AGE N D A COMMON COUNCIL - as at August 16, 2002.
1. Meeting called to order 7:00 p.m., Monday, August 19, 2002 - prayer.
2. Approval of minutes (Tuesday, August 6, 2002).
3. Approval of agenda.
4. Re new Police headquarters (City Manager).
5. Re land exchange with Saint John Port Authority (City Manager).
6. Re Establishment - Legal Department (City Solicitor).
7. 7:00 p.m. - (a) Proposed Municipal Plan amendment to redesignate on Schedule 2-C a parcel of land with
an area of approximately 790 square metres, located at 257-259 Carmarthen Street/79
Broad Street, from Medium Density Residential to Approved Commercial Development
classification, to permit a restaurant with a dining room liquor licence under the Liquor
Control Act, as requested by 059314 NB Ltd. (John Hosford).
(b) Proposed Zoning By-law amendment to re-zone the same parcel of land from "RM-IF"
Multiple Residentiallnfill to "B-2" General Business classification.
(c) Report from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendments.
8. 8:00 p.m. -Presentation by Saint John Development Corporation and Saint John Waterfront Development
Partnership on current status of Harbour Passage Project and capital fund raising efforts.
9. Report re tender for Contract 2002-25, Harbour Passage Project - Phase I and re financing for Project.
10. Re Harbour Passage - Saint John Port Authority.
11. Re Harbour Passage - Department of National Defence.
12. Re Harbour Passage - Maritimes and Northeast Pipeline Crossing and Paralleling Consent Agreement.
13. Re Harbour Passage - licence acquisition - Harbour Bridge Authority.
14. Re Harbour Passage - New Brunswick Southern Railway.
15. Re Harbour Passage - City lands.
16. Re Harbour Passage - Province of New Brunswick early entry agreement.
17. Re proposed budget calendar for 2003 Operating Budget deliberations and directive to departments,
agencies, boards and commissions.
18. Re discussions with Province on Minimum Property Standards By-law and Dangerous & Unsightly By-law.
19. Re tendering process - construction contracts.
20. Re Millidgeville wastewater treatment plant expansion.
21. Re North End sewerage scheme.
22. Report re tender for Contract 2002-30, City Road (Route 100) asphalt resurfacing, Provincially Designated
Highways Improvement Program.
23. Proposed Traffic By-law amendment re parking on Todd Street.
24. Re pipe crossing agreement with New Brunswick Southern Railway Company Limited - storm sewer in
vicinity of Rocky Bluff Terrace.
25. Proposed amendment to October 2,2000 Council resolution re 1099 Kennebecasis Drive.
26. Re extension of sublease with The Night Shift Answering Service Ltd. for space on 15th floor of City Hall.
27. Re Irving Oil/TransCanada Grandview Congeneration Project and status of other major energy projects.
28. Report re tender for exterior renovations and painting, Reversing Falls Visitor Information
29. Report re tender for Fire Department bunker gear.
30. Report re tender for motorized light equipment.
31. Report re tender for uniform clothing, Fire Department.
32. Report re proposal for cellular phones.
Page Two.
COMMON COUNCIL AGENDA - - as at August 16, 2002.
*32A. Acquisition of land on Russell Street for One-Mile House Interchange Project.
*32B. Tender for Contract 2002-11, High Road Road - First Avenue water and sewer construction.
33. Re application of M. Charlebois - translation services.
34. Re application of Charles E. Cavanagh for Municipal Plan amendment and re-zoning of property at 77-91
Leinster Street (public presentation made July 8, 2002).
35. Third reading of proposed Zoning By-law and imposing of Section 39 conditions re property at 17 Robinson
Street (1 st & 2nd readings given August 6, 2002).
36. Third reading of proposed Zoning By-law and imposing of Section 39 conditions re property at 646-648
Westmorland Road (1 st & 2nd readings given August 6, 2002).
37. Planning Advisory Committee re assent to subdivision, street vesting and public utility easements, 351
Norris Road.
38. Re proposed draft Taxi By-law (Mayor McAlary).
39. Re vacancy on Saint John Ability Advisory Committee (Councillor Teed).
40. Re membership on Board of Governors of University of New Brunswick (Councillor Teed).
41. Re program for inspection of City streets (Councillor Teed).
42. Re Council meeting procedure (Councillor Teed).
43. Re 2002 budget projections (Councillor Titus).
44. Re crosswalks for Golden Mile (Councillor Fitzgerald).
45. Re sculpture on City property at location of former ABEC (Councillor Teed).
46. Request of Co-Chair of FCM National Housing Policy Options Team for per capita contribution to support
Team efforts.
47. Letter from Saint John Port Authority re briefing Council on issue of port security and policing needs.
48. Letter from Saint John Construction Association Inc. re amount of capital work being done internally by
49. Letter from F. Wayne Jones re historic water works building, Leinster Street.
50. Request of Uptown Saint John Inc. to present Year 2003 Budget.
51. Letter from Penny Alberts re muzzle by-law for dogs.
52. Application of LSO Enterprises Ltd. for re-zoning of property located at Harbour Terrace.
53. Application of Blair Construction Ltd. for re-zoning of property in Drury Cove area.
54. Re request for renaming of street (Mayor McAlary - referred August 6, 2002).
55. Re land access agreements - Harbour Passage Project (City Manager - referred August 6, 2002).
56. Re acquisition of land on Russell Street (City Manager - referred August 6, 2002).
57. Re tender for Contract 2002-11 (City Solicitor).