2009-03-02_Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jourCity of Saint John
Common Council Meeting
Monday, March 02, 2009
Committee of the Whole
1. Call to Order
5:00 p.m. 8th Floor Boardroom City Hall
1.0 Committee of the Whole Closed Session Preamble
1.1(a)(b) Personnel Matter 10.2(4)0)
1.2 Personnel Matter 10.2(4)(f)
13 Personnel Matter 10.2(4)0)
1.4 Nominating Committee 10.2(4)(b)
Regular Meeting
1. Call to Order - Prayer
7:00 p.m. Council Chamber
2. Approval of Minutes
2.1 Minutes of February 2, 2009.
3. Adoption of Agenda
4. Disclosures of Conflict of Interest
5. Consent Agenda
5.1 City Hall Building (Recommendation in Report)
5.2 Tender for Farm Style Tractor (Recommendation in Report)
5.3 Proposal for Engineering Services Ice Slab Replacement Lord Beaverbrook
Rink and Charles Gorman Arena(Recommendation in Report)
5.4 Proposal Call for Engineering Service Canada Games Aquatic Centre Roof
Replacement (Recommendation in Report)
5.5 Value Engineering Services Adjustment Action Plan for Safe Clean Drinking
Water (Recommendation in Report)
5.6 46 Cranston Avenue PID 00026674 HBL Rentals Inc. Encroachment on City
Right of Way (Recommendation in Report)
5.7 Amendment of Lease Pride Inc. City Market (Recommendation in Report)
5.8 Indemnification Agreement - Firefighter Training (Recommendation in
5.9 Project ReADD Inc Request to Present (Recommendation: Refer to Clerk to
schedule and receive documentation for information)
5.10 Samuel de Champlain School (Recommendation in Report)
6. Members Comments
7. Proclamation
8. Delegations/ Presentations
8.1 Saint John Suicide Prevention Committee
9. Public Hearings
7:00 p.m.
9.1(a) 595 Hillcrest Rd Request By Applicant to Withdraw Public Hearing
9.1(b) Proposed Rezoning Amendment
9.2(a) 783 Hillcrest Rd Request By Applicant to Postpone Public Hearing
9.2(b) Proposed Rezoning
9.2(c) Planning Advisory Committee Recommending Denial
10. Consideration of By-laws
10.0 (a) Proposed Municipal Plan Amendment 1989 Manawagonish Road
10.0 (b) Letters of Objection
10.1 Zoning By-Law Amendment Third Reading-170 Germain St
10.2 Public Presentation 185-187 Golden Grove Rd
103 Public Presentation 188 and 196 Mount Pleasant Ave East
10.4 Heritage Conservation Areas By-Law Amendment Third Reading
10.5 Street Closure Portion of King St East Third Reading
11. Submissions by Council Members
11.1 Public Process - Further Developing Accountability and Transparency
(Deputy Mayor Chase)
11.2 Winter Services Funding - Streets and Sidewalks (Councillor McGuire)
113 The City of Saint John, Enterprise Saint John and Priority Neighbourhoods
Economic Growth Partnership (Councillor McGuire)
12. Business Matters - Municipal Officers
12.1 Commissioner of Finance: 2009 Borrowing Resolution
12.2 City Manager: Demolition of Fire Damaged Building at 132 Lansdowne
13. Committee Reports
13.1 Saint John Parking Commission Appointment of By-Law Enforcement
14. Consideration of Issues Separated from Consent Agenda
15. General Correspondence
16. Adjournment
City of Saint John
Seance du conseil communal
Le lundi 2 mars 2009
Comite plenier
1. Ouverture de la seance
17 h - Salle de conference, 8e Rage, h6tel de ville
1.0 Reunion privee du comite plenier - Preambule
1.1 Question relative au personnel - alinea 10.2(4), j)
1.2 Question relative au personnel - alinea 10.2(4), f)
13 Question relative au personnel - alinea 10.2(4), j)
1.4 Comite des candidatures - alinea 10.2(4), b)
Seance ordinaire
1. Ouverture de la seance, suivie de la priere
19 h - Salle du conseil
2. Approbation du proces-verbal
2.1 Proces-verbal de la seance tenue le 2 fevrier 2009
3. Adoption de l'ordre du jour
4. Divulgations de conflits d'interets
5. Questions soumises a 1'approbation du conseil
5.1 Batiment de 116tel de ville (recommandation figurant au rapport)
5.2 Soumission relative au tracteur agricole (recommandation figurant au rapport)
5.3 Proposition relative aux services d'ingenierie pour remplacer la plaque de
glace a la patinoire Lord Beaverbrook et a l'arena Charles Gorman
(recommandation figurant au rapport)
5.4 Proposition relative aux services d'ingenierie pour remplacer le toit du Centre
aquatique des Jeux du Canada (recommandation figurant au rapport)
5.5 Value Engineering Services (services d'in(-1,enierie de la valeur) - Ajustement
du plan d'action pour la salubrite et la proprete de 1'eau potable (recommandation
figurant au rapport)
5.6 6, avenue Cranston NID 00026674 (HBL Rentals Inc.) - Empietement sur le
droit de passage de la ville (recommandation fi(-,,urant au rapport)
5.7 Modification du bail de location au nom de Prude Inc. du marche municipal
(recommandation figurant au rapport)
5.8 Convention d'indemnisation relative a la formation des pompiers
(recommandation figurant au rapport)
5.9 Demande presentee par ReADD Inc. voulant se presenter devant le conseil
(recommandation : transmettre au greffier pour qu'une date de presentation soit
fixee et accepter a titre informatif)
5. 10 Ecole Samuel-de-Champlain (recommandation figurant au rapport)
6. Commentaires presentes par les membres
7. Proclamation
8. Delegations et presentations
8.1 Comit6 de prevention du suicide de Saint John
9. Audiences publiques
9.1a) Demande de renonciation de 1'audience publique presentee par le demandeur
- 595, chemin Hillcrest
9. lb) Projet de modification du rezonage
9.2a) Demande de report de l'audience publique presentee par le demandeur -
783, chemin Hillcrest
9.2b) Projet de rezona(-Ie
9.2c) Comit6 consultatif d'urbanisme recommandant le rejet
10. Etude des arretes municipaux
10.0a) Projet de modification du plan municipal relatif au 1989,
chemin Manawagonish
10.0b) Lettres d'opposition
10.1 Troisieme lecture du projet de modification de 1'arret6 de zonage visant le
170, rue Germain
10.2 Presentation publique relative au 185-187, chemin Golden Grove
10.3 Presentation publique relative au 188 et au 196, avenue Mount Pleasant Est
10.4 Troisieme lecture du projet de modification de 1'arret6 relatif aux secteurs
10.5 Troisieme lecture de la fermeture d'une partie de la rue King Est
11. Interventions des membres du conseil
11.1 Processus public - Valorisation accrue de la transparence et de l'obligation
de rendre compte (maire suppl6ant Chase)
11.2 Financement des services d'hiver - rues et trottoirs (conseiller McGuire)
113 Partenariat sur la croissance 6conomique entre The City of Saint John,
Enterprise Saint John et les quartiers prioritaires (conseiller McGuire)
12. Affaires municipales evoquees par les fouctionnaires municipaux
12.1 Commissaire aux finances : Emprunt par voie de resolution pour 2009
12.2 Directeur general : Demolition du bdtiment endommag6 par incendie, au
132, avenue Lansdowne
13. Rapports deposes par les comites
13.1 Commission sur le stationnement de Saint John - Nomination d'un agent
d'ex6cution des arret6s municipaux
14. Etude des sujets ecartes des questions soumises a 1'approbation du conseil
15. Correspondance generale
16. Levee de la seance
IP m n
The city or Saint John
February 27, 2009
Common Council of The City of Saint John
His Worship Mayor Ivan Court and (Members of Common Council,
Subject: Committee of the Whale Closed Session
The Common Council meeting of March 2, 2009 contains the following items on the
agenda: 1.1 Personnel Matter 10.2(4)(j); 1.2 Personnel Matter 10.2(4)(f); 1.3 Personnel Matter
10.2(4)(j) and 1.4 Nominating Committee 10.2(4)(b)
Section 10.2(4) of the Municipalities Act states: "If it is necessary at a meeting of council or committee of
council to discuss any of the following matters, the public may be excluded from the meeting for the
duration of the discussion":
1.1 Personnel Matter 10.2(4)0: "Labour and employment matters".
1.2 Personnel Matter 10.2(4)(f): " information concerning legal opinions or advice provided to the
municipality by a municipal solicitor, or privileged communications as between solicitor and client in a
matter of municipal business".
1,3 Personnel Matter 10.2(4)0: "Labour and employment matters".
1.4 Nominating Committee 10.2(4)(b): "Personal Information".
Respectfully Submitted,
/Jonathan Taylor,
Assistant Common Clerk
P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada E21- 40 I www.saintjohn.ca C.P. 1971 Saint Jahn, N.-B. Canada E21- 4L1
FB31Y Y 2, 2MM-E 2 FbM ER 2009
CITY HALL- FEBRUARY 2, 2009 6:00 P. M
Ivan Court, Naya-
Deputy Mayor Chase and C incillos Court, Fanen, Men,
Higgins, NbGuire, Mbtt, Shook, Sullivan, and Titus
- and -
T. Totten, City Manager; J. Nugent, City Solicitor, G. Yes,
Carmssiaier of Finance and Treasirer, R Groody,
Carmssiaierof MLniapal Cperations; K Forest,
Carrnssiaier of Planning and Development; A Poffenroth,
Deputy Carrrissiaier of Buildngs and Inspection Services; R
Mods, Deputy City Manager; D. Parks, Police Inspector, E
Gamey, Cannon Clerk and J. Taylor, Assistant Cam-ion Clerk
Sant presents :
Ivan Court, rare
le moire suppleant Chase et les conseillers Court, Farren, Men,
Higgins, NbGuire, Mott, Shook, Sullivan et Titus
T. Totten, drecteu- general; J. Nugent, avocat n-nidpal;
G. Yew-eins, Corrmssaire aux finances et tresoner, P. Groody,
ommssaire aux operations n-nidpales; K Forest,
comissaire a I'urbaniisme et au devdoppenent; A Fbffenroth,
ommssaire a4un t aux services dinspection et des batirrents;
P. V\bods, dimcteu-general adjoint; D. Parks, inspecteurde
police, ainsi que E Gamey, geffiere c ramnale et J. Taylor,
greffier ccmmxal adjoint.
1. Call To Order -Prayer
Mayor Court called the mmeting to order and Reverend Edgard Panell of Grand Bay
Baptist Church offered the opening prayer.
Ouverture de la seance, suvie de la priere
La seance est ouverte par le moire Court. Le reverend Edward Ponell, pasteur de
I'Eglise baptiste Grand Bay, recite la priere douverture.
2 Appraval of Mniutees
Cn notion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor Shook
RESCLVED that the n irL tes of the meeting of
Carryon Council, held on January 12, 2009 be approved.
Question being taken, the motion was carried
2 Approbation du proces-verbal
Proposition du oonseiller Titus
Appuyee par le conseiller Shook
RESCLU que le procesrverbal de la seance du
Conseil corn' xd tenue le 12 janvier 2009 sat appra rve.
A Tissue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
FEBRUARY 2, 20OU 2 FEM ER 2009
a Approval of Agenda
On motion of Ca.ndllor McGuire
Seconded by Ca,ncillor Titus
RESCUED that the agenda of this rreeting \t&
the addition of item 13.2 Reca Tna-cbd Appointrrents to Comrrittees, be approved.
Question being taken, the nmtion was carried
a Adoption de I'ord a du jour
Proposition du conseiller McGuire
Appuyee par le conseiller Titus
RESCLU que l'ord-e du jour de la presente reunion
sat adopte, moyennant I'lout du point 13.2, RacmTreindaitions de nominations pour
siege- aux ocmtes.
A Tissue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
4. Disdosires of Conflict of Interest
4. Divulgations de corflits dirrterets
5. Consent Agenda
5.1 That the letter from Peter Lewis and Peter Gallarit regardng Rothesay Avenue
flooding be referred to the City M wager.
5.2 Refer to item 14.1.
5.3 That as outlined in the submitted report entitled base Renemil for #223 Rodney
Temmnal Semen Outfall Saint John Fort Authority Property, The City of Saint John renew
Lease #713 (Rodney Temrinal Semen Outfall) Mh the Saint John Fort Authority for a
futher tveo year term om -amng July 1, 2007 at an anrW rent of $2528.00 plus HST
(if applicable); and that the Mayor and Cerra icn Clerk be authorized to sign the letter of
rerreA sr omitted with the said submited report.
5.4 That the request to present to Ca ndl by the Saint John Omrwity Sudde
Prevention Com flee be referred to the Clerk to Sdmdale.
5.5 That the letter from the Saint John Board of Trade dated January 29, 2009
corrTcencing merrbers of Saint John Industrial Parks be received for irfom'Eition.
5.6 That Caml support the request from Saint John V\bterfront DeveloprrBl as
outlined in the subn itted report entitled AnmrdiEnt to the Market Square Head Lease
for the Central Building Complex dated January 29, 2009 and refer the matter to the Qty
On motion of C uridllor Titus
Seconded by C uridllor McGuire
RESCUED that the rec om7r Lion set out for
each consent agenda item respectively with the exception of item 5.2 Update
V~bbcastirrg of City Caxxil Meetings, Mich has been identified for debate, be adopted.
Question being taken, the nmtion was carried
5. Questions soumises A I'approbation du conseil
5.1 Que la lettre de Peter LEWs et de Peter Gallant relative a I'inonclation de l'avenue
Rothesay sat transmse au directeur general.
5.2 Vdr le pant 141
5.3 Que, oomme l'indque le rapport presente intitue ReocnJudion du bail n° 223
relatif a 1'errissaire du terminal Rodney situe su- la propriete de I'Adn inistration portuaire
de Saint John, The City of Saint John recond.ise le bail n° 223 relatif a l'errissalre du
terminal Rodney avec I'Admnistration portuaire de Saint John pax une dune
FB31Y Y 2, 2MM-E 2 FbM ER 2009
supplemantaire de deux ans a c cnTter du 1e` jullet 2007, que le layer annual se dhiffre
a 2 628 TVH en sus (le cas echeant), et que le n-dre et la greffiere c omAnale scent
autorises a signer la lettre de reconcWion cle bail sounise avec ledit rapport presente.
5.4 Cue la clam-de anise par le con ite cle prevention du suicide cle Saint John
visant a faire une presentation devant le Conseil set train ise a la g affrere coma unale
pax gUelle frxe une date.
5.5 Cue la lettre cle felidtations cle la chancre cle carr mme cle Saint John, clatee du
29 jmAer 2009, a 1'endroit des nmrribres cle Saint John Industrial Parks set acxeptee a
titre infoml7tif.
5.6 Cue le Conseil appuie la claTencle cle Partenariat crarr bnnagen a t du littoral cle
Saint JchR con7m I'indique le rapport presente intituI6 Bail principal de Market Square
pax le oorrplexe imnrobilier central, elate du 29 jmAer 2009, et saxrette la question a
I'avocat mmidpal.
Preposition du conseiller Titus
Appuyee par le eanseiller McGuire
RESCLU que Ies reocn rendations fan-ulees pax
of-owne des questions scumses a I'approbation du Conseil, a 1'exdusion du Pont 5.2,
Mse ajo r cle la diffusion V~bb des seances du Conseil, qui a ate sdectionnb aux fins cle
deliberations, scent adoptees.
A Tissue du vote, la proposition est adolotee.
6. Members Comments
Council rnerrbers omTrented on various c cn nx rity events.
6. Canm taires pr6ux tes par les menrbres
Les mmniores du eonseil s'e#ffent sur civerses activites ocrimnautaires.
7. Pmdarnation
7.1 The Mayor declared the nuit h of February, 2009 as Heart Mohan in the City of
Saint Jdhn
7.2 The Mayor declared the nuit h of February, 2009 as Suidde Prevention Month in
the City of Sault John.
7. Pmdamation
7.1 Le mare declare que le rrcs de fevner 2009 est le Mols du ooe r clans The City
of Sault John.
7.2 Le n-dre declare que le mods de fevrier 2009 marque le Mols de prevention clu
suicide clans The City of Saint John.
a DelegatianslPresentations
a Delegations et presentations
10. Consideration of Braaws
10.1 Business Irrproverrrent Levy By-Law
Cn mmtion of Councillor McGuire
Seconded by Councillor Titus
RESC LVEDthat the by-lam entitled, "A Lavto
Amand By-law Number BIA42 Business IniorovaTient Levy B,-IaW by applying a levy of
16 oents for each one hundred dollars of assessed value, be read.
Question being taken, the motion was carried
The by-Iawentitled, "A LawtoAmand Bylaw Nuhicer BA-2 Business Irrproverrent
Levy By-Ia V was read in its entirety.
FEBRUARY 2, 2009/LE 2 FEVRI ER 2009
Cn motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor McGuire
RESCL\ED that the by-lam entitled, "ALamto
Amend B)~-lam Number BIA-2 Business Inpoven 31 Levy B)~-IaW by applying a levy of
16 cents for each one hundred dollars of assessed value, be read a third time, enacted,
and the Corporate Comoros Seel affixed thereto.
Question being taken, the notion was carried
Read a third time by title, the byr Iawentitled, A LaNto Amand B)~-laN Nurrber BIA-2
Business Irrprm errent Levy B)~-IaW.
10. nude des antes nxxricipaux
10.1 Anete concernant la contribution pour I'amelioration des alfFaires
Proposition du eonseiller McGure
Appuyee par le conseiller Titus
RESCLU que I'arete intitcle «Arrete n° BIA-2
nacifiant I'Arrete conoernant la contribution pour I'analioration des affedres visant a
inposer use contribution de 16 oents par trand'e de cent dollars de la valeu- evaluee,
fasse I'c4et dune lecture.
A Tissue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
L'arrete intitcle «Arrete n° BIA 2 modifiant I'Arrate oonoan-ant la oontribution pour
I'arralioration des affaires» est lu integralemant.
Proposition du conseiller Titus
Appuy e par le conseiller McGure
RESCLU que I'arete intitcle «Arrete n° BIA-2
nacifiant I'Arrete conoernant la oontribution pour I'analioration des affedres» visant a
inposer une oontribution de 16 oents par trand'e de cent dollars de la valeu- evaluee,
fasse I'c4et cruse troisiene lecture, que ledit arete sat edicte et que le sceau
ocnTax aI y sat appose.
A Tissue du vote, la proposition est adolotee.
Troisieme lecture par titre de I'arete intitule «Arrete n° BIA-2 rrodifiant I'Arrete
conoernant la ocrtribution pour I'an-dioration cbs affedres
10.2(a,b) Proposed W icipal Plan and Rezoning Amerncinrernt 435 Boars Head Rd
10.2(c) Section 39 Conditions
10.2(d) Planning Advisory Cormiittee Recommmdation.
Cn motion of Camcillor Faren
Seconded by Cou cillor Snook
RESCL\ED that the by-laN entitled, "B)~-laN
nunber C P 105-22 A Lawto Amend the Mxidpal Ran B)~-LaW annending Section
3.44 of the MllidgeWle Secondary Ran (Developrrent Area Design Guidelines -
Prgects and Proposals- Developmaat Area D Boars Head Road) by adding the
fdlo rig sentence at the end of the second paragraph under the heading DevelopTBI
Ther Character.
ToA nhouses nay also be developed on the panel of land located at 435 Boars Head
Road RD n rriber 00049533, be read.
Question being taken, the nation was carried
The by-lawentitled, "By-law Nurrber C. P 105-22 A Lamto Amend the Mmidpal Rai
By-LaW, was read in its entirety.
Cn motion of Couxallor Titus
Seconded by Councillor McGuire
RESCL\ED that the by-lam entitled, "By-ladv
rrunbe' C P 105-22 A Lawto Amend the Mxidpal Rai By-LaW arending Section
3.44 of the MllidgeWle Secondary Rai (Davdopnent Area Design Guidelines -
Prgects and Proposals- Deeloprrent Area D Boas Head Road) by adding the
fdlovving sentence at the end of the second paragraph under the heading D vdoprrent
FB31Y Y 2, 2MM-E 2 FbM ER 2009
Therre Character. Tonnhouses rrey also be developed on the parcel of land located at
435 Boars Head Road R D nurrber 00049833, be read a third ti rre, enacted, and the
Corporate Comm Seal fixed thereto.
Question being taken, the motion was carried
Read a third tirre by title, The by-lav entitled, "B)~-IaNv Nuni)er C. R 105-22 A lawto
A Tend the Municipal Plan B)~-La V.
On motion of Cauncillor Titus
Seconded by Cauncillor Farren
RESOLVED that the by-laventitled, "B)~-Lav
Nu Ter C.P. 110-94 A Law to Amend the Zoning By-Law of the City of Saint Johri'
arnanding Schedule "A', the Zoning Map of the City of Saint John, by re-zoning a parcel
of land located at 435 Boards Head Road, having an area of al prommately 2,480 square
metres, also identified as RD nun ber 00049833, from "R-1 B' Cne Fm ily Residential to
`7H' Tonnhouse pursuant to a resolution adopted by Comm Council under Section 39
of the ConTrnity Flaming Act, be read.
Question being taken, the motion was carried
The by-lawentitled, "B)~-Law Number C R 110-94A LaNto Arnend the Zoning B)~-Law
of the City of Saint John' was read in its entirety.
On motion of Cauncillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor McGuire
RESOLVED that, pursuant to the provisions of
Section 39 of the Commmity Raining Act, the proposed developrrent of the parcel of
land v& an area of approArretely 2,480 square rretres, located at 435 Boars Heard
Road, also identified as R D ruTber 00049833, be srbject to the follo, ing conditions:
a Develeprr al of the site be in accordance v& a detailed site plan, prepared by the
developer and a4ect to the approval of the Development Officer, illustrating the
location of all buildings, structures, parting areas, driveways, signs, landscaping and
other site features;
b. All parting areas and divevoys be paved v& asphalt;
c. Developrrent of the site be in accordance v& a detailed drainage plan, subject to the
approval of the Chief City Engineer or his designate, including the installation of any
necessary catch basins;
d. Development of the site be in accordance v& a detailed drainage study prepared by
the developer's engineering consultant dernonstrating no net increase in storm drainage
floNfromthe area, abject to the approval of the Departrrent of Municipal Operations
and Engineering, aid that no building pern it be issued for the developrrent until such
tine as the plan has been approved;
e. Develepnrnt of the site be in accordance v& a detailed servicing study, prepared by
the developer's engineering consultant and subject to the approval of the Chief Qty
Engineer or his designate, ensuing that e-isting infrastructure capacities are adequate
to service the proposed development;
f. All mein buildings be serviced by mmicipal water and seiner and underground public
g. The facades of all mein buildings be constructed in accordance v& a detailed
elevation plan prepared by the developer and abject to the approval of the
Development Officer,
h. All areas not oca.0ed by buildings, parking areas and divevoys be landscaped and
all site irrproven ents indicated on the approved site, landscaping and building elevation
plans ccrrpleted v~ithin one (1) year from the issuance of a building permit for the
Question being taken, the motion w?s carried
FEBRUARY 2, 2009/LE 2 FEVRI ER 2009
Cn motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor Sullivan
RESWED that the by-lam entitled, "B)~-Lauv
Nuriber C.P. 110-94 A Lawto Amend the Zaing By-La vof the City of Saint John'
amending SdnedAe "A', the Zoning Map of the City of Saint John, by re-zoning a parcel
of land located at 435 Boards Head Road, having an area of approAn-dely 2,480 square
metres, also identified as RD nun ber 00049M3, from "R-1 B' Cne Family Residential to
`7H' Tovviixxze pursuant to a resolution adopted by Comm Ca cil under Section 39
of the Conmrity Plaming Act, be read a third time, enacted, and the Corporate
Cam-ion Seal affixed thereto.
Question being taken, the motion was carried
Read a third time by title, the byr lavv entitled, "By-Law NuT ber C R 110-94 A Lauvto
Amend the Zoning By-Lauvof the City of Saint John".
10.2a,b) Projet de mocification du plan nunicipal et du rezonage Asant le
435, dnemn Boars Head
10.2c) Corxitions imposees par I'artide 39
10.2d) Fdscon rondation du Comite corsltatif durbarrisme
Proposition du conseiller Farren
Appuyee par le conseiller Snook
RESCLU que I'arrete intitue << Arete
n° C. P. 100-22 rrodifiant I'arrete relatif au plan m,nidpal de The City of Saint John
visant a modifier I'artide 3.4.4 du Plan secendaire de Mllidgeville (lignes cirectrices
relatives a la conception des sectem crarrenage nrent - projets et propositions relatifs
au secteur Barr briagen ent << D» : chemn Boars Head) en goutant la phrase suvante a
la suite du clwderre paragraphe sous la rr &que Thematique et caracteristique de
I'amenagen ant :
Des n-asons en rangee peavent egalement titre antnegees sur la paroelle de terrain
(N D 00049833) situee au 435, char in Boars Head fasse I'objet dune lecture.
A Tissue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
L'arrete intitue << Arrete n° C. P. 105-22 rracifiant I'arrete rdatif au plan mmicipal » est lu
Proposition du conseiller Titus
Appryee par le conseiller Mire
RESCLU que I'arrete intitue <<Arr6te n° C. P. 100-22
rracifiant I'arrete relatif au plan rrr.nidpel de The City of Saint John visant a modifier
I'artide 3.4.4 du Plan secondaire de MllidgeWle (lignes cirectrices relatives a la
conception des secteurs crarr bnagen ent - projets et propositions relatifs au secteur
dantnagen-ent << D» : dnemn Boars Head) en ajoutant la phrase suvante a la suite du
deLmerm paragraphe sous la m&que Themtique et caractenstique de
I'arrenagemmt: << Des rraisans en rangee peavent egalemant titre amtnagees sur la
paraelle de terrain (NID 00049633) situee au 435, chen in Boars Head » , fasse I'objet
dune trasierre lecture, que lecit arrete sat eddb et que le sc eau cXNT7rLnal y sat
A Tissue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Troisieme lecture par titre de I'arrete intitule << Arrete n° CP-100-22 rrodifiant I'arrete
relatif au plan rrr.nidpel
Proposition du conseiller Titus
Appryee par le conseiller Farren
RESCLU que I'arrete intitue << Arete
n° C. P. 110-94 rrodifiant I'Arrete de zanage deThe City of Saint John » rrodifiant a
I'annexe A, plan de zonage de The City of Saint John, le zanage dune parcelle de
terrain cruse superfide denviron 2 480 males canes situee au 435, dnemn Boars Head
et insaite sous le NID 00049633 pour faire passer la classification s'y rappcrtant de
zone residentielle- habitations unifan iliales « R 1B» a zone de n-dsons en rangee
<< TH conforntn-ent a use resolution adoptee par le eonsal c omunal en vertu de
I'artide 39 de la Ld surl'urbanisme, fasse I'objet dune lecture.
A Tissue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
FB31Y Y 2, 2MM-E 2 FbM ER 2009
L'arrete intitcle «Arrete n° C. P. 110-94 nmdfiant I'Arrete de zenage de The City of
Saint John est Iu int6grda tint.
Proposition du conseiller Titus
Appuyee par le eonseiller McGAre
RESCLU gUei vertu des c ondtions prevr,res a
I'artide 39 de la Ld suffurbmisme, I'antnagerr ent propose de la parcelle de terrain
dune superfrde derrviron 2 430 mares canes, situee au 435, d-emn Boars Head et
portant le NID 00049633, sat asajetti aux conditions suivantes :
a I'arrenagenpnt de I'errplacaml dat titre oorfom~e au plan de situation detaille,
prepare par le promoteur et sujet a I'approbation de I'agent darrrenagenrent, indquant
I'errplaoaml de tour les batiments et de toutes les constructions, Ies sires de
stationnement, Ies vaes dacees, Ies affid-es, Ies espaces paysagers et Ies autres
caracWstiques de I'errplacaml;
b. toutes les acres de stationnerr ent et vaes dacees cbvent titre asphaltees;
c. I'antnagen tint de I'errplacement dat titre realise eorforntrr ent a un plan de
crainage detaille, prMyant notarrrrrent ('installation de puisards au bescin, sous
reserve de I'approbation de lingenieur m.xidpal en d-d ou de son representant;
d. I'arrenagerr ent de I'errplacaml dat titre realise corforntmant a une etude
detaillee six I'ecoulerrent des eaux plWales, prbparee par llrgenieur-censeil du
promoteur, qui demontre que I'arrenagennent n'entrannera a tune augrrentation nette
du debit AmAerrent des eaw(pltmdes p u/enant de la zone, sous reserve de
I'approbation du service des Operations et gene m. nidpa K et a o n perms cb
ocnstrudion ne peut titre cdivrejusgJoe que le plan alt ete approuve;
e. I'arrenagenpnt de I'errplaoaml dat titre realise corforntment a une etude
&taillee des services p#w6e par I'ingenieu°-censeil du promoteur, sous reserve de
I'approbation de llr genieur nwidpal en dyeF ou de son representarit, veillant a oe que
Ies capadtes dinfrastructure emstantes scent adequates pour dessevir I'antnagen tint
f. tour les batimmnts prindpa x davent titre desserms par le reseaa nwidpal daqueduc
et degouts et par des services pr dics souterrains,
g. Ies fagades de tour les batirrents prindpa x dciveit titre oonstrutes oonforntrr ent
as plan delevation detaille prepare par le promoteur et sujet a I'approbation de I'agal
h. toutes les zones non oca4)6es par les batiments, Ies aires de static r->err al et Ies
voies dacces dave7t titre des espaces paysagers, et tous les trava x darr'dioration
indiques six Ies plans de situation, delevation et darrenagernant paysager approuves
davent titre terrines dens un ddai dun (1) an a corrpter de la date de c1divrance du
pemis de construction pour I'anbnagerr ent.
A Tissue du vote, la proposition est adoptee
Proposition du conseiller Titus
Appuyee par le conseiller Sullivan
RESCLU que I'arrete intitcle «Arete
n° C. P. 110-94 rrodifrant I'Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John n-odfiant
I'annexe A, plan de zonage de The City of Saint John, le zonage dune parcelle de
terrain dune superfrde denmron 2 480 rretres canes situee au 435, d-emn Boars Head
et inscrite sous le NID 00049633 pour faire passer la dassifrcation s'y rappcrtant de
zone residentielle-habitations unifan iliales «R 1B» a zone de n-dsons en rangee
«TH conforntn-ent a une resdution adoptee par le eonseil wmTunal en vertu de
I'artide 39 de la Ld surl'urbanisme, fasse I'o" dune trasierre ledure, que ledit arrete
sat edide et que le sceau ccnTax al y sat appose.
A Tissue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Troisieme lecture par titre de I'arrete intitule «Arrete n° C.P. 110-94 rrodifrant I'Arrete de
zonage de The City of Saint John
FEBRUARY 2, 2009/LE 2 FEVRI ER 2009
10.3 (a,b) Proposed Municipal Ran and Pezoning Arr rents 14 McLaughlin
10.3(c) Section 39 Conditions
Cn motion of Cou cillor Titus
Seconded by Caxhc illor McGuire
RESCUED that theby-ladventitled, "B)~-Iadv
Nu Ter C.P 105-23 A Lawto AnB-d the Maridpal Ran B)~-LaW an ending Section 2-
A the Future La-id Use Ran, by redesignating a parcel of land v& an area of
approA etely 1470 square metres, located at 14 McLaughlin Crescent, also identified at
being RD nurrber 0=14 from Low Density Residential to Approved ComTerdal
DevelopaBl classification, be read.
Question being taken, the motion was carried
The by-lawentitled, `By-ladv Nurrber C.P 105-23A LaNtoArrBnd the Municipal Ran
By-LaW', was read in its entirety.
Cn motion of Cou cillor Titus
Seconded by Cou cillor Snook
RESCUED that theby-ladventitled, "B)~-Iacv
Nu Ter C.P 105-23A LawtoAma-d the Maridpal Ran B)~-LaW a -ending Section 2-
A the Future Lail Use Ran, by redesignating a parcel of land v& an area of
approA etely 1470 square metres, located at 14 McLaughlin Crescent, also identified at
being RD nurrber 0032214 from Low Density Residential to Approved ComTerdal
DevelopaBl classification, be read a third tine, enacted, and the Corporate Corrnon
Seal fixed thereto.
Question being taken, the motion was carried
Read a third tine by title, the byr law entitled, "By-law Nuri)er C.P. 105-23, A Law to
Arrend the Municipal Ran By-law of The City of Saint John.
Cn motion of Cou cillor Titus
Seconded by Cou cillor Snook
RESCUED that the by-law entitled, "By-law
Nu Ter C. P 110-95 A Lawto Arrend the Zoning By-Law of The City of Saint John"
an-ending schedule A', the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by rezoning a parcel
of lad located at 14 McLaughlin Crescent, having an area of approA etely 1,470 square
metres, also identified as RD nun ber 00332214, form" IL--I" Neighbour hood Institutional
to "B-1" Local Business pcrsual to a resolution adopted by Cam-on Council uhder
Section 39 of the Commnity Raining Pot, be read.
Question being taken, the motion was carried
The by-lawentitled, "By-lawNurrber C.P 110-95, A LawtoArrend the Zoning By-lawof
The City of Saint John, was read in its entirety.
Cn motion of Cou cillor Titus
Seconded by Cou cillor Snook
RESCUED that, pirsuant to the provisions of
Section 39 of the Commnity Raining Act, the proposed developrrent of a parcel of
land v& an area of approxini tely 1,470 square metres, located at 14 NbLau fiin
Crescent, also identified as R D nurrber 00322214 be a4ect to the fdlowing conditions.
a that the use of the site be restricted to a business office only for physiotherapy,
nmssage therapy, athletic therapy and other health-and-wellnessrrelated professional
services \Whin the e-isting building;
b. that the site not be developed except in accordance v& a detailed site plan, prepared
by the developer and a4ect to the approval of the Development Cffioer, indicating the
location of all buildings, parking areas, driveways, loading areas, signs, exterior lighting,
landscaped areas and other site features, inducing those listed above. The approved
site plan mast be attached to the bLilcing pern it application for the developrrent;
FB31Y Y 2, 2MM-E 2 FbM ER 2009
c. the vehicular access to the site meet the requirements of the Zoning B)~-Iadvand be
acceptable to the Department of Unicipal Cperationsand Engineering;
d. that the developer pave all access, maneuvering and parking areas wth asphalt and
that paved areas be enclosed wth continua is cast-in-place concrete curbs Wiere
necessary to protect landscaped areas and to facilitate proper drainage;
e. that adequate site drainage facilities, including necessary catch basins, be provided
by the developer in accordance v& a detailed drainage plan, prepared by the
developer and a4ect to the approval of the Chief City Engineer or his designate,
f. that all areas of the site not occupied by buildings, ckivways, vvalkonrays, parking or
loading areas be landscaped by the developer in accordance v& the requirements of
the Zoning B)~-Iadv. The landscaping mast extend onto the City street right-d- vvay to the
edge of the street c.rltsicbNAk; and
g. that all site inprovenents slam cn the approved site and drainage plans be
complete wthin one year of building pent approval.
The Planning Advising Commttee also inposed the fdlo W ng terms and c oncliitions upon
a business office in the "B-1" Local Business zone:
That the hours of operation of the proposed wdIness centre be restricted to Monday
from 9:00 a. m to 7:00 p. m , Tuesday from 8:00 am to 5.00 p. m, V\bdnesday from
9:00 am to 7.00 p. m , Thursday from 8:00 am to 7.00 p. m and Friday from 9.00
a.m to 5.00 p.m
2. That any signage en the a4ect site not be backlit.
Question being taken, the motion vvas carved
Cn rnotion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor Snook
RESCLVED that the by-Iadventitled, "B)~-ladv
Nunioer C. P 110-95 A Lawto Amend the Zoning B)~-Ladvo>f The City of Saint John"
amending schedule "A', the Zerrng Nap of The City of Saint John, by rezoning a parcel
of land located at 14 McLaughlin Crescent, having an area of approArnately 1,470
square metres, also identified as RD nu rbe- 0032214, form" IL--I" Neighbourhood
Institutional to "B-1" Local Business pursuant to a resdution adopted by Common
Council under Sectien 39 of the CcrnmAty Planning Act, be read a third tirre, enacted,
and the Corporate Corrnrdn Seel affixed thereto.
Question being taken, the motion vvas carved
Read a third tirre by title, the by-lavv entitled, "B)~-laN Nurrber C R 110-95, A Lawto
Amend the Zoning B)~-laNof The City of Saint John.
10.34b) Projet de modification du plan nxxricipal et du rezo rage visant le
14, croissant McLaughlin
10.3c) Corxitions inposees par I'artide 39
Proposition du conseiller Titus
Appuiyee par le eanseiller McGuire
RESGLU que I'arete intitule «Arrete
rf C. P. 105-23 mrcdifiant I'anh?te relatif au plan nuhidpal » rrodifiaht I'annexe 2-A, plan
dantriagen-ent futur des ten-es, afin de faire passer la desig iatidn dune parcelle de
ten-an dune superficie denviro n 1470 n-titres canes situee au 14, c-dssant Mdxq#hlin
et portant le NID 00: 14 de zone residentielle de feible densite a zone
dantnagen-ent eorrnl?rdal appro ive, fasse I'o" dune lecture.
A Tissue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
L'arr6te intitule «Arrete W C P. 105-23 mcdifiart I'arrete reatif au plan mxhicipal » est lu
FEBRUARY 2, 200 IM 2 FEVRI ER 2009
Proposition du conseiller Titus
Appuyee par le censeiller Shook
RESCLU que I'arrete intitae «Arrete
n° C. P. 105-23 mcdifiant I'an-6te relatif au plan m,nidpal » rrodifiant I'anneace 2-A, plan
dantragernent fu ur des tens, afin de faire passer la designation dune parcelle de
terrain dune aWiide denviron 1470 metres canes situee au 14, croissant NbLq#iin
et portant le NID 00,su114 de zone residentielle de faible densite a zone
darrenagerrent omTrerdal approuve, fasse I'o" dunetroisierre lecture, que le (edit
arrete sat edicte et que le sceau eomr anal y sat appose.
A Tissue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Troisieme lecture par titre de I'arrete intitule «Arrete n° C.P. 11523 nmdifiant l'arr6te
relatif au plan m nidpal de The City of Saint John
Proposition du conseiller Titus
Appuyee par le censeiller Shook
RESCLU que I'arrete intitae «Arrete
n° C. P. 110-95 rrodifiant I'Ankb de zonage deThe City of Saint John » modifiant a
I'annexe A, plan de zonage de The City of Saint John, le zonage dune paroelle de
terrain dune aWiide denviron 1470 males canes situee au 14, croissant NbLq#iin
et insc rite sous le NID 0032214 pour faire passer la dassification s'y rapportant de
quartier a vocation collective « IL-1 » a zone omTrerdale locale « 13,1 cerforntrna nt
a une resolution adoptee par le Conseil conTai-al en vertu de I'artide 39 de la La sur
1'urbadsrre, fasse I'oW dune lecture.
A Tissue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
L'arrete intitae «Arrete n° C. P. 110-95 rrodfiant I'Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint
Jon » est lu integralerrent.
Proposition du conseiller Titus
Appuyee par le censeiller Shook
PESCLU qu'en vertu des conditions prevues a
I'artide 39 de la La surl'urbanisrre, le rezonage propose dune parcelle de terrain dune
superfide denviron 1470 metres canes, situee au 14, croissant NbLau#iin et portant le
NI D 00322214, sat assujetti aux conditions sLivantes :
a le terrain ne dat titre affecte qu'a I'amNnnagemant dun bureau Cerrma'dal o6 l'on offre
que les services savants clans le bttirrent e-istart : physiother e, nmssoth&r e,
therapie sportive et autres services professiomels lies a la sante et au nieux-dtre;
b. 1'errplaoernent dat titre arrenage corfarrrranant a un plan de situation detaille,
prepare par le pronmteur et sujet a I'approbation de I'agent darranagerrEnt, indquant
1'errplaoernent de tous Ies batimants, les sires de stationnerr ent, les vies dacees, les
aires de cfrargennent, Ies afFidnes, l'edairage ext6neur, Ies espaces paysagers et Ies
autres caracteristiques de l'errplacerrert, y conpris celles s mnaliornees. Le plan de
situation approuve dat etrejant a la derrrrnde de perms de construction relative au
projet damenagennant;
c. I'acees des vehioules a 1'errplacerrent dat respecter Ies eAgenoes prescrites par
I'Arrete de zonage et dat etrejuge acceptade par le service des Cperations et genie
m nidpaLK
d. le pronroteur dat asphalter toutes Ies sires dances, de rr rmjvre et de
statiannemant, et Ies sires asphaltees doivent titre entorxees de bordures continues de
beton m A6% su- place au besoin pour proteger Ies espaces paysagers et pcu-fadliter
le drainage;
e. le pronroteur dat assurer des installations adequates de crainage, y mTpris des
puisards, oorforntrrent a un plan de crainage detaille dresse par le promoteur et sujet
a I'approbatio n de I'ingenieur nn_nidpal en chef ou de son representant;
f. le prorroteur dat prevoir I'amanagennant paysager des sires antnagb% de
1'errplaeernent ou it n'y a pas de batimants, de vies dances, dallees pietornieres et
dares de stationnement ou de dnargemant, oorforntment aux emgences prescrites par
I'Arrete de zonage. L'arr bnagerr ent paysager dat se prdonger sur le croft de passage
nmapal jusqu'a la borck re de la nae ou du trottar,
FB31Y Y 2, 200M-E 2 FbM ER 2009
g. tour les travawc lonedioration indiquues sun les plans de situation et de drainage
davent titre ternines dens un delai dui an a corrpter de la date de delivrarm du
perms de construction.
Le Comte eom ltatif durbanisme impose egalerrent les conditions suivantes
relativerrent a I'antragenent dun bureau ccrrrerdal clans la zone conTrerdale
locale « B-1
1. les heures douverture du centre de mieuux-tre propose dcivent titre restreintes a tie
qui suit : le lurxf et le nBuedi, de 9 h a 19 h; le marl, de 8 h a 17 h; lejeudi, de 8 h
a 19 h et le vendredi, de 9 h a 17 h;
2. tout pameau situue sur I'emplacerr ent en question ne dot pas titre retroedaire.
A Tissue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Proposition du conseiller Titus
Appuyee par le conseiller Snook
RESCLU que I'arrete intitcle «Arrete n° C. P. 110-
95 rrodifiant I'Arrete de nonage de The City of Saint John » rradfiant a I'anrwe A, plan
de zonage de The City of Saint John, le zonage dune parcelle de terrain dune
superficie derrviran 1470 metres canes situee au 14, croissant McLaughlin et inscaite
sous le NID 00332214 pour faire passer la classification s'y rapportant de quartier a
vocation collective « IL-1 » a zone oorrnardale locale « 13,1 eonfant ent a une
resolution adoptee par le ocnseil coma anal en vertu de I'artide 39 de la La sur
1'urbanisme, fasse I'o" dune troisieme lecture, que (edit arrete sat edicte et que le
sceau communal y sat appose.
A Tissue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Troisieme lecture par titre de I'arrete intitule «Arrete rf C. P. 110-95 rrodifiant I'Arrete de
zonage de The City of Saint John
11. StbnissionsbyCounciI Members
11.1 Pension Amend rrents (Councillor Titus)
Cn nmtion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor McGuire
RESCLVED that Ca ndl direct the City Solicitor to
daft amandn als to the Pension Plan for adoption by the Legislature in 2009 that vwuid
result in the fdloning:
1) Din inate the rule of 85 effective January 1, 2012
2) Remove the disability provision form the plan
3) Reduce future indexing provisions form2%to 1%
4) Change the best three year averaging provision to a 10 year averaging provision.
The City Solicitor asked if the intention of the nmticn vans to have items 2, 3, and 4 to
become effective in nadiately u pan their adoption in the year 2009, to which Councillor
Titus affimn?d that this was the intention of the motion.
Councillor Titus called a parrt of order indicating that the Maya should be required to
leave the chair Wien debating on issues vvith other members of Council.
Councillor Farren called a point of order stating that he believed that the Mayor cannot
vacate the chair.
The Mayor asked for darificatim from the Common Clerk, to which she replied that the
Mayor can take a definite position, endeavor to persuade C un it to support that
position, Mile continuing to chair the meeting.
Question being taken, the motion w?s carried vvith the Mayor and
Councillors Cart, and Mott voting nay.
11. Interventions des mmtres du Conseil
11.1 Modifications du regime de retraite (conseiller Titus)
Proposition du conseiller Titus
Appuyee par le conseiller McG ire
RESCLU que le Conseil charge I'avocat municipal
de radiger les modifications a apporter au regrre de retraite aux fins dadoption par
I'Assenidee legislative en 2009 qui entraineraient Ies ren-eniemahts suivants :
1) elimination de la regle de 85 a Corrpter du 1e` jmAer 2012;
2) retrait de la cause crinvalidite du regime de retraite,
3) reduction des dispositions crindexation futures de 2 a 1 °/q
4) rerrplacennent de la Disposition fahdee su- la remuneration rr oyenne des trois
rreilleu-es amees de service par Disposition fondee sur la rbr nation moyyenne de
dx arnees de service.
L'avocat m,ridpal dam-de si la proposition a pour objet 1'entree en vigueur des
pants 2 3 et 4 des Ieur adoption en 2009. Le conseiller Titus aPfimhe que lest le cas.
Le eonseiller Titus sculeve une objection a proms de la presence du n-dre Tors du debut
des questions avec Ies autres rrenibres du eonseil.
Le eonseiller Farren sculeve uhe objection, car it estime que le rreire ne peat quitter le
fauteuil de la presidenoe.
Le mare de nancle des edairdsserrents a la greffiere oomYUnale qui repahd que le
n-dre peut adopter une position cUritive et tenter de persuader le Conseil crappuyer
Cette position, tout en continuant a presider la reunion.
A Tissue du vote, la proposition est acceptee. Le n-dre ainsi que Ies
conseillers Cart et Mott votent contre la proposition.
9. Public FIlearings 7:00 P.M
9.1(a) Proposed Zoning By-LawAmemxtmer t 296 Morrison Rd
9.1(b) Planning Advisory Committee Recon rterrcing Rezoning
The Cam -on Clerk advised that the necessary advertising was oarpleted with regard to
amending Schedule "A', the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re-zoning a parcel
of land located at 295 Morrison Road, having an area of approximately 1.14 hectares,
also identified as being a portion of R D nu rber 55071351, form" P' Park to `RR' One
Fan ily Rural Residential classification.
C 9cleration was also given to a report fromthe Planning Advsory Camittee
submitting a copy of Planing Staffs report oahsidered at its January 27, 2009 meeting
at \A hich the Corrrrittee decided to rec orrrnahd the rezoning of a parcel of land located
at 296 Morrison Road as described above.
The Mayor called for rrenters of the public to speak against the re-zoning with no are
The Mayor called for rrenters of the public to speak in favor of the re-zoning v& Mke
Cuigley representing the oAm indicating that he was in agreerml v& the staff report
and recamnandatial
Cn motion of C uricillor Farren
Seconded by Caxrdllor Nllen
RFSCLVED that the by-law entitled, "A Law
to Arrend the Zoning B)~-Lawof the City of Saint Johri' amahding Schedule "A', the
Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re-zoning a parcel of land located at 295
Morrison Road, having an area of approximately 1.14 hectares, also identified as being a
portion of R D nurrber 55071351, form "P' Park to "RR' One Farrily Rural Residential
classification. be read a first tirre.
Question being taken, the motion ves carried
Read a first tirre by title, the by-lawentitled A Lamto Arrend the Zaing B)~-Lawof the
City of Saint John".
FB31Y Y 2, 2MM-E 2 FbM ER 2009
Cn motion of Camcillor Faren
Seconded by Camcilor Nllen
RESCL\EDthat the by-law entitled, "A LaAt
to Amend the Zoning B)~-Lawof the City of Saint John' amending Schedule "A', the
Zoning Nap of The City of Saint John, by re-zonng a parcel of land located at 295
Nbmson Road, having an area of apprommately 1.14 hectares, also identified as being a
portion of RD number 55071351, form "P' Park to "RR' One Farrily Rural Residential
classification, be read a second tirrre.
Question being taken, the motion was carried
Read a second tirrre by title, the by-Iadventitled, "A Lauto Amand the Zoning By-Ladv of
the City of Saint Jchn".
9. Audiences publiques a 19 h
9.1a) Projet de modficafion de I'AaW de zanage visant le 296, diemin Morrison
9.1b) Rapport du Comte c onsultatif durbanisms recon rwdant le rezonage
La greffiere oonTax ale indique que les aAs requs ont ate publies relativemant a la
modification de I'annexe A, plan de zonage de The City of Saint John, en vue du
rezonage dune parcelle de terrain dune superficie deNron 1,14 hectare situee aU
296, dnemin Nbrrison, incite en pantie sous le NI D 55071351 afin de faire passer la
classification s'y rapportant de zone de parc « P» a zone residentielle rura le-
habitations unifaniliales << RR
Examan dun rapport du Comte consi ltatif durbanisrre, acconpagne dun exemplaire
du rapport du personnel du service duiDanisrre, etude las de la seance du
27jmAer 2009, a laquelle le Carite a decide de reconTnander I'approbation de la
derr a nde de rezonage dune pareelle de terrain situee aU 296, chemin Nbrrison, telle
qu'elle est d6cite ci-dessus.
Le moire invite le publica se prorax)er eontre le rezonage, mans personnne ne prend la
Le moire invite les rrarrbres du publica e)#n-er leurappui quern aU rezonage. Le
representant du proprietaire, We Quigley, indique gUil est daocord avec le rapport et
les reconTnan Cations du personnel.
Proposition du conseiller Farren
Appryee par le conseiller Nllen
RESCLU clue I'arete intitUb «Arrete
modifiant I'Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John » rrodifiant a I'annexe A, plan de
zonage de The City of Saint John, le zonage dune parcelle de terrain situee au
296, dnemin Nbrrison, dune srperfide app-oArrative de 1,14 hectare, incite en pantie
sous le NID 55071351, afin de faire passer la classification s'y raipportant de zone de
parc « P» a zone residentielle ruale - habitations unife niliales « RR fasse I'oW
dune premiere lecture.
A Tissue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Premiere IectLre par titre de I'arrete intitUb «Arrete mrxifiant I'Arrete de zonage de The
City of Saint John
Proposition du conseiller Farren
Appryee par le conseiller Nllen
RESCLU clue I'arete intitU6 «Arrete
nmdifiant I'Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John » modifiant a I'annexe A, plan de
zonage de The City of Saint John, le zonage dune parcelle de terrain situee au
296, dnemin Nbrrison, dune srperfide app-oArrative de 1,14 hectare, incite en pantie
sous le NID 55071351, afin de faire passer la classification s'y raipputant de zone de
parc « P» a zone residentielle ruale - habitations unife niliales « RR fasse I'oW
dune deuiaerm lecture.
A Tissue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Deuiaerre lecture par titre de I'arete intitule «Arrete rrodifiant I'Arrete de zonage de The
City of Saint John
FEBRUARY 2, 200 IM 2 FEVRI ER 2009
9.2(a) Proposed W icipal Plan and Faemiing Amendments Peel Plaza
9.2(b) Planning Advisory Conrrittee Ong Fbzoning Amendrents
The Common Clerk advised that the necessary advertising was oarpleted with regard to
the proposed Municipal Plan and Re-zoning arellCinl2nts for a parcel of land located at
Peel Plaza, having an area of approArrately 51,000 square metres, also identified as
R D Nurbe's 00040014, 00039875, 00037747, 55108062, 00037481, 000bi i.s9,
OOCut ib2, 00037507, 00037499, 00037515, 55088900, 55094908, 55084420,
551ibiy2, 00038455, 00037697, 00039933, 550wtt,j, 00039735, 55190151,
55190177, 55088918, and a portion of OOCbtwj by redesignating on Schedule 64 of
the Upton Strategy from Law Intesity Mx to Hgh Intensity Mx and by rezoning the
sane parcel of land from "IL-I" Neighbourhood Institutional , " FM1" Three Storey
Multiple Residential, "I-2" Heavy Industrial and " B-2" General Business as requested by
Hughes Surveys & Consultants Inc on behalf of Saint John Pairing Corrmssion, with
no wuitten dlgjections received
Consideration ves also given to a report from the Ranning Advisory Carnittee
subn itting a copy of Ranning Staff s report considered at its January 27, 2009 n eeting
at % hich the Con rittee decided to rec orrrnand approval as set out in the staff
recorrrrendatio n, to re-zone a parcel of land located at Peel Plaza as described above.
The Mayor called for rrenters of the public to speak against the re-zoning with no one
The Mayor called for rrenters of the public to speak in favor of the re-zoning v& B.
Edvvads, the Project Manager for Feel Plaza indicating that he was in ageenent
the subn itted staff report and rec ammixtations.
Cn motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by C uncillor McGuire
RESCL\EDthat theby-laNVentitled, "B)~-Law
Unicer C.P. 105-23, A lawtoAnand the Municipal Ran By-Lad ar ancing schedule
64 of the Uptauh Strategy, by redesighating an area of approxin-dely 51,000 square
metres, also identified as RD Nuni)ers 00040014, 00039875, 00037747, 55108062,
00037481, OOO.sii39, 0OCutib2, 00037507, 00037499, 00037515, 55088900,
55094908, 55084420, 551 ibiu2, 00038455, 00037697, 00039933, 55033773,
00039735, 55190151, 55190177, 55088918, and a portion of 00037689 from Law
Intensity Mx to Figh Intensity Mx, be read a first time.
Question being taken, the nmtiorn was carried
Read a first time by title, the by-Ia ventitled A LaNto Arriend the Municipal Ran B)~-
Cn motion of Cou cillor Titus
Seconded by Cou cillor McGuire
RESCL\EDthat the by-Iawentitled, "A LaNVto
Amand the Municipal Plan B)~-LaW ammndiing schedule 64 of the Loom Strategy, by
redesig-Aing an area of approxanately 51,000 square metres, also identified as RD
Nurbers 00040014, 00039875, 00037747, 55108062, 00037481, 000.si i,sj, 000 t ib2,
00037507, 00037499, 00037515, 55088900, 55094908, 55084420, 551 ibiy2
00038455, 00037697, 00039933, 550wi io, 00039735, 55190151, 55190177,
55088918, and a portion of 00037689 from Law Intensity Mx to Figh Intensity Mx, be
read a second time.
Question being taken, the nmtiorn was carried
Read a second tine by title, the by-lavventitled "A Lawto Amend the Municipal Plan B)~-
Cn motion of Camcillor Faren
Seconded byCou cillorSlllivan
RESCL\EDthat the by-Iawentitled, "A Lawto
Amand the Zoring B)~-LaNVOf The City of Sant John' aTBAng schedule 6A of the
Uptown Strategy, by redesignating an area of approArn tely 51,000 square metres, also
identified as RD Nurrbeers 00040014, 00039875, 00037747, 55108062, 00037481,
OOCbii s9, 00037762, 00037507, 00037499, 00037515, 55088900, 55094908,
55084420, 55178792, 00038455, 00037697, 00039933, 55033773, 00039735,
FB31Y Y 2, 200M-E 2 FbM ER 2009
55190151, 55190177, 55088918, and a portion of 00037689 from "I L-I" Neighbourhood
Institutions, T MI" Three Storey Multiple Residential, "I-2" Heavy Industdal and "B Z'
General Business to " B-3' Central Business, be read a first tin-e.
Question being taken, the motion was carried
Read a first tin-re by title, the by-IaNentitled "A LaAvtoArrand the Zoning E,-Lawof the
City of Saint John".
Cn nmtion of Cbundllor Fan-en
Seconded byCa,ndllor5dlivan
RESCL\ED that the by-law entitled, "A LaN
to Amend the Zoning B)~-Lawof The City of Saint Jof Y amending schedule 64 of the
Loom Strategy, by redesig-ding an area of eprromn-dely 51,000 square netres, also
identified as RD Nurbers 00040014, 00039875, 000337747, 55108062, 00037481,
ODCut 1-,0 000337762, 00037507, 00037499, 00037515, 55088900, 55094908,
55084420, 55178792, 00038455, OOO tw7, 00039933, 5503oi i:s, 00039735,
55190151, 55190177, 55088918, and a portion of 000337689 from "I L-I" Neighbourhood
Institutions, T MI" Three Storey Multiple Residential, "I-2" Heavy Industdal and "B Z'
General Business to " B-3' C tral Business, be read a second tine.
Question being taken, the motion was carried
Read a second tine by title, the by-laNentitled "A LaNto Ama'd the Zoning E,-Lawof
the City of Saint Jdm".
9.2a) Projet de mocificafion du plan municipal et du rezonage Asant la place
9.2b) Comte c onsu tatif durbanisne reconrr ndant les notifications du
La greffrbre tannin hale indique que les aAs requis ont etb publies relativemant aU projet
de modification du plan nwidpal et du zonage dune parcelle de terrain situee a la
place Feel, dune superfide creNren 51000 metres canes et pcrtant les
NI D 00040014, 00039975, 00037747, 55108062, 000337481, 000.E i t ti, OOCbi ib2,
00037507, 00037499, 00037515, 55088900, 55094908, 55084420, 55178792,
00038455, 00037697, 00039933, 55033773, 00039735, 55190151, 55190177,
55088918 et une partie du NI D 00037689 visant a faire passer, a I'annexe 64 de la
stratbgie de Up am Saint Jdm, la designation s'y rapportant de zone de melange a
fable da- sitb a zone de n-flange a forte densitb, et a nacifier le zonage de la mbnm
parcelle de terrain po,r la faire passer de quartier a vocation collective « I L-1 de zone
r6ddentielle dinTca oles a logemmnts mAtiples de trds etages « FM-1 de zone
dindustde lo,rde « 1-2» et de zene c orrrerciale generale « B-2» a zone oentrale
cam'erciale « B-3 a la dmiande de Hughes Surveys & Consultants Inc., aU nom de
la Corr-nissioi sur le stationnement de Saint John, et gdaucxne o0edioi par bait n'a
etb rerue.
Exanen crui rapport du Conte consultatif durbanisrre, acompagne crui exenplaire
du rapport du personnel du service cruiDanisne, etudib Tors de la seance du
27jmAer 2009, a Iaquelle le Conte a resolu de recammnder I'adoption de la
proposition, eon -e le sculigie la recormrondation du personnel, voulant que le eonseil
mm ref pDobde au rezonage de la parcelle de terrain susnentionnee situee a la
Pace Feel.
Le mire invite le public a se prom -m eontre le remnage, rmis pawnne nee prend la
Le mire invite Ies maTbres du publics e)#n-er Ieurappui quant aU rezonage. Le
gestic -dre de projet de la Pace Peel, B. Edmi-cls, indique qu'il est daccord avec le
rapport et Ies moorrnan d tions du personnel.
Proposition du oonseiller Titus
Appuyee par le eonseiller McGuire
RESCLU que I'aretb intitulb «Arete
rf C. P. 105-23 rrodifrant I'an&b rdartif au plan m,nidpal rrodifrant s I'annexe 64 de la
stratbgie de Loom Saint John la classification dine parcelle de terrain dine superfrde
dermron 51000 metres canes, portant les NID 00040014, 00039875, 000337747,
55108062, 000337481, OOCbi r s9, OOO,si ib2, 00037507, 00037499, 00037515,
FEBRUARY 2, 200 IM 2 FEVRI ER 2009
55088900, 55094908, 55084420, 55178792, 00038455, ODO /by7, 00 33,
55033773, 00039735, 55190151, 55190177, 55088918 et une pantie du NID 000337689,
pax la faire passer de zone de melange a faible densite a zone de melange a fate
densite, fasse l'ot W dune prep iere lecture.
A Tissue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Preniere lecture par titre de I'arrete intitule «Arrete modifiant I'arrete relatif au plan
m napei de The City of Sault John
Proposition du oonseiller Titus
Appuyee par le conseiller Mire
RESCLU que I'arrete intitLle «Arrete n° C. P. 105-
23 mxlifiant I'arrete rdatif au plan rrnidpal rrodfiant a I'annexe 64 de la stratege de
Loom Saint John la dassificetion dune paroelle de terrain dune superfide denviron
51000 mares canes, plat les NID 00040014, 00039875, 00037747, 55108062,
00037481, OOO.sii.i9, OOO tib2, 00037507, 00037499, 00037515, 55088900,
55094908, 55084420, 551 ibiu2, 00038455, 00037697, 00039933, 55033773,
00039735, 55190151, 55190177, 55088918 et une pantie du NID 00037689, pax la faire
passer de zone de n-dange a fable densite a zone de melange a fate densite, fasse
I'oW dune deuiaerre lecture.
A Tissue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Deuiaerre lecture par titre de I'arrete intitule «Arrete mcclifiant I'arrete relatif au plan
nmapal de The City of Saint John
Proposition du conseiller Farren
Appuyee par le conseiller Shcivan
RESCLU que I'arrete intitule «Arrete
n° C. P. 105-23 mxlifiant I'arrete relatif au plan m,nidpal mxlifiant a I'anrwe 64 de la
strategie de Uptam Saint John la classification dune parcelle de terrain dune si-Wide
derMron 51000 m=tres canes, portart les ND 00040014, 00039875, 00037747,
55108062, 00037481, OOCui i s9, 000 si ib2, 00037507, 00037499, 00037515,
55088900, 55094908, 55084420, 55178792, 00038455, OOO tby7, 00039933,
55033773, 00039735, 55190151, 55190177, 55088918 et une pantie du NID 000337689,
pax la faire passer de quartier a vocation collective « I L-1 de zone residentielle
direr eubles a logen ents multiples de trds etages « FM1 de zone dindustrie
lourde «1-2» et de zone corrrerdale generale «13,2 » a zone centrale
c om erdale «13,3 fasse l'objet dune prerriere IectLre.
A Tissue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Preniere lecture par titre de I'arrete intitule «Arete modifiant I'Arrete de zonage de The
City of Saint John
Proposition du conseiller Farren
Appuyee par le conseiller Shcivan
RESCLU que I'arrete intitule «Arrete
n° C. P. 105-23 mxlifiant I'arrete relatif au plan m,nidpal mxlifiant a I'anrwe 64 de la
strategie de Uptam Saint John la classification dune parcelle de terrain dune si-Wide
derMron 51000 m=tres canes, portart les ND 00040014, 00039875, 00037747,
55108062, 00037481, OOCui i s9, 000 si ib2, 00037507, 00037499, 00037515,
55088900, 55094908, 55084420, 55178792, 00038455, 00037697, 00039933,
55033773, 00039735, 55190151, 55190177, 55088918 et une pantie du NID 000337689,
pax la faire passer de quartier a vocation collective « I L-1 de zone residentielle
direr eubles a Iogen-erts multiples de trds etages « FM1 de zone dindustrie
lourde «1-2» et de zone corrrerdale generale «13,2 » a zone centrale
c orrrerdale « 13,3 fasse I'ot O dune deuiaeme lecture.
A Tissue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Deuiaerre lecture par titre de I'arrete intitule «Arrete mcclifiant I'Arrete de zonage de The
City of Saint John
FB31Y Y 2, 2MM-E 2 FbM ER 2009
11.2 Enterprise Saint John (Councillor McGuire)
Cn action of Councillor McGuire
Seconded byCa.ncillorSUlivan
RESOLVED that the cam-on Clerk be directed to
invite and sdhedule Mr. Stephen Carson, CEO cif Enterprise Saint John, to present at an
open session of Council.
Question being taken, the motion was carried
11.2 Enterprise Saint John (conseiller McGuire)
Proposition dlu conseiller McGuire
Appuiyee par le conseiller SUlivan
RESCLU que la greffiere cmTa de sat dhargee
dinmter Stephen Carson, president-lirecteur general dEnterlonse Saint John, a faire
une presentation levant le eonseil aU cars dune seance publique dlu Conseil, et de
fixer une date pour sa presentation.
A Tissue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
11.3 Local C rrrrrent and Regions (Councillor McGuire)
Cn ruction of Councillor McGuire
Seconded by Councillor Snook
RESOLVED that the cam-on aerk contact Nr.
Frn to detemine his availability to present at an Open Session of Council.
Question being taken, the motion was carried
11.3 Gouverrrenrernts locauxet regions (conseiller McG ire)
Proposition dlu eonseiller McGuire
Appuyee par le conseiller Shook
RESCLU que la greffiere cmTa de con mnique
avec M. Frn afin de deteminer s'il peat faire une presentation levant le eonseil lors
dune seance publique dlu Conseil.
A Tissue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
11.4 2009 Federal Budget (Councillor McGuire)
Cn mmtion of Councillor McGuire
Seconded by Councillor Snook
RESCLVED that Council direct the Mayo to
convene a meeting vvith the local Uh Tber of Parliament, Rodney V\bston and CaTrnon
Council to discuss the $2 billion for housing and $500 n illion for recreation irfrastnicture
that has been odr mtted by the Govern ent of Canada.
Question being taken, the motion was carried
11.4 Budget federal 2009 (co nseiller McGuire)
Proposition du eonseiller McGuire
Appuyee par le conseiller Shook
RESCLU que le ccnsal charge le mare cle
convoquer une reunion entre le depute local, RxheyV\bston, et le eonseil ocmTurEl
en we de cisouter des sonTres dargent a xquelles le gouvemerrent du Colada s'est
engage a investir dais son budget 2009, a savor 2 milliards de dollars pour le logerr erl
et 500 millions de dollar pour ('infrastructure de loisirs.
A Tissue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
FEBRUARY 2, 2009 M 2 FEVRI ER 2009
11.5 Poverty Fbduction Awareness -Vibrant Corrinuiities (Councillor McGuire)
Cn motion of Camcillor McGuire
Seconded by Ca,ncillor Snook
RESCL\/ED that the Conran Clerk invite Nr.Tom
Gibbons, Chair of Vibrant C.ommnities to present to the Mayor and Council at an open
session of Council.
Question being taken, the motion was carried
11.5 Sensibilisation relative Ala reduction de la pauvrete- Co nnmut&
vivartes (conseiller McGuire)
Proposition du conseiller McGuire
Appuyee par le conseiller Snook
RESCLU que la gref6ere oorrrn hale invite
M. Tom Gribbons, president de Comm mites mantes, a faire we presentation devant
le aEdre et le Conseil lors dune seance pu bliqu,e du omseil.
A Tissue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
12 Business Matters - Municipal Officers
121 2009 Proposed Capital Budget/General Furl
Ch motion of Deputy Mayor Chase
Seconded by Councillor Titus
RESCL\ED that the Caxton table the 2009
Proposed Capital Budget/GamA Fund and rile this item for an Open
C yn ittee of the VV-de meeting.
Question being taken, the motion was defeated Mayor Cart and
Councillors Cart, Snook, McGuire, Nllen and Fan-en voting nay.
Ch motion of Cou cillor Snook
Seconded by Cou cillor McGuire
RESCL\ED that Corrn-ion Council approve the
Proposed Program Summary, i.e., the 2009 Capital Budget totaling $75,733,000 of
%hich not more than $48,951,000 shall be financed by the issuarxe of debt, and;
Col7rr w Caml receive for infomition the proposed suTTTBry of Capital Programs for
the years 2010 through 2012, and;
The Maya and Council irrmediately establish contact v& the Citys Nbrrbers of
Legislative Assembly and Members of Parliament in an effort to secure the necessary
furling corr ritmerl from the other levels of govemrrent to enable merry of the
proposed projects to proceed
Councillor Titus proposed an arrendmaat to the motic n W ich vvas seconded by
Councillor Snook to add to the 2009 Capital Bucket the purchase of 1 additional Saint
John Trensit bus.
Question being taken on the arrendmart, the motion vans carried v&
Councillor Nbtt voting nay.
Councillor McGuire proposed an amandrrsnt to the motion W ich vvas seconded by
Councillor Shcivan to utilize arty surplus finds from the 2009 Capital l3 udget to girds the
C Tmu pity Centres in the City of Saint Jchn
Question being taken on the arrendmart, the motion vens carried.
Ch motion of Cancillor Snook
Seconded by C un illor McGuire
RESCL\ED that Corrn-ion Carnal approve the
Proposed Program Summary, i.e., the 2009 Capital Budget totaling $75,733,000 of
%hch not more than $48,951,000 shall be fina -ced by the issuance of debt, and;
FB31Y Y 2, 2MM-E 2 FbM ER 2009
CorrrrmCoundl receive for infam:tion the proposed surrrary of Capital Programs for
the years 2010 through 2012, and;
The Mayor and C moil inTrediately establish contact \t& the Citys UbniD rs of
Legislative Asserrbly and Nbrrbers of Parliament in an effort to secure the necessary
funding ocaT itment fromthe other levels of governtimnt to enable many of the
proposed projects to proceed, and;
The purchase of 1 additional Saint John Transit bus be added to the 2009 Capital
Buclget, and;
Any surplus funds from the 2009 Capital Budget be utilized twards the Conmrity
Centres in the City of Saint John.
Question being taken on the motion as ar mcled, the motion was carried
\t& Councillor Hgginrs voting nay.
Cn nmtion of Councillor McGuire
Seconded by Councillor Sdlivan
RESCLVED that the City Manage- pro\ide a report
and moorrrr endation to Council with respect to assigning the Deputy City Manager with
the additional responsibility of in tergmerrTnen tal affairs, acting as a direct liaison
bets een Mayor and Council and the other 2 levels of govemrrent with respect to funding
initiatives; and further, that the City Manager outline the specific errployrn3ft functions
for this rew role.
Question being taken, the motion was carried
12 Affaires nwicipales evoqu6es par lesfonctionnaires nxxricipaux
121 Proposition du budget dinmobilisations de 2009/forxls dadmrristration
Proposition du mire suppleant Chase
Appuyee par de conseiller Titus
RESCLU que de censeil reporte oe pant a we
seance publique clterieure du oonite plerier.
A Tissue du vote, la proposition est rejetee. Le mire Court ainsi que des
censeillers Court, Snook McGuire, Nllen et Farren voten t oahtre la proposition.
Proposition du omseiller Snook
Appuyee par de eonseiller McGuire
RESCLU que de consal oonTnunal app-owe le
samhaire du program-he propose, a savor de budget crin nubilisatiahs cle 2009 fixe a
75 733 000 daht la samhe finanobe par 1'enission dobligatiahs ne peut depasser
48 951000
que le oaiseil oomrunal regoive a titre infahratif le samheire des prograrn>?s
dirnrTubilisatiahs des amees 2010 x2012;
que le n-dre et le Conseil entrent inTr 6diiatement en oonTn nication aver Ies deputes et
les mmnb-es de Saint John qu font partie de I'Asserrblee legislative pour oloterir
I'ehgagamnt financier nrecessaire de la part dautres ord es de gouvernam t pour
pem ettre la realisation de bon norrbre de projets proposes.
Le eonseiller Titus propose we modification a la proposition, eppuyee par le eonseiller
Shook, visant I'4out de I'adhat dun a 1obus supplemahtaiire de la Carrrission de
transport de Saint Jelhn clans le budget dinTTr bilisaticns de 2009.
A Tissue du vote rdatif a la modification, la proposition est acoeptee. Le
censeiller Mott vote centre la proposition.
Le eonseiller McGuire propose uie modification a la proposition, appuyee par le
censeiller Sullivan, visant I'utilisation de tout fords exeedenteire du budget
dirrmobilisatiahs de 2009 pour Ies centres oc munautaiires de The City of Saint John.
A Tissue du vote relatif a la modification, la proposition est adoptee.
FEBRUARY 2, 200 IM 2 FEVRI ER 2009
Proposition du connseiller Snook
Appcyee par le oonseiller McGr.ire
RESCLU que le oonseil corrmanal approuve le
sawn dire du prog-amre propose, a savoir le budget dirrnrbilisations de 2009 fixe a
75 733 000 dont la sorr e finanoee par 1'errission dobligations ne peut depasser
que le ca-seil oam unal regoive a titre it faTrEtif le somrdre des program es
dirrrrubilisations des arnees 2010 a 2012
que le rreire et le Conseil entrent imrediatemant en oo rn nication avec Ies deputes et
les rrerrbres de Saint John qui fort partie de I'Assemblee legislative pour obtenir
1'engagement financier recessaire de la part dautres ordres de goaveniamt pour
pemettre la realisation de bon norrbre de projets proposes;
que I'adrat dun autobus supplerrentaire de la Carrrission de transport de Saint Jdm
sat ajoate au budget dirrrrubilisations de 2009;
que tout fonds exoedentaire du budget dimrTr bilisations de 2009 sat utilise pour Ies
centres oonmmnautaires de The City of Saint Jim.
A Tissue du vote, la proposition telle que modifiee est adoptee. Le
Conseiller Hggins vote Contre la proposition.
Proposition du conseiller Moire
Appuyee par le conseiller Sullivan
RESCLU que le directeur general presente un
rapport et des rations au Conseil quart a I'attribution de la respcnsabilite
supplerrentaire des affaires gcuvernerrentales au directeur general adjoint, qui servira
de lien direct entre le n-dre et le Conseil et Ies daux autres ordres de gouvernerrent en
oe qui concern Ies initiatives de finanoement et, qu'en outre, le drecteur general
dbaive Ies fonctions professionnelles predses assodees a oe nouveau rde.
A Tissue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
122 Saint John ftter 20003 Anrxaal Water Report
Cn motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor McGuire
RESCL\/ED that the City Manager be authorized to
forward the Saint John Voter-2008 Annual V\bter Report dated Jan-ay 29, 2009 to
the Department of Environrrent on behalf of the City of Saint John (Approval Holder),
and further that the said report be received for infani Lion.
Question being taken, the motion was canied
122 Rapport aninuel de 2000 relatif au rdswu d'aqueduc de Saint John
Proposition du conseiller Titus
Appcyee par le conseiller McGure
RESCLU que le directeur general sat autorise a
faire suvre le Rapport anrW de 2008 relatif au reseau daq rArc de Saint John, date
du 29janvier 2009, au ninistere de I'Er wornerrent au nom de The City of Saint John
(titclaire de I'agrerrent) et, gUen outre, ledit rappat sat accepte a titre irforrr atif.
A Tissue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
123 Action Plan for Safe, Clean Drinking Water
Cn motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor Court
RESW ED that Council:
1. Reaffirm its priority commtmant to safe, dean drinking water.
2. Endorse the Action Plan for Safe, Clean Drin l4 ng V\bter and its 50 actions.
FB31Y Y 2, 2MM-E 2 FbM ER 2009
a Make securing of funding support from senior levels of government for safe,
dean drinking water a faerrost elerrent of its c cnm.nity leadership role.
4 Comrit to a cxprehensive c orrrinications and public education program on
the Action Plan for Safe, Clean Drinking Water.
Question being taken, the motion was carried
Cn ruction of Councillor McGuire
Seconded by Councillor Titus
RESCLVEDthat Ccrrnm Ca,ncil extend its
meeting beyond 10:00 p.m
voting nay.
Question being taken, the motion was carried \t& Councillor Sullivan
123 Ran daction pour la salubrite et la propre#e de 1'eau potable
Proposition du conseiller Titus
Appuyee par de conseiller Cant
RESCLU que de censeil
1. neaffinrre son engagenent prioritaire pour Ia salubrite et Ia proprete de l'earu potable,
2. approve de plan daction pour la salubrite et la proprete de 1'eaxu potable et ses
50 rresu-es;
a fasse du sautien financier des orcres de gcwernerrent scpbieurs pour la salubritb et
la proprete de 1'eau potable un dbrrent de de son role de leadership au sein de la
4 s'enngage a offrir un programre exhaustif de =Twications et de sensibilisation du
public relativerrent au plan daction pax la salubrite et la proprete de 1'eau potable.
A Tissue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Proposition du conseiller McGuire
Appuyee par le conseiller Titus
RESCLU que la seance du conseil oo T7ri d sat
prda*e a Klela de 22 h.
A Tissue clu vote, la proposition est adoptee. Le oonseiller Sullivan vote
ocntre la proposition
124 Value Engineering Services-Action Ran for Salle, clean Drinking Water
Cn rrrtion of Deputy Mayor Chase
Seconded by Councillor Nllen
RESOLVED that Cor Ton Council accept the
proposal of Robinson Stafford & Rude, Inc for value engineering services related to the
Potion Ran for Sefe, clean, Dunking Voter, and that the Maya and Corrrron Clerk be
authorized to execute the appropriate docu rer tation in that regard
Question being taken, the motion was carried
124 Value Engineering Services (services ding& ierie de Ia valeuo - Ran
daction pour la salubrite et la proprete de 1'eau potable
Proposition du moire supplea-Tt Chase
Appuyee par le conseiller Nllen
RESCLU que le censeil oonTn r-d aoepte la
proposition de 1'ertreprise RoUnsorn Stafford & Rude, Inc. relative aux services
diro ierie de la valeur lies alu plan daction pax la salubrite et la proprete de 1'eaxu
potable, et que le n-dre et la geffiere conTaxiale saen t autorises a signer la
doc urrentation e)agee a cet egard.
A Tissue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
125 Princess St (PrinceV\flliamSt to Charlotte St) Watemvin, Sanitary and
Storm Sewer Installation and Street inaction
Cxr motion of Camcillor Faren
Seconded by Councillor Shook
1. Contract No. 2008-32: Princess Street (Prince VVlliam Street to Charlotte Street) -
V\btem-in, Sanitary and Storm S,ekAier Installation and Street Reconstruction, be
awarded to the loNtenderer, Feirville Construction Ltd., at the tendered price of
$2,649,564.10 as calculated based upon estimated quantities, and further that the Mayor
and Comma Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary contract documents, and
2. Council authorize that the attad-ed letter requesting a eorr itmal from Saint John
Energy to provide full funding for their share of the Princess Street project based on final
quantities be signed by the Mayor and favordetd to The POAu Corrrrission of the Qty
of Saint John
Question being taken, the action ves carried
125 Installation de la corxkjte Beau principale et des egm is sarritaires et
pluviaux sur la rue Prim (de la rue Prince VVIliam a la rue Chariotte) et
travaux de refection de la rue Princess
Proposition du conseiller Farren
Appuyee pa- le censeiller Snoek
RESCLU que :
1. le ocntrat n° 2008-32, redatif a ('installation de la oonduite deau principale et des
egauts sanitaires et pluviaux sur la nue Princess (de la rue Prince VVlliam a la rue
Charlotte) et aux travaux de refection de la nue Princess, sat aceorde au
so unissionrdre de n-dr&disa-Tt, FainAlle Construction Ltd., au prix offert de
2 649 564,10 etabdi a partir de quantites estirratives et, de plus, que de rraire et la
greffiere cornmrrale scent autorises a sigier des documents eontradueds rrecessaires;
2. le ocnseil autorise que la Iettre cijointe dernandent clue Saint John Energy s'engage a
fo urrrr de financen ent integral de sa part pour de projet de la nue Princess en fonction
des quantites finales sat signee par de rraire et transrrise a la Corrmission denerje de
The City of Saint John.
A Tissue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
126 Proposed Public Hearing Dates 783 Fillcrest Road, 1160 Loch Lomond Rd
595 Fillcrest Ind and Rescirxing Motion
Cxr motion of Deputy Mayor Chase
Seconded by Councillor Shook
RESCUEDthat CaYmon Council rescind its
resolution from January 19, 2009, which read as fddoAS:
" RESOLVED that Corrnon Carroll schedule a new prblic hearing for the rezoning
application of Nngs Valley Consulting Ltd. (595 Fillcrest Road) for Monday, February
16th at 7.00 p.m in the Council Charrher, and refer the application back to the Planning
Advisory Corrmttee for a rem report and recaTmanclation. "
Question being taken, the action was carried
Cxr motion of Deputy Mayor Chase
Seconded by Ca.ncillor Shook
RESW ED that a new public hearing be
scheduled for the rezoning application of I4ngs Valley Consulting Ltd. (595 Fillcrest
Road) and that Corrrnon Carroll accept the revised public hearing date of March 2,
2009; and further,
FB31Y Y 2, 200M-E 2 FbM ER 2009
That Common Ca.ndl schedule the public hearing for the rezoning applications of Kevin
Steele (783 Loch Lomond Roacl), Donald F. C dlinan (1180 Loch Lorrrond Road) and
Kings Valley Consulting Ltd. (595 Fillcrest Road) for Nbr>day, Nbrch 2 2009 at 7:00
p.m in the Cornell C harrber, and refer the applications to the Planning AdAsory
CaYnittee for report and reao Tmidation.
C L estion being taken, the motion was carried
126 Dates proposees pour les auciences publiques visarnt le 783, dvMn
Fillcrest, le 1180, chemin Loch Lornond et le 595, chemin Fillcrest et
proposition de revocation
Proposition du rraire %Wbant Chase
Appuyee par le conseiller Snook
RESCLU que le Conseil oonTn r-d revoque sa
resdution du 19janvier 2009 qu se lit oomye suit :
PtSaU que le eonsal conT d fixe we nowelledate daudience publique relative
a la derrande de rezonage de Kings Valley ConsAting Ltd. (595, cherrin Fillcrest), au
lurd 16 f&Aer, a 19 h, dens la salle du Conseil, et gclil saarrette de nuiveau la
daTa-de au Conite consdtatif durbanis m aux fins de presentation dun nouveau
rapport et de recorrmandations
A Tissue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Proposition du rraire %Wbant Chase
Appuyee par le conseiller Snook
RESCLU qLf une nouvelle date daucfence publique
sat frxee relativerrI a la derrande de rezonage de Kings Valley Consulting Ltd
(595, cherrin Fillcrest) et que le o nseil omTa r-d acoepte la date r&Asee de I'audience
publique, lest-a-lire le 2 wars 2009.
RESCLU que le oonseil c cmTur- l fixe la date daudience publique au 2 n-ars 2009, a
19 h, dais la salle du eonseil, relativerrent aux denencles de rezonage de Kevin Steele
(783, chemn Loch LaTud), de Donald F. C dlinan (1180, Chemn Loch Lomond) et de
Kings Valley Consulting Ltd. (595, cherrin Fillcrest), et qu'il transmattte la derrande au
Conte eonsultatif du banisme aux fins de presertation dun rapport et de
rec om rendations.
A Tissue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
127 Proposed Wr icipal Ran A mndrr ent 43-51 Golden Groyne Rd
Cdr nation of Camcillor Court
Seconded by Camcillor Snook
RESCLVED that the application for a proposed
nwidpal plan amendment for 43-51 Golden Grove Road be dewed, and further, that
the subnitted documentation be received for infan-ation.
voting nay.
C L estion being taken, the motion was carried wth Deputy Mayor Chase
127 Projet de modification du plan nuiicipal Asant le 43-51, dnenin
Golden Groyne
Proposition du conseiller Court
Appuyee par le conseiller Shook
RESCLU que la dam-de relative au prget de
modification du plan nwiapal visant le 43-51, chenin Golden Clove sat rejetee et,
gu'en a,tre, la documentation presentee sat ac ogl6e a titre inforn-dif.
A Tissue du vote, la proposition est acceptee. Le maire scppleant Chase
vote contre la proposition.
FEBRUARY 2, 2009 M 2 FEVRI ER 2009
13. Committee Reports
13.1 Ranning Advisory Committee Ong Subdivision 57 Bdersley
Cn motion of Councillor Nllen
Seconded by Ca.ncillor Fa-ren
RESCL\ED that:
1. Cm non Council assent to one or more subdivision plans, in one or more phases, in
general accordance wth the sibmitted Joan Bernadette Steele and Kevin Hugh Steele
tentative subdvisien plan, Mich illustrates a neN public cul-de-sac street, and to any
necessary nwicipal services and public utility easerrents, provided that:
The final plan(s) illustrates a realigrrrent of the proposed new
street in a rrenner that would allowfor the possible creation of a
future lot abutting lot 03-04 on the adjacent property, and that this
realignment be to the satisfaction of the Development Cffioer and
Chief City Engineer; aid further
2. That Comm Council not assent to the requested 2374 square metre (25,554 square
foot) land for Public Purposes dedication adacent to proposed lot 08-03, but instead
accept a casl-rin-Iieu dedication for this subdivision; and further,
a That Comm Council authorize the preparation and execution of a
Qty/Developer Subdivision Agreerrent(s) to ensure provision of the
required vx* and facilities, including detailed site and drainage plans for
the approval of the Chief City Engineer, for this subdivision develop Tel.
Question being taken, the motion was carried
13. Rapports deposes par les comites
13.1 Comte consultatif dubanisrve recommndant le projet de lotissemrent
visant le 57, avenue Bdersley
Proposition du conseiller NIlen
Appcyee par le oonseiller Fan-en
RESCLU que :
1. le Conseil eommnal approuve le ou les plans de lotissement en we ou plusieurs
phases conforntrnant, de n miere generate, au plan de lotisserrent promsure presente
par Joan Bernadette Steele et Kevin H4 Steele qui illustre we nouvelle voie publique
sans issue, alnsi que toute servitude de services m xricipaux ou dentreprise de service
public e)agee, a condition que :
le ou les plans finaux illustrent uh nouveau trace de la nouvelle nae proposee de
fagon a perrrettre la creation possible dun lot fuhx attenant au tat 03-04 situe su- la
propriete adjacente, et que ee nouveau trace sat a la satisfaction de I'agent
dantnagen-ent et de I'ingenieur mmicipal en chef;
2. le oonseil eommnal n'approuve pas la derrncde daffectation du terrain dutilite
publique, dune scperfide e-Woma ative de 2 374 m7tres canes (25 554 pieds canes),
qui est adjacent au tot 08-03 propose, mais gUil accepte plutot une eonpensatioh
morO,taire pour ce Iatisserral;
ale oonseil eommral autorise la redaction et la signature du ou des cahtrats de
Iotissenpnt enre la nwiapalite et le promoteu- afin de pem ttre I'execution des
travaux requis et la raise en place des installations rreeessaires, notamnneht en oe qui
concerne I'daboration des plans de situation et de drainage detaill6s soumis a
I'approbation de I'ingerieur m.nicipal en chef relativemeht a I'a Tbnagen ent dudit
A Tissue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
FB31Y Y 2, 200M-E 2 FbM ER 2009
13.2 FdxwrEnded Appointments to Cmnittees
Cn motion of Ca.nallor Snook
Seconded by Ca.nallor McGuire
RESCLVED that Cmmftee of the VV-de having
met earlier this evening on this n-after, rrakes the fd1cWrig appointments:
Heritage DL*Aopment Board - to appoint Colin VWdshultz for a 3 year term ending
February 2 2012.
Question being taken, the motion was carried
13.2 Pecorr mrxlations de rioniraations pour sieger aux conites
Proposition du conseiller Snook
Appuyee par le eonseiller McGuire
RESCLU cue le ccn ite plerier, s'etant ream plus
tot en sane, prooede aux nominations suvantes :
Conseil danr mgm errt du patrimoine : Nornnaticn de Cdin V\kidshultz par une
pbnode de tras ans se tennnant le 2 Wier 2012.
A Tissue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
14. Consideration of Issues Separated from Consent Agenda
14.1 Update VV bcasting of City Council Meetings
Cn n-otion of Couxillor Shclivan
Seconded by Couxillor Killen
RESGLVED that the letter from the cm moan aerk
dated February 2, 2009 \t& respect to V~b ting of City Caxxil Meetings be received
for inforn-stion.
Question being taken, the motion was carried
Cn n-otion of Couxillor Shclivan
Seconded by Couxillor Killen
RESCLVEDthat an Cpen Cmmftee of the VV-de
meeting be scheduled for February 9, 2009 from 5.00 unti16. 00 p. m to allovfor the
presentation of the Strategic Corporate Ran.
Question being taken, the motion was carried
14. nude des sujets 6mvt6s des questions surnises a I'approbation du
14.1 Mse a jour de la diffusion Web des seances du conseil
Proposition du oonseiller Sullivan
Appuyee par le oonseiller Killen
RESCLU que la lettre de la gref6ere ommi- le,
datee du 2 fe ier 2009, relativenne nt a la n ise ajour de la diffusion V\/--b des seances
du oonseiI sat aoceptee a titre irforrmitif.
A Tissue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Proposition du oonseiller Sullivan
Appuyee par le oonseiller Killen
RESCLU gdune seance publique du oomte plenier
se tienne le 9 femer 2009, de 17 h a 18 h, afin de pemhettre la presentation du plan
strategique organisationnel.
A Tissue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
15. General Correspondence
15. Correspondance generale
16. Adjournment
The Nf✓ u dedared the meeting adjourned at 10:10 p.m
16. Levee de la seance
Le rraire dedare que la sea-o-- est levee a 22 h 10.
CaTn-on ClerWg-effiere c cmTur- le
ivy of 5aiaL Jahn
February 26, 2009
M & C 2009-53
Mayor Ivan Court and
Members of Common Council
Your Worship and Councillors:
SUBJECT: Citv Hall Buildina
In late summer and fall of 2006 the City of Saint John entered into negotiations with the
owners of the City Hall Building, and subsequently reached an agreement to lease the
building for the next 15 years. During discussions/negotiations a number of
improvements to the building's general performance were requested by the City. Terms
of cost sharing and the two parties' individual responsibilities respecting these
improvements were negotiated.
The purpose of this report is to inform Council that certain expenditures were made
pursuant to the negotiations which require Councils' approval. In particular, a new
emergency power generator was purchased to ensure that power would be provided to
critical operations within City Hall during emergency situations and power outages, (see
attached). The cost of the new generator, which has been installed on the 3rd level of
the rear parking structure, was approximately $250,000. The City's share of this
expenditure was $85,000 + HST. The building owner financed the remainder of the cost
of purchase, installation, and building retrofit.
The Commissioner of Finance has advised City staff that this is an expenditure,
irrespective of the lease negotiations, that must be approved by Council, therefore, your
City Manager recommends that Council approve an expenditure in the amount of
$96,050.00, payable to Ashford Properties Inc., as the City's share in the purchase and
installation of a new emergency generator for City Hall.
Respectfully submitted,
Amy Poffenroth, P. Eng.
Deputy Commissioner
Buildings and Inspection Services
Wm. Edwards, P. Eng.
Buildings and Inspection Services
Terrence Totten, CA
City Manager
Scone of Work:
+ Supply install new Generators, Size 300 kVA, 600 Volt, 30, wires..
Location - North side o City Hall (Third Fluor Parking Lot).
Generator provides new additional. power to the following areas within the city hall.
5th Floor:
Air-conditioning unit serving computer room,
- Fluorescent lights serving the computer room,
- 20 kV'A UPS.
« 0 Floor:
- One Air-conditioning unit located in 911 Communication Centre,
- Series of lights located in the 911 Communication. Centre.
• 9ch Floor:
Reception and Computer room lights,
- Two Air-conditioning units serving ISS computer room.
• 8cn Floor:
-Reception Area Lights
• Detention
-Power to Security Monitors
-Power to Breathalyzer
-Power to Fingerprint Room
• Lobby
Lights Plug for the ARU
M & C - 2009-48
27 February 2009
His Worship Ivan Court
and Members of Common Council
Your Worship and Councillors:
SUBJECT: Tender for Farm Style Tractor
City of sent John
After a review of the equipment and vehicle fleet in the fall of 2008 it was
determined that vehicle 271, a 1997 Kubota Tractor, needed to be replaced. This is
a 12 year old farm style tractor that is assigned to the Leisure Services
This tractor, when purchased, will come with a number of attachments which will
make it more versatile and usable 12 months of the year. In the summer the bucket
attachment will allow it to be used as a small loader for topsoil and sand. The PTO
drive allows for various attachments such as a spreader or a mower to be used. As
well, in the whiter this unit will be used to plow snow with a tilt angle blade and to
remove snow, with a snow blower attachment, from various locations and facilities
such as Ice Rinks and Community Centres.
This public tender call was advertised in accordance with the City's Procurement
Policy, ie on the City's Home page and was directly communicated to 14 potential
bidders via WinFax. Notwithstanding this only one company chose to submit a bid
for the supply of this item. It is unclear why such was the case, however it is not
unusual for suppliers of this type of equipment not to compete in a public tender
Staffs from Leisure Services and Materials and Fleet Management have reviewed
the tender submitted by Hall Bros Limited for a 2009 Kubota Model B3030HSDC
farm style tractor and have found the bid to be complete in every regard.
Page Two
Admittedly staff does not purchase this type of equipment very often and as a
result the original estimate for the purchase of this tractor was $56,500.00, tax
included. The actual total cost to purchase a new 2009 Kubota farm style tractor
c/w attachments, as bid by Hall Bros Ltd, is $36,665.00, plus tax ($41,431.45 tax
This is a planned expenditure and as such finds to cover the cost of a new 2009
Kubota farm style tractor are available in the Fleet Replacement Budget.
It is recommended that the tender submitted by Hall Bros. Ltd., for the supply of
one only 2009 Kubota Model B3030HSDC farm style tractor c/w attachments, in
the amount of $36,665.00 plus tax, be accepted.
Respectfully submitted,
David J. Logan
Purchasing Agent
T.L. Totten, FCA
City Manager
M & C - 2009-50
27 February 2009
His Worship Ivan Court
and Members of Common Council
Your Worship and Councillors:
SUBJECT: Proposal for Engineering Services
Ice Slab Replacement Lord Beaverbrook Rink
Charles Gorman Arena
City of sent John
Proposals closed on Tuesday February 24t1' for the provision of structural,
mechanical and other necessary engineering services required to investigate,
design, specify and manage the demolition and construction of new in floor ice slab
in the two above named facilities.
This project is necessitated in part because of the age of the ice slabs, Charles
Gorman - 35 years, LBR - 49 years, and in part because of recent failures, shut
downs and emergency repairs.
Three companies chose to participate in this proposal call by submitting bids.
They included,
MCW Maricor Moncton, N.B.
ADI Ltd. Saint John, N.B.
Fundy Engineering & Saint John, N.B.
Consulting Ltd.
Page Two
In keeping with the City's policy and procedures related to proposal calls for the
Engagement of Professional Services, immediately following the public opening
the bids received were referred to an evaluation committee consisting of staff
representatives from the Building and Technical Services and Leisure Services
Departments and the Lord Beaverbrook Rink.
The evaluation committed reviewed each bid on its technical aspects as they
related to the standard criteria, including experience of the vendor and the
methodology to be employed.
Once this step was completed the financial considerations were evaluated and
added to the technical review. At the end of this process the evaluation committee
unanimously selected the proposal submitted by MCW Maricor as the one that
best addressed the needs of the City of Saint John.
MCW ranked high on their technical submission and even higher on cost as they
submitted the lowest prices for each of the two projects.
The following is a breakdown of the project costs as submitted by MCW Maricor;
Lord Beaverbrook Rink
Charles Gorman Arena
Total cost bid by MCW
By comparison:
Total cost bid by ADI
Total cost bid by Fundy
$29,100.00, plus HST
$37,300.00, plus HST
$69,400.00, plus HST
$140,600.00 plus HST
$119,500.00 plus HST
This is a planned expenditure for which fiends have been identified in the 2009
Capital Budget.
Page Three
It is recommended that the proposal for the provision of engineering services
related to the investigation, design, specification and project management of the
demolition and installation of new in floor ice making requirements to the Lord
Beaverbrook Rink and the Charles Gorman Arena be awarded to MCW Maricor
Respectfully submitted,
David J. Logan
Purchasing Agent
T.L. Totten, FCA
City Manager
M & C - 2009-51
27 February 2009
His Worship Ivan Court
and Members of Common Council
Your Worship and Councillors:
SUBJECT: Proposal Call for Engineering Service
Canada Games Aquatic Centre Roof
City of sent John
A proposal closed on Tuesday, February 24t1' for the provision of engineering
services for site inspection and consultation, detailed design and cost estimates,
tender specifications and construction related services required for the replacement
of the roof of the Canada Games Aquatic Centre.
Although this replacement project was originally planned to be over a multi-year
period, inspection by a roofing consultant engaged by Facilities Management last
year found that the roof is in need of replacement this year. Damaging winds and
heavy rains in the late fall have only succeeded in further deteriorating the roof's
Standard protocols were followed when proposals were called for this project.
Notice was placed on the City's web page and copies were communicated directly
to 4 potential bidders. Notwithstanding this level of effort only one company
Jacques Whitford Stantec Ltd., Saint John, chose to participate in this proposal call
by submitting a bid.
This is a very specialized project and with there being a very limited number of
firms that possess the expertise necessary to undertake it, staff assumed bidding
would be light.
Page Two
ANALYSIS... Cont' d;
The only company to offer a bid on this project, Jacques Whitford Stantec, was in
fact listed as two companies at the outset, both of which had been invited to
submit proposals. Of the other potential bidders, one opted not to submit a
proposal and we have been advised that the other has shut down their operations
for the winter.
Staff of the Building and Technical Services Department has reviewed the sole bid
received and as anticipated, have found it to be complete in every regard.
If awarded as recommended, the total cost for the engagement of engineering
services related to the roof replacement of the Canada Games Aquatic will be
$84,100.00, HST included.
This amount is in keeping with the estimated cost for the engagement of these
services and as such funds to cover the cost are included in the 2009 Capital
It is recommended, notwithstanding the fact that only one proposal was received,
that Council accept the bid offered by Jacques Whitford Stantec Ltd., in the
amount of $84,100.00, HST included, for the provision of engineering services as
required in the call for proposals, to successfully replace the roof on the Canada
Games Aquatic Centre.
Respectfully submitted,
David J. Logan
Purchasing Agent
T.L. Totten, FCA
City Manager
, r" 0 e" ~1
,u I", I
M& C 2009 - 52~.
February 26, 2009
His Worship Mayor Ivan Court '1111 LA
& Members of Common Council
Your Worship and Members of Council,
SUBJECT: Value Engineering Services Adjustment
Action Plan for Safe, Clean Drinking Water
The purpose of this report is to make an administrative adjustment to the recommendation for
consulting engineering services for the value engineering workshops.
On February 2, 2009, (M&C 2009-27) Council approved the recommendation to engage
Robinson Stafford & Rude, Inc. for value engineering services related to the Action Plan for
Safe, Clean Drinking Water. NCE Value Engineers Inc. was to be a subconsultant on the
Robinson Stafford & Rude team to assist with leading the value engineering processes.
The value engineering (VE) review is a systematic, function-based evaluation being undertaken
to ensure that optimal efficiency and best value are achieved in development of the Action Plan
for Safe, Clean Drinking Water and its implementation. It will focus explicitly on the best
possible outcomes for the investments to be made.
Don Stafford, PE, CVS, of Robinson Stafford & Rude, Inc. is a certified value specialist based in
St. Petersburg, Florida. For this project and many others, he has partnered with NCE Value
Engineers Inc. from Markham, Ontario. David Wilson, P.Eng., CVS, CPF is the certified value
specialist for NCE and was present at the interview in Saint John earlier this year.
City staff have worked with Mr. Stafford over the last few weeks to negotiate a contractual
agreement satisfactory to both parties, however, as a result of Robinson Stafford & Rude, Inc.
being based in the United States, it is more time consuming and costly for them to meet all the
conditions of a contractual agreement with the City of Saint John. Considering this and in the
interest of keeping the value engineering review on schedule, staff propose the City instead enter
into a contract with the Canadian partner, NCE Value Engineers Inc.
Both companies have agreed in writing to the change in the contractual arrangement. The
deliverables, scope of work and cost would not change from the original proposal. The only
Febwary 26, 2009
Page 2
change will simply be that contract documents would be executed by NCE Value Engineers Inc.
as opposed to Robinson Stafford & Rude Inc.
Municipal Operations & Engineering staff consulted with the City's Legal Department on this
issue to address any concerns.
The proposed cost of the work from NCE Value Engineers Inc to provide value review services
has not changed and remains at approximately $434,000 plus HST. Attempting to execute a
contract with RSRI would delay the project and incur additional expenses.
It is recommended that Common Council accept the proposal of NCE Value Engineers Inc. for
value engineering services related to the Action Plan for Safe, Clean Drinking Water and that the
Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute the appropriate documentation in that
Respectfidly submitted,
J. M. Paul Groody, P. Eng.
Municipal Operations & Engineering
Terrence L. Totten, F.C.A.
City Manager
February 27, 2009
His Worship Mayor Ivan Court and
Members of Common Council
Your Worship and Councillors:
SUBJECT: 6 Cranston Ave PID# 00026674. - HBL Rentals Inc.
Encroachment on City Right of Way
This report is written in response to a request of HBL Rentals Inc. (HBL)
addressed to Elizabeth Gormley, City of Saint John Common Cleric, dated
January 5, 2009 asking that a license be granted to permit a deck and stairs to
remain as built.
HBL purchased a fire-damaged 3-unit residential building at 6 Cranston Avenue
in August 2007. HBL applied for and received a building permit (Permit 2008-
671) to rehabilitate/renovate the building. The rehabilitation/renovation was not
carried out in accordance with the issued permit. The owner did not request any
variation/amendment to the permit.
The deck and part of the stairs as built rest upon a City owned retaining wall
which provides support for the public street, thus encroaching upon the street
Building Inspection Services has given notice to HBL to remove the stricture
from the retaining wall, but to date the stricture remains. Before and after pictures
have been attached hereto to further illustrate the situation.
Input From Other Sources:
1. MuniciUal Ouerations & Enuineerin-:
The City has an existing concrete retaining wall located on the east side of
Cranston Avenue, adjacent to Civic # 6 Cranston Avenue. This existing retaining
wall supports the street right-of-way at this location. A guide rail was also placed
Report to Common Council
Febnuan- 27, 2009
Page 2
by the City west of the wall, to direct people (and/or vehicles) from the abrupt
change in elevation at this location of the street right-of-way.
The City is required to maintain, repair, and eventually replace this piece of
municipal infrastructure and, as such, must have full and unrestricted access to it.
Placement of a private stricture (decking and stairs) on this wall is unacceptable.
From a structural perspective, the added loading was not a part of the original
intent or design of this public retaining wall.
The Chief City Engineer has directed that the private stricture be removed from
the municipal right-of-way.
2. Planninu & Development:
The "Yard Averaging" provisions of the Zoning By-law, Section 820(7), would
allow the secondary exit stairs to be located no closer to the Cranston Avenue
right-of-way than the closest portion of the existing building. Based on the
information provided, it is unclear where the existing building is in relation to this
property line. Consequently, in addition to the requested certificate of
encroachment, a variance to further reduce the minimum required street setback
from 7.5 metres (25 feet) to nil may be necessary.
3. Buildinu Inspection Services:
It was first noted that the exterior stairs and deck were being constricted in April
2008. Notice was sent to HBL that there was no permit to cover the work. On
May 18, 2008 it was noted that the structure had been completed, that it levered
on the retaining wall in the street right of way, despite requests from various City
Officials that it be removed. It was also noted that Building Permit application
2008-671 had been submitted for the stricture as it existed as of May 2008.
Additional Notices were issued to no effect asking that the deck be removed from
the retaining wall. The Building Permit for the structure was cancelled as the
work was clearly in violation of the By-Law.
For the reasons outlined above staff cannot recommend that the structure as built
by HBL be permitted to remain in place.
That the request by HBL for a licence be denied and fi rther that staff be
instructed to proceed in the normal course of action to have the
encroaching deck at 6 Cranston Avenue removed, and
Report to Common Council Page
Februan- 27, 2009
That the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to sign all necessary
documentation to effect said removal.
Respectfully submitted,
hen Forrest, MCIP, RPP
Planning and Development
PNi' p
Terrence Totten, F.C.A.
City Manager
295 Bayside Drive
Saint John N.B.
E2J 1B1
Phone 633-4449
Fax 652-6831
January 5, 2009
Elizabeth Gormley
Town Clerk
City of Saint John
Dear Elizabeth,
We are the owners of a residential rental property at 6 Cranston Avenue. Early last year
ve purchased the property after it was damaged by fire. We applied and received a building
permit for the required work and renovations. During the renovations we decided to change the
secondary exit stairs to exterior landings and stairs. The original stairs ran through a narrow
winding staircase from the top unit, all the way to the basement, then to an exterior landing and
back up a set of exterior stairs. This system was not very practical and in my opinion was a very
dangerous way to exit the unit in the event of a fire. We installed exit doors from all three units
directly outside to new decks, which are all within our property and are not an issue with the
Building Permit Department. The issue is the deck and stair system that is on the City property
between our building and the City owned retaining wall, which runs parallel to Cranston Ave.
The new deck at the front of the building runs along the face of the building and rests on the
retaining wall, by about 4". The original deck and stairs ran between the retraining wall and the
building, but was deteriorated and needed replacing. We had two problems with the original
system: 1) if the retaining wall ever shifted toward our building it would have forced the
stair/deck into the face of the house and caused structural problems and 2) in order to replace the
existing, in the same fashion, it would have required excavation for a foundation, for the new
deck, next to the retaining wall and possibly undermining it.
I am therefore asking for a license be granted, to keep the new deck and stairs in place as
is. The only concern the Building Permit Dept. voiced was that the deck was resting on the
retaining wall and if the wall required maintenance, the deck would be in the way. In my opinion
the retaining wall is in excellent condition and will not require any repairs but the new system
would be no more of a burden than the original would have been. The deck also acts as a landing
to prevent any pedestrians from falling over the guardrail at this location. Hopefully this explains
properly our situation. If there is any further discussion required, please feel free to contact me at
Yours truly,
Richard Hickey
HBL Rentals Inc.
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M & C -2009 - 54
Febwary 27, 2009
His Worship Mayor Ivan Court and
Members of Common Council
Your Worship and Councillors:
SUBJECT: Amendment of Lease - Pride Inc. City Market
Pride Inc. occupies a portion of the third floor of the City Market tower and the
entire fourth floor. The lessee has a lease for its occupation of the fourth floor
which was granted by Common Council effective January 1, 2002 for a term of
10 years. The lease does not speak to the area on the third floor occupied by Pride
Pride Inc. recently approached City staff regarding its interest to share its space
with the newly formed Saint John multi cultural association, more particularly the
Saint John Multicultural & Newcomers Resource Centre / Centre d'accueil
multiculturel et des nouveaux arrivants de Saint John Inc. (MNRC) as it has
excess capacity in its space and a desire to share services and certain expenses
where possible in an effort to streamline its operations. MNRC has been seeking a
location for its operations and the City Market has been deemed ideal.
In order for Pride Inc. to sublease or licence the use of its space at the City
Market, it must first have its lease amended to reflect the actual area under
occupation, modify the sublet clause of the lease to permit consideration of such a
request, and finally to clarify the tenant's obligations regarding the cleaning and
maintenance of the demised premises.
Report to Common Council
Februan- 27, 2009
Page 2
In the event Common Council grants the Amendment to Lease (attached), staff
will follow with a report seeking Council's permission to license or sub let to the
1. That The City of Saint John consents to the Amendment to Lease as
attached to M&C 4 2009-54, and finrther
2. That the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute such
documentation to give effect to the hereinabove given consent.
Respectfully submitted,
Ken Forrest, MCIP, RPP
Planning and Development
Terrence Totten, F.C.A.
City Manager
This Amendment to Lease made this day of February, 2009.
THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN, having its City
Hall at 15 Market Square, Saint John, New
Brunswick, a body corporate by Royal Charter,
confirmed and amended by Acts of the Legislative
Assembly of the Province of New Brunswick,
hereinafter called the "Lessor"
- AND -
PRUDE INC., having its registered office at The
City Market, 47 Charlotte Street, Saint John, New
Brunswick, E21, 2H7, a body corporate pursuant to
the laws of the Province of New Brunswick,
WHEREAS this Agreement is supplemental to a Lease (the "Lease")
dated as of October 16, 2002 granted by the Lessor to the Lessee of the premises
described in Schedule "A" of the Lease for a term of ten (10) years commencing.
January 1, 2002; and
WHEREAS the Lessor and the Lessee intend to vary the provisions of the
Lease in the manner hereinafter set out;
The provisions of the Lease are amended in the following manner:
a) Schedule "A" the demised premises are expanded to
include: The third floor of the Saint John City Market Tower
situate 47 Charlotte Street, Saint John, New Brunswick, saving and
excepting thereout and therefrom:
i. that portion of the third floor currently (February 2009)
occupied by Saint John Human Development Council Inc.;
ii. the staircase, hallways and elevator and preserving to the
Lessor, by its employees, workers, agents and contractors
the right of access for egress, ingress and regress between
the staircase and the roof hatch.
b} Schedule "C" is amended as follows:
i. delete the second sentence in Clause 1 and substitute the
The Lessee shall not assign, transfer, sublet or otherwise by
any act or deed cause or permit the demised premises or
any part thereof to be assigned, transferred or sublet
without the prior written consent of the Lessor such consent
may, at the sole discretion of the Lessor, be withheld.
ii. Delete Clause 7 and substitute the following:
7.1 The Lessee shall at its own expense keep the demised
premises clean, and maintain the demises premises to such
standard as may be required, from time to time, by the
Commissioner of Planning and Development.
2. The Lease as amended shall continue in full force and effect for the
remainder of the term of it.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Lessor and the Lessee have affixed their
respective seals, attested by the hands of their respective officers duly authorized
on that behalf the day and year hereinbefore first written.
In the presence of
Common Clerk
Common Council Resolution:
February , 2009.
1, Elizabeth A. Gormley, of the City of Saint John, in the County of Saint
John and Province of New Brunswick, MAKE OATH AND SAY:-
1. THAT I am the Common Clerk of the City of Saint John and have custody
of the Common Seal hereof.
2. THAT the Seal to the aforegoing instrument affixed is the Common Seal
of the City of Saint John and that it was so affixed by Order of the Common
Council of the said City.
3. THAT the signature "G. Ivan Court" to the said instrument is the signature
of G. Ivan Court, Mayor of the said City, and the signature "Elizabeth A.
Gormley" thereto is my own signature.
4. THAT we are the proper officers to sign the aforegoing instrument on
behalf of the City of Saint John.
the City of Saint John, in the
County of Saint John and
Province of New Brunswick
this day of February, 2009.
Elizabeth A. Gormley
Lynda D. Farrell
Commissioner of Oaths
Being a Solicitor
Ob -AM*
wmm-"- Tenant
RUDE inc. ent
I Human Developrr, Council
l 3
A Lay-Out Plan Tower
MaY 26'2008 KI-VCHEN
T Ohns~ I~+~arVet Office
EL~A Saint J Third Floor
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t1DR1)DE inc.
EF're approximate
1 room saes and Wall locations
Existing Lay- et plan Tower
Saint John City Mark
fourth door
May 26.2006
February 24, 2009
His Worship Ivan Court and
Members of Common Council'
Your Worship and Councillors.
Indemnification Agreement - Firefighter Training
Attached, please find the original copy of an Indemnification Agreement
(the `"Agreement" executed on February 23rd, by the Deputy City Manager
on behalf of the City of Saint John. The Agreement relates to training that
will be provided to certain members of the Saint John Fire Department
between March 2nd and 6d', 2009 in Sufl=reld, Alberta.
In view of the imminent timeframe for finalizing this Agreement, it was
reviewed and approved by the City Solicitor's Office, then submitted to the
Deputy City Manager for his signature on the understanding that a
subsequent resolution ratifying the Agreement would be sought and
required from Common Council at its March 2nd , 2009 meeting.
It is recommended that Common Council adopt the following resolution:
RESOLVED that Common Council hereby ratifies the Deputy
City Manager's execution of an Indemnification Agreement
between Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada and the
City of Saint .john, dated' February 23, 2009.
Respectfully Submitted,
rick. Woods, C.G.A.
Deputy City Manager
Annex E
CBRN Advanced
First Responders Training Program (FRTP)
Institution Waiver
Institution Waiver: CBRN Training Programs
being an authorized agent on behalf of _
(PRINT ORGANIZATION NAME), in consideration of its personnel being permitted to
participate in live agent training programs offered by Defence R&D Canada - Suffield,
Alberta, from March 2 to March 6, 2009, hereby:.
a. Acknowledge and agree that live agent training is inherently hazardous
and may result in personal injury, whether physical or otherwise, and/or
damage to property, and wishing in any event to allow its personnel to
participate in the live agent training, voluntarily consent to assume any
and all risks that may be associated with said training;
b. Acknowledge, agree and declare that it has advised and trained its
personnel, at a level at least equal to training offered by the Government
of Canada, on the nature and hazards of live agent training and on the
procedures and safety measures in effect before, during and after the live
agent training;
c. Acknowledge and agree that, medical care, including the administration of
counter-measures that may not be licensed for general medical use by
Health. Canada, can and will be provided as required by Canadian medical
personnel, including, but not limited to, Canadian Forces medical
personnel, provided that Health Canada has approved the DND to acquire
these counter-measures through its Special Access Program which is
supported by 0.08.010 and C.08-011 of the Food and Drug Regulations
as part of the live agent training and that the personnel participating in the
live agent training have individually consented to the use of the counter-
measures; and
d. Agree that at all times, it will indemnify and save harmless Her Majesty the
Queen in Right of Canada, Her officers, servants, agents, employees and.
members of Her Canadian Forces from and against all claims and
demands, loss, costs, disbursements, damages, actions, causes of action,
suits or other proceedings made or brought by personnel of this
organization in relation to any loss, property damage, personal injury or
death, resulting from, occasioned by or attributable in any way to their
presence or participation during the live agent training or medical care
associated thereto, except to the extent caused or contributed to by any
wilful, unlawful or gross negligent act or omission of Her Majesty the Queen
in Right of Canada, Her officers, servants, agents, or employees or any
members of Her Canadian Forces.
Witness name and address
The institution (organization) waiver must be signed by an authorized agent of
your organization (usually the Commanding Officer or equivalent) prior to the
advanced level of the program. A copy of the signed institution (organization)
waiver should be faxed to DRDC Suffield at (403) 544-4959 prior to your arrival on
the course. The original signed institution (organization) waiver is to be brought
to DRDC Suffield and submitted to the Course Director on the first day of the
4_s L-l +M
Residential Addis ' ian TreL, Lnent C~ rare
City of Saint John
City Hall
15 Market Square
P. O. Box 1971
Saint Jahn, NB - E2L 41-1
Attention: Mayor and Council
February 25, 2009
Re: Information Presentation to Mayor & Council
Your Worship and Councillors,
We hereby formally request the opportunity to make a presentation to His Worship, The Mayor
& Council regarding the establishment of a non-profit residential drug and alcohol treatment
centre in southern New Brunswick, entitled Project ReAdd.
We attach an information brief for your perusal, and ask to be scheduled to deliver this
presentation during an open session at the earliest possible opportunity.
Looking forward to your reply.
Yours truly,
t. .
Janet Bordage, CMA
140J Hampton Road, Suite 235, Rothesay, New Brunswick - E2E 5Y3
Email: re.add@live.com
Email. re.add@liae.com
Project ReAdd
The Mission:
To establish a self-supporting, non-profit, abstinence based residential treatment cen-
ter in New Brunswick, for all persons suffering from addictions.
Using as a foundation the proven principles of the twelve steps of Alcoholics Anony-
mous to assist those persons suffering from addiction to regain control of their lives
through a sustained abstinent recovery.
To further improve outcomes the addition of a strong transitional phase and aftercare
program will ensure individual futures in a understanding, compassionate therapeutic
New Brunswick's Position:
Highest per capita cost of alcohol abuse of all provinces;
• Second highest cost of illicit drug abuse;
• 14.1% of New Brunswickers are considered high risk drinkers;
Adults seeking abstinence base treatment currently must leave the Province;
Annual Per Capita Costs of Substance abuse by Province 2002
400 -
(per rmilllion$)
„aYT NW NV"^^
11- O
Existing Treatment Options In New Brunswick:
• Addiction Services (Ridgewood): Detoxification, Day Programs, 21-day programs,
Out-Patient Counseling;
• Portage Atlantic (Adolescent);
• Sophia House (Non-Residential For Women);
• Half Way Houses;
• Teen Challenge (Young Males)
Email: re.add@live.com
I IM Alcohol ❑ Illegal drugs I
The Proposed Facility
Located in a rural setting near picturesque St. Martin's, a facility exists with a virtual
turnkey situation.
With over 270 acres of rough wooded area, as well as, an existing lodge and cabins, this
property has the right combination of seclusion and peaceful tranquility, away from
heavily populated neighborhoods. It offers a near-perfect situation for self healing and
spiritual awareness.
Lots of space remains for future expansion and development, such as, additional
housing, family & retreat centers, educational facilities.
The Program
• 42 Day Residential
• Abstinence Based Treatment
• 12 Step Recovery Model Proven Through Alcoholics Anonymous
• Community Centered Living
• Indoor and Outdoor Experiential Learning and Therapy
• Equine Therapy
• Restore Self Confidence and Self Worth
• Extensive Transitional Program Involving Community Resources
• Continuing Care Program
Email: re.add@live.com
Project ReAdd
Support Requirements
Initial support will be required from a variety of sources and in various forms , such as,
financial support, physical contributions and in human resources.
The financial portion will be the most demanding in light of the current political and eco-
nomic climate. ReADD will seek initial financial support from:
• Industry and Business
• Various Levels Of government
• government Institutions
• Religious Institutions
• Religious and Service Groups
• The Public In General
Project ReADD will endeavor to garner the support of at least one major benefactor to
speed the project to its' ultimate goal.
Physical Contributions
Physical support may be required in such forms as construction materials and
equipment, furnishings, appliances and other general requirements. However, it is the
aim of The Center to become self-funding and self-sufficient in most areas.
Human Resources
As with any non-profit entity, it may become necessary to ask for aid' in some form of
manpower. Again, it is the intention of The Centre to become financially capable of
engaging enough personnel to deal with most human resources requirements.
However, initially and perhaps in the future, Project ReADD will seek the support of
large industry and business in supplying people on a temporary basis, as well as,
guidance on issues of any of the above named categories.
Project ReAD~ Founding Group
The Project ReADD group is made up of a number of health professionals, addiction
specialists and counselors, financial experts, as well as, business and marketing people
of various vocations. The current directorship is comprised of:
• Janet Bordage, CMA - President, CFO
• Sister Arlene Brawley - Vice President, Senior Addiction Treatment Programmer
• Jenn Moore - Secretary Treasurer, Equine Assistant
• Camille Bordage - Chairman of Marketing & Fundraising
Email: re.add@live.com
® 1,
The 01, - of S :I[[ John
M & C 2009
March 2, 2009
His Worship Mayor Ivan Court
And Members of Common Council
SUBJECT: Land for Public Purposes Fund Request Samuel de Champlain
Playground Project
Common Council received a request from the Comite d'amenagement du parc
communautaire Samuel-de-Champlain to cost share from the LPP Trust Fund in the
development of a playground for the h-5 students of the school and Community Centre.
The request by the Samuel de Champlain Playground Committee is similar to other requests
the City has entertained in the past. The committee has received a quote of $113,621.00 for
this project and is currently raising the necessary funding. This committee is seeking $
15,000.00 from the LPP Trust Fund.
This request conforms to the current City practice of seeking partners in the development of
recreation facilities. Since the proposed project is on school property, the city requires
written authorization from School District 41 that the facility will be open for recreational
use and enjoyment of the general public.
On September 12 and 13, 2008 members of Saint John Common Council met to develop
priorities for 2008-2012. Common Council envisioned revitalized neighbourhoods that are
safe, vibrant and attractive. Reinvestment in existing recreational facilities was seen as a
priority based on the needs of the community.
Staff supports the development of the Samuel de Champlain playground with funding to be
provided through the LPP Trust Fund in the amount of $10,000, which is the recommended
amount that is listed in the "Guidelines for Evaluation of requests for Contributions from
the LPP Trust Fund" as approved by Common Council on August 20, 2001. There is
currently a balance of approximately $20,000.00 in the Land for Public Purpose Fund.
Should the recommendation be approved the balance of the LPP Trust Fund will be
approximately $10,000.
It is recommended that Council:
1. Grant $10,000.00 from the LPP Fund in support of this project,
2. That such funding is contingent upon receipt of a certificate from the
Superintendent, District 41 and ARCf de Saint-Jean, stating that the
property to be used for the development is school property and that the
playground will be open for the recreational use and enjoyment of the
general public,
3. That such funding is contingent on the equipment and installation being
CSA approved and that a letter from the equipment supplier stating this
fact be sent to the City Leisure Services Department, and further
4. That a letter stating that the maintenance of this new playground
development is to be the responsibility of the School District and ARCf
de Saint Jean.
Respectfully submitted,
Bernie Morrison
Commission of Leisure Services
Terrance L. Totten, C.A.
City Manager
J f,_
Demande de financement a la Ville de Saint-Jean LPP
Bans le cadre du projet
Ameenagement du parc communautaire
Demande presentee par
Le comite d'amenagement du
pare communautaire Samuel-de-Champlain
Octobre 2008
Cornite d'amenagement du part communautaire Samuel-de-Champlain
67, ch. Ragged Point
Saint-.lean, N,-B. E2K 50
Numero general : (506) 658-4600
Anne Bardou, presidente (506) 636-4011 (jour)
Michel Tasse, ARCf de Saint-lean (506) 658-3985 (four)
Projet - Parc pour enfants : Centre scolaire-communautaire Samuel-de-Champlain
Le contexte
Au cours des 25 dernieres annees, le nombre d'utilisateurs et de services n'a cesse d'augmenter
au Centre Samuel-de-Champlain. Heureusement, au cours des 2 dernieres annees, le Centre a
ete la scene d'un agrandissement majeur. La superficie de 1'ecole et du centre communautaire a
ete augmentee considerablement. Tout au long des travaux, la communaute francophone a
continue d'occuper les espaces malgre le desagrement cause.
La fin des travaux fut un soulagement pour tous et grace aux espaces supplementaires, I'ecole
accueille maintenant plus de 635 enfants (cle la maternelle A la 12e annee] et la garderie accueille
plus de 280 enfants (prescolaire et scolaire). La communaute francophone pour sa part
beneficie de plusieurs nouveaux locaux et services suite A cet agrandissement.
Toutefois, aucun investissement n'a ete fait pour mettre A jour les infrastructures recreatives et
sportives exterieures du Centre Samuel-de-Champlain. Avec une population scolaire de plus de
600 eleves et une communaute grandissante b Millidgeville, les terrains cle jeu
et autres installations sportives A 1'exterieur du centre ne repondent pas
A la demande des utilisateurs, de lh cette demande de financement aupres de
la ville clans le cadre du programme LPP Funding.
Depuis son ouverture en 1984, le terrain du centre n'a presque pas evolue et pourrait titre qualifie
de n protiquement pas omenage r) (voir Photo 1).
Photo 1 - Photo a6rienne des installations. 67, ch. Ragged point
t • `L*
Cry 'Y ~Y rj ~ ~ J ~ { 7777
rt _ w
_ Y ~L ! _ ter.,, _
3.I r
Source: maps.Jivexom
Projet - Parc pour enfants : Centre scolaire-communautaire Samuel-de-Champlain
Notre vision
Reamenager les terrains exterieurs du Centre Samuel-de-Champlain afin de repondre aux
besoins de la communaute en general, aux besoins des utilisateurs du centre et aux besoins des
eleves du Centre scolaire.
Fournir a la communaute de Saint-Jean un endroit o6 les familles et les equipes sportives
peuvent s'adonner a des activites recreatives Bans le quartier Millidgeville.
Nods souscrivons aussi o /a vision de PAW de Saint-lean :
c< Bonner aux Francophones du Saint-Jean metropolitain le meilleur milieu de vie du
Nouveau-Brunswick »
Le projet global
Suite aux demandes grandissantes de la communaute et des utilisateurs du centre entourant les
espaces exterieurs, un comite benevole a ete crew pour Taborer un concept et le mettre en
En 2007, le comite a tenu des rencontres d'information aupres de is communaute et a retenu les
services d'une firme d'architectes pour developper un plan conceptuel d'amenagement des
espaces exterieurs, selon les besoins enonces par la communaute. Voir la figure 1 et le tableau 1.
Le plan conceptuel inclut I'amenagement d'aire de jeux pour les enfants, I'amelioration des aires
sportives existantes et ajout de nouvelles infrastructures sportives, I'agrandissement des terrains
de stationnement, le deplacement de la salle des aines et le developpement des batiments de
I'eglise. De plus, le concept prevoit I'amenagement de pares naturels, de sentiers, d'un jardin
communautaire, etc. Dans son design et clans sa mise en place, le projet prevoit que les
infrastructures seront accessibles e toute la communaute.
Pour sa mise en oeuvre. le ojo'et sera, developne en un minimum de 8 chases distinctes.
Phase 1- Amenagement de nouvelles aires de jeux pour enfants (maternelle a 5' annee)
Phase 7 - Amenagement d'une aire de detente pour les adolescents
Phase 3 - Agrandissement du terrain de stationnement existant
Phase 4 - Renover les infrastructures sportives existantes
Phase 5 - Deplacement de la salle des aines/salle scout
- Amenagement d'une aire de repos pour les jeunes adolescents
Phase 6 - Amelioration des infrastructures ecclesiastiques
Phase 7-Amenagement de pares, sentiers et d'espaces verts
Phase S - Amenagement de nouvelles infrastructures sportives
Projet - Parc pour enfants : Centre scolaire-communautaire Samuel-de-Champlain
Figure 1 : Plan conceptuel d'am6nagement des espaces ext6rieurs
(avec les phases de developpement identifiees)
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r"'', ♦ Tableau 1 - Ec eancier approximatif pour la ise en oeuvre des
diff6rentes phases du projet
UIIIIIIIV °01 111111111111111110 1111 d ~'~Fry §gw L! 0.1 "yd l ' ~
septembre 20019
Comite et ecole
septembre 2009
Comite et ecole
ARCf de Saint-Jean
Comite et ARCf
Comite et ecole
Paroisse Saint-Frangois-de-Sales
A determiner
Comite et ARCf
A determiner
Comite et ARCf
Projet - Parc pour enfants : Centre scolaire-communautaire Samuel-de-Champlain
,'objet de la Ides ande
Phase 1--Amenagement des terrains cle jeu - M'aternelle 6 5e annee
La premiere phase du projet s'attaque directement au manque le plus grand, le manque
d'espace de jeu amenage pour leg jeunes enfants d'age scolaire. La structure existante nest pas
assez grande pour le nombre d'utilisateurs et le manque d'espace oblige leg enfants. a jouer clans
des espaces non amenages qui ne sont pas adequats (un terrain de soccer et un stationnement).
Grace a I'ajout de nouvelles structures de jeux et a la reconfiguration d'espaces existants (un
stationnement non utilise et un des terrains de tennis sous-utilise), les enfants de 1'ecole ainsi
que leg enfants de la communaute en general auront acces a une grande aire de jeux adequate
et securitaire.
II est important de souligner clue ce projet est prioritaire pour la communaute. Plusieurs grouper
communautaires appuient le projet. Les campagnes de financement vont tres bien, plus de
10 000$ ont deja ete amasses grace a des activites de financement.. De plus, le projet propose
est compatible avec leg plans de developpement de l'ARCf de Saint-Jean, leg gestionnaires du
Centre Samuel-de-Champlain, ainsi qu'avec leg reglements du Centre scolaire Samuel-de-
Champlain. (voir leg lettres d'appui en annexe)
Tableau 2 - tch6ancier propose
5eptembre-octobre 2008 r Completer la planification et leg estimes du projet
• Demande a la ville de Saint-Jean clans le cadre d'u
programme LPP (land for public purpose funding)
Novembre-decembre 2008 • Collecte de fonds communautaire
• Choix final de la structure de jeu
Janvier-mars 2009 Completer Collecte de fonds communautairs
r lObtenir des promesses de dons corporatifs
Mi-Mvrier-debut nears 2009 * Sou.
mettre la demands de subvention a la Societe de
developpement reglonal
Avril-mai-juin 2009 r Collecte de fonds communautaire
Commander leg equipementg et reserver les services
Juillet-ao6t 2009 + Amenagement du terrain de jeu
Pin septembre-debut octobre 2009 + Ouverture officielle du terrain de jeu, ceremonie et
devoilement dune plaque commemorative a ['intention
des commanditaires et donateurs
Projet - Parc pour enfants : Centre scolaire-corn munautaire Samuel-de-Champlain
Description de I'aire de jeu
Le projet prevoit I'augmentation de la surface de jeu existante par I'ajout d'une nouvelle
structure de jeux et de petits jeux supplementaires (voir les figures 3 et 4). De plus, un des
terrains de tennis existant sera modifie en des terrains de ballon-panier pour des parties de type
1 contre 1 ou 2 contre 2 (voir figure 4). Le terrain aura aussi une zone accessible par rampe pour
les personnel en chaise roulante.
Beaucoup de travail sera mis dans la preparation de la surface de jeu. Par souci de
1'environnement et pour assurer des zones d'ombre des arbres seront installes en bordure du
nouveau pare. Des structures complementaires tels que des banes, poubelles et support a
bicyclettes seront aussi instal'les pour mieux desservir les utilisateurs de la communaute.
Les structures de jeux choisies sont presentees a la figure 5. Le detail du plan d'amenagement, la
liste des equipements desires et le detail de la structure proposee sont en annexe.
Il est e noter que la structure de jeux existante ne sera pas modifiee.
Figure 3 - Plan des equipements proposes
Profet - Parc pour enfants : Centre scolaire-communautaire Samuel-de-Champlain
Figure 4 - Localisation du nouveau parc de jeu stir la propriete
Parc existant Nouveau part
Figure 5 - Structures de jeu choisi
f I
Projet - Parc pour enfants : Centre scolaire-communautaire Samuel-de-Champlain
Budget du projet
En plus des nouveaux equipements, I'amenagement de cette section du terrain demande du
travail de preparation des surfaces, des noubelles clotures, des equipements connexes (banes,
poubelles) ainsi que des arbres et arbustes. De plus une somme doit We allouee au
rafraichissement des equipements existants pour Nachat de peinture, de substrat
supplementaire et le rem placement d'items brises. Le tableau 2 presente le rdsume des coots.
Tableau 2 - EstirP6 des coots d'amenagement
Preparation du terrain
Nouvelle structure de jeu
Accessoires : equipements connexes
Arbres et arbustes
Rafraichir les equipem
eats existent
Installation et frail de livraison
/~[-F)i~ f,la
Financement dui budget
Le comite d'amenagement du pare communautaire Samuel-de-Champlain travaille deja depuis
quelques annees avec 1'6cole et la communaute en gdneral pour amasser des fonds pour la
realisation du projet. Le plan de financement est presente au tableau 3.
`l'aLleau 3 - Provenance du financeme t pour la Phase 1 du projet
Collectes de fonds aupres de la communaute 15.% 16776$
Dons corporatifs mature et espece) 27% 30000$
Societe de develo ' p.
ppement regionalSDR) 45 /Q 50000$
I Le programme d'aide en capital a 1a famille et a la jeunesse
Projet - Parc pour enfants : Centre scolaire-cornmunautaire Samuel-de-Champlain
Comme vous le remarquex a la lecture de notre projet, la communaute et son comite se soot
donnes un projet ambitieux. Bien entendu, le projet s'echelannera sur plusieurs annees.
Toutefois la Phase 1 est bel et bien enclenchee et une vague de sympathie pour le projet est
palpable au sein de la communaute.
Le comite d'amenagement du part communautaire Samuel-de-Champlain travaille tres fort et
tout porte a croire que les objectifs financiers fixes pour la communaute seront atteints. 11 reste
du travail a faire mais 1'echeancier de septembre 2009 pour 1'ouverture du nouveau parc est la
marque a atteindre et tour s'entendent pour dire clue tous les efforts requis seront faits pour
que l'objectif soft atteint..
Nous soulignons que le groupe travaille avec la compagnie locale Fundy Fencing, et son
fournisseur Blue imp, pour le developpement du projet. La proposition d'affaire est en annexe.
Nous comptons sur votre support pour la realisation de cette Phase du projet. Nous reiterons
aussi que le projet beneficiera directement aux etudiants du Centre scolaire Samuel-de-
Champlain (les jours de semaine), aux utilisateurs du Centre Samuel-de-Champlain et, bien
entendu, le nouveau parc sera ouvert a taus, incluant les habitants du quartier Millidgeville y
compris les nouveaux citoyens des nouveaux projets de construction a I'arriere du Centre
Projet - Part pour enfants : Centre scolaire-communautaire Samuel-de-Champlain
Lies annexes
Annexe 1- Le comite d'amenagement du parc communautaire Samuel-de-Champlain
Annexe 2 - Identification des differents partenaires principaux du projet
Annexe 3 - Plan conceptuel
Annexe 4 - Detail du projet (proposition du uendeur)
Annexe 5 - Lettres d'appui
Projet - Pare pour enfants : Centre scolaire-communautaire Samuel-de-Champlain
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Oct®ber 28, 2QO8
Association R6gionale: do la Communaute
francophone de Saint Jean inc.
Anne Bardou
Le cornite d'arneatagement du pare coanmunautaire Samuel-de-
67 Ragged Paint Road
Saint John, ND
E2K 50
Re: Support for land development at the Centre Samuel-de-Champlain
Dear Madam,
The ARCf de Saint-Jean hereby confirms that the Comitg d'amenagement du pare
communautaire Samuel-de-Champlain is responsible for developing the space exterior to
the Centre Sw miel-de-Champlain according to community needs.
We support the group's efforts and confirm that the space's developed on the Centre
Samuel-de-Champlain grounds are and shall remain accessible to the entire community.
As manager of the Centre Samuel-de-Champlain, the AARCfwill maintain the developed
spaces and ensure that the developed spaces remain accessible to everyone once the work of
the development committee has been completed.
Thank you in advance for your commitment to the community.
Executive Director,
Watson, Kevin
David Clark [fulmar@nbnet.nb.ca]
Monday, January 26, 2009 8:47 PM
Watson, Kevin; O'Toole, David
Anne Bardou; Anne Bardou
from Anne Bardou - LPP funding request
Hello Kevin and Dave,
Mere is some information about the current level of fundingwe have for the project. We have
done a number of community fund raising events,
1. Individual donations from parents
2. Christmas cards sale
3. Magazine membership sale
We are getting ready for a fund raising campaign with local companies and businesses in Saint
We currently have more then $15000.00 in the project account.
Above and beyond this amount, we have paid to get a conceptual plan and preliminary budget
done by a professional landscape architect.
This concept amounted to $6000.00
So all together we have accumulated approximately $21000.00 towards this project. We are
committed to complete the playground for September 2009.
We also hope to get in-kind assistance from school District 1 (French
district) as well as the province.
If you require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me
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Sadly, suicide in New Brunswick is a fact of life.
Approximately 100 New Brunswickers commit suicide each
As in most other provinces, the risk of suicide is highest
among men 20 to 40 years old, young people, seniors, and
those vvfio have lost a close friend or family member through
el vv Brums i, G -1- an dio r ~ F_-I
The New Brunswick Mental Health Services Division
recognizes three basic principles: there is a responsibility to
provide alternative ways of addressing psychological or
physical suffering in an effort to counter suicidal behaviours;
suicide is a social problem; and suicide has multiple causes.
The New Brunswick Suicide Prevention Program mobilizes
agencies and individuals that work provincially and locally.
The goal of the program is to reduce New Brunswick's
suicide rate per 100,000 population.
A provincial committee was established in 1989 to advise the
Mental Health Services Division on strategies to be
developed, implemented. or reviewed with regard to suicide
prevention. In addition, it engages in liaison and co-
ordination at the provincial level in order to develop an
optimum common approach.
Regionally, 13 Community Suicide Prevention Committees
are in place throughout New Brunswick. They advise their
local Community Mental Health Centre and the Provincial
Suicide Prevention Committee on the actions required in
order to meet the program's objectives. Also, they engage in
liaison and coordination at the regional level.
The New Brunswick Suicide Prevention Program is based on
two models, one conceptual in nature and the other
The conceptual model rests on fundamental notions of the
systemic and ecological theory, according to which the
causes of suicide are multifactorial, interacting in networks
and in connection with the environment.
The intervention model is the one used for crisis
intervention, with a psychoooccal and community-focused
approach, It involves three broad activity sectors:
prevention/promotion, intervention, and postvention.
Measures designed to prevent the appearance of a suicidal
state. They essentially act on the risk factors by improving
living conditions and strengthening the protective factors.
Promotion of the Program
Consultation and promotion services are provided for the
various agencies that request them.
Public Awareness and Training
Public awareness and training sessions are available
throughout New Brunswick and are offered regularly.
Provincial Suicide Prevention Week
Since 1995, the Provincial Suicide Prevention Committee has
sponsored a provincial Suicide Prevention Week during the
second week of February.
Suicide and the Media
A kit on how to deal with information regarding persons who
have committed suicide is available to all media.
Initiatives focussing on early detection, crisis intervention,
and medium- and long-term treatment of individuals at risk
or presenting a suicidal pathology.
Protocols for the Referral of Suicidal Persons
Several hospitals, police forces, and other agencies have
signed protocols with their local Community Mental Health
Centre so that suicidal persons can be referred and can
obtain the appropriate services.
Treatment Services
The Community Mental Health Centres provide treatment for
suicidal persons in crisis situations as well as treatment on a
short, mid and long term basis,
Suicide Intervention Workshop
Intensive two-day courses that are aimed at helping
participants to recognize suicidal persons, to assess the level
of risk, and in the case of attempted suicide, to use an
intervention model,
Peas€n ``'os Act- P' S
Direct services for suicide survivors (crisis intervention,
debriefing, therapy for individuals, the family, or the
extended family) and intervention in environments such as
schools or workplaces.
Debriefing Services
Suicide survivors and persons who have had to be on site at
the time the deceased was discovered can receive debriefing
services from their local Community Mental Health Centre.
Self-help Groups
There are self-help groups for suicide survivors in several
regions of New Brunswick.
Psychological Autopsies
An exercise that consists in reconstructing the social and
psychological circumstances that led to suicide.
Psychological autopsies are carried out at the request of the
Provincial Coroner.
t =s unity m
e fay eaftb reE
Grand Falls
St. Stephen
Saint John
v . cat Sr- ces D1 si _r
Fredericton 444-4442 (phone) 453-8711 (fax)
:eW He=tic so-Citit
Regional Community Workers
Saint John
Branches -
Provincial Office 455-5231(phone) - 45 3878 (fax)
Fredericton 458-1803
Moncton 859-8114
Saint John 633-1705
Other Community Resources
CHIMO Crisis Line 1-800-667-5005
Emergency 911
C-) b -0 Z
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CL om
aint Jahn Community
" =
Suicide Prevention
In order to address the issue of suicide
in the region, the Saint John
Community Suicide Prevention
Committee was established in 1993 to
enhance, expand, and coordinate
suicide prevention, intervention, and
post-vention services. For more
information regarding suicide or
programs of the Saint John
Community Suicide Prevention
Committee, please contact Mental
Health Services at 658-3737.
The workshop is designed for
teachers, clinicians, social workers,
nurses, police, clergy, probation
officers, psychologists, childcare
workers, parents, front line workers
and the concerned public.
The Saint John
Community Suicide
Prevention Committee
ASIST - Applied
Suicide. Intervention
Skills Training
A two day workshop
designed to empower all individuals in
their contact with persons at risk of
April 16 & 17, 2009
Villa Madonna Retreat House
-V workshop
ril 16 ~ ' ZpQ9 emphasis of the ASI on helping a
-fv,- p the suicide first o r e and seek
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die by suicide Registry further help.
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(Suicide es For Everyone.)
In only a few hours, you will learn how to provide practical help to
persons with thoughts of suicide. Expect to leave safeTALK more
willing and able to perform an important helping role for persons
with thoughts of suicide.
How does safe L help prevent s ici e?
Safe TALK prepares you to be a suicide alert helper. You are
aware that opportunities to help a person with thoughts of suicide
are sometimes missed, dismissed and avoided. You want
persons with thoughts to invite your help. You know the TALK
steps (Tell, Ask, Listen and KeepSafe) and can activate a suicide
alert. As a part of the KeepSafe step, you connect persons with
thoughts to persons trained in suicide intervention. Helpers
trained in suicide intervention complete the helping process or
connect the person with more specialized help.
safreTALK helps to create suicide-safer communities. safeTALK
is 3 hour training for everyone in the community designed to
ensure that persons with thoughts of suicide are connected to
helpers who are prepared to provide first aid interventions.
safeTALK is deli ned to b d ' t' d
g e use wn organize tons an
communities where there are already ASIST-trained caregivers.
Suicide alert helpers are part of a suicide-safer community. ,
To register call Paula Morrow 558-3154
The Saint John Community Suicide Prevention Committee
members, most of whom are volunteers, are pleased to now
be offering a new three hour "SafeTALK" program in addition
to the 2-day ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills
Training) programs which we have sponsored in the past.
SAFE is an acronym for "Suicide Alertness for Everyone".
Unlike ASIST which is for ages 18 & over, SafeTALK
participants can be as young as 15.
Most people considering suicide as an option share their
distress and their intent. Sometimes we miss, dismiss or
avoid any clues a person gives to suicide risk. SafeTALK will
help you become aware of the subtle clues or invitations, will
give you the confidence to ask about suicide, will provide you
with the tools to help prevent the immediate risk of suicide
and will help you link with resources.
The emphasis of the ASIST workshop is on suicide first-aid,
on helping a person at risk stay safe and seek further help.
Attendance at the full two days includes learning how to
apply a suicide intervention model and like SafeTALK, links
people with community resources. Evaluations have shown
that the workshops increase caregivers` knowledge and
confidence to respond to a person at risk of suicide, that
intervention skills are retained over time and that they are
put to use to save lives.
To register for the next ASIST or SafeTALK session or inquire
about becoming a volunteer with the Saint John Community
Suicide Prevention Committee, phone Paula Morrow at 658-
3154 or email: .paula.morrow(Oanb.ca
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Mental Illness can affect anyone. Your
neighbour, your co-worker, maybe even
someone in your family. It is a debilitating
condition that can completely immobilize
• By the year 2020, depression will
rank 2nd' in global diseases after heart
• 24% of Canadians will experience a
mental illness during their lifetime
• Mental Health claims account for 30
to 40% of disability costs by major
• $30 billion is lost annually to the
Canadian economy due to mental
health problems
• Youth aged 15-24 years have the
highest rates of mental disorders
• Suicide is the second leading cause of
death among young people in Canada
Mental illnesses are treatable. Most
people diagnosed with a serious mental
illness can experience relief from
To find out more, or to talk to someone
who can help, Contact:
Community Mental Health
Canadian Mental Health
Mental Health Crisis Line
1.888.81 1.3664
Chimo Suicide Crisis Line
Community Health Centre
Saint John
1 2C
Warning signs
The person is;
. increasingly isolated
. giving away prized possessions
doing poorly in school or at work
. making statements about wanting to die
. acting in an aggressive manner
taking unnecessary risks
. threatening to commit suicide
• suddenly happy for no reason after a long depression
• abusing drugs andlor alcohol
More than one sign could mean that help is necessary,
Note how lung the signs have been present - how deeply
the person feels about the things going wrong in his/her
life, and how many signs are present at one time.
~_-,hat you can do to help a depressed or
suicidal person
. Listen to the person with concern
• Ask the person if he/she has ever felt unhappy fora
long time and assure him/her that things can and will
• Be especially concerned if the person uses drugs and/
or alcohol because his or her judgment may be
• Ask if the person has suicidal thoughts
• Give the person the GHIMO Helpline number and
make sure the person calls
• Stay with the person and do something together
• If the person is suicidal and refuses to get help, tell a
responsible adult or someone you trust as soon as
• Make specific plans m see the person the next day, so
he,'she has a reason to live
What to say to a troubled person
"I'm here for you"
"I viant to hear about what's bothering you"
"I really care about you"
"Let's talk and figure out how to make things better"
"Things are tough now, but they will change. You've got
to hang in there, and I'm here to help"
1 would feel hcrrible if you hurt yourself, and I don't want
you to die"
"If I can't help you, I'll help you find someone who can
"No one and nothing is worth taking your life"
• lgnare the person
• Put the person down
• Change the subject
Try to handle it alone if the person doesn't respond to
your efforts to help
Suggest drugs or alcohol as a solution
in the majority of suicides, drugs andlor alcohol are a
factor. Be more vigilant if you know the person is us ng
mugs and/nr alcohol to deal with problems.
To get help, contact
• Your local Community Mentat Health Centre
• The nearest hospital Emergency Department
• Chime Helpline (24 hrs) -1-800-667-5005
• Kids Help Phone -1-800-668.6868
• 9.1-1 in case of emergency
• RCMP - 1-800-442-9722
• The Canadian Mental Health Association
• Mental Health Outreach Services
• Family physicians
• Local clergy
REMEMBER - If you are concerned that a person is
suicidal- listen carefully, stay with him or her, and get
professional help as soon as possible.
You cannot take responsibility for another person's life -
the decision is his or her own-you may, however, be able
to Help the person see other ways of dealing with his or
her problems and pain. _
New Nouveau
M & C - 2009-49
February 27, 2009
His Worship Mayor Ivan Court and
Members of Common Council
Your Worship and Councillors:
SUBJECT: Rezoning Application - 595 Hillcrest Road
On February 2, 2009 Common Council referred the above matter to the Planning
Advisory Committee for a report and recommendation and scheduled the Public
Hearing of the matter for March 2, 2009.
The attached letter was received from the applicant, Mr. Rod Crowther of Kings
Valley Consulting, on February 16, 2009. The letter advises that the applicant
wishes to withdraw the rezoning application. This letter was received prior to the
Planning Advisory Committee's meeting of February 24, 2009 and, as such, this
matter was not considered by the Committee.
That Common Council withdraw the application to rezone a parcel of land located
at 595 Hillcrest Road as requested by the applicant.
Respectfully submitted,
Ken Forrest, MCIP, RPP
Planning and Development
Terrence Totten, F.C.A.
City Manager
Project No. 08-541
Kings Valley Consulting Ltd.
SUITE 140,
Email kingvalLanbnet.nb,ca
telephone (506) 847-2878
fax (506) 8494486
February 160i, 2009
City of Saint John
Planning & Development
c/o Mark O'Hearn
PO Box 1971
Saint John, NB,
E2L 4L1
Via Email to Mark O'Hearn
Dear Mark,
Re; Owner: Maritime Abrasives Ltd,
PID# 00352674
Land Size: 12,37H or 30 Acres
Rezoning & Phase 1 approval
Thank you for our conversation last week and also in providing the latest correspondence regarding
our Rezoning application on the above property.
Based on these developments we are initiating a water study on our lands- which will not be
completed in time for PAC. As such, we wish to inform you that we are respectfully, withdrawing our
present Rezoning Application.
It is our intention to reapply later in the year, with a new modified proposal which should address the
concerns raised.
Best regards,
,Rad eW#ffV%
Kings Valley Consulting Ltd
Application for a Zoning By-law Amendment
Demande de modification a Parrite sur le nonage
Applicant Related Information / Renseignements sur le demandeur
Name ofApp~7cant/Nom dudemandeur Rod Crowther/ Kings Valley Consulting Ltd,
Mailing Address of applicant/Addrffie postale du demandeur 140J hampton Road, Suite 140
Rothesay, NB. Postal Code/Code postal E2E 5Y3
Telephone Number/ Numero de telephone 506 847-2878
Home/Domidle 506 847-2878 uYc&iTa 506 847-2878
Fax Number/Num6ro de tildoopieur 506 849-4486
Name ofPropetty0wner ff diffeernt)/NOM du proprit±tsdre (A differeno
Maritime Abrasives Ltd.
Address/Adresse P.O. Box 1324, Saint John, NB Postal Code/Codepostsl E2E 4H8
Property Information / Renseignements sur la proprieli
Hillcrest Road beside; adjacent to Marilyn Drive 00352674
Civic#/Nodevoirie Street/Rue Pip/NIP
Lot Area I Superficie du lot 12-37H Street Frontage I Fapde sur 190.01 M
E)jsdng Use of Property/ Utilisation actuelie de la Raw land; undeveloped
MunidpiPlanlandUse Designation Unserviced Residential
Designhdon de utilization des teerA sur leplan municipal
Amendment Requested 1 Modification demandee
Present Zoning I Zonage actud RF J Zs- I
n-A -b -
Y arangezoningto/ModidationdunonageaRR
Y Text Amendment (indicate particulars) /Modification due texte (indi& les details)
1. Tentative approval of Phase I of S/D Plan; consisting of Lots A-1 to A- 14 (I10t A-~ 02 Q-8~
ryY1. ~
2. Road frontage Variance of 6M on Lots A-10 to A-14.
3. Road frontage variance of 3 M on lots A-2 to A- 5.
4. Lot size variances as shown on Tentative Plan, CBCL Limited Plan; MacDonald
5. Use variances, allowing for homes with granny suites on any lots with an area size of 5,400 sq.
meters or larger.
~WVO 39Vd d0'13A3CECENVONINNVid I LS :L8 808 /D318t
Development Proposal / Proposition d'aminagement
Description of Proposal I Description de la proposition
The first phase encompasses lots A-1 to A-15 and single family homes. This will get us started with a
road and allow further investigation of the remaining lands, shown as lots B-1 to B-4. The Second Phase
encompasses a small lake with very good topo's. We envision larger lots here with the possibility of
allowing homes with granny suites and allowing for daycare/ child care uses for up to 12 children,
You must provide a scaled site plan that illustrates
your proposal You may also provide
photographs, building plans, elevation drawings
and any other form of information The plan must
show the dimensions of the property, the location
of all bad0rigs, 61veways, parking areas,
landscaping and signs, It is important that the
distance between the property bow dauy and
buildings are shown
boas devez fournir un plan du site a illustrant votre
proposition Vous pouvez egalement fournir des
photographies, des plans de bailment, des dessins de plan
delevation et Saute mare forme de renseignement. Le plan
dolt indi, quer les dimensions de la propni te, (`emplacement de
la Waite des Oddments, des allies, des sires de
stationnement, des aminagements poysagers et des pa m=
de signalisation it est important d'indiquer la distance entre
les limites de la propriete et les bailments.
Provide reasons why these amendments should be approvA / Foumir tout autm tenseiguement coucc&%m vcit
proposition qui pommit etre approuvees
The current Municipal Plan of the City of Saint John does not allow for an RS-2 rezoning from an RF
zoning. By allowing these variances we gain 2 additional lots, before we get to the second phase.
The Minimum lot width of 60 meters does fit with our huge lot depths, wasting this land resource.
The depth of our lots, (averaging in excess of 85 meters) far exceeds the minimum lot depth of 40
Provide any other information about your proposal that would be helpful / Fonmi' rtout awe renseignement ooncemant yore
proposition qui pourait titre
We believe this subdivision area consists mostly of gravel, not rock, which will defray septic tank and
developing costs.
With a small lake and some high elevations surrounding some of the lots, we are anticipating some vaned
uses and designs.
Signature of Applicant/Signature du demandeur R&~ Ciwaoff=l KingsValley ConsuldngLtd.
Date November 12th, 2008
$400 Application Fee Enclosed / Qjoint les fiais de demande do 400 S
Ifyou are not the owner of the land in question
please have the owner sign below. Thesignature of
the owner is authorizing this application to proceed
for consideration by Common Council.
Signature of Owner (if applicable)
Signat n clue proprietaire Wily a lieu)
yetya 39Vd d013 3i MIV id
Si vows nvites pas le prOprifaire du terrain en question,
vettillez obtenir la signature du propnitaire dons to porde
ci-dessous. La signature du propriaaire auioriscm le
traitement de la prdsewe demande pour que cede derniere
soft examinee par le coweil communal.
.B 800/Z6/BT
_ Kings Valley Consulting Ltd.
140 ] Hampton Road
Suite 140,
Rothesay, N.B.
Me 5y3
Email kingval@nbnet.nb,ca
telephone (506) 847.2878
fax (506) 849.4486
October 1, 2008
City of Saint John,
Planning & Development,
c/o Mark O'Hearn
P.O. Box 1971,
Saint John, NB, a„
E2L 4L1
Dear Mr. 0' Heam,
Re: Owner: Maritime Abrasives Ltd.
PIN 00352674
Land Size: 12.37H or 30 Acres
Authorization letter
Maritime Abrasives Ltd, wish to prepare the above parcel of lands for residential
development uses. Our present land use zonings are RS-1 & Rf. These land uses will
require rezoning the above parcel and our preference is to ai&i Zoning.
1Z>2"M .0.
Please accept this letter, authorizing Mr. Rod Crowther of Kings Valley Consulting Ltd to
act in our behalf, concerning all development matters & rezonings of the above lands.
Andrew MacDonald Date
Maritime Abrasives Ltd.
Service New Brunswick
PIN 00352674
^ Y Y
/ yy
Map Scale ! I`.chelle cartograph4ue 1 ; 10000
Overview Map of Maridme Abrasives Ltd. Property
Hillcrest Road, PIN 00352674
Land Size 1237 H or 30 Acres
Service Nouveau-Brunswick
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Chy of Saint John
For City of Saint John use only:
Newspaper Insertion Dates
(Check as applicable)
(SJTJ= Saint John Telegraph Journal)
" SJTJ City Information Ad
Date(s): Tuesday February 3`d, 2009
Tuesday February 24", 2009
" SJTJ Independent Placement
" SJTJ Classifieds
Information for Ad
(Boldface anything you want Bold in Ad, Centre, Tab, etc.)
Section Headline: ❑ General Notice ❑ Tender ❑ Proposal
® Public Notice
Sub-Headline (if applicable):
Call to Action: Elizabeth Gormley, Common Clerk/Greffiere communale
Contact: Telephone: (506) 658-2862
Public Notice is hereby given that the Common
Council of The City of Saint John intends to
consider amending The City of Saint John Zoning
By-law at its regular meeting to be held in the
Council Chamber on Monday, March 2, 2009 at
7:00 p.m., by:
Rezoning a parcel of land located at 595 Hillcrest
Road, having an area of approximately 12.4
hectares, also identified as being PID No.
00352674, from "RS-1" One and Two Family
Suburban Residential and "RF" Rural to "RR"
One Family Rural Residential, as illustrated
To rezone the subject area in order to undertake a
rural residential subdivision.
The proposed amendment may be inspected by any
interested person at the office of the Common
Clerk, or in the office of Planning and
Development, City flail, 15 Market Square, Saint
John, N.B. between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30
p.m., Monday through Friday, inclusive, holidays
Written objections to the amendment may be sent
to the undersigned at City Hall.
Elizabeth Gormley, Common Clerk
Par les pr6sentes, un avis public est donn6 par
lequel le conseil communal de The City of
Saint John indique son intention d'6tudier la
modification suivante a 1'arret6 sur le zonage de
The City of Saint John, lors de la r6union ordinaire
qui se tiendra dans ]a salle du conseil le lundi 2
mars 2009 a 19 h, en apportant la modification
suivante :
Rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain situ6e an
595, chemin Hillcrest, d'une superficie
approximative de 12,4 hectares et portant le
NID 00352674, afin de faire passer la classification
de zone residentielle de banlieue - habitations
unifamiliales et bifamiliales ((RS-1» et zone
rurale «RF» a zone r6sidentielle rurale -
habitations unifamiliales <dtR», comme le montre
la carte ci-dessous.
Rezoner la parcelle de terrain en question de sorte a
entreprendre une subdivision r6sidentielle rurale.
Toute personne int6ress6e pent examiner la
modification proposee an bureau du greffier
communal on au bureau de I'urbanisme et du
d6veloppement a I'h6tel de ville situ6 au
15, Market Square, a Saint John, au
Nouveau-Brunswick, entre 8 h 30 et 16 h 30 du
lundi au vendredi, sauf les fours f6ri&s.
Veuillez faire part de vos objections au projet de
modification par ecrit a ('attention du soussign6 h
116tel de ville.
Elizabeth Gormley, Greffiere communale
Be it enacted by The City of Saint
John in Common Council convened, as
The Zoning By-law of The City of
Saint John enacted on the nineteenth day of
December, A.D. 2005, is amended by:
1 Amending Schedule "A", the
Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by
re-zoning a parcel of land located at 640
Hillcrest Road, having an area of
approximately 38.5 hectares, also identified
as being PID Nos. 00310615 and
55062053, from "RS-1" One and Two
Family Suburban Residential to "RR" One
Family Rural Residential, classification
- all as shown on the plan attached hereto
and forming part of this by-law.
Saint John has caused the Corporate
Common Seal of the said City to be affixed
to this by-law the * day of A.D. 2009
and signed by:
Mayor/ aire
ARRETE No C.P.110-
Lors d'une rdunion du conseil
communal, The City of Saint John a
d6cr6t6 cc qui suit :
L'arret6 sur le zonage de The City
of Saint John, d6crete le dix-rreuf (19)
d6cembre 2005, est modifi6 par :
1 La modification de ('annexe «A»,
Plan de zonage de The City of Saint John,
rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain situ6e au
595, chemin Hillcrest, dune superficie
approximative de 12,4 hectares et portant le
NID 00352674, afin de faire passer la
classification de zone residentielle de
banlieue - habitations unifamiliales et
bifamiliales uRS-1» et zone rurale
(t RF» a zone residentielle rurale -
habitations unifamiliales «RR»
- routes les modifications sont indiqu6es sur
le plan ci joint et font partie du present
EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John
a fait apposer son sceau communal sur le
present arr& le 2009,
avec les signatures suivantes :
Common Clerk/Greffi6re communale
First Reading -
Premiere lecture
Second Reading -
Deuxiemc lecture
Third Reading -
Troisieme lecture
a a ~ t, a
' U I Il h II (I ( I' II ur`I1` ( III; I< < Ji' U.,..
Public Notice is hereby green that the Common
Councilof The City of Saint John intends to consider
amendtnm The City of Saint John Zoning By-law at
its regnlai mauling to be held in the Council Chamher
on \ londay, March 2, 2069 at 7:60 ilm., by
Reaming a parcel of land lixaled at 595 Hdlerest
Road, having an area nl' appnixnnatrlt 12.4 hectares.
alsotdentiGedishangPIDNo 00352674, from "RS-
1" One and Two Family Suburban Residential and
"RF" Rural to "RR" One Family Rural Residential,
as illustrated W, ow
To rezone the subject area in
order to undertake a rural
residential subdivision,
'1V proposed amendment may be inspected by my
interested person at the office of the Common ('Jerk.
or to the office (if Planning and llevcloPInU t. Cny
Halh 15 Market Square. Saint John, N.B beF+yeen
the hours of 8 3l) am and 4.30 p.m., Monday
through Friday, inclusive, holidays excepted.
Written ohlecuons to the amendment may be sent
to the undersigned at City limit.
111'ahelh Cimmlev, Common Clerk
Par ks pi cimles, on mis public esl iir nnc poi III le
consed communal de The City of Saint Jahn mdique
son intention fitudier la modification suivante a
P it& sur le zorl de The Caly of Sarni John, kill
de la rcumon mdmatre quh so trends dans la salle du
consed le lundi 2 mars 2009 i 19 h, on apportant la
modification sunante
Romnage dune porcelle do terrain same au 595,
chemhn Fhlkrest. Are Qpcrfiehc apphnshmabc
de 12,4 hectares et portent Ic N11) 111152679, alin
do faire passer la classification de zone rMentil lle
de banlicue - babilaliarts
N unifari Bales el bifarailialos
`+RS-fir et mite rurale N RF°
n a zone rAti enlielle ruralo -
\ habitations urdramiliales aRRii.
comme le montre la carte ci-
Matter la parcelle do
terrain on question de sow a
entreprendre une subilmsim
residentrelle rurale
large perstmne mteressee Nut examiner la
modification proposec au bureau du grelTicr
communal on au bureau de Purbamsme et du
developpemcm a I'hiilel de 01c situc an 15, Market
Square, a Saint John, an Nouveau-Brunswick, cube
g h 30 el 16 h 30 du lunch an tendrodi, sauf les murs
Vemllez faire part de cos ol au prole) de
Tand1ficiunn par cent a I°atlemion du siiussigne a
phntel do tulle
Elizabeth Goimlov, Grellicrc com ro mle
Kevin Steele
3 Jadvo Sheet
Saint John, B
To: Mayor and Council
I would respectfully like to postpone the rezoning of 793 Hilicrest Rd.
scheduled for Monday, March 2, 2009, until I can revise plans and have
a meeting with city staff.
Kevin Steele
Page I
February 25, 2009
Your Worship and Councillors:
SUBJECT: Rezoning and Subdivision - 783 Hillcrest Road
On February 2, 2009 Common Council referred the above matter to the Planning
Advisory Committee for a report and recommendation. The Committee
considered the attached report at its February 24, 2009 meeting.
Mr. Kevin Steele appeared to speak in support of the application and indicated
that he was not in agreement with the recommendation in the attached report. Mr.
Steele pointed out that the current phase of development is located more than 200
metres from the adjacent pits and quarries and will not have any impact on these
existing operations. Mr. Steele also pointed out that these pits and quarries, if
operated correctly, will not have an impact on his proposed development due to
the regulatory controls for blasting, dust, setbacks and buffers. He also indicated
that there are existing homes and recently approved subdivisions much closer to
these operations than his development would be.
Mr. Bob Ridgeway appeared on behalf of the Galbraith group of companies and
indicated that he was in opposition to the application given the potential impact of
the proposed residential uses on the existing Galbraith pit and quarry at 1450
Golden Grove Road. Mr. Ridgeway also submitted the attached letter outlining
his reasons for opposition. Another letter of opposition was received from Debly
Construction Ltd.
After considerable discussion regarding the potential issues of land use conflict,
water quality and quantity and wetland concerns, the Committee made the
recommendation as set out below.
That the application be denied.
Plaiming Advisory Committee
Febnian- 27, 2009
Respectfully submitted,
Carl Killen
Project No. 09-032
Page 2
Sarah Herring, MCIP, RPP
Name of Applicant:
Kevin Steele - Jovin Construction Ltd.
Name of Owner:
Kevin and Joan Steele
783 Hillcrest Road
portions of 00353276 and 00310680
Municipal Plan:
Existing: "RS-I" One and Two Family Suburban
Residential and "RF" Rural
Proposed: "RR" One Family Rural Residential
To rezone a property in order to permit the first phase of a
rural residential subdivision.
Type of Application:
Rezoning, Subdivision and Variance to permit shoreline
areas around Emerald Lake to be privately owned whereas
the Subdivision By-law requires that "where lots for
residential purposes are to be located along a sea, lake or
Kevin Steele - Jovin Construction Ltd. Page 2
783 Hillcrest Road FebruarN, 2(_), 2(_)(_)9
river, a street is to be provided along the shore thereof,
unless land for public purposes is located along such shore"
The C'ommimith Plaw ing Act authorizes the Planning Advisory Committee to give its views to
Common Council concerning proposed rezoning applications. The Committee's recommendation
will be considered by Common Council at a Public Hearing on Monday, March 2, 2008.
The Act authorizes the Planning Advisory Committee to give its views to Common Council
concerning the subdivision of land, including the assent of streets, land for public purposes, and
municipal services and public utility easements, as well as cost sharing for piping materials outside
the limits of the subdivision, and the authorization of City/Developer Subdivision Agreements.
The Act also authorizes the Planning Advisory Committee to grant reasonable variances from the
requirements of the Subdivision By-law. Conditions can be imposed by the Committee.
That the application be denied.
On April 8, 2008 the Planning Advisory Committee favourably considered a subdivision
application involving the creation of seven (7) unserviced residential lots from the property at 783
Hillcrest Road. These lots are situated along Hillcrest Road in front of the subject site and those
that have been registered are now identified as 699 Hillcrest Road, 725 Hillcrest Road, and 735
Hillcrest Road.
Common Council considered the same application at its meeting of April 14, 2008, and assented
to any necessary public utility easements and accepted 1.85 hectares of Land for Public Purposes
adjacent to Hillcrest Road to satisfy the requirement of 3,539 square metres of land for that phase
of the development and to provide a credit of 1.5 hectares of Land for Public Purposes for friture
phases of development on the subject property.
Final subdivision plans were endorsed for registration on July 10, 2008 and August 6, 2008.
Kevin Steele - Jovin Construction Ltd.
783 Hillcrest Road
FebruarN, 2(_), 2(_)(_)9
Municipal Operations and Engineering has the following comments on the proposed rezoning
and subdivision:
- There are no municipal services in this area.
- The developer's engineering consultant must provide to the City a detailed site drainage plan
and storm water report.
- Detailed engineering drainage and street plans must be provided to the City by the
developer's engineering consultant.
- The buffer zone for the brook is currently shown through proposed Lot A-1 and other frlture
lots. This may be of concern for the NB Department of Environment and, as such, must be
reviewed by them and appropriate approvals given.
- The overall plan has a number of lots that, due to the watercourse setback buffer, will not
permit development without appropriate approvals from the Department of Environment.
- This proposed development is adjacent to existing properties with Pit and Quarry zoning.
This should be reviewed by Building and Inspection Services as to proximity of the proposed
property lines to the pits/quarries.
- It should be noted that the existing brook is not the responsibility of the City of Saint John
but that of individual property owners. The property owners shall be responsible to maintain
the natural drainage flow of the brook.
- The proposed Emerald Lake Road is shown as crossing the identified brook - this must be
reviewed and designed in accordance with NB Department of Environment and Federal
Department of Fisheries and Oceans approvals and requirements as well as any requirements
of the City.
- As proposed, Phase 1 of this subdivision must include temporary gravel turnarounds at
Diamond Drive (near Lots 4-E and 8-C) and at Ruby Road (near Lots 20-B and 5-D).
- The proposed cul-de-sacs as shown on Topaz Street (east and west) and on Diamond Drive
should not be accepted, but rather identified as friture streets similar to Opal Avenue (near
Lots 1-D and 8-C). As well, from Ruby Road travelling north, there is no other way to
enter/exit this subdivision in the ffiture. The provision of frfture streets must be included to
adjacent properties.
Kevin Steele - Jovin Construction Ltd.
783 Hillcrest Road
Page 4
Februarv 2(_), 2(_)(_)9
Easements or rights may need to be given to the City around the brook and lake to ensure
that the City has the right to work with the brook or lake buffer if or when maintenance is
required on City property or services (such as the proposed public street).
- The proposed plan does not show the inlet to or outlet from the existing lake. This might
affect the proposed lots in Block "E".
Buildings and Inspection Services believes that this application should be treated the same as
that previously considered for the property at 595 Hillcrest Road [staff and the Planning Advisory
Committee recommended denial of the requested rezoning at 595 Hillcrest Road]. There are
obviously no Building Code issues at this point in the process, and setback requirements are best
addressed by the staff of the Planning Department.
Saint John Energy has been advised of this application.
Aliant Telecom has no issues with this rezoning.
Rogers has been advised of this application.
Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline advises that this area is all clear and that work will not be
taking place near the Maritimes and Northeast Pipeline or Brunswick Pipeline facilities.
Leisure Services has been advised of this application.
Fire Department has no objection to this application, however, the street network would have to
adhere to National Building Code Standards for Access Route Desig» and the Saint John Fire
Department reserves the right to accept or reject any turn-around areas as defined by the
developer. A site assessment will be required for the purposes of determining whether fire
apparatus can turn in any of the proposed turnaround areas.
N.B. Department of Health has indicated that they cannot provide comments on the suitability
of the proposed lots for on-site septic systems until testing can be done in the spring. They do not
expect, however, that on-site systems will be problematic in this area.
N.B. Department of Environment has reviewed the Abbreviated Water S'ul)l)ly Assessnmut
(AWSA) prepared by Fundy Engineering for the Emerald Lake Estates Subdivision, Saint John
NB, and indicates the following:
The lot sizes in the development vary but range between 5099 to 11700 square metres. The
single-family residences will be serviced by individual private wells and septic systems.
A search of the NBDENV database returned 17 useable well logs within 1 km of the
property. The well logs indicate that estimated well yields in the area range from 0.25 to 20
Kevin Steele - Jovin Construction Ltd.
783 Hillcrest Road
Page 5
FebruarN, 2(_), 2(_)(_)9
igpm (average of 4.6 igpm). Nine of the 17 well logs indicated well yields of 3.0 igpm or
less, therefore, low well yields appear to be common in the area and homeowners may need
to install water storage or drill deeper or larger diameter wells to meet water demands. The
wells in the area are relatively deep and range in depth from 40 to 300 feet (average depth is
200 feet).
A search of the NBDENV well chemistry database provided 12 water chemistry results for
wells within I lair of the property. Four of the 12 results exceeded the Canadian Drinking
Water Quality (CDWQ) Guidelines for iron, 3 results exceeded for manganese and 8 of the
results exceeded for turbidity. The Guidelines for iron, manganese and turbidity are aesthetic
objectives, not health Guidelines, and standard treatment systems are available.
- One of the 12 results had an arsenic concentration that was at the CDWQ Guidelines limit of
10ug/L, and one result exceeded the CDWQ Guideline for lead (10u(,/L) at 12 u(,/L. The
Guidelines for arsenic and lead are health Guidelines and water with these concentrations of
arsenic and lead would require treatment for it to be considered potable. The general area is
known for occasional exceedances of CDWQ Guidelines for lead and arsenic and it is
possible that some wells in the proposed subdivision will have an issue with arsenic and/or
A search of the NBDENV database provided 12 microbiology results. No wells indicated E.
coli but 2 of the wells tested indicated the presence of total coliforms in the water. Total
coliforms are natural soil bacteria and can generally be treated by shock chlorinating the
affected well.
The Department of Environment also reviewed the proposed subdivision with regard to the
Watercour,ve and Wetland Altercitiou Regulation and has noted that the required 30 metre buffers
from watercourses and/or wetlands do not appear to be placed on the plan correctly. The
Department has referenced Fundy Engineering's AWSA report that indicates the presence of one
mapped wetland/lake and two surface water features that nm through the property. The
consultant and the Department recommend that all watercourses and wetlands be delineated in the
field prior to development in order to determine their exact size and extent.
With regard to adjacent pit and quarry operations at 1450 Golden Grove Road and 873 Hillcrest
Road, the Department provided copies of the draft Saud and Gi°a>>el Pits EmIrouwueutal
Guideliies and the draft Rock (hrcu•i-l, arid Asl)hcilt Plant ,Siting Gsideliue. The Department also
provided the following comments with regard to the "Ping Pong Pond" operation at 1450 Golden
Grove Road:
"the existing quarry operating on PID's 00348995, 00355123 and 55006472 is to be 350
metres away from any existing water well and 100 metres away from any existing
foundation unless written permission is received from the land owner, as per Approval to
Operate I-6068. With that said, these setbacks would not be applied to properties in the
Kevin Steele - Jovin Construction Ltd.
783 Hillcrest Road
Page 6
FebruarN, 2(_), 2(_)(_)9
above proposed subdivision or any future developments. While the setbacks would not
apply, the blast vibration limits placed on the quarry by the department would still be in
force for those properties".
GIS Division advises that the proposed street names "Emerald Lake Road" and "Ruby Road" are
acceptable, but that the proposed "Diamond Drive" is not.
The subject site is located on the north side of Hillcrest Road on the City's East side. The
surrounding area off Hillcrest Road and to the north contains a number of large wooded parcels,
several gravel pit and quarry operations, and a number of residential dwellings along Hillcrest
Road. The area to the south of the subject site, between Hillcrest Road and Loch Lomond Road,
contains an increasing density of residential subdivisions with dwellings serviced by private, on-
site well and septic systems.
Long-existing pit and quarry operations situated directly adjacent to the subject site raise serious
concerns with respect to this application.
Development Proposal
The applicant has requested that an approximately 6.6 hectare (163 acre) portion of the property
at 783 Hillcrest Road be rezoned from "RS-1" One and Two Family Suburban Residential and
"RF" Rural to "RR" One Family Rural Residential to permit the development of a rural residential
subdivision. The proposed subdivision, as shown on the attached Emerald Lake Estates Te»tatiiv
Plana, will consist of 20 residential lots on three new public streets and will be the first phase of a
larger subdivision. Each of the proposed lots will be serviced by private, on-site well and septic
Rural Residential Subdivisions
The Municipal Plan has designated this area of the City as Rural, and offers the following
guidance for its development:
"The land area within the municipal limits of the City of Saint John is so extensive that
even if the population were to increase substantially, urbanization is not likely to embrace
the entire area, nor is it desirable from the point of view of compact, efficient and
economic city development. It is recognized that much of the area in the remote reaches
of the City is of value for agricultural or woodlot purposes and should be preserved as
Kevin Steele - Jovin Construction Ltd.
783 Hillcrest Road
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FebruarN, 2(_), 2(_)(_)9
such until it is absolutelv essential that it be developed for urban uses" (note: emphasis
added by staff).
The Plan allows that residential development be permitted in this area in the form of single-family
estate development on lots with an area of 4 hectares (9.9 acres) or more with independent on-site
well and septic systems, or in the form of Rural Residential Subdivisions.
An amendment to the Municipal Plan in the late 1980's allowed rural residential subdivisions in
areas designated for Rurcil and (Tiiseri,iced Residewial development. These planned, low density
subdivisions are to be physically separated from built-up areas, and while they are to be oriented
towards a nearby urban centre, they themselves are to provide a minimum of urban services. It is
intended that the value of rural living will compensate for any inconvenience associated with the
lack of urban services.
Rural Residential Subdivisions are required to have no fewer than 20 lots arranged in a cluster (or
in a traditional subdivision layout) fronting primarily on an internal local street system which has
reasonable but limited access onto the existing City street system via an adjacent arterial or
collector public street. Individual lots in a rural residential subdivision must have independent
septic and well systems acceptable to the responsible Provincial Departments as well as the City,
and internal roads must be developed to a country standard as set out by the Subdivision By-law.
The Plan also requires that these subdivisions be implemented, in part, by rezoning to the "RR"
One Family Rural Residential zone and that Land for Public Purposes equal to 10 percent of the
development and generally suitable for active recreation purposes be granted to the City in
conjunction with the subdivision development.
The Municipal Plan also directs that rural residential subdivisions should onlv be located in areas
which have limited uotential for auriculture_ forestry mineral. sand or uravel resources. Citv water
subbly or ecolouical siunificance (note: emphasis added by staff). It is to be the applicant's
responsibility to show that this potential is limited in the area proposed for rural residential
development and is not of significant City or regional importance.
Zoninu and Subdivision By-law Re irements:
The attached Emerald Lake Estates Te»tati1v Subs i>>isio» Plcm illustrates the proposed creation
of 20 lots, each meeting or exceeding the proposed "RR" One Family Rural Residential
requirements for a minimum lot area of 5,000 square metres (1.24 acres), a minimum lot width of
60 metres (196.9 feet) and a minimum lot depth of 40 metres (131.2 feet). The proposed
subdivision also appears to meet the requirements of the Subdivision By-law regarding the
development of streets, however, final subdivision plans would need to illustrate temporary
turnarounds of the appropriate shape and diameter at the ends of Diamond Drive and Ruby Road
and a future street connection at the end of Emerald Lake Road.
The developer will need to provide detailed street and drainage plans for the approval of the Chief
City Engineer or his designate prior to final approval of the subdivision. The applicant has
Kevin Steele - Jovin Construction Ltd.
783 Hillcrest Road
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FebruarN, 2(_), 2(_)(_)9
proposed the names Emerald Lake Road, Diamond Drive and Ruby Road for the new public
streets in the subdivision, and these names, with the exception of Diamond Drive, as well as the
proposed location of the streets are acceptable. The applicant will also need to suggest a new
name for the proposed Diamond Drive.
The required Land for Public Purposes (LPP) dedication of 10% of the subdivision (exclusive of
public streets), can be satisfied by the 1.5 hectare "surplus" from the 1.85 hectares of LPP
accepted by Common Council in April of 2008. As a result, an additional dedication of LPP is
not required for this phase of development.
Residential Servicinu:
The applicant has submitted an Abbreviated Water,Sul)hh, ,Source Assessment as required in
conjunction with this application. The Assessment report, prepared by Fundy Engineering,
reviewed 20 water well records from within a 1.0 kilometre radius of the proposed subdivision
and concluded that there appears to be water in sufficient quantity and of adequate quality for
single-family residential development, although in some instances groundwater may require some
treatment if individual wells show exceedances above guideline values and/or if parameters are a
nuisance. The report also stated that neither groundwater quantity nor quality can be guaranteed
for any of the on-site potable groundwater wells drilled for the development.
The Department of Environment has reviewed the submitted Abbe°eviated AssessrTZe»t and
provided continents that low well yields appear to be common in the area and that potential
homeowners may need to install water storage or drill a deeper or larger diameter well in order to
meet water demands. As water chemistry data for the area generally indicates that water
treatment may be necessary for iron, manganese, turbidity and possibly arsenic and/or lead and
this treatment may be expensive, the Department recommends that the developer be required to
disclose to any potential homeowners the potential for low well yields and possible water
treatment so that they are fully aware of the issue and can plan for the expense.
The Department of Health has indicated that although they do not anticipate concerns in this area,
the suitability of the proposed lots for on-site septic systems cannot be determined until water
percolation tests can be completed in the spring. The Development Officer cannot issue Final
Subdivision Approval until such time as a report has been received from the Department of Health
indicating that all of the proposed lots can be serviced by on-site septic systems.
Environmental Constraints
As noted by Fundy Engineering in the Abbreviated Water Supply Sollrce AsseVVnIe»t and in
continents from the Department of Environment, the subject site contains several watercourses, a
lake and at least one wetland. The attached Tentative Subdivision Plan illustrates the required 30
metre (100 foot) buffer around the southern watercourse and the lake, but does not show the
wetland or other watercourse to the north of the property. The applicant previously revised the
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783 Hillcrest Road
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FebruarN, 2(_), 2(_)(_)9
subdivision plans in consultation with planning staff to avoid and/or mitigate impacts to the lake
and watercourse, and it now appears that further revisions may be necessary given these other
water features.
The proposed Emerald Lake Road will cross one of the brooks on the site, and this will require a
Watercourse and Wetland Alteration permit from the Provincial Department of Environment and,
if the brook is fish-bearing, approval by the Federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans.
Land Use Conflicts
As previously noted, the long-existing "Ping Pong Pond" pit and quarry operation situated
directly north of the subject properties at 1450 Golden Grove Road and the Debly gravel pit
directly east of the property at 873 Hillcrest Road raise serious concerns for the proposed
subdivision development. There is an obvious potential for land use conflicts given the proximity
of the proposed residential development to on-going industrial use of the land to the north and
east for blasting, gravel and rock extraction, and crushing. Common conflicts generally arise from
resident's complaints about the trucking, noise, and dust created by quarries and gravel pits and
the visual appearance of the cleared land, heavy equipment use and site conditions during the
quarrying and extraction activities.
The three parcels of land that comprise the "Ping Pong Pond" operation contain approximately
136 hectares (336 acres) of land with significant potential for further resource extraction. Current
extraction activities appear, from aerial photography, to be situated to the north of the "Ping Pong
Pond" site, approximately 500 metres (1,640 feet) from the north property line of the subject site,
however, it is expected that these activities will extend further south towards the subject site as
resources in the northern areas are depleted. The attached Gra>>el Pit Golde» Grovv Road plan
indicates significant mineral, sand or gravel reserves on other areas of the site. These plans,
intended to illustrate future extraction and eventual rehabilitation of operations were analysed and
accepted by the City at the time this site was considered for rezoning and it is understood that a
similar plan was approved by the Department of Environment in recent years.
Citv of Saint John Pit and Ouarrv Policies and Reuulations:
In the 1990's, a comprehensive policy review of pit and quarry operations was initiated by the
City. The review and the associated public and stakeholder consultation process resulted in the
development of a comprehensive Pits grad Quarries Aggregate Resource Vrategt, and
amendments to the Municipal Plan and the Zoning By-law in 1994.
The Municipal Plan makes the following comments with respect to pits and quarries:
"Soil and geological conditions make Saint John a particularly suitable location for
extractive industries and it abounds with pits and quarries. These form an important
component of the economic activities in the region it is the intent of the City of Saint John
Kevin Steele - Jovin Construction Ltd.
783 Hillcrest Road
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FebruarN, 2(_), 2(_)(_)9
to support and encourage their continued operation as a contribution to the economic
health of the community. It is recognized, however, the pit and quarry operations
constitute a disturbance and hazard to nearby urban uses."
As pits and quarries are not regarded as permanent land uses (since their aggregate resource will
at some point be exhausted) they are not designated on Schedule 2-A of the Municipal Plan.
Instead, these activities are controlled through the "PQ" Pits and Quarries zone and it is
anticipated they will later be rezoned to a zone compatible with their land use designation
following site rehabilitation.
By-law amendments to implement the new "PQ" Pits and Quarries zone removed pit and quarry
operations as permitted uses in the Rural and Industrial zones and new performance standards for
their operation and site rehabilitation were included in the new zone. In 2001, eighteen existing
pit and quarry operations, including the Ping Pong Pond operation, were recommended for
rezoning to "PQ" Pits and Quarries by City staff.
On June 20, 2000, prior to the rezoning of the "Ping Pong Pond" operation, the Planning
Advisory Committee granted variances to permit the pit and quarry to operate only 30 metres
(100 feet) from property lines and residentially zoned properties (normally the "PQ" Pits and
Quarries zone requires a minimum setback of 200 metres (656 feet) in the case of a quarry, and
150 metres (492 feet) for gravel pits). These variances were granted to allow the existing
operation to continue under the previous setback requirements. Similar variances were granted
for many of the other existing pit and quarry operation.
Province of New Brunswick Reuulations and Guidelines
The Province has provided copies of the draft Rock Ouci ry grad Ashhalt Plant ,Siting Guidelnes
and the draft S mtl ciml G°an,el Pits E»n,iroauueiacal Guidelines in reference to their requirements
for the location and setback of pits and quarries from surrounding land uses.
The Rock Oucirry grad Ashlurlt Plcmt,Siting Guidelines provide minimum separation distances for
proposed rock quarries to minimize their potential environmental impacts. In the case of existing
quarries, however, the Guidelines note that these are exempt from the application of the setback
criteria and their final operational perimeters will be determined on a case-by-case basis by the
Department of Environment. In cases where an operational perimeter has proceeded beyond one
or more of the recommended setbacks, the final operational perimeter will be developed to ensure
that no further encroachment on that setback occurs. The Guidelines consider an existing rock
quarry to be any quarry where blasting, crashing, and/or tricking from stockpiles is taking place
or has taken place within the previous five years.
Similarly, the separation distances listed in the Scud witl G•cuvel Pits Eravirouanaeratcul Guidelines
are intended to apply only to new pit operations. Relocation of the operation may be considered
necessary only when existing locations are considered to pose an unacceptable environmental risk
that cannot be satisfactorily mitigated.
Kevin Steele - Jovin Construction Ltd.
783 Hillcrest Road
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FebruarN, 2(_), 2(_)(_)9
Continents from the Department of Environment indicate that the final operational perimeter for
the "Ping Pong Pond" pit and quarry has been set at 100 metres (328 feet) from existing
foundations and 350 metres (1,148 feet) from existing wells, such as those on nearby Marilyn
Drive (as shown on the attached "350 metre Separation from Existing Marilyn Drive properties"
diagram). These setbacks will not be applied to properties in the proposed subdivision or any
future development, however, the blast vibration limits placed on the quarry by the Department
would still be in force with regard to the proposed lots.
The result of this is that while new development will not reduce the area of the existing "Ping
Pong Pond" property that can be used for resource extraction, the proposed Emerald Lake
Estates subdivision will place new dwellings and wells within an area where structural and quality
of life impacts have been determined to occur. The City of Saint John "PQ" Pits and Quarries
zoning requires only a 200 metre (656 foot) separation between quarries and residentially zoned
properties, however, the Aggregate Resource Strcitegv and the Province's Rock Onciri , cud
Ashlurlt Plant Siting Guidelines both recommend a minimum separation of 600 metres (1,969
feet) between dwellings and quarry operations. Although the proposed first phase of the Emerald
Lake Estates subdivision falls just outside of the minimum required 200 metre (656 foot)
separation, staff do not consider it wise to permit this development since Provincial guidelines
clearly indicate that negative impacts from quarrying can reach beyond this distance.
The Municipal Plan has designated this area of the City as Rural and considers it appropriate for
resource uses such as agriculture, forestry and mineral extraction. The large land mass within
Saint John City boundaries provides a great number of areas with the potential for residential
development, much of which is more suited to residential development than the subject site. The
City's preference is that new residential development be of high quality, located in urban areas
serviced by City water and sewer systems and other existing infrastructure. This form of
development, as opposed to sprawling suburban and rural residential development, is far
preferable from the standpoint of economic and environmental sustainability.
The Municipal Plan does contemplate unserviced residential development, however, it does so
only in appropriate areas of the City. The subject site is not appropriate for a number of reasons
including the surrounding existing land uses, the potential for water quality and quantity issues
and environmental constraints including wetlands and watercourses.
While neither the City's Municipal Plan and Zoning By-law nor the Provincial Guidelines for
resource extraction activities explicitly deal with the current situation where a proposed residential
development is within the required separation distance from an existing pit and quarry, policies
recommended in the Aggregate Resource Strcitegv do. One of the Stu°ateg ,v recommended
policies (which was not included in the Municipal Plan amendment) states that the City should
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783 Hillcrest Road
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Februarv 2(_), 2(_)(_)9
recognize the economic importance of aggregate resource development and undertake to preserve
known reserves of significance by identifying these areas as "Aggregate Resource Areas" and
establishing "a buffer along the boundary of areas identified as `Aggregate Resource Areas' to
restrict the encroachment of non-compatible development" (note: emphasis added by staff).
The mineral, sand and gravel resources provided by operations such as the "Ping Pong Pond" pit
and quarry and the Debly pit are essential for the development and maintenance of infrastructure
in the City. The encroachment of new residential development so close to existing pits and
quarries is considered premature and could threaten both the existence of these operations and the
quality of life for potential residents of the subdivision.
The Abbreviated Wciter,Sul)ly ,Source Assessment clearly indicates the potential for wells in the
proposed subdivision to encounter issues regarding water quantity and quality. While the
consultant has indicated that deeper wells, water storage methods and treatment systems could
deal with many of these issues, the long-term feasibility of these options and the cumulative
impact of on-going development in this area on the water resource have not been contemplated.
Continents from the Department of Environment indicate that the subject site is constrained by
both watercourses and wetland areas, two of which have not been dealt with in the submitted
subdivision plans. These unresolved issues also contribute to the inadvisability of the proposed
development on this site.
Given the above concerns, it is recommended that this application to rezone and develop a portion
of the properties at 783 Hillcrest Road be denied. It is further recommend that fixture residential
development in close proximity to pit and quarry operations not be approved until such time as
the existing operations have ceased and the sites have been rehabilitated. The City of Saint John
contains more than sufficient undeveloped land in serviceable areas to preclude the need to
develop unsustainable, unserviced subdivisions located in close proximity to resource extraction
Project No. 09-032
e ar
Subject Site/site en question: I
Location: 788 chernin Hillcrest Road
Date: February 11 farrier 2009
Portion of (partie du) 00868276
and/et 00310680
Scale/6chelle: Not to scale/Pas 1'601le
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,„"N. u..PnM dsbn 3 of ~ agBM a ,°s >v G9t ~n ....C u1 RL ui_.4 " New Br^u. a v,^ta... i".
vv vv. l€ ndyeng.cam
December 2008
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~r,R* f~ Plan Showing
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G.ibraitn Equipment ~c
Galbraith Construction
r t~ Property
1450 caAaen crave Rona
/ Ping Pond
Saint John, N,B.
eovgt Pft , fkolden Groan Road
P Y "€,x~affietlaet"
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Plan Showing
Galbraith Ec}ttipment
Galbraith Gonstructlon
1450 Garen Grove Road
Pin, i nd
Saint John, N.B.
tt.$vai Pit G, . ,we Road
r stirs rid ri properties
Pin e, PO" '
The shaded area indicates, separation distance of 350 metres from the existing properties on
Marilyn Drive.
The Department of Environment has set the Final Operational Perimeter of the "Ping Pong
pond"' quarry at this distance from existing wells on these properties, New development closer
to the quarry will not result in a change in this perimeter.
ES+C ie
,&U10 a iv i Si L-)
The shaded area indicates a separation distance of approximately 200 metres from the existing
final Operational Perimeter o the "ping Fong bond" pit and quarry.
The Zoning By-law requires a separation o 200 metres from existing residential properties for
new quarry operations; however, the "Ping gong Pond" pit and quarry is existing and in.
operation. Variances have permitted the operational perimeter to he 0 metres from the
property line of the "ling„ Pon pond" property at 1450 golden grove load.
Dn,bi7y- Construction .
1147 Loch Lou;.,1-1 d..
Saint of-m , .B,
E2J 4
(506) 696-3265
February 16, 2009
Attn: . Sara Herring, MCI P, P
: Proposed Sub-division 783 ilicrest Road
Please be advised that Debly Construction. Ltd. operates a registered gravel pit directly
adjacent to this proposal.
The City of Saint John is well aware of this aggregate operation as we have purchased.
excavation permits and bank guarantees for the past 0 years.
We ate appalled that the planning committee would overlook the operations etc. of the
surrounding area and not take this into consideration before issuing notice of the
proposed sub division.
It is admirable to see our city growing but the duty of the planning advisory committee of
the City of Saint John is to guide development in a prudent and orderly fashion, thus
avoiding unnecessary contention in the future.
We herein recommend the following restrictions;
1. A 90 metre buffer zone between proposed sub divisions and the gravel pit
1 Deed covenants to info potential lot purchasers of adjacent pit operation
. Developer to construct a 6- foot high chain link fence at property line next to
gravel pit.
February 20, 2009
Att: Sarah Herring
Dear sirs/ 'ladarw
Re: Rezoning and Subdivision Application
783 Hillcrest Road
Galbraith Construction . Galbraith Equipment are opposed to the application for
rezoning PID003 3276 and PID00310680 from Rural to a Rural Residential Subdivision
for the following reasons:
('1) Please refer to our letter dated April 1, 200 (see attached) ch time
we had no objection to creation of seven lots (IA-2A, 113-113 1 ) however, at
that time we did: object to any further re-zoning of any additional property at 783
Hillcrest Road vvltb reasons stated.
(3) Removal c-,`` l-r tes from these properties beg in the 1970's by other
owners and in 1983 ,braith Construction received its first permit and began
removing aggregates from the land.
After 5 or years of negotiations between the City of Saint John,
02/2512009 16054 506-695-1944 GALBRAITH CON ST PAGE 04'47
coRj cti n with existing zoning as the City recognizes it quarry and operations
constitute a disturbance and hazard to nearby urban uses. The applicant would
agree that pets an quarries are vital to building projects as he operates one.
O The , ,,~Y c h l rl?,n provides the following policy wit], respect to the
approval ofrura. ru w.r.;1 subdivisions:
"Shall be located only in areas which have limited potential for the
folloviAng; agriculture, forestry, mineral, sand or gravel reserves, city
ter supply, or ecological significance."
We read the word "areas" as used in the above portion of the Municipal
Plan as including all adjacent properties as well as the land proposed to be
re: City planning staff have also taken this approach on a recent similar
application (595 l-lillcrest Road - MacDonald subdivision)
(7) presently Galbraith cornpanie reMON rv in►ately 100,000 tons of
aggregate per year from this pit and quarry v i,1 ~ mejority used fi_ir, (7 i ; oT
Saint John contracts.
rind sub eet our loo established pit d quarry operation to additional Umits on
the area coin which valuable and scarce materials c be c r ` Rezoning for
the sub-division at this time is premature.
Your ul,
April 1, 2008
City of Saint Jobe
Planning Development
P.O. Box 1971
Saint Jolm, x'3.
E2L 4S 1
Att: Mark O'Hearn
Dear Six:
Re: Joan. & Kevin Stele Subdivision-783
T llcrest Road
Galbraith Construction Ltd, and Galbraith' Equipment o. Ltd. (C-lbraith) have
no objection to the severe lot subdivision adjacent to Hillcrest load only, h,,wever, we do
object to any further re-zoning of the above property for the folio ~ ,
(1) Galbraith. Construction Ltd.'s 2 properties (PID 00348995, 00355123) & the
Galbraith. Equipment Co. Ltd. property (PID 55 06472) are adjca rg properties to the
fat e subdivision applice-orgy expected to be fa y submitted later this year and are
zoned "Pits and u es"„ -7e oppose having a subdivision adjotaitag a gavel pit and
q'carry operation. withm.' _ oiler buffer between th ; and
With the tentative subdivision plan submitted the above limitations cannot be met,
hence we oppose the bull ° g of the future development at 783 Hillcrest. Road,
Please notify us and provide us with all particulars of any tare rezoning or
subdivision application for the subject properties soon as received by your office.
You,.- IVt
R. A, Rid • .ray
1iF r -
The City of Saint John
February 26, 2009
His Worship Mayor Court
And Councillors
Your Worship and Councillors
SUBJECT: Proposed Municipal Plan Amendment - 1989 Manawagonish Road
A Public Presentation was made on January 19`h, 2009 of a proposed amendment to the
Municipal Development Plan which would change the designation on Schedule 2-A and
2-C of the Plan, from Low Density Residential to Approved Commercial
Development, a parcel of land with an area of approximately 1.75 acres, located at
1989 Manawagonish Road, to recognize the existing motel as a permitted use.
The required advertising has been completed, and attached you will find a copy of the
application, public notice and insertion order of the proposed municipal plan amendment.
Written objections to the proposed amendment have been received and are attached.
If Council wishes, it may choose to refer the matter to the Planning Advisory Committee
for a report and recommendation and authorize the necessary advertising with a Public
Hearing to be held on Tuesday, April 14th, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, or
not to proceed with the proposed amendment process, and adopt a resolution to deny
the application and receive the attached documentation for information.
Respectfully submitted,
Elizabeth Gormley
Common Clerk
P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB :-:sr E2L41 I w rsaintjohn.ea I G.P. 1971 Saint John, N.®B. Canada 112L 41
N1un r Cipal Rcui'
Application for a Zouing By-law Amendment £ Amer4men+
Demande de moditxc$tion it Parretti sur le zanage ,
Mailing Adder of'vWj=V I Adaresse postalc db dr=d= ~ 1_7') 1 00 e R 6 LV ~,4 w Cpl
Tekpbm N=ft I Mumdca de tfphow U - (p 7 _--2 - t 7
HOM I Domicile Work I Travail
Fax N=ber I Nunft de 4&cWie m M` f' r4La..A C CII-C;k - 6 `rte z
Applieant Related Information / Rens6pements sar le demandenr 4r th
Name of Agplican; I Nom du dem rdem 761,P4 E2 L .T . S c C r__?
Nam of Prapertp Owner of difercra) / Nom as propiimaim (si w6u t)
coati I Code pmW
Property Information I Roeaseipemef* cur is prupribi
Location I ~ r - ~ t►'"~ c ~ a ~ ~'l~h . ~S ~ ~ ~~3 ~1 ~ 7 5
cxtii4 # r No de Vocrir U Street I Rne P]OC71 Nll?
La Area I SWAde da tat Strect Frontage I Fapde snr M
Eaadis~g Usc a£Fivpe~tp 1 Udlisariao BCtuella pvoprktd L 17 c7 i
IwUmkipel Pim fund Use Designation
Diagaaden de oa dest,crras M It plan m>mic of
L~,I 0+
Muni c i pAl plan Oesiqno4k)n
Low Derti Residentia~
P, Chwge zoning W 1 A d ion ft zaaage a Aporov ed Chmmeruxt Uev
ar &OF / on
Test AMM matt (iadic ge pardailars) l won due texte (umbquz lea ditAs)
Amendment Requested / Modification denmdie
Praseatt zoom I Zaaa P aMael
D"elopo+dat Prorposal ! Prapesldon Wzm+nag went
DescdO m of 1?mpatsai i Descaiption de la pmpodtion
tt' ~S..fi7 v`!, r»~ l~ C.~., t.r~ 7`~~f~.s"',f'T7~4~c~ a~~
L .r- 1
7C 't
You nam provtd'+e a seated Site pim that flftftates
your pmpo=4 Pair may also provide
photopvFts, &wh*rtgtrl m ckvatron dtawfW
and 4MY Outer fornt crf r rfernm Ofl T h plot Haas,
show tM alrmensiom of the property, the location
of all bWk*YPSA a5•fv~ parhng areas,
iwrdsraptng grad si~.s. tt is it~ortant tlaai the
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City of Saint John
. _
For City of Saint John use only:
Budget Number: 110 0801 442 2010
Department: Common Clerk's Office (Account # 71206)
Contact: Elizabeth Gormley
Phone: (506) 658-2862 Fax: (506) 674-4214
Special Instructions (if any):
Reference: 1989 Manawa8onish Road - Proposed Municipal Plan Amendment
Newspaper Insertion Dates
(Check as applicable)
(SJTJ= Saint John Telegraph Journal)
SJTJ City Information Ad Date(s): Tuesday January 6'n, 2009 only
SJTJ Independent Placement Date(s):
SJTJ Classifieds Date(s):
Information for Ad
(Boldface anything you want Bold in Ad, Centre, Tab, etc.)
Section Headline: ❑ General Notice ❑ Tender ❑ Proposal
® Public Notice
Sub-Headline (if applicable):
Call to Action: Elizabeth Gonnley, Common C1erk/Greffiere communale
Contact: Jeanne Bcltrandi chown Telephone: (506) 658-2862
Public Notice is hereby given that the Common
Council of The City of Saint John intends to
consider an amendment to the Municipal
Development Plan which would:
2. Add the following to the list of Approved
Commercial Developments in sub-section
"v) a parcel of land with an area of
approximately 1.75 acres, located at
1989 Manawagonish Road, also
identified as a portion of PID No.
A public presentation of the proposed
amendment will take place at a regular meeting
of Common Council on Monday, January 1,
2009 in the Council Chamber, Lobby Level,
City Hall.
To recognize the existing motel as a permitted use.
Elizabeth Gormley, Common Clerk
OBJET: 1989, C I IS
Par les pr6sentes, un avis public est donne par
lequel le conseil communal de The City of Saint
Jo a ('intention 'dtdier la modification u plan
d'am6naeent municipal comme suit
2. Pajout de la parcelle de terrain suivante a la liste
des aenageents co erciaux approuves a
v) une parcelle de terrain d'une s perficie
d'environ 1.75 acres, situ6e au 1989, chein
anawagonish, et etant une partie du NID
Une presentation publique du rojet de
modification aura lieu lors de la reunion ordinaire
du conseil comunale le lundi janvier 19 2009
dans la Salle du conseil, au niveau du hall d'entree,
a I'h®tel de ville.
eco aissez le motel existant comma utilisation
Elizabeth Gormley, Greffiere co unale
Public Notice is hereby given that the Common
Council of The City of Saint ohn intends to consider
an amendment to the Municipal Development Plan
which would:
1 Redesignate on Schedule 2-A and 2-C of the
Plan, from Line Densits, Residential to Approrrd
Commercial Development. a parcel of land with
an area of approximately 1 75 acres, located at
1989 Mananagoiirsh Road, also identified as a
portion of PID No 55163588
2. Add the following to the list of Approved
Commercial Development. in sub-section
2 4 6.28
lrl~+~ 4 ~ k 9 1t '
t 4 t ~^rr J~
Par Its presente& on avis public est donne par
lequel It conseil communal de The Cit) or Saint
John a I'mtentton d'etudier ]a modification du plan
d'amenagement municipal commit suit :
1. Reclassilier z I'annexe 2-A et 2-C du plan dune
parcelle de terrain dune superficie d`environ 1.75
acres, situie au 1989, chemrn Manassagonish,
et slant une partie du NID 55163588, de :one
risidentirAe de densite jaible a :one d'aminagemenr
commercial approare
2. I'ajoul de la parcelle de terrain suivame a ]a
lisle de,, arnMagernents commerciaux approures a
1`ahne4 2 4.6 25
a parcel of land %ith an area
of approximately 1 75 acres, Ideated
at 1989 anawagonish Road, also
identified as a portion of PID No.
A public presentation of the proposed amendment
will lake place at a rezular meeting of Common
Council an h4onday, January 19, 2009 in the Council
Chamber. Lobbv Level. City Hall.
To recognize the existing motel as a permitted use.
1Vritlen ob)ections to the proposed amendment may
be made to the Council, in care of the undcrsrcnrd,
by February 18, 2009. iugtinies may be made al
the office of the Common Cler}, or Planning and
Development, Ctty Hall, 15 Market Square, Saint
John, N B. bNween the hours of 5.30 a.m. and 4 30
pm., hionday through Friday. inclusive. holidays
Elizabeth Gormlo,, Common Clerk
v une parcelle de terrain dune
superficie d'environ 1.75 acres. situee
au 1959. chemrn Manawj~ on0i. et
etam true partie du NID 5516?558 n
line prescnlation publiquc du pralei de modification
aura lieu lors de ]a reunion ordinance du conseil
communale Ic lundi janrier 19 2009 dans la salle du
conseil, au niveau du hall d'entree, a I'h6lel de rule.
Feb 12 09 04:38p Stillrnen fflcox
E .4 ATE S
January 21; 2009
Sub,Ject: Rezoning application 19891'vianawagonish Road.
To whom it may concern,
5016-674-2555 p.1
`=y w°
12 20
We are registering our objection to the proposed rezoning of 1'lD 55153588 at 1989 Manawagonish
Reasons for the objection:
1, The City's Strategic flan has this and the surrounding area designated "Residential".
We zi-re det eloping the surrounding area for occupanc-Y consisting of Singh Family Units and
Tmv n House (Carden home) Lmits valued upwards.from $250,000. Development of the motel or
other commercial enterprise -,vould be inconsistent with development in the surrounding area and
-would have the potential to negatively affect these values.
3, Prior to cotnnlencing our development, we were advised by the city's Municipal Planning
Departmer i, tine existing motel area had been inherited by the city through a.r_~algamation and
that the operatlon, was "grand fathered", ineaning the current owners could continue to operate
the motel but would not be able to upgrade the prerriises or do any rn3jor renovations. Through
our rr UtUal agreement with the property owner, upon our purchase of adjacent properties], the
motel business was to cease operations within a year and did so. Sincec.e that agreement was
made, the motel units haN e fallen into extensive disrepair. (Siding, p.lurnbing and electrical have
been removed which Implies the interior has been substantially compromised.) In our opinion,
granting rezoning would imply permission to do upgrades and renovations or build new..
4. The ariits lack acceptable waste (sewage) disposal, Cui ently they have a septic system
employing a tank(s) and fic€d(s). A portion of these are on our property and wi11 soon be
rernoved_ Since there is no sets.<a.ge pipeline along that portion of Manavvagonish load, that
would imply Jicy will ha-ve to find another alternative and we believe site ]imitations would
prevent any other a] tenative.
Tn summary, the application is contrary to the, city's proposed land use, con-Eicts Witt, our development,
has time potential to Jeopardize our sales; and is cn-6ronmentalIyaunffiendly. Therefore we strongly
appose the application.
S1Sllrrreza ilcos>-T~.esi+ .exit 'LLn ly V1iew Estates lnc.
y V _ ,
February 15, 2009
To the Mayor and Counsellors,
Re: Rezoning Application 1989 Manawagonish Rd, PID # 55163588
I'm writing this letter as I am opposed to the rezoning of the motel located at
1989 Manawagonish Rd, PID # 55163588 . I reside with my family in Fundy
View Estates, and built my home with the understanding that the motel would
cease operations for good. When we built in here 5 yrs ago, we were told that the
motel would soon be closing, and it did within a year or so. We have built quality,
upscale homes here on the West Side and reopening this motel will affect our
property values. The development has been growing steadily, and we take pride
that we have a `country setting' within the city. I know I am not alone in saying
that I do not want the motel to become operational once again. Not to mention that
the motel has become quite an eyesore, as the siding has been stripped, open areas
exist around the building and so on. I have been under the impression that the
surrounding areas would one day become a part of this subdivision, as it grew
overtime. I feel that the rezoning of the above property contradicts city planning
for the area.
Stephanie Wilcox
11 Day Drive
Saint John, NB
E2M 7W6
Ott kA &ru- MY
Certified General Accountant
TELEPHONE (508) 672-5044.
February 11, 2009
Planning Advisory Committee
City of Saint John.
P. 0. Box 1971
Saint John, N. B. E2L 4H1
Attention: Elizabeth Gormley
Common Clerk
Dear Madam: Re: 1989 Manawagonish Road
We are in receipt of your information regarding the application
for rezoning of the aforementioned property and have noted its
We are owners of residential property located at 8 Day Drive
since 2001. At the time of purchase; Stillman Wilcox of Fundy
View Estates assured us this property (1989 Manawagonish Road)
would be demolished and the lands used for residential
purposes. With this assurance; we proceeded with purchase of
our property..
Should this application be approved: we are sitting next to
a commercial business. This should not be permitted for the
following reasons:
(1) Devaluing of all homes in Fundy View Estates.
(2) Extra noise from trucks entering and exiting all
times of day and night.
(3) Traffic congestion at Gault Road interchange.
(4) False and misleading information given at time
of purchase.
We trust you will understand and respect our concerns in this
Yours truly,
" 1;7
Tibbits, Kell
From: Gormley, Elizabeth
Sent; Wednesday, February 18, 2009 2:14 PM
To: Tibbits, Kelly
Subject: FW: Re zoning on Manawagonish Road
Kelly, would you please see that this gets with the appropriate zoning? Tks.
From: Mary-Ellen Costello [mailto:marycost@nbnet.nb.ca]
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2009 2:10 PM
To: Gormley, Elizabeth
Subject: Re zoning on Manawagonish Road
This letter is in opposition to the re zoning or the old Anchor Light Motel, located at the end of Manawagonish Road.
This property has been vacant for a number of years and would take considerable work to make it usable. When it was
operational in the past it was not kept in good repair. We own a house in Fundy View Estates, below the said motel. Our
home is valued over $360,000., and most homes there and others being constructed are of this value as well. We do
not agree with this motel reopening. We believe this is a residential area and the addition of this type of business will
decrease the value and appeal of our subdivision. There are no businesses around us to attract the clientele that a
successful hotel would require to survive and thrive. We would' like to see the motel torn down and that property
become part of our subdivision which we believe was the original' plan.
Yours Truly, Michael and Mary-Ellen Costello
57 Jennifer Street, Saint John, E2M OA1.
Be it enacted by The City of Saint
John in Common Council convened, as
The Zoning By-law of The City of
Saint John enacted on the nineteenth day of
December, A.D. 2005, is amended by:
1 Amending Schedule "A", the
Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by
re-zoning a parcel of land located at 170
Germain Street, having an area of
approximately 128 square metres, also
identified as being a portion of PID number
00010744, from "IL-1" Neighbourhood
Institutional to "B-3" Central Business.
- all as shown on the plan attached hereto
and forming part of this by-law.
Saint John has caused the Corporate
Common Seal of the said City to be affixed
to this by-law the * day of A.D. 2009
and signed by:
ARRATA No C.P. 110-98
Lors d'une r6union du conseil
communal, The City of Saint John a
d6cr&6 ce qui suit :
L'arret6 sur le zonage de The City
of Saint John, d6cr6t6 le dix-neuf (19)
d6cembre 2005, est modie6 par :
1 La modification de 1'annexe «A> ,
Plan de zonage de The City of Saint John,
permettant de modifier la d6signation pour
une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie
approximative de 128 metres carr6s, situ6c
au 170, rue Germain, et 6tant une partie du
NID 00010744, quartier 'a vocation
collective ((IL-1 » A zone commerciale
centrale ((B-3
- toutes les modifications sont indiqu6es sur
le plan ci joint et font partie du pr6sent
EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John
a fait apposer son sceau communal sur le
pr6sent w8t6 le 2009,
avec les signatures suivantes :
Common Clerk/Greffi6re communale
First Reading - February 16, 2009 Premiere lecture
Second Reading - February 16, 2009 Deuxi6me lecture
Third Reading - Troisi6me lecture
- le 16 fevrier 2009
- le 16 fevrier 2009
Amending Schedule "A" of the Zoning By-Law of The City of Saint John
Modifiant Annexe «A» de I'Arrdt6 de zonage de The City of Saint John
Out ~~rs eld St.
Neighbourhood Institutional )
Zone de quartier A vocation
V St.
00 ~U
Commercial Central 1
Zone commerciale centrale
Applicant: Hughes Surveys & Consultants Inc. and Comeau
MacKenzie Architecture
Location: 170 rue Germain Street & 181 rue Charlotte Street
PID(s)/NIP(s) Portions of/de 00010744 & 55194658
Drawn By/Cr66e Par: David Couture
Date Drawn/Carte U66e: February 18 f6vrier, 2009
Recommended by P.A.C./consid6r6 par le C.C.U.: February 10 Wrier, 2009
Enacted by CounciMpproM par le Conseil:
Filed in Registry Office/Enregistrd le:
By-Law #/Arrbt6 t
n r Nan !l~ S _
oY p"?Ner o! °i r. „uare k Nq~°. u° Nuw SGY rki e. as MUe
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
'u q^'ms ~~5 . r~~7
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gkltV~g kit m°aanY a re uu~uru°aaw dpvraert
D ^V'rc m ti Il~'~VY4',.
Reference., 185-187 Golden Grove Road
e s er Insertion Dates
(Check as applicable)
(J = Saint Jon Telegraph Journal)
" SJTJ City Information Ad Date(s): February 17, 2009
SJTJ Independent Placement Date(s):
SJTJ Classifieds Date(s):
Information for A
(Boldface anything you want of i Ad, Centre, Tab, etc,)
Section Headline- General Notice Tender Proposal
19 Public Notice
Sub-Headline (i applicable):
Call to Action: Elizabeth Gormley, Common Clerk/Grefere communale
Contact: Telephone: (506) 658-2862
Public Notice is hereby given that the Common
Council of The City of Saint John intends to
consider an amendment to the Municipal
Development Plan which would:
Redesignate on Schedule 2-A of the Municipal
Plan, from Low Density Residential to Light
Industrial, a parcel of land with an area of
approximately 438 square metres, identified as
being a portion of PID Number 00312116, as
illustrated below:
A public presentation of the proposed amendment
will take place at a regular meeting of Common
Council on Monday, March 2, 2009 in the Council
Chamber, Lobby Level, City Hall.
To expand the area currently designated as Light
Industrial to include an existing garage.
Written objections to the proposed amendment may
be made to the Council, in care of the undersigned,
by April 1, 2009. Enquiries may be made at the
office of the Common Clerk or Planning and
Development, City Hall, 15 Market Square, Saint
John, N.B. between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30
p.m., Monday through Friday, inclusive, holidays
Elizabeth Gormley, Common Clerk
Par les pr6sentes, un avis public est donne par
lequel le conseil communal de The City of Saint
John a ('intention d'6tudier la modification du plan
d'am6nagement municipal comme suit :
la reclassification, a l'annexe 2-A du plan d'une
parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 438
metres canes, et une partie du NID 00312116 de
zone rdsidentielle de faible densite a zone
d'industrie Idg6re, comme le montre la carte ci-
dessous :
Une pr6sentation publique du projet de
modification aura lieu lors de la r6union ordinaire
du conseil communal le lundi 2 mars 2009 dans la
salle du conseil, au niveau du hall d'entr6e, i I'hotel
de ville,
Elargir la r6gion actuellement d6sign6e "industrie
1eg6re" de sorte a inclure un garage existant
Veuillez faire part au conseil par 6crit de vos
objections au projet de modification au plus Lard le
1 avri12009 a ]'attention du soussign6. Pour toute
demande de renseignements, veuillez communiquer
avec le bureau du greffier communal ou le bureau
de l'urbanisme et du d6veloppement a ]'hotel de
ville au 15, Market Square, Saint John, N: B., entre
8 h 30 et 16 h 30 du lundi au vendredi, sauf les
jours f6ri6s.
Elizabeth Gormley, Greffi6re communale
658 2862
swami • ' • •
Public Notice is hereby gnen that the Common Par Its prisentes, un avis public esl donne par
Council of The Cuyof SamtJohn intendstoconsider iequel It Conseil communal de The City of Saint
an amendment to the Municipal Development Plan John a ('intention d'eludier la modification du plan
which would: d'aminagement municipal comme suit :
Redesignate on Schedule 2-A of the Municipal Plan,
from Loa, Densihr Residential to Light Industrial, a
parcel of land with an area of appioximatelp 438
square metres, identified as being a portion of PID
Number 00312116, as illustrated below:
A public presentation of
the proposed amendment
will lake place at a regular
meeting of Common Council
on Monday, March 2, 2009 in
the Council Chamber, Lobby
Level, City Hall.
To expand the area currently
designated as Light hulusuiul
to include an existing garage
la reclassification, it I'annexe 2-A du plan dune
parcelle de terrain dune supcrficie d'environ 4:18
metres caries, el one parue du NID 0612116 de tone
risidenrielie de faille densiti i zone d'industrie ligtre,
comme It monlre la carte ci-dessous .
Une presentation pubhque du
' prolet de modification aura
lieu lors de la reunion urdinaire
du Conseil communal It liner
2 mars 2009 dans la Salle du
Conseil, au niveau du hall
d'enlrie, a I'h6lel de yille
4 A ?fd
1 C •o ~ V
Written objections to the proposed amendment map
be made to the Council. in care of the undersigned,
by April 1, 2009. Enquiries may be made at the
office of the Common Clerk or Planning and
Doelopment. City Hall, 15 Market Square, Saint
John, N.13 between the hours of 8:30 a.m, and 4:30
pm., Monday through Friday, inclusive, holidays
Elizabeth Gormley, Common Clerk
Elargir ]a region actuellemenl
designee "indurtrie ligere" de
some a melure un garage existanl
Veuillez farce part au Conseil par eerit de vos
objections au prolet de modification au plus lard It
1 avril 1009 a I'attenlion du soussigni. Pour toule
demande de reaseignements, veuillez commiimquer
avec It bureau du greffier communal ou le bureau de
Furbanisme et du d&doppemcnt ii 561el de ville au
15, Markel Square, Saint John, N -B., entre 8 b 30 el
16 h 30 du lundi au vendreeh, sauf Its jours fines
Elizabeth Gormley, GrelTiere communale
658 2862
4 lD M"`
Be it enacted by The City of Saint
John in Common Council convened, as
The Municipal Plan By-law of The
City of Saint John enacted on the 3rd day
of January, A.D. 2006 is amended by:
1 Amending Schedule 2-A, the
Future Land Use Plan, by redesignating a
parcel of land with an area of
approximately 438 square metres, located
at 185-187 Golden Grove Road, also
identified as being a portion of PID
Number 00312116, from Low Density
Residential to Heavy Industrial
- all as shown on the plan attached hereto
and forming part of this by-law.
Saint John has caused the Corporate
Common Seal of the said City to be affixed
to this by-law the * day of A.D. 2009
and signed by:
ARRETE N° C.P,105-
Lors d'une reunion du conseil
communal, The City of Saint John a 6dict6
ce qui suit :
L'arret6 relatif au plan municipal de
The City of Saint John d6cr&6 le
3 j anvier 2006 est modifi6 par :
1 la modification de 1'annexe 2-A,
relative au plan d'utilisation future des
terres, afin de faire passer la d6signation
d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie
approximative de 438 metres carr6s, situ6e
au 185-187 chemin Golden Grove, et 6tant
une partie du NID 00312116 de zone
r6sidentielle de faible densitd a zone
d' industrie lourde
- toutes les modifications sont indiqu6es sur
le plan ci joint et font partie du pr6sent
EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John
a fait apposer son sceau communal sur le
pr6sent arret6 le 2009, avec les
signatures suivantes :
Common Clerk/Greffi6re communale
First Reading -
Premiere lecture
Second Reading -
Deuxieme lecture
Third Reading -
Troisi6me lecture
February 10, 2009
Attention: Sara Herring
Dear s. Honing:
Re: 1$$ Mount Pleasant Avenue East, Saint John, N.B.
PID Number 346916
This is to confirm that 629501 N.B. Ltd. is the registered owner of the above
noted property and is aware of, and consent to, the application to have the subject property
rezoned from 1-2 Heavy Industrial to R-2 One and Two Family Residential.
It is our understanding that the advertising and registration costs for the
rezoning process will be paid for by the City of Saint John.
Yours very truly,
629501 N.B. Ltd.
Per: since James McCart
Vice-Presid 1t
February 10, 2009
A : Sarah r`
Dear Ms. Honing:
Re: 196 of Pleasant Avenue East, Saint John,
PID Number 347443 and 417634
This is to confirm that John Wayne MacDonald and Alvina Mary
MacDonald are the registered owners of the above noted property and are aware of, and
consent to, the application to have the subject property rezoned from I-2 Heavy Industrial to
R-2 One and Two Family Residential.
It is our understanding that the advertising and registration costs for the
rezoning process will be paid for by the City of Saint John.
Yours very truly,
./John Wayne MacDonald
02-02-'09 15;58 FROM-Whelly & Kelly
File #15099
Via Facsimile
City of Saint John
City Sall,
15 Market Square
Saint John, NB
Attention: Patrick Foran
Dear Sir/Madam;
February 9, 2009
T-826 P001/001 F-488
comer of Ca Won and Cobtgg
E2L 2Z7
TELEPHONE 506.634,1193
EMAIL p ~ om
F~~B . x 2uus
)Re: 188 Mount Pleasant Avenue East, Saint John, N.R.
PID Number 346916, and
196 Mount Pleasant Avenue East, Saint John, NB.
PID Number 347443
i ,4
Further to our previous discussions respectiaig the zoning of the above noted
properties, I have spoken to the owners of both properties and they are agreeable to having
the properties rezoned from. "1-2" Heavy Industrial to "R-2" One and Two Family
I would also note that Mr. MacDonald, one of the owners of the property at
196 Mount Pleasant Avenue, indicated that they would be prepared to participate in the
process provided there is no cost to them.
Yours very truly,
AeSph SF
1911.1997 ARTHUR W. WHELLY, Q.C. 1919.1997 CHARLES F. WHELLY. Q.C,
City of Saint John
For City of Saint John use only:
Reference: 188 and 196 Mount Pleasant Avenue East
News er Insertion Dates
(Check as applicable)
(SJTJ= Saint Jo Telegraph Journal)
" SJTJ City Information Ad
"SJTJ Independent Placement
"SJTJ Classifieds
Date(s): February 17, 2009
Information for
(Boldface anything you want of i Ad, Centre, Tab, etc.)
Section Headline: General Notice Tender Proposal
10 Public Notice
Sub-Headline (if applicable):
Call to Action: Elizabeth Gormley, Common Clerk/Grefere communale
Contact: Telephone: (506) 658-2862
RE: 188 and 196 MOUNT PLEASANT
Public Notice is hereby given that the Common
Council of The City of Saint John intends to
consider an amendment to the Municipal
Development Plan which would:
Redesignate on Schedule 2-A of the Municipal
Development Plan, from Heavy Industrial to Low
Density Residential, parcels of land with an area of
approximately 2,080 square metres, identified as
PID Numbers 00346916, 00347443 and 00417634.
A public presentation of the proposed amendment
will take place at a regular meeting of Common
Council on Monday, March 2, 2009 in the Council
Chamber, Lobby Level, City Hall.
To recognize the existing residential use of the
Written objections to the proposed amendment may
be made to the Council, in care of the undersigned,
by April 1, 2009. Enquiries may be made at the
office of the Common Clerk or Planning and
Development, City Hall, 15 Market Square, Saint
John, N.B. between the hours of 8:30 a.m, and 4:30
p.m., Monday through Friday, inclusive, holidays
Elizabeth Gormley, Common Clerk
Par les pr6sentes, un avis public est donn6 par
lequel le conseil communal de The City of Saint
John a Pintention d'6tudier la modification du plan
d'am6nagement municipal comme suit :
La reclassification, i Pannexe 2-A du plan des
parcelles de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 2080
metres carr6es, identifiee sous les NIDs 00346916,
00347443 et 00417634 de zone d'industrie lourde
i zone risidentielle de faible densiti.
Une presentation publique du projet de
modification aura lieu lors de la r6union ordinaire
du conseil communal le lundi 2 mars 2009 dans la
salle du conseil, au niveau du hall d'entr6e, a Ph6tel
de ville.
Reconnaissez ]'utilisation r6sidentielle existante de
les propri6t6s.
Veuillez faire part au conseil par 6crit de vos
objections au projet de modification au plus tard le
1 avril 2009 a l'attention du soussign6. Pour toute
demande de renseignements, veuillez communiquer
avec le bureau du greffier communal ou le bureau
de Purbanisme et du d6veloppement i Photel de
ville au 15, Market Square, Saint John, N,-B., entre
8 h 30 et 16 h 30 du lundi au vendredi, sauf les
jours f6ri6s.
Elizabeth Gormley, Greffi6re communale
658 2862
Public Notice is hereby given that the Common
Council of The City of Saint John intends to consider
an amendment to the Municipal Development Plan
which would:
Redesignate nn Schedule 2-A of the Municipal
Development Plan, from Heaq Industrial to Lox
Density Residential, parcels of land with an area of
approximately 2,090 square mares. rdentified as P1D
Numbers 00146916.00347443 and 00417634.
A public presemtauan of the proposed amendment
will take place at a regular meeting of Common
Council on Monday, March 2, 2009 in the Council
Chamber, Lobby Uvel, City Hall.
To recognize the existing residential use of the
Written objections to the proposed amendment may
he made to the Council. in care of the urtdci signed,
by April 1, 21109. Engmures may be made at the
office of the Common Clerk or Planning and
Dciclopincril, City Hall. IS Market Square, Saint
John. h'.A between the hours of 8:30 a.m, and 430
p.m., Monday through Friday, inclusive, holidays
Elizabeth Gormley, Common Clerk
Par Its prestnles, on avis public esl donna par
liquid le consul communal de The City of Saint
John a I`intention d'eludier la modification du plan
d'amenagemem municipal comme suit
La reclassification, i l'annexe 2-A du plan des
parcelles de terrain Are srrfidot d'envimn 2080
metres carries, identifiee sous Its NIDs 00346916,
00347443 et 00417614 dt mane Andastrie loarde i
tone risidentielle de faihlr densili.
Une presentation publique du prmlet de modification
aura hen lots de la Teumon ordinaire du consul
communal It Will 2 mars 2009 Bans la salle du
conseil, an niveau du hall d`entree, a 116te1 de idle
Recomaissez Futrlisation residentielle existante de les
Veuillez faire part an consul pai ecnt de sirs
objections an projet de modification au plus lard le
I asrll 2009 a I'attention du soussigne. Pour tonic
demande de ranicignemeri setollez communiquer
avec le bureau du grdher communal ou le bureau do
l'urbanisme et du dcycloppement i 561el de Lille an
16, Market Square, Saint John, h: B., entire 8 It 30 N
16 h 30 du lundi au vemdredi, sauf Its)mrs fines
Elizabeth Gormley, GreMire communale
659 2862
B s 0
Be it enacted by The City of Saint
John in Common Council convened, as
The Municipal Plan By-law of The
City of Saint John enacted on the 3rd day
of January, A.D. 2006 is amended by:
1 Amending Schedule 2-A, the
Future Land Use Plan, by redesignating
parcels of land with an area of
approximately 2,080 square metres, located
at 188 and 196 Mount Pleasant Avenue
East, also identified as being PID Numbers
00346916, 00347443 and 00417634, from
Heavy Industrial to Low Density
Residential classification
- all as shown on the plan attached hereto
and forming part of this by-law.
Saint John has caused the Corporate
Common Seal of the said City to be affixed
to this by-law the * day of A.D. 2009
and signed by:
ARRETt N° C.P.105-
Lors dune r6union du conseil
communal, The City of Saint John a 6dict6
cc qui suit :
L'arret6 relatif au plan municipal de
The City of Saint John d6cr&d le
3 janvier 2006 est modifi6 par :
1 la modification de ]'annexe 2-A,
relative au plan d'utilisation future des
terres, afin de faire passer la d6signation
des parcelles de terrain d'une superficie
approximative de 2080 metres carr6s,
situ6e au 188 et 196, avenue Mount
Pleasant est, et portant les NIDs 00346916,
00347443 et 00417634 de zone d'industrie
lourde 6 zone rdsidentielle de faible densit6
- toutes les modifications sont indiqu6es sur
le plan ci joint et font partie du pr6sent
EN FOI DE QU01, The City of Saint John
a fait apposer son sceau communal sur le
pr6sent arret6 le 2009, avec les
signatures suivantes :
Common Clerk/Greffi6re communale
First Reading -
Premike lecture
Second Reading -
Deuxieme lecture
Third Reading -
Troisi6me lecture
Be it enacted by The City of Saint
John in Common Council convened, as
The Heritage Conservation Areas
By-Law of The City of Saint John enacted
on the ninth day of October, 2007, is
amended by:
1 Adding the following; immediately after
subsection 2(1)(i):
"0) Lancaster Avenue Heritage
Conservation Area:
That portion of the City of Saint John
being the buildings, structures and
lands located at 266 Lancaster Avenue
(PID 00033225) as illustrated and listed
on Schedule "J", which forms part of
this By-Law and is hereby established
as The Lancaster Avenue Heritage
Conservation Area:
3 Dunnedin Lane
5 Dunnedin Lane
I 1 Dunnedin Lane
16 Dunnedin Lane
522 Edward Avenue
532 Edward Avenue
266 Lancaster Avenue
2 Tipperary Court
3 Tipperary Count
5 Tipperary Court
6 Tipperary Court
(k) Brunswicker/Ordnance Corps
Heritage Conservation Area:
That portion of the City of Saint John
being the buildings, structures and
lands located at 274 Sydney Street (PID
55153423) as illustrated and listed on
Schedule "K" which forms part of this
By-Law and is hereby established as
the Brunswicker/Ordnance Corps
Heritage Conservation Area.
Lors dune reunion du Conseil
communal, The City of Saint John a
d6cr& ce qui suit :
I.'arrete concernant les wires de
conservation du patrimoine de Saint John,
&cr6t6 le neuf (9) octobre, 2007, est
tnodifie par :
1 L'adjonction de cc qui suit
itnmediatement apr6s I'alin6a 2(1)i) :
o j) Aire de conservation du
patrimoine de l'avenue Lancaster :
la section de The City of Saint John,
comprenant les batiments, les
constructions et les terrains qui sont
situes an 266, avenue Lancaster
(NID 00033225), illustres et enum6res a
I'annexe o J » qui fait partie int6grante
du present arrete, est designee aire de
conservation du patrimoine de
Pavenue Lancaster:
3 al. Dunnedin
5 al. Dunnedin
I I al. Dunnedin
16 al. Dunnedin
522 av. Edward
532 av. Edward
266 av. Lancaster
2 cour Tipperary
3 cour Tipperary
5 cour Tipperary
6 cour Tipperary
k) Aire de conservation du
patrimoine de Brunswicker/Service du
Materiel :
la section de The City of Saint John,
comprenant les batiments, les
constructions et les terrains qui sent
situes au 274, rue Sydney et illustres a
l'annexe o K» qui fait partie int6grante
du present airete, est designee aire de
conservation du patrimoine de
Brunswicker/Service du Materiel. »
Saint John has caused the Corporate
Common Seal of the said City to be affixed
to this by-law the day of February,
AD, 2009 and signed by:
EN FGI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John
a fait apposer son sceau communal sur le
pr6sent arrete le 2009,
avec tes signatures suivantes :
Common Clerlc/Greffiere communale
First Reading - February t6, 2009 Premiere lecture 16 fevrier 2009
Second Reading - February 16, 2009 Deuxieme lecture 16 fevrier 2009
Third Reading - Troisieme lecture
Be it enacted by the Common Council of the Lors d'une r6union du conseil communal, The
City of Saint John as follows: City of Saint John a d6cr&6 cc qui suit :
1 A by-law of the City of Saint John entitled, "A
By-law Respecting the Stopping Up and Closing of
Highways in the City of Saint John", enacted on the
19"' day of December, A.D., 2005, is hereby
amended by adding thereto Section 200
immediately after Section 199 thereof, as follows:
1 Par les pr6sentes, 1'arret6 de The City of Saint
John intitul6, << L'arret6 stir ]'interruption de la
circulation et la fermeture des routes dans The City
of Saint John x> d6cr& le 19 d6cembre 2005, est
modifi6 par I'ajout de I'article 200 imm6diatement
apres ]'article 199, comme suit :
200 The City of Saint John does hereby stop up and
close permanently the following portion of
King Street East: All that certain lot, piece or
parcel of land situate lying and being in the City of
Saint John, in the County of Saint John, in the
Province of New Brunswick being more
particularly described as follows:
Beginning at a point on the northern side of King
Street East, at its intersection with the western face
of the wall of a structure known as Civic # 207
King Street East, said point having adjusted New
Brunswick grid coordinate values (NAD83) of
casting 2535210.055 metres and northing
7363936.262 metres.
Thence on a New Brunswick grid azimuth of 166
degrees, 14 minutes and 50 seconds along the
westerly face of the wall of Civic # 207 King Street
East, a distance of 0.05 metres to the southern face
of said structure.
Thence on an azimuth of 76 degrees, 17 minutes
and 50 seconds along the southern face of the wall
of Civic # 207 King Street East, a distance of 14.43
metres to a point on the northerly street line of
King Street East.
Thence on an azimuth of 256 degrees, 29 minutes
and 50 seconds along the aforementioned northern
sideline of King Street East, a distance of 14.43
metres to the place of beginning.
A tract of land being shown as "portion of King
Street East a Public Street" containing an area of
0.4 square metres and being more particularly
shown on a Plan of Survey Showing portion of
King Street East, City of Saint John, Saint John
County, New Brunswick, prepared by Hughes
Surveys & Consultants Inc. and dated December 1,
2008, said plan signed by David V. Parkhill, New
Brunswick Land Surveyor.
And also, all that certain lot piece of parcel of land
situate lying and being in the City of Saint John, in
the County of Saint John, in the Province of New
Brunswick and being more particularly described
as follows:
Beginning at a point on the northern sideline of
King Street East at its intersection with the eastern
200 Par les pr6sentes, The City of Saint John barre
et ferme de fagon permanente la portion dune
route suivante
Rue King Est : La totalit6 de la parcelle de terrain
situ6e Bans The City of Saint John, dans le com16
de Saint John et Bans la province du
Nouveau-Brunswick 6tant d6crite plus pr6cis6ment
comme suit :
Partant d'un point du c6t6 nord de la rue King Est, a
son intersection avee la fagade ouest d'un batiment
connu sous l'adresse municipale 207, rue King Est,
ledit point ayant pour coordonn6es graticulaires
ajust6es du Nouveau-Brunswick (NAD83)
E2535210,055 m6tres et N7363936,262 m6tres.
De Ca, sur un azimut, scion les coordonn6es
graticulaires du Nouveau-Brunswick, de cent
soixante-six degr6s (166°), quatorze minutes (14')
et cinquante secondes (50"), longeant la faqade
ouest du batiment a l'adresse municipale 207, rue
King Est, sur une distance de 0,05 metre jusqu'a la
fagade sud du batiment susmentionn6.
De la, sur un azimut de soixante-seize degr6s (76"),
dix-sept minutes (1T) et cinquante secondes (50"),
longeant la fagade sud du batiment a I'adresse
municipale 207, rue King Est, sur une distance de
14,43 m&resjusqu'a un point situ6 sur I'alignement
nord de la rue King Est.
De lit, sur un azimut de deux cent cinquante-six
degr6s (256), vingt-neuf minutes (29') et cinquante
secondes (50"), longeant ]a limite lat6ralc nord
susmentionn6e de la rue King Est, sur une distance
de 14,43 m6tres jusqu'au point de depart.
Une 6tendue de terrain d6sigt6e comme 6tant une
«partie de la rue publique King Est » , comprenant
une superficie de 0,4 metre cane et 6tant d6sign6c
plus particuli6rement sur un plan d'arpentage
indiquant une partie de la rue King Est,
City of Saint John, comt6 de Saint John,
Nouveau-Brunswick, pr6par6 par Hughes Surveys
& Consultants Inc., dat6 du I" d6cembre 2008 et
sign par David V. Parkhill, arpenteur-g6om&re du
Egalement, la totalit6 de la parcelle de terrain situ6e
dans The City of Saint John, dans le comt6 de
Saint John et dans la province du
Nouveau-Brunswick, 6tant plus particulierement
face of the wall of a structure known as Civic # 215
King Street East. Said point having New
Brunswick grid coordinate values of casting
2535244.298 metres and northing 7363944.484
Thence on a New Brunswick grid azimuth of 167
degrees, 27 minutes and 40 seconds and following
the face of the wall of Civic # 215 King Street East,
a distance of 0.21 metres to the southern face of
said building.
Thence on an azimuth of 257 degrees, 13 minutes
and 50 seconds along the southern face of the wall
of Civic # 215 King Street East, a distance of 8.66
metres to a point.
Thence on an azimuth of 256 degrees, 28 minutes
and 20 seconds, a distance of 3.67 metres to the
southeastern comer of a building known as Civic #
211 King Street East.
Thence on an azimuth of 257 degrees, 10 minutes
and 50 seconds along the southern face of the wall
of a structure known as Civic # 211 King Street
East, a distance of 8.46 metres to the northerly
street line of King Street East.
Thence on an azimuth of 76 degrees, 29 minutes
and 50 seconds along the northern street line of
King Street East, a distance of 20.79 metres to the
place of beginning.
A tract of land being designated as "portion of
King Street East a Public Street" and contains an
area of 2.1 square metres and being more
particularly shown on a Plan of Survey Showing
portion of King Street East, City of Saint John,
Saint John County, New Brunswick, prepared by
Hughes Surveys & Consultants Inc. and dated
December 1, 2008, said plan signed by David V.
Parkhill, New Brunswick Land Surveyor,
decrite comme suit :
Partant d'un point sur la limite laterale nord de la
rue King Est a son point d'intersection avec la
facade est d'un batiment connu sous 1'adresse
municipals 215, rue King Est. Ledit point ayant
pour coordonnees graticulaires du
Nouveau-Brunswick E2535244,298 metres et
N7363944,484 metres.
De la, sur un azunut, selon les coordonnees
graticulaires du Nouveau-Brunswick, de cent
soixante-sept degr6s (167"), vingt-sept minutes
(27') et quarante secondes (40"), longeant la facade
du batiment a 1'adresse municipale 215, rue King
Est, sur une distance de 0,21 metre jusqu'il la
facade sud du batiment susmentionne.
De 1a, sur un azimut de deux cent cinquante-sept
degr6s (257"), treize minutes (IT) et cinquante
secondes (50"), longeant la facade sud du batiment
A l'adresse municipale 215, rue King Est, sur une
distance de 8,66 metres jusqu'A on point.
De la, sur un azimut de deux cent cinquante-six
degr6s (256"), vingt-huit minutes (28) et vingt
secondes (20"), sur une distance de 3,67 m6tres
jusqu'au coin sud-est d'un batiment connu sous
l'adresse municipale 211, rue King Est.
De la, sur un azimut de deux cent cinquante-sept
degr6s (257°), dix minutes (10') et cinquante
secondes (50"), longeant la facade sud du batiment
connu sous I'adresse municipale 211, rue King Est,
sur une distance de 8,46 metres jusqu'A un point
situe sur I'alignement nord de la rue King Est.
De IA, sur un azimut de soixante-seize degr6s (76°),
vingt-neuf minutes (29') et cinquante secondes
(50"), longeant la limite lat6rale nord de la rue
King Est, sur une distance de 20,79 m6tres jusqu'au
point de depart.
Une 6tendue de terrain designee comme etant une
s( partie de la rue publique King Est comprenant
une superficie de 2,1 m6tres carr6s et etant
designee plus particuli6rement sur un plan
d'arpentage indiquant une partie de la rue King Est,
City of Saint John, comt6 de Saint John,
Nouveau-Brunswick, pr6par6 par Hughes Surveys
& Consultants Inc., dat6 du 1" decembre 2008 et
signs par David V. Parkhill, arpenteur-geometre du
IN WITNESS WHEROF The City of Saint John EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait
has caused the corporate Common Seal of the said apposer son sceau communal sur le present arr&6 le
City to be affixed to this by-law the day of 2009, aver les signatures suivantes
A.D., 2009 and signed by:
Common Clerk/Greffi6re communale
First Reading - February 16, 2009 Pre i&re lecture - 16 fevrier 2009
Second Reading - February 16, 2009 euxi6me lecture - 16 fevrier 2009
Third Reading - Troisib e lecture -
M & C --2009-32
February 10, 2009
His Worship Mayor Ivan Court and
Members of Common Council
Your Worship and Councillors:
,o .
City of Saint John
SUBJECT: Sale of Portion of King Street East (Pending Approval of Street
Closure) to Carol Ann Milne
Common Council, at its meeting of January 19, 2008 considered a report (M & C
#2009-09) and adopted the recommendation to initiate the stop-up and closure of
two small portions of King Street East. The Public Hearing is scheduled to be
held at the February 16th, 2009 meeting of Common Council. The purpose for the
street closure and subsequent conveyance of these slivers of land is to remove
existing building encroachments onto the street right-of-way. City Engineering
has no objection to this request to close these two slivers, as illustrated on the
attached survey plan.
The total cost to the proponent to acquire the parcels would be $3,217.00 plus
H.S.T. (pending approval of stop-up and closure). The above noted purchase
price includes costs associated with the regulatory process of stopping-up portions
of street right-of-ways; including the cost of translation and advertising. The
survey work was completed by the proponent. The per square metre price that
City staff normally associate with the value of the property was not followed in
this instance as the area of the property to be sold is minimal. Instead, Real Estate
Services have included a $1,000.00 cost to be assessed as an administrative cost
for facilitating the street closure. The recommendation contained below has
incorporated a sale price that includes all the costs noted above.
1. That in the event that the two (2) portions of King Street East (2.1 square
metres and 0.4 square metres) are stopped-up and closed, The City of
Saint John sell its fee simple interest therein to Carol Ann Milne for
$3,217.00 plus HST (if applicable) on or before May 29, 2009.
That the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to sign any documents
required to finalize the transfer.
Respectfully submitted,
Ken Forrest, MCIP, RPP
Pl ing d Deve
Terrence Totten, F.C.A.
City Manager
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Description of Plan: Stop Up and Closure of. portion of King Street East and
Subsequent Sale for Apartments/Condominiums.
N PID: Adjacent to 16550, Address: Civic #207, 211 and 215
17947 and 17954
Pan: N/A Date: January 9, 2009
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The City of Saint John
Mayor and Council
February 25, 2009
RE: Public Process - Further Developing Accountability and Transparency
This term of council' has been resolute in achieving the best measures to ensure accountability and
transparency while balancing openness with those delicate issues that require meetings closed to the
public. In further advancement of these principles, I believe that the missing ingredient is that as policy
any matter considered in closed session of council must require a certain period of time of public vetting
once the matter under consideration in closed session is determined ready for consideration in open
session. This accomplishes the matter of the public digesting the issue, understanding and voicing
approval or disapproval.
This process would be akin to the processes of Federal and Provincial governments wherein most orders
of business are undertaken by bills which require the parliamentary procedures of 3 readings (and in the
case of Federal Government the vetting of the senate). The municipal government of Saint John does
have a process for 3 readings and involving public hearings, however it is restricted to land use change.
Other than public hearings, for the most part Council does engage the public through the very nature of
its agenda with items published on the open session of the agenda in advance of the meeting. However,
in terms of transition of business matters from closed to open sessions there appears to be a gap.
Council does have the prerogative to create policy to introduce procedures that ensure a thorough
public vetting of any matter it chooses - possibly an addition to the Council Rules of Procedure could
accomplish this.
If Council were to undertake this process, avoided would be the instances of matters brought down
from closed session and placed on the open agenda, typically in the same evening-sometimes vaguely
or briefly worded - and leaving little room for public vetting or scrutiny. The argument of timeliness, in
terms of urgency of the matter should not be used, as good public process should never be sacrificed for
expediency. One can understand why the public may feel obfuscated. I do not want to insinuate that
matters previously handled in this fashion have been purposeful for avoiding possible public objections
however, problems do arise when the public feels that accountability and transparency have not been
carried out. Through the public process, Council will know if it got it right, if it needs tweaking, or if it
has completely missed the mark
__1 N
SAINT JOHN P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada E2L 4L1 ~ www,saintgohn.ca I C.P. 1171 Saint John, N..-B. Canada E2L 4L1
Motion: Council, as part of its rules of procedure, implement the rule that any item brought from
closed session or committee of the whole must be tabled on the subsequent meeting of an open
session and only considered in a following open session of Council with at least a week in separation.
Stephen Chase
Deputy Mayor
_ o.
The city of Saint John
February 25, 2009
His Worship Mayor Ivan Court
and Members of Common Council
Your Worship and Fellow Councillors,
Subject: Winter Services Funding - Streets and Sidewalks
On February 12, Mr. Groody, the Commissioner of Municipal Operations presented Common Council with
an action plan and policy document regarding snow removal operations. He listed 10 factors for review,
one of which was `resource allocations' with a particular recommendation for establishing a contingency
funding mechanism.
He stated, `operations should not be unduly restricted or services limited by the severity of weather
conditions. In fact it is at those times that services are need most. Building in contingency funding should
be part of every budget process.'
I strongly support the consideration by Common Council of incorporating a contingency funding
mechanism for winter services in the operating budget. This could be an annual allocation from anticipated
surpluses, a formal reserve fund or some other model.
Such a mechanism would ensure that needed services are provided without an adverse impact on the budget
or tax rate.
That Common Council direct the Commissioner of Finance to recommend the ways and means in which an
appropriate reserve/contingency funding mechanism can be established for winter services.
Yours truly
Peter McGuire
SAINT JOHN RO. Box 1471 Saint John, NB Canada E21- 41.1 I ww+w.saintjohn.ca C.P. 1971 Saint John, N,-B. Canada E21- 4L1
The City of Saint Jahn
February 27, 2009
Your Worship Mayor Ivan Court &
Members of Common Council:
Re: The City of Saint John, Enterprise Saint John and Priority Neighbourhoods Economic Growth
A recent meeting was held with the above named partners to begin the examination of
economic growth opportunities for our priority neighbourhoods. Enterprise Saint John was represented
by Mr. Steve Carson, Ms. Lois Vincent, Ms. Sarah Jones and Ms. Michele Lodge. This composition of
staff from Enterprise Saint John brings with it significant economic development and management
thinking and skill.
Within urban change initiatives, the economic sustainability of neighbourhoods is sometimes
overlooked or one of the last phases to begin, it is very pleasing to see from an urban change
standpoint that this new partnership is discussing economic opportunities with key neighbourhood
representatives early in this urban change movement.
I' look forward to continued positive interactions with this new partnership.
Motion: That this report be received for information.
Respectfully submitted,
Peter McGuire
P:C. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada F2L 4L1 I w wwsaintjohn.ca C.P.1971 Saint John, N.-B. Canada F.2L 4L1
M & C 2009 - 56
February 26, 2009
His Worship Mayor Ivan Court
And Members of Common Council
Your Worship and Councillors
The Bank of Nova Scotia has requested certain resolutions to be passed by Common
Council to formalize the line of credit with the City. Council normally passes the required
resolutions during the first part of the year. The Bank requires the appropriate
resolutions for 2009.
The City has a $16,250,000 line of credit with the Bank of Nova Scotia. This amount
represents $4,250,000 for general operating purposes and $12,000,000 for bridge
financing on capital expenditures. The calculation of the line of credit for operating
purposes is outlined in the Municipalities Act and is set at a maximum of 4% of the
operating budget. Based on the City's 2009 operating budget the maximum the City
could borrow for operating purposes is $5,077,598. It is proposed to seek approval from
the bank to set the operating line of credit at $5,000,000.
With respect to the bridge financing for capital expenditures, as a result of the magnitude
of the City's capital programs, it is proposed to increase this credit from the current level
of $12,000,000 to $25,000,000. It is most unlikely that actual borrowings will reach
these combined levels, but it would be prudent to have these credit limits in place as a
precautionary measure.
M & C 2009 - 56
February 26, 2009
It is recommended that for general operating purposes:
1. That the Commissioner of Finance is hereby authorized to borrow, on behalf of the
City of Saint John (the Corporation), from the Bank of Nova Scotia (the Bank) from
time to time by way of promissory note, a sum or sums not exceeding at any one
time five million dollars ($5,000,000) to meet current expenditures of the Corporation
for the year 2009;
2. That any two of the Commissioner of Finance, the Deputy City Manager, Comptroller
or Assistant Comptroller are hereby authorized to sign on behalf of the Corporation
and to furnish to the Bank from time to time a promissory note or notes sealed with
the corporate seal for the sum or sums so borrowed with interest at such rate as the
bank may from time to time determine;
3. That the Commissioner of Finance is hereby authorized and directed to furnish to the
Bank at the time of each borrowing and at such other times as the Bank may from
time to time request, a statement showing the nature and amount of the estimated
revenues of the current year not yet collected or where the estimates for the year
have not been adopted, a statement showing the nature and amount of the
estimated revenues of the Corporation as set forth in the estimates adopted for the
next preceding year and also showing the total of any amounts borrowed in the
current year and in any preceding year that have not been repaid, and
4. That the Commissioner of Finance is hereby authorized and directed to apply in
payment of all sums borrowed from the Bank, with interest thereon, all of the monies
hereafter collected or received on account or realized in respect of the taxes levied
for the current year and for any preceding years and all of the monies collected or
received from any other source.
5. That for the purposes of bridge financing on Capital Expenditures, that the City of
Saint John establish a revolving term loan to bridge finance capital expenditures to a
maximum of $25,000,000 and the Commissioner of Finance be authorized to borrow
from the Bank to the specified limit, and
M & C 2009 - 56
February 26, 2009
6. That any two of the Commissioner of Finance, the Deputy City Manager, Comptroller
or Assistant Comptroller are hereby authorized to sign on behalf of the Corporation
and to furnish to the Bank from time to time a promissory note or notes sealed with
the corporate seal for the sum or sums so borrowed with interest at such rate as the
Bank may from time to time determine, and
7. That any two of the Commissioner of Finance, the Deputy City Manager, Comptroller
or Assistant Comptroller are hereby authorized to sign on behalf of the Corporation
and to furnish to the Bank an Agreement or Agreements under the seal of the
Corporation providing for payment to the Bank of all amounts required to be paid by
the Bank pursuant to each promissory note of the Corporation guaranteed by the
Bank with interest at such rate as the Bank may from time to time determine and of a
guarantee fee in respect of each such promissory note at such rate as the Bank may
from time to time determine.
Respectfully submitted,
Gregory J. Yeomans, CGA, MBA
Commissioner of Finance
I V ~ u i ii mm IIIIIII III
February 26, 2009
His Worship Ivan Court
and Members of Common Council
Your Worship and Councillors:
Demolition of fire-damaged building at 132 Lansdowne Avenue
lop *AG
P -A 4
ff'.~ .-5 ice]
+Cit, of Saint John
The building located at 132 Lansdowne Avenue suffered fire damage on May 2,
2008. Since this date, the building has been left unsecured at the rear, thereby
allowing persons to trespass within the building to their danger. A portion of the
roof has collapsed and this is allowing the elements to penetrate the interior of the
stricture, contributing to its deterioration. The interior of the building is in ruin
and many of the windows contain loose and broken glass. At present, the
condition of the building poses a safety hazard to the public by reason of
dilapidation and unsoundness of structural strength.
For these reasons, the property owner was issued a Notice to Comply to the Saint
John Unsightly Premises and Dangerous Buildings By-law on December 17,
2008. This Notice described the conditions that are not in compliance with the
By-law and provided options for remedial actions, including repair of the
stricture to an acceptable standard or demolition.
Mr. Yang Fu, director of the company 639766 NB Ltd. that owns the property,
applied for a hearing to appeal the Notice to Comply. The hearing was held
before the Saint John Substandard Properties Appeal Committee on January 27,
2009 at which time Mr. Fu presented the Committee with his reasons as to why no
action has been taken with respect to the building. At the time of the hearing, Mr.
Fu had no firm plans for the stricture's demolition. However, he did make the
Committee aware of his inquires into the cost of demolition and as well, his future
intent to demolish the stricture in March or April of 2009. Mr. David Crawford,
P. Eng. represented the City of Saint John at the hearing and presented evidence
to the Committee as to the conditions that prompted the issuance of a Notice to
On February 9, 2009, the Saint John Substandard Properties Appeal Committee
provided their written decision with respect to the hearing and this document was
M & C 2009 - -58 -2- Febman- 26, 2009
served to Mr. Yang Fu on February 10, 2009. The Committee upheld the Notice
to Comply, and thereby, upheld the required remedial actions and compliance
date of January 17, 2009. The property owner had the right to appeal this
decision to the Court of Queen's Bench on or before February 24, 2009 however,
no appeal was received.
The _Uisraicihalities Act indicates that where a Notice to Comply has been issued
arising out of a condition where a building has become a hazard to the safety of
the public by reason of dilapidation or unsoundness of structural strength, the
municipality may cause the structure to be demolished. As required in the Act,
reports from Pamela Bentley, P. Eng., Technical Services Engineer and David
Crawford, P. Eng., Deputy Building Inspector and from Divisional Chief Kevin
Clifford are attached and provide evidence to the building's dilapidated and
structurally unsound condition.
Also attached for Council's reference is the Notice to Comply that was issued, the
written decision of the Saint John Substandard Properties Appeal Committee and
recent photographs of the building.
As it is written in the Act that a municipality must commence in the proceedings
of remedial action, approval of Common Council is required prior to starting
demolition activities at this property. The cost of demolishing the structure is
estimated to be less than $25,000.00 and could be completed within the next 4
weeks. As provided in the Act, the cost of the remedial actions will be billed to
the property owner.
Your City Manager recommends that Common Council authorize staff to take the
necessary actions to have the building at 132 Lansdowne Avenue demolished.
Respectfi lly submitted,
Amy Poffenroth, P. Eng., MBA Terrence Totten, CA
Deputy Commissioner City Manager
Buildings and Inspection Services
Wm. Edwards, P. Eng.
Buildings and Inspection Services
132 Lansdowne Avenue
Saint John, NB
PID # 371062
Schedule "A"
RE : Dangerous Building Investigation
An inspection of the above-noted building was conducted on November 21, 2008 by
Pamela Bentley, P. Eng. The following observations were noted :
The building on the property is a one and a half storey, wood frame structure with a rear
single storey ell. The building is close in proximity to the commercial structure on the
right and the residential home on the left. At the front center portion of the building the
roof has collapsed due to fire damage. There are also holes in the roof at the far right
front over the garage.
The main door to the structure, at the center of the building, is secured from entry as it is
covered in plywood. Plywood is also used to cover the central window to the immediate
right of the main door and the far left front door, The large window to the immediate left
of the main door has a shattered pane of glass.
At the rear of the building, several of the window panes are broken and the shattered
glass is both lying on the ground and hanging in the window frames. The rear doors at
several locations are open and the structure is easily accessible to anyone wishing to
tresspass within the building.
At the rear second storey, the central portion of the structure is fire damaged and the
windows and door in this location have broken glass within the frames. The interior
ceiling of this portion of the building has fallen.
Without entering the building, it can be seen that the interior is extensively damaged.
The wining has been torn from the walls at several points and there is shattered glass in
numerous windows of the building. Debris and materials litter the interior floor area and
these would pose a tripping and safety hazard for anyone entering the structure. The fire
damage to the roof has left it structurally unsound and as a result, portions of the roof
could further collapse if a snow or wind load were applied with sufficient force.
Entry into the building, either through tresspassing or for reasons of providing emergency
services (police, fire or ambulance) is unsafe. The building is both structurally unsound
and dilapidated in present condition. Tresspassmg nearby the building is also unsafe due
to the debris of shattered glass and other materials.
Pre ared by :
Pamela Bentley, P. Eng./
Reviewed by :
David Crawford, Eng.
4h.A.6 -2K A&
(MunieipaTties Act, R.S.N.B.1973,
c.M-22, s.190.01(3))
Parcel Identifier: 371062
(Lai sur les municipalites, L.R.N. B. de 1973,
ch. M-22, par. 190.01(3))
Nume'ro d'identification de la parcelle : 371062
Address: 132 Lansdowne Avenue, Saint John, New Adresse : 132 avenue Lansdowne, Saint John,
Brunswick Nouveau-Brunswick
Owner(s) or Occupier(s):
Name: 639766 NB Ltd
Address: 117 Sydney Street, Saint John, New
Brunswick, E21, 2L7
Proprietaire(s) on occupant(s) :
Nom : 639766 NB Ltd
Adresse : 117, rue Sydney, Saint John, Nouveau-
Brunswick, E2121,7
Municipality issuing notice:
The City of Saint John
By-law contravened: Saint John Unsightly Premises
and Dangerous Buildings By-Law, By-law Number M-
30, and amendments thereto.
Municipalit6 signifiant F avis :
The City of Saint John
Arrete enfreint : Arrete concernant les bdtiments
inesthetiques ou dangereux de The City of Saint John,
Arret6 uum6ro M-30, ainsi que ses modifications ci-
Provision(s) contravened: Subsection 190.01(2) of the Disposition(s) enfreinte(s) : Le paragraphe 190.01(2)
Municipalities Act. de la Loi sur les municipalites.
Description of condition(s):
The building has become a hazard to the safety of the
public by reasons of dilapidation and unsoundness of
structural strength. The condition of the building is
outlined in Schedule "A", an inspection report prepared
by Pamela Bentley P. Eng and reviewed by David
Crawford, P. Eng.
Description de la (des) condition(s) :
Le batiment est devenu dangereux pour la s6curit6 du
public du fait de d6labrement et manque de sohdit6.
La condition du batiment est 61aboree a Fannexe "A",
rapport d'inspection prepare par Pamela Bentley, ing.,
et revis6 par David Crawford, iag.
Remedy or remedies required:
The building must be brought to a condition that meets
the accepted National Building Code of Canada building
code standards, so as not to be a hazard to the public by
reasons of dilapidation and unsound in structural
strength. The alternate remedy is to demolish the
Mesure(s) a prendre :
Le batiment doit We amend a une condition qui
rencontre les exigences du Code national du batiment
du Canada afm de ne pas titre dangereux pour la
s6curit6 du public du fait de son d6labrement et du
manque de soliditE La mesure alternative est de
d6molir le batiment.
Date by which the remedy or remedies must occur: i Date a laquelle la on les mesures doivent titre
30 days after service of the Notice to Comply 30 jours apres signification de Favis de conformit6
Date by which notice may be appealed: Within 14
days of being served with the Notice to Comply.
Date a laquelle un appel de Pavis peut.etre depose:
Dans les 14 jours qui suivent la notification de Favis
de conformite.
Process to appeal: The owner must, within 14 days
after having been served with this Notice To Comply,
send a Notice of Appeal by registered mail to the
Common Clerk of The City of Saint John, City Hall -
8a` Floor, 15 Market Square, Saint John, New
Brunswick, E2L 4L1.
Potential penalty for non-compliance within
specified tiMe:2 Subsection 190.01(2.1) of the
Municipalities Act states that a person who violates or
fails to comply with subsection 190.01(2) commits an
offence that is, subject to subsections 190.01(2.2) and
190.01(2.3), punishable under Part II of the Provincial
Processus d'appel : Le propri6taire doit dans les 14
jours qui suivent la notification de Pavis de
confo:rmite, envoy6 un avis d'appel par courrier
recommande a la greffi6re communale de la
municipalit6, a The City of Saint John, Edifice de
116tel de ville, 8' 6tage, 15 Market Square, Saint
John, Nouveau-Brunswick, E2L 4L1.
Penalite possible pour non-conformite daps le d6lai
prescrit2 : Le paragraphe 190.01(2.1) de la Loi sur les
municipalites pr6voit quiconque. contrevient ou omet
de se conformer au paragraphe 190.01(2) commet uue
infraction qui est, sous reserve des paragrapher
190.01(2.2) et 190.01(2.3), punissable en vertu de la
Offences Procedure Act as a category F offence and
pursuant to 190.01(2.3), where an offence under
subsection 190.01(2.1) continues for more than one day,
(b) in any other case,
(i) the minimum fine that may be unposed is the
minimum fine set by the Provincial Offences and
Procedures Act for a category F offence
multiplied by the number of days during which
the offence continues, and
(ii) the maximum fine that may be imposed is the
maximum fine set by the Provincial Offences and
Procedures Act for a category F offence
multiplied by the number of days during which
the offence continues.
Municipality's authority to undertake repairs or
reMedy:3 Subsection 190.04(1) of the Municipalities Act
states that if a Notice to Comply has been given under
section 190.011 of the said Act and the owner or
occupier does not comply with the Notice to Comply, as
deemed confirmed or as confirmed or modified by a
committee of council or a judge under section 190.021
of the said Act, within the time set out in the Notice to
Comply, the municipality may, cause the building or
structure of that owner or occupier to be demolished and
the cost of carrying out such work, including any related
charge or fee, is chargeable to the owner or occupier and
becomes a debt due to the municipality.
Dated at Saint John the S" day of December, 2008
Municipality: The City of Saint John
Signature of cipal Officer:
Municipal Officer's Contact information:
Name: David Crawford, P. Eng.
Mailing address:
Buildings and Inspection Services Department
The City of Saint John .
15 Market Square, City Hall Building, I0~' Floor
P. 0. Box 1971
Saint John, New Brunswick
E2L 4L1
Telephone: (506) 658-2199
Telecopier: (506) 632-6199
Email: dave.crawford(a sair
Partie U de la Loi sur la procedure applicable aux
infractions provinciales a titre d'infractiou de la classe
F, et conform6ment au paragraphe 190.01(2.3),
lorsqu'une infraction pr6vue au paragraphe
190.01(2.1) se poursuit pendant plus d'une journ6e,
(b) Bans tout autre cas,
(i) Famende minimale qui peut titre impos6e
est Pamende minimale pr6vue par la Loi sur
la procedure applicable aux infractions
provinciales pour une infraction de la classe F
multipli6e par le nombre de jours pendant
lesquels Finfraction se poursuit, et
(h) Famende maximale qui pent titre imposee
est Famende maximale pr6vue par la Loi sur
la procedure applicable aux infractions
provinciales pour une infraction de la classe F
multipliee par le nombre de jours pendant
lesquels Pinfraction se poursuit.
Pouvoir de la mumicipalite d'entreprendre les
reparations ou de prendre les mesure53 :
Conformement an paragraphe 190:04(1) de la Loi sur
les municipalttes, si un avis de conformA6 a 6t6 notifi6
aux termes de Particle 190.011 de ladite loi, et que le
propri6taixe on Foccupant ne se conforme pas a cet
avis de confomute dans le delai imparti et tel qu'il est
r6put6 confmi6 ou tel qu'il est conforme ou modifi6
par un comite du couseil ou par un juge en vertu de
Particle 190.021 de ladite loi, la municipalit6 peat
faire demolir le batiment ou la construction de ce
propri&taire on de cet occupant et les frais relatifs a
1'ex6cution de ces travaux, y compris toute redevance
ou tout droit afferent, soot a la charge du propri6taire
ou de l'occupant et deviennent une crdauce de la
Fait a Saint John le d6cembre 2008.
Municipality : The City of Saint John
Signature du repr6sentant municipal :
Coordonnees du representant municipal :
Nom : David Crawford, ing
Adresse postale :
D6partement aux services d'inspection et des
The City of Saint John
15 Market Square, Edifice de Fhotel de ville,10° etage
Case postale 1971
Saint John (Nouveau-Brunswick)
E2L 4Ll
Telephone : (506) 658-2199
T616copieur : (506) 632-6199
Courriel: dave.crawford@saiutjohn.ca
Seal of municipality t l~al l` rj~~ Sceau de la municipaht6
1. All appropriate pmmits must be obtained and all relevant
legislation must be complied with in the course of carrying out the
required remedial action.
2. Payment of the fine does not alleviate the obligation to comply
with the by-law, standard or notice to comply.
3. Costs become a debt due to the municipality and may be added to
the joint municipal and provincial Real Property Assessment and Tax
Notes :
1. Tous les permis prescrits doivent etre obtenus et toute la
legislation pertinente doit etre respectee, pendant 1'execution de la
mesure de recours.
2. Le paiement de 1'amende n'annule pas Pobligation de respecter
1'arrete, la norme ou Pavis de confomtit&
3. Les coots deviennent une dette envers la municipalitd et peuveat
@ttre ajout6s A 1'avis devaluation et d'impSt foncier municipal et
December 10`x, 2008
Pamela Bentley, P.Eng
City of Saint John
Building and Inspection Services Department
P.O. Box 1971
Saint John, NB
E2L 4L1
Dear Ms. Bentley:
RE: Information Request for Building at 132 Lansdowne Avenue
The building at 132 Lansdowne Avenue is now unoccupied and in a dilapidated state of repair. The building
suffered significant fire damage on May 2 2008, and as of this date no repairs have been undertaken on the
fire damaged building.
From a fire response standpoint, this is a vacant and dilapidated structure with significant structural integrity
problems, that present a major fire risk; both from the perspective of fire probability (almost a certainty) as
well as being a hazard to the neighbouring properties, citizens, and firefighters if indeed the property does
burn again. The structural integrity concerns are not limited to fire situations and indeed the building could
be a collapse hazard for anybody in the area of the property.
As part of the Saint John Fire Department's pre-planning and risk assessment activities; the property at 132
Lansdowne Avenue has been predetermined to be a defensive operation; however there is always the
possibility that interior operations are required to mitigate a rescue of someone, who for whatever reason is in
the building. A rescue attempt within this structure would be extremely dangerous to firefighters, as a
building collapse is imminent.
Thank you for you efforts in addressing the hazards inherent to this property. If I can be of any other
assistance, please give me a call.
75,P.w= q
ord, Chi`
I evintCliff
Fire Prevention, gation & Training
cc: Fire Chief Robert (Rob) Simonds
Deputy Fire Chief Mark Gillan
FILE 003-2009
639766 N.B. LTD.
Parcel Identifier Number: 371062
Parcel Address: 132 Lansdowne Avenue
Owner: 639766 N.B. Ltd.
Decision of the Saint John Substandard Ameal Committee
The Appellant, 639766 N.B. Ltd., appeals a Notice to Comply issued by the Municipal
Officer of the City of Saint John on the 5a` day of December, 2008. The Notice to
Comply indicates the building located at 132 Lansdowne Avenue has become a hazard to
the safety of the public by reasons of dilapidation and unsoundness of structural strength
and contravenes the Saint John Unsightly Premises and Dangerous By-Law number M-
30. The Notice requires the owner to remedy the situation within a period of thirty (30)
days from the serving of the Notice to Comply.
2. The appeal was heard on the 27t` day of January, 2009.
3. The Appellant was represented by Mr. Yang Fu and Ms. Homg-Yam Huang, who are the
owners and shareholders of the corporate Appellant.
4. The position of the City of Saint John was presented by Mr. David Crawford, City
Deputy Building Inspector.
5. Mr. Fu identified the Notice of Appeal, File No. 003-2009, dated December 23, 2008 and
marked as Exhibit 1, as the appeal upon which he was proceeding. Mr. Crawford
identified the Notice to Comply dated the 5th day of December, 2008 and marked as
Exhibit 2, as the subject matter of the appeal.
6. Mr. Fu advised that he wished to proceed in the English language.
7. The Notice of Appeal of 639766 N.B. Ltd. states that "The notice of thirty days is not
enough time to complete the work due to the Christmas holiday and the New Year" and
that the Appellant has scheduled a project to begin early in 2009, to demolish the old
building and build a "four-Alex". The Notice of Appeal also indicates that following the
holidays the Appellant intends to apply for a permit to demolish the building on the
property and for a building permit.
8. Mr. Fu and Ms. Huang affirmed their testimony. Mr. Fu stated that he had bought the
property in question in October of 2008. The structure on the property had sustained
extensive fire damage prior to the purchase and the former owner had initially indicated
that he was going to demolish the structure. The former owner then changed his mind
and decided to sell the property "as is". The Appellant purchased the property with the
intention of demolishing the damaged structure and building four townhouses on the site.
Mr. Fu provided a plan of the proposed new structure, which was marked as Exhibit 3.
9. Mr. Fu stated that he had attempted to retain the services of a contractor to complete the
demolition. He testified that it took him approximately one month to obtain a quote,
The first contractor quoted $26,000 to do the work, which Mr. Fu found too high. The
second contractor quoted $24,500 which Mr. Fu was also concerned was too high. By
the time these quotes were obtained, Mr. Fu indicated he was advised that the demolition
of the foundation could not occur until warmer weather, as it would damage the
equipment of the contractors. Mr. Fu stated he then began to consider a new plan and
contacted additional persons to try and make other arrangements. Mr. Fu stated that he
wished to hire Chiasson Construction to complete this work. He understood the cost
would be in the range of $15,000 to $20,000, but the work could not be completed by
Chiasson Construction until March or April 2009. Mr. Fu explained that he made further
inquiries and was advised it was possible to have just the upper portion of the structure
demolished and leave the foundation to be demolished in warmer weather. Mr, Fu
indicated he had a quote for $9,000 to have this work completed, but he has not been able
to obtain a commitment from the contractor as to when. the work could actually be
completed. Mr. -Fu stated it was difficult to find people to do the work, particularly
through the holiday period and as well into the Chinese holiday period, which had just
concluded. Mr. Fu asked that he be provided with a longer period of time, hopefully until
March or early April 2009 to have the work completed.
10. Ms. Huang stated that after the property was purchased by the Appellant they made
arrangements to have the natural gas disconnected. She testified that they had spoken to
a real estate acquaintance who had indicated that the probable cost of demolishing the
structure should be in the maximum range of $20,000.
11. Mr. David Crawford provided sworn testimony on behalf of the City of Saint John. He
identified a series of photographs marked as Exhibit d, which show the condition of the
structure that led to the issuance of the Notice to Comply. In describing each of the nine
photographs, Mr. Crawford outlined the City's concern with respect to the extensive
damage to the structure. The photographs indicate extensive damage to the roof of the
structure, several windows have broken glass and the structure is not adequately secured
and may easily be entered.
12. Mr. Crawford testified that the fire had occurred in May of 2008 and that notices were
given to the former owner to remedy the situation in May of 2008 and again in July of
2008. The City is concerned regarding vandalism and is also concerned that the roof has
shown further indication of collapse. Mr. Crawford confirmed that no permits had been
applied for by the Appellant to date. He stated that he has not had personal contact with
the current owner. Mr. Crawford stated that he thought the demolition, at least of the
upper part of the structure above the foundation, could be completed and the debris
removed in a period of two days. He testified there would be at least three contractors, of
which he is aware, who would be capable of completing this work. He did advise that the
demolition of the foundation could wait until the spring, provided any -danger to the
public is rectified.
13. In reply, Mr. Fu questioned whether plywood could be used to cover all of the openings
and thereby deny access to the structure to the public. He further questioned if he
removed the specific items that were worrying the City whether that would be
satisfactory leaving the additional work to be completed later. In response Mr. Crawford
expressed concern with respect to the glass in and around the building, the extent of the
security that could be provided by boarding up the property, and the ability or lack of
ability to, secure the roof.
14. Ruling
Section 190.02(1)(4) of the Municipalities Act provides that the Appeal Committee:
"may confirm, modify or rescind the notice [to comply] or extend
the time for complying with the notice."
15. The Committee has adopted provisions governing the procedure and operation of the
Saint John Substandard Property.Appeal Committee. Section H(5) states:
"H(5) the Appeal Committee shall when making its decision in an appeal
involving allegedly unsightly premises, give due consideration to the
(a) whether the items involved are enumerated in subsection 190.01(1) of
the Municipalities Act;
(b) the location from which the items involved are clearly visible;
(c) the location and use of the property;
(d) any representations and evidence presented in support of the notice that
is being appealed; and
(e) any representations and evidence presented by the appellant or his
16. No issue has been raised in this appeal with respect to the proper application of any by-
law, nor has any issue been taken with the fact that the structure on the property must be
demolished. The Appellant has not contended that there has been any violation or mis-
application of the Saint John Unsightly Premises and Dangerous Buildings By-Law in the
issuing of the Notice to Comply.
17. Section 190.01(1) of the Municipalities Act states:
"No person shall permit premises owned or occupied by him or her to be
unsightly by permitting to remain on any part of such premises
(a) any ashes, junk, rubbish or refuse,
(b) an accumulation of wood shavings, paper, sawdust or other residue
of production or construction,
(c) a derelict vehicle, equipment or machinery or the body or any part
of a vehicle, equipment or machinery, or
(d) a dilapidated building."
18. Section 190.01(2) of the Municipalities Act states:
"No person shall permit a building or structure owned or occupied by him
or her to become a hazard to the safety of the public by reason of
dilapidation or unsoundness of structural strength."
19. The Saint John Unsightly Premises and Dangerous Building By-Law, number M-30
adopts sections 190.001 to 190.07 of the Municipalities Act, c. M-22, as a By-Law.
20. The Appeal Committee is satisfied that the building located at 132 Lansdowne Avenue is
a dilapidated building within the meaning of Section 190.01(l)(d) of the Municipalities
Act and therefore By-Law Number M-30.
21. The photographs provided show that the location of the building is clearly visible to the
public and that the building is in close proximity to a neighbouring building.
22. The representations and evidence presented by the City of Saint John in support of the
Notice to Comply demonstrate a clear violation of the Saint John Unsightly Premises and
Dangerous Buildings By-Law No. M-30, and the building is considered by the Appeal
Committee to be dangerous in its current state. The Appeal Committee is sympathetic to
the Appellant who acquired this property only in late October of 2008. However, the
property was severely damaged at that time and the Appellant knew or ought to have
known it had to be demolished immediately for safety reasons.
23. - It is the opinion of the Appeal Committee that the Appellant has had adequate time and
opportunity to remedy the breach of the by-law by completing the demolition, at least to a
state that satisfies safety concerns. The Committee recognizes that the issue of an
extension of time relates to an extension of time subsequent to a formal Notice to Comply
being issued. The formal Notice to Comply in this case was issued on December 5, 2008,
following a dangerous building investigation being conducted on November 21, 2008 by
Pamela Bentley, P. Eng. and reviewed by David Crawford, P. Eng. on December 4, 2008.
The inspection report satisfies the Committee of the dangerous nature of the building and,
as sympathetic as the Appeal Committee may be to the position of the Appellant, it is the
decision of the Appeal Committee that the Notice to Comply must be and is hereby
24. The Appellant would be well advised to communicate directly with the officers at the
City of Saint John to ensure the work required is completed to the satisfaction of the
DATED at Saint John, New Brunswick this l day of February, 2009.
1 { c
132 Lansdowne Avenue, Saint John, NB
Page 1.
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222 Page 2
Saint John
Parking Commission
Commission sur
le stationnernent de Saint John
February 25, 20091
Mayor Ivan Court and
Members of Common Council
City of Saint John
8th Floor, City Hall
Saint John, NB
Mayor Court and Members of Common Council:
RE: Appointment of Peter Coax
Canadian Corps of Commissionaires
as a By-Law Enforcement Officer
11th Floor, City Hall, 11 ieme Etage, Hotel de Ville
P.O. Box 1971 / C.P. 1971
Saint John, N.B./N.-B, E21- 41-1
Tel I T61: (506) 658-2897
Fax / Tel®copieur, (506) 649-7938
E-mail / Courrie[: parking@saintjohn.ca
We are requesting that the following resolution be approved:
"Resolved that pursuant to Section 14 of the Police Act of the
Province of New Brunswick, the Common Council of the City of
Saint John does hereby appoint the following member of the
Canadian Corps of Commissionaires as By-Law Enforcement
Officer with the responsibility and authority to enforce provisions of
the Parking Meter By-Law and the provisions of Section 5, Section
7, Section 8(1), and Section 15 of the Saint John Traffic By-Law,
namely: Peter Cox.
And further, that this appointment shall continue until such time as
the appointee ceases to be a member of the Canadian Corps of
Commissionaires or until the appointment is rescinded by Common
Counci.L whichever comes first."
Yours truly,
Rich Td--J-Smith
Ge ral Manager