2002-04-02_Agenda AGE N D A COMMON COUNCIL - as at March 28, 2002. 1. Meeting called to order, 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, April 2, 2002 - prayer. 2. Approval of minutes (March 18,2002) PUBLIC HEARINGS 3. 7:00 p.m. -Consideration of resolution ordering that fee simple in the so-called 15-foot wide "service lane" or "fire lane" at Tisdale Place vests in the City of Saint John subject to any easements to the same expressly granted to or otherwise acquired by adjoining lot owners. 4. 7:00 p.m. - (a) Proposed Street Closing By-law amendment to stop up and close a portion of Rope Walk Road. (b) Letter re proposed amendment. NOTICE TO APPEAR 5. 8:00 p.m. -Walter Deitrich Langguth to appear to show cause, if any, why Common Council should not find the property located at 1468 Rothesay Road to be in an unsightly condition and require him to remedy the condition. Report from City Manager re above property. PRESENTATION 6. 8:15 p.m. - Staff presentation re proposed new Building By-law. COUNCIL MEMBERS 7. Re proposed schedule of Council meetings - April to September 2002 (Mayor McAlary). 9. Re draft of revised constitution for Metropolitan Saint John Arts & Culture Committee (Councillor Teed). 10. Re old business or referred motions (Councillor Teed). 11. Re lack of public facilities or washrooms in City (Councillor Teed). 12. Re extension of water and sewer systems to enable new development (Councillor Teed). 13. Re tax relief to assist responsible landlords in apartment building improvements (Councillor Chase). CITY MANAGER 14. Re Acadian Railway luxury train vacations. 15. Re building at 65 Lake Cove Lane / Loch Lomond watershed. 16. Re provision of compensatory storage, Westmorland Road development. 17. Re payment to Canadian National Railway for easements along Rothesay Avenue. 18. Re application for re-zoning of property on McAllister Drive (see also item #37). 19. Report re tender for printing visitor guides. CITY SOLICITOR 20. Re buildings located at 210-214 Main Street and 224-226 Main Street - Minimum Property Standards By- law. COM MON CLERK 21. Third reading of proposed (a) Municipal Plan amendment and (b) re-zoning of property at 1099 Golden Grove Road, and imposing of conditions pursuant to Section 39 of Community Planning Act (1 st & 2nd readings given March 18, 2002). 22. Third reading of proposed Zoning By-law amendment to re-zone property at 1111 Churchland Road and 2000 Golden Grove Road, and imposing of conditions pursuant to Section 39 of Community Planning Act (1 st & 2nd readings given March 18, 2002). 23. Third reading of proposed Street Closing By-law amendment re portion of Westmorland and Saint Catherine Streets and Hays Avenue (1st & 2nd readings given March 18,2002). Page Two. COMMON COUNCIL AGENDA - as at March 28, 2002. COM M ITTEES/COM MISSIONS 24. Committee of the Whole report (March 25, 2002) - (1) salary adjustment - City Solicitor. 24A. Committee of the Whole report (March 11 and March 18,2002) - (1) appointments to Board of Directors of Greater Saint John Community Economic Development Agency, Incorporated. 25. Planning Advisory Committee re street vesting (widening), 37 Somerset Street. 26. Harbour Station Commission re East Coast Music Awards. 27. Enterprise Saint John re changes to Letters Patent as part of progress towards becoming community economic development agency. GENERAL 28. Response from Minister of Education to February 18, 2002 Council resolution requesting amendment to University of New Brunswick Act. 29. Memo from Federation of Canadian Municipalities re ratification of Kyoto protocol. 30. Letter from P. Tippett re dispute with Saint John Airport workers. 31. Request of Trevor MacDonald to make presentation to Council re possibility of mobile home being allowed to locate in vicinity of Marilyn Drive and Hillcrest Road. 32. Request of Crohns & Colitis Foundation, Saint John Branch, to hold fund-raiser in King's Square. 33. Letter from (a) Loyalist Day (May 18th) Observance Committee; and (b) The United Empire Loyalists' Association of Canada, re City's birthday and Loyalist Day. 34. Request of Festival By The Sea for grant for 2002 Festival. 35. Request of Heather Lee Jenkins for sponsorship re participation in 2002 Miss New Brunswick International Pageant. 36. Letter from Uptown Saint John Inc. in response to Council's request for information on action re unattractive appearance of vacant buildings in Uptown area. 37. Application of SCA Plaza Inc. for re-zoning of property on McAllister Drive. 38. Application of Carolle Nazair-Savoie for re-zoning of property at 638 Centre Street. 39. Application of Lisa and Eric Almon for re-zoning of property at 55 Gaelic Drive. 40. Request of Uptown Saint John for support in application to have Uptown Saint John BIA declared tourist area and obtain permit exempting it from application of Days of Rest Act. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE - 4:45 p.m. 41. 4:45 p.m. - Saint John Horticultural Association. 42. Re Meadowlands Subdivision (Councillor Fitzpatrick). 43. Request of Saint John Art Advisory Board to appear to present response re Council's January 14, 2002 referral of Post Arts Summit Steering Committee presentation. 44. Letter from Saint John YM-YWCA Inc. re Canada Games Aquatic Centre. 45. Re Power Commission (City Solicitor). 46. Re surplus City land (City Manager). 47. City Manager's update. 48. Mayor's update.