AGE N D A COMMON COUNCIL - as at July 14, 2000.
1. Meeting called to order, 7:00 p.m., July 17, 2000 - prayer.
2. Approval of minutes (Tuesday, July 4 and July 10, 2000).
3. 7:00 p.m. - (a)
4. 7:00 p.m. - (a)
5. 7:00 p.m. - (a)
Proposed Municipal Plan amendment to redesignate on Schedule 2-A a parcel of land with
an area of approximately 12 acres, located between the Saint John Regional Correctional
Facility and McAllister Industrial Park, from Major Community Facilities to Heavy Industrial
classification, to permit development in conjunction with the McAllister Industrial Park, as
requested by Saint John Industrial Parks Ltd.
Proposed Zoning By-law amendment to re-zone the same parcel of land from "IL-2" Major
Institutional to "1-4" Heavy Industrial Park classification.
Report from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendments.
Proposed Municipal Plan amendment to redesignate on Schedule 2-A various parcels of
land located in the area of Old Black River Road and McAllister Industrial Park, from Heavy
Industrial, Major Community Facilities and Low Density Residential to Low Density
Residential, Major Community Facilities and Heavy Industrial classification, to more
accurately reflect the existing pattern of present and future land use in the area, including
the boundaries of the Saint John Regional Correctional Facility, McAllister Industrial Park
and Old Black River/Cottage Road residential neighbourhood, as initiated by the City of
Saint John.
Proposed Zoning By-law amendment to re-zone various parcels of land in the same area
from "RF" Rural, "IL-2" Major Institutional and "RS-2M" One and Two Family and Mobile
Home Suburban Residential to "RS-2M" One and Two Family and Mobile Home Suburban
Residential, "IL-2" Major Institutional and "RF" Rural classification.
Report from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendments.
Proposed Zoning By-law text amendment to add "special zones SZ#4" to the list of zones,
as well as its uses and standards, and the proposed re-zoning of a parcel of land located at
216 Loch Lomond Road, from "1-2" Heavy Industrial to "SZ#4" Special Zone #4, to permit
the establishment of a licensed lounge, as requested by Alexia and James Dudley.
Report from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendment.
Letter of objection to proposed re-zoning.
6. 7:00 p.m. -Public presentation of proposed Municipal Plan amendment re policies respecting pits and quarries,
to facilitate the adoption of the proposed new Pits and Quarries zone, as initiated by the City of
Saint John.
7. 8:00 p.m. -Presentation by The Power Commission of the City of Saint John of 1999 Annual Report.
8. 8:30 p.m. -Presentation by The Boys & Girls Club of Saint John Inc. re annual grant.
9. 8:45 p.m. - Presentation by Environment Committee re water and wastewater policy.
10. Mayor's remarks.
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COMMON COUNCIL AGENDA - as at July 14, 2000.
*10A. Nominating Committee recommendations.
11. Re funding for cultural and arts community (Deputy Mayor Chase - tabled July 4, 2000).
12. Re presentation on Zenon leachate treatment plant (Councillor Chase).
13. Report re tender for liquid chlorine.
14. Report re tender for sodium hypochlorite.
15. Report re tender for hydrofluosilicic acid.
16. Report re tender for sand, gravel and aggregate.
17. Report re tender for Contract 2000-8, City Road water and sewer renewal and Church Avenue water meter.
18. Report re tender for Contract 2000-5, curb construction.
19. Re 2001 budget submissions.
20. Re proposed closure of Americo Road, Sunrise Park Subdivision.
21. Proposed revisions to 2000 Capital Program for Transportation.
22. Re handling of Crane Mountain leachate at Lancaster Wastewater Treatment Plant.
23. Proposed travel policy for employees.
24. Re request for funding for community garden project.
25. Tourism Department summer update.
*25A. Agreement with Enbridge Gas New Brunswick.
*25B. Travel policy for elected officials.
26. Proposed Parking Meter By-law amendment re parking lot at 13-19 Charlotte Street (1st & 2nd readings given
July 4, 2000).
27. Re request for land for public purpose funds for community garden.
28. Third reading of proposed Zoning By-law amendment to re-zone property located at 5-9 Boars Head Road (1 st
& 2nd readings given July 4, 2000).
29. Finance Committee re (a) 1999 Financial Statements - General Fund; (b) 1999 Financial Statements - Water
and Sewerage Utility; and (c) 1999 Financial Statements - Sinking, Reserve and Trust Funds.
30. Committee of the Whole report (July 4,2000) - (1) re reconstruction of Moore Street.
31. Planning Advisory Committee re proposed assent to subdivision for street widening purposes, 30 Fishermans
32. Saint John Board of Police Commissioners re Saint John Police Force 2001 Operating Budget.
33. Saint John Board of Police Commissioners re truck traffic on Champlain Drive.
34. Saint John Transit Commission re election of officers.
35. Letter from Minister of Environment and Local Government in response to May 1, 2000 Council resolution re
designation of Building Inspector and Chief City Engineer.
36. Letter from Saint John Horticultural Association re Visit Canada Visitez project, Rockwood Park.
37. Letter from Stephen Tobias re arts funding.
38. Letter from Cherry Brook Zoo requesting to meet re future of Zoo.
39. FCM Members' Advisory calling for resolutions for consideration by Board of Directors, September 2000.
40. Letter from Environment and Local Government, Municipal Government Services Branch, re Acting Chief
Medical Officer of Health's advisories on raccoon rabies and West Nile virus.
41. Letter from City of Toronto re keeping of poisonous and venomous animals.
42. Letter from Arthur Melanson re replacement of light on Wentworth Street.
43. Application of Tobias Foods Ltd. for Zoning By-law amendment re property at 511 Somerset Street.
44. Revised application of Thomas Developments Ltd. for re-zoning of property at 1384 Old Black River Road.
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COMMON COUNCIL AGENDA - as at July 14, 2000.
45. Letter from Steven Mullin re parking on Woodville Road.
45A. Letter from Robert Tucker re wheelchair access to sidewalks.
45B.Application of James R. and Jean Anderson for re-zoning of property at 265 Somerset Street.
46. Re negotiations with Enbridge Gas NB (City Manager).
47. Re seeking outside expertise for negotiations (City Manager).
48. Re travel policy for elected officials (City Manager).
49. City Manager's update.
50. Mayor's update.
51. Re recent actions against Kenneth Estabrooks and City of Saint John (City Solicitor).