ ".....--- . \ ~ 1'IP" \ \ , -r ; ---...--- ", \ \ \ \ \. \ ------ · \ \, \ ..2. \: \ 1. ~\' '\ \, \. \ \, \ \ \ "l.".i,'~ . '\ I A' ',........---': .. \ '\ '\ \ \ 1 \ ' . \,'113 ~ \\ \ lit t---'- ~ ..ir I \ \ \ \ \ '. .. .. ~-"a..g \ 7' ...----\ \ '. , \ )>>' ~-- , ,. ......-.J.-..--U\ "~D~~ \ \ II \ \ \ 71\ tiC ~'* ..........,......"1'"\ '\ \.. ~ .---1 \ \." I, ";. 11 I. 11i ______.......-~ \- \ _.-- \ ',I ~ c> l''''_1 \\ \ "":, 1",,_' .--- II \ I, \ ~1 I'I'\-,\, "~ 1-::""" ,\\\..~- \" \ I \- \ \. \, \. \, \, \ ~~ \" \ J. ,," ~~.; ~-.i'\ "1 \ \ \ \ , \ \ I \' ~ ~ \ '1~... ClO'" ~ \., \ f;'~ '\~, '1, , , , \ ., ...fl-' 1I!:'\\'O~1' II \ , .1-.J - ,," \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ .. ~ - ,.. ,\ , .... \ \--- -- 1 "... "31 \ \. \ \ \. \J~ ',~ - fa"~.. ". 51 \ I, \' ~ zi,:2. ~...I-----\ \ \, >1 I, .."""~ .' ..' ~ ....----\-"".. \ \. \ \ ~\ ~ \ . '_--; PID(s)/NIP(s}: 55158133 .. \ " " \.--.~'-~r/Y-\\ Subject Site/site en q estion: - Location: 100, rue Pri ce Edward Street Date: May / mai 4, 20P7 ! Scalelechelle: Not to cale/Pas a I'echelle i \ . . . p .. I - 1 / ~.' ... r.g p o ,.,. I.'. 1.,.1. \ . ...tAlue' . .,.,....-- - a'-' ,.,.,e\ ~ . D I D e .' 't'X'J' CAE/ON PLYWOOD SIGN WITH VINYl GflAPH1CS ,- De~IJl. i. ..~( AR~~= THIS DESlGN IS THE PROPERlY 01<' DESIGN ART SIGNS AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED BY ,NY MEANS, OR SHOWN TO A COMPETITOR WITHOUT TilE WRITIEN CONSENT 0.' DESIGN ART SIGNS phone: 506-648-1 89J fllll: 506.648.1894 Designed F.llclusively for: Approval: Dale: FlIX #: Job#: I~ ' PRINCE EDWARD STREET C' ~ ... 6 ~~ '+', WWllLWli ~ rTTrTrTTTTTU i-! .. (Z I::. v .,..2 5 .,. L 'i ()(J~l 0',000') 2 3 4 13 15 lr. v I ... rince Edward Square CORNER OF UNION & PRINCE EDWARD STREETS SAINT JOHN, NEW BRUNSWICK MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY 9:30 A.M. m 9:30 PM /l-f. j)IJrJ( etf}wrM)) Application for a Zoning By-law Amendment Demande de modification a I'arrete sur Ie zonage Applicant Related Information I Renseignements sur Ie demandeur NameofApplicant/Nomdudemandeur Ill!. t!l,,(lW/:!"/iT H ER ~ SONS ~'T]) Mailing Address of applicant I Addresse postale du demandeur I. 0 I t315 'l ~ I t./ 7 .:514 I AI r do fJ /U N. B Postal Code I Code postal C a2 L- a T..s- Telephone Number I Numero de telephone :JOb.J 634-- () 7 Y {) Home I Domicile 9 tf 9 - /62 r? Work I Travail 6:34 -~ 7f7() dZJ 6.s~~CJOO Fax Number I Numero de iClecopieur 6:s-~ - O~ 03 Name of Property Owner (if different) I Nom do proprietaire (si different) 1<t>t1Jtl1/VD G I1UlfL/;tj Address I Adresse ~r() /..1/4 il (J / I r r C au It .,- Postal Code I Code postal 6" 4/-1 ~ T~ RO,Jl6SJ}i:!. Al9 Property Information I Renseignements sur la propriell ' Location I Emplacement Co (1. III Ii I.. 0 F a.s 1/ ill Kill L tI t<' E /). j) 'f- [)u f.. r C () tJ G t.-iJ Civic # I No de voirie Street I Rue PID I NIP Lot Area I Superficie du lot / lfe}:E -f- Street Frontage I F~e sur rue fi f 1/ flL l;U J.. ilK G ~D, Existing Use of Property I Utilisation actuelle de la propriete AI 0 /V (;" / ~ 0 f'r Municipal Plan land Use Designation Designation de utilization des terres sur Ie plan municipal Amendment Requested / Modification demandee Present Zoning I Zonage actuel AI /J 1"" "2.1J 111 r! 1J ( fJ 4 Il r. Cut. ILl R R i- _) r/" Change Zoning to I Modification du zonage a L I 4 HI L /fJ /J 1.1 S r ~ j fJ 1- and/or I ou o Text Amendment (indicate particulars) I Modification due texte (indiquez les details) Development Proposal I Proposition d'amenagement Description of Proposal I Description de la proposition f1j ~ i6iltJtI~ G" iJJ{Jf.J. LOllI< Ii "f'{) 6 alt. D ;z wll R(~/I()t/SES You must provide a scaled site plan that illustrates your proposal. You may also provide photographs, building plans, elevation drawings and any other form of information. The plan must show the dimensions of the property, the location of ail buildings, driveways, parking areas, landscaping and signs. It is important that the distance between the property boundary and buildings are shown. Vous devez journir un plan du site a J'echelle i/lustrant votre proposition. Vous pouvez egalement foumir des photographies, des plans de baiiment. des dessins de plan d'elevation et toute autre forme de renseignement. Le plan doit indiquer les dimensions de la propriete, l'emplacement de la tolaMi des bdiiments, des al/ees, des aires de stationnement, des amenagements paysagers et des panneaux de signalisation. II est important d'indiquer la distance entre les Umites de fa propriete et les batiments. Provide reasons why these amendments should be approved. I Foumir tout autre renseignemeot concernant votre proposition qui pourrait ~ approuvees. J.j q IFr f /1/ J:J/.I S T}!.I;Q ~ dl/ /I /?OU /ZI 1) 7/ Provide any other information about your proposal that would be helpful. I Fournir tout autre renseignement concernant votre proposition qui pourrait !tre utile. uJlJ(lLD Like fO ItlIL/) ,~ttJI)Pf!/I~C/SN Signature of Applicant / Signature du demandeur' Date ~ $400 Application Fee Enclosed / Ci.joint les frais de demaode de 400 $ If you are not the owner of the land in question please have the owner sign below. The signature of the owner is authorizing this application to proceed for consideration by Common Council. Si vous n'etes pas Ie proprietaire du terrain en question, veuillez obtenir la signature du proprietaire dans la partie ci-dessous. La signature au proprietaire autorisant Ie traitement de la presente demande pour que cette derniere (/iUg-JI: k C<>tseU co....Ml DaIl:: ~ Y I Signature of Owner (if applicable) Signature due proprietaire (s'il y a lieu) l';:;;l~ ~~l.J( ~ . :;..,. I "'" -->.~. . I ~~ A . ,. ~ 1 & . \~ -'!i'" .- / ~A ~ ) - , '10 ~-.t \tl:) · :- . .' l ~ . - QI~P f . . \ \ . ..... l ~ .. 'I- ~ "t' . \, I;l' ..' I .. - .-a - . - .. I 1-t:, .. ....... ~~~~ . ~~~ .. .. .. A~~ \..U.E W. ~ce N~w Brunswick ;- -, ,,- " / ~,.r~""" " " ...,.... .. " ,,' 1'''''........",........ / .." oto<tf'~ ../ \ .... / " \ . -"~#'/ , , , F"""-"" /' F~"'~ '... /",' / I iI"' '-/ 1/ I ./ ....... ......')..,. "- ......~., .,. ~$~'-~~~ :-... "'. ... . "'::--". ", "~ ,,'..;;;.;- / ~"'- ' /<s-:; '~- h-~'f ~~ 'j' /'"::,-1' . -."-i /...~.,. I.I.-.~ '!>//.:.Q7~/ h-~'" ;C~" ....., ~rl"-.~./ ,/~....~ "-~ ,. .'-....j /""... / '., ,.-..~~~..", "'-...., /;,;":t ----{-,~,. -- ~ ,. ---~ -----. -- ------------ ------------- / I I , I \-- " -----., ....... Map Scale I Echelle cartographique 1 : 4000 While this map may not be free from error or omission, care has been taken to ensure the best possible quality. This map is graphical representation of property boundaries which approximates the size, configuration and location of properties. It is no a survey and is not intended to be used for legal descriptions or to calculate exact dimensions or area. Merne si cetts carte n'est peut-atre pas librs de toute erreur au omission, toutes les precautions ont ate prises pour en assur r la meilleure qualite possible. Cette carte est une representation graphique approximative des terrains (limites, dimensions, configuration et emplacement), Elle n'a aucun caraetere officiel et ne do it done pas servir a la redaction de la description offlcielle d'un terrain nl au calcul de ses dimensions exactes ou de sa superficie. PROPOSED ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT RE: 921 ASHBURN ROAD Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Saint John intends to consider amending The City of Saint John Zoning By-law at its regular meeting to be held in the Council Chamber on Monday, June 18, 2007 at ~OO p.m., by: Rezoning a parcel of land having an area of approximately 4000 square metres, located at 921 Ashburn Road, also identified as being a portion of PID No. 296673, from "RF" Rural to "1-1" Light Industrial, as illustrated below. (INSERT MAP) REASON FOR CHANGE: To permit a warehouse. The proposed amendment may be inspected by any interested person at the office of the Common Clerk, or in the office of Planning and Development, City Hall, 15 Market Square, Saint John, N,R between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, inclusive, holidays excepted. PROJET DE MODIFICATION DE L' ARREnt SUR LE ZONAGE OBJET: 921, CHEMIN ASHBURN Par les presentes, un avis public est donne par lequel Ie conseil communal de The City of Saint John indique son intention d'etudier la modification suivante a l'arrete sur Ie zonage de The City of Saint John, lors de la reunion ordinaire qui se tiendra dans la salle du conseil Ie lundi 18 juin 2007 a fah: Rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 4 000 metres carres, situee au 921, chemin Ashburn, et etant une partie du NID 296673, de zone rorale <( RF >> a zone d'industrie legere <( 1-1 >>, comme l'indique la carte ci- dessous. (INSERER LA CARTE) RAISON DE LA MODIFICATION: Permettre un entrep6t. Toute personne inte:ressee peut examiner le projet de modification au bureau du greffier communal au au bureau de l'urbanisme et du developpement it 1 'hOtel de ville situe au 15, Market Square, a Saint John, au Nouveau-Brunswick., entre 8 h 30 et 16 h 30 du lundi au vendredi, sauf les jours feries. Written objections to the amendment may be sent Veuillez faire part de vos objections au projet de to the undersigned at City Hall. modification par ecrit a l'attention du soussigne a l'hOtel de ville. J. Patrick Woods, Greffier communal 658-2862 J. Patrick Woods, Greffier communal 658-2862 ....._.r -~.~ .-.,- - -- .~..- ~ ~ . ../_0_-0<' - - - - A. 'J a,,~Roth~~~'J/\! · "1".- \.. \.. \ \.. \.. :' ,// " / i -, '-- / / // " Z~ PROPOSED ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT RE: 921 ASHBURN ROAD Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Saint John intends to consider amending The City of Saint John Zoning By-law at its regular meeting to be held in the Council Chamber on Monday, June 18, 2007 at 7:00 p.m., by: Rezoning a parcel of land having an area of approximately 4000 square metres, located at 921 Ashburn Road, also identified as being a portion of Pill No. 296673, from "RF" Rural to "1-1" Light Industrial, as illustrated below. (INSERT MAP) REASON FOR CHANGE: To pennit a warehouse. The proposed amendment may be inspected by any interested person at the office of the Common Clerk, or in the office of Planning and Development, City Hall, 15 Market Square, Saint John, N.B. between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, inclusive, holidays excepted. Written objections to the amendment may be sent to the undersigned at City Hall. J. Patrick Woods, Greffier communal 658-2862 PROJET DE MODIFICATION DE L' ARREnt SUR LE ZONAGE OBJET: 921, CHEMIN ASHBURN Par les presentes, un avis public est donne par lequelle conseil communal de The City of Saint John indique son intention d'etudier la modification suivante a l'arrete sur Ie zonage de The City of Saint John, lors de la reunion ordinaire qui se tiendra dans la salle du conseil1e lundi 18 juin 2007 a ~h: Rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 4 000 metres carrc~s, situee au 921, chemin Ashburn, et etant une partie du NID 296673, de zone rurale ({ RF )) a zone d'industrie legere <( 1-1 >), conune 1 'indique la carte ci-dessous. (INSERER LA CARTE) RAISON DE LA MODIFICATION: Permettre un entrep6t. Taute persanne interessee peut examiner le projct de modification au bureau du greffier communal au au bureau de l'urbanisme et du developpement a l'hOtel de ville situe au 15, Market Square, a Saint John, au Nouveau-Brunswick., entre 8 h 30 et 16 h 30 du lundi au vendredi, sauflesjours feries. Veuillez faire part de vos objections au projet de modification par 6crit a I 'attention du soussigne a 1 'hOtel de ville. J. Patrick Woods, Greffier communal 658-2862 City of Saint John INTERNAL INSERTION ORDER For City of Saint John use only: Bud2et Number: 1100801 4422010 . Department: Common Clerk's Office (Account # 71206) Contact: J. Patrick Woods Phone: (506) 658-2862 I Fax: (506) 674-4214 Special Instructions (if any): Newspaper Insertion Dates (Check as applicable) (SJTJ= Saint John Telegraph Journal) .. SJT J Independent Placement .. SJT J Classifieds Date(s): Tuesday, May 22, 2007 Tuesday, June 1'5.. 2007 ~ Date(s): .. SJT J City Information Ad Date(s): Information for Ad (Boldface anything you want Bold in Ad, Centre, Tab, etc.) Section Headline: o General Notice 0 Tender 0 Proposal ~ Public Notice Sub-Headline (if applicable): Text: INSERT A TT ACHED Call to Action: J. Patrick Woods, Common ClerkJGreffier communal Contact: I Telephone: (506) 658-2862 BY -LA W NUMBER c.P. 110- ALA W TO AMEND THE ZONING BY-LAW OF THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by The City of Saint John in Common Council convened, as follows: ARRETE NO C.P, 110- ARRETE MODIFIANT L' ARRETE SUR LE WNAGE DE THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Lars d'une reunion du conseil communal, The City of Saint John a decrete ce qui suit: The Zoning By-law of The City of L'arrete sur Ie zonage de The City Saint John enacted on the nineteenth day of of Saint John, decrete Ie dix-neuf (19) December, A.D. 2005, is amended by: decembre 2005, est modUle par: 1 Amending Schedule "A", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re-zoning a parcel of land having an area of approximately 4000 square metres, located at 921 Ashburn Road, also identified as being a portion of Pill No. 296673, from "RF" Rural to "1-1" Light Industrial _ all as shown on the plan attached hereto and fonning part ofthis by-law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by-law the * day of *, A.D. 2007 and signed by: 1 La modification de I'annexe ((A>>, Plan de zonage de The City of Saint John, permettant de modifier la designation pour une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 4 000 metres carres, situee au 921, chemin Ashburn, et etant une partie du NID 296673, de zone rurale (( RF >> II zone d'industrie legere (( I-I >> _ toutes les modifications sont indiquees sur Ie plan ci-joint et font partie du present arrete. EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur Ie present arrete Ie 2007, avec les signatures suivantes : Mayor/Maire Common Clerk/Greffier communal First Reading Second Reading - Third Reading - Premiere lecture Deuxieme lecture Troisieme lecture Planning Advisory Committee P.O, Box 1971 Saint John New Brunswick Canada E2L 4L 1 506658-2800 Cf' 1 (0) Your Worship and Councillors: May 30, 2007 SUBJECT: Proposed Rezoning 921 Ashburn Road On May 7, 2007 Common Council referred the above matter to the Planning Advisory Committee for a report and recommendation. The Committee considered the attached report at its May 29, 2007 meeting. Mr. Rowland Buckley attended the meeting on behalf of the applicant, A. C. Fairweather & Sons Ltd., and expressed agreement with the recommendation in the attached report. Mr. Buckley indicated he could revise his plans to comply with the proposed Section 39 conditions. Mr. Mac Blair also attended the meeting on behalf of Blair Construction Ltd., Drury Cove Developments Inc. and some residents of the Highlands of Drury Cove subdivision. Mr. Blair indicated that he supported development of the property, but would prefer to see it rezoned to "B-2" General Business. He also indicated that he did not want the property to have outdoor storage adjacent to Drury Cove Road, which is the entrance to his company's subdivision development. No other persons attended the meeting and no letters were received. After considering the matter, the Committee adopted the recommendation in the attached report. RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Common Council rezone a parcel of land having an area of approximately 4000 square metres, located at 921 Ashburn Road, also identified as being a portion of PID No. 296673, from "RF" Rural to "1-1" Light Industrial. 2. That, pursuant to the provisions of Section 39 ofthe Community Planning Act, the development of a parcel of land having an area of approximately 4000 square metres, located at 921 Ashburn Road, also identified as being a portion Planning Advisory Committee May 30, 2007 Page 2 of PID No. 296673, for light industrial purposes be subject to the following conditions: a) The developer must pave all parking, loading, vehicle manoeuvring areas and driveways with asphalt; b) All paved areas must be enclosed with continuous cast-in-place concrete curbs where deemed necessary by the Development Officer to protect landscaping and to facilitate proper drainage; c) Adequate site drainage facilities, including catch basins(s), where necessary, must be provided by the developer in accordance with a detailed drainage plan, prepared by the developer and subject to the approval of the Chief City Engineer or his designate; d) The development must be serviced by underground electrical power and telephone service from the existing overhead facilities on Ashburn Road andlor Drury Cove Road; e) No driveway is permitted on the Drury Cove Road frontage of the site; t) All activity, other than parking of vehicles, must be wholly contained within a building, and there shall be no outside storage of materials, partially finished or finished products; g) All disturbed areas of the site not occupied by buildings, driveways, walkways, parking or loading areas must be landscaped by the developer, and the landscaping must extend onto the public street rights-of way to the edge of the travelled roadway; h) Exterior building facades shall be finished with high quality materials and may not include on any surface: galvanized, unfinished metal, concrete block or panels without an architectural finish; i) The site shall not be developed except in accordance with a detailed site plan and building elevation plans, prepared by the developer and subject to the approval of the Development Officer, illustrating the location and exterior finishes of buildings, driveway access, parking area, exterior lighting, freestanding signs, landscaping and other such site features, and the approved site plan and building elevation plans must be attached to the application for building permit for the development. j) All site improvements shown on the approved site and drainage plans must be completed within one year of the approval of the required building permit. Planning Advisory Committee May 30) 2007 Page 3 k) The developer shall pay to the City a charge of $2l500. per 1,000 square feet of building floor area in the form of a certified cheque to be delivered to the Development Officer at the time of submission of the application for building pennit for any building on the subject site. Respectfully submitted, RGP/r Attachments Project No. 07-155 Planning and Development Urbanisme et developpement P.O. Box/C.P. 1971 Saint John, NBfN.-B. Canada E2L 4L1 www.saintjohn.ca DATE: MA Y 25, 2007 The City of SainI John TO: PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE FROM: PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT FOR: MEETING OF MAY 29, 2007 SUBJECT: Name of Applicant: A. C. Fairweather & Sons Ltd. Name of Owner: A. C. Fairweather & Sons Ltd. Location: 921 Ashburn Road PID: Portion of296673 Municipal Plan: Light Industrial Zoning: Existing: Proposed: "RF" Rural "1-1" Light Industrial Proposal: To create an approximately 4000-square-metre (1 acre) lot for a warehouse building Type of Application: Rezoning and Conditional Use JURISDICTION OF COMMITTEE: The Community Planning Act authorizes the Planning Advisory Committee to give its views to Common Council concerning proposed amendments to the Zoning By-law. Common Council will consider the Committee's recommendation at a public hearing on Monday~ June 18~ 2007. A. C. Fairweather & Sons Ltd. 921 Ashburn Road Page 2 May 25, 2007 The Zoning By-law authorizes the Committee to impose terms and conditions on the development and operation of a warehouse customarily served by motor vehicles in excess of 8 metres (26.2 feet) in length in the "1-1" Light Industrial zone. STAFF RECOMMENDATION TO COMMITTEE: 1. That Common Council rezone a parcel of land having an area of approximately 4000 square metres, located at 921 Ashburn Road, also identified as being a portion of PID No. 296673, from "RF" Rural to "1-1" Light Industrial. 2. That, pursuant to the provisions of Section 39 of the Community Planning Act, the development of a parcel of land having an area of approximately 4000 square metres, located at 921 Ashburn Road, also identified as being a portion of PID No. 296673, for light industrial purposes be subject to the following conditions: a) The developer must pave all parking, loading, vehicle manoeuvring areas and driveways with asphalt; b) All paved areas must be enclosed with continuous cast-in-place concrete curbs where deemed necessary by the Development Officer to protect landscaping and to facilitate proper drainage; c) Adequate site drainage facilities, including catch basins(s), where necessary, must be provided by the developer in accordance with a detailed drainage plan, prepared by the developer and subject to the approval of the Chief City Engineer or his designate; d) The development must be serviced by underground electrical power and telephone service from the existing overhead facilities on Ashburn Road and/or Drury Cove Road; e) No driveway is permitted on the Drury Cove Road frontage of the site; f) All activity, other than parking of vehicles, must be wholly contained within a building, and there shall be no outside storage of materials, partially finished or finished products; g) All disturbed areas of the site not occupied by buildings, driveways, walkways, parking or loading areas must be landscaped by the developer, and the landscaping must extend onto the public street rights-of way to the edge of the travelled roadway; h) Exterior building facades shall be finished with high quality materials and may not include on any surface: galvanized, unfinished metal, concrete block or panels without an architectural finish; A. C. Fairweather & Sons Ltd. 921 Ash bum Road Page 3 May 25, 2007 i) The site shall not be developed except in accordance with a detailed site plan and building elevation plans, prepared by the developer and subject to the approval of the Development Officer, illustrating the location and exterior finishes of buildings, driveway access, parking area, exterior lighting, freestanding signs, landscaping and other such site features, and the approved site plan and building elevation plans must be attached to the application for building permit for the development. j) All site improvements shown on the approved site and drainage plans must be completed within one year of the approval of the required building permit. k) The developer shall pay to the City a charge of $2,500. per 1,000 square feet of building floor area in the form of a certified cheque to be delivered to the Development Officer at the time of submission of the application for building permit for any building on the subject site. 3. That the Planning Advisory Committee impose no additional terms and conditions upon the establishment and operation of a warehouse customarily served by motor vehicles in excess of 8 metres. INPUT FROM OTHER SOURCES: Municipal Operations and Engineering has no objection. Building and Technical Services advises that the property is almost entirely within the flood risk area and therefore must meet the full requirements for compensatory storage. Saint John Transit advises that it does not provide any service in this area. Saint John Energy has been advised of the application. Aliant Telecom has no issues with this application. Aliant will work jointly with the developer and Saint John Energy on this development. Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline has no objection. Enbridge Gas N.B. has been advised of the application. A. C. Fairweather & Sons Ltd. 921 Ashburn Road Page 4 May 25, 2007 Fire Department has no objection, However, the Fire Department provides the following direction with respect to the development of an 1160-square-metre (12,500-square-foot) warehouse facility and storage compound: · The National Fire Code Section 3.3 provides direction for outside storage facilities and to this regard the proposed storage compound shall adhere to the appropriate requirements, depending on the stored material. · National Building Code Section 3 provides for the classification of buildings according to their major occupancy and intended use. The actual acceptance of the warehouse facility will need to be assessed prior to the construction of the warehouse building. · Finally the applicant is reminded to submit construction plans to the Office of the Fire Marshal for the purpose of plans review. School District 8 has been advised of the application. ANAL YSIS: Site and Neie:hbourhood The subject site is located at the intersection of Ashburn Road and Drury Cove Road in the northeast part of the City. This is a suburban area of commercial, industrial, residential and institutional uses that have developed in a linear fashion along the main roads. Drury Cove Road is also the entrance to the newly developing Highlands of Drury Cove business park and residential area, located to the north of the site. The subject site is part of a larger undeveloped property that extends from Drury Cove Road almost to Jones Road. A few similar one-acre industrial properties along Ashburn Road were rezoned and/or subdivided from this larger parcel in the 1970s, Further development in the area has been slow to date due to the lack of municipal services. The immediate area is now fully serviced with municipal water and sewer due to the trunk extensions that were undertaken for the Highlands of Drury Cove development. The site has a frontage of approximately 65 metres (215 feet) on Ashburn Road and a depth of approximately 60 metres (200 feet). Air photography of the site indicates that outdoor storage of boats related to the boat sales and service business on the adjacent property has spilled over onto a portion of the site. The balance of the site, however, is currently undeveloped. As noted by the Building Inspector, the site is located entirely within the flood risk area. ProDosal The applicant has submitted the attached proposal to develop a two-tenant, 1160-square-metre (12,500-square-foot) warehouse facility. It includes a driveway on Ashburn Road, parking A. C. Fairweather & Sons Ltd. 921 Ashburn Road Page 5 May 25,2007 between Ashburn Road and the buildingl and a 220-square-metre (2,400.square-foot) fenced outdoor storage compound between Drury Cove Road and the building. The plan indicates that the compound would be screened from the street by a treed buffer. The plan also shows a "new product display" area that suggests that at least a portion of the building may be occupied by the nearby boat business or a similar use. Municiual Plan and Proposed Rezonine: The west side of Ashburn Road, including the subject site, is designated Light Industrial on Schedule 2-A of the Municipal Plan. The proposed "1-1" Light Industrial zoning and use of the property is in conformity with this designation. However, changes that have occurred in the area since the Plan was amended in the 1970s (most significantly the Highlands of Drury Cove development) suggest that any new development in this area should adhere to a higher performance standard than the minimwn requirements of the "1-1" Light Industrial zone would provide. While the rezoning can be supported, it is recommended that restrictions similar to those contained in the "BP" Business Park zone be applied to the site. This should include prohibition of outdoor storage areas, underground utilities and specific standards for exterior building finishes on the buiding facades. In addition, the access to the site should be limited to the main thoroughfare of Ashburn Road, as illustrated on the applicant's site plan. Other site development requirements should include paving, curbing (where deemed necessary), proper drainage facilities and landscaping. Detailed site, drainage and building elevation plans should be required in this regard for Development Officer approval. Development Fees When the trunk services were extended to this area, it was anticipated that development charges would be applied to new developments that benefit from the extensions, in order to recover the significant up-front expenditure that was made by the City. The Highlands of Drury Cove development is subject to conditions requiring the payment of $2,500 for each residential lot (payable at the time of creation of the lot) and $2,500 for each 1,000 square feet of commercial space (payable at the time of building permit application). The development of the subject site, which would not be possible if the trunk extensions had not been undertaken, should be subject to the same requirement. The recommendation provides for such a payment when development of the site is undertaken. Conditional Use As noted abovel a warehouse is a conditional use in the "I-I" Light Industrial zone; that is, it is subj eet to such terms and conditions as may be deemed necessary by the Planning Advisory I The proposed 4.8-metre (16-foot) parking setback from Ashburn road will need to be increased to a minimum of 6 metres (20 feet) in order to meet the minimum front yard landscaping requirement for the "1.1" Light Industrial zone. It appears that there would be room to increase the setback by reducing the width of the aisle in the parking area. A. C. Fairweather & Sons Ltd. 921 Ashburn Road Page 6 May 25, 2007 Committee. As the proposal includes rezoning of the property, it is possible for all necessary conditions to be imposed by Common Council in the form of a Section 39 resolution. Section 39 resolutions are filed in the RegistryILand Titles Office with the rezoning. As a result, it is not necessary for the Committee to impose an additional set of conditions. CONCLUSION: The area surrounding the subject site has changed since the 1970s when the neighbouring industrial lots were first developed. While the site is designated Light Industrial, and the proposed rezoning can be supported, the transition of the area that is occurring suggests that further development should be to a higher standard than has been permitted previously. The recommendation includes conditions pursuant to Section 39 that would achieve this higher standard. RGP/r Project No. 07-155 \'11'. \ / oj. ~ 'l ......~ , / \ . I 'I .. '....,. ,'.' ............. l ~.\ '\\ / J \,' ~ i i l"-...... \ \ / · .--- - 'I; 'I J :,~ B-2'. ; J I ~ \ ...... ~ 'J 1 - , ....~~ ~," ~~ i:r \." . ! ~ ~"4-""""4.-..~-..,~"'" 'lI.. : l' l~ ./ ! 1 ~ ~ " --/ ." I .'. '..,,' ~ : .... '\ ~ :~---_____'-_} I ! .. 1 "9.c \, B 2. .!r. . I ..,. -; ~,:Ir'-'f" ~l ~i: ~'- . I' i- ...-..~........~ ~J l 4' I '0' N /~ f , .' ,/! _____-........ ..~..... I" I .., \ / '-.~,j. , .. ~................-- ~ \ 'c::..\ ~I .- ~_ 1'- ............ ... \ . \ ~ I' '- --..-- \ " .. i '4(> / ~ ' . -;, -. .....~ j.. ~ : ~ .'; RK '\ I, !' y~ ......., .... /~~R:;. F/ . ~..,~~~. .i f I"'-~.': \. \, ~..'\___--==~ .~. /T-~~""'~.'\ '~-,: ; \ r , "/~~ < / ...: ..\~' J I: i \ \. / / .. v..: . \ /~. I \ ...~, ., / \\ /7/0((:: o~ '" // \\'-'~':/ \ ' / . r;oo!( _ : ~ \,/ ,"-./ '" ~~ \ ! I "- l1li, " I / I ~ jf/):.:----... ' - I ' · t .----__' \ ~ I ' · . · ::-'--:---....1 I "'r.---4",' · .1 .I".,.~ I '.~.l.~-""'- f- \ ;---..___ . , · ~ II r . ,. \ / 'c~ "'. ' ;>//TT - . S,hturn .. ....-..; ~ ~ ~~o'. ~ . . ~ ',---~ - -" I I. --..... /- J-?/ RF i! ijl'1\\ ~ ...... "(-.' ' ! ........... <I: ". , I . '" I r.~.( ~ ~ ,<;0 "J .. ~ f ... I . · ~ . I "1'-"6 , / ..II!;: I' / /..> .' "" j !~1 11 ; . I ~. . ......f.J ;; ... ~.... . ... / ,.-/ ~ "., ./ ,.! , ", .'. , PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT/URBANISME ET DEVELOPPEMENT , J\ \ \ B-2 * ,.. /', Subject Site/site en question: )\ >_\ \ 1 PID(s)/NIP(s): 00296673 (portion) Location: 921 chemin Ashburn Road Date: May 7 mai 2007 Scale/echelle: Not to scale/Pas a I'echelle IL \~ \ i \--.------- \ .- \ \ I . I \\ I . . 'r- j , , \ , , .. -+s'~ -', ',' .. .. .. ~, . " 1 " / ~ . ,a"~'~ ~:e> \ ~ ~ f6~ , 4-Rl>~ ~..~ . ) 10 '\ ~eo ~'" ~ \ ~. 10 ,)" - - ',,---, ) ~ ""'- 1 , ~ ~ " \, ., ..' - .... - . . .. . ~~-- ~ ~'T(~t\\'-~ . ~"h~ '\P~ A~~~ \.-U.E W. ------ 04/20/2007 13:29 1 PLANNING AND DEVELOP PAGE 03/04 Application for a Zoning By-law Amendment Demande de modification i I'arrete sur Ie zOD8ge Applicant Related Information f R.eIlIeipemenb liar Ie deMaDcleur Name of Applicant I Nom du ~ 6t:t?- .-f',"'iJ J... 6 () c 50 II ;: Mailing Address Df~ I Addresse postale du ~ }',3? II, ~ L. C/{ c s -I If IJ SA, 'It) -r -:r (I /l/J JV. Q, PoslaI Cede J Code postal C' J D -- J..t5.7 Telephone Number f Nwnero de teltphone ~ ~ '3 '- Lj 3 L/ J !tome f Domicile Work I Ttav3il ~:) j - 5 95 L) Fax Number' Numt:ro de ttleoopiem C, sf - ():2 a 3 Name of ProJlerty Owner (if di.:ffetent) I Nom ell pmprietairc ($I difl'tt'ent) &12'11Ju L.,CI/6SQllc Address I Adres:e 9 3 1 1/ /I..L Ci< 6"::;. f f( 'b Postal Code I Code pasta1 Cd Iv ~ .113 "1 Property IDformatioD I Renseiguaneob sur Ia propriete Location I Emplacement J 37 Htl.L c.e ~sl lb $q;'J'f' "'S'o/ltU Civic' {No de wirie Stred I Rue Lot Area I Super:ficic: do lot Stn:et Frontage I F~ SOl' IllI: Exisring Use of Property / Utirisation actuelle dt la propriett ({C5JA hL'v+ / Ai Municipal Pian land Use DesigDa!ion Designation de ntilizatim dc$ tems SUJ: Ie plan monk:ipal ~S-GC( 0 Qt; PID J NIP AlOendment Reqllested I Modifieation demandee Present ZoDiDg I Zonage actuel R ~ / t.. ;'C; 111" ~ Change Zoning to I M<<fification du zonage a Com m elf! c , .4 L audlor I QU Te~ Amendment (mdk:atc pMticulars) I Modification due textc (indiquet )es deCaiIs) bJ o 04/20/2007 13:29 1 PLANNING AND DEVELOP PAGE 04/04 Development Proposal f PruPOSitiOD d'amen....e.t DcscripCioo of Proposal I Description de la popositkm . t<.;~ 13~.iOD- ~ J 37 /J,jj. CtfESi) smtJI /J1~ 4 '5~I3A.kt~) ~~J~~ ~ L1.J?~;, J3U~~""","",A o--u :'.~loAm.~ &." : pO pn1 /YlC7"7 . ~ *-L~ tM1tl.~ z.# /,&,O . I [. fort must ptTiVide Q K01t:J fite plan thoJ illustrates JIOV' proposal You may also prvvide photogmph.'l, bll.ilding pltlM. elevation drawings and rmy other jomr of informatio1t. 1"he pllIIf "'"' show the dimenSiQ"S of the profX!rty. tht location of all building!, ~, parking fUefM. lMldsc:opiPlK (1714 signs- It i! impol'tant that the distunce between the pI'Ope11y Ixnmdary and f,uildings are shown. Vow dewz fotJmir un pltm da site do l'khelle l/Justmnt votre proposition. VmlS potI'VeZ Igokment f()flmir tks photogrophies, des ploru de bdtinml. des Jusj.",s de pkm d'eMvation et toIde allt1'e~ ck ~n.seignement. Le plan doit intJjqwer Jes dimensions de /" propritti. t~enq;lDCement dI! III totditt des l14timml$, dEs oltks. rles aires de $latiOllTUtRlmt. des aminogemsnu paymgers et des pannema de sipGlisalkm. Rest impot18nt d';ndiqtl4r lD distance enh leli/im;tes de la p1'Oprl#.tf t1 tu Mtimmts. k Provide any other infunnaIion about proposal that woold be helpful I Foumir toot amre renscignemeor: oonceman1 WltJ'e proposttion qui JIOU":'it etre uti.1e. d:o ie, a. ~ !'ll~.Ie +) ,~~ ~ .;t4;,,~......, ~ t4l&.-~'1 ~f) #- Signarure of Applicant! Signature du dc:mandeur ~~u ;;-;7 o S400 Application Fcc EnclOi!ICd I Ci-joint les ftais de deIll8lld': de 400 S lfJlOfl are riot the mme,. ofrhe lond in questiQTf please hfM! the owner sign below. 'I'M signatrtrE of the Q'Pmer fs mtlhoriZing this application to proceed jOl' co1lSi~rati{m hy COlllmMt C&Jbtcil Signature of Owner (if appIieable) Signamre due proprihaite (s'iJ ya lieu) Date: Si vmt8 ,,'ilt'l$ pD$le proprl4taJft dtt terrain en questIon, veuilJez obtIllniJ' la :klpahU'e du fII'Oprii:Jaire dons fa parlIe ci-dusous. La signQtlln dJJ. proprittairt! llUtM$l1nt Ie lrtJ/tenumt de III prW/Ie"... dew.tntie pour que <<tte demim solt n;ami1fCCl pt1r Ie wnseil Ct:JflUmlnaL City of Saint John INTERNAL INSERTION ORDER For City of Saint John use only: Budget Number: 11008014422010 Department: Common Clerk's Office (Account # 71206) Contact: J. Patrick Woods Phone: (506) 658-2862 I Fax: (506}674-4214 Special Instructions (if any): N ewspauer Insertion Dates (Check as applicable) (SJTJ= Saint John Telegraph Journal) .. SJTJ City Information Ad Datc(s): Tuesday, May 22, 2007 Tuesday, June 12, 2007 .. SJTJ Independent Placement .. SJT J Classifieds Date(s): Date(s): Information for Ad (Boldface anything you want Bold in Ad, Centre, Tab, etc.) Section Headline: D General Notice D Tender D Proposal l!l Public Notice Sub-Headline (if applicable): Text: INSERT ATTACHED Call to Action: J. Patrick Woods, Common Clerk/Greffier communal Contact: I Telephone: (506) 658-2862 PROPOSED ZONING BY -LA W AMENDMENT RE: 937 HILLCREST ROAD Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Saint John intends to consider amending The City of Saint John Zoning By-law at its regular meeting to be held in the Council Chamber on Monday, June 18, 2007 at 6:00 p.m., by: Rezoning a parcel of land located at 937 Hillcrest Road, having an area of approximately 5490 square metres, also identified as being Pill No. 55090526, from "RS-l" One and Two Family Suburban Residential to "B-2" General Business. REASON FOR CHANGE: To permit a motorcycle repair garage on the same property as the applicant's residence. The proposed amendment may be inspected by any interested person at the office of the Common Clerk, or in the office of Planning and Development, City Hall, 15 Market Square, Saint John, N.B. between the hours of 8:30 a,m. and 4:30 p,m., Monday through Friday, inclusive, holidays excepted. PROJET DE MODIFICATION DE L' ARRETE SUR LE ZONAGE OBJET: 937, CHEMIN HILLCREST Par les presentes, un avis public est donne par ]equel Ie conseil communal de The City of Saint John indique son intention de modifier l'arrete sur Ie zonage de The City of Saint John, ]ors de la reunion ordinaire qui se tiendra dans la salle du eonseil Ie ]undi 18 juin 2007 a 18 h, en apportant la modification suivante : Rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain situee au 937, chernin Hillcrest, d'une superficie approximative de 5490 metres cam~s et portant Ie NID 55090526, afin de faire passer la classification de zone residentielle de banlieue - habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales <<RS-l>> a zone commerciale genera]e << B-2 }). MOTIFS DE LA MODIFICATION: Pour permettre j'amenagement d'un garage de reparation de motocydettes sur la meme propriete que la residence du requerant. Toute personne interessee peut examiner la modification proposee au bureau du greffier communal ou au bureau de l'urbanisme et du developpement a l'h6tel de ville situe au 15, Market Square, a Saint Jolm, au Nouveau-Brunswick, entre 8 h 30 et 16 h 30 du lundi au vendredi, saufles jours feries. Written objections to the amendment may be sent Veuillez faire part de vas objections au projet de to the undersigned at City Hall. modification par ecnt a l'attention du soussigne it 1'h6tel de ville. J. Patrick Woods, Common Clerk 658-2862 J. Patrick Woods, greffier communal 658-2862 PROPOSED ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT RE: 937 HILLCREST ROAD Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Saint John intends to consider amending The City of Saint John Zoning By-law at its regular meeting to be held in the Council Chamber on Monday, June 18, 2007 at 6:00 p.m., by: Rezoning a parcel of land located at 937 Hillcrest Road, having an area of approximately 5490 square metres, also identified as being PID No. 55090526, from "RS-l" One and Two Family Suburban Residential to "B-2" General Business. REASON FOR CHANGE: To permit a motorcycle repair garage on the same property as the applicant's residence. The proposed amendment may be inspected by any interested person at the office of the Common Clerk, or in the office of Planning and Deve]opment, City Hall, 15 Market Square, Saint John, N.B. between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, inclusive, holidays excepted. Written objections to the amendment may be sent to the undersigned at City Hall. J. Patrick Woods, Common Clerk 658-2862 PROJET DE MODIFICATION DE L'ARRETE SUR LE ZONAGE OBJET: 937, CHEMIN HILLCREST Par ]es pre-sentes, un avis public est donne par ]equel ]e conseil communal de The City of Saint Jolm indique son intention de modifier I'arrete sur Ie zonage de The City of Saint Jolm, ]ors de ]a reunion ordinaire qui se tiendra dans la salle du consei] ]e lundi 18 juin 2007 a 18 h, en apportant la modification suivante : Rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain situee au 937, chemine Hillcrest, d'une superficie approximative de 5 490 metres carres et portant ]e NID 55090526, afin de faire passer la classification de zone residentiellc de banlieue - habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales <<RS-b> a zone commerciale generale << B-2 >>. MOTIFS DE LA MODIFICATION: Pour permettre l'amenagement d'un garage de reparation de motocycIettes sur la meme propriete de ]a residence du requerant. Toute personne interessee peut examiner ]a modification proposee au bureau du greffier communal ou au bureau de l'urhanisme et du deve]oppement a l'hOtel de ville situe au 15, Market Square, a Saint John, au Nouveau-Brunswick, entre 8 h 30 et 16 h 30 du lundi au vendredi, sauf les jours feries. Veuillez faire part de vos objections au projet de modification par ecrit a l'attention du soussigne it l'hOte] de ville. J. Patrick Woods, greffier communal 658-2862 BY-LAW NUMBER C.P.110- A LAW TO AMEND THE ZONING BY-LAW OF THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by The City of Saint John in Common Council convened, as follows: ARRETE NO C.P. 110- ARRETE MODIFIANT L' ARRETE SUR LE ZONAGE DE THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Lars d'une reunion du conseil communal, The City of Saint John a decrete ce qui suit : The Zoning By-law of The City of L'arriM sur Ie zonage de The City Saint John enacted on the nineteenth day of of Saint John, decrete Ie dix-neuf (19) December, A.D. 2005, is amended by: decembre 2005. est modifie par: I Amending Schedule "A", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re-zoning a parcel of land located at 937 Hillcrest Road, having an area of approximately 5.490 square metres, also identified as being Pill No. 55090526, from "RS-l" One and Two Family Suburban Residential to "B-2" General Business classification - all as shown on the plan attached hereto and forming part of this by-law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by-law the" day of ", A.D. 2007 and signed by: 1 La modification de I'annexe {<A>>, Plan de zonage de The City of Saint John, permettant de modifier la designation d'une parcelle de terrain situee au 937, chemin Hillcrest, d'une superficie approximative de 5 490 metres carres et portant Ie NID 55090526, afin de faire passerla classification de zone residentielle de banlieue - habitations unifamiliales et bifami1iaJes (<RS-ln a zone commerciale generale << B-2 >>. - toutes les modifications sont indiquees sur Ie plan ci-joint et font partie du present arrete. EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur Ie present arflete Ie 2007, avec les signatures suivantes : Mayor/ Maire Common Clerk/Greffier communal First Reading Second Reading - Third Reading - Premiere lecture Deuxieme lecture Troisiemc lecture Mr. Tracy W. Simmons 330 Hillcrest Road Saint John, N.S. E2N 281 Junell, 2007 Mayor McFarlane and Council: My name is Tracy Simmons and I am writing you this letter, objecting to the rezoning of 937 Hillcrest Road. I moved to Saint John almost sixteen years ago to work for the city, in doing so I found a wonderful new home on the Churchland Road. My wife and I really liked the peaceful area. My family, like most do, got bigger and we out grew our home. We located a beautiful piece of property just around the corner on Hillcrest Road and bought it. We purchased this property under the impression that there were several new building developments in the works. Subdivisions were planned by Kevin Steele, Mike Dempster, and Dennis Landry of Residential Contractors. I though this would be great for my children, new homes, kids for them to play with. Since spring we started a 3900 square foot home over looking a lake. I was floored last week when I noticed a huge fluorescent si~ stating Levesque's was moving and relocating to 937 Hillcrest Road. I thought oh great way more traffic and motorcyles racing along this nonnally peaceful street. I went and checked out 77 Golden Grove Road, the current location of Levesque's motorcycle shop. I noticed a large quanity of tires and other parts behind their business. There are also work bays and a large showroom in front with a parts counter. It appears Mr. Levesque has a decent business operating, qualifying my concerns that there will be more traffic coming and going from our neighborhood. I also feel that the city will loose future tax revenue from people refusing to build new homes across the street from a motorcycle garage. Currently Residential Contractors have several new home building lots for sale directly across the street from this proposed business. Please your worship and council do not allow this property to be rezoned and ruin "our little piece of the country in the city". Respectfully, ~oJ /,~~~---- Planning Advisory Committee P.O. Box 1971 Saint John New Brunswick Canada E2L 4L1 506658-2800 q. ~l 'o~ June 13, 2007 Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: Proposed Rezoning - 937 Hillcrest Road On May 22, 2007 Common Council referred the above matter to the Planning City of Saint John Advisory Committee for a report and recommendation. The Committee considered the attached report at its June 12, 2007 meeting. The property owner, Mr. Bertin Levesque, appeared before the Committee in support of the application. He indicated that he did not anticipate a substantial increase in traffic due to the presence ofhi8 business and that the bulk ofthe operations will take place inside the existing garage. A portion of the existing compound will be used for storage but would be screened by fencing. His stated intention was to retain the residential appearance of his property. Mr. Mike McCaig (60 Marilyn Drive) addressed the Committee in opposition to the proposal. He expressed concern with regard to potential noise and increased traffic on Hillcrest Road if the rezoning were to be approved. In addition, concern was expressed about the number of businesses, specifically vehicle repair garages, currently operating in the residential area. In addition to the above presentations, the Committee received a letter from Mark Freeze (905 Hillcrest Road) expressing objections and concerns with respect to the proposal. A copy of the letter is attached. After considering the report, the letter and presentations, the Committee adopted staff recommendation as set out below. RECOMMENDATION: That the application be denied. PF Attachments Planning and Development Urbanisme et developpement P,O. Box/C.P. 1971 Saint John. NB/N.-B. Canada E2 L 4 L1 www.saintjohn.ca DATE: JUNE 8, 2007 The City of Saint John TO: PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE FROM: PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT FOR: MEETING OF JUNE 12, 2007 j~~ Patrick Foran Planning Officer SUBJECT: Name of Applicant: Bertin Levesque Name of Owner: Bertin Levesque Location: 937 Hillcrest Road PID: 55090526 Municipal Plan: Unserviced Residential Zoning: "RS-l" One and Two Family Suburban Residential Proposal: To rezone an unserviced residential property in order to permit a motorcycle repair garage. Type of Application: Rezoning and conditional use. JURISDICTION OF COMMITTEE: The Community Planning Act authorizes the Planning Advisory Committee to give its views to Common Council concerning proposed rezoning applications. The Committee's Bertin Levesque 937 Hillcrest Road Page 2 June 8,2007 recommendation will be considered by Common Council at a Public Hearing on Monday, June IS, 2007. The Zoning By-law authorizes the Committee to impose terms and conditions upon the establishment and operation of a repair garage in the "B-2" General Business zone. ST AFF RECOMMENDATION TO COMMITTEE: That this application be denied. INPUT FROM OTHER SOURCES: Municipal Operations and Engineering has no objections to the proposed rezoning and conditional use. Building and Technical Services indicate that floor plans of the garage including provisions for exiting and washrooms will be required as part of the permitting process. Fire Department has reviewed the proposal and has the following concerns and comments: · Spraying or undercoating operations, shall conform to the standards as identified in section 5.4 of the National Building Code of Canada 1995. · Hot works (welding, etc) operations shall conform to the standard as identified in section 5.2 ofthe National Building Code of Canada 1995. . The National Fire Code requires that Fire Extinguishers are located in Motor Vehicle Garages. · The National Fire Code requires that a Fire Safety Plan is on site. · The storage of propane cylinders must conform to section 5.5 ofBI49.2-00 of The Propane Storage and Handling Code. . The heating system within the garage must satisfy the National Building and Fire Codes. · The Department of Public Safety (Electrical Inspector) shall make an assessment as to the appropriateness of the electrical system to support the garage operations. The Saint John Fire Department's acceptance of the above rezoning application is conditional on the above conditions being satisfied. N.H. Department of Environment and Local Government has been advised of the application. Bertin Levesque 937 Hillcrest Road Page 3 June 8, 2007 ANAL YSIS: Subject Property and Neighbourhood The subject property is situated on the Hillcrest Road in East Saint John (see attachments). The general area is rural in character and there are currently only approximately seven (7) other homes within a quarter~kilometre radius of the property. There also appears to be a gravel pit to the west of the site at 897 Hillcrest Road, approximately 85 metres (280 feet) from the boundary of the subject site. The property contains a dwelling set far back from the road with an existing garage located to the west of the residence. There is a large paved driveway area separating the two buildings. Although most of the site is screened from adjoining properties by mature vegetation the garage, which faces east, is visible from the street when approached from that direction. The applicant is requesting permission to establish and operate a motorcycle repair garage from the existing accessory building on his residential property at 937 Hillcrest Road. The business is currently in operation at 77 Golden Grove Road and the applicant has indicated that the lease at the current location is due to expire. Because the landowner does not want to renew the lease the applicant would like to relocate the business to his residential property. According to the applicant, the hours of operation are normally from 9:00 a,m. until 6:00 p.m. Mondays to Fridays and from 9:00 a.m. until 1 :00 p.m. on Saturdays. The applicant indicates that there are usually 5-10 vehicles involved in the business at anyone time. General mechanical work is undertaken on motorcycles although no body work or painting is performed. In addition to the repair garage, the applicant would also have one to two all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) for sale as well as motorcycle parts and accessories. The applicant would continue to reside in the dwelling. Municipal Plan and Rezoning Consideration The general area is designated by the Municipal Development Plan as Un serviced Residential. The Plan envisions such areas in the community as being appropriate for the development of larger residential properties with private on-site services. The Plan also recognizes that certain non-residential uses are appropriate for such areas. These land uses are seen as necessary to primarily serve the needs of the local resident population, or are compatible with residential uses. Such land uses include: elementary schools, daycare centres, parks, churches, and neighbourhood commercial facilities such as small convenience stores. Furthermore, the Plan encourages the exclusion from residential areas those uses that are not compatible with these neighbourhoods with respect to the following: Bertin Levesque 937 Hillcrest Road Page 4 June 8, 2007 · Generation of traffic that is excessive in volume and not local in nature; · The production of smoke, dust, fumes or noise; · The creation of hazardous or dangerous conditions by virtue of the operation, material or equipment used. A motorcycle repair garage is not envisioned by the Plan as being a compatible use in residential neighbourhoods. Indeed, the City has had to deal with a number of illegal/non-conforming repair garage and auto body shop operations in residential neighbourhoods over the years. The traffic, outdoor vehicle storage, contamination from automotive oils and various chemicals, as well as the noise, dust and fumes associated with such uses can adversely affect the character of residential neighbourhoods. It is recognized that the scale of the proposed business is relatively small and that the garage has a residential appearance and conforms to the residential accessory building standards. However, although the area is sparsely populated at present, there are several rural subdivisions in the vicinity that are in the process of being developed. A repair garage specializing in motorcycles is not compatible with residential land use and approval of the proposal may adversely affect not only existing residents of the neighbourhood but also reduce the desirability of lots in the developing subdivisions. While it is understood that the proposed scale of the business is limited, there always remains the concern in the future that this business, perhaps under new ownership, will not operate in the same manner. While conditions can be imposed by the City, such conditions often fail to truly regulate the nature of the business by new operators who are less sensitive to the residential neighbourhood. There is also concern that this isolated commercial zoning will attract future interest for other businesses permitted in the "B-2" General Business zone. Again, while conditions can be imposed to limit the use of the property to this specific business, it is not unusual that other more intensive business proposals are permitted due to the pre-existing commercial zoning. CONCLUSION: There have been a number of similar rezoning applications in the past for repair garages in residential areas not supported by staff for the reasons mentioned in this report. Approval for this motorcycle repair garage cannot be recommended. PF Project No. 07-176 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT/URBANISME ET DEVELOPPEMENT ..... RS. 1 RR \ \ \ \ \.... \\ ~~/ ~ \ ~~~- - "<~ <~~\c~~~~\~~-----~_::>/ '-~~~~"""-- PQ ..' / \<P, ._______\ . ~ 1 RS-l ~ _ ---- -----'"~.:..~ ----~ -r~~~~ . --- \ \ \ ~';""i~~ ,. \ I - - .,..."..... ; j' ....'. ;............. i____ \' ..' r I I .\ \~ \ .\ \. Subject Site/site en question: - Location: 937, ch. Hillcrest Road Date: April/ avril 30,2007 Scalelechelle: Not to scale/Pas a I'echelle I:IGO f N ~.,:\~\C'~ "o-..\~ 967 915 Mark Freeze 905 Hillcrest Road SaintJohn, NB E2N 267 June 6, 2007 Re: Proposed Rezoning and Conditional Use Application - 937 Hillcrest Road IJ.. , Planning Advisory Committee City of Saint John P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB E2l4l1 Dear Planning Advisory Committee: My name is Mark Freeze and I am writing in regards to the re-zoning of 937 Hillcrest Road from a Residential to Commercial property. I have lived on Hillcrest Road for 14 years and I've seen this area build up over the years. What was once mostly an all wooded area has now turned into a nice urban living area with subdivisions being constructed every few months. In the last two years, I have seen many new families move into this area, multiple subdivisions being constructed and the roads being repaired and repaved. I believe that with 937 Hillcrest Road being re-zoned as a commercial property, this would create an excess of traffic as well as noise. With the roads being re paired and repaved in the last couple years, this has created conditions to which some drivers prefer to drive fast on with their motorcycles as well as their automobiles. Ifthis route is being taken on a regular basis by customers to this business, they may have a tendency to drive above the speed limit. This would create much more dangerous conditions, esp~cially where there are families with small children moving into the area each month. In the last few weeks, I have already started to notice an increase of motorcycles entering and leaving this property at all hours of the day and night. This has been an inconvenience to many nelghbours as well as myself. I will presume that this will continue to increase as this business opens in this location full time, as well as while it continues to grow. I hope you will consider refusing this re-zonlng request. I believe it will cause a negative impact on the community and possibly cause current residents to consider moving or cause potential residents to move elsewhere. Thank you for your time. .""'1 - JI'N ''l 1;):"\.1 ~.~ . \:I. l." LoJ ~. . .,. . - ~..;./i :~ ,/.\:' \t;. .' .. ~" ' .~.tl.1". '. ~~ ~. Q.' "~SAl~:'!' " Sincerely, Mark Freeze Application for a Municipal Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment Applicant Related Information Name of Applicant Randy Defasio. Distinctive Autobody & Collision Center Ltd. Mailing Address of applicant 690 Grandview Avenue. Saint John. NB E2J 4M9 Telephone Number Home Work 696-7974 Fax 969-1986 Name of Property Owner Irving Oil Limited Address PO Box 1421. Saint John. NB E2L 4Kl Property Related Information Location 1265 ~ 1285 Loch Lamond Road PID:55054514 Lot Area 1.49 ha (3.7 ac) Street Frontage 124 m (406 ft) Existing Use of Property vacant land Present Municipal Plan Land Use Designation Low Density Residential Present Zoning "'RS-2" One and Two Family Suburban Residential Amendments Requested Municipal Plan Change Land Use Designation to APJlrov~d Light Industrial Development Zoning By~law Change Zoning to Special Zone Development Proposal The request is to have the municipal plan amended to change the designation of for this property to allow mixed use consisting of businesses and light industrial uses. The property is approximately 4 acres with a major NB Power easement through one side. The new property owner wishes to Application for a Municipal Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment Randy Defasio, Distinctive Auto Body 1265 - 1285 Loch Lamond Road PID: 55054514 May 22, 2007 Page 2 build a building on the side of the lot nearest McAllister Drive to repair automobiles, Le., a collision centre. The lot and building would be arranged such that in future the lot could be split to allow a second building with business uses. The lot is shown in the attached sketch with the approximate building location shown and a future lot line identified. The presence of the power easement makes the full use of the lot for low density residential uses inappropriate. People to not want to live under power lines. Similarly, many people would not want to work under the power lines. As a result, the property plan identifies the north side of the property with a building containing an industrial use which will not impact the neighbourhood. Furthermore, a zone which also permitted acceptable business uses would assist in creating a transition zone from the existing business uses on both sides of Loch Lomond Road to the existing residential dwellings further up Loch Lomond Road. A special zone designation might be appropriate which would I. require a front yard set back of 50 feet 2. side yard setbacks of 25 feet 3. landscaping as approved by the Development Officer 4. maintain maximum building height - 4 storeys 5. maximum building area - 20,000 sq. ft. 6. minimum front yard landscaping 25' except for driveways Potential uses 1. collision centre 2. usedJnew car sales 3. car repall'S 4. business uses a. doctor's office b. office building c. strip mall d. commercial shops Prohibited uses 1. any residential, hotel or other human habitation purposes of any kind or density, permanent or temporary, Application for a Municipal Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment Randy Defasio, Distinctive Auto Body 1265.1285 Loch Lamond Road PID: 55054514 May 22, 2007 Page 3 2. or for the sale, marketing, handing, lease, storage, placing, distribution of or other dealing in bulk with oil, petroleum, gasoline, diesel fuel, natural gas or any other petroleum products or derivatives therefrom of any kind whatsoever, or any substitute for any of the foregoing, 3. or for the operation of any convenience store, or the operation of any pharmacy or national brand drug store, or the opemtion of a restaurant or the opemtion of any business or activity of a similar nature to any of the forgoing. including any operation or activity involving in whole or part. the sale. lease, storage, placing or distribution of, or other dealing in, groceries. food stuffs, confectionery, tobacco products or sundries The attached site plan illustrates this proposal. Date Signature of the Applicant The $400 Application Fee is enclosed. Signature of the Owner Date Application for a Municipal Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment Randy Defasio, Distinctive Auto Body 1265 - 1285 Loch Lomond Road PID: 55054514 May 22, 2007 Page 4 q:: 0. 0- "'l:f" >< <=> <<:: 0\ 0. 0- ><_ 0.0 v - 10.5 .- o~ ::::s 1,,0 ll< "'0 q::; 0 ..n 8"\0 ~:s c:r ~ <IN..d N r... c:Q rI:I v.I ~ .a lZ) Q) g !U g'j 0 Q) 1:: "6 ~ u rn !:l (,) O'C & ~:='"Oe d)~~qo 0 ~~~O. 6~O~':,t Z~ N ~ 25 ft landseaping .... bO ~~ ::s :::s ~c:Q tIO .5 fit u :I cr:: tn N 2S ft lan~8;p~g - bI.l .5 B i - <i:: tn N ~ - 25 t\ lan ~ Ia~~ :z;O:q !:<...... 25 t\ landSCaping ~~ .~~~ ~tn$ ~ Cl) .a Cl) =s.S ~.....:l -:a .e- .- Q) 1"1':10.. ~ 8 ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ::I: g ~ ~ ~ "'Q j ~ o ~ 5 '.d ca "U o ~ Cl) ~ I ~ A. II aI III :; :II! t: ~ I E J I i I I ; ! I 1 :i --::l lIIl ~ i i ~ ~ 1 .i .1 t..i II1II .1 !ill .~ i ~ .a ~ I "...~..'~.."... ~.#'" ""~~- IRVING '~c May 22, 2007 TO; THE CITY OF SAiNT JOHN. AND/OR THE PROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK Dear Sir Of Madam: HE: Randy Defazio purchase from ITving Oil Marketing Umited Vacant Land at 1265 Loch Lomond Road, Saint John, NB P1D *55054514 (the "Property") WE HEREBY AUTHOR1ZE RANDY OEF~O or his authorized agent to make all applications required to obtain zoning for light industrial on the Property, and any other amendments required 10 have such application approved and effective with respect to the Property, provided that such are in addition to (as opposed to instead of) the Property's current zoning dassffk:8tJon of A2 Residential. We trust this is suffici&(Jt authority to allow the application to proceed. YoursTroty \..-tilhlJl! c()()Jl. Miche!Je Cook Corporate Real Estate IRVING OJ\. UMHW I::) \~~./,J;';r:;V >~L. (:{,~ ~~r~li'}f k-j)-~. l"..)L-: C",,"'v:h i::'-, /'1.. j .;-~\ .ri-:; . ~:~;,-.~ ,:- ~c ',_.'6 .':. .. I S06. /O~;: I" i(~! PROPOSED MUNICIPAL PLAN AMENDMENT RE: 1265-1285 LOCH LOMOND ROAD Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Saint John intends to consider an amendment to the Municipal Development Plan which would: 1. Redesignate on Schedule 2-A of the Plan, a parcel of land with an area of approximately 1.49 hectares, located at 1265-1285 Loch Lamond Road, also identified as being PID No. 55054514, from Low Density Residential to Approved Light lndustrial Development, as illustrated below. 2. Add the following to the list of Approved Light Industrial Developments in sub- section "zz) a parcel of land with an area of approximately 1.49 hectares, located at 1265-1285 Loch Lamond Road, also identified as being PID No. 55054514." (INSERT MAP) A public presentation of the proposed amendment will take place at a regular meeting of Common Council on Monday, June 18, 2007 in the Council Chamber, Lobby Level, City Hall. REASON FOR CHANGE: To permit an auto body paint or repair shop, car sales lot, repair garage, business offices and/or retail stores. Written objections to the proposed amendment may be made to the Council, in care of the undersigned, by July 18, 2007. Enquiries may be made at the office of the Common Clerk or Planning and Development, City Hall, 15 Market Square, Saint John, N.H. between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, inclusive, holidays excepted. PROJET DE MODIFICATION DU PLAN MUNICIPAL OBJET: 1265-1285, CHEMIN LOCH LOMOND Par les presentes, un avis public est donne par lequel Ie conseil communal de The City of Saint John a l'intention d'etudier la modification du plan d'amenagement municipal comme suit: 1. la reclassification, a Pannexe 2-A du plan, d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 1.49 hectares, situee au 1265-1285, chemin Loch Lomond, et portant Ie NID 55054514, de zone residentielle de falble densite a zone d'amenagement approuve d'lndustrie Legere, comme 1 'indique la carte ci-dessous. 2. }'ajout de la parcelle de terrain suivante it la tiste d'amenagements approuves d'industries legeres it l'alinea : (( zz) une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 1.49 hectares, situee au 1265. 1285, chemin Loch Lamond, et portant Ie NID 55054514. )) CINSERER LA CARTE) Vue presentation publique du projet de modification aura lieu 10rs de la reunion ordinaire du conseil communal Ie Iundi 18 juin 2007 dans la salle du conseil de l'hOtel de ville, au niveau du hall d'entree. RAISON DE LA MODIFICA nON: Permettre un atelier de peinture ou de reparation de carrosseries d 'automobiles, un terrain affecte a la vente d'automobiles, un garage de reparation, des bureaux d'affaires et/ou des magasins de detail. Veuillez faire part au conseil par ecrit de vos objections au projet de modification au plus tard Ie 18 juillet 2007 a l'attention du soussigne. Pour toute demande de renseignements, veui11 ez communiquer avec Ie bureau du greffier communal ou Ie bureau de l'urbanisme ct du developpement a l'hOtel de ville au 15, Market Square, Saint John, N.-B., entre 8 h 30 et 16 h 30 du lundi au vendredi, sauf les jours feries. 1. Patrick Woods, Common Clerk 658-2862 J. Patrick Woods, Greffier communal 658-2862 PROPOSED MUNICIPAL PLAN AMENDMENT RE: 1265-1285 LOCH LOMOND ROAD Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Saint Jo1m intends to consider an amendment to the Municipal Development Plan by: 1. Redesignate on Schedule 2-A of the Plan, a parcel of land with an area of approximately 1.49 hectares, located at 1265-1285 Loch Lamond Road, also identified as being PID No. 55054514, from Low Density Residential to Approved Light Industrial Development, as illustrated below. 2. Add the following to the list of Approved Light Industrial Developments in sub-section "zz) a parcel ofland with an area of approximately 1.49 hectares, located at 1265-1285 Loch Lamond Road, also identified as being PID No. 55054514." (INSERT MAP) A public presentation of the proposed amendment will take place at a regular meeting of Common Council on Monday, June 18, 2007 in the Council Chamber, Lobby Level, City Hall. REASON FOR CHANGE: To permit an auto body paint or repair shop, car sales lot, repair garage, business offices and/or retail stores, Written objections to the proposed amendment may be made to the CotUlcil, in care of the undersigned, by July 18, 2007. Enquiries may be made at the office of the Common Clerk or Planning and Development, City Hall, 15 Market Square, Saint Jo1m, N.B. between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, inclusive, holidays excepted. J. Patrick Woods, Common Clerk 658~2862 ------------------------------------------------------------------ PROJET DE MODIFICA nON DU PLAN MUNICIPAL OBJET: 1265-1285~ CHEMIN LOCH LOMOND Par les presentes, un avis public est donne par lequelle conseH communal de The City of Saint John a l'intention d'etudier la modification du plan d'amenagement municipal comme suit: L la reclassification, it 1'annexe 2-A du plan, d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 1.49 hectares, situee au 1265-1285, chemin Loch Lamond, et portant Ie NID 55054514, de zone residentielle de faible den site a zone d'amenagement approuve d'industrie legere, comme l'indique 1a carte ci-dessous. 2. l'ajout de la parcelle de terrain suivante a la liste d'amenagements approuves d'industries legeres a l'alinea : (( zz) une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 1.49 hectares, situee au 1265-1285, chemin Loch Lamond, et portant Ie NID 55054514. )) (INSERER LA CARTE) Une presentation publique du projet de modification aura lieu lors de la reunion ordinaire du conseil communal Ie 1undi 18 juin 2007 dans la salle du conseil de 1'h6tel de ville, au niveau du hall d'entree. RAISON DE LA MODIFICATION: Permettre un atelier de peinture au de reparation de carrosseries d'automobiles, un terrain affecte a la vente d'automobiles, un garage de reparation, des bureaux d'affaires et/ou des rnagasins de detail. Veuillez faire part au conseil par ecrit de vas objections au projet de modification au plus tard Ie 18 juillet 2007 a l'attention du soussigne. Pour toute demande de renseignements, veuillez communiquer avec Ie bureau du greffier communal ou Ie bureau de l'urbanisme et du developpement a l'hOtel de ville au 15, Market Square, Saint John, N.-B., entre 8 h 30 et 16 h 30 du lundi au vendredi, sauf les jours feries. J. Patrick Woods, Greffier communal 658-2862 -,' \ \ " ~~-"'\ , \ I , 'v' .// /0. \ / '\>:'>;r.~~'. ,/,/'^'" ~ -"'~~ / ,//0 /' '.~ - -. - --.- "--". .., \ , \ \ \ , \ \ \ ). .. \ , , \ '.' ~ --- \.," , , , \ \ , . ....-- ~z .'.-" ~, \ \, \. \'00 ~c;COjil '. .\6.. \, .. ;; ,/,. " JIt\. oJ// ..... \ ..0' '<~// '9~/), " O'r. \-....c \. \ \ \ \ , City of Saint John INTERNAL INSERTION ORDER . For City of Saint John use only: Budget Number: 11008014422010 Department: Common Clerk's Office (Account # 71206) Contact: J. Patrick Woods Phone: (506) 658-2862 I Fax: (506) 674.4214 Special Instructions (if any): Newspaper Insertion Dates (Check as applicable) (SJTJ= Saint John Telegraph Journal) .. SJT J City Information Ad Dllte(s): Tuesday, June 5,2007 .. SJTJ Independent Placement .. SJTJ CIassifieds Date(s): Date(s): Information for Ad (Boldface anything you want Bold in Ad, Centre, Tab, etc.) Section Headline: D General Notice D Tender 0 Proposal ~ Public Notice Sub-Headline (if applicable): Text: INSERT A TT ACHED Call to Action: J. Patrick Woods, Common Clerk/Greffier communal Contact: I Telephone: (506) 658-2862 BY-LAW NUMBER C.P. 105- ALA W TO AMEND THE MUNICIPAL PLAN BY-LAW ARRETE NO C.P. 105- ARRETE MODIFIANT L'ARRETE RELATIF AU PLAN MUNICIPAL Be it enacted by The City of Saint Lars d'une reunion du conseil John in Common Council convened, as communal, The City of Saint John a follows: decrete ce qui suit: The Municipal Plan By-law of The L'arrete relatif au plan municipal de City of Saint John enacted on the 3rd day The City of Saint John edicte Ie of January, A.D. 2006 is amended by: 3 janvier 2006 est modifi6 par: I Amending Schedule 2-A, the Future Land Use Plan, by redesignating a parcel of land with an area of approximately 1.49 hectares, located at 1265-1285 Loch Lamond Road, also identified as being PID No. 55054514, from Low Density Residential to Approved Light Industrial Development classification. 2 Adding the following to the list of Approved Light Industrial Developments in sub-section 2.4.7. I 5: "zz) a parcel of land with an area of approximately 1.49 hectares, located at 1265-1285 Loch Lamond Road, also identified as being PID No. 55054514." - all as shown on the plan attached hereto and forming part of this by-law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by-law the >I< day of *, A.D. 2007 and signed by: I la modification de l'annexe 2-A relative au plan d'amenagement futur des terres, afin de faire passer la designation d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 1.49 hectares, situee au 1265- 1285, chemin Loch Lamond, et portant Ie NID 55054514, de zone residentielle de faible densite a zone d'amenagement approuve d'industrie leger. 2 I 'ajout de la parcelle de terrain sui vante a la liste d' amenagements approuves d'industries legeres it. l'alinea : <<zz) une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ I .49 hectares, situee au 1265-1285, chemin Loch Lamond, et portant Ie NID 55054514. )) - toutes les modifications sont indiquees sur Ie plan ci-joint et font partie du present arrete. EN For DE QUor, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur Ie present arrete Ie * jour de * 2007, avec les signatures sui vantes : Mayor/Maire Common Clerk/Greffier communal First Reading Second Reading - Third Reading - Premiere lecture Deuxieme lecture Troisieme lecture Application for a Municipal Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment Demande de modification au plan municipal et a I'arrete sur Ie zonage Applicant Related Information I Renseignements sur Ie demandeur N.me of Applicant! Nom du demond.ur A do rn P ndj{ S I-";;h er rLI ex e ;/" njha 1-1 ~ Emd'Jo Mailing Address of applicant / Addresse postale du demandeur 3.3 (7 [.o-[ I ';;e,f l a )Le - eo {1 C/ . oS 0-1 to' f ;;s:; A rI JLf 6 Postal Code I Code postal € () N - / u.J 7 Telephone Number /Numero de telephone Home / Domicile 50& / h 5S -I q D L{ Work /Travail 600 / Ie ~ "3 - 'if;;;)S Fax Number / Numero de telecopieur :,)anu OS HboLLL> Name of Property Owner (if different) I Nom du proprietaire (si different) Address I Adresse .------- .-------- ,__ __--,-.u----. ..~ Postal Code I Code postal: Property Information I Renseignements sur la propriete 32.~- , j) J Location J Emp lacement .3.3" La t I me ( J f1 f((; I( 60 (Y Civic # I No de voirie Street / Rue Q033~962 f ()O)) ] Ic)) PID / NIP Lot Area I Superficie du lot Street Frontage I Fa",ade sur rue l?e9 Cllflf IdJ Existing Use of Property I Utilisation actuelle de la propriete Present Municipal Plan Land Use Designation Designation actuel de utilization des terres sur Ie plan municipal Present Zoning / Zonage actuel_R S - 2. M Un {~~Nla~ Amendments Requested I Modifications demandees I'1unicipal Plan I Plan municipal . I J - II ~ Change Land Use Designation to I Modifier la designation de I'utilisation des terres a~- and/or I ou o Text Amendment (indicate particulars on attachment) I Modification du texte (indiquez les details en annexe) ZoJing By-law! Arrete sur Ie Zonage 0' Change Zoning to / Modification du zonage a ~ and/or I ou . ",.I\1I.E'D Text Amendment (indicate particulars on attachment) / Modification due~ (indiquez les details en' .' xe) ". : I' '.'.' '.' ~. "0' 1 ..,~ ~ - ~ ....."', t 1~ 4.1 \ . " ,;,'t L u ~1 '.~ .... , . \"'0'" ~/ '-'<SAI~tg/ o Development Proposal I Proposition dtamenagement Description of Proposal I Description de la proposition ~ \XM.II Q,~rnp mefnl R",,~cJ,Il~ ~,osc... \'of f'~ /u: ~S Ouc.ho..S /ft/lumlf\.uf'f'\j ras;(LDPP'?('!';...o.o.d...u.c.. N~ for AJ.(~ or fu\\I~<l.. yo.Jd. 6;.\ ki a. bw \dlf~"3 fur", IfIf'S-th x 8Of+ w\c.\.€ - \ bft K: Bh 1..Uq re... Clll ~\nlg ..leUld j;,e ~Jfcn(l92d :.frIc,illoJp:lJMJ ftd /ij/l(~ ~da:r' /iu1~(,(,( var LU~c:1 oj <go be. ~n..u...d.:eN. fou must provide a scaled site plan that illustrates Vous devezfournir un plan du site a Nchelle illustrant votre your proposal. You may also provide proposition. Vous pouvez egalementfournir des photographs, building plans, elevation drawings photographies, des plans de hdtiment. des dessins de plan and any other form of information. The site plan. d'elevation et toute autre forme de renseignement. Le plan du must show the dimensions of the property, the site doft indiquer les dimensions de la propriete, location of all buildings, driveways. parking areas, l'emplacement de la totalite des bdtiments, des allees, des landscaping and signs. It is important that the aires de stationnement, des amenagements paysagers et des distance between the property boundary and panneaux de signalisation. II est important d'indiquer la buildings are shown. distance entre les limites de la proprietfJ et les bdtiments. Provide reasons why these amendments should be approved.! Fournir les raisons pour les quelles les modifications devraient ~tre approuvees. ~c.1~':) IS e..NJ\rOfYUX"tto\ltj 9c~endl~ !n..S 0.. f\D..J Solo..l\ buV;,(lcsS Clune( \ve.a\lU, t\te (\Qed for Suc1 Dulsru.9S. dun~ 9ou.J .\..inU.s :s:> o..YCs....J,nd plc.r'09 li &x m<lJalS ~l.~ wo..:ohus Dn..tt"-~ s-\vo.e~ f(' {cl t...~ -\os sed Cf1 rea. d~ .\-D U\eIP (td.u.a. 6uc.k yu ,";;h, Provide any other information about your proposal that would be helpful.! Fournir tout autre renseignement concernant votre proposition qui pourrait @tre utile. mcu'; purp~ O.r bu:ddJtrj ~ rQ.mporc:u:1 Sh,rc~ beJwee.n P\C[U~ V~ So1~~ of'C\ ~~~N1 Or~\:-C\..\<; ~L0d wrcMSI~ Ir W.ci~\-"tlK'J ~\s Signature of Applicant! Signature du demandeur Date '1M.=; J 3 laoo I o $400 Application Fee Enclosed! Ci-joint les frais de demande de 400 $ If you are not the owner of the land in question please have the owner sign below. The signature of the owner authorizing this application to proceed is requiredfor consideration by Common Council, Si vous n'iUes pas Ie proprietaire du terrain en question, veuillez obtenir la signature du proprtetaire dans la partie ci-dessous. La signature du proprietaire autarisan! Ie traftement de la presente demande est requise pour que celle derniere solt examinee par le canseil communal. Signature of Owner (if applicable) Signature du propri6taire (s'il y a lieu) Date \j c$ --_..~._- (), -J c:y (Jr'1 J ~ ~I.' cu.) L. -j j ~,"'~~~~; ~,~ , 'f\'\ \ ,,' ~,\ i :..-==l )~ \ :~,;;;;;;=-~ ..', ' 'J/~\' . --- , '"'\ I:' ~ V' :\3 G ~. 1-.;v ('" ... \\ \ .\ '. \ , ~. , , "" '.'! '0' (" ? c7r' ~i ' j\ /~, \\ ~~ '~;.\ /"'''-; . _,,~ 'n,....." . .... . ...---.1... .--;;;-'- . /" . ...._~.:;;?'> .... ..... ..... ~ I :1 \i 1- A TIM [ R - 17'36"1'0"10 -------.-------- ------~-,_._---- ---------~. LAK[ ROAD ~ 77' 32 ' :D 1l6' % G ~ ~ ... ~ 0 - ~ 't ~ '6 - ...., ~ .<:. 0 ..)J l ~ ~ - % ~ ~ 'e5 :-- c; ~ t;'), ~ V' ~ ~ ;<i PID OO"S2L '=' !'i6 :< ,., PLAN FILE 4 :f! -< LOT BI DARYL DICKS OINORAH DICK~ 8.e3 ~~ .. t: ~ 11.\8 LIGHT Pa(f + --f- BSS62 McNEILL )EFAZIO-McNEILl PAGE 100 ~OLUME 1995. -I- 0, CO o J PD 00421297 No.7S (2 PLAN FILE 44 LOT o v- I\.. "v v- lr) "v' PROPOSED MUNICIPAL PLAN AMENDMENT RE: 326-336 LATIMORE LAKE ROAD Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Saint 10lm intends to consider an amendment to the Municipal Development Plan which would: L Redesignate on Schedule 2-A of the Plan, a parcel of land with an area of approximately 4,660 square metres, located at 326-336 Latimore Lake Road, also identified as being PID Nos. 00334862 and 00333153, from Unserviced Residential to Approved Heavy Industrial Development. 2. Add the following to the list of Approved Heavy Industrial Developments in sub- section "i) a parcel of land with an area of approximately 4,660 square metres, located at 326- 336 Latimore Lake Road, also identified as being PID Nos. 00334862 and 00333153." A public presentation of the proposed amendment will take place at a regular meeting of Common Council on Monday, June 18, 2007 in the Council Chamber, Lobby Level, City Hall. REASON FOR CHANGE: To permit a scrap metal recycling business. Written objections to the proposed amendment may be made to the Council, in care of the undersigned, by July 18, 2007. Enquiries may be made at the office of the Common Clerk or PlaIU1ing and Development, City Hall, 15 Market Square, Saint John, N,S. between the hours of 8:30 a.ill. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, inclusive, holidays excepted. J. Patrick Woods, Conunon Clerk 658-2862 PROJET DE MODIFICATION DU PLAN MUNICIP AL OBJET: 326-336, CHEMIN LATIMORE LAKE Par les presentes, un avis public est donne par lequel le conseil communal de The City of Saint Jolm a l'intention d'etudier la modification du plan d'amenagement municipal comme suit: 1, la reclassification, a l'aIlllexe 2-A du plan, d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 4660 metres carres, situee au 326-336, chemin Latimore Lake, poliant les NID 00334862 et 00333153, de zone residentielle non-desservi a zone d'amenagement approuve d'industrie lourde. 2. l'ajout de la parcelle de terrain suivante a la liste d'am€magements approuves d'industries lourdes a l'alinea 2.4. 7,11 : (( i) une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 4660 metres carres, situee au 326- 336, chemin Latimore Lake, poliant les NID 00334862 et 00333153. )) Vne presentation publique du projet de modification aura lieu lors de la reunion ordinaire du conseil communa11e lundi 18 juiu 2007 dans la salle du conseil de 1'h6tel de ville, au niveau du hall d'entree. RAISON DE LA MODIFICATION: Permcttre l' etablissement d 'une entreprise de recyclage de ferraille. Veuillez faire part au conseil par eerit de vos objections au projet de modification au plus tard Ie 18 juillet 2007 a l'attention du soussigne. Pour toute demande de renseignements, veuillez cornmuniquer avec le bureau du greffier communal au le bureau de l'urbanisme et du developpement a l'Mtel de ville au 15, Market Square, Saint Jo1m, N.-B., entre 8 h 30 et 16 h 30 du lundi au vendredi, sauf les jours feries. J. Patrick Woods, Greffier communal 658-2862 PROPOSED MUNICIPAL PLAN AMENDMENT RE: 326-336 LATIMORE LAKE ROAD Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Saint John intends to consider an amendment to the Municipal Development Plan which would: 1. Redesignate on Schedule 2-A of the Plan, a parcel of land with an area of approximately 4,660 square metres, located at 326-336 Latimore Lake Road, also identified as being PID Nos. 00334862 and 00333153, from Unserviced Residential to Approved Heavy Industrial Development. 2. Add the following to the list of Approved Heavy Industrial Developments in sub-section "i) a parcel of land with an area of approximately 4,660 square metres, located at 326-336 Latimore Lake Road, also identified as being PID Nos. 00334862 and 00333153." A public presentation of the proposed amendment will take place at a regular meeting of Common Council on Monday, June 18, 2007 in the Council Chamber, Lobby Level, City Hall. REASON FOR CHANGE: To permit a scrap metal recycling business. Written objections to the proposed amendment may be made to the Council, in care of the undersigned, by July 18, 2007. Enquiries may be made at the office of the Common Clerk or Planning and Development, City Hall, 15 Market Square. Saint Jo1m, N.B. between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, inclusive, holidays excepted. J. Patrick Woods, Common Clerk 658-2862 PROJET DE MODIFICATION DU PLAN MUNICIPAL OBJET: 326-336, CHEMIN LATIMORE LAKE Par les presentes, un avis public est donne par lequelle conseil communal de The City of Saint John a l'intention d'etudier la modification du plan d'amenagement municipal comme suit: 1. la reclassification, a I'anncxe 2-A du plan, d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 4660 metres carres, situee au 326-336, chemin Latimore Lake, pOliant les NID 00334862 et 00333153, de zone risidentielle non-desservi a zone d'amenagemenf approuve d'industrie lourde. 2. l'ajout de la parcelle de terrain suivante a la liste d'amenagements approuves d'industries lourdes a l'alinea : << i) une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 4 660 metres carres, situee au 326-336, chemin Latimore Lake, partant les NID 00334862 et 00333153. )> Une presentation publique du projet de modification aura lieu lors de la reunion ordinaire du conseil communal Ie lundi 18 juin 2007 dans la salle du conseil de l'hOtel de ville, au niveau du hall d'entree. RAISON DE LA MODIFICATION: Permettre l'etablissement d'une entreprise de recyclage de ferraille. Veuillez faire part au conseil par ecrit de vas objections au projet de modification au plus tard Ie 18 juillet 2007 a l'attention du soussigne. Pour toute demande de renseignements, veuillez communiquer avec le bureau du greffier communal au Ie bureau de I'urbanisme et du developpement a l'hOtel de ville au 15, Market Square, Saint John, N.-B., entre 8 h 30 et 16 h 30 du lundi au vendredi, sauflesjours feries. J. Patrick Woods, Greffier communal 658-2862 City of Saint John INTERNAL INSERTION ORDER For City of Saint John use only: Budget Number: 1100801 4422010 Department: Common Clerk's Office (Account # 71206) Contact: J. Patrick Woods Phone: (506) 658-2862 I Fax: (506) 674-4214 Special Instructions (if any): Newspaper Insertion Dates (Check as applicable) (SJTJ= Saint John Telegraph Journal) .. SJT J City Information Ad Date(s): Tuesday, June 5, 2007 .. SJTJ Independent Placement Date(s): Date(s): ." SJT J Classifieds Information for Ad (Boldface anything you want Bold in Ad, Centre, Tab, etc.) Section Headline: D General Notice 0 Tender D Proposal ~ Public Notice Sub-Headline (if applicable): Text: INSER T A TT ACHED Call to Action: 1. Patrick Woods, Common Clerk/Greffier communal Contact: I Telephone: (506) 658-2862 BY-LAW NUMBER C.P.I05- A LAW TO AMEND THE MUNICIPAL PLAN BY-LAW Be it enacted by The City of Saint John in Common Council convened, as fo Hows: ARRETlt NO C.P. 105- ARRETlt MODIFIANT L' ARRETE RELATIF AU PLAN MUNICIPAL Lors d'une reunion du consei] communal, The City of Saint John a decrc::te ce qui suit : The Municipal Plan By-law of The L'arrete relatif au plan municipal de City of Saint John enacted on the 3rd day The City of Saint John edicte ]e of January, A.D. 2006 is amended by: 3 janvier 2006 est modifie par : 1 Amending Schedule 2-A, the Future Land Use Plan, by redesignating a parcel of land with an area of approximately 4,660 square metres, located at 326-336 Latimore Lake Road, also identified as being PID Nos. 00334862 and 00333153, from Unserviced Residential to Approved Heavy Industrial Deve]opment classification. 2 Adding the following to the list of Approved Heavy Industria] Developments in sub-section 2.4.7.] ]: "i) a parcel of land with an area of approximately 4,660 square metres, located at 326-336 Latimore Lake Road, also identified as being PID Nos. 00334862 and 00333 ]53." - all as shown on the plan attached hereto and forming part of this by-law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by-law the" day of ", A.D. 2007 and signed by: 1 la modification de I'annexe 2-A relative au plan d'amenagement futur des terres, afin de fa ire passer ]a designation d'une parcelle de terrain d'une supemcie d'environ 4660 metres cam~s, situee au 326-336, chemin Latimore Lake, portant les NID 00334862 et 00333153, de zone residentielle non-desservi it zone d'amenagement approuve d'industrie lourde. 2 I 'ajout de la parcelle de terrain suivante it la liste d'amenagements approuves d'industries lourdes a l'alinea : (( i) une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 4660 metres carres, situee au 326-336, chemin Latimore Lake, portant les NID 00334862 et 00333]53. >) - toutes les modifications sont indiquees sur ]e plan ci-joint et font partie du present arrete. EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau conununal sur Ie present arrete Ie .. j our de .. 2007, avec les signatures suivantes : MayorIMaire Common Clerk/Greffier communal First Reading Second Reading - Third Reading - Premiere lecture Deuxieme lecture Troisieme lecture Application for a Municipal Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment Demande de modification au plan municipal et a l'arrete sur Ie zonage Applicant Related Information I Renseignements sur Ie demandeur Name of Applicant I Nom du demandeur Hughes Surveys & Consultants. Inc on behalf of Willow Creek Developments Inc. Mailing Address of applicant / Addresse postale du demandeur 575 Crown Street Saint John. NB Postal Code I Code postal E2L 5E9 Telephone Number / Numero de telephone Home I Domicile Work I Travail 634-1717 Fax Number I Numero de telecopieur 634-0759 Name of Property Owner (if different) / Nom du proprietaire (si different) Bayview Heights Holding Ltd. Address I Adresse299 Metcalf Street Saint John. NB Postal Code I Code postal: E2K 1 K 7 Property Information I Renseignements sur la propriete Location I Emplacement 103 Sussex Drive (now Technology Drive) Civic # I No de voirie Street / Rue 51953 & 55183453 PID / NIP Lot Area / Superficie du lot Street Frontage J Fa~ade sur rue Existing Use of Property I Utilisation actuelle de la propriete Vacant Land Present Municipal Plan Land Use Designation Designation actuel de utilization des terres sur Ie plan municipal M wi u..rr1 DLO.s H:~_Re.5i ~ ti aJl Present Zoning / Zonage actuel RM-1 Three Storey Multiple Residential Amendments Requested I Modifications demandees Municipal Plan f Plan municipal J Change Land Use Designation to / Modifier la designation de l'utilisation des terres a _'Bus; (1€!:.,S 'PW k andfor / ou c:? Text Amendment (indicate particulars on attachment) / Modification du texte (indiquez les details en annexe) Zoning By-Iawl Arrete sur Ie Zonage ~ Change Zoning to / Modification du zonage a B P (Business Park) and/or / ou t:? Text Amendment (indicate particulars on attachment) / Modification due texte (indiquez les details en annexe) Development Proposal/Proposition d'amenagement Description of Proposal/Description de la proposition The proposal is to build a one storey business office on Pill 51953. The office building is proposed to be 80 feet x 130 feet (24.38 metres x 39.62 metres), The building is proposed to be used as offices on1v and truck traffic would be limited to couriers. You must provide a scaled site plan that illustrates your proposal. You may also provide photographs, building plans, elevation drawings and any other fonn of information. The site plan must show the dimensions of the property, the location of all buildings, dn'veways, parking areas, landscaping and signs. It is important that the distance between the property boundary and buildings are shown, Vous devez fournir un plan du site it I' echelle illustrant votre proposition. Vous pouvez egalement fournir des photographies, des plans de biitiment, des dessins de plan d' elevation et IOutc autre fanne de renseignement. Le plan du site doit indiquer les dimensions de la propriete. I' emplacement de ta totalite des bdtiments, des allees, des aires de stationnement, des amenagements paysagers et des panneaux de signalisation. II est important d'indiquer la distance entre les limites de la propriete et les biltiments. Provide reasons why these amendments should be approved. I Fournir les raisons pour les queUes les modifications devraient etre approuvees. Rezoning would allow an office building to be built for a local company desiring a modem facility. The properties on the other side of Technology Drive are zoned BP and this would allow for a similar use to that in the existing business park. Provide any other information about your proposal that would be helpful. I Fournir tout autre renseignement concernant votre proposition qui pourrait etre utile. We will be applYing for a variance for front vard setback and will provide a site plan for this proposal under separate cover. Hughes Surveys & Consultants Inc. are acting on behalf of Willow Creek Developments Inc. for this application. SisDature of Applicant I Signature du demand,,", 0-J2 JA' 9. j 1 J '<?~l.~-.JJ;~' ""'"751:1<-"'" r....t-> Date tJ \ J Z. '5) 2-CJO? 1 Yt<t-) ~ $400 Application Fee Enclosed / Ci-joint les frais de demande de 400 $ If you are not the owner of the land in question please have the owner sign below. The signature of the owner authorizing this application to proceed is required for consideration by Common Council. Si vous n 'eres pas Ie proprietaire du terrain en question, veuillez obtenir ta signature du proprietaire dans la paTtie ci-dessous. La signature du proprietaire autorisant Ie traitement de la presente demande est requise pour que cette demiere soit examinee par Ie conseil communal. Signature of Owner (if applicable) Signature du proprietaire (s'il y a lieu) Owner's authorization will be forwarded under separate cover. Date ~Vice New Brunswick . .", \~\~.I!~\ 'C~, D , ),----~" /' Services Nouveau-Brunswick .. '\"-. / / / ( I i l \ A . \ 55125868 \~.l '~\ ..- ~ ~\--\ ~;,:;;::f:\ 1l..,-___r:::;::.,lt \~;:;::J, \~> 'e:6 \ " .,.# \ \ $.5i;<.55O:1 I I ' '------I I I \ \ .----------- I i I ~ \ \ \ \ , \ \ \ " C(J(WJJl)~!j, J \'-/'- ' I I \ J-= --. '" Map Scale I Echelle cartographique 1 : 2529 While this map may not be free from error or omission, care has been taken to ensure the best possible quality. This map is a graphical representation of property boundaries which approximates the size, configuration and location of properties. It is not a survey and is not intended to be used for legal descriptions or to calculate exact dimensions or area. Meme si cette carte n'est peut-atre pas libre de toute erreur ou omission, toutes les precautions ont ete prises pour en assurer la meilleure qualite possible. Cette carte est une representation graphique approximative des terrains (Iimites, dimensions, configuration et emplacement). Elle n'a aucun caractere officiel et ne doit done pas servir a la redaction de la description officielle d'un terrain ni au calcul de ses dimensions exactes ou de sa supetiicie. 31-05-'07 12:11 FROM~Hughes Surveys 15066340759 T-250 P002/003 F-718 Application for a Municipal Plan and Zoning By~law Amendment Demande de modification au plan municipal et it I'arrete sur Ie zonage , Applicant Related Information I Renseignements sur Ie demandeur Name of Applicant / Nom du demandeur Hlli!:hes Surveys & Consultants, lne on behalf of Willow Creek Developments IDe. Mailing Address of a.pplicant / Addresse postaJe du demandeur 575 Crown Street Saint John.. NB Postal Code I Code postal E2L 5E9 Telephone Number ,I Numero de telephone Home / Domicile Work / Travail 634-1717 Fax Number I Numero de wlecopieur 634-0759 Name of Property Owner (if different):' Nom du proprietaire (si different) Bavview Heights Holding Ltd. Address / Adresse299 Metcalf Street Saint John. NB Postal Code / Code postal:E2K 1 K7 Property Information I Renseignements sur la propriete Location i Emplacement 103 Sussex Drive (now Technology Drive) Civic # / No de voirie Street I Rue 51953 & 55183453 PID ; NIP Lot Area I Supertlcie du lot Street Frontage l Falfade sur roe Existing Use of Property / Utilisation actuelle de la propriere Vacant Land Present Municipal Plan Land Us.e Designation Designation actuel de utilization des tems sm Ie plan municipal Present Zoning i Zonage actuel RM-I Three Storey Multiple Residential Amendments Reques,ted I Modifications demandees Municipal Plan I Plan municipal IZl Change Land Use Designation to I Modifier la designation de l'utiHsation des terres it and/or! Oll o Text Amendment (indicate particulars on attachment) / MOdification du texte (indiquez les details en annexe) Zoning B~l-Iawl Arrete sur Ie Zonage 1&1 Change Zoning to / ModificatioD du ;c;onage a BP (Business Park) an.d! Or / au o Text Amendment (indicate particulars on attaclunent) ! Modification due texte (indiquez les details en annexe) 31-05-/07 12:12 FROM-Hughes Surveys 15066340759 T-250 P003!003 F-718 Development Proposal I Proposition d'amenagement Description of Proposal I Description de Ie. proposition The proposal is to build a one storey business office on PID 51953. The office building is proposed to be 80 feet x 130 feet (24.38 metres :x: 39.62 metres). The building is proposed to be used as offices only and truck traffic would be limited to couriers. You must provide a scaled site plan that illustrates your proposal. You may also provide photographs, building plans, elevation dr(lWings and an); other form of information. The site plan must show the dimensions of the. properry. the IUl.;uiivfJ v[ ull u~ihli"l!!,"" .Ii ~''''''''')'''' flur !",,,t, ~'I'<!U'J, landscaping and signs. It is important that the distance between the property boundary and building,. an~ .s}U.JWfJ_ Vous dewufoumir un plan du site a NcheJ/e illustrant Votre proposition_ Vow pouvez egalementfournir des photographies, des plans de bdtiment. des dessins de plan d'iUvation et toute autre forme de rerr..seignement. Ie plan du site doit indiquer les dime.nsions de La propriitri, 1'':''lpl.:J.::em..!m! oil: 1~ Mt.:rUr! i& },.itfme"ts, deB o$IU.aC9, dc.9 aires de stationnemenr, des amenago:ments paysagers et des panneaux de signalisation 11 est important d'indiquer la dt:t~rl~~ ~1ftr~ Ir'!J limites de la proP/-Ute etles batimcnts Provide reasons why these amendments should be approved. / Fournir les raisons pOut les queUes les modifications devraient em approuvee;:;;. Rezoning would allow an office building to be built for a local company desiring a modem facility_The properties on the other side of Technology Drive are zoned BP and this would allow for a similar use to that in the existing business park. Provide any other infolIDation about your proposal that would be helpful. I Foumir tout autre renseignement concernant votre proposition qui pourrait ~tre utile. We \\'ill be applYing for a variance for front yard setback and will provide a site plan for this :groposal WIder separate cover. Hughes Surveys & Consultants Inc. are actillQ on behalf of Willow Creek Developments Inc. for this application. Signature of Applicant i Signatw'e du demandeur ~t~ o $400 Application Fee Enclosed I Ci-joint Ies frais de demande de 400 $ ljyou ar~ not the owner of the land in que$tion p"~ase have rIM owner sign below. The signature of the owner authorizing this application to proc.ee.d is required for consideration by Common Council. ~ ~ I Signature of Owner (if applicable) Signature du proprietaire (s.'il y a lieu). Date Si vous n'Ates pas Ie proprietaire du terrain en question. veutlle.z. Qbtenir la signature du proprietaire dans la partie ci-de:;$ous_ La signature du proprtetaire. autorisam Ii? traitement de La prisente demande est requise pour que ~e.tte demie~oit a nee par ie conseil communal. -- ~J- PROPOSED MUNICIPAL PLAN AMENDMENT RE: 50 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Saint John intends to consider an amendment to the Municipal Development Plan that would redesignate on Schedule 2-A of the Plan, from Medium Density Residential to Business Park, the following property: A parcel of land with an area of approximately 6,740 square metres, located at 50 Technology Drive, also identified as being PID Nos. 00051953 and 55183453, as illustrated below. (INSERT MAP) A public presentation of the proposed amendment will take place at the regular meeting of Common Council on Monday, June 18,2007 in the Council Chamber, Lobby Level, City Hall. REASON FOR CHANGE: To permit the development of a business office. Written objections to the proposed amendment may be made to the Council, in care of the undersigned, by July 18, 2007, Enquiries may be made at the office of the Common Clerk or Planning and Development, City Hall, 15 Market Square, Saint John, N,R between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, inclusive, holidays excepted. J. Patrick Woods, Common Clerk 658-2862 PROJET DE MODIFICATION DU PLAN MUNICIPAL OBJET: 50, PROMENADE TECHNOLOGY Par les presentes, un avis public est donne par lequel Ie couseil communal de The City of Saint John a l'intention d'ttudicr une modification du plan d'amenagement municipal visant a faire passer la classification du bien-fonds suivant, a l'annexe 2- A du plan, de zone residentielle de densite moyenne a zone de parc commercial: une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 6 740 metres carres, situee au 50, promenade Technology, et portant les NID 00051953 et 55183453, comme l'indique la carte ci-dessous. (INSERER LA CARTE) Une presentation publique du projet de modification aura lieu lors de Ia reunion ordinaire du conseil communal Ie lundi 18 juin 2007 dans la salle du conseil, au niveau du hall d'entree, a I 'hOtel de ville. RAISON DE LA MODIFICATION: Permettrc l'amenagement d'un bureau d'affaires. V cuillez faire part au conseil par ecrit de vos objections au projet de modification au plus tard Ie 18 juillet 2007 a l'attention du soussigne. Pour toute demande de renseignements, veuillez communiquer avec Ie bureau du greffier communal ou Ie bureau de l'urbanisme et du developpement a 1'h6tel de ville au 15, Market Square, Saint John, N.-B., entre 8 h 30 et 16 h 30 du lundi au vendredi, sauf les jours feries. J. Patrick Woods, Greffier communal 658-2862 PROPOSED MUNICIPAL PLAN AMENDMENT RE: 50 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Saint Jo1m intends to consider an amendment to the Municipal Development Plan that would redesignate on Schedule 2-A of the Plan, from Medium Density Residential to Business Park, the following property: A parcel of land with an area of approximately 6,740 square metres, located at 50 Teclmology Drive, also identified as being PID Nos. 00051953 and 55183453, as illustrated below. (INSERT MAP) A public presentation of the proposed amendment will take place at the regular meeting of Common Council on Monday, June 18, 2007 in the Council Chamber, Lobby Level, City Hall. REASON FOR CHANGE: To permit the development of a business office. Written objections to the proposed amendment may be made ta the Council, in care of the undersigned, by July 18, 2007. Enquiries may be made at the office of the Common Clerk or Planning and Development, City Hall, 15 Market Square, Saint John, N.R between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, inclusive, holidays excepted. J. Patrick Woods, Common Clerk 658-2862 ------------------------------------------------------------------ PROJET DE MODIFICATION DU PLAN MUNICIPAL OBJET: 50, PROMENADE TECHNOLOGY Par les presentes, un avis public est donne par lequelle conseil communal de The City of Saint John a I'intention d'etudier une modification du plan d'amenagement municipal visant a faire passer la classification du bien-fonds suivant, a l'annexe 2-A du plan, de zone residentielle de densite moyenne a zone de pare commercial: une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 6 740 metres CaITeS, situee au 50, promenade Technology, et portant les NID 00051953 et 55183453, comme I'indique la carte ci-dessous. CINSERER LA CARTE) Vne presentation publique du projet de modification aura lieu lors de la reunion ordinaire du conseil communal Ie lundi 18 juin 2007 dans la salle du conseil, au niveau du hall d'entree, a l'hOtel de ville. RAISON DE LA MODIFICATION: Permettre I'amenagement d'uD bureau d'affaires. Veuillez faire part au conseil par ecrit de vos objections au projet de modification au plus tard Ie 18 juillet 2007 a J'attention du soussigne. Pour toute demande de renseignements, veuillez communiquer avec Ie bureau du greffier communal au Ie bureau de l'urbanisme et du developpement a l'hOtel de ville au 15, Market Square, Saint John, N.-B., entre 8 h 30 et 16 h 30 du lundi au vendredi, sauf les jours feries. J. Patrick Woods, Greffier communal 658-2862 \.. , \ \, '\ .\ ~\ '\\0' , ~.. 0) o - o ..~~ (J prom.^-.0/ I / // .. ' .. . _/i\~o~.Silssex T -'\'.-. \ ,~~.// ~/'<- \ \ \. \. \. \ \/rc" ~ .//\ \ , \ \ .../ ,,),/ ...//.--\ \ \ \ \ \ '. \ \ \ \ . \--., \ \ \ .^ J,~"r .... \. ./c \ \ ..r~ \. , \ \ , \ \ \ \ \ / ,\ .~~ ,j;.~e \ \ \ ' , ~'~N' ~\Q " \, \ ,,-~'/ \ \. \ .. " \' \ .- \' \.- ~". ,,'\' \ \\ \. \ \ \- ~ ~ ...~."... \/.- .';>-"' ..... ,~.,.\' ......,../~...J..\ , \\\ \ ........c \ , \, \ \ \ -.., \ \ . , \,.-.- -- ~_//--' \~..,?,,_c'<~ \ ':\ \ \' -\ \ /,/,,,, .--"';>... '\ /.-/ \ c" ._ ...\ \// -.-./.\ \ . ,,/~ \, ....."........ '~ ........ \. \ \.d' " \. \. z~\ \ '- \ \. \ \ City of Saint John INTERNAL INSERTION ORDER For City of Saint John use only: Bud~et Number: 110 0801 4422010 Department: Common Clerk's Office (Account # 71206) Contact: J. Patrick Woods Phone: (506) 658-2862 I Fax: (506) 674-4214 Special Instructions (if any): Newspaper Insertion Dates (Check as applicable) (SJTJ= Saint John Telegraph Journal) .. SJTJ City Information Ad Date(s): Tuesday, June 5, 2007 .. SJT J Independent Placement .. SJT J Classifieds Date(s): Date(s): Information for Ad (Boldface anything you want Bold in Ad, Centre, Tab, etc.) Section Headline: o General Notice 0 Tender D Proposal ~ Public Notice Sub-Headline (if applicable): Text: INSERT A TT ACHED Call to Action: J. Patrick Woods, Common Clerk/Greffier communal Contact: I Telephone: (506) 658-2862 BY-LAWNUMBERC.P.I05- A LAW TO AMEND THE MUNICIPAL PLAN BY-LAW Be it enacted by The City of Saint John in Common Council convened, as follows: ^ , 0 ARRETE N C.P. 105- ARRETE MODIFIANT L'ARRETE RELATIF AU PLAN MUNICIPAL Lors d'une reunion du conseil communal, The City of Saint John a decrete ce qui suit : The Municipal Plan By-law of The L'arn.':te relatif au plan municipal de City of Saint John enacted on the 3rd day The City of Saint John edicte Ie of January, A.D. 2006 is amended by: 3 janvier 2006 est modifie par: 1 Amending Schedule 2-A, the Future Land Use Plan, by redesignating a parcel of land with an area of approximately 6,740 square metres, located at 50 Technology Drive, also identified as being PID Nos. 00051953 and 55183453, from Medium Density Residential to Business Park classification. - all as shown on the plan attached hereto and forming part of this by-law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by-law the'" day of "', A.D. 2007 and signed by: 1 la modification de I'annexe 2-A relative au plan d'amenagement futur des terres, afin de faire passer la designation d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 6 740 metres calTl~s, situee au 50, promenade Technology, et portant les NID 00051953 et 55183453, de zone residentielle de densite moyenne a zone de pare conunercial. - toutes les modifications sont indiquees sur Ie plan ci-joint et font partie du present arrete. EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur Ie present arrete Ie '" jour de '" 2007. avec les signatures sui vantes : Mayor/Maire Conunon Clerk/Greffier communal First Reading Second Reading- Third Reading - Premiere lecture Deuxieme lecture Troisieme lecture The Cily of Saint John June 11, 2007 His Worship Mayor Norm McFarlane and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Fellow Councillors, Subject: Pedestrian Walkways Background: Many Cities have pedestrian walkways that have become a signature location for that City. In St John's it is George Street, In Ottawa it is Sparks Street, In Calgary it is Stephens Lane, in Quebec City it is Artist Alley, etc. All of these streets are distinctive with their own character and their own ambience. They are well recognized for an area that brings people together, to shop, dine, to gaze at and purchase art as well as enjoy the night life. Visitors may forget much of what they have seen, however one thing is for certain they never forget these signature streets and landmarks. Analysis: I have had the opportunity to discuss and receive input with certain merchants who expressed a wish and or desire to have the street on which they operate their business converted into a pedestrian walkway. Two such streets are Charlotte from Union Street to North King Street and the other is Prince William from Princess to King Street. While these two examples are cited, I am certain that other streets also exist with great potential to become pedestrian walkways. These location(s) have the potential to serve this city well as signature streets, streets that would be vibrant, streets that would be memorable, as attractions that would bring old and new visitors back to Saint John. Resolution: That the creation of pedestrian walkways in the uptown be referred to the City Manager and in consultation with Uptown Saint John, study this matter and report back to Council in one month. Y OUTS truly ~:41'.k_C/ -b CC:n~or-Glen Tait ~ SAlNTJOHN - P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, N8 Canada ElL 4Ll I \l\MMI.saintjohn.ca I c.P. 1971 Saint John, N.-8. Canada E2L 4L1 June 11, 2007 OPEN SESSION Mayor Norman McFarlane and Members of Common Council RE: Lovalist House As Council is aware, there have been two recent articles in the Telegraph-Journal recently regarding the issue of the upkeep of Loyalist House, located at the corner of Union and Germain Streets. This building has been one of the City's popular tourist attractions for many years. It is my position that while the City does not own, or operate this site, I feel that we should do what we can to support the group of volunteers, the New Bn1l1swick Historical Society, that do their best to keep the site up. It has been advertised that the building is in need of cosmetic upkeep, ie: painting and maintenance of window shutters. It is my understanding that the group themselves have raised funds towards the cost of the work and that the Province has agreed to contribute an amount equal to 50% of the estimated cost of approximately $17,000.00. It is my position that becau se this site is not only a Tourist attraction, but more importantly because it is a site that holds major historical significance to our Community that we should commit fund s to the cost of the required work. RECOMMENDA TION: I move that the City Manager be directed to contact a representative of the New Brunswick Historical Society and determine what amount is required to cover the cost of the required work and that based on this discussion, the City commits an amount up to $5000.00 to assist in the cost of work to Loyalist House. Respectfully submitted, Councillor Carl A. White, Councillor responsible for Tourism and second on Heritage and Culture \ 11' 'Ote City of saint John June 12, 2007 Your Worship Norm McFarlane, Members of Common Council City of Saint John Dear Mayor and Fellow Councillors: During the FCM meeting recently held in Calgary, General Rick Hillier, our Chief of the Defense Staff, gave the 2,100 delegates from across Canada an eye-opening view of Canada's role around the world. He stressed the importance of recognizing the efforts of our men and women serving in all branches of our Armed Forces. He mentioned how important the wearing of the Red Ribbons on Friday meant to the troops serving in Afghanistan and to the families waiting at home for a loved one to return. We know the Laurie Greenslade, who lost her son David, is actively seeking support for David's friends and fellow soldiers. What can we do, as a Council, to help Mrs. Greenslade and other families who have sons and daughters serving in our military? Some suggestions are: (1) Ask all five Greater Saint John Communities to recognize "Red Fridays" (Red ribbons, sweaters, T-shirts) (2) Encourage our citizens to display the Canadian Flag on their properties (3) Planting of red flowers in our parks Seeing five women standing on the corner of Loch Lomond Road and Westmorland holding five Canadian Flags during David's funeral procession meant the world to the young men and women serving our Country that day. Respectfully submitted, ~CJ- Ivan Court COUNCILLOR ~. SAINT JOHN - P.O. Box 1971 SaintJohn, NB Canada E2L 4L1 I www.saintjohn.ca I c.P. 1971 Saint John, N.-B. Canada ElL 4L1 \ \\. The City of saint John June 12, 2007 Your Worship Norm McFarlane, Members of Common Council City of Saint John Dear Mayor and Fellow Councillors: Your Worship, you and Councillor Farren recently attended a meeting of concerned citizens over the establishment of a motto-cross race track on the west side near Ocean Westway. On June 7th and 9th, I received 57 calls from four locations in the general area of this track. Citizens were concerned with the constant noise, dust and safety issues related to parking on the highway and people entering and exiting this site. This site is not zoned for this type of activity. I have a number of questions for staff and I want to ask these questions in open session. Respectfully submitted, ~~ Ivan Court COUNCILLOR $ SAINT JOHN -- P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada ElL 4L1 I www.saintjohn,ca I c.P. 1971 Saint lohn, N.-B. Canada ElL 4L1 720 RURAL (RF) (1) Uses Any land, building or structure may be used for the purposes of, and for no other purpose than, (a) the following uses: - one-family dwelling; - library; - two-family dwelling; - park or playground or wood- lot; - church; - as a secondary use, - community centre and grounds; '" subject to subsection (2)(a), farming or the keeping of animals; - elementary school; - high school; '" fishing, but not including processing or sales on the premises; - vocational school; - subject to subsection 810(3), a home occupation; - subject to Section 810(1), a group home; (b) the following uses subject to such terms and conditions as may be imposed by the Committee: commercial recreational facilities including golf, tennis, boating, swimming, skiing but not including automobile, cycle, or horse-race tracks; subject to Section 810(2), a convenience store, with or without ancillary take-out restaurant and dwelling accommodation; as a secondary use to a convenience store, the sale of gasoline; hospital for the treatment of animals; institution of an educational or philanthropic nature; subject to the Mobile Home Parks By-law, mobile home park; office for one or two practitioners of medicine or dentistry; private club, fraternity or lodge without a license under the New Brunswick Liquor Control Act; 133 720 RF ZONE (1 ) (b) - subject to clauses (ii) and (iii) of subsection (2)(a), a riding stable; wireless station; temporary seasonal stand for the sale of fruit, vegetables, flowers, sea foods, souvenirs, handicrafts and similar products; subject to Section 810(11)(b), the excavation of land greater than one metre for the purposes of preparing the site for development permitted in the zone; (c) subject to Section 830, an accessory building, structure or use, incidental to a use, building or structure permitted in this Section. (2) Conditions of Use (a) the keeping of domestic animals is permitted only in conjunction with the residential use of a lot and subject to the following standards and conditions: (i) the lot is not less then 4000 square metres in area with a lot width of not less than 60 metres; (ii) no stable, building, enclosure or structure in which domestic animals are kept is located within 22 metres of any property line or 15 metres of any dwelling; (iii) any necessary approval under the Health Act is obtained; (iv) the total number of all such animals (other than their young under the age of six months) on a tot is limited to: A. in the case of horses, ponies, goats or sheep, (1) two animals, if the lot is a minimum of 4000 square metres, (2) three animals if the lot is a minimum of 6000 square metres with a lot width of at least 90 metres, (3) more than three animals, if an additional 2000 square metres is provided for each animal, B. in the case of cows, one animal per area of 2 hectares with a lot width of at least 180 metres. C. notwithstanding subsection (iv) Bt a total of 30 cattle may be located on approximately 4 ha (10 acres) at 586 Churchland Road (NBGIC Number 55020036) . 134 720 RF ZONE (3) Zone Standards (a) Minimum lot area a dwell ing . .. .. . , .. . . . .. . . . . . . , . .. . .. .. .. . , .. . . . . . , .. .. .. . .. ... .. ... .. . .4.0 hecta res other ........,....,... ......... ......."....... ........ "." .....4,000 square metres (b) Minimum lot width a dwelling........................ ......... .....,.....,............. ...120 metres other ..............."......... .......,. ........ ..................... .60 metres (c) Minimum lot depth.......".............. .......... ....,. .................. .....38 metres (d) Mi nimum front yard............ .....".........""...... ..........,.............9 metres (e) Minimum rear yard....................... ............................ ......... 7.5 metres (f) Minimum side yard 15 per cent of the width of the lot to a maximum of 9 metres (g) Minimum ground floor area: (i) for a semi-detached dwelling single storey ....................................".............99 square metres split-level................,.,.,...........,... .....,.... ......... .79 square metres 1112,2 or 3-storey ............................................69 square metres (ii) for a dwelling I other than a semi-detached single storey......,."................. .....,....,........ .....74 split-level............... ........... ...........,'..... ........... .59 1~, 2 or 3-storey .........................".........." .....52 square metres square metres square metres (h) Maximum height... "..... .....,,,....,,.... ............... .........."..." ". ..11 metres 135 I [ I The City of Saint John June 12, 2007 Your Worship Norm McFarlane Members of Common Council City of Saint John Dear Mayor McFarlane and Fellow Councillors: RE: PUBLIC TRANSIT - FUEL TAX REBATE The government of New Brunswick recently acknowledges the role of public transportation in their efforts to reduce the impact on the environment (reduction of greenhouse gases). Currently, the provincial government provides no financial support to public transportation. The costs associated with this vital service is the responsibility of the municipality. In 2003, this initiative for rebate received broad-based and active support from labour, business, municipal transit authorities, Cities Association, economic development organizations and the cities of Moncton, Fredericton and Saint John. With respect, it seems the government now has an enlightened view of the number of positives (economic, social and environment) in relation to public transportation and will now consider a fuel tax rebate. This rebate could be used to partially offset the significant capital costs of replacing fleet and/or expanding services. Supporting the use of public transit is a proven method of significantly reducing green house gas emissions while providing essential and affordable transportation. Fuel tax rebate "would be a real contribution to public transportation and our environment." Motion: Request the Government of New Brunswick to rebate the tax on fuel to the Municipal Transit Authorities. (Copy of letter from Province dated April 11 , 2003 is attached.) Respectfully submitted, C. T . s COUNCILLOR ~. SAINT JOHN -- P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada ElL 4L 1 I www.saintjohn.calc.p. 1971 Saint John, N.-B. Canada ElL 4L 1 Mlrustcr firuUlCC Mlttistre Fiffi1llC<''S New ~({.... B · k Nouveau iiii rUnSWIC April 11, 2003 Christopher T. Titus Councillor, City of Saint John 15 Market Square P,O.Box 1971 Saint John, NB E2L 4Ll Dear Mr. Titus: This is in response to your letter of February 13, 2003 regarding your request that the Province of New Brunswick rebate the provincial motive fuel tax to each of the three Municipal Transit Authorities. The Premier has asked that I reply to your letter on his behalf. I can appreciate the desire for a provincial fuel tax rebate for municipal transit services, as well as the need to provide affordable and efficient transportation. Currently, the Department of Finance is assessing and reviewing the information regarding this issue. I can assure you that your views will be kept in mind as the government continues its efforts to improve the tax system in the interests of all New Brunswickers. Pett::r Mesheau CC. Honourable Bernard Lord, Premier Tcl./fclephClnl' : (~o(,) .f5~-2451 l'ax/I'i:lccopkur : (506) 157-1989 1'.0. \lox 6000 l'redcrklon N,'w llrunswk~ C,mullu EjB 'HI] Case pOS1.1l<: (,OOIJ Frt'dcricwl1 NOli\!{ ";1 ~ .-1 'n Ul-SW iek Canada E.~ II 5111 The City of Saint John \ l . ~ June 13, 2007 Mayor Norm McFarlane and Members of Common Council Dear Mayor McFarlane and Fellow Councillors: RE; TOWN HALL MEETING IN PARTNERSHIP WITH SAINT JOHN ABILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE On May 30,2007 at the Loch Lamond Villa, the second Town Hall meeting was held between elected municipal officials, municipal staff and members of the disabled community. Representing the City were myself, Councillor Court and Councillor Ferguson. Approximately 40 members of the disabled community were in attendance. Staff in attendance from Municipal Operations and Engineering included Paul Graody, Holly Young, Tim O'Reilly, John Clack, Peter Hanlon, Shane Galbraith, Eric Giffin and Randy Gerawh. Also in attendance from Leisure Services was Barry Freeze. Town Hall meetings were established to build strang partnerships between elected officials, city staff and the community. Based on the dialogue, careful listening and the issues raised, a number of creative solutions and follow-up actions were identified as result of this meeting. I believe we have achieved a strong partnership with the disabled community and the City will be able to initiate some meaningful policy changes in the coming months. In closing, I would like to thank all those who attended especially Mr. Graody and Mr. Freeze who have provided the leadership needed to create this strong partnership. MOTION: I move that this report be received and filed. ~ SAINT JOHN -- P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada ElL 4L1 I W\NW.saintjohn.ca I c.P. 1971 Saintjohn, N.-B. Canada ElL 4L 1 M & C - 2007-187 June 15,2007 His Worship Mayor Norm McFarlane and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: Proposed Rezoning - 85 Hayes Avenue BACKGROUND: At the public hearing on May 22,2007, Common Council tabled the application and directed staff to organize a meeting with the applicant and the residents of the surrounding neighbourhood. The purpose of this meeting was to determine what conditions, if any, Common Council could impose on the rezoning that would satisfy the concerns of the neighbouring property owners. The Planning Advisory Committee had recommended that the application be denied. MEETING SYNOPSIS: This special meeting was scheduled for noon on June 7, 2007. Some residents had contacted staff indicating that they would not be able to attend but were interested in expressing their views. They were directed to submit comments in writing and since the notifications of the meeting were circulated several responses have been received. Several people took the opportunity to both submit written comments and attend the meeting. The table below indicates the area residents who responded to the notification, their address, and the manner in which they responded: Name Address Manner of Response Madonna Hatty 11 Hayes Avenue Letter & Attended Meeting Barbara McMullin 18 Hayes Avenue Letter Eric Doucet 19 Hayes Avenue Attended Meeting Edna Doucet 19 Hayes Avenue Attended Meeting Art Evans 30 Hayes Avenue Attended Meeting RepOlt to Common Council June 15, 2007 Page 2 Ron Arsenault 75 Hayes Avenue Attended Meeting Edna McGaughey 85 Hayes Avenue Attended Meeting Wayne McGaughey 85 Hayes Avenue Attended Meeting Ken Golding 86 Hayes Avenue Letter Mary May 95 Hayes Avenue Letter & Attended Meeting Richard May 95 Hayes Avenue Letter & Attended Meeting Hope Harris 96 Hayes Avenue Letter & Attended Meeting Reg Harris 96 Hayes Avenue Letter & Attended Meeting Heather Harriman 104-106 Hayes Avenue Letter & Attended Meeting Connie Grant 105 Hayes Avenue Letter & Attended Meeting Brenda Brennan 114 Hayes Avenue Letter & Attended Meeting Gerald Brennan 114 Hayes Avenue Letter & Attended Meeting Fifteen people, representing ten households, attended the meeting, including the applicant, Mr. Wayne McGaughey, and his wife. Mr. McGaughey indicated that since he purchased the subject site, property values in the area have increased because of renovations that he, among other property owners, have undertaken on their homes. In his opinion, the proposed garage would not have a detrimental effect on property values in the vicinity. In addition, because a portion of his property is being assessed at the commercial tax rate, he believed that the repair garage was permitted. Aside from the applicant and his wife, only two neighbours indicated that they were not opposed to the application. The remaining attendees, as well as those who responded in writing, were opposed to the application and could not suggest any conditions which would satisfy their concerns. Concerns were raised regarding: 1) The enforcement of City By-laws. As the business has been operating illegally on the premises for the past 8-9 years, many attendees expressed doubt that any conditions imposed by Council would be adhered to. 2) Retaining the residential character of the neighbourhood. Comments were made that the existing garage was not compatible with the area and rezoning the property would not only allow the expansion of the business but also create potential for future non-compatible commercial developments. 3) Property devaluation. Many property owners indicated they had concerns that changing the zoning to allow the repair garage would cause a substantial reduction in their property assessment, thereby decreasing the resale value of their homes. 4) Nuisance/Safety Factors. Several nuisance/safety factors were raised such as: RepOlt to Common Council June 15, 2007 Page 3 . the potential increase in traffic on Hayes Avenue given the street configuration and lack of sidewalks; . noise of the repair equipment . possible environmental contaminants When asked directly what conditions, if any, would satisfy their concerns, the majority of neighbours clearly stated that they simply did not want the property rezoned and that no conditions would be satisfactory to them. CONCLUSION: Given the response from the neighbourhood, there does not appear to be any common middle-ground from which to draft a list of acceptable conditions that would enable the property to be rezoned yet suitably address the issues raised by area residents. Common Council may still proceed with the proposed amendment, either with or without conditions, or, as recommended by staff and the Planning Advisory Committee, deny the application. RECOMMENDATION: That this report be received and filed and further that Council proceed with its consideration of this application. Respectfully submitted, Jim R. Baird, MCIP Commissioner Planning and Development Terrence Totten, F.C.A. City Manager PF/p Project No. 07-130 t ~O~) e(, } , Application for a Zoning By-law Amendment Demande de modification a )'arrete sur Ie zonage Applicant Related Information I Renseignements sur Ie demandeur a2.)' " . "- oj . (1 fLt.L.oL ~ j , '-.,) lY 5 1--1 n':J e \ /2 tJ e..-l Postal Code I Code postal Name of Applicant; Nom du demandeur' J :). J h PI Mailing Address of applicant / Addresse postale du demandeur S' . c. ~ .1 fl t .-/ \dh...... (VB E' J IY? _1) j,\ :L Telephone Number; Nmnero de telephone '~''l~) ( ,.Il.,.r-~ '- I"~ .3 S- 0 Y f19 I Home I Domicile Work; Tmvail Fax Number I Numero de telecopieur (I)f) &,\ D l;.j - 632 () Name of Property Owner (if different); Nom du propriCtaire (si different) (SU/'(l~~ Address I Adresse Postal Code I Code postal Property Information / Renseignemeots sur la propriete Location I Emplacement 85 Hd~~ Civic # I No de e f2JV Street I Rue () j ~I 6 f/ ,,~ h PID I NIP Lot Area I Superficie du lot Street Frontage I Fa93de SIlt rue Existiilg Use of Property / Utilisation actuelle de 1a propriete Municipal Plan land Use Designation Designation de utilization des terres sur Ie plan municipal Amendment Requested I Modification demandie Present Zoning / Zonage actuel T< p <:.;, " ;1 f' n + i C. I @/ Change Zoning to ; Modification do zonage Ii . R - 2 (~ ~Jl eJ' (.1."'- 75 tL SIn es 5 and/or I ou ;..(\ () (> c. i " -r ,- ....1-) o Text Amendment (indicate particulars) I Modification due texte (indiquez les details) Development Proposal I Proposition d'amenagement Description of Proposal / Description de la proposition tr:} be t:hLc ic (to vY"lot(;W ueh,c..le.. " LJ'lS pccitvns , 1'10 bccl~ l.Jerk S ! ~ h S' t c' o .^ P 0.. j' I'It /' f\j 1. f: 1, e. a. d li U t ('s.t:.... . 1. t'")c" k. c f no a.s (.."" You must provide a scaled sUe plan that illustrates your proposal. You may also provitk photographs, building plans, elevation drawings and any other form of information. The plan must show the dimensions of the property, the location of all buildings. driveways. parking areas, landscaping and signs. It is important that the distance between the property boundary and buildings are shown. <t I) nf'J Pl'CPt',-t:J I /,0 :~tc..~ Vous devezfoumir un plan du sUe a /'echelle illustrant votre proposition. Vous pouvez egalementfoumir des photographies, des plans de bdtiment, des dessins de plan d'elevaiion et toute autre forme de renseignement. Le plan doit indiquer les dimensions de la propriete, l'emplacement de /a totatite des bdtiments, des allees, des aires de stationnement, des amenagements paysagers et des panneaux de signalisotion. 11 est important d'indiquer la distance entre les limites de fa propnete et les btitiments. Provide reasons why these amendments should be approved. I Foumir tout autre renseignement concernant votre proposition qui pourntit etre approuvees. Provide any other infonnation about your proposal that would be helpful. I Fournir tout autre renseignement concernant votte proposition qui pourrait !tre utile. Signature of Applicant I Signature do demandeur '~;J-l, Cl ll!'-tldl.M Date Y1Iai--c./V-ZI;O /' o $400 Application Fee Enclosed I Ci-joint les frais de demande de 400 $ If you are not the owner of the land in question please have the owner sign below. The signature of the owner is authorizing this application to proceed for consideration by Common Council. Signature of Owner (if applicable) Signatme due proprietaire (s'il y a lieu) Si vous n'iles pas Ie prD?ielaire du terrain en question, veuillez obten;r la signature du proprietaire dans la partie ci-dessous. La signature du propr;etaire autorisant Ie traitement de la presente demande pour que celie derniere soil examinee par Ie conseil communal. Date: March 31, 2007 To who it may concern: I the undersigned Wayne McGaughey would like to do motor vehicle inspections in the repair garage at 85 Hayes Ave., Saint John, NB. The following that accept this proposal do so by signing with their address: .'f!'~-~~/' _' .I ,Y".l' Al.i' 'v' .. /...y/;r'....,;... '" , ,I I -; }- /" .'. .,,/:.., .' en " "'he) , .; ~l Ir":""j" ~ It'lL) c ' , ,J \.' Ie....:'. ~,.' " I ...1,. ./ fl" I I ,I oj " t ...... _ } r,,/ ~,- I .' .-. I'L) J ~) \ k L'uLLL/ ~ / '" r kC ~Jl.. ) J. it UC.) . V Ij:-/Lrvz.cI .;(')11&; 'I') fr'7f4vc-- L){)rtrLl/~t 1fr5-01MC /I' 7.5 ;175 -1~.L <J~" t ~. )/,7' ~ / j~&<, ~L4;- /~ 4r~A ~~<>. J/::~". '.,. /1' ,''-'".''' ,/ fi' .r c' Jd.rtJ' /' IIr...f~ <.,/ '. (. (/Jd,( ~ /. ( ( I ?f~'.c (.f(j-' I:J:, /.~ ,t/C.' i (\ " /~.... i g Hd-""~ fIlM .. ~ J).;..Vn c ti~ {t ~'~ ? .......[/ . /J, .' /,)1. . l. t>l i~,1 ! (.1 i-I t!j..e,:J /) I... .1':'-" ~ .,' . ~ b. I 1 // ..1./ .' .'C ;' t ;( / . ii',' ,,~ I' ' It-~ ~' f I i I I l/'~I,-. C;, I.4l () "/ I.; ~ \ V ~'-... ....? /'1, \. ? ' ", II "'iN.,., /,';") .... l' " ~. .../l"-t:"-' .....:..;o"L/ . ~. (,." L , I .) .1 . ..' I,.: I::'. .; '-.r, . /"":~ /..,i...,r..... i ) /" :J 'I' V )I ~-(' C \ ~,. Co r ~r\........ /'[{::y ;,,'l-'"'L f"'7'Z: -"to. . f....- ' "". 'r ...- _~~,.....' ., "...) .' .~ , , /' . / . t,-, tiUe. 5 "1 . f jI"ie'--l , (/.\e"';" 1 " , , , (' ..~ .::." .....4..-_c1 .I. ,..7,....._ . , i/ I. ...,., {,i. .jl .,;, I , u "" ;. .. t- , .) L. .::. .:'.... ... _.' ~ ,,~...lor-" I ! (./I'~ ~ ,/ I ~ , "if.. ,.f .""IL L. " >i~ ) - , ..J :'.c ~ , . C- i i.".-' J c.i:'-*:(, 0_.-- , _ ~Z),:.~...........,~ )" PROPOSED ZONING BY -LA W AMENDMENT RE: 85 HAYES AVENUE Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Saint John intends to consider amending The City of Saint John Zoning By-law at its regular meeting to be held in the Council Chamber on Tuesday, May 22, 2007 at 7:00 p.m., by: Rezoning a parcel of land located at 85 Hayes Avenue, having an area of approximately 2100 square metres, also identified as being Pill No. 00408666, from "R8-2" One and Two Family Suburban Residential to "B-2" General Business. PROJET DE MODIFICATION DE L'ARRETE SUR LE ZONAGE OBJET: 85, AVENUE HAYES Par les presentes, un avis public est dOIUle par lequel Ie conseil communal de The City of Saint John indique son intention de modifier l'arrete sur Ie zonage de The City of Saint Jo1m, lors de la relUlion ordinaire qui se tiendra dans la salle du conseille mardi 22 mai 2007 a 19 h, en apport ant la modification suivante : Rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain situee au 85, avenue Hayes, d'une superficie approximative de 2 100 metres carres et portant Ie NID 00408666, afin de faire passer la classification de zone residentielle de banlieue habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales <<R8-2)) a zone commerciale generale (( B-2 )>. REASON FOR CHANGE: MOTIFS DE LA MODIFICATION: To permit an automotive repair garage with a Permettre l'amenagement d'un garage de reparation residence. de vehicules automobiles avec une residence. The proposed amendment may be inspected by any interested person at the office of the Common Clerk, or in the office of Plarming and Development, City Hall, 15 Market Square, Saint John, N.R between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, inclusive, holidays excepted. Written objections to the amendment may be sent to the undersigned at City Hall. J. Patrick Woods, Common Clerk 658.2862 Toute personne interessee peut examiner la modification proposee au bureau du greffier communal ou au bureau de l'urbanisme et du d6veloppement a l'hOtel de ville situe au l5, Market Square, a Saint John, au Nouveau-Brunswick, entre 8 h 30 et 16 h 30 du lundi au vendredi, sauf les jours feries. Veuillez faire part de vos objections au projet de modification par ecrit a l'attention du soussigne a l'hOtel de ville. J. Patrick Woods, greffier communal 658-2862 PROPOSED ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT RE: 85 HAYES AVENUE Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Saint John intends to consider amending The City of Saint John Zoning By-law at its regular meeting ta be held in the Council Chamber on Tuesday, May 22, 2007 at 7:00 p.m., by: Rezoning a parcel of land located at 85 Hayes Avenue, having an area of approximately 2100 square metres, also identified as being PID No. 00408666, from "RS-2" One and Two Family Suburban Residential to "B-2" General Business. REASON FOR CHANGE: To penmt an automotive repair garage with a residence, The proposed amendment may be inspected by any interested person at the office of the Common Clerk, or in the office ofPlarming and Development, City Hall, 15 Market Square, Saint John, N.B. between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, inclusive, holidays excepted. Written objections to the amendment may be sent to the undersigned at City Hall. J. Patrick Woods, Common Clerk 658-2862 PROJET DE MODIFICA nON DE v ARRETE SUR LE ZONAGE OBJET: 85, A VENUE HAYES Par les presentes, un avis public est donne par lequelle conseil communal de The City of Saint John indique son intention de modifier l'arrete sur Ie zonage de The City of Saint John, lors de la reW1ion ordinaire qui se tiendra dans la salle du conseille mardi 22 mai 2007 a 19 h, en apportant la modification suivante : Rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain situee au 85, avenue Hayes, d'une superficie approximative de 2 100 metres carn~s et port ant Ie NID 00408666, afin de faire passer la classification de zone n!sidentielle de banlieue - habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales <<RS-2)) a zone commerciale generale {( B-2 )), MOTIFS DE LA MODlFICA TION : Permettre l'amenagement d'un garage de reparation de vehicules automobiles avec une residence. Toute perSOIll1e interessee peut examiner la modification proposee au bureau du greffier communal au au bureau de l'urbanisme et du deve10ppement it l'hotel de ville situe au 15, Market Square, a Saint John, au Nouveau-Brunswick, entre 8 h 30 et 16 h 30 du lundi au vendredi, sauf les jaurs feries. Veuillez faire part de vos objections au projet de modification par ecrit a l'attention du soussigne a l'hOtel de ville. J. Patrick Woods, greffier communal 658-2862 City of Saint John INTERNAL INSERTION ORDER For City of Saint John use only: Bude.et Number: 11001801 4422010 Department: Common Clerk's Office (Account # 71206) Contact: J. Patrick W Gods Phone: (506) 658-2862 r Fax: (506) 674-4214 Special Instructions (if any): N ewspa per Insertion Dates (Check as applicable) (SJTJ= Saint John Telegraph Journal) .. SJT J City Information Ad Date(s): Tuesday, April 24, 2007 Tuesday, May 15,2007 .. SJT J Independent Placement .. SJT J Classifieds Date(s): Date(s): Information for Ad (Boldface anything you want Bold in Ad, Centre, Tab, etc.) Section Headline: D General Notice 0 Tender 0 Proposal ~ Public Notice Sub-Headline (if applicable): Text: INSERT A TT ACHED Call to Action: 1. Patrick Woods, Common Clerk/Greffier communal Contact: I Telephone: (506) 658-2862 BY-LAW NUMBER C.P. 110- A LAW TO AMEND THE ZONING BY-LAW OF THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN ARRET:E NO C.P. 110- ARRETE MODIFIANT L' ARRETE SUR LE ZONAGE DE THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by The City of Saint Lars d'une reunion du conseil John in Common Council convened, as communal, The City of Saint John a follows: decrete ce qui suit: The Zoning By-law of The City of L'arrete sur Ie zonage de The City Saint John enacted on the nineteenth day of of Saint John, decrete Ie dix-neuf (19) December, A.D. 2005, is amended by: decembre 2005, est modifie par: I Amending Schedule "A", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re-zoning a parcel of land located at 85 Hayes Avenue, having an area of approximately 2,100 square metres, also identified as being PID No. 00408666, from "RS-2" One and Two Family Suburban Residential to "B-2" General Business classification - all as shown on the plan attached hereto and fonning part of this by-law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by-law the * day of *, A.D. 2007 and signed by: I La modification de l'annexe (<A)), Plan de zonage de The City of Saint John, pennettant de modifier la designation d'une parcelle de terrain situee au 85, avenue Hayes, d'une superficie approximative de 2 100 metres carres et portant Ie NID 00408666, afin de faire passer la classification de zone zone residentielle de banlieue - habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales (<RS-2>) it zone commerciale generale (( B-2 )). - toutes les modifications sont indiquees sur Ie plan ci-joint et font partie du present arrete. EN FOI DE QUO!, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur Ie present arrete Ie 2007, avec les signatures suivantes : Mayor! Maire Common Clerk/Greffier communal First Reading Second Reading - Third Reading - Premiere lecture Deuxieme lecture Troisieme lecture Planning Advisory Committee P.O. Box 1971 Saint John New Brunswick Canada E2L 4L1 506 658-2800 \ bJ q,'J May 16, 2007 SUBJECT: Proposed Rezoning - 85 Hayes Avenue Your Worship and Councillors: On April 23, 2007 Common Council referred the above matter to the Planning Advisory Committee for a report and recommendation. The Committee considered the attached report at its May 15,2007 meeting. The property owner, Mr. Wayne McGaughey, appeared before the Committee in support of the application. Additional presentations in support of the application were made by: Mrs. Michelle Logan (daughter of Urban and Brenda Carr, who reside at 64 Hayes Avenue), Mrs. Brenda Carr (64 Hayes Avenue) and Mr. Art Evans (30 Hayes Avenue). Messrs. Gerald Brennan (114 Hayes Avenue), Eric Doucet (19 Hayes Avenue) and Jonathan Sherwood (l 0 Hayes A venue) addressed the Committee in opposition to the proposal. The speakers expressed concern with regard to increased traffic on Hayes Avenue, decreased property values, and the potential for other commercial uses to become established if the subject application were approved. In addition to the above presentations, the Committee received several letters and a petition expressing objections and concerns with respect to the proposal. Copies of these letters are attached. One letter in support of the application as well as a petition in favour of allowing the applicant to perform motor vehicle inspections on the site were also received and copies are attached. Please note that while some people have signed both petitions, the one in favour of allowing motor vehicle inspections did not expressly specify support for the rezoning and was circulated prior to the mailing of the neighbour notice prepared by staff outlining the proposal and the necessary approvals. After considering the report, presentations and letters, the Committee adopted staff recommendation as set out below. RECOMMENDATION: Planning and Development Urbanisme et de\'eloppement P.O. Box/C.P. 1971 Saint John, NB/N.-B. Canada E2L 4L1 W1\'w.saintjohn.ca DATE: MAY 11, 2007 The City of Saint John TO: PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE FROM: PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT FOR: MEETmGOF~:;Ji( ~_ Patrick Foran Planning Officer SUBJECT: Name of Applicant: Wayne McGaughey Name of Owner: Wayne McGaughey Location: 85 Hayes Avenue PID: 00408666 Municipal Plan: Low Density Residential Zoning: Existing: "RS-2" One and Two Family Suburban Residential Proposed: "B-2" General Business Proposal: To rezone a residential property in order to permit an existing automotive repair garage and car sales lot. Type of Application: Rezoning and Conditional Use Wayne McGaughey 85 Hayes Avenue Page 2 May 11,2006 JURISDICTION OF COMMITTEE: The Community Planning Act authorizes the Planning Advisory Committee to give its views to Common Council concerning proposed rezoning applications. The Committee's recommendation will be considered by Common Council at a Public Hearing on Tuesday, May 22, 2007. The Zoning By-law authorizes the Committee to impose terms and conditions upon the establishment and operation of an automotive repair garage and a car sales lot in the "B-2" General Business zone. STAFF RECOMMENDATION TO COMMITTEE: That this application be denied. INPUT FROM OTHER SOURCES: Municipal Operations and Engineering indicate that they have no objections to this application. Building and Technical Sen'ices advise that their office has a number of complaints on record related to the garage operation. As well, an addition has been constructed on the original garage with no permit. Fire Department has the following concerns & comments: · Spraying or undercoating operations, shall conform to the standards as identified in section 5.4 of the National Building Code of Canada 1995. · Hot works (welding, etc) operations shall conform to the standard as identified in section 5.2 of the National Building Code of Canada 1995. · The National Fire Code requires that Fire Extinguishers are located in Motor Vehicle Garages. · The National Fire Code requires that a Fire Safety Plan is on site. · The storage of propane cylinders must confonn to section 5.5 ofBI49.2-00 of The Propane Storage and Handling Code. · The heating system within the garage must satisfy the National Building and Fire Codes. · The Department of Public Safety (Electrical Inspector) shall make an assessment as to the appropriateness of the electrical system to support the garage operations. Wayne McGaughey 85 Hayes Avenue Page 3 May 1 I, 2006 N.R. Department of Public Health and Wellness has been forwarded a copy of the application but has not submitted any comments. N.R. Department of Environment and Local Government has been advised of the application. Department of Public Safety (Motor Vehicle Inspection Program) has been forwarded a copy of the application but has not submitted any comments. ANAL YSIS: Subject Property and Neighbourhood The subject property is situated on Hayes Avenue, a short dead-end street off of Gault Road in West Saint John. The property contains a dwelling near the road and a garage in the rear yard. The garage is accessed by a straight gravel driveway approximately 37 metres (120 feet) in length. The property is partially screened from adjacent properties by mature vegetation. The area immediately surrounding the site is comprised primarily of single-family dwellings developed in a suburban setting. Existing Business and Necessary Approvals The property owner is requesting permission to operate an automobile repair garage. According to the applicant, he has been operating the repair garage for approximately nine (9) years. The hours of operation are normally from 8:00 a.m. until 5 :00 p.m. Mondays to Fridays and 8:00 a,m. until noon on Saturdays. There are usually 2-3 vehicles involved in the business at anyone time. General mechanical work is undertaken on cars although no body work or painting is performed. A site visit revealed that the property was well-maintained and no material or parts were stored outside of the garage. In addi tion to the repair garage, the applicant purchases vehicles from car auctions, repairs them, and places them for sale. Typically the vehicles are sold from other locations, although periodically a single vehicle for sale will be situated on the subject site. The landowner is requesting to rezone the subject property from "RS-2" One and Two Family Suburban Residential to "B-2" General Business in order to obtain a motor vehicle inspection license and to continue legally operating the repair garage from the existing garage in the backyard and to sell the occasional vehicle from his property. He and his family would continue to reside in the dwelling. The applicant indicated that he has no desire to operate a commercial auto body shop or perform automobile painting and no signs would be erected to advertise the business. Wayne McGaughey 85 Hayes Avenue Page 4 May 11,2006 Municipal Plan and Rezoning Consideration The general area is designated by the Municipal Development Plan as Low Density Residential. The Plan envisions such areas in the community as being appropriate for the development of one and two-family dwellings with municipal water and sewer services 1. The Plan also recognizes that certain non-residential uses are appropriate for such areas. These land uses are seen as necessary to primarily serve the needs of the local resident population, or are compatible with residential uses. Such land uses include: elementary schools, daycare centres, parks, churches, and neighbourhood commercial facilities such as small convenience stores. Furthermore, the Plan encourages the exclusion from residential areas those uses that are not compatible with these neighbourhoods with respect to the following: . Generation of traffic that is excessive in volume and not local in nature; · The production of smoke, dust, fumes or noise; · The creation of hazardous or dangerous conditions by virtue of the operation, material or equipment used. An automotive repair garage, with or without incidental vehicle sales, is not envisioned by the Plan as being a compatible use in residential neighbourhoods. Indeed, the City has had to deal with a number of illegal/non-conforming automotive repair and auto body shop operations in residential neighbourhoods over the years. The traffic, outdoor vehicle storage, contamination from automotive oils and various chemicals, as well as the noise, dust and fumes associated with such uses can adversely affect the character of residential neighbourhoods. It is recognized that many of these issues are not present in excessive amounts in this instance. The repair garage appears to have a low volume of customers at any given timel some of which the applicant states aree residents of the surrounding neighbourhood. No material is stored outside and the business does not include auto body repair work. Consequently, certain nuisance factors (i.e., smoke, dust and fumes) should not be minimal, although noise may still be an issue. In additionl the garage has a residential appearance and appears to conform to the residential accessory building standards. To the rear of the site is a vacant, forested property, and the repair garage is somewhat screened from adjacent properties by mature vegetation. There is also no business signage associated with the repair garage. ] Hayes A venue is currently serviced by the municipal water system, however sewer services stop approximately 480 metres (1,575 feet) south of the intersection of Gault Road and Hayes Avenue. Wayne McGaughey 85 Hayes Avenue Page 5 May 11,2006 While it is understood that the current scale of the business is limited, there always remains the concern in the future that this business, perhaps under new ownership, will not operate in the same manner. While conditions can be imposed by the City, such conditions often fail to truly regulate the nature of the business by new operators who are less sensitive to the residential neighbourhood. There is also concern that this isolated commercial zoning will attract future interest for other businesses permitted in the "B-2" General Business zone. Again, while conditions can be imposed to limit the use of the property to this specific business, it is not unusual that other more intensive business proposals are permitted due to the pre-existing commercial zoning. CONCLUSION: There have been a number of similar rezoning applications in the past for repair garages in residential areas not supported by staff for the reasons mentioned in this report. Approval for this automotive repair garage and car sales lot cannot be recommended. PF Project No. 07-] 30 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT/URBANISME ET DEVELOPPEMENT ....... _______'.,..:----__. . i It i / ;/1 It i r-\ - -----------------.----....-----------------.1.J.:::... '" .: -~----.J_~lL____.:..; I i: 8-1 * ,'i i! \ ---------------------...: ---------... --T---~----7 t-_ -;~~~"---iL-~-----_} I I \ ----:----......(. --~.,~---~:j/I -7./~n~/~';:. ~--"-.I~~=: ~\ / '. ------------ ....~... / ( I '; 1;\ ,\-----.--- /'--.., \ - t;". ---------------~--------l f If i I :, ':, i I / / \ ~7 \ -------------....::::-----l.....-L I',i I i 7------______________. __ /'''1; - f~ -------------------' .--.---'------ ': ': L_.___/ i _______________ i. I '\ T---~-_._ f"""",-____-, ~} (17" '~-. \.. \ "~I /~i ---------------\ \ ! "\ / ~ ~ \ \X/) ~~/t-r -; ;-,-,-\ RS-2 \ P ) \" \ /1 / / '\ .\ ;1 . --'_,__ / '-------:.,___... ./. / \ . / ~!I_ - . ::~:i.~--------i \ . /" \ / \" . ------- !---- \ \ ( -... /' ;' ~'----. .~---)\ \ / ". / \ il '- / . \. ) '. 1/. /' \ / . \ ~ ; \ \ i\ )( \ I~_ i \ \ ;' / '. \ ;/i--__ L _ \ \ / /. '-. \ j------J_______________./ '- '\ / // '--'" "" - / \\I------------------~ ! f---~---- \ /' .' / ", \ /,~ ''1 - 7;' . \".., \ / /'"" ~.. i \, ~ ~ ; -:'------) '\ / /~ \/!'\~.J/> \ / / " i i'\ "----- \ \\ // ".:J..f~ --------) \ \ \ / ~_.. / ;' \\"'--..... ... \,...... '\ .-- I \." j \ / ----~'__r_ / i \'.' / / ....--- / ~./ I \ I r.....----- /',1 ~ \, I i----- ~ j" \ " \ J; / \ \ \ . lLj" ~!----~--------------\A \ \ \:-----+---! i - \ 'I, \ "r' \' '. ' .----! ,\ . \ " ,.", ,. ( \ \ " \ \ ,_--+--., I" ; ~ RS-2 ". ". '" ". " 't \ J \ \ \ r\ \ \ , \ \ 1, I ' " \ " \. Subject Site/site en question: - PID(s)/NIP(s}: 00408666 Location: 85, avo Hayes Avenue Date: April/ avril 3D, 2007 Scale/echelle: Not to scale/Pas a I'echelle ..,5 86 ::,.- ~ tI) ~ ~ ::,.- 95 .". '\05 May 14.2007 To: Planning Advisory Committee Re: Rezoning for 85 Hayes Ave I, Ronnie Arsenault, regret that I cannot attend the planning advisory committee meeting for Wayne McGaughey of85 Hayes Ave. Do to business I am in Truro, NS. My property 75 Hayes Ave is adjacent to the garage in question. I have no problem with the rezoning of the property at 85 Hayes Ave. If any question please call 645~ 1723. RE: Rezooiol!: 85 Hans Avenue ~. Planning Advisory Committee City of Saint John P. O. Box 1971 Saint John NB E2l 4L1 We as property owners at 104 Haves Avenue do not agree with the rezoning of the above mentioned property.. We moved into our house approximately 5 years ago, we were very surprised to see a "business" operating on a residential street. But assumed he had the proper authorization to do so. We personally do not know the people who live at 85 Hayes Avenue. A couple of weeks ago Mr. McGaughey came to our door with a petition, my husband spoke with him, and he was told that, "he needed neighbours signatures" so he could do motor vehicle inspections, my husband signed the petition, but later speaking with various neighbours it appears that, is not the only thing he will be doing from this site. He always has an old vehicle in front of the property with a For Sale sign on, and it is feared that he will turn the property into a used car lot amongst other things. We feel he totally misrepresented what the purpose of the petition was intended. We have since signed a petition "al!ainst" any rezoning of this property. I have never thought that a garage should be located on such a quiet residential street - we are always seeing tow trucks bringing vehicles on to his property. Not to mention the noise coming from his garage. If the property is rezoned, the amount of traffic on our quiet dead end street will increase. We oppose any changes for zoning on 85 Hayes Ave, we feel this will lower our property value, and turn our street into a commercial zone. We feel rezoning his property will have a negative impact on our street- ~c!L& J\J\.~.- ~ \ <~ Richard Childs & Heather Harriman.Childs to. Item 6: 85 Hayes Avenue The attached letters were submitted by the applicant May 14. He wrote them in response to the letters submitted in opposition to his application. Yau received those letters in your kit on Friday. / -# j May 13, 2007 . c..&DE if RECEIV!D ':&4 MAY 14 2007 ., \~)~ To Your It May Concern Re: Rezoning and Conditional Use Application, Repair Garage, 85 Hayes Avenue To address the whole proposal of what we want is to be able to do motor vehicle inspections. The garage has been here for about 8 years. We have had no complains about it, many of the neighbors have had their vehicle repaired here in the past and a lot has asked about the inspections which at present we cannot do. So we applied to the provincial department last year to see what we had to do, we were informed that we were to get a letter from the city. We have questioned our tax bill as we seem to pay the same as a zoned garage in the city. At this time, we asked the city for a letter and it was suggested that we find out the input of the neighbors if they would mind. The neighbors we were able to talk to signed in favor so we went ahead. If there were concerns why weren't they asked then or before we applied to the city. What we want is to be to able to do motor vehicle inspections. The proposal we want to city to consider is for a light commercial for a limit of 10 years or until we retire or sell the property. Again, we do not want to sell the property as a business as we would have the concern that it would not be kept in the condition that we have tried to keep. Other conditions and limits may be requested: as to no signs to be placed or any cars on the street and NO junked cars or parts. This is our resident too and we want to keep it as SQ. The service we want to give is a change for seniors, and people that need to have a vehicle and may not be able to afford the prices at the dealerships, so they can drive safe well maintain vehicles. We have one person who has to go to the hospital 3 times a week for treatments and could not do so if we did not maintain her car. We have many other people who are seniors and the odd tourist who have problems with their car. One tow company knows that we have in the past taken these people in and arranged for a hotel and given them a meal if needed. This means a lot if you are out of town and having car trouble. I would hope this would do a lot for the city's tourism industry. We have done this for one person who still e~mails us once in awhile. We know the neighbors has come concerns but we hope we have addressed them all individually. If not please talk to us. I, Wayne, am now 55 years old with no other trade but driving highway tractor and doing mechanic work. I cannot go out to work and suppose our home. My wife has had many illnesses and is not longer able to work outside the home do to stress. I am just asking for the residents, council and the city of Saint John to give us a fare change to suppose our home and have reasonable happy life style as we want for all of us. Wayne McGaughey 85 Hayes Avenue cc. Patrick Foran, Planning Officer Megan Sherwood 10 Hayes Ave Saint John, NB May 13,2007 Re: Rezoning and Conditional Use Application, Repair Garage, 85 Hayes Avenue How can the repair garage affect your home when we were here long before you purchased your home as our daughter owned 10 Hayes Ave at the time that we moved to 85 Hayes Ave and built the garage. She had no problem with selling 10 Hayes because of the garage. You purchased the property with the garage being here. How can we be responsible for people turning in your driveway when 85 Hayes is a least 1500 feet or more away and around the corner. There is no weekend hours proposed and there is no problem with traffic now. Have run a garage for 28 years with no chemical spills or fues. Rathburn Enterprise takes all chemicals and oils. The cars have been and will be parked in the driveway or behind the garage. There is and will not be any part or scrap cars at this property. This cannot increase traffic as this is a one car garage and also only one person working. It is impossible to look at more than 2 or 3 cars a day at the very most. How can it decrease the value of property because when we purchased 85, we did so for in the 40's and three ago we had it appraised at 120,000 - 150,000. Wayne McGaughey 85 Hayes Avenue cc. Patrick Foran. Planning Officer May 13,2007 ~'-jD~ f~RE.CE!V!IJ ~ '" MAY 14 zc:r ~ ~ "'..()F SAn-1Y- ~..-. Madonna Hatty and Andre J Crispin 11 Hayes Ave Saint John, NB Re: Rezoning and Conditional Use Application, Repair Garage, 85 Hayes Avenue Letter of notification was not our responsible. No sidewalks or the conditions of pavement again is not our responsible and has nothing to do with the garage. Tow trucks are not here on a regular basis. They may have went elsewhere on the street. The only company we get is James Towing and since Christmas they have been here about 3 times. Once to pick up a car Once for Jamie James van And once on Sunday for a car from the States Wayne McGaughey 85 Hayes A venue ce. Patrick Fo~ Planning Officer May 13,2007 ~ eiDE~~ f~ " ~:. , RECEM!D ~\ I ~t !,;t.4 MA~ 1 4 2C~i ~ ~ ~ OFSA~ ~ Barbara McMullin 18 Hayes Ave Saint John, NB Re: Rezoning and Conditional Use Application, Repair Garage, 85 Hayes Avenue How can you oppose when you are running a business and often times vehicle are parking in a blind spot on.the hill. Wayne McGaughey 85 Hayes Avenue cc. Patrick Foran, Planning Officer Eric & Edna Doucet 19 Hayes Avenue Saint JOM, NB ~SLDEf~'", . RECel\l!D 0,\ '-"~~ May 13, 2007 Re: Rezoning and Conditional Use Application, Repair Garage, 85 Hayes Avenue We have been here eight years with no complains about heavy traffic until now. Other subdivisions do have business operating with more traffic. There is already one business on this street with a lot of vehicles. Wayne McGaughey 85 Hayes Avenue cc. Patrick Foran, Planning Officer Glenna Boddington 86 Hayes Ave Saint John. NB , S1. DE~ ~ f RECEM!D ~ ~,\'" 14 Lac' ~ ~ Q'SA~/ ~_... May 13, 2007 Re: Rezoning and Conditional Use Application, Repair Garage, 85 Hayes Avenue In regarding to your answer, the garage has been here since 1999 when a building permit was got for it. As far as, your children I think it gives them a better in sight on life if they see people working for what they get, supposing themselves and helping other people. Then to see a home run down and people doing nothing to help themselves which are on income assistance out of not fault of theirs. I know many people need income assistance, food banks and other charities. Edna at present is a volunteer at the food bank, also we are involved with a local church and other charities. I want my children and grand children to understand that people have to work to get what they want. Sometimes thing just happen the wrong way, not that 2 wrongs make a right. Wayne McGaughey 85 Hayes Avenue ce. Patrick Foran, Planning Officer May 13,2007 Ken Golding 86 Hayes Ave Saint John. NB Re: Rezoning and Conditional Use Application, Repair Garage, 85 Hayes Avenue Again why would the property value go down as the value on our property has went from the 40's to 120,000-150,000 plus. As of investing money into your home most people do invest a lot of money in their homes. The garage was build with all permits from the city and at the time of construction we had a highway tractor and also worked at a garage on Rothesay Ave that went bankrupt at my age what would you do, lose your home that you have invested a lot of work and money into or do what you can to save it. Would the valve of your home be more it you had someone on income assistance living across the street that do to their finance could not keep the repairs done on their home. The reason for running a low key was not to upset the neighborhood but was the type of business it became and I want to live on a quiet street too. Everyone in the neighborhood known the garage was here if there was a problem why was it not addressed before. You cannot get deliveries before 8 am or after 4:30pm as there are no suppliers open other than these hours. Tow truck yes we know you had a complain but it was addressed at that time. There are very few tow trucks here and we have requested that they do not come here other than day time. If they are here at anytime after 5 it is because ofa family member. Tow trucks do not use your driveway. Additional traffic from customers dropping off cars would be a couple a day if that, many days there are not a car in or out of this address. There are no additional workers only a friend that drops in to chat and once in a while give a hand ifneeded. Noise from tools there is no more noise from this then someone doing their lawn, carpenter which everyone does. The cars that are parked in our yard are personal vehicle and tell me what is unsightly about a 2002 Caravan, 2001 Dodge 4x4, a motor home and an antique car. Our proposal to the city is not to expand the business or to place any signs. The proposal was for a letter so we can do motor vehicle inspections to lessen the running and. We are only trying to support our home the same as anyone else. We are not all professional people unfortunately. We have also asked the city to make a condition to limit it to 10 years or until the property would be sold which ever carne first. Your complain about the dog has nothing to do with the garage, but now that I know it will be corrected. We cannot tie Buddy as he would be very upset as he has been beaten and he takes epilepsy seizures. When we were teaching him to stay in the yardt we had neighbors calling him and feeding him. What were we to do. He is a very loving and friendly dog now we want to keep him like this. Sorry we don't live in Cedar Point or Monte Cristo and neither do you. The proof that the city would be better is because we are paying a great deal of money in taxes in income, property and HST. We support a local church, charities and also the food bank. We support many suppliers in the west side and also give fare valve for what it cost them. Many seniors, single mothers and disable people having a limited income cannot afford a new car every few years and need to drive do to location as there are not buses in same locations and could not afford a taxi to go to hospital, work, doctor appointments and to do other necessity. Wayne McGaughey 85 Hayes Avenue cc. Patrick Foran, Planning Officer May 13, 2007 ;f~~~~; 0. l-IA V 14 ".' ;j "~ $ ~, .~t " OFSA~/ ---.::::. May May 95 Hayes A venue Saint John, NB Re: Rezoning and Conditional Use Application, Repair Garage, 85 Hayes A venue At the time of garage construction the city did approve it. At that time we operated a highway tractor and worked at a garage on Rothesay A venue that went bankrupt while working there. As far as, your wedding photos, wasn't this a business too. Also at 95 Hayes you operated a plant hot house which prevent us from enjoying our own backyard. The traffic and cars parked on the street on Saturdays was unbearable. If you want to remember the reason you stopped the wedding photos was because Mr. Richard May was very ill in hospital and could not longer look after the property to the extent that your operation entailed. Fare more if you are so against the garage why did Mr. May have his truck repaired and got myselfto have it inspected when it was being sold. I do have the invoice showing this and also the provincial department transport has record of this. Wayne McGaughey 85 Hayes A venue ce. Patrick Foran, Planning Officer May 13.2007 Hope and Reg Harris 96 Hayes A venue Saint John. NB Re: Rezoning and Conditional Use Application, Repair Garage, 85 Hayes A venue You are very right, all we want is a permit to do motor vehicle inspections. When we started this, we thought all we needed was a letter from the city which we felt was no problem as we are being taxed as non-residential on part of our property. We do not want to ever sell it as a business because we would like to keep the street the way it is now. We do not intend to change our operation from what it has been. I also like the quietness of the street and had we known that this would have caused any problems. We would not have gone ahead with this. We do very much understand your feeling and concerns and do have the same feeling. Wayne McGaughey 85 Hayes Avenue ce. Patrick Foran, Planning Officer Connie Grant 105 Hayes A venue Saint John, NB (~RECE~' A.~ II ~v .,. t:J:./ ~. . .... 1'"1", : _. -r ...~ \~ ,-q~ntt . May 13, 2007 Re: Rezoning and Conditional Use Application, Repair Garage, 85 Hayes Avenue If you are against the garage, why did your son and daughterwinwlaw have their vehicle repaired and got us to take them for inspection? You many times wrote the cheques to pay for the repairs out of convenience. When the garage was built there was a building permit from the city. I don't think your property has decreased because of the garage because the value on this property has went from in the 40's nine years ago to 100,000-150,000 three years ago. To ensure your concern is not true we are in the process of having the property value looked at again. Wayne McGaughey 85 Hayes Avenue cc. Patrick Foran, Planning Officer Gerald and Brenda Brennan 114 Hayes Avenue Saint John, NB ~*D .~\ ~ ~ T?-O,.SA.~~' ~ May 13, 2007 Re: Rezoning and Conditional Use Application, Repair Garage, 85 Hayes Avenue I very much agree with you about wanting to live in a quiet setting with do have four grand children that visit very often. We also like the fact that we can take a relaxing stroll do'Ml the street on a sunny afternoon. Our garage has been here for about 8 years now and do not want to increase traffic. We also have had no environmental, pollution or safety problems until now. As far as, the septic systems I don't see any problems as the garage has been for about 8 years. Most come and leave in a very short time. A lot of the time, we go pick-up the vehicle and bring it to be repaired. Wayne McGaughey 85 Hayes Avenue ce. Patrick Foran, Plannin;g Officer March 31, 2001 To who it may concem: ltbe undersigned W oyne McGouglley would like to do motor vehicle inspections in the repair garage at 85 Hayes Ave., Saint John. NB. The following thai_I this proposal do so by signing with their address: /' /, lIA,.'"/' ' :~ /..,-rl," .,...r".. -- , r ;......-""1 ;......- i' : "\ '-', r '. I.' t i" ./ ,h' I . ~ \.' i. .-;. '- J j l;\.. .I L 1 I~. I I ", I \ .: ~ II\.. ;..) 1....) {...,., " J \ ~/' '-r,'f:. '_. J " ~ ) i !",," J (_(..c..........r-.j,,/ V I h--r"--". l"L..j /lcdcVZ-cl ;(7/(<7 'f<) /-d~j4~ CI) rrrL/i~c ftr5&c"'" II 15 ;f~~r I!v) " , /.) /Q )-? c!,td" ;- 7:1 ~ _,,<I Y'ZIP · / ')/,.-J~< /;/'-f" I g H ~(\ ~J tj;t--t . f . r,' "I ..~ i,;:. \.; --: n,~ ,) , I t... '-7 :/ /~L."l t ~ 7;;'~1 . IJi -( ,." "'I' f 1'/ ',' I~' ,.; (:';ii. I/.. ,// <.. L ... .' t / (-t" -- " Ip L-{...J .' ....... .~\ 1~(tlY' -I !J.1 ,~1 J..... ;/.-A . v ~ \/: /. ~ .' Y" i.P'\.'. '-. / . .---' ~ '/ ;)~ \ ( i Y......-v--< C'. ~......' 0 r ./',. ,/( ~. :L'...... .~. ;,....~1.,...._. . ' '. -- .".-", . \1', l '/~j >, ,'; lL..' (i .~ ~..... : "... \ /) " \ -<. ;: ,/ it '. ,~, ,I ,/.;' l . ~ /i~.r.?,,"". ,./ ...........v' ~ '... ,/ l--"' v ,f .,'" " -,' , ..' E- ~ J "" (. 2' ~. , .. -.' ( I '-' ,I ./ ",' r" I,>'.( /"-- " .. /' ' f ..~...... ~ ~ ) ) ...' ,.J , /c-i"~! ,j, ''''"r'' / ~ G.- .. ' . .' .........., ! I p .:. 1....-....- . f - I,. . ' I .:. I .' / \. , v' r'.. r "; , ,,) L~ t ..: '- , ' I ' / , t...... \.A.J.e, ) p~ ".....:.) "'(... "- - .. .- I '. ~ ......... 1~; , c_ .~ ....l,.. ,. r )i.(..;'..,~ . [' I .~( ...) \ .G~"",----~ ) ,..... , , ,. May 8, 2007 Dear Planning Advisory Committee: I oppose the Rezoning and Conditional Application for 85 Hayes Ave or any address on Hayes Ave. This is a residential Street and does not need to be changed. This street consists mostly of senior citizens and people who have lived here in most cases for at least 30 years and many people are even more than that. I have lived here for 40 years along with a handful of others; therefore I believe we should have a right to oppose having a garage on our street. The heavy traffic (tow trucks on a regular basis) that we now receive on our street due to a garage is not acceptable. If this is rezoned this will open any possible new owners of 85 Hayes or any address to put other businesses on our street. This street has no sidewalks, is seldom paved and is in dire need of repair. With more traffic it will just cause more deterioration and noise. Also I object to the fact that I did oot receive a letter ofootification as other neighbors did. Why was this not mailed to all property owners on the street as it does affect all owners not just the property owners beside or across the 85 Hayes Ave? Regards, 11 Hayes Ave Saint John, NB E2M 5K2 Madonna Hatty Andre J. Crispin May 9,2007 Planning Advisory Committee City of Saint John P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, N.B. E2L 4LI To Whom It May Concern: As a resident of 19 Hayes Avenue. I wish to strongly oppose the rezoning and conditional application for 85 Hayes Avenue. I have been a resident of Hayes Avenue since 1986 and feel that I pay the same taxes as other residents within Saint John who do not have any business opemting with their subdivisions. therefore '-\ny should it be allowed v..'ithin ours. We (Edna & Eric Doucet) do not agree to any business zoning in our subdivision and wish to make this known. We both feel that the rezoning of8S Hayes Avenue will only serve to allow heavier traffic and allow other business to operate that do not belong in our residential area. Sincerely, Eric & Edna Doucet . P temp /( cWC)/ /. ~~ to W'. \ 4 /~?'7" ..~ uJ),~ "jI,-' cn17 ~1~/ . q~~-n ~p4J 1i ;Z#- . A~::7/3 };f f/oyu- ~ / ::?....-h pr--" . gMbupjfl~ " /1J/,y;J6 b4 an 5,K.? . 1; i .L/~. '-'V cl~\. il.& /! 7 c:. (lc~/J1../ -j 1""/?~>' 7 (f j l,~ ~,-",,~ ---l )"}-u . . "..,...- <.. :r',_~ r I' ~) ~.....vV / u. . /~ L<{-) ( (1 ~'-.-(..-1-~. ( i ..::-........1.:.- ,,/...~ . i /, '" ~ .~?-Q :,1J\..... /"/~.~r-'" ) j.J '- H ~/( c: y-- .:; (",. >L.- .,....-:- ,...-- r: ;) /,'u.~ / " /T~ ti /(..~;l 1 t1- /ci.._- /' u 0:;....'"' ( / . <<~/ / (. ~i ~0t..-~. ";J C{ '- (C"~ /' . >'~: f(4,..ya.--. d~ )- ..>-"'.. . .I ~ P,BA~ 6. Planning Advisory Committee City pf Saint John PO BOX 1971 Saint John, NB E2L 4LI ~j,DI ffM-::: Planning Advisory Committee: This letter is to address the Rezoning and Conditional Use Application, Repair Garage - 85 Hayes Avenue. We are writing this letter to express our opposition to the proposed rezoning. We purchased our borne to be in 8 quiet residential ~ which is on a very narrow and dead end avenue. The value and sale ability of our home would be drastically and negatively affected with a commercial repair facility just around the corner. We have also remarked that non residents are using our drive way as a turn around quite frequently, and the increased traffic with this proposal from clients and parts & supplies deliveries, would impact the quiet and almost country like feel of the neighbourhood. With the narrow road and the sharp, partially blind comer it would also create an increase in accident risk, as well as make the walk to and from the school bus and transit bus stop dangerous for the school children and adult residents alike. The proposed weekend hours, especially Saturdays. is not what we expect as residents of a small neighbourhood. The potential risks of chemical spills or increased risk of fire are something that is a concern for everyone's personal safety and long term well being, cars in need of repair would also need to be parked somewhere, and where would these be parked? In front of the other residents' homes would not be what we want for our property or an i.mage of this neighbomhood. The potential to have cars left of the premises for long spans of time including the potential for parts cars and scrap would also detract from the entire ne.gbbourhoods' property values. In addition this rezoning would also allow the proprietor of the aforementioned business to run a provincial inspection station which without question would cause the drastic increase in traffic discussed above. We feel that repair garages are businesses that are best suited to industrial and commercial areas previously zoned commercial not in the rezoning of single properties in small residential neighbourboods. Sincerely, Megan Sherwood . u:~ IO~~ . __ ____ ~ May 10th, 2007 May 10th, 2007 6. Planning Advisory Committee, City of Saint John, P. O. Box 1971, Saint John, N. B. E2L 4V1 May 9, 2007 To: Piann;n, Advisory Comm;tte~. Mr. Foran. M6vor and Council: Re: RezOl1in~ and Cond;tiOlKJI Us~ Aoplication. Rer>oir Garaqe. 85 Hayes Avenue Please be advised that as a resident at 95 Hayes Avenue, I am a\Zainst the rezoning being changed from present RS-2 to B.2. I bought my home in 1969, and I expected it to remain as a residential area. I complained when the garage was built next door, and was told that the City had it aU looked after. The size of the garage would have indicated to anyone, that 1t was meant for a business. If it had been a request for re-zoning at that time, I would as welt have said "no>>. Unless I am under some kind of illusion, this business started (in a residential area), with no request for a change in rezoning at that time. I assume there is nothing that can be done about the size of the structure that now exists. We used to have weddings come to our back yard for photos, but not anymore, with a two story garage unfinished as a back drop. I have no personal agenda or issues with Wayne and Edna, as good neighbours, and my desire not to have this area rezoned, is with no malice to them. I am not pleased the way this was band led in the past, so please be advised I wish no zone changes. ,~~J:(~ Mary May, 95 Hayes Avenue, Saint John, N. B. E2M 51<2 " -/0 ...-?~~l/ ;J>w2-6./} u>~ uJ./cJ~ d-turw~ /~( ~p- ~j "-"""' of 3 q '-1J~'-'/ C1-,........,.~ o;~ /YW! ~ -I ~ 1- rl.0h7l-L,'i 9 -,- -II- ~ Ct.~ - ^ [J ..I/'~t. ~ .~) z.j'.'/.ll.- if7 ~J' ~. ~...A ./9-f2>-' / ft''' /-u Cv,~ t:c , . t. j'~' _ - _.~ ' /Z~(~JJ ~.J ~ 0<- Y(,L/-'fi-r . ?z.j'..,J ~~ ' ()J~ /f1 JJ~ i~~" .f ~~~ \1 ~ Pol, ~ ~~ .,~~. 101_1':; 6. Lubrico Warranty "sed Car Appraisals Financing Available 85 Hayes Ave., Saint John, NB 506-635-0889 ~'U':-' , .,., 1-,' . ~-\'lE\D"E\T . RE:85HAYES ArE\UE . . , .~, ~ ..- . bUe N~tict is he~bfglven thRt the Common uncil of The City of Saint John intends to nsideramending The City of Saint John iZoning By-law at its regular meeting to be held Jin the Council Chamber on Tuesday, Ma)' 22, 12007 at 7:00 p.m., by: ~~ ftECEW!D\ MAY 11 2001 ...;; ~ Ii) ~o.. -~~, ~ :I:f SA\\'. ~ ~--_. , i j . o. r Rezoning a parcel of Jandlocatea at 85 Hayes : Avenue, having an area of approXimately"2100 ; square metres, also identified as~PID i No. 00408666,Jrom "RS-2" One and Two FamDy Soborban Residential to."'.B-2" .General B~. REASON FOR CHANGE: To permit an automotive repair prage v.>ith a residence. The proposed aniend.ment may be inspected by any interested person it the office of the Common Clerk, or in the office of Planning and Development, CityHall, 15 Market Square, SaintJohn, N.B.between the hours of 8:30 A.m. arid 4:30 p.rn;; Monday through :Friday? incJ~Ye, h~~~rs excepted. Written objections to the amendment may be sent_~o!.b:~~m~~-t9ity Hall. . ;:)}'~ .;f~l~r~~t~:~, ;::'-~~ ;,:;~ 'i,' {;': ~. 1. Patrick"'~"CoihfudJitietl:'58-2862 · . . .. ; ,:,~, '.i......:"l':.'~_._>.-;,. "..~;~"... '-.... ~, P.o. BOX I C.P. 197J SAI:\"T JOH~ ',," ". <<9 ~1,'.~:. \ ';_ ,"_..1> ~ -:-. ~.... ..... ..-.,- ,.-" 'l;," .'., . " . " ".1' ~ , ."-"'" I PETITION TO OPPOSE RE-zpNING OF 85 HA YES AVENUE TO BUSINESS ZONE 05/01/2007 The purpose of this petition is to make known to the Office of Planning & Development, City ~all, 15 Market Square, Saint John, N.B. that we, the residents of Hayes Avenue, Saint John, N.B. oppose the re~zonjD2 of 8S Haves Avenue. Weare aware tbat to have this residence re~zoned that it would increase the traffic of our quiet:street and residence. Also, should we bave business zoning in our area it would also serve to decrease the value of our homes for future resale. Another negative aspect of having a business district on our street is that any future business could expand or change to any otheri type of business witbout any say whatsoever from any of the surrounding residents. It is also important to l10tt that a previolls petition was circulated on our street without proper explanation of bow business re-zoning would affect our neighbourhood. As residents of Hayes A venue it is our right to oppose this re-zoning and by signing this petition we will make our opinion known. ~ ktJ 2. ~~~I(tJ' li~;;;;:' /I vf ~ ({ ~ ~ utv~ ~) ~11 _~~11(1~~rtl ID ~~ fuIP d~~ 5~~~~ (C i+~~c, tJ-~ aJ C~ (0'/ f/Ilj1'5 Qilf. :Ye~e~~ Cl.~,~v-.> \a'-\ t-\LA-.'--1~Qu-,<. 't{ ~ \ Thank you for your tl$e and concern for our neighbourbood. 3. {(j lq Thank you for your time and concern for our neigbbourhood. Page 1 of 1 ,. Lockhart, Lynda From: Golding, Kenneth [KertGolding@bell.ca] Sent: May 2, 20079:56 AM To: External - Planning Subject: Rezoning of 85 Hayes Avenue I am writing in regards to the proplPsed rezoning of 85 Hayes Avenue from residential to business, I live at 86 Hayes Avenue and have not received any notice of this application though it is mentioned in the April 23fd Common Council agenda and apparently has been in the newspaper. As far as I know, none of the other residence on the street has received their notice either. Can you email me an electronic copy of the notice, plus ensure that all households on the street get their notices delivered in the mail. Also, please tell me how I should $ubmit my opposition to this rezoning application, when the Planning Advisory Committee meets, when the report will be available for public viewing, and when Common council will discuss this application, Thank you Ken Golding - Bell Canada Teclmology Development (Voice & Applications) 506-694-2414 ' cell 506-647-6454 ken,golding@bell.ca C1&jjE)r~ f~ RECJ;I\I!D "()~\ ~ II!." 2 ZGCI ~! .0.. ~/ . .~ O. .......-f"( \Q~j ~SAl\' ,. 02/05/2007 , 1lJ!!f 1.1 I DIU'"' / . b, [j)~~ '11kj .-t~, ' ~;t:Iuv6,J QJ~P)~~ )flV~~ftu. , . ~"l--r./;IJt.p .4"n~ fN-- ~/7'1 ~ '~ ~./Jv~. 'f2WjJ;d5 i5 ~ a~' fik ~ ~ ~ ~'1.Pw~.J~.~()/TV-~~7~~ ~;tuY.~.Mi .,tV c1 ftlj$vu~ /lW ~~ ~/Av~ ~ )t/~ ct ftt714v vn c .1J f j:Jt.vf 1.~ fi ,rUi..P./ ft.L.i '. ~ ~()..4'J/ J.~,J~ ~ o..v~ /~.~ Q) ~ ~ pUN. . ~.A-V ~J ..oJIj /~,jJ7r'fl ~A.~ d. p~~ .L4t/fl ~. .,t,U,z. ,,.{/I/'filV .(,{/}1fl-"/v ;t;Iiu ~~ ;tIJ;[iPuY; ~~/fA.L/ ~~,Cl/" ~~ ;tv }{tvJ<Y ft' ~ 1ii/v..cLv ~v:-cb7V 'r~ ~ fl'V ftdU ~ /V-~i ;::Affit /-A.~t:/J ~(LAJ- /i-<-~~ ~.' . -~! QJ~)aJce"l-U~ - . q(;JlvrJJ{lvvn~ ~)J l-l ik'lAJl . /' q /P .Jk~ {LvyrJ..^-l-/. ~-VE.t' .~~ .~O~ ~j;;1 ttf.Cf:N!U ~ 1 . .;.--;. . . '0 t~lJl ~ ~t-.'{ · : \;' ~ fA. ~. "~'{l:Qr~~~ ~-~ .. The Planning Advisory Committee City of Saint John P,O. Box 1971 Saint John, N.B. \ E2L4LI \~ '\ I am writing in opposition to the re.zoning application of 85 Haye ., Residential to Business. 85 Hayes A venue should not be re-zoned to ~~Di~ ~. fRE~ \\ ~ ~AY 8 Z007 ~i Seventeen years ago, I.bought my house at 86 Hayes Aven:Je precisely because it was on a quiet, residential strek Since that time, I have invested tens ofthousands of dollars into my property. The value of my property, and all others on the street, wi1l decrease if this zoning applicationi goes through. But what is more important. our quality of life will decrease. Mr. Wayne McGaugh~y is a friendly neighbor. but a zoning application is not based on these things. Mr. McGaughey knew: that 85 Hayes Avenue was zoned residential (not business) when he purchased the prop~I1y several years ago. But that did not stop him from immediately building a garage so that he could start his car repair business. Since that time he has had to run his business in ~ relatively low key fashion so as not to upset his neighbors who could have complaine~ to the city (since he was operating outside of the zoning rules). But still we have expetienced: Tow trucks debvering cars. including deliveries outside of his stated 8am to 5pm business hours Tow trucks dri~'ing into my dri\'eway so that they can back into his (our driveways nea~ly line up) Additional traffic from customers dropping off cars. customers looking to buy cars. workers dr helpers coming and going. delivery trucks bringing parts. etc. Noise from pn~umatic tools and banging metaL etc. especially when the doors to the garage are left open Multiple vehic~es parked throughout his property. which is unsightly in a residential nei~hborhood. If the property is rezomed to business. he will be able to expand his business. which I assume is the reason ~'hy he is applying for the rezoning now. He will no longer have to limit his business acti~..ities in order to appease his neighbors. He will be able to put a business sign on his property. hire workers. bring in more vehicles 10 work on. leave more vehicles on his property. set out more cars for sale. etc. This will also result in more traffic on our st~et. including more tow trucks. In addition, there is nO guarantee that he will not sell the property to someone else who could set up any type bfbusiness they want. If the city is willing to change a residential property on a residential street to business (which is a huge change). I am positive that the city would not give lone iota of concern about neighbors' views if someone later applied to modify somd of the restrictions applied to his business rezoning. If Mr. McGaughey had applied for rezoning nine years ago prior to starting his business, and neighbors had voiced their opposition, would the city have approved his rezoning application? I would h~pe not and I assume not. Then why would you approve it now after he ignored the rules for nine years? Would the city approve an auto-repair business in Cedar Point subdivision, or Monte Cristo? Being an old city, Saim John has very few areas which are zoned exclusively residential. There are industries and businesses throughout the city. One of the things that attracts many people to the suburbs is the fact that they have large residential areas. Saint John should not allow busin~sses and industries to move into the few residential areas in the city. Why would the city send a message to other citizens that they can ignore zoning bylaws, and ifthey get caught. the city will change the zoning so that they are no longer in conflict? Based on the fact that * knov.'ingly ran a business in a residential zone for nine years (as well as the fact that he tontinuously ignores the bylaw on keeping his dogs from roaming the streets unleashed). 1 would ask ifhe would follow all of the conditions that the city would apply if the city '\....ere to pennit this rezoning. The 'burden of proof Ilies with Mr. Mt:Gaughey to prove that the city. and this neighborhood. would ~e better off if this rezoning application is approved. The neighbors do not have ~o pro\'e that it would be worse. It is Mr. McGaughey who is looking to change the sJtatus quo. Silence by any neighbor should not be construed as approval of the re-zonipg application. Many people could feel uneasy with submitting comments that they knbw will be read by their neighbor (Mr. McGaughey). Mr. McGaughey is reswonsible for his actions - not his neighbors and not the city. Mr. McGaughey chose to s~t up a business in a residential zone. He later chose to apply for a re-zoning so that he co~ld expand his business. Any consequences of his decisions are his responsibility. i The solution is simple.! Turn down this re-zoning request. .--J / 4. /..... ......... ~. ~~ Ken~g ~--------- 86 Hayes Avenue Saint John, N.B. E2M 5K3 b. May 6, 2007 Dear Planning Advisory qommittee and Common Council, It is with great dismay that I find myself writing to you today after receiving notice in the mail of the Rezoning and Conditiona~ Use Application, Repair Garage - 85 Hayes Avenue by Wayne McGaughey. In the application it is stat~ that the owner indicated that he has been in business about 9 years at his location, but r would say that figure is too high as it would mean my son was not yet bom (he is 8). The birth of a child IS a very significant event in ones lite and I'm pretty sure the business was not around at that time. The property in question iJs located directly across the street from my residence and based on this . application has obviouslyjbeen running a business outside of the zoning laws of this city as we are currently classed residen~al (RS-2). My question to the committee and council is that how are individuals allowed to oMrate outside the laws and why are they usually rewarded with a rubber stamp of approval after e~tablishing themselves in residential areas by being re.zoned? We have seen it far too often in thi, city and I am wondering when the Planning Advisory Committee and Council are going to takeia stand and protect those in residential areas who operate within the zoning laws and by-laws pf this city from those who don't. Again, 1 am basing these comments on the contents of the applic$tion. By allowing this rezoning change you would in fact be rewarding an individual for working ~utside the very zoning laws and by-laws of this city that you expect everyone else to follow. Two wrongs don't make a right. What would ttle Planning Advisory Committee and Council like for me to explain to my children on how the city operates and how would you want them to ~bide by the by-laws as they grow up? Do you want me to tell them to adhere to them? If you db, then you must do the same. It is you who set the tone and example for others to follow. This iapplication should be denied on principle alone. ThiS application is in factiyears (9?) late and now the intent of this rezamng bid appears to be in I order to expand current 9perations. Operations that are and have been outside of the zoning taws of this city. To what extef1t? There are no details provided in this application and the fact that the current operator obviOUSI~ (again, based on this application) didn't abide by the city's zoning laws in the first place what ma~es you think he will now (i.e. conditional use). The ball is now in your cqurt but the vote IS In mine. I trust you will make the qorrect decision and respect those individuals who work within the laws, zoning laws and by-laws pf this city. Residential means residential. There are established areas within the city for individulals to run their businesses. It is those areas that are capable of handling the traffic, the noise and the disposal of hazardous materials Than k you, ~ &-tllW~~l Glenna Boddington : 0 86 Hayes Ave Saint John, N8 E2M 5K3 672-5242 ~I>E~ J ~ f'lIJ! ....,,'" l1li\ .; "...",. _~"'r..u f l' i:. ' r 8 ZrJJ1 To: Plannin'l Advisory Committre. Mr. Foran. Mayor and Council: ~liD~' f RECEMIJ~ " ~\ j ~ '~ MA'i 9 2007 "'i I I \~ ~ ..,,-~~~; May 9, 2007 Plannlng Advisory Committee, City of Saint John, P. O. Box 1971, Satnt John, N. B. E2L 4V1 Re: Rezoninq and Conditional ~se Application. Repair Garaqe. 85 Haves Avenue Recently we received a letter dat~d May 3, 2007, from Mr. Patrick Foran, Planntng Officer. My family and I at 114 Hayes Ave'lue, and I would like to express my concerns hereby with reference to the rezoning this area to 6.2 General ~usiness, from the present RS-2 zoning. We chose this area to live primarily because of the quiet residential country setting, and we complied with all the standards of what the Cit~ requlred of us in making this our home. We certainly wish to express our feelings that this not be rezoned ifor a General Business area. There are a variety of concerns as to why I would wish this area not to be rezoned, in addition to the fact stated above, that we chose this area for our home because of the stipulations that thls was a residential area, and no businesses allowed. Once the door is opened to one General B~iness operation if this were rezoned to a B-2 General Business area, what would prohibit more businesses from springing up? We are so conscious of our environmental issues on a daily basis, and' am concerned this may create a negative impact on our environment. We all have septic systems here, and even with just tamily use, we constantly Keep control that our systems are operating as they should. Another issue, is the devaluation of our homes with a business in the area with a business on the street, as well as more traffic, more pollution and this becomes a safety issue. My family was not notified when this garage was being built as to what our feelings were when this construction was done. We shoul~ have received a notification such as this letter received from Mr. Foran. This has no reflection on Wayne al)ld Edna who live at 85 Hayes Avenue, on a personal basis. I just feel I am justified in my desires not to have' this Street retoned for B-2 General Business. and I am sure they would understand that and that we would have concerns a5 to the negative impact this could have on our residential street. I appreciate your consideration. If you would like any further comments, you could feel free to call me. May 9, 2007 '. MA Y ~ Z,07 1, ~ ~j QJi'SA~ \~ Planning Advisory Committee, City of Saint John. P. O. Box 1971, Saint John, N. B. E2L 4Vl To: Planninll Advisorr Committee. Mr. Foran. Mavor and Council: Re: Rezonint! and! Conditional Use Application. Repair Garasze. 85 Hayes Avenue ; This is in reference to the letter dated May 3, 2007, signed by Mr. Patrick Foran. I live at 105 Hayes A.....enue, and do wish to express my views in this letter concerning the rezoning this area to B-2 General Business. from the present RS-1 zoning. When I built here in 19p8. it was very plainly expressed to me this was only a one family residential street and th~ City were very strict in their rulings of this. This privacy and quiet area was what ap~ealed to me in building this residence here. My desire is that this not be rezoned for a G~neral Business area. I am concerned this wilt have a negatl\'e impact on the value of ~lUr h0mes in this an~a.. and generate more traffic and noise and could potentially be an lenvironmental risk. Furthermore, this particular business is one thing, but what would prohibit it from growing to many more businesses on this Street? I question why we did ~ot re~eive a lener such as this one when th~ garage was er~cted many years ago. The I)eighbourhood. or at least I speak for myself. was not notified at that time of the garage ~cing bui It. I am unsure as to hmv this all came to fruition. I personally do not want this to reflect on Wayne and Edna as good nejghb~)urs. and hJ\c no wish 10 impact their,quality of living. but I do feel this should not he rezoned to a B-2 General Business. ,\'hich could allow a negati\"e impact on our qUiet residential area and could promote further business ventures by others. Thank you for your C01siJ~ion, S' rely, '/ L- Connie Grant. 105 Hayes A venue. Saint John, N. B. E2M 5K2 REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL M & C 2007 - 188 June 14th, 2007 The City of Saini John His Worship Mayor Norm McFarlane And Members of Common Council Your Worship and Members of Council, SUBJECT: TOWN HALL MEETING - DISABILITY AWARENESS PURPOSE OF REpORT The purpose of this report is to review with Council the town hall meeting on disability awareness, sponsored by the Saint John Ability Advisory Committee and facilitated by Jeff Sparks, that was held on May 30th at the Loch Lomond Villa Auditorium. BACKGROUND Disability Awareness Week was celebrated this year from May 2ih to June 2nd, with the theme "Disability Awareness - Education for All". In recognizing this occasion, Gordon L. Porter, chair of the New Bmnswick Human Rights Commission, pointed out the progress made in improving educational opportunities for students with a disability and saluted the hard work of teachers and educational leaders. He asked that we commit to doing even better, emphasizing that access is an important human rights issue. Mr. Porter emphasized that the educational benefits of inclusion are well established; in most cases, legally required by the Education Act and by human rights case law. One of the outcomes of inclusion involves helping to meet the social needs of students with disabilities. However, this can only be fully realized when the students feel accepted and valued, and not harassed or bullied. All students are legally entitled (Human Rights Act) to be free from harassment and bullying. One of the central themes in human rights today is the duty to accommodate; that is, the duty to avoid the discriminatory effect of policies, practices, facilities and equipment. This duty comes into play in many ways for students with a disability, from the need for wheelchair ramps, to teacher's assistants, to flexibility when applying attendance and discipline policies. 1 1 From Statement of Human Rights Commission / Disability Awareness Week, May 28, 2007 Town Hall Meeting - Disability Awareness Report to Common Council, M & C 2007 -188 Junel-lth, 2007 Saint John Abilitv Advisorv Committee The Saint John Ability Advisory Committee provides direction, awareness and leadership in making our community more inclusive. Its mission speaks to using diverse expertise; to partnerships with people with disabilities, government, business and the public to remove barriers - through information and advocacy on disability issues. The Committee works for fair and equal access for all members of society - to participate in work, community events, leisure services and entertainment venues. The Committee advocates on behalf of: persons who are deaf and hard of hearing; persons who are blind and visually impaired; people with learning disabilities; people with intellectual disabilities; mental health consumers; and people with mobility impairments. Its members have accomplished much, not the least of which is being officially recognized as an advisory committee for Common Council of the City of Saint John. Leadership has shown the way in heightening the profile of issues and building strong relationships on behalf of a very spirited, significant part of the larger community. The May 2007 gathering was the second such town hall meeting sponsored by the Committee; the first having been held on May 30th, 2006. The issues in 2006 could be summarized as follows: ~ Parking spaces reserved for handicapped citizens; ~ Visual fire alarms - City Hall and other public places; ~ Status of lead pipe removal in Saint John; ~ Street layouts, crosswalks, and sidewalk plowing; ~ Sidewalk conditions for wheelchair users; ~ Crosswalk signals for the blind; ~ Street accessibility for wheelchairs; and ~ Recreational facilities for people with disabilities. Councillor McGuire and members of staff met with representatives of the Committee on March 2ih to review those issues and think ahead to the upcoming town hall meeting. ANALYSIS This year's town hall meeting was well attended and the people there aliiculated concerns clearly and with sincerity. The members of Council and staff who participated found the dialogue constmctive and most useful. One member of staff described the meeting as very enlightening as to the issues of importance to this community, and the various constituent groups within it. Others spoke of the very positive public meeting, the valid points raised and the focus on finding solutions, the value of the dialogue that took place, and the importance of understanding the issues first hand as a key first step towards making a real difference. Offer people with disabilities the same choices as you would Page 2 Town Hall Meeting - Disability Awareness Report to Common Council, M & C 2007 -188 Junel-lth, 2007 anyone else. Those with disabilities, visible and invisible, not only have the right to fully participate in the larger Saint John community, they have much to contribute to its richness and diversity. Staff Presentations Members of City staff made a series of short presentations, on the following topics: Introduction ~ City of Saint John Works for You Customer Services ~ Town Hall Meetings and Follow-Up ~ Call / Contact Us @ 658-4455 ~ Prioritizing Requests for Service Lead Pipe Removal in Saint John ~ Lead in Drinking Water ~ City of Saint J olm Program (1991-1998 / Ongoing) Traffic Control and Engineering Standards ~ Accessible Pedestrian Systems (APS) Intersection Modifications for 2007 ~ Traffic / Crosswalk Signals / Street Markings ~ Engineering Specifications: Ongoing Review Safe Sidewalk Policy / Program ~ Program Goals ~ Sidewalk Management Standards / Field Inspections Safe Sidewalk Inspections / Consultations ~ Consultations ~ Inspections Experiences Rope Walk Road ~ Consultations / Findings ~ Infrastmcture Improvements - Short Term / 2008 /2009 Winter Sidewalk Service ~ Current Service / Realities / Opportunities ~ Action Plan Going Forward Page 3 Town Hall Meeting - Disability Awareness Report to Common Council, M & C 2007 -188 Junel-lth, 2007 Issues Hi2hli2hted After the overviews offered in the presentations, there was a lively exchange on ideas, concerns, priorities and, especially, issues that need attention. We will attempt to summarize the points discussed or flowing from a very constmctive meeting. These could involve a variety of municipal departments, as well as others, in following up. The citizens involved simply want the same access to facilities and services that others in the community enjoy. By meeting with them, as would be the case with any citizens group, we come to better understand the issues that affect people's daily lives. This helps us to refocus on our raison d'etre - service to the public, the reason why we are here. # Issue Follow- U p 1 Rope Walk Road: lack of street lighting, narrowness of · Capital Improvements street, high traffic and no sidewalk on lower portion (2008 project pre- approved) 2a Davenport Avenue: winter sidewalk service, street lighting, · Snow Control Plan curb cuts, bumps and dips in the sidewalk and street · Traffic Engineer · Safe Sidewalk Program 2b Davenport Avenue: parking lot not plowed, hilly · Property Owner 3 Douglas Avenue / Main /i.,'treet: very high usage, bumps · Saint John Works and dips in the sidewalk and street · Safe Sidewalk Program 4 TTY Telephone: to provide telephone access to Customer · Customer Services, Services for people who are hearing impaired Municipal Operations 5 Accessible Pedestrian ..Systems (AP..S): to accommodate the · Traffic Engineer pedestrian mobility needs of people who have vision loss; (implementation process specifically, to make signal controlled intersections as underway) accessible and safe as possible 6 Millidgeville: winter sidewalk service, especially along · Snow Control Plan University Avenue and Millidge Avenue 7 East Shopping Area: traffic and snow clearance on Majors · Snow Control Plan Brook Drive and McAllister Drive; signal lights; difficult to · Traffic Engineer cross McAllister 8 Clarendon Street: snow removal, both sides, not only on · Snow Control Plan seniors' residential side Page -I Town Hall Meeting - Disability Awareness Report to Common Council, M & C 2007 -188 Junel-lth, 2007 # Issue Follow- U p 9 Waterloo "Wreet: strong odour · Harbour Clean-Up 10 Millidge Avenue: bus stop across from Charlton Place, · Traffic Engineer signals needed to slow down traffic · SJ Police Force 11 Harbour Passage: accessible traffic signals for people in · Leisure Services wheel chairs and for sight impaired citizens; audible tones · Waterfront Partnership and accessible buttons · Traffic Engineer 12 /..,'upported Living Facilities: needed for people with · Province ofNB disabilities, as opposed to nursing homes · Housing Agencies 13 Lighting in Public Places: better lighting needed in some · Business Community restaurants and other places serving the public · Building & Facility Management 14 Accessibility (Residential /,.,pace): accessible apartments · Building Inspections and other facilities, with cupboards and stove tops that can · Residential be used; restrictive bathroom space common problem; need Constmction Industry design guidelines and standards, with input from the various stakeholder communities; building permits should include an accessibility review 15 New Police / Justice Facilities: ensure provisions made for · City of Saint John and accessibility, visual smoke / fire alarms / alert systems the SJ Police Force · Province ofNB 16 Lily Lake Pavilion: major concern with accessibility for · Lily Lake Pavilion disabled people, strongly articulated, suggested that the · Horticultural Assn building should not have opened without accessibility for all · Capital Program 17 Visual Alarms (Municipal Public Buildings): visual · Building & Facility alarms and warning systems should be installed at the Management North End Community Center, Forest Hills Community · SJ Fire Department Center, City Hall and other City facilities 18 Prince Edward Square: stop signs needed, speeding traffic · Property Owner entering onto Prince Edward Street from parking lots · SJ Police Force Page 5 Town Hall Meeting - Disability Awareness Report to Common Council, M & C 2007 -188 Junel-lth, 2007 # Issue Follow- U p 19 Recreation Opportunities: recreation and sports are lower · Leisure Services on list of concerns than basic accessibility needs, but · Horticultural assuring access to recreation facilities is important, places Association like the Lily Lake beach and other Rockwood Park venues · Recreation Task Force 20 Access to Businesses: there is a need for automatic door · Business Community opening buttons at establishments such as Blockbuster, · Building Inspections Tim Horton's and other direct access businesses 21 Employment: need for a dialogue on the workforce in the · City Manager and community (to reflect the make-up of the community); Human Resources employment opportunities for people with disabilities, · Business Community young people are well educated but find it difficult to access employment opportunities · SJ Ability Advisory Committee 22 Sidewalk/Crosswalk Maintenance and Repair: need to · Safe Sidewalk Program identify pedestrian hazards, act in a timely fashion to repair · Saint John Works sidewalks and crosswalks, and work to maintain the overall serviceability of the pedestrian system. 23 Accessibility (Public Buildings): all public buildings, · Building & Facility including Public Works, Police and Fire facilities, need to Management allow access for all citizens and to support utilization by a · Province ofNB workforce that reflects the whole community 24 Servicing l1~formation: it is important for reasons of · SJ Ability Advisory servicing to know the addresses (not names) or areas where Committee disabled citizens reside, work or otherwise frequent; · Customer Services, development of a database would be useful Municipal Operations 25 City Website: enhance service to the public, including · Information Systems people in the disabled community, through Website and Support enhancement; making the Website more interactive- providing means for online service requests, citizen input to infrastructure specifications, education and awareness 26 Ongoing Communication: the value of good two-way · City of Saint John dialogue cannot be overstated; it is essential to meeting the · SJ Ability Advisory needs of the entire community Committee Page 6 Town Hall Meeting - Disability Awareness Report to Common Council, M & C 2007 -188 Junel-lth, 2007 It will be important to track progress on the issues raised; in many case, concrete action steps could take time. Some requests could be deemed impractical, in whole or in part; while others must be incorporated into planning for services or operations. Generally speaking, however, action can be and will be taken to correct deficiencies, improve maintenance standards and bring the needs of the disabled community to the attention of decision makers. Staff will maintain an ongoing dialogue with the Ability Advisory Committee and the people it represents - to work together in ensuring effective follow-up. INPUT FROM OTHER SOURCES Dialogue with the public is undoubtedly the single most critical consideration in attending to their service needs. The communications and working relationships established over the last couple of years (and two town hall meetings) will only become stronger as we work together in attending to the needs of the community. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Work to be undertaken by the City of Saint John will be incorporated into Operating and Capital budgets, as applicable, as part of the normal process of servicing the community. TOWARDS VISION 2015 AND DISABILITY AWARENESS Council's Vision 2015 Program of Excellence is moving the community towards what it wants to be - a positive, vibrant, caring and inclusive community. Citizens who are disabled are an important part of that vision. The Saint John Ability Advisory Committee, as official advisors of Common Council, are raising awareness, building strong relationships and working diligently on the interests of disabled citizens and visitors to Saint John. Barriers are being eliminated, though many remain; attitudes are changing, a "can do" mindset is taking hold. The people involved deserve a lot of credit for what they have accomplished for the community. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that Common Council recognize the work of the Saint John Ability Advisory Committee, endorse the measures outlined herein, and receive and file this report. Respectfully submitted, lM. Paul Groody, P .Eng. Commissioner, Municipal Operations & Engineering Terrence L. Totten, FCA City Manager Page 7 REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL June 14t1., 2007 His Worship Mayor Norm McFarlane And Members of Common Council The City of SainI fohn Your Worship and Members of Council, SUBJECT: UNDERSTANDING THE NEED: SAFE, CLEAN DRINKING WATER PURPOSE OF REpORT The purpose of this report is to begin a process to raise the level of public consciousness concerning drinking water in Saint John and to look to Council's leadership in advocating for this essential ingredient to good health and quality of life. People need water; families need water, considerable amounts of this wonderful liquid - pure and reasonable in price. BACKGROUND Saint John is very fortunate that it has two good, accessible sources of water - one East of the city, the other West. The City has also been diligent over the years in protecting those sources, including significant investments in acquiring watershed properties. Water quality is tested regularly in accordance with an approved testing plan and there is a strict protocol with the New Bmnswick Departments of Health and Environment on that testing. Saint John Water personnel are responsible, well trained professionals; and the water system is managed with public health and safety as foremost considerations. Notwithstanding the positive features of Saint John's public water system, two very serious and major deficiencies remain: first, the level of treatment provided for potable water is limited to disinfection (chlorination); and secondly, some water infrastmcture is very old and in poor condition. Both of these issues need timely attention. ANALYSIS While the challenges to providing safe drinking water are myriad and complex, they are far from insurmountable. The types and sources of drinking-water contamination are well documented, water treatment technology is readily available and there is relative uniformity of opinion about the necessary legal requirements and prohibitions to protect drinking water. The obstacle is not that we don't know what is required, but rather that governments currently lack the political will to get there. 1 1 Canada's troubled waters (Sierra Legal Defence Fund). The Globe and MaiL January 23. 2002. pA17 Understanding the Need: ,S'(~re, Clean Drinking Water Report to Common Council June 1./11, 2007 Page 2 The Medical Officer of Health for Saint John has time and again reinforced the advice of his predecessors concerning the need for improved water treatment. "During consultation with your department J have become aware of the City's plan to introduce a .filtration ~ystem to treat drinking water. While supporting this plan, J urge that the timeline be as short as possible. Waterborne disease is a risk o.fall smlace water supplies. Chlorine treatment does not eliminate this risk. Also, as you are aware, drinking water standards' in Canada are consistently being reviewed and revised to become more stringent. Saint John will likely have to move to advanced water treatment to meet these standards'. ,,2 Multi-Barrier Safe2uards for Drinkin2 Water Experts across North America have been calling for the adoption of an enforceable 'multi-barrier approach' for the protection of drinking water. The Province of New Bmnswick has formalized a system of six (6) protective 'barriers' for drinking water: 1. Source water (watershed) protection; 2. Necessary water treatment; 3. Operations and maintenance, including training and development of utility staff; 4. Monitoring and alarms; 5. Distribution system operation and maintenance; and 6. Emergency response, including contingency planning and preparation. Some Water Issues for Public Discussion Provided below are a number of water issues (not all) that the public should understand. Staff proposes starting with these and suggests that anyone may add questions, concerns or observations to a public dialogue on drinking water that should be taking place. Saint John Water will support members of Common Council, provide staff and facilitate the participation of experts for discussions on these and other issues. Staining (Corrosion) What is the green copper staining that people might see in their bath tubs, sinks, shower curtains and, sometimes, their laundry (and even in blond hair); the brown iron staining that discolours toilet tanks and bowls? What is the health impact of the various metals being dissolved in our drinking water? In Saint John, the biggest issue with corrosion is caused by internal electrochemical corrosion. From high school chemistry "water is the universal solvent"; the purer the water is, the more it wants to dissolve something. Our water is very "soft" - it has almost no dissolved minerals. In the lakes, our water is not only very soft but it also has a moderately low pH (6.2 to 6.5). The 2 Enhanced Treatment of Saint John jfzlI1icipal Water Supply, C. Scott Giffin. MD. MPH, Medical Officer of Health. Region II, NB Department of Health and Wellness. December 4.2003 y...."'n ~~) ~} Our Rusiness is Your Water. Volre eau, c'est noire affaire .-........", Understanding the Need: ,S'(~re, Clean Drinking Water Report to Common Council June 1./11, 2007 Page 3 combination of soft water at a moderately low pH in conjunction with the chlorination process needed for disinfection leaves us with water that is considered "aggressive" - it really wants to dissolve anything to satiate its need to "stabilize". To address this phenomenon, the pH of finished water needs to be adjusted and "buffered" to create a water quality that has a relatively constant pH and is measurably less "aggressive". Water Conservation The point is not so much "saving" water as managing the demand for water in order to minimize the cost of both water and wastewater services; and to lessen the environmental impact of withdrawing that water and then depositing its waste effluent back into the environment after use. Managing usage can also lessen electrical energy charges (and the resulting effects of green house gases) related to pumping both water and sanitary sewage and of hot water usage. Pathogens in /..,'U1jllce Water ,-S'upplies Health related challenges are inherent to surface water sources; some could become very real life and death issues for those who are very young, very old or with a compromised immune system. Four primary factors influence the risk of waterborne illness - the concentration of a pathogen in drinking water, the human infectious dose of a pathogen, the vimlence of a pathogen and the immune status of a host, and the volume of water ingested. Pathogens that could occur in surface water supplies include protozoa (e.g., Giardia, Oypto!>poridillm), bacteria (e.g., E. coli, Salmonella, Shigella, Campylobacter, Yersinia, and Legionella) and enteric vimses (e.g., N0l111alk virus, rotaviruses, and hepatitis A and E viruses). Cross-Connection Cross-connection is the physical connection of a safe or potable water supply with another water supply of unknown or contaminated quality or such that the potable water could be contaminated or polluted. Strict control of connections to the water system is absolutely essential to ensuring its safety for the consumers. Trihalomethanes (THM5) Trihalomethanes are any of numerous organic compounds named as derivatives of methane (CH4) in which three halogen atoms (chlorine, bromine, iodine, singly or in combination) are substituted for three of the hydrogen atoms. THMs, formed during the disinfection of water with free chlorine, have carcinogenic potential and other possible health effects, and are regulated compounds. Bottled Water What is the public really getting for what it pays for? Capital Construction Program The public and particularly ratepayers of the water utility need to understand the aggressive capital constmction program being undertaken on their behalf; what the public sees in the coming years and how it all fits into the long range strategy or action plan. The idea is to explain the work going on in the context of Common Council's overall plan for drinking water; so the public understands there is a plan and that it will take time before a major difference is noticed at the tap. The goal that we will achieve in time, however, is a quality of drinking water that is the clearest, purest and safest available anywhere. y...."'n ~~) ~} Our Rusiness is Your Water. Volre eau, c'est noire affaire .-........", Understanding the Need: ,S'(~re, Clean Drinking Water Report to Common Council June 1./11, 2007 Page '" Watershed Protection The protection of the water source is a key to the process of ensuring the quality and safety of the water that arrives at your tap. Dealing with such things as boating, swimming, and dumping of garbage, and the need for forest/watershed management, are essential. Water Testing What is Saint John Water doing to test both raw and potable water? How often does testing occur; where, why, what do we find and what does it mean? Also, continually changing regulations and definitions of "risk" are matters of public interest. It would also be helpful to compare what the City does, with regulations and testing for bottled water and private wells. Interior Plumbing The impact of interior plumbing on water quality within a building can be very significant; in fact, think of City Hall itself. Three staff members have been asked to coordinate this public education responsibility: Brent McGovern (Manager, Water and Wastewater Operations); Peter Hanlon (Chief Water Quality Inspector); and Nicole Taylor (Operations Manager, Water Resources and Quality). They will team up to ensure development of information pieces, support for the Mayor and members of Council in their dialogue with the public, and coordination of access to staff and other (external) experts for interviews. Plain Talk About Drinkim! Water Members of Common Council are being provided with the book entitled "Plain Talk About Drinking Water" by Dr. James M. Symons. This 2001 publication of the American Water Works Association is designed to provide answers to the most common questions asked by people about the water they drink. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that Common Council lead the public dialogue on understanding the need for safe, clean drinking water and that this report be received and filed. Respectfully submitted, lM. Paul Groody, P .Eng. Commissioner, for Saint John Water Terrence L. Totten, FCA City Manager y...."'n ~~) ~} Our Rusiness is Your Water. Volre eau, c'est noire affaire .-........", REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL M & C - 2007 The City ofSaml John June 15,2007 His Worship Mayor Norm McFarlane And Members of Common Council: SUBJECT: Award of Contract for Desi2n / Build of Skate Park BACKGROUND: At the regularly scheduled meeting of April 10, 2007, Common Council heard a presentation by the Fundy Skateboard Association. This presentation served 2 purposes, the first being to provide an update to Council on the status of the proposed skate park project. The second purpose was to seek Council's approval to move this project forward by requesting that Council "authorize city staff to call for proposals to design and build the Saint John Skatepark at the fixed price of$540,000." Council subsequently passed a resolution to adopt the recommendation of the association to move this project to the bid stage. Staffs of the Leisure Services Department and the Materials and Fleet Management Section worked collaboratively with the representatives of the Fundy Skateboard Association and their consult, Daniel K. Glenn Ltd. to develop the request for proposal documents. The Materials and Fleet management Section then facilitated the bidding process which included advertising and distribution of the bid documents, receipt of the proposals, the formal bid opening process and the distribution of the responses to the associations' evaluation team. While several potential bidders were contact or requested copies of the bid documents as a result of the advertising only two bidders responded by submitting proposals for consideration. They were; 1. New Line Skateparks Inc., Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada 2. American Ramp Company, Joplin, Missouri, ANALYSIS: As a normal first step in the process, the two proposals received were reviewed independently by each member of the six person committee. After this initial review the committee met to compare their findings and to come to a resolve as to a possible recommendation for award. The Committee members were: Bernie Morrison, Commissioner of Leisure Services Jim Fleming, Community Police Officer, Saint John Police Force Ross Jefferson, General Manager, Waterfront Development Partnership Bill MacMackin, Chairperson, Saint John Waterfront Partnership Jason McLean, President Fundy Skate Park Association Dan Glenn, Landscape Architect It was unanimously agreed by the committee members, after their initial review and subsequent discussions that the proposal which best addressed the requirements and concerns of the committee and the City was submitted by New Line Skateparks Inc. The committee members felt that American Ramp Company did not satisfactorily respond to the Request for Proposals and did not address a number of areas of concern in the design build process. This company specializes in the supply only of skatepark components. It appeared, according to their bid that it would be up to the committee to hire a designer for the project along with the contractors and sub-contractors during the constmction phase. These functions are, according to the Design/Built Process, the responsibility of the bidder not the customer. In addition no price was proposed for the project. The committee agreed, after this initial review and a subsequent conference call with the bidder that the proposal and process submitted by New Line best addressed the terms and conditions of the Request for Proposal in all aspects including the price. The process will include a series of meetings with the various stakeholders to design a facility that best suits the users, reflects the spirit of the community and is in keeping with the available funding. Only after this process is completed will the design be finalized and constmction started. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: As indicated in their presentation to Council at the April lOth meeting, the Fundy Skateboarding Association has a budget of $540,000.00 for this project. The committee, after review of their proposal and as a result of subsequent discussions with the bidders, believes that New Line Skate Parks is committed to working with the Funding Skateboarding Association and the City of Saint John, to deliver a world class quality skatepark within the scope of the available funding. 2 INPUT FROM OTHERS: The Materials and Fleet Management Section, under the direction of the City's Purchasing Agent, has been involved both directly and indirectly with the facilitation of this proposal call process. The City's Purchasing Agent advises that the process has been undertaken and completed in accordance with the City's Procurement Policies and Procedures and has no hesitation in supporting the committee's recommendations. The Planning and Development Department advises that affected property owners have been informed of the City's desire to develop the skateboard park in the Station Street area. To date no formal arrangements have been reached with these land owners. It is anticipated any and all necessary easements/licenses or land acquisitions will be completed in a timely fashion, ensuring the City has the adequate rights to enter upon the lands to design build and operate the skateboard park. RECOMMENDA TION: It is the recommendation of the Fundy Skateboarding Association that the proposal submitted by New Line Skate Parks Ltd for the consultation, design and construction of a new skateboard park in accordance with the proposal call, their subsequent proposal submission and the available budget funding be accepted and further that the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to sign the necessary contract documents on behalf of the City of Saint John. Respectfully submitted, /3 J97l~ Bernie Morrison Commissioner of Leisure Services Terrence L. Totten, c.A. City Manager 3 REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL M & C 2007 - 190 The City of Samllohn June 13,2007 His Worship Mayor Norm McFarlane and Members of Common Council y our Worship and Members of Council, SUBJECT: Retail Drive Upgrades BACKGROUND As Council is aware, Retail Drive was opened to the public on June 7, 2007. This much needed street links Rothesay Avenue to Westmorland Road and provides direct access to the new East Point Shopping area. Although the street is now officially open for public, there is still work that needs to be completed to finish this attractive new street. Asphalt seal needs to be placed when weather conditions permit, street lights need to be placed and landscaping must be completed. The developer would like to place a wood facing on the new guiderail to provide a higher level of aesthetic appeal to this new development. The developer has also proposed to install a different style and color street light standard and sign post that would match those utilized throughout the private areas within the shopping area as well as extensive tree placement along the sides of Retail Drive throughout most of its length. The street lights would also include a concrete art form base and a banner ann which depicts the East Point Inc. logo. The City received a formal request (copy attached) from the general contractor requesting on behalf of the developer, East Point Inc., that the City fund the upgrades to the street to match the development. The estimated net cost to fund these upgrades is approximately $146,000. They have also requested that existing traffic signal poles located at Depot Court and Westmorland Road, Retail Drive and Westmorland Road as well as Retail Drive and Rothesay Avenue be changed to match the development theme. M & C 2007-190 June 13,2007 Page 2 The cost to change the traffic signals and poles at these three locations has not been included in the upgrade estimate above but is estimated to be approximately $50,000. Staff does not recommend funding all the upgrades requested on behalf of the developer. ANALYSIS The City of Saint John now pays for the installation of aluminum cobra light standards in developments. The cost of installing standard aluminum street lights is approximately $31,500 for this development. This amount has been shown as a credit in the developer's request leaving a grand total of $146,000 to fund all upgrades. Aluminum poles are presently the accepted standard and provide the acceptable level of lighting for this development. The new street light poles proposed by the developer would cost $71,645 minus the $31,500 credit for the aluminum poles for a net increase to install the decorative poles of $40,145. The developer has also requested the City fund the upgrade to decorative sign posts at an estimated cost of$14,000. The upgraded street light standard utilizes a decorative concrete art form base. These would not be required for the standard aluminum light poles. The overall cost to add the decorative bases is approximately $14,196. The developer also wants to add the East Point Inc. logo as a banner arm to the light standard at a cost estimated to be $4,140. The costs associated with upgrading the standard aluminum light standard to a decorative black light standard including an art form decorative base and the banner arms as well as upgrading the sign posts are not costs normally paid by the City of Saint John. The developer would be expected to bear these costs if they wish to make the upgrades. Staff believes it is reasonable that the City accept the upgrades and maintain them in the future. The developer has also requested the City fund additional trees along Retail Drive consisting of 84 autumn blaze maple trees and 20 evergreens at a total cost of $37,500. Although this is also an out of the ordinary request, these would be a welcome addition to the streetscape. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS As Council is aware, a significant financial contribution of $3.5 million was made by the City towards the constmction of Retail Drive. The City will receive $650,000 of that investment back when the development reaches a total of 400,000 square feet of retail space open for business. The development presently has 123,200 square feet of retail space completed or under constmction. The City has made a significant financial contribution to the constmction of Retail Drive and staff recommends that the developer fund the upgrades to street light standards, decorative art form bases and banner arms to match the development. The City would provide $31,500 toward the cost of these light standards which is the normal contribution that the City would pay for the aluminum light standard. The cost to the developer for this upgrade would be $40,145. Staff also M & C 2007-190 June 13,2007 Page 3 suggests that the addition of wood to the guiderail and addition of the decorative sign posts should be funded by the developer at a cost of$36,000 and $14,000 respectively. It is recommended that the City contribute the standard $31,500 for aluminum street lights as well as approximately $37,500 for 84 autumn blaze maple trees and 20 evergreen trees to be planted within the Retail Drive street right of way. Staff would also recommend that when Ashburn Lake Road is reconstmcted to between Route 1 and Rothesay Avenue with a potential realignment of Retail Drive to line up with Ashburn Lake Road, that the City consider the concept of installing the black decorative light standards and sign posts along Ashburn Lake Road to tie in with decorative light standards, should they be installed along Retail Drive by the developer. RECOMMENDA TION It is recommended that Common Council: 1. Consider the request made by the developer of East Point Shopping Centre for upgrades to Retail Drive as detailed in the attached letter to the City Manager. 2. Approve funding in the amount of $31,500 as the contribution towards the developer installing decorative light standards, the said amount being the estimated cost to install standard aluminum cobra light standards 3. Approve funding in the amount of $37,500 for the installation of 84 autumn blaze maple trees and 20 evergreen trees by the developer within the Retail Drive street right of way and further; 4. Approve the concept of the installation of decorative light standards along Ashburn Lake Road when it is reconstmcted between Route 1 and Rothesay Avenue in the future to match the decorative lights standards along Retail Drive if installed by the developer. Respectfully submitted, 1. M. Paul Groody, P. Eng. Commissioner, Municipal Operations & Engineering Terrence L. Totten, F.C.A. City Manager , , MILESTONE r:~trfJl:tiD'l' & ~~/oplfien,t ~/1c.. , 1 Ha,mpfan RoOd, ,SIIite J40 R"theSa~ 'NB E2E 5K8 1:(3!.0 (506) S4S".:.J78t;J Fax: (506) 848-1799 May t 8. 2007 'City of Saint JOM PO Box 1971. SaintJohp~ NB E2L 41...J. AttcntiQ'Q~., "Mr. TCn'Y~,!ott~n,' City'Manager Re: Retajl Drive UJ?gt;lldes, . Dear Mr. 'Tqtt<m; . On behalf of our cIient~ EaSt Point Ind., we 'Wish to advise that :further. to oWrierous dis~ssi,(ins ' : and meeting;l;) we have'mot with Eric Orl.ffln add presented the a1tael1~d' report: on Retail -Orive upg:ta.des.' " '. " I - I I , " . Engillee~g supports the: basic iheory an,d prod~cl:S: They reco'n;unend tba~ ~(j (2) additional complet~ Ii ght :fi}<,""turOs and' po les be purehased nn.d stor.ed by' Sait.'ftJ OM ~~n~ro' lor Spare patte, Adqitioi1a.1ly they recommend that four (4) new'sign posts als'o b~ rmrc~~d'as they )lave a high , degree ox damage. '" I . I . . As you are aWaTe~ a major cJ:iar.lgs -o~curred in the R.etaU Drive configuration wJ,j,bh greatly, . ftnj:l1'(J'Vcd the safety f~r consi1.m~~~ by increasiJig' visibility and addt~ a ,:6fth turn Ian" as reques1;ed by city st8ff: This change 6~:e at great cost.to tOe develOper of over S~OQ,OOO. . I . I , , rn keeping witb the upscal~ quality or~ entire 4~Velopment, we are,reque~ting ~hat the city fund t~e upgrades to thdr. .~~et to ma~c~ the deye1.op~ent. " . I. ., . The attach~d May 2 report-includes the detai~s for iill upgrades. the following represents the cost: " .. ., J, ' Upgraded street lighting to match the dcve10Wlent a. Re11lil Drive . , I8.poles'. . , b. Depot Court " , '3 poleS c. Spares per City 2 voles, '. . , . '23 poles & uXtutes @ $.3,115 = . Bli11ner Arms 46' @ $90 ':;= , . Concrete Art Form' b2l.'Jes 21 @ $676 == Cess oredit for city El'l1pplied Cobra $ 71.~6.4.5 ' , '$' 4~140, .. $,14.196' <$31.~SOO > , - :. . contiriueclJ2 May'17,200,7 Mr. Totten Pllge :z or 2, '2. Ad,wtional trees'fdr RetaU Drive , . - a. 84 Autumn Blaze Maple @ $375 ' , b. 20 Evergreens @: $300 . , ' ,3. Addition of wood to 'gUideraU 720M @ $50 , . 4:_. Addition of dec;orativ~ sign posts to @ $1.000. , Spares per city 4 @ $1;000 , Tot9.1 $ 3 t500 $ ,.6~OOO $ ~6~OOO $ ) 0;000 $ 4.flOQ . $145,981 , , ,5. Traffic Ught poles at DcPort Coliff, :ReiaiJ DdvQ snctWestmorland .aod Retail'Drive at , " Ro~hesay Avenue. We be~eve this 'change ,to black 06Ii:1~retes,the the.m.t;! and the'cost to the city is changing ~e exiSti.ug whioh can b~ llUlized ~15,ewh'er6 .in: the' (lily,: _ All We lll"f? faSt approaching our g:ran,d oprm.i>>:g and the' bqsy sumi,11er.touris~'season~-~' are ptepat:ed to rneefat your convci1iertce to pursue th~e options to co~c1~sion as s6~n as possible. . YoUt'S truly, Ml.LESTOl'c'"E CONSTRUCTION'& DEvln.OPMENT INC.' " . DEP/amc Enclo,sures ' '. , cc:. T. Nortbnrp~ Ea<it Point Inc. M. Meroicrr Miles.tone , ' .' ," - REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL fo(~) /1< M&C2007-150 The City of Saint John May 17,2007 His Worship Mayor Norm McFarlane and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Memben; of Council: SUBJECT: Contract 2007-32: Red ~ead Road Sanitary Forcemain, Water & Sewer Mains, Slope Stabilization and Road Reconstruction BACKGROUND This Contract consists of tto projects that are approved in the 2006 Water & Sewerage Capital Program and two projects that are approved in the 2006 and 2007 General Fund Capital Program as follows: ' I. A new 300mm wateflllain on Red Head Road from Midwood Avenue to the property of the future Eastern Wastewater Treatment Facility. 2. A new 600 nun sanitary forcemain on Red Head Road from the intersection of Bayside Drive to the property of the future Eastern Wastewater Treatment Facility and a new 200 mm sanitary sewer on Red Head Road from Midwood Avenue to Civic #315 Red Head Road. 3. Reconstruction of ~e Red Head Road from Bayside Drive to the existing entrance to Hazen Creek Sewag~ Treatment Plant. i 4. Installation of approfimately 11,000 tonnes of armor stone in selected areas along the west side of Red Head jad between Bayside Drive and Civic # 315 to stabilize the existing slopes in the area. I I I i )j,-.,." ,", f Ct./-. ;1_ ~ /'///7/ " '.1 ' r ~: _ ~ "J') . - ~"I",-,,1f:. / r /e ~ j' M & C 2007-150 May l7, 2007 Page 2 Contract 2007-32 identifies the minimum amount of work to be completed by the following dates: Prior to October 15. 2007 All slope stabilization wor~, 600mm diameter forcemain from Bayside Drive to Midwood Avenue including temporao/ trench reinstatement with asphalt concrete base. I Prior to October 15.2008 i ! All remaining pipelines, tes~ing and disinfection, street reconstruction including new guiderail and asphalt base course, co~crete curb and sidewalk and all property restoration. i Prior to July 31. 2009 I I ! All asphalt concrete seal in~luding driveway seal. ; TENDER RESULTS ; i I i Tenders closed on May 9, ~007, with the following results: I Debly EnteIjrises Ltd. Saint John, NB I The Engineer's estimate fo~ the work was $4,384,891.60 ! I ANAL YSIS 1) Fairville Co~struction Ltd. Saint John, 1fB , Galbraith Cdnstruction Ltd. I Saint John, l1l'B I Gulf operatob Ltd. Saint John, WB ! $3,998,853.00 $3,695,480.00 2) $3,850,493.00 3) 4) $5,284,582.00 I The tenders were reviewed by staff and were found to be formal in all respects with the exception of the Gulf Operators Ltd. I tender which contained two errors in mathematics. The math errors were corrected in accordapce with the Tendering Procedures item 2.18(a) and the corrected amounts are reported herein. Staff is of the opinion that the low tenderer has the necessary resources and expertise to pF=rform the work, and recommend acceptance of their tender. ; M & C 2007-150 May 17,2007 Page 3 FINANCIAL IMPLICA T[ONS I The Contract includes wor~ that is charged against four capital work projects. Assuming award of the Contract to the low tqderer, an analysis has been completed which includes the estimated amount of work on this pro~ect that will be performed by City forces and others. i The analysis concludes tha~ a total amount of $5,590,000.00 was provided in the budgets and that the projected completion post of the projects included in the Contract are estimated to be $3,570,366.74 including th~ City's eligible HST rebate - a $1,174,775.95 positive difference in the Water & Sewerage Ut~ll ty Fund Capital Program and a $844,857.31 positive difference in the General Fund Capital Pro am. Approximately $1,100,000 of the $1,174,775.95 surplus funding identified in the Water & ewerage Utility Fundy Capital Program is to be expended under a separate contract to be te dered for the installation of approximately 400 metres of 600 mm sanitary forcemain along B.yside Drive between Civic #450 and the Little River Bridge when this section of road is reconstnicted later this year. Staff will report back to Council in the coming weeks to identify offsets tei expend the $844,857.31 surplus funding in the General Fund Capital Program. Portions of the s~lus funding may be required to install additional armor stone under the slope stabilization com~onent of this contract. I POLICY - TENDERING IOF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS ! The recommendation in thi~ report is made in accordance with the provisions of Council's policy for the tendering of 'fOnstruction contracts, the City's General Specifications and the specific project specificatio:p's. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that con~act 2007-32: Red Head Road Sanitary Forcemain, Water & Sewer Mains, Slope Stabilization d Road Reconstruction be awarded to the low tenderer, Fairville Construction Ltd, at the ten ered price of$3,695,480.00 as calculated based upon estimated quantities; and further that t e Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary I contract documents. Terrence L. Totten, F.C.A. City Manager REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL June 14,2007 M & C 2007-192 The City of Samllohn His Worship Mayor Norm McFarlane and Members of Common Council y our Worship and Members of Council: SUBJECT: CONTRACT 2007-32: Red Head Road Sanitary Forcemain, Water & Sewer Mains, Slope Stabilization and Road Reconstruction BACKGROUND Tenders closed on May 9,2007, for Contract 2007-32: Red Head Road Sanitary Forcemain, Water & Sewer Mains, Slope Stabilization and Road Reconstmction. City staff reviewed the tenders and submitted a report to Council (M&C 2007-150) for the May 22, 2007 meeting recommending award of Contract 2007-32 to Fairville Construction Ltd. The award of Contract 2007-32 was tabled until the City of Saint John could obtain access to private property on the west side of Red Head Road for placement and maintenance of slope stabilization materials. On June 11, 2007 the City of Saint John received a letter from Voyageur Properties Limited (copy attached) which grants a license to the City of Saint John to place and maintain materials as shown on the Contract drawings. RECOMMENDA TION It is recommended that Common Council accept the letter from Voyageur Properties Limited granting a license to the City of Saint John to place and maintain material along specific sections of Red Head Road as shown hatched on the attached sketch and further that Common Council consider awarding Contract 2007-32 as recommended in M&C 2007-150 in part B of this Common Council agenda item. Respectfully submitted, 1. M. Paul Groody, P. Eng. Commissioner Municipal Operations & Engineering Terrence L. Totten, F.C.A. City Manager REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL M & C 2007 - 150 The City of Samllohn May 17, 2007 His Worship Mayor Norm McFarlane and Members of Common Council y our Worship and Members of Council: SUBJECT: Contract 2007-32: Red Head Road Sanitary Forcemain, Water & Sewer Mains, Slope Stabilization and Road Reconstruction BACKGROUND This Contract consists of two projects that are approved in the 2006 Water & Sewerage Capital Program and two projects that are approved in the 2006 and 2007 General Fund Capital Program as follows: 1. A new 300mm watennain on Red Head Road from Midwood Avenue to the property of the future Eastern Wastewater Treatment Facility. 2. A new 600 mm sanitary forcemain on Red Head Road from the intersection of Bayside Drive to the property of the future Eastern Wastewater Treatment Facility and a new 200 mm sanitary sewer on Red Head Road from Midwood Avenue to Civic #315 Red Head Road. 3. Reconstmction of the Red Head Road from Bayside Drive to the existing entrance to Hazen Creek Sewage Treatment Plant. 4. Installation of approximately 11,000 tonnes of armor stone in selected areas along the west side of Red Head Road between Bayside Drive and Civic # 315 to stabilize the existing slopes in the area. M & C 2007-150 May 17, 2007 Page 2 Contract 2007-32 identifies the minimum amount of work to be completed by the following dates: Prior to October 15,2007 All slope stabilization work, 600mm diameter forcemain from Bayside Drive to Midwood Avenue including temporary trench reinstatement with asphalt concrete base. Prior to October 15,2008 All remaining pipelines, testing and disinfection, street reconstmction including new guiderail and asphalt base course, concrete curb and sidewalk and all property restoration. Prior to July 3 L 2009 All asphalt concrete seal including driveway seal. TENDER RESULTS Tenders closed on May 9, 2007, with the following results: 1) Fairville Constmction Ltd. Saint John, NB $3,695,480.00 2) Galbraith Constmction Ltd. Saint John, NB $3,850,493.00 3) Gulf operators Ltd. Saint John, NB $3,998,853.00 4) Debly Enterprises Ltd. Saint John, NB $5,284,582.00 The Engineer's estimate for the work was $4,384,891.60 ANALYSIS The tenders were reviewed by staff and were found to be formal in all respects with the exception of the Gulf Operators Ltd. tender which contained two errors in mathematics. The math errors were corrected in accordance with the Tendering Procedures item 2.18(a) and the corrected amounts are reported herein. Staff is of the opinion that the low tenderer has the necessary resources and expertise to perform the work, and recommend acceptance of their tender. M & C 2007-150 May 17, 2007 Page 3 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS The Contract includes work that is charged against four capital work projects. Assuming award of the Contract to the low tenderer, an analysis has been completed which includes the estimated amount of work on this project that will be performed by City forces and others. The analysis concludes that a total amount of $5,590,000.00 was provided in the budgets and that the projected completion cost of the projects included in the Contract are estimated to be $3,570,366.74 including the City's eligible HST rebate - a $1,174,775.95 positive difference in the Water & Sewerage Utility Fund Capital Program and a $844,857.31 positive difference in the General Fund Capital Program. Approximately $1,100,000 of the $1,174,775.95 surplus funding identified in the Water & Sewerage Utility Fundy Capital Program is to be expended under a separate contract to be tendered for the installation of approximately 400 metres of 600 mm sanitary forcemain along Bayside Drive between Civic #450 and the Little River Bridge when this section of road is reconstmcted later this year. Staff will report back to Council in the coming weeks to identify offsets to expend the $844,857.31 surplus funding in the General Fund Capital Program. Portions of the surplus funding may be required to install additional armor stone under the slope stabilization component of this contract. POLICY - TENDERING OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS The recommendation in this report is made in accordance with the provisions of Council's policy for the tendering of constmction contracts, the City's General Specifications and the specific project specifications. RECOMMENDA TION It is recommended that Contract 2007-32: Red Head Road Sanitary Forcemain, Water & Sewer Mains, Slope Stabilization and Road Reconstmction be awarded to the low tenderer, Fairville Constmction Ltd, at the tendered price of$3,695,480.00 as calculated based upon estimated quantities, and further that the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary contract documents. Respectfully submitted, 1. M. Paul Groody, P. Eng. Commissioner, Municipal Operations & Engineering Terrence L. Totten, F.C.A. City Manager Voyageur Properties Limited P. O. Box 5777,300 Union Street, Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada E2L 4M3 Tel.: (506) 632-7777, Fax: (506) 658-0517 Drost.BruceA@JDlrving.com June S, 2007 City of Saint John P.o. Box 1971 Saint John, New Brunswick E2L 4L1 Attention: J. M. Paul Groody, P. Eng. Commissioner Municipal Operations & Engineering Gentlemen: Re: Red Head Road Reconstruction I refer to your letter to me dated May 18, 2007 and to the letter of Kendall Mason, P. Eng. to Bruce Drost dated April 12, 2007. Voyageur Properties Limited hereby grants a license to the City of Saint John to place and maintain material on those locations shown on sheets 6,7 and 8 of 19 [and also shown on sheet 10 of 19] - Slope Stabilization Plan - Red Head Road Sanitary Forcemain, Water & Sewer Mains, Slope Stabilization & Road Reconstruction - File ROOS-010 for the purpose of stabilizing the slope along the west side of Red Head Road so that the structural integrity of Red Head Road can be maintained. All of such work is to be done at the risk of the City. The City will indemnify and save harmless Voyageur Properties Limited from any claims, damages, contamination, etc that may arise out of such work. Yours very truly, Voyageur Properties Limited ~ ....:lU8 1 l< Z I u ~ii 00" ~~Q~ z " :5 ~ . 0 , ~"l! ~ ~;:: 0- ~p ~l Z~::::ig z ~ 010 0 0 . 10 P ~ h~ caffim~ ~ ~ R ~ ~ ,I ! ~~~~ ~ u ~ ::J .:1, I ! ~s~8 w ~ II u~ .. Cl z- 0 w i=! ~ U\ ~ 1il ~ <J) il F w to 0- 0 ffl u~ ~~cn<3 z 9 '" 0- 0- 10 WI w 0::: ~ 0::: ~ <J) 0- l' 0 ~I o::oc(otS <( z S Q i! "- ::; c ., W 0- 0 Z ~ W <( w -'a: l/) -'w :Z 5:0- 0 <( ;:: Q~~ () ~~~ w ~ b~~ 0- w g:~F 0- Wa..~ 9 g;w~ 1:: l/) ~~~ '-" ..>::..!!1 z u.c;,lt- Q)D.. a: OwO Q)- 5 l/):I:o- ""<:: <3 wo-z ()Q) w n::CI)C l< CSc(w <::E l/) zl<C Q)- U\ ::>::5iii Nlll l< 0::>-' lll~ C <( ",,-,,,,, II- I -'ww z W <(l<'" w ~~::J '-" 0- ~ ~ 0 ~1Il5: z , -f"l- , C "--' ow EWU:: fQ~& ~-d5~(1j +wcOCl) trig5~~ uHEot;z g~~ffi~ ~ffi ~ ::~d;; ilin~3 <::::>C:::ll.<C l/) z o ;:: () g~ l<l/) ~~ Z WC:: Q 0::0 ~LLg :I:Zo @~i:2ti!z ~~~~~~ LLO~1-0Si:: ~~ffl8::E~~ ~~g~~rn~ I" ". \7""~ "i7~;' ~~ ~. IJ ...--.......:..: c;:(] ::; <( <D N i0 Oi r-- o o l! ... in c OJ "0 cO '" li -g '" f:: o <1: '" I- Z o o ~ "' 9 ,SIP-') E0 39'vfd ABEL LEBLANC, MLA SAINT JOHN LANCASTER 649 MANA W AGONISH ROAD SAlNT JOHN. Nfl F.2L ?,W4 (506) 658-6324 e-mail aleblane.mlllailnb.aibn.com May 3ft 2007 Mayor Norman McFarlane All CouDcil Members c/o Common Cle..k City of Saint J'OhDt New Brunswick Re: Exhibition ParklExhibitioD Park Raceway Dear l'v1a.yor McFarlane and Council Members: I am writing today hoping to receive answers that have been asked of me regarding the above property. You may have seen my commentary regarding the property in an article printed in the Telegraph Journal on May 30,2007. My questions will undoubtedly be repeated here. I have researched what has taken place at this property and can tell 'You 1 am appalled at what I've found. To you Mayol' McFarlunc cmd Council I am seeking llIl.5wcrs to the following questions: Who O'l"ffiS this land? Who put the current board members in place and whon? Vlhy are jobs not tendered, as is the case in any other City operation? When does the election ot" officers take place? How would a person willing to run know when this election, if there is one, takes place? Has conflict of interest happened at this property, Le.,jobs given to presem board. members and monies paid to them without tender? How much money is controlled by1hese board members? Docs the City of Saint John have any say over these monies, i.e.. how they are expended etc? How often. if ever does the City of Saint Jolm examine the books from this property'? Has an audit ever been conducted, ifso, by whom? How are these board members paid. do they receive yearly honorariums, if so, how much? Do these board members use any of these monies for trips. etc.. ..i.e., to look at other parks with similar set .ups? How many horsepersons use this racetrack? 'vfiW 8N'vfi83l i38'vf BGE9899905 01:11 L00G/10/90 1:>13 39~d I would be very interested in a meeting regarding these inquiries. 1 look forward to hearing from you very soon. Yours trulYl ~ Abel LeBlanc ~~ 8N~l83l l38~ S2:E9S999139 13t:tt L13132:/t13/913 ABEL LEBLANC, MLA SAINT JOHN LANCASTER 649 MANAWAGONfSH ROAD SAINT J'OHN, NB E2L 3W4 (506) 658-6324 aleblanc.mla@nb.aibn.com June 1.2007 Ms. Sherry Cunningham Common Clerk Dear Ms. Cunningham, [would appreciate the enclosed letter being read infull at the next Common Council meeting. Would you also please provide each councilor with a copy o/the letter? Many thanks. fJL.i Sincerely, Abel LeBlanc, AdLA (;0 39'ii'd 'ii'lW ~N'ii'1831 138'ii' 8~E989990S 01:11 l00~/10/90 City Solicitor's office Bureau de l'avocat municipal \ S t~") 'NWW.saintjohn.ca P,O. Box/C.P. 1971 Saint John, NB/N,-B. Canada E2L 4L1 Section 10.2(4)(0 The City of Saint John COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE June 4,2007 Common Council of The City of Saint John Your Worship and Councillors: Re: Exhibition Association This correspondence has been prepared as a result of the referral motion adopted by Council several weeks ago to have the City Solicitor report upon the". .. relationship between the City and the Exhibition Association". The Exhibition Association so-called, is officially identified as the Exhibition Association of the City and County of Saint John (the Association). It was created as a body corporate by private legislation enacted in 1889 (the Act, C. 49 S.N.S. 32 Victoria). The objects of the Association are described in its constituent legislation in the following terms: "The said Association is hereby authorized and empowered ... to hold Exhibitions and to exhibit any and every variety of thing and being found in animal and vegetable life, to exhibit wares, goods, merchandise, machinery, mechanical inventions and improvements of every nature, name and kind and industrial, agricultural, horticultural or other products either manufactured or grown or in process of manufacture or growth; to exhibit paintings and statuary of every nature and kind; to exhibit and develop the points and qualities of the several breeds of horses and other animals by such competitive tests as may be humane and proper and as may be deemed expedient, to hold and conduct horse race meetings, and to make such other exhibitions as will be in conformity with the purposes and objects of this Act .... " (Section 3) ... /2 Common Council June 4, 2007 City Solicitor Page 2 Re: Exhibition Association There is express authority given to the Association by its original legislation: .. . .. for the purpose of carrying on and maintaining the business aforesaid and such other business as may be hereinafter mentioned. to hold, own and acquire by lease, purchase, gift, devise, bequest or otherwise, property real and personal at such prices and on such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon ... and to sell, mortgage, lease or otherwise dispose of any property at any time held and owned by the said Association .... " (Section 3) Since a 1953 amendment to the Act, it has provided that the Mayor and all Councillors of the Saint John Common Council are by virtue of their office, members of the Association. As well the Legislation provides that: " ... the local member of the Parliament of Canada, members of the Legislative Assembly of the City of Saint John and of the County of Saint John and such other persons as shall become a registered member in accordance with the provisions of the bye- laws of the Association shall constitute the Association." (Section 1, Chapter 32, S.N.B. 1953). The Act confers upon the Directors of the Association wide authority including: "... full power to make, alter or amend all bye-laws, rules and regulations for the government of the Association and its affairs, the management of its business and the care and management of its property, the holding of elections and everything incidental to or in any way connected with the objects to which this Association is incorporated n' the fixing the time for the annual meeting and the calling of general or special and other meetings of the Association ... and in general to do all things and make all contracts and agreements that may be necessary to carry out the objects of, and exercise the powers incidental to the Association all of which may be done by the making of bye-laws or by resolution of the Board of Directors of the Association." (Section 13) .../3 Common Council June 4, 2007 City Solicitor Page 3 Re: Exhibition Association Today the By-Laws of the Association establish a Board of Directors comprised of nine persons with a quorum of five. Each year three Directors are elected at the Annual Meeting for a three year term (By-Law No.3). Every member of 19 years of age or greater is eligible to be elected as a Director at the Annual Meeting. (By-Law No. 3.02). Consequently, each member of Common Council is eligible to be elected to the Board of Directors of the Association. I understand from the Association's Secretary, Mr. Charles Swanton, that Notices have been sent to each member of Council advising of the Annual Meeting scheduled for March 28, 2007. In summary, the Association is an autonomous legal entity and in the strict sense there is no relationship between the Association and the City, i.e. there is for example no obligation upon the City to provide funding to the Association or for the Association to obtain City approval for any initiative adopted by the Association. However, each member of Council is by virtue of his or her municipal office a member of the Association. The reference of this topic to me was in very broad terms and if there are specific questions any member of Council has, I would be pleased to address them. Respectfully Submitted, John L.Nugent City Solicitor .,~ ! ~ . i \./ ~ l,. {,./, ,I I '--I "'J:'.' (... ~. . ,...."...a ~.. ROTHESAY ,. ----/ May 22, 2007 70 Hampton Road Rothesay, NB Canada E2E 5L5 T: 506-848-6600 F: 506-848-6677 Rothesay@rothesay.ca www.rothesay.ca The Mayor and Common Council City of Saint John P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB E2L 4Ll Attention: Mayor Norm McFarlane Dear Mayor McFarlane: Re: Funding For Multiplex Feasibility Analysis This letter is to confirm and clarify the resolution of the Rothesay Council to participate in a feasibility study of a regional recreational complex. Rothesay Council was requested by Bob Manning, Chair of your Multiplex Committee to participate in further analysis of multiplex concept for the region. Rothesay Council acceded to that request based on correspondence from Mr. Manning laying out a simple funding formula which we believe to be fair and equitable for initial work. This formula is noteworthy in that it incorporates Hampton and the residents in the unincorporated areas within the Census Metropolitan Area. Rothesay Council did not consult with any other municipalities prior to taking its decision and were unaware of any official position of other jurisdictions since we were advised by Mr. Manning that we were the first of the outside municipalities to be formally asked. Any allusion to the Rothesay action as disingenuous as reported in the media is utter nonsense. Rothesay has done its best to support regional initiatives and I have personally participated in many events celebrating the success of the greater Saint John region in general and the City in particular. We remain convinced that the prosperity of Rothesay is tied inexorably to the success of the region and will continue to work diligently with you and other willing parties to foster that success. ...2 Explore our past/ Explorez notre passe Discover your future Decouvrez votre avenir 5:\14 RECREATION\3reO Faciliti..\Proposed now joinl..-enalRogional mulbplox'Mayo' McFl>1aM re m"~pl....loc Grand Bay-Westfield . Quispamsis . Rothesay . St. Martins . Saint John Rothesay Mayor Norm McFarlane Funding for Multiplex Feasibility Analysis 22/05/2007 Page 2 of 2 We congratulate Common Council on its initiative to explore improvements to the leisure opportunities for the region. The work of the multiplex committee to date has been provocative and deserving of the support of all taxpayers in the CMA. Mr. Manning and his committee have brought forward an exciting project that indicates Saint John is 'on the move'. We don't think such a concept should be summarily dismissed whether or not other options might meet local needs. In fact this regional concept may best be seen in the context of a facility over and above immediate local needs for ice time. Whether external funding can be obtained and what location is most suitable, are among questions to be answered by the study itself and it is premature to rush to judgement before the analysis is conducted. I am copying this letter to all the Mayors in the CMA in the hope that their Councils may reconsider the request for this modest amount of funding and move the region forward in a spirit of cooperation and exploration. Y~s t~ly, . .' t0~~~~ William J. S' op ~ \ Mayor cc. Bob Manning, Multiplex Committee Mayor Losier, Grand Bay jWestfield Mayor Hovey, Hampton Mayor Huttges, St. Martins Mayor Maloney, Quispamsis