2002-06-24_Agenda AGE N D A COMMON COUNCIL - as at June 21,2002. 1. Meeting called to order, 7:00 p.m., Monday, June 24,2002 - prayer. 2. Approval of minutes (June 10, 2002) PUBLIC HEARING 3. 7:00 p.m. - (a) Proposed amendment to Section 39 conditions imposed on the 1988 re-zoning of a parcel of land located at 640 McAllister Drive, to permit a portion of the subject site to be subdivided and developed as a wholesale warehouse facility with a retail component fronting directly on McAllister Drive, as requested by Carquest Canada Realty Inc. (b) Report from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendment. COUNCIL MEMBERS 4. Re report of Mayor's Task Force on New Ways of Doing Business (Mayor McAlary). 5. Recommendations of Council Procedural By-law Committee (Mayor McAlary). 6. Re operational review (Mayor McAlary). 7. Re expansion of tax base through land development (Councillor Desmond). 8. Re increasing residential housing along Loch Lomond Road (Councillor Desmond). 9. Re housing problems and by-law enforcement (Councillor Teed). 10. Re Canadian Association of Police Boards' call for resolutions (Councillor Teed). 11. Re concept or philosophy of a ward system (Councillor Teed). 12. Re recognition of Queen of Canada's 50th Anniversary Jubilee Year (Councillor Teed). 13. Re commemorative stamp for historic or heritage feature of City (Councillor Teed). 14. Re resolutions for consideration at Cities of New Brunswick Association meetings (Councillor Teed). 15. Re Harbour Passage concept (Councillor Teed). 16. Re City operations and priorities (Councillor Teed). *16A. Appointment to Fire Department Mutual Interest Committee. CITY MANAGER 17. Re Saint John Throughway Access and Truck Traffic Study - consultant's report. 18. Re proposed working agreement with CUPE, Local 18 (Outside Workers). 19. Re 2002 bond issue. 20. Re proposal for engineering inspection and testing services 2002. 21. Re design and construction management - Sandy Point Road water and sewer extension and road construction. 22. Report re tender for Contract No. 2002-11, High Ridge Road - First Avenue water and sewer construction. 23. Report re tender for Contract 2002-17, Golden Grove Road expanded asphalt stabilization project. 24. Report re tender for Contract 2002-22, Olive Street water and sewer renewal. 25. Report re tender for flow monitoring equipment. 26. Report re tender for municipal castings. 27. Report re tender for computer network equipment. 28. Report re tender for safety work boots. 29. Follow-up information re question of possibility of other municipalities engaging only local engineering consulting firms. 30. Re Market Place crosswalk. 31. Re acquisition of 238-240 Crown Street. 32. Re Public Utility Board hearing on Point Lepreau refurbishment proposal. COM MON CLERK 33. Third reading of proposed Zoning By-law text amendment re "SZ#10 Special Zone and re-zoning of property located at 165 Union Street (1st & 2nd readings given June 10,2002). Page Two. COMMON COUNCIL AGENDA - as at June 21, 2002. COM M ITTEES/COM MISSIONS 34. Committee of the Whole report (June 10, 2002) - (1) proposed subdivision and sale of land north of former Howes Lake dumpsite; (2) proposed sale of land at 221 Cosy Lake Road. 35. Planning Advisory Committee re requested land for public purposes exchange, Westgate Park Subdivision, 1854 Manawagonish Road. GENERAL 36. Letter from Minister of Environment and Local Government re closure and remediation effort at landfill sites. 37. Letter from Past President of New Brunswick Historical Society re Council's May 21,2002 resolution on revival of Charter fairs. 38. Request of Saint John Canada Day Celebration Committee for financial support for fireworks display. 39. Request of Saint John Canada Day Celebration Committee for financial support re cost of celebrations. 40. Letter from Saint John Citizens' Coalition for Clean Air re ban of cosmetic use of pesticides. 41. Letter from Cornerstone Enterprises Ltd. re proposed police station location. 42. Letter from Director of UNB Art Centre re role of ABEC and its value to community. 43. Letter from South Central Citizens' Council re proposed changes to Residential Parking Permit Program. 44. Letter from University of New Brunswick re recipient of City of Saint John Award. 45. Application of Blair Construction Ltd. for re-zoning of property at 646 and 648 Westmorland Road. 46. Request of the Carnegie Building Working Group to make presentation of proposal for reopening of Carnegie building. 47. Request of Brent Mason to present petition re possible sale of existing park and green space within City. 48. Application of Marie Elizabeth Purcell & Burton Leroy Purcell for re-zoning of 17 Robinson Street. 49. Request of M.E. Cobham-Mollins to speak on issue of green space, Tucker Park. 50. Letter from Centenary Queen Square Care Centres re forthcoming family fun day fundraising event. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE - 5:00 p.m. 51. 5:00 p.m. - Enterprise Saint John re Growth Strategy and development of plan. 52. Re statutory holiday arbitration - Local 771 and City (City Solicitor). 53. Re disposition of unfair practice complaint filed by Local 771 (City Solicitor). 54. Re rent negotiations (City Manager). 55. Re proposal call for PID Number 51771 (City Manager). 56. Re acquisition of land in Loch Lomond watershed (City Manager). 57. City Manager's update. 58. Mayor's update. LEGAL SESSION 59. Decision of Court of Queen's Bench re application of Mario Charlebois (City Solicitor).