2007-04-10_Supplemental Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jour supplémentaire City of Saint John Common Council Meeting Tuesday and Wednesday, April 10/11, 2007 Location: Common Council Chamber Supplemental Agenda 1.0 Personnel Matter 10.2(4)(b) Re: 8.3 Multiplex Community Centre Final Report 13.0 Committee of the Whole Report - Appointments to Committees City of Saint John Seance du conseil communal Le mardi et Ie mercredi 10 et 11 avril, 2007 Emplacement: Salle du conseil communal L'ordre du jour supplementaire 1.0 Question relative au personnel- alim~a lO.2(4)b) Re : 8.3 Rapport definitif du centre communautaire multiplex 13.0 Rapport du comite plenier relativement aux nominations pour sieger aux comites ~~ \ { Saint John & Area Multiplex Community Centre Needs Confirmation Study Presentation to Saint John Common Council April 10, 2007 Multiplex: Concept Introduced in the Recreational Facilities Committee Report (2004) Identified as a key priority in meeting community ice surface needs Original concept: - Multi-Surface Complex (Ice / Soccer / Tennis) - Indoor Running Track / Sports Clinics - Sport related retail space - Sport themed restaurants - Arts / Culture - Events / Workshops I Community Programs 1 '__lei JoopoCI..,;o_ B....,Ogd.., _f_.... c_..v.... ....__Ie) B....,O\lCfon ~..'*..- C...._IC) c.ao,......_ 0.....'"'-.. BoIIF_lCI -'- -_. Multiplex Community Centre (Governance) Multiplex sub-committee - Bob Manning, Chair - John Turner - Dr. Andrea Garland - Craig Nickerson - Barry Ogden - Cathy Simon - Art Comeau - City of Saint John: Ivan Court Bill Farren Bernie Morrison Jim Baird Kevin Carson Project Goal - Validate the need for and the feasibility of this idea ~ Identify the opportunities and benefits to the community both socially and economically Needs Confirmation Study Oct 2006 - Motion before Council to approve funding of the Feasibility Phase addressing the following areas: . Validate needs assessment . Identify key viable components of the project . Complete a site selection process to identify potential areas that best support the "Greater Saint John Area" Quantify potential economic benefits Identify project cost and potential financing options Identify operational costs 2 Needs Confirmation Study: Funding Sept 2006 - Province of NB approves $10,000 funding to assist in "Feasibility Phase" Oct 2006 - Saint John City Council approves $50,000 for study to go ahead with the following requests: - Engage the services of an independent professional with experience in this type of "Multiplex Facility Planning", - Target to have this phase completed by mid-April, 2007 Needs Confirmation Study - Consultant Selected Saint John & Area Study Process Phase 1 Project Initiation OetllUpda. . Update Community Context . Review Recre.tlon FacUlties Committee Report (2004) Needs Confirmation Study Propooul: No...m....2.007 CO;~:~~ed$ ) ----/' PhaseJ , ~.:c~ concept) Phase 4 } Final Report ./ 'lntervlews -Stakeholder Survey . Needs and OptloM Workshop . Space Program . Cepltal Costs 3 Initial Working Objectives To develop a facility that will: Support the needs of organized sports teams, sport tourism and increase participation, Support urban renewal of the north Saint John community. Address local recreation needs of the north Saint John community. Response to Initial Working Objectives To develop a 'acility that will: Support the needs of organized sports teams. sports tourism and increase participation - This objective was the major focus of the 2007 study and is addressed by the recommendations of that Report. Support url>an renewal of the north Saint John community Address local recreation needs of the north Saint John community - These are both reasonable objectives, however the scope of 2007 study did not incorporate review components required to make recommendations related to these objectives. Recreation Facilities Committee Report (2004) - review Considerable valuable information gathered and documented Some information in need of updating (done with 2007 study) Quantifiable data re: use needed (gathered in 2007 study) Recommendations generally sound although final concepts may have been constrained by loeational considerations and options. 4 Key Informants Jim Baird Kevin Carson Bernard Com'\K!r Gary Clark Pal Davis David Emerson SIeve Harris N~IJacoOsen RidlardMa10ne Bernie MOl'lison David Munro DanaPurton JameShillks Nicole Smith MargarelToIloo TerryToIlen JoMWheally ComrrrsslonerPlanning&.DeveKlpmentSaint.klhn R9Cfeahon Manager, leiSure SeNN.:es Saint JOhn CutturalAflalrs OIl;ceSainl John Recreahon Director Town ot Grand Bay-Westlield President and CEO Saini Jolin YMCA.YWCA Univers~y oj New Brunswick. Sain! John Provindal ConsUnlJ'l1 Department oj Wellness, Cutture aOll Sport COO &. Manager Clien1 ServiCes Enterprise SainI John Difeclor ot leisureSel\'iees, Town 01 Hamp10n CommssiOOerLelsureSetviCes,SaintJohrl Alhlehcs Director UNB Saint John Dason, Director 01 Commun~y ServlOOS o.JispamsiS ExecutiVe Director Recreallon New Brunswidl Execu1rve Diredor Sport New Brunswick TouriSm Saint JohnNenue Saini JoM CilyManagerSaintJol1n JohnB,Wheatley&Associaleslnc Stakeholder Groups (completed survey) I"I~""J,,,*..~F~ '..."'g.'oInlJolIn F-.u_.'''''- loInlJ"""IIlI11r>gCUI .-- :~:=:=: loin,J",,"'_CloIb :;,==~-.t... V.....,__I_ lIlHWCA ___.....IOA_ lliyoll.....IudoC.... 1<IIIng.A",,- F....,..~.._a"" fUNtr..lnoIf_..-..... f....,,_A_ ll.V.K..... ~- -.... II.U..H.A. './I.O,lkIo ._~ II"""""'BIMt................ _JoMA.._lpoocI...1in1 .oinIJ.....W....f..... loInIJ....W_.. --. T......TolQli Tr......II"llDyClolb L_.llinooHOdu'I'A_1Ion ._J....'<JUIIl..In..H""'"l'._on .~... --......,......-..- loinIJoIln'_inlonCUI - loylondQlrIlClull H""""-VlnrHip'I........ .oInIJ....O'IIH.UolH_._ ..........lIIgh_ "- "-,,,'11"_ a........_HodI"l' IIinIJohnQlyQ.oll,. f...........__"l'..... 11...0,....._.,."....... lIJ_D_Clua.lloclloy,..... "'_11"'_ L_..m........._1ion Needs and Options Workshop Participants Jim Morg...ollm ~ ....1111-'01 W""dyDunlMl"...,.,llltlllof BOO Mannlll{l (RCl Cathy Hurley lRCI Keyin Carson (RCl An(JreaGarland(RC) Don ShlIwlSeniorResO\l'ceCenlrel GllfryHOOSOllISenlOlS) Tf8YOrMlI1IlrJ A.ndrl1WBeckenICityclS.llntJoIm) KeVIn Watsoo IBo>:ir1g1 Elri.\nBliIBooi"ll) RroMMcIOlyre(Arcreryl vil;lor F~lgerllld (lilli! League) D.W! SillClhanl {Baseballl Mike Upwartl (SJ SeadogS! RctlenPurdy ISJMHAI Barry Filr'fiY\Ol1h & Don PallelSOfllKVMHAI Barry Do\.o;Jay{SIcrPich) Aimee Peckman ISJCanill.lians AFCI TCJm~8nINBAHA) J...,Bai/d.CommlSSiooerPlaooog& DeveqxoOr'lllRCI !lilFa'reolRCI JohIlFergUS<mIRCI JohrIWheatlly I.JohoB,Whe;llley& Assoc,) G,eglo400dochIStuo:lyAtchlect) Bj~Mclo4i1Ck" ITrackardFietl) BaPbDaJlieI(Fero:;i"lll RichardGossei-nIFllfICirog) Pa~ioeWal$Ol1IG1mnaSlicsl DilloeMcLeod(Badminlonl CinlIyFDyd,(BaskelbaIN!l) I(eo LaV>fero:;e lTooJ;h Frnbaf! Jo/VlWi!50oIFOObiIlj HarotlSlearslJwoi toeilBrl {SJCanadians RFCI Pat DBI'fiIYlo\CAI Je!lMabey-(NBVoIi$ill) 5 Summary Points from 2007 Consultation National and Provincial support for long-term athlete development Sport tourism identified as a growing component of the region's economy UNBSJ facilities experiencing greater student use and decreasing time available fOf community usa ~~~:fi:~~~~~~ad~~j~ieaSnd~~~~~1a~=~,Of reasonable lifecycle, requiring Need identified fOf over 140 additional hours per week of prime lime ice Some ice needs can best be met in an Olympic size pad Need identified for over 90 hours of field house facility Some support for increased fees to support new facilities Location will be,an issue for many users w!th those i~ ~uburban communities preferring facilities developed closer to their commUnities Recommended Facility Components . One composite sport multiplex with: Twin-pad arena with one Olympic size and one NHl size ice pad (additional rinks) Indoor field house with artificial turf Walking track Roll out flooring for activities such as judo and tennis Meetingltraining rooms Common areas including concessions, washrooms, storage, staff offices Play area for young children Option for expansion of either indoor or outdoor sport facilities Multiplex - Ice <:~~,.: 6 Multiplex - Indoor Soccer / Tennis Capital costs ("order of magnitude") Construction costs estimated to be: Twin-pad arena $12.4 M Indoor field house $ 8.6 M Common space $ 4.2 M . Total construction $ 25.2 M Total costs $34.08 M' "'(includes construction costs, site development and soft costs (estimated@ 20% of construction costs)) Ice Arena Cost Comparison NEW BRUNSWICK FREDERICTON SOUTH SIDE SPORTS & LEISURE COMPLEX g~~:t~":,lon Budget; $17,500,000 PrOfYllm 1 NHL pad, 1 Olympic pad, 2225 seals KAY ARENA ADDITION ~~~~t~~n~~t1lo~t1.~.~:~~ Bid: $8,400,000 PrOfTaffl. 1 NHL pad, Comm(Jnity Centre, Gymnasium FREDERICTON NORTH SIDE SPORTS & LEISURE COMPLEX (2007)114,000 SF Construction Co.t: $14,500,000 Program 2 NHL pad:t;, walk-track, ffflll at Fflme. 1750 seats S127.00/SF NORTHERN CARLETON CIVIC CENTRE. fLORENCEVILLE ~2~~1~~~ ~~.t: $3,540,000 ;'8~OiSF 1 ice pad, 400 S8BrS TANTRAMAR REGIONAL CIVIC CENTRE (200J)J5,OOOSF ConatlUCtlon Coat: $4,200,000 Progrllm. 1 NHL pad, Community Roam $120.00/SF TIM HORTON 4-ICE CENTRE, MONCTON (20021 112,000 SF Construction Cost: $15,500,000 Program. 4 NHL pad. 1 SOO Sears $130.00/ SF NOVA SCOTIA PORT HAWKESBURY, CAPE BRETON (2004)97,040 SF Construction Cost: $17,300,000 PrOlTam. 1 NHL pad. C(](]fe,.,~noo Room $178.001 SF PRINCE EDWARD ISLANC CAPITAL AREA RECREATION CENTRE, CHARLOTTETOWN (2007) 162,000 SF I Construction Cost; $20,000,000 Program,' 2 NHL pads, Fitness Centre, AqueUc Cen/re $123.00 I SF 7 Ice Arena Cost Comparison ONTARIO OTTAWA SOUTH RECREATIONAL COMPLEX (2008) 140,000 SF Con.tlt/et/on E.tlm.t.: $20,000,000 PrOfTllm: 2 NHL. Large Fieki House (4 pitches) 1250S68ts $146.00 I SF KINBURN ARENA & COMMUNITY BUILDING (2007) 34.160 SF Construction Cost: $6,100,000 PrOfTam. 1 NHL pnd, futuro "tWinning" provisions $17'i1.00ISF BELL SENSPlEX, OTTAWA (2004) 176.400 SF ConstnJctlon Co.t: $22,000,000 PrOfTam 1 Olympic, 3 NHL, Field House, 1500 lifUlls $12S.00/SF NORTH GRENVILLE ARENA & COMMUNITY COMPLEX (2004) 111,775SF Con.truet/on Cost; $17 ,000,000 Pr0fT8m: 2 NHL, Municipal Offices, 2000 seals 51S2.00/SF NEPEAN SPORTSPLEX ARENA 3 (1998) 37,675 SF Ccm.truf;tlon Co.t: $4,700,000 Pr0fT8m 1 NHL. 300 seals $12S.00/SF OUTSIDE THE CREASE ARENA IlnO.slgn) 104,100 SF Con.tructlon Est/mllte: $11,555,000 PrOfPlm 2 NHL. Fi/ness Canlre, 1200 seats S111.00/SF Operating Costs (first year) Annual revenues Annual expenditures Projected net deficit $ 0898 M $(1283\ M $(0.385) M Site Assessment Criteria Site size Site development costs Accessibility by major arterial Traffic impacts Acquisition costs Compatibility with surrounding uses Complementary uses Accessibility by other modes Site development schedule Appropriate zoning High visibility Servicing Centrality to population Future growth / expansion 8 Potential sites evaluated to date The Lord Beaverbrook Arena Site - The site is appropriate on many of the criteria. However, it is not large enough to accommodate the recommended facility. It is also less desirable as a location for stakeholder groups in suburban communities. Location in East Saint John - The location is appropriate on all criteria. Site acquisition costs are not known at this time and will need to be negotiated. '" ~ //~ ,/ /// GUlVOOIlltOQl( ~"'~ ","0 "-O.i01>l:"0 S>1ts $C....E:UOOO 200'lWlCH\2 I, I 1'1 o ~' / / /~::// B[.W[RMOOl< ~INK....O o.:lJ\lIIII,f<('; ~[S SCIoU;1:1000 lOO1>WlCHll 9 T~T;I ,.1,......,.\. ..0, . f.'.': .1 I i' !':i-I ,I 1 ' 1-' I: JO"":""" "\:1 1,'......1 .... ..----.)..1,:1 - \ II ": / ~~-:~::.~C~~C::>/ .' ~:c~ 'X'->----:::-""- <:-- ,'"",'- ""'-,,, o .......~ ./~.- //.// /// Ill:AV!:RIlROOI< ~I~K ","0 lOJO"'~G SITES !.CAi.-r. ""000 2O<J7......ffi':/ Location in East Saint John ~: Oil' '-n ,.. ", .. .. '., !.. .- ".. c." i . -" '!i . : 'F ." : .i~n I~i. , l~-. Ii ' '~;~-I-I-'~~-=~_: Next Steps To Comolete Phase One (cu"en/ phase) Broad public review of recommendatioo Research & review potential sites . Commence discussion with owner of recommended Pfoperty . Commence in depth review of operating approaches . Confirmfacihtyconceptandsile Phase Two . Confirm operating and management approach . Inw&tigate capital funding options in greater detail, apply for capital funding 5UPPort . Confirm preliminary architectural concepts Phase Three Depending on development and operating model initiate ReQuest for QualifICations (RFQ) from archltectural/construction teams . Conrlrm capital and operatlngcosls . Confirm capital funding supportlgrants Phase Four Hira archilect and develop detailed drawings Construction Management approach/contract agreemanlS etc in place Otflcialopening 10 Recommendation I Requirements Recommendation: - Accept the findings of the Needs Confirmation Study - Task the RIC, Multiplex sub-committee, to proceed with phase one completion, phase II and phase III - Task City of Saint John, Leisure Services, to update, fund and execute 2003 Strategic Plan Requirement: - Funding for the following (complete fall 2007) Public review I community participation Operating model Funding capacity RFQJRFP Preliminary architectural concepts Total $ 7,000 $ 50,000 $ 25,000 $ 12,000 $ 45 000 $139,000' 'all estimates are stated althe highest point in the range proposed 11 o ~J \ REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL 10.2(4)(b) The City of Saint John April 5, 2007 Deputy Mayor Michelle Hooton and Members of Common Council Members of Council: Re: Appointments to Committees The Committee of the Whole, having met on April 10, 2007 makes the following recommendations: That William MacMackin be re-appointed to the Saint John Development Corporation for a term of three years ending on April 10, 2010. That Councillor Stephen Chase be re-appointed to Uptown Saint John for a term on one year ending April 12, 2008 That Councillor John Ferguson be appointed until his current term expires and that Christine Saumure, Susan Barry, Kelli Wetmore, Heather Anderson, and Jill McKim be appointed to P.R.O. Kids for a term of two years ending April 1 0, 2009 That Gary Sullivan be appointed to the Leisure Services Advisory Board on an interim basis for a term not to exceed one year ending April 30, 2008. R7:;;illW, Mayor Norm McFarlane Chairman Nominating Committee