2009-11-16_Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jourm; City of Saint John Common Council Meeting Monday, November 16, 2009 Location: 8t'' Floor Boardroom City Hall Committee of the Whole 1. Call to Order 5:00 p.m. Stn Floor Boardroom City Hall 1.1 Value Engineering Update 1.2 Employment Matter 1(_).2(4)(b,j) City of Saint John Seance du Conseil communal Le Lundi 16 Novembre , 2009 Lieu : Salle de conference du 8e etage a 1'h6tel de ville Comite plenier 1. Ouverture de la seance 17 h Salle de conference du 8e Rage a 1'h6tel de ville 1.1 Services d'ingenierie de la valeur 1.2 Question relative a 1'emploi - alinea 10.2(4)j) The yofsl 'John November 12, 2009 His Worship Mayor Ivan Court and Members of Common Council, Subject: Committee of the Whole Closed Session The Common Council meeting of November 16th, 2009 contains the following items on the agenda: 1.2 Employment Matter 10.2(4)(b,j) Section 10.2(4) of the Municipalities Act states: "If it is necessary at a meeting of council, or committee of council, to discuss any of the following matters, the public may be excluded from the meeting for the duration of the discussion": (b) "personal information" (j) "labour and employment matters, including the negotiating of collective agreements". Sincerely, s. , Jonathan Taylor Assistant Common Clerk o- SAINT JOHN P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada E2L 4LI I www.saintjohn.ca I C.C? 1971 Saint John, N.-B. Canada E2L 4L1 REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL M&C2009-372 November 12", 2009 His Worship Mayor Ivan Court And Members of Common Council Your Worship and Members of Council, SUBJECT: VALUE ENGINEERING PRESENTATION ACTION PLAN FOR SAFE. CLEAN DRINKING WATER BACKGROUND The Action Plan for Safe, Clean Drinking Water (Part 13 - Assuring Value) outlined a systematic, function-based evaluation process designed to assure optimal performance and best value for the investments being made in water system upgrades. A proposal for value engineering services was accepted and a series of three VE workshops conducted earlier this year: 1. System-Wide / Major Issues 2. Program Delivery Strategy 3. Detailed Technical Review - Treatment and Infrastructure Needs The Cater Sahu 11ohn Achieving best value involves studying every critical aspect of planned water system upgrades, including treatment specifications, number and capacity of plants, project delivery options, risk, and source sustainability. The process analyzed issues objectively and looked for innovative, practical solutions that offered the lowest possible life cycle costs. Value = Essential Functions / Resources PurDOse of this Resort The purpose of this report is to ask Council to schedule a presentation of the recommendations of the value engineering review of the Action Plan for Safe, Clean Drinking Water on Monday, November 30t", 2009 in Open Committee of the Whole. The presentation will be made by Don Stafford (Robinson Stafford & Rude, Inc.) and David Wilson (NCE), the value engineering team leaders and facilitators. OUR BUSINESS IS YOUR WATER / VOTRE EAU, C'EST NOTRE AFFAIRE VALUE ENGINEERING PRESENTATION NOVEMBER 12TH, 2009 ACTION PLAN FOR SAFE, CLEAN DRINKING WATER PAGE ANALYSIS Three multi-disciplinary teams of specialists from across North America (separate team for each phase), working with Saint John Water representatives and design consultants, applied formal value engineering methodology through three phases of evaluation. Phase 1: System-Wide / Major Issues This team was presented with a range of strategic questions, including number and locations of treatment facilities, the most appropriate capacities, separate potable and industrial water systems East, essential transmission upgrades, and a second river crossing and East-West interconnection. Phase 2: Program Delivery Strategy The second step focused on the program delivery strategy. It assessed alternative ownership and project delivery options, including risks associated with the different approaches. Phase 3: Detailed Technical Review - Treatment and Infrastructure Needs The third and final workshop involved an analysis of technical considerations; specific treatment and system infrastructure needs. CONCLUSION The value engineering consultants are finalizing their reports and Council should now be briefed on the process. The Action Plan for Safe, Clean Drinking Water will be updated and implementation of the upgrade programme guided by this VE advice. Changes will be proposed. Some of these will improve performance and/or reduce overall costs; others will present new challenges. The City will need to work through each of the recommended changes, complete necessary planning and engineering, and move to detailed design for specific treatment and system infrastructure requirements. As Council seeks funding support for full programme implementation, we must be ever conscious of the drinking water risks that exist today and the need for timely decisions. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that Common Council schedule a VE presentation on safe, clean drinking water for Monday, November 30t", 2009 in Open Committee of the Whole. Respectfully submitted, J.M. Paul Groody, P. Eng. Commissioner, For Saint,John Water J. Patrick Woods, CGA Acting City Manager OUR BUSINESS IS YOUR WATER / VOTRE EAU, C'EST NOTRE AFFAIRE