AGE N D A COMMON COUNCIL - as at April 6, 2001.
1. Meeting called to order, 7:00 p.m., Monday, April 9, 2001 - prayer.
2. Approval of minutes (April 2, 2001).
3. 7:15 p.m. - Presentation by Nesbitt Burns Saint John Jazz & Blues Festival re status of 2001 Festival.
4. 7:30 p.m. - Presentation by Saint John Port Authority of 2001 Cruise overview.
5. 8:00 p.m. - Presentation by City staff re testing program for potable water.
6. Re deep see Visual Arts Festival (Mayor McAlary).
7. Re proposed use of bricks on King Street (Councillor Fitzpatrick).
8. Re baseball fields behind Loch Lomond Community Centre / Saint John Airport (Councillor Titus).
9. Re First Professional/Exhibition Association - land negotiation.
10. Re proposed revisions to 2001 Water and Sewerage Utility Fund Capital Program.
11. Re summer playground program.
12. Re Mispec Park summer operations - one-year trial period.
13. Tentative collective agreement with Saint John Fire Fighters' Association, Local Union No. 771.
14. Response to request on behalf of operators of II Fornello and Mexicali Rosa's Restaurants for permission
to construct patios on public streets.
15. Proposed Municipal Plan amendment re property located at corner of Crown and Paul Harris Streets, as
initiated by the City of Saint John (public presentation March 5, 2001).
16. Third reading of proposed Zoning By-law amendment and imposing of conditions pursuant to Section 39 of
Community Planning Act re re-zoning of property at 1382 Hickey Road.
17. Committee of the Whole report (April 2, 2001) - (1) amending resolution re acquisition of property at 597
Rothesay Avenue.
18. Saint John Development Corporation re Board appointments.
19. Saint John Art Advisory Board re status of Aitken Bicentennial Exhibition Centre.
20. Saint John Parking Commission re appointment of by-law enforcement officer.
21. Saint John Board of Police Commissioners re 2000 Operating Budget - year-end financial results.
22. Fundy Region Solid Waste Commission - Financial Statements, Auditor's Report, Annual Report 2000.
23. Letter from Saint John Port Authority re presence of hawkers and peddlers in area of Water Street.
24. Application of Public Works & Government Services Canada for amendment to Section 39 conditions of re-
zoning of 160 Chesley Street.
25. Letter from Residents' Committee, Pits and Quarries Study, re input to process for proposed "PQ-2" zone.
26. Letter from Chris Legault re purchase of City-owned property.
27. Re land exchange with Barsa Ventures Ltd. (City Manager).
28. Re sale of fee simple interest in Prince Edward Square Mall land (City Manager).
29. City Manager's update.
30. Mayor's update.