2001-08-20_Agenda AGE N D A COMMON COUNCIL - as at August 17, 2001. 1. Meeting called to order, 7:00 p.m., August 20,2001 - prayer. 2. Approval of minutes (Tuesday, August 7,2001). PUBLIC HEARINGS 3. 7:00 p.m. - (a) Proposed amendment to Section 39 conditions imposed on the 1988 re-zoning of the property situated at 815 Loch Lomond Road to "B-2" General Business classification, and as further amended in 1997, to permit the use of the property as a daycare facility, in addition to those other uses already permitted, as requested by Richard and Ruth Dignard. (b) Report from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendment. 4. 7:00 p.m. - (a) Proposed Zoning By-law amendment to re-zone the following parcels of land from "RM-1" Three Store Multiple Residential to "RM-IF" Multiple Residentiallnfill classification: 149-161 Waterloo Street, 7-21 Castle Street and 20-28 Golding Street, 91-95 Orange Street and 260-262 Princess Street, Local Common to rear of 106-120 Pitt Street, 149-153 Canterbury Street, 88-126 St. James Street, 214 Charlotte Street and 195 Sydney Street and 63 Broadview Avenue; the following parcels of land from "RM-1" Three Store Multiple Residential to "IL-2" Major Institutional classification: 127 Carleton Street and 66 Sewell Street; and the following parcels of land from "RM-1" Three Store Multiple Residential and "RM-IF" Multiple Residentiallnfill to "B-2" General Business classification: 27-45 Charles Street, 50-58 City Road, 90 City Road and 66 Garden Street, to place the parcels in appropriate zone categories that correspond to their present uses, as initiated by the City of Saint John. (b) Report from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendment. DELEGATION 5. 7:30 p.m. -Presentation by Saint John Amateur Speed Skating Club re design and size of proposed arena for East Saint John (see also item 40A). COUNCIL MEMBERS 6. Re review of Council members' salary and benefit details of Council members (Mayor McAlary). 7. Re Tilley monument in King's Square (Councillor Teed). 8. Re donated carved clock (Councillor Teed). 9. Re study into decrease in population in centre core of City (Councillor Teed). 10. Re proposed committee on skateboarding (Councillor Teed). 11. Re possibility of hosting June 2009 FCM Conference (Councillor Titus). 12. Re spring cleanup (Councillor Titus). 13. Re creation of by-law for offensive signs (Councillor Chase). 14. Re size of ice surface at Lord Beaverbrook Rink (Councillor Teed). 15. Re City By-law of 1908 respecting King's Square. *15A. City Solicitor's report re constitutionality of panhandling/begging legislation. *15B. Re amendment to lease at Saint John City Market. CITY MANAGER 16. Re 2002 Operating Budget. 17. Re EIA Registration #820 - Irving Oil Limited liquefied natural gas marine terminal. 18. Re Coleson Cove refurbishment project. 19. Re assent to subdivision plan for municipal services easement, 26-36 Cliff Street. 20. Re easement to permit encroachment of dwelling at 462 Brian Lane. 21. Re Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline project - easement request. 22. Re licence to occupy crown land - Federal access road to Bay Ferry Terminal. 23. Re Residential Infrastructure Assistance applications Nos. 4, 5, 6 and 7 for developments at Moore Street, Stewart Street, Bon Accord Subdivision - Phase 7, and Woodward Avenue. 24. Report re tender for Contract 2001-19, Manners Sutton Road sewage pumping station. 25. Report re tender for Contract 2001-6, King Street sidewalk improvements. 26. Proposed amendment to policy on use of Land for Public Purposes Trust Fund (tabled August 7,2001). Page Two. COMMON COUNCIL AGENDA - as at August 17, 2001. COM MON CLERK 27. Re proposed Municipal Plan amendment and re-zoning of property at 96 Stanley Street, as requested by Gardner Electric Ltd. (public presentation made July 9,2001). COMMITTEES 28. Committee of the Whole report (July 23,2001) - (1) appointment to Transit Commission. 29. Committee of the Whole report (August 7,2001) - (1) license to construct dock on land at Reversing Falls. 30. Planning Advisory Committee - assent to subdivision plan of 200 Bridge Road to vest Falls View Drive as public street. 31. Planning Advisory Committee - assent to subdivision plan of 356 Eldersley Avenue to vest land for public purposes. 32. Planning Advisory Committee - assent to subdivision plan of 2550 Loch Lomond Road, authorization of City/developer agreement, acceptance of land for public purposes dedication, and rescinding of August 8, 1988 Council resolution in order to allow lots to be serviced by drilled wells. 33. Planning Advisory Committee - assent to subdivision plan of 46 McAllister Drive to vest future street. 34. Planning Advisory Committee - assent to subdivision plan of 285 Millidge Avenue and municipal services and public utility easements. GENERAL 35. Letter from Murray Yorke requesting road repairs near end of Point Road, Lorneville. 36. Letter of appreciation from Simonds Middle School for City's contribution to Stinger Field Fund Raising Committee for athletic facility. 37. Letter from Mary Douglas re non-kill animal shelters. 38. Letter from Justin Robinson re plan for the City's future. 39. Letter from Gregory Paterson and petition from residents, landlords, tenants and property owners of King Street East requesting designation as part of Trinity Royal Heritage Preservation area. 40. Letter from Cathleen Gardner and Carolyn Lawton requesting examination for heritage designation for residence located at 266 Lancaster Avenue. 40A. Letters from Speed Skate New Brunswick - New Brunswick Amateur Speed Skating Association Inc. and Yerxa Sports Clinics in support of Saint John Amateur Speed Skating Club's request for Olympic-size ice facility in City. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE - 4:30 p.m. 41. 4:30 p.m. - Positive Awareness Committee re begging and loitering by-law. 42. 5:00 p.m. - Saint John Aquatic Centre Commission re proposed expansion. 43. Letter from Lawson Property Management re retaining wall south of 133 Prince William Street. 44. Re constitutionality of panhandling/begging legislation (City Solicitor). 45. Re lease, 220 Water Street (City Manager). 46. Proposed amendment to lease at Saint John City Market (City Manager). 47. Re acquisition of land in East watershed, Upper Golden Grove Road (City Manager). 48. Re request to purchase City land in Musquash (City Manager). 49. Re subdivision/consolidation of City land (City Manager). 50. City Manager's update. 51. Mayor's update.