2009-01-05_Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jourCity of Saint John Common Council Meeting Monday, January 05, 2009 Committee of the Whole 1. Call to Order 5:00 p.m. Council Chamber Regular Meeting 1. Call to Order - Prayer 2. Approval of Minutes 2.1 Minutes of December 15, 2008 3. Adoption of Agenda 4. Disclosures of Conflict of Interest 5. Consent Agenda 5.1 Association R6gionale de la Communaute Francophone de Saint-Jean inc (ARC-f) Letter Regarding Le Cormoran Library and Samuel-de-Champlain Soccer Field (Recommendation: Refer to the City Manager) 5.2 Joan Pearce and Horst Sauerteig Request to Present Re: Brunswick Pipelines Emergency Response Plan (Recommendation: Refer to Clerk to Schedule and Refer to City Manager for Follow up with EMO and Emera Brunswick Pipeline Ltd) 53 Horst Sauerteig Letter Regarding Brunswick Pipeline's Emergency Response Plan (Recommendation: Receive for Information) 5.4 Amendment to 2008 Financing Agreement Between East Point and The City of Saint John (Recommendation in Report) 5.5 Multicultural Association of Saint John Inc Letter of Appreciation (Recommendation: Receive for Information) 5.6 Edward Farren Letter to Council Re: Port Authority Board Appointment (Recommendation: Refer to Nominating Committee) 5.7 Building By-law Amendment Repescting the Construction, Repair and Demolition of Buildings and Strictures in the City of Saint John (Recommendation in Report) 5.8 Barry Ogden Letter Re: Grade 12 History Class Historical Themes Project on Display at Regional Library (Recommendation: Receive for Information) 6. Members Comments 7. Proclamation 8. Delegations/ Presentations 9. Public Hearings 10. Consideration of By-laws 10.1 Third Reading Zoning By-Law - 1030 Dever Rd 10.2 Third Reading Zoning By-Law - 11-25 Sewell St. & 96-124 Station St. 103(a)(b) Third Reading Zoning By-Law with Section 39 Conditions - 2797 Loch Lomond Rd 11. Submissions by Council Members 11.1 Councillor Information Requests (Councillor Sullivan) (Tabled December 22, 2008 ) 11.2 Report on Industrial Expansion / Impact on Municipal Services (Councillor Farren) 113 Spring Pothole Repair Plan (Councillor Farren) 12. Business Matters - Municipal Officers 12.1 2009 Operating Budget - A Discussion With Council 12.2 Determining What's Best For Our Community 13. Committee Reports 14. Consideration of Issues Separated from Consent Agenda 15. General Correspondence 16. Adjournment 2 City of Saint John Seance du conseil communal Le lundi 5 janvier 2009 Comite plenier 1. Ouverture de la seance 17 h Salle du conseil Seance ordinaire 1. Ouverture de la seance, suivie de la priere 2. Approbation du proces-verbal 2.1 Proces-verbal de la seance tenue le 15 d6cembre 2008 3. Adoption de l'ordre du jour 4. Divulgations de conflits d'interets 5. Questions soumises a 1'approbation du conseil 5.1 Association r6gionale de la communaut6 francophone de Saint-Jean inc. (ARC-f) Lettre relative a la bibliotheque Le Cormoran et au terrain de soccer Samuel-de-Champlain (recommandation : transmettre au directeur general) 5.2 Joan Pearce et Horst Sauerteig voulant se presenter devant le conseil au sujet du plan d'intervention d'urgence visant Brunswick Pipeline (recommandation transmettre au greffier pour qu'une date de presentation soit fix6e et au directeur general aux fins de suivi avec 1'OGSU et Emera Brunswick Pipeline Ltd.) 53 Lettre revue de Horst Sauerteig au sujet du plan d'intervention d'urgence de Brunswick Pipeline (recommandation : accepter a titre informatif) 5.4 Lettre de remerciements revue de la Multicultural Association of Saint John Inc. (Association multiculturelle de Saint John) (recommandation : accepter a titre informatif) 5.5 Modification de la convention de financement de 2008 entre East Point et The City of Saint John (recommandation figurant au rapport) 5.6 Lettre adress6e au conseil par Edward Farren au sujet de la nomination au conseil de 1'Administration portuaire de Saint John (recommandation : transmettre au Comit6 des candidatures) 5.7 Modification de 1'Arret6 relatif a la constriction, a la reparation et a la demolition de batiments et de strictures dans The City of Saint John (recommandation figurant au rapport) 5.8 Lettre revue de Barry Ogden au sujet de 1'exposition a la bibliotheque r6gionale du projet de th6matiques historiques con~u par les 61eves du cours d'histoire de douzieme ann6e (recommandation : accepter a titre informatif) 6. Commentaires presentes par les membres 7. Proclamation 8. Delegations et presentations 9. Audiences publiques 10. Etude des arretes municipaux 10.1 Troisieme lecture de 1'Arret6 de zonage visant le 1030, chemin Dever 10.2 Troisieme lecture de 1'Arret6 de zonage visant les 11-25, nee Sewell et les 96-124, nee Station 10.3 Troisieme lecture de 1'Arret6 de zonage et des conditions pr6vues a Particle 39 visant le 2797 chemin Loch Lomond 11. Interventions des membres du conseil 11.1 Demande de renseignements de la part des conseillers (conseiller Sullivan) (report6 le 22 d6cembre 2008) 11.2 Rapport relatif aux incidences de 1'expansion industrielle sur les services municipaux (conseiller Farren) 11.3 Projet de reparation des aids-de-poule au printemps (conseiller Farren) 12. Affaires municipales evoquees par les fouctionnaires municipaux 12.1 Discussion avec le conseil sur le budget d'exploitation de 2009 12.2 Determination de ce qui est le mieux pour notre collectivit6 13. Rapports deposes par les comites 14. Etude des sujets ecartes des questions soumises a 1'approbation du conseil 15. Correspondance generale 16. Levee de la seance 94-186 COMM COLMUCONSOL CONNILAVAL DECEMBER 15,200&U 15 DECOVBRE 2008 COMMON COUNCIL MEEfING- THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN CITY HALL- DECE]BER 15, 2008 5:00 P.M present Ivan Court, Nkeyor Deputy Nbyor Chase and Councillors Court, Fanen, Men, Hggins, NLiGuire, Nbtt, SYiook, Sullivan, and Titus - and - T. Totten, City Nenager; J. Nugent, City Solicitor, C. Graham, CoVrdler, R Groovy, Comrissiaierof NLnicipal Cperations; K Fon-est, Comrissioner of Planning and Development; W EdAerds, Comrissioner of Bindings and Inspection Services; A Poffefroth, Deputy Comrissioner of Bindings and Inspection Services; R Woods, Deputy City Nbnager; A Beckett, Deputy City Nenager of Programs and Priorities; Bill Reid, Deputy Chief of Pdioe, B. Nbmson, C Tnsaaierof Leisure Services; E Gomiey, CaTmon Clerk and J. Taylor, Assistant Common Clerk SEANCE DU CONML COMMLP44L DE THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN A uHOTEL DE MLLE, LE 15 DECBVEW-2008 a 17 h Soft presents : Ivan Court, rraire le n-dre suppleant Chase et les conseillers Court, Farren, Men, Hggins, NLGuire, Mott, SYiook, Sullivan et Titus et T. Totten, drecteu- general; J. Nugent, avocat m nidpal; C. Graham, ocntrdeuse; R Groovy, oomrissaire aux operations n-Lnicipales; K Farest, oarrrissaire a I'urbarisme et au developpa ent; W Eckwds, oomrissaire aux services crinspection et des b5tinmr1s, A FlofFenroth, ocan issaire adjarrt aux services dinspection et des batimants; P. Woods, directeu- ger&al adjdrrt; A Beckett, directeu-generral adjant, progamffi et priorites; BII Reid, d-d de police a4cint; B. Nbmson, oamissaire auxServices des Idsirs aird que E Gormley, greffiere oarrn -de et J. Taylor, greffier cbrYrYl nal adjdrrt. Call To Order -Prayer Maya Court called the mmeting to order and Councillor Shook offered the opering prayer. Ouverture de la seance, suiAe de la priere La seance est ouverte par le n-dre Court, et le ocnseiller Shook redte la priere douverture. 2 Appraval of Mniultes Cn nmtion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Cou dllor Snook RESCLVED that the minutes of the meeting of Corrrnon Council, held on December 1, 2008 be approved. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 94-187 COMM COLMUCONSOL COMA AL DEC BVBER 8, 200&U 8 DECOVBRE 2008 Approbation du proses-verbal Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le Conseiller Snook RESCLU que le prooe&verbal de la seance du Conseil omTax al tenue le 1' decerrbre 2008 sat approuee. A Tissue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Approval of Agenda Cn motion of Ca,ncillor Titus Seconded by C uncillor McGuire RESCUED that the agenda of this meeting be approved \t& the addition of 8.4 l3uilcings and Inspection Services and 12.1 Neighbourhood Developrrent Funding Temps of Reference. Question being taken, the motion was carried Adoption de I'ordre du jour Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le Conseiller Mire RESCLU que I'ord-e du jour de la presehte seance sat approve, rroyennart I'lout des pants 8.4, Services dinspectioh et des lottimants et 12.1 Mmdat de finances rent de I'wbnnagenent du voisinage. A Tissue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 4. Disclosures of Conflict of Interest 4. Divulgations de conflits dinterets 5. Consent Agenda 5.1 That the request from Housing Alternatives to present to Ccuncil be referred to the Clerk to schedule. 5.2 That the tender for the establishment of a supply agreement for the provision of sand, gavel and aggregate be amrded to the West bidder for each of the items tendered, as indicated on the subrritted suYrrary. 5.3 That the tender submtted by HEwtt Raids Ltd., in the amount of $43,646.00 plus tax, for the supply of one 2007 Wicker Modd G125 trailer mailed toN behind mobile generator be accepted. 5.4 That the proposal submtted by AtlanticAlarm and Sound for the design, supply and installation of a video amitaing system at V\brks Facilities East and North in the amount of $54,735.00 plus tax, be accepted. 5.5 That the tenders for the establishment of supply agreeniffits for various chemicals used to treat the Otys potable %ater supply be awarded to the West bidder in each case, as fdlov: sodium hypochlodte and chlorine gas to NF Eco-Tech Inc and hydro FluosilidcaddtoAlpha Cherrical Ltd. 5.6 That the report dated Deoarber 11, 2008 entitled contract number 2008-18 Asphalt Resurfacing be received for infomi Lion. 5.7 That: 1. The expenditure of $30,837.00 + HST from the 2008 Leisure Services capital budget to construct the e>dt from the Harbor Station pairing lot be approved and that; 2. QM Construction be hired to complete this w* for $30,837.00 + HST. 94-188 COMM COLMUCONSOL COMML DECEMBER 15,200&U 15 DECOVBRE 2008 5.8 That the proposal call for the engagement of professional occupational n ecfical advisory services to assist the Return to V\brk Corrrrittee for local 18 Outside V\brkers be awarded to Mamer Disability Management Graff for a period of 2 years c mTcencing on May 1, 2008; and further that the Mayor and CmTn:)n Clerk be authaized to sign the necessary contract documents. Cn nmtion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESCLVED that the reocnTcendation set out for each consent agenda item respectively be adopted. Question being taken, the motion was carried 5. Qjestions sounises a I'approbation du conseil 5.1 Cue la lettre cle clawincle sc umise par Hausirg Alternatives, visant a faire we presentation clevant le Conseil, sat transn ise a la greffiere pax gUelle fixe une date cle presentaticn. 5.2 Cue la sc umission relative a 1'exeaution dune convention dapprovisiannerrent cle sable, cle g-avier et cle gran lat, presentee par le n-dr&disant, sat aaceptee clans chaque cas, cm7m I'indique le sorim-ire des so-missions presence. 5.3 Cue la sc umission presentee par HeWtt Rentals Ltd., au montant cle 43 646 taxes en sus, pour la fourriture duce gerreratrioe mobile sur remaque danrree 2007, maclde 6125 cle marque Wicker, sat aaceptee; 5.4 Cue la proposition presentee par Atlantic Alarmand Sox>d relative a la conception, a la fournituie et a l'installation dun system cle videosuvelllance auc installations Est et Nord cle V\brks, au montant cle 54 735 $ taxes en sus, sat acoeptee; 5.5 Cue Ies cortrats rdatifs a I'approvisiannenent cle divers produits chimiques utilises ax x fins cle traiteme-it cle I'eau potable m nicipele scient accordes au maims disant clans chaclue cas, oam-e suit : que le contrait relatif a l'hypodiorite cle sodium et au chlore gazeuc sat accorde a NF Eco-Tech Inc. et que le ocntrat relatif a I'acide hydro luosilidque sat acoorde a Alpha Chen ical Ltd. 5.6 Cue le rapport date du 11 deoen-bre 2008 intituie Resufapage dasphadte et portant le nurrero cle contrail 2008-18, sat aaoepte a titre info nitif. 5.7 Cue : 1. Le montant cle 30 837 $ + TVH du budget din n obilisations 2008 des Services des Ioisirs pour la construction cle la sortie du parc cle staitionnen-ent du Harbour Station sat accepte; 2. QM Construction sat engagee pour effectuer ce travail pax la sornrle cle 30 837 $ + TVH. 5.8 Cue I'appel doffre pax I'engagemmnt des services dun conseiller m§cical professionnel en milieu cle travail afin dassister le Conte cle reto r au travail des cols bleus cle la section locale 18 sat axoorde a Mw-ff Dsability Management Grail pour une periode cle cleux arcs a partir du 1e` . 2008; et que, le mre et le greffier wmT urral sciert autorises a sigier Ies clocu r ants ccntractuels necessaires. Proposition du omseiller Titus Appruyee par le omseiller McGJre RESCLU que Ies reouTrrendations fan-ulees relativerrent a chaa.n des points cle la section Questions sc umises a I'approbation du Conseil scent adoptees. A Tissue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 6. Members comr mats Council mmnbers corrnpnted cn various ocmT ,city events 94-189 COMM COLMUCONSOL CON ILA AL DEC BVBER 8,200&U 8 DECOVBRE 2008 6. Corrrrrentaires presentes par les membres Les mantres du conseil s'e #nmrt su- divemes activates ccriTarautaires. 7. Proclamation 7. Proclamation a Delegatio ns/Presentations all Association R§jonale de la CamiuYaute Francophone de Saint John inc. (ARGf) Referring to a subnitted report, Mdnd Cate, General Director of Association Rego Bile de la Conmxraute fanc Jxm de Saint John inc. (AF", made a request for funding from The City of Saint John to assist with the construction of a soccer field at Sanid de Chan-pain school and request for funding in the arTwrt of $15,000.00 for the Le Cormcrran Public Library. )n motion of Councillor Sullivan Seconded by Deputy Mayor Chasse RESCLVEDthat Comnhorr Council suspend item #10.7 of Ca,ncil's procedural by-laNfor this item Question being taken, the auction was carried Cn motion of Councillor Sullivan Seconded by Cou cillor Farren RESCLVEDthat Comma Council send a letter to the New DtnsWck Mnister of Education supporting the irrprovematts to the sports field at San-Lid de Charrplaan sdnool. Question being taken, the auction was carried Cn motion of Councillor Sullivan Seconded by Cou cillor Nllen RESCLVED that the request for support for irrprovemants to the sports field at Sa ruel de Chan-pain school be referred to the Leisure Services Advisory Corrrrittee. Question being taken, the auction was carried Cn motion of Caxhc iillor Farren Seconded by Cou cillor Snook RESCLVED that the request for $15,000.00 in fuXfing from Mdhel Cote, General Director of Association Regonale de la Camnxnaate franoophane de Saint John Inc (ARC f), for Le Caman Public Library, be referred to bu clget deliberations. Question being taken, the auction was carried a Delegations et presentations all Association R§jonale de la CamiuYaute Francophone de Saint John Inc. (ARGf) En faasant reference a urn rapport scums, Mdnd Cote, cirecteur gbnbrai de I'Association Regionale de la Conmxhaute FraxgJx ne de Saint John Inc. (AF", fast we clanande de firm xaTernt a The City of Saint John pour adder a la ca istwdion dun terrain de football a 1'ecole Samad-de-Chain et denr3nde u n finahcerrant de 15 000 $ pour la bibliotheque pu blique Le Ccrr mm. Proposition du oonseiller Sullivan Appu yee par le mire su ppleart Chase RESCLU que le ccnseil comTurral suspende le part 10.7 de 1'anh?te du Conseil relatif au reglemant irterieur. A Tissue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 94-190 COMM COLMUCONSOL COMAVAL DECEMBER 15,200&U 15 DECOVBRE 2008 Proposition du connseiller Sullivan Appuyee par le conseiller Farren RESCLU que le ocnsal om7 n i-d envae une lettre au ninistre de I'Llucation du Nouveau-Bums ck relative ax ameliorations apportbes au terrain sportif de I'ecole Sarrud-cleOw plain. A Tissue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Proposition du conseiller Sullivan Appuyee par le conseiller Nllen RESCLU que la derreinde chide ax ameliorations apportees au terrain sportif de I'ecole Sarrud-cleOw plain sat revise aU Conte ocnsultatif des services des Ioisirs. A Tissue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Proposition du conseiller Farren Appuyee par le conseiller Snook RESCLU que la dare rde de fina ma ent de 15 000 $ de Md-d Cote, cirecteur general de I'Association Regionale de la Comnx>aute Franoophone de Saint John Inc. (AF", pour la bibliotheque publique Le Comman, sat scumse aux deliberations bucWaires. A Tissue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. a2 Saint John Cherry Brook Zoo Referring to a sulm itted presentation, Lynn Srith, Chair of the board of trustees for the Cherry Book Zoo, and Lynda Coldn, Executive Director, updated Council with respect to the services offered by the Zoo and r nade a request for funding from The City of Saint John. Cn motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Caxrdllor McGuire RESCLVED that Com iron Council suspend item 10.7 of Council's procedural by-laNfor this item Question being taken, the notion was carried )n motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Caxrdllor Farren RESCLVED that the request for funding from the Cherry Brook Zoo be referred to budget deliberations. Question being taken, the notion was camed with Councillors NlIen and Sullivan voting nay. Cn motion of Councillor McGuire Seconded by Councillor Court RESCLVED that Council send a letter to the Regional Facilities Corrrrission requesting finandal support for the Cherry Brook Zoo; and further that the Mayor hold discussions with outlying c onTr pities and also with Bu nsWck Pipeline with respect to funding for the Zoo. Question being taken, the notion was carried a2 Zoo Cherry Brook de Saint John Faisant reference a une presentation soanise, Lynn Srith, presidente du conseil dadrrinistration du zoo Cherry Brook, et Lynda Cdrin, directrice ger>erde, presertent aU Conseil les services offarts par le zoo et fait une clam xle de fina ma ent de The City of Saint John. Proposition du eonseiller Titus Appcyee par le conseiller McGuire RESCLU que le conseil oomna1 suspende le part 10.7 de I'an-6te du Conseil relatif aU reglerrent irterieur. A Tissue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 94-191 COMM COLMUCONSOL COMML DEC BVBER 8, 200&U 8 DECOVBRE 2008 Proposition du conseiller Titus Appcyee par le conseiller Fan-en RESCLU que la dwande de f nanoa ent du zoo Cherry Brook sat scup ise aux deliberations Icudgetaires. A I'issue clu vote, la proposition est adoptee. Les eonseillers Killen et Sullivan votent contre la proposition. Proposition clu eonseiller Nth ire Appuyee par le conseiller Court RESCLU que le Conseil envoie one lettre a la Camissio n des installations regiordes dwandant un seutien financier pour le zoo Cherry Brook; et que le n-dre ciseute aver les banlieues peripherigr,res et egalement avec Bu-snick Rpeline eonoerrnant le fina mernent du zoo. A I'issue clu vote, la proposition est adoptee. a3 Integrated Sustainability Ran Referring to a subrritted presentation, Kim Graham, Nbnager of Programs and Priorities and Holly MJVbckin, Planner for Dillon Caulting United, updated Couxil v& respect to the Integrated Sustainability Ran for The City of Saint John. Cn motion of Deputy Nbyor Chase Seconded by C urn l for Mott RESCL\ED that Comm Council approve the Integrated Cam-.pity Sustainability Ran as detailed in the sr bn itted report dated Noverrber 2008; and further Camm Council recognize the Corr mtrrent and effort of the conTanity stakeholders in developing the Integrated Cam-.pity Sustainability Ran. Question being taken, the mmtion ves carried a3 Ran de viabilM integt Faisart reference a une presentation, Kim QJw chargbe des programmes et des priaites et Holly MdVbcldn, urbaniste cle Dillon Cain lting United, presentent au Conseil le plan de via Iite integre pour The City of Saint John. Proposition du moire suppleant Chase Appuyee par le conseiller Mott RESCLU que le censeil cam anal approuve le plan de via Iite integre de la odlectivite come it est detaille clans le rapport sour is date de noven-bre 2008; et que le eonseil c cnmtr>a1 recornaisse 1'engagennant et les efforts des intervenants cle la odlectivite clans le developperrrent de oe plan. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. a4 &.ilcing and Inspection Services Referring to a sulmitted report, B EJAards, and A. Fbffenroth, updated Council v& respect to the Bolding and Inspection Services 2009 proposed budget. a4 Services d'inspection et des Miments Faisart reference a un rapport depose anterieurerre t, B. Edvarcls et A. Fbffenroth presentent au Conseil le budget propose pour I'a mbe 2009 relatif aux Services dinspection et des batirrents. Public Hearings 7:00 P.M Audiences publiques a 19 h 10 94-192 COMM COLMUCONSOL CONNLAVAL DECEMBER 15,200&U 15 DECOVBt;E 2008 10. Consideration of Byaao s 10.1 Proposed Nkrricipal Ran Aman dment Peel Raza Project Cn nmtidn of Councillor Fan-en Seconded by Councillor Titus RESCLVEDthd the proposed Unicipal Plan By- laAvAma-dmmnt regarding the Peel Plaza Prqect be referred to the Planning AcIvisory Corr-nittee for a report and reeor nB-dation and the necessary advertising be authorized v& a Public Hearing to be held on February 2, 2009 at 7.00 p.m in the Council Chamber. Question being taken, the motion w?s carried 10. nude des antes n s icipaux 10.1 Projet de modification du plan nmicipal Asant la place Peel Preposition du oonseiller Farrel Appuyee par le oonseiller Titus RESCLU que le prqet de macification du plan m_niapal visait le prget de la place Peel sat transmis au Comte consr ltatif durbanis m en we de 1'etablissemant dun rapport et de la presentation de recomTendations, que la publication des avis e)agbs sat autorisee et qu'une audience pr blique sat fixee au 2 f&Aer 2009, a 19 h, clans la salle du censeil. A Tissue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 10.2 Proposed Nkrricipal Ran Amendment 14 McLaugHin Crescent Cn arotion of Councillor Faffen Seconded by Councillor Titus RESCLVED that the proposed Unicipal Pan By- ladvAma-dmmnt regarding 14 McLaughlin Crescent be referred to the Panning Advisory Comrittee for a report and reeorrrTB-elation and the necessary advertising be authorized v& a Public Hearing to be held on January 19, 2009 at 7:00 p.m in the Council Chamber. Question being taken, the motion w?s carried 10.2 Projet de modification du plan nwicipal Asant le 14, croissant McLaugrrlin Preposition du oonseiller Farrel Appuyee par le oonseiller Titus RESCLU que le prqet de macification du plan m_niapal visait le 14, croissant Mc;l-augHin sat transn is au Conte consultatif durbarisrre en we de 1'etablissemant dun rapport et de la presentation de recomTendations, que la publication des avis e)agbs sat autorisee et qu'une audience pr blique sat fixee au 19janvier 2009, a 19 h, clans la salle du censeil. A Tissue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 11. StbnissionsbyCounciI Members 11. later er tions des men ores du c onseil 12 Business Matters - Nknicipal CIffic ers 121 Neighbouiiood Development Funding-Terms of R4emrice Cn mmtion of Ca ndllor Shcivan Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESCLVED that Common Council approve the revised Tenrs of Reference for the Neighbourhood DeveloMBI graft funding program as sr bmitted and fuiher that an increase in funding from $150,000 to $175,000 be considered for the 2009 budget year. Question being taken, the motion was carried 11 94-193 COMMON COLMUCONSOL CON ILA AL DEC BVBER 8, 200&U 8 DECOVBRE 2008 12 Affaires nuiicipales evoquees par les forctionnaires nis icipaux 121 Mlandat de financenrerrt de I'anr mgemarrt du vasinage Proposition du oonseiller Sullivan Appuyee par le ocnseiller Mire RESCLU que le ocnseil comunal approuve le nvr dat revise pour le prograrrme de financerrent de l'arrb-iagen-ent du vasinage tel gu'il est presente et gUune augmaitation du financenEnt de 150 000 $ a 175 000 $ sat ocnsideree pax 1'exercioe 2009. A Tissue du vote, la proposition est adcptee. 13. Camittee Reports 13.1 Peviewof RDddential Parking and Show lRenm al Study of Saint John Central Peninsula Cn motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Ccuncillor McGuire RESCL\ED that: 1) The su rotted proposal for the Central Peninsula be camed out to revisit and propose appropriate revisions to the current residential par4dng and srxrw ra7mal plan; and 2) Hardy Stevaison and Associates be awarded the contract to carry out this update of its previous %ork at an estimated cost of up to $20, 000, W ich vmld be paid for by the Sant John Pai4 ng Conrrission. Question being taken, the notion was carried 13. Rapports deposers par les conites 13.1 Examen de I'etude sur le statiomenrerrt residentiel et le deneigenrent dans la penirisle centrale de Saint John Proposition du conseiller Titus Appxyee par le conseiller Mire RESCLU que : 1) La proposition sourrise pour la peninsue centrale sat rise en came afin de cons cibrer de nouveau des revisions et de proposer oelles qu scnt appropriees alu plan de stationnennent residentiel et de deneigerrent actuel; et 2) Le centrat sat accorde a Hardy Stevenson and Associates efin deffectuer la nise a jour de son travail prececlent a ui oaat estin b de plus de 20 000 qu sera page par la Comrission su- le statiornaTal de Saint John. A Tissue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 13.2 Peel Raza Update Cn motion of Camcillor Farren Seconded by Ca.ncillor McGuire RESCL\/ED that report dated Decerrbe' 8, 2008 entitled Peel Reza Update be received for infom-Ertion. Question being taken, the notion ves carried 13.2 Mise a jour de la place Peel Proposition du conseiller Farren Appxyee par le conseiller McGuire RESCLU que le rapport date du 8 decarbre 2008 intitule Mse ti jour de la Pace Feel sat reru a titre inform tif. A Tissue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 14. Consideration of Issues Separated from Consent Agenda 14. nude des sujets ecartes des questions sounises a I'approbation du conseil 12 94-194 COMM COLMUCONSOL COMAVAL DECEMBER 15,200&U 15 DECOVBRE 2008 15. General Correspondence 15. Convspondance generale 16. Adjournment The Nfyor dedared the rreeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m 16. Le 6e de la seance Le rraire dedare que la sea-o-- est lee a 21 h 25. Nbyor/n-dre Corrn-cn ClerWgeffiere owmrde 13 A.1 C (Ass,()ciat-i,on ri );a l die I. i Saint John, December 18, 2008 Mr. Ivan Court, Mayor and Council City of Saint John 15 Market Square P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB, E21- 4L 1 Dear Mr. Mayor and Council, I would like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to present our cases to the municipal council on December 15, 2008. I am confident that you will seriously consider our requests regarding the soccer field at the Samuel-de-Champlain community centre, Le Cormoran Library, as well as a possible partnership between our association and the City of Saint John. At the time of my presentation, I had not yet received a response from the Department of Education regarding the fiinds requested for restoring the soccer field at the Samuel-de- Champlain community centre. This morning, I received news that the Department of Education has earmarked $50,000 for us so that we can carry out this improvement. However, we were not granted any money for equipment. Therefore, we would like to ask the City of Saint John to oversee putting up a fence around the soccer field (similar to the one at the soccer fields in Millidgeville North School) as well as two stands for the many spectators who will attend the 2010 Finale des Jeux de 1'Acadie. If the City does not have the equipment or expertise available for this, a private company could certainly carry out the work for around $45,000. We believe that a fence would be necessary to protect the $50,000 investment from the Department of Education and keep the field in an excellent condition, comparable to those at the Millidgeville North School, for our students and Saint John residents. During the Le Cormoran Library presentation, I was asked a few questions for which I did not have answers. The following will answer most of these questions. 14 Le Cormoran Library offers at all times service in English and French to its members depending on their choice. Some of the members include: - parents of children in immersion who need help finding information, - parents and children who come to participate in the various activities, such as story time and the reading club, - adults learning French and need French-language resources to practice, but are not yet comfortable enough to speak French, - UNBSJ students taking French courses, - other Anglophone members who live near Le Cormoran Library and who use it to return books from other libraries, to access the computers, or to reserve books from other libraries in the region or in the province, - certain teachers who work in the French immersion programs, as well as all Saint John residents who wish to access a vast number of French-language references. In addition, the three other libraries in Saint John refer members who have French-language needs that they can't meet to Le Cormoran Library. Brunswick Square Library even has a poster directing their members to our library. During the ?007-?008 year, the library had 24,481 documents on loan. Although it is not possible to distinguish which of those were loaned out to the community, we estimate that the figure is around 35%, that is over 8,700 loans. The library's members consist of 995 adults and 628 young people. To answer another question that was asked, please note that 36% of students attending the Centre Scolaire Samuel-de-Champlain are from the Kennebecasis Valley. Le Cormoran Library is proud to take on the role of leader in terms of French-language literature in Saint John and it intends to continue in its role as public library in the coming years. We therefore request your financial support to improve our frurniture and to be able to continue offering quality service in a pleasant environment. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, Michel C6te Executive Director Association R6gionale de la Communaute francophone de Saint-Jean inc. 15 1 DL SAGJ I r Association Wgionale de la Communaute francophone de Saint-Jean inc. Saint John, le 18 decembre 2008. Monsieur Ivan Court, Maire et Conseil Ville de Saint John 15 Market Square C.P. 1971 Saint John, N.B., E2L 4L1 Monsieur le maire et Conseil, Premierement, j'aimerais vows remercier de m'avoir donne l'opportunite de presenter nos dossiers au conseil municipal, le 15 decembre dernier. Je suis confiant que vows allez considerer serieusement nos quelques demandes concernant le terrain de soccer du centre communautaire Samuel-de-Champlain, la bibliotheque Le Cormoran ainsi qu'un partenariat possible entre notre Association et la ville de Saint John. Premierement, au moment de vous faire ma presentation je n'avais pas encore requ de reponse du ministere de 1'Education au sujet des fonds demandes pour le rafraichissement du terrain de soccer a. Samuel-de-Champlain. Ce matin j'ai eu Pheureuse nouvelle que le ministere de 1'Education nous a reserve 50 000$ pour que Pon puisse effectuer cette amelioration. Cependant aueune Somme nous a ete allouee pour 1'equipement. En ce sens nous aimerions demander a la ville de Saint John de s'occuper d'installer une cloture autour du terrain de soccer (cloture qui pourrait titre semblable a celle des terrains de soccer de 1'ecole Millidgeville north) ainsi que deux estrades pour les nombreux spectatcurs qui assisteront a la finale des jeux de 1'Acadie de 2010. Si la ville n'a pas 1e materiel ou Pexpertise disponible pour faire ce travail, une compagnie privee pourrait certainement faire ce travail pour environ 45 000$. Nous croyons qu'une cloture serait necessaire pour proteger Pinvestissement de 50 000$ que le ministere de 1'tducation fera et ainsi pouvoir conserver un terrain d'une excellente qualite comparable a ceux de Millidgeville North pour nos eleves et nos citoyens de Saint John. Deuxiemement, lors de la presentation de la Bibliotheque Le Cormoran,quelques questions m'ont ete posees et pour lesquelles je n avais pas les reponses. Voici done quelques enonces qui repondront a la plupart de ces questions. 16 La Bibliotheque Le Cormoran offre en tout temps un service en frangais ou en anglais a ses usagers selon leur choix. Parmi ceux-ci nous avons: - les parents d'enfants en immersion qui ont besoin d'aide pour trouver de Finformation; - les parents et enfants qui viennent participer aux differentes activite's dont le temps du conre et le club de lecture; - les adultes qui apprennent le frangais qui ont besoin de ressources en francais pour pratiquer, mais qui ne sont pas encore confortables pour le parler; - les etudiants de UNBSJ qui prennent des cours en franoais; - les autres clients anglophones qui habitent A proximite de la bibliotheque Le Cormoran et qui s'en servent pour faire leurs retours des autres bibliotheques, pour acceder aux ordinateurs ou pour reserver des livres venant d' autres bibliotheques dans la region ou Bans la province; - certains enseignants qui travaillent au niveau des programmes de Frangais Immersion; tous les citoyens de Saint John qui desirent acceder a une multitude de references francophones. D'ailleurs les trois autres bibliotheques de Saint John referent leurs clients qui ont des besoins qu'ils ne peuvent satisfaire en franrais a la Bibliotheque Le Cormoran. La Bibliotheque du Brunswick Square a meme une affiche a cet effet qui dirige ses clients vers notre bibliotheque. La bibliotheque a prete 24 481 documents durant Fannee 2007-2008. Bien qu'il soft impossible de distinguer parmi ceux-ei ceux qui ont ete pretes a la communaute, nous estimons que cela se situe environ a 35% done plus de 8 700 prets. La clientele de la bibliotheque compte 995 abonnes adultes et 628 abonnes jeunesse. Egalement pour repondre a une autre question qui avait ete posee, veuiilez prendre notre que 36 % des etudiants qui frequentent le centre scolaire Samuel-de-Champlain proviennent de la vallec Kennebacasis. La bibliotheque Le Cormoran est fere de jouer le role de leader pour ce qui est de la litterature en frangais a Saint John et a l'intention de continuer cc role comme bibliotheque publique pour les annees a venir. C'est pourquoi nous vows demandons votre appu financier pour ameliorer notre mobilier et pouvoir continuer a offrir un service de qualite dans un environnement des plus agreable. Merei de votre comprehension Sincerement votre j,"M Michel Cote Directeur general, Association Regionale de la Communaute francophone de Saint-Jean inc. 17 352 Pelton Road Saint John, NB, E2K 51-17 December 30, 2008 Mayor Court and Councillors, We are writing on behalf of several intervenors in the National Energy Board (NEB) Hearings in November of 2006 regarding Brunswick Pipeline (BPLC) operations in the city, to request a time when outstanding concerns related to the pipeline may be presented to the Mayor and Councillors during a public council meeting. Horst Sauerteig and Joan Pearce have been asked to speak on behalf ofthis group. There is some urgency to this request because the BPLC has submitted to the NEB the Final Draft of its Emergency Response Plan (ERP) for approval. This ERP has not been made public, and we feel that Common Council should consider this fact, be aware of the concerns of those who have seen the document and cause necessary changes to be made before it is approved by the NEB. There are two broad areas of concern which would be addressed at this public presentation, (1) the daily monitoring of the urban Right of Way (RoW) and (2) aspects of the Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan. (1) Despite numerous assertions made by the BPLC that the pipeline would be monitored on a daily basis, the promise has gone from a daily foot patrol of the urban RoW to a foot patrol `where applicable', to a daily patrolling from a vehicle of only those sections of the RoW which can be accessed by car (approx. 15% of the urban RoW), to an aerial surveillance several times a week and finally to a once weekly aerial surveillance. Questions might be asked: From 2006 to October 2, 2008 BPLC repeatedly undertook to patrol the urban RoW of the pipeline "on a daily basis by vehicle and/or by foot". What happened after October 2, 2008 to change this commitment? Why was it changed? The maintenance of the RoW is the responsibility of the BPLC. If there is vandalism, ATV damage and any other kind of damage along the RoW, has the city guarantees that the cost to remedy such damages, which would be reduced by a daily patrolling of the RoW, is not downloaded to the city taxpayers? Does the BPLC, provided it does not undertake a daily patrol of the urban RoW, pay for such patrolling by the police, by a private security company or by other means of monitoring and surveillance? How does the BPLC intend to comply with the NEB's requirement in its April 24, 2002 letter in respect to terrorist attacks within the boundaries of the city to "provide for the protection of the environment and the safety of the public..." if the urban RoW is not being patrolled in its full length on a daily basis? 18 (2) The Brunswick pipeline will soon be completed and the public has yet to be provided with any specific information on how to act in case of a pipeline emergency. BPLC has mailed or is about to mail a pamphlet to households within the 800m Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) which does not tell them how they will be informed when an emergency exists and how to react. The pamphlet says that "the specific response plan will be communicated to you at the time of the emergency". It is our opinion that these instructions have to be in place before an emergency occurs. Have councillors seen the Final Draft of the BPLC's ERP? It has two charts, 02/02 and 02/03 in the ERP, both titled "Field Emergency Response Team Structure". 02/02 shows the local team's assignments. It calls for an Operations Section Chief (who resides in and works out of Fredericton) and 6 "Leaders" positions. Since only 5 technicians are working out of Saint John they can not fill the 6 leader positions, and there is nobody they can 'lead'. Since they work along the 145km Brunswick Pipeline and the 62km SJLateral, only one or two might be in the vicinity of Saint John when an emergency occurs. This whole chart is totally unrealistic, and the second one, 02/03, seems to have been borrowed from another ERP. Here the Deputy ICs are located in Houston and in Waltham, far removed from the Saint John scene. Where on these charts are the local First responders located? They are the ones who respond to any emergency, including pipeline emergencies! Going back to the BPLC mail-out, how are the residents within the EPZ being informed of an emergency? Certainly, again, the BPLC does not have the man- power to fulfill this task, certainly not during an emergency! On the other hand, whereas the SJLateral is routed through urban Saint John and in operation since 2000, did the M&NP, its operators, promote a single ERP which would integrate and allot tasks to the M&NP and to the First Responders? Does such a document exist in a clear and unambiguous form, signed and sealed by all concerned? And will the BPLC "adopt and augment as necessary these M&NP policies, programs and manuals", as stated in BPLC's Application to the NEB? And does this document outline a professional, instantaneous and well- rehearsed response to any pipeline emergency? These are only a few examples of questions we would be asking. We hope that a time might be available shortly for us to meet with Common Council. Thank you. Joa Pearce Horst Sauerteig 19 HORST AUERT'EIG December 21, 2008 Re»; Brunswick Pipeline Company's Find Draft of its Emergency Response Plan (EPR) To His Worship the Mayor and Councillors, Attached please find a copy of my letter to the rational Energy Board (NEB) on. the above subject. I take the liberty to copy you because I consider a realistic EPR: to be an. absolute necessity considering that this pipeline has been routed through densely populated areas of our city, and considering that the proclamation of the city being an Energy Hub might attract the attention of terrorists, which makes a realistic preparation for any kind of pipeline emergency just plain good sense. I would like to also draw your attention to the 16 inch high-pressure Saint John Lateral pipeline which also is routed through the city. In an October 2008 flyer of the Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline (M&.NP), the operators of this line (as well as the future operators of the Brunswick Pipeline) tell residents within the 300 m Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) that in the event of a pipeline emergency they will be advised what actions and precautions to take. I suggest that when an emergency is in progress it is too late to inform these residents what precautions to take. The Brunswick Pipeline Co. has similar advice for the residents of the 800 m EPZ of the Brunswick Pipeline. Respectfully, (H.'Sauerteig) Attached. Copy of my Dec. 21/08 letter to the NEB Copy of the M&NP flyer to EPZ residents 20 December 21, 2008 To the National Energy Board (NEB) Att.: Ms. Claudine Dutil-Barrv, Secretarv of the Board Re. Ernera Brunswick Pipeline Company Ltd. (BPLC) Certificate GC-1 10, Condition 18. Emergency Procedures Manual (EPM) Dear Ms. Dutil-Barry, The above Condition 1.8 requires the BPLC to prepare and file with the NEB an EPM. It refers for the preparation of this EPM to NEB's letter dated April 24, 2002 entitled "Security and Emergency Preparedness Programs". This letter refers to the OPR-99 and contains detailed requirements for an EPM by companies like the BPLC. As a member of the Saint John Community Liaison Committee I have been provided with a copy of the "Final Draft of the Brunswick Pipeline Emergency Response Plan (ERP)" which, I understand, has been submitted to the NEB for approval. Whereas Condition 18 requires filing of such a plan 60 days prior to the cornmencement of operations, i.e. the transport of natural gas to the USA, and whereas the LNG Terminal will not be ready for shipment ofregasifred natural gas in this Brunswick Pipeline any time soon there is still time to require the BPLC to make changes to their Final Draft in order to reflect the real situation as it exists in Saint John and which is not considered in the BPLC's ERP. I submitted my concerns about this Final Draft to the BPLC and as a result 2 meetings were arranged with Mr. Langille who is the Planning and Public Awareness Coordinator for Maritime & Northeast Pipeline (M&NP), the company which will operate and maintain the Brunswick pipeline under contract with the BPLC. This company also provides since 2000 the same services for the Saint John Lateral (SJLateral) pipeline. These meetings have not been too productive, mainly because of Mr. Langille's reluctance to provide written information; but verbally he stated that the full complement of technicians scheduled for the operation and maintenance of both the 145 km long Brunswick pipeline and the 62 km long SJLateral pipeline on a 24/7 basis would be 5 technicians stationed in Saint John plus one in Moncton and one in Fredericton, and that the respective staff, himself included, would not be stationed and would not reside in Saint John. Of the 5 technicians working out of Saint John 3 have been recently hired for the Brunswick Pipeline, which leaves 2 technicians working out of Saint John with pipeline experience, and they are without a local supervisor. 21 1) If this situation is compared with the charts 02/02 and 02103 in BPLC's Final Draft, bath titled "Field Emergency Response Team Structure", this whole plan of a response to a pipeline incident in Saint John becomes unrealistic. 02/03 with the subtitle "Spectra Energy Transmission Regional Crisis Management Team Structure" seems to have been borrowed from another emergency plan; its two Deputy ICs are located in Houston, Texas and Waltham, MA respectively. I was not informed about the location of the Commander (IC). Wherever in the USA lie may be stationed, I as a member of the Liaison Conirnittee representing the citizens of Saint John am interested in the plans for a response to a pipeline emergency in Saint John. In. BPLC's ERP the chart for this local response is 02/02 "Local Field Emergency Response Teagn Assignments". It shows a `Regional CMT Deputy Incident Commander" who is located in Waltham, MA and who confirms the level of an alert, apparently based on electronically received information from the `Operation Section Chief (CSC) who is located in Fredericton NB (70 minutes j,R distant from Saint John by car) and who, presumably also by electronic means, declares an initial level of alert, oversees (r) public and responder safety, oversees on-site response, etc., whilst he or she might be anywhere along the 115 km. Brunswick or the 62 km SJLateral pipeline, but not in Saint John. It is not clear who would give to this distant OSC (electronically) the information upon which his or her decisions would be based. Various estimates by BPLC for the time lapse between the onset of an emergency and the fist M&NP technician arriving at the site in Saint John differ from 30 to over 60 minutes, which in any case is past the critical "first 30 minutes" of an emergency. The OSC either gets professional information too late or gets information earlier but from someone who has no training in evaluating what kind of a pipeline emergency is occurring. This might compromise the OSC's evaluation of the situation which, in turn, might result in the wrong decision on how to response. But assuming the OSC get electronically a correct report of the emergency, what happens next? Still only one technician would be on the site to whorn the OSC could give orders, and still the OSC cannot `oversee' public and responder safety or other on-site responses, being 100 km away. Even if one or two more technicians eventually show up at the scene it would not make any difference. Chart 02/02 shows below the OSC position 6 `leader' positions which can not be filled by the S local technicians, even if all of them could be rounded up eventually. And there would be absolutely nobody they could `lead'.. In reality personnel of the Saint John Police- and Fire Departments will be on the scene within minutes, alerted by the public or by 911. A revised. ERP would require that these men and women must all have the proper training how to respond in the "first critical 30 minutes" of a pipeline emergency. They have the equipment to respond to any given situation, which in most cases the M&NP technicians do not have, and than the local Emergency Measures Organization, (EMO) will come into play as required, all according to a revised ERP which would allot specific tasks to the different local. First Responders, an ERP which had been agreed upon and signed and sealed by the BPLC (or the M&NP) and all the First Responders. They would all be stationed in Saint John, well trained and ready to respond in a professional way before an emergency actually happens. I see the 22 M&NP technician(s) as adviser(s). No BPLC personnel exist for them to lead, and the local First Responders have their own leaders, commanders or chiefs, as the case may be. .As I demonstrate above, the BPLC's ERP in its Final Draft form does not take into account the local reality. In guy opinion a dangerous situation will be created for the residents of Saint John if it is approved without major changes. 1 furthermore consider it important that arrangements between the BPLC and all the First Responders be finalized and documented before an emergency occurs, that these mutual support contracts have to be made part of the ERP in order to be known to all concerned, and last not least that a system to notify the residents within the 800m Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) of an emergency has to be in place before an incident happens, to inform the residents on what to do in a given situation. In order to react properly they also have to have information. on the type of an emergency in progress. They should even know the location of the nearest evacuation centre. NEB's letter of April 24, 2002 makes this task the responsibility of the BPLC (or the M&NP). In case it is subcontracted to another party it should be done by means of a written contract which should also become part of the ERP. I hope that 1 made a case for the revision of the Final Draft of the Saint John. ERP. 1 am wondering if a locally tailored ERP does not already exist. The BPLC in its Application of May 2006 in "Table 5-6: NEB (.inshore Pipeline Regulations (1999) Compliance Checklist" (on page 51) status repeatedly: "Emera Brunswick Pipeline Company will adopt and augment as necessary &NP policies, programs and manuals". These M&NP manuals refer, I suppose, among others to the EPM for the SJLateral, in particular to the urban section of it. Because the &NP had. only 2 technicians (plus the supervisor in Fredericton) for the SJLateral, contracts between the M&NP and the local First Responders should be similar to what I suggest above and be on file with the NEB as part of the EPM for the SJLateral, which is operating since 2000. Consequently NEB audits, inspections or other regulatory activities, as required on page 10 of NEB's April 24, 2002 letter, will have been made and be on file with the NEB. They could be used as guides for a realistic Final Draft of the BPLC's ERP. However, should such manuals and the EPM for the SJLateral not reflect the local situation as described above, they should be updated post-haste before shortcomings or omissions in this EPM become problems during an emergency along the urban. section of the SJLateral with devastating results to the environment, to the residents within the EPZ and beyond. Respectfully, Original Signed By H. SAIJERTEIG (H. Sauerteig) cc: His Worship the Mayor and Councillors of Saint John Mr. Robin McAdam, President of BPLC, Halifax 23 26 Allscn Blvd. 'M nes ° Fredericton, New Brunswick EX 2N3 1 Ph: 5064624800 Toll Free: 1-888-462-480D east I-NO-444-6677 (2A }fir Call Were You Dig) o Pipeline October, 2008 Dear EPZ Resident Maritimes and Northeast Pipeline (M&NP) is a natural gas transmission pipeline, regulated by the National Energy Board (NEB). M&NP transports natural gas from energy developments offshore to Atlantic Canada and the northeastem United States. The pipelines are designed, built and operated to standards that meet or exceed National "e=nergy Board (NEB) requirements. M&NP employees receive fegular training to operate and maintain our pipeline systems to transport natural gas In a manner that is safe for the general public. Your residence has been Identified as being wiihln an Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ). The EPZ Is the area where public protection activilles YAI be conducted to ensure safety In the event of a pipeline emergency. In your community, the EPZ area Is 300 meters from each side of the pipeline, M&NP employees frequently conduct training sessions with provincial and regional Emergency Measures Organizations, municipal police, fire departments and the police to prepare them to assist in a pipeline emergency situation. Daring mock emergency sessions, participants train to the WISIP's Emergency Response Plan (ERP). The ERP outlines the steps WNP will follow should a pipeline emergency occur. Public safety Is our highest priority. In the event of a pipeline emergency the local community authority will contact all residents who could potentially be affected by a natural gas leak and advise you of the actions or precautions to take. Residents may be asked to stay indoors until the situation Is under control or to possibly evacuate your residence. What to doff vou-sus ct a ralraeline leak, Notify MwItlm & Nodheast Pipeline immedtatety at'1 77 so the leak can be varefietl and, if necessary, corrective measures hiken. If the pipeline company Is not known, call 911 or contact your local fire, police or RCMP detachment and advise them of the location and nature of the situation. If necessary, the only way the M&NP emergency response team or local community authority can contact EPZ rssldeW ls'by utillAng our EPZ resident database. It i's therefore of great importance that this Information be kept current. If the mailing address or ownership of this property has changed please let us know by contacting adbennett(MaDectcaeneray.com. If you would like addlilond Irftmation or would prefer a visit from a company representative please contact the undersigned. M&NP appreciate Your cooperation in this regard and thank you for your assistance. Yours truly, Marldmes & Northeast Pipeline Andrew Langille, MSc., P.Geo. Lands, Emergency Planning and Public Awareness Co-ordinator Office: 5064624800 ablan I + ctraenerov.com 24 REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL d h, M & C 2008•- December 31, 2008 Common Council of The City of Saint John Your Worship and Councillors: Re: Amendment to 2408 Financing Agreement Between East Point and. The City of Saint John City of Saint John The various parcels of land comprising the East Point Development lying to the north of Westmorland Road were rezoned by Common Council to Shopping Centre Classification in 2006. That rezoning was subject to an extensive range of terms and conditions imposed by Council pursuant to Section 39 of the Cvinmunity Planning Act. An Agreement (Section 39 Agreement) documenting those terms and conditions was executed in April of 2006 and registered in the Land Titles Office. As a result of registration the terms and conditions unposed are binding on subsequent owners of all parcels included in the 2006 rezoning. The Section 39 Agreement provided for the City to contribute a maximum of $3.5 million towards the construction of Retail Drive and further provided for a repayment by East Point to the City of an amount not to exceed $650,000.00. The repayment was to be recalculated at the rate of $2.03 per square foot of floor space as businesses opened in the development. In other wards, as the development of the East Point project succeeded, East Point was required to repay the City a portion of its contribution to the construction of Retail Drive. -/2 25 M & C 2008- December 31, 2008 Page 2 Re: Amendment to Financing Agreement In April of 2008 East Point and the City entered an Agreement (financing Agreement) whereby the City agreed to make a grant to East Point of an amount equivalent to that which East Point might repay to the City from time to time pursuant to Section 26 of the Section 39 Agreement. Such a grant would only be made, however, when " at least 90% of the structural steel has been erected with respect to the construction within the East Paint Shopping Centre, of a retail building having a floor area of at least 135, 000 square feet in the event that a building permit therefor has been applied for and issued to an internationally recognized big box retailer, so-called; The latter was a thinly disguised reference to Costco. We are advised by East Point and Costco that they have entered an Agreement of Purchase and Sale for the purchase by Costco of a portion of the rezoned lands as the site for a Costco store. Costco has requested of the City that it be able to have the benefit of the grant provisions in the Financing Agreement in the same fashion as they are available to East Point in the event that Costco makes repayment to the City pursuant to Section 26 of the Section 39 Agreement. Acceding to Costco's request would have no net financial affect upon the City's positron with respect to our obligations arising under the 2008 Financing Agreement and consequently, I would make the following recommendation: RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute an Amendment to the Financing Agreement made between East Point Inc. and The City of Saint John dated April 29, 2008 as set out in the Amending Agreement attached to the City Manager's report to Council in this regard dated. December 31, 2008. y submi Terrence L. Totten City Manager 26 S50CMTION op J' v0 2 Honorable Mayor and Council City of Saint John December 30 2008 On behalf of the Multicultural Association of Saint John Inc., we would like to extend our most sincere appreciation for your support of Multiculturalism through your attendance at our "Multicultural Global Feast - Potluck" held at the Samuel de Champlain Centre on November 29 2008. In the revitalization process of the Multicultural Association of Saint John Inc. our Association partnered with the Multicultural Society and the Spanish Student Association of UNB-SJ hosting this Multicultural event celebrating our culturally diverse campus and community. This event was generously sponsored fully by the University of New Brunswick - Saint John Campus, in an event that represented more than forty three different ethnic origins through the presentation of food from around the world and entertainment that included; a poetry reading (performed in both German and English by two German International Students), a wonderful comedy act (performed by a local high school student), Spanish music and song and of course (provided by members of the Spanish Student Association), traditional East Coast fiddle tunes (performed by members of the Multicultural Society), rounded out the evenings events. The presence of our City's Honourable Mayor and Councilor Donnie Snook provided a wonderful opportunity for our municipal leaders to show active support for our diverse multicultural and campus communities and the importance of an inclusive, welcoming community and the strengths that our culturally diverse community has to contribute to the vibrancy and enrichment of our city, its past, present and future. Again please accept our most sincere thank you for your support in our efforts to revitalize our Association and the promotion of Multiculturalism (its philosophy and principles) to Saint John and its surrounding communities. Ria ectfully, na Iv ers Volunteer Executive Director Multicultural Association of Saint John Inc. 55 Canterbury Street Suite #11 Saint John NB Phone: (50£) 849 8778 Email: Baba@rogers.com 27 1.17 Mount Pleasant Avenue, Saint John, N.B. E2K 3T9 December 29, 2008 Mayor Ivan Court and Members of Common Council, City of Saint John, City Hall, Saint John, N.B. Your Worship and Members of Common Council, RE: Port Authority Board Appointment I wish to apply for re-appointment as the City of Saint John's appointee to the Board of Directors of the Saint John Port Authority for the period May 2009- May 2012 under the provisions of the Canada Marine Act that permit my re-appointment for an additional term. During my present term of appointment, I have: 1. Promoted increased trade through the Port of Saint John by introducing the Port team to national' and international business leaders in a position to direct traffic through the Port of Saint John and by helping attract the 2011 Canadian Public Relations Conference to Saint John. 2. Introduced port stevedoring firms and the ILA to major firms, trade associations, and business leaders that can direct traffic through the Port of Saint John. 3. Promoted Indian trade links that facilitate the easier flow of output from the Indian- owned. AV Nackawic mill to Southeast Asian markets and facilitated the establishment of relations with the Canada-India Business Council to promote this traffic. 4. Chaired the Port Authority's Human Resources Committee that assembled the Job Evaluation and the Job Performance Appraisal systems which received. Board approval and laid the foundation for succession planning in the port administration. 5. Facilitated and promoted efforts to improve relationships between port management, port users, shippers of product, and other sectors on issues ranging from improved rail links within the port to solutions for the port fishing community. 6. Promoted construction of the cruise terminal in a manner that significantly improves the waterfront, is attractive to both cruise lines and passengers, and both enhances Saint John as a cruise destination and protects the vitality of this revenue source. 7. Promoted port-related community initiatives including funding for Harbour Passage, the Saint John Theatre Company, and the Canadian Rivers Institute at U'NBSJ in a manner that is compatible with the community's goals, enhances quality of life for citizens and, at the same time, safeguards the long-term physical and financial requirements of the working port. 8. Actively participated on both the Audit Committee and the Business Development Committee to secure the port's financial strength, lay the basis for new port infrastructure, and improve port customer services, in order to increase trade volumes and employment opportunities at the Port of Saint John and which already show good promise in 2009. 28 9. Actively and frequently communicated and liaised with elected and appointed officials of the City of Saint John as the appointing authority and its agencies as much as is possible within the confines and restrictions of the Canada Marine Act as they relate to the Port Board and the appointing agency. J.D. Worked on strengthening ties between the City of Saint John and the Port of Saint John leadership through initiatives including Port funding for the Saint John video and strengthening communications between the two bodies through Common Council/ Board breakfast meetings in the coming year. The contributions I wish to make to the Port Authority and to the community through my re- appointment to the Board of the Saint John Port Authority include: • Continuing to work with the parties to strengthen Port of Saint John/City of Saint John relationships, • Promoting through strong personal ties with business leaders in the region, Central Canada and in other markets important to the Port of Saint John including connections through The London School of Economics in Britain (and the Wharton School of Business in the United States) to bring new business traffic and employment to the Port of Saint John. • Capitalizing on strong personal ties with executives at major investment firms engaged in funding infrastructure and economic development sites and include Goldman Sachs in the United States and DP World, the infrastructure investment arm of Dubai, that can help rebuild Port of Saint John infrastructure. • Capitalizing on strong personal ties with government, both elected and appointed, and government agencies at all levels, both regional and national, in Canada and the United States to positively influence regulatory decisions which are both helpful to the Port of Saint John and beneficial to the economic vitality of Saint John. • Engaging through strong personal ties with the New England congressional delegation to bring about the placement of United States Customs officers in Saint John and Montreal in order to pre-clear Port of Saint John cargo transiting the State of Maine by rail thereby improving the Port's competitiveness and speedy service to customers and thereby improving job opportunities at the Port of Saint John. • Working through strong personal ties with the New England congressional delegation to obtain United States Government funding to improve the Maine Montreal & Maritime portion of the rail link through the State of Maine that is vital to the Port of Saint John in gaining new cargo traffic and improving job opportunities in the Port of Saint John. These same personal friendships and opportunities I have referred to above remain available to the City of Saint John as your appointee to the Board of Directors of the Saint John Port Authority.. Best Regards, UAw) rok Edward Farren 29 I V ~ u i ii mm IIIIIII III F OPEN SESSION M & C 2009 - 003 January 2, 2009 His Worship Ivan Court and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT Building By-law Amendment BACKGROUND iv of Safta Jahn The Province of New Brunswick, through the Community Planning Act, requires that a municipality that has enacted a building by-lave adopt the National Building Code or a portion thereof. A municipality is required to adopt the version of the National Building Code of Canada that has been adopted by the Province. As per the attached memo from him Hughes, Provincial Planning Director with the Department of Environment, the Province of New Brunswick will be adopting the 2005 National Building Code of Canada as of Januan- 1, 2009. It is necessary for the City of Saint John to amend the Building By-law to reflect the 2005 National Building Code of Canada. The Legal Department has prepared the attached by- law to amend the "By-law Respecting the Construction, Repair and Demolition of Buildings and Structures in The City of Saint John". Prior to passing readings of the amended by_ -law, as per section 66(1) of the Community Planning Act, Council shall request the written views of the Planning Advisory Committee concerning this proposed change. RECOMMENDATION Your City Manager recommends that Common Council refer the matter of the Building By-law amendment to the Planning Advisory Committee for its written view of the proposed by-law amendment. Respectfully submitted, Amy Poffenroth, P. Eng. MBA Deputy Commissioner Buildings and Inspection Services Terrence Totten, CA City Manager 30 A BY-LAW TO AMEND A BY-LAW RESPECTING THE CONSTRUCTION, REPAIR AND DEMOLITION OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES IN THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN ARRETE MODIFIANT L'ARRETE RELATIF A LA CONSTRUCTION, A LA REPARATION ET A LA DEMOLITION DE BATIMENTS ET DE STRUCTURES DANS THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by the Common Council of Lors dune reunion du conseil municipal, The Citv of Saint John as follows: The Citv of Saint John a decrete ce qui suit : A By-law of The City of Saint John entitled "A By-laN-,- Respecting the Construction, Repair and Demolition of Buildings and Structures ~Ih in The City of Saint John", enacted on the - day of August, A.D. 2003, is hereby amended as follows: Par les presentes, Farrete de The City of Saint John intitule « Arrete relatif a la construction, a la reparation et a la demolition de batiments et de structures dans The City of Saint John decrete le 5 aout 200', est modifie comme suit 1 Section 2(3) is repealed and the following 1 Le paragraphe 2(3) est abroge et remplace is substituted as follows: par : 2(3) The National Building Code of Canada, 2(_)(_)5 Edition, with the exception of Part 5 and Part 8, is hereby adopted in relation to all buildings and structures for which standards are therein prescribed, except as allowed by section 12 of this BST-law. 2(3) Le Code national de batiment du Canada, edition 2005, sauf les parties 5 et 8, est adopte en ce qui concerne tons les bitiments et toutes les structures auxquels s'appliquent les normes prescrites, sous reserve des dispositions de Particle 12 du present arrete. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said Citv to be affixed to this bN--law the day of Januarv, A.D., 2009 signed bv: Mavor /Maire EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau municipal sur le present arrete le janvier 2009, avec les signatures suivantes : Common Clerk/greffiere communale First Reading - Premiere lecture - Second Reading - Deuxieme lecture - Third Reading - Troisieme lecture - 31 ep r°trrnent of nvir n en` d Date : iovernber 18, 2 108 ,1 Le 18 nover°rnbre 2008 ef.tM. h '.re de I'Environnement F. . 'ox,/ .F. 6000 Fredericton, 313 5111 Teffel.: 506-453-2171 Fax [lf`elec+.: 506-457-7823 " o/De t. m 'lunlicip l Administrators and Dr strict P'l'anning Cornrnission Directors I drninistr tears rnunirrpau et directeurs des commissions de district d'urnuenugement From/ p.: Kirin Hughes, Provincial Planning Director / Directeur provincial de I"urbsnisme Copies : Subje tJobjet ; N tion i Building Bode 20,05 r Code national du batirnent 21105 Again,, we recommend that you take the necessary steps to ensure th t YOUr buiUng by-laws, where in effect, reflect the 2005 National Huddling Code. Nous tenons a vows informer que des modifications ont ate pportees u Reglemernt provtrncial -w r )'a construction telllles I' adoption du nouv+ au Code r n h du batiment 25115 sera adopter Ir rnent p ur le secteur non-lncorpor6 de is Provinc a ? 1" jurnvier 2059. Nous demandons a chegr.ne rnuniciPaL~e de modifier son rr« bt de construction en conseque;ice ussit6t que possuble. Cans le Ip~ rM f, la nientiion de l LoJ Wsur to conversion air s~ . , rr 'Ifique et it Buffos me pour s"assurer que le cc _'Mn batirrnent le plus rdcent s"sppliq,L4t sux srrt s de construction Municip ux. Cepend nt, pu Lot ,soar. A cornver on ,sec systdrrne rnatrique ne constitue plus un doCUment v lsb9e a cette fin et ne peat donc pas etre utilisee an vue d'adopter le Code nstionoll du batir neat 2505„ Nous vows rec--nrr-ndons done de prendre les mesures n( _ _ pour faire en sorte que vos erretes de coinstrutioo gui : )nt en vigueur soient contorrnes au Code nstionaV du b6timent 2035. Thank YOU in advance for YOUr attention to this matter Je vous rernerc'ie de I'ttentioin que vous porterez a cette question. Knr"rn Hugh m. mm _ DirecteUr provir al de RArb nisrne 5x1"°, December 28, 2008 Mayor and Council, City of Saint John Our Canadian Grade 12 History class just finished 7 local historical themes using presentations, art works, essays, replicas and articles on our history. The replicas and art works are now on display at the Regional Library in Market Square. We would appreciate your feed back. The themes are from a Saint John Perspective: Afro-Canadian heritage[The Willow Grove Church ] , Loyalist Refugees [ River Work Boat and a Loyalist Tent City], French [Fort LaTour], Irish [Partridge Island] , Scottish [Saint Andrews Square and Society], First Nations of Saint John [11,000 years of history -the Wol'astogiyik People's Wigwam and Canoe -sometimes referred to as Maliseets] and Shipbuilding [ A Tall Ship -The Golden Age of Sail , 1840s -1890s]. All of these ideas could be easily replicated and would make us the center piece for Canadian History We approached this from the point of view that these ideas could be built and used as learning centers and tourist attractions This would build pride, a sense of community, self worth and diversify our economy We hope our work will encourage the construction of these aspects of our history. The learning approach was cross curricular.. history, art, writing, primary research, expert guest speakers, visitations to sites and oral, tactile visual presentations. Sincerely, By email Barry Ogden, SJHS 170-200 Prince William Street, Saint John, N.B. 658-5358 boadenrt nb.svmDatico.ca 33 BY-LAW NUMBER C.P.110-'93 A LAW TO AMEND THE ZONING BY-LAW OF THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN AROA No C.P.110- ARRETE MODIFIANT VARRETE SUR LE ZONAGE DE THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by The City of Saint Lors dune reunion du conseil John in Common Council convened, as communal„ The City of Saint John a follows: decrete cc qui suit : The Zoning By-law of The City of Saint John enacted on the nineteenth day of December, A.U. 2005, is amended by: 1 Amending Schedule "A", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re-zoning a parcel of land located at 1030 Dever Road, having an area of approximately 13 hectares, also identified as PID numbers 00398693 and 55085641, from "R-IA" One Family Residential to "R-2" One and Two Family Residential. - all as shown on the plan attached hereto and forming part of this by-law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by-law the * day of A.D. 2008 and signed by: Mayor/Maire Uarrete sur le zonage de The City of Saint John, decrete le dix-neuf (19) decembre 2005, est modifie par : I La modification de Pannexe «A», Plan de zonage de The City of Saint John, permettant de modifier la designation pour une parcelle de terrain d'une superfcie approximative de 1.3 hectares, situee an 1030, chemin Dever, et identifiee sous les NIDs 00398693 et 55085641, de zone residentielle - habitations unifamiliales <(R-] A)) a zone residenticlle - habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales «R-2s>, - toutes les modifications sont indiqudes sur le plan ci joint et font partie du present arrete. EN POI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur le present arret6 le 2008, aver les signatures suivantes : Common Clerk/Greffiere communale First Reading - December 22nd, 2008 Premiere lecture - 22 decembre 2008 Second Reading - December 22nd, 2008 Deuxidme lecture - 22 decembre 2008 Third Reading - Troisieme lecture - 34 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT / URBANISME ET DMLOPPEMENT REZONING / REZONAGE Amending Schedule "A" of the Zoning By-Law of The City of Saint John Modifiant Annexe «A>> de I'Arrete de nonage de The City of Saint John 1.. :.1 v h FROM / DE TO/A R-1 A R-2 One Family Residential 1 7 One and Two Family Residential 1 Zone residentielle-habitations Zone residentielle-habitations unifamiliales unifamiliales et bifamiliales Applicant: Doug Simpson Location: 1030 chemin Dever Road PID(s)/NIP(S) 00398653 & 55085641 06N66NW Drawn By/Creee Par: Date Drawn/Carte Creee: David Couture January 2 janvier, 2009 Recommended by P.A.C.Iconsidere par le C.C.U.: December 16 decembre, 2008 Enacted by Council/Approuve par le Conseil, Filed in Registry Office/Enregistre le: By-Law #/Arrete 35 December 17, 2008 Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: Rezoning Application -1030 Dever Road On November 24, 2008 Common Council referred the above matter to the Planning Advisory Committee for a report and recommendation. The Committee considered the attached report at its December 16, 2008 meeting. Mr. Doug Simpson, the owner of the subject property, appeared to speak on behalf of the application and indicated that he was in agreement with the recommendation in the Staff Report. There were no other presentations made at the meeting concerning this application, and no letters were received from area residents. After considering the attached report and presentations, the Committee adopted the recommendation as set out below. RECOMMENDATION: That Common Council rezone the parcel of land located at 1030 Dever Road, also identified as PID numbers 00398696 and 55085641, from "R-IA" One Family Residential to "R-2" One and Two Family Residential. Respectfully submitted, Stephen Horgan Chairman PF Attachments Project No. 08-532 36 1/1, BY-LAW NUMBER C.P. 110-91 A LAW TO AMEND THE ZONING BY-LAW OF THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by The City of Saint John in Common Council convened, as follows: The Zoning By-law of The City of Saint John enacted on the nineteenth day of December, A.D. 2005, is amended by: 1 Amending Schedule "A", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re-zoning parcels of land located at I1-25 Sewell Street and 96-124 Station Street, having an area of approximately 3,800 square metres, also identified as PID Numbers 00039826, 00039818, 00038612, 00039792, 55020010, 00038745, 00038752, 00038760 and 00038778, from "RM-1" Three Storey Multiple Residential and "I-1" Light Industrial to "B-2" General Business. - all as shown on the plan attached hereto and forming part of this by-law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by-law the * day of A.D. 2008 and signed by: Mayor/Maire ARRETI No C.P.110- ARRfTf MODIFIANT L'ARRETf SUR LE ZONAGE DE THE CITY OF SAINT JOAN Lors d'une reunion du conseil communal, The City of Saint John a decrete cc qui suit : L'arx6te sur le zonage de The City of Saint John, decrete le dix-neuf (19) decembre 2005, est modiR6 par : 1 La modification de I'annexe ~(A», Plan de zonage de The City of Saint John, permettant de modifier la designation pour Ics parcelles de terrain des superficies approximative de 3,800 metres earns, situee an 11-25, rue Sewell et 96-124 rue Station, et identifiee sous les NID 00039826, 00039818, 00038612, 00039792,55020010,00038745, 00038752, 00038760 et 00038778, zone d'edifces a logements multiples de trois etages <<RM-I» et zone d'industrie legere o I 1 r> a zone commerciale generale «B- 2 - toutes les modifications sent indiquecs sur le plan ci joint et font partie du present arrete. EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur le present arrete le 2008, aver les signatures suivantes : Common Clerk/Greffierc communale First Reading - December 22"`t, 2008 Premiere lecture 22 decembre 2008 Second Reading - December 22"', 2008 Deuxieme lecture - 22 decembre 2008 Third Reading - Troisi6me lecture - 37 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT/ URBANISME ET DEVELOPPEMENT REZONING / REZONAGE Amending Schedule "A" of the Zoning By-Law of The City of Saint John ModifiantAnnexe «A» de I'Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John 0 FROM r DE RM-1 Three Storey Multiple Residential t Zone 66difices a logements multiples de trois etages 1-1 Light Industrial 1 Zone d'industie Legere TO/ A B-2 General Business) Zone commerciale generale Applicant: Ocean Capital Investments Moncton Limited Location: 11-25 rue Sewell Street & 96-124 rue Station Street PID(s)/VIP(s) 00039826, 00039818, 00038612, 00039792, 55020010, 00038745, 00038752, 00038760 & 00038778 06N88NE Drawn By/Creee Par: David Couture Date Drawn/Carte Creee: January 2 janvier, 2009 Recommended by RA.CJconsid~r6 par le G.C.U.: December 16 decembre, 2008 Enacted by Council/ApproM par le Conseil: Filed in Registry Office/Enregistre le: By-Law #/Arrete 38 lam' December 17, 2008 Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: Rezoning and Conditional Use Application 11-25 Sewell Street and 96-124 Station Street On November 24, 2008 Common Council referred the above matter to the Planning Advisory Committee for a report and recommendation. The Committee considered the attached report at its December 16, 2008 meeting. Mr. Kevin Harris appeared to speak in support of the application. Mr. Harris noted that he was generally in agreement with the recommendation laid out in the attached report, but that he did not wish to be required to pave and curb the parking areas. He explained that the commercial parking area is intended to continue as an interim use until a commercial development opportunity is found, which may take longer than one year. As a result, Mr. Harris requested that the time within which the parking areas must be paved be extended beyond one year. The Committee considered this request, but adopted staff recommendation with regard to the rezoning and the conditional use. The Committee's approval of the parking areas at 11-25 Sewell Street is dependent on Council's decision with regard to the requested rezoning, as parking areas are not permitted under the current "R-1" Three Storey Multiple Residential zoning of these properties. RECOMMENDATION: That Common Council rezone parcels of land located at 11-25 Sewell Street and 96-124 Station Street, having an area of approximately 3,800 square metres, also identified as PID Numbers 00039826, 00039818, 00038612, 00039792, 55020010, 00038745, 00038752, 00038760 and 00038778 from "RM-1" Three Storey Multiple Residential and "I-1" Light Industrial to "B-2" General Business. Respectfully submitted, Stephen Horgan Chairman SKH Attachments Project No. 08-535 39 BY-LAW NUMBER C.P. 110-92 A LAW TO AMEND THE ZONING BY-LAW OF THE CITY OF SAINT JOAN Be it enacted by The City of Saint John in Common Council convened, as follows: The Zoning By-law of The City of Saint John enacted on the nineteenth day of December„ A.D. 2005, is amended by: 1 Amending Schedule "A", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re-zoning a parcel of land located at 2797 Loch Lomond Road, having an area of approximately 58 hectares, also identified as being a portion of PID number 00326223, from "RS-1" One and Two Family Suburban Residential to "RR" One Family Rural :Residential pursuant to a resolution adopted by Common. Council under Section 39 of the Community Planning Act. - all as shown on the plan attached hereto and forming part of this by-law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by-law the * day of A.D. 2008 and signed by: Mayor/Mai.re ARRETE No C.P. I10- ARRETE MODIFIANT L'ARRETE SUR LE ZONAGE DE THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Lars d'une reunion du conseil communal, The City of Saint John a decrete ce qui suit : L'arrete sur le zonage de The City of Saint John, decrete le dix-neuf (19) decembre 2005, est modifie par : I La modification de l'annexe uA», Plan de zonage de The City of Saint John, permettant de modifier la designation pour une parcelle de terrain d'une superfcie approximative de 58 hectares, situee an 2797, ehemin Loch Lomond, et etant une partie du NID 00326223, zone residentictle de banlieue habitations unifamiliales et bifatniliales <<RS-b> a zone residentielle rurale - habitations unifamiliales ~1R» conformement a une resolution adoptee par le conseil municipal en vertu de I'article 39 de la Loi stir l'urbanisi-fle. - toutes les modifications sont indiquecs sur le plan ei joint et font partie du present. arrete. EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son secau communal sur le present arrete le 2008, avec les signatures suivantes Common Clerk/Greffiere communale First Reading - December 22"d, 2008 Premiere lecture 22 decembre 2008 Second Reading - December 22"d, 2008 Deuxieme lecture 22 decembre 2008 Third Reading - Troisieme lecture 40 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT/ URBANISME ET DEVELOPPEMENT REZONING / REZONAGE Amending Schedule "A" of the Zoning By-Law of The City of Saint John Modifiant Annexe ((A>) de I'Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John 5 FROM / DE TO l A RS-1 One and Two Family Suburban... RR One Family Rural Residential / Residential / Zone residentielle Zone residentielle rurale- de banlieue-habitations habitations unifamiliales. unifamiliales et bifamiliales. Pursuant to a Resolution under Section 39 of the Community Planning Act Conformement a une resolution adoptee par le conseil municipal en vertu de I'article 39 de la Loi sur l'urbanisme Applicant: A,J. Mallette & Sons Ltd. Location: 2797 chemin Loch Lomond Road PID(s)/VIP(s) Portion of / partie de 00326223 07PB1 Drawn By/Creee Par: David Couture Date Drawn/Carte Creee: January 2 janvier, 2009 Considered by RA.C.Iconslder6 par le C.C.U.: December 16 d6cember, 2008 Enacted by Council/Approuve par le Conseil: Filed in Registry Office/Enregistr6 le: 41 Section 39 Conditions - 2797 Loch Lomond Road That, pursuant to the provisions of Section 39 of the Community Planning Act, the proposed development of a parcel of land with an area of approximately 12 hectares (29.6 acres), located at 2797 Loch Lomond Road, also identified as being p1D Nos. 000326223, be subject to the condition that the developer notify buyers in writing of potential groundwater quality and quantity concerns. 42 December 17, 2008 Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: Rezoning and Subdivision - 2797 Loch Lomond. Road On November 24, 2008 Common Council referred the above matter to the Planning Advisory Committee for a report and recommendation. The Committee considered the attached report at its December 16, 2008 meeting. Mr. Gerry Roberts, Kierstead Quigley and Roberts, and Mr. Joe Mallette appeared to speak in support of the application. No one appeared to speak in opposition and no letters were received. The Committee discussed the results of the Comprehensive Water Supply Source Assessment for this development, and Mr. Mallette indicated that he would be willing to notify buyers of the potential for issues with groundwater quality and quantity. The Committee adopted the amended recommendation as set out below. The Committee also approved the proposed street names for Mallory Street and Meredith Avenue. RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Common Council rezone a parcel of land having an area of approximately 12 hectares (29.6 acres), located at 2797 Loch Lomond Road, also identified as being a portion of PID Number 00326223 from "RS-1" One and Two Family Suburban Residential to "RR" One Family Rural Residential. 2. That, pursuant to the provisions of Section 39 of the Community Planning Act, the proposed development of the parcel of land with an area of approximately 12 hectares (29.6 acres), located at 2797 Loch Lomond Road, also identified as being PID Numbers 00326223, be subject to the condition that the developer notify buyers in writing of potential groundwater quality and quantity concerns, 3. That Common Council assent to one or more subdivision plans, in one or more phases, for the proposed 20 lots of the Bally Desmond Subdivision - 43 Planning Advisory Committee Page 2 December 31, 2008 Phase 2, and to any required municipal services or public utility easements. 4. That Common Council assent to the proposed Land for Public Purposes dedication having an area of approximately 1.14 hectares (2.8 acres). That Common Council authorize the preparation and execution of a City/Developer Subdivision Agreement(s) to ensure provision of the required work, including detailed street and drainage plans for the approval of the Chief City Engineer or his designate. Respectfully submitted, Stephen Horgan Chairman SKH Attachments Project No. 08-534 44 The city of Saint Joan December 22, 2008 Your Worship and Councillors; At a meeting of the Common Council, held on December 22, 2008 the following resolution was adopted, namely:- " RESOLVED that item 11.3 of the agenda, Councillor Information Request (Councillor Sullivan), be tabled to allow for verification of the records." Sincerely, Jonathan Ta Ike Y Assistant Common Clerk J SAINT JOHN P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada E2L 4L1 ` www.saintjohn.ca C CA 1971 Saint John, N.-B. Canada E2L 4L1 45 1 `4 ti The City of Saint Jobn 12/18/2008 Your Worship Ivan Court Members of Coanmon Council City of Saint John Dear Mayor Court and Members of Council Motion; RESOLVED that city staff will provide information to individual Councillors upon request. I have found responses from staff to be inconsistent to my requests for information. While most stag` I have worked with have been very accommodating and quite helpful. I have heard the line "if that is Council's wish" more than once, and then not had a reply to my question. Through this motion I would like to make it plain that. staff shall respond to individual Councillor's requests for information. It is difficult to make informed decisions without information" and an inefficient use of time to bring difficult decisions to Council. With this motion as POLICY for the City of Saint John, staff may be held directly accountable should they decide not to supply the requested information. Respectfully Submitted (received by email) Gary Sullivan SAINT JOHN P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada E2L 4L1 I ww wsainijohn.ca I C.P. 1971 Saint John, N.-B. Canada E2L 4L1 46 s December 31, 2008 The My of SainE John Your Worship Mayor Ivan Court and fellow Members of Common Council Re. Report on "Industrial Expansion/Impact on Municipal Services" Last summer a motion was passed by this Council to have Enterprise Saint John report to Council in S months time of the impact on the municipal services our City provides from the anticipated growth that Saint John will be seeing in the next 6 years. In asking for this information I believed it would provide two functions for Council. One, it should give Council a better idea of where we should be focusing our attention on items such as infrastructure improvements for the 2009 budget year and two, it will provide the Mayor and Council the information, or ammunition, to travel to Ottawa and Fredericton and argue for the money that's needed to provide these services as a result of this growth we will be seeing. I know that your Worship is planning a trip to Ottawa in the very near future because of the infrastructure money the Federal Government has announced that will be available in the near future. I believe that this report, provided by the economic arm of the City will be of benefit to your Worship when planning your trip to these two levels of government. Motion - I move that Enterprise Saint John provide this report within the next 2 weeks in order for his Worship to have the most up to date information on the estimated cost to our City of providing these needed services and the tax revenues the different levels of government will be receiving from this anticipated growth. Respectfully, (received via e-mail) Bill Farren Councillor The City of Saint John ~J SAINT JOHN PO. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada E2L 41-1 I www.saintjohn.ca I C.P. 1'971 Saint John, N.-B. Canada E2L 40 47 3. ff_ s p. The city of Saint John January 2, 2009 Your Worship and Members of Council: At a meeting of the Common Council, held on July 7, 2008 the following resolution was adopted, namely:- "RESOLVED that Enterprise Saint John, in conjunction with the Commissioner of Finance, be requested to analyze and report back to Council within five months on the submitted issues within the context of Saint John's Growth Blueprint and that a copy of the letter from Councillor l=arren be sent to the Cities of New Brunswick Association." Sincerely, Jonathan Taylor Assistant Common Clerk SAINT JOHN P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada E2L 4L1 ~ wvwv.sainkjohn.ca I C.I. 1971 Saint Jahn, N.-B. Canada E2L 4L1 48 ~ L 1 The City of Saint John Your Worship Mayor Ivan Court. and fellow members of Common Council Re: Spring Pot Hole repair plan December 31, 2008 As we are all aware, the majority of our City streets are not in good shape. Even though over the last few years we have made some gains in street reconstruction, we still have a long way to go in this area. As one of the 11 that have been elected to set the policy for our City, I would like to know what plans staff have to address the annunal spring pot hole season. It has been told to Council that the workers are limited to a cold mix asphalt until the asphalt plants open up for the summer work season. I would like to have staff include in this report if they have any plans to acquire more, or better, equipment to provide them with a hot asphalt mix for longer lasting repairs instead of filling the same pot holes every second or third day. I know that the Works Dept. tries to do the very best they can every spring, but with last spring's pot hole season they had a difficult time in keeping up, With an earlier hot asphalt mix the workers would not have to fill the same holes time after time and our residents deserve to have this work done as efficiently and as soon as it can be. Motion - I move that the Commissioner of "Works provide Council and the public with a plan that will see a sooner repair of pot holes this coming spring, and that this plan include more use of a hot mix asphalt made by existing equipment or the purchase of such equipment. Respectfully, (received via a-mail) Bill Farren Councillor The City of Saint John SAINT JOHN RO. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada 62L 4L1 I wvwv.saintjohn.ca C.P. 1971 Saint John, N.-B. Canada E2L4L1 49 M&C #2009 January 5, 2009 His Worship Mayor Ivan Court And Members of Common Council Your Worship and Members of Council: SUBJECT: 2009 OPERATING BUDGET - A DISCUSSION WITH COUNCIL Can Monday, January 5`ha 2009, staff intend on making a presentation to Common Council that is intended to answer a number of questions that members of Council have asked during the recent Budget Meetings. In particular the presentation will endeavour to answer the following questions. o Has the City Administration pursued greater efficiencies"? Why does the City of Saint John have the highest Tax Rate? • What might a "Stable Tax Rate Budget look like? • What might a 2 cent reduction in the Tax Rate look like? Finally, are there any other areas or directions that Council might wish to pursue? Staff would hope that this discussion with Council will provide further insight into the financial realities facing our community. Terrence L. Totten, FCA CITY MANAGER 50 dam M&C #2009 January , 2009 His Worship Mayor Ivan Court And Members of Common Council Your Worship and Members of Council: ,SUBJECT: DETERMINING WHAT'S BEST FOR OUR COMMUNITY On Monday, January 5"', the City Manager is seeking the opportunity to make a public presentation to Common Council dealing generally with the topic of... "How Best Can Council and Staff Work to Move our Conimunity .Forward? " The presentation will cover a variety of topics including a profile of your management team, a review of the record of this team, the City Manager's views on a variety of topics from Perfornnance Reviews to Five Year Contracts for the City Manager and will conclude with a specific request of Common Council.. 51 Terrence L. Totten, FCA CITY MANAGER