AGE N D A COMMON COUNCIL - as at December 13,2002.
1. Meeting called to order, 7:00 p.m., Monday, December 16, 2002 - prayer.
2. Approval of minutes (December 9, 2002).
3. Approval of agenda.
4. 7:00 p.m. - (a) Proposed Municipal Plan amendment to redesignate a parcel of land located at 1382 Hickey
Road, from District Centre Commercial to Light Industrial as an Approved Light Industrial
Development, to permit the development of a self-storage warehouse facility, in addition to the
uses currently permitted by the "B-2" General Business zoning of the property, as requested by
Dale Mott and Andrew MacDonald.
(b) Proposed Zoning By-law text amendment to add Special Zone #12 - "SZ#12", its uses and
standards, and the proposed re-zoning of the same parcel of land, from "B-2" General Business to
"SZ#12" Special Zone #12.
(c) Report from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendments.
5. Proposed 2003 Operating and Capital Budgets - General Fund.
6. Re 2003 Establishment of permanent positions.
7. Re Organizational Renewal Strategy.
8. Re Voluntary Separation Program.
9. Re repealing of various by-laws.
10. Proposed amendment to terms of Residential Infrastructure Assistance Program re payment for service
11. Proposed Section 39 agreement for the proposed re-zoning of property in Drury Cove area (public hearing held
September 23, 2002 - 1 st and 2nd readings given).
12. Re authorization of subdivision plan proposing public street over portion of City land on University Avenue.
13. Re dangerous and unsightly condition of vacant building located at 360 Ludlow Street.
14. Re coastal areas protection legislation.
15. Proposed transfer of balance of Saint John Non-Profit Housing Sinking Fund to Saint John Non-Profit Housing
Future Development Fund.
16. Re Saint John Region Park & Ride/Bike & Walk proposal, Stage 2 of Urban Transportation Showcase Program.
17. Proposed amendment to November 25,2002 Council resolution re purchase of Lot F-6-10-12, Smythe Street.
18. Re insurance renewal 2003.
*18A. Saint John Industrial Parks Ltd. - General Freight Carriers Inc.
19. Saint John Board of Police Commissioners - request to appear re 2003 budget of Saint John Police Force.
20. Planning Advisory Committee re proposed subdivision in Drury Cove area.
21. Saint John Art Advisory Board re resignation of Chairman.
21A. Saint John Parking Commission re Residential Parking & Snow Removal Study - Phase 2.
22. Re development of long-term outlook for energy supply and demand (Councillor Teed).
23. Re Council reduction (Councillor Titus).
24. Letter from Saint John Board of Trade re One-Mile Highway Interchange.
25. Application of Canadian Petroleum Products Institute and Irving Oil Limited for Zoning By-law text amendment re
dispensing of gasoline and placement and visibility of fuel tanks.
26. Letters from (a) Saint John District Labour Council, (b) Wilma Walker re 2003 budget for Fire Department.
27. Letter from Post Arts Steering Committee re nominees to Saint John Community Arts Board.
28. Saint John Industrial Parks Ltd. re General Freight Carriers.