AGE N D A COMMON COUNCIL - as at November 29,2002.
1. Meeting called to order, 7:00 p.m., Monday, December 2,2002 - prayer.
2. Approval of minutes (November 25, 2002).
3. Approval of agenda.
4. 7:00 p.m. - (a) Proposed Zoning By-law amendment to re-zone an area of land located at 23-25 Jean
Street, from "RS-2" One and Two Family Residential to "R-4" Four Family Residential
classification, to allow an accessory building at the rear of the property to become a dwelling
unit for an immediate family member, as requested by Alfred Milton Welch.
(b) Report from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendment.
5. Re tourism promotion in Greater Saint John 2003-2005.
6. Re 5-year capital improvement program for Provincially designated highways.
7. Re additional cost of Contract 2001-11, Crown Street reconstruction.
8. Report re tender for washroom facilities, Fallsview Park, Falls Avenue.
9. Response to Jon MacQueen's request for recovery of money paid for drain flushing at 154 King Street
10. Proposed Traffic By-law amendment re truck route, Ocean Westway.
11. Re assent to public utility easement, 133-139 McAllister Drive.
12. Re wind energy feasibility study - new initiatives.
13. Re proposed agreement with Aliant Telecom for audio / visual equipment in Council Chamber.
14. Committee of the Whole report (November 25,2002) - (1) re Council meeting schedule.
15. Planning Advisory Committee re proposed Section 101 Agreement for 35 Station Road.
16. Re distinction received by City Manager (Councillor Teed - tabled November 25,2002).
17. Re launch of Mind Care Collection of Resources on Mental Health and Wellness (Councillor Teed - tabled
November 25, 2002).
18. Re residential requirements for employees (Councillor Teed - tabled November 25, 2002).
19. Re information discussed in closed session being passed on to media (Councillor Court - tabled November
25, 2002).
20. Re alternative service delivery models (Councillor Titus - tabled November 25, 2002).
21. Re West Saint John truck route issues (Councillor Teed).
22. Letter from CommuniTek 2000 Limited re proposed re-zoning of 11 King William Road (tabled November
25, 2002).
23. Letter from Derek Chase re condition of a building on King Street (tabled November 25, 2002).
24. Application of Vincent Catton for amendment to Section 39 conditions of re-zoning of 1099 Golden Grove
Road (tabled November 25, 2002).
25. Application of Maxwell Realty Ltd. for re-zoning of property on Chesley Drive (tabled November 25, 2002).
26. Two letters from Arthur Melanson re Residential Parking and Snow Removal Study - Central Peninsula
(one tabled November 25,2002).
27. Request of East Saint John Business Association to make presentation re scheduling of roadwork on
Rothesay Avenue (tabled November 25,2002).
28. Letter from Pat Dashwood re replacing water pipe on Colpitts Avenue and part of Ocean Westway.
29. Letter from Loyalist Zone of New Brunswick Seniors Federation in support of vision statement.
30. Letter from Saint John Board of Trade re vision statement for City further to August 6, 2002 Council
31. Letter from Forest Hills School re effect of budgetary process on services offered by East Branch Library.