2002-07-22_Agenda AGE N D A COMMON COUNCIL - as at July 19, 2002. 1. Meeting called to order, 5:30 p.m., Monday, July 22,2002 - prayer. 2. Approval of minutes (July 8, 2002) 3. Approval of agenda. LAND/LEGAL/LABOUR ITEMS 4. Re labour costs (Mayor McAlary). CITY MANAGER 5. Report re tender for Contract 2002-11, High Ridge Road - First Avenue water and sewer construction (see also items 25 and 45). 6. Report re tender for Contract 2002-22, Olive Street water and sewer renewal. 7. Report re tender for vacuum trucks. 8. Report re tender for various chemicals. 9. Report re tender for IBM AS400 computer. 10. Re 2002 water and sewerage utility fund capital program. 11. Report re tender for Contract 2002-24, Fallsview Drive street reconstruction. 12. Report re tender for Contract 2002-23, Guilford Street water and sewer renewal. 13. Report re tender for Contract 2002-21, Spruce Lake dam construction. 14. Report re tender for Contract 2002-7, King Street sidewalk improvements. 15. Report re tender for Contract 2002-6, curb and sidewalk construction. 16. Re acquisition of Parcel A, Millidgeville Wastewater Treatment Plant. 17. Re sale of land, Moore Street/Osborne Avenue area. 18. Re extension of Lease 223, Rodney Terminal sewer outfall. 19. Re sale of City lands, 440, 446 and 450 Summit Drive. 20. Proposed job sharing pilot program. 21. Proposed family care leave pilot program. 22. Proposed interchange assignment agreement with Parks Canada Agency. 23. Re recognition of Golden Jubilee. 24. Re Tourism Saint John travel media services and publicity. CITY SOLICITOR 25. Re Contract No. 2002-11, High Ridge Road and First Avenue. 26. Re by-law enforcement - pro bono proposal. COM M ITTEES/COM MISSIONS 27. Saint John Board of Police Commissioners - request to present 2001 Annual Report of Saint John Police Force. 28. Saint John Art Advisory Board re vacancies on Board. COUNCIL MEMBERS 29. Re scheduling and time of meetings (Mayor McAlary). 30. Re Nations in Bloom (Mayor McAlary). 31. Letter from Councillor Teed re City operations and priorities (tabled June 24). 32. Re appointment of Andrew Beckett to N. B. Municipal Finance Corporation (Councillor Teed). 33. Re need for dedicated Port policing unit (Councillor Court). 34. Re water drainage problem, Marlin Drive/Daniel Avenue (Councillor Court). 35. Re Rothesay Avenue water and sewer renewal project (Councillor Court). 36. Re newspaper article on City finances and Stats Canada statistics (Councillor Court). 37. Re recognition of athletic achievements (Councillor Teed). 38. Re Rockwood Park development (Councillor Titus). Page Two. COMMON COUNCIL AGENDA - as at July 19, 2002. GENERAL 39. Letter from National Chairman of Communities in Bloom re Cultural Capitals of Canada Program. 40. Letters from (a) Co-Chairs of Post Arts Summit Steering Committee, (b) Imperial Theatre re proposal of Carnegie Building Working Group re operation of Carnegie building. 41. Letter from Andrew Mcintosh and Adrienne Mcintosh re use of Carnegie building by arts community. 42. Letter from Town of Quispamsis re domestic pesticide products for cosmetic use on turf. 43. Letter from Kenneth Wheaton re variance for 397 Dwyer Road. 44. Letter from John Harkins re appearance of City. 45. Letter from solicitor for Dean Construction Ltd. requesting to make presentation to Council. PUBLIC HEARINGS 46. 7:00 p.m. - (a) Proposed Zoning By-law amendment to re-zone a parcel of land located at 621 Rothesay Avenue, from "1-1" Light Industrial to "SZ#9" Special Zone #9, to permit a licenced lounge to be established in a portion of the existing building, as requested by O'Malley's Irish Pub Inc. (b) Report from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendment. (c) Letters of objection to proposed re-zoning. 47. 7:00 p.m. - (a) Proposed amendment to Section 39 conditions imposed on the May 3, 1999 re-zoning of the Loch Lomond Mall property situated at 120 McDonald Street, to permit a new restaurant in the Mall building to be licenced as a lounge under the Liquor Control Act, as requested by Yorgo Andreas 2mboukis. (b) Report from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendment. (c) Letter of objection to proposed amendment. DELEGATION 48. 8:00 p.m. - Presentation by Mr. Tim Blackmore on behalf of Carnegie Building Working Group and Post Arts Summit Steering Committee re operation of Carnegie building.