AGE N D A COMMON COUNCIL- as at January 7,2000
1. Meeting called to order, 7:00 p.m., Monday, January 10, 2000 - prayer.
2. Approval of minutes (Tuesday, January 4, 2000).
3. 7:00 p.m. (a)
4. 7:00 p.m. (a)
Proposed Municipal Plan amendment to amend Schedule 2-A and Section by
redesignating, (i) from Light Industrial (Approved Development) to Low Density Residential
classification, a parcel of land located at 155 Sandy Point Road and, (ii) from Low Density
Residential to Light Industrial (Approved Development), a parcel of land located at 151
Sandy Point Road, to permit re-zoning of the land in order to adjust the boundaries between
151 and 155 Sandy Point Road, and permit an addition to the existing auto body shop
located at 155 Sandy Point Road, as requested by Fender Mender Auto Body Ltd.
Proposed Zoning By-law amendment to re-zone (i) the parcel of land at 155 Sandy Point
Road from "1-1" Light Industrial to "R-2" One and Two Family Residential classification, and
(ii) the land at 151 Sandy Point Road from"R-2" One and Two Family Residential to "1-1"
Light Industrial classification.
Report from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendments.
Proposed amendment to Section 39 conditions imposed on the September 15, 1980 re-
zoning of the property situated at 558 Bonita Avenue, to permit the establishment and
operation of a take-out restaurant within the existing convenience store whereas the Section
39 conditions limit the permitted uses for this property to a convenience (retail) store and
apartments, as requested by Margo Eatmon.
Report from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendment.
5. 8:00 p.m. - Fundy Region Solid Waste Commission (as per December 9, 1999 Common Council resolution).
6. Water and Sewerage Utility - 2000 Operating Budget, and proposed Water and Sewerage By-law amendment re
rates and discount dates.
7. Re contract with Animal Rescue League for provision of animal control services.
8. Response to December 20, 1999 request for City sponsorship of 2002 Canadian National Square and Round
Dance Convention.
8A. Re administrative/operational changes required to support compost initiatives.
*8B. Letter from Saint John Board of Trade re composting.
9. Re application of Curry Brandaw Planners for Municipal Plan amendment and re-zoning of 300 Boars Head
Road (public presentation made December 6, 1999).
10. Committee of the Whole report (Tuesday, January 4, 2000) - (1) appointments to Saint John Development
Corporation; (2) request to consent to lease, 15th floor, City Hall.
11. Application of Rosalie Marie Ryan for re-zoning of 141 Hawthorne Avenue.
12. Request of Paul McGraw for solution to problem in West Side storm sewer infrastructure.
13. Request of TD Bank Financial Group for permission to have barbecue and hot chocolate stand on sidewalk in
front of 2 King Street in February.
14. Re Council meetings (City Manager - tabled December 20, 1999).
15. City Manager's update.
16. Mayor's update.