2007-03-12_Supplemental Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jour supplémentaire City of Saint John Common Council Meeting Monday, March 12, 2007 Location: Common Council Chamber Supplemental Agenda Re: 5.6 Replacement of page 3 of agreement for License of City Shooting Range City of Saint John Seance du conseil communal Le lundi 12 mars, 2007 Emplacement: Salle du conseil communal L'ordre du jour supplementaire Objet: 5.6 Remplacement de la page 3 de I'entente pour Permis du champ de tir municipal jJ. ~,b License Agreement The City of Saint John and The Rothesay Regional Joint Board of Police Commissioners As of January 10, 2007 Page 3 of6 e) That it shall maintain a log of the persons attending the training sessions on the Firing Range and the date at which they attended, as approved by the Chief of the Rothesay Regional Police Force; f) That it shall notify the Licensor and the Saint John Police Force of any injury which occurred while the Licensee was exercising its rights under this License; g) That it shall adhere to the rules and conditions established by the Licensor or by the Saint John Board of Police Commissioners from time to time with respect to the lands and the shooting range. h) that it shall not have any claim against the Licensor for costs, loss or damage of any nature, kind or description whatsoever arising from the exercise or purported exercise of the License herein granted; i) that it shall obtain and keep in force during the term of this License, comprehensive general liability insurance for bodily injury and property damage naming the Licensor and the Saint John Board of Police Commissioners as additional insureds, which policy ~- ~ a~erage of an inclusive limit of not less than One Million ($1,000,000.00) Dollars; j) that it shall provide a Certificate of Insurance to the Licensor at the time of the execution of this License evidencing the insurance coverage described herein and providing that the coverage shall not be altered or cancelled without the insurers giving thirty (30) days notice in writing to the Licensor prior to any such alteration or cancellation; k) that notwithstanding any clauses herein, the Licensee does hereby indemnify and save harmless the Licensor from all damages, claims, demands, actions, suits or other proceedings by whomsoever made, brought or prosecuted in any manner and whether in respect of property owned by others or in respect of damage sustained by others based upon or arising out of or in connection with this License or anything done or purported to be done in any manner hereunder;