2009-09-25_Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jourCity of Saint John
Common Council Meeting
Friday, September 25, 2009 &
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Committee of the Whole
1. Call to Order
Location: Ludlow Room, 8th Floor City Hall
Friday, September 25th, 2009: 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
1. Council's Priorities
Location: Interpretation Centre, Rockwood Park
Saturday, September 26th, 2009: 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
2. Budget Guidelines and Service Delivery Goals 10.2(4) (b,c j)
he Corporate Strategic Plan sets the direction
for our organization through the identification
of strategic focus areas, goals and commitment
SaraLegic Foes os 11.rcas< These are the seven
key administrative and operational areas
where we will focus our efforts to improve
our effectiveness and efficiency in serving
the community.
G' oal s These are the goals that will help us
realize success in all strategic focus areas.
",osmmllamew S'LaLeme�� s� These are the
initiatives that we will pursue to achieve
our goals.
Some of the commitments we have made will be
achieved during the next four years and align well
with Council's Priorities. Others are longer -term
challenges that our organization will address over
. . Defining Our Commitment .i C ��.�t��, ire , r. �r ,,, ie l � � � i "%�, r � G rl' i " J��
Our coininitinent to...
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City Manager's Commitment .................... 2
Leadership Commitment .......................
A Framework For Our Future ...................
Shaping Our Commitment ......................
Corporate Commitments
1. Enhancing Customer Service .............
2. Service Alignment .....................
3. A Productive Workforce ................
4. Infrastructure Management .............
5. Financial Stability ......................
6. Demonstrating Accountability...........
7. Integrating Sustainability ...............
Delivering on Our Commitments ...............
Creating a Common Language .................
Council's Priorities ............................
erhaps at no time in
our recent history has
the City's Administration
been afforded the
opportunity to respond
to the Community,
to Council and to one
another in such a fashion
as you will read in the
following pages. I have
said many times, "as an
organization, too often
we try to be all things to
all people." Many of you
have shared this same
sentiment as you endeavor to balance conflicting
priorities from day to day.
Thanks to the tremendous work of our Citizens
Advisory Group and the thousands of citizens who
took the time to provide their input into creating a
Vision for our Community, I know we have begun
a journey. Thanks to a Council who have not only
embraced the Community's vision, but have also
adopted their own supportive priorities, we have
clear direction. Yes, we are embarking on a journey
— a journey with the destination of having every
employee being able to clearly understand how their
daily activities contribute to reaching both the
Community's Vision and Council's Priorities.
We are not alone in this journey. In order to reach
the destination of the Community's Vision and full
implementation of Council's Priorities, the entire
community is going to have to put their shoulders
to the wheel. As employees of the City of
Saint John, I have every confidence we can and
will do our part.
As City Manager, I acknowledge what I am asking
of each of you. Doing our part will require all of
you — as I have — to read, understand and embrace
the City of Saint John's Corporate Strategic Plan.
Yes, there is much to be done, but to use another
saying, "it's fun to take a journey but awfully nice
to get home." As employees, our "work home" must
be a place where we are respected by those whom
we serve. It must be a place where the results and
measures of our work speak for themselves. It must
be a place where our lives are enhanced and our
work is meaningful. Our work home, above all,
must be a place of pride.
My commitment to you is simple. Take the journey
with me and your work home will be as I have
Terry Totten
City Manager
Defining Our Commitment .i ( q— ire , r. �/ it P/ �� ion r , a ry oi . ../ /
Deputy City Manager
Deputy City Manager, Programs and Priorities
Commissioner, Municipal Operations & Engineering
Fire Chief
° �,5h
Commissioner, Planning & Development
Commissioner, Buildings & lnspection Services
Commissioner, Leisure Services
Manager, Human Resources
City Solicitor*
Common Clerk
Comm ?vssi,%ner of Finance
*The officers holding these positions report directly to Common Council.
They share the views expressed by the City Manager and as a result are signatories.
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0 ur success as an organization is measured by
our dedication to fulfilling the commitments
we have identified and how well we work together
to provide service. It is our responsibility — all
employees — to ensure that our actions support the
achievement of our Corporate vision.
This means:
Embracing the Community's Vision and
Council's Priorities and using them to guide our
service delivery planning.
Recognizing the strategic goals and commitment
statements articulated in this plan are priorities
for the organization.
Dedicating resources to plan, execute and
implement our commitment statements
identified as part of this plan.
Supporting employees in their contribution to
fulfilling our commitments — ensuring they
have the time and space to work to the best of
their ability and have the authority to act.
Encouraging employees to work collaboratively
to find creative ways to fulfill our commitments.
Providing guidance to employees that ensures
individual and team actions support the strategic
initiatives outlined in this plan.
Leadership Commitment
Planning for Sm
n June 2008, Common Council adopted a planning framework (below) that is designed to
translate Community Vision into action. Starting with the Community's Vision and Goals,
citizens identified their needs by expressing their hopes and dreams for Saint John in the future.
The Community Vision and Goals act as a guide for all other planning initiatives. City services are
planned and delivered to support the achievement of the Community's Vision and Goals — ensuring
that services have an impact on the things that matter to SaintJohners.
. Defining Our Commitment —I C ��.�t��, ire , r. �r ,,, ie l � �� ibr r � G r p i " J��
W.L'..11l.%'tt is the
The Corporate Strategic Plan is one component of the planning
framework. It provides the link between the broad based goals
of the community, supported by Council's Priorities (page 25),
and the actions required by the City of Saint John to help realize
these goals. The strategies identified in the Corporate Strategic
Plan provide direction to the corporation in the delivery of
service — ensuring that the Administration is effective in
meeting the needs of the Community and that services are
delivered in the most innovative, sustainable and efficient
way possible.
Simply stated, the Corporate Strategic Plan is a roadmap that
defines our commitment towards being a high performance
public service — one that achieves the outcomes desired by our
Community in a cost - effective manner.
Defining 1 'lii li Commitment
The Corporate Strategic Plan was prepared by employees with
strategic leadership responsibilities from across the organization,
working together to better understand our environment and
agreeing to a plan that responds to it. They focused on the
need to create a plan that supports Council's Priorities and the
achievement of the Community Vision.
These strategic leaders came together to participate in a process
where they shared their perspectives on the past, present and
our desired future. As a result of these conversations, they
discovered common ground and used this information to
formulate commitment statements that will guide how we
continue to work together to improve how we plan and deliver
our services.
Giim de d I) ('41r Commitment
The Corporate Strategic Plan provides employees with a vision
they can act upon, a tool for decision - making, and a means to
keep the City focused on the needs of citizens.
Our, commitment
to Me CommunitY
Our, commitment
to C'()uncil
Our, commitment
to emphgees and
Our, commitment
to each of e r
Framework For Our Future
We are energized, engaged people committed to
working together to provide services that are responsive
to Community needs and delivered in a sustainable,
cost - effective way.
To serve our City with pride, to provide our citizens
with quality services, and to contribute to the overall
economic, social and environmental well -being of
Saint John.
Commitment... fulfilling the expectations we create
in our promises, both direct and implied.
Integrity... conducting ourselves honestly, fairly,
respectfully and ethically.
Responsibility... establishing accountability,
expectations and values -based decision - making.
Shaping Our Commitment /
Enham Custoiner Ser i
The City of Saint John works with the Community
to continuously improve service delivery.
Wi ...
• Implement a customer service model that ensures
requests for service are responded to in a timely
• Incorporate feedback from the Community into
our service delivery decisions and ensure that the
public receives information in a timely fashion in
order to understand actions taken.
• Investigate bestpractices and /or technology that
supports the effective and efficient delivery of all
• Develop an information management strategy
that establishes how information is shared, stored
and accessed to facilitate better decision - making
and planning, responsiveness to the Community
and accountability through reporting.
�.-^. Defining Our Commitment ,.1 C ��.�t��, ire , r. �r ie l ion r ..I ���
S er i i:" Ali �ii.1 "'i" ii.f
The City of Saint John has aligned its services to meet
the needs of the Community and works collaboratively
to achieve desired results.
Wi ...
• Structure our organization to ensure service delivery
processes are aligned and coordinated in accordance
with the Community's Vision and Council's Goals
and Priorities.
• Regularly review service delivery processes to
document, measure, improve and align our practices
or eliminate services that no longer meet the needs of
the Community.
• Increase the use of self- managed, cross functional
teams to develop a collaborative approach to
designing and delivering services that meet the needs
of the Community.
• Maintain a corporate inventory of City services
(including agencies, boards and commissions),
identifying service description, value, output,
processes and performance measures.
• Create and implement a Communication Plan to
assist the public and staff in understanding the scope
of City services and how these services support the
Community's Vision and Goals, Council's
Priorities, and the Corporate Strategic Plan.
p 3
Defining Our Commitment .l C ��.�t��, ire , r. �r ie / ion r G r ..I ���
i~iWidw WC) kfi -ii~i°
The City of Saint John is a great place to work, a people- focused organization
that recognizes the value of individuals united in public service.
Wi ...
• Develop a People Strategy for our organization, including policies and
business practices that establish standards for our public service, affirm
our values, and promote a culture of accomplishment.
• Establish a connection between employees' contributions and overall
service expectations and develop a comprehensive performance
management system.
• Create a corporate wellness program that builds on existing initiatives and
meets the evolving needs of our employees.
• Develop and implement a corporate orientation program that introduces
employees to other members of staff, explains the City's Corporate
Strategic Plan, policies, and benefits and provides the context for specific
work duties.
• Develop and implement coaching and mentoringprograms that put ideas
to work, transfer knowledge and skill, and increase corporate learning.
• Create and implement development programs that support service delivery
and provide the opportunity for career enrichment.
• Create an Internal Communication Plan that identifies how relevant
information is shared in a timely manner throughout the organization
and the framework for employee engagement in moving our
organization forward.
• Implement a recognition program to share and celebrate individual and
team successes across the organization.
Defining Our Commitment ,.1 C i�.�t��, ire , r. �r ie l ion r G � 'I ���
The City of Saint John demonstrates its responsibility for the
sustainable life -cycle management of municipal infrastructure
and corporate assets, ensuring they are of high quality, fully
utilized, and meet or exceed established standards.
we Will...
• Establish a corporate inventory of City assets; identifying
the type of asset, ownership, financial value, applicable
standards, and condition assessment.
• Review and adopt standards for City assets that address
quality, utilization and sustainability.
• Implement long -term infrastructure development,
maintenance and replacement plans and update annually.
• Conduct agap analysis and create strategies to ensure public
infrastructure and assets meet the needs of a growing and
vibrant City.
• Work collaboratively with the City's agencies, boards
and commissions in the effective and efficient life -cycle
management of municipal infrastructure and
corporate assets.
• Implement technology solutions that support the life -cycle
management of City assets.
Defining Our Commitment .t Ci�.�t��, ire , r. �r ie l ion r G � 'I ���
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Fin.ii ii Stability
The City of Saint John is able to fund the services it provides to the
Community by means of sustainable financial resources.
we Will...
• Revise the long -term financialplan to incorporate on -going
operating costs as well as the full cost of infrastructure development,
maintenance and replacement.
• Ensure annual operating and capital budgets reflect the full cost of
delivering services in accordance with policy direction set by Council,
service level standards, and legislative requirements.
• Develop a Debt Management Plan to guide the use of debt in the
financing of capital expenditures.
• Review existing legislation as a common law corporation to determine
the City's ability to generate revenue, investigate potential profitability,
and identify public policy considerations.
• Pursue partnerships with other orders of government, community
groups and organizations, and the private sector to provide funds and
expertise needed to deliver services.
• Inform our citizens, ratepayers and other orders of government about
our financial needs and limitations.
• Support Common Council in taking an active and persistent approach
in lobbying other orders of government to encourage financial
partnerships and remove legislative barriers that limit our ability so as
to generate revenue to decrease our reliance on property taxation.
P Defining Our Commitment .t C��.�t ire , r. �r ie l / �� ion r � G � oi
The City of Saint John demonstrates accountability by establishing
clear outcomes for all services, focusing on continuous improvement,
and measuring and reporting results.
we Will...
• Create an accountability framework that sets service objectives,
measures performance, reports on outcomes, and proposes and
implements service improvement strategies.
• Ensure the credibility of the accountability framework through
independent audits.
• Implement a service -based approach to budgeting to support the
measurement of service outcomes and assist Council in making
policy decisions about service offerings.
• Design performance measures that indicate progress toward
Community goals and objectives, the quality of service delivery,
and efficiency.
• Establish service level standards and performance targets that
provide a benchmark for monitoring progress toward meeting
service objectives by incorporating best practices, industry
standards, and public consultation.
• Provide Common Council with accurate information and
professional advice in a timely manner that reflects public
concerns and directions received from Council.
Defining Our Commitment .t Ci�.�t��, ire , r. �r ie l ion r ..I ���
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Integrating Sustainability
The City of Saint John integrates sustainability principles into everything it does and supports
the efforts of the Community to protect and enhance the environment for future generations.
W 1 . . .
• Develop and implement a corporate sustainability policy and decision - making framework.
• Support Council and the Community in their commitment to sustainability by
recommending a new Municipal Plan by -law that provides specific policies and procedures
that contribute to the achievement of the Community Vision.
• Ensure that municipal service delivery processes incorporate the sustainability principles
adopted by Common Council.
( ;ity of S'�.i nt john S'uo,u�. nflbdity flrincip cs
1. Provide a long -term vision for Saint John based
on the pillars of sustainability: social /cultural,
environmental and economic.
2. Recognize and incorporate the valued and
distinctive characteristics of Saint John —
including its human, cultural, historical and
natural attributes — in our vision and planning for
a sustainable city.
3. Engage the entire community of Saint John in
the planning and implementation of sustainable
4. Respect Saint John's natural ecosystems by acting
as a custodian for the biodiversity and natural
ecosystems of Saint John and protecting and
restoring them.
5. Model the development of Saint John on the
characteristics of natural systems.
6. Strive to minimize Saint John's ecological
7. Achieve long -term economic stability and social
security in Saint John.
8. Foster communication among community groups
and organizations to emphasize sustainability as a
shared common goal.
9. Promote sustainable production and consumption
through the use of environmentally sound
technologies and effective demand management.
10. Establish a systematic process of continual
improvement, based on action - planning,
accountability, transparency and good governance.
Defining Our Commitment ,.1 C��.�t��, ire , r. �r,,,ie l �� ion r .,I ���
C-)rganizing for Su(
The commitments and related strategies outlined in this plan
represent the work required to achieve our Corporate vision —
effectively responding to the needs of the Community and delivering
service in the most innovative, sustainable and efficient way possible.
A corporate approach to project management will be used to plan and
implement the strategies outlined in this plan. Staff from across the
organization will be given an opportunity to take the lead on these
strategic initiatives. The initiatives will be supported by a corporate
project management office that will facilitate a coordinated and
collaborative approach to fulfilling our commitments.
Each year the Corporate Strategic Plan will be reviewed and adjusted
to reflect the changing needs of the Community, new opportunities,
and the progress we have made towards our strategic goals.
Evaluating Progress
Continued monitoring and reporting will ensure that we are well on
our way to achieving our Corporate vision. A staff steering committee
will be assembled to evaluate and report on the progress made on our
strategic initiatives. The steering committee will report semi - annually
to a committee consisting of two Council Members and the City
Manager. The City Manager will also provide a Report of Progress
once a year to Common Council.
Defining Our Commitment ,.1 C ��.�t��, ire , r. �r ie l ion r ..I ���
A i�,' nlmcmu ;Ensuringthateverythingwedo
contributes to achieving the Community's vision.
c `n 7 n o n lln .lbill im Our responsibility to provide an open
and honest explanation of our results — the progress
we are making towards achieving our goals.
ssen, : Anything the City owns that has a monetary
value including land, buildings, computers,
equipment, vehicles, roads and pipes.
( ;onnimiun rant; Represents our promise to the
Community, Council, employees and each other
in working together to achieve our goals.
( ;on ~pon ~chow Represents the administrative
component of the City of Saint John that supports
the development and execution of policy decisions
made by Council.
( ;omiciPs flrioriuic : Represents the goals that
Council has set, for the duration of its term, in
support of achieving the Community's vision.
These goals provide direction to staff and the City's
agencies, boards and commissions in the delivery
of service.
hnwnnmcNvo& A defined set of processes or practices
that are used to address or solve complex issues.
llmfnwn,u-nwn c n rc; Physical assets that include such
things as roads, pipes, buildings, ball fields or arenas
that support the delivery of service.
llmarnuov n iow Incorporation of new ideas and methods
to address matters related to people, processes and
Missiow A statement of the role of the City of
Saint John as an organization and its purpose.
flerforim uice Mcc.wres; An indication of the
progress the City has made in achieving its goals
and objectives.
flrin ip. cs: Adopted rules, practices and processes
that guide our thinking and decision - making.
°imOinllflbifim Making decisions that allow us to
meet the needs of today without compromising
the ability of future generations to meet the needs
of tomorrow.
, Fcdino ogy: A generic term that refers to any device
or process that is used to increase or improve our
capacity to learn or work.
° V nwnn.n pi. rcncy; Our ability to openly communicate
with the public — ensuring the public understands
how decisions are made and the results of
those decisions.
V'Jn. cs" Beliefs or principles that guide staff in
working together to deliver service that meets the
needs of the Community.
Vi ion; A clear and concise statement of the
desired future. There are two visions — one for the
Community (created by the Community) and one for
the corporation — that describe what each will look
like, when we achieve our goals.
Creating a Common Language
n September 2008, members of Common Council met to establish
priorities for their four -year term of office. Council defined a series
of goals that sends a clear direction to the Administration about
where Council is trying to move.
Council's Goals
• We are a City that draws people; they want to live here. We are
in the top five places to live in Canada.
• We have revitalized neighbourhoods that are safe, vibrant
and attractive.
• We have clean, safe drinking water.
• We have strategic /coordinated planning, development and
maintenance of municipal facilities and infrastructure.
• We have City services that are delivered efficiently and effectively
at an equitable tax rate.
• Our citizens /ratepayers consistently recognize municipal services
as being effective at a supportable cost.
Common Council then identified ten specific priorities. These
priorities provide direction to the organization in the allocation of
resources and service delivery planning. The strategies described in
the Corporate Strategic Plan provide direction to the organization
to ensure that we respond to Council's Priorities in a timely and
effective manner.
Defining Our Commitment .i C��.�t��, ire , r. �r,,,ie l ion r .,I ���
Council's Priorities
• The delivery of safe potable water is owned by all Saint Johners and is
continuously communicated to all levels of Government by the Mayor,
Council and citizens resulting in one treatment plant built by 2012.
• Value for money audit and management benchmarks will be complete.
Upon completion, staff will develop a plan that mandates a report on
efficiency and effectiveness three times a year.
• A significant reinvestment in existing recreational facilities and programs
with the goal of planning and constructing one new recreational facility
based on the needs in the community.
• Create a greener community by championing strategies for reducing waste
while encouraging sustainable development and the use of renewable energy.
• Build comprehensive funding for cultural infrastructure.
• Allocate appropriate resources to the City's Planning Department
and Common Council to update the Municipal Plan in line with
Council Priorities.
• The City must take ownership of the revitalization of our five priority
neighbourhoods through leadership embedded in City Hall.
• Establish a clear mandate for accessible workplaces for the disabled.
• Expand the role of Saint John Non -Profit Housing to be responsible
for housing in Saint John with appropriate level of resources.
• Establish an economic development function within the City's Administration.
Council's Priorities
City t John Services
l- It R :ii Scrviiccs
Neighbourhood Improvement Support Service
Recreation Service
Parks & City Landscape Service
Heritage Preservation Service
Special Events Management Service
Emergency Management Service
911 and Non - Emergency Call Processing Service
Crime Prevention Service
Police Emergency Response Service
Law Enforcement Service
Victim Support Service
Public Order Service
Fire Rescue and Suppression Service
Technical Rescue Service
Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Service
Fire Prevention Service
Fire Investigation Service
Emergency Medical (Fire) Service
Animal Control Service
By -Law Enforcement Service
Permit Service
Building Inspection and Enforcement Service
Economic Development Service
Development Advisory and Approval Service
Land Development Support Service
Urban Redevelopment Service
Industrial Park Development Service
Real Estate Service
Tourism Visitor Information Service
Tourism Destination Marketing and Promotion Service
Vendor Licensing Service
Vous pouvez dgalement obtenir cc document en fran57ais.
City of Saint John
P.O Box 1971
Saint John, NB
Canada E21- 41-1
Industrial Water Service
Drinking Water Service
Roadway Maintenance Service
Sidewalk Maintenance Service
Traffic Control Signals and Marking Service
Parking Service
Transit Service
Storm and Groundwater Management Service
Electricity Delivery Service
Water Heater and Lighting Rental Service
Affordable Housing Service
Wastewater Service
Waste Management Service
Solid Waste and Compost Collection Service
Landfill Remediation Service
Community Planning Service
Governance and Corporate Management Service
Legal Service
Financial Management Service
Risk Management Service
Human Resource Management Service
Customer and Employee Communications Service
Information Management Service
Purchasing and Materials Management Service
Fleet Management Service
Corporate Properties and Facility Management Service
Municipal Infrastructure Management Service