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2007-03-12_Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jour
City of Saint John Common Council Meeting Monday, March 12, 2007 Committee of the Whole 1. Call to Order 5:00 p.m. 1.1 Legislation Interpretation 10.2(4)(f) 1.2 Contract Negotiations 10.2(4)(j) 1.3 Land Negotiations 10.2(4)(d) Regular Meeting 1. Call to Order - Prayer 6:00 p.m. Council Chamber 2. Approval of Minutes 2.1 Approval ofFebmary 26, 2007 Minutes 3. Adoption of Agenda 4. Disclosures of Conflict of Interest 5. Consent Agenda 5.1 Seniors Resource Centre Cell Phone Use in Council Chamber (Recommendation: Receive for information) 5.2 Request for Renewal of Temporary MobilelMini-Home 3396 Loch Lomond Rd (Recommendation in Report) 5.3 Tender for Printing Visitor Guides (Recommendation in Report) 5.4 Tender for Traffic Signal Materials (Recommendation in Report) 5.5 Tender for Traffic Paint (Recommendation in Report) 5.6 Licence of City Shooting Range 5.7 Residential Infrastmcture Assistance #37 and #38 Hickey Rd and Prince St (Recommendation in Report) 6. Members Comments 7. Proclamation 8. Delegations / Presentations 7:30 p.m. 8.1 Board of Trade 9. Public Hearings 7:00 p.m. 9. 1 (a) Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment 141 Churchland Rd 9.1(b) Planning Advisory Committee Recommending Approval of Rezoning 141 Churchland Rd PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactorV.com 9.2(a) Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment 24 Simpson Drive 9.2(b) Planning Advisory Committee Recommending Denial of Rezoning 24 Simpson Drive 10. Consideration of By-laws 11. Submissions by Council Members 11.1 Saint John Throughway Lack of Lighting (Councillor Titus) 11.2 Moncton Multiplex Tour (Councillor Chang) 11.3 Barricade at Prince William St. (Councillor Chang) 11.4 City's Relationship to Exhibition Park Assoc (Councillor Chang) 11.5 Condition of Sidewalks (Councillor Court) 11.6 Need for New Municipal Legislation (Councillor Court) 11.7 Water Run off at Braemar Drive (Councillor Ferguson) 11.8 Intersection Concerns East Saint John (Councillor Ferguson) 11.9 Political- Administration Accountability Transaction (Councillor Chase) 12. Business Matters - Municipal Officers 12.1 Tenders for Fleet Replacement for 2007. 12.2 Tender for Panasonic Toughbooks 12.3 Retail Drive 12.4 Illegal Dumping Clean-Up / Accountability 12.5 Storm Water Management Strategy 12.6 Municipal Designated Highways (MDH) Grant Program Extension to 2009 12.7 Traffic Signal Installations - 2006, 2007 & 2008 12.8 Total Golf Management Inc. 2007 Rate Stmcture 13. Committee Reports 13.1 Planning Advisory Committee Recommending Approval of Proposed Hachey Subdivision Phase 1 2420 Loch Lomond Rd and 60 Little River Rd 13.2 Committee of the Whole Report Pension Funding Agreements 14. Consideration of Issues Separated from Consent Agenda 15. General Correspondence 15.1 Saint Jolm Hotel Assoc Destination Marketing Fee 16. Adjournment PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactorV.com City of Saint John Seance du conseil communal Le lundi 12 mars 2007 Comite plenier 1. Ouverture de la seance 1.1 Interpretation des lois - alinea 10.2(4)f) 1.2 Negociations contractuelles 10.2(4)j) 1.3 Negociations relatives aux biens- 10.2(4)(d) Seance ordinaire 1. Ouverture de la seance, suivie de la priere 18 h Salle du conseil 2. Approbation du proces-verbal 2.1 Approbation du proces-verbal de la seance tenue Ie 26 fevrier 2007 3. Adoption de l'ordre du jour 4. Divulgations de conflits d'interets 5. Questions soumises it l'approbation du conseil 5.1 Seniors' Resource Centre [centre de ressources pour les aines] - utilisation de telephones cellulaires dans la salle du conseil (recommandation : accepter it titre informatif) 5.2 Demande de renouvellement de permis relatif it une maison mobile ou mini- maison temporaire situee au 3396, chemin Loch Lomond (recommandation formulee au rapport ) 5.3 Soumission relative it l'impression des guides touristiques (recommandation formulee au rapport) 5.4 Soumission relative au materiel pour feux de circulation (recommandation formulee au rapport 5.5 Soumission relative it la peinture de signalisation routiere (recommandation formulee au rapport) 5.6 Permis du champ de tir municipal (recommandation formulee au rapport) 5.7 Programme d'aide it l'infrastmcture residentielle aux nOs 37 et 38 chemin Hickey et me Prince (recommandation fonnulee au rapport) 6. Commentaires presentes par les membres 7. Proclamation 8. Delegations et presentations 19 h 30 8.1 Chambre de commerce PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactorV.com 9. Audiences publiques 19 h 9.1a) Projet de modification de l'arrete de zonage visant Ie 141, chemin Churchland 9.1 b) Comite consultatif d'urbanisme recommandant Ie rezonage du bien-fonds situe au 141, chemin Churchland 9.2a) Projet de modification de l'arrete de zonage visant Ie 24, promenade Simpson 9.2b) Comite consultatif d'urbanisme recommandant Ie rejet du projet de rezonage visant Ie bien-fonds situe au 24, promenade Simpson 10. Etude des arretes municipaux 11. Intervention des membres du conseil 11.1 Manque d'eclairage sur la voie rapide de Saint John (conseiller Titus) 11.2 Visite guidee de l'arena multiplex de Moncton (conseiller Chang) 11.3 Barricade de la me Prince William (conseiller Chang) 11.4 Relations municipales avec l'Exhibition Park Association (conseiller Chang) 11. 5 Etat des trottoirs ( conseiller Court) 11. 6 Besoins en matiere de nouvelle legislation municipale ( conseiller Court) 11. 7 Eaux de missellement sur la promenade Braemar (conseiller Ferguson) 11. 8 Preoccupations relatives aux intersections dans East Saint J 01111 (conseiller Ferguson) 11.9 Transactions visant la responsabilite en matiere de gestion politique (conseiller Chase) 12. Affaires municipales evoquees par les fonctionnaires municipaux 12.1 Soumissions relatives au renouvellement du parc automobile en 2007 12.2 Soumission relative au Toughbook de marque Panasonic 12.3 Promenade Retail 12.4 Nettoyage des deversements illegaux et responsabilite en la matiere 12.5 Strategie relative it la gestion du reseau d'egouts pluviaux 12.6 Programme relatif aux routes municipales designees prolonge jusqu'en 2009 12.7 Installation de feux de circulation en 2006, 2007 et 2008 12.8 Grille tarifaire 2007 de Total Golf Management Inc. 13. Rapports de comites 13.1 Comite consultatif d'urbanisme recommandant que la phase 1 du lotissement Hachey situe au 2420, chemin Loch Lomond et au 60, chemin Little River soit approuve 13.2 Rapport du comite plenier relatif aux conventions de financement du regime de retraite 14. Etude des sujets ecartes des questions soumises it l'approbation du conseil 15. Correspondance genera Ie 15.1 Association des hoteliers de Saint John relativement aux droits de marketing des destinations 16. ClOture de la seance PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactorV.com 92-703 COMMON COUNCILlCONSEIL COMMUNAL FEBRUARY 26, 2007/LE 26 FEVRIER 2007 COMMON COUNCIL MEETING - THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN CITY HALL - FEBRUARY 26, 2007 - 6:30 P.M. present Michelle Hooton, Deputy Mayor Councillors Chang, Chase, Court, Farren, Ferguson, McGuire, Tait, Titus and White - and - P. Woods, Common Clerk and Deputy City Manager; J. Nugent, City Solicitor; Greg Yeomans, Commissioner of Finance and Treasurer; P. Groody, Commissioner of Municipal Operations; J. Baird, Commissioner of Planning and Development; B. Reid, Deputy Chief of Police; B Morrison, Commissioner of Leisure Services and E. Gormley, Assistant Common Clerk SEANCE DU CONSEIL COMMUNAL DE THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN TENUE A L'HOTEL DE VILLE, LE 26 FEVRIER 2007 A 18 H 30 Sont presents: Michelle Hooton, mairesse suppleante Les conseillers Chang, Chase, Court, Farren, Ferguson, McGuire, Tait, Titus et White et P. Woods, greffier communal et directeur general adjoint; J. Nugent, avocat municipal; Greg Yeomans, commissaire aux finances et tresorier; P. Groody, commissaire aux operations municipales; J. Baird, commissaire a I'urbanisme et au developpement; B. Reid, chef de police adjoint; B. Morrison, commissaire aux services des loisirs et E. Gormley, greffiere communale adjointe. 1. Call To Order - Prayer Deputy Mayor Hooton called the meeting to order and Captain Bruce Smith of Church Army Canada offered the opening prayer. 1. Ouverture de la seance, suivie de la priere La seance est ouverte par la mairesse suppleante Hooton et Ie capitaine Bruce Smith, de la Church Army in Canada (Armee de I'eglise episcopale du Canada), recite la priere d'ouverture. 2. Approval of Minutes On motion of Councillor Court Seconded by Councillor White RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of Common Council, held on February 12, 2007, be approved. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 2. Approbation du proces-verbal Proposition du conseiller Court Appuyee par Ie conseiller White RESOLU que Ie proces-verbal de la reunion du conseil communal tenue Ie 12 fevrier 2007 so it approuve. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactorV.com 92-704 COMMON COUNCIUCONSEIL COMMUNAL FEBRUARY 26, 2007/LE 26 FEVRIER 2007 3. Approval of Agenda On motion of Councillor Court Seconded by Councillor Tait RESOLVED that the agenda of this meeting be approved with the addition of item 13.1, Termination of Lease of City Arena for Su mmer Ice Programs. Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillor Ferguson voting nay. 3. Adoption de I'ordre du jour Proposition du conseiller Court Appuyee par Ie conseiller Tait RESOLU que I'ordre du jour de la presente reunion so it approuve, moyennant I'ajout du point 13.1, Resiliation du bail de location de I'arena municipal aux fins de programmes d'ete presentes ala patinoire. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Le conseiller Ferguson vote contre la proposition. 4. Disclosures of Conflict of Interest Councillor Ferguson advised that he may have a perceived conflict for item number 10.1, Proposed Municipal Plan Amendment - 40 Mountain View Drive. 4. Divulgations de conflits d'interets Le conseiller Ferguson indique qu'il croit etre en conflit d'interets en ce qui a trait au point 10.1, Projet de modification du plan municipal relatif au terrain situe au 40, promenade Mountain View. 5. Consent Agenda 5.1 That the letter from Patrick Riley withdrawing his application to sit on the Board of Saint John Energy be referred to the Mayor to thank Mr. Riley and to the Nominating Committee. 5.2 That the letter from Saint John Waterfront Development Partnership requesting to present to Council, be referred to the Clerk to schedule a presentation. 5.3 That the letter from the Saint John Port Authority requesting to present to Council, be referred to the Clerk to schedule a presentation. 5.4 That the letter from the Mispec Park Recreation Committee Inc. submitting its income statement for 2006 and a proposed budget for 2007, and requesting financial assistance to operate the park, be referred to the City Manager. 5.5 That as recommended by the City Manager, Common Council authorize payment to Sungard HTE Inc. of $109,863. associated with the maintenance fees for 2007 for the various MIS Applications, and approve the payment of such fees in future years as long as the City continues to utilize the applications and funds are provided in the associated operating budget. 5.6 That as recommended by the City Manager, Common Council authorize the Mayor and Common Clerk to execute the submitted agreement with Aliant Telecom entitled 'Centracom Elite Gold Dispatch Console Maintenance Agreement' subject to review as to form and content by the Legal Department. 5.7 That as recommended by the City Manager, the submitted report updating Council regarding the 2007 General Specifications Revisions regarding construction contracts, be received for information. 5.8 That Common Council accept the request of The Hardman Group Limited to withdraw its application and cancel the March 12,2007 public hearing concerning the proposed Section 39 amendment for Market Square. PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactorV.com 92-705 COMMON COUNCILlCONSEIL COMMUNAL FEBRUARY 26, 2007/LE 26 FEVRIER 2007 5.9 That Common Council schedule the Public Hearing for the rezoning application of Eileen Fudge (25-27 Edith Avenue) for Monday, March 26, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber. 5.10 That Common Council amend Schedule "M" of the Traffic By-law to reduce the speed limit from 60 km/h to 50 km/h on Millidge Avenue between Kennebecasis Drive and University Avenue and on Kennebecasis Drive between Millidge Avenue and the northern end of Beach Crescent and further, that this bylaw amendment be referred to the City Solicitor to be placed in proper form and translated. 5.11 That the letter from Eric Teed regarding the death offormer Councillor Philip Connell, be received for information. On motion of Councillor Tait Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that the recommendation set out for each consent agenda item respectively, be adopted. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 5. Questions soumises a I'approbation du conseil 5.1 Que la lettre de Patrick Riley, visant a retirer sa demande pour sieger au conseil des commissaires de Saint John Energy, soit transmise au maire afin qu'il remercie M. Riley ainsi qu'au Comite des candidatures. 5.2 Que la lettre de demande du Partenariat d'amenagement du secteur riverain de Saint John visant a faire une presentation devant Ie conseil so it transmise au greffier pour qu'il fixe une date de presentation. 5.3 Que la lettre de demande du Partenariat d'amenagement du secteur riverain de Saint John visant a faire une presentation devant Ie conseil so it transmise au greffier pour qu'il fixe une date de presentation. 5.4 Que la lettre de Mispec Park Recreation Committee Inc., dans laquelle ce dernier presente I'etat de ses resultats pour 2006, propose un budget pour 2007 et demande une aide financiere pour exploiter Ie parc, so it transmise au directeur general. 5.5 Que, comme Ie recommande Ie directeur general, Ie conseil communal autorise Ie paiement de la somme de 109 863 $ a Sungard HTE Inc., relativement aux frais d'entretien de 2007 lies aux divers systemes d'information de gestion (SIG) et approuve Ie paiement de tels frais a I'avenir tant et aussi longtemps que la Ville continuera a utiliser les systemes et que des fonds seront alloues au budget d'exploitation connexe. 5.6 Que, comme Ie recommande Ie directeur general, Ie conseil communal autorise Ie maire et Ie greffier communal a signer la convention presentee entre elle-meme et Aliant Telecom Inc. intitulee (( Centracom Elite Gold Dispatch Console Maintenance Agreement >>, sous reserve de la revision du document, quant a sa forme et son contenu, par Ie Service juridique. 5.7 Que, comme Ie recommande Ie directeur general, Ie rapport presente au conseil, visant a faire Ie point sur les modifications apportees aux specifications generales 2007 relatives aux contrats de construction, soit accepte a titre informatif. 5.8 Que Ie conseil communal accepte la demande de The Hardman Group Limited visant a retirer sa demande et annule I'audience publique du 12 mars 2007 concernant Ie projet de modification de I'article 39 afferent au Market Square. 5.9 Que Ie conseil communal prevoit une audience publique relativement a la demande de rezonage presentee par Eileen Fudge (25-27, avenue Edith), Ie lundi 26 mars 2007 a 19 h dans la salle du conseil. 5.10 Que Ie conseil communal modifie I'annexe (( M >> de I'arrete sur la circulation afin de reduire la limite de vitesse de 60 km/h a 50 km/h sur I'avenue Millidge, entre la promenade Kennebecasis et I'avenue University, et sur la promenade Kennebecasis, entre I'avenue Millidge et I'extremite nord du croissant Beach et plus loin; que la modification de cet arrete so it transmise a I'avocat municipal aux fins de redaction en PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactorV.com çîóéðê ÝÑÓÓÑÒÝÑËÒÝ×ÔñÝÑÒÍÛ×ÔÝÑÓÓËÒßÔ ÚÛÞÎËßÎÇîêôîððéñÔÛîê ÚWÊÎ×ÛÎîððé bonneetdueformeetde traduction. ëòïï QuelalettreprésentéeparEricTeed,concernantledécèsdel'ancienconseiller PhilipConnell,soitacceptéeàtitreinformatif. PropositionduconseillerTait AppuyéeparleconseillerMcGuire RÉSOLUquelarecommandationdechaquepoint del'ordredujournécessitantl'approbationduconseilsoitadoptée. Àl'issueduvote,lapropositionestadoptée. êòÓ»³¾»®Ý±³³»²¬ Councilmemberscommentedonvariouscommunityevents. êòݱ³³»²¬¿·®»°®7»²¬7°¿®´»³»³¾®» Lesmembresduconseils'exprimentsurdiversesactivitéscommunautaires. éòЮ±½´¿³¿¬·±² éòï TheDeputyMayorproclaimedMarch2007asRedCrossMonthintheCityof SaintJohn. éòî TheDeputyMayorproclaimedMarch2007asNationalKidneyHealthMonthin theCityofSaintJohn. éòí TheDeputyMayorproclaimedMarch2007asLiverHealthMonthintheCityof SaintJohn. éòì TheDeputyMayorproclaimedtheweekofMarch4-10,2007asDental Assistants’WeekintheCityofSaintJohn. éòЮ±½´¿³¿¬·±² éòï Lamairessesuppléantedéclarequelemoisdemars2007estleMoisdela Croix-RougedansTheCityofSaintJohn. éòî Lamairessesuppléantedéclarequelemoisdemars2007estleMoisnational delasantédureindansTheCityofSaintJohn. éòí Lamairessesuppléantedéclarequelemoisdemars2007estleMoisdelalutte contrelesmaladiesdufoiedansTheCityofSaintJohn. éòì Lemairedéclarequelasemainedu4au10mars2007estlaSemainede reconnaissancedesassistantsdentairesdansTheCityofSaintJohn. çòЫ¾´·½Ø»¿®·²¹éæððÐòÓò (CouncillorFergusonwithdrewfromthemeeting.) çòß«¼·»²½»°«¾´·¯«»@ïç¸ (LeconseillerFergusonquittelaréunion.) ïðòݱ²·¼»®¿¬·±²±ºÞ§ó´¿© ïðòïЮ±°±»¼Ó«²·½·°¿´Ð´¿²ß³»²¼³»²¬ ìðÓ±«²¬¿·²Ê·»©Ü®·ª» ConsiderationwasgiventoaletterfromtheAssistantCommonClerkadvisingCouncil thatadvertisingwascompletefortheproposedMunicipalPlanAmendmentfor40 MountainViewDriveandthat thereweresubmittedlettersofobjectiontotheproposed re-zoning. PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com çîóéðé ÝÑÓÓÑÒÝÑËÒÝ×ÔñÝÑÒÍÛ×ÔÝÑÓÓËÒßÔ ÚÛÞÎËßÎÇîêôîððéñÔÛîê ÚWÊÎ×ÛÎîððé OnmotionofCouncillorCourt SecondedbyCouncillorTait RESOLVED that theapplicationforaproposed amendmenttotheMunicipalDevelopmentPlanwhichwouldre-designateonSchedule 2-A,theFutureLandUsePlan,fromLowDensityResidential toBusinessPark classification,aparceloflandwithanareaofapproximately2.33hectares,locatedat 40MountainViewDrive,alsoidentifiedasbeingPIDNumbers00313429and00426452 topermitre-zoningofthelandfrom"RS-2"OneandTwoFamilySuburbanResidential to“BP”BusinessParkclassification,andsubsequentdevelopmentofabuildingforthe assemblyofheatingproducts,andrelatedofficeuses,bedenied. Questionbeingtaken,themotionwascarried. ïðòW¬«¼»¼»¿®®6¬7³«²·½·°¿«¨ ïðòïЮ±¶»¬¼»³±¼·º·½¿¬·±²¼«°´¿²³«²·½·°¿´®»´¿¬·º¿«¬»®®¿·²·¬«7¿« ìðô°®±³»²¿¼»Ó±«²¬¿·²Ê·»© Examend'unelettredelagreffièrecommunaleadjointeàl'intentionduconseildans laquelleelleindiquequelapublicationdesavisrequisaeulieurelativementàla modificationproposéeauplanmunicipalvisantle40,promenadeMountainViewetque deslettresd'oppositionauprojetderezonageontétéprésentées. PropositionduconseillerCourt AppuyéeparleconseillerTait RÉSOLUquelademande,relativeàlamodification proposéedupland'aménagementmunicipalvisantàmodifierlaclassificationà l'annexe2-Adupland'aménagementfuturdesterres,d'uneparcellede terraind'une superficieapproximativede2,33hectares,situéeau40,promenadeMountainViewet portantlesNID00313429et00426452,dezonerésidentielledefaibledensitéàzonede parccommercialenvuedepermettrelerezonagedu terrain,etàlareclassificationdela zonerésidentielledebanlieue–habitationsunifamilialesetbifamiliales«RS-2»àzone deparccommercial«BP»,etàl'aménagementd'unimmeubledestinéàl'assemblage deproduitsdechauffageetauxbureauxconnexes,soitrejetée. Àl'issueduvote,lapropositionestadoptée. ïðòîЮ±°±»¼Ó«²·½·°¿´Ð´¿²ß³»²¼³»²¬ îç翲¼íðí Ù±´¼»² Ù®±ª»Î±¿¼ APublicPresentationwasgivenforproposedamendmenttotheMunicipalDevelopment Planwhichwouldre-designateonSchedule2-A, theFutureLandUsePlan,aparcelof landwithanareaofapproximately4,524squaremetres,locatedat303GoldenGrove Road,alsoidentifiedasbeingPIDNumber00436725andportionsofPIDNumber 55153217fromLowDensityResidentialtoLightIndustrialclassification,andaddtothe listofApprovedLightIndustrialDevelopmentsinsub-section2.4.7.15torecognizethe long-standinglightindustrialuseof theproperty. ïðòîЮ±¶»¬¼»³±¼·º·½¿¬·±²¼«°´¿²³«²·½·°¿´®»´¿¬·º¿«îç绬¿«íðíô½¸»³·² Ù±´¼»² Ù®±ª» Uneprésentationpubliqueaeulieurelativementàlamodificationproposéeduplan d'aménagementmunicipalvisantàmodifierlaclassificationàl'annexe2-Aduplan d'aménagementfuturdesterres,d'uneparcellede terraind'unesuperficieapproximative de4524mètrescarrés,situéeau303,cheminGolden Grove,portantleNID00436725 etdesportionsduNID55153217,dezonerésidentielleàfaibledensitéàzone d'industrielégère,etàl'ajouteràlalistedeprojetsd'aménagementsapprouvésdansla zoned'industrielégèreauparagraphe2.4.7.15afindereconnaîtrel'utilisationdelongue datedelapropriétécommezoned'industrielégère. ïðòíø¿÷̸·®¼Î»¿¼·²¹Æ±²·²¹Þ§ó´¿©ß³»²¼³»²¬ ïíðóïíêÓ¿½Ô¿®»²Þ±«´»ª¿®¼ OnmotionofCouncillorCourt SecondedbyCouncillorWhite RESOLVED that thirdreadingoftheproposedby- lawamendmentfor130-136MacLarenBoulevardbetabled. Questionbeingtaken,thetablingmotionwascarried. PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com çîóéðè ÝÑÓÓÑÒÝÑËÒÝ×ÔñÝÑÒÍÛ×ÔÝÑÓÓËÒßÔ ÚÛÞÎËßÎÇîêôîððéñÔÛîê ÚWÊÎ×ÛÎîððé ïðòíø¾÷Í»½¬·±²íçݱ²¼·¬·±²ïíðóïíêÓ¿½Ô¿®»²Þ±«´»ª¿®¼ OnmotionofCouncillorCourt SecondedbyCouncillorWhite RESOLVED that thesection39conditionsattached tothirdreadingof theproposedby-lawamendmentfor130-136MacLarenBoulevardbe tabled. Questionbeingtaken,thetablingmotionwascarried. ïðòí¿÷Ì®±··8³»´»½¬«®»¼»´¿³±¼·º·½¿¬·±²¼»´ù¿®®6¬7«®´»¦±²¿¹»®»´¿¬·º¿« ïíðóïíêô¾±«´»ª¿®¼Ó¿½Ô¿®»² PropositionduconseillerCourt AppuyéeparleconseillerWhite RÉSOLUquela troisièmelectureduprojetde modificationdel'arrêtévisantle130-136,boulevardMacLarensoitreportée. Àl'issueduvote,lapropositionvisantàreporterl'examendecette questionestadoptée. ïðòí¾÷ݱ²¼·¬·±²·³°±7»°¿®´ù¿®¬·½´»í窷¿²¬´»ïíðóïíêô¾±«´»ª¿®¼Ó¿½Ô¿®»² PropositionduconseillerCourt AppuyéeparleconseillerWhite RÉSOLUquelesconditionsdel'article39liéesàla troisièmelectureduprojetdemodificationdel'arrêtévisantle130-136,boulevard MacLarensoientreportées. Àl'issueduvote,lapropositionvisantàreporterl'examendecette questionestadoptée. ïðòì̸·®¼Î»¿¼·²¹Þ«·²» ׳°®±ª»³»²¬ß®»¿Þ§ó´¿© OnmotionofCouncillorWhite SecondedbyCouncillorCourt RESOLVED that theby-lawentitled,"By-law NumberBIA-2,ALawToAmendTheBusinessImprovementLevyBy-law",beread. Questionbeingtaken,themotionwascarried. Theby-lawentitled,"By-lawNumberBIA-2,ALawToAmendTheBusiness ImprovementLevyBy-law",wasreadinitsentirety. OnmotionofCouncillorWhite SecondedbyCouncillorCourt RESOLVED that theby-lawentitled,"By-law NumberBIA-2,ALawToAmendTheBusinessImprovementLevyBy-law",bereada third time,enactedandtheCorporateCommonSealaffixedthereto. Questionbeingtaken,themotionwascarried. Readathird timeby title,theby-lawentitled,"By-lawNumberBIA-2,ALawToAmend TheBusinessImprovementLevyBy-law. (CouncillorFergusonre-enteredthemeeting.) ïðòìÌ®±··8³»´»½¬«®»¼»´ù¿®®6¬7®»´¿¬·º@´¿¦±²»¼ù¿³7´·±®¿¬·±²¼»¿ºº¿·®» PropositionduconseillerWhite AppuyéeparleconseillerCourt o RÉSOLUquel'arrêtéintitulé«Arrêté nBIA-2, modifiantl'arrêtéconcernantlataxed'améliorationdesaffaires»,fassel'objetd'une lecture. Àl'issueduvote,lapropositionestadoptée. PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com çîóéðç ÝÑÓÓÑÒÝÑËÒÝ×ÔñÝÑÒÍÛ×ÔÝÑÓÓËÒßÔ ÚÛÞÎËßÎÇîêôîððéñÔÛîê ÚWÊÎ×ÛÎîððé o L'arrêtéintitulé«Arrêté nBIA-2modifiantl'arrêtéconcernantlataxed'améliorationdes affaires»estluintégralement. PropositionduconseillerWhite AppuyéeparleconseillerCourt o RÉSOLUquel'arrêtéintitulé«Arrêté nBIA-2, modifiantl'arrêtéconcernantlataxed'améliorationdesaffaires»,fassel'objetd'une troisièmelecture,queleditarrêtésoitédictéetquelesceaucommunalysoitapposé. Àl'issueduvote,lapropositionestadoptée. o Troisièmelecturepar titredel'arrêtéintitulé«Arrêté nBIA-2,modifiantl'arrêté concernantlataxed'améliorationdesaffaires». (LeconseillerFergusonsejointdenouveauàlaséance.) ïðòëø¿÷Ю±°±»¼Æ±²·²¹Þ§ó´¿©ß³»²¼³»²¬ ïîèÓ·´´·¼¹»ßª»²«» OnmotionofCouncillorCourt SecondedbyCouncillorFarren RESOLVED that thereportfromtheCityManager advisingthatrequiredinspectionshavebeencompletedat128MillidgeAvenueandthat thirdreadingof theproposedzoningby-lawamendmentisinorder,bereceivedfor information. Questionbeingtaken,themotionwascarried. ïðòëø¾÷̸·®¼Î»¿¼·²¹Æ±²·²¹Þ§´¿©ß³»²¼³»²¬ ïîèÓ·´´·¼¹»ßª»²«» OnmotionofCouncillorCourt SecondedbyCouncillorFarren RESOLVED that theby-lawentitled,“By-law Number110-32,ALawtoAmendtheZoningBy-lawofTheCityofSaintJohn”,re- zoningaparceloflandhavinganareaofapproximately330squaremetres,locatedat 128MillidgeAvenue,alsoidentifiedasbeingPIDNumber00047084,from“I-1”Light Industrialto“R-2”OneandTwoFamilyResidentialclassification,beread. Questionbeingtaken,themotionwascarried. Theby-lawentitled,“By-lawNumber110-32,ALaw toAmendtheZoningBy-lawofThe CityofSaintJohn”,wasreadinitsentirety. OnmotionofCouncillorCourt SecondedbyCouncillorFarren RESOLVED that theby-lawentitled,“By-law Number110-32,ALawtoAmendtheZoningBy-lawofTheCityofSaintJohn”,re- zoningaparceloflandhavinganareaofapproximately330squaremetres,locatedat 128MillidgeAvenue,alsoidentifiedasbeingPIDNumber00047084,from“I-1”Light Industrialto“R-2”OneandTwoFamilyResidentialclassification,bereadathird time, enacted,andtheCorporateCommonSealaffixedthereto. Questionbeingtaken,themotionwascarried. Readathird timeby title,theby-lawentitled,“By-lawNumber110-32,ALaw toAmend theZoningBy-lawofTheCityofSaintJohn”. ïðòë¿÷Ю±¶»¬¼»³±¼·º·½¿¬·±²¼»´ù¿®®6¬7«®´»¦±²¿¹»®»´¿¬·º¿«ïîèô¿ª»²«» Ó·´´·¼¹» PropositionduconseillerCourt AppuyéeparleconseillerFarren RÉSOLUquelerapportdudirecteurgénéral, indiquantquel'inspectionnécessairedu128,avenueMillidgeaétéeffectuéeetquela troisièmelectureduprojetdemodificationdel'arrêtésurlezonageestrecevable,soit acceptéà titreinformatif. Àl'issueduvote,lapropositionestadoptée. PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com çîóéïð ÝÑÓÓÑÒÝÑËÒÝ×ÔñÝÑÒÍÛ×ÔÝÑÓÓËÒßÔ ÚÛÞÎËßÎÇîêôîððéñÔÛîê ÚWÊÎ×ÛÎîððé ïðòë¾÷Ì®±··8³»´»½¬«®»¼»´¿³±¼·º·½¿¬·±²¼»´ù¿®®6¬7«®´»¦±²¿¹»ª·¿²¬´» ïîèô¿ª»²«»Ó·´´·¼¹» PropositionduconseillerCourt AppuyéeparleconseillerFarren o RÉSOLUquel'arrêtéintitulé«Arrêté n110-32, modifiantl'arrêtésurlezonagedeTheCityofSaintJohn»,relativementaurezonage d'uneparcellede terraind'unesuperficieapproximativede330mètrescarrés,situéeau 128,avenueMillidgeetportantleNID00047084,afindefairepasserlaclassifications'y rapportantdezoned'industrielégère«I-1»àzonerésidentielle–habitations unifamilialesetbifamiliales«R-2»,fassel'objetd'unelecture. Àl'issueduvote,lapropositionestadoptée. o L'arrêtéintitulé«Arrêté n110-32modifiantl'arrêtésurlezonagedeTheCityofSaint John»estluintégralement. PropositionduconseillerCourt AppuyéeparleconseillerFarren o RÉSOLUquel'arrêtéintitulé«Arrêté n110-32, modifiantl'arrêtésurlezonagedeTheCityofSaintJohn»,relativementaurezonage d'uneparcellede terraind'unesuperficieapproximativede330mètrescarrés,situéeau 128,avenueMillidgeetportantleNID00047084,afindefairepasserlaclassifications'y rapportantdezoned'industrielégère«I-1»àzonerésidentielle–habitations unifamilialesetbifamiliales«R-2»,fassel'objetd'une troisièmelecture,queleditarrêté soitédictéetquelesceaucommunalysoitapposé. Àl'issueduvote,lapropositionestadoptée. o Troisièmelecturepar titredel'arrêtéintitulé«Arrêté n110-32modifiantl'arrêtésurle zonagedeTheCityofSaintJohn». ïïòÍ«¾³··±²¾§Ý±«²½·´Ó»³¾»® ïïòïл²·±²Þ±¿®¼ªÖ±¸²Ú»®¹«±² OnmotionofCouncillorWhite SecondedbyCouncillorMcGuire RESOLVED thatallmatterssubmittedtoCommon CouncilinrelationtothelegalactionbetweentheSaintJohnPensionBoardand J.FergusonbeheldintheCommonClerk’sofficeuntiltheissueisfinalized. Responding toaquestionfromCouncillorFerguson,theCitySolicitoradvised thathe hasdeclaredaconflictofinterestwithrespecttothesubstanceof thedefamationaction, andisnotabletoadviseCouncilonthatissue.Headded thathehasalsotakensteps tobecertainthathehasnopartornoknowledgeofmatterspertaining to theaction. SeveralCouncillorsobjectedtoCouncilnotreceivingissuesdirectedtoit,andpreferred toreceiveallitems,permittingCouncil todecidetheappropriateness. (CouncillorTituswithdrewfromthemeeting.) OnmotionofCouncillorFerguson SecondedbyCouncillorFarren RESOLVED that theletterfromCouncillorWhite proposingthatallmatterssubmittedtoCommonCouncilinrelationtothelegalaction betweentheSaintJohnPensionBoardandJ.FergusonbeheldintheCommonClerk’s officeuntiltheissueisfinalized,be tabled. Questionbeingtaken,thetablingmotionwasdefeated,withall Councillorsvotingnaywiththeexceptionofthemoverandseconder. (CouncillorFergusonwithdrewfromthemeeting.) PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com çîóéïï ÝÑÓÓÑÒÝÑËÒÝ×ÔñÝÑÒÍÛ×ÔÝÑÓÓËÒßÔ ÚÛÞÎËßÎÇîêôîððéñÔÛîê ÚWÊÎ×ÛÎîððé OnmotionofCouncillorTait SecondedbyCouncillorMcGuire RESOLVED thatallmatterssubmittedtoCommon CouncilpertainingtothelegalactionbetweentheSaintJohnPensionBoardand J.FergusonbereferredtoLegalSessionforconsideration. Questionbeingtaken,themotionwascarried,withCouncillorWhite votingnay. (CouncillorsFergusonandTitusre-entered themeeting.) ïïòײ¬»®ª»²¬·±²¼»³»³¾®»¼«½±²»·´ ïïòïݱ²»·´¼»®»¬®¿·¬»½òÖ±¸²Ú»®¹«±² PropositionduconseillerWhite AppuyéeparleconseillerMcGuire RÉSOLUque touteslesaffairesprésentéesau conseilcommunalrelativesàlapoursuitevisantleConseilderetraitedeSaintJohnc. J.Fergusonsoienttenuesaubureaudugreffiercommunaljusqu'aurèglementde l'affaire. EnrépliqueàunequestionsoulevéeparleconseillerFerguson,l'avocatmunicipal indiquequ'iladéclaréêtreensituationdeconflitd'intérêtsrelativementàlasubstance del'actionendiffamationetqu'ilnepeutconseillerlesmembresduconseilsurcesujet. Ilajoutequ'ilaégalementprisdesmesurespourveilleràcequ'iln'aitrienàvoirdans lesaffairesliéesàcetteactionouqu'iln'enaitpasconnaissance. Plusieursconseillersmanifestentleuroppositionaufaitqueleconseilnedétientpas toutel'informationconcernantcetteaffaireetpréfèrentquetouslespointsleursoient présentésafindepermettreauconseildedéciderdeleurpertinence. (LeconseillerTitusquittelaréunion.) PropositionduconseillerFerguson AppuyéeparleconseillerFarren RÉSOLUquelalettreduconseillerWhite, proposantquetouteslesaffairesprésentéesauconseilcommunalrelativesàla poursuitevisantleConseilderetraitedeSaintJohnc.J.Fergusonsoientconservéesau bureaudugreffiercommunaljusqu'aurèglementdel'affaire,soitreportée. Àl’issueduvote,lapropositionvisantàreporterl'examendecette questionestrejetée.Touslesconseillersvotentcontrelaproposition,àl'exceptiondu proposeuretdel'appuyeur. (LeconseillerFergusonquittelaréunion.) PropositionduconseillerTait AppuyéeparleconseillerMcGuire RÉSOLUque touteslesaffairesprésentéesau conseilcommunal,relativesàlapoursuitevisantleConseilderetraitedeSaintJohnc. J.Ferguson,soientreportéesàlaséancejuridiqueauxfinsd'étude. Àl’issueduvote,lapropositionestadoptée.LeconseillerWhitevote contre. (LesconseillersFergusonetTitussontdenouveauprésentsàla réunion.) ïïòîб´·½»ôÖ«¬·½»¿²¼Ð¿®µ·²¹Ð®±¶»½¬ OnmotionofCouncillorTitus SecondedbyCouncillorMcGuire RESOLVED that theCityManagerbedirectedto provideCouncilwithbi-weeklyupdatesonthePolice,JusticeandParkingprojects. Questionbeingtaken,themotionwascarried. PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com çîóéïî ÝÑÓÓÑÒÝÑËÒÝ×ÔñÝÑÒÍÛ×ÔÝÑÓÓËÒßÔ ÚÛÞÎËßÎÇîêôîððéñÔÛîê ÚWÊÎ×ÛÎîððé ïïòîЮ±¶»¬®»´¿¬·º¿«¨¯«¿®¬·»®¹7²7®¿«¨¼«½±®°¼»°±´·½»ô¿«½»²¬®» ¶«¼·½·¿·®»»¬¿«¬¿¬·±²²»³»²¬ PropositionduconseillerTitus AppuyéeparleconseillerMcGuire RÉSOLUqueledirecteurgénéralsoitchargéde fournirauconseildesmisesàjourbimensuellesdesprojetsrelatifsauxquartiers générauxducorpsdepolice,aucentrejudiciaireetaustationnement. Àl'issueduvote,lapropositionestadoptée. èòÜ»´»¹¿¬·±²ñЮ»»²¬¿¬·±² èòïÍ¿·²¬Ö±¸²Ð»¿½»Ð¿´¿½»Ð®±¶»½¬ Referringtoasubmittedreport,ChristopherCollrinandLaurentMaltaispresentedan overviewofplanstoestablishaPeacePalaceinSaintJohn.Theyrequestedassistance withacquiringlandonwhichtobuild thePalace. TheDeputyMayoradvised thatCouncilwillconsideramotionat theendofthemeeting. èòÜ7´7¹¿¬·±²»¬°®7»²¬¿¬·±² èòïЮ±¶»¬®»´¿¬·º¿«Ð¿´¿·¼»´¿°¿·¨@Í¿·²¬Ö±¸² Seréférantàunrapportdéposéantérieurement,ChristopherCollrinetLaurentMaltais présententunaperçudesplansvisantàconstruireunPalaisdelapaixàSaintJohn.Ils sollicitentl'aidepouracquérirlebien-fondssurlequelilsvontconstruirelePalais. Lamairessesuppléanteindiquequeleconseilétudieraunepropositionàlafindela réunion. èòîÚ«²¼§Þ¿§Ú»¬·ª¿´×²½ò Referringtoasubmittedreport,FredLittle,onbehalfoftheFundyBayFestivalInc., providedinformationonplanstoholdamultidisciplinary,multiculturalfestivalinand around theCityinAugust,2007andrequestedfundingtoassistwiththecosts. TheDeputyMayoradvised thatCouncilwillconsideramotionat theendofthemeeting. èòîÚ«²¼§Þ¿§Ú»¬·ª¿´×²½ò Seréférantàunrapportdéposéantérieurement,FredLittle,aunomdeFundyBay FestivalInc.,fournitdel'informationsurlesplansvisantàtenirunfestival multidisciplinaireetmulticultureldanslavilleetlesenvironsaumoisd'août2007et demandedesfondspouraiderl'entrepriseàcouvrirlescoûtsduprojet. Lamairessesuppléanteindiquequeleconseilétudieraunepropositionàlafindela réunion. ïîòÞ«·²»Ó¿¬¬»®óÓ«²·½·°¿´ Ѻº·½»® ïîòïÚ·ª»Ç»¿®Ð´¿²º±®Í¿·²¬Ö±¸²Ø¿®¾±«®Ý´»¿²Ë° Referringtoasubmittedreport,Mr. Groodypresentedaproposedexpedited timelineof fiveyearstoachieve100% treatmentofcollectedmunicipalwastewaterinSaintJohn. OnmotionofCouncillorTait SecondedbyCouncillorMcGuire RESOLVED thatasrecommendedby theCity Manager,CommonCouncil: 1.Endorse theexpedited5-year timelineforSaintJohnHarbourClean-Up; 2.Request thattheGovernmentofCanadaandtheProvinceofNewBrunswicksupport suchanexpeditedschedule;and PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com çîóéïí ÝÑÓÓÑÒÝÑËÒÝ×ÔñÝÑÒÍÛ×ÔÝÑÓÓËÒßÔ ÚÛÞÎËßÎÇîêôîððéñÔÛîê ÚWÊÎ×ÛÎîððé 3.Encourage thecommunity,affectedlandownersandotherstakeholderstoworkwith theCityofSaintJohnandSaintJohnWaterinbringingaboutthismuchneeded environmentalimprovement. Questionbeingtaken,themotionwascarried. ïîòߺº¿·®»³«²·½·°¿´»7ª±¯«7»°¿®´»º±²½¬·±²²¿·®»³«²·½·°¿«¨ ïîòïЮ±¶»¬¼ù«²»¼«®7»¼»½·²¯¿²®»´¿¬·º¿«²»¬¬±§¿¹»¼«°±®¬¼»Í¿·²¬Ö±¸² Seréférantàunrapportdéposéantérieurement,M. Groodyprésenteunprojetde calendrieraccélérésurcinqansafind'assurerletraitementintégraldeseauxusées municipalesdeSaintJohn. PropositionduconseillerTait AppuyéeparleconseillerMcGuire RÉSOLUque,commelerecommandeledirecteur général,leconseilcommunal : 1.approuvelecalendrieraccélérésurcinqansrelatifaunettoyageduportdeSaint John; 2.demandeaugouvernementduCanadaetàlaprovinceduNouveau-Brunswick d'appuyercecalendrieraccéléré; 3.encouragelacollectivité,lespropriétairesfonciers touchésetlesautresparties intéresséesàcollaboreravecTheCityofSaintJohnetleServiceduréseaud'aqueduc etd'égoutsdelaSaintJohnWaterCompanyàréalisercetteamélioration environnementalefortnécessaire. Àl'issueduvote,lapropositionestadoptée. ïîòîÙ»²»®¿´Í°»½·º·½¿¬·±²Ü·ª··±²îé ß°¸¿´¬Ý±²½®»¬» OnmotionofCouncillorCourt SecondedbyCouncillorWhite RESOLVED thatasrecommendedby theCity Manager,CommonCounciladoptthesubmittedrevision toDivision27-Asphalt Concrete, GeneralSpecifications. Questionbeingtaken,themotionwascarried. ïîòîÍ°7½·º·½¿¬·±²¹7²7®¿´»®»´¿¬·ª»¿«¾7¬±²¿°¸¿´¬·¯«»¼»´¿¼·ª··±²îé PropositionduconseillerCourt AppuyéeparleconseillerWhite RÉSOLUque,commelerecommandeledirecteur général,leconseilcommunaladoptelaprésentationdelarévisiondesspécifications généralesrelativesaubétonasphaltiquedeladivision27. Àl'issueduvote,lapropositionestadoptée. ïîòíØ·¬±®·½Ð´¿½»×²·¬·¿¬·ª» Ю±°»®¬·»º±®¬¸»Ý¿²¿¼·¿²Î»¹·¬»®±ºØ·¬±®·½ д¿½» Í«¾³··±²é OnmotionofCouncillorCourt SecondedbyCouncillorWhite 1.RESOLVED thatasrecommendedby theCity Manager, theCommonCounciloftheCityofSaintJohnlistthefollowingpropertieson theCityofSaintJohnLocalRegisterofHistoricPlaces: 22CanterburyStreet134 OrangeStreet 56ClarendonStreet136 OrangeStreet 69ClarendonStreet138 OrangeStreet 127DouglasAvenue146-148 OrangeStreet 149DouglasAvenue122PittStreet 233DouglasAvenue109-111PrinceWilliamStreet PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com çîóéïì ÝÑÓÓÑÒÝÑËÒÝ×ÔñÝÑÒÍÛ×ÔÝÑÓÓËÒßÔ ÚÛÞÎËßÎÇîêôîððéñÔÛîê ÚWÊÎ×ÛÎîððé 249DouglasAvenue50-52QueenStreet 285DouglasAvenue74-76QueenStreet 29HardingStreet134-136SydneyStreet 20HorsfieldStreet148SydneyStreet 27HorsfieldStreet150-152SydneyStreet 84-88KingStreet156SydneyStreet 101-103 OrangeStreet160SydneyStreet 107 OrangeStreet170SydneyStreet 130 OrangeStreet172-174SydneyStreet 2.That theCouncilof theCityofSaintJohnnominate thelistedpropertiesin the CityofSaintJohnRegisterofLocalHistoricPlaces totheNewBrunswickand CanadianRegistry. Questionbeingtaken,themotionwascarried. ïîòíײ·¬·¿¬·ª»¼»»²¼®±·¬¸·¬±®·¯«»®»´¿¬·ª»¿«¨°®±°®·7¬7®»½±³³¿²¼7» ¿«¨º·²¼ù·²½®·°¬·±²¿«Î7°»®¬±·®»½¿²¿¼·»²¼»´·»«¨°¿¬®·³±²·¿«¨ »°¬·8³»°®7»²¬¿¬·±² PropositionduconseillerCourt AppuyéeparleconseillerWhite 2.RÉSOLUque,commelerecommandele directeurgénéral,leconseilcommunaldeTheCityofSaintJohninscriveles propriétéssuivantesdansleRépertoiredeslieuxpatrimoniauxlocauxdeThe CityofSaintJohn : 22,rueCanterbury134,rue Orange 56,rueClarendon136,rue Orange 69,rueClarendon138,rue Orange 127,avenueDouglas146-148,rueOrange 149,avenueDouglas122,ruePitt 233,avenueDouglas109-111,ruePrinceWilliam 249,avenueDouglas50-52,rueQueen 285,avenueDouglas74-76,rueQueen 29,rueHarding134-136,rueSydney 20,rueHorsfield148,rueSydney 27,rueHorsfield150-152,rueSydney 84-88,rueKing156,rueSydney 101-103,rueOrange160,rueSydney 107,rue Orange170,rueSydney 130,rue Orange172-174,rueSydney 2.QueleconseildeTheCityofSaintJohnproposelespropriétésfigurantau répertoiredeslieuxpatrimoniauxlocauxdeTheCityofSaintJohnauRépertoire duNouveau-BrunswicketauRépertoirecanadien. Àl'issueduvote,lapropositionestadoptée. ïíòݱ³³·¬¬»»Î»°±®¬ ïíòïݱ³³·¬¬»»±º¬¸»É¸±´»Î»°±®¬óÌ»®³·²¿¬·±²±ºÔ»¿»±ºÝ·¬§ß®»²¿º±® Í«³³»®×½»Ð®±¹®¿³ OnmotionofCouncillorCourt SecondedbyCouncillorFarren RESOLVED that: 1.theCityterminateitsarrangementwithProCoHockeyInc.forice timeand spacebecauseofnon-paymentby theCompanyforicetimeandspaceatthe HiltonBelyeaArenafortheperiodofJuly-August2006; 2.theCompanybeadvisedthatice timeandspaceinanyCityarenaisnolonger availabletoit; 3.theCityre-enteratthelastrinkusedbytheCompany; 4.theCitycommenceactionagainst theCompany torecoverallmoniesowedfrom theCompany totheCity. Questionbeingtaken,themotionwascarried. PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com çîóéïë ÝÑÓÓÑÒÝÑËÒÝ×ÔñÝÑÒÍÛ×ÔÝÑÓÓËÒßÔ ÚÛÞÎËßÎÇîêôîððéñÔÛîê ÚWÊÎ×ÛÎîððé ïíòο°°±®¬¼7°±7°¿®´»½±³·¬7 ïíòïο°°±®¬¼«½±³·¬7°´7²·»®®»´¿¬·ª»³»²¬@´¿®7·´·¿¬·±²¼«¾¿·´¼»´±½¿¬·±² ¼»´ù¿®7²¿³«²·½·°¿´¿«¨º·²¼»°®±¹®¿³³»¼ù7¬7°®7»²¬7@´¿°¿¬·²±·®» PropositionduconseillerCourt AppuyéeparleconseillerFarren RÉSOLUque : 1.laVillemettefinàsonarrangementavecProCoHockeyInc.encequia traità l'espaceetautempsd'utilisationdelapatinoireàl'arénaHiltonBelyapourdéfaut depaiementdel'entreprisepourlapériodedesmoisdejuilletetaoût2006; 2.l'entreprisesoitinforméedelanon-disponibilitédel'espaceetdutemps d'utilisationdelapatinoiredanstoutarénadelaville; 3.laVillereprennepossessiondeladernièrepatinoireutiliséeparl'entreprise; 4.laVilleintenteuneactioncontrel'entrepriseafinderecouvrertouteslessommes d'argentquecettedernièreluidoit. Àl'issueduvote,lapropositionestadoptée. ïìòݱ²·¼»®¿¬·±²±º×«»Í»°¿®¿¬»¼º®±³Ý±²»²¬ß¹»²¼¿ ïìòïÌ®¿ºº·½Þ§´¿©ß³»²¼³»²¬Í°»»¼Ô·³·¬ Ó·´´·¼¹»ßª»²«»¿²¼ Õ»²²»¾»½¿·Ü®·ª» InresponsetoaCouncillor’squestion,Mr. Groodyadvised thathewouldlookintothe possibilityofputtingastopsignatParkLawnandMillidgeAvenue. ïìòW¬«¼»¼»«¶»¬7½¿®¬7¼»¯«»¬·±²±«³·»@´ù¿°°®±¾¿¬·±²¼« ½±²»·´ ïìòïÓ±¼·º·½¿¬·±²¼»´ù¿®®6¬7«®´¿½·®½«´¿¬·±²ª·¿²¬´» ´·³·¬»¼»ª·¬»»«® ´ù¿ª»²«»Ó·´´·¼¹»»¬´¿°®±³»²¿¼»Õ»²²»¾»½¿· Enréponseàlaquestiond'unconseiller,M. Groodyindiquequ'ilexamineraitla possibilitéd'installerunpanneaud'arrêtàl'intersectiondeParkLawnetdel'avenue Millidge. ïëòÙ»²»®¿´Ý±®®»°±²¼»²½» ïëòݱ®®»°±²¼¿²½»¹7²7®¿´» Ù´±¾¿´Ð»¿½»Ð¿´¿½» ݱ²·¼»®¿¬·±²±ºÓ±¬·±² OnmotionofCouncillorCourt SecondedbyCouncillorWhite RESOLVED that therequestof GlobalPeace PalacetoacquireaparceloflandonwhichtoconstructaPeacePalace,bereferredto theCityManager. Questionbeingtaken,themotionwascarried. W¬«¼»¼»´¿°®±°±·¬·±²º±®³«´7»°¿® Ù´±¾¿´Ð»¿½»Ð¿´¿½» PropositionduconseillerCourt AppuyéeparleconseillerWhite RÉSOLUquelademandede GlobalPeacePalace, visantàacquériruneparcelledeterrainafind'yconstruireunPalaisdelapaix,soit transmiseaudirecteurgénéral. Àl'issueduvote,lapropositionestadoptée. PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com çîóéïê ÝÑÓÓÑÒÝÑËÒÝ×ÔñÝÑÒÍÛ×ÔÝÑÓÓËÒßÔ ÚÛÞÎËßÎÇîêôîððéñÔÛîê ÚWÊÎ×ÛÎîððé Ú«²¼§Þ¿§Ú»¬·ª¿´×²½òóݱ²·¼»®¿¬·±²±ºÓ±¬·±² OnmotionofCouncillorCourt SecondedbyCouncillorWhite RESOLVED that therequestofFundyBayFestival Inc.,forfundingtoassistwiththecostsofthefestival,bereferredtotheCityManager. Questionbeingtaken,themotionwascarried. W¬«¼»¼»´¿°®±°±·¬·±²º±®³«´7»°¿®Ú«²¼§Þ¿§Ú»¬·ª¿´×²½ò PropositionduconseillerCourt AppuyéeparleconseillerWhite RÉSOLUquelademandedefinancement présentéeparFundyBayFestivalInc.visantàpermettredecouvrirlescoûtsdufestival soit transmiseaudirecteurgénéral. Àl'issueduvote,lapropositionestadoptée. ïêòß¼¶±«®²³»²¬ TheDeputyMayordeclaredthemeetingadjournedat8:45p.m. ïêòÝ´,¬«®»¼»´¿7¿²½» Lamairessesuppléantedéclarequelaséanceestlevéeà20h45. DeputyMayor/mairessesuppléante AssistantCommonClerk/greffièrecommunaleadjointe. PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com SENIORS' INFORMATION and RESOURE CENTRE Brunswick Square, Level 111, 39 King Street, Saint John, NB E2L 4W3 Phone 506-633.8781 Fax 506-693.6052 e-mail seniorsresourcecenter@nb.aibn.com February 21,2007 Mayor McFarlane & Councillors P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB E2L 4Ll Your Worship and Councillors, The Seniors' Information and Resource Center, read with interest the Councils decision to ban the use of cell phones in the Council chambers during council meetings. The Senior's Resource Centre at its Annual Meeting, February 16th, 2007, resolved to congratulate the Council on this policy. It was disturbing to members to learn a Councilor objected to this policy on the basis he could use part of the council meeting for his private business, and not devote his full interest to those Council matters which come before him at Council meetings. Putting his full attention to matters at Council meetings is what voters expected him to do when he was voted in as a member of a Council. It was resolved this Organization's view be expressed to Council. Yours truly, C~W-_tLi IJ,-Jf(7J~ Hilda Watson Secretary ÓúÝ îððéóìê Ó¿®½¸çôîððé طɱ®¸·°Ó¿§±®Ò±®³Ó½Ú¿®´¿²»¿²¼ Ó»³¾»®±ºÝ±³³±²Ý±«²½·´ DZ«®É±®¸·°¿²¼Ý±«²½·´´±®æ ÍËÞÖÛÝÌλ¯«»¬º±®Î»²»©¿´±º¿Ì»³°±®¿®§Ó±¾·´»ñÓ·²·óر³» æ ííçêÔ±½¸Ô±³±²¼Î±¿¼ ×ÒÌÎÑÜËÝÌ×ÑÒ æ ̸»Ó«²·½·°¿´·¬·»ß½¬»²¿¾´»Ý±³³±²Ý±«²½·´¬±·²½´«¼»¿°®±ª··±²·²·¬ Ó±¾·´»Ø±³»Ð¿®µÞ§ó´¿©·²±®¼»®¬±°»®³·¬·²¼·ª·¼«¿´³±¾·´»¸±³»ô±²¿ ¬»³°±®¿®§¾¿·²±¬¬±»¨½»»¼±²»øï÷§»¿®ô±²°®±°»®¬·»¬¸¿¬²±®³¿´´§©±«´¼²±¬ °»®³·¬«½¸¬®«½¬«®»¼«»¬±¬¸»·®¦±²·²¹¼»·¹²¿¬·±²ò ׬¸¿¾»»²Ý±³³±²Ý±«²½·´°®¿½¬·½»¬±½±²·¼»®¬¸»»®»¯«»¬±²¿ ½±³°¿·±²¿¬»¾¿·òЮ»ª·±«¿°°´·½¿¬·±²¸¿ª»·²ª±´ª»¼¬¸»¸»¿´¬¸±º¿º¿³·´§ ³»³¾»®ô»½±²±³·½¸¿®¼¸·°ô±®¿¬»³°±®¿®§¿°°®±ª¿´±¬¸¿¬¿½±²ª»²¬·±²¿´¸±³» ½±«´¼¾»½±²¬®«½¬»¼·²¬¸»º«¬«®»òλ²»©¿´¸¿ª»¾»»²¹®¿²¬»¼·²¿²«³¾»®±º ½¿»¿´´±©·²¹¬¸»³±¾·´»¸±³»¬±®»³¿·²º±®³¿²§§»¿®ò ײͻ°¬»³¾»®±ºîððêݱ«²½·´®»¯«»¬»¼¬¸¿¬©®·¬¬»²²±¬·º·½¿¬·±²¾»°®±ª·¼»¼¬± «®®±«²¼·²¹°®±°»®¬§±©²»®º±®¿²§º«¬«®»¿°°´·½¿¬·±²±º¬¸·²¿¬«®»òÔ»¬¬»® ¸¿ª»¾»»²»²¬¬±¿´´´¿²¼±©²»®©·¬¸·²ïð𳻬®»øíð𺻻¬÷±º¬¸»«¾¶»½¬ °®±°»®¬§½±²½»®²·²¹¬¸·³¿¬¬»®ò ßÒßÔÇÍ×Í æ ̸»«¾¶»½¬ ·¬»·¦±²»¼ÎÍóïѲ»¿²¼ Ì©±Ú¿³·´§Í«¾«®¾¿²Î»·¼»²¬·¿´¿²¼ ·²ïçç笸®±«¹¸¬±îððïô¿²¼¿¹¿·²·²îððí¬¸®±«¹¸¬±îððëôݱ³³±²Ý±«²½·´ ¿°°®±ª»¼¬¸»¬»³°±®¿®§°´¿½»³»²¬±º¿³·²·ó¸±³»±²¬¸»´¿®¹»°¿®½»´±º´¿²¼·² ¯«»¬·±²ò ̸»´¿²¼±©²»®»´¼»®´§°¿®»²¬®»·¼»¼·²¬¸»³·²·ó¸±³»ô©¸·½¸· ·¬«¿¬»¼¿°°®±¨·³¿¬»´§ïðé³»¬®»øíë𺻻¬÷º®±³Ô±½¸Ô±³±²¼Î±¿¼ò̸» ¿°°´·½¿²¬¸¿¼·²¼·½¿¬»¼¬¸¿¬¬¸»³·²·ó¸±³»©±«´¼¾»®»³±ª»¼©¸»²¸·°¿®»²¬ PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com λ°±®¬¬±Ý±³³±²Ý±«²½·´Ð¿¹»î Ó¿®½¸çôîððé ²±´±²¹»®²»»¼»¼·¬ò ̸»¿°°´·½¿²¬º¿¬¸»®¬·´´®»·¼»·²¬¸»³·²·ó¸±³»¿²¼ ¬¸»®»º±®»ô¿º«®¬¸»®±²»ó§»¿®»¨¬»²·±²·®»¯«»¬»¼ò ̸»³·²·ó¸±³» ·¬»· ½®»»²»¼¾§¬¿´´¬®»»¿²¼·²±¬®»¿¼·´§ª··¾´»º®±³ ²»·¹¸¾±«®·²¹°®±°»®¬·»¿´±²¹Ô±½¸Ô±³±²¼Î±¿¼òß´±²¹¼®·ª»©¿§¿½½»º®±³ ¬¸»®±¿¼·½±²¬®«½¬»¼¬±¬¸»³·²·ó¸±³»¿²¼¿»°¿®¿¬»©»´´¿²¼»°¬·½¼·°±¿´ §¬»³¸¿¾»»²·²¬¿´´»¼òÒòÞòÜ»°¿®¬³»²¬±ºÐ«¾´·½Ø»¿´¬¸Í»®ª·½»¸¿ ·²¼·½¿¬»¼¬¸¿¬¬¸» ·¬»¸¿¾»»²³¿¼»«·¬¿¾´»º±®¿ »°¬·½ §¬»³¬¸¿¬¸¿¾»»² ·²¬¿´´»¼¿²¼·º«²½¬·±²¿´òѬ¸»®°«¾´·½«¬·´·¬·»¸¿ª»¿´±¾»»²³¿¼»¿ª¿·´¿¾´»¬± ¬¸» ·¬»ò Þ«·´¼·²¹¿²¼ Ì»½¸²·½¿´Í»®ª·½»¿¼ª·»¬¸¿¬ ·²½»¬¸»³·²·ó¸±³»¸¿¾»»²°´¿½»¼ ±²¬¸·°®±°»®¬§·²ïçççô¬¸»§¸¿ª»¸¿¼¬±°«®«»¬¸»±©²»®º±®¬¸»®»²»©¿´±º »ª»®§°»®³·¬ò ÎÛÝÑÓÓÛÒÜßÌ×ÑÒ æ ׺ݱ³³±²Ý±«²½·´±©·¸»ô°«®«¿²¬¬±¬¸»Ó±¾·´»Ø±³»Ð¿®µÞ§ó´¿©ô °»®³·¬¿³·²·ó¸±³»¬±¾» ·¬«¿¬»¼±²¬¸»´¿®¹»°®±°»®¬§¿¬ííçêÔ±½¸Ô±³±²¼ α¿¼º±®¿¬»³°±®¿®§°»®·±¼±º±²»øï÷§»¿®ò λ°»½¬º«´´§«¾³·¬¬»¼ô Ö·³ÎòÞ¿·®¼ôÓÝ×Рݱ³³··±²»® д¿²²·²¹¿²¼Ü»ª»´±°³»²¬ Ì»®®»²½» ̱¬¬»²ôÚòÝòßò Ý·¬§Ó¿²¿¹»® ÐÚñ³³º PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT/URBANISME ET DEVELOPPEMENT ~ \ . \ '. \ ~ '\ :_- I In ----- ,--\ \ \ ., - I \ \ \ \ \, \ \ \ ~' \ ,<. - \ ---:1 -1 --> \/ \-_ 'Iv \ - -L>---~-t~: \; - //\ // - \\> . ~ \,,/ ,- \ ----- . \ / /~ ~ ~ ~'\ \ / .\ \ /':Y// . ..----5:- . . )~y \; \ \ \ Jif. ~~~ RS- ~:~ \ \\s - 1 \ \-- :\r- 1\ \ ". ~\ \\ ~:>~. \\~~L'--! 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The lands are an open field. The SJPF received a request from the Rothesay Regional Police Force to have permission to use its shooting range. At its meeting on July 31, 2006, Council received for information a letter from the Saint Jolm Board of Police Commissioners dated July 18, 2006, which stated that the Board had resolved at its meeting of July 11, 2006 to support the use of the police shooting range by other police agencies providing they comply with the conditions that may be set out by the City and the Saint John Board of Police Commissioners. Subsequently, our Legal Department drafted a License in consultation with Allen Bodechon, the City's Chief of Police. The License Agreement is attached, and already bears the signature of the signing officers for the Rothesay Regional Joint Board of Police Commissioner. Mr. Bodechon confirmed that there will be no costs to the City or the Police Commission for their use of the shooting range. He eXplained that the Rothesay Police Force will bring all the necessary equipment (i.e. targets, etc.) when they use the range, and that the City will provide nothing other than the land on which they will be training. Mr. Bodechon also confirmed that they do not wish to charge the Rothesay Police Force for the use of the shooting range, as both Police Forces often exchange services. City of Saint John Report to Common Council February 27,2007 Page 2 The license is for the sole purpose of conducting official training for the members of the Rothesay Regional Police Force. It is for a term of5 years with an option to renew it for another 5 years. Either party can terminate said license by giving 90 days notice. The annual rent shall be $1.00 and the City has risk management clauses regarding indemnity and insurance under the License. RECOMMENDATION: That The City of Saint John grant a license to The Rothesay Regional Joint Board of Police Commissioners to use that portion of the property bearing PID numbers 00354712 and 00351049 currently used as a firing range by the Saint John City Police, for the sole purpose of conducting official training of members of the Rothesay Regional Police Force under the terms and conditions contained in the attached License Agreement, and further that the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute the Licence. y sUbmcvitted, -1/ .... K .. /' {J..vo. Ji R. Baird, MCIP onunissioner ~. \ - rren~e Totten, F.C.A. C:Xty Manager BIImmf Attachment THIS LICENSE made in duplicate as of the day of February, 2007. BY AND BETWEEN: THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN having its City Hall at 15 Market Square, Saint John, New Brunswick, a body corporate by Royal Charter, confirmed and amended by Acts of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of New Brunswick; hereinafter called the "LicensorH - and - THE RQa'HESAY REGIONAL JOINT BOARD OF POD" E COMMISSIONERS, having its head dTi 126 Millenium Drive, Quispamsis, in the nty f Kings and Province of New B k, hereinafter called the "Licensee" WHEREAS the Lice 00354712 and 00351049 sho (hereinafter "the Lands"); owner of the lands bearing PID numbers edule "B" attached hereto and forming part hereof AND WHEREAS a portion of the Lands have been used by the Saint JOM Police Force as a police shooting range, which portion of the Lands is shown on Schedule "A" attached hereto and fanning part hereof (hereinafter the "Firing Range"); AND WHEREAS the Rothesay Regional Police Force has requested that it be allowed to use the Firing Range as a police shooting range for training purposes; AND WHEREAS the Licensor has agreed to give the within License under the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth; NOW THEREFORE IT IS AGREED BY AND BETWEEN THE PARTIES HERETO AS FOLLOWS: 1. The parties hereto agree that this agreement is to be and constitutes a License, and that the laws ofthe Province of New Brunswick regarding same shall apply to same. License Agreement The City of Sai nt John and The Rothesay Regional Joint Board of Police Commissioners As of January] 0, 2007 Page 2 of 6 2. By this License the Licensor hereby permits the Licensee through the Rothesay Regional Police Force, to enter into and upon and exit from the Firing Range for the sole purpose of conducting official training for the members of the Rothesay Regional Police Force on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, all of which the Licensee accepts and agrees to observe, perform and abide by. 3. This License shall be for a period of five (5) years, commencing January 1,2007 and shall remain in force unless tenninated as hereinafter provided. 4. The Licensee may renew this License for an additional five (5) year term for the period of January 1,2012 until December 31, 2017 by submitting a notice in writing of its intention to do so not less than ninety (90) days prior to the tennination date. 5. The Licensee shall pay to the Licensor One ($1.00) Dollar per year, in each year d payment shall be due and payable on the 1l1li\,ii anniversary date during the term hereof. r the privileges herein granted the sum of g the term hereof and the first of such . f January, 2007 and hereinafter on the 6. Either party may terminate t other in writing of its intention to e by giving a ninety (90) day notice to the 7. No transfer or assig herein granted shall be made, License or of any of the rights or privileges or permitted to be made by the Licensee. 8. This License may be tenmnated forthwith without notice in the event that the Licensee shall be in default of any of the terms and conditions of this License. 9. The Licensee hereby covenants and agrees with the Licensor as follows: a) That it shall be responsible for the safety and security of anyone who is on the Firing Range while it exercises its rights under this License; b) That it shall be responsible for opening and closing the Firing range when it exercises its rights under this License; c) That it shall ensure that a qualified member of the Rothesay Regional Police Force is onsite at all times while the training is taking place and that a qualified member conducts the training; d) That the Firing Range shall only be used for Official Training of the members of the Rothesay Regional Police Force; License Agreement Tilt) City of Saint John and The Rothesay Regional joint Board of Police Commissioners As of January 10,2007 Page 3 of6 e) That it shall maintain a log of the persons attending the training sessions on the Firing Range and the date at which they attended, as approved by the Chief of the Rothesay Regional Police Force; f) That it shall notify the Licensor and the Saint John Police Force of any injury which occurred while the Licensee was exercising its rights under this License; g) That it shall adhere to the rules and conditions established by the Licensor or by the Saint John Board of Police Commissioners from time to time with respect to the lands and the shooting range. h) that it shall not have any elai damage of any nature, kind or exercise or purported exercis~,i~ i) that it shall obtain an comprehensive gene~ damage in the joint Commissioners and limit of not les !film against the Licensor for costs, loss or escription whatsoever arising from the License herein granted; in force during the term of this License, insurance for bodily injury and property e Licensor, the Saint John Board of Police nsee, which coverage shall have an inclusive illion ($1,000,000,00) Dollars; j) that it shall pro ertiflcate of Insurance to the Licensor at the time of the execution of this License evidencing the insurance coverage described herein and providing that the coverage shall not be altered or cancelled without the insurers giving thirty (30) days notice in writing to the Licensor prior to any such alteration or cancellation; k) that notwithstanding any clauses herein, the Licensee does hereby indemnify and save harmless the Licensor from all damages, claims, demands, actions, suits or other proceedings by whomsoever made, brought or prosecuted in any manner and whether in respect of property owned by others or in respect of damage sustained by others based upon or arising out of or in connection with this License or anything done or purported to be done in any manner hereunder; License Agreement The City of Saint John and The Rothesay Regional Joint Board of Police CommisslOners As of January] 0, 2007 Page40f6 THIS LICENSE shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon successors and assigns of the parties hereto respectively. SIGNED, SEALED & DELIVERED) In the presence of: ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN N,M. McFarlane, Mayor ommon Council Resolution: ebruary _' 2007 THE ROTHESA Y REGIONAL JOINT BOARD OF POLICE COMMISSIONERS ) ) l~~Q ) ) ) ) ) ) Danny Dobson, Chairperson c~ License Agrcc111<;:nt Thl': Cily ofSa;nl John End The Rothesay Regional Joint Board of Police Cummissioner" As of January 10, 2007 Page 5 of 6 SCHEDULE "A" ')" ..~. '" \\ \\" \'\ \_- ~------------~ ~--:: Liccn,e Agrccmellt The City Df Sai nt John and The Rothesay Regional Joint Board of Police Commissioners As of January 10,2007 Page 6 of 6 SCHEDULE "B" " v '"" ........ ........ '-.........'-. ...........~-'..... ", '. .l N '"'-..........,........, ", "';:,,~,7 . '- '. "'" "'.., ", ',. ..............,'-- -', ", .~ ~ , ~ , This map is a graphical representation of property boundaries which approximates the size, configuration and location of properties. survey a nd is not 'Intended to be used for iegal descriptions or to calculate exact dimensions or area. -f 45~22-22.55r Long.:! 65-51~26.2g\ Scale: r17B28 X: I 2550359~998 Y: r'~7374964.276_ lat.: cariS~C""&lf;.ri ( ."'-, r,.... It is not a boundar' Home Query Home Help , Problem Ita ort ' . 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OJ ." ~ -a .- oJ 10... .. cJ-~ J::\-&-~ o 0 g. --'"'"'(J:r: ....... b.':::: C .. .- 0 ~ o o~ (/) CO :;: (!b -. ::J o ~ ~ c CO ..c I- E o () ~ c o "w I- Q) > CO "C ...... >. I- o 1:5 CO LL '+- -0 Q. ..c ...... "3= -0 Q) ...... CO Q) I- () LL o a.. п¹»ýïóÜ®¿º¬ SaintJohnBoardofTrade PresentationtoCommonCouncil March12,2007 ͸±©´·¼»ýï ÍÖޱ̴±¹±¿²¼¬¿¹´·²» MynameisImelda GilmanandI’m thePresidentoftheSaintJohnBoardofTrade.Iam joinedthiseveningbyBobManning,theChairmanoftheBoardofTradeandNathalie Godbout,ourFirstVice-Chair,whowillbecome theBoardofTrade’sChairpersoninMay ofthisyear. Itisapleasuretobehere.OurpurposeistoprovideyouwithanupdateontheBoardof Trade’sprioritiesforthecomingyearandbeyond. Werepresentanon-profitorganizationmadeupofover600businesses,associations andnon-profitorganizations,whichcumulativelyemploymorethan30,000peopleinthe greaterSaintJohnregion.Establishedin1819,theSaintJohnBoardofTradehasa traditionofspearheadingmajorinitiativesthathavehadsignificantimpacton thecourse ofourcity. Asyouknow,SaintJohnisamid-sizedcitythat,sinceitsinception,hasnurturedan enterprisingandentrepreneurialspirit.InAtlanticCanada,itissmallandmedium-sized businessesthatdominate theeconomiclandscape–andourmembershipmirrors that. Ofourmembers,83%operatecompanieswithless than20employees. SaintJohnisacitybuilton trade.Forcenturiesourharbourhasshippedgoodsaround theworld;firstfursandwoodtoEurope,nowpulpandpetroleumtoAmericanmarkets andbeyond. WehavelongenjoyedanaturalbusinessrelationshipwithNewEngland,tocitiessuch asBoston,Portland,andofcourse,Bangor–andtheSaintJohnbusinesscommunity haslongsupportedaregionalapproach toeconomicdevelopment. ͸±©´·¼»ýî Þ±¿®¼Ó··±²Í¬¿¬»³»²¬ PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com п¹»ýîóÜ®¿º¬ TheBoard’smissionistocontributetoaproductiveeconomicenvironmentforbusiness inSaintJohn.Toprovideencouragement,assistanceandguidanceforestablished enterprises,orthoseaspiringtobecomeestablishedinbusiness. ThroughoutourhistorytheSaintJohnBoardofTradehasbeenastrongadvocatefor freetrade,forregionalpartnershipsandfortheongoingdevelopmentof GreaterSaint John.ItwasinstrumentalinhelpingtocreatesomeofSaintJohn’smostrecognizable institutions,including; ó theSaintJohnPortAuthority, ó theSaintJohnHarbourBridgeAuthority, ó EnterpriseSaintJohn, ó theUnitedWayof GreaterSaintJohn, ó theSaintJohnAirportAuthority, ó theSaintJohncampusoftheUniversityofNewBrunswick ó and,mostrecently,theSaintJohnWaterfrontDevelopmentPartnership. ͸±©´·¼»ýí ¬¸»¬¸®»»Ì®«»Ù®±©¬¸Í»½¬±® Weare thevoiceoftheSaintJohnbusinesscommunityandwearetheprimary advocateforeconomicdevelopmentinsouthwesternNewBrunswick.Since2005,we havedonesoasthekeyeconomicagencyoftheTrue Growthinitiative.Theworkof the BoardofTrademakesthebusinesscommunitystrongerandmoreeffective, thereby aligningourworkwith theregionalTrueGrowthAgenda. TheSaintJohnBoardofTradeisworkingtoaddressesissuesthatwillimpactour community’sabilitytoattractandretainnewinvestment,newbusinessactivities,and newemploymentopportunities. Wearepleasedwiththeopportunitytospeakhere thisevening. AtthispointIwouldliketoaskBobManning tocomeforward. Þ±¾æ PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com п¹»ýíóÜ®¿º¬ Thankyou,Imelda Weknowthatyourroleaselectedleadersisadifficultone.Youhave toughdecisionsto makeandagreatmanyintereststoserve.Youoftendon’tgettherecognitionand thanksthatyoudeserveforyourefforts.Sotonightletmesay“thankyou”onbehalfof theSaintJohnBoardofTradeforyourhardwork. In thepastourtwogroupshavehadtheirdifferences,butinrecentyearswehave worked togetheronanumberofjointprojects. Projectssuchas: ó É¿¬»®º®±²¬Ü»ª»´±°³»²¬ô wehavebeenfundingpartnersforthelast6years. ó·³°®±ª»¿·®»®ª·½» Thispastyearwehaveworkedverycloselywith theCity to º±®±«®®»¹·±²ò ó Ø»®·¬¿¹» And,mostrecentlywepartneredwithyou toorganizeandhostthefirst ß©¿®¼¹¿´¿ò WecommendCommonCouncilforonceagainholdingthetaxrate.Thiswillhelpattract newbusinessestoourcommunityandsupportpositiveeconomicdevelopment. Wealsocongratulateyouonmakingstrategicinvestmentsthisyearintheareasof economicdevelopment. Thispastyear,theBoardofTradeaggressivelysupportedfivekeyinitiativesthatwe believeareessentialforSaintJohn’sgrowth. ͸±©´·¼»ýì Þ±¿®¼ëÕ»§ ײ·¬·¿¬·ª»º±®îððêóðé 1.SaintJohnHarbourCleanupandwaterfrontdevelopment; 2.ThefurtherdevelopmentofSaintJohn’senergysector; 3.Transportationincludingincreasedgovernmentfundingforcapitalinfrastructure projects; 4.EnhancedpartnershipswithEnterpriseSaintJohn,UptownSaintJohn,the AtlanticHealthSciencesCorporation,NBCCSaintJohncampus,UNBSJ,and otherlike-mindedgroups;and PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com п¹»ýìóÜ®¿º¬ 5.ThecreationandadvancementofAtlantica. Wehavemadesomegreatprogressonsomeoftheseinitiatives,but thereisstillworkto bedone. IwouldnowliketoaskNathalieGodbouttocomeforwardtospeaktoyouaboutour prioritiesfortheyearaheadandbeyond. Ò¿¬¸¿´·»æ Thankyou,Bob! AstheincomingChairoftheSaintJohnBoardofTrade,Iampleased tobehere to conveytoCommonCouncilandcitystafftheBoardofTradeprioritiesforthecoming year.Theseprioritiesreflectourcommitmenttoaproductiveenvironmentforbusiness inSaintJohn–whatwebelievethisRegionneedsinordertosustaingrowth,attractnew investment,createnewemploymentandnewopportunities.Theseprioritiesformpartof ouroverallstrategicplanasaBoard,andas thevoiceoftheSaintJohnbusiness community. ͸±©´·¼»ýë ׫»©»©·´´«°°±®¬ 1)TheBoardofTradewillcontinue tosupportHarbourCleanup.This infrastructureinitiativeisimperativeinorder tobringanendtothepracticeof dischargingrawsewageintoourwatercourses,andwillmakeSaintJohna moreattractiveplacetoliveanddobusiness. PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com п¹»ýëóÜ®¿º¬ 2)LeBureaudecommercemaintiendrasonpartenariatstratégiqueavecnos établissementsd’enseignementpost-secondaire.Nousréviseronsleplan proposéparleGroupede travailsurl’enseignementpost-secondaireetnous appuieronsl’élaborationd’unpland’actionrégional. English translation: TheBoardofTradewillcontinueitsstrategicpartnershipswithourpost-secondary institutions.WewillreviewthePostSecondaryReviewTaskForce’splanandwill supportthedevelopmentofanactionplanforourregion; 3)TheBoardofTradewillcontinue topartnerwiththeAtlanticHealthSciences CorporationandUNBSJ tohaveaprovincialAnglophonemedical training facilityinSaintJohnfortheFallof2009; 4)Wewillcontinuetosupport theadvancementoftheAtlanticaconcept; 5)TheBoardwillworkwithEnterpriseSaintJohn,andotherstakeholderssuch astheport,theairport,andrailtolookatthepossibilityofestablishingaSaint JohnGatewayCouncil,thatwillinturnprovidevaluableinputforourregion intotheproposedAtlanticGateway; 6)Wewillseekoutopportunitiesforourmemberstooptimizeonthebenefits nd frommega-projectssuchastheproposed 2refineryandLNG; 7)Andofcourse,wewillcontinuetosupportTrue Growth. In thecomingyear, theBoardofTradewillalso taketheleadinsupportingand advocatingfortwomajorinfrastructureprojectsforSaintJohn. ͸±©´·¼»ýê ׫»©»©·´´´»¿¼ 1.TheBoardofTradewillagaincomeoutstronglyinsupportofthecompletionof the One-MileHighwayInterchange. TheProvincialGovernmenthasalreadycommittedtothisproject.Oureffortswill gotowardsensuring thattheinterchangeiscompletedby2010atthelatest,in orderthatourregioncanbetterleverageinvestmentsandopportunitiesinour PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com п¹»ýêóÜ®¿º¬ industrialparks.ThisInterchangewill take truck trafficoffourdowntownstreets, somethingthatisvitalforourtourismindustry,andwillalsoreducewear&tear onourcitystreets.Takingthis trafficdirectlytotheindustrialareaofthecitywill alsopromotegrowthanddevelopmentinourindustrialparks,andhelpsupport newinvestmentstotheoilrefinery,theLNGproject,theproposed Green nd IndustrialPark,BaysideDriveproperties,andthepotential 2refinery.The importanceandsignificanceofthisOne-MileInterchangecannotbeoverstated, andwillnowbecomethenumberonepriorityfortheBoardofTrade. nd 2.The 2majorinfrastructureprojectwewillsupportis theimprovementofour Business/IndustrialParks. WithSaintJohnpositionedatthegeographiccentreofAtlantica,itisnowmore importantthanevertoimproveourinfrastructureinordertocompeteonaglobal scale.WearethelargestindustrialcentreinNewBrunswickandour business/industrialparksshouldbepositionedtobecomethe“locationofchoice” withinthegeographicregionknownasAtlantica.Theopportunitiesfor tradeand commercialactivitywouldbeendless. Welookforwardtoreviewingthereportbeingpreparedbyyourtaskforceon Business/IndustrialParks,andhopetopartnerwiththeCityinsupporting this initiative. LeBureauacommemandatedepromouvoirl’aménagementéconomiqueetlemieux êtredu GrandSaintJohn.Nosmembresdemandentd’êtremisàcontributionetnous voulonstravailleravecvous,lesmembresduConseilpouratteindrenosobjectifs. Nombreuxsontlesmembresquisiègentauxcomitésmunicipaux. Noussommesmembresduplusimportantregroupementdegensd’affairesdelaville. C’esticiquenousvivonsetnoustenonsaunevilleencroissanceetprospère. English translation: Board’spurposeistoencourageeconomicdevelopmentandwellbeingfor Greater SaintJohn.Ourmemberswanttobepartof thesolutionandtoworkwithyouascouncil memberstoaccomplishwhatneedstobedone.Manyofourmembersarealready activeoncitycommittees.Wearethelargestbusinessorganizationin thecity.Weall PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com п¹»ýéóÜ®¿º¬ haveamajorstakein thefutureprosperityofthiscity.Thisisourhomeandwewant to seethecitygrowandprosper. InConclusion: Wethankyoufortheopportunitytoappearbeforeyou thisevening, tohearaboutour issuesandkeypriorities.Ourmutualgoalistoexpandandgrowthe taxbaseofSaint John.Weallagreethateconomicgrowthisthelong-termsolution tomanyofSaint John’sneedsandshouldrightlybe theprimefocusofbothofourgroups. WehopethatwehaveprovidedyouwithagreaterunderstandingoftheBoardofTrade anditspriorities. Inclosing,wearealsoverycommittedtoworkingwithourpartnerorganizations,thefive regionalmayorsandtheirTrueGrowthstrategy,aswellas theprovincialandfederal governmentstoattractandretainnewinvestmentintoourregion.Weencourage strategicpartnershipsthatwillhelpdefineeconomic,social,andculturalstrategiesfor ourregion. ͸±©´·¼»ýé ̸¿²µ§±« Application for a Zoning By-law Amendment Demaode de modification a ('arrete sur Ie zooage Applicant Related Information I Renseignements sur Ie demandeur Name of Applicant / Nom du demandeur M w1~.1> Son -brd Mailing Address of applicant / Addresse postale du demandeur t~t ch u r eJ1 \C! V1 ri ~ U\f -~D~ n r\(: It) "=IS R LUl~()J I c-lL Postal Code / Code postal Telephone Number / Numero de telephone 5 bh .- foq to - 5:) S. ) Home/Domicile &Cf(o- _:),3-5 ( Work/Travail 3-35 - D70t? KctiJ EdN- IT7 Fax Nmnber / N_ro de teltcopieur Name of Property Owner (if different) / Nom du proprietaire (si different) Address I Adresse Postal Code / Code postal Property Information I Renseigoements sur la propriete Location I Emplacement \ 4-\ C.-k u rc.h \Q VIr) ~ca.d Civic # / No de voirie Street I Rue 4339<J7 PID / NIP Municipal Plan land Use Designation Designation de utilization des teIreS sur Ie plan municipal g5 me-krs ~UZ.~Qp' \trW d~nsd-V resrdel1+1aL. Lot Area I Superficie du lot 3150 ~"m " Street Frontage / F~ sur rue Existing Use of Property / Utilisation actuelle de 1a propri6te ,t' 5/6en-h ~ Amendment Requested I Modification demandee Present Zoning / Zonage actuel \.:;"- I o Change Zoning to I Modification du zonage a B - :J-. and/or / ou o Text Amendment (indicate particulars:) I Modification due texte (indiquez les details) Development Proposal! Proposition d'amenagement Description of Proposal! Description de la proposition 1\e0lce ~()'P '-. h(JLl~5 f; '"36- ~Y.bD mDr7- Thue~ + [" \ICth,\t'$ II" YOJO ill a^~ Qt1e ~ine . eYl~+\n5 "Bet] lOin) tc Re"maIYl'~ 9lm e- You must provide a scaled site plan that illustrates your proposal. You may also provide photographs, building plans, elevation drawings and any other form of information. The plan must show the dimensions of the properly, the location of all buildings, driveways, parking areas, landscaping and signs. It is important that the distance between the property boundary and buildings are shown. Vous devezfoumir un plan du site a /'eche//e il/ustrantvotre proposition. Vous pouvez egalement foumir des photographies, des plans de bdtiment, des dessins de plan d'elevation el toute autre forme de renseignement. Le plan doit indiquer les dimensions de la proprMte, I'emplacement de /a totatile des bdtiments, des aI/ees, des aires de stationnement, des amenagements paysagers et des panneaux de signalisation. II est important d'indiquer la distance entre les limites de la propriele et les bdtimenls. Provide reasons why these amendments should be approved I Foumir tout autre reoseignement concernant votre proposition qui poWTait etre approuvees. fy IStlnj U s{ f\ 0 COm ~ \n (lets -W<Drt\ On \ L\ <ln1f~~ O..{ , f\€'l:h h6Y s .9n (flf'NL . Provide any other information about your proposal that would be helpful. I Foumir tout autre renseignement concernant. votre proposition qui pourrait etre tttile. Signature of Applicant I Signature du demandeur ~~f--1 Date j o..n Lilli ~ 10 I ;)UJ7 I o $400 Application Fee Enclosed I Ci.joint les frais de demande de 400 $ If you are not the owner of the land in question please have the owner sign below. The signature of the owner is authorizing this application to proceed for consideration by Common Cound/. Signature of Owner (ifapplicabJe) Signatwe due proprietaire (s'il y a lieu) Si vous n '~tes pas Ie proprietaire du terrain en question, veuillez oblenir la signature du proprietaire dans la partie ci-dessous. La signature du proprietaire autorisant Ie trai/ernent de /a presente demande pour que cette demiere soit examinee par Ie conseil communal. Date: L.---~ _ ,jf-~~ --~" \ \ r=\<'- ~, r~- v; \ &'; \ .,~ ~~ (\J ?);, \ y __,OR .;..- -" ~ t \ -~ .., i.,-c; .~,y ; ". 9!~ 9 p .,-------~'--- ,,----- . ,.' , -' (1' , :' '--\ 1 '. \ \ fl~i,J" "J:'-; if I} -J"<> A~~. \ .\ f _- 'i"1 t: ,.,_7:-. -1 ( \ ,:;"R"rc' . \ .~,..- (1" \ .,'"' . l:"~. \".<' r'" \ \ l \ \ \, \ \ "\ c ~ u.(t.t<h ~ ~o-J D~~iJQ W ."---. "::::J 6;~ LJuo J.s '~ ~ '- c.._~~ ---- .--.......-------------~ / " n A '""' ~' I. n Jas.t: ~\ ~ _ t~tn p\19't""'"""" --tV \ -r'-" Sk '0().>l.Q.. \:w.-n I . 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JhLn K-YcU. 0Jr1~ ~ g.)/cll \~ q, PROPOSED ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT RE: 141 CHURCHLAND ROAD Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Saint John intends to consider amending The City of Saint John Zoning By~law at its regular meeting to be held in the Council Chamber on Monday, March 12, 2007 at 7:00 p.m., by: Rezoning a parcel of land located at 141 Churchland Road, having an area of approximately 3750 square metres, also identified as being PID No. 00433987, from "RS-l" One and Two Family Suburban Residential to "B-2" General Business, PROJET DE MODIFICATION DE L' ARRETE SUR LE ZONAGE OBJET: 141, CHEMIN CHURCHLAND Par les presentes, un avis public est dome par lequel Ie conseil communal de The City of Saint John indique son intention de modifier l'arrete sur Ie zonage de The City of Saint John, lors de la reunion ordinaire qui se tiendra dans la salle du conseille lundi 12 mars 2007 a 19 h, en apportant la modification suivante : Rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain situee au 141. chemin Churchland, d'une superficie approximative de 3750 metres cam~s et portant Ie NID 00433987, afin de faire passer la classification de zone residentielle de banlieue - habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales <( RS-1>> it zone commerciale generale (< B-2 >>. REASON FOR CHANGE: MOTIFS DE LA MODIFICATION: To pennit an automotive repair garage with a Permettre l'amenagement d'un garage de reparation residence. de v6hicules automobiles avec une residence. The proposed amendment may be inspected by any interested person at the office of the Common Clerk, or in the office of Planning and Development, City Hall, 15 Market Square, Saint John, N,B. between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p"m., Monday through Friday, inclusive, holidays excepted. Toute perSOIme interessee peut examiner la modification proposee au bureau du greffier communal au au bureau de l'urbanisme et du developpement a I'hOtel de ville situe au 15, Market Square, a Saint John, au Nouveau-Brunswick, entre 8 h 30 et 16 h 30 du lundi au vendredi, saufles jours feries. Written objections to the amendment may be sent Veuillez faire part de vos objections au projet de to the undersigned at City Hall. modification par ecrit it rattention du soussigne a l'hotel de ville. J. Patrick Woods, Common Clerk 658-2862 J. Patrick Woods, Greffier communal 658-2862 City of Saint John INTERNAL INSERTION ORDER For City of Saint John use only: Budget Number: 1100801 4422010 Department: Common Clerk's Office (Account # 71206) Contact: J. Patrick Woods Phone: (506) 658-2862 I Fax: (506) 674-4214 Special Instructions (if any): Newspaper Insertion Dates (Check as applicable) (SJTJ= Saint John Telegraph Journal) .. SJT J City Information Ad Date(s): Tuesday, February 13,2007 Tuesday, March 6, 2007 .. SJT J Independent Placement .. SJT J Classifieds Date(s): Date(s): Information for Ad (Boldface anything you want Bold in Ad, Centre, Tab, etc.) Section Headline: o General Notice 0 Tender D Proposal ~ Public Notice Sub~Headline (if applicable): Text: INSERT ATTACHED Call to Action: J. Patrick Woods, Common Clerk/Greffier communal Contact: I Telephone: (506) 658-2862 BY-LAW NUMBER c.P. 110- A LAW TO AMEND THE ZONING BY-LAW OF THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN ARRETE NO C.P. 110- ARRETE MODIFIANT L' ARRETE SUR LE WNAGE DE THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by The City of Saint Lors d'une reunion du conseil John in Common Council convened. as communal, The City of Saint John a follows: decrete ce qui suit: The Zoning By-law of The City of L'arrete sur Ie zonage de The City Saint John enacted on the nineteenth day of of Saint John, decrete Ie dix-neuf (19) December, A.D. 2005, is amended by: decembre 2005, est modifie par : I Amending Schedule "A", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re-zoning a parcel of land located at 141 ChurcWand Road, having an area of approximately 3750 square metres, also identified as being PID No. 00433987, from "RS-I" One and Two Family Suburban Residential to "B-2" General Business classification - all as shown on the plan attached hereto and forming part of this by-law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by-law the * day of *, A.D. 2007 and signed by: I La modification de I'annexe <<A>>, Plan de zonage de The City of Saint John, permettant de modifier la designation d'une parcelle de terrain d' une superficie approximative de 3,750 metres carres, situee au 141, chemin Churchland, et identifiee SOllS Ie NID 00433987, de zone residentielle de banlieue - habitations unifamiliales et bifarniliales (<RS-I>> a zone commerciale generale << B-2 )) - toutes les modifications sont indiquees sur Ie plan ci-joint et font partie du present arrete. EN FOI DE QUaI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur Ie present arri!te Ie 2007, avec les signatures suivantes : Mayor! Maire Common Clerk/Greffier communal First Reading Second Reading - Third Reading - Premiere lecture Deuxieme lecture Troisieme lecture Ó¿®½¸çôîððé DZ«®É±®¸·°¿²¼Ý±«²½·´´±®æ ÍËÞÖÛÝÌæЮ±°±»¼Î»¦±²·²¹ ïìïݸ«®½¸´¿²¼Î±¿¼ Ѳڻ¾®«¿®§ïîôîððéݱ³³±²Ý±«²½·´®»º»®®»¼¬¸»¿¾±ª»³¿¬¬»®¬±¬¸»Ð´¿²²·²¹ ß¼ª·±®§Ý±³³·¬¬»»º±®¿®»°±®¬¿²¼®»½±³³»²¼¿¬·±²ò ̸»Ý±³³·¬¬»» ½±²·¼»®»¼¬¸»¿¬¬¿½¸»¼®»°±®¬¿¬·¬Ó¿®½¸êôîððé³»»¬·²¹ò ̸»´¿²¼±©²»®ôÓ®òο²¼§Í¿²º±®¼ô¿°°»¿®»¼¾»º±®»¬¸»Ý±³³·¬¬»»·²«°°±®¬±º ¸·¿°°´·½¿¬·±²ò ̸»®»©¿¿´±±²»±¬¸»®°®»»²¬¿¬·±²³¿¼»¾§¬¸»¿¼¶¿½»²¬ °®±°»®¬§±©²»®øÓ®òÙ¿®§ß·¬±²÷±ºïìëݸ«®½¸´¿²¼Î±¿¼òØ»¼·¼²±¬±¾¶»½¬¬± ¬¸»½«®®»²¬¿«¬±³±¬·ª»®»°¿·®¾«·²»ô¾«¬»¨°®»»¼½±²½»®²©·¬¸®»¹¿®¼¬± ¿«¬±¾±¼§¿²¼°¿·²¬©±®µ¿©»´´¿¬¸»±¬¸»®«»¬¸¿¬¬¸»°®±°±»¼Þóî Ù»²»®¿´Þ«·²»¦±²·²¹©±«´¼¿´´±©ò ̸»®»©»®»»ª»®¿´´»¬¬»®®»½»·ª»¼ ½±²½»®²·²¹¬¸·¿°°´·½¿¬·±²ø»»¿¬¬¿½¸³»²¬÷ò ߺ¬»®½±²·¼»®·²¹¬¸»°®»»²¬¿¬·±²¿²¼¬¿ºº®»°±®¬ô¬¸»Ý±³³·¬¬»»®»±´ª»¼¬± ®»½±³³»²¼·²º¿ª±«®±º¬¸·®»¦±²·²¹¿°°´·½¿¬·±² «¾¶»½¬¬±½»®¬¿·²½±²¼·¬·±²ò ̸·®»½±³³»²¼¿¬·±²¿²¼½±²¼·¬·±²¿®»»¬±«¬¾»´±©º±®§±«®½±²ª»²·»²½»ò ÎÛÝÑÓÓÛÒÜßÌ×ÑÒ æ 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Churchland Date: February/fevrier 5, 2007 Scale/echelle: Not to scale/Pas a l'E'khelle ---- \ : v\' I \ . \ ");}~ ..,~ J, '\ \ ~ c~....tt.~ ~..J ?J~t .j . ~ \ ----- '\ \ 9' (" ~-- vi f?? l V{t\IJ'l w~ 6...~ / Woo cl5 \ I \ \ \ I i , . \ I i . u"V.l<;~', /~cA s: .(RECEIV!D~" . /L."~ .~ . . ~ -;:/~ ,<) ) . ." t!;:. v ~ ./ 7J ./-oJ. "; (') -J--,v 177 I... fEB 27 1!t!1 \ d~.;l-S:- ;).00 J ... . . / ~.~ .. /fuv~~~. . '-OJi'SAn(t~ - ~~'-k~./~"~~" /-f'.S ~. ~. -(ov " .' .A~~~~~~ ~~~~.4 ~~~~r-e- /~~/~~~k . J' J . tI ~;r- . . ... ~ ~~/'~~ A -- --/ /------6' ~AA'~__/. ~ ~ ~~.A'l_ ~~./'-'007(.47r?Tu-."'..-" -v"",, '7~- ~---"7 ~ .~#r-~~.~~4/-c~~~~ ~~~~q..--/~. d~/~ ~<~ ~. . u.' _uPft.~.~....w..". -' ~/- ~ _7 /;/'/ ~~~~ _. /~_ r" -l7.ALA-. ~/f"~~~S'-/~~~.~ ~~~/~-1q-~Q-~~~~~--4~ 4/~~~~~/,~~~~~ fi~, ~~~~~ttJ~ ~.u{;f-6/~/~~~"~.~~u . r/;o. _ _. 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" ... 7z.~/.0~/~~~4~~ . ~~4~ ~ ~~~~~~ ~- I I y .4/~'U/~~~~+/~-- . -- . 1J'h~~~A4V~~~ u~~~,AL ~~ '--'-t1 .d.~.~~4f/~~/l6~ ~/~~/~/~~~~~~ ~!~~~~ro~e~ ~~~~~~~~ ~. -. .~. . 3" ~~~/~~~~~ ~~~~, ^.d~/_~~~~L~~ . .~~c:?~ 5j~-~~~ ~/~..~~ ~~~~ , . _.~ .__...-......-_ __ _... .. _ ___L_ ._. .._ _ .-- .. . - ~~~~.~~~~ ~/0~~r~~~ .~~- ~_.~--~_._------_.~-- ~-~--_..- ~q ~.~.;z:4-~ ~~~- /~~/~ .. . . f~:jfll tli~ k .~ . . Tracey Armstrong 144 Churchland Rd. Saint John, NB E2N 1T7 506-696-5550 March 2, 2007 Attention: Planning Advisory Committee Re: Rezoning and Conditional Use Application Repair Garage 141 Churchland Rd. I would like to express my view regarding the above mentioned rezoning application that the Planning Committee has currendy been asked to consider. My family and I reside at 144 Churchland Rd. directiy across the street from the site of this dwelling. We have been in no way negatively impacted by this business at any time day or night and have no objections to this business continuing to operate. On a more personal note, I would like to express what a great loss it would be to this family and this community should this rezoning application be denied. Please feel free to contact me at any time with regards to this matter. Respectfully, 1, t4 11M" 1-k'Yc ~ ~ ~~~Sfrong J . ~DEV_, "'-'_:'.'A~' s. Friday, March 02, 2007 To Whom It May Concern: This letter is in support of business owner Randy Sanford. It has been brought to my attention that Mr. Sanford is requesting his property to be re-zoned to commercial. I have been a neighbor to Mr. Sanford for almost 20 years and a customer of his for almost as long. It is a matter of fact that many who reside on Churchland Road trust Randy to the repair and maintenance of their vehicles. His property has always been well maintained and is well above what is considered average on Churchland Road. 1 am in complete support of his bid for rezoning. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. Andy Bezeau Sincerely I . 2 luG1 ~: V!P. i \ . ...Ii ~#\... _..t . . U'.r s.,~~ , "\ t 1 ! Application for a Zoning By~law Amendment Demande de modification a I'arr@te sur Ie zonage Applicant Related Information I Renseignements sur Ie demandeur SG..J~rvlO A '"L.- Fa (" \ -e..n:..... D R- Name of Applicant I Nom du demandeur ~ C~ O~e...rO Mailing Address of applicant / Addresse postale du demandeur ~D S;Wf'\-t- Soh" tJ l B Telephone Number / Nt.nnero de telephone (:::0 <a ) Postal Code / Code postal Home / Domicile G::, 'S '1- 80 Z3 I Work/Travail la.~~ -0100 Fax Number I Numero de ielecopieur Name of Property Owner (if different) I Nom du proprietaire (si differeD1) D\.~s.-c:L PO~~ ~~C-J~ LTD Address / Adresse 22 07 Lo~ La ""-'l.f\cl. ~Posta1 Code I Code postal E:J..JJ ~ J A-I Property Information / Renseigoements sur Ia propriete Civic # / No de voirie .. :14- S t ~ D So n D ((J.1f t::..- Street I Rue I Pill I NIP Location I Emplacement Lot Area I Superficie du lot Street Frontage I F~ sur rue Existing Use of Property I Utilisation actuelle de 1a propOtte ----R e..i\-\.eL Municipal Plan land Use Designation Designation de utilization des terres sur Ie plan municipal Amendment Requested I Modification demandee Present Zoning / Zonage actuel c;;( Change Zoning to / Modification du zonage a B \ and/or I ou o Text Amendment (indicate particulars) I Modification due texte (indiquez les details) Development Proposal I Proposition d' amenagement Description of Proposal! Description de Ia proposition \;-\oirS~\.\'n5 <:shop -\or ~o ~~\~~ . You must provide a scaled site plan that illustrates your proposal_ You may also provide photographs, building plans, elevation drawings and any other form of information. The plan must show the dimensions of the property, the location of all buildings, driveways, parking areas, ~ - /" landscaping and signs. It is imporlanJ;that the distance between the property bouJJdivy and buildings are shown. / Vous devezfoumir un plan du site a l'echelle illusirant votre proposition. Vous fXJUW!z egolement foumir des photographies, des plans de bdtiment, des dessins de plan d'eJevation et toute autre forme de renseignement. Le plan doit indiquer les dimensions de la propriete, I'emplacement de la totalife des bdtiments, des allees, des aires de stationnement, des amenagements paysagers et des panneaux de signalisation. 11 est important d'indiquer la distance entre les limites de fa propriete et les bdtiments. Provide reasons why these amendments should be approved. I Foumir tout autre renseignement concernant votre proposition qui pourrait etre approuvees. t:L..:"">SI<-X€ ~S C:~.r~ I S~(' ~\c.ft- Bu...'S'S ~"Ae...~ _~l) \SQ--rber s\io~~ \1(\ QI(~ 1 Provide any other information about your proposal that would be helpful. I Fournir tout autre renseignement concernant voire proposition qui pourrait me utile. Signature of Applicant I Signature du demandeur CJ2~ 9 d0i2('lt~ Date ~\' ~'1 J Oi o $400 Application Fee Enclosed / Ci-joint les frais de demande de 400 $ If you are not the owner of the land in question please have the owner sign below. The signature of the owner is authorizing this application to proceed for consideration by Common Council. Signature ofOwn.er (if applicable) Signature due proprietaire (s'il ya lieu) Si V()U$ n'ites pas Ie proprietaire du terra;n en question, veuiJIez obten;r la signature du propriiiaire dans la partie ci-dessous. La signature du proprietaire autorisant Ie troitement de lo presente demande pour que cette demiere soit examinee pQ1' Ie conse' communal. Scv, Qq )07 Date: b ..\ -es e.L Qu..)er S-er0lC--e....- l....\D ~ tif 'l}f/ DC 31- j6 fi c . J ~ l J- ~ / /1/ <:-~ ~ - - -1 f' ~ ~ 1 \ .j) ~\ I.... a. '-'* j \0 ~O ij') ~.t; CO \.-.c l~ . ~ -J & "': \ ':. _ r-jL-- '\'" ~ 1 ~ -0 ':t or: ~ ~ 1\: ~ ~ '\il \ ~ J ~ - ~ a c o V\ Q- ~ \7) --:!. j> - ... '<Z (Vj y l~ ... L- a ( 63 t ~ \f\ r ~ i v \-== -6) ~ ------- ~ .~li) PROPOSED WNING BY-LAW AMENDMENT RE: 24 SIMPSON DRIVE Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Saint John intends to consider amending The City of Saint John Zoning By-law at its regular meeting to be held in the Council Chamber on Monday, March 12, 2007 at 7:00 p.m., by: Rezoning a parcel of land having an area of approximately 1700 square metres, located at 24 Simpson Drive, also identified as being PID No. 55183941, from "R-IB" One Family Residential and "RS-2~' One and Two Family Suburban Residential to "B-P' Local Business. REASON FOR CHANGE: To permit a barber shop or beauty parlour_ The proposed amendment may be inspected by any interested person at the office of the Common Clerk, or in the office of Planning and Development, City Hall, 15 Market Square, Saint John, N.B. between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, inclusive, holidays excepted. PROJET DE MODIFICATION DE L'ARRETE SUR LE ZONAGE OBJET: 24, PROMENADE SIMPSON Par les presentes, un avis public est donne par lequel Ie conseil communal de The City of Saint John indique son intention de modifier l'arrete sur Ie zonage de The City of Saint Jolm, lors de la reunion ordinaire qui se tiendra dans la salle du conseille Jundi 12 mars 2007 a 19 b, en apportant la modification suivante : Le rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain situee au 24, promenade Simpson, d'une superficie d'environ 1 700 metres carn~s et portant Ie NID 55183941, de zone residentielle - habitations unifamiliales (( R-IB}) et zone residentielle de banHeue - habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales ((RS-2>) a zone commerciale locale (( B-1 ))_ RAISON DE LA MODIFICATION: Permettre Pexploitation d'un salon de coiffure ou de beaute. Toute personne interessee peut examiner la modification proposee au bureau du greffier communal au au bureau de l'urbanisme et du developpement a 1'h6tel de ville situe au 15, Market Square, a Saint John, au Nouveau~Brunswick, entre 8 h 30 et 16 h 30 du lundi au vendredi, sauf les jours feries, Written objections to the amendment may be sent Veuillez faire part de vos objections au projet de to the undersigned at City Hall. modification par ecrit a l'attention du soussigne a 1'h6tel de ville, J. Patrick Woods, Common Clerk 658-2862 J. Patrick Woods, greffier communal 658-2862 City of Saint John INTERNAL INSERTION ORDER For City of Saint John use only: Budget Number: 11008014422010 Department: Common Clerk's Office (Account # 71206) Contact: J. Patrick Woods Phone: (506) 658-2862 I Fax: (506) 674-4214 Special Instructions (if any): Newspaper Insertion Dates (Check as applicable) (SJTJ= Saint John Telegraph Journal) .. SJTJ City Information Ad Date(s): Tuesday, February 13, 2007 Tuesday, March 6, 2007 .. SJT J Independent Placement .. SJT J Classifieds Date(s): Date(s): Information for Ad (Boldface anything you want Bold in Ad, Centre, Tab, etc.) Section Headline: D General Notice D Tender 0 Proposal ~ Public Notice Sub-Headline (if applicable): Text: INSERT ATTACHED Call to Action: J. Patrick Woods, Common Clerk/Greffier communal Contact: I Telephone: (506) 658-2862 BY-LAW NUMBER C,P. 110- ALA W TO AMEND THE ZONING BY-LAW OF THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by The City of Saint John in Common Council convened, as follows: ARRETE NO C,P. 110- ARRETE MODIFIANT L' ARRETE SUR LE ZONAGE DE THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Lors d'une reunion du conseil communal, The City of Saint John a decrete ce qui suit: The Zoning By-law of The City of L'arrete sur Ie zonage de The City Saint John enacted on the nineteenth day of of Saint John, decrete Ie dix-neuf (19) December, A.D. 2005, is amended by: decembre 2005, est modifie par: 1 Amending Schedule "A", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re-zoning a parcel of land located at 24 Simpson Drive, having an area of approximately 1700 square metres, also identified as being PID No_ 55183941, from "R-1B" One Family Residential and "RS-2" One and Two Family Suburban Residential to "B- I" Local Business classification - all as shown on the plan attached hereto and forming part of this by-Iaw_ IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by-law the * day of *, A.D. 2007 and signed by: 1 La modification de J'annexe <<Ai), Plan de zonage de The City of Saint John. permettant de modifier la designation d'nne parcelle de terrain situee au 24, promenade Simpson, d'une superficie d'environ 1 700 metres carn.':s, et portant Ie NID 55183941, de zone residentielle habitations unifamiliales <<R-lB )) et zone residentielle de banlieue ~ habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales << RS-2 )) it zone cornmerciale locale <<B-1 )) - toutes les modifications sont indiquees sur Ie plan ci-joint et font partie du present arrete. EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur Ie present arrete Ie 2007. avec les signatures suivantes : Mayor/ Maire Common Clerk/Greffier communal First Reading Second Reading - Third Reading - Premiere lecture Deuxieme lecture Troisieme lecture Ó¿®½¸éôîððé DZ«®É±®¸·°¿²¼Ý±«²½·´´±®æ ÍËÞÖÛÝÌæîìÍ·³°±²Ü®·ª»ó릱²·²¹ß°°´·½¿¬·±² Ѳڻ¾®«¿®§ïîôîððéݱ³³±²Ý±«²½·´®»º»®®»¼¬¸»¿¾±ª»³¿¬¬»®¬±¬¸»Ð´¿²²·²¹ ß¼ª·±®§Ý±³³·¬¬»»º±®¿®»°±®¬¿²¼®»½±³³»²¼¿¬·±²ò̸»Ý±³³·¬¬»» ½±²·¼»®»¼¬¸»¿¬¬¿½¸»¼®»°±®¬¿¬·¬Ó¿®½¸êôîððé³»»¬·²¹òÓ®òÝ¿´¿¹»®± Í¿´¿³±²»¿°°»¿®»¼·²«°°±®¬±º¬¸»¿°°´·½¿¬·±²¿²¼²±¬»¼¬¸¿¬¸»©±«´¼´·µ»¬± °«®½¸¿»¬¸»«¾¶»½¬·¬»¿²¼°»®º±®³¿²§²»½»¿®§®»°¿·®¬±¬¸»¼©»´´·²¹·º¸· ®»¦±²·²¹¿°°´·½¿¬·±²©»®»¿°°®±ª»¼ò ߺ¬»®½±²·¼»®·²¹¬¸»¿¬¬¿½¸»¼¬¿ºº®»°±®¬¿²¼¼·½«·²¹¬¸»½±²¼·¬·±²¿²¼ «·¬¿¾·´·¬§±º¬¸»·¬»ø¿·¬½«®®»²¬´§»¨·¬÷º±®¬¸»°®±°±»¼«»ô¬¸»Ð´¿²²·²¹ ß¼ª·±®§Ý±³³·¬¬»»¿¼±°¬»¼¬¿ºº®»½±³³»²¼¿¬·±²¿»¬±«¬¾»´±©ò ÎÛÝÑÓÓÛÒÜßÌ×ÑÒ æ ̸¿¬¬¸»¿°°´·½¿¬·±²¾»¼»²·»¼ò λ°»½¬º«´´§«¾³·¬¬»¼ô ͬ»°¸»²Ø±®¹¿² ݸ¿·®³¿² ÍÕØ ß¬¬¿½¸³»²¬ Ю±¶»½¬Ò±òðéóðìí 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' .1-' f. \.\.\.,.,.\ if3A.. ..,. flJ~~Iil""'" \ r.q\~~'Q p ~~'i'. \ .. ' ... Subject Site/site en question: PID(s)/NIP(s): 55183941 Location: 24 promenade Simpson Drive Date: February 12, 2007 Scale/echelle: Not to scale/Pas a I\khelle \\ ' P,O. Box/C.P. 1971 Saint John, NB/N,-B, Canada E2L 4L1 www.salntjohn.ca T11e City of Saint John March 5, 2007 Your Worship Norm McFarlane Members of Common Council City of Saint John Dear Mayor McFarlane and Fellow Councillors: The attached map shows a section of the Saint John Throughway (Provincial Highway). Those who travel this section at nigh. will be familiar with the lack of lighting between the noted lights_ A number of the motoring public has expressed their concern (safety) to me as the Councillor responsible for transportation. In short, I would suggest this section which has very heavy traffic should have lighting_ MOTION: area. Request the Provincial Department of Transportation to install lighting in this Respectfully submitted, c~ C. T. Titus COUNCILLOR Saint John Throughway ! i ~ i No Overhead Lighting 2.8 KL(1.75 miles) Light ROiI1.soy "''''110 J j J ~0-i ~\~" -a.~ ~e .. t..0-v'fi. ~'().~ \"1' ~G \(\\0 ~ \\ l v www.saintjohn.ca March 6, 2007 His Worship Mayor Norm McFarlane And Councillors Your Worship and Councillors Re: Moncton Multiplex Tour P.o. Box/C.P. 1971 Saint John. NB/N.-B. Canada E2L 4L1 The City of Saint John I move that a tour of Moncton's Multiplex Facility be scheduled during the spring months. Yours Truly, Received bye-mail Jay-young Chang City Councillor March6,2007 HisWorshipMayorNormMcFarlane AndCouncillors YourWorshipandCouncillors λæݱ²½®»¬»Þ¿®®·½¿¼»®»ó¼·®»½¬·²¹¬®¿ºº·½±²Ð®·²½»É·´´·¿³Í¬ò Imove that theCityManagerreportbackto thiscouncilallupdatesand future planswithrespect totheconcretebarricadewhichre-directstrafficatthe beginningofPrinceWilliamSt. YoursTruly, Receivedbye-mail Jay-youngChang CityCouncillor PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com March6,2007 HisWorshipMayorNormMcFarlane AndCouncillors YourWorshipandCouncillors λæλ´¿¬·±²¸·°¾»¬©»»²¬¸»Ý·¬§¿²¼¬¸»Û¨¸·¾·¬·±²Ð¿®µß±½·¿¬·±² Iaminterestedindetermining theofficialrelationshipandrolethat theCityhaswith the ExhibitionParkAssociation,and thereforemovethat thismatterbereferredtotheCity ManagerandtheCitySolicitorforareportbacktoCouncilassoonaspossible. YoursTruly, λ½»·ª»¼¾§»ó³¿·´ Jay-youngChang CityCouncillor PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com \\. .6 P.O. Box/C.P. 1971 Saint John, NBIN.-B, Canada E2L 4L1 www.saintjohn.ca The City of Saint John March 8, 2007 Mayor Norm McFarlane and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Fellow Councilors: Re: CONDITION OF OUR SIDEWALKS During the past couple of weeks, I have received numerous calls from parents with young children who must walk to school and seniors about snow removal and that state of our sidewalks_ As this winter is drawing to a close, this is clearly a health and safety issue that must be addressed and cannot be ignored in the future. The repair, maintenance and clearing of snow from our sidewalks are of vital importance for those who have no other means of travel. One-third of our population is seniors, many of them living alone, and they need a clear, safe passage from their homes to their neighbours, the corner store or a nearby church. Winter is a difficult time for most of us, but especially for many seniors whose mobility is impaired because of lack of snow removal and salt and sanding. During the spring, summer and fall, their travel is impaired because of lack of repair QI upgrading of their sidewalk. Therefore my motion is to have staff report back to Council in the near future on what strategies exist or area needed to deal with the problem of snow removal from sidewalks during the winter season; ALSO, what strategies exist or are needed to deal with the problem of repairing and upgrading older infrastructure such as sidewalks_ This report should include costing for additional manpower and equipment if necessary, so that Council can plan for the 2008 budget and to find out what can be done in 2007 ReSPza::ed'~ Ivan Court Councillor \ \. P.O. Box/C.P. 1971 Saint John, NB/N.-B. Canada E2L 4L1 www.saintjohn.ca The City of saint John March 8, 2007 Mayor Norm McFarlane and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Fellow Councilors: Re; Need for new Municipal leaislation The City of Moncton has circulated a discussion paper outlining some of the key shortcomings of the current Municipalities Act in the Province of New Brunswick. The Cities of New Brunswick Association has asked for input from the other Cities in response to the discussion paper. The attached comments have been prepared with the assistance of City staff. In addition to the need for a more 'permissive' legislative framework, it highlights the importance of developing a new fiscal pact between the Cities and the Province, and the need to address fundamental structural issues if the Province is to achieve long-term sustainability. The comments do not propose specific solutions to these issues but anticipates that a healthy debate will ensue between Provincial and Municipal representatives_ The focus of this debate should be to find effective solutions that will meet the needs of our citizens. I am asking for Council's support to submit these comments on behalf of the City of Saint John. Respectfully submitted, U~~ Cs Ivan Court Councillor A NEW MUNICIPAL LEGISLATIVE ENVIRONMENT The City of Moncton discussion paper readily addresses many of the issues that have arisen in recent years questioning the suitability of the current legislative environment for municipalities. The City of Saint John has itself been confronted with issues such as; blasting, gravel pit operations, strip clubs, pesticides, a hotel levy, fees for false alarms, substandard housing, bylaw enforcement powers etc In each instance there have been legislative restrictions that have limited our ability to respond in an effective and timely basis. Addressing the issue of slumlords and substandard housing, for example, took a concerted and lengthy effort (with the support of the Province) to resolve. In another instance, the issue of a hotel levy (that was reauested bv industry operators) remains unresolved after over three years of discussion. CURRENT LEGISLATION OUTDATED Unfortunately under the current regime each of these issues must be addressed incrementally. This incremental approach is not only time consuming and costly for both the Province and the City but it is also frustrating for citizens and businesses who cannot understand why we can't just do something to resolve their problem. There is, however, a greater issue that could be more fully addressed in the discussion paper. Much of the debate in recent years has focused largely on what Cities are unable to do. It is, we believe, far more important to be forward looking in our approach and consider what powers, duties and responsibilities should accrue to Cities in New Brunswick in order to best ensure that we can position ourselves to thrive and prosper in the decades ahead. A new legislative environment must be about more than solving the problems of the past it must also be about laying a strong foundation for the future. We must also consider better governance, regional necessities, competitive pressures, more flexibility, less administrative oversight, enhanced accountability and more responsive decision making as part and parcel of this legislative renewal. SPHERES OF JURISDICITION - PREFERRED APPROACH We have antiquated legislation that no longer reflects the dynamic and competitive reality in which Cities in New Brunswick must function. The City of Saint John believes that a move to the spheres of jurisdiction approach is the preferred option. As has been done in other provinces, cities would be granted broad powers in certain spheres of jurisdiction. This would include the power to adopt bylaws, regulate, apply fees and charges, set fines etc etc. The spheres of jurisdiction approach will allow individual municipalities to respond as they see fit to matters of local concern, as and when deemed appropriate. This will allow municipalities to develop creative approaches, to experiment with ideas and allow other municipalities to learn from and further develop these ideas. Local responsibility also means local accountability and this will encourage greater sensitivity to local needs. TIME TO ACT This legislative approach is no longer 'new' and it has now stood the test of time and also withstood court challenges in other provincial jurisdictions, The issue now is 'what must be done to position cities for the 21 st century' not 'should we be doing something?' NEW FISCAL PACT NEEDED A new fiscal pact must also be coupled with a new legislative regime. To provide a broad grant of powers without access to sufficient resources to exercise that authority would only be a half-step. Negotiations on the nature and extent of this fiscal pact must be an integral part of the move forward. As difficult as it may be a solution that provides, adequate, stable and predictable access to funding must be developed. ADDRESS STRUCTURAL ISSUES Likewise, a new Municipal Act will not, in and of itself, resolve what are essentially, fundamental structural problems. With 103 municipalities, some 260 LSD's and a proliferation of regional economic development, planning and solid waste agencies and a limited population of some 760,000 the Province can not legitimately claim to be positioned for long-term sustain ability. Limited resources, competing interests, duplication of effort, multiple jurisdictions and parochial attitudes all work against a positive outcome. Just as in 1967 the number and very purpose of the current local government structures must be reconsidered, MATCH LEGISLATION TO LOCAL NEEDS Finally serious consideration must be given to the appropriateness of adopting a one size fits all approach when developing new local government legislation. The needs and interests of the larger centers in the Province may warrant different legislative authority than smaller villages with very limited resources for example. Put another way, the legislation must recognize and promote the strengths of the Cities without limiting the ability of the smaller communities to achieve their full potential. CITIZENS INTERESTS FIRST In the end, it is the needs and interests of our citizens and taxpayers that must take precedence. The fact that 'we use to do things this way' or saying 'this is the way the Province wants it' are no longer tenable excuses, let alone reasons for inaction. This debate is not simply about delegation of powers or access to revenues, it is about setting the course for the future prosperity of our communities and our Province. MOVING FORWARD Developing comprehensive solutions that meet the needs of our citizens will undoubtedly be a challenge. A concerted effort must, however, begin on a timely basis between Provincial and Municipal representatives to address these issues, if Cities and the Province are to thrive and prosper in the years to come. ~ \ \ \ March 9, 2007 Your Worship and Members of common Council RE: Ongoing problem with Water runoff from street onto property at 13 Braemar Drive. Attached is a letter I received from the property owner of 13 Braemar Drive. Be it resolved this matter be referred to the City Manager to find a solution to the water runoff problem at 13 Braemar Drive. 13 Braemar Drive Saint John, N.B. E2J 2T5 February 27, 2007 Councillor John Ferguson Your Worship and Councillors The City of Saint John Saint John, N.B. Dear Councillor Ferguson: Re: On going problem with Water runoff from street onto our property 1 am writing this letter to Councillor Ferguson in hopes he will bring the above to the attention of Your Worship and Councillors. 1 will do my utmost to make this as short, and clear as possible: We have owned our home at 13 Braemar Drive since 1958 and 1 might add it was the first house built in Forest Hill. It wasn't until we had lived here for a few years that we learned our house and the house on each side of us ( only three), were built too low in the ground for our foundation run offs and basement drains to be hooked into the Sewer System. To accommodate, the Parish of Simonds installed a 611 pipe in the back yards, and connected it to our basement drains which then was piped down to the open ditch down back. For those of you who are not familiar with this ditch, it runs from Westmorland Road down along the back of our houses on the left side of Braemar Drive and between our back yards and Exhibition Park land. A thorne in our sides for years! When Amalgamation took place we were assured that the City of Saint John would be responsible for this pipe and the ditch and would regularly maintain both. However, the ditch has only been looked after twice in 50 years~ and the pipe was only discovered by the City when we wanted to disconnect from it and install our own pipe. Conf'd...... Councillor John Ferguson Your Worship & Councillors .2 We have 6" pipes down each side of our property line and another which runs parallel to the street across the middle of our lawn and all drain into the open ditch behind our house. When we had so much flooding in our basement and no cooperation from the City, we asked Paul Gallant, Construction Foreman, of Dobson Construction in Moncton, the builder of our house in 1957 to come and look over the situation. He advised us that we should immediately disconnect from the City pipe and install our own pipe. He felt the City pipe had been damaged from buildings on both sides of us and their water run off was backing up into our basement. When the City Sewerage Inspector came, he told us there were no such pipe or record of such that the City was responsible for. Fortunately, he came back later, found the pipe and agreed with Paul Gallant that it had been damaged on both ends. The pipe damage was caused by one property on one side having built a garage and another (two doors away) added an addition to his house. The damage was caused by digging the foundations. After we disconnected from the City pipe and installed our own pipe, it wasn't long before our next door neighbors had to do the same and disconnected also. This stopped our flooding problems for a while until the City raised the street to such a height that it left our house and property so much lower than the street and sidewalk. This causes excessive water draining onto our lawn, down around our house foundation, down our driveway into the carport (which has caused the floor to heave) and our basement drain to overflow, The grass on our lawn is crowded out by moss and we had to cut down all our trees because the roots were so water logged it caused them to lean dangerously to one side. We are afraid of how much damage all this water is affecting our foundation walls. The City installed two extra manholes on the street which did not correct our problem. At times, there is so much water and sand passing through our pipes, that our basement drain cannot deal with the extra force of water and ends up overflowing in our basement. When it rains, it is far worse. I constantly have to keep the water bailed out and clear of sand to prevent overflowing into the basement. I am a prisoner in my own home! Cont'd...... Councillor John Ferguson Your Worship & Councillors .3 In the winter, the snow melting and freezing causes more worries. Having the sidewalk on our side hasn't helped either. When the street and side walk are plowed, all snow is being pushed to our side of the street, instead of evenly dividing it between two sides of the street. Then when the machines come to widen the street the snow is either pushed or blown back over our lawn and when it melts or rains that causes more water. Then the driveway becomes very icy making it very hazardous for walking and getting up the driveway to the street. Since all the development and excavating going on in our area, our situation has become so much worse. At this rate, unless something is done, I am afraid our house will sink into a bottomless pit or be washed out to sea. I am definitely sure this will affect the value of our property. I am 76 years of age, and my husband is 84, a veteran of WWII and unable to do any work of this kind. I get very weary having to dip pails of water and sand out of the floor drain, carry it up a flight of stairs and pour it outside. When it rains, I have to tend to it constantly. To make things worse, there has been a thick foamy guck draining into the floor drain which seals the mouth of the out going pipe and prevents any water from running out freely. With this unpleasant guck and the dirty water permeating our home how is that affecting our health. I feel it is up to the City to have this analyzed to make sure that it isn't a health hazard for us. Since I feel, these problems are no-fault of our own, I am pleading for your help. I would appreciate your Engineer from the Sewerage Department to come and look at our situation and our basement drain. Since it is 2007, I am sure there are ways and means to rectify these unfortunate conditions so that I don't have to bail till my death. After investigating our situation, I will anticipate an early reply and hope for a favorable solution. Yours truly,- ,;;::;qdCi /;::;~d::-e~ Mrs. Vanda White Iv Phone # 633-970 Lb \\ March 9,2007 Your Worship and Members of common Council RE: Intersection concerns at; 1. Consumer Drive and Loch Lomond Road_ 2_ Mountainview Drive and McAlister Drive. Due to the increased traffic in East Saint John these two intersections have raised concerns with citizens who live in the respective areas. Be it resolved this matter be referred to the City Manager to investigate the merit of traffic signals or systems that could decrease the risk of traffic accidents and congestion in regards to the two intersections named above. 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Square SaintJ ohn NB E2L 4L1 Dear Mayor McFarlane: I wish to acknowledge your letter concerning the Designated Highways Grant Program for the City of Saint John. . The two reconmlendations approved by Common Council have been carefully reviewed and considered. Regarding the frrst recommendation requesting additional funds for Loch Lamond Road, I am pleased to advise you that'under our 2007 Designated Highways Grant Program, my Department. is prepared to assist your city in the anlOunt of $1,092,000 for upgrading and paving of Loch Lamond Road from Garnett Road to, Charles Street East. The $1,092,000 amount includes the original agreement amount of $400,000 plus the $692,000 requested by Common Council. TIns commitment is made on the condition that funds under the 2007/08 Designated Highway Grant Program are voted by the Legislative Assembly. Regarding the second recommendation requesting that the Grant Program be extended to include additional sections of Route 100, I am pleased to advise you that my Department is prepared to extend the Grant program to 2009 to cover the scope of work and funding amounts requested for the upgrading of Mana wagon ish Road and King William Road. The Department will make every effortta budget at the funding schedule proposed by the City far 2007,2008 and 2009. However, the Department reserves the right to adjust its allotments based on future budgets approved by the Legislative Assembly. Tcl.rrClcphonc : (506) 457-7345 FaxlTclccopieur : (506) 453-7987 P.O. Box 6000 Fredericton New Brunswick Canada E3B 5Hl Case post."llc 6000 Fredericton Nouveau-Brunswick Canada E3B 5Hl Mayor Norm McFarlane Febnlary 8, 2007 Page 2 In the years immediately prior to the original Grant agreement, the Department of Transportation participated financially in Route 100 (Rothesay Avenue) with the City in the amount of $342,000 for asphalt resurfacing from Tim Street to Route 1 in 1998 and in the amount of $347,000 for the reconstruction from Seaton Street to Russell Street in 1999. In 2001, the Department invested close to $1,000,000 for the replacement of the structure at Marsh Creek along with the widening from McAllister Drive to Tim Street. In a letter dated October 23, 2002, former Mayor Shirley McAlary presented a schedule for work on Rothesay Avenue, Loch Lomond Road, Fairville Boulevard and Ocean Westway. In the "proposed action plan" attached to this letter, the City aclmow1edged the above-mentioned projects and did not list any further projects in these segments. This is consistent with the Department's position that Rothesay A venue includes all of the street from Seaton Street to Route 1. On this basis, the Department is not prepared to extend the Grant program into 2010 and 2011 for additional work on Rothesay Avenue. In summary, the Department will reclassify the following streets to municipal streets as of January 1,2007: 1) Route 100 (Ocean Westway) from King William Road to Route 7 Interchange. 2) Route 100 (Fairville Boulevard) from Manawagonish Road to Cathenvood Street. 3) Route 100 (Rothesay Avenue) from Seaton Street to Route 1 4) Thorne Avenue and Loch Lomond Road from Rothesay Avenue to Route 111. The Department will retain the designation on: 1) King William Road from Route 1 to Ocean Westway and on 2) Manawagonish Road from Gault Road to Fairville Boulevard, until January 1, the year following the respective upgrade, in the approved Grant extension. Your interest in the highway system in your city is appreciated by the Department. Sincerely, ~B Denis Landry Minister c.c. Hon. Roly MacIntyre, Minister of Supply & Services Hon. Edward Doherty, Minister of Post-Secondary Education, Training & Labour Abel LeBlanc,:MiA - Saint John Lancaster Patrick Woods, Common Clerk Paul Greedy, Commissioner of Municipal Operations & Engineering Eric Griffin, Deputy Senior Engineering Alan Kerr, District Engineer, Saint John ..... o I '- C'Cl 2: I N o ~ ~ o o ~ ~~ ~~ Z~0 =00 O\Z)~ ~>~ ~<~- Z~~~ <=~~ \Z)0~, ~1-oI>M 0=00 >~~~ ~~~- 1-oI~~ U~1-oI ~0~ =1-01< ~\Z)~ ~1-oI ~~ ~U ~ 1-01 U 1-01 Z ~ ~ z $~ ~ ~ o (/)0 -g E ::l 0 - ~ - (/)-0 2 Q) ell > .52 .w -0 U E: ~ R ~ - - O>Ql 00 t- 0'\ trl t- l"l ..., 0'\ 00 '- - ::::l C'Cl ~ 00 l"l t- -.,j' 0'\ 00 t- N _.c ~ 0 aO ~ aO aO ....; r--: v:5 .- 0> ..., 00 0 ..., ~ trl 00 0 -go:: trl -.,j' ..., 00 ...,~ 0 l"l 0 0 ~ rr!; ~ N ~ ~ lfi' ...,. 0>1- ..., N t- o 00 ..., -.,j' \C -.,j' ..., 0..(1) trl trl ..., -.,j' trl~ ~ o~ t- Irl JjJ: V't N N N V't ("'l ..., ..., ..., N _....: V't V't V't V't V't V't ...., (J) 0> (.) 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Mayor Norm McFarlane and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Members of Council: SUBJECT: TOTAL GOLF MANAGEMENT INC. As part of the contract with Total Golf Management Inc., the company is to provide the City an overview of its past year's operations and at the same time, Common Council is to be asked to approve the proposed rate structure for the ensuing year. Attached, please find the submission from Total Golf Management, Inc. as required under the contract. Just a couple of highlights with respect to 2007, All significant fees are being held at the 2006 level with the exception of the "Senior Green Fee". This fee is actually being reduced by $11.00. The Operator is purchasing ten additional carts in 2007 to augment the fleet of 25 new carts purchased in 2006 to respond to citizens' request. To further respond to citizens' requests for service, the operator is intending to reopen the kitchen facility in 2007, Capital focus in 2007 will be on continuing with the "Cart Part Asphalt Program" In conclusion, Total Golf Management Inc. is in compliance with all terms of its contract with the City. Beyond simply being in compliance, the operator continues to enhance the quality of this publically owned facility. RECOMMENDA nON: That Common Council approve the 2007 Rate Structure as proposed by Total Golf Management Inc. Terrence L. Totten, FCA CITY MANAGER Roc~d Park Golf COttrSe Saint John, ~ew Brunswick L1 DivisiO/l o(Towl G()lrMallaycmen~. 111(", P.O. Box 784 Saint John, N.n. E2L 4B3 506-634-0090 506-633-0258 (Fax) February 26, 2007 City of Saint John Attention: Patrick Woods, Common Clerk 15 Market Square P.O. Box 1971 Saint John N.S. E2l4L1 Re: Rockwood Park Golf Course and Aquatic Driving Range Report submitted pursuant to a Contract between The City of Saint John and Total Golf Management Inc. dated March 05. 1999. Dear Sir: In connection with this matter, attached please find a report from Total Golf Management Inc. to the City of SaintJohn which is being provided in accordance with Article IV(l1), IV(13) and IV(15) of the contract between the City of Saint John and Total Golf Management Inc. dated March 5, 1999 involving the Rockwood Park Golf Course and Aquatic Drivi ng Range. Attached to the report are three (3) Appendices as follows: . Appendix I to the report provides a summary of enhancements, accomplishments, refinements, improvements and operating highlights of the past year as set out in Article IV(13). . Appendix II provides a summary of the proposed 2007 Fee Structure with the 2006 rates for comparison purposes as well as the rates and fees bei ng charged by other golf courses in this market as contemplated by Article IV(11). . Appendix III is a copy of the proposed Administration, Management, Operation and Maintenance Plans for the facilities for the coming year, ~--~otal Golf ~~:g~me~t Inc. is pleased to point outt~at~o~t~1I fee~ha:en~t , increased in 2007 rates and, in fact, the senior green fee rate (time restrictions apply) has decreased by $11.00 from the 2006 fee. It should be noted that moderate increases shall apply to only Power cart and bucket fees. A representative on behalf of Total Golf Management Inc. will attend a meeting of Common Council, if required, in order to address any issues arising from the report. I,_,~__________n___' _~~. TOTAL GOLF MANAGEMENT INC. -and- TH E CITY OF SAI NT JOH N Rockwood Park Golf Course and Aquatic Driving Range Report Appendix I Append ix II APPENDIX III INDEX Accompl ishments I Enhancements 2006 Golf Season Proposed 2007 Fee Structure, Rockwood Park Golf Course and Aquatic Driving Range.( Fee changes are specified in brackets, where applicable) Proposed Plans I Enhancements 2007 Golf Season APPEN DIX I i I I I L__."....__~."______.".""."....__"__"..".___.__._ .____"_. 1- APPEN DIX I Accomplishments I Enhancements 2006 Golf Season The Rockwood Park Golf Course and Aquatic Driving Range both opened in mid April 2006. Given that Total Golf Management Inc. ("TGMI") spent approximately $ 70,000.00 on Capital work in 2005, which was considerably more than the total capital required by contract for both 2005 and 2006 ( $50,000.00 required), no Capital work was completed in 2006. It should be noted that TGMI and the City both agreed to use the 2006 capital one year in advance given the magnitude of capital projects completed in 2005. Total Golf Management I nc. paid the City a total of $30,000.00 in 2006 as required by contract for use of the faci I ity. A new fleet of 25 power carts was procured for the 2006 golf season, Ten additional new power carts will be purchased for the 2007 golf season to better serve customer needs. A new fleet of golf course maintenance equipment has been procured for use during the 2007 golf season. It replaces the fleet which was purchased prior to the 2004 golf season. There were a total of 28/898 rounds of golf played during the 2006 golf season. The approximately 250 season pass holders accounted for 14,100 rounds of golf (they accounted for 12,800 rounds in 2005), more than 49% of total usage. The Season pass holder group, particularly in the Senior and Adult categories, are playing an unprecedented proportion of total usage. For example/ total season pass usage in 2001 represented about 40% of total usage, in 2003 it was more than 44% and in 2005 more than 46%. Again, Season pass usage represented almost 50% of total usage in 2006. An estimated 2,500 Green fee and tournament players accounted for approximately 14,700 rounds in 2006, down about 100 rounds from 2005. In an effort to improve customer service, the kitchen wi II reopen in 2007. A variety of gri I led and fried foods will be offered. Since the kitchen closed in 2005 sandwiches, hot dogs, snacks and beverages have been sold from the pro shop. The reinstatement of the kitchen operation is in response to an expressed interest by many customers. The menu and hours of operation are not yet finalized. ..-.----..., .~_.._-- _.._,,-- ------.., ----+------ .-.-----.. .-.---..'.-..----.--- -..,...--..--. -..".---...-.-. -~--~ ...------.-."...---- r""-"-u-.... -------- , APPENDIX II .'.---.--'--"'--"'---~.- ----.-...--~..-----~..._._.._o__.__ --___._______.__, _______. _.__. _______ ...______ n. ._....____. n__ APPEN DIX II Proposed 2007 Fee Structure. Rockwood Park Golf Course and Aquatic Drivinc Range H.S. T. included ( cost changes are specified in brackets. where applicable) GREEN FEES Early Season (Opening day until May 14th) Before noon After Noon High Season (May 15th until October ath) 7 days a week 7am-2pm 2pm-4pm After 4pm Junior green fee Senior green fee (See Note 1) Late Season (October 91h until October 31S1) Before noon After Noon 2006 2007 $ 25.00 $ 20.00 $ 25.00 $ 20.00 $ 35.00 $ 27.50 $ 20.00 $ 18.00 $ 31.00 $ 35.00 $ 27.50 $ 20.00 $ 18.00 $ 20.00 (-11.00) $ 25.00 $ 20.00 $ 25.00 $ 20.00 Note 1 - This fee applies each Monday through Thursday afternoon, throughout the entire golf season, for any golfer who has reached their 60th birthday. GREEN FEE VALUE PACKAGE 10 round package SEASON PASS ANNUAL FEES Adult Senior (restricted) Senior (unrestricted) Student Junior SERVICE FEES Pu II carts Power carts (per round) Extra Large bucket baJ Is (app.l 00 balls) Large bucket balls (app.60 balls) Small bucket balls (app.40 balls) $ 299.00 $ 299.00 $ 900.00 $ 650.00 $ 790.00 $ 385.00 $ 260.00 $ 900.00 $ 650.00 $ 790.00 $ 385.00 $ 260.00 $ 4.00 $ 28.00 Not Offered $ 6.75 $ 5.00 $ 4.00 $ 29.00 (+ 1.00) $ 11.50 $ 7.50 (+ 0.75) $ 5.50 (+ 0.50) ..----.-..-..-..~.---~.....----- .---.--... .".~___'_""____....n__.~.____._._...__. ..._._._ . __~"_"_ .____.._ _~__ .....___..__________ --~------.-..- .--..-------....---... ~________ ____c .___ .___.__ __~___________________ . ._.__._ ...__. FEES AT OTHER GOLF COURSES IN THIS MARKET (Tax Included) Westfield Golf Course (2007) Adult membership $ 1300.00 Senior membership (age 60 +) $ 1100.00 junior membership $ 360.00 Student membership $ 550.00 Green fee (weekday) $ 51.00 Green fee (weekend) $ 57.00 No special junior or senior green fee offered No twi I ight rate offered Welsford Golf Course (2007) Adult season pass $ 650.00 Senior season pass (age 65 +) $ 599.00 junior season pass $ 325.00 Student season pass $ 499.00 Green fee $ 30.00 No special senior or junior green fee offered T wi I ight rates are offered Hampton Golf Course (2006) Adult membership Senior membership ( age 65 +) junior membership Intermediate (age 19 to 30) Green fee $ 11 04.60 $ 994.35 $ 371.70 $ 744.97 $ 40.00 Sussex Golf Course (2006) Adult membership ( age 40 +) $ 770.00 Senior Membership (age 65 +) $ 715.00 junior membership $ 220.00 Student $ 357.50 Green fee $ 35.00 Junior green fee $ 20.00 No special senior green fee offered. I I 1-...---....----.------___._._______ .u____. ____"_.___.._.._ I--m,,------...m-~_._m_ ---~-----. ..____.."_m.. ~----- m___ ..-----..-.------., --------...------...l APPENDIX III ..-.-.-..---.--..---.----.~-,--.-... _____".___..___n -, ..n__... ...."....----.,- ".----,.. .----~ --_~____ "'.'__"", _______._ _ .____... ____'____,. ..______ ",...__._..."..1 APPENDIX III Proposed Plans / Enhancements 2007 Golf Season. It is anticipated that the cart path improvements, which have progressed over the past several years will be completed in 2007. The remaining asphalt paths to be completed include 1) #4green to #5 tee, 2) #7 green to connect to path to #8 tee, 3) #12 green to #13 tee, 4) from base of hill approaching #13 green to base of hill on #14 fairway and 5) area from maintenance shed back door along the service road to a point adjacent to #14 green. It is suggested that the clubhouse exterior and bunkers become the next capital priorities. 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I"~ J 11' JJ~III. --if s, J . !! I ~i Ii'! aU i New _77_ B · k Nouveau.!E!c! rUnSWIC Department of the Environment and Local Government (DELG) A Minislere de l'Environnement et des Gouvernements locaux (MEGL) N . r" -~ '-\ / ..... / Map I Carte Hachey Subdivision PIDs 55164891 & 00329102 \ '. \ $' -.*& ~. ,~:,:-'-.'::::' .' \ ~:.>.: :. ~'-".' .. \ . '. \ _ ~ '.>:>:' .. . \e. ., \ \ '~\,*\$-~~.- . ." - '. -,' \%\' ~ t'\..... ~ t\ . - :.~> /:..-.- -ti:~-<.~;:2~.\\ - - . Iii a \\'l. . '//. ';':'{9.:' -~. -.~~'. ~ -- e-<<.\ .~... ~. // , . !;j '"1} .-...!:is .__:<- '- 16<1 ; ././ 08.) ;'//', .../-f.//. //;/. 0' <//;,:.>'.' , . >> . j/.., .' 0' '//.' :r':/" .'?!f'";<<</'/ -c" " \. .. ,,',..' x. ,', . .. F</~~:-:_~>. ~,~~:..< ;>' /.' "<..<.~.. ~ \ '-. / /. . - .. . '- - ,.) .. - -. - V> \' . , .' . "/,--::,-0'..,'.;-"/. V> . // <., 6', //" . '/:"" -,/ - .. / /" . - ?~ / . . '"'.' ~.;;'// ,"<>;-/ ..<:/..<~>;~y' ".~;{//1 L <, :/'<~:_:~' .../,--/)..;,;,,;, -.<<J:..?..., '/(0 '. '. .' ./::.. ". 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I c o .... ~ u .- - Q.. ~ 5 .-- (fJ .- > - -- . -u ...0 j (/) 1O ~ en -:s o -- ~ d: l b II i I~t-I Jj II f ~r,;. 1M ., IIJ" t .\1 ill i !lii 1i ~l ~ LIP I' llir ~1 ~I '! 1 ~I"I Mi!1 bI fill ~l / ...; /./ // // // J . c j c ill ~ I'!~ III · ! Bt 4 t ~ :;:I I"a I ~ J I S J I . II ~ t I J ~l j -, I .;~~ ,.....~l- wi> ",. .,. -/''' -... . - ..::::::... -- \3'~ BETWEEN: The City of Saint John (The Employer) and Memorandum of Agreement AND: CUPE Local 486 (the Union) Whereas an actuarial valuation of the City of Saint John Employee Pension Plan (the Plan) as at December 31, 2003 has shown a significant funding shortfall on a going- concern and solvency basis, and; Whereas in accordance with the Pension Benefits Act of the Province of New Brunswick the Employer has legal responsibility to make special payments over a period of up to 15 years to pay for this funding shortfall, and; Whereas the parties to this Agreement recognize the importance of the Plan in the overall compensation of city employees, and; Whereas in an effort to protect the provisions of the Plan and in recognition of the significant financial challenge being faced by the Employer the Union has recognized the importance of finding a shared solution with the Employer in addressing this funding shortfall. Therefore it is agreed that: There will be no reduction or enhancement of benefits provided for in the Plan during the three year period to December 31, 2009, and; The Union will endorse and encourage its members to support the Employer's application to the Superintendent of Pensions for exemption from the solvency funding payments requirements of the Pension Benefits Act, and; Notwithstanding the provisions of the Plan, employee contributions to the Plan will be increased by 2% of Pensionable Earnings effective March 1,2007 to offset a portion of the contributions otherwise required from the Employer to fund the going-concern funding deficiency; such additional Employee contribution shall be deducted by the Employer from the Employee's earnings at each pay period and shall be paid to the Pension Fund by the Employer as soon as reasonably possible thereafter, and; The increased Employee contributions will continue for a period of three years or until such time as the Plan's going-concern funding shortfall is eliminated whichever is sooner, and; At no time during the three year period shall employee contributions be greater than contributions from the Employer, and; The City shall seek amendment to the City of Saint John Pension Act so that commencing in 2010 employee contributions will be set at 50% of current service cost provide however that in no event shall Employee contributions be less than 7.5% or more than 9% of pensionable earnings, and; The Employer will be responsible for making funding payments over and above the amount contributed by employees sufficient to satisfy the going-concern funding requirements of the Plan as required under the Pension Benefits Act with a minimum contribution rate of7.5% of pensionable earnings commencing in 2010, and; The Employer will correspond with the Board of Trustees of the City of Saint Jo1m Employee Pension Plan requesting that serious consideration be given to the suggestions made by the Civic Unions regarding actuarial assumptions to be used as part of the valuation of the Pension Plan to be completed as at December 31, 2006, and; The Union will support all amendments required to be made to the City of Saint John Pension Act to effect implementation of the tenns of this agreement, and The parties are committed to commence discussions no later than September 30, 2007 to look at the long-term funding aspects of the Plan including development of a detailed funding policy. Dated this l day of ()AttcH 2007. FOR THE CIVIC UNION NEGOTIA TING COMMITTEE FOR THE EMPLOYER & ~~-: Memorandum of Agreement BETWEEN: The City of Saint John (Tbe Employer) and AND: CUPE Loeal18 (the Union) Whereas an actuarial valuation of the City of Saint John Employee Pension Plan (the Plan) as at December 31, 2003 has shown a significant funding shortfall on a going- concern and solvency basis, and; Whereas in accordance with the Pension Benefits Act of the Province of New Brunswick the Employer has legal resPonsibility to make special payments over a period of up to 15 years to pay for this funding shortfall, and; Whereas the parties to this Agreement recognize the importance of the Plan in the overall compensation of city employees, and; Whereas in an effort to protect the provisions of the Plan and in recognition of the significant financial challenge being faced by the Employer the Union has recognized the importance of finding a shared solution with the Employer in addressing this funding shortfall. Therefore it is agreed that: There will be no reduction or enhancement of benefits provided for in the Plan during the three year period to December 31, 2009, and; The Union will endorse and encourage its members to support the Employer's application to the Superintendent of Pensions for exemption from the solvency funding payments requirements of the Pension Benefits Act, and; Notwithstanding the provisions of the Plan, employee contributions to the Plan will be increased by 2% of Pensionable Earnings effective March 1,2007 to offset a portion of the contributions otherwise required. from the Employer to fund the going-concern funding deficiency; such additional Employee contribution shall be deducted by the Employer from the Employee's earnings at each pay period and shall be paid to the Pension Fund by the Employer as soon as reasonably possible thereafter, and; The increased Employee contributions will continue for a period of three years or until such time as the Plan's going-concern funding shortfall is eliminated whichever is sooner, and; At no time during the three year period shall employee contributions be greater than contributions from the Employer, and; The City shall seek amendment to the City of Saint John Pension Act so that commencing in 2010 employee contributions will be set at 50% of current service cost provide however that in no event shall Employee contributions be less than 7.5% or more than 9% of pensionable earnings, and; The Employer will be responsible for making funding payments over and above the amount contributed by employees sufficient to satisfy the going-concern funding requirements of the Plan as required under the Pension Benefits Act with a minimum contribution rate of7.5% of pensionable earnings commencing in 2010, and; The Employer will correspond with the Board of Trustees of the City of Saint John Employee Pension Plan requesting that serious consideration be given to the suggestions C made by the Civic Unions regarding actuarial assumptions to be used as part of the valuation of the Pension Plan to be completed as at December 31, 2006, and; The Union will support all amendments required to be made to the City of Saint John Pension Act to effect implementation of the terms of this agreement, and The parties are committed to commence discussions no later than September 30, 2007 to look at the long-term funding aspects of the Plan including development of a detailed funding policy. Dated this 7 day of Ii/Kcf,l. 2007. FOR THE CIVIC UNION NEGO lA TING COM. ITTEE FOR THE EMPLOYER iJ/~ MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN: The City of Saint John (the Employer) and AND: Management, Professional and Non-Union Staff Member of the City of Saint John (the Employee) Whereas an actuarial valuation of the City of Saint John Employee Pension Plan (the Plan) as at December 31, 2003 has shown a significant funding shortfall on a going- concern and solvency basis, and; Whereas in accordance with the Pension Benefits Act of the Province of New Brunswick the Employer has legal responsibility to make special payments over a period of up to 15 years to pay for this funding shortfall, and; Whereas the parties to this Agreement recognize the importance of the Plan in the overall compensation of city employees, and; Whereas in an effort to protect the provisions of the Plan and in recognition of the significant financial challenge being faced by the Employer, Management, Professional and Non-Union Staff of the City of Saint John (MPNU Staff) have recognized the importance of finding a shared solution with the Employer in addressing this funding shortfall. Therefore it is agreed that: There will be no reduction or enhancement of benefits provided for in the Plan during the three year period to December 31, 2009, and; MPNU Staff, individually and collectively, will support the Employer's application to the Superintendent of Pensions for exemption from the solvency funding payments requirements of the Pension Benefits Act, and; Notwithstanding the provisions of the Plan, employee contributions to the Plan will be increased by 2% of Pensionable Earnings effective March 1,2007 to offset a portion of the contributions otherwise required from the Employer to fund the going-concern funding deficiency, and; The increased Employee contributions will continue for a period of three years or until such time as the Plan's going-concern funding shortfall is eliminated whichever is sooner, and; Page] of2 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT Between: The City of Saint John (the Employer) and And: MPNU Staff Member (the Employee) At no time during the three year period shall employee contributions be greater than contributions from the Employer, and; The City will initiate amendments to the Plan so that commencing in 2010 employee contributions will be set at 50% of current service cost with a minimum contribution rate of7.5% to a maximum of9% of pensionable earnings, and; The Employer recognizes as a matter of principle related to equitable benefits, based on 2% per service year up to 35 years, that the current restriction (capping provisions) in the Plan should be removed in a timely fashion, and; Until such time as the capping provisions are removed from the Plan, the Employer agrees that for MPNU employees only the employer contributions for current service cost on all earnings deemed non-pensionable as a result of caps imposed under either the Plan or Revenue Canada provisions will be directed to the person's RRSP or other Account as specified by the MPNU employee, and; The Employer will be responsible for making funding payments over and above the amount contributed by employees sufficient to satisfy the going-concern funding requirements of the Plan as required under the Pension Benefits Act with a minimum contribution rate of7.5% of pensionable earnings commencing in 2010, and; The Employer will correspond with the Board of Trustees of the City of Saint John Employee Pension Plan requesting that serious consideration be given to the suggestions made by MPNU Staff and the Civic Unions regarding actuarial assumptions to be used as part of the valuation of the Pension Plan to be completed as at December 3],2006, and; MPNU Staff (Employees) will support all amendments required to be made to the City of Saint John Pension Act to effect implementation of the terms of this agreement and to comply with the Pension Benefits Act and Regulations and the Federal Income Tax Act. Dated this day of 2007. To be signed by each employee FOR THE EMPLOYER Page 2 of 2 I ~. I Saint John Hotel Association Limited One Germain Street, Suite 1500 P.O. Box 1324 Saint John, NB E2L 4H8 March 8, 2007 Mayor Norman McFarlane and Members of Council City of Saint John PO Box 1971 Saint John, NB E2J 4B4 Sent via emai1: pat.woods@saintjohn.ca Dear Mayor McFarlane and Members of Council, The Saint John Hotel Association (SJHA) is pleased to advise that after several years of planning, we are ready to implement the Destination Marketing Fee (DMF) for the Saint John region. The newly formed Saint John Hotel Association, consisting of six founding members, including one representative of the smaller properties, has come to an agreement and is now ready to move forward and launch the DMF. The DMF will be 2% on the guest room rate per night and is estimated to generate in excess of $400,000 annually in Saint John. The DMF will be collected and administered by the SJHA and the dollars will be designated for promotion of Saint John as a prime destination. The City, including Staff and Council, has been supportive of this initiative and are aware of the necessity to maintain the Tourism budget upon implementation of the DMF. This continued financial support is critical in moving forward successfully with the final stages of implementation of the DMF. The founding hotels are now prepared to sign the Destination Marketing Fee Agreement (attached) that would then become a legal document committing the hotels to collect these fees for the next three years. Saint John Hotel Association March 8, 2007 The Owners ofthe major hotels require a resolution and/or a letter from the City of Saint John confirming their expressed commitment to maintain the current level of financial funding to the Tourism budget, in the range of$900,OOO annually for the next three years. It is the intention of the SJHA to commence collection of the DMF on Aprill, 2007, provided the aforementioned resolution has been received from the City of Saint John. These newly generated dollars will create growth in tourism, and will also have a significant impact on other growth sectors, such as air access and the cruise industry, which in turn will positively impact Saint John's True Growth. An industry representative will be in attendance at the Council meeting March 12, 2007 to answer any questions regarding the Destination Marketing Fee. Respectfull y, Original Signed by P. Hicks, M Moore, C. Nickerson The Saint John Hotel Association Interim Directors: Paulette Hicks, Delta Brunswick David Kelley, Hilton Saint John Mike Moore, Holiday Inn Express Craig Nickerson, Hotel Courtenay Bay Guy Barbara, Fort Howe Hotel Willa Mavis, Inn on Cove Saint John Hotel Association 2 March 8, 2007 DESTINATION MARKETING AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT (the" Agreement") is made effective as of the 1 st day of April, 2007 ("Effective Date") BETWEEN: THE SAINT JOHN HOTEL ASSOCIATION LIMITED, a not-for-profit Company granted Letters Patent in the Province of New Brunswick pursuant to the Companies Act, (the "Associationtl) -and- operating a hotel at the following location , (the "Hotel"). WHEREAS the Association and the Hotel wish to improve the marketing of the greater City of Saint John, its attractions, entertainment, and special events to potential tourists to be funded by the destination marketing program, as described herein. AND WHEREAS the Hotel wishes to participate in the destination marketing program with the Association for such purpose. NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSES that, in consideration of the covenants and agreements herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Definitions As used in this Agreement the following capitalized terms shall have the following meanmg: (a) "Destination Marketing" shall mean the marketing and promotion of the greater City of Saint John area as a tourist destination by the Association or by various organizations, which may be funded, in whole or in part, by the Association through funds collected by a Saint John Destination Marketing Fee. (b) "Saint John Destination Marketing Fee" and "SJDMF' shall be the fees described in Section 4. (c) "Guests" shall mean guests who have occupied a Room for a period of over four (4) hours and less than a continuous period of one month or more, and have paid the Hotel for the occupancy of such Room. For greater certainty, the term Guest(s) shall exclude guests who have occupied the Hotel's conference rooms or other facilities but have not occupied a Room. 2. (d) "Remittance Form" shall mean the remittance form provided by the Association to the Hotel, which the Hotel shall complete and provide to the Association indicating the Room Revenue as indicated in the Hotel's internal financial statements. (e) "Room(s)" shall mean sleeping room(s) at the HoteL (f) "Room Charge" shall mean the fee charged to Guests for the use of Rooms but excludes all Taxes, all incidental charges, including and without limitation, charges for in-room movies, telephone, facsimile, internet access, room service and mini bar. (g) "Room Revenue" shall mean the line item on the Hotel's internal financial statements, indicating the aggregate amount of Room Charges. (h) "Taxes" shall mean collectively any applicable federal Goods and Services tax and provincial sales tax. 2. Commencement. Effective Date. Term and Renewal (a) Commencement. The commencement of this Agreement is conditional on all of the hotels listed in Schedule A having executed destination marketing agreements, which shall be substantially similar in form to this Agreement. The Association shall notify the Hotel on or before March 31, 2007 to confirm with the Hotel that this condition has been satisfied. (b) Effective Date. If the condition in 2 (a) has been satisfied, this Agreement shall become effective on April 1, 2007. (c) Term. The term of this Agreement shall be three years ("Initial Term"). (d) Renewal. Sixty (60) days prior to the end of the second year of the Initial Term, the Association shall provide written notice to the Hotel indicating that unless the Association receives prior written notice that the Hotel is terminating the Agreement in accordance with Section 3(a), the Agreement will automatically renew for an additional three (3) year period. The Agreement will only be renewed if no hotel listed in Schedule A exercises its termination option, similar to that set out in Section 3(a) ofthis Agreement. 3. Termination Bv the Association (a) The Association may terminate this Agreement if the Hotel is in breach of any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement or is at any time not a member of the Association in good standing, and the Hotel fails to cure such breach within thirty (30) days of the Hotel receiving notice of such breach or default from the Association. (b) The Association may terminate this Agreement at any time if the Board of Directors of the Association votes to terminate this Agreement by providing thirty (30) days prior written notice to the Hotel. 3. (c) The Association shall have the right to terminate this Agreement in accordance with this Section 3 without any recourse by or liability to the Hotel. 4. Saint John Destination Marketine; Fee. (a) The Saint John Destination Marketing Fee shall equal two (2%) percent of the Room Revenue plus applicable Taxes. (b) Commencing on the Effective Date, the Hotel shall charge the Saint John Destination Marketing Fee to Guests who occupy Room(s) at the Hotel, or the Hotel may, at its discretion, absorb the Saint John Destination Marketing Fee itself. For greater certainty, the Saint John Destination Marketing Fee shall be remitted to the Association for each Room occupied by a Guest and not per individual Guest. If the Hotel is charging the Guest, the Destination Marketing Fee shall appear on the Guest's invoice as a separate line item. 5. Exclusions. The Destination Marketing Fee shall not apply to Rooms which, in the case of individual Guests, were booked by signed contract prior to the Effective Date and in the case of tour operators and airlines who have entered into written room allotment agreements with the Hotel, prior to the Effective Date. The Destination Marketing Fee shall not apply to complimentary rooms for which no charge is made by the Hotel. 6. Remittance of the Destination Marketine. Fee. The Hotel shall provide the Association monthly with: (a) the Remittance Form, which shall include a certification by an officer of the Hotel indicating Room Revenue and the total of the SJDMF collected in accordance with the Association's SJDMF Policies and Procedures, as amended from time to time; and (b) a cheque for the applicable amount of the SJDMF owing for such period. If the Hotel has chosen to absorb the Saint John Destination Marketing Fee pursuant to paragraph 4(b), the Hotel shall provide the Association monthly with the Remittance Form as provided above and a cheque equal to the amount shown on the Remittance Form as collected or absorbed. The SJDMF shall be due on the fifteenth day following the month in which it was collected. 7. Reconciliation. The Hotel shall provide the Association quarterly with a letter from the Hotel's external accountant, who must be a Chartered Accountant, a Certified General Accountant or a Certified Managerial Accountant, verifying the Hotel's Room Revenue collected during that quarter and the amount due from the Hotel to the Association pursuant to this Agreement. 8. Late Payments. Past due amounts owing by the Hotel to the Association shall bear interest at a rate of twenty-four (24%) percent per annum, calculated, compounded and payable monthly. 9. Dedicated Funds. The Saint John Destination Marketing Fee collected by the Association from the Hotel shall be used by the Association for Destination Marketing and the expenses of the Association as determined by the Board of Directors of the Association. 4. 10. Hotel Dedicated Fund. Twenty (20%) percent of the Saint John Destination Marketing Fee collected annually by the Association from hotels with less than twenty-five (25) rooms shall be used for the marketing and promotion of hotels of that size as determined by the Board of Directors of the Association. 11. The Association Covenants. The Association covenants that it will undertake an audit of each fiscal year of the Association which audit shall be conducted by a registered chartered accountant. A copy of such audit report will be provided to the Hotel. 12, Hotel Covenants. The Hotel covenants that it will cooperate in any audit conducted pursuant to this Agreement. 13. Notices. Any notice, payment or other communication required or permitted to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be sufficiently given if delivered in person or by mailing by prepaid registered post or by facsimile or bye-mail. All such notices shall be deemed to have been delivered to and received by the addressee: (a) on the date of receipt if delivered in person or by prepaid registered post; or (b) received on the date of its transmission, if delivered by facsimile or e-mail; provided that if such day is not a business day or if it is received after the end of normal business hours on the date of its transmission then it shall be deemed to have been given and received at the opening of business in the office of the addressee on the first business day next following the transmission thereof if delivered by facsimile or e-mail. To the Association at: To Hotel at: c/o Cox & Palmer 1500-1 Germain Street One Brunswick Square Saint John, NB E2L 4H8 Attention: Raymond T. French, Q.c. Facsimile: (506) 632-8809 Email: rfrench@coxandpalmer.com Attention: Facsimile: (506) Email : or to such other address of which either party may give notice as hereinbefore provided. 14, Asshmment. This Agreement is personal to the parties hereto and neither party may assign any of its rights or obligations hereunder without the consent in writing of the other. This Agreement shall not terminate upon the sale or acquisition of the Hotel by a third party. 15. Governinl! Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws ofthe Province of New Brunswick and the laws of Canada applicable therein. 16, Severability. Remedies. Waiver. In the event that anyone or more provisions contained in this Agreement shall be held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining 5. provisions contained herein shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby. The remedies contained herein are cumulative and in addition to any other remedies at law or equity. Failure to enforce, or waiver of a breach of, any provision contained herein shall not constitute a waiver of any other breach of such provision. 17. Entire A2reement. This is the complete and exclusive statement of the contract between the Hotel and the Association. No waiver, consent, modification, amendment or change of the terms contained herein shall be binding unless in writing and signed by both parties hereto. In case of a conflict between the terms and conditions on the face of this document and the terms and conditions contained on any invoice or other documents, the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall control. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement. THE SAINT JOHN HOTEL ASSOCIA TION LIMITED Name: Paulette Hicks Title: President Name: Title: I have the authority to bind the Hotel I SCHEDULE A I i !PARTICIPATING HOTELS i I 1. Delta Brunswick Hotel, 2. The Hilton Saint Jo1m, 3. Inn on the Cove, I 4. Holiday Inn Express Hotel & and Suites, I 5. Hotel Courtenay Bay, and! I 6. Fort Howe Hotel