AGE N D A COMMON COUNCIL - as at February 4,2000.
1. Meeting called to order, 7:00 p.m., Monday, February 7,2000 - prayer.
2. Approval of minutes (January 24, 2000).
3. 7:15 p.m. Presentation by Mispec Park Recreation Committee Inc. of Mispec Park Recreation Centre
Project Proposal.
4. 7:45 p.m. Presentation by Human Development Council re financial support of City.
5. Mayor's remarks.
6. Re suggestion box for City Hall (Councillor Titus).
7. Re HIP application #101 and #102 for developments at 75 Coburg Street and on Moore Street,
8. Response to November 22, 1999 request for approval to establish a grove of trees in King Square West as
Millennium project to commemorate past City Mayors.
9. Response to December 20, 1999 request for approval of development of Millennium Heritage Memorial
Tree Grove representing various ethnic groups/countries representing Saint John's population.
10. Response to January 24, 2000 request for approval of establishment of Millennium monument to honour
Order of Canada recipients.
11. Re proposal to lease Stewart Hurley Arena to Yerxa Sports Clinics Inc.
12. Re approval of purchase of Year 2000 Saint John Visitor Guide.
13. Re option for Clear View Mobile Homes Ltd. to complete obligations pursuant to Section 39 agreement re
November 1998 re-zoning of land adjacent to mobile home park off Westmorland Road.
14. Re contract for animal control services.
15. Re clarification of Section 39 conditions of re-zoning of property at 801 Loch Lomond Road and 171 Mark
Drive, as requested by Moose Mountain Farms Ltd. (see also item #19).
*16. Response to December 13, 1999 letter re Indian Town Residents Association's concerns. (WITHDRAWN)
17. Re designation of Building Inspector for enforcement proceedings.
17A. Payment of invoice re expenses related to January 1998 ice storm.
*17B. Proposed amendment to Water and Sewerage By-law to amend Schedule "B". (WITHDRAWN)
*17C. Nominating Committee recommendation re Saint John Board of Police Commissioners.
18. Proposed Traffic By-law amendment re truck traffic on Mark Drive (1 st & 2nd readings given January 24,
19. Third reading of proposed Zoning By-law amendment to re-zone property located at 801 Loch Lomond
Road and 171 Mark Drive, as requested by Moose Mountain Farms Ltd., and imposing of conditions
pursuant to Section 39 of the Community Planning Act (1 st & 2nd readings given January 24, 2000).
20. Third reading of proposed Zoning By-law amendment to re-zone property at 171 Mark Drive and 801 Loch
Lomond Road, as requested by the City of Saint John (1 st & 2nd readings given January 24, 2000).
21. Third reading of Zoning By-law text amendment re licensed restaurants in "B-1", "RM-2" and "RM-3" zones,
as requested by the City of Saint John (1 st & 2nd readings given January 24, 2000).
22. Committee of the Whole report (January 31,2000) - (1) annual salary adjustments.
23. Planning Advisory Committee re assent to subdivision, Moose Mountain Farms Ltd., 801 Loch Lomond
Road and 171 Mark Drive.
24. Planning Advisory Committee re proposed subdivision and Section 101 agreement, 405 Westmorland
Road and 10 Mark Drive.
25. Planning Advisory Committee re Executive for 2000.
26. Recreation and Parks Advisory Board re proposed New Brunswick Trail through Saint John.
27. Saint John Board of Police Commissioners re office space for Differential Response.
Page Two.
COMMON COUNCIL AGENDA - as at February 4,2000.
28. Letter from Parish Corporation of Trinity Anglican Church re matter of Angie's and other such night clubs.
29. Memorandum from Union of the Municipalities of New Brunswick re 2000 membership dues.
30. Letters re funding for Human Development Council from (a) Sisters of Charity of the Immaculate
Conception; (b) Urban Core Support Network; (c) Greater Saint John Teen Pregnancy Committee; (d) Roly
Macintyre; (e) United Way of Greater Saint John Inc.; (f) William F. Gale; (g) Rev. R.E. Freill, Diocese of
Saint John; (h) Regional Director of Human Resources Development-NB; (i) Terrence G. Boone; U) Anna
O'Hara; (k) Dr. Pamela F. IlIman Coates; (I) Community Health Centre; (m) Cherry A. Thorne; (n) Senator
Erminie J. Cohen; (0) Paull. Patterson; (p) Dr. E.J. Doherty, Professional Corp. / Business Community
Anti-Poverty Initiative, Daycare; (q) Director, Student Services, UNBSJ.
31. Letter from John Sullivan re court and ice time distribution for basketball and hockey.
32. Letter from The St. George's Society of Saint John, N.B., re millennium grove of trees.
33. Request of Heritage Branch of Department of Economic Development, Tourism and Culture, for support of
proposal to recommend Provincial historic designation for military defensive network of Saint John Harbour
as a Provincial Millennium Historic Site.
34. Letter from South Central Citizens Council in support of two candidates for Saint John Police Commission.
35. 5:30 p.m. - Meeting with Exhibition Association.
36. Re appointments to Commissions (Mayor McAlary).
37. Re meeting with Saint John Airport Authority (Mayor McAlary).
38. Request of CUPE Local Union No. 18 to meet to clarify pension issues.
39. Re natural gas pipeline project (City Manager).
40. Re land for Mark Drive by-pass road (City Manager).
41. Re Mark Drive by-pass road project (City Manager).
42. Re sale of land at 29 Somerset Street (City Manager).
43. Re sale of land on Chesley Drive (City Manager).
*44. Re connection and supply agreement Refinery upgrade project (City Manager). (WITHDRAWN)
45. Re residency of Council appointees (City Solicitor).
46. City Manager's update.
47. Mayor's update.