AGE N D A COMMON COUNCIL - as at June 7,2002.
1. Meeting called to order, 7:00 p.m., Monday, June 10, 2002 - prayer.
2. Approval of minutes (May 27,2002).
3. 7:00 p.m. - (a) Proposed (i) Zoning By-law text amendment to add "SZ#10" Special Zone #10 to the list of
zones, its uses and standards, and (ii) re-zoning of a parcel of land located at 165 Union
Street, from "B-3" General Business to "SZ#10" Special Zone #10 classification, to permit
the establishment of a licenced lounge within the existing building, as requested by John
(b) Report from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendment.
4. Re report of Mayor's Task Force on New Ways of Doing Business (Mayor McAlary).
5. Re identification of mobile homes in by-law (Mayor McAlary).
6. Re transportation links joining Northeastern United States with Eastern Canada (Councillor Teed).
7. Re operation of motorized wheelchairs and scooters in public places (Councillor Teed).
8. Re Transit Commission / Parking Commission (Councillor Titus).
9. Re Common Council agenda - open session (Councillor Titus).
10. Re use of red pavement for repairs to crosswalks and brick sidewalks (Councillor Teed).
11. Re traffic at Market Place West (Councillor Teed).
12. Re benefit of expanding New Brunswick Community College in Saint John (Councillor Teed).
13. Re Harold Wright's letter to Council on sidewalk covering (Councillor Teed).
14. Re Saint John Board of Police Commissioners' submission of financial reports (Councillor Teed).
*14A. Re Harbour Passage.
*14B. Fundy Region Solid Waste Commission update.
15. Proposed re-zoning of property at 475 Latimore Lake Road, as requested by Fundy Bay Sand & Gravel
Inc. (public hearing held April 15, 2002 - no readings given - see also item #44).
16. Re operational review.
17. Re former Veterans' Affairs land - Gibson Avenue.
18. Proposal for design and construction management - Spar Cove Road wastewater pumping station,
forcemain, sanitary collector sewer, storm sewer and watermain.
19. Report re tender for contract 2002-4, asphalt concrete resurfacing - 2002 No.1.
20. Report re tender for contract 2002-5, chip seal 2002.
21. Report re tender for contract 2002-12, micro-surfacing 2002.
22. Report re tender for contract 2002-20, Benji Lane water and sewer renewal and street reconstruction.
23. Re easement acquisition - 677 Fundy Drive.
24. Re proposed re-zoning of 231-233 Golden Grove Road (see also items #30 & 41).
25. Re street name changes in Milford-Randolph area of City
26. Re Indiantown Neighbourhood Watch - condition of property in Bridge Street / Pokiok Road area.
27. Response to May 27,2002 request for information on Green Municipal Enabling Fund.
28. Re canteen operating permit, Lakewood Reservoir Beach, 1800 Loch Lomond Road (see also item #45).
29. Re Official Languages Act.
30. Third reading of proposed Zoning By-law amendment to re-zone property at 231-233 Golden Grove Road,
and imposing of Section 39 conditions (1st & 2nd readings given May 27,2002).
31. Third reading of proposed Preservation Areas By-law amendment to remove reference to Saint John
Building Act 1925 (1st & 2nd readings given May 27,2002).
Page Two.
COMMON COUNCIL AGENDA - as at June 7, 2002.
32. Planning Advisory Committee re tentative plan of subdivision - 39-40 Ann Street East.
33. Seniors' Advisory Committee re issues researched.
34. Letter from Wendy Simon re poll tax.
35. Letter from Barry Ogden re expansion of tournament and tourism capacity of area.
36. Application of O'Malley's Irish Pub Inc. for re-zoning of property at 621 Rothesay Avenue.
37. Request of DreamCatcher Publishing Inc. to address Council re inclusion in tourism promotional material,
and letter re extension of summer hours for Carnegie building.
38. Request of Saint John West Business Association for update on status of requests further to December 3,
2001 presentation to Council.
39. Application of Yorgo Andreas 2mboukis for amendment to Section 39 conditions of re-zoning of120
McDonald Street.
40. Letter from Lois Merritt re Advisory Council on the Status of Women.
41. Letter from Allan MacKinnon re proposed re-zoning of 231-233 Golden Grove Road.
42. Letter from Kitty BUschlepp re copy of George Stewart's account of the Great Fire of 1877 for Mayor and
43. Letter from Sandra Whitenect and petition on behalf of Grandview Avenue and surrounding area residents
re sidewalks on Grandview Avenue.
44. Letter from (a) Area Habitat Co-Ordinator - Maritimes Region, Fisheries and Oceans, re proposed gravel
mining operation, 475 Latimore Lake Road; (b) Charlene Parfitt re gravel pits in Latimore Lake Road area.
45. Letter from Nancy Somers re proposal for take-out restaurant at Lakewood Reservoir Beach.
46. 5:00 p.m. - Waterfront Development Partnership.
47. Re property at 238-240 Crown Street (Mayor McAlary).
48. Update re Saint John Industrial Parks Ltd. (Councillor Trites).
49. Letter from Walter Vincent re proposal for property PID 51771.
50. Letter from Local 771 re arbitration of grievance on negotiated annual salary.
51. Re proposed Harbour Passage (City Manager).
52. Re proposed subdivision and sale of 11-acre portion of property off Sandy Point Road (City Manager).
53. Re proposed sale of property at 211 Cosy Lake Road (City Manager).
54. Re proposed sale of land near Terreo Lake (City Manager).
55. Re employer grievances - Local 771 (City Manager).
56. Re proposed collective agreement with Local 18 (Commissioner of Finance).
57. City Manager's update.
58. Mayor's update.