2007-01-29_Supplemental Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jour supplémentaire City of Saint John Common Council Meeting Monday, January 29, 2007 Location: Common Council Chamber Supplemental Agenda Re: 9.1 letter - Proposed Re-zoning 7-9 Maclaren Boulevard 13.0 Committee of the Whole Report - Appointment to Boards 13.3 Musuems Policy 13.4 Staffing Process - Holiday Relief Firefighters City of Saint John Seance du conseil communal Le lundi 29 janvier, 2007 Emplacement: Salle du conseil communal L'ordre du jour supph~mentaire Alinea 9.1 Projet de modification de l'arrEHe sur Ie zonage visant Ie 7-9 Boulevard MacLaren 13.0 Rapport du comite plenier relativement aux nominations pour sieger aux comites 13.3 Politique sur les musees 13.4 Processus de dotation en personnel I q ( I UzJ- I January 24, 2007 LETTER OF CONCERN To Whom It May Concern: Mr. Ken Buckley attended the Planning Advisory Committee Meeting Tuesday, January 23, 2007 at 6:00pm representing Crescent Valley Gospel Centre to express concerns regarding the Proposed Redemption Centre, Rezoning Application 7-9 MacLaren Boulevard. By what has been seen to be the standards of two Redemption Centres located in the North End, 1st in Rickies Plaza at the Corner of Somerset and Churchill Blvd, 2nd across from Milledgeville Superstore on Somerset Street we must verbalize our concerns. After all the work that is being done in the last two years to improve our North-end community, it is illogical to allow something that has all the potential to destroy what has been accomplished proceed. It follows from such evidence that we as concerned citizens once again must express our concerns to this council. We are expressing what we feel to very legitimate sincere concerns. What would the citizens in our community be exposed to if this rezoning is approved. 1. The volume of traffic in an already busy subdivision where many children play daily. 2. Large Trucks to transport the goods from the beverage container redemption centre would encounter very difficult maneuverability on the narrow, poorly ma rked streets. 3. Storage of goods and cleanliness of outside of building, parking lot etc. 4. How are vehicles to enter and leave the beverage container redemption centre? 5. Many different types of rodents would be attracted to the waste disposed of carelessly by workers at the beverage container redemption centre. 6. Several people have already been struck by vehicles and many injuries have occurred in this heavy traffic area. When discussed at the PAC the reckless attitude of Mr. Robert Colquhoun toward these vehicular injures was very much inappropriate. 7. The extra volume in the area would also increase risk to those patrons . S entering and leaving Daley's. \~.i~v~ ~ ~\o<\ 1)0" ;;y " f January 24, 2007 - Page 2 - 8. The extra volume of traffic will also increase risk to those walking as many vehicle to avoid traffic lights at the intersections of Samuel Davis Drive, Somerset Street and Churchill Boulevard take detours thl"9ugh Crescent Valley Gospel Centre property causing safety concerns because several children have narrowly escaped being hit by speeding cars. 9. Drivers already refuse to obey the stop signs located on these busy streets, especially at the comers of Samuel Davis Drive and the entrance to Maclaren Boulevard. ' 1 10. U turn sign outside fating Maclaren Boulevard Please take time to consider and address our concerns. We are concerned about the people who live in our community. Yours truly, '/W~~t A. ..e.~c'''~ Rev. Marshall B. Caldwell P.O. Box/C.P. 1971 Saint John, NB/N.-B. Canada E2L 4L1 www.saintjohn.ca January 29,2007 The City of Saint John Deputy Mayor Hooton and Councillors Re: Nominating Committee Report - Appointments Common Council, having met in Committee of the Whole on January 29,2007, makes the following recommendations: That Dwight Allaby and Shelley Courser be re-appointed to the Saint John Parking Commission for terms of three years ending February 12, 2010, and Councillor Tait be appointed until the end of his term as Councillor. That Dwight Allaby and Shelley Courser be appointed to the Saint John Transit Commission for terms ofthree years ending February 12, 2010. That Ronald Hutton be re-appointed to the Saint John Harbour Bridge Authority for a three year term ending February 12,2010. That Maryanne Lewell and Jason Alcorn be appointed to the Saint John Free Public Library for terms of three years ending December 31, 2009. That Mayor McFarlane and Deputy Mayor Hooton be appointed to the Saint John Youth Cabinet as Council Liaisons until the remainder of their terms on Council. That David Emerson, Cathie Hurley and Art Comeau be appointed to the Recreation Imple tation Committee for three year terms ending February 12, 2010. . Respectfun~ Mayor Norm McFarlane Chairman I)) \'? Minister of Canadian Heritage and Status of Women Ministre du Patrimoine canadien et de la Condition feminine Ottawa, Canada K1A OMS Mr. 1. Patrick Woods Common Clerk The City of Saint John Post Office Box 1971 Saint John, New Brunswick E2L 4L 1 JAN 1 1 2007 Dear Mr. Woods: Thank you for your correspondence of December 12, 2006, regarding the development of a museum policy and federal funding for Canadian museums. I appreciate your advising me of the views of the City of Saint John Common Council on this matter. Canada's museums play an invaluable role in educating Canadians about our nation's rich heritage through their conservation and preservation activities. I have met with representatives of the Canadian Museums Association and my provincial/territorial counterparts to discuss priorities. Please be assured that the Government of Canada is committed to developing a museum policy that will better address today's challenges and realities. I trust that this information is useful. Please accept my best wishes. Yours sincerely, Bev Oda, P.C., M.P. Canada INFORMATION OF COUNCIL ~~ \ Janu'ary 29, 2007 HIS WORHSHIP NORM MCFARLANE AND MEMBERS OF COMMON COUNCIL BACKGROUND The City of Saint John will commence the staffing process for holiday relief firefighters in February 2007. Based on experience from the last selection process in 2002, we anticipate receiving a significant number of applications for this competition. The selection process for this competition will be extensive, and thorough. ANAL YSIS Due to the discontinuation of the Province of New Brunswick's Journeyman Apprentice Firefighter Program applicants must have successfully completed predetermined pre- employment training. This requirement is consistent with various selection processes throughout Canada including Moncton, Fredericton and Halifax. Applicants must possess training that includes: Firefighter Level I and Firefighter Level II Hazardous Materials for First Responders Operator level Medical First Responder Automated External Defibrillator Certification The Nova Scotia Firefighter School, Holland College and Marine Institute as well as other training institutions across Canada offer 22 week programs that include this training. Completion of these programs ensures that applicants meet the pre-requisites and demonstrates a commitment to a career in firefighting. These are minimum requirements; additional training and orientation will be provided to successful candidates. Establishing these essential requirements will: Replace the Firefighter aptitude tests as previously administered Streamline the application/screening process Reduce administrative costs Ensure consistency with other municipalities Yield better qualified candidates Recruitment for holiday relief firefighters will begin with posting job opportunities at various Firefighting schools in Atlantic Canada, City of Saint John Website, CareerBeacon and the Telegraph Journal. This applied focus will service to target qualified candidates. Our ability to secure qualified candidates greatly reduces the training cost to the Fire Service and enables them to deploy their training resources elsewhere. INFORMATION OF COUNCIL Atl~tic Canada Firefighter schools have offered to post job ads in the following ways: . Local bulletin boards . Job banks . Email alerts . Direct mailings to past and present students INPUT FROM OTHERS The applicants, the public, special interest groups, the wrion and often the media closely monitor this selection process. This is not peculiar to the City of Saint John and a number of complaints to Human Rights Commissions throughout Canada have been filed. For this reason, input ror the Saint John Fire Department's recruitment and selection process was obtained from the following Mwricipalities and accredited schools: . City of Calgary -- . City of Fredericton . City of Halifax . City of Moncton . Conestoga College Institute of Technology & Advanced Learning . Holland College . Marine Institute . Nova Scotia Firefighters School Terrence Totten City Manager