2006-07-17_Minutes--Procès-verbal 92-363 COMMON COUNCIUCONSEIL COMMUNAL JULY 17, 2006/LE 17 JUILLET 2006 COMMON COUNCIL MEETING - THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN CITY HALL - JULY 17,2006 - 6:30 P.M. present Norman McFarlane, Mayor Deputy Mayor Hooton and Councillors Chang, Chase, Court, Farren, Ferguson, McGuire, Tait, Titus and White - and - P. Woods, Common Clerk and Deputy City Manager; J. Nugent, City Solicitor; A. Beckett, Deputy City Manager of Programs and Priorities and Acting Treasurer; P. Groody, Commissioner of Municipal Operations; J. Baird, Commissioner of Planning and Development; W. Edwards, Commissioner of Buildings and Inspection Services; R. Simonds, Fire Chief; A. Bodechon, Chief of Police; and Jackie Ferrar, Administrative Assistant REUNION DU CONSEIL COMMUNAL DE THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN TENUE A L'HOTEL DE VILLE, LE 17 JUILLET 2006 A 18 H 30 Sont presents: Norman McFarlane, maire la mairesse suppleante Hooton et les conseillers Chang, Chase, Court, Farren, Ferguson, McGuire, Tait, Titus et White et P. Woods, greffier communal et directeur general adjoint; J. Nugent, avocat municipal; A. Beckett, directeur general adjoint, programmes et priorites et tresorier par interim; P. Groody, commissaire aux operations municipales; J. Baird, commissaire a I'urbanisme et au developpement; W. Edwards, commissaire aux services d'inspection et des batiments; R. Simonds, chef du service d'incendie; A. Bodechon, chef de police; et Jackie Ferrar, adjointe administrative. 1. Call To Order - Prayer Mayor McFarlane called the meeting to order and Pastor Clayton Misner of Saint John Four Square Church offered the opening prayer. 1. Ouverture de la reunion, suivie de la priere La seance est ouverte par Ie maire McFarlane et Ie pasteur Clayton Misner, de I'eglise Four Square, a Saint John, offre la priere d'ouverture. 2 Approval of Minutes On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Deputy Mayor Hooton RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of Common Council held on July 4, 2006, be approved. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 2 Approbation du proces-verbal de la derniere reunion Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par la mairesse suppleante Hooton RESOLU que Ie proces-verbal de la reunion du conseil communal tenue Ie 4 juillet 2006 so it approuve. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 92-364 COMMON COUNCIUCONSEIL COMMUNAL JULY 17, 2006/LE 17 JUILLET 2006 3 Approval of Agenda On motion of Councillor White Seconded by Deputy Mayor Hooton RESOLVED that the agenda of this meeting be approved. Question being taken, the motion was carried. On motion of Councillor Court Seconded by Councillor White RESOLVED that items 14.1,14.2,15.1,15.2, and 15.3, which were not considered by Council at the July 4th meeting, be moved forward for consideration on the agenda, and Council adopt this procedure for all items that are carried forward from a previous meeting. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 3 Adoption de I'ordre du jour Proposition du conseiller White Appuyee par la mairesse suppleante Hooton RESOLU que I'ordre du jour de la presente reunion so it adopte. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Proposition du conseiller Court Appuyee par Ie conseiller White RESOLU que les points 14.1,14.2,15.1,15.2 et 15.3, qui n'ont pas ete abordes par Ie conseillors de la reunion du 4 juillet dernier, soient examines des maintenant, et que Ie conseil adopte cette procedure pour tous les points reportes d'une reunion precedente. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 4. Disclosures of Conflict of Interest 4. Divulgations de conflits d'interets 5. Adoption of Consent Agenda 5.1 Human Development Council - Official City Status for Saint John Youth Cabinet That the letter from the Human Development Council requesting that Council establish by resolution a Saint John Youth Cabinet, be referred to the City Manager. 5.2 Saint John Transit Commission - 2006 Operating Budget Status That the letter from the Saint John Transit Commission advising that it is currently operating on budget, be received for information. 5.3 Request from Anglo Society of NB for City to Fly its Flag September 18, 2006 That the request from the Anglo Society of NB for the City to fly its flag on Anglo Day, September 18, 2006, be referred to the City Manager. 5.4 NB Historical Society - Re-naming Of Streets That the letter from the NB Historical Society voicing concerns regarding the re- naming of City streets from a historical perspective, be referred to the City Manager. 92-365 COMMON COUNCIUCONSEIL COMMUNAL JULY 17, 2006/LE 17 JUILLET 2006 5.5 Request to Present to Council from Milk for Mom's Inc That the request from Milk for Mom's Inc. to present to Council, be referred to the Common Clerk to schedule a presentation. 5.6 Request to Present from Partnerships Saint John That the request of Partnerships Saint John to present to Council, be referred to the Common Clerk to schedule a presentation. 5.7 Eric Teed Regarding Cigarette Butt Receptacles That the letter from Eric Teed regarding the placement of cigarette butt receptacles in front of uptown businesses, be referred to the City Manager. 5.8 Request to Present to Council from Saint John Waterfront Development Partnership That the letter from Bill MacMackin requesting to present to Council with an update on the Water Street Precinct and Cruise Terminal, be referred to the Common Clerk to schedule a presentation on July 31, 2006. On motion of Deputy Mayor Hooton Seconded by Councillor White RESOLVED that the Consent Agenda be approved. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 5. Adoption de I'ordre du jour relatif aux questions soumises a I'approbation du conseil 5.1 Conseil de perfectionnement social - Statut officiel de la ville en ce qui a trait au Youth Cabinet (cabinet des jeunes) de Saint John Que la lettre du Conseil de perfectionnement social demandant que Ie conseil etablisse par resolution un Youth Cabinet (cabinet des jeunes) de Saint John so it transmise au directeur general. 5.2 Etat du budget d'exploitation de 2006 de la Commission de transport de Saint John Que la lettre de la Commission de transport de Saint John indiquant qu'elle respecte son budget d'exploitation soit acceptee a titre informatif. 5.3 Demande de la Anglo Society of NB en vue de faire hisser son drapeau Ie 18 septembre 2006 Que la demande de la Anglo Society of NB pour que la ville hisse son drapeau a I'occasion du Anglo Day, Ie 18 septembre 2006, soit transmise au directeur general. 5.4 Societe historique du Nouveau-Brunswick - Changement de noms de rues Que la lettre de la Societe historique du Nouveau-Brunswick exprimant des inquietudes concernant Ie changement de nom de rues de la ville d'un point de vue historique so it transmise au directeur general. 5.5 Demande de presentation de la part de Milk for Mom's Inc. QUE la demande de Milk for Mom's Inc. visant a faire une presentation devant Ie conseil so it transmise au greffier communal pour qu'il fixe une date de presentation. 5.6 Demande de presentation de la part de Partenariats de Saint John Que la demande de Partnerships Saint John visant a faire une presentation devant Ie conseil soit transmise au greffier communal pour qu'il fixe une date de presentation. 92-366 COMMON COUNCIUCONSEIL COMMUNAL JULY 17, 2006/LE 17 JUILLET 2006 5.7 Lettre d'Eric Teed concernant les recipients de megots de cigarettes Que la lettre d'Eric Teed concernant la disposition de recipients de megots de cigarettes a I'avant des entreprises du quartier Uptown soit transmise au directeur general. 5.8 Demande de presentation devant Ie conseil de la part de Partenariat d'amenagement du secteur riverain de Saint John Que la lettre de Bill MacMackin demandant de faire une presentation devant Ie conseil, accompagnee d'une mise a jour sur Ie poste de police et Ie terminal de croisiere de la rue Water, soit transmise au greffier communal pour qu'il fixe une presentation Ie 31 juillet 2006. Proposition de la mairesse suppleante Hooton Appuyee par Ie conseiller White RESOLU que I'ordre du jour relatif aux questions soumises a I'approbation du conseil so it adopte. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 6. Members Comments Council members commented on various community events. Mayor McFarlane advised that Mr. Totten is in Halifax this evening representing the City at a meeting with all levels of government regarding the Bay Ferry issue. He explained they have agreed through ACOA to hire a company to develop a needs assessment and economic development assessment study on the service. When this study is completed it will be submitted to the committee set up by the Hon. Peter MacKay. On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that item 11.2 - Response Regarding Pension Plan Deficit, be brought forward for consideration. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 6. Commentaires presentes par les membres Les membres du conseil s'expriment sur diverses activites communautaires. Le maire McFarlane informe que M. Totten est a Halifax ce soir pour representer la ville a une reunion regroupant tous les paliers de gouvernement concernant la question de Bay Ferry. II explique que les intervenants ont accepte, par I'entremise de I'APECA, d'engager une entreprise pour elaborer une etude d'evaluation des besoins et d'evaluation du developpement economique a I'egard du service. Lorsque cette etude sera terminee, elle sera soumise au comite etabli par I'Honorable Peter MacKay. Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par Ie conseiller McGuire RESOLU que Ie point 11.2 intitule Reponse concernant Ie deficit du regime de retraite soit examine des maintenant. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 7. Proclamation 7. Proclamation 11.2 Response Regarding Pension Plan Deficit Referring to his submitted presentation, Councillor Ferguson provided Council with a detailed review advising that the information which he has been ordered to provide to Council is already in their possession. Councillor Ferguson expressed the view this information has been buried in erroneous and incomplete response packages noting that it is selective information, organized and presented to Council by staff as though it was a 92-367 COMMON COUNCIUCONSEIL COMMUNAL JULY 17, 2006/LE 17 JUILLET 2006 seamlessly persuasive document. Councillor Ferguson continued with his presentation raising questions with regard to what is alleged, what are the financial impacts on the Pension Plan, what the impact is on the taxpayer, and what the cost is to the organization. He noted Council's obligations, the different stories and piecing together of information, and the financial statement irregularities. He concluded his presentation commenting with regard to conflict of interest and governance advising that he wants to make certain we are prudent and yet fair to our employees pointing out that he wants to stop the City of Saint John's taxes from increasing and proposed recommendations as outlined in his report. Mayor McFarlane questioned Councillor Ferguson if his report contains all the documentation and information that he has; to which he confirmed it is all that he has which relates to his comments at previous Council meetings. Mr. Nugent commented with regard to the characterization of his June 28, 2006 letter to Council as a political document, stating that there should be no misunderstanding that this document is a written legal opinion from the City Solicitor to Council, the purpose being to advise Council of their legal duty, in his view, to seek from Councillor Ferguson a full disclosure of any information that he had which would support his comments which implied improper and inappropriate or misleading behaviour that bore adversley upon the City's well being particularly with regard to the responsibility of the unfunded liability of the Pension Plan. Referring to the claim by Councillor Ferguson that access to legal advice was denied, Mr. Nugent referred to a meeting with Councillor Ferguson and the City Manager at which time there was no clear formulation of the issue or questions that would be put to outside legal counsel and as a result he was not prepared under these circumstances to retain outside counsel. He expressed the opinion that he would not be acting responsibly if he was to retain someone when the issue with which they were to deal with was not clearly set out. Mr. Nugent advised that he has repeatedly written to Council encouraging them to seek outside legal advice and explained that this advice was taken and extensive opinions were received from an expert in this area. Mr. Nugent stated that the suggestion by Councillor Ferguson that in light of Council's decision to accept his advice on matters relating to the pension, notwithstanding his declared conflict of interest, Council has somehow accepted responsibility for this advice is not accurate. He spoke concerning his two disclosures of interest that were filed with respect to pension matters, the first being based upon his membership in the Pension Plan and secondly his membership on the Board of Trustees for the Pension Plan. He further explained that his professional obligation to Council as City Solicitor is in no way diminished or eliminated because Council has determined that, notwithstanding his filed declarations of interest, they want him to provide them with advice; noting that it must be clear that the obligation he has is the same obligation that he has always had, which is to provide Council with advice to the best of his ability. Commenting with regard to Councillor Ferguson's presentation, Mr. Beckett expressed the view that there are numerous issues which require a response from staff and responded to the following remarks by Councillor Ferguson - (1) debt payment was not made in the amount of $600,000 - Mr. Beckett reminded Council that this was a budget error made during the preparation of the 2004 budget advising that all debt payments were made in accordance with the requirements of these debt issuances, all debt payments were properly recorded in the financial statements and at no time has there been any debt payments not included in the financial statements of the City; (2) costs associated with the early retirement/voluntary separation program that were included in the notes to the financial statements - Mr. Beckett explained in 2003 a cost of $3.4 million represented the amount that was actually paid into 2003 related to the early retirement/voluntary separation program. Some employees had requested that the payments be spread over a two year period, to ease tax implications, so there was a further $400,000 paid in 2004 related to the program bringing the total cost to $3.8 million. Mr. Beckett explained this matter was discussed with the Financial Committee at that time as well as Council and noted it is properly recorded in the financial statements. He advised that the total cost of the program in the amount of $3.8 million is consistent with the report that was originally given to Council at the time the packages were approved which indicated a total cost to the municipality of $3.7 million, the difference being due to the final calculations of the buyouts. Referencing the comment by Councillor Ferguson that applications for disability were approved inappropriately by the Pension Board and that this relates to a cultural problem in the City, Mr. Beckett distributed a copy of a report to Council dated January 30, 2006, from the Pension Board, detailing the steps in approving disability applications and the number of individuals on disability at this time, that being 99 reduced from 103 due to 92-368 COMMON COUNCIUCONSEIL COMMUNAL JULY 17, 2006/LE 17 JUILLET 2006 four deaths. He informed Council that of these 99 individuals, 60% are in receipt of CPP which means they are automatically approved for disability under the City's Plan and no decision is required from the Pension Board. He further advised that an independent medical opinion was required for every application which stated whether or not the employee met the Board's definition for disability; and stated that the notion that this was simply an agreement between a supervisor and an employee was incorrect. Commenting with regard to staffing numbers, Mr. Beckett confirmed Councillor Ferguson's remarks that at the time of the approval of the retirement programs there was the indication that the management/professional staff would be reduced from 83 to 68 positions. Referring to a report, which he distributed to Council entitled Management/Professional Staff, he explained that in 2003 the establishment went down to 69 positions and explained that since that time positions have been added pointing out the addition of staff is Council's authority. He continued with a review of this report which detailed the positions that were eliminated and those that have been added during the period 2003 to 2006. Mr. Beckett stressed in all cases positions were added only with the approval of Council during the annual budget process and the subsequent approval of the Establishment. Responding to a question raised by Councillor Court, Mr. Beckett advised there were no enhancements to any employee's pension as a result of the early retirement/voluntary separation program noting that there were the one-time buyouts. He further explained that during a discussion with the Plan's Actuary, it was suggested that Council review the actuarial valuation completed in December 2003 where the financial impact of individuals retiring earlier than assumed in the last valuation was $2.2 million. Discussion continued with Councillor Court expressing agreement with the issues raised in Councillor Ferguson presentation. Councillor Chase inquired if benefits to pensioners would be reduced if Council decided to make changes; to which Mr. Beckett advised their benefits are protected under the Pension Benefits Act. Referring to Councillor Ferguson's comment that "Saint John's disability pension approvals are four times the industry standard and represent 80% of an employee's gross salary, individuals on a disability pension receive 80%", he questioned what an employee would receive on a disability pension. Responding, Mr. Beckett explained that the maximum disability pension that a person can receive is 60% of their salary depending on their number of years of service and the years of service at the time of disability. He pointed out there is a cap in the Pension Plan which prohibits a disability pension from exceeding the years maximum pensionable earnings figure as prescribed in the Pension Plan. Referring to the City Solicitor's report which was considered at Council's meeting of July 4th, Councillor McGuire inquired if Councillor Ferguson had responded to all of the questions contained in that report. Mr. Nugent responded that the report contained statements by Councillor Ferguson at recent Council meetings that gave rise, in his view, to a reasonable understanding that he was suggesting that something amiss had been taking place concerning the requirement to fund the liabilities of the Pension Plan. He explained his purpose in bringing this to Council's attention was to highlight the fact that there were comments made that had to be based upon information, information which had not been provided with his comments pointing out that this is a very important issue of the City - financial integrity. He noted that, in his view, it is important for Council to pursue from Councillor Ferguson the information upon which he based his comments. The intention being that the information lying behind these comments would then be available for Council to consider, discuss, pursue if necessary and then make an informed decision. Discussion continued with Councillor Chang raising concerns with regard to what information Council has on this matter and Councillor White expressing the opinion that he cannot make a decision on this matter until a response is received from staff and/or the Pension Board with regard to the discrepancies that have been raised this evening. Speaking in support of Councillor Ferguson's presentation, Councillor Farren raised the issue of conflict of interest concerning a Pension Board member and stressed the importance of having an independent review for the benefit of everyone. He advised that he will not support any changes in pension benefits or an increase in taxes until an independent review is carried out. Commenting briefly Deputy Mayor Hooton advised that she does not see any illegal activity and spoke regarding responses from various investment professionals she 92-369 COMMON COUNCIUCONSEIL COMMUNAL JULY 17, 2006/LE 17 JUILLET 2006 questioned concerning whether or not the buyouts impacted the pension to this extent noting the response has always been - no. Councillor Tait informed Council members that he requested a legal opinion, from the City Solicitor as to whether or not he was in a conflict of interest and requested Councillor Ferguson's response to the following questions: 1. Is your slide presentation of tonight representative of and consistent with the report submitted to the Mayor and Council in the Council Kit on July 14, 2006 - Councillor Ferguson responded yes. 2. Does the same report and presentation comply with the direction of Council and is it consistent with the resolution? - Councillor Ferguson responded the information has been completely provided and if it is not in this presentation, then it was provided before the presentation, in the media or in some other format - you have answers to every question. 3. Have you provided concrete examples of reliable and professional sources of factual information to substantiate the statements that you have made as referred to by the City Solicitor, John Nugent? Councillor Ferguson responded - these are the facts, they are serious and there needs to be an investigation - yes. Councillor Titus expressed agreement with Councillor White's suggestion to have this matter referred to staff and the Pension Board for a response. Continuing, he stressed his concerns with regard to comments made by Councillor Ferguson during his presentation, in particular relating to disability. On motion of Councillor Tait Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that the City Solicitor, John Nugent, be given the task of evaluating provided information with a targeted scope of reviewing his own letter to Council which includes the resolution adopted by Council dated June 28, 2006, re duty to act in the best interest of the citizens along with Councillor Ferguson's response, report and presentation. This resolution is made with the following inherent provisions - during the review the City Solicitor with whatever assistance he deems necessary, specifically address the following key components: (1) a professional ruling on whether Councillor Ferguson has indeed complied with the resolution contained in the City Solicitor's report to Council to act in the best interest of the citizens; (2) evaluation or dismissal of any or all the information provided by Councillor Ferguson with the inclusion of rationale for validation or dismissal. The scope of the review is to cover the comments and information contained in Councillor Ferguson's report to Council and slide presentation which constitutes his response to the resolution of Council following the Solicitor's report to Council. Objective, factual information must be determined to have been provided by Councillor Ferguson free of perceptions and third party innuendos. Deputy Mayor Hooton inquired how long it would take the City Solicitor to respond to the above resolution. Mr. Nugent stated he did not fully understand the motion and expressed the view that Council has been having a problem with the lack of information that would support comments that have been made over time by Councillor Ferguson. He noted there were issues raised in the presentation dealing with the disability allowance administration of the Pension Plan, cost to the Pension Plan of the early retirement/voluntary separation program, and errors in the financial statements. Mr. Nugent stated that in order to resolve this matter Council has an obligation to look at the information that bears upon these issues and then come to a decision whether or not there is any merit in pursuing them further and suggested the following - the administration of disability be referred back to the Pension Board for a response; the cost of the early retirement/voluntary separation program be referred to the Commissioner of Finance and the City Manager along with the matter regarding errors in the financial statements. Upon receipt of these responses, Council will then be in a position to determine if they have a sensible, full explanation of each of these points and if satisfied with the responses, pass a resolution to that effect and there will be no need to pursue it further. If the responses are not satisfactory, then the matter can be pursued. Referring to the comment by the City Solicitor that he does not understand the proposed resolution, Councillor Tait advised that he did not want to cause any further confusion for Council and withdrew his motion, with the consent of the seconder. 92-370 COMMON COUNCIUCONSEIL COMMUNAL JULY 17, 2006/LE 17 JUILLET 2006 Mr. Woods suggested it would be appropriate to have a response to Council regarding the concerns raised and proposed the following - cost of disability claims with regard to approvals; the number of individuals receiving benefits; the level of those benefits and the possibility of an insurance claim in relation to some medical opinions that mayor may not have been received - be referred to the Pension Board for a response; the financial impact on early retirement with regard to changes in the establishment and the financial position of the Pension Plan when the early retirement plan was instituted in 2002 - 2003 - be referred to the City Manager and Treasurer; the difference in financial statement notes $3.4 - $3.8 million - be referred to the City Manager for a response; recording of the debt payment - difference between budget amount and the actual amount recorded in the financial statements - $600,000 difference - be referred to the City Manager. Referencing a comment made during the presentation concerning the management group approving its own salaries and promotions, Mr. Woods explained they are not involved in establishing their own salaries and they do not make their own promotions. He advised Council that the City Manager brings a salary scale recommendation to Council for its consideration and suggested that the City Solicitor respond to the comments concerning conflict of interest and the question of access to professional advice. Mr. Woods informed Council members that everyone is willing and desirous to provide any information that is required. Mr. Woods commented briefly regarding the pension questions that have been submitted advising that they have been forwarded to the respective pension professionals for a response and a teach-in will be held for Council with the written responses being submitted prior to this session. On motion of Deputy Mayor Hooton Seconded by Councillor White RESOLVED that the appropriate responses be provided to Council from the Pension Board, City Manager, Treasurer and City Solicitor as outlined below: 1. Cost of disability claims with particular regard to; approvals; the number of individuals receiving benefits; the level of those benefits and the possibility of an insurance claim in relation to some medical opinions that mayor may not have been received - be referred to the Pension Board for a response. 2. Financial impact of the early retirement with particular regard to changes in the establishment and the financial position of the Pension Plan when the early retirement plan was instituted in 2002 - 2003 - be referred to the City Manager and Treasurer. 3. The difference in the 2004 - 2006 financial statement notes regarding cost of early retirement- be referred to the City Manager. 4. Recording of the debt payment - difference between budget amount and the actual amount recorded in the financial statements - $600,000 difference - be referred to the City Manager 5. The comment concerning conflict of interest and the question of access to professional advice - be referred to the City Solicitor. Councillor Ferguson expressed the opinion that the questions raised have been asked for two years and stated the proposed recommendation does not cut it. He stated this is a serious issue and there needs to be a full independent investigation. Councillors Chang and Titus advised they could not support the motion stating it was a waste of time. Councillor Chang suggested that Councillor Ferguson be given time to submit further questions. Councillor Farren advised he did not support the motion because it will not bring Council any further ahead and asked that an independent review be conducted. Councillor Court stated that, in his opinion, Councillor Ferguson believes he has responded to Council's questions and based on this information he wants an independent review carried out. Mayor McFarlane thanked Councillor Ferguson for his presentation noting that he questioned him if this was his complete report, to which he confirmed. 92-371 COMMON COUNCIUCONSEIL COMMUNAL JULY 17, 2006/LE 17 JUILLET 2006 Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillors Chang, Court, Farren, Ferguson and Titus voting "nay". (The Mayor announced a five minute recess after which Council reconvened at 9:05 p.m.) 11.2 Reponse concernant Ie deficit du regime de retraite Se rapportant a la presentation qu'il a soumise, Ie conseiller Ferguson presente au conseil un examen detaille, indiquant que les renseignements qu'on lui a ordonnes de fournir au conseil se trouvent deja en sa possession. Le conseiller Ferguson est d'avis que ces renseignements ont ete enfouis dans un ensemble de reponses erronees et incompletes, notant qu'il s'agit de renseignements selectifs, organises et presentes au conseil par Ie personnel comme si c'etait un document homogene convaincant. Le conseiller Ferguson continue sa presentation en soulevant des questions concernant les faits allegues, les repercussions financieres sur Ie regime de retraite, les repercussions sur les contribuables et les couts pour I'organisation. II souligne les obligations du conseil, les differentes histoires et I'assemblage de renseignements, et les irregularites dans les etats financiers. II conclut sa presentation en abordant la question des conflits d'interet et de la gouvernance, indiquant qu'il veut s'assurer que nous fassions preuve de prudence sans toutefois etre injuste envers nos employes, soulignant qu'il veut que cesse la hausse de taxe de The City of Saint John et propose des recommandations, comme I'indique son rapport. Le maire McFarlane interroge Ie conseiller Ferguson, a savoir si son rapport renferme toute la documentation et I'information qu'il possede; il confirme que c'est tout ce qu'il possede concernant les commentaires qu'il a obtenus durant les reunions precedentes du conseil. M. Nugent discute de I'interpretation de sa lettre du 28 juin 2006 presentee au conseil a titre de document politique, indiquant qu'il faut bien comprendre que ce document constitue un avis juridique ecrit de I'avocat municipal au conseil visant, selon lui, a informer Ie conseil de son obligation juridique de tenter d'obtenir du conseiller Ferguson une divulgation complete de tout renseignement dont il dispose qui appuierait ses commentaires qui supposent un comportement deplace et inapproprie ou un comportement trompeur qui nuit au bien-etre de la ville, particulierement en ce qui a trait a la responsabilite du pass if non capitalise du regime de retraite. Se rapportant a la demande faite par Ie conseiller Ferguson pour que I'acces a un avis juridique soit refuse, M. Nugent fait allusion a une reunion avec Ie conseiller Ferguson et Ie directeur general durant laquelle il n'y avait aucune formulation claire du probleme ou des questions qui seraient presentes a un avocat externe et, donc, il n'etait pas pret, dans ces circonstances, a retenir les services d'un avocat externe. II est d'avis qu'il n'agirait pas de maniere responsable s'il devait retenir les services d'un professionnellorsque Ie probleme dont les membres allaient traiter n'etait pas clairement enonce. M. Nugent indique avoir ecrit a maintes reprises au conseil pour I'encourager a obtenir un avis juridique et explique que ce conseil a ete suivi et que beaucoup d'opinions ont ete fournies par un expert dans ce domaine. M. Nugent declare que la suggestion du conseiller Ferguson selon laquelle, compte tenu de la decision du conseil visant a accepter son avis sur les questions relatives a la retraite, malgre son conflit d'interet avoue, Ie conseil a, en quelque sorte, accepte la responsabilite a I'effet que cet avis n'etait pas exact. II parle de ses deux divulgations d'interet qui ont ete presentees a I'egard des questions de retraite, la premiere fondee sur sa participation au regime de retraite et la deuxieme, sur sa participation au conseil d'administration du regime de retraite. De plus, il explique que son obligation professionnelle a I'endroit du conseil a titre d'avocat municipal n'est reduite ou eliminee d'aucune fa~on, car Ie conseil a decide que, malgre ses divulgations d'interet presentees, il voulait recevoir des conseils de sa part; indiquant qu'il doit etre clair que I'obligation qu'il a est identique a celie qu'il a toujours eue, soit d'offrir au conseil des avis au meilleur de ses competences. Discutant de la presentation du conseiller Ferguson, M. Beckett indique que, selon lui, on compte un grand nombre de problemes necessitant une reponse du personnel et repond aux remarques suivantes du conseiller Ferguson: 1) Ie montant de remboursement de la dette ne montait pas a 600 000 $ - M. Beckett rappelle au conseil qu'il s'agit d'une erreur budgetaire survenue durant la preparation du budget 2004, indiquant que tous les montants de remboursement de la dette ont ete verses conformement aux exigences relatives a I'emission de ces titres de creance, tous les montants de remboursement de la dette etaient bien inscrits dans les etats financiers et qu'il n'y a jamais eu de montants de remboursement de la dette non inclus dans les etats financiers de la ville; 2) les couts associes au programme de retraite anticipee et 92-372 COMMON COUNCIUCONSEIL COMMUNAL JULY 17, 2006/LE 17 JUILLET 2006 de depart volontaire qui ont ete inclus dans les notes afferentes aux etats financiers - M. Becket explique qu'en 2003, un montant de 3,4 millions de dollars representait un montant qui, en realite, a ete paye en 2003 relativement au programme de retraite anticipee et de depart volontaire. Certains employes ont demande que les paiements soient repartis sur une periode de deux ans afin de reduire les repercussions fiscales, resultant en un autre montant de 400 000 $ verse en 2004 en rapport avec Ie programme, pour un cout total de 3,8 millions de dollars. M. Beckett explique que cette question a fait I'objet de discussions aupres du comite des finances et du conseil a ce moment et note que Ie montant est bien inscrit dans les etats financiers. II informe que Ie cout total du programme au montant de 3,8 millions de dollars est conforme au rapport presente a I'origine au conseil au moment ou les forfaits ont ete approuves, indiquant un cout total de 3,7 millions de dollars pour la municipalite, la difference decoulant des calculs finaux des indemnites pour depart volontaire. Se rapportant aux commentaires du conseiller Ferguson a I'effet que les demandes d'invalidite ont ete approuvees de maniere inappropriee par la commission des pensions et qu'il s'agit d'un probleme culturel dans la ville, M. Beckett distribue une copie d'un rapport de la commission des pensions au conseil date du 30 janvier 2006 qui presente en detailles etapes suivies pour approuver les demandes d'invalidite et Ie nombre de personnes invalides a ce moment, qui sont passees de 103 a 99 en raison de quatre deces. II informe Ie conseil que parmi ces 99 personnes, 60 % re~oivent des prestations du RPC, ce qui signifie qu'elles sont automatiquement approuvees aux fins d'invalidite en vertu du regime de la ville et que la commission des pensions n'a pas a rendre de decision. De plus, il avise que chaque demande exigeait une opinion medicale independante qui indiquait si I'employe repondait a la definition de la commission en matiere d'invalidite; et declare que la notion selon laquelle il ne s'agissait que d'une entente entre un superviseur et un employe etait erronee. Discutant du nombre d'employes, M. Beckett confirme les remarques du conseiller Ferguson selon lesquelles, au moment d'approuver les programmes de retraite, il etait justifie de croire que Ie nombre de gestionnaires et de professionnels allait diminuer, passant de 83 a 68. Se rapportant a un rapport qu'il a distribue au conseil intitule Management/Professional Staff, il explique qu'en 2003, I'effectif a decline et qu'on comptait 69 postes. II affirme que depuis ce temps, des postes ont ete ajoutes, soulignant que I'ajout de personnel releve du conseil. II poursuit par un examen de ce rapport qui presente en detailles postes qui ont ete elimines et ceux qui ont ete ajoutes durant la periode 2003 a 2006. M. Beckett insiste sur Ie fait que dans tous les cas, des postes n'ont ete ajoutes que sur I'approbation du conseil durant Ie processus budgetaire annuel et I'approbation subsequente de I'effectif. En reponse a une question sou levee par Ie conseiller Court, M. Beckett informe qu'aucune amelioration n'a ete apportee a la rente de retraite des employes en raison du programme de retraite anticipee et de depart volontaire, soulignant I'existence des indemnites pour depart volontaire uniques. De plus, il explique qu'au cours d'une discussion avec I'actuaire du regime, on a suggere que Ie conseil passe en revue I'evaluation actuarielle realisee en decembre 2003 ou les repercussions financieres d'employes prenant leur retraite plus tot que prevu dans la derniere evaluation s'etablissaient a 2,2 millions de dollars. La discussion se poursuit et Ie conseiller Court exprime son accord avec les points souleves dans la presentation du conseiller Ferguson. Le conseiller Chase demande si les avantages des retraites seront reduits si Ie conseil decide d'apporter des changements; sur ce, M. Beckett repond que leurs avantages sont proteges en vertu de la Loi sur les prestations de pension. Se rapportant au commentaire du conseiller Ferguson a I'effet que << les approbations relatives aux rentes d'invalidite de Saint John sont quatre fois plus elevees que les normes de I'industrie et que ces rentes equivalent a 80 % du salaire brut d'un employe, les prestataires d'une rente d'invalidite re~oivent 80 % de leur salaire >>, il demande quel serait Ie montant que recevrait un employe prestataire d'une rente d'invalidite. En reponse, M. Beckett explique que la rente d'invalidite maximale qu'une personne peut recevoir equivaut a 60 % de son salaire en fonction du nombre d'annees de service et des annees de service au moment de I'invalidite. II souligne que Ie regime de retraite fixe un plafond qui empeche une rente d'invalidite de depasser Ie montant correspondant au maximum des gains annuels ouvrant droit a pension, comme Ie prevoit Ie regime de retraite. Se rapportant au rapport de I'avocat municipal qui a ete etudie a la reunion du conseil du 4 juillet, Ie conseiller McGuire demande si Ie conseiller Ferguson a repondu a toutes les 92-373 COMMON COUNCIUCONSEIL COMMUNAL JULY 17, 2006/LE 17 JUILLET 2006 questions que renferme ce rapport. M. Nugent repond que Ie rapport renferme des declarations du conseiller Ferguson tenues lors de recentes reunions du conseil qui permettent, selon lui, de bien comprendre qu'il suggerait que quelque chose n'allait pas concernant I'exigence visant a financer Ie passif du regime de retraite. II explique qu'en portant cette situation a I'attention du conseil, il voulait souligner Ie fait qu'il y a eu des commentaires exprimes qui devaient reposer sur des renseignements, lesquels n'avaient pas ete fournis avec ses commentaires, soulignant qu'il s'agit d'un enjeu tres important de la ville, so it I'integrite financiere. II a note que, selon lui, il est important pour Ie conseil que Ie conseiller Ferguson approfondisse les renseignements sur lesquels il appuie ses commentaires. L'intention vise a mettre les renseignements qui se cachent derriere ces commentaires a la disposition du conseil pour qu'illes examine, en discute et les approfondisse, au besoin, afin de prendre une decision eclairee. La discussion se poursuit et Ie conseiller Chang fait part de ses inquietudes concernant les renseignements dont dispose Ie conseil sur cette question et Ie conseiller White est d'avis qu'il ne peut prendre de decision sur cette question avant de recevoir une reponse du personnel ou de la commission des pensions en ce qui concerne les contradictions qui ont ete exprimees ce soir. Parlant en faveur de la presentation du conseiller Ferguson, Ie conseiller Farren souleve la question du conflit d'interet concernant un membre de la commission des pensions et insiste sur I'importance de mener un examen independant pour Ie bien de tous. II avise qu'il n'appuiera aucun changement apporte aux prestations de retraite ou une hausse de taxes jusqu'a ce qu'un examen independant soit realise. La mairesse suppleante Hooton mentionne brievement qu'elle ne voit aucune activite illegale et s'exprime au sujet des reponses fournies par divers professionnels en placement qu'elle a questionnes, a savoir si les indemnites pour depart volontaire ont des repercussions sur la rente de retraite a cet egard, indiquant que la reponse a toujours ete non. Le conseiller Tait informe les membres du conseil qu'il a demande un avis juridique a I'avocat municipal quant a savoir s'il etait en conflit d'interet et a exige que Ie conseiller Ferguson reponde aux questions suivantes : 1. Votre presentation de diapositives de ce soir est-elle representative du rapport presente au maire et au conseil dans la trousse de documents presentee au conseille 14 juillet 2006 et conforme a ce rapport? - Le conseiller Ferguson a repondu oui. 2. Le rapport et la presentation susmentionnes respectent-ils I'orientation du conseil et sont-ils conformes a la resolution? - Le conseiller Ferguson repond que les renseignements ont ete entierement fournis et que s'ils ne figurent pas dans cette presentation, ils ont alors ete fournis avant la presentation, dans les medias ou sous un autre format - vous avez les reponses a toutes les questions. 3. A vez-vous fourni des exemples concrets de sources professionnelles et fiables de renseignements concrets pour appuyer les declarations que vous avez faites, comme Ie mentionne I'avocat municipal, John Nugent? Le conseiller Ferguson repond que ce sont les faits, qu'ils sont graves et qu'il faut tenir une enquete - oui. Le conseiller Titus s'exprime en faveur de la suggestion du conseiller White pour que cette question soit transmise au personnel et a la commission des pensions afin d'obtenir une reponse. Ensuite, il insiste sur ses preoccupations relatives aux commentaires qu'a exprime Ie conseiller Ferguson au cours de sa presentation, particulierement en ce qui concerne la question de I'invalidite. Proposition du conseiller Tait Appuyee par Ie conseiller McGuire RESOLU que I'avocat municipal, John Nugent, soit charge d'evaluer les renseignements fournis en ayant pour objectif d'examiner sa propre lettre presentee au conseil qui comprend la resolution adoptee par Ie conseil, datee du 28 juin 2006, concernant Ie devoir d'agir dans Ie meilleur interet des citoyens, accompagnee de la reponse, du rapport et de la presentation du conseiller Ferguson. Cette resolution est adoptee et com porte les dispositions inherentes suivantes - durant I'examen, I'avocat municipal, qui dispose de toute I'aide qu'il juge necessaire, traitera precisement des elements cles suivants : 1) une decision rendue par un professionnel quant a savoir si Ie conseiller Ferguson s'est, en effet, conforme a la resolution enoncee dans Ie rapport de I'avocat municipal presente au conseil visant a agir dans Ie meilleur 92-374 COMMON COUNCIUCONSEIL COMMUNAL JULY 17, 2006/LE 17 JUILLET 2006 interet des citoyens; 2) la validation ou Ie rejet, en tout ou en partie, des renseignements fournis par Ie conseiller Ferguson, dont I'inclusion de motifs justifiant la validation ou Ie rejet. L'etendue de I'examen vise a couvrir les commentaires et les renseignements contenus dans Ie rapport du conseiller Ferguson presente au conseil et la presentation de diapositives qui constitue sa reponse a la resolution du conseil a la suite de la presentation du rapport de I'avocat au conseil. II faut etablir que Ie conseiller Ferguson a fourni des renseignements objectifs et concrets denues de to ute perception et insinuation par des tiers. La mairesse suppleante Hooton demande combien de temps il faudrait a I'avocat municipal pour repondre a la resolution susmentionnee. M. Nugent declare ne pas comprendre entierement la motion et affirme, selon lui, que Ie conseil connait des difficultes avec Ie manque de renseignements qui appuieraient les commentaires qui ont ete exprimes par Ie conseiller Ferguson au fil du temps. II a indique que des questions ont ete sou levees dans la presentation concernant I'administration des allocations d'invalidite du regime de retraite, Ie cout du programme de retraite anticipe et de depart volontaire pour Ie regime de retraite et les erreurs dans les etats financiers. M. Nugent affirme que pour regler ce probleme, Ie conseil est tenu d'examiner les renseignements qui se rapportent a ces questions pour en prendre ensuite une decision, a savoir s'il vaut la peine ou non de les poursuivre, et fait la suggestion suivante : I'administration de I'invalidite soit retournee a la commission des pensions afin d'obtenir une reponse; Ie cout du programme de retraite anticipe et de depart volontaire soit transfere au commissaire aux finances et au directeur general, de meme que la question des erreurs dans les etats financiers. Sur reception de ces reponses, Ie conseil pourra alors determiner s'il dispose d'une explication complete et sensee pour chacun de ces points et s'il est satisfait des reponses, il passera une resolution a cet effet et il ne sera pas necessaire de poursuivre la question. Si les reponses ne sont pas satisfaisantes, il sera alors possible de poursuivre la question. Se rapportant aux commentaires de I'avocat municipal selon lesquels il ne comprend pas la resolution proposee, Ie conseiller Tait informe qu'il ne veut pas causer davantage de confusion au conseil et retire sa proposition, avec Ie consentement de la personne qui I'a appuyee. M. Woods suggere qu'il serait bon d'obtenir une reponse du conseil relativement aux inquietudes sou levees et fait la proposition suivante : que Ie cout des indemnites pour invalidite en ce qui concerne les approbations; Ie nombre de personnes qui re~oivent des prestations; Ie montant de ces prestations et la possibilite qu'une reclamation d'assurance en rapport avec certaines opinions medicales ait ete re~ue ou non soit transmis a la commission des pensions afin d'obtenir une reponse; que les repercussions financieres sur la retraite anticipee relativement aux modifications apportees a I'effectif et a la situation financiere du regime de retraite au moment ou Ie regime de retraite anticipe a cree en 2002 - 2003 soient transmises au directeur general et au tresorier; que la difference figurant dans les notes afferentes aux etats financiers de I'ordre de 3,4 - 3,8 millions de dollars soit transmise au directeur afin d'obtenir une reponse; que I'inscription du montant de remboursement de la dette (difference entre Ie montant prevu au budget et Ie montant actuel figurant dans les etats financiers - une difference de 600 000 $) so it transmise au directeur general. Se rapportant a un commentaire exprime durant la presentation concernant Ie fait que Ie groupe de gestion approuve ses propres salaires et promotions, M. Woods explique que les membres du groupe ne procedent pas a I'etablissement de leur propre salaire et ils n'etablissent pas leur propre promotion. II informe Ie conseil que Ie directeur general recommande au conseil d'examiner la possibilite de recourir a une echelle salariale et suggere que I'avocat municipal reponde aux commentaires relatifs aux conflits d'interet et a la question de I'acces a des conseils d'experts. M. Woods informe les membres du conseil que tous sont prets et desireux d'offrir les renseignements exiges. M. Woods s'exprime brievement sur les questions de pension qui ont ete presentees, indiquant qu'elles ont ete transmises aux professionnels respectifs des questions de pension afin d'obtenir une reponse et un seminaire sera donne au conseil, accompagne des reponses ecrites qui ont ete presentees avant la presente seance. Proposition de la mairesse suppleante Hooton Appuyee par Ie conseiller White RESOLU que les reponses appropriees de la part de la commission des pensions, du directeur general, du tresorier et de I'avocat 92-375 COMMON COUNCIUCONSEIL COMMUNAL JULY 17, 2006/LE 17 JUILLET 2006 municipal soient fournies au conseil comme suit: 1. Le cout des indemnites pour invalidite, particulierement en ce qui concerne les autorisations, Ie nombre de personnes qui re~oivent des prestations, Ie montant de ces prestations et la possibilite qu'une reclamation d'assurance en rapport avec certaines opinions medicales ait ete re~ue ou non so it transmis a la commission des pensions afin d'obtenir une reponse. 2. Les repercussions financieres sur la retraite anticipee, particulierement en ce qui concerne les modifications apportees a I'effectif et a la situation financiere du regime de retraite au moment ou Ie regime de retraite anticipe a ete cree en 2002 - 2003 soient transmises au directeur general et au tresorier. 3. La difference figurant dans les notes afferentes aux etats financiers 2004 - 2006 concernant Ie cout des retraites anticipees so it transmise au directeur general. 4. L'inscription du montant de remboursement de la dette (difference entre Ie montant prevu au budget et Ie montant actuel figurant dans les etats financiers - une difference de 600 000 $) so it transmise au directeur general. 5. Le commentaire relatif au conflit d'interet et a la question de I'acces a des conseils d'experts so it transmis a I'avocat municipal. Le conseiller Ferguson est d'avis que les questions sou levees sont posees depuis deux ans et declare que la recommandation proposee est insuffisante. II affirme qu'il s'agit d'une question serieuse et qu'il faut tenir une enquete approfondie et independante. Les conseillers Chang et Titus indiquent qu'ils ne peuvent appuyer la proposition, affirmant que c'est une perte de temps. Le conseiller Chang suggere qu'on donne plus de temps au conseiller Ferguson pour qu'il presente d'autres questions. Le conseiller Farren indique qu'il n'appuiera pas la proposition, car elle ne fera pas avancer Ie conseil et demande qu'on mene un examen independant. Le conseiller Court declare que, selon lui, Ie conseiller Ferguson croit avoir repondu aux questions du conseil et, d'apres ces renseignements, il veut qu'un examen independant so it effectue. Le maire McFarlane remercie Ie conseiller Ferguson pour sa presentation, notant qu'illui a demande s'il s'agissait de son rapport complet, ce qu'il a confirme. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee, les conseillers Chang, Court, Farren, Ferguson et Titus ayant vote contre la proposition. (Le maire annonce une pause de cinq minutes, apres quoi la reunion du conseil reprend a 21 h 05). 14.1 Michael Haynes - Condition of Sidewalk - Manawagonish Road On motion of Councillor Court Seconded by Councillor Farren RESOLVED that the letter from Michael Haynes expressing concern with regard to the condition of the sidewalk at 1852 Manawagonish Road, be received for information. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 14.1 Michael Haynes - Etat du trottoir du chemin Manawagonish Proposition du conseiller Court Appuyee par Ie conseiller Farren RESOLU que la lettre de Michael Haynes exprimant ses inquietudes relatives a I'etat du trottoir situe au 1852, chemin Manawagonish soit acceptee a titre informatif. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 92-376 COMMON COUNCIUCONSEIL COMMUNAL JULY 17, 2006/LE 17 JUILLET 2006 14.2 Paul Russell re Condition of Intersections - Loch Lomond Road On motion of Councillor Court Seconded by Councillor Farren RESOLVED that the letter from Paul Russell regarding the condition of intersections on Loch Lomond Road, be received for information. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 14.2 Paul Russell - Etat des intersections du chemin Loch Lomond Proposition du conseiller Court Appuyee par Ie conseiller Farren RESOLU que la lettre de Paul Russell relative a I'etat des intersections du chemin Loch Lomond soit acceptee a titre informatif. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 15. General Correspondence 15.1 Saint John West Business Association Inc. - Invitation to Parade On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Deputy Mayor Hooton RESOLVED that the letter from Saint John West Business Association Inc. inviting Council members to attend the N.B. Day Parade on August 7, 2006, be received for information. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 15. Correspondance generale 15.1 nvitation de la Saint John West Business Association Inc. a la parade Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par la mairesse suppleante Hooton QUE la lettre de la Saint John West Business Association invitant les membres du conseil a assister au defile du jour du Nouveau- Brunswick Ie 7 aout 2006 soit acceptee a titre informatif. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 15.2 NB Conservation Council Request for Signage at Tucker Park Beach On motion of Councillor White Seconded by Deputy Mayor Hooton RESOLVED that the letter from the NB Conservation Council requesting that the signage at Tucker Park Beach be replaced on the road and beach, be referred to the City Manager. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 15.2 Demande du Conseil de conservation du Nouveau-Brunswick relative a la signalisation a la plage du parc Tucker Proposition du conseiller White Appuyee par la mairesse suppleante Hooton RESOLU que la lettre du Conseil de conservation du Nouveau-Brunswick demandant que la signalisation a la plage du parc Tucker soit remplacee sur la route et a la plage soit transmise au directeur general. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 92-377 COMMON COUNCIUCONSEIL COMMUNAL JULY 17, 2006/LE 17 JUILLET 2006 15.3 NB Historical Society re Expansion of Martello Tower On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Deputy Mayor Hooton RESOLVED that Council send a letter of appreciation to the Federal Government for providing for the enhancement of one of Canada's National Historic Sites - Martello Tower. Question being taken, the motion was carried. On motion of Councillor Chase Seconded by Councillor Titus RESOLVED that item 12.0 - Lease negotiations for the City Hall Building be brought forward for consideration at this time. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 15.3 Societe historique du Nouveau-Brunswick - Agrandissement de la tour Martello Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par la mairesse suppleante Hooton RESOLU que Ie conseil envoie une lettre de remerciements au gouvernement federal pour avoir permis I'agrandissement d'un des lieux historiques nationaux du Canada - la tour Martello. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Proposition du conseiller Chase Appuyee par Ie conseiller Titus RESOLU que Ie point nO 12.0 - Negociations relatives au bail de I'edifice de l'h6tel de ville soit examine des maintenant. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 12. Business Matters - Municipal Officers 12.0 Lease Negotiations City Hall On motion of Councillor Chase Seconded by Councillor White RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager, the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to sign the submitted LOI with the Se-Fish Associates Limited and 058854 N.B. Ltd. with respect to the City of Saint John's tenancy in what is commonly referred to as "The City Hall Building". A brief discussion followed with Paul Moore of CB Richard Ellis responding to questions concerning the lease negotiations. Question being taken, the motion was carried. On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor McGuire RESOLVED that the City Manager be authorized to carry out required renovations to the Red Room on the 8th Floor. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 12. Affaires municipales evoquees par les fonctionnaires municipaux 12.0 Negociations relatives au bail conclu avec l'h6tel de ville Proposition du conseiller Chase Appuyee par Ie conseiller White RESOLU que, comme Ie recommande Ie directeur general, Ie maire et Ie greffier communal soient autorises a signer la lettre d'intention presentee a Se-Fish Associates Limited et a 058854 N.B. Ltd. concernant la location de 92-378 COMMON COUNCIUCONSEIL COMMUNAL JULY 17, 2006/LE 17 JUILLET 2006 The City of Saint John de ce qu'on appelle communement << I'edifice de l'h6tel de ville >>. Une breve discussion s'ensuit et Paul Moore de CB Richard Ellis repond aux questions concernant les negociations relatives au bail. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Proposition du conseiller Titus Appuyee par Ie conseiller McGuire RESOLU que Ie directeur general so it autorise a effectuer les renovations necessaires a la salle rouge au 8e etage. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 8. DelegationslPresentations 8.1 Active Transportation Saint John Referring to his submitted presentation, James McMillin, of Active Transportation Saint John, explained they are a non-profit un-incorporated group which advocates the development of urban cycling routes and multi-use pathways within the City of Saint John. Referring to the proposed land route for the LNG pipeline, he commented on how this route offers the City an opportunity to develop trail infrastructure that will move the City ahead making it a Trail Destination. Mr. McMillin responded to questions regarding his presentation and during the discussion Councillor Chang proposed a motion that this matter be referred to the Recreation Advisory Committee. Following a suggestion by Mayor McFarlane that staff should review this issue, Councillor Chang withdrew his motion. On motion of Councillor Farren Seconded by Councillor Chang RESOLVED that the presentation by Active Transportation Saint John, be referred to the City Manager. Councillor Chase noted this is not an endorsement of the northern route above Rockwood Park, but rather if an opportunity permits as the pipeline is constructed the City can look for opportunities to include bicycle trails. Question being taken, the motion was carried. A motion was proposed that the meeting proceed past 10:00 p.m. to consider the following agenda items, 8.2, 12.4, 12.5, 12.6, 12.7, 12.8 and 12.12. After a brief discussion it was agreed to consider items 8.2 and 12.8 only this evening, past 10:00 p.m. and the remaining agenda items would be considered when Council reconvened on Tuesday evening, July 18th at 4:30 p.m. On motion of Councillor Court Seconded by Councillor Farren RESOLVED that the Council meeting proceed past 10:00 p.m. to consider item 8.2 - Presentation by Patricia Higgins regarding Proposed Brunswick Pipeline and 12.8 - Request to Build Cottage on Kelly Lake and Council reconvene on Tuesday, July 18, 2006 at 4:30 p.m. to consider the remaining agenda items. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 8. Delegations et presentations 8.1 Active Transportation Saint John Se rapportant a la presentation qu'il a soumise, James McMillin de Active Transportation Saint John explique qu'il represente un groupe a but non lucratif sans personnalite morale qui preconise I'amenagement de pistes cyclables urbaines et de voies d'acces a usages multiples dans The City of Saint John. Se rapportant au trace terrestre propose du pipeline de gaz naturelliquefie, il parle de I'occasion que ce trace offre a la Ville d'amenager une infrastructure de sentiers qui permettrait a la ville de prosperer pour en 92-379 COMMON COUNCIUCONSEIL COMMUNAL JULY 17, 2006/LE 17 JUILLET 2006 faire une destination sentiers. M. McMillin repond aux questions concernant sa presentation et durant la discussion, Ie conseiller Chang presente une proposition pour que cette question soit transmise au Comite consultatif des loisirs. A la suite d'une suggestion du maire McFarlane selon laquelle Ie personnel devrait examiner cette question, Ie conseiller Chang a retire sa proposition. Proposition du conseiller Farren Appuyee par Ie conseiller Chang RESOLU que la presentation de Active Transportation Saint John so it transmise au directeur general. Le conseiller Chase souligne qu'il ne s'agit pas d'un appui consenti a la route nord au-dela du parc Rockwood, mais plut6t d'une reconnaissance que si les circonstances Ie permettent, la ville peut explorer les occasions d'inclure des pistes cyclables a mesure que sera amenage Ie pipeline. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Une proposition est presentee pour que la reunion se poursuive apres 22 h afin d'examiner les points 8.2, 12.4, 12.5, 12.6, 12.7, 12.8 et 12.12 a I'ordre du jour. Apres une breve discussion, les membres conviennent de n'examiner que les points 8.2 et 12.8 ce soir, apres 22 h et les points qui restent a I'ordre du jour seront examines lorsque la reunion du conseil reprendra mardi soir, Ie 18 juillet a 16 h 30. Proposition du conseiller Court Appuyee par Ie conseiller Farren RESOLU que la reunion du conseil se poursuive apres 22 h afin d'examiner les points 8.2 - Presentation de Patricia Higgins concernant Ie projet de gazoduc Brunswick et Ie point 12.8 - Demande de construction d'un chalet au lac Kelly et que la reunion du conseil reprenne Ie mardi 18 juillet 2006 a 16 h 30 pour examiner les points qui restent a I'ordre du jour. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 8.2 Patricia Higgins - Proposed (Emera) Brunswick Pipeline Referring to her submitted presentation, Ms. Higgins of 80 Daniel Avenue, reviewed her concerns with regard to the proposed Brunswick Pipeline. She concluded her presentation citing numerous reasons why City staff should become involved in this matter. (Mayor McFarlane withdrew from the meeting and Deputy Mayor Hooton assumed the Chair.) 8.2 Patricia Higgins sur Ie projet de gazoduc (Emera) Brunswick Se rapportant a la presentation qu'elle a soumise, Mme Higgins, residant au 80, avenue Daniel, passe en revue ses inquietudes concernant Ie projet de gazoduc Brunswick. Elle conclut sa presentation en invoquant plusieurs raisons pour lesquelles les employes municipaux doivent s'engager sur cette question. (Le maire McFarlane quitte la reunion et la mairesse suppleante Hooton assume la presidence.) 12.8 Request to Build Cottage - Kelly Lake On motion of Councillor White Seconded by Councillor Tait RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager, the application of Mike McGraw to build a cottage on Kelly Lake not be approved. Mr. Nugent explained that if this application was approved by Council, Mr. McGraw has indicated that he would not hold the City at fault for not being able to reach his lot with 92-380 COMMON COUNCIUCONSEIL COMMUNAL JULY 17, 2006/LE 17 JUILLET 2006 emergency vehicles. He explained that Council needs to be aware that Mr. McGraw may not always own the property and commented regarding potential liability if someone else owns the site and requires emergency service. During discussion Councillors expressed support for a referral motion to explore any other options that may be available to protect the City and allow Mr. McGraw to build the cottage. On motion of Councillor Tait Seconded by Councillor Titus RESOLVED that the application of Mike McGraw to build a cottage on Kelly Lake be referred to the City Solicitor to determine if there is a way for the applicant to proceed, and to protect the City from any liability; and a policy be developed with regard to this type of property usage if in the event the City Solicitor finds an acceptable way to proceed. Question being taken, the motion was carried. (Mayor McFarlane re-entered the meeting and assumed the Chair, advising that he withdrew from the meeting expressing the opinion that he was in a conflict of interest with the above matter.) 12.8 Demande de construction d'un chalet au lac Kelly Proposition du conseiller White Appuyee par Ie conseiller Tait RESOLU que, comme Ie recommande Ie directeur general, la demande de Mike McGraw visant a construire un chalet au lac Kelly ne soit pas approuvee. M. Nugent explique que si cette demande etait approuvee par Ie conseil, M. McGraw a indique qu'il ne tiendrait pas la ville responsable si des vehicules d'urgence n'arrivaient pas a se rendre sur son terrain. II explique que Ie conseil do it realiser que M. McGraw ne sera peut-etre pas toujours proprietaire du terrain et parle de la responsabilite potentielle si une autre personne est proprietaire du site et necessite des services d'urgence. Durant la discussion, les conseillers expriment leur appui a une motion de renvoi pour explorer d'autres options qui pourraient s'offrir afin de proteger la ville et de permettre a M. McGraw de construire son chalet. Proposition du conseiller Tait Appuyee par Ie conseiller Titus RESOLU que la demande de Mike McGraw visant a construire un chalet au lac Kelly soit transmise a I'avocat municipal afin de determiner s'il existe une fa~on pour Ie requerant d'aller de I'avant et de proteger la ville de toute responsabilite; et qu'une politique so it elaboree en ce qui a trait a ce type d'utilisation de la propriete, advenant que I'avocat municipal trouve une fa~on acceptable de proceder. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. (Le maire McFarlane se joint a nouveau a la reunion et en assume la presidence, indiquant qu'il a quitte la reunion parce que, selon lui, il etait en conflit d'interet avec la question susmentionnee.) 16. Adjournment The Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. to reconvene at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 18, 2006. 16. Cloture de la reunion Le maire declare que la seance est levee a 22 h 30 et qu'elle reprendra a 16 h 30 Ie mardi 18 juillet 2006. 92-381 COMMON COUNCIUCONSEIL COMMUNAL JULY 17, 2006/LE 17 JUILLET 2006 Mayor/maire Common Clerk/greffier communal