2009-12-07_Minutes--Procès-verbalPresent: Ivan Court, Mayor 95 -58 COMMON COUNCIL/CONSEIL COMMUNAL DECEMBER 7, 2009 /LE 7 DECEMBRE 2009 COMMON COUNCIL MEETING THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN CITY HALL DECEMBER 7, 2009 7:00 P.M. Deputy Mayor Chase and Councillors Court, Farren, Higgins, Killen, McGuire, Mott, Snook, Sullivan, and Titus and P. Woods, Acting City Manager; J. Nugent, City Solicitor; G. Yeomans, Commissioner of Finance and Treasurer; P. Groody, Commissioner of Municipal Operations; K. Forrest, Commissioner of Planning and Development; A. Poffenroth, Deputy Commissioner of Buildings and Inspection Services; K. Clifford, District Fire Chief; B. Connell, Police Staff Sargent; E. Gormley, Common Clerk and J. Taylor, Assistant Common Clerk. SEANCE DU CONSEIL COMMUNAL DE THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN TENUE A L'HOTEL DE VILLE, LE 7 DECEMBRE 2009 A 19 H Sont presents Ivan Court, maire 1. Call To Order Prayer 2. Approval of Minutes le maire suppleant Chase et les conseillers Court, Farren, Higgins, Killen, McGuire, Mott, Snook, Sullivan et Titus 1. Ouverture de la seance, suivie de la priere 2. Approbation du proces- verbal et P. Woods, directeur general par interim; J. Nugent, avocat municipal; G. Yeomans, commissaire aux finances et tresorier; P. Groody, commissaire aux Operations municipales; K. Forrest, commissaire au service Urbanisme et developpement; A. Poffenroth, commissaire adjoint aux Services d'inspection et des batiments; K. Clifford, chef du service d'incendie de district; B. Connell, sergent d'etat -major du service de police; ainsi que E. Gormley, greffiere communale et J. Taylor, greffier communal adjoint. Mayor Court called the meeting to order and Councillor Snook offered the opening prayer. La seance est ouverte par le maire Court, et le conseiller Snook recite la priere d'ouverture. On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of Common Council, held on November 9, 2009, be approved with the following amendment: Councillor Higgins voted nay on the third reading by title and entirety of item 12.7 "A Law to Amend a By -Law Respecting Traffic on Streets in the City of Saint John Made Under the Authority of the Motor Vehicle Act 1973, and Amendments Thereto Question being taken, the motion was carried. Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que le proces- verbal de la seance du 95 -59 COMMON COUNCIL/CONSEIL COMMUNAL DECEMBER 7, 2009 /LE 7 DECEMBRE 2009 conseil communal du 9 novembre 2009 soit adopte moyennant ('execution de la modification suivante Le conseiller Higgins a vote non a regard de I'integralite du point 12.7 et de Ia troisieme lecture par titre de I'arrete intitule Arrete modifiant I'Arrete relatif a Ia circulation dans les rues de The City of Saint John, edicte en vertu de Ia Loi surles vehicules a moteur (1973) et modifications afferentes 3. Approval of Agenda approved. soit adopte. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that the agenda of this meeting be Question being taken, the motion was carried. 3. Adoption de I'ordre du jour Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que I'ordre du jour de la presente seance A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 4. Disclosures of Conflict of Interest 4. Divulgations de conflits d'interets 9. Public Hearings 7:00 P.M. 9.1(a,b) Proposed Municipal Plan and Zoning By -Law Amendment 72 Broad Street 9.1(c) Planning Advisory Committee Report Recommending Municipal Plan Amendment and Rezoning The Common Clerk advised that the necessary advertising was completed with regard to the proposed Municipal Plan and Rezoning amendments of a parcel of land located at 72 Broad Street having an area of approximately 400 square metres, also identified as being PID number 00000398, from Medium Density Residential to Approved Commercial Development classification and by rezoning the same parcel from "RM -IF" Multiple Residential Infill to "B -2" General Business to permit the establishment of a retail store within the existing building as requested by Marcel Doucet of Brass Things, with no objections being received. Consideration was also given to a report from the Planning Advisory Committee submitting a copy of Planning Staff's report considered at its December 1, 2009 meeting at which the Committee recommended approval as set out in the staff recommendation, to re -zone a parcel of land located at 72 Broad Street as described above with Section 39 conditions. The Mayor called for members of the public to speak against the re- zoning with no one presenting. The Mayor called for members of the public to speak in favour of the re- zoning with Marcel Doucet, the applicant, stating that he was in agreement with the staff recommendation. On motion of Councillor Court Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that the by -law entitled, "A Law to Amend the Municipal Plan By -Law of The City of Saint John" amending Schedule 2 -A and 2 -C, the Future Land Use Plan, by redesignating a parcel of land with an area of approximately 400 square metres, located at 72 Broad Street, also identified as PID number 00000398, from Medium Density Residential to Approved Commercial Development classification, be read a first time. Question being taken, the motion was carried. Read a first time by title, the by -law entitled "A Law to Amend the Municipal Plan By -Law of The City of Saint John." On motion of Councillor Sullivan Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that the by -law entitled, "A Law to Amend the Municipal Plan By -Law of The City of Saint John" amending Schedule 2 -A and 2 -C, the Future Land Use Plan, by redesignating a parcel of land with an area of approximately 400 square metres, located at 72 Broad Street, also identified as PID number 00000398, from Medium Density Residential to Approved Commercial Development classification, be read a second time. Question being taken, the motion was carried. Read a second time by title, the by -law entitled, "A Law to Amend the Municipal Plan By- Law of The City of Saint John." On motion of Councillor Court Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that the by -law entitled, "A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John," amending Schedule "A the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re- zoning a parcel of land with an area of approximately 400 square metres, located at 72 Broad Street, also identified as PID number 00000398, from "RM -IF" Multiple Residential Infill to "B -2" General Business, be read a first time. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 95 -60 COMMON COUNCIL/CONSEIL COMMUNAL DECEMBER 7, 2009 /LE 7 DECEMBRE 2009 Read a first time by title, the by -law entitled, "A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John." On motion of Councillor Sullivan Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that the by -law entitled, "A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John," amending Schedule "A the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re- zoning a parcel of land with an area of approximately 400 square metres, located at 72 Broad Street, also identified as PID number 00000398, from "RM -IF" Multiple Residential Infill to "B -2" General Business, be read a second time. Question being taken, the motion was carried. Read a second time by title, the by -law entitled, "A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John." 9. Audiences publiques a 19 h 9.1a) b) Projet de modification du plan municipal et de I'Arrete de zonage visant le 72, rue Broad 9.1c) Rapport du Comite consultatif d'urbanisme recommandant la modification du plan municipal et le rezonage La greffiere communale indique que les avis requis ont ete publies relativement au projet de modification du plan municipal et du zonage dune parcelle de terrain situee au 72, rue Broad dune superficie d'environ 400 metres carres et portant le NID 00000398 afin de faire passer la classification s'y rapportant de zone residentielle de densite moyenne a zone d'amenagement commercial approuve, en vue du rezonage de la meme parcelle pour la faire passer de zone d'edifices a logements multiples sur terrain intercalaire RM -IF a zone commerciale generale B -2 afin de permettre I'etablissement d'un magasin de detail a I'interieur du batiment existant, a la demande de Marcel Doucet of Brass Things, et qu'aucune opposition n'a ete regue a cet egard. Examen d'un rapport du Comite consultatif d'urbanisme, accompagne d'un exemplaire du rapport du personnel du service d'urbanisme, etudie lors de la seance du t decembre 2009, pendant laquelle le Comite a resolu de recommender ('approbation, telle qu'elle est soulignee dans la recommendation du personnel, voulant que le conseil communal procede au rezonage de la parcelle de terrain situee au 72, rue Broad, telle 95 -61 COMMON COUNCIL/CONSEIL COMMUNAL DECEMBER 7, 2009 /LE 7 DECEMBRE 2009 qu'elle est decrite ci- dessus, sous reserve des conditions imposees par ('article 39. Le maire invite le public a se prononcer contre le rezonage, mais personne ne prend la parole. Le maire invite les membres du public a exprimer leur appui quant au rezonage. Le requerant, M. Marcel Doucet, indique qu'il est d'accord avec la recommandation du personnel. Proposition du conseiller Court Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que I'arrete intitule Arrete modifiant ('Arrete relatif au plan municipal de The City of Saint John modifiant les annexes 2 -A et 2 -C, plan d'amenagement futur des terres, afin de faire passer la classification dune parcelle de terrain dune superficie d'environ 400 metres carres situee au 72, rue Broad et portant le NID 00000398 de zone residentielle de densite moyenne a zone d'amenagement commercial approuve, fasse ('objet dune premiere lecture. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Premiere lecture par titre de I'arrete intitule Arrete modifiant ('Arrete relatif au plan municipal de The City of Saint John Proposition du conseiller Sullivan Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que I'arrete intitule Arrete modifiant ('Arrete relatif au plan municipal de The City of Saint John modifiant les annexes 2 -A et 2 -C, plan d'amenagement futur des terres, afin de faire passer la classification dune parcelle de terrain dune superficie d'environ 400 metres carres situee au 72, rue Broad et portant le NID 00000398 de zone residentielle de densite moyenne a zone d'amenagement commercial approuve, fasse ('objet dune deuxieme lecture. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Deuxieme lecture par titre de I'arrete intitule Arrete modifiant ('Arrete relatif au plan municipal de The City of Saint John Proposition du conseiller Court Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que I'arrete intitule Arrete modifiant ('Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John en modifiant a ('annexe A, plan de zonage de The City of Saint John, le zonage dune parcelle de terrain situee au 72, rue Broad, dune superficie d'environ 400 metres carres et portant le NID 00000398, pour faire passer la classification de zone d'edification de logements multiples sur terrain intercalaire RM -IF a zone commerciale generale B -2 fasse ('objet dune premiere lecture. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Premiere lecture par titre de I'arrete intitule Arrete modifiant ('Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John Proposition du conseiller Sullivan Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que I'arrete intitule Arrete modifiant ('Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John en modifiant a ('annexe A, plan de zonage de The City of Saint John, le zonage dune parcelle de terrain situee au 72, rue Broad, dune superficie d'environ 400 metres carres et portant le NID 00000398, pour faire passer la classification de zone d'edification de logements multiples sur terrain intercalaire RM -IF a zone commerciale generale B -2 fasse ('objet dune deuxieme lecture. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Deuxieme lecture par titre de I'arrete intitule Arrete modifiant ('Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John Question being taken, the motion was carried. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 95 -62 COMMON COUNCIL/CONSEIL COMMUNAL DECEMBER 7, 2009 /LE 7 DECEMBRE 2009 9.2(a) Proposed Section 39 Amendment 99 Burpee Avenue 9.2(b) Planning Advisory Committee Recommending Section 39 Amendment The Common Clerk advised that the necessary advertising was completed with regard to the proposed Section 39 Amendment amending the Section 39 conditions imposed on the March 4, 2008 rezoning of the property located at 99 Burpee Avenue, also identified as PID number 00022731 and a portion of PID number 00022723, to permit a day care centre within the existing building, with one letter of support received. Consideration was also given to a report from the Planning Advisory Committee submitting a copy of Planning Staff's report considered at its December 1, 2009 meeting at which the Committee recommended the amendment of the existing Section 39 conditions. The Mayor called for members of the public to speak against the proposed amendment with no one presenting. The Mayor called for members of the public to speak in favour of the proposed amendment with Troy Arsenault, the applicant, stating that he is in agreement with the staff report and recommendation. On motion of Councillor Killen Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that Common Council amend the Section 39 conditions imposed on the March 4, 2008 rezoning of the property located at 99 Burpee Avenue, also identified as PID number 00022731 and a portion of PID number 00022723, by adding a daycare facility as a permitted use of the property and leaving all other adopted conditions unchanged. 9.2a) Projet de modification des conditions imposees par ('article 39 visant le 99, avenue Burpee 9.2b)Comite consultatif d'urbanisme recommandant la modification de ('article 39 La greffiere communale indique que les avis requis ont ete publies en ce qui a trait a la modification proposee en vertu de ('article 39, modifiant les conditions imposees le 4 mars 2008 relativement au rezonage de la propriete situee au 99, avenue Burpee, inscrite sous le NID 00022731 et une partie du NID 00022723, afin de permettre I'amenagement dune garderie a I'interieur du batiment existant, et qu'une lettre d'appui a ete regue a cet egard. Un examen a egalement ete effectue concernant un rapport presente par le Comite consultatif d'urbanisme, accompagne d'un exemplaire du rapport redige par le personnel du Service d'urbanisme, qui a fait ('objet d'un examen lors de la seance du t decembre 2009 au cours de laquelle le Comite a choisi de recommander la modification des conditions en vigueur a I'heure actuelle en vertu de ('article 39. Le maire invite le public a exprimer son opposition quanta la modification proposee, mais personne ne prend la parole. Le maire invite les membres du public a exprimer leur appui quanta la modification proposee. Troy Arsenault, le requerant, se prononce en faveur de la recommandation et du rapport du personnel. Proposition du conseiller Killen Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que le conseil communal procede a la modification des conditions imposees par ('article 39 le 4 mars 2008, relativement au rezonage de la propriete situee au 99, avenue Burpee et portant le NID 00022731 et une partie du NID 00022723, en ajoutant une garderie en tant qu'usage permis de la propriete et en laissant inchangees toutes les autres conditions adoptees. 95 -63 COMMON COUNCIL/CONSEIL COMMUNAL DECEMBER 7, 2009 /LE 7 DECEMBRE 2009 9.3(a) Proposed Section 39 Amendment 187 Golden Grove Road 9.3(b) Planning Advisory Committee Report Recommending Section 39 Amendment The Common Clerk advised that the necessary advertising was completed with regard to the proposed Section 39 Amendment amending the Section 39 conditions imposed on the November 8, 1976 rezoning of the property located at 187 Golden Grove Road, also identified as PID number 55201768, to permit the construction of an addition to the existing auto body repair shop, with no written objections received. Consideration was also given to a report from the Planning Advisory Committee submitting a copy of Planning Staff's report considered at its December 1, 2009 meeting at which the Committee recommended the amendment of the existing Section 39 conditions. The Mayor called for members of the public to speak against the proposed amendment with no one presenting. The Mayor called for members of the public to speak in favour of the proposed amendment with Scott Trites, the applicant, stating that he is in agreement with the staff report and recommendation. On motion of Councillor Killen Seconded by Councillor Sullivan RESOLVED that Common Council amend the Section 39 conditions imposed on the November 8, 1976 rezoning of the property located at 187 Golden Grove Road, also identified as PID number 55201768, to permit the construction of an approximately 12.2 metre by 14.6 metre addition to the rear of the existing body shop, subject to the following additional conditions: a) that the proponent must upgrade the landscaped areas along the street frontages of the site, in accordance with the detailed landscaping plan, to be prepared by the proponent and subject to the approval of the Development Officer; b) the proponent must repave the vehicular entrance to the subject site to ensure that the surface is evenly paved and presentable; c) all work required in (a) and (b) must be completed within one year of approval of the building permit for the proposed addition to the body shop. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 9.3a) Projet de modification des conditions imposees par ('article 39 visant le 187, chemin Golden Grove 9.3b) Comite consultatif d'urbanisme recommandant les modifications en vertu de ('article 39 Le greffier communal indique que les avis requis ont ete publies en ce qui a trait a la modification proposee en vertu de ('article 39, modifiant les conditions imposees le 8 novembre 1976, relativement au rezonage de Ia propriete situee au 187, chemin Golden Grove, inscrite sous le NID 55201768, afin de permettre Ia construction dune annexe a ('atelier de debosselage existant, et qu'aucune objection ecrite n'a ete regue a cet egard. On a egalement examine le rapport presente par le Comite consultatif d'urbanisme, accompagne d'un exemplaire du rapport redige par le personnel du Service d'urbanisme, qui ont fait ('objet d'un examen lors de la seance du 1 er decembre 2009 au cours de laquelle le Comite a recommande la modification des conditions en vigueur a I'heure actuelle en vertu de ('article 39. Le maire invite le public a exprimer son opposition quanta la modification proposee, mais personne ne prend la parole. Le maire invite les membres du public a exprimer leur appui quanta la modification proposee. Scott Trites, le requerant, se prononce en faveur de la recommandation et du rapport du personnel. Proposition du conseiller Killen Appuyee par le conseiller Sullivan 95 -64 COMMON COUNCIL/CONSEIL COMMUNAL DECEMBER 7, 2009 /LE 7 DECEMBRE 2009 RESOLU que le conseil communal modifie les conditions prevues a ('article 39 imposees le 8 novembre 1976, relativement au rezonage de Ia propriete situee au 187, chemin Golden Grove et portant le NID 55201768, afin de permettre Ia construction d'une annexe d'environ 12,2 metres sur 14,6 metres a I'arriere de ('atelier de debosselage existant, sous reserve des conditions supplementaires suivantes d) le promoteur doit augmenter le nombre d'espaces paysages le long de la rue de ('emplacement, conformement au plan d'amenagement detaille qui doit etre prepare par le promoteur et assujetti a ('approbation de ('agent d'amenagement; e) le promoteur doit asphalter ('entree d'acces aux vehicules a ('emplacement en question afin de veiller a ce que la surface soit asphaltee egalement et qu'elle soit presentable; f) tous les travaux requis qui ont ete mentionnes aux points a) et b) doivent etre acheves dans I'annee suivant ('approbation du permis de construire de ('annexe proposee attachee a ('atelier de debosselage. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 9.4(a) Proposed Zoning By -Law Amendment 251 Loch Lomond Road 9.4(b) Planning Advisory Committee Report Recommending Rezoning The Common Clerk advised that the necessary advertising was completed with regard to amending Schedule "A the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re- zoning a parcel of land with an area of approximately 2130 square metres, located at 251 Loch Lomond Road, also identified as PID numbers 00313882 and 55099634, from "R -2" One and Two Family Residential to "IL -1" Neighbourhood Institutional with no objections being received. Consideration was also given to a report from the Planning Advisory Committee submitting a copy of Planning Staff's report considered at its December 1, 2009 meeting at which the Committee recommended the rezoning of a parcel of land located at 251 Loch Lomond Road as described above with Section 39 conditions. The Mayor called for members of the public to speak against the re- zoning with no one presenting. The Mayor called for members of the public to speak in favour of the re- zoning with Sandra Ferris and Laura Saunders, the applicants, stating that they were in agreement with the staff report and recommendation. On motion of Councillor Court Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that the by -law entitled, "A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John" amending Schedule "A the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re- zoning a parcel of land with an area of approximately 2130 square metres, located at 251 Loch Lomond Road, also identified as PID numbers 00313882 and 55099634, from "R -2" One and Two Family Residential to "IL -1" Neighbourhood Institutional, be read a first time. Question being taken, the motion was carried. Read a first time by title, the by -law entitled, "A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John." On motion of Councillor McGuire Seconded by Councillor Snook RESOLVED that the by -law entitled, "A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John" amending Schedule "A the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re- zoning a parcel of land with an area of approximately 2130 square metres, located at 251 Loch Lomond Road, also identified as PID numbers 00313882 and 55099634, from "R -2" One and Two Family Residential to "IL -1" Neighbourhood Institutional, be read a second time. Question being taken, the motion was carried. Read a second time by title, the by -law entitled, "A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John." 95 -65 COMMON COUNCIL/CONSEIL COMMUNAL DECEMBER 7, 2009 /LE 7 DECEMBRE 2009 9.4a) Projet de modification de I'Arrete de zonage visant le 251, chemin Loch Lomond 9.4b) Rapport du Comite consultatif d'urbanisme recommandant le rezonage La greffiere communale indique que les avis requis ont ete publies relativement a la modification de I'annexe A, plan de zonage de The City of Saint John, en procedant au rezonage dune parcelle de terrain dune superficie d'environ 2 130 metres carres situee au 251, chemin Loch Lomond et portant les NID 00313882 et 55099634, afin de faire passer la classification s'y rapportant de zone residentielle habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales R -2 a zone de quartier a vocation collective IL -1 et qu'aucune objection n'a ete regue a cet egard. On procede egalement a I'etude d'un rapport du Comite consultatif d'urbanisme qui presente un exemplaire du rapport du personnel du Service d'urbanisme etudie lors de la seance du 1 er decembre 2009, pendant laquelle le Comite a recommande de proceder au rezonage de la parcelle de terrain situee au 251, chemin Loch Lomond, telle qu'elle est decrite ci- dessus, sous reserve des conditions stipulees a ('article 39. Le maire invite le public a se prononcer contre le rezonage, mais personne ne prend la parole. Le maire invite les membres du public a exprimer leur appui quant au rezonage. Sandra Ferris et Laura Saunders, les requerantes, indiquent qu'elles sont toutes deux en accord avec le rapport et la recommandation du personnel. Proposition du conseiller Court Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que I'arrete intitule Arrete modifiant ('Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John modifiant a ('annexe A plan de zonage de The City of Saint John, le zonage dune parcelle de terrain situee au 251, chemin Loch Lomond, dune superficie d'environ 2 130 metres carres et portant les NID 00313882 et 55099634, pour faire passer la classification s'y rapportant de zone residentielle habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales R -2 a zone de quartier a vocation collective IL -1 fasse ('objet dune premiere lecture. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Premiere lecture par titre de I'arrete intitule Arrete modifiant ('Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John Proposition du conseiller McGuire Appuyee par le conseiller Snook RESOLU que I'arrete intitule Arrete modifiant ('Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John modifiant a ('annexe A plan de zonage de The City of Saint John, le zonage dune parcelle de terrain situee au 251, chemin Loch Lomond, dune superficie d'environ 2 130 metres carres et portant les NID 00313882 et 55099634, pour faire passer la classification s'y rapportant de zone residentielle habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales R -2 a zone de quartier a vocation collective IL -1 fasse ('objet dune deuxieme lecture. Deuxieme lecture par titre de I'arrete intitule Arrete modifiant ('Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John 11. 11.1 A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Submissions by Council Members Simms Corner Transportation Enhancement Project (Councillor McGuire) On motion of Councillor McGuire Seconded by Councillor Titus RESOLVED that the submitted report entitled Simms Corner Transportation Enhancement Project be received for information. Question being taken, the motion was carried. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Question being taken, the motion was carried. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 95 -66 COMMON COUNCIL/CONSEIL COMMUNAL DECEMBER 7, 2009 /LE 7 DECEMBRE 2009 11. Interventions des membres du conseil 11.1 Projet d'amelioration relatif au transport coin Simms (conseiller McGuire) Proposition du conseiller McGuire Appuyee par le conseiller Titus RESOLU que le rapport soumis intitule Projet d'amelioration relatif au transport coin Simms soit accepte a titre informatif. 12. Business Matters Municipal Officers 12.1 Common Clerk: Resolution for Council's Municipal Plan Committee (Forwarded from November 23 rd 2009) On motion of Councillor Killen Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that the following resolutions adopted by Common Council on the 20 day of October 2008, and the 27 day of October, 2008, respectively, are hereby rescinded: "Resolved that Council establish a Municipal Plan Council Committee and that the matter be referred to the Nomination Committee." -and "Resolved that the appointments to committees be approved as follows: Councillor Killen be appointed as chair, and to appoint Councillors Higgins, Mott and Snook to the Municipal Plan Committee until the end of their terms on Council." 12. Affaires municipales evoquees par les fonctionnaires municipaux 12.1 Greffiere communale Resolution concernant le Comite pour le plan municipal du conseil (point reporte de la seance du 23 novembre 2009) Proposition du conseiller Killen Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que les resolutions suivantes adoptees respectivement par le conseil communal les 20 et 27 octobre 2008 soient par les presentes annulees Resolu que le conseil forme un comite sur le plan d'amenagement et que la question soit transmise au Comite des candidatures. et RESOLU que les nominations pour sieger aux comites suivants soient approuvees comme suit Que le conseiller Killen soit nomme president et que les conseillers Higgins, Mott et Snook soient nommes pour sieger au comite sur le plan d'amenagement jusqu'a ('expiration de leur mandat au sein du conseil. 12.2 Commissioner of Finance: 2010 Assessment Base Impact (Forwarded from November 23 rd 2009) Referring to a submitted report, the Commissioner of Finance updated Council with respect to the proposed 2010 Provincial Property Tax Accountability Mechanism and he explained how the notional assessment base is calculated and what the impact on the 2010 City of Saint John budget would be. 12.2 Commissaire aux finances Repercussions sur I'assiette de calcul pour 2010 (point reporte de la seance du 23 novembre 2009) Faisant reference a un rapport depose anterieurement, le commissaire aux finances informe le conseil du mecanisme de reddition de comptes en matiere d'impot foncier provincial pour 2010 et explique comment I'assiette devaluation theorique est calculee et quelles seraient les repercussions sur le budget de The City of Saint John. 95 -67 COMMON COUNCIL/CONSEIL COMMUNAL DECEMBER 7, 2009 /LE 7 DECEMBRE 2009 8. Delegations /Presentations 8.1 Heritage Development Board Referring to a submitted presentation, Leona Laracy and Kurt Peacock, representatives of the Heritage Development Board, updated Council with respect to the heritage buildings surrounding the Peel Plaza development and they responded to a variety of questions from Council. On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that the recommendations appearing in the Presentation from the Heritage Development Board be tabled. Question being taken, the motion was carried with Deputy Mayor Chase and Councillors Farren and Higgins voting nay. 8. Delegations et presentations 8.1 Conseil d'amenagement du patrimoine Faisant reference a une presentation anterieure, Leona Laracy et Kurt Peacock, representants du Conseil d'amenagement du patrimoine, informent le conseil de la presence de batiments patrimoniaux pres de I'amenagement de la place Peel et repondent a diverses questions posees par des membres du conseil. Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que les recommandations figurant dans la presentation du Conseil d'amenagement du patrimoine soient deposees. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Le maire suppleant Chase ainsi que les conseillers Farren et Higgins votent contre la proposition. 13.3(a,b) Committee of the Whole: Recommended Appointments to Committees On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that as recommended by the Committee of the Whole, having met on November 23, 2009, Council makes the following appointments to a Committee: Destination Marketing Organization: to appoint Carolyn Vanderveen, Laurel Reid, Andrew Logan, Terry Hutchinson and Dwight Day as City Appointees; and further To appoint Jane Fullerton, Brian Clark, Ralph Holyoke and Tammy Leblanc as Member Appointees; and further To appoint Paulette Hicks and Glenda McLean as Hotel Association Appointees. voting nay. Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillor Higgins On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that as recommended by the Committee of the Whole, having met on November 23, 2009, Council makes the following appointments to Committees: Leisure Services Advisory Board: to re- appoint Sue Ellis Loparco, Chris Toole, Cathy Hurley, and appoint Douglas Deering, Barry Ogden and Shelly Tesink for three year terms ending November 23, 2012. City of Saint John Board of Pension Trustees: to appoint Councillors Court and Mott, replacing Deputy Mayor Chase, until the end of their respective terms on Council and Patrick Woods as City Manager representative for a three year term ending November 30, 2012. Planning Advisory Committee: to appoint Eric Falkjar for a three year term ending December 31, 2012. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 95 -68 COMMON COUNCIL/CONSEIL COMMUNAL DECEMBER 7, 2009 /LE 7 DECEMBRE 2009 13.3 (a, b) Comite plenier Recommandations de nominations pour sieger aux comites Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que, comme le recommande le comite plenier, s'etant reuni le 23 novembre 2009, le conseil approuve les nominations suivantes Organisation de marketing de destinations Nomination de Carolyn Vanderveen, Laurel Reid, Andrew Logan, Terry Hutchinson et Dwight Day, a titre de representants de la Ville. Nomination de Jane Fullerton, Brian Clark, Ralph Holyoke et Tammy Leblanc, a titre de membres de ('Organisation. Nomination de Paulette Hicks et Glenda McLean, a titre de representantes de ('Association des hoteliers. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. La conseillere Higgins vote contre la proposition. Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que, comme le recommande le comite plenier, s'etant reuni le 23 novembre 2009, le conseil approuve les nominations suivantes Conseil consultatif des services des loisirs Renouvellement du mandat de Sue Ellis Loparco, Chris Toole et Cathy Hurley pour une periode de trois ans se terminant le 23 novembre 2012. Nomination de Douglas Deering, Barry Ogden et Shelly Tesink pour une periode de trois ans se terminant le 23 novembre 2012. Conseil d'administration du regime de retraite de The City of Saint John Nomination des conseillers Court et Mott, en remplacement du maire suppleant Chase, jusqu'a ('expiration de leur mandat respectif au sein du conseil. Nomination de Patrick Woods, a titre de representant du directeur general, pour une periode de trois ans se terminant le 30 novembre 2012. Comite consultatif d'urbanisme Nomination d'Eric Falkjar pour une periode de trois ans se terminant le 31 decembre 2012. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 14.1 Acquisition of Watershed Lands Brawley Lake On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that Common Council resolves to exchange lands with the Nellie Fowler Estate under the terms and conditions in the submitted agreement, and further That the City of Saint John engages Terrain Group Inc. to perform the necessary survey work and plans required to effect the exchange, and further That the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute any document or plan required to finalize the exchange. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 14.1 Acquisition du bassin hydrographique du lac Brawley Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que le conseil communal decide de proceder a I'echange de terrains avec le lotissement Nellie Fowler Estate, conformement aux modalites prevues dans ('entente presentee; 95 -69 COMMON COUNCIL/CONSEIL COMMUNAL DECEMBER 7, 2009 /LE 7 DECEMBRE 2009 Que The City of Saint John embauche I'entreprise Terrain Group Inc. pour realiser les plans et les travaux d'arpentage necessaires requis pour conclure I'echange; Que le maire et la greffiere communale soient autorises a signer tout document ou plan requis pour conclure I'echange. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 14.2 Residential Infrastructure Assistance 54 Thornborough Development Subdivision On motion of Councillor Killen Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that as recommended by the Acting City Manager, the resolution adopted by Common Council at its meeting of October 13, 2009, approving assistance under the Residential Infrastructure Assistance Program to Thornbrough Development Inc. for development at Thornbrough Street and Parkwood Avenue, be amended by deleting "$216,000.00" and replacing it with "$432,000.00 Question being taken, the motion was carried. 14.2 Programme d'aide a ('infrastructure residentielle relativement au 54, lotissement Thornborough Developments Ltd. Proposition du conseiller Killen Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que, comme le recommande le directeur general par interim, la resolution adoptee par le conseil communal lors de la seance du 13 octobre 2009, approuvant la demande d'aide a ('infrastructure residentielle pour le projet d'amenagement Thornbrough Development Inc., au coin de la rue Thornbrough et de ('avenue Parkwood, soit modifiee par la suppression de la somme 216 000 et son remplacement par la somme de 432 000 D. 5.5 Refer to item 14.3 A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 5. Consent Agenda 5.1 That as recommended by the Acting City Manager in the submitted report M &C 2009 -393, Common Council approve: 1) The adjustment of the amount pre- approved under the 2010 General Fund Capital program for the Storm Sewer Installation and Street Reconstruction projects from $860,000 to $1,280,000. 2) The pre approval of $400,000 under the 2010 Water Sewerage Utility Fund Capital Program for the renewal of the Sanitary Sewer on Beaverbrook Avenue. 3) Staff to proceed with the tendering process for the Beaverbrook Avenue Transmission Main and Street Reconstruction project. 5.2 That as recommended by the Acting City Manager in the submitted report M &C 2009 -398, the tender submitted by Capital Caulking Ltd., in the amount of $57,000.00 plus tax, to remove and replace all of the window caulking on the Municipal Operations Complex, 175 Rothesay Avenue, be accepted. 5.3 That as recommended by the Acting City Manager in the submitted report M &C 2009 -397, the tender submitted by Fundy Masonry Ltd. in the amount of $97,597.50, plus tax to undertake repairs and replacement, as required, to the brick work of the City owned buildings identified in the tender, be accepted. 5.4 That as recommended by the Acting City Manager in the submitted report M &C 2009 -395, the tender for the establishment of a supply agreement for the provision of sand, gravel, and aggregate be awarded to the lowest bidder for each of the items tendered, as indicated on the submitted summary. 5.6 That as recommended by the Acting City Manager in the submitted report M &C 2009 -392, Contract number 2009 -22: Connors Street Retaining Wall Reconstruction, be awarded to the low tenderer, Fairville Construction Ltd., at the tendered price of 95 -70 COMMON COUNCIL/CONSEIL COMMUNAL DECEMBER 7, 2009 /LE 7 DECEMBRE 2009 $79,488.72 as calculated based upon estimated quantities, and further that the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary contract documents. 5.7 That Council receive for information the submitted report entitled M &C 2009 -375: Contract number 2008 -4 Rothesay Avenue Complex Emergency Power Upgrade. 5.8 That the B. Ogden letter dated November 30 2009, regarding a CFL Game to be held at the refurbished Canada Games Stadium, be referred to the Destination Marketing Organization. 5.9 That the E. Teed letter dated December 1S 2009, regarding the relocation of the West Side Food Bank to Carleton Community Centre, be received for information. 5.10 That the E. Teed letter dated November 23r 2009 regarding a dangerous trip step on Water Street be referred to the Acting City Manager. 5.11 That as recommended by the Acting City Manager, Common Council approve the submitted Saint John Celebration 225 Budget, and further, that the Commissioner of Finance be authorized by Common Council to approve expenditures in accordance with said budget subject to the procurement policies of The City of Saint John. On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that the recommendation set out for each consent agenda item respectively with the exception of item 5.5, which has been identified for debate, be adopted. 5. Questions soumises a ('approbation du conseil 5.1 Que, comme le recommande le directeur general par interim dans le rapport soumis intitule M/C 2009 -393, le conseil communal autorise 1) la correction du montant approuve prealablement dans le cadre du programme d'immobilisations du fonds d'administration pour 2010 relativement aux projets relatifs a ('installation d'egouts pluviaux et aux travaux de refection afin qu'il passe de 860 000 a 1 280 000 2) ('approbation prealable du montant de 400 000 pour le renouvellement du reseau d'egouts sur ('avenue Beaverbrook dans le cadre du programme d'immobilisations relatif au fonds du reseau d'aqueduc et d'egouts pour 2010; 3) les employes a proceder au processus d'appel d'offres pour les projets d'installation de la conduite principale et de refection de ('avenue Beaverbrook. 5.2 Que, comme le recommande le directeur general par interim dans le rapport soumis intitule M/C 2009 -398, la soumission presentee par Capital Caulking Ltd., au montant de 57 000 TVH en sus, relative a la depose et au remplacement de tout le calfeutrage des fenetres du complexe des operations municipales situe au 175, avenue Rothesay, soit acceptee. 5.3 Que, comme le recommande le directeur general par interim dans le rapport soumis intitule M/C 2009 -397, la soumission presentee par Fundy Masonry Ltd., au montant de 97 597,50 TVH en sus, relative aux reparations et au remplacement, au besoin, des briques posees sur les batiments appartenant a la Ville qui sont determines dans la soumission, soit acceptee. 5.4 Que, comme le recommande le directeur general par interim dans le rapport soumis intitule M/C 2009 -395, la soumission relative a ('execution dune convention d'approvisionnement de sable, de gravier et de granulat, presentee par le moins disant, soit acceptee dans chaque cas, comme I'indique le sommaire des soumissions presente. 5.5 Voir le point 14.3. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 5.6 Que, comme le recommande le directeur general dans le rapport soumis intitule M/C 2009 -392, le contrat n° 2009 -22 visant le reamenagement du mur de soutenement de la rue Connors soit accorde au soumissionnaire le moins disant, Fairville Construction Ltd., au prix offert de 79 488,72 etabli a partir de quantites estimatives, et que le maire et la greffiere communale soient autorises a signer les documents contractuels necessaires. 95 -71 COMMON COUNCIL/CONSEIL COMMUNAL DECEMBER 7, 2009 /LE 7 DECEMBRE 2009 5.7 Que le conseil accepte a titre informatif le rapport presente intitule M/C 2009 -375 relativement au contrat n° 2008 -4 afferent a la modernisation de ('alimentation electrique de secours du complexe de ('avenue Rothesay. 5.8 Que la lettre de B. Ogden, datee du 30 novembre 2009, concernant la tenue dune partie de la Ligue canadienne de football (LCF) au stade des Jeux du Canada renove, soit transmise a ('Organisation de marketing de destinations. 5.9 Que la lettre de E. Teed, datee du 1 decembre 2009, concernant le demenagement de la banque d'alimentation au centre communautaire de Carleton, soit accept& a titre informatif. 5.10 Que la lettre de E. Teed, datee du 23 novembre 2009, concernant une marche dangereuse sur la rue Water, soit transmise au directeur general par interim. 5.11 Que, comme le recommande le directeur general par interim, le conseil communal approuve le budget presente dans le cadre de la celebration du 225e anniversaire de Saint John (a titre de premiere cite constituee en corporation au Canada), et que le commissaire aux finances soit autorise par le conseil communal a approuver les depenses aux termes dudit budget assujetti aux politiques d'approvisionnement de The City of Saint John. Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que la recommandation formulee relativement a chacune des questions soumises a ('approbation du conseil, a ('exclusion du point 5.5, et qui a ete selectionnee aux fins de discussions, soit adoptee. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 6. Members Comments Council members commented on various community events. 6. Commentaires presentes par les membres Les membres du conseil s'expriment sur diverses activites communautaires. 7. Proclamation 7. Proclamation (Councillors Court and Titus withdrew from the meeting) 10. Consideration of By -laws 10.1 First and Second Reading City Market By -Law Amendment On motion of Councillor Killen Seconded by Councillor Sullivan RESOLVED that the by -law entitled, "By -Law Number C -1 A By -Law Relating to the Market in The City of Saint John amending Section 5(2) by adding the following immediately after subsection 5(2)p: 5(2)q (1) Stall D, be read a first time. Question being taken, the motion was carried. Read a first time by title, the by -law entitled, "By -Law Number C -1 A By -Law Relating to the Market in The City of Saint John." On motion of Councillor Sullivan Seconded by Councillor Farren RESOLVED that the by -law entitled, "By -Law Number C -1 A By -Law Relating to the Market in The City of Saint John amending Section 5(2) by adding the following immediately after subsection 5(2)p: 5(2)q (1) Stall D, be read a second time. Question being taken, the motion was carried. Read a second time by title, the by -law entitled, "By -Law Number C -1 A By -Law Relating to the Market in The City of Saint John." (Les conseillers Court et Titus quittent la reunion.) 10. Etude des arretes municipaux 10.1 Premiere et deuxieme lectures de la modification concernant I'arrete sur le marche municipal Proposition du conseiller Killen Appuyee par le conseiller Sullivan RESOLU que I'arrete intitule Arrete n° C -1 concernant le marche de The City of Saint John modifiant le paragraphe 5(2) par I'ajout de ce qui suit immediatement apres I'alinea 5(2)p) 5(2)q)(1) etal D fasse I'objet dune premiere lecture. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 95 -72 COMMON COUNCIL/CONSEIL COMMUNAL DECEMBER 7, 2009 /LE 7 DECEMBRE 2009 Premiere lecture par titre de I'arrete intitule Arrete n° C -1 concernant le marche de The City of Saint John Proposition du conseiller Sullivan Appuyee par le conseiller Farren RESOLU que I'arrete intitule Arrete n° C -1 concernant le marche de The City of Saint John modifiant le paragraphe 5(2) par I'ajout de ce qui suit immediatement apres I'alinea 5(2)p) 5(2)q)(1) etal D fasse I'objet dune deuxieme lecture. Deuxieme lecture par titre de I'arrete intitule Arrete n° C -1 concernant le marche de The City of Saint John 10.2(a) Third Reading Proposed Zoning By -Law Amendment 347 -351 Main Street 10.2(b) Section 39 Conditions On motion of Councillor Killen Seconded by Councillor Sullivan RESOLVED that the by -law entitled, "By -Law Number C.P. 110 -128 A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John amending Schedule "A the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re- zoning a parcel of land with an area of approximately 730 square metres, located at 347 -351 Main Street, also identified as PID number 55180608, from "BR" Business Residential to "B -2" General Business, be read. Question being taken, the motion was carried. The by -law entitled, "By -Law Number C.P. 110 -128 A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John," was read in its entirety. On motion of Councillor Killen Seconded by Councillor Sullivan RESOLVED that, pursuant to the provisions of Section 39 of the Community Planning Act, the development and use of a parcel of land with an area of approximately 730 square metres, located at 347 -351 Main Street, also identified as PID number 55180608, be subject to the following conditions: a. The use of the basement level of the building shall be restricted to residential storage and /or storage of non flammable flooring materials for the adjacent retail store at 240 Metcalf Street. Question being taken, the motion was carried. On motion of Councillor Sullivan Seconded by Councillor Killen 95 -73 COMMON COUNCIL/CONSEIL COMMUNAL DECEMBER 7, 2009 /LE 7 DECEMBRE 2009 RESOLVED that the by -law entitled, "By -Law Number C.P. 110 -128 A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John amending Schedule "A the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re- zoning a parcel of land with an area of approximately 730 square metres, located at 347 -351 Main Street, also identified as PID number 55180608, from "BR" Business Residential to "B -2" General Business, be read a third time, enacted, and the Corporate Common Seal affixed thereto. Question being taken, the motion was carried. Read a third time by title, the by -law entitled, "By -Law Number C.P. 110 -128 A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John." 10.2a) Troisieme lecture du projet de modification de I'Arrete de zonage visant les 347 -351, rue Main 10.2b) Conditions imposees par ('article 39 Proposition du conseiller Killen Appuyee par le conseiller Sullivan RESOLU que I'arrete intitule Arrete n° C.P. 110 -128 modifiant ('Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John en modifiant a ('annexe A, plan de zonage de The City of Saint John, le zonage dune parcelle de terrain situee au 347 -351, rue Main, dune superficie d'environ 730 metres carres et portant le NID 55180608, pour faire passer la classification s'y rapportant de zone commerciale residentielle BR a zone commerciale generale B -2 fasse ('objet dune lecture. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. L'arrete intitule «Arrete n° C.P. 110 -128 modifiant ('Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John est lu integralement. Proposition du conseiller Killen Appuyee par le conseiller Sullivan RESOLU qu'en vertu des conditions prevues a ('article 39 de la Loi surl'urbanisme, I'amenagement et ('utilisation dune parcelle de terrain dune superficie d'environ 730 metres carres, situee au 347 -351, rue Main et portant le NID 55180608, soient assujettis aux conditions suivantes b. L'utilisation du sous -sol sera strictement reservee a I'entreposage residentiel ou a I'entreposage de materiel de revetement de sol pour le magasin adjacent situe au 240, rue Metcalf. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Proposition du conseiller Sullivan Appuyee par le conseiller Killen RESOLU que I'arrete intitule Arrete n° C.P. 110- 128 modifiant ('Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John en modifiant a ('annexe A, plan de zonage de The City of Saint John, le zonage dune parcelle de terrain situee au 347 -351, rue Main, dune superficie d'environ 730 metres carres et portant le NID 55180608, pour faire passer la classification s'y rapportant de zone commerciale residentielle BR a zone commerciale generale B -2 fasse ('objet dune troisieme lecture, que ledit arrete soit edicte et que le sceau communal y soit appose. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Troisieme lecture par titre de I'arrete intitule «Arrete n° C.P. 110 -128 modifiant ('Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John 10.3 Third Reading Proposed Zoning By -Law Amendment 29 -47 Sewell Street and 69 -75 Dorchester Street On motion of Councillor Snook Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that the by -law entitled, "By -Law Number C.P. 110 -127 A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John," voting nay. 95 -74 COMMON COUNCIL/CONSEIL COMMUNAL DECEMBER 7, 2009 /LE 7 DECEMBRE 2009 amending Schedule "A the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re- zoning a parcel of land with an area of approximately 3340 square metres, located at 29 -47 Sewell Street and 69 -75 Dorchester Street, also identified as PID numbers 00039685, 00039677, 00038588, 00038596, 00039768, 00039776, 00039784 and 00038604, from "RM -1" Three Storey Multiple Residential to "B -2" General Business, be read. Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillor Higgins The by -law entitled, "By -Law Number C.P. 110 -127 A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John," was read in its entirety. On motion of Councillor Sullivan Seconded by Councillor Killen RESOLVED that the by -law entitled, "By -Law Number C.P. 110 -127 A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John," amending Schedule "A the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re- zoning a parcel of land with an area of approximately 3340 square metres, located at 29 -47 Sewell Street and 69 -75 Dorchester Street, also identified as PID numbers 00039685, 00039677, 00038588, 00038596, 00039768, 00039776, 00039784 and 00038604, from "RM -1" Three Storey Multiple Residential to "B -2" General Business, be read a third time, enacted, and the Corporate Common Seal affixed thereto. voting nay. Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillor Higgins Read a third time by title, the by -law entitled, "By -Law Number C.P. 110 -127 A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John." (Councillor Court re- entered the meeting) 10.3 Troisieme lecture du projet de modification de ('Arrete de zonage visant les 29 -47, rue Sewell et 69 -75, rue Dorchester Proposition du conseiller Snook Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que I'arrete intitule Arrete n° 110 -27 modifiant ('Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John modifiant ('annexe A, plan de zonage de The City of Saint John, en procedant au rezonage dune parcelle de terrain dune superficie d'environ 3 340 metres carres situee au 29 -47, rue Sewell et au 69 -75, rue Dorchester, inscrite sous les NID 00039685, 00039677, 00038588, 00038596, 00039768, 00039776, 00039784 et 00038604, afin de la faire passer de zone d'edifices a logements multiples de trois etages RM -1 a zone commerciale generale B -2 fasse ('objet dune lecture. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. La conseillere Higgins vote contre la proposition. L'arrete intitule «Arrete n° C.P. 110 -127 modifiant ('Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John est lu integralement. Proposition du conseiller Sullivan Appuyee par le conseiller Killen RESOLU que I'arrete intitule Arrete n° 110 -27 modifiant ('Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John modifiant ('annexe A, plan de zonage de The City of Saint John, en procedant au rezonage dune parcelle de terrain dune superficie d'environ 3 340 metres carres situee au 29 -47, rue Sewell et au 69 -75, rue Dorchester, inscrite sous les NID 00039685, 00039677, 00038588, 00038596, 00039768, 00039776, 00039784 et 00038604, afin de la faire passer de zone d'edifices a logements multiples de trois etages RM -1 a zone commerciale generale B -2 fasse ('objet dune troisieme lecture, que ledit wrote soit edicte et que le sceau communal y soit appose. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. La conseillere Higgins vote contre la proposition. 95 -75 COMMON COUNCIL/CONSEIL COMMUNAL DECEMBER 7, 2009 /LE 7 DECEMBRE 2009 Troisieme lecture par titre de I'arrete intitule «Arrete n° C.P. 110 -127 modifiant I'Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John (Le conseiller Court se joint de nouveau a la seance.) 11.2 West Saint John Infill Remediation Challenges (Councillor McGuire) On motion of Councillor McGuire Seconded by Councillor Snook RESOLVED that the Acting City Manager be directed to report back to Council by January 15, 2010 with respect to the existing policy, or the proposed new policy, for the remediation of building sites. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 11.2 Defis de ('edification sur terrain intercalaire dans Saint John Ouest (conseiller McGuire) Proposition du conseiller McGuire Appuyee par le conseiller Snook RESOLU que le directeur general par interim fera un compte rendu devant le conseil d'ici le 15 janvier 2010 concernant la politique existante, ou la nouvelle politique proposee, pour la restauration des terrains a batir. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 11.3 Lorneville and New Municipal Plan for The City of Saint John (Councillor McGuire) On motion of Councillor McGuire Seconded by Councillor Sullivan RESOLVED that the submitted report from Councillor McGuire entitled Lorneville and New Municipal Plan for The City of Saint John be received for information. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 11.3 Lorneville et le nouveau plan d'amenagement pour The City of Saint John (conseiller McGuire) Proposition du conseiller McGuire Appuyee par le conseiller Sullivan RESOLU que le rapport soumis par le conseiller McGuire intitule Lorneville and New Municipal Plan for The City of Saint John (Lorneville et le nouveau plan d'amenagement pour The City of Saint John), soit accepte a titre informatif. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 11.4 Intelligence Led Policing (Councillor McGuire) On motion of Councillor McGuire Seconded by Councillor Snook RESOLVED that Council requests that Senior Saint John Police Department Officials make a presentation to Common Council on the topic of Intelligence Led Policing, and further, that the presentation be referred to the Common Clerk to schedule. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 11.4 Maintien de I'ordre au moyen des renseignements (conseiller McGuire) Proposition du conseiller McGuire Appuyee par le conseiller Snook RESOLU que le conseil demande aux agents de niveau superieur du service de police de Saint John de faire une presentation devant le conseil communal au sujet du maintien de I'ordre au moyen des renseignements et que la presentation soit soumise a la greffiere communale aux fins d'inscription de la date a I'ordre du jour. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 95 -76 COMMON COUNCIL/CONSEIL COMMUNAL DECEMBER 7, 2009 /LE 7 DECEMBRE 2009 11.5 Negotiating with ONE Change for the Operation of the North End Community Centre (Councillor Sullivan) Councillor Snook proposed an amendment to the main motion, which was seconded by Councillor McGuire, whereby the ONE Change, as well as other organizations, would be considered to operate the North End Community Centre. After discussion Councillors Snook and McGuire withdrew the amendment. On motion of Councillor Sullivan Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that the Acting City Manager investigate the feasibility of The ONE Change operating the North End Community Centre, and further, that a recommendation on this matter be submitted to Council for its consideration. Question being taken, the motion was carried. On motion of Councillor Farren Seconded by Councillor Mott RESOLVED that the meeting time be extended beyond 10:00 p.m. as provided for in the Procedural By -law. Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillors McGuire and Sullivan voting nay. 11.5 Negociations avec ONE Change concernant ('exploitation du centre communautaire du quartier nord (conseiller Sullivan) Le conseiller Snook propose une modification a la proposition principale, qui est appuyee par le conseiller McGuire, voulant que ONE Change, de meme que d'autres organisations, soient consideres comme les exploitants du centre communautaire du quartier nord. Apres une discussion, les conseillers Snook et McGuire retirent la modification. Proposition du conseiller Sullivan Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que le directeur municipal par interim examine la possibilite que ONE Change exploite le centre communautaire du quartier nord et qu'une recommandation a cet effet soit soumise au conseil aux fins d'examen. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Proposition du conseiller Farren Appuyee par le conseiller Mott RESOLU que la reunion se prolonge au -dela de 22 h, conformement aux dispositions de I'arrete procedural. A ('issue du vote, la proposition est acceptee. Les conseillers McGuire et Sullivan votent contre la proposition. 13. Committee Reports 13.1 Uptown Saint John: 2010 Budget On motion of Councillor Farren Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that the submitted Uptown Saint John 2010 budget, indicating a 16 cent levy per one hundred dollars of assessment, be advertised and a date set for a public hearing. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 95 -77 COMMON COUNCIL/CONSEIL COMMUNAL DECEMBER 7, 2009 /LE 7 DECEMBRE 2009 13. Rapports deposes par les comites 13.1 Uptown Saint John Budget pour 2010 Proposition du conseiller Farren Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que le budget de 2010 de Uptown Saint John soumis, indiquant un taux d'impot foncier de 16 cents par 100 dollars devaluation fonciere, soit publie et qu'une date soit fixee pour la tenue dune audience publique. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 13.2 Planning Advisory Committee: Proposed Subdivision 60 Marilyn Drive On motion of Councillor Farren Seconded by Councillor Court RESOLVED that Common Council accept a cash in -lieu Land for Public Purposes dedication for the proposed subdivision 60 Marilyn Drive. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 13.2 Comite consultatif d'urbanisme Projet de lotissement au 60, promenade Marilyn Proposition du conseiller Farren Appuyee par le conseiller Court RESOLU QUE le conseil communal accepte une compensation monetaire pour le terrain d'utilite publique en vue du projet d'amenagement du lotissement 60, promenade Marilyn. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 12.3 Drinking Water Quality Trihalomethanes (THMs) On motion of Councillor Court Seconded by Councillor Farren RESOLVED that the submitted report dated December 2, 2009, entitled Drinking Water Quality- Trihalomethanes, be received for information. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 12.3 Qualite de I'eau potable trihalomethanes (THM) Proposition du conseiller Court Appuyee par le conseiller Farren RESOLU que le rapport date du 2 decembre 2009 intitule Drinking Water Quality- Trihalomethanes Qualite de I'eau potable trihalomethanes), soit accepte a titre informatif. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 12.4 Acting City Manager: Tender for Aquatic Centre Roof Replacement On motion of Councillor Court Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that the tender for the provision of all required labour, materials and equipment necessary to supply and install a new roof on the Canada Games Aquatic Centre be awarded to Flynn Canada Ltd., in the tax included amount of $1,205,710.00 and further that the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to sign the necessary contract documents. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 95 -78 COMMON COUNCIL/CONSEIL COMMUNAL DECEMBER 7, 2009 /LE 7 DECEMBRE 2009 12.4 Directeur general par interim Soumission relative au remplacement du toit du Centre aquatique Proposition du conseiller Court Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que le contrat, dune valeur de 1 205 710 y compris la taxe, comprenant la main d'oeuvre, les materiaux et I'equipement necessaires pour la pose d'un nouveau toit sur le Centre aquatique des Jeux du Canada, soit accorde a Flynn Canada Ltd., et que le maire et la greffiere communale soient autorises a signer les documents contractuels necessaires. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 11.6 Establishing an Exemption Permit Program for On- Street Parking During Winter Months (Councillor Sullivan) On motion of Councillor Sullivan Seconded by Councillor Killen RESOLVED that the Acting City Manager be directed to submit a report examining the possibility of creating an exemption permit program allowing residents without access to off street parking to apply for a registered tag that will allow them on- street parking during the winter ban when there is no snow, or when plowing has been completed, and further, the report shall include a notification protocol so that Operations can require compliance with the ban in anticipation of an upcoming storm. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 11.6 Etablissement d'un programme d'exemption de permis pour le stationnement sur rue en hiver (conseiller Sullivan) Proposition du conseiller Sullivan Appuyee par le conseiller Killen RESOLU que le directeur municipal par interim soit charge de soumettre un rapport examinant la possibilite de creer un programme d'exemption de permis permettant aux residents n'ayant pas acces a un stationnement hors rue de faire une demande pour une etiquette inscrite qui leur permettrait de stationner dans la rue pendant la periode d'interdiction de stationnement en hiver lorsqu'il n'y aurait pas de neige, ou lorsque le deblayage serait termine, et ce rapport devra comprendre un protocole d'avertissement pour que le service des Operations puisse appliquer la politique d'interdiction en prevision dune tempete annoncee. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 14.3 Tenders for Chemicals On motion of Councillor Sullivan Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that as recommended by the Acting City Manager, the tenders for the establishment of supply agreements for various chemicals used to treat the City's potable water supply be awarded to the lowest bidder in each case as follows: Sodium Hypochlorite to Univar Canada Ltd, Hydrofluosilicic Acid to Alpha Chemicals Ltd. and Chlorine Gas to Benntag Canada Ltd. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 14.3 Soumissions relatives aux produits chimiques Proposition du conseiller Sullivan Appuyee par le conseiller McGuire RESOLU que, comme le recommande le directeur general par interim, les contrats relatifs a la fourniture des divers produits chimiques utilises aux fins de traitement de l'eau potable municipale soient accordes au soumissionnaire le moins disant dans cheque cas, comme suit l'hypochlorite de sodium a Univar Canada Ltd; l'acide fluorosilicique a Alpha Chemicals Ltd. et le chlore gazeux a Brenntag Canada Ltd. 95 -79 COMMON COUNCIL/CONSEIL COMMUNAL DECEMBER 7, 2009 /LE 7 DECEMBRE 2009 A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 15. General Correspondence 15. Correspondance generale 16. Adjournment The Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m. 16. Levee de la seance Le maire declare que la seance est levee a 22 h 15. Mayor maire Common Clerk /greffiere communale