2007-01-15_Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jourCity of Saint John Common Council Meeting Monday, January 15, 2007 Regular Meeting 1. Call to Order — Prayer 5:00 p.m. Council Chamber 2. Approval of Minutes 2.1 Approval of December 18 & 19 2006 and January 2, 2007 Minutes 3. Adoption of Agenda 4. Disclosures of Conflict of Interest 5. Consent Agenda 5.1 Request of Board of Trade to Present (Recommendation: Refer to Clerk to schedule presentation) 5.2 Kid's Help Phone Request for Financial Contribution (Recommendation: Refer to City Manager) 5.3 ONE Change Inc Request to Present (Recommendation: Refer to Clerk to schedule presentation) 5.4 Planning Advisory Committee Executive 2007 (Recommendation: Receive for Information) 5.5 Gas Tax Funding (Recommendation in Report) 6. Members Comments 7. Proclamation 8. Delegations/ Presentations 9. Public Hearings 7:00 p.m. 9.1(a) Public Hearing Proposed Zoning By -law Amend - 18 Northumberland Ave 9.1(b) Planning Advisory Committee Recommending Rezoning of 18 Northumberland Avenue 10. Consideration of By -laws 10.1 Public Presentation Proposed Municipal Plan Amend & Zoning By -law Amend - 40 Mountain View Dr 10.2(a) Uptown Saint John 2007 Budget 10.2(b) Business Improvement Area Levy for 2007 10.2(c) Business Improvement Levy By -law Amendment 10.3 Third Reading Zoning By -law Amend - 1000 Somerset St 10.4(a) Leinster Street Rezoning 10.4(b) Third Reading Zoning By -law Amend - 53 -75 Leinster Street 10.4(c) Section 39 Conditions - 53 -75 Leinster Street PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com 11. Submissions by Council Members 11.1 Meetings Ottawa /Fredericton (Councillor Titus) 11.2 Residential Street Parking on Southern Peninsula (Deputy Mayor Hooton) 11.3 Proposed Pesticide Use By -law (Councillor White) 12. Business Matters — Municipal Officers 12.1 5:15 p.m. Proposed 2007 Operating and Capital Budgets: General Fund 12.2 Sprinkler System Replacement, City Market 12.3 Design & Construction Management: Reversing Falls Bridge Watermain Replacement 12.4 Design and Construction Management: Simms Corner Reconfiguration 12.5 Renaming of Marlborough Avenue and New Street Name (Tabled Dec. 19, 2006) 12.6 Amending Condition of Sale Development of Single Family Dwelling Corner of Millidge Ave and Somerset St 12.7 General Specifications - Division 6 General Administration of Contract 12.8 Public Hearing - 700 Somerset Street Withdrawal of Application 13. Committee Reports 13.1 Vision 2015 - Community Consultation 14. Consideration of Issues Separated from Consent Agenda 15. General Correspondence 16. Adjournment PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com City of Saint John Seance du conseil communal Le lundi 15 janvier 2007 Seance ordinaire 1. Ouverture de la seance, suivie de la priere 17 h Salle du conseil 2. Approbation du proces- verbal 2.1 Approbation du proces- verbal de la seance tenue les 18 et 19 d6cembre 2006 et le 2 janvier 2007 3. Adoption de l'ordre du jour 4. Divulgations de conflits d'interets 5. Questions soumises it 1'approbation du conseil 5.1 Demande presentee par la chambre de commerce voulant se presenter devant le conseil (recommandation : transmettre au greffier pour qu'une date de presentation soit fix6e) 5.2 Demande de financement presentee par Jeunesse J'6coute (recommandation : transmettre au directeur general) 5.3 Demande presentee par ONE Change Inc voulant se presenter devant le conseil ( recommandation : transmettre au greffier pour qu'une date de presentation soit fix6e) 5.4 Comit6 consultatif d'urbanisme — direction 2007 ( recommandation : accepter a titre informatif 5.5 Fonds de la taxe f6d6rale sur 1'essence ( recommandation portee au rapport) 6. Commentaires present6s par les membres 7. Proclamation 8. Delegations et presentations 9. Audiences publiques 19h 9.1 a) Audience publique relative au projet de modification de 1'Arret6 sur le zonage visant le 18, avenue Northumberland 9. lb) Comite consultatif d'urbanisme recommandant le rezonage du bien -fonds situ6 au 18, avenue Northumberland 10. Etude des arretes municipaux 10.1 Presentation publique de la modification du plan d'am6nagement propose et de 1'arret6 sur le zonage visant le 40, promenade Mountain View 10.2a) Presentation du budget 2007 relatif a Uptown Saint John 10.2b) Taxe sur la zone d'amelioration des affaires pour 2007 10.2c) Projet de modification de 1'arret6 sur la taxe d'am6lioration des affaires PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com 10.3 Troisi6me lecture de la modification de 1'arret6 sur le zonage visant le 1000, rue Somerset 10.4a) Rezonage de la rue Leinster 10.4b) Troisieme lecture du projet de modification de 1'arret& sur le zonage visant le 53 -75, rue Leinster 11. Intervention des membres du conseil 11.1 Reunions a Ottawa et a Fredericton (conseiller Titus) 11.2 Stationnement sur rue dans le secteur r6sidentiel de la p6ninsule Southern Peninsula (mairesse suppl6ante Hooton) Arr6t6 municipal propos6 relatif a 1'utilisation de pesticides (conseiller White) 12. Affaires municipales 6voqu6es par les fonctionnaires municipaux 12.1 17 h 15 Budgets d'exploitation et d'immobilisations propos6s de 2007 fonds d'administration 12.2 Remplacement du syst&me de gicleurs, march6 municipal 12.3 Gestion de la conception et de la construction : remplacement de la conduite d'eau principale du pont Reversing Falls 12.4 Gestion de la conception et de la construction : reconfiguration du coin Simms 12.5 Changement du nom de 1'avenue Marlborough et nouveau nom de rue (proposition pr6sent6e le 19 d6cembre 2006) 12.6 Modification de la condition de la vente aff6rente a 1'am6nagement d'une habitation unifamiliale au coin de 1'avenue Millidge et de la rue Somerset 12.7 Sp6cifications g&n&rales relatives a la division 6 visant 1'administration g6n6rale dun contrat 12.8 Audience publique — Retrait de la demande de modification relative au 700, rue Somerset 13. Rapports d6pos6s par les comit6s 13.1 Consultations communautaires pr6sent& par le Comit6 sur la Vision 2015 14. Etude des sujets 6cart6s des questions soumises a Papprobation du conseil 15. Correspondance g6n6rale 16. C16ture de la s6ance PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com 92 -607 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL DECEMBER 18 & 19,2006/18 et 19 DECEMBRE 2006 COMMON COUNCIL MEETING — THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN CITY HALL — DECEMBER 18 - 6:30 P.M. & DECEMBER 19 — 4:30 P.M., 2006 present Michelle Hooton, Deputy Mayor Councillors Chang, Chase, Court, Farren, Ferguson, McGuire, Tait, Titus and White - and - T. Totten, City Manager; J. Nugent, City Solicitor; Greg Yeomans, Commissioner of Finance and Treasurer; P. Groody, Commissioner of Municipal Operations; J. Baird, Commissioner of Planning and Development; A. Bodechon, Chief of Police; P. Woods, Common Clerk and Deputy City Manager; and E. Gormley, Assistant Common Clerk SEANCE DU CONSEIL COMMUNAL DE THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN TENUE A L'HOTEL DE VILLE Le 18 decembre 2006 a 18 h 30 et le 19 decembre 2006 a 16 h 30 Sont presents : Michelle Hooton, mairesse supplbante Les conseillers Chang, Chase, Court, Farren, Ferguson, McGuire, Tait, Titus et White et T. Totten, directeur gbnbral; J. Nugent, avocat municipal; Greg Yeomans, commissaire aux finances et trbsorier; P. Groody, commissaire aux opbrations municipales; J. Baird, commissaire b I'urbanisme et au dbveloppement; A. Bodechon, chef de police; P. Woods, greffier communal et directeur genbral adjoint; ainsi que E. Gormley, greffibre communale adjointe 1. Call To Order — Prayer Deputy Mayor Hooton called the meeting to order and Captain Bruce Smith offered the opening prayer. Ouverture de la reunion, suivie de la priere La sbance est ouverte par la mairesse supplbante Hooton et le capitaine Bruce Smith rbcite la pribre d'ouverture. 2. Approval of Minutes On motion of Councillor White Seconded by Councillor Chang RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of Common Council, held on December 4, 2006, be approved. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 2. Approbation du proces- verbal Proposition du conseiller White Appuybe par le conseiller Chang RESOLU que le procbs- verbal de la rbunion du conseil communal tenue le 4 dbcembre 2006 soit approuv6. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptbe. PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com 92 -608 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL DECEMBER 18 & 19, 2006/18 et 19 DECEMBRE 2006 3. Approval of Agenda On motion of Councillor White Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that the agenda of this meeting be approved with the addition of item 5.12, Drury Cove Developments (Recommendation: That Council approve an amendment in the matter of Drury Cove Developments — Captain's Quarters Condominiums which formerly read "...exterior surface of the gypsum board ", to now read "...the face of the studs in the walls "). Question being taken, the motion was carried. 3. Adoption de I'ordre du jour Proposition du conseiller White Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que I'ordre du jour de la reunion soit approuve, moyennant I'ajout du point 5.12, Drury Cove Developments ( Recommandation : Que le conseil approuve une modification relativement a la declaration de Drury Cove Developments concernant le lotissement d'immeubles en copropriete Condominiums du Captain's Quarters qui se lisait auparavant comme suit ... surface exterieure de plaque de platre », pour se lire maintenant « ... le cote des poteaux aux murs »). A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 4. Disclosures of Conflict of Interest Councillor White declared a possible conflict with item 9.2, Proposed Re- zoning of 53 -75 Leinster Street as he is a member of the Board of Saint John Non Profit Housing. 4. Divulgations de conflits d'interets Le conseiller White avoue titre en conflit d'interets relativement au point 9.2, projet de rezonage du 53 -75, rue Leinster, puisqu'il est membre du conseil de Saint John Non Profit Housing (logement sans but lucratif de Saint John). 5. Consent Agenda 5.2 That the request from Vibrant Communities for a traffic light at the intersection of Broad and Wentworth Streets, be referred to the City Manager. 5.3 That the letter from Peter Smit and Judith Mackin requesting an update on the upgrade of Princess Street, be referred to the City Manager. 5.4 That the letter from the Senior Advisory Committee requesting to make a presentation to Council, be referred to the Common Clerk to schedule a presentation. 5.5 That the letter from the Duck Cove Recreation & Heritage Assoc. requesting an update on the Western Beaches Trail, be referred to the City Manager. 5.6 1. That as recommended by the City Manager, Common Council initiate the proposed rezoning of the right -of -way to 304 Westmorland Road and the rear of 298 Westmorland Road, having PID No. 55160113, from "RS -2" One and Two Family Suburban Residential to "US" Utility and Service in conjunction with the applications of Hughes Surveys & Consultants Inc. (304 Westmorland Road) and Haldor (1972) Ltd. (rear of 298 Westmorland Road). 2. That Common Council schedule the Public Hearings for the rezoning applications of Hughes Surveys & Consultants Inc. (304 Westmorland Road) and John McLean (18 Northumberland Avenue) for January 15, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber. 5.7 1. That as recommended by the City Manager, The City of Saint John waive the requirements set out in Clause 12.02 (Consent Required) of the Lease given on November 27, 2006 by The City of Saint John as lessor to A.B.S. French Inc., as lessee, and further PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com 92 -609 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL DECEMBER 18 & 19, 2006/18 et 19 DECEMBRE 2006 2. That The City of Saint John consent to the Assignment of the aforesaid Lease from A.B.S. French Inc. to 628926 N.B. Inc.; and further 3. That the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute such documentation (as may be approved by the City Solicitor) to give effect to the hereinabove given consent. 5.8 1. That as recommended by the City Manager, the City accept the offer from the Executor and Trustee of Redvers G. Tiner, deceased, to purchase the freehold interest in lands designated by PID Number 363531 for the sum of $7,500.; upon the terms and conditions set forth in the Offer to Purchase made by Wayne Morehouse, Executor, a copy of which is attached to M & C 2006 -327. 2. That the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute all documents required to complete this sale of land. 5.9 That as recommended by the City Manager, the proposal of Hughes Survey and Consultants Inc. for consulting engineering services for the 2006 Rural Road Upgrade Project not be accepted. 5.10 That as recommended by the City Manager, Common Council: 1. Approve the submitted 'Agreement Respecting Communications Service' between the Department of Local Government for the Province of New Brunswick and The City of Saint John, relative to services provided to the Musquash Fire Department, subject to a final review of the document as to form, by the Legal Department. 2. Authorize the Mayor and Common Clerk to execute the agreement on behalf of the City. 5.11 That the letter from the Holmesville Soil Series Committee requesting support for a proclamation, be referred to the Common Clerk to schedule. 5.12 That Council approve an amendment in the matter of Drury Cove Developments — Captain's Quarters Condominiums which formerly read "...exterior surface of the gypsum board ", to now read "...the face of the studs in the walls ". On motion of Councillor White Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that the recommendation set out for each consent agenda item respectively, with the exception of item 5.1, Saint John Harbour Bridge Authority Budget, which has been identified for debate, be adopted. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 5. Questions soumises a I'approbation du conseil 5.2 Que la lettre de demande de Vibrant Communities (communautes vivantes) dans laquelle on demande ('installation de feux de circulation au croisement des rues Broad et Wentworth, soit transmise au directeur general. 5.3 Que la lettre regue de Peter Smit et Judith Mackin voulant une mise a jour visant les travaux de refection en cours sur la rue Princess, soit transmise au directeur general. 5.4 Que la lettre de demande regue du Comite consultatif des aines, voulant faire une presentation devant le conseil, soit transmise au greffier communal pour qu'il fixe une date de presentation. 5.5 Que la lettre regue de I'association de loisirs et du patrimoine, Duck Cove Recreation & Heritage Assoc., voulant une mise a jour visant le projet du sentier longeant les plages de la cote ouest, soit transmise au directeur general. 5.6 1. Que, comme le recommande le directeur general, le conseil communal procede a la mise en oeuvre du projet de rezonage du droit de passage allant au 304, chemin Westmorland et a I'arriere du terrain situe au 298, chemin Westmorland, inscrit sous le NID 55160113, afin de faire passer la classification de zone residentielle de banlieue — habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales « RS -2 » a zone de services publics et generaux « US », conformement aux demandes presentees par Hughes Surveys & Consultants Inc. (304, chemin Westmorland) et Haldor (1972) Ltd., (I'arriere PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com 92 -610 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL DECEMBER 18 & 19, 2006/18 et 19 DECEMBRE 2006 du 298, chemin Westmorland). 2. Que le conseil communal prevoit des audiences publiques relativement aux demandes de rezonage presentees par Hughes Surveys & Consultants Inc., (304, chemin Westmorland) et John McLean (18, avenue Northumberland), au 15 janvier 2007 a 19 h dans la salle du conseil. 5.7 1. Que, comme le recommande le directeur general, The City of Saint John renonce aux exigences stipulees en vertu du paragraphe 12.02 (consentement exige) du bail conclu le 27 novembre 2006 entre The City of Saint John, bailleur, et A.B.S. French Inc., locataire. 2. Que The City of Saint John accorde son assentiment a la cession du bail susmentionne de A.B.S. French Inc. a 628926 N. -B. Inc. 3. Que le maire et le greffier communal soient autorises a signer toute documentation (qu'aura approuve I'avocat municipal) afin de donner force au consentement susmentionne. 5.8 1. Que, comme le recommande le directeur general, The City of Saint John accepte I'offre presentee par 1'executeur testamentaire et fiduciaire de feu Monsieur Redvers G. Tiner, visant I'acquisition de I'interet franc sur les biens -fonds inscrits sous le NID 363531 pour la somme de 7 500 $, selon les modalites stipulees a I'offre d'achat signee par Wayne Morehouse, executeur testamentaire, dont copie est jointe au contrat n° MC 2006 -327; 2. que le maire et le greffier communal soient autorises a signer toute documentation exigee afin de conclure ladite vente de biens- fonds. 5.9 Que, comme le recommande le directeur general, la proposition presentee par Hughes Survey and Consultants Inc., relative aux services d'ingenieurs- conseils visant le projet de refection des routes rurales en 2006, soit rejetee. 5.10 RESOLU que, comme le recommande le directeur general, le conseil communal: 1. approuve 1'entente relative au service de telecommunications presentee, entre le ministere des Gouvernements locaux du Nouveau - Brunswick et The City of Saint John, visant les services d'urgence du Service d'incendie de Musquash, moyennant la presentation du document au Service juridique aux fins d'etude finale quant a sa forme; 2. autorise le maire et le greffier communal a signer 1'entente au nom de The City of Saint John. 5.11 Que la lettre de demande reque du Comite sur la serie de sols de Holmesville, voulant que la Ville appuie une proclamation, soit transmise au greffier communal pour qu'il fixe une date de presentation. 5.12 Que le conseil approuve une modification relativement a la declaration de Drury Cove Developments concernant le lotissement d'immeubles en copropriete Captain's Quarters Condominiums, qui se lisait auparavant comme suit « ...surface exterieure de plaque de platre », pour se lire maintenant « ...le cote des poteaux aux murs ». Proposition du conseiller White Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que la recommandation formulee pour chacune des questions soumises a I'approbation du conseil, a 1'exclusion du point 5.1, Budget de ('Administration du pont du port de Saint John, et qui a ete selectionnee aux fins de deliberations, soit adoptee. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 6. Members Comments Council members commented on various community events. 6. Commentaires presentes par les membres Les membres du conseil s'expriment sur diverses activites communautaires. PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com 92 -611 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL DECEMBER 18 & 19,2006/18 et 19 DECEMBRE 2006 7. Proclamation 7. Proclamation 8. Delegations /Presentations 8. Delegations et presentations 8.1 Uptown Saint John 2007 Budget BIA Referring to a submitted electronic slide presentation, Dick Daigle, President of Uptown Saint John, updated Council on the organization's 2006 highlights and financial situation. He advised that Uptown Saint John is not asking for a levy increase for the 2007 budget, but is working to extend the BIA Levy boundaries. On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor White RESOLVED that the Uptown Saint John 2007 budget be advertised and a date set for a public hearing for the BIA levy. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 8.1 Budget 2007 relatif a la zone d'amelioration des affaires de Uptown Saint John Se reportant b une presentation blectronique de diapositives soumise antbrieurement, Dick Daigle, president de Uptown Saint John, met le conseil au courant des faits saillants de I'annbe 2006 et de 1'6tat financier de son organisme. II indique que Uptown Saint John ne demande aucune augmentation d'impot foncier pour combler son budget de 2007, mais it vise plutot a reculer Ies bornes etablies en vertu de l'impot foncier relatif b la zone d'amblioration des affaires. Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuybe par le conseiller White RESOLU que Ies avis relatifs au budget 2007 de Uptown Saint John soient publibs et qu'une date soit fixbe pour la tenue d'une audience publique visant l'impot foncier relatif a la zone d'amblioration des affaires. A Tissue du vote, la proposition est adoptbe. 9. Public Hearings 7:00 P.M. 9.1(a) Section 39 Amendment - 450 Ashburn Road The Common Clerk advised that the necessary advertising was completed with regard to the proposed Section 39 Amendment amending the Section 39 conditions imposed on the August 26, 1996 re- zoning of the property located at 450 Ashburn Road, also identified as PID Number 52720 to permit a revised proposal. 9.1(b) Planning Advisory Committee Report - Section 39 Amendment - 450 Ashburn Road Consideration was also given to a report from the Planning Advisory Committee submitting a copy of Planning Staff's report considered at its December 12, 2006 meeting at which the Committee decided to recommend the amendment of the existing Section 39 conditions described above. The Deputy Mayor called for members of the public to speak against the proposed amendment with no one presenting. The Deputy Mayor called for members of the public to speak in favour of the proposed amendment with Mike Cooper, the owner, advising that he is working with the Planning Department to put a site plan in place, and that he agrees with the Planning Advisory Committee recommendations. PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com 92 -612 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL DECEMBER 18 & 19, 2006/18 et 19 DECEMBRE 2006 On motion of Councillor Tait Seconded by Councillor Farren RESOLVED: That Common Council amend the existing Section 39 conditions imposed on the August 26, 1996 re- zoning of the property located at 450 Ashburn Road, also identified as PID Number 52720 by adding the following conditions: a) That a revised site plan, prepared by the applicant and approved by the Development Officer, illustrate the following: i. an additional 2 metres (6.6 feet) of landscaping at the front of the site; ii. an extended paved parking area located on the northeast side of the garage; iii. an evergreen tree hedge, surrounding all sides of the secure storage compound and the extended paved parking area, with evergreens of a minimum height of 1.2 metres (4 feet) planted at a maximum centre -to- centre distance of 3 metres (10 feet); iv. the removal and landscaping of the current gravel parking area located southwest of the garage; and v. a screened or covered area for the storage of all materials and equipment, including tires, engines and all other automobile parts, and b) That the sale of automobiles be permitted following the completion of all site improvements shown on the revised site plan. Question being taken, the motion was carried. (Councillor White withdrew from the meeting as he declared a conflict of interest in the matter of the proposed re- zoning to follow.) 9. Audiences publiques a 19 h 9.1a) Conditions imposees par I'article 39 relatives au 450, chemin Ashburn Le greffier communal indique que les avis requis ont ete publies relativement a la modification proposee en vertu de I'article 39, modifiant les conditions imposees, le 26 aout 1996 relativement au rezonage de la propriete situee au 450, chemin Ashburn, inscrite sous le NID 52720, afin de permettre la presentation d'une offre revisee. 9.1 b) Rapport presente par le Comite consultatif d'urbanisme relatif aux modifications proposees en vertu de I'article 39 visant le 450, chemin Ashburn De plus, examen d'un rapport presente par le Comite consultatif d'urbanisme accompagne d'une copie du rapport du personnel du service d'urbanisme, etudie lors de la seance du 12 decembre 2006 au cours de laquelle le comite a resolu de recommander la modification des conditions actuelles susmentionnees imposees par I'article 39. La mairesse suppleante invite le public a se prononcer contre la modification proposee, mais personne ne prend la parole. La mairesse suppleante invite le public a se prononcer en faveur de la modification proposee et Mike Cooper, le proprietaire, affirme qu'il travaille de concert avec le Service d'urbanisme afin de dresser un plan de situation, et appuie les recommandations formulees par le Comite consultatif d'urbanisme. Proposition du conseiller Tait Appuyee par le conseiller Farren RESOLU : RESOLU que le conseil communal modifie les conditions actuelles imposees par I'article 39 le 26 aout 1996, modifiant le zonage de la propriete situee au 450, chemin Ashburn et inscrite sous le NID 52720, en ajoutant les conditions suivantes : a) qu'un plan de situation revise, dresse par le demandeur et approuve par I'agent d'urbanisme, indique ce qui suit: PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com 92 -613 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL DECEMBER 18 & 19, 2006/18 et 19 DECEMBRE 2006 i) deux metres (6,6 pieds) additionnels d'amenagement paysager sur la partie frontale du terrain; ii) une sire de stationnement agrandie et asphaltee situee du cote nord -est du garage; iii) une haie, composee d'arbres a feuillage persistant plantes a une distance maximale de 3 metres (10 pieds), a partir du centre de chaque arbre et d'une hauteur minimale de 1,2 metres (4 pieds), entourant tous les cotes de ('installation d'entreposage securitaire et de I'aire de stationnement agrandie et asphaltee; iv) I'amenagement paysager de I'actuelle aire de stationnement en gravier situee au sud- ouest du garage; v. une sire cachee ou couverte pour 1'entreposage de tout le materiel et les machines, y compris les pneus, les moteurs et toute autre piece automobile; b) que la vente d'automobiles ne soit permise qu'apres I'achevement de tous les travaux d'amelioration sur le terrain tels qu'ils sont indiques sur le plan de situation revise. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. (Le conseiller White annonce que la prochaine question de rezonage qui sera discutee lui presente un conflit d'interets et it quitte la seance.) 9.2(a) Proposed Zoning By -law Amendment - 53 -75 Leinster Street 9.2(c) Letters in Opposition to Proposed Amendment 9.2(d) Letter in Support of Proposed Amendment The Common Clerk advised that the necessary advertising was completed with regard to the proposed addition of the following to the list of zones in Section 30(1): "special zones SZ -21 ", and the addition of the following as Section 740(21): "Special Zone #21 (SZ -21) regarding (a) Uses, and (b) Zones Standards, and the proposed re- zoning of a parcel of land having an area of approximately 2770 square metres located at 53 -75 Leinster Street, also identified as being PID Numbers 00009431 and 55059992, from "B -2" General Business to "SZ -21" Special Zone #21 classification to permit a four - storey, 52- unit apartment building as requested by Saint John Non Profit Housing Inc. with written objections received. Consideration was also given to submissions in favour of and objecting to the proposal. 9.2(b) Planning Advisory Committee Report - 53 -75 Leinster Street Consideration was also given to a report from the Planning Advisory Committee submitting a copy of Planning Staff's report considered at its December 12, 2006 meeting at which the Committee decided to recommend approval as set out in the staff recommendation, recommending that Common Council amend the Zoning By -law by adding to the list of zones in Section 30(1); adding 740(21), and by re- zoning the above mentioned parcels of land located at 53 -75 Leinster Street from "B -2" General Business to "SZ -21" Special Zone #21 classification. Consideration was also given to submitted letters in support of and in opposition to the proposal. The Deputy Mayor called for members of the public to speak against the re- zoning with the following presenting: Nathalie Godbout, Counsel for the group, Citizens for the Revitalization of the South Central Peninsula Ltd., identified members of the group as follows: Betty Rourke, Harold McCormack, Dan Morehouse, Shane Goguen, Margaret Edwards, Lana Irish, Jonathan Gallant, Jon McQueen, Tara O'Mahoney, Arthur Melanson, Brian Edwards, Victor Robson, and Roderick MacKenzie. Ms. Godbout presented submitted information from Planner, Dr. Robert Shipley and from Architect, Johnson Engineered Solutions Limited, and advised that the Citizens' group would like the building turned 180 degrees from the proposed plan, noting that it does not oppose the project, but wishes to maintain the heritage quality of the neighbourhood. The City Solicitor advised that work presently being done at the work site on Leinster St. is being performed at the developer's own risk and does not contravene existing by- PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com 92 -614 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL DECEMBER 18 & 19, 2006/18 et 19 DECEMBRE 2006 laws. He clarified that if Council approves the proposed re- zoning, the issue of variance, presently being appealed by citizens, would become a non - issue. Jon MacQueen, owner of 58 Carmarthen Street and 154 -156 King Street East; Martha Edwards, 90 Carmarthen Street; Betty Rourke, 166 King Street East; Jonathon Gallant, 96 Wentworth Street; and Arthur Melanson, 90 Wentworth Street expressed their concerns over lack of parking, size of the proposed building, and loss of value and enjoyment of their properties. Lana Irish, a tenant of Jon McQueen commented that if the building is constructed, she would be moving. The Deputy Mayor called recesses at 8:13 p.m., 9:07 p.m. and 10:50 p.m., reconvening at 8:20 p.m., 9:15 p.m. and 10:57 p.m. respectively. The Deputy Mayor called for members of the public to speak in favour of the re- zoning with the following presenting: Robert Vincent, counsel for Saint John Non Profit Housing Inc., and Clifford Lawrence, a member of the board, appeared before Council on behalf of the applicant and expressed agreement with the recommendation in the Planning Advisory Committee report. Mr. Vincent advised that the initial design of the development has undergone several modifications as a result of at least five meetings with area residents over the past year. Mr. Lawrence reviewed the proposed project in detail, including a discussion of past approvals as well as the changes that have been made in an attempt to address the concerns of neighbouring property- owners. Joe Barry, 127 Leinster Street spoke on behalf of the re- zoning saying that the addition of the building would enhance the neighbourhood. On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that the meeting be extended beyond 10:00 p.m. to continue the Public Hearing. Question being taken, the motion was carried. On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that Council suspend the rules pertaining to time of adjournment to complete the Public Hearing in progress. Question being taken, the motion was carried, with Councillor Ferguson voting nay. On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that after completion of the Public Hearing in progress Council reconvene at 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, December 19, 2006 in the Council Chamber to complete the agenda. Question being taken, the motion was carried, with Councillors Chase, Farren and Ferguson voting nay. On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that the by -law entitled, "A Law to Amend the Zoning By -law of The City of Saint John ", amended by adding "special zones SZ #21 ", its uses and standards, and re- zoning a parcel of land located at 53 -75 Leinster Street, having an area of approximately 2770 square metres, also identified as being PID Numbers 00009431 and 55059992, from "B -2" General Business to "SZ -21" Special Zone #21 classification with Section 39 Conditions, be read a first time. Question being taken, the motion was carried, with Councillor Farren voting nay. Read a first time by title, the by -law entitled, "A Law to Amend the Zoning By -law of The City of Saint John ". PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com 92 -615 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL DECEMBER 18 & 19, 2006/18 et 19 DECEMBRE 2006 On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that the by -law entitled, "A Law to Amend the Zoning By -law of The City of Saint John ", amended by adding "special zones SZ #21 ", its uses and standards, and re- zoning a parcel of land located at 53 -75 Leinster Street, having an area of approximately 2770 square metres, also identified as being PID Numbers 00009431 and 55059992, from "B -2" General Business to "SZ -21" Special Zone #21 classification with Section 39 Conditions, be read a second time. Question being taken, the motion was carried, with Councillor Farren voting nay. Read a second time by title, the by -law entitled, "A Law to Amend the Zoning By -law of The City of Saint John ". On motion of Councillor Ferguson Seconded by Councillor Farren RESOLVED that Council recommend the parties involved in the proposed re- zoning of 53 -75 Leinster Street meet for discussions in the next two weeks in an attempt to achieve further agreements. Question being taken, the motion was carried. The Deputy Mayor declared the meeting adjourned to be reconvened tomorrow evening, December 19, at 4:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber to deal with the remainder of items on the agenda. 9.2a) Projet de modification de I'arrete sur le zonage relatif au 53 -75, rue Leinster 9.2c) Lettres d'opposition au projet de modification 9.2d) Lettre d'appui au projet de modification Le greffier communal indique que les avis requis ont ete publies relativement a I'ajout propose de la zone suivante a la liste de zones inscrite a I'article 30(1) : « zone speciale n° SZ -21 » et I'ajout de ce qui suit comme article 740(21) : « Zone speciale n° 21 (SZ -21) relativement a) aux usages et b) aux normes de zonage, et le projet de rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie approximative de 2 770 metres carres, situee au 53- 75, rue Leinster, inscrite sous les NID 00009431 et 55059992, afin de faire passer la classification de zone commerciale generale « B -2 » a zone speciale n° 21, pour permettre un immeuble de quatre etages a 52 logements, a la demande de I'organisme Saint John Non - Profit Housing Inc., (logement sans but lucratif de Saint John), et que des lettres d'opposition ecrites ont ete regues. De plus, les conclusions en faveur ou contre la proposition sont examinees. 9.2b) Rapport presente par le Comite consultatif d'urbanisme visant le terrain situe au 53 -75, rue Leinster Le conseil a egalement examine un rapport du Comite consultatif d'urbanisme, accompagne d'un exemplaire du rapport du personnel du service d'urbanisme, etudie lors de la reunion du 12 decembre 2006, a laquelle le comite a resolu de recommander I'approbation, telle qu'elle est soulignee dans le rapport du personnel du service d'urbanisme, voulant que le conseil communal procede a la modification de I'arrete sur le zonage en permettant I'ajout d'une zone a la liste de zones inscrite a I'article 30(1); ajoutant I'article 740(21) et effectuant le rezonage des parcelles susmentionnees situees au 53 -75, rue Leinster afin de faire passer la classification de zone commerciale generale « B -2 » a zone speciale n° 21 « SZ -21 ». De plus, les lettres d'appui et d'opposition presentees relativement au projet sont examinees. La mairesse suppleante invite le public a se prononcer contre le projet de rezonage et les personnes suivantes prennent la parole : Nathalie Godbout, conseillere juridique de Citizens for the Revitalization of the South Central Peninsula Ltd., (citoyens pour la revitalisation de la peninsule centrale sud) presente les membres du groupe suivants : Betty Rourke, Harold McCormack, Dan Morehouse, Shane Goguen, Margaret Edwards, Lana Irish, Jonathan Gallant, Jon PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com 92 -616 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL DECEMBER 18 & 19, 2006/18 et 19 DECEMBRE 2006 McQueen, Tara O'Mahoney, Arthur Melanson, Brian Edwards, Victor Robson et Roderick MacKenzie. Me Godbout presente des renseignements soumis anterieurement par I'urbaniste, Dr Robert Shipley, et la firme d'architectes, Johnson Engineered Solutions Limited, et indique que le groupe de citoyens desire que I'immeuble soit pivote de 180 degres par rapport au plan propose, qu'il ne s'oppose pas au projet, mais qu'il souhaite plutot conserver les caracteristiques patrimoniales du quartier. L'avocat municipal souligne que le promoteur assume tous les risques lies aux travaux effectues a I'heure actuelle sur le terrain de la rue Leinster et qu'aucun arrete municipal n'est enfreint. II explique que si le conseil approuve le projet de rezonage, la question de la modification soulevee a I'heure actuelle par les citoyens ne poserait aucun probleme. Jon MacQueen, proprietaire du 58, rue Carmarthen et du 154 -156, rue King Est, Martha Edwards, residant au 90, rue Carmarthen, Betty Rourke, residant au 166, rue King Est, Jonathon Gallant, residant au 96, rue Wentworth, et Arthur Melanson, residant au 90, rue Wentworth, expriment leurs inquietudes relatives au manque d'espaces de stationnement, a la taille imposante de I'immeuble propose et a la depreciation de la valeur et a la perte de jouissance de leurs proprietes. Lana Irish, locataire de Jon McQueen, affirme que si I'immeuble est construit, elle demenagera. La mairesse suppleante annonce des pauses a 20 h 13, a 21 h 7 et a 22 h 50, et la seance reprend a 20 h 20, a 21 h 15 et a 22 h 57, respectivement. La mairesse suppleante invite le public a se prononcer en faveur du rezonage, et les personnes suivantes prennent la parole : Robert Vincent, conseiller juridique de I'organisme Saint John Non - Profit Housing Inc. (logement sans but lucratif de Saint John), et Clifford Lawrence, membre du conseil d'administration, se presentent devant le conseil au nom du demandeur et expriment leur accord avec les recommandations formulees dans le rapport du Comite consultatif d'urbanisme. Me Vincent indique que la conception initiale de I'amenagement a subi plusieurs modifications par suite aux cinq reunions tenues avec les residents du quartier au cours de la derniere annee. M. Lawrence examine minutieusement le projet envisage et mentionne les approbations accordees anterieurement ainsi que les modifications effectuees afin d'adresser les inquietudes des proprietaires avoisinants. Joe Barry, residant au 127, rue Leinster, se prononce en faveur du rezonage et constate que I'amenagement de I'immeuble ameliorerait le quartier. Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que la seance soit prolongee au -dela de 22 h afin de poursuivre I'audience publique. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que le conseil suspende I'application du reglement relatif a I'heure de cloture de la seance afin de conclure I'audience publique en cours. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Le conseiller Ferguson vote contre la proposition. Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU qu'a la suite de I'audience publique en cours, le conseil soit rappele a 16 h 30, le mardi 19 decembre 2006 dans la salle du conseil afin de traiter tous les points de I'ordre du jour. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Les conseillers Chase, Farren et Ferguson votent contre la proposition. PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com 92 -617 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL DECEMBER 18 & 19, 2006/18 et 19 DECEMBRE 2006 Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que I'arrete intitule « Arrete modifiant I'arrete sur le zonage de The City of Saint John » modifie par I'ajout de la zone speciale n° SZ -21, ainsi que les usages et les normes connexes, et le rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 2 770 metres carres, situee au 53 -75, rue Leinster et portant les NID 00009431 et 55059992, en vue de faire passer la classification de zone commerciale generale « B -2 » a zone speciale n° 21 « SZ -21 », sous reserve des conditions imposees par I'article 39, fasse ('objet d'une premiere lecture. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Le conseiller Farren vote contre la proposition. Premiere lecture par titre de I'arrete intitule « Arrete modifiant I'arrete sur le zonage de The City of Saint John ». Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que I'arrete intitule « Arrete modifiant I'arrete sur le zonage de The City of Saint John » modifie par I'ajout de la zone speciale n° SZ -21, ainsi que les usages et les normes connexes, et le rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 2 770 metres carres, situee au 53 -75, rue Leinster et portant les NID 00009431 et 55059992, en vue de faire passer la classification de zone commerciale generale « B -2 » a zone speciale n° 21 « SZ -21 », sous reserve des conditions imposees par I'article 39, fasse ('objet d'une deuxieme lecture. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Le conseiller Farren vote contre la proposition. Deuxieme lecture par titre de I'arrete intitule « Arrete modifiant I'arrete sur le zonage de The City of Saint John ». Proposition du conseiller Ferguson Appuyee par le conseiller Farren RESOLU que le conseil recommande aux parties prenantes du projet de rezonage relatif au 53 -75, rue Leinster, de fixer un rendez -vous dans les deux prochaines semaines afin de tenter de s'entendre sur d'autres questions. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. La mairesse suppleante declare que la seance est levee et sera rappelee demain apres- midi, le 19 decembre a 16 h 30 dans la salle du conseil afin de traiter de tous les points de I'ordre du jour. The Deputy Mayor declared the meeting reconvened at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, December 19, 2006, a continuation of the meeting held on Monday, December 18, 2006, with the following in attendance: Michelle Hooton, Deputy Mayor, Councillors, Chase, Court, Farren, McGuire, Tait, Titus and White, and T. Totten, City Manager; B Cullinan, Solicitor; Greg Yeomans, Commissioner of Finance and Treasurer; P. Groody, Commissioner of Municipal Operations; W. Edwards, Commissioner of Buildings and Inspection Services; B. Reid, Deputy Chief of Police; P. Woods, Common Clerk and Deputy City Manager; and E. Gormley, Assistant Common Clerk. On motion of Councillor Tait Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that item 12. 1, Collective Agreement — The City of Saint John and CUPE Local 18, be brought forward. Question being taken, the motion was carried. La mairesse suppleante declare que la seance est rappelee a 16 h 30, le mardi 19 decembre 2006, afin de prolonger la seance tenue le lundi 18 decembre 2006, et que les personnes suivantes sont prenentes : la mairesse suppleante Hooton et les conseillers Chase, Court, Farren, McGuire, Tait, Titus et White, et T. Totten, directeur general; B. Cullinan, avocat; Greg Yeomans, commissaire aux finances et tresorier; P. Groody, commissaire aux operations municipales; W. Edwards, commissaire aux services d'inspection et des batiments; B. Reid, chef de police adjoint; P. Woods, greffier PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com 92 -618 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL DECEMBER 18 & 19, 2006/18 et 19 DECEMBRE 2006 communal et directeur general adjoint; ainsi que E. Gormley, greffiere communale adjointe. Proposition du conseiller Tait Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que le point 12.1, Convention collective entre The City of Saint John et la section locale 18 du SCFP, soit examine des maintenant. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 12.1 Collective Agreement City of Saint John and CUPE Local 18 The City Manager introduced a submitted report and draft Collective Agreement between The City of Saint John and CUPE Local 18. He referenced such factors as the labour market, contracting versus public service, negotiated settlement versus mandated agreement and commented that this contract reflects leadership and adequate flexibility. He recommended that the contract be approved. Mr. Groody reviewed the report and explained the key changes in the agreement noting that he believes the contract as submitted is in the best interest of the City, the community and the workforce. Councillor Chase objected to the clause that restricts the employer from lowering the workforce below 293 employees in Local 18 if deemed appropriate. On motion of Councillor White Seconded by Councillor Court RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager, Council approve the submitted tentative agreement with CUPE, Local 18 (Outside Workers) for the 4 -year term January 1 st, 2007 to December 31 st, 2010, and authorize the Mayor and Common Clerk to sign the Working Agreement on behalf of The City of Saint John (Employer), subject to the City Solicitor reviewing the document as to its legality and form. Question being taken, the motion was carried, with Councillor Chase voting nay. On motion of Councillor Tait Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that item 14.6, Saint John Harbour Bridge Authority Budget, be brought forward. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 12.1 Convention collective entre The City of Saint John et la section locale 18 du SCFP Le directeur general presente un rapport soumis anterieurement et 1'ebauche d'une convention collective entre The City of Saint John et la section locale 18 du SCFP. II se reporte a certains facteurs, tels que le marche du travail, la sous - traitance par rapport a la fonction publique et la negociation de reglements par opposition a la convention prescrite; et it souligne que la presente convention fait preuve de leadership et d'une flexibility adequate. II recommande I'approbation de la convention. M. Groody s'entretient du rapport, souligne les principales modifications apportees a la convention et affirme qu'il est d'avis que la convention presentee reflete les meilleurs interets de la Ville, de la collectivite et de la main - d'oeuvre. Le conseiller Chase s'oppose a la clause qui vise a interdire A 1'employeur de reduire la main - d'oeuvre A moins de 293 employes dans la section locale 18, s'il le juge opportun. Proposition du conseiller White Appuyee par le conseiller Court RESOLU que, comme le recommande le directeur general, le conseil approuve la convention collective provisoire presentee entre la PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com 92 -619 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL DECEMBER 18 & 19,2006/18 et 19 DECEMBRE 2006 section locale 18 du SUP (cols bleus) pour une durbe de quatre ans, b savoir du 1,r janvier 2007 au 31 decembre 2010, et autorise le maire et le greffier communal a signer la convention au nom de The City of Saint John (employeur), sous reserve d'une btude effectuee par I'avocat municipal quant a la forme et le fond. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Le conseiller Chase vote contre la proposition. Proposition du conseiller Tait Appuybe par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que le point 14.6, budget de I'Administration du pont du port de Saint John, soit examinb des maintenant. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 14.6 Saint John Harbour Bridge Authority Budget On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor Farren RESOLVED that Common Council approve the submitted 2006 -2007 Budget for the Saint John Harbour Bridge Authority. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 14.6 Budget de I'Administration du pont du port de Saint John Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuybe par le conseiller Farren RESOLU que le conseil communal approuve le budget 2006 -2007 presente par I'Administration du pont du port de Saint John. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 10. Consideration of By -laws 10.1 Third Reading Proposed By -law Amendment - 16 Fern Street On motion of Councillor Farren Seconded by Councillor White RESOLVED that the by -law entitled, "By -law Number C.P. 110 -28, A Law to Amend the Zoning By -law of The City of Saint John ", re- zoning a parcel of land located at 16 Fern Street, having an area of approximately 470 square metres, also identified as PID Number 00317313, from "R -2" One and Two Family Residential to "RM -1" Three Storey Multiple Residential classification, be read. Question being taken, the motion was carried. The by -law entitled, "By -law Number C.P. 110 -28, a Law to Amend the Zoning By -law of The City of Saint John was read in its entirety. On motion of Councillor White Seconded by Councillor Farren RESOLVED that the by -law entitled, "By -law Number C.P. 110 -28, A Law to Amend the Zoning By -law of The City of Saint John ", re- zoning a parcel of land located at 16 Fern Street, having an area of approximately 470 square metres, also identified as PID Number 00317313, from "R -2" One and Two Family Residential to "RM -1" Three Storey Multiple Residential classification, be read a third time, enacted and the Corporate Common Seal affixed thereto. Question being taken, the motion was carried. Read a third time by title, the by -law entitled, "By -law Number C.P. 110 -28, A Law to Amend the Zoning By -law of The City of Saint John ". 10. Etude des arretes municipaux PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com 92 -620 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL DECEMBER 18 & 19, 2006/18 et 19 DECEMBRE 2006 10.1 Troisieme lecture du projet de modification relatif a I'arrete sur le zonage visant le 16, rue Fern Proposition du conseiller Farren Appuyee par le conseiller White RESOLU que 1'arrete intitule « Arrete no C.P. 110- 28 modifiant I'arrete sur le zonage de The City of Saint John », relativement au rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie approximative de 470 metres carres, situee au 16, rue Fern et inscrite sous le NID 00317313 afin de faire passer la classification de zone residentielle — habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales « R -2 » a zone residentielle d'immeubles a logements multiples de trois etages « RM -1 », fasse ('objet d'une lecture. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. L'arrete intitule « Arrete no C.P. 110 -28 modifiant I'arrete sur le zonage de The City of Saint John » est lu integralement. Proposition du conseiller White Appuyee par le conseiller Farren RESOLU que 1'arrete intitule « Arrete no C.P. 110- 28 modifiant I'arrete sur le zonage de The City of Saint John », relativement au rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie approximative de 470 metres carres, situee au 16, rue Fern et inscrite sous le NID 00317313 afin de faire passer la classification de zone residentielle — habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales « R -2 » a zone residentielle d'immeubles a logements multiples de trois etages « RM -1 », fasse ('objet d'une troisieme lecture, que ledit arrete soit edicte et que le sceau communal y soit appose. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Troisieme lecture par titre de 1'arrete intitule « Arrete no C.P. 110 -28 modifiant 1'arrete sur le zonage de The City of Saint John ». 11. Submissions by Council Members 11.3 Performance Indicators - Value for Money On motion of Councillor Chase Seconded by Councillor White RESOLVED that the Vision 2015 Committee provide an update on the approach to be followed and the timing for implementation of performance indicators for the City. Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillor Court voting nay. 11. Intervention des membres du conseil 11.3 Indicateurs de rendement relatifs a ('optimisation des ressources Proposition du conseiller Chase Appuyee par le conseiller White RESOLU que le Comite sur la Vision 2015 presente une mise a jour relative aux demarches qui doivent titre entreprises et a 1'echeancier etabli pour la mise en oeuvre des indicateurs de rendement pour la ville. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Le conseiller Court vote contre la proposition. 11.1 Freedom of the City On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor Farren RESOLVED that item 11.1 which was tabled on November 20, 2006 and referred to the December 4, 2006 meeting, be lifted from the table. Question being taken, the motion was carried. PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com 92 -621 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL DECEMBER 18 & 19, 2006/18 et 19 DECEMBRE 2006 On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that the Common Clerk be directed to prepare a report on the process to be followed for bestowing Freedom of the City to citizens, and that this report be referred to Committee of the Whole for further consideration. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 11.1 Droit de cite Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller Farren RESOLU que le point no 11. 1, reporte lors de la reunion du 20 novembre 2006, et inscrit a I'ordre du jour de la seance du 4 decembre 2006, soit examine des maintenant. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que le greffier communal soit charge de la redaction d'un rapport etablissant les demarches a entreprendre pour I'octroi du droit de cite aux citoyens et que ce rapport soit transmis au Comite plenier aux fins d'etude approfondie. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 11.2 Disability Management On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor White RESOLVED that item 11.2 which was tabled on November 20, 2006 and referred to the December 4, 2006 meeting, be lifted from the table. Question being taken, the motion was carried. On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor Court RESOLVED that the City Manager prepare a report to advise Council on matters pertaining to the integration of short -term sick leave benefits with Long Term Disability benefits provided in the Pension Plan. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 11.2 Gestion de I'incapacite Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller White RESOLU que le point no 11.2, reporte lors de la reunion du 20 novembre 2006, et inscrit a I'ordre du jour de la seance du 4 decembre 2006, soit examine des maintenant. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller Court RESOLU que le directeur general redige un rapport visant a conseiller les membres du conseil sur les questions relatives a ('inclusion d'indemnites de conges de maladie a court terme et d'invalidite a long terme au regime de retraite. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com 92 -622 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL DECEMBER 18 & 19, 2006/18 et 19 DECEMBRE 2006 11.4 Saint John Community Loan Fund On motion of Councillor McGuire Seconded by Councillor White RESOLVED that The City of Saint John give consideration to making an investment of $5,000. in the Saint John Community Loan Fund and that this request be referred to both the City Manager and the City Solicitor. Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillor Tait voting nay. 11.4 Fonds d'emprunt communautaire de Saint John Proposition du conseiller McGuire Appuyee par le conseiller White RESOLU que The City of Saint John considere investir la somme de 5 000 $ dans la Saint John Community Loan Fund (fonds d'emprunt communautaire) et que cette question soit adressee au directeur general et a I'avocat municipal. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Le conseiller Tait vote contre. 11.5 Canaport Community Environmental Liaison Committee On motion of Councillor Court Seconded by Councillor Farren RESOLVED that the letter from Councillor Court regarding a request from the Canaport Environmental Liaison Committee to bring to the attention of Council three items for consideration, all dealing with the access road from Black River Road to Red Head Road, be received for information. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 11.5 Comite de liaison environnemental communautaire de Canaport Proposition du conseiller Court Appuyee par le conseiller Farren RESOLU que la lettre presentee par le conseiller Court relative a la demande du Comite de liaison environnemental communautaire de Canaport voulant que le conseil porte son attention sur trois questions relatives a la voie d'acces depuis le chemin Black River jusqu'au chemin Red Head, soit acceptee a titre informatif. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 11.6 School Zone - Safety Kids On motion of Councillor McGuire Seconded by Councillor Court RESOLVED that the matter of School Zone Safety Kids be referred to the City Manager and to the Chief of Police through the Police Commission, to report on the feasibility of implementing this program in Saint John, with integration for mobility challenged children built into the program. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 11.6 Zone scolaire — securite des enfants Proposition du conseiller McGuire Appuyee par le conseiller Court RESOLU que la question de la zone scolaire et de la securite des enfants soit adressee au directeur general et au chef du service de police par 1'entremise de la Commission de police aux fins de redaction d'un rapport sur la faisabilite de la mise en oeuvre de ce programme a Saint John, y compris ('inclusion au programme d'un volet adresse aux enfants a mobility reduite. PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com 92 -623 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL DECEMBER 18 & 19,2006/18 et 19 DECEMBRE 2006 A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptbe. 12. Business Matters - Municipal Officers 12. Affaires municipales evoquees par les fonctionnaires municipaux 12.2 Manawagonish Road - Water, Sanitary, Storm and Road Reconstruction On motion of Councillor White Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED as recommended by the City Manager, Common Council: 1. provide early approval for projects on Manawagonish Road within the 2007 Water & Sewerage Utility Fund Capital Program as follows: Infrastructure Renewal — Sanitary in the amount of $330,000. Infrastructure Renewal — Water in the amount of $360,000. Water Service Needs in the amount of $805,000. 2. provide early approval for projects on Manawagonish Road within the 2007 General Fund Capital Program and the Municipal Designated Highways Grant Program as follows: Storm Sewer in the amount of $210,000. Transportation in the amount of $260,000. as City Share and $925,000. as Other Share to be funded within an expanded Municipal Designated Highways Grant Program, and further; 3. authorize staff to conduct negotiations for the engagement of engineering design and construction management services with Crandall Engineering Ltd. for street reconstruction in accordance with the process approved by Common Council on February 13, 2006 for the Engagement of Engineering Consultants — 2006 Capital Program (M &C 2006 -31). Question being taken, the motion was carried. 12.2 Chemin Manawagonish — amelioration du reseau d'aqueduc et d'egouts sanitaires et pluviaux et refection de route Proposition du conseiller White Appuybe par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que, comme le recommande le directeur general, le conseil communal : 1. approuve sans delais les projets relatifs au chemin Manawagonish en vertu du programme d'immobilisations relatif au fonds du reseau d'aqueduc et d'6gouts pour 2007, comme suit: renouvellement de ('infrastructure - reseau d'bgouts au montant de 330 000 $; renouvellement de ('infrastructure - reseau d'aqueduc au montant de 360 000 $; exigences au chapitre du reseau d'aqueduc au montant de 805 000 $; 2. approuve sans delais les projets relatifs au chemin Manawagonish en vertu du programme gbnbral d'immobilisations et du programme relatif aux routes municipales dbsignbes pour 2007, comme suit: 6gouts pluviaux au montant de 210 000 $; transport — 260 000 $ paybs par la Ville et 925 000 $ subventionnbs en vertu d'un programme blargi relatif aux routes municipales designbes; 3. autorise les employbs b entamer des nbgociations visant b engager les services de Crandall Engineering Ltd., clans le cadre de la conception d'ingbnierie et de la gestion de construction relativement a la refection des routes, conformbment au procbd6 approuv6 par le conseil le 13 fbvrier 2006 visant 1'engagement d'experts - conseils en ingbnierie — programme d'immobilisations de 2006 (contrat n° MC 2006 -31). A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptbe. 12.3 Contract 2006 -1 - Harbour Passage - Water Street On motion of Councillor White Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager, Contract No. 2006 -1: Harbour Passage — Water Street, be awarded to the low tenderer, Fairville Construction Ltd., at its tendered price of $603,145. as calculated PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com 92 -624 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL DECEMBER 18 & 19, 2006/18 et 19 DECEMBRE 2006 based upon estimated quantities, and further that the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary contract documents. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 12.3 Contrat no 2006 -1 : Passage du port et rue Water Proposition du conseiller White Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que, comme le recommande le directeur general, le contrat no 2006 -1, relatif au Passage du port et a la rue Water, soit accorde au soumissionnaire le moins disant, Fairville Construction Ltd., au prix offert de 603 145 $, etabli a partir de quantites estimatives, et que le maire et le greffier communal soient autorises a signer la documentation contractuelle exigee. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 12.4 Tender for the Collection of Residential Solid Waste On motion of Councillor McGuire Seconded by Councillor White RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager, the tenders of Fero Waste & Recycling Inc. and Dominion Refuse be accepted for the establishment of a supply agreement for the collection of residential solid waste in the zones identified in the tender document and for a period from January 1, 2007 through to June 30, 2007, with an option to extend, on a month to month basis for a maximum additional 6 month term, be accepted. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 12.4 Soumission pour la collecte des dechets solides residentiels Proposition du conseiller McGuire Appuyee par le conseiller White RESOLU que, comme le recommande le directeur regional, les soumissions presentees par Fero Waste & Recycling Inc. et Dominion Refuse, soient acceptees en ce qui a trait a I'elaboration d'une convention d'approvisionnement visant la collecte de dechets solides residentiels dans les zones determinees en vertu du document de soumission, pour une periode allant du 1 er janvier 2007 au 30 juin 2007, incluant une option de prorogation mensuelle automatique d'une duree additionnelle maximale de six mois, soit acceptee. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 12.5 2007 insurance On motion of Councillor White Seconded by Councillor Tait RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager, Council accepts the insurance package offered by AON Reed Stenhouse Inc, and approves payments as follow: AON Reed Stenhouse Inc. $858,448. consisting of Insurance premiums of $813,448. and agreed agency fee of $45,000. for a total $858,448. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 12.5 Assurance 2007 Proposition du conseiller White Appuyee par le conseiller Tait RESOLU que, comme le recommande le directeur general, le conseil accepte I'offre d'assurances proposee par AON Reed Stenhouse Inc., et approuve les paiements suivants : a AON Reed Stenhouse Inc., la somme totale de 858 448 $ comprenant les primes d'assurance au montant de 813 448 $ et les frais d'agence de 45 000 $. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com 92 -625 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL DECEMBER 18 & 19, 2006/18 et 19 DECEMBRE 2006 12.6 Authority to Expend Funds On motion of Councillor White Seconded by Councillor Titus RESOLVED that the following resolution be adopted, namely: Whereas the 2007 budgets for The City of Saint John have not been approved; And Whereas there are some day to day matters controlled by the general approval of the budget: Now, therefore, be it resolved that the City Manager be authorized to approve purchases up to the value of $25,000. where provision for same is normally contained in the budget which has not been approved: And be it further resolved that the Treasurer be authorized to disburse funds related to expenditures related to pre- existing contractual agreements and, to commissions and organizations which, in his opinion, would ensure the continued economic and efficient day -to -day operations of these commissions and organizations during this period. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 12.6 Autorisation de depense de fonds Proposition du conseiller White Appuyee par le conseiller Titus RESOLU que la resolution suivante soit adoptee, a savoir Attendu que les budgets de The City of Saint John pour I'annee 2007 n'ont pas ete approuves; Et attendu que certaines affaires quotidiennes dependent de I'approbation generale du budget; En consequence, it est resolu que le directeur general soit autorise a approuver les acquisitions d'une valeur maximale de 25 000 $ lorsqu'une telle disposition existe normalement dans le budget non approuve; Et qu'il soit de plus resolu que le tresorier soit autorise a verser des sommes, pendant ladite periode, pour acquitter les depenses prevues en vertu d'engagements contractuels anterieurs, et aux commissions et aux organisations qui, a son avis, assurent quotidiennement de leur fonctionnement economique et efficace continu. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 12.7 Saint John Youth Cabinet On motion of Councillor White Seconded by Councillor Farren RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager, Common Council: 1. recognize the Saint John Youth Cabinet (SJYC) as Council's youth advisory Committee as per the terms of the submitted Outline for Official City Status; 2. direct the Saint John Youth Cabinet to submit an action plan by April of 2007 and report back on its organization, membership, activities and results by December 2007; 3. provide a grant of $2,500. in the 2007 budget for the Saint John Youth Cabinet and refer the request to the 2007 budget process, and 4. appoint a liaison Councillor to dialogue with the SJYC and refer the appointment to the Nominating Committee. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 12.7 Saint John Youth Cabinet (cabinet jeunesse) Proposition du conseiller White Appuyee par le conseiller Farren RESOLU que, comme le recommande le directeur general, le conseil communal : PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com 92 -626 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL DECEMBER 18 & 19,2006/18 et 19 DECEMBRE 2006 1. reconnaisse le Saint John Youth Cabinet (SJYC) (cabinet jeunesse) comme Comite consultatif de la jeunesse creb par le conseil conformement aux modalites de l'avant- projet presente relatif au statut officiel de la ville; 2. charge le cabinet jeunesse de Saint John de presenter un plan d'action au plus tard en avril et de faire le compte rendu de ('organisation, des membres, des activites et des resultats obtenus; 3. prbvoie une subvention de 2 500 $ au budget de 2007 pour le cabinet jeunesse de Saint John et soumette la demande au procede budgetaire de 2007; 4. nomme un conseiller charge d'assurer la liaison avec le cabinet jeunesse et demande au Comite des candidatures de s'assurer de cette nomination. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 13. Committee Reports 13. Rapports deposes par les comites 14. Consideration of Issues Separated from Consent Agenda 14.1 Request for Compensatory Storage - 643 Rothesay Avenue On motion of Councillor Farren Seconded by Councillor White RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager, Milestone Construction & Development Inc. be advised that Common Council will sell compensatory storage, calculated at the rate of $10.75 per cubic metre, for each cubic metre of flood storage displaced by the development, up to 1,476 cubic metres, at its development on Rothesay Avenue. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 14. Etude des sujets ecartes des questions soumises a I'approbation du conseil 14.1 Demande d'entreposage compensatoire — 643, avenue Rothesay Proposition du conseiller Farren Appuyee par le conseiller White RESOLU clue, comme le recommande le directeur general, 1'entreprise Milestone Construction & Development Inc. soit avisee clue le conseil communal vendra des espaces d'entreposage compensatoire, au prix de 10,75 $ le metre cube, pour chaque metre cube d'entreposage dbplace en raison d'inondation a la suite des travaux d'amenagement, jusqu'a concurrence de 1 476 metres cubes, sur Ies Iieux de I'amenagement de l'avenue Rothesay. A Tissue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 14.2 Use of Pesticides on City Property On motion of Councillor White Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that the report from the City Manager outlining how pesticides are being used on City property, be received for information. Councillor Chase commented that the report was incongruent with Council's decision to ban the use of pesticides. On motion of Councillor Court Seconded by Councillor White RESOLVED that the report from the City Manager outlining how pesticides are being used on City property, be tabled. Question being taken, the tabling motion was carried. PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com 92 -627 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL DECEMBER 18 & 19,2006/18 et 19 DECEMBRE 2006 14.2 Utilisation des pesticides sur les proprietes municipales Proposition du conseiller White Appuybe par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que le rapport prbsentb par le directeur gbnbral soulignant la manibre dont les pesticides sont utilisbs sur les terrains municipaux soit accept6 b titre informatif. Le conseiller Chase constate que le rapport ne correspond pas b la dbcision prise par le conseil visant b interdire ('utilisation de pesticides. Proposition du conseiller Court Appuybe par le conseiller White RESOLU que le rapport prbsentb par le directeur gbnbral soulignant la manibre dont les pesticides sont utilisbs sur les terrains municipaux soit report6. A ('issue du vote, la proposition visant b reporter 1'examen de cette question est adoptbe. 14.3 Re- naming of Marlborough Avenue and New Street Name On motion of Councillor Court Seconded by Councillor Farren RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager, Common Council: a) change the name of Marlborough Avenue to Retail Drive; and b) approve the name Fashion Drive for the access driveway serving the hotel and first phase of the East Point Shopping Centre. On motion of Councillor Farren Seconded by Councillor Titus RESOLVED that the report on re- naming Marlborough Avenue and New Street Name be tabled. Question being taken, the tabling motion was carried. 14.3 Changement de nom de I'avenue Marlborough et nouveau nom Proposition du conseiller Court Appuybe par le conseiller Farren RESOLU que, comme le recommande le directeur gbnbral, le conseil communal : a) change le nom de ('avenue Marlborough et la nomme promenade Retail; b) approuve le nom de la promenade Fashion donn6 b la voie d'accbs desservant ('hotel et la premibre phase du centre commercial East Point. Proposition du conseiller Farren Appuybe par le conseiller Titus RESOLU que le rapport relatif au changement de nom de ('avenue Marlborough et au nouveau nom soit report6. A ('issue du vote, la proposition visant b reporter 1'examen de cette question est adoptbe. 14.4 2006 Debenture Issue On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor White RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager, the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to sign the debentures between the City and the New Brunswick Municipal Finance Corporation for $19,900,000. at the listed terms. Question being taken, the tabling motion was carried. PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com 92 -628 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL DECEMBER 18 & 19, 2006/18 et 19 DECEMBRE 2006 14.4 Emission de debentures en 2006 Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller White RESOLU que, comme le recommande le directeur general, le maire et le greffier communal soient autorises a signer les debentures emises par la Ville a la Corporation de financement des municipalites du Nouveau - Brunswick, au montant de 19 900 000 $, selon les modalites stipulees. A ('issue du vote, la proposition visant a reporter 1'examen de cette question est adoptee. 14.5 Land for Public Purposes Trust Fund Application On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor White RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager, Common Council; 1. Approve the request for a grant of $5,000 to the Ecole Millidgeville North Playground Committee, provided written permission is given by the School District to enable this playground to be open for the use of the public at all times. 2. Approve the request for a grant of $1,912.28 to Seawood School Recreation Committee, provided written permission is given by the School District to enable this playground to be open for the use of the public at all times. 3. That the Land for Public Purpose Fund Grant program be temporarily discontinued to allow for growth. Staff will make a recommendation to Council at the appropriate time. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 14.5 Demande en vertu du fonds en fiducie visant les terrains d'utilite publique Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller White RESOLU que, comme le recommande le directeur general, le conseil communal procede comme suit: 1. approuve la demande d'une subvention au montant de 5 000 $ pour le Comite sur les terrains de jeux de I'Ecole Millidgeville North, pourvu que le district scolaire donne sa permission par ecrit visant a donner au public libre acces a ce terrain de jeux en tout temps; 2. approuve la demande d'une subvention au montant de 1 912,28 $ pour le Comite sur les loisirs de I'Ecole Seawood, pourvu que le district scolaire donne sa permission par ecrit visant a donner au public libre acces a ce terrain de jeux en tout temps; 3. que le programme de subvention relatif aux terrains d'utilite publique soit temporairement interrompu afin de favoriser la croissance. Les membres du personnel feront parvenir au conseil une recommandation en temps opportun. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 15. General Correspondence 15.1 Request from Ritchie's Carpet Warehouse for Traffic Signals - Intersection of Rothesay and Broadview Avenues On motion of Councillor White Seconded by Councillor Farren RESOLVED that the letter from Stephen J. Ritchie Law Office on behalf of Ritchie's Carpet Warehouse requesting traffic signals at the intersection of Rothesay and Broadview Avenues due to increased traffic volume, be referred to the City Manager. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 15. Correspondance generale PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com 92 -629 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL DECEMBER 18 & 19,2006/18 et 19 DECEMBRE 2006 15.1 Demande presentee par 1'entreprise Ritchie's Carpet Discount Warehouse relativement a ('installation de feux de circulation a l'intersection des avenues Rothesay et Broadway Proposition du conseiller White Appuybe par le conseiller Farren RESOLU que la lettre repue du cabinet Stephen J. Ritchie Law Office, au nom de Ritchie's Carpet Warehouse, relativement a ('installation de feux de circulation a ('intersection des avenues Rothesay et Broadview, en raison du volume accru de circulation, soit transmise au directeur gbnbral. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptbe. 16. Adjournment The Deputy Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. 16. Cloture de la seance La mairesse supplbante dbclare que la sbance est levbe b 19 h 30. Mayor /maire Common Clerk /greffier communal PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com 92 -630 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL JANUARY 2, 2007 / Le 2 janvier 2007 COMMON COUNCIL MEETING — THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN CITY HALL — JANUARY 2, 2007, 5:00 P.M. present Norman McFarlane, Mayor Deputy Mayor Hooton and Councillors Chang, Chase, Court, Farren, Ferguson, McGuire, Tait, Titus and White -and - T. Totten, City Manager; J. Nugent, City Solicitor; Greg Yeomans, Commissioner of Finance and Treasurer; P. Groody, Commissioner of Municipal Operations; J. Baird, Commissioner of Planning and Development; W. Edwards, Commissioner of Building Inspections; A. Bodechon, Chief of Police; R. Simonds, Fire Chief, B Morrison, Commissioner of Leisure Services; P. Woods, Common Clerk and Deputy City Manager; and E. Gormley, Assistant Common Clerk SEANCE DU CONSEIL COMMUNAL DE THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN A L'HOTEL DE VILLE, LE 2 JANVIER 2007 a 17 h Sont presents : Norman McFarlane, maire la mairesse supplbante Hooton et les conseillers Chang, Chase, Court, Farren, Ferguson, McGuire, Tait, Titus et White et T. Totten, directeur gbnbral; J. Nugent, avocat municipal; Greg Yeomans, commissaire aux finances et trbsorier; P. Groody, commissaire aux opbrations municipales; J. Baird, commissaire b I'urbanisme et au dbveloppement; W. Edwards, commissaire aux services d'inspection et des batiments; A. Bodechon, chef de police; R. Simonds, chef du service d'incendie; B. Morrison, commissaire aux services des loisirs; P. Woods, greffier communal et directeur gbnbral adjoint; ainsi que E. Gormley, greffibre communale adjointe Call To Order — Prayer Mayor McFarlane called the meeting to order and Reverend Eric Phinney offered the opening prayer. Ouverture de la reunion, suivie de la priere La sbance est ouverte par le maire McFarlane et le pasteur Eric Phinney rbcite la pribre d'ouverture. 2. Approval of Minutes 2. Approbation du proces- verbal 3. Approval of Agenda On motion of Councillor White Seconded by Deputy Mayor Hooton RESOLVED that the agenda of this meeting be approved. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 3. Adoption de I'ordre du jour PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com 92 -631 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL JANUARY 2, 2007 / Le 2 janvier 2007 Proposition du conseiller White Appuyee par la mairesse suppleante Hooton RESOLU que I'ordre du jour de la presente seance soit adopte. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 4. Disclosures of Conflict of Interest 4. Divulgations de conflits d'int6rets 5. Consent Agenda 5.1 That Common Council schedule the Public Hearings for the rezoning applications of Robert Colquhoun (7 -9 MacLaren Boulevard), Tien Kim Hoa (150 Westmorland Road), Gary Savoie (128 Millidge Avenue) and Heartland Developments Inc. (700 Somerset Street) for Monday, January 29, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber. 5.2 That the January 15, 2007 Public Hearings for the rezoning applications of Hughes Surveys & Consultants Inc. (on behalf of Saint John Energy) at 304 Westmorland Road, and Haldor (1972) Ltd. at the rear portion of 298 Westmorland Road, be cancelled, and that Common Council schedule new public hearings for Monday, February 12, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber. 5.3 That the letter from Eric Cannon suggesting that a Paintball play zone could be located in Rockwood Park be referred to the Rockwood Park Advisory Committee. On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Deputy Mayor Hooton RESOLVED that the recommendation set out for each consent agenda item respectively, with the exception of items, 5.4 and 5.5 (to be considered under section 8), which have been identified for debate, be adopted. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 5. Questions soumises a I'approbation du conseil 5.1 Que le conseil communal fixe la date d'audiences publiques relatives aux demandes de rezonage presentees par Robert Colquhoun (7 -9, boulevard MacLaren), Tien Kim Hoa (150, chemin Westmorland), Gary Savoie (128, avenue Millidge) et Heartland Developments Inc. (700, rue Somerset) au lundi, 29 janvier 2007 a 19 h dans la salle du conseil. 5.2 Que les audiences publiques prevues le 15 janvier 2007 relatives aux demandes de rezonage presentees par Hughes Surveys & Consultants Inc., (au nom de Saint John Energy), visant le 304, chemin Westmorland; et Haldor (1972) Ltd., visant le terrain situe a I'arriere du 298, chemin Westmorland, soient annulees et que le conseil fixe une nouvelle date pour la tenue d'une audience publique, soit le lundi, 12 fevrier 2007 a 19 h dans la salle du conseil. 5.3 Que la lettre reque de Eric Cannon, voulant qu'un terrain de paintball soit amenage dans le parc Rockwood, soit transmise au Comite consultatif du parc Rockwood Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par la mairesse suppleante Hooton RESOLU que la recommandation formulee relativement a chacune des questions soumises a I'approbation du conseil, a 1'exclusion des points 5.4 et 5.5 (moyennant 1'examen du point avec le point n 8), soit adoptee. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 6. Members Comments Council members commented on various community events. 7. Proclamation PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com 92 -632 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL JANUARY 2, 2007 / Le 2 janvier 2007 6. Commentaires presentes par les membres Les membres du conseil s'expriment sur diverses activites communautaires. 7. Proclamation On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that item number 10 on the agenda be brought forward and dealt with at this time. Question being taken, the motion was carried Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire QUE le point 10 de I'ordre du jour soit examine et traite des maintenant. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 10. Consideration of By -laws 10.1(a)Third Reading Proposed Zoning By -law Amendment 53 -75 Leinster Street 10.1(b)Section 39 Conditions - 53 -75 Leinster Street 10.1(c) Letters in Opposition to Proposed Rezoning of 53 -75 Leinster Street 10.1(d)Correspondence in Support of Rezoning of 53 -75 Leinster Street The City Solicitor called attention to correspondence related to the proposed re- zoning of 53 -75 Leinster Street included in the agenda package which was received subsequent to the Public Hearing, advising that it is not to be considered when making the decision on third reading. He explained that the reason for this is that the Public Hearing is the occasion provided for all parties to present their arguments fully and fairly in the presence of Council as well as in the presence of all those interested in the matter, in a single and unified process as set out in the Community Planning Act. He added that the information was addressed to Council and it was therefore added to the agenda with the note that it is not to be considered in making the decision on third reading. (The Mayor and Councillor White withdrew from the meeting as Councillor White had declared a conflict of interest before the Public Hearing on 53 -75 Leinster Street and the Mayor having been absent during the hearing, and Deputy Mayor Hooton took the chair.) On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that the by -law entitled, "By -law Number C.P. 110 -29, A Law to Amend the Zoning By -law of The City of Saint John ", amended by adding "special zones SZ #21 ", its uses and standards, and re- zoning a parcel of land located at 53 -75 Leinster Street, having an area of approximately 2770 square metres, also identified as being PID Numbers 00009431 and 55059992, from "B- 2" General Business to "SZ -21" Special Zone #21 classification with Section 39 Conditions, be read. Councillor Tait called a point of order stating that the comments being made were not germane to the issue which is the proper zoning for the land use in question, and that procedural issues are not appropriate to debate at this time. The Deputy Mayor ruled that comments are restricted to the zoning issue. Question being taken, the motion was defeated, with Councillors Chang, Chase, Court, Farren and Ferguson voting nay. On motion of Councillor Ferguson Seconded by Councillor Farren RESOLVED that third reading of the by -law entitled, "By -law Number C.P. 110 -29, A Law to Amend the Zoning By -law of The City of Saint John ", amended by adding "special zones SZ #21 ", its uses and standards, and re- zoning a parcel of land located at 53 -75 Leinster Street, having an area of approximately 2770 square metres, also identified as being PID Numbers 00009431 and 55059992, PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com 92 -633 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL JANUARY 2, 2007 / Le 2 janvier 2007 from "B -2" General Business to "SZ -21" Special Zone #21 classification with Section 39 Conditions, be tabled. Question being taken, the motion was carried, with Councillors McGuire, Tait and Titus voting nay. On motion of Councillor Ferguson Seconded by Councillor Farren RESOLVED that the City Manager and appropriate staff, and the parties involved in the proposed re- zoning of 53 -75 Leinster Street, meet with a view to finding a solution, and report back to Council. Responding to a question from Councillor Chase, the City Solicitor commented on the resolution adopted at the December 18th, 2006 meeting recommending that the parties involved meet to seek a resolution, saying that Mr. Baird indicated that such a meeting took place with no resolve. He advised that other information dealing with the merits and arguments of the proposal received after the Public Hearing, should not be considered in Council's decision regarding third reading. During discussion between the Deputy Mayor and Mr. Baird, Councillor Ferguson raised a point of order stating that the issue has been tabled to which the Deputy responded that she will continue with her questioning. Councillor Farren raised a point of privilege commenting that he took objection to remarks made by a Councillor which he believed to be insinuating that he was against development because he voted to table the issue. In response to a question from Councillor Court, the City Solicitor advised Council that any obligation that the City has with regard to Saint John Non Profit Housing does not bear upon the decision regarding the proposed re- zoning before Council. Councillor Titus commented that he believes in the project and disagrees with discussion which is not germane to the land use issue at hand. Councillor Tait advised that his understanding was that third reading was not contingent on the results of a meeting between the parties. Question being taken, the motion was carried, with Councillors McGuire, Tait and Titus voting nay. (The Mayor and Councillor White re- entered the meeting, and the Mayor took the chair.) On motion of Councillor Tait Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that the Common Clerk be advised that, if any correspondence or material is received, other than that which Council has requested from the City Manager on the issue of the proposed re- zoning of 53 -75 Leinster Street, it not be forwarded to Council Members. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 10. Etude des arret6s municipaux 10.1a) Troisieme lecture du projet de modification de I'arret6 sur le zonage relatif au 53 -75, rue Leinster 10.1 b) Modification propos6e aux conditions impos6es par I'article 39 visant le terrain situ6 au 53 -75, rue Leinster 10.1c) Lettres d'opposition au projet de modification visant le 53 -75, rue Leinster 10.1d) Lettres d'appui au projet de modification visant le 53 -75, rue Leinster L'avocat municipal souligne que la correspondance relative au projet de rezonage visant le 53 -75, rue Leinster, incluse dans la trousse de I'ordre du jour et regue a la suite de I'audience publique, ne doit pas titre consideree au moment de la prise de decision en troisieme lecture, etant donne que toutes les parties peuvent presenter a I'audience publique leur argumentation de maniere exhaustive et equitable devant le conseil et toute autre personne interessee, au cours d'une seule procedure, tel que le prevoit la Loi sur l'urbanisme. II ajoute que ('information est adressee au conseil et qu'elle est alors PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com 92 -634 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL JANUARY 2, 2007 / Le 2 janvier 2007 ajoutee a I'ordre du jour avec la mention qu'elle ne doit pas titre prise en consideration au moment de la prise de decision en troisieme lecture. (Le maire et le conseiller White quittent la seance puisque M. White avait declare un conflit d'interets avant la tenue de I'audience publique relative au 53 -75, rue Leinster et le maire n'avait pas assiste a I'audience, donc la mairesse suppleante Hooton assume la presidence.) Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que I'arrete intitule « Arrete no C. P. 110- 29, modifiant I'arrete sur le zonage de The City of Saint John » modifie par I'ajout de la zone speciale no SZ -21, ainsi que les usages et les normes connexes, et le rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 2 770 metres carres, situee au 53- 75, rue Leinster et portant les NID 00009431 et 55059992, en vue de faire passer la classification de zone commerciale generale « B -2 » a zone speciale no 21 « SZ -21 », sous reserve des conditions imposees par I'article 39, fasse ('objet d'une lecture. Le conseiller Tait fait un rappel au reglement et indique que les commentaires formules n'ont aucun rapport avec la pertinence du zonage quant a ('usage prevu et que la question de procedure est inopportune en 1'espece. La mairesse suppleante affirme que les commentaires ne doivent viser que la question de zonage. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est rejetee. Les conseillers Chang, Chase, Court, Farren et Ferguson votent contre la proposition. Proposition du conseiller Ferguson Appuyee par le conseiller Farren RESOLU que la troisieme lecture de I'arrete intitule « Arrete no C.P. 110 -29, modifiant I'arrete sur le zonage de The City of Saint John » modifie par I'ajout de la zone speciale no SZ -21, ainsi que les usages et les normes connexes, et le rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 2 770 metres carres, situee au 53 -75, rue Leinster et portant les NID 00009431 et 55059992, en vue de faire passer la classification de zone commerciale generale « B- 2 » a zone speciale no 21 « SZ -21 », sous reserve des conditions imposees par I'article 39, soit reportee. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est acceptee. Les conseillers McGuire, Tait et Titus votent contre la proposition. Proposition du conseiller Ferguson Appuyee par le conseiller Farren RESOLU que le directeur general, les employes adequats et les parties interessees au projet de rezonage visant le 53 -75, rue Leinster se reunissent afin de trouver une solution et qu'ils en fassent le compte rendu devant le conseil. L'avocat municipal repond a une question posee par le conseiller Chase et indique qu'une resolution avait ete adoptee au cours de la seance du 18 decembre 2006 visant a recommander aux parties prenantes de se reunir afin de resoudre toute question et que M. Baird affirme qu'une telle reunion a eu lieu sans qu'un accord soit obtenu. II reitere que d'autres renseignements obtenus a la suite de I'audience publique relatifs au merite et aux arguments visant la proposition ne devraient pas titre consideres au moment de la prise de decision en troisieme lecture. Au cours des discussions engagees entre la mairesse suppleante et M. Baird, le conseiller Ferguson fait un rappel au reglement et affirme que la question a ete reportee, mais la mairesse suppleante repond qu'elle continuera a poser des questions. Le conseiller Farren souleve une question de privilege et indique qu'il s'oppose aux remarques exprimees par un conseiller qu'il interprete comme voulant signifier que ce dernier suggere qu'il s'oppose a I'amenagement puisqu'il vote pour reporter la question. Pour repondre a la question soulevee par le conseiller Court, I'avocat municipal indique au conseil qu'aucune responsabilite assumee par la Ville envers I'organisme Saint John Non - Profit Housing Inc. ne doit influencer sa prise de decision relativement au projet de rezonage presente devant le conseil. PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com 92 -635 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL JANUARY 2, 2007 / Le 2 janvier 2007 Le conseiller Titus mentionne qu'il appuie le projet, mais s'oppose a toute discussion qui ne porte pas sur la presente question d'usage des terres. Le conseiller Tait dit avoir cru comprendre que la troisieme lecture ne releve pas des conclusions degagees d'une reunion tenue entre les parties. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est acceptee. Les conseillers McGuire, Tait et Titus votent contre la proposition. (Le maire et le conseiller White sont de nouveau presents et le maire preside la seance.) Proposition du conseiller Tait Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que le greffier ne remette aux membres du conseil aucune correspondance ou documentation reque, autre que celle exigee du directeur general, portant sur le projet de rezonage relatif au 53 -75, rue Leinster. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 8. Delegations /Presentations 8.1 Communications Plan Referring to a submitted report and electronic slide presentation, Janet McMillan, of MT &L Public Relations Ltd., outlined her proposed plan to improve communications for the City of Saint John. On motion of Councillor Tait Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that the Communication Audit and Plan submitted by MT &L Public Relations Ltd., be referred to the 2007 budget and considered for implementation. Question being taken, the motion was carried. The Mayor called for a recess at 7:10 p.m., and resumed the meeting at 7:15 p.m. 8. D616gations et presentations 8.1 Plan de communication Se reportant a un rapport presente et a I'aide d'une presentation electronique de diapositives, Janet McMillan, de MT &L Public Relations Ltd., expose son projet visant a ameliorer le service de communications de The City of Saint John. Proposition du conseiller Tait Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que le projet de verification et de planification des communications presente par MT &L Public Relations Ltd. soit soumis a un examen quant a sa realisation au cours des deliberations budgetaires de 2007. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Le maire demande une suspension a 19 h 10 et la reunion se poursuit a 19 h 15. 8.2(a) Presentations - Union Locals - Pension Deficit Bob Hickes, President of CUPE introduced the topic of funding the pension deficit from the Unions' perspective and advised that the proposal to be delivered represents the 4 City of Saint John Union Locals and the Retirees' Association. Referring to a submitted electronic slide presentation, Paul Duxbury, Actuary, advised Council that the Union groups and Retirees' Association have agreed to a shared solution to funding the pension deficit offering to commit to a raise in contribution with no benefit changes, using an actuarial basis of 7% and the current mortality table. PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com 92 -636 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL JANUARY 2, 2007 / Le 2 janvier 2007 8.2(b) Management and Non -Union - Funding the Pension Plan Referring to a submitted report and an electronic slide presentation, Paul Groody reviewed the contents of the report entitled, "An Essential Plan for Sustainability - Funding the Employees' Pension Plan on behalf of Management, Professional and Non union employees of the City of Saint John which included recommendations for that group's contribution for a solution to the pension deficit. 8.2(c) Retirees' Comments - Funding the Pension Plan Claude McKinnon, President of the Retirees' Association, spoke on behalf of approximately 750 retirees advising that his members support the Unions' presentation. On motion of Councillor Ferguson Seconded by Councillor Court RESOLVED that the meeting be extended beyond 10:00 p.m. as provided for in Council's Procedural By -law. Question being taken, the motion was carried, with Councillor Titus voting nay. On motion of Deputy Mayor Hooton Seconded by Councillor Court RESOLVED that the presentations delivered on behalf of the Unions, Management, Professional and Non -Union and Retirees be referred to the City Manager and budget deliberations for a report to come back to Council. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 8.2(d) Superintendent of Pensions On motion of Councillor Court Seconded by Councillor White RESOLVED that the correspondence from the Superintendent of Pensions as well as a response prepared by City staff be received for information. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 8.2a) Presentations — sections locales syndicales — deficit de la caisse de retraite Bob Hickes, president du SCFP, presente le point de vue des syndicats relativement a la question du financement visant a combler le deficit de la caisse de retraite et affirme que cette proposition est appuyee par les quatre sections locales de The City of Saint John et I'Association des retraites. Se reportant a une presentation electronique de diapositives, Paul Duxbury, actuaire, affirme devant le conseil que les syndicats et I'Association des retraites consentent a participer a la realisation d'une solution visant a financer le deficit de la caisse de retraite et s'engagent a accepter une hausse des contributions sans apporter de modifications aux avantages, selon une base actuarielle de 7 % et en fonction de la table de mortalite actuelle. 8.2b) Cadres et employes non syndiques — financement de la caisse de retraite Se reportant a un rapport et a une presentation electronique de diapositives presentes, Paul Groody expose le contenu du rapport intitule « An Essential Plan for Sustainability — Funding the Employees' Pension Plan » (plan essentiel de durabilite : financement de la caisse de retraite des employes), en faveur des cadres, des employes membres de professions liberales et des employes non syndiques de The City of Saint John, qui comprend des recommandations relatives aux contributions apportees par ce groupe visant a trouver une solution pour combler le deficit de la caisse de retraite. PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com 92 -637 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL JANUARY 2, 2007 / Le 2 janvier 2007 8.2c) Commentaires formul6s par les retrait6s relatifs au financement de la caisse de retraite Claude McKinnon, president de I'Association des retrait6s, s'exprime au nom d'environ 750 retrait6s et affirme que les membres appuient la presentation donnee par les syndicats. Proposition du conseiller Ferguson Appuyee par le conseiller Court RESOLU que la seance soit prolongee au -dela de 22 h en vertu des dispositions de 1'arrete portant sur le reglement interieur du conseil. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Le conseiller Titus vote contre la proposition. Proposition de la mairesse suppleante Hooton Appuyee par le conseiller Court RESOLU que les presentations donnees par les syndicats, les cadres, les employes membres de professions liberales, les employes non syndiques et les retrait6s soient transmises au directeur general et soumises a un examen au cours des deliberations budgetaires aux fins de la redaction d'un rapport a ('intention du conseil. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 8.2d) Surintendant des pensions Proposition du conseiller Court Appuyee par le conseiller White RESOLU que la correspondance reque du Surintendant des pensions ainsi que la reponse redigee par les employes municipaux soient acceptees a titre informatif. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 9. Public Hearings 7:00 P.M. 9. Audiences publiques a 19 h 11. Submissions by Council Members 11. Intervention des membres du conseil 12. Business Matters - Municipal Officers 12.1 Request for Placement of a Mini Home - 600 Latimore Lake Road On motion of Councillor Court Seconded by Councillor Farren RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager, Common Council approve the placement of another mini home on the subject property at 600 Latimore Lake Road as generally indicated on the location map. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 12. Affaires municipales 6voqu6es par les fonctionnaires municipaux 12.1 Demande pr6sent6e voulant installer une mini - maison au 600, chemin Latimore Lake Proposition du conseiller Court Appuyee par le conseiller Farren RESOLU que, comme le recommande le directeur general, le conseil approuve ('installation d'une mini - maison supplementaire sur ladite propriete situee au 600, chemin Latimore Lake, comme le montre de maniere generale la carte de situation. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com 92 -638 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL JANUARY 2, 2007 / Le 2 janvier 2007 12.2 2007 Operating and Capital Budget - General Fund On motion of Deputy Mayor Hooton Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that the City Manager submit a summary report on the actual 2006 budget and the proposed increases for 2007 for discussion at the Committee of the Whole meeting at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday in the Council Chamber. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 12.2 Budget d'exploitation et d'immobilisations de 2007 — fonds generaux Proposition de la mairesse suppleante Hooton Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que le directeur general presente un rapport preliminaire relatif au budget 2006 actuel et aux augmentations prevues pour 2007, aux fins de discussion devant le Comite plenier au cours de la seance fixee au jeudi a 17 h dans la salle du conseil. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 13. Committee Reports 13. Rapports deposes par les comites 14. Consideration of Issues Separated from Consent Agenda 14.1 Offer to Lease - Tourist Information Center On motion of Councillor White Seconded by Deputy Mayor Hooton RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager, the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute the Offer to Lease from Se -Fish Associated Limited and 058854 N.B. Ltd. related to Unit 203, in Shoppes of City Hall for the period January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2007. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 14. Etude des sujets ecartes des questions soumises a I'approbation du conseil 14.1 Offre de location — Centre d'information touristique Proposition du conseiller White Appuyee par la mairesse suppleante Hooton RESOLU que, comme le recommande le directeur general, le maire et le greffier communal soient autorises a signer I'offre de location presentee par Se -Fish Associated Limited et 058854 N.B. Ltd. relative au bureau 203 situe au centre de boutiques de ('hotel de ville, pour la periode allant du 1,r janvier 2007 au 31 decembre 2007. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 15. General Correspondence 15. Correspondance generale 16. Adjournment The Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m. PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com 92 -639 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL JANUARY 2, 2007 / Le 2 janvier 2007 16. Cloture de la seance Le maire declare que la seance est levee a 22 h 15. Mayor /maire Common Clerk /greffier communal PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Saint John Board of Trade Making it happen for business January 5, 2007 Common Clerk's Office City of Saint John PO Box 1971 Saint John, NB E2L 41_1 Email: commonclerk @saintjohn.ca To Whom It May Concern: Bureau de Commerce de Saint John Faisons marcher les affaires On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Saint John Board of Trade, we respectfully submit this request to make a presentation before Mayor and Council. Upon approval, Chairperson Bob Manning would like to make an oral presentation and be available for questions from Council. The Saint John Board of Trade's interest is to present key priorities and issues facing our members and our business community. The Saint John Board of Trade is dedicated to fostering an economic climate that enhances growth, prosperity, and an improved quality of life in the community. With more than 1,000 members, representing 600 small, medium, and large businesses and organizations, the Board is a dynamic advocate and the principal voice for the business community of Greater Saint John. This past year, the Saint John Board of Trade's members worked on a variety of issues that are important to the Greater Saint John business community including: Harbour clean -up Continued development of Saint John into a regional Energy Hub • Government investment in key transportation infrastructure • Enhanced partnerships with New Brunswick Community College, UNBSJ, Atlantic Health Sciences Corporation, Enterprise Saint John, and other like- minded groups The advancement of the ideals outlined at the inaugural Atlantica regional conference We are also very committed to working with our partner organizations, the five regional mayors and their True Growth strategy, as well as the provincial and federal governments to attract and retain new investment into our region. We encourage strategic partnerships that will help define economic, social, and cultural strategies for our region. Thank you for your time and consideration. Please do not hesitate to call either one of us to discuss this matter further. Yours Truly, Bob Manning Chairperson Tel: 649 -6400 Email: bob.manning @omg.ca Imelda Gilman President Tel: 634 -4157 Email: igilman @sjboardoftrade.com 40 rue King Street • C.P /P.O. Box 6037 • Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada E2L 4R5 • tel 506.634.8111 • fax 506.632.2008 • info@sjboardoffrade.com _w.. www.sjboardoftrade.com CORPORATE SPONSORS FOUNDING & OFFICIAL [tell Canada BMO Financial Group Nestle Canada Parmalat Canada A & P /Dominion AIR MILES Reward Program Bluenotes Roston Pizza Campbell Canada Cineplex Galaxy Group 4 Sucuricor Kellogg Canada Microsoft Canada Motnrola Soheyc MAJOR PATRONS Air Canada Canadian 5 Pin Bowlers' Association Farnn Business Consultants Hilton Canada Mattel Canada METRO unigistix REGIONAL SPONSORS Aliant Fmpire Theatres Ltd. SCW.Shurn Dairy Group G.LET. Atlantic CORPORATE DONORS INSPIRATION CIRCLE Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt Wallace & Carey EMPOWERMENT CIRCLE Baker Vandertuin BOSS Print + Creative EnCana henderson has istudia Minacs OMD Canada Publicis NATIONAL MEDIA PARTNERS Bell Globemedia CNW Group 'rhe Magazine MuchMusic YTV being there for kids December I I, 2006 City of Saint John P 0. Box 1971, 15 Market Square Saint John, NB E2L 4L Dear Council of the City of Saint John. A troubled child is reaching out to Kids Help Phone right now. Online or over the phone, he may be crying, he may be alone, he may even be from the City of Saint John. And with your help, Kids Help Phone can make sure that a professionally- trained counsellor is there for him. Kids Help Phone is facing a serious funding shortfall as a result of significantly increased demand for our web counselling service — we must raise more money to meet the needs of Canadian kids. Since 1989, Kids Help Phone has been there for troubled and abused kids in Canada through our 24 hour, bilingual, toll -fee, confidential and anonymous counselling services. 1112005, Kids Help Phone helped more than 1,000 kids a day through our counselling services on the phone and web. While the time our counsellors spent on the phone in 2005 was up slightly from 2004, the biggest increase in demand from kids cattle through web counselling. The number of questions that our online services, Ask a Counsellor and Express Yourself, received from kids more than tripled between May 2005 and January 2006, When the "Ask a Counsellor" service was launched online at � kid 2001, kids who posted a question for one of our professional counsellors received a response in three days_ As of January 2005, that wait time had increased to six days. Without funding to train and employ more staff, that time will continue to grow and young people will suffer. Because of the increased demand for web counselling, Kids Help Phone has already had to temporarily block the ability to post questions from time to time in order to allow counsellors to catch up — in effect creating a "busy signal" for our web counselling service. Counselling online in addition to over the phone costs Kids Help Phone more money. Kids Help Phone responded to kids' need to communicate with us over the web by duplicating our phone counselling services online. This requires us to now counsel Atlantic Regional Office, 3433 Dutch Village Road, Halifax, Nova Scotia R3N 2S7 Tel: 902 - 457 -4779 Fax: 902- 457 -1074 Toll Free: 1- 888 - 470 -8880 Email: atlantic @kidshelp.synipatico.ca kidshelpphone.ca through two mediums instead of one and means we also have to duplicate our counselling resources. The cost of answering online questions is also higher per response than the cost Of phone counselling. Kids Help Phone uses only professional counsellors. In order to become a Kids Help Phone counsellor, applicants must have appropriate post secondary education in fields such as social work andlor psychology and solid experience working with troubled kids in real -life situations. Kids Help Phone counsellors listen and help each young person tap into their own unique strengths and resources. If necessary, counsellors can access our one -of -a -kind database to refer callers to one of more than 35,000 agencies in more than 3,000 communities in Canada, Kids Help Phone helps kids in your community! We help more than 1,000 kids a daN through our phone and online services and in 2005, this included 53,000 kids from more than 140 communifies in New Brunswick. Will you be there for kids in your town who are reaching out to Kids Help Phone through the phone and web" When planning your donation allocations in the upcoming season, please consider a donation to Kids Help Phone. Your 2006 gift will help make more counsellors available to ensure that Kids Help Phone is able to continue to respond to kids on their own terms and in an immediate way. I have enclosed our Fact Sheet which I hope will answer some of the questions you may have about our services. I also encourage you to visit our website at % ? I,..ai;: .n and read first -hand the types of issues that kids are contacting Kids Help Phone about. If there is anything else you are wonderin <, about, please do not hesitate to contact me at (902)457 -7751. Thank you for considering a gift to Kids Help Phone or 2006. Your generous support is vital to the well -being of kids from of New Brunswick. Sincerely, Sandra Butt Marketing and Fund Development Kids Help Phone - Atlantic Region 10 Great Things About Kids Help Phone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, youth can contact Kids Help Phone by calling toll -free (1- 800 686868) or by going online CN8nww.kidshelpphone.ca or www.ieunesseiecoute.ca) from anywhere in Canada 2. Kids Help Phone is 100% anonymous and confidential. 3. Kids Help Phone counsellors are paid professionals who meet the highest academic and professional standards and have backgrounds in social work, psychology, sociology and child and youth services. 4. Kids Help Phone counsellors help kids with a wide variety of issues like: relationships; school; depression; physical, sexual and emotional abuse; family; and suicide. 5. lids Help Phone counsellors can refer callers to services in their own community through a current database of over 34,000 existing social and community services across Canada. 6. Kids Help Phone web counselling and phone services are available in English and French. 7. In 2005 Kids Help Phone helped Canadian kids in need more than 1 million times from over 3,000 communities both online and on the phone. 8. Youth can get help with issues when they are not comfortable talking about them by using our Web counselling services. 9. 43 kids on average benefit from the counselling responses to each question posted online. 10. No problem is too big or too small. What Kids Calved Us About In 2006 What Kids Asked About Onllne in 2005 Phone Other A% School ldnnily and 3% Scl[Cunmpi `ki Web 4hal Deanminµ 4`6 Olhtt 5% 0 o '• � v Q 5 D O S o 9 _ 2 s S E i 7 ° d L 3 L u � N Y � C Y E 0 u a� a u 3Y _ o = L C •' � o a 9 m y p u � � L v M '3E O V �J d y w 1 IN 41* W z - Ir Ihp �` III �" ♦� A� ` tL L. .1tiJl` .� a a � V y t it i `1 .. • !i ). - Ijn - 1 t. 1 t I I I - I a L I I t I II >w III ..[) III . 1'1..111 i III ddro `II 1, I+. Y u ... ..... J al CJ � ICI it I I I I it II I I A t I I t 1 :nl "I' 'P (Iauud yL) uq aril'11/l0 l000l8all .un'4d J1 714 `Y lY I q)ol .mai n! 7u.nuinJ pu I ald ,LIfUPUais, =1LP,1 <,I Li uc�uawV❑ I'S 1,�❑ p.tr ),I,Icrl\ ❑ a, 11Pa.u.iw 1!'I-l'�I "Id _ aPo,l jmll;od �rnula a,uinu.ld ,uoyd,l'.I_ gar) a�ppf awc)� p�Isant)ll Id1Ll Iai zn.l. I FfA January 10, 2007 195 Victoria Street Saint John, NB E2K 1 L7 Gary Sullivan (President), Scott Crawford (Vice- President), Kit Hickey (Treasurer) Dear Mayor McFarlane and Council ONE Change Inc. has been working in the Old North End of Saint John for three years and have been working to improve the quality of life for those living in one of Saint John's most vulnerable neighbourhoods. We would like an opportunity to make a presentation to council to discuss some of our initiatives in which the city can partner. Our long term plan is the result of a CMHC Charette in which many of our current council took part. Five key areas of focus resulted: Housing, Community Pride & Beautification, Celebrating Youth, Training & Skill Development and Health. By adding crime to that list it describes the workings of ONE Change Inc. We are successful by partnering with organizations and levels of government that work in these areas as well. We would like an opportunity to speak with council regarding the charette and some of our plans that focus on Housing, Community Beautification and Celebrating Youth. Engaging area youth is one of our key strategies in reducing crime in the area and has demonstrated it's success through our summer teen program. Thank you for your time and consideration of ONE Change and I look forward to hearing from you with regards to our presentation. Sincerely Gary ivan President "Improving the Onaiilq ofLife in the 01de North End" January 12, 2007 Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: Planning Advisory Committee Executive 2007 The Planning Advisory Committee Rules of Procedure provide for the election of an executive on a yearly basis. The Committee at its January 9, 2007 meeting elected the following individuals as members of the executive for the year 2007. Chairman Stephen Horgan Vice - Chairman Stephen Cronk Third Executive Member Carl Killen RECOMMENDATION: That this report be received and filed. Respectfully submitted, Stephen Horgan Chairman PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL M & C 2007 -03 January 12, 2007 His Worship Mayor Norm McFarlane and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: Gas Tax Funding Agreement BACKGROUND: At a meeting of Common Council held on November 20th, 2006 the following resolution was adopted: "RESOLVED that the submitted documentation representing Target Investment Levels by the General Fund and the Water and Sewer Utility for the years 2006 through 2011 be adopted, and that the listing of specific projects and supporting documentation for the years 2006 to 2009 which funding is being sought under the Provincial/Federal Gas Tax be approved." On December 20th, 2006 staff met with Mr. Stephen Battah the Director, Federal/Provincial/Municipal Relations to review the submission. From this discussion the Province has requested a modification to the original motion related to the years for which supporting documentation is being submitted. The resolution should state "supporting documentation for the years 2005 to 2009 which funding is being sought under the Provincial/Federal Gas Tax be approved" and not for the years 2006 to 2009 as stated in the original motion.. PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com A Mk 7-1 The City of Saint fohn Report to Common Council Page 2 January 12, 2007 RECOMMENDATION: In order to satisfy the requirements related to the Federal/Provincial Agreement related to the Transfer of Gas Tax Revenues it is recommended that the following revised wording be adopted: RESOLVED that the submitted documentation representing Target Investment Levels by the General Fund and the Water and Sewer Utility for the years 2006 through 2011 be adopted, and that the listing of specific projects and supporting documentation for the years 2005 to 2009 which funding is being sought under the Provincial/Federal Gas Tax be approved. Respectfully submitted, Gregory J. Yeomans, CGA, MBA Commissioner of Finance PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Sent By: CITY SAINT JOHN; 6582837; Feb -28 -06 4:54PM; Page 314 Application for a Zoning Dywlaw Amendment Demande de modification it Varrgti sur le zonage Applicant Related Information / Renseignements sur le demandeur Name of Applicant / Nom du demandeur J O h in M ' k e a H _ Mailing Address of applicant / Addresse poosstale du demandeur C4O f�e 1^/ x t'O i r (/.1 L � � rC cj i n (,- I Gi /M63 r Rp,, S {('. (��p I1 e��P <;if y At a. Postal Code/ Code postal Telephone Number / Numdro de Wi dphone 1 3 — / / U 2� Home / Domicile Work / Travail Fax Number / Ntundro de tdldcopieur Z 4 t 0 / Name of Property Owner (if different) / Nom du propridtaire (si different) DQn;e! L LI -LA PQ k- Address / Adresse Postal Code / Code postal Property Information / Renseignementsls e sur la propriit Location /Emplacement rri /f �^ o! !^ U 0n per Ltl l r p 3 Z 43 Civic # / No de voirie Street / Rue PID / NIP Lot Area/ Superficie du lot 6 9 y Y cd-a,Et Street Frontage / Fagade sur rue Existing Use of Property / Utilisation actuelle de Is propridtd Municipal Plan land Use Designation Designation de utilization des tortes sur le plan municipal Amendment Requested / Modification demandee Present Zoning / Zonage actucl _, Z �I Change Zoning to / Modification du nonage tl and/orI on l..l Text Amendment (indicate particulars) / Modification due texte (indiquez les ddtails) Sent By: CITY SAINT JOHN; 6562637; Feb -26 -06 4:55PM; Page 4/4 Development Proposal / Proposition d'ambnagement Description of Proposal / Description de la proposition You must provide a scaled site plan that illustrates your proposal You may also provide photographs, building plans, elevation drawings and any other form ofinformation. The plan must show the dimensions ofthe property, the location of all buildings, driveways, parking areas, landscaping and signs. It is important that the distance between the property boundary and buildings are shown. Vous devez fournir un plan du site d Pechelle illustrant votre proposition. Vous pouvez egatement fournir des photographies, des plans de bdriment, des dessins de plan d'elevalton et toute outre forme de renseignement. Le plan doit indiquer les dimensions de la prophet¢, !'emplacement de to toialite des bdriments, des apses, des acres de stationnement, des amenagemenis paysagers et des panneaux de signalisation. Il est important &Maliquer la distance entre les limites de la propriete et les bdtiments. Provide reasons why these amendments should be approved. / Foumir tout autre renseignement concernant votre proposition qui pourmit titre approuvees. Provide any other information about your proposal that would be helpful. / Foumir tout autre rcamignement ooncernaut votre proposition qui pourrait etre utile. Signature of Applicant / Signature du demandeur LAV Date X $400 Application Foe Enclosed I Ci joint lcs frais do demande de 400 $ Ifyou are not the owner ofthe land in question St vows nWespas le proprietaire du terrain en question, please have the owner sign below. The signature of veuilkz obtenir la signature du proprietaire dans la partie the owner is authorizing this application to proceed ci- dessous. La signature du proprietaire autorisant le for consideration by Common Council. traitement de to presente demande pour que cette derniere salt examinee par le consell communal. Signature of Owner (if applicable) Signature due proprietaire (s'il y a lieu) 1 12 Le G 12 #IT C Date: March 1" 2006 To whom it may concern, I authorize John McLean to act on my behalf for the rezoning application at 18 Northumberland Ave, Saint John, New Brunswick. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me on (647) 401 3359 anytime. Regards Da � Daniel Plud eek PROPOSED ZONING BY -LAW AMENDMENT RE: 18 NORTHUMBERLAND AVENUE Public Notice is hereby given Council of The City of Sain consider amending The City of By -law at its regular meeting Council Chamber on Monday, at 7:00 p.m., by: that the Common t John intends to Saint John Zoning to be held in the January 15, 2007 Rezoning a parcel of land located at 18 Northumberland Avenue, having an area of approximately 620 square metres, also identified as PID No. 00321943, from "R -2" One and Two Family Residential to "R -4" Four Family Residential. REASON FOR CHANGE: To recognize an existing three - family dwelling as a permitted use. The proposed amendment may be inspected by any interested person at the office of the Common Clerk, or in the office of Planning and Development, City Hall, 15 Market Square, Saint John, N.B. between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, inclusive, holidays excepted. PROJET DE MODIFICATION DE L'ARRETE SUR LE ZONAGE OBJET: 18, AVENUE NORTHUMBERLAND Avis public est donne, par la presente, que le conseil communal de The City of Saint John a ]'intention d'etudier la modification suivante de Farr6te sur le zonage de The City of Saint John, au cours de la reunion ordinaire du conseil prevue le lundi 15 janvier 2007 a 19 h dans la salle du conseil: Rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie approximative de 620 metres canes, situee au 18, avenue Northumberland, et identifiee sous le NID 00321943, de zone residentielle — habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales <<R -2» a zone r6sidentielle — habitations de quatre logements <<R -4». RAISON DE LA MODIFICATION: Reconnaitre ]'utilisation d'un edifice a trois logements existant. Toute personne interestee peut examiner le projet de modification an bureau du greffier communal ou au bureau de 1'urbanisme et du d6veloppement a 1'h6te1 de ville au 15, Market Square, Saint John, N. -B., entre 8 h 30 et 16 h 30 du lundi an vendredi, sauf les j ours feries. Written objections to the amendment may be sent Veuillez faire parvenir vos objections an projet de to the undersigned at City Hall. modification par ecrit a ]'attention du soussigne a 1'h6tel de ville. J. Patrick Woods, Common Clerk 658 -2862 J. Patrick Woods, Greffier communal 658 -2862 PROPOSED ZONING BY -LAW AMENDMENT RE: 18 NORTHUMBERLAND AVENUE Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Saint John intends to consider amending The City of Saint John Zoning By -law at its regular meeting to be held in the Council Chamber on Monday, January 15, 2007 at 7:00 p.m., by: Rezoning a parcel of land located at 18 Northumberland Avenue, having an area of approximately 620 square metres, also identified as PID No. 00321943, from "R -2" One and Two Family Residential to 10114" Four Family Residential. REASON FOR CHANGE: To recognize an existing three - family dwelling as a permitted use. The proposed amendment may be inspected by any interested person at the office of the Common Clerk, or in the office of Planning and Development, City Hall, 15 Market Square, Saint John, N.B. between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, inclusive, holidays excepted. Written objections to the amendment may be sent to the undersigned at City Hall. J. Patrick Woods, Common Clerk 658 -2862 PROJET DE MODIFICATION DE L'ARRETt SUR LE ZONAGE OBJET: 18, AVENUE NORTHUMBERLAND Avis public est donne, par la presente, que le conseil communal de The City of Saint John a ]'intention d'etudier la modification suivante de 1'arrete sur le zonage de The City of Saint John, an cows de la reunion ordinaire du conseil prevue le lundi 15 janvier 2007 a 19 h dans la salle du conseil: Rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie approximative de 620 metres canes, situee an 18, avenue Northumberland, et identifiee sous le NID 00321943, de zone residentielle — habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales <<R -2>> a zone residentielle — habitations de quatre logements <<R -4». RAISON DE LA MODIFICATION: Reconnaitre ]'utilisation d'un edifice a trois logements existant. Toute personne interestee pent examiner le projet de modification au bureau du greffier communal ou an bureau de l'urbanisme et du developpement a 116tel de ville an 15, Market Square, Saint John, N. -B., entre 8 h 30 et 16 h 30 du lundi au vendredi, sauf les j ours feries. Veuillez faire parvenir vos objections an projet de modification par ecrit a ]'attention du soussigne a 1'h6tel de ville. J. Patrick Woods, Greffier communal 658 -2862 City of Saint John INTERNAL INSERTION ORDER For City of Saint John use only: Bud et Number: 110 0801 442 2010 Department: Common Clerk's Office (Account # 71206) Contact: J. Patrick Woods Phone: (506) 658 -2862 Fax: (506) 674 -4214 Special Instructions (if any): Newspaper Insertion Dates (Check as applicable) (SJTJ= Saint John Telegraph Journal) " SJTJ City Information Ad " SJTJ Independent Placement SJTJ Classifieds Date(s): Tuesday, December 19, 2006 Tuesday, January 9, 2007 Date(s): Date(s): Information for Ad (Boldface anything you want Bold in Ad, Centre, Tab, etc.) Section Headline: ❑ General Notice ❑ Tender ❑ Proposal Text: INSERT ATTACHED Call to Action: Public Notice Contact: ❑x Sub - Headline if applicable): Text: INSERT ATTACHED Call to Action: J. Patrick Woods, Common Clerk/Greffier communal Contact: Telephone: (506) 658 -2862 BY -LAW NUMBER C.P. 110 - A LAW TO AMEND THE ZONING BY -LAW OF THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by The City of Saint John in Common Council convened, as follows: The Zoning By -law of The City of Saint John enacted on the nineteenth day of December, A.D. 2005, is amended by: 1 Amending Schedule "A ", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re- zoning a parcel of land located at 18 Northumberland Avenue, having an area of approximately 620 square metres, also identified as PID number 00321943, from "R -2" One and Two Family Residential to "R -4" Four Family Residential - all as shown on the plan attached hereto and forming part of this by -law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by -law the * day of *, A.D. 2007 and signed by: Mayor/Maire ARRETE N° C.P. 110 - ARRETE MODIFIANT VARRETE SUR LE ZONAGE DE THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Lors d'une reunion du conseil communal, The City of Saint John a decrete ce qui suit : L'arrete sur le zonage de The City of Saint John, decrete le dix -neuf (19) decembre 2005, est modifie par : 1 La modification de 1'annexe <<Au, Plan de zonage de The City of Saint John, permettant de modifier la designation pour une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie approximative de 620 metres canes, situee an 18, avenue Northumberland, et identifiee sous le NID 00321943, de zone residentielle — habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales uR -2n a zone residentielle — habitations de quatre logements «R -4» - toutes les modifications sont indiquees sur le plan ci joint et font partie du present arrete. EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur le present arret6 le 20075 avec les signatures suivantes : Common Clerk/Greffier communal First Reading - Premiere lecture Second Reading - Deuxie'me lecture Third Reading - Troisi6me lecture January 10, 2007 Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: 18 Northumberland Avenue - Rezoning Application On December 18, 2006 Common Council referred the above matter to the Planning Advisory Committee for a report and recommendation. The Committee considered the attached report at its January 9, 2007 meeting and adopted the recommendation set out below. Mr. John McLean, the owner's realtor, appeared in support of the application and promised that he would make the owner aware of the property maintenance issues noted by staff and neighbours. He also noted that the unregistered vehicle located in the driveway of 18 Northumberland Avenue had now been removed. In addition to the attached letters received by the Planning and Development Department, a number of residents were present at the meeting. Both Mrs. Nancy Wallace and Mrs. Muriel Stevens spoke in opposition to the application and stated concerns regarding the maintenance of the property. After considering the attached report and the issues raised by neighbouring property owners, the Committee recommended that an additional condition requiring that all tenant parking be restricted to the rear of the property be placed upon the proposed rezoning. RECOMMENDATION: That Common Council rezone a parcel of land with an area of approximately 620 square metres, located at 18 Northumberland Avenue, also identified as being PID Number 00321943, from "R -2" One and Two Family Residential to "R -4" Four Family Residential. 2. That, pursuant to the provisions of Section 39 of the Community Planning Act, the proposed rezoning of a parcel of land with an area of approximately 620 square metres, located at 18 Northumberland Avenue, also identified as being PID Number 00321943, be subject to the following conditions: PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Planning Advisory Committee January 12, 2007 Page 2 a. that the use of the property is limited to a maximum of three dwelling units; and b. that all tenant parking be restricted to the rear of the property; and further that upon rezoning of the property the land and building or structure thereon must be developed an used in conformity with the proposal and conditions identified herein. 3. That the required Change of Use permit not be issued until the owner or applicant provide proof that the outstanding violation of the Dangerous and Unsightly Premises By -law noted in the Final Notice of Violation issued by the Building and Technical Services Department on August 3, 2006 is remedied. Respectfully submitted, Stephen Horgan Chairman SKH Attachments Project No. 07 -003 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com DATE: JANUARY 5, 2007 TO: PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE FROM: PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT FOR: MEETING OF JANUARY 9, 2007 Type of Application: Rezoning JURISDICTION OF COMMITTEE: The Community Planning Act authorizes the Planning Advisory Committee to give its views to Common Council concerning proposed amendments to the Zoning By -law. Common Council will consider the Committee's recommendation at a Public Hearing on Monday, January 15, 2007. PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Sarah Herring Planner SUBJECT: Name of Applicant: John McLean Name of Owner: Daniel Pludek Location: 18 Northumberland Avenue PID: 321943 Municipal Plan: Low Density Residential Zoning: Current: "R -2" One and Two Family Residential Proposed: "R -4" Four Family Residential Proposal: To recognize the existing three - family dwelling as a permitted use. Type of Application: Rezoning JURISDICTION OF COMMITTEE: The Community Planning Act authorizes the Planning Advisory Committee to give its views to Common Council concerning proposed amendments to the Zoning By -law. Common Council will consider the Committee's recommendation at a Public Hearing on Monday, January 15, 2007. PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com John McLean Page 2 18 Northumberland Avenue January 5, 2007 STAFF RECOMMENDATION TO COMMITTEE: 1. That Common Council rezone a parcel of land with an area of approximately 620 square metres, located at 18 Northumberland Avenue, also identified as being PID Number 00321943, from "R -2" One and Two Family Residential to "R -4" Four Family Residential; 2. That, pursuant to the provisions of Section 39 ofthe Community Planning Act, the proposed rezoning of a parcel of land with an area of approximately 620 square metres, located at 18 Northumberland Avenue, also identified as being PID Number 00321943, be subject to the condition that the use of the property is limited to a maximum of three dwelling units, and further that upon rezoning of the property, the land and building or structure thereon must be developed and used in conformity with the proposal and condition identified herein; and 3. That the required Change of Use permit not be issued until the owner or applicant provide proof that the outstanding violation of the Dangerous and Unsightly Premises By -law noted in the Final Notice of Violation issued by the Building and Technical Services Department on August 3, 2006 is remedied. BACKGROUND: On August 3, 2006 the Building and Technical Services Department issued a final notice for an uncorrected violation of the Dangerous and Unsightly Premises By -law at 18 Northumberland Avenue and ordered that the violation be corrected before August 17, 2006. The violation notice was issued as a complaint and subsequent inspection indicated that a blue Oldsmobile with three flat tires and expired registration tags was located on the property, in violation to the By -law's requirement that "no person shall permit any junk, cleanings of yards, bodies or parts of automobiles or of other vehicles or machinery, rubbish or refuse to remain in their yard so as to cause such place to be dangerous, unsightly or unhealthful ". INPUT FROM OTHER SOURCES: Municipal Operations and Engineering has no objections to this application. Building and Technical Services notes that a similar issue was dealt with for the property at 40 Northumberland Avenue and was rejected by the Planning Advisory Committee but subsequently rezoned by Common Council. No permit was ever obtained that change of use, so this process should specifically require that the owner obtain a permit from the Building Inspector. Fire Department has no objection to this application. PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com John McLean 18 Northumberland Avenue ANALYSIS: Page 3 January 5, 2007 The subject site is located on Northumberland Avenue, between Westmorland Road and Highmount Court, in the Westmorland Heights neighbourhood of East Saint John. This is a residential area of one - family, two - family and three - family dwellings, most of which were constructed in the 1960's and 1970's. The existing dwelling on the subject site appears typical of several others in the immediate neighbourhood, being a three -level structure with a low -pitch hipped roof and a driveway to the side of the dwelling. The building contains three dwelling units, with one unit located on each level of the dwelling. Neither the Planning and Development Department nor the Building and Technical Services Department have any files on record to indicate when the building on the subject site became a three - family dwelling, although the applicant believes that it may have been used as a three - family dwelling from the time of its construction. Of the twenty -eight dwellings on Northumberland Avenue, nine are currently assessed as three - family dwellings, although only one of these is appropriately zoned. The dwelling at 40 Northumberland Avenue was rezoned from "R -2" One and Two Family Residential to "R -4" Four Family Residential on July 4, 2005 to recognize the existing use of the subject site as a three - family dwelling A driveway at the side of the lot leads to a gravel parking area in the rear yard which can accommodate the four parking spaces required for a three - family dwelling. The residents of 18 Northumberland Avenue also use a small parking area at the front of the lot; however, this area is actually located on the street right -of -way and cannot be considered as off - street parking since it is not located on the subject site. Although the dwelling itself appears to be fairly well maintained, during a site visit on January 2, 2007 staff noted several pieces of indoor furniture in the rear yard and that the blue Oldsmobile mentioned in the background section of this report was still parked in the driveway, in violation of the Final Notice for Dangerous and Unsightly Premises issued to the property owner on August 3, 2006. Subsequent discussion with the applicant revealed that the owner, Mr. Daniel Pludek, no longer resides in Saint John and may not have received the violation notices sent to his former address. The current owner became aware of the discrepancy between the permitted and existing use of the dwelling when the subject site was purchased in October of 2006 and is applying, via Mr. John McLean, his realtor, to have the property rezoned to recognize the existing three - family dwelling as a permitted use. The Zoning By -law does not have an "R -3" category; therefore the "R -4" Four Family Residential zone is being proposed for this site. Common Council may; however, limit the use of the subject site to a three - family dwelling as a condition of the rezoning pursuant to Section 39 of the Community Planning Act should the application for rezoning be approved. The existing three - family dwelling at 18 Northumberland Avenue does not appear particularly out of place in the overall neighbourhood context, although improvements in the maintenance of the property need to be made. As well, the apparently long - standing existence of the third dwelling unit PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com John McLean 18 Northumberland Avenue Page 4 January 5, 2007 with no record of earlier complaints suggests that the use of the property has not caused any major land use conflicts in the neighbourhood. CONCLUSION: Given that this application is, for all intents and purposes, the same as the rezoning approved for the three - family dwelling at 40 Northumberland Avenue on July 4, 2005 and that the third dwelling unit has existed for some time with few or no apparent problems the requested rezoning can be supported. While "R -4" Four Family Residential zoning is being recommended for this site, it is also recommended that the use of the dwelling be limited to a maximum of three dwelling units and that the required Change of Use permit not be issued until the applicant provides proof that the aforementioned violation of the Dangerous and Unsightly Premises By -law has been remedied. SKH Project No. 07 -003 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT /URBANISME ET DEVELOPPEMENT P �j s c 3p s' s� 0 3t 6y 19 NO! Fern l� i l ( (:ernai-er r Ig 4 6 v <� v ' p ° of �� h� �0 m ° v, �• B-2. ., 222 R- n D c � t m nAi 1p u o q ,L ..ow ��o t� °0,• way u° u Subject Site /site en question: P I D(s) /NIP (s): 321943 Location: 18 avenue Northumberland Avenue Date: December 12, 2006 Scale /echelle: Not to scale /Pas a Pechelle i k 3.2m existing � 9a fie, a <CIo- co'Q Qp,Y \o-ra5 QCO�A 6 3 existing dwelling ; 'i +I � ± 2,5m c6 c o Qea 6 ++ bards 3 L r�or%umberlar,d Avenue S v Q _d 5 0 Z tp C d Q- 0 LD The Planning Advisory Comrrittee City of Saintjohn PO Box 1971 Saint John, NB E2L 4L1 Thomas and Mona Crowley 29 Crowley Road Saint John, NB E2K 5J1 December 22, 2006 Dear Ms. Herring: Re: Rezoning Application -18 Northumberland Avenue We have no objection to the above proposed rezoning and in fact strongly support it. Sincerely Tom and Mona Crowley Owners of Property at 8 Northumberland Avenue 4 To: Planning Advisor c/o Sarah Herrir City of Saint Joh P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, N.B. 2L 4L1 28 December, 2006 JIFnCF xD mmittee jpg 2 2D07 L/ 7rom: Leo and Muriel Stevens 24 Northumberland Ave. Saint John, N.B. E23 20 Ph # 506 657 4376 e mail: lemur @nb.sympatico.ca SUBJECT: Re- zoning Application - 18 Northumberland Avenue Dear Sir /Madam, Please be advised that we reside adjacent to the noted property and are greatly against this re- zoning application. Future more, we have other matters related to this address which need to be addressed: 1. Since the property has been sold to an absentee landlord, Mr. Daniel Pludeic of Somerset Street, no listed telephone number, the property has deteriorated quickly. Complaints have been made on a fallen -down fence, discarded furniture, derelict vehicles parked in the yard /lawn, towels /bed sheets being used as curtains, front storm door /screen not replaced, to name a few. As well, tall grass has remained unattended, creating a potential fire hazard along what remains of the fence and our garage. 2. This property lot, 60x120, contains a duplex house and garage leaving little room for tenant parking. As it is now, cars park not only in the front and back yard but also on the front lawn, on the street, and on occasion in our drive -way which has caused inconveniences to our family. We realize that pictures do not tell the whole truth, therefore, we would appreciate an inspection, of the property, and official documentation of the difference between the property mentioned and other maintained properties on Northumberland Avenue. In summary, please reject this re- zoning application, and further; may we begin the process of having the property brought up to the standards and conditions required by its current zoning. Much has been done to keep our neighbourhood a pleasant and comfortable place to live, your continued support in this regard is much appreciated, rs respectfully, Leo and Muriel Stevens January 2, 2007 Planning and Development, P.O. Box 1971, Saint John, N.B. E2L 4L1 Dear Sirs:- Re: Rezoning Application 18 Northumberland Ave. JAN 4 2007 i OtSA'ftglf The house at 18 Northumberland Ave. was built in the mid 1960s - "R -2" One and Two Family Residential - as a two family home. The owner occupied one level and rented the other. A number of years later a small granny suite, not an apartment, was made in the basement for an elderly family member. Several years passed and eventually the house was sold. The new owners then decided to rent the basement, which was not even an apartment and against zoning at that time. The property has again been sold and now has an absentee landlord who has let it fall into disrepair. It is a disgrace to our lovely neighbourhood. The front storm door is now The driveway to the back of part way in with no licence in bad need of repair. Th a portion of which has been The whole fence needs to be missing, the grounds are terrible. the property has a derelict car parked plate. The garage in the backyard is ere is a board fence in the backyard, lying on the ground for quite sometime. replaced. This is the same property that neighbours had to contact city hall last Fall to have a car removed from the front of the premises, which was not working and had three flat tires. Think, why is the property owner making a rezoning application when in fact there is not supposed to be a basement apartment? The owner should be doing serious repairs with continued maintenance not rezoning. We built our home on Northumberland Ave. forty -two years ago under "R -2" One and Two Family Residential. That is the way it should remain. We are definitely not in favour of having 18 Northumberland Ave. rezoned from "R -2" One and Two Family Residential to "R -4" Four Family Residential. With Regards, 28 Northumberland Ave., Saint John, N.B. Application for a Municipal Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment Demande de modification au plan municipal et a 1'arrete sur le nonage Applicant Related Information / Renseignements sur le demandeur Name of Applicant/ Nom du demandeur s L,.�.L. Mailing Address of applicant/ Addresse postale du demandeur 15 tai c K g}} t4 E Postal Code/ Code postal tr I e 02 C jj Telephone Number / Numdro de t6ldphone o q Home/Domicile 504— % L+ci— 6 68 (D Work / Travail Fax Number / Numdro de tdldcopieur 50 (o — 633 $ !� 0 v Name of Property Owner (if different) / Nom du propridtaire (si diffdrent) �a a In �D an) w 4 S Cc Address / Adresse_ Code / Code Property Information / Renseignements sur la propri&6 Location/ Emplacement Md✓044,N J1tv7 17R • �r+/"�s u� `3l3'1rZZi yx%u5, Civic # / No de voirie Street / Rue PID / NIP Lot Area / Superficie du lot oZ• 33 h� • Street Frontage / Fagade sur rue 115 m e k,rs Existing Use of Property/ Utilisation actuelle de la propridtd _ V CktCXyt Present Municipal Plan Land Use Designation n Ddsignation actuel de utilization des terres sur le plan municipal Lbw de..51,Al� lrl= s at a-V*L aJ Present Zoning / Zonage actuel gS #;L A?a e "0 G. i c Amendments Requested / Modifications demandees MM 'cipal Plan / Plan municipal M Change Land Use Designation tto�/ Modifier la ddsignation de Putilisation des terres 8 D %is %V%eSS� ^VZ and /or / ou ❑ Text Amendment (indicate particulars on attachment) / Modification du texte (indiquez les ddtails en annexe) Zoning By -law/ Arretd sur le Zonage • Yr Change Zoning to / Modification du zonage 8 and/or / ou ❑ Text Amendment (indicate particulars on attachment) / Modification due texte (indiquez les ddtails en annexe) Development Proposal / Proposition d'aminagement Description of Proposal / Description de la proposition To 'On,.s24orwr1 c. kjAk e&J '4u.coRL j 7-0 c,55 e.wclp�� Ql%eRau�c use o� roer,tnak 3usiues5 . Faci4il^� is apftrva< aDO Lo Ng �.. A.lb&4wW-o_. ranwOQ ;)fs" a ( 6 1 K tvyrc $,Svn,) 6ul\cACP4 w LAA 6Q, V l�� cdNs-4rua-�%a 0� prt cw5-+ or +IL-4 up cew,R,v -+ walls Yw +twferg 6LLS5. You must provide a scaled site plan that illustrates your proposal. You may also provide photographs, building plans, elevation drawings and any other form of information. The site plan must show the dimensions of the property, the location ofall buildings, driveways, parking areas, landscaping and signs. It is important that the distance between the property boundary and buildings are shown. Vous devez fournir un plan du site d 1'echelle illustrant votre proposition. Vous pouvez egalement fournir des photographies, des plans de bbtiment, des dessins de plan d'elevation et toule autre forme de renseignement. Le plan du site dolt indiquer les dimensions de la propriete, l'emplacement de la totalite des bbtiments, des allees, des sires de stationnement, des amenagements paysagers et des panneaux de signalisalion. II est important d'indiquer la distance entre les limiles de la propriete et les bbtiments. Provide reasons why these amendments should be approved. / Fournir les raisons pour les quelles les modifications devraient @tre approuvdes. c>LesSkel:ICa1\� olec.s: nt e►�dvtc�eS� m°obs +'N Sa Q%Uk;, is 3 toc4 Jo1�a`I.RBPPo�r so rwe��r`s !�COvV% rAc- YCA "kSk'teu 7IQ ar %VA%.sjwLCL Provide any other information about your proposal that would be helpful. 4 Fournir tout autre renseignement concernant votre proposition qui pourrait We utile. '>u Sc:,�na J a I, N 1.0-1 i5 tkk i 50 wteA-e rs o4- iw t'.a,s+t4 zO 0lMsr Signature of Applicant / Signature du demandeur Date %2 -)2 = o L V$400 Application Fee Enclosed / Ci joint les frais de demande de 400 $ Ifyou are not the owner of the land in question Si vows n'etes pas le proprietaire du terrain en question, please have the owner sign below. The signature of veuillez obtenir la signature du proprietaire dons la partie the owner authorizing this application to proceed is ci- dessous. La signature du proprietaire autorisant le required for consideration by Common Council. traitement de la presente demande est requise pour que cette derniere soil examinee par le co�ommunal. Signature of Owner (if applicable) Signature du propridtaire (s'il y a lieu) Datee— /306 PROPOSED MUNICIPAL PLAN AMENDMENT RE: 40 MOUNTAIN VIEW DRIVE Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Saint John intends to consider an amendment to the Municipal Development Plan that would redesignate on Schedule 2 -A of the Plan, from Low Density Residential to Business Park, the following property: A parcel of land with an area of approximately 2.33 hectares, located at 40 Mountain View Drive, also identified as being portions of PID Nos. 00313429 and 00426452, as illustrated below. (INSERT MAP) A public presentation of the proposed amendment will take place at the regular meeting of Common Council on Monday, January 15, 2007 in the Council Chamber, Lobby Level, City Hall. REASON FOR CHANGE: To permit the rezoning of the land, from "RS -2" One and Two Family Suburban Residential to `BP" Business Park, and subsequent development of a building for the assembly of heating products, and related office uses. Written objections to the proposed amendment may be made to the Council, in care of the undersigned, by February 14, 2007. Enquiries may be made at the office of the Common Clerk or Planning and Development, City Hall, 15 Market Square, Saint John, N.B. between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, inclusive, holidays excepted. J. Patrick Woods, Common Clerk 658 -2862 PROJET DE MODIFICATION DU PLAN MUNICIPAL OBJET: 40, PROMENADE MOUNTAIN VIEW Avis public est donne, par les presentes, que le conseil communal de The City of Saint John a 1'intention d'etudier une modification du plan d'amenagement municipal visant a faire passer la classification du bien -fonds suivant, a 1'annexe 2 -A du plan, de zone residentielle de faible densite a zone de pare commercial: one parcelle de terrain d'une superficie approximative de 2,33 hectares, situe,e an 40, promenade Mountain View, et faisam partie des biens -fonds inscrits sous les NID 00313429 et 00426452, telle qu'elle est delimitee sur la carte ci- dessous. (INSERER LA CARTE) Une presentation publique du projet de modification aura lieu au cours de la seance ordinaire du conseil communal prevue le lundi 15 janvier 2007 dans la salle du conseil, au niveau du hall d'entree, a 116tel de ville. MOTIFS DE LA MODIFICATION: Permettre le rezonage desdits biens -fonds afin de faire passer la classification s'y rapportant de zone residentielle de banlieue — habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales « RS -2 >> a zone de pare commercial u BP » on vue de 1'amenagement d'un batiment destine a 1'assemblage de produits de chauffage et de bureaux connexes. Veuillez faire part au conseil par ecrit de vos objections an projet de modification au plus tard le 14 f6vrier 2007 a 1'attention du soussigne. Pour toute demande de renseignements, veuillez vous adresser au bureau du greffier communal on an bureau de 1'urbanisme et du developpement a I'h6tel de ville an 15, Market Square, Saint John, N. -B., entre 8 h 30 et 16 h 30 du lundi au vendredi, sau£ les jours feries. J. Patrick Woods, greffier communal 658 -2862 tilal .401 crois. Carlile Cr. r o� MGP ol00 City of Saint John INTERNAL INSERTION ORDER For City of Saint John use only: Bud et Number: 110 0801 442 2010 Department: Common Clerk's Office Account # 71206 Contact: J. Patrick Woods Phone: (506 ) 658 -2862 Fax: (506) 674 -4214 Special Instructions (if any): Newspaper Insertion Dates (Check as applicable) (SJTJ= Saint John Telegraph Journal) " SJTJ City Information Ad SJTJ Independent Placement me SJTJ Classifieds Date(s): Tuesday, January 2, 2007 Date(s): Date(s): Information for Ad (Boldface anything you want Bold in Ad, Centre, Tab, etc.) Section Headline: ❑ General Notice ❑ Tender ❑ Proposal I Telephone: (506) 658 -2862 ❑Q Public Notice Sub - Headline (if applicable): Text: INSERT ATTACHED Call to Action: J. Patrick Woods, Common Clerk/Greffier communal Contact: I Telephone: (506) 658 -2862 BY -LAW NUMBER C.P. 105 - A LAW TO AMEND THE MUNICIPAL PLAN BY -LAW Be it enacted by The City of Saint John in Common Council convened, as follows: The Municipal Plan By -law of The City of Saint John enacted on the 3rd day of January, A.D. 2006 is amended by: 1 Amending Schedule 2 -A, the Future Land Use Plan, by redesignating a parcel of land with an area of approximately 2.33 hectares, located at 40 Mountain View Drive, also identified a being portions of PID Nos. 00313429 and 00426452, from Low Density Residential to Business Park classification - all as shown on the plan attached hereto and forming part of this by -law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by -law the * day of *, A.D. 2007 and signed by: Mayor ARRETE No C.P. 105 - ARRETE MODIFIANT L'ARRETE RELATIF AU PLAN MUNICIPAL Lors dune reunion du conseil communal, The City of Saint John a edict6 ce qui suit: L'arrete relatif au plan municipal de The City of Saint John ddcr6t6 le 3 janvier 2006 est modifie par: 1 la modification de 1'annexe 2 -A, relative au plan d'utilisation future des terres, afin de faire passer la designation d'une parcelle de terrain dune superficie approximative de 2,33 hectares, situee an 40, promenade Mountain View, et faisant partie des biens -fonds inscrits sous les NID 00313429 et 00426452, de zone residentielle de faible densit6 a zone de pare commercial; - routes les modifications sont indiqu6es sur le plan ci -joint et font partie du present arr &6. EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur le present arret6 le 2007, avec les signatures suivantes : Common Clerk/Greffier communal First Reading - Premiere lecture Second Reading - Deuxieme lecture Third Reading - Troisi6me lecture m W N W z January 10, 2007 z x 0 Mayor McFarlane and Members of Common Council City Hall 15 Market Square Z Saint John, NB E21, 4L1 d Your Worship and Councillors, F The Board of Uptown Saint John Inc. met on January 10, 2007 to consider the W attached revised 2007 budget. This budget does not contain the levy that would be W collected from the proposed boundary expansion areas, due to timing concems expressed by the City Solicitor and senior staff. While we are still hopeful that the Province will collect the levies from the new expanded areas in 2007, as they have F- indicated, we concur with City staff in taking this prudent approach. We ask that Council give first and second reading to this revised budget on January 15, 2007, a budget which is essentially the same as the previously submitted budget z less the revenue from the expanded areas. Timing is important and we will be undertaking our required process with our membership to gain approval of the amended budget so that third reading can be given by Council on January 29, 2007, o and that it can be forwarded on to the Minister for final approval. We thank you for your support and continued partnership in making the uptown a vibrant heart in greater Saint John. t Sincerely, O 0� c aigle President C 0 T. 506.633.9797 F. 506.652.3525 www.uptownsi.com UPTOWN SAINT JOHN INC. 2007 BUDGET ($0.00% Levy Increase) REVENUE YEAR 2007 BIA Levy 2455437.00 Employment Grants 41500.00 Bad Debts Recovered 21000.00 Environmental Trust Fund Grant 20,000.00 Capital Interest Waterfront Development 15,000.00 Festivals and Events 68,300.00 Co- operative Marketing Campaigns 25,000.00 Miscellaneous Revenue 22000.00 TOTAL REVENUE 3829237.00 EXPENDITURES YEAR 2007 Urban Design & Planning (ETF Grant) 20,000.00 Waterfront Development 15,000.00 Marketing 37,130.00 Festivals & Events 685300.00 Uptown Development 10,000.00 Communications 51300.00 Program Delivery 81200.00 Annual Meeting and Awards 51000.00 Operations 210,307.00 Non - Recoverable 39000.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 382,237.00 January 10, 2007 Common Council of The City of Saint John Your Worship and Councillors: Re: Business Improvement Area Levy for 2007 Common Council at its meeting scheduled for Monday, January 15, 2007 will have on its Agenda the matter of the proposed Business Improvement Area Levy for 2007. The advertising required by the Business Improvement Areas Act has taken place and the Common Clerk will advise upon the response received as a result. It has come to our attention that the budget of projected 2007 expenditures which was submitted to Council on December 18, 2006 was based upon revenue generated in part by a levy upon property lying beyond the existing Business Improvement Area. The submission of Uptown Saint John Inc. to Council on December 18, 2006 sought an expansion of the existing Business Improvement Area. Such an expansion would occur by amendment to the Business Improvement Area By -Law. The Business Improvement Area Act in Section 2(8) makes it clear that: " ... no amendment altering the boundaries of a business improvement area is effective before the 31" day of December of the year in which it is made. " PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Common Council January 12, 2007 Re: Business Improvement Area Levy for 2007 City Solicitor Page 2 In other words, an expansion of the existing Business Improvement Area cannot become effective before December 31, 2007 and consequently, a levy cannot be applied in 2007 to the properties within the "new" area. This results in Uptown Saint John Inc.'s needing either to increase the proposed levy to support the projected expenditures or to reduce the projected expenditures to reflect the proposed levy upon properties within the existing Business Improvement Area only. It is my understanding having spoken with the President and General Manager of Uptown Saint John Inc. on Wednesday, January 10th, that correspondence addressing this matter, will be delivered to the Clerk's Office so that it can be placed on the Agenda for the January 15, 2007 Council Meeting. It is my further understanding that such correspondence will request Council to give first and second reading to the By -Law imposing the 16 cent levy for 2007, with third reading to await Uptown Saint John Inc.'s complying with Council's requirements and those of the Business Improvement Areas Act. The course for Common Council to take should it wish to consider a revised Budget which accurately reflects the revenue to be generated by imposing the proposed levy within the existing Business Improvement Area, would be to give first and second reading to the Levy By -Law and to require the Board of Directors of Uptown Saint John Inc. to convene a General Meeting of non- residential users within the Business Improvement Area to consider a revised Budget. Uptown Saint John Inc. would then be expected to convene the required meeting and report the result to Common Council at the next following Council Meeting. If two - thirds of those present at the aforesaid General Meeting approve the revised Budget and it is submitted by the Board of Uptown Saint John Inc. to Council, then Council may, 15 days following that Budget's submission and subject to the statutory provisions respecting objections, approve it and give third reading to the Levy By -Law for 2007. Respectfully Submitted, John L. Nugent City Solicitor PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com BY -LAW NUMBER BIA -2 BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT LEVY BY -LAW Be it enacted by the Common Council of the City of Saint John as follows: The Business Improvement Levy By -law of The City of Saint John enacted on the third day of January, 2006, is amended by: ARRETE No BIA -2 ARRETE CONCERNANT LA CONTRIBUTION POUR L'AMELIORATION DES AFFAIRES Le conseil communal de The City of Saint John decr&te ce qui suit : L'arret6 concernant la contribution pour 1'am6lioration des affaires de The City of Saint John d6cr&6 le 3 janvier 2006 est modifi6 par : 1 Repealing section 2 thereof and inserting 1 1'abrogation de Particle 2 aux pr6sentes et the following: l'ajout du texte qui suit : 2 A levy of 16 cents for each one hundred dollars of assessed value is hereby imposed for 2007 upon non - residential property within the Business Improvement Area established by By -law No. BIA -1 Business Improvement Area By -law enacted on the 5th day of January, 2004. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by -law the * day of *, A.D. 2007 and signed by: First Reading - Second Reading - Third Reading - Mayor /maire 2 Par la pr6sente, une contribution de 16 cents par tranche de cent dollars par rapport a la valeur fix6e est imposee pour 1'ann6e 2007 sur les immeubles non r6sidentiels situ6s a l'int6rieur de la zone d'am6lioration des affaires 6tablie en vertu de 1'Arret6 ri BIA -1 relatif a la zone d'am6lioration des affaires 6dict6 le 5 janvier 2004. EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur le pr6sent arret6 le 2007, avec les signatures suivantes : Common Clerk/greffier communal Premiere lecture Deuxi&me lecture Troisi&me lecture PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT LEVY TAXE SUR L'AMELIORATION DES AFFAIRES Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Par les pr6sentes, Council of The City of Saint John has been par lequel le conseil requested by the Board of Directors of Uptown Saint John Inc. and intends to consider approving a budget for the designated Business Improvement Area, at its regular meeting to be held in the Council Chamber on Monday, January 15, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. un avis public est donn6 communal de The City of Saint John, a la demande du conseil d'administration de Uptown Saint John Inc., indique son intention d'approuver un budget pour la zone d'am6lioration des affaires design6e lors de la r6union ordinaire qui se tiendra le lundi 15 janvier 2007 a 19 h. The proposed budget for the Business Improvement Le budget propos6 pour la zone d'am6lioration des Area is as follows: affaires se r6partit comme suit : REVENUE Business Improvement Area Levy $277,207 Employment Grants 4,500 Bad Debts Recovered 2,000 Environmental Trust Fund Grant 20,000 Capital Interest Waterfront Development 15,000 Festivals and Events 68,300 Co- operative Marketing Campaigns 25,000 Miscellaneous Revenue 2,000 Total Revenue $414,007 EXPENDITURES Urban Design and Planning (ETF Grant)$ 20,000 Waterfront Development 15,000 Marketing 68,900 Festivals and Events 68,300 Uptown Development 10,000 Communications 5,300 Program Delivery 8,200 Annual Meeting and Awards 5,000 Operations 210,307 Non - Recoverable 3,000 Total Expenditures $414,007 The proposed levy to be imposed on non- residential property within the designated business improvement area is 16 cents per $100.00 of assessment for 2007. Pursuant to the Business Improvement Areas Act the said proposed budget shall not be approved if objections in writing are filed with the undersigned RECETTES 20 000 $ Taxe sur la zone d'am6lioration des 277 207 $ affaires 68 900 Subventions a 1'emploi 4 500 Recouvrement de mauvaises cr6ances 2000 Subventions du fonds en fiducie pour 20 000 1'environnement 8200 Participation au capital visant 15 000 1'am6nagement riverain 210 307 Festivals et 6v6nements 68 300 Campagnes de mercatique symbiotique 25 000 Recettes diverses 2000 Recettes totales 414 007 $ DEPENSES Conception et planification urbaine (Subvention du fonds en fiducie pour 1'environnement) 20 000 $ Am6nagement riverain 15 000 Marketing 68 900 Festivals et 6v6nements 68 300 Am6nagement du centre -ville 10 000 Communications 5 300 Realisation de programmes 8200 Assembl6e annuelle et prix 5 000 Exploitation 210 307 D6penses non recouvrables 3 000 D6penses totales 414 007 $ La taxe pr6vue sur les biens -fonds non r6sidentiels situ6s dans la zone d'am6lioration des affaires d6sign6e sera de 0,16 $ par tranche de 100 $ d'6valuation pour 1'an 2007. En vertu de la Loi sur les zones d'amelioration des affaires, le budget pr6vu ne doit pas etre approuv6 si des objections par 6crit sont d6pos6es au PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com not later than January 12, 2007 jointl y independently by one -third or more of all residential users or by non - residential users would together be liable to pay one -third or of the amount to be raised by a levy. or soussigne au plus tard le 12 janvier 2007, non- conjointement ou independamment, par un tiers ou who plus de tous les utilisateurs non residentiels ou par more un groupe d'utilisateurs non residentiels qui seraient responsables de payer un tiers ou plus du montant a prelever au moyen dune taxe. PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com City of Saint John INTERNAL INSERTION ORDER For City of Saint John use only: Budget Number: 1 10 0801 442 2010 Department: Common Clerk's Office (Account # 71206) Contact: J. Patrick Woods Phone: (506) 658 -2862 Fax: (506) 674 -4214 Special Instructions (if any): Newspaper Insertion Dates (Check as applicable) (SJTJ= Saint John Telegraph Journal) SJTJ City Information Ad Date(s): SJTJ Independent Placement Date(s): Thursday, December 21, 2006 l hursday, December 28, 2006 SJTJ Classifieds Date(s): Information for Ad (Boldface anything you want Bold in Ad, Centre, Tab, etc.) Section Headline: ❑ General Notice ❑ Tender ❑ Proposal ❑x Public Notice Sub - Headline (if applicable): Text: INSERT ATTACHED Call to Action: J. Patrick Woods, Common Clerk /Greffier communal Contact: Telephone: (506) 658 -2862 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com BY -LAW NUMBER C.P. 110 -30 A LAW TO AMEND THE ZONING BY -LAW OF THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by The City of Saint John in Common Council convened, as follows: The Zoning By -law of The City of Saint John enacted on the nineteenth day of December, A.D. 2005, is amended by: 1 Amending Schedule "A ", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by rezoning a parcel of land with an area of approximately 8240 square metres, located at 1000 Somerset Street, also identified as being PID No. 00047381, from "RS -2" One and Two Family Suburban Residential to "RM -1" Three Storey Multiple Residential classification. - all as shown on the plan attached hereto and forming part of this by -law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by -law the * day of *, A.D. 2007 and signed by: Mayor /Maire ARRETE N° C.P. 110 -30 ARRETE MODIFIANT L'ARRRTE SUR LE ZONAGE DE THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Lors d'une reunion du conseil communal, The City of Saint John a de'cre't6 ce qui suit: L'arr6t6 sur le zonage de The City of Saint John, ddcr6t6 le dix -neuf (19) d6cembre 2005, est modifi6 par: 1 La rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 8 240 metres carr6s, situde au 1000, rue Somerset, et portant le NID 00047381, de zone r6sidentielle de banlieue — habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales <<RS -2>> A zone d'6difices a logements multiples de trois 6tages <<RM -1>>. - toutes les modifications sent indiqu6es sur le plan ci joint et font partie du present arr6t6. EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur le present arret6 le 2007, avec les signatures suivantes : Common Clerk/Greffier communal First Reading - December 4, 2006 Premi6re lecture - 4 decembre 2006 Second Reading - December 4, 2006 Deuxi&me lecture - 4 decembre 2006 Third Reading - Troisi&me lecture - PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT / URBANISME ET D�VELOPPEMENT REZONING / REZONAGE Amending Schedule "A" of the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John Modifiant Annexe «A» de I'ArrW de zonage de The City of Saint John e, d e, 9 a 9 FROM / DE TO / A RS -2 One and Two Family Suburban RMA - Three Storey Multiple Residential /Zone r6sidentielle Residential /Zone d'edifices de banlieue- habitations a logements multiples de unifamiliales et bifamiliales. trois etages Applicant: Cavanagh Construction Ltd. Location: 1000 Somerset Street PID(s) /NIP(s) 00047381 06N -79NW Drawn By /Cr6ee Par: David Couture Date Drawn /Carte Cr66e: January 11 Janvier, 2007 Considered by RA.C.Iconsidere par le C.C.U.: November 28 novembre, 2006 Enacted by Council /ApproM par Is Conseil: Filed in Registry Office /Enregistre le: January 12, 2007 M &C# 2007 -15 His Worship Mayor Norm McFarlane and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Members of Council: SUBJECT: LEINSTER STREET REZONING PT TR POq-F * The purpose of this report is threefold. First it is to provide Council with advice as to the context in which Council must come to a decision as to whether to adopt Third Reading of the rezoning. Secondly, it is to provide Council with a summation of the most recent discussions between the Saint John Non Profit Housing Incorporated and the Citizens for the Revitalization of the South End Peninsula. Thirdly, it is to clarify the relationship between the Saint John Non Profit Housing Incorporated and the City of Saint John. As a result of comments made at the last session of Council, this issue in the minds of some, has gained some prominence and therefore needs to be addressed. I ADVICE TO COUNCIL As so often is the case when dealing with issues on which individuals have such strong views, Council often finds itself becoming pulled into the minutia of the process, of what one party said to another, on what date a meeting was held, who was in attendance and other such matters. In reality, while all of such information maybe interesting, Councillors need to remain focused on their overriding obligation as set out in the Municipalities Act. Section 36(2) of the Act states; PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Report to Common Council Subject: Leinster Street Rezoning "A Councillor of a Municipality shall: Page 2 a) consider the welfare and interests of the entire municipality when making decisions; Beyond this overriding obligation, Councillors when dealing with an issue such as is before them this evening must come to their own conclusion as to whether "the development is generally appropriate for the location on which it is being proposed? " The fact that under the Community Planning Act there are specific authorities provided to the Planning Advisory Committee and to Common Council, is reflective of the reality that many developments simply do not always fit nicely into the stipulated requirements for a location. When this occurs, it is both PAC and the Council who must consider the welfare and interest of the entire municipality, grant variances or approve rezoning if they deem it appropriate. The preceding advice is provided on the basis that this particular site is an anomaly in the South End. Had the location been elsewhere on the Peninsula, the rezoning would not have been required. Given this, Council must come to a decision as to whether this particular site is of such a nature that to rezone this location similar to other locations on the Peninsula is detrimental to the welfare and interest of the entire Community. II SUMMATION OF THE MEETING WITH THE PARTIES The City Manager, as directed by Common Council, did meet with representatives of the parties on Friday, January 5th at 3:00 p.m. in the eighth floor boardroom at City Hall. Mr. Baird was also asked to be present in the event that questions of a technical nature were raised. As it turned out, further advice from Mr. Baird was not required. Both parties seem to have an excellent handle on the planning issues and the process. In attendance were the following representatives. CITIZENS FOR REVITALIZATION Jon McQueen (Property Owner) Betty Rourke (Property Owner) Arthur Melanson (Property Owner) Lana Irish(Resident) Mel Norton (Legal Counsel) Kelly Vanbuskirk (Legal Counsel) Nathalie Godbout (Legal Counsel) John Johnson (Engineering Consultant) SAINT JOHN NON PROFIT HOUSING INCORPORATED Wayne Wolfe (Director) Lisa Keenan (Director) Clifford Lawrence (Director) Narinder Singh (staff) Bob Vincent (Legal Counsel) Amy Theriault (Legal Counsel) PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Report to Common Council Subject: Leinster Street Rezoning Page 3 The meeting began with a series of acknowledgements by the City Manager. First, an apology for any confusion that may have been created with respect to the Council resolution of December 18th and the expectation of staff involvement. Secondly, a thank you to the parties for meeting between Christmas and New Years to see if a solution could be found as requested by Council. Finally, the City Manager did indicate that he fully understood that issues have been raised regarding both Council's procedures and the precarious financial situation of this project. These issues were acknowledged, however, the City Manager took the position that he was not going to entertain discussion on procedural issues nor was he particularly interested in knowing all of the details with respect to the financing of this project. Yes, important issues, but Council's direction was to meet with the parties in an effort to see if on either side there is any possibility of movement so as to make the project more acceptable to all parties. THE POSITION OF THE CITIZENS' GROUP While individuals stated it in different ways, perhaps the best summation was provided by Mr. Vanbuskirk, Legal Counsel. In general terms, Mr. Vanbuskirk stated that the residents hold the view that the proposed development is in fact "overdevelopment" for the site. Given this, the citizens have very real and tangible concerns that need to be addressed. This "overdevelopment" is affecting the quality of life of residents. The citizen's position is that their approach has always been "solutions driven ". It was for this very reason that notwithstanding their view that the project is too large for the site, `flipping the project " would address some of their concerns and therefore their opposition to the project would cease. While staff believe this to be the central concern, there were underlying issues that continued to surface during the meeting. Given where the parties are, there is no resolve to these issues. Nevertheless, they are identified below so that Council can fully appreciate the setting in which a compromise is being sought. • The citizens strongly believe that any suggestion that they are opposed to this development based on the income mix of prospective tenants is repugnant. Such a suggestion is totally unfair and absolutely false. • The citizens do not believe that they were listened to by the Developer. They feel very much ignored. • The citizens have the perception that the developer was arrogant, hurtful and offensive. • The citizens have a perception that the developer has received preferential treatment by city staff. PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Report to Common Council Subject: Leinster Street Rezoning Page 4 Finally, when asked whether there were any other changes, other than flipping the project that would make the development more acceptable, no agreed upon answer was provided, although one resident casually stated "take off a floor ". Subsequent to the meeting, the City Manager did have a telephone conversation with one of the property owners indicating that whatever Council decides there still is an expectation that the Developer will work with the adjacent property owners with respect to the backyard retaining walls, fencing and access, all of which had previously been discussed. THE POSITION OF THE DEVELOPER The Developer's position, in general terms, is that: • The project as proposed is in the best interest of the community. • They have complied with all legislative requirements. • Their position is that they have made changes to the project as a result of citizen input. Changes that they have embraced and that will admittedly result in a better overall project. • This project, like any other, must make economic sense. The cost of this project, because of delays, is in danger of experiencing escalating costs. Increasing costs that this developer and this project cannot afford to carry. • To avoid these escalating costs, the developer made the decision to start construction knowing full well of the downside financial risk to the company. • In making this decision, they would acknowledge the perception that it may have left with the opponents, however, from their perspective it was simply a business decision. • They did entertain "flipping the project ". Whether the cost of doing so is $90,000 as suggested by the opponents, or $250,000 as an initial estimate provided by their Architect, this non profit developer does not have the financial resources to make this change. • Even if the financial resources were available, the developer would question whether on this site, a better project would result. Yes, the flipping of the project would provide some additional space for those properties at the rear. It would, however, have little curb appeal, and to some other residents in the area, would not be acceptable. Their view is that this is a very slippery slope to start down and with the real risk of losing support from other area residents, simply more delays, escalating costs and absolutely no guarantees. In concluding, the Developer reiterated their position that a failure to rezone the property, or to table the matter essentially results in a failed project. The developer and those financing the project can no longer carry the financial risk without some expectation as to when a rental income stream may develop. PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Report to Common Council Subject: Leinster Street Rezoning Page S III THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SAINT JOHN NON PROFIT HOUSING INCORPORATED AND THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN At the last meeting of Common Council, an elected representative began quoting from a document which, it was suggested, spelled out the relationship between the City of Saint John and the Developer. Without the document being tabled with Common Council, staff was unsure as to its origin. However, it would appear that the now outdated document had its origins pre 1984 or 1985. Prior to these years, and in fact as early as 1970, the Saint John Non Profit Hosing Incorporated was pre- existed by the Saint John Housing Commission. This Commission when established by resolution of Council was very much dependent on the City of Saint John. By the mid 1980's, the Commission had been fully transformed into Saint John Non Profit Housing Incorporated, one of the largest landlords in the community. At the end of 2005, the Company reported $19 million in assets with a depreciation value of $13,614,000. Pledged against these assets are mortgages and other long term instruments totalling $13,687,000. The accumulation of these assets and the related financing have almost entirely occurred since the mid 1980's. It was at that time updated bylaws were created and were then subsequently amended in 1995. Many of these changes were put in place to more fully separate the activities of the company and those of the City. In fact, to further separate the parties, the company chose to relocate its offices from City Hall to another location. For at least the last decade, the only ongoing direct functioning relationship between the City and the Company is that the Company contracts with the City to perform its accounting. The company pays the City for this service. It is true that the Mayor, the City Manager and the Commissioner of Finance are named as ex- officio members. This is true with many of the municipally created companies and/or commissions. Having said this, the reality of this situation is that for more than a decade there has been little, if any at all, direct involvement by the Mayor, the City Manager or Commissioner of Finance in any decisions of the Corporation. The result of all of this is that the current relationship between the parties is as described in the note to the Financial Statements of the Company which states: Related Party Transaction: The City of Saint John controls the organization through its ability to appoint the Board of Directors. During the year, was charged administrative services of $42,000 and water and sewer services of $113,376. These transactions are in the normal course of operations are measured at the exchange amount, which is the amount of consideration established and agreed to by the related parties. PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Report to Common Council Subject: Leinster Street Rezoning Page 6 A further review of the audited financial statement of both the City of Saint John and Saint John Non Profit Housing Incorporated revealed no further disclosure of any real or contingent liabilities that would accrue to the City as a result of the activities of the Corporation. CONCLUSION: As directed, staff has met with the parties but unfortunately the situation and the timing have made further compromises impossible. Council must now make a decision. The information provided in this report does identify the current position of the parties and provides a better appreciation of the relationship that exists between the City and Saint John Non Profit Housing Incorporated. Respectfully submitted, Terrence L. Totten, FCA CITY MANAGER PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com BY -LAW NUMBER C.P 110 -29 A LAW TO AMEND THE ZONING BY -LAW OF THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by The City of Saint John in Common Council convened, as follows: The Zoning By -law of The City of Saint John enacted on the nineteenth day of December, A.D. 2005, is amended by: ARRETE No C.P. 110 -29 ARRETE MODIFIANT L'ARRETE SUR LE ZONAGE DE THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Lors d'une reunion du conseil communal, The City of Saint John a de'ere'te cc qui suit : L'arrete' sur le zonage de The City of Saint John, decrete le dix -neuf (19) decembre 2005, est modifie' par : 1. Adding the following to the list of 1 zones in Section 30(l): "special zones SZ -21" 2. Adding the following as Section 740(21): "Special Zone #21 SZ -21 a) Uses Any land, building or structure may be used for the purpose of, and for no other purpose than, i) the following uses: - a multiple dwelling, provided that Council has approved a specific proposal pursuant to Section 39 of the Community Planning Act. b) Zone Standards Standards for development in Special Zone #21 shall not be subject to General Sections 810 to 870 but shall be limited by the proposal which is approved by Council pursuant to Section 39 of the Community Planning Act." 3. Amending Schedule "A ", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by rezoning a parcel of land with an area of approximately 2770 square metres, located at 53 -75 Leinster Street, also identified as being PID Nos. 00009431 and 55059992, from `B -2" General Business to "SZ -21" Special Zone #21 classification pursuant to a resolution adopted by Common Council under Section 39 of the Community Planning Act. - all as shown on the plan attached hereto and forming part of this by -law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by -law the * day of *, A.D. 2007 and signed by: L'ajout de 1'e1ement suivant a la liste de zones du paragraphe 30(1) u zones speciales SZ -21 >> 2. L'ajout du paragraphe 740(21) qui se lit comme suit : a Zone speciale n° 21 S( Z -21) a) Usages Les terrains, batiments ou constructions ne peuvent titre affecte's qu'aux fins : i) des usages suivants - une habitation multifamiliale, a la condition que le conseil ait approuve one proposition particuliere en vertu de Particle 39 de la Loi sur l'urbanisme. b) Normes applicables Les normes d'amenagement dans la zone speciale n° 21 ne sont pas assujetties aux dispositions generales des articles 810 a 870, mais elles sont assujetties a la proposition approuve'e par le conseil en vertu de Particle 39 de la Loi sur 1'urbanisme. » 3. La modification de I'annexe a A », Plan de zonage de The City of Saint John, permettant de modifier la designation d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 2 770 metres carres, situee au 53- 75, rue Leinster, et portant les NID 00009431 et 55059992, de zone commerciale ge'nerale o B -2 » a zone speciale n° 21 a SZ -21 » conformement a une resolution adoptee par le conseil municipal en vertu de I'artiele 39 de la Loi sur Purbanisme - toutes les modifications sent indiquees sur le plan ci -joint et font partie du present arrete. EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur le present arrete le 2007, avec les signatures suivantes : Mayor Common Clerk/Greffier communal First Reading - December 19, 2006 Premiere lecture - 19 decembre 2006 Second Reading - December 19, 2006 Deuxieme lecture - 19 decembre 2006 Third Reading - Troisieme lecture - PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT / URBANISME ET DtVELOPPEMENT REZONING / REZONAGE Amending Schedule "A" of the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John Modifiant Annexe «A» de I'Arr6t6 de zonage de The City of Saint John 1 1 1 .s ' 1 tint ` r� Keg 1 1 1 1 ` Ta s e 1 w ` 1 1 ` ` t FROM / DE TO I A B -2 -General Business/ SZ -21 - Special Zone #21 Zone comerciale g6ndrale M Zone sp6ciale n°. 21 Pursuant to a Resolution under Section 39 of the Community Planning Act * Conform6ment fi une resolution adopt6e par Is conseil municipal en vertu de I'article 39 de la Loi sur l'urbanisme Applicant: Saint John Non Profit Housing Inc. Location: 53 -75 rue Leinster Street PID(s) /NIP(s) 00009431 and /et 55059992 06N -98SW Drawn By /Cr66e Par: David Couture Date Drawn /Carte Cr66e: December 18 D6cembre, 2006 Considered by P.A.C./consid6r6 par le C.C.U.: December 12 Decembee, 2006 Enacted by Council /Approuv6 par le Conseil: Filed in Registry Office /Enregistr6 le: Section 39 Conditions — 53 -75 Leinster Street That pursuant to the provisions of Section 39 of the Community Planning Act, the proposed development of a parcel of land having an area of approximately 2770 square metres, located at 53 -75 Leinster Street, also identified as being PID Numbers 00009431 and 55059992, with a multiple dwelling be subject to the following conditions: a) use of the site is limited to the proposed four - storey apartment building having a maximum of 52 dwelling units; b) the building location, height, massing and significant features of the building (e.g. window and door locations), as well as the location and layout of the proposed parking facilities, shall be generally in accordance with the submitted site plan and building elevation plans prepared by B.A. Roma Architect Limited and dated November 28, 2006; c) the exterior fagade of the proposed building must be constructed of a combination of brick, cultured stone and fibre cement siding, and architectural details must be in accordance with architectural plans approved by the Development Officer to ensure compatibility with the surrounding buildings along the adjacent portion of Leinster Street; d) parking for the apartment building shall be provided at a minimum rate of one space per dwelling unit, and further that, upon the rezoning, the land and any building or structure thereon must be developed and used in conformity with the proposal and conditions identified herein PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com www.saintjohn.ca January 10, 2007 Mayor Norm McFarlane and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Fellow Councilors: Re; Meetings Ottawa/Fredericton Background; P.O. Box/C.P. t971 Saint John, NB /N. -B, Canada E2L 4L1 There are a number of outstanding issues in our community that can only be addressed with the support of our Federal and Provincial counterparts. A few of the more noteworthy include; Harbour Clean-Up, Designated Highway Funding, the Police- Justice Complex, One Mile House Inter - change, acquisition of the Coast Guard Property, and securing Infrastructure Funding. These are significant files that require the active participation and support of Council. I believe we need to formulate a coordinated plan of action on each of these items and organize face to face meetings in Fredericton and Ottawa to make sure that our needs are fully understood and acted upon. Recommendation I move that the City Manager be directed to prepare an action plan in consultation with Council and further request the Mayor's office to make the required meeting arrangements with the other levels of government as soon as possible. Respectfully submitted, C� stopher T. Titus Councillor www.saintjohn.ca January 10, 2007 P.O. Box/C.P. 1971 Saint John, NB /N. -B. — Canada E2L 4L1 x ca The City of Saint John His worship Mayor Norm MacFarlane And Members of Saint John Common Council Your Worship and Members of Common Council, SUBJECT: Residential Street Parking on Southern Peninsula BACKGROUND The Southern Peninsula is seeing an increase in both new residential development and residential renovation. As more families choose to reside on the Southern Peninsula, residential street parking will continue to become very limited. It would prove very helpful to residents if parking spaces were marked, therefore avoiding the scenario where one car takes up two parking spaces. MOTION: I move that this item be referred to the Parking Commission and that the Parking Commission provides a report for Council for the next open session. Respectively submitted, Received by e-mail Deputy Mayor Michelle Hooton 01/11/2007 13:33 DEPT OF PUBLIC SAFETY a 96744214 NO.370 P02 January 15, 2007 OPEC 1 SESSION Mayor Norman McFarlane And Members of Common Council RE: Proposed Pesticide Use By -Law As Council is aware, there has been discussion by this Council to look at initiating a By- law regarding the use of Pesticides in our Community. It is my belief that prior to finalizing any proposed action, Council should be aware of as many facts as possible on this issue. It has come to my attention that on January 25, 2007 there will be a one day Seminar hosted at the Crown Plaza Hotel in Moncton. I believe that it would be beneficial for the City of Saint John to bave representation at this event. The event is being sponsored by the New Brunswick Horticultural Trades Association. It is very clear that we would benefit from attendance at this event, and gain valuable information to us as a Community as we pursue this issue and the possible creation of a By -law. i therefore make the following recommendation; That the information regarding the Landscape and Lawn Care Information Seminar be referred to the City Manager, and that appropriate staff are directed to attend this event to acquire information that could be valuable to the City as we pursue action on this issue. And further, that Members of Council who are interested, also attend the event as well. Resp etfully submitte , Carl A. White, Councillor Attachment 01/11/2007 13:33 DEPT OF PUBLIC SRFETY � 96744214 LANDSCAPE AND LAWN CARE INFORMATION SEMINAR NO.370 1703 "Pesticide Toxicology and Risks; ...understanding the public health and environmental concerns about Pesticide use in urban areas..." Date: January 25, 2007 Where: Crowne Plaza Hotel, Moncton NB Who should attend? • Municipal and government regulatory officials • Plant Health Care and IPM Specialists • Environment and Health Care Specialists Why Attend? The landscape industry and public share concerns about the risks associated with the use of pesticides. Headlines seem to daily announce alarms about pesticide risks and the calls for banning all pesticide substances. Are they true? Are they false? Is there a middle ground? How do we find the real truth and how concerned should we be about the risks? If you have asked any of these questions and are still seeking clear answers than this seminar is worth attending. If you are still unsure read on... ..,Are the Federal and Provincial governments doing enough to protect us and the environment from pesticide risks? Are Health Canada and the Pest Management Regulatory Agency doing a good job evaluating and registering pesticides for use? Are provinces doing a good job licensing pesticide vendors and applicators? Are municipalities making goad decisions to create additional by -laws and bans restricting pesticide use? Is there an ideal by -law regarding landscape pesticide use that would be acceptable for everybody? Do homeowners who apply their own pesticides have greater risk of pesticide exposure than IPM certified landscape applicators? Should we accept any level of risk posed by landscape pesticide use and, if so, where do we draw the line and convince the public that it is acceptable risk? 01/11/2007 13:33 DEPT OF PUBLIC SAFETY -a 96744214 NO.370 PO4 Agenda: a:30 Reception & Registration 8:50 Opening Remarks — NBHTA President and Environment Chair 9:00 The new Federal Pest Control Products Act: how it mitigates Pesticide Risks, Lindsay Hanson, Toxicologist, PMRA 10:30 An Overview of Provincial Pesticide Reaulation NB Department Of Environment, Mark Boldon 10:45 Public Health Risks Associated with "Cosmetic" Pesticide Use in New Brunswick Medical Health Officer, NS Dept. of Health 11:00 Understanding Pesticide Risk; the Science Perspective Dr. Gerald Stephenson, Toxicologist, University of Guelph 12:00: Lunch provided 13:00 Can I trust the Coroorate Science and Research Data on Pesticides TBA 13:45 Can I trust the Corporate Science and Research Data on Pesticides Crop Life Canada 14:15 Municioal Pesticide Bylaws; Are they-Re .quired; Effective? Ken Pavely, IPM Specialist, Landscape Ontario 14:30 IPM Accreditation Options & Recommendations Ken Pavely, IPM Specialist, Landscape Ontario 15:00 Panel 0 & A 15:45 Final Wrap-up - Conclusions N8HTA chair This event is being sponsored by the New Brunswick Horticultural Trades Association (NBHTA) Pre- registration is required, To pre - register and for more information contact: Karen Richard, (546) 451 -22361 karenr�nbnet.nb.ca REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL January 12, 2007 M & C Report #2007 -15 The city of saint John His Worship Mayor Norm McFarlane and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Members of Council: SUBJECT: PROPOSED 2007 OPERATING AND CAPITAL BUDGETS: GENERAL FUND PURPOSE: The purpose of this report is to recommend to Common Council a series of resolutions that, if acceptable to the majority of Council Members, would constitute the formal adoption of the 2007 Operating and Capital Budget of the General Fund. CONTEXT: FINDING THE APPROPRIATE "BALANCE" Each time Council is asked to adopt an Operating and Capital Budget for the ensuing year, Council must take a moment to reflect on the context in which they are being asked to approve the recommendations. The reason being is that it is these documents, that essentially spell out to the taxpayer, how, and on what, Council intends to invest their tax dollars. Equally important is that the budget documents are a clear direction and work plan for the Administration and, to a lesser extent, to the various Agencies, Boards and Commissions to which Council provides funds. Finally, this budget is an indication of support to many volunteer groups who work tirelessly in an effort to make our community all that it can be. In considering recommendations, Council must often attempt to weigh conflicting interests in an effort to arrive at a compromise that will best serve the entire community and to position the community in a manner that will allow it to either take full advantage of the opportunities that lie ahead, or conversely to deal with pending or anticipated financial challenges. Report to Common Council Subject: Proposed 2007 Operating and Capital Budgets: General Fund As staff had indicated to Council during our budget discussion of January 4a', there are strong indicators that our community is on the verge of a period of growth that it has not experienced since the 1980's. Household incomes are rising; consumer spending is at an all time high as are Building Permit Values. At the same time, the Unemployment Rate is relatively low and millions if not billions of dollars of investment in this community are under serious consideration. The single most often repeated challenge that is facing this community is, where are we going to find the people, workers and professionals to take advantage of the financial opportunities that are just now being created. The significance of all of this is that increased job opportunities, increased personal incomes, additional demand for homes, office space, factories or warehouses all contribute to the increased value of the real property in the community. It is this increase in the value of real property that is so critical to the financial well being of the Municipality and to the services it provides to residents. It is also critical to Council's ability to meet the wide array of expectations that are placed upon it. The point being made is that there are a number of indicators that wealth is being generated and that in the not too distant future, Common Council should expect to see this new wealth being translated in higher increases in the municipal tax base than staff would otherwise have projected. In 2007, Council is witnessing a bit of this trend, but not nearly enough to allow Council to respond positively to all of the identified needs and requests and at the same time meet its contractual commitments, legislative requirements and to maintain the same municipal tax rate. It could be as long as two, three or even four years before we see the anticipated growth in the tax base. Equally important to the optimistic outlook for our community is the acknowledgement that not everyone in the community will have the same opportunity to participate in the wealth creation activities that are about to occur. Whether because of education, life or health circumstances, there are some who will be excluded. There are also those who because of age, have had to leave the workplace and finally there are those who made the personal decision to retire from active participation in the economy. All of these citizens, regardless of the reason, view Council's decision with respect to the municipal tax rate as simply another claim against their relatively low or even fixed incomes. In our community, there are a significant number of individuals who find themselves in this situation and as such Common Council must be sensitive to their views. At the same time as Council is weighing the ability of those participating in the economy to pay more with the concerns of others who simply cannot, Council also has to give consideration to the municipality's legislative and contractual commitments. Although every year such commitments and requirements exist, 2007 brings with it the additional Report to Common Council Page 3 Subject: Proposed 2007 Operating and Capital Budgets: General Fund burden of a special payment required by Legislation to be made to the City of Saint John Pension Plan. Given that this is a budget document and not a dissertation on explanation of the challenges of the Pension Plan, all of which are on the public record, nothing more will be said other than to acknowledge that Council must deal with the issue in 2007. COUNCIL'S OBJECTIVE: As this is the background, Common Council on January 4a', 2007, gave specific instructions to the Administration regarding what it wished to accomplish in formulating the 2007 Operating and Capital Budget. In simple terms, Common Council stated that it wanted to maintain the same tax rate in 2007 that currently exists and that the required special payments to the Pension Plan are to be incorporated into the expenditure base. Beyond this specific instruction, staff was afforded considerable latitude in bringing forth proposals on the basis that staff would endeavour to take a balanced approach. Finally, Council did direct staff to identify any significant concerns with respect to service levels being provided to residents and property owners in 2007 flowing from Council's direction. Accompanying this narrative and recommendations are various schedules that comprise the proposed 2007 Operating and Capital Budgets that are intended to meet the objectives of Common Council as conveyed to the Administration. COMMENTARY: THE 2007 OPERATING BUDGET: In an effort to relate the complexities of these documents to an approach that would appear to be more understandable to the Council and perhaps to those a step or two removed from their preparation, a "modified" explanation of Revenues and Expenditures is set out below. REVENUES: Total revenues for 2007 are budget as being $112,041,669 or $5,420,425 more than existed in 2006. The source of this additional revenue is as follows: Report to Common Council Subject: Proposed 2007 Operating and Capital Budgets: General Fund •,:, SOURCE OF NEW REVENUES An increase in the Unconditional Grant $3741832 An Increase in Fees, Fines, and Permits (Most notably in Building Permits) 938,800 An increase in the amount to be collected from Tax Payers as a result of 41106,793 Increased Assessments Total New Revenues $5,4201425 MODIFICATIONS TO THE EXPENDITURE BASE Expenditures incurred or recorded in 2006, no longer required or have been eliminated from the 2007 base in order to meet Council's objectives. • Elimination of the Workforce Adjustment. $19050,000 • Elimination of the amount set aside for Contingencies. $480,000 • Reduction in Operating Department's Budgets for the $194979500 replacement of vehicles, apparatus and technology $8,447,925 Total Monies Available: To meet 2007 service needs, contractual commitments, and legislative requirements It should be noted that there are no so called "hidden taxes" contained within this budget. User fees, fines and other amounts charged for this use of municipal facilities remain unchanged. The only other revenue items that deserves specific mention is the Building Permit Fee associated with the construction of the LNG Terminal. In discussions with Service New Brunswick, staff has been advised that the tanks to be constructed on the site are considered as real property and the City's Building Bylaw requires a fee to be paid on such construction. The project is scheduled to be completed over the next two or three years. Staff's estimate of the Building Permit Fee on real property to be constructed in 2007 is $965,000. Associated somewhat with the LNG Terminal, the 2007 budget also contains an estimate of revenues of $450,000 to be received from the sale of easements over City owned lands required by the Emera pipeline, should their application be approved. Report to Common Council Subject: Proposed 2007 Operating and Capital Budgets: General Fund EXPENDITURES: Page 5 As required by Legislation, total expenditures in the Operating Budget are expected to increase to $112,041,669 or 5.08% more than were incurred in 2006. In other words, the Operating Budget being recommended is "balanced" and Council is not being asked to expend more than is actually being generated by the new sources of revenue. The following summation is offered to assist Council members in more fully appreciating some of those items that are built into the 2007 Operating Budget, as directed by Common Council. NEW INVESTMENTS PROPOSED (APPROXIMATE ALLOCATION) Special Pension payments (Legislative Requirements) Over and Above the Amount in the 2006 Base, yet net of additional contribution from employees $3,6359767 Contracted Wage Settlements (all Five Employee Groups) 1,500,000 Inflationary Pressure on all other Goods and Services 1,000,000 Increased Fiscal Charges 5809000 Regional Facilities/ 285,000 Adjustment to the 2006 Base to recognize budget shortfalls as a result of actual experiences (Fire, Transit, Street Lighting) (Market Square, Leisure Services) 5009000 New Service Initiatives: Police, PSCC, Bylaw Enforcement, Training Officer 425,000 A number of pluses and minuses in all other areas. 522,158 Total New Revenues Invested $87447,925 Report to Common Council Page 6 Subject: Proposed 2007 Operating and Capital Budgets: General Fund UNMET NEEDS AND REQUESTS: Council had indicated the desire for both Council and the public to be informed of the consequences of pursuing Council's objectives in preparing the 2007 Operating Budget (i.e. maintaining the same tax rate, while at the same time meeting the City's Contractual and Legislative requirements and inflationary pressures). From staff's perspective we could go on at great lengths articulating the community's needs however, there is nothing to be served by stressing on all the work that needs to be done. Council should be made aware of these items, but to do more than mention them would simply take away from the thrust of Council's objective with respect to this budget. Furthermore, from the citizens perspective, very little, if anything at all will be noticeable. In any event, the result is that a number of community needs or requests of Council cannot be addressed in the next 11 month period. For example; The Police Commission will, staff would anticipate, have to defer the hiring of six additional officers until Sept. 15th, 2007 and make other less significant changes to their 2007 plans. Although these changes are being driven by Council's direction they are also being affected by the challenges facing the Commission as it attempts to recruit the necessary qualified individuals in a very competitive market. The result is that the Police Commission's request of Council has been adjusted by $388,580 to reflect this reality. The City's plan had been to invest $1.1 million more in its Asphalt Resurfacing Program in 2007 than it had in 2006. Council's direction has resulted in the Plan being amended to reflect this new reality. Having said this, the Program still contemplates an investment of $1.4 million. Notwithstanding that an ambitious Capital Program is being proposed, Council should be apprised that as a municipality we are not investing nearly enough to properly maintain existing asphalt services and the community will experience the continued deterioration of non priority streets and road surfaces. The City's Communication initiative, most notably the creation of a Communication Unit is being deferred until 2008. The initial submission to Council had suggested that $250,000 would be required to fund this initiative. The recommendation is that $200,000 of this amount not be funded and that $50,000 be reallocated to the Vision 2015 initiative to improve communications to the public. In addition, $37,500 previously provided directly to Enterprise Saint John for the promotion of True Growth is being reallocated to Vision 2015,and staff assigned to Vision 2015 are bring instructed to work directly with and support the efforts of the Communications Team that are overseeing the True Growth Communication Initiative. This change should not be construed as being Report to Common Council Page 7 Subject: Proposed 2007 Operating and Capital Budgets: General Fund a lack of support for this initiative but rather an effort to ensure that a consistent message is being delivered with respect to these two complimentary initiatives. The City had received a request from Saint John Emergency Measures Organization to increase its funding by approximately $200,000. This Organization has consistently stated that the Municipality's various Emergency Contingency Plans are not meeting the needs of this community. Therefore their request to the municipality was to fund two Emergency Planner Positions in 2007 along with other associated costs to meet this need. The recommendations before Council do not address this request and the City's commitment to the Saint John Emergency Measures Organization will remain unchanged. The initial request of Public Transit was for operating assistance of $3,167,000 or $367,000 more than in 2006. The City acknowledges that providing a Public Transit Service is both essential and expensive. Having said this, it must be acknowledged that those responsible for this service must continue to be challenged to rationalize its delivery. As such, the recommendation is to provide funding of $3,080,000 which is only marginally more than staff expect to be expended in 2006. This has been discussed with Transit's General Manager who has pointed out that this level of funding will not support the same service level as currently exists unless ridership increases or fuel costs continue to decline. As a result, operations are going to have to be closely monitored. Although changes to the Transit Funding Request are always of concern, Council's commitment is beyond question. One only need to look at the very substantial capital monies invested in 2005, 2006 and being proposed for 2007. The recommendations, if adopted will also preclude meeting new funding requests from the Saint John Community Loan Fund, the New Brunswick Community College and the Loch Lomond Villa. Finally, and perhaps most significant, is that the recommendations, if adopted will seriously affect the City's efforts to fund more and more of its investment in Capital Assets directly from current operating dollars. The initial submission to Council had proposed that $1.2 million be set aside for this purpose. In addition, within the various operating department budgets was a total amount of $1,931,456 being set aside for the ongoing replacement of vehicles, apparatus and technology. Unfortunately, the current financial challenges have required a significant backing away from this Plan with approximately $1.5 Million having being removed for the current year. PROGRESS BEING MADE: Although it is unfortunate that all the needs and requests simply cannot be met in 2007, staff would not want Council or the public to be left with the impression that the Report to Common Council Page 8 Subject: Proposed 2007 Operating and Capital Budgets: General Fund recommendations will result in no improvements in service levels whatsoever. This is not at all the situation and a few items need mentioning. First of all, it must be stated that, to staff's knowledge at this time, there are no service level reductions contemplated as a result of Council approving these recommendations. Citizens should expect to receive the same level of services that they received in 2006. Secondly, the recommendations do envisage Council making every reasonable effort to continue improving services in some areas. For example, Support still remains, and funding has been provided, for the employment of additional Police Officers, albeit deferred for nine months. An additional Training Officer is to be employed in the Fire Service. A direct result of concerns for the public's safety as the community moves closer to becoming an Energy Hub. • Additional monies are being provided to improve the City's ability to respond to citizens requests for increased By -law Enforcement. An ongoing concern of residents. Monies are being provided to shore up those services upon which all public interfacing services depend. Information Systems, Financial Support Services and the Public Safety Communication Center are all being marginally enhanced in 2007. • Support to Arts and Cultural initiatives are not only being maintained but slightly improved. For example: • An additional $20,000 is being provided to the Community Arts Board, bringing the total funding support to $70.000. • While the Saint John Theatre Company had requested $25,000 in 2007 with perhaps little hope of success, $10,000. is being recommended. The recommendation is that Uptown Saint John be provided with $15,000.00 for the second phase of the Cultural Mapping initiative. • Support to a number of the more significant festivals and celebration is being maintained. In each of these cases, it is anticipated that these relatively small investments will lever significant funding from other levels of government and from the private sector. Report to Common Council Subject: Proposed 2007 Operating and Capital Budgets: General Fund INVESTMENT ALLOCATION OF EACH TAXPAYER DOLLAR: Memo Having identified that certain requests and needs cannot be addressed for at least the next 11 months, the public should be aware of how the Municipality is investing each tax dollar that it is collecting. While attention is often given to the smaller less significant items, the reality is that the vast majority of each dollar being collected is being invested in those items that are always identified by the silent majority as being the most important, i.e., Public Safety, Mobility (Roads and Transit) and Infrastructure Financing. More specifically, the proposed 2007 Operating Budget contemplates the following; FOR EVERY $1 COLLECTED FROM THE TAXPAYER, COUNCIL WILL BE MAKING THE FOLLOWING INVESTMENTS In Public Safety 39.8¢ In Mobility of Citizens 17.4¢ In Financing Infrastructure Renewal 10.3¢ Pursuing/Economic Development 5.1¢ Enhancing Physical Recreation Needs 14¢ Protecting the Environment 11¢ Maintaining Public Infrastructure /Assets 4.1¢ In Neighbourhoods /Social Development 1.3¢ In creating a Sense of Place 1.2¢ In Governance /Administrating/Supporting 9.5¢ Special Pension Payments 4.8¢ A MOVE AWAY FROM THE LONGTERM FINANCIAL PLAN In order to meet the objectives of Common Council with respect to the 2007 Operating Budget, staff has had to propose certain actions that are inconsistent with the City's long Report to Common Council Page 10 Subject: Proposed 2007 Operating and Capital Budgets: General Fund term financial objectives. Council will recall that the Plan called for an ever increasing amount of money to be raised annually from taxpayers and used exclusively to fund recurring capital assets directly from Operating Funds. The existence of this Plan, more than any other single factor, has provided the necessary flexibility to deal with the current financial challenge. This plan was, and continues to be, a laudable objective. Unfortunately, in 2007 and perhaps again in 2008, other legislative requirements will result in very little progress toward the ultimate goal. Having said this, tough issues require tough decisions regarding the relative importance of sometimes conflicting priorities. In this situation, Council direction was unequivocal: Priority is holding the tax rate in 2007 and the objectives of the Long Term Financial Plan will have to be revisited as soon as the City experiences the growth in the tax base that is expected or the City's requirement to make special payments to the Pension Plan is eliminated. COMMENTARY: 2007 CAPITAL BUDGET The proposed 2007 Capital Budget is at a level that the Community has not previously experienced. It is so because of previous delays that have been encountered in moving forward with a new police facility. It is so because of the opportunity that Council wishes to seize with respect to retail development on the Westside. It is so because of our commitment to make real and significant improvements to portions of the existing Red Head and Old Black River Roads. It is so because of the expectations that the community has regarding the current state of many of the City's recreational facilities. And finally, it is at this level because of Council's efforts to support those economic development initiatives that hopefully result in increased values to real property or contribute to our efforts to lever funds from other levels of government or the private sector. The Capital Budget recommends investments in Capital Assets of $40,385,504 and if every project progresses as planned, the potential of additional Debenture Financing of $291450,504. Touching on some of the highlights; Over $850,000 being invested in Storm Water Remedies for both the Glen Falls and Manchester Avenue areas. $580,000 being invested to reconstruct a portion of Champlain Drive. Almost $1 million dollars being invested almost equally on the Hillcrest and Latimore Lake Roads. Report to Common Council Subject: Proposed 2007 Operating and Capital Budgets: General Fund $900,000 in the MacLaren Boulevard area. $1,040,000 on Mountain Road reconstruction. $80,000 in sidewalks on a portion of University Avenue. An additional $1.5 million is being recommended for the Red Head Road The completion of the Water Street project. Page 11 - $29000,000 is budgeted in 2007 for the construction of a new West Works Depot. - $7,000,000 is being allocated in 2007 for the start of construction of a new bus facility with a similar amount planned for 2008. - Over $19 million is budgeted over the next three years for a new Police Facility. - $11 Million is budgeted over the next three years for a new Uptown Parking Facility. The Allison Grounds will undergo an extensive upgrade ($440,000). The field adjacent to the Lowell Street Arena will be substantially improved ($2409000). The Tennis Courts at the Shamrock Grounds will be totally reconstructed. A program for replacing the ice boards and safety glass at our community arenas will commence in 2007. Approximately $260,000 is to be invested at the Stu Hurley arena, while the Parking lot adjacent to the Gorman will be reconstructed at an approximate cost of $272,000. Two more Low Rider Buses will be acquired at a cost of approximately $90,000 (in addition to the 11 now on order). This investment is consistent with our commitment to the Human Rights Commission and to those who have certain disabilities. Over $300,000 is being earmarked for Capital Improvements to the Trade Center with a further $100,000 being set aside to explore the challenges with making this facility more competitive as newer facilities are being constructed in competing marketplaces. Report to Common Council Page 12 Subject: Proposed 2007 Operating and Capital Budgets: General Fund $450,000 is budgeted for the continued Wireless Communication Project along with $75,000 in Computer Security Measures and $165,000 in the computer Refresh Program, and finally; $2.3 million is budgeted to replace 32 vehicle and apparatus units, the newest of which is 2001 and the oldest being a 1982 snowblower. Staff would bring to Council's attention that there are two items currently not included in the Capital Program in 2007 and that may cause some concern. First, staff have not included any amount for the purchase of the Coast Guard site. It is unlikely, however, that a closing date will occur in 2007 even if the parties were to come to an agreement in the next couple of months. Secondly, staff have not included a $500,000 request from the Recreation Implementation Committee. This decision was based on the fact that significant improvements are being made on a number of recreational facilities as suggested by the so called "Wallace" report. Having said this, the Committee is currently working on a Needs Analysis for a Multiplex Facility and an assessment of the Canada Games Stadium is ongoing. When completed, Council can expect to receive a much more specific request from the Committee in late spring or early summer. It is suggested that Council defer its decision on this matter until such time as the appropriate Business Plans are prepared and the major funding partners have been identified. Staff would suggest that this is an extremely aggressive Capital Program, one that will stretch the human resource capacity of this Organization. This brings us to the last significant discussion point. ESTABLISHMENT CHANGES: Both the Operating and Capital Work Programs will require a very dedicated unionized and more importantly, management staff. The reality is however that some minor modifications are required to the Establishment in order that the Administration can reasonably have any chance of success at meeting the expectations of the community. The following changes to the Establishment are inherent in this document. 1. Deletion of the senior management position of "Commissioner of Corporate Service," having been approved by Council in the spring of 2006. 2. Addition of one unionized position of Training Officer in the Fire Department. If this City is to be the Energy Hub than Council must take the necessary steps to ensure that the Fire Service is well trained to respond in a much more complex Report to Common Council Page 13 Subject: Proposed 2007 Operating and Capital Budgets: General Fund environment. It is anticipated that much of the incremental cost will be recovered from the private sector. The addition of one unionized Technical Services Inspector with a focus on By- Law Enforcement to meet citizens' expectation. 4. Making "Permanent" one current, casual position in Property Management that has existed for three years. 5. The addition of two Local 486 positions being an Accounts Payable Clerk and a Utility Billings Clerk (to be funded 80% by the Utility). 6. The Administration is seeking authority to attract qualified candidates to the following positions; a. Technical Architect (1) (Management/ Professional) b. Network Analysis (2) c. Desk top Technician (1) d. Application Specialist (1) e. Administrative Clerk (1) The functions to be carried out by these positions are all now being totally funded within the departmental budget and being acquired from third party suppliers and by the use of casuals. The reality is that the City has one of the most complicated and critical computer networks in the community and the risk of failure is far too great to allow us to continue to rely on others for this mission critical service. These changes have no budget implications. Our success in this area will be totally dependent on our ability to attract qualified individuals to our Organization. Although the Establishment is being changed the administration is facing tremendous challenges before these positions are posted, advertised and filled on a permanent basis. While no additional funds are being provided, Council's commitment to change the Establishment in this area will provide the Administration with the opportunity to reduce significant risks to a number of service providers. 7. The addition of one additional Operations Manager in the PSCC currently managed by one individual 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The Municipality's experience is that the work load and expectations is simply far too great thus leading to the premature departure of qualified managers. Report to Common Council Subject: Proposed 2007 Operating and Capital Budgets: General Fund Page 14 The total net additional cost to fund all of these positions is estimated as being $295,000 in 2007. LOOKING TO 2008 AND BEYOND: As previously stated in this report, there are a number of factors all contributing to an optimistic view of the future for this community and therefore to increased tax base growth. At the same time, staff would acknowledge that there are some who hold the view that because of the strong growth in the assets of the Pension Fund, coupled with some tweaking of Actuarial Assumptions, the possibility exists that the additional special payments to the Pension fund will no longer be required or be significantly reduced in 2008. Staff's concern, however, is with the timing in which the Municipality may experience these events. In particular, the time delay between "community buzz" and translation into direct tax base growth can be as long as four to five years. It is for this reason that the preliminary forecast for 2008 envisages a 4.5% increase in the tax base consistent with 2007. As for the matter of the special pension payments, staff have based the 2008 forecast on the information we know today, not what we hope to be the case. Those who hold the more optimistic view may prove to be correct, however, it would be inappropriate for staff to speculate based on so many unknowns at this time. Beyond these two most important challenges, there are a number of others that need to be brought to the attention of Council; For example: Both Local 61 and Local 771 will be entering into negotiations with the City in 2007. The 2008 forecast is based on assumptions that do not reflect wage settlements significantly different than what has been experienced over the last few years. Should a third party be required to assist with a settlement and the result is beyond what staff are anticipating than this will pose a significant challenge. The Council has an expectation that the Municipality will do a better job in communicating both externally and internally. At the same time, Council is also exploring the idea of altering the governance structure. While these initiatives have been deferred, Council may choose to pursue them in 2008. There will be Report to Common Council Page 15 Subject: Proposed 2007 Operating and Capital Budgets: General Fund new costs to create both a Communication Unit and to provide support services in the Clerk's office to a Committee System. Council can also expect to see Fiscal Charges escalate in 2008. The reason being is that the level of Capital spending proposed for 2007 is beyond that which was previously proposed. • Finally, as Council is well aware, there will always be those new ideas brought forward or new needs identified. Some may be ignored, but inevitably there will be some that simply need to be done or are just worth pursuing. The 2008 Outlook's column indicating a possible Tax Rate of $1.86 is just a forecast. Council is not being asked to either agree or approve of its compilation. It is presented on the basis that Council should be apprised of staff's current assessment of the future and should always be kept in mind as Council is asked to make decisions throughout 2007. CONCLUSION: In concluding, staff is confident that the recommendations are entirely consistent with the direction given by Common Council. The Municipal Tax Rate remains unchanged. The special payment to the Pension Plan has been incorporated into the 2007 expenditure base. There are no recommended service level reductions. At the same time, the very aggressive Capital Works Program will result in many anticipated projects moving forward on a timely basis. All and all, taken as a package, the document presented represents a balanced approach in dealing with a multitude of issues. RECOMMENDATION: RESOLVED that the sum of $112,041,669 be the total Operating Fund Budget of the City of Saint John for 2007 as detailed in the attached Appendix A, and RESOLVED that the estimate required to be raised by levy on real property assessment liable to taxation under the Assessment Act within the City for the year 2007 be adopted in the amount of $84,246,996, and RESOLVED that Common Council orders and directs the levying of $1.795 per hundred dollars of assessment by the Minister of Environment and Local Government on real property liable to taxation under the Assessment Act within the City. RESOLVED that Common Council approve a 2007 Capital Budget amounting to $40,385,504 of which not more than $29,450,504 shall be financed by the issuance of debentures, as detailed in the attached Appendix B. Report to Common Council Subject: Proposed 2007 Operating and Capital Budgets: General Fund Page 16 RESOLVED that Common Council approve the 2007 Establishment as found in Appendix D. RESOLVED that Common Council approve the 2007 Management Professional Pay Scale as found in Terrence L. Totten, FCA CITY MANAGER Attachments: Appendix A: Appendix B: Appendix C: Appendix D: Appendix E: The Operating Budget The Capital Budget The Operating Budget: The Establishment An Alternative View Management /Professional Pay Scale APPENDIX A APPENDIX A THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN OPERATING BUDGET 2007 1/11/2007 2006 2007 % 2008 % BUDGET BUDGET CHANGE OUTLOOK CHANGE TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1062621,244 $112,041,669 5.08% $118,820,952 6.05% LESS: NON -TAX REVENUE 7,738,400 8,677,200 12.13% 8,043,450 -7.30% 985882,844 1035364,469 4.53% 110,777,502 7.17% UNCONDITIONAL GRANT 18,742,621 19,117,473 2.00% 19,499,823 2.00% NETBUDGET 80,140,223 84,246,996 91,277,679 TAX DENOMINATOR $4,464,636.372 $4,693,424,219 5.12% $4,904,628,309 4.50% TAX RATE 1.795 1.795 0.00% 1.861 3.68% 1/11/2007 1/11/2007 CITY OF SAINT JOHN 2007 OPERATING BUDGET NON -TAX REVENUE SALE OF GOODS AND SERVICES FIRE SERVICES HAZMAT FUNDING POINT LEPREAU CLEARANCE LETTERS POLICE SERVICES LODGE PRISONERS ACCIDENT REPORTS TAXI LICENCES OTHER RECREATION AND CULTURAL SPORTSFIELDS SUMMERPROGRAMS WEST SENIORS PROGRAMS CARLETON COMMUNITY CENTER CENTRAL SOMERSET COMMUNITY CENTER NORTH END COMMUNITY CENTER EAST FOREST HILLS COMMUNITY CENTER Other (26.49) Other (26 -50) HURLEY ARENA GORMAN ARENA BELYEA ARENA PETER MURRAY ARENA HARBOUR BRIDGE AUTHORITY EMERGENCY DISPATCH ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES HOUSING OPERATIONS Saint John Transit PENSION PLAN WATER AND SEWERAGE UTILITY OTHER WATER SALES OTHER TOURISM PLANNING DEPT SERVICES SALE OF USED EQUIPMENT GARBAGE COLLECTION TRANSPORTATION TENDERS 2006 BUDGET 70,000 40,000 4,000 3,000 11,000 50,000 35,000 57,000 9,000 5,800 9,000 25,000 125,000 144,000 192,000 125,000 200,000 569,000 43,000 100,000 1,412,000 12,000 3,000 50,000 5,000 5,000 500 2007 BUDGET 70,000 40,000 41000 3,000 11,000 50,000 35,000 50,000 4,300 7,900 6,500 20,000 16,000 30,000 110,000 125,000 170,000 110,000 0 560,000 44,000 42,000 100,000 1,391,000 0 3,000 50,000 5,000 5,000 500 APPENDIX A 2008 OUTLOOK 70,000 40,000 4,000 3,000 11,000 50,000 35,000 52,500 0 0 4,300 7,900 0 0 6,500 0 20,000 16,000 30,000 115,500 131,250 178,500 115,500 0 400,000 44,000 42,000 100,000 1,391,000 0 3,000 50,000 5,000 5,000 500 Page 2 of 6 1/11/2007 CITY OF SAINT JOHN 2007 OPERATING BUDGET NON -TAX REVENUE OTHER REVENUE FROM OWN SOURCES LICENSES AND PERMITS BUILDING PERMITS PLUMBING PERMITS DEMOLITION PERMITS MOBILE HOME PERMITS GRAVEL PIT PERMITS EXCAVATION PERMITS BUSINESS LICENCES REZONING APPLICATIONS OTHER GAS PIPELINE LICENCE FINES AND PARKING MARKET SQUARE PARKING PARKING METERS METER VIOLATIONS METER SUMMONSES TRAFFIC BY LAW FINES TRAFFIC BY LAW SUMMONSES MOTOR VEHICLE FINES COURT FINES RENTALS MARKET RENTALS LAND AND BUILDINGS CITY HALL SHORT TERM INTEREST CONDITIONAL GRANTS FROM OTHER GOVMNTS PROVINCIAL HIGHWAY MAINT TOURISM OTHER REVENUE Miscellaneous Other (Building Permit) LNG Pipeline easement sales TOTAL NON TAX REVENUE 2006 2007 BUDGET BUDGET APPENDIX A 2008 OUTLOOK 500,000 700,000 700,000 42,000 65,000 65,000 51000 5,000 5,000 11250 1,250 1,250 19,000 197000 19,000 250 250 250 500 500 500 20,000 20,000 20,000 91000 9,000 9,000 26,000 16,500 16,500 733,000 733,000 733,000 724,500 724,500 724,500 240,000 240,000 240,000 40,000 44,000 40,000 190,000 220,000 1902000 25,000 28,000 25,000 152000 15,000 15,000 507000 50,000 502000 467,000 435,000 440,000 165,000 135,000 135,000 275,000 58,000 58,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 386,600 360,000 360,000 0 0 0 250,000 505000 50,000 0 965,000 965,000 0 450,000 0 7,738,400 8,677,200 81043,450 Page 3 of 6 1/11/2007 CITY OF SAINT JOHN 2007 OPERATING BUDGET EXPENDITURES CITY MANAG ER VISION 2015 COMMUNICATIONS SUPPORT COMMON CLERK FINANCE LEGAL GENERAL ADMINISTRATION MATERIALS MANAGEMENT HUMAN RESOURCES PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNICATIONS CENTRE INFORMATION SYSTEMS & SUPPORT FLEET SERVICES CORPORATE SERVICES FIRE BUILDING & INSPECTION SERVICES FACILITY MANAGEMENT CARPENTRYSHOP CITY HALL BUILDING BUILDINGS AND INSPECTION SERVICES EMERGENCY MEASURES ORGANIZATION MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS ADMIN SERVICE & FROG DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING & GROWTH TRAFFIC ENG & SYSTEMS SNOW CONTROL STREETS SNOW CONTROL SIDEWALKS STORM DRAINAGE STREET CLEANING SANITATION STREET SERVICES MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS COMMUNITY PLANNING REAL ESTATE GIS HERITAGE PLANNING ADVISORY COMM ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT 442,000 500,000 100,000 828,290 1,204,763 576,528 3,651 581 1,048,446 1,196,681 1,722,927 1,878,918 417,872 6,264 844 16,749,433 1,197,760 878,422 454,479 1,645,766 170,630 1,208,324 487,107 362,722 1,048,461 4,712,303 466,089 1,980,573 1,319,093 3,360,349 4,404,483 19,369,504 760,516 420,839 260,825 189,290 10,700 3,200 1,845,370 2007 BUDGET 194,275 385,170 579,445 5.03% 487,220 600,646 0 754,991 1,317,441 697.120 3,857,418 5.64% 928,707 1,298,130 1,871,028 1,923,905 496,019 6,517,789 4.04% 17,810,788 6.34% 1,266,095 899,322 460,053 1,521,025 4,146,505 -0.72% 171,351 1,412,208 555,623 376,171 986,887 4,254,632 383,731 2,198,468 1,319,414 3,169,262 4.358.874 19. 01 5,270 -1.83% 819,382 437,730 267,007 206,951 11,500 4,400 1, 7462969 6.17% APPENDIX A 2008 OUTLOOK 201,150 392,430 593,580 2.44% 504,185 2006 OEPARTMENTNAME BUDGET 150,000 5.05% MAYOR'S OFFICE 193,360 COUNCIL 358,330 LEGISLATIVE 5519690 CITY MANAG ER VISION 2015 COMMUNICATIONS SUPPORT COMMON CLERK FINANCE LEGAL GENERAL ADMINISTRATION MATERIALS MANAGEMENT HUMAN RESOURCES PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNICATIONS CENTRE INFORMATION SYSTEMS & SUPPORT FLEET SERVICES CORPORATE SERVICES FIRE BUILDING & INSPECTION SERVICES FACILITY MANAGEMENT CARPENTRYSHOP CITY HALL BUILDING BUILDINGS AND INSPECTION SERVICES EMERGENCY MEASURES ORGANIZATION MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS ADMIN SERVICE & FROG DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING & GROWTH TRAFFIC ENG & SYSTEMS SNOW CONTROL STREETS SNOW CONTROL SIDEWALKS STORM DRAINAGE STREET CLEANING SANITATION STREET SERVICES MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS COMMUNITY PLANNING REAL ESTATE GIS HERITAGE PLANNING ADVISORY COMM ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT 442,000 500,000 100,000 828,290 1,204,763 576,528 3,651 581 1,048,446 1,196,681 1,722,927 1,878,918 417,872 6,264 844 16,749,433 1,197,760 878,422 454,479 1,645,766 170,630 1,208,324 487,107 362,722 1,048,461 4,712,303 466,089 1,980,573 1,319,093 3,360,349 4,404,483 19,369,504 760,516 420,839 260,825 189,290 10,700 3,200 1,845,370 2007 BUDGET 194,275 385,170 579,445 5.03% 487,220 600,646 0 754,991 1,317,441 697.120 3,857,418 5.64% 928,707 1,298,130 1,871,028 1,923,905 496,019 6,517,789 4.04% 17,810,788 6.34% 1,266,095 899,322 460,053 1,521,025 4,146,505 -0.72% 171,351 1,412,208 555,623 376,171 986,887 4,254,632 383,731 2,198,468 1,319,414 3,169,262 4.358.874 19. 01 5,270 -1.83% 819,382 437,730 267,007 206,951 11,500 4,400 1, 7462969 6.17% APPENDIX A 2008 OUTLOOK 201,150 392,430 593,580 2.44% 504,185 5.39% 565,544 159% 150,000 5.05% 787,805 3.00% 1,376,834 4.51% 696,515 5.79% 4,080 883 977,875 1,395,120 1,939,500 3.66% 1,994,200 3.65% 576,641 6,883,336 5.61% 18,461532 3.65% 12334,400 5.39% 931,600 159% 483,300 5.05% 1,566,700 3.00% 4.09% 4,316,000 392,723 1,299,875 572,019 390,875 1,046,728 5,013,629 460,095 2,311,387 1,417,323 3,234,440 4,989,420 20,735,791 9.05% 858,088 460,531 283,125 214,813 12,000 5,000 17833,558 4.96% Page 4 of 6 1/11/2007 CITY OF SAINT JOHN 2007 OPERATING BUDGET EXPENDITURES APPENDIX A DEPARTMENT NAME 2006 BUDGET 2007 BUDGET 2008 OUTLOOK LEISURE SERVICES ADMINISTRATION 730,098 790,130 FACILITIES 1 ,382,920 1,038,981 827,097 ARENAS LANDSCAPE 925,198 1,347,161 881,711 1,408,461 W EST DISTRICT 1,353,505 1,429,932 1,532,692 CENTRAL DISTRICT 359,907 307,995 319,761 EAST DISTRICT 404,011 489,813 503,780 CITY MARKET 463,866 378,006 388,622 CONTRACTED SERVICES 741,406 748,250 768,191 SUBSIDIES: FACILITY USAGE 92,000 183,000 92,000 92,000 RECREATION COMMUNITYGROUPS 18,000 183,000 183,000 LEISURE SERVICES 18,000 18,000 6.653,909 69823,268 2.55% 6,921315 1.44% TOURISM 8959620 915,000 2.16% 959718 4.89% POLICE COMMISSION 18,014,630 18,880220 4.80% 19. 754653 4.63% NON DEPARTMENTAL SAINT JOHN TRANSIT OPERATING SAINT JOHN TRANSIT DEBT 2,800,000 3,080,000 10.00% 3,386,925 9.97% MARKET SQ. - COMMON AREA COSTS 641,870 1,878,752 639,506 747,106 WATER SUPPLY$ HYDRANTS 2,046,380 8.92% 2,138,467 4.50% REGIONAL FACILITIES COMM 1,662,403 1,708,119 2.75% 1,747,406 2.30% STREET LIGHTING 1,554,496 1,839,757 18.35% 1,639,757 - 10.87/ PROPERTYASSESSMENT 800,000 925,000 952,750 REGIONAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 892,927 938,685 980,92 6 LIABILITY INSURANCE 396,495 408,420 408,426 ARTS AND CULTURE INITIATIVES 600,000 435,000 445,875 2.50% LIBRARY 168,330 225,570 230,677 PARKING SUPPORT 360,993 451,591 369,280 380,440 SAINT JOHN E 143,500 431,410 435,798 WATERFRONT DEVELOPMENT PMENT 100,000 147,446 150,000 ANIMALE PEST CONTROL 165,000 100,000 LORD 150,000 130,000 137,000 S.J. RICULTBROOK 128,750 132,600 136,600 T JOHN INDUSTRIAL PA SAINT JOHN INDUSTRIAL PARKS LTD 56,000 80,000 58,000 58,000 FESTIVALS /PUBLIC CELEBRATIONS 103,000 82,200 84,700 3.04% SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT SUPPORT 305,500 43,000 43,000 TRUE GROWTH INITIATIVES 37,500 310,000 309,500 0 0 NON DEPARTMENTAL 132312,107 14,115,373 14573,347 2.82% WORKFORCE ADJUSTMENT 1,050,000 0 0 FUNDING OF THE GOING CONCERN PENSION LIABILITY FUNDING CHARGE 2004, 2005, 82006 1,400,000 2,031,120 11958,880 CURRENT YEAR SPECIAL PAYMENT 31915,150 4,032,597 LESS 85% OF ADDITIONAL CONTRIBUTION FROM EMPLOYEES (910,503) (937,811) NET IMPACT PENSION FUNDING 1,400 000 590353787 5,053,886 FISCAL CHARGES DEBT PAYMENTS CAPITAL FROM OPERATING 11,029,127 11,625,571 13,370,851 Contingency 516,381 735,000 950,000 2nd PREVIOUS YEAR DEFICIT 480,000 689,991 0 0 FISCAL CHARGES 65,935 0 12715499 12426506 -2.27% 14320,851 15.24% TOTALS 106,621,244 1121041 669 5.08% 118,820952 6.05% Page 5 of 6 1/11/2007 THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN APPENDIX A SUBSIDIES AND GRANTS 2007 BUDGET SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT SUPPORT UNBSJ CAPITAL CAMPAIGN SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER ( free rent) HUMAN DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL (free rent - 8,000) P.R.U.D.E. (free rent) ABILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE SEAFARER'S MISSION YOUTH CABINET OTHER 200,000 2006 2007 2008 31,000 BUDGET BUDGET OUTLOOK 48,000 ARTS AND CULTURE INITIATIVES 22,000 22,000 3,000 ARTS AND CULTURE BOARD 50,000 70,000 70,000 PUBLIC ART RESERVE FUND 25,000 25,000 25,000 CULTURAL AFFAIRS OFFICE 93,330 95,570 100,677 OTHER 35,000 35,000 168,330 225,570 230,677 FESTIVALS /PUBLIC CELEBRATIONS LOYALIST HERITAGE FESTIVAL 31000 3,000 3,000 FUNDY BAY FESTIVAL 5,000 0 JAZZ AND BLUES FESTIVAL 15,000 15,000 0 15,000 FESTIVAL de la BAIE FRANCAIS 5,000 5,000 5,000 FESTIVAL SAINT JOHN (UPTOWN SAINT JOHN) 5,000 0 CANADIAN COUNTRY MUSIC WEEK 60,000 0 0 OTHER 10,000 20,000 0 20,000 103,000 43,000 43,000 SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT SUPPORT UNBSJ CAPITAL CAMPAIGN SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER ( free rent) HUMAN DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL (free rent - 8,000) P.R.U.D.E. (free rent) ABILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE SEAFARER'S MISSION YOUTH CABINET OTHER 200,000 200,000 200,000 31,000 31,000 31,000 48,000 48,000 48,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 1,500 1,500 1,500 0 1,500 1,000 0 3,000 3,000 305,500 310,000 309,500 Page 6 of 6 APPENDIX B 1/11/2007 City of Saint John Proposed Capital Expenditures General Fund Infrastucture Renewal: Transportation: Roads & Streets Asphalt Resurfacing Storm System Upgrades APPENDIX B 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 8,045,000 756705000 85235,000 91525,000 6,185,000 6,245,000 1,300,000 4,383,000 31709,000 1,327,000 1,460,000 11350,000 1,605000 15435,000 285,200 1,620,000 410,241 2575000 2,390,000 2,325,000 9,345,000 100,000 11172,888 9,275,000 91670,000 115,000 11,145,000 40,000 855755000 8,570000 Building/Equipment Upgrades/Energy Me Municipal Facilities On- street Parking Equipmment Lilly Lake Pavilion Lord Beaverbrook Rink Fire Department Police Commission EMO Market Square Trade & Convention Centre Transit Commission Harbour Station Aquatic Centre Rockwood Park Golf Course Horticultural Association Library Recreation Parks, Fields and Facilities Rockwood Park Entrance Technology & Communications: Information Systems (Internal) Mobility Systems 19000,000 4,383,000 31709,000 1,327,000 1,460,000 11350,000 150,000 179,600 285,200 215,000 410,241 2575000 250,000 448,000 115,000 100,000 11172,888 3,1559799 254065594 4,448,580 2,646,000 25,000 115,000 25,000 40,000 1225000 318,000 300,000 188,000 290,000 311,000 100,000 523,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 1500000 100,000 410,241 2575000 3105900 448,000 115,000 25,000 959000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 40,000 50,000 51 ,71 5 53,500 555100 2,0425000 7,248,444 72935,499 4,4621594 6,821,580 4,5975000 1,202,750 574,750 3935250 363,000 181,500 1,000,000 660,000 2,202,750 574,750 393,250 3635000 181,500 800,000 1,6225900 1,692,700 1,091,200 6935300 687,300 500,000 1,300,000 1,622,900 1,6927700 1,091,200 693,300 687,300 Page 1 of 3 1/11/2007 1,750,000 4,0005000 9,0005000 65150,000 City of Saint John 2,000,000 61000,000 3,000,000 Proposed Capital Expenditures 7,000,000 71000,000 3,000,000 APPENDIX B General Fund 150,000 3,000,000 51000,000 2,000,000 Economic Development: 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Fleet Replacement: 1,000,000 700,000 1,000,000 11000,000 1,000,000 15000,000 Public Transportation City Services 900,000 9405000 11875,000 139655000 25065,000 1,675,000 Other 3,200,000 2,500,000 35000,000 2,500,000 2,500,000 25500,000 4,100000 3,440,000 4,875,000 4,465,000 4,565000 4,175000 Waterfront Development 11700,000 15490000 1,850000 11850A00 12650000 15550000 Water Street Reconstruction 815,000 800,000 Harbour Passage 663.000 656,410 5009000 300.000 0 0 Total 11478,000 1,456,410 52,097,949 4028575044 _ 19,760,800 Police Facility 1,750,000 4,0005000 9,0005000 65150,000 Parking Facility 2,000,000 61000,000 3,000,000 Transit Facility 7,000,000 71000,000 3,000,000 Renovated Trade Centre Initiative 150,000 3,000,000 51000,000 2,000,000 Economic Development: Residential /Commercial Incentives Industrial Parks Growth 1,000,000 700,000 1,000,000 11000,000 1,000,000 15000,000 Heritage Grants 350,000 340,000 4005000 400,000 200,000 100,000 Other 50,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 300,000 300,000 3003000 3007000 300,000 300,000 11700,000 15490000 1,850000 11850A00 12650000 15550000 Environment: Landfill closure 600,000 500,000 5009000 300.000 0 0 Total 22,975,000 40,385,504 52,097,949 4028575044 24,667,880 19,760,800 Page 2 of 3 1/11/2007 City of Saint John Proposed Capital Expenditures General Fund Funding Sources: Provincial /Federal Government Other Agencies Gas Tax Revenue Proceeds from asset sales General Operating Fund Private Sector Funding Debenture Financing Difference - REQUIRED BORROWINGS APPENDIX B 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2,595,000 5,885,000 42200,000 3,200,000 3,200,000 407,800 100,000 2,550,000 450,000 31000,000 2,500,000 2,557,000 1,000,000 3,000,000 31000,000 3,000,000 35000,000 1,000,000 14,865,200 22975,000 101935000 72009000 9200000 6,200,000 3,000.000 (29450 (44,897,949) (31,657,044) (18,467,880) 16,760.800) Page 3 of 3 Category Environment Storm Transportation No. of roject: 2 6 20 Other Share $5�� $450,000 $2,140,000 City Share mm� $5 $1,605,000 $7,670,000 Total $1,0 $2,055,000 $9,810,000 Water Street Reconstruction 1 $159009000 $8009000 $29700,000 TOTALS: 29 $4,9909000 $10,5759000 $1595659000 i _Summary of Capital Costs (City Share) Water Street Reconstruction Environment 8% 4.7% -- -72.5% .._.. I PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS W&s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS C=*: PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR PROJECTS INDICATED WITH "ARE DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. This list has not been approved by Common Council. Priority assignments are subject to change at anytime. Environment Project Location Description Other mn City Share Share " Howes Lake Landfill Site At Howes Lake Landfill site closure - Phase IV, including 300,000 300,000 design and construction management services ' Spmce Lake Landfill Site Spruce Lake -- — - -- - - -- - - - -__ -- - - - -- P Design and construction of leachate 2005000 200,000 management system for the Spruce Lake Landfill Site, including design and construction management services - Phase I TOTAL: $500,000 $500V000 MDH; MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS W &S: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS C -": PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR PROJECTS INDICATED WITH' ARE DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. This list has not been approved by Common Council. Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. Storm Project Location Description Share Share Bay Street Bay Street at cross culvert Install approx. I Sm of new 1800mtn concrete location culvert across Bay Street to supplement 0 100,000 existing culvert and improve storm water handling capabilities in the area, including design and construction management services (Pre - approved by Common Council on August - Head - - -- - - -..... _ _ _ _ 28, 2006; M & C No 2006 -240) Green Road - �- -�_ Russell Hill Road to Mosquito Install approx. 125m of new 300mm and - - Cove 450mm storm sewer for separation, including 0 110,000 design and construction management services was Manawagonish Road (MDH #100) - Coronation Install approx. 340m of new 300mm and Avenue to Fairville Boulevard 375mm stone sewer for separation, including 0 210,000 design and construction management services (application for funding under proposed Municipal Designated Highways Grant Program) (Pre- approved by Common Council _ on D_ ecem_ber 19 2006; M & C No. 2006 -333) Manchester Avenue Under NB Southern Railway _ - - - - PP - - new line near Manchester Avenue new twinned culverts under railway tracks to 450,000 450,000 improve stone water handling capabilities in the area, including design and construction management services Prince Sheet Ludlow Street to Civic #232 Install approx, 350m of new 300mm and 375mm storm sewer for separation, including 0 335,000 - - - - __ design and construction management services Stone Water _... _ _- _.. -_ - -_ -__ __..__. _._ _ _ Glen Road and Simpson Drive Renew existing cross culverts and guide rails to 0 Management - Glen Falls Extension cross culvert locations improve stone water handling capabilities and 400,000 safety, including design and construction management services Water &Sanitary No. Of Sum Of Sum Of TOTAL: $460,000 JI&S 000 Related Storm Projects Projects Other Share City Share Not Related 5 $450,000 W &S Related $1,395,000 1 $0 $210,000 TOTALS: 6 $450,000 $1,605,000 MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS This is a tentative program listing of proposed Capital projects. w &s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS C- *: PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR This list has not been approved by Common Council. PROJECTS INDICATED WITH 'ARE DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. Transportation Project Location Description Other City including design and construction management Share Share Albert Street Newman Street to Victoria Street Street reconstruction (excavation, backfill, 0 75,000 curb, sidewalk, landscaping, paving), including curb, sidewalk, landscaping, paving), including design and construction management services Civic 4600 to Civic #967 design and construction management services 0 540,000 aysr a Drive _-_ Civic #450 to Little River Bridge - - --- ------- Road - reconstruction - to correct -- sup---eretevation - -- -- 0 520,000 construction management services of the road for safety, including design and Lackie Road to Bustin Boulevard Curb, sidewalk, drainage control, landscaping, 0 4405000 construction management services _ management services amplain Drive Civic #30 to Traffic Circle Street reconstruction (storm sewer, excavation, 0 580,000 sidewalk, landscaping, including design and L construction management services d w &s Elgin Street Hillcrest Road Lattimore Lake Road * Loch Lomond Road * Loch Lomond Road Loch Lomond Road w&s MacLaren Boulevard w &s Manawagonish Road (nort en at Crwghton Avenue) backfill, curb, sidewalk (west side from York Street to Civic #94), landscaping, paving), including design and construction management services Newman Street to Victoria Street Street reconstruction (excavation, backfill, 0 85,000 curb, sidewalk, landscaping, paving), including design and construction management services Civic 4600 to Civic #967 Road reconstruction (drainage control, 0 540,000 ditching, road widening, expanded foam asphalt resurfacing), including design and construction management services Lackie Road to Bustin Boulevard Curb, sidewalk, drainage control, landscaping, 0 4405000 paving, including design and construction _ management services (MDH) - Garnett Road to Storm sewer, excavation, backfill, curb, 690,000 115,000 Charles Street East sidewalk, landscaping, including design and construction management services (MDH) - Garnett Road to Structure adjustments, shouldering, cold 525,000 0 Charles Street East milling, asphalt resurfacing, including design and construction management services Between Commerce Drive and Design and land acquisition for slope 0 605000 Old Champlain Drive stabilization on north side of road to improve safety and protect infrastructure, including design services Taylor Avenue to Sandy Point Street reconstruction (excavation, backfill, - 0 900,000 0 Road curb, sidewalk, landscaping, paving), including design and construction management services - _ - - -(MD ---- -- --- _ -c- - -- - ..------ --- . - -- --. (MDH #100) - Fairville Street rxonstruchon ( excavatton, backfill, Boulevard to Ridge Row drainage control, curb, sidewalk, landscaping, paving), including design and construction management services (Pre- approved by Common Council on December 19,2006; M & C No. 2006 -333) 260,000 MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. w85: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS C ": PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR This list has not been approved by Common Council. PROJECTS INDICATED WITH' ARE DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. Transportation Project Location Description Other City Share Share Mountain Road Westmorland Road to Mountain Street reconstruction (storm sewer, excavation, 0 11040,000 View Drive curb, sidewalk, landscaping, paving); program to commence reconstruction of streets in Forest Hills Subdivision, including design and construction management services Old Black River Road At Grandview Avenue Intersection realignment (approx. 155m of new 0 6259000 intersection 300mm storm sewer, road widening, curb and gutter, cold milling, landscaping, paving), including design and construction management _ services w &s Red Head Road _.. Bay - -- _._ Bayside Drive to Red Head .__. - - -- - -- -- -_..__ _._ Funding to supplement the 2006 Capital 0 1,5001000 Marsh Program for road reconstruction including slope stabilization, including design and construction management services '" Rothesay Road (PDH #100) - Railroad overpass Storm sewer, road widening, curb, sidewalk, 7005000 370,000 to Colony Road landscaping, including design and construction management services Rural Road Upgrades Locations to be determined Design and land acquisition for upgrade of 0 60,000 rural roads, including design services Simms Corner Catherwood Street to Reversing _.__.._ -_--- - . Easement / land acquisition and survey work 0 250,000 Falls Bridge for realignment of intersection, including design services w &s * Somerset Street (RDH) - Barker Street to Street reconstruction (excavation, backfill, cold 2255000 140,000 Wellesley Avenue milling, curb, sidewalk, landscaping, paving), including design and construction management services University Avenue Royal Parkway to Saint John New sidewalk, ditching, landscaping (north 0 805000 Regional Hospital Entrance Road side), including design and construction management services Westmorland Road Civic #152 between Kilburn Curb, sidewalk, retaining wall, landscaping 0 303000 Avenue and Northumberland (north side), including design and construction Avenue management services TOTAL: $2,140,000 $7,670,000 run: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS W &S: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS C-* *: PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR PROJECTS INDICATED WITH *ARE DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS Project Water Street This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. This list has not been approved by Common Council. Priority assignments are subject to change at anytime. Water Street Reconstruction Location Description Share Share Between Saint Patrick Street and Street reconstruction - Phase III (waterfront 159003000 800,000 Broad Street development, enhanced parks, streetsmpes including St. Andrew's Square, St. Patrick's _ Park, Veterans Tribute Park and Pugsley Park) TOTAL: $1,900,000 $800,000 565,000 2008 32 $4,2209000 $10,170,000 $14,3905000 2009 36 $49120,000 $11,4451000 $15,5659000 2010 35 $31540,000 $895755000 $12,1159000 2011 41 $1,1309000 $8,5709000 $9,7009000 Totals 173 $18,000,000 $499335,000 $6793359000 No. of Year projects Other Share City Share Total Cost 2007 29 $4,9901000 $1095753000 $151 General Fund - Ca4ital Program Projections Cost (Millions) N $18 n $16 $14 $12 $10 $8 $6 $4 $2 $0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Year ■Total Cost No. of Year projects Other Share City Share Total Cost 2007 29 $4,9901000 $1095753000 $151 N n Year Category No. of 8 y Projects Other Share City Share Total Cost 2007 Environment 2 $5009000 $5009000 $1,0001000 Proposed Total Expenditures: 173 $1840004000 $49.335,000 $674335.000 Storm 6 $4509000 $1,605,000 $2,0559000 Transportation 20 $2,1401000 $7,6703000 $9,810,000 Water Street Reconstruction 1 $1,900,000 $800,000 $2,700,000 Totals: 29 $4,9905000 $1095759000 $15,565,000 2008 Environment 2 $500,000 $500,000 $1900000 Storm 7 $0 $19435,000 $1,4359000 Transportation 23 $397205000 $8,2355000 $111955,000 Totals: 32 $4420,000 $10,1709000 $14,3909000 2009 Environment 1 $300,000 $300,000 $600,000 Storm 11 $0 $19620,000 $1,6209000 Transportation 24 $3,820,000 $99525,000 $13,3459000 Totals: 36 $4,120,000 $11,445,000 $15,5659000 2010 Storm 15 $0 $21390,000 $293909000 Transportation 20 $31540,000 $6,185,000 $9,725,000 Totals: 35 $39540,000 $8,5751000 $12,1159000 2011 Storm 18 $245,000 $2,3251000 $29570,000 Transportation 23 $8859000 $61245,000 $79130,000 Totals: 41 $19130,000 $8,570,000 $9,7009000 Proposed Total Expenditures: 173 $1840004000 $49.335,000 $674335.000 APPENDIX C ( THE OPERATING BUDGET - AN ALTERNATIVE PRESENTATION) 1/11/2007 CITY OF SAINT JOHN 2007 OPERATING BUDGET SUMMARY Net Investment in Public Safety Net Investment in the Community's Physical Recreation Needs Net Investment in Neighbourhoods & Social Development Net Investment in Mobility/ Transportation Net Investment in Maintaining Our Public Infrastructure & Assets Net Investment in Economic Development Net Investment in Creating a Sense of Place Net Investment Solid Waste Collection & Disposal Net Investment in Governance/ Administration Total for Pension Funding Net non - operating expenditures Unconditional Grant Net amount to be raised from Tax Warrant Tax base in thousands (000) Tax rate 2006 2007 BUDGET BUDGET 391052,783 41,113,601 31142,802 315409023 11394,484 11354,114 171913,294 18,0031753 4,147,724 4,2091043 416739644 5,224,285 1,179,661 13222,119 3,375,349 31164,262 9,349,604 9,7851997 1,4009000 55035,767 13, 253, 499 10, 711, 506 98, 882, 844 103, 364, 469 181742,621 195117,473 809140,223 84,2469996 44,646,364 4639349242 $ 1.795 $ 1.795 APPENDIX C $0.398 $0.034 $0.013 $0.174 $0.041 $0.051 $0.012 $0.031 $0.095 $0.048 $0.103 Pagel of 10 1/11/2007 CITY OF SAINT JOHN 2007 OPERATING BUDGET APPENDIX C Page 2 of 10 2006 2007 2008 BUDGET BUDGET OUTLOOK Investment in Public Safety Public Safety Communications Centre 11722,927 1,871,028 13939,500 Fire Department 16,7493433 17,810,788 18,4611532 Water Supply & Hydrant 1,6621403 1,708,119 19747,406 Inspection Services 12197,760 1,266,095 1,334,400 Emergency Measures 1705630 171,351 392723 Police Commission 18,014,630 18,880,220 191754,653 Street Lighting 800,000 925,000 952,750 Animal Pest Control 150,000 130,000 1373000 40,4679783 421762,601 44,7199964 Recovery of costs Lodging prisoners 3,000 3,000 31000 Accident reports 11,000 11,000 11,000 Taxi licenses 50,000 50,000 50,000 Other 35,000 353000 35,000 Emergency Dispatch 5692000 580,000 400,000 Hazmat 70,000 70,000 70,000 Point Lepreau 40,000 40,000 40,000 Clearance letters 4,000 41000 49000 Motor vehicle fines 15,000 15,000 15,000 Court Fines 50,000 503000 507000 Building Permits 500,000 700,000 700,000 Plumbing Permits 42,000 65,000 652000 Demolition Permits 51000 59000 57000 Mobile Home Permits 11250 19250 11250 Gravel Pit Permits 19,000 19,000 19,000 Excavation Permits 250 250 250 Business Licenses 500 500 500 1, 415,000 11649,000 1,469,000 Net Investment in Public Safety 39,052,783 41,113,601 43,250,964 Page 2 of 10 1/11/2007 CITY OF SAINT JOHN 2007 OPERATING BUDGET 2006 2007 BUDGET BUDGET APPENDIX C 2008 OUTLOOK Investment in the Community's Physical Recreation Needs 50,000 52,500 Administration 730,098 790,130 827,097 Facilities 11382,920 12038o981 881,711 Arenas 9250196 1,347,161 1,406,461 Subsidy's - Facility Usage 183,000 183,000 183,000 Lord Beaverbrook Rink 128,750 132,600 136,600 Saint John Horticultural Association 56,000 58,000 58,000 Aquatic Centre 379,838 571,151 508,981 3,785,802 4,121,023 41001,850 Recovery of costs Sportsfields 57,000 50,000 52,500 Pro Kids 0 169000 169000 Hurley Arena 125,000 1102000 115,500 Gorman Arena 144,000 125,000 131,250 Belyea Arena 192,000 1703000 178,500 Peter Murray Arena 125,000 110,000 115.500 643.000 581,000 609,250 Net Investment in the Community's Physical Recreation Needs 311429802 3,540,023 31392,600 Page 3 of 10 1/11/2007 CITY OF SAINT JOHN 2007 OPERATING BUDGET APPENDIX C Page 4 of 10 2006 2007 2008 BUDGET BUDGET OUTLOOK Investment in Neighbourhoods & Social Development West District 359,907 307,995 319,761 Central District 404,011 489,813 503,780 East District 463,866 378,006 388,622 Contracted Services 92,000 927000 92,000 Recreation Community Groups 18,000 18,000 18,000 Senior Citizens 31,000 31,000 31,000 Human Development Council 48,000 48,000 481000 PRUDE 22,000 22,000 229000 Ability Advisory 3,000 3,000 37000 Seafarers Mission 11500 1,500 1,500 Loch Lomond Villa 0 1,500 1,000 TO BE DETERMINED 0 0 0 1,443,284 11392,814 1,428, 663 Recovery of costs Senior's Programs 51800 4,300 4,300 West 9,000 0 0 Central 91000 0 0 East 25,000 0 0 Carleton Community Centre 0 7,900 71900 North End Communty Centre 0 6,500 6,500 Forest Hills Community Centre 0 20,000 20,000 48,800 38,700 38,700 Net Investment in Neighbourhoods & Social Development 11394,484 1,354,114 1,389,963 Page 4 of 10 1/11/2007 CITY OF SAINT JOHN APPENDIX C 2007 OPERATING BUDGET 2006 2007 2008 BUDGET BUDGET OUTLOOK Investment in Mobility/Transportation Transit Commission Operating 21800,000 3,080,000 31386,925 Transit Commission Debt 641,870 639,506 747,106 Parking Admin Support 451,591 431,410 435,798 Municipal Operations Admin 1,208,324 15412,208 11299,875 Service & Program Delivery 487,107 555,623 572,019 Traffic Engineering 1,048,461 986,887 17046,728 Snow Control Streets 4,712,303 4,254,632 51013,629 Snow Control Sidewalks 466,089 383,731 460,095 Storm Drainage 1,9801573 21198,468 2,311,387 Street Cleaning 1,319,093 15319,414 1,417,323 Street Services 4,4049483 4,358,874 4,9895420 19,519,894 191620,753 21,680,305 Recovery of costs Transportation Tenders 500 500 500 Parking Meters 724,500 724,500 724,500 Meter Viloations 240,000 240,000 240,000 Meter Summons 40,000 44,000 40,000 Traffic By -law 215,000 248,000 215,000 Provincial Highway Maintenance 386,600 360,000 360,000 1,6062600 1,617 000 1,580,000 Net Investment in Mobility/ Transportation 171913,294 182003,753 202100,305 Page 5 of 10 1/11/2007 CITY OF SAINT JOHN 2007 OPERATING BUDGET 2006 BUDGET Investment in Maintaining Our Public Infrastructure & Assets Facility Management 8789422 Carpentry Shop 454,479 Landscape 11353,505 Materials Management 11048,446 Fleet Services 417,872 4,152,724 Recovery of costs Sale of Used Equipment Net Investment in Maintaining Our Public Infrastructure & Assets 2007 BUDGET 899,322 460,063 1,429,932 928,707 496,019 4,214,043 51000 51000 4,147,724 4,209,043 APPENDIX C 2008 OUTLOOK 931,600 483,300 1,532,692 977,875 576,641 4,502,108 5,000 4,497,108 Page 6 of 10 1/11/2007 CITY OF SAINT JOHN 2007 OPERATING BUDGET Investment in Economic Development Tourism City Market Market Square Common Area Costs Enterprise Saint John Saint John Development Corporation Saint John Industrial Parks True Growth Initiatives Engineering & Growth Waterfront Development Trade & Convention Centre Harbour Station Real Estate UNBSJ NBCC Recovery of costs Tourism Harbour Bridge Authority Rockwood Golf Course Market Rentals Market Square Parking Net Investment in Economic Development 2006 BUDGET 895,620 741,406 12878P752 396,495 143,500 80,000 37,500 362,722 100,000 464,497 355,313 4202839 200,000 0 6,076,644 3,000 200,000 0 467,000 733,000 1,403,000 2007 BUDGET 915,000 748,250 2,046,380 408,420 147,446 82,200 0 376,171 165,000 475,510 420,178 437,730 200,000 3,000 61425,285 3,000 0 30,000 435,000 733,000 1,201,000 4,673,644 5,224,285 APPENDIX C 2008 OUTLOOK 959,718 768,191 2,138,467 408,420 150,000 84,700 0 390,875 100,000 423,877 374,521 460,531 200,000 3,000 6,462,300 3,000 0 30,000 440,000 733,000 1,206,000 5,256,300 Page 7 of 10 1/11/2007 CITY OF SAINT JOHN 2007 OPERATING BUDGET Investment in Creating a Sense of Place Arts and Culture Initatives Festivals & Public Celebrations Library Heritage Imperial Theatre Arts Centre Environment Committee Net Investment in Creating a Sense of Place Investment Solid Waste Collection & Disposal Sanitation Services Recovery of costs Garbage collection Net Investment Solid Waste Collection & Disposal 2006 BUDGET 168,330 103,000 360,993 189,290 289,805 65,043 3,200 2007 BUDGET 225o570 43,000 369,280 206,951 308,498 64,420 4,400 11179,661 1,222,119 3,380,349 5,000 3,375,349 3,169,262 APPENDIX C 2008 OUTLOOK 230,677 43,000 380,440 214,813 274,987 57,391 5,000 1,206,308 3,234,440 5,000 51000 31164,262 3,2291440 Page 8 of 10 1/11/2007 CITY OF SAINT JOHN 2007 OPERATING BUDGET APPENDIX C 2006 2007 2008 BUDGET BUDGET OUTLOOK Investment in GovernanceAdministration Mayor's Office Common Council 193,360 194,275 201,150 City Manager's Office 358,330 385,170 392,430 Vision 2015 4429000 4872220 504,185 Communication 500,000 600,646 565,544 Common Clerk 100,000 0 150,000 Finance 828,290 754,991 787,805 Legal 1,204, 763 11317,441 1, 376,834 Human Resources 576,528 697,120 696,515 Information Systems & Support 1'196'681 1,298,130 1,395,120 City Hall Building 1°878,918 1,923,905 1,9947200 Community Planning 1,645,766 11521,025 1,566,700 G.I.S. 760,516 819,382 858,088 Planning Advisory Committee 260,825 267,007 283,125 Liability Insurance 109700 11,500 12,000 Property Assessment 600,000 4357000 445,875 892,92726 �__ _ 9_ 38,685 11,449,604 12 11_ 657,497 Recovery of costs Housing Saint John Transit 43,000 44,000 44,000 Pension Plan 0 42,000 42,000 Water & Sewerage Utility 100,000 100,000 100,000 Land & Buildings 114129000 11391,000 1,391,000 City Hall 165,000 135,000 135,000 Planning Services 275,000 58,000 58,000 Rezoning 50,000 50,000 50,000 Other 20,000 20,000 20,000 Gas pipeline 90000 9,000 9,000 26,000 __ 16 500 -�_ 16,500 _2,100 000 1500 1 865 500 Net Investment in Governance/ Administration 9,349,604 92785 997 10,344,997 Page 9 of 1 o 1/11/2007 CITY OF SAINT JOHN 2007 OPERATING BUDGET Special Pension Funding Liability for years 2004, 2005 & 2006 Current Special Funding (net) Total for Pension Funding Non - operating items: Workforce Adjustment Program Fiscal Charges Total non - operating expenditures Non - operating revenues Short-term interest Miscellaneous Water Sales LNG Building permit revenue Pipeline easement revenue Total Non - operating revenues Net non - operating expenditures 2006 BUDGET 1t4000000 0 1,400,000 2007 BUDGET 2,031,120 3,004,647 5,035,767 APPENDIX C 2008 OUTLOOK 1,958,880 3,094,786 5,053,666 12050,000 0 0 12, 715, 499 12, 426, 506 14, 320, 851 13, 765, 499 122426,506 14, 320, 851 250,000 250,000 12,000 0 0 512,000 13,253,499 250,000 50,000 0 965,000 450,000 1,715,000 10,711,506 250,000 50,000 0 965,000 0 1,265, 000 13,055,851 Page 10 of 10 APPENDIX D City of Saint John Establishment of Permanent Positions As of January 1, 2007 Department Management/ Non Inside Outside 2007 2006 Professional Union Workers Workers Firefighters Total Total Solicitor's Office 5 1 0 0 0 6 6 Common Clerk 4 1 2 0 0 7 7 City Manager 2 1 0 0 0 3 3 Vision 2015 2 0 0 0 0 2 2 Corporate Services 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Finance 4 0 21 0 0 25 23 Human Resources 5 4 2 0 0 11 11 Information Systems & Support 3 0 16 0 0 19 13 PSCC 2 0 20 0 0 22 21 Materials & Fleet Management 3 0 8 38 0 49 49 Leisure Services 4 0 12 33 0 49 52 Tourism 2 0 4 0 0 6 6 Municipal Operations General Operations 7 0 10 127 0 144 144 Water & Sewerage 15 0 20.5 85 0 120.5 120.5 Fire 11 0 2 0 161 174 173 Buildings & Inspection Services 4 0 17.5 13 0 34.5 29.5 Planning & Development 9 0 8 0 0 17 17 Totals 82 7 143 296 161 889 878 2006 Totals 81 7 134 296 160 678 APPENDIX E City of Saint John Management/Professional Employees SALARY GRID PROPOSED (January 1, 2007) Salary Steps Gouping A B C D E F 1 46,944 47,883 48,601 499330 499823 50,322 2 52,879 53,937 54,746 55,567 56,123 56,684 3 63,219 64,483 65,451 66,432 67,097 67,768 4 67,097 68,439 695465 70,507 71,212 715924 5 71,212 729636 73,726 74,832 75,580 76,336 6 77,099 78,641 79,821 812018 81,828 829647 7 86,848 88,585 89,913 91,262 92,175 93,096 8 103,250 105,315 107,380 109,445 1119510 113,575 9 1139575 117,705 119,770 121,835 123,900 125,965 OPEN SESSION M & C 2007 010 January 10, 2007 His Worship Norm McFarlane and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT Sprinkler System Replacement, City Market BACKGROUND In the late Fall of 2006, as part of the ongoing Facility Management maintenance program at the City Market, a number of significant deficiencies were identified during routine maintenance of the sprinkler system in the main part of the City Market. Due to inadequate maintenance in the past and the age of the seventy year old sprinkler system, it is currently in such a condition that it may not provide adequate sprinkler protection in the event of a fire nor will it sound the fire alarm system as designed. After this determination was made, staff considered a number of options, and it was concluded that completely replacing the existing dry sprinkler system with a new wet system as soon as possible was the best choice. Staff of Buildings and Inspection Services consulted with the Fire Department and the Fire Marshall's office to discuss the temporary shut -down of the system while repairs are being carried out, as well as preventative measures in the interim while proposals were being sought. Code requires that while a sprinkler system is inoperable due to repairs or failure, a 24 -7 fire watch is required. A fire watch is currently in place at the City Market, with staff or commissionaires on site at all times and inspecting the whole building on an hourly basis. This will continue to take place until such time that the sprinkler system is again fully operational. ANALYSIS: A Request for Proposals closed on Thursday, January 4, 2007 to supply all labour, materials, equipment etc. as required for the removal and disposal of the dry PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com M & C 2007 — 010 - 2 - January 10, 2007 sprinkler system servicing the City Market and replacement with a new wet sprinkler system. Three New Brunswick companies submitted proposals — a summary of the bids is attached for your consideration. Staff of Materials & Fleet Management and Buildings and Inspection Services have reviewed the proposals and have found them to be complete. Viking Fire Protection Inc. submitted the lowest bid at $236,673.00 plus HST. Their proposal meets our expectations and we are confident that they have the experience and expertise to carry out the work as specified. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: The total cost for the removal of the dry pipe sprinkler system and replacement with a wet pipe sprinkler system, if awarded to the lowest bidder as per the staff recommendation, will be $236,673.00 plus HST. There are funds available for this project in the remaining 2006 Capital Budget in Facility Management. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the proposal submitted by Viking Fire Protection Inc. in the amount of $236,673.00 plus tax, for the supply of all labour, materials, equipment as required for the removal and disposal of the dry sprinkler systems and replacement with a wet sprinkler system at the City Market, be accepted. Respectfully submitted, William Edwards, P. Eng. Commissioner, Buildings and Inspection Services David Logan, CPPB Purchasing Agent T.L. Totten, FCA City Manager Attachment PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com BID SUMMARY 2006-085401P Sprinkler System Replacement City Market Closing Date: Thursday, January 4, 2007 Vipond Inc. Moncton, NB Edwards Sprinkler Moncton,. NB Viking Fire Protection Inc. Saint John, NB $278,000.00 $272,793.00 * $236,673.00 ( *) INDICATES RECOMMENDATION PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL M &C 2007 -12 January 15, 2007 His Worship Mayor Norm McFarlane and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Members of Council: SUBJECT: Design and Construction Management: Reversing Falls Bridge Watermain Replacement BACKGROUND M. The City of Saint John On September 25, 2006, (M &C 2006 -268) Council provided early approval for a high priority 2007 Water & Sewerage Utility Fund Capital Program project to replace an aging 475 mm steel watermain which is suspended under the Reversing Falls Bridge. The existing watermain will be replaced with two new 600 mm watermains. Council also authorized staff to conduct negotiations with CBCL Limited for the design and construction management of this project. PURPOSE OF THE REPORT The purpose of this report is to make recommendations for consulting engineering services for the project. ANALYSIS On November 16, 2006 with a comprehensive and detailed scope of work document developed by staff, a proposal for consulting engineering services was requested from CBCL Limited. In response to this request, CBCL submitted a proposal on December 8, 2006. Staff was previously authorized to conduct negotiations with this consultant for engineering services for the Reversing Falls Bridge Watermain Replacement project. PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com M &C 2007 -12 January 9, 2007 Page 2 A Review Committee consisting of the following staff completed an analysis of the submission: Brian Keenan, P. Eng. Engineering Manager, Municipal Engineering Brett L. McLean, P. Eng. Municipal Engineer, Municipal Engineering Dean Price, P. Eng. Municipal Engineer, Municipal Engineering Dave Logan, CPPB Purchasing Agent/Manager, Materials and Fleet Management Brent McGovern, P. Eng. Manager, Water and Wastewater Operations Bob Ross Operations Manager, Water & Sanitary Systems Each member completed an independent review of the submission and a subsequent meeting of the Review Committee was held to jointly discuss the information presented in the CBCL proposal. The upset price contained in the proposal was also evaluated and the committee agreed that the consultant's requested fee was appropriate for submission to Council for approval. The submission from CBCL Limited met all of the requirements of the request for proposal in a manner acceptable to the committee with a cost - effective bid for the project. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS The proposed cost of the work from CBCL Limited to provide design and construction management services is approximately $319,077.85 including the City's eligible HST rebate. An amount of $370,000.00 was pre- approved in the 2007 Water and Sewerage Utility Fund Capital Program (M &C 2006 -268) for design and construction management. Engineering fees to cover the cost of design and construction management generally do not exceed 12 -17% of the total project cost, depending on the nature of the project and the engineering services required. The upset fee is approximately 12.7% of the total overall project cost, which is considered appropriate for this type of project. PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com M &C 2007 -12 January 9, 2007 Page 3 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the proposal of CBCL Limited for engineering services (design and construction management) for the Reversing Falls Bridge Watermain Replacement project be accepted and that the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute the appropriate documentation in that regard. Respectfully submitted, J. M. Paul Groody, P. Eng. Commissioner, Municipal Operations & Engineering Terrence L. Totten, F.C.A. City Manager PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL M &C 2007 -13 January 12, 2007 His Worship Mayor Norm McFarlane and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Members of Council: SUBJECT: Design and Construction Management: Simms Corner Reconfiguration BACKGROUND M. The City of Saint John The approved 2006 General Fund Capital Program — Transportation category includes a project for the design of the realignment of the intersection and roadways at Simms Corner. The project includes funding necessary to engage engineering services to complete the following: ♦ Part A — Site Surveys, Preliminary Investigation and Data Collection ♦ Part B — Preliminary Design, Cost Estimates and Design Report ♦ Part C — Conduct Public Consultation Process ♦ Part D — Detailed Design The construction of the Simms Corner Reconfiguration project is now proposed for 2008 and will include funding for the construction management component of the project. The Consultants were requested to include in their proposals for the construction management component: ♦ Part E — Tender period services, contract administration and resident services The purpose of this report is to make a recommendation for consulting engineering services for design and construction management of the Simms Corner Reconfiguration project. Please note that this work includes Fairville Boulevard/Bridge Road (NB Route 100) between Catherwood Street and the Reversing Falls Bridge. PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com M &C 2007 -13 January 11, 2007 Page 2 ANALYSIS With a comprehensive and very detailed terms of reference document developed by staff, a public call for proposals was made for consulting engineering services. Submissions were received from three consulting engineering companies. A Review Committee of staff was selected to complete an analysis of all aspects of the submissions: ♦ Brian Keenan, P.Eng. Engineering Manager, Municipal Engineering ♦ Brett McLean, P. Eng. Municipal Engineer, Municipal Engineering ♦ Tim O'Reilly Operations Manager, Transportation (West) ♦ Dave Logan, C.P.P.B. Purchasing Agent / Manager, Materials and Fleet Management Each member completed an independent review of the submissions, and a joint discussion was held to develop the final ranking of submissions. The Review Committee came to a unanimous conclusion on their recommendation, which follows later in the report. The evaluation process uses the expertise of a variety of staff from Purchasing, Operations and Engineering to ensure a thorough review of the various submissions. The work contemplated is very significant, vital to the overall transportation network and with a high consequence of error. Care must be taken to ensure that the necessary level of effort and expertise is being directed to the various tasks involved in the work, while still ensuring that costs to be incurred are appropriate and controllable. It is for these reasons that cost, although very important, cannot be the sole nor most critical deciding factor in making the selection of a consulting engineering firm. Proposals were received from three firms: • Terrain Group Inc., Saint John • CBCL Limited, Saint John • Project Engineering Ltd., Fredericton PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com M &C 2007 -13 January 11, 2007 Page 3 As previously stated, the proposals were reviewed on the basis of the comprehensive and detailed terms of reference and their relationship to the following criteria: 1. Quality and Completeness — Does the proposal address all of the concerns raised? 2. Experience — Has the consultant demonstrated, for all parties concerned (primary consultant firm, sub consultant firms and staff of both), sufficient experience with this type of project? 3. Methodology — Has the consultant addressed all of the areas called for in the terms of reference and have they allowed sufficient time and resources to adequately address all needs? 4. Cost — Is the price quoted in line with the City's estimate for the work and has it allowed for each aspect of the project to be adequately addressed? After careful, independent consideration of presentation, company experience, personnel and technical proposal, the Review Committee met to analyze the findings of each member. After completion of the "technical" evaluation, the financial proposals were opened and addressed. These had been submitted in separate, sealed envelopes. After due consideration the Review Committee unanimously selected the submission of Terrain Group Inc. as the best proposal based on an overall rating of the evaluation criteria - presentation, company experience, personnel, technical proposal and cost. The submission from Terrain Group Inc. met all of the requirements of the proposal call, in a manner acceptable to the committee, with a cost - effective bid for the project. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS The proposed cost of work from Terrain Group Inc. to provide the design and construction management services is $428,941 including the City's eligible HST rebate. An amount of $400,000.00 is included in the 2006 General Capital Program to cover the cost of detailed design. Staff proposes that Terrain Group Inc. proceed in the coming months to complete Parts A, B, C & D of the terms of reference which totals approximately $253,579. The remainder of the engineering costs $175,362 ($428,941 - $253,579) is associated with Part E. This component of the engineering work will take place in conjunction with the construction which is planned for the 2008 General Fund Capital Program. PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com M &C 2007 -13 January 11, 2007 Page 4 Engineering fees to cover the cost of design and construction management generally do not exceed 12 -17% of the total overall project cost, depending on the nature of the project and the engineering services required. This upset fee is approximately 12.6 % of the total overall project cost, which is considered appropriate for this type of project. PLANNED CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE The anticipated cost of the reconstruction (upgrade and realignment) of Simms Corner (including Bridge Road and Fairville Boulevard to Catherwood Street) will be in the order of $3.6 million. The required changes would address a wide series of needs, not the least of which is the safe and efficient movement of the thousands of motorists and pedestrians who travel that area daily. In order to ensure that a suitable design and financial package is secured, there will be need to involve several stakeholders, including the NB Department of Transportation (Route 100) and a number of industrial "partners ". The cost sharing currently outlined in the City's 5 -year transportation plan indicates an inordinate share of the responsibility on City of Saint John taxpayers. For one thing, Bridge Road and Fairville Boulevard to Catherwood Streets are parts of Provincial Route 100. Realignment to improve the approach to this intersection must also accommodate access to the industrial site /road just west of the Reversing Falls Bridge. The railway crossings at Main Street and Fairville Boulevard, and access points to the Lancaster Mall, present other challenges. The required time needs to be taken to produce an optimal and fully- integrated design, as well as an appropriate sharing of cost responsibilities. Accordingly, we are proposing that actual construction work be planned for 2008. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the proposal of Terrain Group Inc. for engineering design and construction management services for the Simms Corner reconfiguration project be accepted and that the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute appropriate documentation in that regard. Respectfully submitted, J. M. Paul Groody, P. Eng. Commissioner, Municipal Operations & Engineering Terrence L. Totten, F.C.A. City Manager PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com M & C — 2007 - 009 January 10, 2007 His Worship Mayor Norm McFarlane and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: Renaming of Marlborough Avenue and New Street Name BACKGROUND: On December 19, 2006 Common Council tabled the above -noted proposal to change the name of Marlborough Avenue to Retail Drive and to approve the name Fashion Drive for the access driveway serving the hotel and first phase of the East Point Shopping Centre development. The matter was tabled in order to obtain the shopping centre developer's input concerning a suggestion that the name Marlborough Avenue be retained and, further, that Retail Drive be renamed to Marlborough Avenue as well. ANALYSIS: As Council is aware, work is progressing to completion of the new Retail Drive collector street off Westmorland Road. When completed and open to traffic, Retail Drive will connect with the existing Marlborough Avenue, which the developer is also reconstructing as a four -lane collector street. This will result in a single continuous street from Westmorland Road to Rothesay Avenue. For ease of identification and to avoid confusion, especially during emergency situations, it is desirable that what is essentially a single continuous street have a single consistent name for its entire length. The developer had proposed the name Retail Drive, which has been approved in conjunction with the shopping centre development on July 11, 2006. While renaming Retail Drive to Marlborough Avenue would also provide one consistent name for the entire street, it was anticipated by all parties that the opposite would occur, i.e. that the name Retail PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Report to Common Council January 10, 2007 Page 2 Drive would be applied to Marlborough Avenue once the connection through to Rothesay Avenue was completed. Commitments have been made to retail tenants based on this understanding and, therefore, the developer strongly prefers that the street be named Retail Drive. At present there are only four residential properties with a Marlborough Avenue address (civic numbers 16, 18 -20, 22 -24 and 26 -28), and one of these properties is currently owned by the developer. Letters were sent in November 2006 to all property- owners on Marlborough Avenue informing them of the proposed name change to Retail Drive and, to date, staff are not aware of any objections having been received. RECOMMENDATION: That Common Council: a) change the name of Marlborough Avenue to Retail Drive; and b) approve the name Fashion Drive for the access driveway serving the hotel and first phase of the East Point Shopping Centre. Respectfully submitted, Jim R. Baird, MCIP Commissioner Planning and Development Terrence Totten, C.A. City Manager 1C : , PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com M & C — 2007 -11 January 12, 2007 His Worship Mayor Norm McFarlane Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: Amending Condition of Sale for Development of Single Family Dwelling - Corner of Millidge Avenue and Somerset Street The purpose of this report is to present the conclusion of negotiations required for the removal of a restrictive covenant, as well as respond to specific issues raised at a Public Hearing on December 4, 2006. BACKGROUND: This property has been offered for sale on a number of occasions and has been deemed surplus for City needs for a number of years. In December of 2005, Mr. Michael Cavanagh approached the City to purchase the above noted 1.8 acre property for the construction of a single family dwelling. Access to the site was to be from Somerset Street and it was to have its own on -site septic and well. Upon review of the request, a number of concerns were raised by City staff. The property contains a significant rock outcrop that would make it very difficult to provide a safe driveway access not to mention the expense of excavating the rock. In addition, City staff insisted that any development be connected to City municipal water and sewer adjacent to the lot. After extensive consultation between City Engineering and Mr. Cavanagh it was decided that City services could be installed to service this property and that an acceptable driveway access at the eastern end of the property was possible off Somerset Street. On April 24, 2006 Common Council considered a report from staff and adopted a resolution to sell the fee simple interest in this property to a numbered company, owned by Michael Cavanagh. At the time of sale, the parcel was zoned one and two family residential. The density of the proposed development did not afford the purchaser the economies of scale normally involved with infrastructure commitments of this magnitude. Hence a reduction in sale price of $3,500.00 was supported to offset the extraordinary development costs which must be incurred by the developer. The sale of this property was finalized on July 28, 2006. The terms and conditions of sale for this property included the following: PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Report to Common Council January 12, 2007 Page 2 a) placement of access to the subject property from a public street is subject to approval by the Chief City Engineer or his designate, and a restrictive covenant that the placement of access, as approved by the City Engineer will not be enlarged, amended, extended or replaced, unless prior written approval has been obtained from the Chief City Engineer or his designate; b) the subject property must be connected to municipal water and sewer services, prior to any occupancy of the building; C) that a restrictive covenant be placed on the deed/title limiting the development of this site to a single family dwelling; and d) if construction of the above said building, including the foundation for the dwelling has not commenced within six months of the transfer of the property to 600608 N.B. Ltd., the City has an option to repurchase the subject property within 90 days of the City giving written notice to the purchaser and that the repurchase of the said property shall be for $3,500.00. Subsequent to the purchase of the property, Mr. Cavanagh determined that it would not be financial feasible to construct a single family dwelling on this property. Consequently, the proponent looked at an alternative plan to construct two, 12 -unit apartment buildings on the site. The change in the owner's plans has resulted in a rezoning application for this property to rezone the parcel from "RS -2" One and Two Family Suburban Residential to "RM -1" Three Storey Multiple Residential. Mr. Cavanagh hired the services of Terrain Inc. to provide a preliminary cost estimate (see attached) for the multi -unit development. The analysis provided cost estimates for site preparation, extension of municipal services and for the construction of a driveway and parking area. The total preliminary cost for the above work is estimated to be approximately $430,000.00. On December 4, 2006 Common Council considered the rezoning application and resolved to give it first and second reading. Council also resolved that third reading not be given until a report outlining the result of negotiations dealing with the amendment of an existing covenant is brought back for their consideration. In addition, Council also requested that staff review the water pressure to be expected for the intended multi -unit development and also traffic safety using the proposed driveway. In both cases, City Engineering reaffirmed suitability of the proposed access from a traffic perspective and indicated water pressure will be acceptable for the proposal. ANALYSIS: The restrictive covenant limiting the use was a direct reflection of the negotiated sale price for the property as discussed in the Background of this report. Consequently, from the perspective of the City, a higher purchase price for the property would have been required if there had not been a covenant. The developer does not agree and has argued that the high development cost associated with this site would not have supported a higher sale price. After long negotiation, a resolution has been proposed. PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Report to Common Council January 12, 2007 Page 3 The City Legal Department has informed staff that any re- negotiation is a fee for removing a covenant and not a renegotiation of a concluded transaction, as the property has transferred. The proponent is prepared to pay $2,400.00 plus H.S.T. to remove the covenant. In addition, condition (2)(d) of the above stated resolution involving a "buy back' option is directly impacted upon the removal of the restrictive covenant in that the option refers to the construction of the "above said building" referencing the single family dwelling. Mr. Cavanagh is in agreement with amending condition (2)(d) by referencing a multi -unit building rather than a single unit dwelling and extending the timeline for development to commence within 10 months of the transfer of this property (till May 28, 2007). Staff is supportive of this development proposal. It is in keeping with the area and the negotiations reflect the high development cost. Completion of the development will also result in a significant tax lift. If Council is in agreement, the recommendation contained in this report will facilitate the removal of the covenant restricting the use of this property. RECOMMENDATION: That The City of Saint John release condition "2c" contained in the M & C 2006- 92 dated April 20, 2006 and adopted by Council on April 26, 2006; thereby removing a restrictive covenant limiting the development of this property to a single family dwelling which is found in Schedule "D" of the Transfer, upon payment of $2,400.00 plus H.S.T. (if applicable). That Common Council amend condition "2d" contained in the M & C 2006 -92 dated April 20, 2006 and adopted by Council on April 26, 2006 by, replacing it with, "if construction of a multi -unit dwelling, including the foundation for the building, has not commenced within 10 months of the transfer of the property to 600608 N.B. Ltd., the City has an option to repurchase the subject property within 90 days of the City giving written notice to the purchaser and that the repurchase of the said property shall be for $3,500.00. That the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to sign any necessary documents required to finalize this transaction. Respectfully submitted, Jim R. Baird, MCIP Commissioner Planning and Development Terrence Totten, FCA City Manager CL /c PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Comeau MacKenzie Architecture December 12, 2006 City of Saint John 15 Market Square; PO Box 1971 Saint John, NB E21, 4L 1 Attention: Honourable Mayor and Councillors Dear Mayor and Councillors: RE: 600608 NB Ltd. - Development on Millidge Avenue RREIVIED ®. We write, as requested by 600608 NB Limited, to offer explanation and rationale of development costs at the above - captioned property. More specifically, we address the financial viability of the project as it relates to land cost and cost of installing services. Attached please find cost breakdowns and quantity take -offs as provided directly to 600608 NB Limited by Terrain, Inc., a consulting agency in the area of municipal engineering. These costs are based on delivering municipal storm, sanitary and water service to the site, all as per Terrain's site plan drawing, also attached. The total servicing and development cost of $377,350 also includes the access driveway, preparation of the two building pads, and creation of the plateau for parking. Developers often compare municipal servicing costs on various sites, to determine economic viability of a project. Municipal servicing costs and land value are two very important indicators of viability of a prdject. For the Millidge Avenue project, the land value of $3,500 plus servicing and development costs net a cost per unit of $15,868 over the 24 units. This is high by local Saint John standards. This same developer's most recent building project, at 25 Magazine Street, finished at a land value plus services cost of $11,360 per unit, on a 12 -unit project. ... /2 Peter G. MacKenzie BEDS, B.Arch., AANB, NAA 115 Prince William Street Suite 300 NSAA, Reg. Maine Saint John, New Brunswick E2L 2B4 Tel: (506) 657 -1611 Fax: (506) 657 -1614 E -Mail: mackarch@nbnet.nb.ca -2- Most Saint John developers would find a land plus services value in excess of $15,000 per unit too high, and adjudge the project to be not viable. In fact, two other Saint John developers had contracted the services of our firm for projects on this same site, over the last six years, and had found the site services cost to be too high, regardless of land acquisition value. Comeau MacKenzie Architecture has worked with this developer, and his predecessor companies, to produce in excess of 75 dwelling units within the City of Saint John, with a total assessment value of over $10,000,000, over the past 15 years. We have every confidence that 600608 NB Ltd.'s proposed Millidge Avenue property will also be a valuable asset to both its owner and the community. Please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned if any further information is required. Yours very truly, HITECTURE of Planning (City of Saint John) t6rramn TN[ 5 C I C NCf Of YII• CT IC. LL SOW f IONS PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE Preliminary Construction Cost Estimate Page 1 of 2 12/11/2006 Item No. Description Estimated Quantity Unit of Measurement Unit Price Estimated Total Price Site Preparation 1 lClearing and grubbing 4800 square metre $4.50 $21,600.00 2 IMass common excavation 1000 cubic metre $5.00 $5,000.00 3 Mass rock excavation 7000 cubic metre $11.00 $77,000.00 Water System 4 Trench rock excavation 260 cubic metre $65.00 $16,900.00 5 Connect proposed 200mm diameter PVC watermain to existing 500mm diameter concrete pressure pipe 1 lump sum $10,000.00 $10,000.00 6 200mm diameter PVC DR18 watermain 110 lineal metre $120.00 $13,200.00 7 200mm diameter 22.5 degree bend c/w mechanical joint restraints and thrust block 5 each $800.00 $4,000.00 8 200mm diameter gate valve c/w 130mm valve box 1 each $2,125.00 $2,125.00 9 Fire hydrant (complete with tee, valve, valve box, and all appurtenances) 1 each $3,100.00 $3,100.00 10 50mm diameter water service pipe 30 lineal metre $130.00 $3,900.00 11 50mm diameter corporation stop c/w saddle 2 each $415.00 $830.00 12 50mm diameter curb stop c/w 105mm valve box 2 each $660.00 $1,320.00 13 50mm thick rigid foam insulation 20 square metre $20.00 $400.00 Storm Sewer System 14 Trench rock excavation 170 cubic metre $65.00 $11,050.00 15 1050 mm dia. storm manhole c/w self - levelling frame and cover 1 each $3,100.00 $3,100.00 16 750mm diameter pre -cast catchbasin c/w City of Saint John standard frame and cover 3 each $1,550.00 $4,650.00 17 150mm diameter PVC DR35 catchbasin lateral 10 lineal metre $115.00 $1,150.00 18 150mm diameter HDPE storm pipe 100 lineal metre $115.00 1 $11,500.00 19 200mm diameter HDPE storm pipe 35 lineal metre $125.00 $4,375.00 20 Connect 200mm diameter HDPE storm pipe to existing 375mm diameter concrete storm sewer using Kor -N -Tee or approved equal 1 lump sum $600.00 $600.00 Cavanaugh Homes Proposed Apartment Development Millidge Avenue and Somerset Street Saint John, New Brunswick 'td ra m r TIIE SCIENCE Of PAAC7ICAE SUIUT1011S PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE Preliminary Construction Cost Estimate Page 2 of 2 12/11/2006 Item No. Description Estimated Quantity Unit of Measurement Unit Price Estimated Total Price Sanitary Sewer System 21 ITrench rock excavation 340 cubic metre $65.00 $222100.00 22 1050 mm dia. Sanitary Manhole c/w self - levelling frame and cover 1 each $3,500.00 $3,500.00 23 24 150 mm dia. PVC Sanitary Lateral 200 mm dia. HDPE Sanitary Main 30 120 lineal metre lineal metre $135.00 $165.00 $4,050.00 $19,800.00 25 Core drill hole in existing sanitary manhole and connect new 200mm diameter HDPE sanitary 1 lump sum $800.00 $800.00 Driveway and Parking Areas 26 Barrier -type concrete curb (includes crushed stone beneath ) 360 lineal metre $57.00 $20,520.00 27 1.5m wide concrete sidewalk 120 lineal metre $67.00 $8,040.00 28 300mm crushed gravel base 750 cubic metre $27.00 $20,250.00 29 75mm thickness asphalt pavement 360 tonnes $90.00 $32,400.00 30 Guiderail 90 lineal metre $82.00 $7,380.00 31 Line painting allowance 1 lump sum $1,000.00 $13000.00 Landsca ing and Reinstatement 32 150mm thickness topsoil 210 1 cubic metre 1 $31.00 $6,510.00 33 lNurserysod 1400 s ware metreF $7.50 $10,500.00 Engineering $24,700.00 Contingencies $0.00 Sub Total (before tax) $377,350.00 14% HST $52,829.00 Total 1 $430,179.00 Cavanaugh Homes Proposed Apartment Development Millidge Avenue and Somerset Street Saint John, New Brunswick {{ r n p9p FF3 e j I �! ail y , i '�4''`� 1 , !, s as iC 1 , =�a p °3� I I �! ail y , i '�4''`� 1 , !, s as iC 1 , REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL M &C2007 -08 January 10, 2007 His Worship Mayor Norm McFarlane and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Members of Council: SUBJECT: General Specifications — Division 6 General Administration of Contract PURPOSE M. The City of Saint John The purpose of this report is to propose that Council adopt the attached revision to Division 6 — General Administration of Contract. BACKGROUND On May 31, 2004 (M & C 2004 — 99), Council approved Division 6 — General Administration of Contract. It was understood that from time to time it would be necessary to make improvements to the language of certain clauses under Division 6 of the General Specifications to ensure the document remains current and continues to represent the best interests of the City. ANALYSIS As a result of our experience with recent construction contracts and research into the construction specifications of other jurisdictions — namely, the Province of New Brunswick, it is recommended that an adjustment be made to the allowable markup on additional work for construction contracts. It is proposed that the allowable markup on additional work for construction contracts be increased from ten persent (10 %) to fifteen (15 %) for extra work carried out by the Contractor. The revised Section 6.18 — Measurement of Additional and Omitted Work has been attached to this report. PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com M &C2007 -08 January 10, 2007 Page 2 INPUT FROM OTHER SOURCES As was the case for the original revisions to Division 6, the revision contained in this report has been reviewed by and discussed with the City's Legal Department. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that Common Council adopt the attached revision to Division 6 — General Administration of Contract, General Specifications. Respectfully submitted, J. M. Paul Groody, P. Eng. Commissioner, Municipal Operations & Engineering Terrence L. Totten, F.C.A. City Manager PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Attachment to M &C 2007 -08 General Specifications — Division 6 - General Administration of Contract 6.18 MEASUREMENT OF ADDITIONAL AND OMITTED WORK The Engineer shall determine the amount, if any, to be added to, or deducted from, the sum named in the Contract, in respect of any extra or additional Work done, or Work omitted, by the Engineer's order. All such Work shall be valued using the Schedule of Quantities and Unit Prices, Division 4 of the Contract Specifications, if, in the opinion of the Engineer, the same shall be applicable. If the Contract does not contain an item in the Schedule of Quantities and Unit Prices, Division 4 of the Contract Specifications, applicable to the extra, additional, or omitted Work, then reasonable prices shall be fixed by the Engineer. These prices shall be based on the sum of the following six (6) items: (a) The necessary cost to the Contractor of the material required for the Work, as furnished by the Contractor and delivered by the Contractor to the Site. All invoices are to be supplied by the Contractor or as directed by the Engineer. (b) Basic wages or salaries paid for labour plus a mark -up of twenty -five percent (25 %) (or more if submitted documents substantiate that additional payroll levies were paid by the Contractor), which shall be compensation for all payroll levies and burdens, small tools and other related items. No charge shall be made for personnel beyond the class of Foreman. (c) Cost of consumable tools, other than tools customarily provided by tradesmen (small tools), necessary for and used in the execution of the Works. (d) Fifteen percent (15 %) of the sum of items (a), (b), and (c) which shall be considered as covering all other expenses and profit. (e) Use of Construction Equipment other than small tools, at the rate paid by the latest revision of rates prepared by the Department of Transportation of the Province of New Brunswick, or less. Department of Transportation rates include depreciation, interest, liability insurance, repairs, maintenance, supplies, fuels, lubricants, overhead and profit. (f) All applicable taxes. The Engineer may at the Engineer's discretion approve payment of extra Work based on a quotation which has been received in writing from the Contractor and approved by the Engineer. No compensation for extra Work or material shall be allowed unless such Work or material is ordered, in writing, by the Engineer. When the extra, additional or omitted Work, which cannot be valued at the Schedule of Quantities and Unit Prices, Division 4 of the Contract Specifications, is carried out by the Contractor's approved subcontractor, the price for this Work shall be based on the subcontractor's approved invoice plus ten percent (10 %) of the amount of this invoice which shall be considered as covering all the Contractor's expenses and profit. Whenever any extra Work is in progress, the Contractor shall each working day agree with the Engineer, in writing, in full detail, the amount of the labour, equipment and materials used in carrying out each order for extra Work on the preceding working day, and no claim for compensation for extra Work or materials will be considered or allowed unless such agreement shall have been made. Equipment downtime will be paid at fifty percent (50 %) of the rate set out in the latest edition of the New Brunswick Department of Transportation maximum rates for equipment on Site but whose production has stopped directly due to decisions, investigations, unforeseen repairs, clarifications or extra Work required by the City. This rate shall apply to all the Contractor's equipment whether owned or rented. PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Common Clerk's Office Bureau du greffier communal www.saintjohn.ca January 15, 2007 His Worship Mayor Norm McFarlane And Councillors Your Worship and Councillors: P.O. Box /C.P. 1971 Saint John, NB /N. -B. Canada E2L 4L1 Subject: Public Hearing — 700 Somerset Street At the Council meeting of January 2, 2007, Council approved the scheduling of a Public Hearing for the rezoning application of Heartland Developments Inc. (700 Somerset Street) for Monday, January 29, 2007. Attached is a letter from Heartland Developments Inc. requesting to withdraw its application for the rezoning. If Council agrees to accept this request the following resolution is in order. Recommendation: That Council accept the request of Heartland Developments to withdraw its application for rezoning and cancel the Public Hearing for the proposed rezoning of 700 Somerset Street. 7 o Truly, PatricWoods Common Clerk Attachment 01/08/2007 17:11 5068573116 CORBEL BLDG SYS PAGE 01/01 215 Millennium Blvd. Moncton, N8, Canada, EIE 2G7 TeL 15081887 -1740 iax:15861857.3116 January 8, 2007 Office of the City Clerk City of Saint John PO Box 1971 Saint John, NB E2L, 4L1 Please be advised that we wish to withdraw our application for a section 39 amendment and a variance for property located at 700 Somerset St. Yours truly, Warren M. Hansen, P.Eng. President cc. Randall G. Pollock, MCRP by Fax: 658 -2837 REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL January 12, 2007 His Worship Mayor Norm McFarlane and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Members of Common Council: SUBJECT: Vision 2015 — Community Consultation PURPOSE The purpose of this report is to provide Saint John Common Council with an update on the Community Sustainable Growth Vision Project which is the first phase in the community consultation process. BACKGROUND On November 6, 2006, Common Council adopted the following resolution: "RESOLVED that Common Council endorse and support the initiation of community consultation process regarding the long -term vision for our community as detailed in the submitted report Vision 2015 — Community Consultation." COMMUNITY CONSULTATION Following the adoption of the Common Council resolution a number of significant activities have taken place to prepare for a community consultation. The Community Sustainable Growth Vision Project has been initiated. The goal of this project is to develop a community vision and the desired outcomes necessary to attain this vision for Saint John. Through this process sustainability principles will be developed and the vision will support these principles and encompass the characteristics of the community. 4 The City of 5aiM John After a review of the current practices in developing sustainability plans, two well - developed methodologies were selected to guide the visioning process. These are the THE EARTHCAT GUIDE TO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT and the COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE FOR MUNICIPAL SUSTAINABILITY PLANNING. The advantage of using these comparable methods is that the theory involved in sustainability planning has been put in to practice. The City of Saint John will benefit from the learning experiences of other communities and the time line for the project will be optimized, as much of the research in best practices is included in the guides. In addition, the methodologies will allow the City of Saint John to build upon municipal plans currently in place. This project will be community led. The citizens of Saint John not only need to support a vision but it is essential they have an active role in defining a vision. A Citizens Advisory Group has been formed to lead this process and define the desired outcomes necessary to attain this vision for Saint John. This group is a working committee that will research, plan and implement the community consultation. We have assembled a team of community leaders that are committed to ensuring the success of this project and a positive future for our City. The team is comprised of-, Susan Atkinson, Franqois Beaulieu, Stephanie Bell, Don Coholan, Ross Galbraith, Daniel Goodwin, Sarah Jones, Michael Schulze and Jocelyn Stevens. Vision 2015 Steering Committee members are ex- officio participants in the group. We are finalizing the membership of three other individuals for the Citizens Advisory Group. The initial meeting was held on Thursday January 11, 2007. The project deliverables and timelines are as follows. v p - — Charter Approved Project _ -�.I November 2006m_ Formation of A Citizens Advisory Group December 2006 Project Plan Approved January 2007 Communications Plan Approved January 2007 [ Sustamability Principles Developed for City of Saint John February 2007 Adoption of Sustainability Principles by Common Council February 2007 Community Consultation Process May 2007 Community Vision Statement June 2007 The success of the project will be determined by a number of factors being met including: • A process that is led by the community through the Citizens Advisory Group, • Engaging key stakeholders including those groups within the City of Saint John and external groups that may have a vested interest in a discussion about the future of the City of Saint John, • Balancing the competing needs of the community by following a whole systems approach in the project, • Ensuring there is a long -term focus for the community vision, • Development of clear and understandable community outcomes that can be used as inputs into the Program and Service Refinement Project, Saint John Governance Project, and a strategic planning project, • A project communications plan to maximize public input, and • Supporting the requirements outlined in the CANADA — NEW BRUNSWICK AGREEMENT ON THE TRANSFER OF FEDERAL GAS TAX REVENUES UNDER THE NEW DEAL FOR CITIES AND COMMUNITIES 2005 — 2015 for the development of an Integrated Community Sustainability Plan. One of the first project activities will be a weekend training session on Sustainable Community Development planned for January 26 -28, 2007. The training will be a combination of theory and practical application and will include the following topics. • Sustainable Community Development For 21st Century • Creating Excitement and Momentum For Community Development Planning • Teambuilding and Conflict Management For Stakeholder Processes • Shared Vision and Goal Setting • Asset Inventory and Capacity Assessment • Introduction to Systems Thinking • Systems Thinking in Action • Leverage Points for Saint John The Citizens Advisory Group welcomes Common Council's participation in this exercise and would like to invite you to attend the sessions. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that Saint John Common Council receive and file this report for information. Respectfully submitted, Councillor Glen Tait Chair Vision 2015 Committee