MAY 24, 2005/Le 24 mai 2005
CITY HALL -MAY 24,2005,6:20 p.m.
Norman McFarlane, Mayor
Deputy Mayor Hooton and Councillors Chang, Chase, Court,
Farren, Ferguson, McGuire, Tait, Titus and White
- and -
1. Totten, City Manager; J. Nugent, City Solicitor; G. Yeomans,
Comptroller; P. Groody, Commissioner of Municipal Operations;
J. Baird, Commissioner of Planning and Development; W.
Edwards, Commissioner of Buildings and Inspection Services; R.
Simonds, Fire Chief; A. Bodechon, Chief of Police; P. Woods,
Common Clerk and Deputy City Manager; and E. Gormley,
Assistant Common Clerk
TENUE A L'HOTEL DE VILLE, LE 24 MAl 2005 A 18 H 20
Sont presents:
Norman McFarlane, maire
Ie maire suppleant Hooton et les conseillers Chang, Chase,
Court, Farren, Ferguson, McGuire, Tait, Titus et White
1. Totten, directeur general; J. Nugent, avocat municipal;
G. Yeomans, contr6leur; P. Groody, commissaire aux operations
municipales; J. Baird, commissaire a I'urbanisme et au
developpement; W. Edwards, commissaire aux services
d'inspection et des batiments; R. Simonds, chef du service
d'incendie; A. Bodechon, chef de police; P. Woods, greffier
communal et directeur general adjoint; ainsi que E. Gormley,
greffiere communale adjointe.
1.1 Meeting Called To Order - Prayer
Mayor McFarlane called the meeting to order with Father Joe Arsenault
offering the opening prayer.
1.1 Ouverture de la seance - priere
La seance est ouverte par Ie maire McFarlane, et Ie pere Joe Arsenault
recite la priere d'ouverture.
1.2 Approval of Agenda
On motion of Councillor Farren
Seconded by Deputy Mayor Hooton
RESOLVED that the agenda of this meeting be
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
1.2 Adoption de I'ordre du jour
Proposition du conseiller Farren
Appuyee par Ie maire suppleant Hooton
RESOLU que I'ordre du jour de la presente reunion
so it adopte.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
MAY 24, 2005/Le 24 mai 2005
1.3 Proclamations
The Mayor proclaimed the week of May 29-June 4, 2005 to be Disability Awareness
1.3 Proclamations
Le maire declare que la semaine du 29 mai au 4 juin 2005 est la semaine de
sensibilisation a la situation des personnes handicapees.
1.4 Members' Comments
Councillor McGuire welcomed the new Mortgage and Housing Officer to the City.
The Mayor read a letter from Minister Scott indicating that federal funding will probably
be available for proposed infrastructure projects for Saint John. The Mayor advised that
he had invited the Minister to meet with him, Mr. Zed, M.P., and Councillors Tait and
Titus within the next 2 weeks to plan the next steps.
1.4 Commentaires presentes par les membres
Le conseiller McGuire souhaite la bienvenue a Saint John au nouveau dirigeant de la
Societe canadienne d'hypotheques et de logement.
Le maire fait la lecture d'une lettre reyue du ministre Scott indiquant qu'un financement
serait probablement octroye par Ie gouvernement federal aux fins de projets
d'infrastructure proposes pour Saint John. Le maire indique qu'il a invite Ie ministre a
assister a une rencontre avec M. Zed, depute, les conseillers Tait et Titus ainsi que lui-
meme d'ici deux semaines afin de planifier les prochaines etapes.
2.1 Presentation - Domestic Violence Community Action Group
(The Mayor withdrew from the meeting, at which time Deputy Mayor Hooton took the
Referring to a submitted electronic slide presentation and to a kit, Cynthia Boyd, Chair of
the Domestic Violence Community Action Group, presented a "work against abuse" tool-
kit aimed at employees to address the issue of domestic violence in the workplace. She
introduced Michelle Porter, the developer of the kit, and Dr. Mary Goodfellow, Past Chair
of the organization who requested that all City Hall EAP representatives be trained by
the Domestic Violence Community Action Group to use the kit in order that it be made
available to City Hall staff.
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor Farren
RESOLVED that Item 5.6, Domestic Violence, be
brought forward.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor McGuire
Seconded by Deputy Mayor Hooton
RESOLVED that The City of Saint John promote
zero tolerance in all matters of domestic violence and be referred to the City Manager to
ensure that all City Hall EAP representatives be trained by the Domestic Violence
Community Action Group to use the kit in order that it be made available to all City Hall
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
2.1 Presentation: Groupe d'action communautaire contre la violence familiale
(Le maire quitte la reunion et Ie maire suppleant Hooton assume la presidence.)
A I'aide d'une presentation electronique de diapositives et d'une trousse soumises,
Cynthia Boyd, presidente du groupe d'action communautaire contre la violence familiale,
presente la trousse relative a la sensibilisation contre la violence familiale a I'intention
MAY 24, 2005/Le 24 mai 2005
des employes afin de traiter, dans Ie milieu de travail, du sujet de la prevention de la
violence familiale. Elle presente Michelle Porter, creatrice de la trousse, et Ie docteur
Mary Goodfellow, presidente sortante de I'organisme, qui demandent que tous les
employes qui sont representants du PAE a l'h6tel de ville, soient formes par Ie groupe
d'action communautaire contre la violence familiale, sur I'utilisation de la trousse, afin
que les employes de l'h6tel de ville puissent y acceder.
Proposition du conseiller Titus
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Farren
RESOLU que Ie point nO 5.6, violence familiale, soit
examine des maintenant.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Proposition du conseiller McGuire
Appuyee par Ie maire suppleant Hooton
RESOLU que The City of Saint John promeuve la
politique de tolerance zero relativement a toute forme de violence familiale et que Ie
directeur general s'assure que tous les representants du PAE a l'h6tel de ville reyoivent
une formation aupres du groupe d'action contre la violence familiale, sur I'utilisation de la
trousse, afin que tous les employes de l'h6tel de ville puissent y acceder.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
2.2 Presentation - Saint John Waterfront Development Partnership
Referring to a submitted electronic slide presentation, Bill MacMackin and Ross
Jefferson updated Council on progress on the Harbour Passage Project, Partridge
Island, Small Craft Facilities, Arts & Culture and Heritage Work Group, and Private
Sector Development & Promotion. They explained that the goal for the current phase of
Harbour Passage development is the connection to Reversing Falls.
Mr. Jefferson advised that they have received funding from ACOA for 50% of the design
work, and that they are asking for the remaining 50% toward the final design tender
documents. He added that he would like to call the tender at which time they would
come back to Council for approval for the project. He summarized by asking Council for
approval for the development of final design and tender documents for Harbour Passage
- Reversing Falls; to call tenders for Harbour Passage - Reversing Falls, and for
approval to negotiate for the Water Street project 2006.
The City Manager advised that Council has approved money from the Capital Budget for
design work, and that he is satisfied with the final design, and with the design work on
Water Street. He added that if the final tender documents for phase 1 is in excess of
what Council has approved, they would have to come back to Council at which time
Council could either increase the Capital budget, or the work could be planned for early
The City Manager advised that Phase 1 of the Water Street Construction does not
include the sidewalks on the water side and two green spaces.
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Deputy Mayor Hooton
RESOLVED that Common Council approve the
development of the final design and tender documents for Harbour - Passage Reversing
Falls, and $35,000. from the Capital Budget towards the design work.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor White
RESOLVED that Common Council approve a call
for tenders for Harbour Passage - Reversing Falls.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
MAY 24, 2005/Le 24 mai 2005
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor White
RESOLVED that approval to negotiate and proceed
with Water Street design for 2006 be referred to the City Manager for a report and
recommendations to include cost consequences.
Question being taken, the motion was carried with Deputy Mayor Hooton
voting "nay".
(The Mayor re-entered the meeting during the Waterfront Development presentation.)
2.2 Presentation de Saint John Waterfront Development Partnership
A I'aide d'une presentation electronique de diapositives, Bill MacMackin et Ross
Jefferson mettent Ie conseil au courant des progres constates relativement aux projets
visant Ie passage du port, 1'lIe Partridge, I'emplacement pour bateaux de plaisance, les
arts et la culture, Ie groupe de travail Heritage ainsi que la promotion et Ie
developpement du secteur prive. lis expliquent que I'objectif de developpement a
I'heure actuelle vise a brancher Ie passage du port aux Chutes reversibles.
M. Jefferson indique avoir reyu une subvention de I'APECA representant 50 % des
travaux de conception et il demande que Ie 50 % restant so it attribue a la documentation
de soumission relative a la conception finale. II ajoute qu'il desire proceder a I'appel
d'offres et a ce moment lui-meme et M. Jefferson se presenteraient de nouveau devant
Ie conseil aux fins d'approbation du projet. II resume sa presentation en demandant au
conseil d'approuver la conception finale du developpement ainsi que la documentation
relative a I'appel d'offres visant Ie passage du port, et plus particulierement, les Chutes
reversibles, de proceder a I'appel d'offres relativement au passage du port, Chutes
reversibles et d'approuver les negociations relatives au projet de la rue Water pour 2006.
Le directeur general indique que Ie conseil a approuve des fonds a meme Ie budget
d'immobilisations aux fins des travaux de conception et qu'il est satisfait de la conception
finale ainsi que des travaux de conception relatifs a la rue Water. II ajoute que si la
documentation de soumission finale relative a la phase 1 indique un montant superieur a
celui approuve par Ie conseil, M. MacMackin et M. Jefferson devront se presenter de
nouveau devant Ie conseil et, a ce moment, Ie conseil augmenterait Ie budget
d'immobilisations ou reporterait les travaux prevus au debut de 2006.
Le directeur general constate que la phase 1 de la construction sur la rue Water ne
comprend aucune installation de trottoirs au bord de la rive ni deux espaces verts.
Proposition du conseiller Titus
Appuyee par Ie maire suppleant Hooton
RESOLU que Ie conseil communal approuve
I'elaboration de la conception finale et de la documentation de soumission relative au
passage du port, Chutes reversibles, et que soient accordes 35 000 $ a meme Ie budget
d'immobilisations pour les travaux de conception.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Proposition du conseiller Titus
Appuyee par Ie conseiller White
RESOLU que Ie conseil communal approuve
I'appel d'offres relatif au passage du port, Chutes reversibles.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Proposition du conseiller Titus
Appuyee par Ie conseiller White
RESOLU que I'approbation des negociations pour
proceder a I'elaboration de la conception du projet relatif a la rue Water pour 2006 soit
soumise au directeur general aux fins d'un rapport et de recommandations visant a
inclure les retombees financieres.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est acceptee. Le maire suppleant Hooton
vote contre.
MAY 24, 2005/Le 24 mai 2005
(Le maire se joint de nouveau a la reunion au cours de la presentation sur
I'amenagement du secteur riverain.)
3.1 Public Presentation - Proposed Municipal Plan - 221-225 Chesley Drive
Public presentation was made of a proposed Municipal Plan amendment to re-designate
on Schedule 2-A of the Plan, from Business Park to Low Density Residential a parcel of
land with an area of approximately 3.8 hectares located at 221-225 Chesley Drive, also
identified as being PID Numbers 55172662 and 55172688, as illustrated in the submitted
plan to permit the consideration of a revised proposal to the existing "ID" Integrated
Development zoning involving a residential subdivision consisting of single and multi-
level townhouses and several condominiums as requested by Hughes Surveys &
Consultants Inc. on behalf of Bentley Properties Inc.
3.1 Presentation publique relative a la modification du plan municipal visant Ie
221-225, promenade Chesley
Une presentation publique a lieu relativement a la proposition de modification du plan
municipal visant a modifier la designation a I'annexe 2-A du plan, d'une parcelle de
terrain d'une superficie d'environ 3,8 hectares, situee au 221-225, promenade Chesley
et portant les NID 55172662 et 55172688, telle qu'illustree au plan presente, afin de la
faire passer de zone de parc commercial a zone residentielle de faible densite, pour
permettre I'examen d'une proposition revisee relativement a la zone de developpement
integre << ID )) comprenant un lotissement residentiel comportant des maisons en rangee
de plain-pied ou a etages et plusieurs coproprietes, a la demande de Hughes Surveys &
Consultants Inc., au nom de Bentley Properties Inc.
4.1 (a) Proposed Re-Zoning By-law Amendment - 460 Latimore Lake Road
4.1 (c) Letter of Support
The Common Clerk advised that the necessary advertising was completed with regard to
proposed zoning by-law amendment to re-zone a parcel of land with an area of
approximately 38 hectares, located adjacent to 460 Latimore Lake Road, also identified
as being portions of PID Numbers 333385,334599 and 333419 from "RF" Rural to "PQ"
Pits and Quarries classification to permit the establishment of a new gravel pit adjacent
to the existing gravel pit at 460 Latimore Lake Road as requested by Fundy Bay Sand &
Gravel Inc., and that one letter of support for the re-zoning was received.
(b) Report from the Planning Advisory Committee
Consideration was given to a report from the Planning Advisory Committee submitting a
copy of Planning staff's report considered at its May 17, 2005 meeting at which the
Committee decided to recommend denial of the proposal as set out in the staff
recommendation; and recommending that Common Council deny the application to re-
zone a parcel of land with an area of approximately 38 hectares, located adjacent to 460
Latimore Lake Road, also identified as being portions of PID Numbers 333385,334599
and 333419 from "RF" Rural to "PQ" Pits and Quarries.
The Mayor called for members of the public to speak against the re-zoning with the
following presenters.
Marie Cyr spoke against the re-zoning saying that there are too many gravel pits in the
Doug Cyr and Kimberly Wilson, owners of 300 acres of land in the area, advised Council
that they intend to build a subdivision in the vicinity and that if the re-zoning is approved
it will affect the ground water in the area.
Margaret Dubee objected to the re-zoning citing the water supply as a concern if the re-
zoning is approved.
Richard Hachey, a long term resident of the Loch Lomond area expressed his concern
over the condition of roads, noise, loss of property value and decrease in quality of life if
the re-zoning is approved.
Tim McGrath expressed his opposition to the re-zoning.
MAY 24, 2005/Le 24 mai 2005
Barb Smith objected to the lack of rehabilitation of pits owned by the applicant.
Terrance Gray spoke about the inequity between property taxes and pits and quarries
Odette McGrath presented slides to illustrate the progression of pit development in the
area since the 1970's, and called attention to the large area taken up by pits. She
expressed her concern with dust, dirt, noise, quality of water and flooding as a result of
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Deputy Mayor Hooton
RESOLVED that Common Council recess for 5
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
(Council resumed after a 10 minute recess)
The Mayor called for members of the public to speak in favor of the re-zoning with the
following presenters:
Alan McLeod, a local trucker, spoke in favor of the re-zoning saying that independent
truckers rely on Fundy Bay pits to access gravel.
Lloyd Halpin, a local contractor, stated that he purchases gravel from the applicant
because of its quality and price, and would like to see the supply continue.
Stephen Langille, the applicant submitted 35 signatures of area residents indicating their
support for the re-zoning. He presented slides to explain that water issues on residents'
properties were not a result of his pits. He added that his business would suffer if he is
forced to travel long distances to access gravel. He pointed out that he plans to
rehabilitate his existing pit as soon as he can relocate his excavation to another pit.
Mike Boyle, spoke on behalf of his uncle Jim Boyle from Ontario. Mr. Boyle said that his
uncle has plans to build a subdivision in the area and is not opposed to the re-zoning.
(Councillors White and Chang withdrew from the meeting during the
above discussions.)
(The Mayor announced that the meeting would resume on the 8th floor of
City Hall, after a brief interruption caused by a small fire in the Council Chamber.)
The Mayor called the meeting to order on the 8th floor and resumed the Public Hearing
on Land Adjacent to 460 Latimore Lake Rd.
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor Court
RESOLVED that Common Council deny the
application to re-zone a parcel of land with an area of approximately 38 hectares,
located adjacent to 460 Latimore Lake Road, also identified as being portions of PID
Numbers 333385, 334599 and 333419 from "RF" Rural to "PQ" Pits and Quarries.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
4.1a) Modification proposee de I'arrete sur Ie zonage relativement au 460, chemin
Latimore Lake
4.1c) Lettre a I'appui
Le greffier communal indique que les avis requis ont ete publies relativement au projet
de modification de I'arrete sur Ie zonage visant a rezoner une parcelle de terrain d'une
superficie d'environ 38 hectares, attenante au terrain situe au 460, chemin Latimore
Lake, et faisant partie des terrains portant les NID 333385, 334599 et 333419, afin de
faire passer la designation s'y rapportant de zone rurale << RF )) a zone de gravieres et
de sablieres << PQ )) pour permettre I'amenagement d'une nouvelle graviere attenante a
la graviere existante situee au 460, chemin Latimore Lake, a la demande de Fundy Bay
Sand & Gravel Inc., et qu'une lettre a I'appui du rezonage a ete reyue.
MAY 24, 2005/Le 24 mai 2005
b) Rapport du Comite consultatif d'urbanisme
Examen d'un rapport du Comite consultatif d'urbanisme accompagne d'un exemplaire du
rapport du personnel de planification, etudie lors de la reunion du 17 mai 2005, a
laquelle Ie comite a pris la decision de recommander Ie rejet de la proposition, telle que
redigee dans la recommandation du personnel, et recommandant que Ie conseil
communal rejette la demande de rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie
d'environ 38 hectares attenante au terrain situe au 460, chemin Latimore Lake, portant
les NID 333385,334599 et 333419, afin de la faire passer de zone rurale << RF)) a zone
de gravieres et de sablieres << PQ )).
Le maire invite Ie public a exprimer son opposition quant au projet de rezonage et les
personnes suivantes prennent la parole.
Marie Cyr exprime son opposition au rezonage en alleguant qu'il existe un nombre
excess if de gravieres exploitees dans Ie quartier.
Doug Cyr et Kimberly Wilson, proprietaires d'un terrain d'une superficie de 300 acres
dans Ie quartier, avisent Ie conseil qu'ils prevoient construire un lotissement dans Ie
quartier et que I'approbation de rezonage aura des incidences sur I'eau souterraine dans
la region.
Margaret Dubee s'oppose au rezonage et affirme que I'approvisionnement en eau
posera un probleme si Ie zonage est approuve.
Richard Hachey, resident du quartier Loch Lomond depuis longtemps, exprime ses
inquietudes relatives a I'etat des routes, au bruit, a la diminution de la valeur fonciere et
a la reduction de la qualite de la vie si Ie rezonage est approuve.
Tim McGrath s'exprime contre Ie rezonage.
Barb Smith s'oppose a I'absence de travaux de remise en etat effectues aux gravieres
appartenant au demandeur.
Terrance Gray mentionne I'iniquite qui existe sur Ie prelevement d'imp6ts entre les biens
residentiels et les gravieres et sablieres.
Odette McGrath presente des diapositives pour illustrer la propagation des gravieres
dans la region depuis les annees 1970 et souligne la vaste etendue occupee par ces
dernieres. Elle exprime ses inquietudes relatives a la poussiere, la salete, Ie bruit, la
qualite de I'eau potable et I'inondation causes par les gravieres.
Proposition du conseiller Titus
Appuyee par Ie maire suppleant Hooton
RESOLU que Ie conseil communal suspende la
seance pour une duree de cinq minutes.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
(La seance reprend a la suite d'une suspension de dix minutes.)
Le maire invite Ie public a exprimer son opposition quant au projet de rezonage et les
personnes suivantes prennent la parole.
Alan McLeod, un camionneur de la region, exprime son soutien quant au rezonage et
affirme que les camionneurs independants se fient sur les gravieres de Fundy Bay pour
s'approvisionner en gravier.
Lloyd Halpin, un entrepreneur local, avoue qu'il achete son gravier du demandeur en
raison de la qualite et du prix et il desire que les reserves soient toujours accessibles.
Stephen Langille, Ie demandeur, presente un document a I'appui du rezonage signe par
35 residents du quartier. II presente des diapositives pour expliquer que ses gravieres
n'etaient pas responsables des problemes d'inondation sur les proprietes du voisinage. II
ajoute que son entreprise souffrirait s'il eta it force de se deplacer sur de longues
distances afin d'avoir acces au gravier. II souligne qu'il prevoit remettre en etat la
graviere existante aussit6t qu'il pourra deplacer ses excavations vers une autre graviere.
MAY 24, 2005/Le 24 mai 2005
Mike Boyle, s'exprime au nom de son oncle, Jim Boyle de l'Ontario. M. Boyle admet que
son oncle prevoit construire un lotissement dans la region et qu'il ne s'oppose pas au
(Les conseillers White et Chang quittent la reunion au cours de
I'intervention susmentionnee.)
(Le maire annonce que la reunion reprendra au 8e etage de l'h6tel de
ville, a la suite d'une breve interruption en raison d'un petit incendie survenu dans la
salle du conseil.)
La seance, qui s'est deplacee au 8e etage, est reouverte par Ie maire et I'audience
publique relative aux terrains attenants au 460, chemin Latimore Lake se poursuit.
Proposition du conseiller Titus
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Court
RESOLU que Ie conseil communal rejette la
demande de rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 38 hectares
attenante au terrain situe au 460, chemin Latimore Lake, portant les NID 333385,
334599 et 333419, afin de la faire passer de zone rurale << RF )) a zone de gravieres et
de sablieres << PQ )).
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
4.2(a) Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment - 2420 Loch Lomond Road
The Common Clerk advised that the necessary advertising was completed with regard to
proposed zoning by-law amendment to re-zone a parcel of land with an area of
approximately 5.7 hectares (14 acres) located at 2420 Loch Lomond Road, also
identified as being PID Number 00329102, from "RS-1" One and Two Family Suburban
Residential to "RR" One Family Rural Residential classification to re-zone the subject
area in order to undertake a rural residential subdivision consisting of new public roads
and unserviced lots as requested by Hughes Surveys & Consultants Inc. on behalf of
Clovis J. Hachey and Linda M. Hachey and Bernice F. Hachey.
4.2(b) Planning Advisory Committee
Consideration was given to a report from the Planning Advisory Committee submitting a
copy of Planning staff's report considered at its May 17, 2005 meeting at which the
Committee decided to recommend approval of the proposal as set out in the staff
recommendation; and recommending that Common Council re-zone a parcel of land
with an area of approximately 5.7 hectares (14 acres) located at 2420 Loch Lomond
Road, also identified as being PID Number 00329102, from "RS-1" One and Two Family
Suburban Residential to "RR" One Family Rural Residential classification.
The Mayor called for members of the public to speak against the re-zoning with no one
The Mayor called for members of the public to speak in favor of the re-zoning with Rick
Turner of Hughes Surveys & Consultants Inc. speaking on behalf of Clovis J. Hachey
and Linda M. Hachey and Bernice F. Hachey in favor of the re-zoning.
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor McGuire
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "A Law To
Amend The Zoning By-law of The City of Saint John" by re-zoning a parcel of land with
an area of approximately 5.7 hectares (14 acres) located at 2420 Loch Lomond Road,
also identified as being PID Number 00329102, from "RS-1" One and Two Family
Suburban Residential to "RR" One Family Rural Residential classification be read a first
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Read a first time by title, the by-law entitled, "A Law To Amend The Zoning By-law of
The City of Saint John".
MAY 24, 2005/Le 24 mai 2005
On motion of Councillor Court
Seconded by Councillor McGuire
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "A Law To
Amend The Zoning By-law of The City of Saint John" by re-zoning a parcel of land with
an area of approximately 5.7 hectares (14 acres) located at 2420 Loch Lomond Road,
also identified as being PID Number 00329102, from "RS-1" One and Two Family
Suburban Residential to "RR" One Family Rural Residential classification be read a
second time.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Read a second time by title, the by-law entitled, "A Law To Amend The Zoning By-law of
The City of Saint John".
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor McGuire
RESOLVED that the documentation relating to the
above matter be received for information.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor Court
Seconded by Councillor Farren
RESOLVED that item number 5.5, Transit - Capital
Budget be brought forward.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
4.2a) Modification de I'arrete sur Ie zonage relativement au 2420, chemin Loch
Le greffier communal indique que les avis requis ont ete publies relativement au projet
de modification de zonage d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ
5,7 hectares (14 acres), situee au 2420, chemin Loch Lomond et portant Ie
NID 00329102, afin de faire passer la designation s'y rapportant de zone residentielle de
banlieue - habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales << RS-1 >> a zone residentielle rurale -
habitations unifamiliales << RR >>, afin de rezoner Ie terrain en question pour amenager
un lotissement residentiel rural comportant de nouvelles rues publiques et des terrains
non desservis, ala demande de Hughes Surveys & Consultants Inc., au nom de Clovis
J. Hachey, Linda M. Hachey et Bernice F. Hachey.
4.2b) Comite consultatif d'urbanisme
Examen d'un rapport du Comite consultatif d'urbanisme accompagne d'un exemplaire
d'un rapport du personnel de planification et de la correspondance qui ont ete etudies
lors de la reunion du 17 mai 2005 a laquelle Ie comite a resolu de recommander
I'adoption de la proposition, comme I'enonce la recommandation du personnel; et
recommandant que Ie conseil communal modifie Ie zonage d'une parcelle de terrain
situee au 2420, chemin Loch Lomond, d'une superficie totale d'environ 5,7 hectares
(14 acres) et portant Ie NID 00329102, afin de faire passer la designation s'y rapportant
de zone residentielle de banlieue - habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales << RS-1 >> a
zone residentielle rurale - habitations unifamiliales << RR >>.
Le maire invite Ie public a exprimer son opposition quant au rezonage, mais personne
ne prend la parole.
Le maire invite Ie public a exprimer son soutien quant au rezonage et Rick Turner, de
Hughes Surveys & Consultants Inc., au nom de Clovis J. Hachey, Linda M. Hachey et
Bernice F Hachey, exprime son soutien quant au rezonage.
Proposition du conseiller Titus
Appuyee par Ie conseiller McGuire
RESOLU que I'arrete intitule << Arrete modifiant
I'arrete sur Ie zonage de The City of Saint John >>, fasse I'objet de modification
relativement au rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain situee au 2420, chemin Loch
Lomond, d'une superficie d'environ 5,7 hectares (14 acres), et portant Ie NID 00329102,
MAY 24, 2005/Le 24 mai 2005
afin de faire passer la designation s'y rapportant de zone residentielle de banlieue -
habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales << RS-1 >> a zone residentielle rurale - habitation
unifamiliales << RR >>, fasse I'objet d'une premiere lecture.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Premiere lecture par titre de I'arrete intitule << Arrete modifiant I'arrete sur Ie zonage de
The City of Saint John >>.
Proposition du conseiller Court
Appuyee par Ie conseiller McGuire
RESOLU que I'arrete intitule << Arrete modifiant
I'arrete sur Ie zonage de The City of Saint John >>, fasse I'objet de modification
relativement au rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain situee au 2420, chemin Loch
Lomond, d'une superficie d'environ 5,7 hectares (14 acres), et portant Ie NID 00329102,
afin de faire passer la designation s'y rapportant de zone residentielle de banlieue -
habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales << RS-1 >> a zone residentielle rurale - habitation
unifamiliales << RR >>, fasse I'objet d'une deuxieme lecture.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Deuxieme lecture par titre de I'arrete intitule << Arrete modifiant I'arrete sur Ie zonage de
The City of Saint John >>.
Proposition du conseiller Titus
Appuyee par Ie conseiller McGuire
RESOLU que la documentation relative au sujet
susmentionne soit acceptee a titre informatif.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Proposition du conseiller Court
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Farren
RESOLU que Ie point nO 5.5, budget
d'immobilisations de la commission des transports, so it examine des maintenant.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
5.5 Saint John Transit - Capital Budget
On motion of Councillor Tait
Seconded by Councillor Court
RESOLVED that the 2005 Capital Budget for the Saint
John Transit Commission be increased by $192,000. to allow for the purchase of one full
size low-entry bus and one new hand i-bus.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor Farren
RESOLVED that item number 6.11, Subdivision By-
law Requirement for Financial Security, be brought forward.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
5.5 Budget d'immobilisations de la Commission des transports
Proposition du conseiller Tait
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Court
RESOLU que Ie budget d'immobilisations de 2005 de la
Commission des transports de Saint John soit augmente au montant de 192 000 $ afin
de permettre I'acquisition d'un autobus a plancher surbaisse de dimensions normales et
d'un nouveau handi-bus (autobus pour personnes a besoins speciaux).
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
MAY 24, 2005/Le 24 mai 2005
Proposition du conseiller Titus
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Farren
RESOLU que Ie point nO 6.11, exigence en matiere
de surete financiere en vertu de I'arrete concernant Ie lotissement, soit examine des
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
6.11 Subdivision By-law - Requirement for Financial Security
On motion of Councillor Tait
Seconded by Deputy Mayor Hooton
RESOLVED that as a policy, the City will allow residential
sub-dividers who are entitled to subdivision cost sharing to assign the subdivision cost
sharing payment to reduce the security required for the same development.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor Chase
Seconded by Councillor Titus
RESOLVED that item number 6.3, Signage -
Entrances to the City, be brought forward.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
6.11 Exigence en matiere de sClrete financiere en vertu de I'arrete concernant Ie
Proposition du conseiller Tait
Appuyee par Ie maire suppleant Hooton
RESOLU qu'en regie generale, la ville ne permette pas les
entrepreneurs de lotissements residentiels, admissibles au partage des couts de
lotissement, de transferer Ie paiement du partage des couts de lotissement afin de
reduire Ie montant de la surete financiere exigee pour Ie meme projet d'amenagement.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Proposition du conseiller Chase
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Titus
RESOLU que Ie point nO 6.3, affichage aux entrees
de la ville, so it examine des maintenant.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
6.3 Signage - Entrances to the City
On motion of Councillor Farren
Seconded by Councillor Chase
RESOLVED that the City Manager be directed to
take the necessary steps to erect three new entrance markers at the specified locations,
consistent with the content of the submitted report on Councillor Chase's signage
initiative for the entrances to the City.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor McGuire
RESOLVED that this meeting be adjourned until
Wednesday, May 25,20054:30 p.m.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
MAY 24, 2005/Le 24 mai 2005
6.3 Affichage aux entrees de la ville
Proposition du conseiller Farren
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Chase
RESOLU que Ie directeur general so it autorise a
prendre les mesures necessaires afin d'eriger trois panneaux aux endroits precises,
conformement aux dispositions du rapport presente relatif a I'initiative proposee par Ie
conseiller Chase concernant les panneaux d'entree de la ville.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Proposition du conseiller Titus
Appuyee par Ie conseiller McGuire
RESOLU que la presente reunion so it levee jusqu'au
mercredi 25 mai 2005 a 16 h 30.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
The Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 12:15 a.m., May 25,2005.
Cloture de la reunion
Le maire declare que la seance est levee a 24 h 15 Ie 25 mai 2005.
Common Clerk/greffier communal