2002-10-07_Agenda AGE N D A COMMON COUNCIL - as at October 4,2002. 1. Meeting called to order, 7:00 p.m., Monday, October 7,2002 - prayer. 2. Approval of minutes (September 28, 2002 and September 30, 2002). 3. Approval of agenda. LAND/LEGAL/LABOUR ITEMS 4. Letter from Local 771 re previous letter on Letter of Intent. PRESENTATIONS 5. 7:00 p.m. Public presentation of proposed Municipal Plan amendment to redesignate a parcel of land at 1382 Hickey Road, from District Centre Commercial to Light Industrial classification, to permit re-zoning of the parcel of land from "B-2" General Business to a special zone that would permit development of self-storage warehouse units, in addition to the uses currently permitted by the "B-2" General Business zoning of the property, as requested by Dale Mott/Andrew MacDonald. 6. 7:00 p.m. Presentation by Enterprise Saint John on development of regional economic development strategy and marketing plan (as per CCO September 23, 2002). *6A. Nominating Committee recommendations. CITY MANAGER 7. Re employee development. 8. Re professional engineer designations. 9. Re proposed Section 39 amendment - 630 Millidge Avenue, Rocca Property Management Inc. 10. Report re tender for tires. 11. Report re tender for Contract 2001-28, Millidgeville Wastewater Treatment Plant expansion. 12. Report re tender for Contract 2002-28, Taylor Avenue/MacLaren Boulevard/Sandy Point Road area, sanitary sewer and water main. 13. Re proposed adjustments to 2002 Water and Sewerage Utility Fund Capital Program. 14. Re 2002 Operating results to August 31,2002. 15. Proposed amendment to Common Council resolution on award of contract for Harbour Passage Project Phase I. COM M ITTEES/COM MISSIONS 16. Saint John Parking Commission - request to present Phase 2 Action Plan for implementation of Residential Parking and Snow Removal Study for Central Peninsula. 17. Saint John Board of Police Commissioners re Operating Budget - financial results to August 31,2002. COUNCIL MEMBERS 18. Re 2003 budgets for Harbour Station, Imperial Theatre, Aquatic Centre and Trade and Convention Centre (Mayor McAlary). 19. Re offering of new degree program - Bachelor in Health Sciences in Nuclear Medicine (Councillor Teed). 20. Re Heritage Award (Councillor Teed). 21. Re employment applicant (Councillor Teed). GENERAL 22. Letter from Provincial Minister of Natural Resources and Energy re proposal to transfer Musquash infrastructure to City. 23. Letter from MindCare New Brunswick re 16th Annual Skate to Care event, February 8, 2003. 24. Letter from Housing Working Group, Business Community Anti-Poverty Initiative re enforcement of building standards. 25. Letter from Friends of St. Josephs re protective services. 26. Letter from Saint John Federal Progressive Conservative Association re annual fundraising dinner. 27. Letter from Saint John Board of Trade re input to City's Water and Sewerage Business Plan review. 28. Request of Saint John Horticultural Association to appear to file business plan for restoration of Lily Lake Pavilion. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE - 5:00 p.m. 29. Re budget process / labour relations (City Manager).