AGE N D A COMMON COUNCIL - as at June 30,2000.
1. Meeting called to order, 7:00 p.m., Tuesdav, July 4,2000 - prayer.
2. Approval of minutes (June 19, 2000).
3. 7:00 p.m. - (a)
Proposed Zoning By-law amendment to re-zone a parcel of land located at 5-9 Boars
Head Road, from "R-1 B" One Family Residential to "R-2" One and Two Family
Residential classification, to permit construction of one-family or semi-detached
dwellings, as requested by Stephen Halsall and Tamara Halsall.
Report from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendment.
4. 7:30 p.m. - Presentation by Visit Canada Visitez re Canada Trail, Rockwood Park.
5. 8:00 p.m. - Presentation by David and Dianne Breau re parking on Woodville Road.
6. Mayor's remarks.
7. (a) Re Rockwood Park Advisory Board's discussion on Visit Canada Visitez project (Mayor McAlary).
(b) Letter from Visit Canada Visitez re progress reports on project.
7 A. Re funding for cultural and arts community (Deputy Mayor Chase).
8. Re operation of City arenas (Councillor Titus - tabled June 12, 2000).
9. Follow-up on recent FCM meeting (Councillor Court).
10. Re mechanism for review of numerous City by-laws (Councillor Titus).
11. Re improvements at Denis Morris Community Centre (Councillor Titus).
12. Re parking on Woodville Road.
13. Re Procurement Policy - method of vendor selection and engagement of professional services.
14. Report re tender for Contract 2000-7, Hunter Lake control dam reconstruction.
15. Report re tender for renovations - 9th floor, City Hall.
16. Re additional work, Contract 99-5, Phase VIII closure, Spruce Lake landfill.
17. Re agreement with Atlantic Health Sciences Corporation for communications services.
18. Proposed amendment to procedures re sale of compensatory storage, Glen Falls area.
19. Re changes for summer 2000 Playground Program.
20. Update report re climate control at City Market.
21. Proposed revision to Housing Incentive Program application HIP #83.
22. Re joint meeting - Cities of New Brunswick Association and Union of Municipalities of New Brunswick.
23. Proposed Section 101 Agreement for future street, First Westmorland Shopping Centres Ltd. subdivision,
450-500 Westmorland Road.
24. Re advertisement for proposed Municipal Plan amendment on policies respecting pits and quarries.
25. Re 2000 Water and Sanitary Capital Programs.
26. Planning Advisory Committee re assent to subdivision and land for public purposes dedication, 1429 Loch
Lomond Road.
27. Planning Advisory Committee re assent to subdivision for street widening purposes, 564 Rothesay Avenue.
28. The Saint John Jeux Canada Games Foundation, Inc. re Financial Statements and reappointment of
28A. Saint John Parking Commission - proposed Parking Meter By-law amendment re parking lot at 13-19
Charlotte Street.
Page Two.
COMMON COUNCIL AGENDA - as at June 30, 2000.
29. Letters from Patterson Palmer Hunt Murphy Law (a) suggesting policy to regulate sidewalk cafes in the
City; and requesting permission on behalf of Paul Grannan to use sidewalk areas on (b) Water and Prince
William Streets and (c) Prince William and Canterbury Streets, on which to construct temporary
30. Application of First Westmorland Shopping Centres Limited for amendment to Section 39 conditions of re-
zoning of property at 450-500 Westmorland Road. (WITHDRAWN)
31. Letter from Oasis Construction re HIP grant for development of land on north side of St. James Street
between Charlotte and Germain Streets.
32. Request of David McCormick for renewal of temporary permit for mobile home at 1290 Grandview Avenue.
33. Application of Sheila Anne MacDonald for re-zoning of property at 1384 Red Head Road.
34. Application of Thomas Developments Ltd. for re-zoning of property at 1384 Old Black River Road.
35. Request of Dialogue New Brunswick to present its objectives and activities.
36. Request of Canada Day Celebration Committee for Saint John for financial support.
37. Letter and petition from Pauline Head re necessity of by-law to govern pits and quarries, and consultation
process prior to issuance of certificates of approval.
38. Letter from Pits and Quarries Study Residents' Committee re legal issue raised at May 15, 2000 public
hearing re pits and quarries zone.
39. Re negotiations with natural gas distributor (City Manager).
40. Update on negotiations re Moore Street (City Manager).
41. City Manager's update.
42. Mayor's update.
43. Re recent actions against Kenneth Estabrooks and the City of Saint John (City Solicitor).