MAY 18 2005/Le 18 mai 2005
CITY HALL -MAY 18,2005 - 5:50 p.m.
Norman McFarlane, Mayor
Councillors Chang, Chase, Court, Farren, Ferguson, McGuire,
Tait, and White
- and -
1. Totten, City Manager; J. Nugent, City Solicitor; A. Beckett,
Commissioner of Finance and Corporate Services; P. Groody,
Commissioner of Municipal Operations; J. Baird, Commissioner
of Planning and Development; W. Edwards, Commissioner of
Buildings and Inspection Services; R. Simonds, Fire Chief;
A. Bodechon, Chief of Police; B. Todd, Director of Information
Systems and Support Services; P. Woods, Common Clerk and
Deputy City Manager; and E. Gormley, Assistant Common Clerk.
TENUE A L'HOTEL DE VILLE, LE 18 MAl 2005 A 17 H 50
Sont presents:
Norman McFarlane, maire
Les conseillers Chang, Chase, Court, Farren, Ferguson,
McGuire, Tait et White
1. Totten, directeur general; J. Nugent, avocat municipal;
A. Beckett, commissaire aux finances et aux services
administratifs; P. Groody, commissaire aux operations
municipales; J. Baird, commissaire a I'urbanisme et au
developpement; W. Edwards, commissaire aux services
d'inspection et des batiments; R. Simonds, chef du service
d'incendie; A. Bodechon, chef de police; W. Todd, directeur des
systemes d'information et des services de soutien; P. Woods,
greffier communal et directeur general adjoint; ainsi que
E. Gormley, greffiere communale adjointe.
1.1 Meeting Called To Order - Prayer
Mayor McFarlane called the meeting to order with Abib Sheikh offering
the opening prayer.
1.1 Ouverture de la seance - priere
La seance est ouverte par Ie maire McFarlane, accompagne de
Abib Sheikh qui recite la priere d'ouverture.
1.2 Approval of Minutes
On motion of Councillor White
Seconded by Councillor McGuire
RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of
Common Council, held on April 25, 2005, be approved.
Councillor Court asked for clarification on the intent of Council with regard to the
formation of a committee as proposed by the Citizens' Group on Crane Mountain, and
advised that he would bring responses to the citizens' questions to the next meeting of
Councillor Farren read the motion which stated that the issue be referred to the
Nominating Committee.
MAY 18, 2005/Le 18 mai 2005
Councillor Tait asked Council to wait until information is brought forward from the Fundy
Solid Waste Commission at the next meeting of Council before proceeding on this issue.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
1.2 Approbation du proces-verbal de la derniere reunion
Proposition du conseiller White
Appuyee par Ie conseiller McGuire
RESOLU que Ie proces-verbal de la reunion du
conseil communal tenue Ie 25 avril 2005 so it approuve.
Le conseiller Court demande au conseil de preciser ses intentions relativement a la
creation d'un comite tel que Ie propose Ie Citizens' Group on Crane Mountain [comite
des citoyens sur la montagne Crane] et indique qu'il repondrait aux questions sou levees
par les citoyens a la prochaine reunion du conseil.
Le conseiller Farren fait la lecture de la proposition indiquant que la question so it
soumise au Comite des candidatures.
Le conseiller Tait demande au conseil d'attendre que soit presentee de I'information par
la Commission de gestion des matieres usees solides de la region de Fundy, a la
prochaine reunion du conseil, avant de proceder au reglement de cette question.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
1.3 Approval of Agenda
On motion of Councillor White
Seconded by Councillor McGuire
RESOLVED that the agenda of this meeting be
approved with the addition of item 9.0, Committee of the Whole Report and withdrawal of
item 6.11, Reversal of Traffic - Candlewood Lane.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
1.3 Adoption de I'ordre du jour
Proposition du conseiller White
Appuyee par Ie conseiller McGuire
RESOLU que I'ordre du jour de la presente reunion
so it adopte moyennant I'ajout du point nO 9.0, Rapport du comite plenier et Ie retrait du
point nO 6.11, Inversion de la circulation sur I'allee Candlewood.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
1.4 Proclamations
The Mayor proclaimed Thursday, May 12, 2005 Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue
Syndrome Awareness Day and Wednesday, May 18, 2005 McHappy Day and also
proclaimed the week of May 15 to 21,2005 Police Week.
1.4 Proclamations
Le maire proclame que Ie jeudi 12 mai 2005 est la journee de sensibilisation a la
fibromyalgie et au syndrome de fatigue chronique, que Ie mercredi 18 mai 2005 est Ie
Grand McDon et que la semaine du 15 au 21 mai 2005 est la semaine nationale de la
1.5 Members' Comments
Councillor McGuire updated Council on the Residential Rehabilitation Assistance
Program session held on May 18, 2005. He advised that the City partnered with the
Province to host the session, which provided information on how to upgrade low income
housing with funding available from the Province.
MAY 18 2005/Le 18 mai 2005
Councillor Court commended City Workers for their good work during the clean-up
efforts taking place in the City, and announced a $500. St Thomas University bursary in
memory of Paul Dawson, a member of the Cities of New Brunswick Association (CNBA)
He also gave an update on the activities of the CNBA as outlined in submitted
information to Council. The Councillor announced his objection to comments made by
Daniel Goodwin of a local radio station accusing him and others of distributing
The Mayor congratulated the City on the Loyalist Day Celebrations; announced that the
labour force and employment are up by 1100 and 2300 respectively and the
unemployment rate down 1.6 % over last year. He thanked Paul Zed, Councillors Tait
and Titus and Paul Groody for their efforts advocating for Harbour Clean-up in Ottawa
last week.
The Common Clerk announced that Public Hearings originally scheduled for May 9 will
be rescheduled for June 20, 2005.
1.5 Commentaires presentes par les membres
Le conseiller McGuire met Ie conseil au courant des sujets de discussion presentes lors
de la seance tenue en vertu du programme d'aide a la remise en etat des logements Ie
18 mai 2005. II indique que la ville s'est unie a la province afin de presenter cette seance
dans Ie but de fournir de I'information relative a la renovation des logements a loyer
modere au moyen d'une subvention accordee par la province.
Le conseiller Court felicite les employes municipaux de leur excellent travail et des
efforts deployes relativement au nettoyage de la ville. II annonce qu'une bourse de 500 $
sera octroyee par I'universite St. Thomas a la memoire de Paul Dawson, membre de
l'Association des cites du Nouveau-Brunswick. II donne egalement une mise a jour des
activites de cette association, comme I'indique I'information presentee au conseil. Le
conseiller declare son opposition aux commentaires prononces par Daniel Goodwin, a la
radio locale, visant a I'accuser, ainsi que d'autres, de transmettre de la desinformation.
Le maire felicite la ville de la reussite des celebrations qui se sont deroulees Ie jour des
loyalistes; il annonce que la main-d'03uvre et les emplois ont augmente de 1 100 et de
2 300 respectivement et que Ie taux de ch6mage a diminue de 1,6 % par rapport a
I'annee derniere. II remercie Paul Zed, les conseillers Tait et Titus et Paul Groody des
efforts deployes a Ottawa la semaine derniere en faveur du nettoyage du port.
Le greffier communal annonce que les audiences publiques prevues Ie 9 mai seront
reportees au 20 juin 2005.
2.1 Presentation - City of Saint John Recreational Facilities Committee
Referring to a submitted report and electronic slide presentation, John Wallace, Chair of
the Recreation Facilities Committee, recognized and thanked the Chairs of four
sub-committees, Jack Keir, Marlene Vaughan, John Higgins, Mike Barry, and Bill Butler,
and the approximately 50 volunteers, several of whom were from the surrounding
communities. Mr. Wallace introduced his presentation by calling attention to the
importance of recreation and to the local obesity rate which is above the national
Mr. Wallace outlined the methods used to analyze the facilities, reviewed the guiding
principles of the committee and presented recommendations which are contained in the
submitted report. He made reference to the Canada Games Foundation noting that it
has in excess of $4 million, and recommended that funding be accessed from this
source through the Board or by changing the terms to include constructing new buildings
and refurbishment of facilities.
Concluding his presentation, Mr. Wallace recommended that Council discuss the
projects contained in his report with the Councils of the surrounding communities to
identify similarities; designate volunteers within the next 60 days to keep the proposed
projects alive; prioritize projects based on the report, and request responses to
proposals from developers.
The Mayor asked Mr. Wallace to meet with Bill MacMackin to coordinate ideas.
MAY 18, 2005/Le 18 mai 2005
On motion of Councillor Ferguson
Seconded by Councillor McGuire
RESOLVED that the Mayor, the Vice Chairs,
Councillors Ferguson and Court, in collaboration with the Recreation Facilities
Committee, meet with the 4 mayors of the surrounding communities within the next 2
weeks to discuss the four areas in the report; to develop a plan for the next steps, and
that the report be referred to the City Manager.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
(The Mayor declared a 5 minute recess, and the meeting resumed
approximately 10 minutes later.)
2.1 Presentation - Comite sur les installations de loisirs de The City of
Saint John
Se reportant au rapport produit ainsi qu'a une presentation electronique de diapositives,
John Wallace, president du Comite sur les installations de loisirs, reconnalt et remercie
les presidents des sous-comites, Jack Keir, Marlene Vaughan, John Higgins, Mike Barry
et Bill Butler, ainsi qu'environ 50 benevoles, dont plusieurs sont citoyens de collectivites
environnantes. M. Wallace entame sa presentation en soulignant I'importance des loisirs
et constate que Ie taux d'obesite dans la region est superieur a la moyenne nationale.
M. Wallace discute des methodes utilisees afin d'analyser les installations, devoile les
principes directeurs du comite et expose les recommandations contenues dans Ie
rapport presente. II affirme que la Fondation Jeux Canada Games dispose de plus de
4 millions de dollars et recommande que Ie comite tente d'obtenir une subvention aupres
de cette derniere ou procede a la modification des modalites du mandat afin d'inclure la
construction de nouveaux immeubles ou la remise a neuf des installations.
En terminant sa presentation, M. Wallace recommande que Ie conseil discute des
projets mentionnes dans son rapport avec les conseils des collectivites environnantes
afin de determiner les points communs, designe des benevoles dans un delai de
60 jours afin de preserver la vitalite des projets proposes, accorde la priorite aux projets
discutes dans Ie rapport et demande des reponses relatives aux propositions soumises
par les entrepreneurs.
Le maire demande a M. Wallace de se reunir avec Bill MacMackin afin de mettre leurs
idees en commun.
Proposition du conseiller Ferguson
Appuyee par Ie conseiller McGuire
RESOLU que Ie maire, les vice-presidents, les
conseillers Ferguson et Court, en collaboration avec Ie Comite sur les installations de
loisirs, rencontrent les quatre maires des collectivites environnantes dans un delai de
deux semaines afin de discuter des quatre volets contenus dans ledit rapport et
d'elaborer un plan visant les prochaines etapes et, que Ie rapport so it transmis au
directeur general.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
(Le maire annonce une pause de cinq minutes et Ie conseil reprend
environ dix minutes plus tard.)
5.1 Controlling Budget Expenditures
On motion of Councillor Farren
Seconded by Councillor White
RESOLVED that the item, Controlling Budget
Expenditures, tabled on April 25, 2005, be lifted from the table.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor Tait
Seconded by Councillor White
RESOLVED that as recommended by Councillor
Tait, all requests for funding that have not been budgeted for, not be granted unless they
MAY 18 2005/Le 18 mai 2005
have been referred by the City Manager and Commissioner of Finance for funding
recommendation and identification, and that strict controls on the 2005 Operating and
Capital Budgets be maintained, and this position of Council be conveyed to all boards,
agencies and commissions.
The City Manager advised that if he is given a request to look into the possibility of
spending outside the budget, he would investigate the options, but would not make a
positive recommendation on the request, and would always come back to Council. He
added that he would not necessarily comment when there is a delegation present, and
gave his opinion that decisions to approve funds while a delegation is present is unwise.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
5.1 Controle des depenses budgetaires
Proposition du conseiller Farren
Appuyee par Ie conseiller White
RESOLU que Ie point presente Ie 25 avril 2005
relativement au contr61e des depenses budgetaires so it soumis aux fins de discussion.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Proposition du conseiller Tait
Appuyee par Ie conseiller White
RESOLU que, tel que recommande par Ie
conseiller Tait, toutes les demandes de financement non approuvees en vertu du budget
ne soient pas accordees, a I'exception de celles presentees par Ie directeur general ou
Ie commissaire aux finances aux fins de recommandation financiere et de determination,
et qu'un contr61e rigoureux soit maintenu sur les budgets d'exploitation et
d'immobilisations et que cette position adoptee par Ie conseil soit communiquee a tous
les conseils, organismes et commissions.
Le directeur general affirme que dans Ie cas ou il recevrait une demande visant la
possibilite d'effectuer des depenses non prevues au budget, il examinerait les options et
ne formulerait aucune recommandation affirmative relativement a la demande sans
demander I'avis du conseil au prealable. II ajoute qu'il ne ferait pas toujours de
commentaires lorsqu'une delegation est presente puisque, a son sens, il ne serait pas
prudent dans un tel cas de prendre des decisions relatives aux finances.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
5.2 Cost of Heating Fuel
On motion of Councillor Farren
Seconded by Councillor Ferguson
RESOLVED that the item, Cost of Heating Fuel,
tabled on April 25, 2005, be lifted from the table.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor Tait
Seconded by Councillor White
RESOLVED that the letter from Councillor Tait
submitting a resolution to regulate the price of heating fuel in the Province of New
Brunswick, be approved and redrafted by the Common Clerk and submitted to the Cities
of New Brunswick Association for consideration.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
5.2 CoClt du combustible de chauffage
Proposition du conseiller Farren
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Ferguson
RESOLU que Ie point presente Ie 25 avril 2005
relativement au cout du combustible de chauffage so it approuve et soumis aux fins de
MAY 18, 2005/Le 18 mai 2005
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Proposition du conseiller Tait
Appuyee par Ie conseiller White
RESOLU que la lettre presentee par Ie conseiller
Tait, accompagnee d'une resolution visant a reglementer Ie cout du combustible de
chauffage dans la province du Nouveau-Brunswick, so it redigee de nouveau par Ie
greffier communal et resoumise aux fins d'etude par l'Association des cites du
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
5.3 Request for City Manager Report On LNG Tax Concession
Councillor Court proposed a motion which was not seconded, that senior staff prepare a
report to advise Council on the LNG tax concession and its implications for The City of
Saint John at which time the Mayor proceeded to the next item on the agenda.
Councillor Court raised a point of order asking for a legal opinion on his right to request a
report from the City Manager.
Referring to the Procedural By-law, the City Solicitor advised that a motion cannot
proceed without a seconder, unless Council decides to deviate from the by-law.
Councillor Court advised that he would be withdrawing from the meeting to hold a press
conference immediately, and withdrew from the meeting.
5.3 Demande aupres du directeur general relative a la presentation d'un
rapport visant I'allegement fiscal relatif au terminal de gaz naturelliquefie
Le conseiller Court propose une motion qui n'est pas appuyee voulant que les cadres
superieurs redigent un rapport afin d'informer Ie conseil sur I'allegement fiscal relatif au
terminal de gaz naturelliquefie et les incidences que cela pourrait entralner pour The
City of Saint John, mais Ie maire procede au prochain point a I'ordre du jour.
Le conseiller Court souleve une objection et reclame une opinion juridique relativement
a son droit d'exiger que Ie directeur general redige un rapport.
Se reportant a I'arrete concernant les procedures, I'avocat municipal affirme qu'une
motion ne peut pas proceder sans appui, sauf si Ie conseil s'ecarte de I'arrete.
Le conseiller Court declare qu'il se retirerait de la reunion afin de tenir une conference
de presse aussit6t et, en effet, il quitte la seance.
5.4 Personnel Matter (10.2(4)0)
On motion of Councillor White
Seconded by Councillor McGuire
RESOLVED that the letter from Councillor White be
referred to Committee of the Whole.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
5.4 Question relative au personneI10.2(4)j)
Proposition du conseiller White
Appuyee par Ie conseiller McGuire
RESOLU que la lettre presentee par Ie conseiller
White soit transmise au Comite plenier.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
5.5 Update on Cities of New Brunswick Meeting - May 4, 2005
See 1.5, Members' Comments
5.5 Mise a jour relative a la reunion tenue Ie 4 mai 2005 par l'Association des
cites du Nouveau-Brunswick
MAY 18 2005/Le 18 mai 2005
Voir Ie point 1.5, Commentaires presentes par les membres
5.6 Update Pension Related Matters
Councillor Tait raised a point of order advising that because he is on the Pension Board
of Trustees, is a recipient of a City pension, and is a Councillor, he is concerned that he
may have a conflict of interest on this item, adding that similar items have been
presented on the agenda before, without advising of the nature of the issue being
presented. He referred to Section 13 (6) of the Procedural By-law which states that "Any
member wishing to present a matter for consideration to Council shall provide, (a) the
background information associated with the item, and (b) the proposed motion.
The Mayor accepted Councillor Tait's point of order and asked Councillor Ferguson to
put the item on the next agenda of Council to be included in the next Council kit.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
5.6 Mise a jour relative aux questions liees au regime de retraite
Le conseiller Tait souleve une objection, a savoir qu'il s'inquiete d'un conflit d'interets
possible relativement au point en question puisqu'il siege a la Commission des
administrateurs du regime de retraite, qu'il est beneficiaire de prestations du regime de
retraite municipal et qu'il siege au conseil; il ajoute que des points semblables ont ete
presentes a I'ordre du jour anterieurement sans aucune mention de la nature de la
question presentee. II cite I'article 13(6) de I'arrete procedural qui se lit comme suit:
<< tout membre qui desire presenter une question aux fins d'etude par Ie conseil do it
soumettre a) I'historique associe a la question et b) la motion proposee.
Le maire accepte I'objection sou levee par Ie conseiller Tait et demande au conseiller
Ferguson d'inclure ce point a I'ordre du jour de la prochaine reunion et aux fins
d'insertion dans la trousse presentee aux membres.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
5.7 New Procedural By-Law
On motion of Councillor McGuire
Seconded by Councillor Tait
RESOLVED that an update on the status of the
new procedural by-law be provided to Council.
In response to Councillor Ferguson's question regarding the proposed Procedural By-
law, the Common Clerk advised that as a result of requirements of the Municipalities Act,
a new procedural by-law was due in October, 2004. On procedural matters, Council has
been operating under the existing procedural by-law and the Municipalities Act, noting
that the proposed procedural by-law is with the City Solicitor's office for review.
The City Solicitor advised that there are a few items that have to be reviewed from a
legal perspective, and that a draft will be coming back to Council within the next few
weeks with suggestions for Council's consideration.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
5.7 Nouvel arrete procedural
Proposition du conseiller McGuire
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Tait
RESOLU qu'une mise a jour sur I'etat du nouvel
arrete procedural soit presente au conseil.
En reponse a la question sou levee par Ie conseiller Ferguson relative a I'arrete
procedural propose, Ie greffier communal indique qu'en vertu des exigences imposees
par la Loi sur les municipalites, un nouvel arrete procedural devait etre redige en
octobre 2004. En matiere de questions procedurales, Ie conseil est administre a I'heure
actuelle en vertu de I'arrete procedural en vigueur et de la Loi sur les municipalites et
affirme que Ie projet de I'arrete procedural est detenu par I'avocat municipal aux fins
MAY 18, 2005/Le 18 mai 2005
L'avocat municipal souligne que certains points exigent une etude juridique approfondie
et que ledit projet sera presente au conseil d'ici quelques semaines, accompagne de ses
recommandations, aux fins d'etude par Ie conseil.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
6.1 Tender - Traffic Signal Materials
On motion of Councillor White
Seconded by Councillor McGuire
RESOLVED that as recommended by the City
Manager, the tenders in the amount of $108,145.91, plus tax, for the supply of traffic
signal materials be awarded to each bidder as indicated on the submitted summary of
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
(Councillor Court re-entered the meeting.)
6.1 Soumission relative a du materiel pour feux de circulation
Proposition du conseiller White
Appuyee par Ie conseiller McGuire
RESOLU que, comme Ie recommande Ie directeur
general, les soumissions au montant de 108 145,91 $, taxes en sus, relatives ala
fourniture de materiel pour feux de signalisation, soient accordees a chaque
soumissionnaire inscrit au sommaire des soumissions presente.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
(Le conseiller Court se joint de nouveau a la reunion.)
6.2 Supply of Unleaded Gasoline and Diesel Fuel
On motion of Councillor White
Seconded by Councillor McGuire
RESOLVED that as recommended by the City
Manager, the proposal for the supply of fuel on a retail cost, less fixed discount basis be
awarded to Irving Oil Limited, the only bidder to meet the requirements of the proposal
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
6.2 Approvisionnement en carburant diesel et en essence sans plomb
Proposition du conseiller White
Appuyee par Ie conseiller McGuire
RESOLU que, comme Ie recommande Ie directeur
general, la proposition relative a I'approvisionnement d'essence au prix de detail,
moyennant I'attribution d'un rabais fixe, soit accordee a Irving Oil Limited, Ie seul
soumissionnaire a repondre aux exigences imposees dans I'appel d'offres.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
6.3 Tender for Janitorial Services
On motion of Councillor White
Seconded by Councillor McGuire
RESOLVED that as recommended by the City
Manager, the tender from Sprucegrove Building Cleaners Ltd., in the amount of
$5,009.11 per month, for the provision of cleaning services for a period of two years, to
that portion of the City Hall Complex presently occupied by The City of Saint John be
Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillors Court and
Farren voting nay.
MAY 18 2005/Le 18 mai 2005
6.3 Soumission relative aux services de nettoyage et d'entretien
Proposition du conseiller White
Appuyee par Ie conseiller McGuire
RESOLU que, comme Ie recommande Ie directeur
general, I'offre presentee par Sprucegrove Building Cleaners Ltd., au montant de
5 009,11 $ par mois, relativement a I'approvisionnement de services de nettoyage pour
une periode de deux ans, dans la partie du complexe de l'h6tel de ville presentement
occupee par The City of Saint John, so it acceptee.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est acceptee. Les conseillers Court et
Farren votent contre.
6.4 Tender for Equipment Rental
On motion of Councillor Ferguson
Seconded by Councillor White
RESOLVED that as recommended by the City
Manager, the tender for the establishment of the supply agreement for rental equipment
for a 12 month period be awarded to the low bidder in each case as indicated on the
submitted summary of bids.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
6.4 Soumission relative a la location de materiel
Proposition du conseiller Ferguson
Appuyee par Ie conseiller White
RESOLU que, comme Ie recommande Ie directeur
general, Ie contrat de fourniture pour la location de materiel pendant une periode de
12 mois so it accorde au soumissionnaire Ie moins disant dans chaque cas, comme
I'indique Ie sommaire des soumissions presente.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
6.5 Tender for Video Sewer Inspection
On motion of Councillor Ferguson
Seconded by Councillor White
RESOLVED that as recommended by the City
Manager, the tender of Melanson's Waste Management Inc., for the provision of video
inspection services for a period of 12 months from the date of award by Council, with the
option of extending for a further 12 months, be accepted for all items, save item
number 2, as per the prices included on the submitted summary of bids and further, that
there be no award to either bidder for the requirements outlined in item number 2 of the
tender call.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
6.5 Soumission relative a I'inspection des egouts a I'aide d'une camera video
Proposition du conseiller Ferguson
Appuyee par Ie conseiller White
RESOLU que, comme Ie recommande Ie directeur
general, la soumission presentee par Melanson's Waste Management Inc., relative a
I'approvisionnement de services d'inspection a I'aide d'une camera video, pour une
periode de 12 mois a compter de la date de I'octroi du contrat par Ie conseil, incluant une
option de reconduction pour une periode supplementaire de 12 mois, so it acceptee a
I'exclusion du point nO 2, en ce qui a trait aux prix inclus sur Ie sommaire des
soumissions presentees et, de plus, qu'aucun contrat ne soit accorde aux
soumissionnaires visant les exigences incluses au point nO 2 de I'appel d'offres.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
MAY 18, 2005/Le 18 mai 2005
6.6 2005 Leisure Services Department - Summer Programs
On motion of Councillor White
Seconded by Councillor Ferguson
RESOLVED that as recommended by the City
Manager, the report from the Department of Leisure Services presenting a summary
presentation and detailed report to illustrate the variety of programs planned for the
summer of 2005 be received for information.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
6.6 Services des loisirs relativement aux programmes d'ete de 2005
Proposition du conseiller White
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Ferguson
RESOLU que, comme Ie recommande Ie directeur
general, Ie rapport produit par les Services des loisirs, etablissant une presentation
sommaire et un rapport detaille afin d'illustrer les divers programmes prevus au cours de
I'ete 2005, soit accepte a titre informatif.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
6.7 Public Safety Communications Centre
On motion of Councillor Farren
Seconded by Councillor White
RESOLVED that as recommended by the City
Manager, Common Council:
1. Agree in principle to the proposed terms of a new agreement with the Province,
as outlined in the submitted document, relative to the delivery of 911 call processing
2. Approve a change in the current approved establishment to increase the number
of Public Safety Communications Centre Operators (PSCC) from 12 to 16 in anticipation
of the approval and execution of a Memorandum of Understanding with the Province
related to the delivery of 911 call processing services
3. Approve the expenditures estimated at $300,000. to allow for the renovations to
the PSCC
4. Approve the execution of a contract with Aliant Telecom Inc. related to the
upgrades to the Trunk Mobile Radio System at an estimated cost of $475,000. (plus
HST) and authorize the Mayor and Common Clerk to execute said contract.
Referring to a submitted report, Mr. Beckett updated Council on negotiations that have
been taking place with the Province, with Mr. Todd, Director of Information Systems and
Support Services, having taken a lead role toward a new Public Safety Answering
System. He advised that terms of a proposed agreement have been developed to
redistribute the RCMP activity amongst the municipal Public Safety Answering Points to
begin in October, 2005 with The City of Saint John to be paid an annual fee of $365,856.
with adjustments for inflationary costs over four years. He added that the number of
911 calls processed in Saint John will increase from about 23,470. to 36,919. annually,
and that 4 new positions will be added to the establishment.
Mr. Todd, advised that in relation to this agreement, an upgrade is planned between the
communication system and the trunk radio system. He stated that a memorandum of
understanding between the Province and the City will be presented to Council for
consideration prior to the end of June, 2005 with a formal agreement between the
parties to be developed and presented to Council for consideration prior to
December 31, 2005.
Councillor Ferguson stated that he preferred that the Operational Review Committee
review the proposal before Council agrees to it, to which the City Manager responded
that there is a sound business case with this proposal which will earn revenue for the
Mr. Beckett announced that Mr. Todd has just completed his Master of Business
Administration, at which time the Mayor congratulated Mr. Todd on behalf of Council.
Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillor Ferguson
voting nay.
MAY 18 2005/Le 18 mai 2005
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor Farren
RESOLVED that Council send a letter to the
Province of New Brunswick and to the Cities of New Brunswick Association requesting
that the Province implement its plan to provide a provincial wide trunk radio system for
emergency responders in recognition that the current radio systems are inadequate and
are jeopardizing the emergency responders and public safety.
Question being taken, the motion was carried
6.7 Centre des communications de la securite publique
Proposition du conseiller Farren
Appuyee par Ie conseiller White
RESOLU que, comme Ie recommande Ie directeur
general, Ie conseil communal:
1. s'entende en principe sur les dispositions proposees relatives a une nouvelle
convention conclue avec la province, telle que soulignee dans la documentation
presentee, relativement aux services de traitement d'appels d'urgence assures par Ie
service 911;
2. approuve qu'un changement so it effectue a I'etablissement, tel qu'il est autorise a
I'heure actuelle, afin d'augmenter de 12 a 16 Ie nombre de standardistes au Centre des
communications de la securite publique, en prevision de I'approbation et de la signature
d'un protocole d'entente conclu avec la province relativement aux services de traitement
d'appels d'urgence;
3. approuve les depenses prevues au montant de 300 000 $ afin de permettre
d'effectuer des travaux de renovation au Centre des communications de la securite
4. approuve la signature d'un contrat conclu avec Aliant Telecom Inc., relatif aux
mises au point du systeme de radios mobiles a reseau partage au montant prevu de
475000 $ (TVH en sus) et, autorise Ie maire et Ie greffier communal a signer ledit
Se reportant au rapport produit, M. Beckett met Ie conseil au courant des negociations
engagees avec la province et M. Todd, directeur des systemes d'information et des
services de soutien, qui assume un r61e principal relativement au nouveau systeme de
traitement des appels de securite publique. II indique que les dispositions de la
convention proposee ont ete elaborees afin de redistribuer les activites entreprises par
la GRC, au sein du centre municipal de prise d'appels pour la securite du public, a
compter du mois d'octobre 2005, et que des honoraires annuels au montant de
365 856 $ soient verses a The City of Saint John, et qu'un rajustement des couts
inflationnistes so it echelonne sur quatre ans. II ajoute que Ie nombre d'appels 911 traites
dans Saint John augmentera de 23 470 a 36 919 annuellement et que quatre nouveaux
postes seront ajoutes a I'installation.
M. Todd indique que relativement a ladite convention, une mise au point est prevue
visant Ie systeme de communication et Ie systeme de radios mobiles a reseau partage. II
affirme qu'un protocole d'entente conclu entre la province et la ville sera presente au
conseil aux fins d'etude avant la fin juin 2005 et qu'une convention officielle sera conclue
entre les parties et presentee au conseil aux fins d'etude avant Ie 31 decembre 2005.
Le conseiller Ferguson indique qu'il prefere que Ie Comite de I'examen operationnel
examine la proposition avant que Ie conseil accorde son approbation et Ie directeur
general ajoute qu'il s'agit d'une affaire lucrative et que ladite proposition rapportera des
recettes a la ville.
M. Beckett annonce que M. Todd a recemment termine une maltrise en administration
des affaires et Ie maire Ie felicite au nom du conseil.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Le conseiller Ferguson vote
Proposition du conseiller Titus
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Farren
RESOLU que Ie conseil expedie une lettre a la
province du Nouveau-Brunswick et a l'Association des cites du Nouveau-Brunswick,
exigeant que la province mette en 03uvre son projet visant a instaurer un systeme de
radios mobiles a reseau partage aux fins des intervenants d'urgence en admettant que
MAY 18, 2005/Le 18 mai 2005
les systemes de communication actuels sont inadequats et compromettent les
intervenants de la securite du public.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
6.8 Prince William Street Retaining Wall Reconstruction
On motion of Councillor White
Seconded by Councillor McGuire
RESOLVED that in connection with the repair and
maintenance of the retaining wall supporting that portion of Prince William Street lying
immediately to the south of the Harbour Building, the City enter into the agreement with
GLC Realty Ltd. attached to the correspondence dated May 5,2005 from the City
Solicitor to Common Council; and the agreement with M.CT Holdings Ltd. attached to
the correspondence dated May 5, 2005 from the City Solicitor to Common Council; and
that the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute these documents.
AND ALSO BE IT RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager, Common
Council authorize staff to proceed with an invitation to bid for the reconstruction of a
retaining wall on a property located adjacent to and south of civic address 133 Prince
William Street and bearing PID numbers 55048433 and 55048425, and further that upon
receiving the competitive bids, staff will make a recommendation to Common Council for
approval and award of the contract.
Councillor White raised a point of order saying that the quorum was lost, at which time
the Mayor waited until the quorum was regained then put the question.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
6.8 Reconstruction du mur de soutenement de la rue Prince William
Proposition du conseiller White
Appuyee par Ie conseiller McGuire
RESOLU que relativement aux reparations et a
I'entretien du mur de soutenement installe sur la partie de la rue Prince William situee
directement au sud de I'immeuble Harbour, la ville conclue la convention avec GLC
Realty Ltd., jointe ala correspondance signee par I'avocat municipal datee Ie 5 mai 2005
et presentee au conseil communal, ainsi que la convention avec M.CT Holdings Ltd.,
jointe a la correspondance datee Ie 5 mai 2005, signee par I'avocat municipal et
presentee au conseil communal, et que Ie maire et Ie greffier communal soient autorises
a signer ladite convention.
ET QU'IL SOIT DE PLUS RESOLU que, comme Ie recommande Ie directeur general, Ie
conseil communal autorise les employes a proceder a un appel d'offres relativement a la
reconstruction d'un mur de soutenement sur la propriete attenante a la limite sud de la
propriete situee a I'adresse municipale 133, rue Prince William, portant les
NID 55048433 et 55048425 et, de plus, que lorsque les soumissions concurrentielles
auront ete reyues, que les employes presentent une recommandation au conseil
communal visant I'approbation et I'octroi du contrat.
Le conseiller White souleve une objection, a savoir Ie quorum n'est pas atteint, alors Ie
maire attend qu'il so it atteint de nouveau avant de resoumettre la question.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
6.9 Proposed Rezoning for Eastern Wastewater Treatment Facility
389-441 Red Head Road
On motion of Councillor White
Seconded by Councillor McGuire
RESOLVED that as recommended by the City
Manager, Common Council initiate the process of rezoning the site of the proposed
Eastern Wastewater Treatment Facility at 389-441 Red Head Road from "RS-2" One
and Two Family Suburban Residential and "1-2" Heavy Industrial to "US" Utility and
Service; that the proposed amendment be referred to the Planning Advisory Committee
for a report and recommendation; and that the Public Hearing be scheduled for Tuesday,
June 7,2005 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber.
MAY 18 2005/Le 18 mai 2005
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
6.9 Rezonage propose des installations de traitement des eaux usees de l'Est
situees au 389-441, chemin Red Head
Proposition du conseiller White
Appuyee par Ie conseiller McGuire
RESOLU que, comme Ie recommande Ie directeur
general, Ie conseil communal entame Ie processus de rezonage visant I'emplacement
propose des installations de traitement des eaux usees de l'Est, situees au 389-441,
chemin Red Head, pour la faire passer de zone residentielle de banlieue - habitations
unifamiliales et bifamiliales << RS-2 >> et de zone d'industrie lourde << 1-2 >>, a zone de
services publics et generaux << US >>; que la modification proposee soit soumise au
comite consultatif d'urbanisme en vue de la presentation d'un rapport et d'une
recommandation; et qu'une audience publique so it fixee au mardi 7 juin 2005 a 19 h
dans la salle du conseil.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
6.10 Design and Project Management Saint John East Sanitary Sewer Phase 3
On motion of Councillor White
Seconded by Councillor McGuire
RESOLVED that as recommended by the City
Manager, the proposal of Hydro-Com Technologies Ltd. for engineering services (design
and project management) for Saint John East Sanitary Sewer Inflow/Infiltration
Reduction Program Phase III be accepted, and that the Mayor and Common Clerk be
authorized to execute the appropriate documentation in that regard.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
6.10 Phase 3 de la conception et de la gestion du projet relatif au systeme
d'egouts sanitaires dans Saint John Est
Proposition du conseiller White
Appuyee par Ie conseiller McGuire
RESOLU que, comme Ie recommande Ie directeur
general, la proposition presentee par Hydro-Com Technologies Ltd., relativement aux
services d'ingenierie (conception et gestion de projet) visant la phase III du programme
de reduction du captage et d'infiltration, so it acceptee et que Ie maire et Ie greffier
communal soient autorises a signer la documentation afferente a cet egard.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
6.11 Item Withdrawn
6.11 Point retire.
6.12 Duke of Edinburgh Awards
On motion of Councillor White
Seconded by Councillor Ferguson
RESOLVED that as recommended by the City
Manager, Common Council provide a grant of $2000. to the Duke of Edinburgh's Award
as well as purchase a table of eight for the event.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
6.12 Prix du Duc d'Edinbourg
Proposition du conseiller White
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Ferguson
RESOLU que, comme Ie recommande Ie directeur
general, Ie greffier communal octroie une bourse de 2 000 $ au programme de
financement relatif au Prix du duc d'Edinbourg et qu'une table pour huit personnes soit
commanditee pour I'evenement.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
MAY 18, 2005/Le 18 mai 2005
6.13 Proposed Public Hearing Dates
9-11 Coburg Street and 346-348 Milford Road
On motion of Councillor Ferguson
Seconded by Councillor White
RESOLVED that the Public Hearings for the
proposed re-zonings at 9-11 Coburg Street and 346-348 Milford Road be set for
Tuesday, June 7,2005 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
6.13 Dates proposees pour la tenue d'audiences publiques
9-11, rue Coburg et 346-348, chemin Milford
Proposition du conseiller Ferguson
Appuyee par Ie conseiller White
RESOLU que la date d'une audience publique
relative au projet de rezonage visant Ie 9-11, rue Coburg et Ie 346-348, chemin Milford
so it fixee Ie mardi 7 juin 2005 a 19 h dans la salle du conseil.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
6.14 Purchase of 215 Rothesay Avenue
On motion of Councillor White
Seconded by Councillor Ferguson
RESOLVED that as recommended by the City
Manager, The City of Saint John acquire the fee simple interest in 215 Rothesay Avenue
(PID Number 19315) from Nicole Debly for $362,000. (plus HST, if applicable) on or
before June 30, 2005, conditional upon the following; that the vendor demolish and
remove any existing structure from the land, and that the Mayor and Common Clerk be
authorized to sign any necessary document required to finalize this transaction.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
6.14 Acquisition de biens-fonds situes au 215, avenue Rothesay
Proposition du conseiller White
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Ferguson
RESOLU que, comme Ie recommande Ie directeur
general, The City of Saint John acquiere I'interet en fief simple du terrain situe au
215, avenue Rothesay (NID 19315) appartenant a Nicole Debly, pour la somme de
362 000 $ (TVH en sus, Ie cas echeant), au plus tard Ie 30 juin 2005, sous reserve des
conditions suivantes : que Ie vendeur demolisse et enleve tout batiment existant sur Ie
terrain et que Ie maire et Ie greffier communal soient autorises a signer toute
documentation exigee afin de conclure la transaction.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
6.15 Street Widening - 507 Rothesay Avenue
On motion of Councillor White
Seconded by Councillor Ferguson
1. The City of Saint John acquire the fee simple interest in an 80 square metre :t
portion of PID Number 55141923, from Animal Hospital of Rothesay Ave. (1996)
Ltd. for $50. per square metre plus H.ST (if applicable), as generally shown on
the submitted sketch;
2. the City prepare any plan of survey/subdivision required for conveyance
3. the City pay up to a maximum of $500. for the legal costs incurred by Animal
Hospital of Rothesay Ave. (1996) Ltd. to finalize this transaction, any applicable
processing fees from financial institutions and all registration fees necessary to
secure the City's interest;
4. where applicable, reinstate the subject property to same condition as existing
prior to construction; and
MAY 18 2005/Le 18 mai 2005
5. the Mayor and Common Clerk are authorized to sign any document necessary to
finalize this transaction.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
6.15 Elargissement de la rue au 507, avenue Rothesay
Proposition du conseiller White
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Ferguson
1. The City of Saint John acquiere I'interet en fief simple d'une parcelle de terrain
d'une superficie d'environ 80 metres carres, portant Ie NID 55141923,
appartenant a Rothesay Animal Hospital of Rothesay (1996) Ltd. [h6pital
veterinaire de Rothesay] pour la somme de 50 $ Ie metre carre, TVH en sus (Ie
cas echeant), comme I'indique de maniere generale Ie croquis presente;
2. la ville prepare les plans d'arpentage et de lotissement requis aux fins de
3. la ville acquitte les honoraires juridiques jusqu'a concurrence de 500 $ engages
par l'h6pital veterinaire afin de conclure ladite transaction, tous les frais de
traitement applicables aux institutions financieres et tous les frais
d'enregistrement necessaires afin de garantir les interets de la ville;
4. la ville retablisse Ie terrain en question dans I'etat ou il eta it avant la construction,
s'il y a lieu;
5. Ie maire et Ie greffier communal soient autorises a signer toute documentation
exigee afin de conclure ladite transaction.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
6.16 Sale of Land - 50-54 Main Street
On motion of Councillor Court
Seconded by Councillor McGuire
RESOLVED that The City of Saint John sell 50-54
Main Street (PID Numbers 374074 and 55159693) to Saint John Non-Profit Housing Inc.
for $5,000. (plus HST, if applicable) on or before August 31,2005; and the Mayor and
Common Clerk be authorized to sign any necessary documents required to finalize this
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
6.16 Vente d'un bien-fonds situe au 50-54, rue Main
Proposition du conseiller Court
Appuyee par Ie conseiller McGuire
RESOLU que The City of Saint John procede a la
vente du bien-fonds situe au 50-54, rue Main (NID 374074 et 55159693), a I'organisme
Saint John Non-Profit Housing Inc. [organisme du logement sans but lucratif de Saint
John] pour la somme de 5 000 $ (TVH en sus, Ie cas echeant) au plus tard Ie 31 aout
2005; et que Ie maire et Ie greffier communal soient autorises a signer toute
documentation exigee afin de conclure ladite transaction.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
6.17 Amendment for Street Widening - 505 Rothesay Avenue
On motion of Councillor Ferguson
Seconded by Councillor Court
RESOLVED that The City of Saint John amend its
resolution of April 25, 2005 to "... acquire the fee simple interest in a 21 square metre t
portion of PID Number 55141915..." by deleting "21 square metres t" and inserting in
its place "28 square metres t" with all other elements of the resolution to remain
MAY 18, 2005/Le 18 mai 2005
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
6.17 Modification relative a I'elargissement de la rue au 505, avenue Rothesay
Proposition du conseiller Ferguson
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Court
RESOLU que The City of Saint John modifie Ie
libelle de la resolution adoptee Ie 25 avril 2005, plus particulierement a la phrase citee
<< ...acquiere I'interet en fief simple d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ
21 metrescarres, portant Ie NID 55141915... >>, afin de supprimer les termes<< environ
21 metres carres >> et de les remplayant par les termes << environ 28 metres carres >> et
qu'aucune autre disposition de la resolution ne soit modifiee.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
6.18 Street Widening - 316,479,495 and 515-525 Rothesay Avenue
On motion of Councillor Court
Seconded by Councillor White
1) Common Council direct the Common Clerk to publish notice of Council's intention
to consider the passing of a by-law to stop-up and close a 612 square metre :t
portion of Wellington Street, as generally shown on the submitted plan.
2) Common Council direct the Common Clerk to publish notice of its intention to
move a resolution to vest in the City pursuant to S. N. B. 1970 c.62 title to the "fire
lane", as generally shown on the submitted plan.
3) In the event that the street is stopped-up and closed, and title to the "fire lane"
vests in the City, it is further resolved the City transfer title in the former street
and "fire lane" subject to any easements required for municipal services, to
Haldor (1972) Ltd. or Multi-Line Leasing Inc. in consideration for the transfer of
fee simple title to the City in a 28 square metre :t portion of civic #316 Rothesay
Avenue, also identified as PID number 55034219; the fee simple interest in
59 square metres :t and 31 square metre :t portions of civic #479-495 Rothesay
Avenue, also identified as PI D numbers 303701 and 306241; the fee simple
interest in a 48 square metre :t portion of civic #515-525 Rothesay Avenue, also
identified as PID numbers 302943,55040133,306985,55040141,55040158 and
55040166, in addition to a 100 square metre :t municipal services
easement/easement for municipal services in PID number 302943; all of the
above as shown on submitted plans.
4) The purchaser be advised that the City is neither explicitly nor implicitly obligated
to stop-up and close the subject portion of Wellington Street and to vest title in
the subject portion of the said "fire lane".
5) As part of the transaction the City shall;
a) prepare and pay for any plan of subdivision required for the
Rothesay Avenue acquisitions;
b) pay for the public notice advertising required for the closing of
portions of Wellington Street and the Fire Lane; and
c) where applicable, reinstate the above noted Rothesay Avenue
properties to the same condition as existing prior to construction.
6) Haldor (1972) Ltd. / Multi-Line Leasing Inc., shall prepare and pay for any plans
required to stop up and close portions of Wellington Street and the fire lane.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
6.18 Elargissement de la rue au 316, 479, 495 et 515-525, avenue Rothesay
Proposition du conseiller Court
Appuyee par Ie conseiller White
MAY 18 2005/Le 18 mai 2005
1) Ie conseil communal autorise Ie greffier communal a proceder a la publication
d'un avis indiquant I'intention du conseil a etudier I'adoption d'un arrete visant a
barrer et a fermer un tronyon de la rue Wellington, d'une superficie d'environ
612 metres carres, comme Ie montre de maniere generale Ie plan presente;
2) Ie conseil autorise Ie greffier a proceder a la publication d'un avis indiquant
I'intention du conseil d'adopter une resolution visant la devolution au nom de la
ville, en vertu des lois du Nouveau-Brunswick, 1970, ch. 62, Ie titre de la <<voie
reservee au service d'incendie >>, comme Ie montre de maniere generale Ie plan
3) dans Ie cas ou la rue serait fermee et barree et que Ie titre de la << voie reservee
au service d'incendie >> est devolu a la ville, il est de plus resolu que la ville
procede au transfert du titre de I'ancienne rue et de la << voie reservee au service
d'incendie >>, sous reserve de toute servitude exigee aux fins de services
municipaux, au nom de I'entreprise Haldor (1972) Ltd. ou a Multi-Line Leasing
Inc., en contrepartie du transfert du titre en fief simple au nom de la ville, d'une
parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 28 metres carres situee au
316, avenue Rothesay et portant Ie NID 55034219; I'interet en fief simple d'une
parcelle d'une superficie d'environ 59 metres carres et une parcelle d'environ
31 metres carres, du terrain situe au 479-495, avenue Rothesay portant les
NID 303701 et 306241; I'interet en fief simple d'une parcelle d'environ 48 metres
carres situee au 515-525, avenue Rothesay, portant les NID 302943,55040133,
306985, 55040141, 55040158 et 55040166, ainsi qu'une servitude d'une
superficie d'environ 100 metres carres de la parcelle faisant partie du
NID 302943, aux fins de services municipaux; et tout ce qui precede, tel que
delimite sur les plans presentes;
4) I'acquereur soit avise que la ville se decharge de toute obligation formelle ou
tacite de fermer et de barrer ledit tronyon de la rue Wellington et de conferer Ie
titre de la parcelle en question de ladite << voie reservee au service d'incendie >>;
5) Les modalites suivantes font partie de la transaction et la ville s'engage a :
a) la preparation de tout plan de lotissement exige aux fins des acquisitions
sur I'avenue Rothesay et I'acquittement des frais afferents;
b) I'acquittement des frais de publicite relatifs a I'avis public exige visant la
fermeture de certains tronyons de la rue Wellington et de la voie reservee
au service d'incendie;
d) Ie retablissement des proprietes de la rue Rothesay susmentionnees
dans I'etat ou elles etaient avant la construction, Ie cas echeant;
6) Haldor (1972) Ltd. et Multi-Line Leasing Inc. s'engagent a preparer tous les plans
exiges afin de fermer et de barrer certains tronyons de la rue Wellington et de la
voie reservee au service d'incendie, et d'acquitter tous les frais afferents.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
6.19 Street Widening - 541 Rothesay Avenue
On motion of Councillor Ferguson
Seconded by Councillor White
1. The City of Saint John acquire the fee simple interest in a 60 square metre :t
portion of PID Number 309229 and 55076079, from L S 0 Enterprises Ltd. for
$50. per square metre plus H.ST (if applicable), as generally shown on the
submitted plan;
2. the City shall prepare any plan of survey/subdivision required for conveyance
3. the City pay up to a maximum of $500. for the legal costs incurred by L S 0
Enterprises Ltd. to finalize this transaction, plus any applicable processing fees
from financial institutions and all registration fees necessary to secure the City's
MAY 18, 2005/Le 18 mai 2005
4. where applicable, reinstate the subject property to same condition as existing
prior to construction; and
5. the Mayor and Common Clerk are authorized to sign any document necessary to
finalize this transaction.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
6.19 Elargissement de la rue au 541, avenue Rothesay
Proposition du conseiller Ferguson
Appuyee par Ie conseiller White
1. The City of Saint John acquiere I'interet en fief simple d'une parcelle de terrain
d'une superficie d'environ 60 metres carres, portant les NID 309229 et
55076079, appartenant a L S 0 Enterprises Ltd. pour la somme de 50 $ Ie metre
carre, TVH en sus (Ie cas echeant), comme I'indique de maniere generale Ie
croquis presente;
2. la ville s'engage a preparer les plans d'arpentage et de lotissement requis aux
fins de transfert;
3. la ville acquitte les honoraires juridiques jusqu'a concurrence de 500 $ engages
par L S 0 Enterprises Ltd. afin de conclure ladite transaction, tous les frais de
traitement applicables aux institutions financieres et tous les frais
d'enregistrement necessaires afin de garantir les interets de la ville;
4. la ville retablisse Ie terrain en question dans I'etat ou il eta it avant la construction,
s'il y a lieu;
5. Ie maire et Ie greffier communal soient autorises a signer toute documentation
exigee afin de conclure ladite transaction.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
6.20 Street Widening - 350 Kingsville Road
On motion of Councillor White
Seconded by Councillor McGuire
1. The City of Saint John acquire the fee simple interest in a 40 square metre :t
portion of PID Number 403972 for $10. per square metre plus H.ST (if
applicable), as generally shown on the submitted sketch;
2. the City shall prepare any plan of subdivision required for conveyance purposes;
3. the City will pay to a maximum of $350. the legal fees incurred by Austin Colwell
to finalize this transaction;
4. where applicable, reinstate the subject property to same condition as existing
prior to construction; and
5. the Mayor and Common Clerk are authorized to sign any document necessary to
finalize this transaction.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
6.20 Elargissement de la rue au 350, chemin Kingsville
Proposition du conseiller White
Appuyee par Ie conseiller McGuire
1. The City of Saint John acquiere I'interet en fief simple d'une parcelle de terrain
d'une superficie d'environ 21 metres carres, portant Ie NID 403972, pour la
somme de 10 $ Ie metre carre, TVH en sus (Ie cas echeant), comme I'indique de
maniere generale Ie croquis presente;
MAY 18 2005/Le 18 mai 2005
2. la ville s'engage a preparer les plans de lotissement requis aux fins de transfert;
3. la ville acquitte les honoraires juridiques, jusqu'a concurrence de 350 $, engages
par Austin Colwell, afin de conclure ladite transaction;
4. la ville retablisse Ie terrain en question dans I'etat ou il eta it avant la construction,
s'il y a lieu;
5. Ie maire et Ie greffier communal soient autorises a signer toute documentation exigee afin
de conclure ladite transaction.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
6.21 Street Widening - 342 Kingsville Road
On motion of Councillor White
Seconded by Councillor McGuire
1. The City of Saint John acquire the fee simple interest in a 70 square metre :t
portion of PID Number 405316 for $10. per square metre plus H.ST (if
applicable), as generally shown on the submitted sketch;
2. the City shall prepare any plan of subdivision required for conveyance purposes;
3. the City will pay to a maximum of $350. the legal fees incurred by Sean and
Amanda King (formerly Brown) to finalize this transaction;
4. where applicable, reinstate the subject property to same condition as existing
prior to construction; and
5. the Mayor and Common Clerk are authorized to sign any document necessary to
finalize this transaction.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
6.21 Elargissement de la rue au 342, chemin Kingsville
Proposition du conseiller White
Appuyee par Ie conseiller McGuire
1. The City of Saint John acquiere I'interet en fief simple d'une parcelle de terrain d'une
superficie d'environ 70 m2, portant Ie NID 405316, pour la somme de 10 $ Ie metre carre,
TVH en sus (Ie cas echeant), comme I'indique de maniere generale Ie croquis presente;
2. la ville s'engage a preparer les plans de lotissement requis aux fins de transfert;
3. la ville acquitte les honoraires juridiques, jusqu'a concurrence de 350 $, engages
par Sean et Amanda King (anciennement Brown), afin de conclure ladite
4. la ville retablisse Ie terrain en question dans I'etat ou il eta it avant la construction,
s'il y a lieu;
5. Ie maire et Ie greffier communal soient autorises a signer toute documentation
exigee afin de conclure ladite transaction.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
6.22 Pipeline Crossing Agreement with Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline
Smythe Street and Station Street
On motion of Councillor White
Seconded by Councillor McGuire
RESOLVED that The City of Saint John enter into a
Crossing Consent Agreement with Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline, subject to the terms
and conditions contained in the submitted agreement; for the purposes of facilitating
water main installation as part of the Long Wharf (Station Street / Smythe Street) new
MAY 18, 2005/Le 18 mai 2005
water main installation project; and the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to sign
the agreement.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
6.22 Convention entre la municipalite et la societe Maritimes and Northeast
Pipeline Management Ltd. relative au croisement du gazoduc avec les rues
Smythe et Station
Proposition du conseiller White
Appuyee par Ie conseiller McGuire
RESOLU que The City of Saint John conclue une
convention de consentement de croisement entre elle-meme et la societe Maritimes and
Northeast Pipeline, sous reserve des conditions et modalites prevues dans la convention
presentee, afin de proceder a I'installation d'une conduite d'eau principale, figurant au
projet d'installation de ladite conduite a Long Wharf (rues Station et Smythe); et que Ie
maire et Ie greffier communal soient autorises a signer la convention.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
6.23 Stop Up and Close a Public Road at Drury Cove
On motion of Councillor White
Seconded by Councillor McGuire
RESOLVED that the resolution adopted March 14,
2005 be amended by adding after" ... related to the stop up and closure;" the following:
"the City convey that portion of the former reserved public road traversing PID Number
55171847 to the owner of PID Number 55171847 for $500. (plus HST if applicable)."
All other aspects of the resolution remain as previously adopted.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
6.23 Fermeture et barrage d'une route publique situee a Drury Cove
Proposition du conseiller White
Appuyee par Ie conseiller McGuire
RESOLU que la resolution adoptee Ie
14 mars 2005 soit modifiee en ajoutant, a la suite des termes << ...relatif a la fermeture et
au barrage... >>, Ie libelle suivant: <<...que la ville transfere ledit tronyon de I'ancienne
route publique reservee traversant Ie terrain portant Ie NID 55171847 au proprietaire du
terrain portant Ie NID 55171847 pour la somme de 500 $ (TVH en sus, Ie cas
echeant). >>
Que toute autre disposition de la resolution demeure en vigueur telle qu'adoptee.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
6.24 Street Name Change
On motion of Councillor White
Seconded by Councillor McGuire
RESOLVED that Common Council amend the list
of Official Street Names and approve the following changes:
1. Add the name chemin McGill Road;
2. Change the name of chemin French Village Road to chemin McGill Road;
3. Delete the name chemin French Village Road.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
6.24 Changement de nom de route
Proposition du conseiller White
Appuyee par Ie conseiller McGuire
RESOLU que, comme Ie recommande Ie directeur
general, Ie conseil communal modifie la liste des noms de routes officiels et approuve
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les modifications suivantes :
1. I'ajout du nom chemin McGill Road;
2. Ie remplacement du nom chemin French Village par chemin McGill Road;
3. la suppression du nom chemin French Village Road.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
8.1 (a-f) Second and Third Readings - Translated By-laws
(a) By-law Number C-1 A By-law Relating to the Market in The City of
Saint John
On motion of Councillor Ferguson
Seconded by Councillor White
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "By-law
Number C-1 A By-law Relating to the Market in The City of Saint John" with respect to
translation be read a second time.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Read a second time by title, the by-law entitled, "By-law Number C-1 A By-law Relating
to the Market in The City of Saint John".
On motion of Councillor Ferguson
Seconded by Councillor White
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "By-law
Number C-1 A By-law Relating to the Market in The City of Saint John" with respect to
translation be read a third time, enacted and the Corporate Common Seal affixed
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Read a third time by title, the by-law entitled, "By-law Number C-1 A By-law Relating to
the Market in The City of Saint John".
(b) By-law Number CP-11 The Flood Risk Area By-law of The City of Saint John
On motion of Councillor Ferguson
Seconded by Councillor White
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "By-law
Number CP-11 The Flood Risk Area By-law of The City of Saint John" with respect to
translation be read a second time.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Read a second time by title, the by-law entitled, "By-law Number CP-11 The Flood Risk
Area By-law of The City of Saint John".
On motion of Councillor White
Seconded by Councillor Ferguson
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "By-law
Number CP-11 The Flood Risk Area By-law of The City of Saint John" with respect to
translation be read a third time, enacted and the Corporate Common Seal affixed
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Read a third time by title, the by-law entitled, "By-law Number CP-11 The Flood Risk
Area By-law of The City of Saint John".
(c) By-Law Number M-19 A Law Relating to the Public Streets in The City of
Saint John and to Prevent Certain Nuisances in the Said City
On motion of Councillor White
Seconded by Councillor Ferguson
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "By-Law
Number M-19 A Law Relating to the Public Streets in The City of Saint John and to
MAY 18, 2005/Le 18 mai 2005
Prevent Certain Nuisances in the Said City" with respect to translation be read a second
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Read a second time by title, the by-law entitled, "By-Law Number M-19 A Law Relating
to the Public Streets in The City of Saint John and to Prevent Certain Nuisances in the
Said City".
On motion of Councillor White
Seconded by Councillor McGuire
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "By-Law
Number M-19 A Law Relating to the Public Streets in The City of Saint John and to
Prevent Certain Nuisances in the Said City" with respect to translation be read a third
time, enacted and the Corporate Common Seal affixed thereto.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Read a third time by title, the by-law entitled, "By-Law Number M-19 A Law Relating to
the Public Streets in The City of Saint John and to Prevent Certain Nuisances in the Said
(d) By-Law Number M-20 A By-Law to Regulate and License Mobile Home
Parks in The City of Saint John
On motion of Councillor White
Seconded by Councillor Farren
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "By-Law
Number M-20 A By-Law to Regulate and License Mobile Home Parks in The City of
Saint John" with respect to translation be read a second time.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Read a second time by title, the by-law entitled, "By-Law Number M-20 A By-Law to
Regulate and License Mobile Home Parks in The City of Saint John".
On motion of Councillor White
Seconded by Councillor Ferguson
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "By-Law
Number M-20 A By-Law to Regulate and License Mobile Home Parks in The City of
Saint John" with respect to translation be read a third time, enacted and the Corporate
Common Seal affixed thereto.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Read a third time by title, the by-law entitled, "By-Law Number M-20 A By-Law to
Regulate and License Mobile Home Parks in The City of Saint John".
(e) By-Law Number M-21 A Law Respecting the Use of Sidewalks within
The City of Saint John
On motion of Councillor Ferguson
Seconded by Councillor Farren
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "By-Law
Number M-21 A Law Respecting the Use of Sidewalks within The City of Saint John"
with respect to translation be read a second time.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Read a second time by title, the by-law entitled, "By-Law Number M-21 A Law
Respecting the Use of Sidewalks within The City of Saint John".
On motion of Councillor White
Seconded by Councillor Ferguson
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "By-Law
Number M-21 A Law Respecting the Use of Sidewalks within The City of Saint John"
with respect to translation be read a third time, enacted and the Corporate Common
Seal affixed thereto.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
MAY 18 2005/Le 18 mai 2005
Read a third time by title, the by-law entitled, "By-Law Number M-21 A Law Respecting
the Use of Sidewalks within The City of Saint John".
(f) By-Law Number M-22 A By-Law Respecting the Prevention of Excessive
Noise in The City of Saint John
On motion of Councillor Farren
Seconded by Councillor White
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "By-Law
Number M-22 A By-Law Respecting the Prevention of Excessive Noise in The City of
Saint John" with respect to translation be read a second time.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Read a second time by title, the by-law entitled, "By-Law Number M-22 A By-Law
Respecting the Prevention of Excessive Noise in The City of Saint John".
On motion of Councillor White
Seconded by Councillor McGuire
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "By-Law
Number M-22 A By-Law Respecting the Prevention of Excessive Noise in The City of
Saint John" with respect to translation be read a third time, enacted and the Corporate
Common Seal affixed thereto.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Read a third time by title, the by-law entitled, "By-Law Number M-22 A By-Law
Respecting the Prevention of Excessive Noise in The City of Saint John".
8.1a) a f) Deuxieme et troisieme lectures des arretes municipaux bilingues
a) Arrete nO C-1 concernant Ie marche dans The City of Saint John
Proposition du conseiller Ferguson
Appuyee par Ie conseiller White
RESOLU que I'arrete intitule << Arrete nO C-1 A,
concernant Ie marche de The City of Saint John >>, relativement a la traduction, fasse
I'objet d'une deuxieme lecture.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Deuxieme lecture par titre de I'arrete intitule <<Arrete nO C-1 A concernant Ie marche de
The City of Saint John >>.
Proposition du conseiller Ferguson
Appuyee par Ie conseiller White
RESOLU que I'arrete intitule << Arrete nO C-1 A,
concernant Ie marche de The City of Saint John >>, relativement a la traduction, fasse
I'objet d'une troisieme lecture, que ledit arrete so it edicte et que Ie sceau communal y
so it appose.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Troisieme lecture par titre de I'arrete intitule <<Arrete nO C-1 A concernant Ie marche de
The City of Saint John >>.
b) Arrete nO CP-11 concernant les zones exposees aux inondations dans
The City of Saint John
Proposition du conseiller Ferguson
Appuyee par Ie conseiller White
RESOLU que I'arrete intitule << Arrete nO CP-11,
concernant les zones exposees aux inondations dans The City of Saint John >>,
relativement a la traduction, fasse I'objet d'une deuxieme lecture.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Deuxieme lecture par titre de I'arrete intitule <<Arrete nO CP-11 concernant les zones
exposees aux inondations dans The City of Saint John >>.
MAY 18, 2005/Le 18 mai 2005
Proposition du conseiller White
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Ferguson
RESOLU que I'arrete intitule << Arrete nO CP-11,
concernant les zones exposees aux inondations dans The City of Saint John >>,
relativement a la traduction, fasse I'objet d'une troisieme lecture, que ledit arrete so it
edicte et que Ie sceau communal y so it appose.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Troisieme lecture par titre de I'arrete intitule <<Arrete nO CP-11 concernant les zones
exposees aux inondations dans The City of Saint John >>.
c) Arrete nO M-19 concernant les rues publiques dans The City of Saint John
et la prevention de la nuisance dans ladite ville
Proposition du conseiller White
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Ferguson
RESOLU que I'arrete intitule << Arrete nO M-19,
concernant les rues publiques dans The City of Saint John et la prevention de la
nuisance dans ladite ville >>, relativement a la traduction, fasse I'objet d'une deuxieme
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Deuxieme lecture par titre de I'arrete intitule <<Arrete nO M-19, concernant les rues
publiques dans The City of Saint John et la prevention de la nuisance dans ladite ville >>.
Proposition du conseiller White
Appuyee par Ie conseiller McGuire
RESOLU que I'arrete intitule << Arrete nO M-19,
concernant les rues publiques dans The City of Saint John et la prevention de la
nuisance dans ladite ville >>, relativement a la traduction, fasse I'objet d'une troisieme
lecture, que ledit arrete so it edicte et que Ie sceau communal y so it appose.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Troisieme lecture par titre de I'arrete intitule <<Arrete nO M-19, concernant les rues
publiques dans The City of Saint John et la prevention de la nuisance dans ladite ville >>.
d) Arrete nO M-20 concernant la reglementation et I'octroi de permis visant les
parcs de maisons mobiles dans The City of Saint John
Proposition du conseiller White
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Farren
RESOLU que I'arrete intitule << Arrete nO M-20,
concernant la reglementation et I'octroi de permis visant les parcs de maisons mobiles
dans The City of Saint John >>, relativement a la traduction, fasse I'objet d'une deuxieme
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Deuxieme lecture par titre de I'arrete intitule << Arrete nO M-20 concernant la
reglementation et I'octroi de permis visant les parcs de maisons mobiles dans The City
of Saint John >>.
Proposition du conseiller White
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Ferguson
RESOLU que I'arrete intitule << Arrete nO M-20,
concernant la reglementation et I'octroi de permis visant les parcs de maisons mobiles
dans The City of Saint John >>, relativement a la traduction, fasse I'objet d'une troisieme
lecture, que ledit arrete so it edicte et que Ie sceau communal y so it appose.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Troisieme lecture par titre de I'arrete intitule << Arrete nO M-20 concernant la
reglementation et I'octroi de permis visant les parcs de maisons mobiles dans The City
of Saint John >>.
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e) Arrete nO M-21 concernant I'utilisation des trottoirs dans The City of
Saint John
Proposition du conseiller Ferguson
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Farren
RESOLU que I'arrete intitule << Arrete nO M-21,
concernant I'utilisation des trottoirs dans The City of Saint John >>, relativement a la
traduction, fasse I'objet d'une deuxieme lecture.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Deuxieme lecture par titre de I'arrete intitule <<Arrete nO M-21 concernant I'utilisation des
trottoirs dans The City of Saint John >>.
Proposition du conseiller White
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Ferguson
RESOLU que I'arrete intitule << Arrete nO M-21,
concernant I'utilisation des trottoirs dans The City of Saint John >>, relativement a la
traduction, fasse I'objet d'une troisieme lecture, que ledit arrete so it edicte et que Ie
sceau communal y soit appose.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Troisieme lecture par titre de I'arrete intitule <<Arrete nO M-21 concernant I'utilisation des
trottoirs dans The City of Saint John >>.
f) Arrete nO M-22 concernant la prevention du bruit excess if dans The City of
Saint John
Proposition du conseiller Farren
Appuyee par Ie conseiller White
RESOLU que I'arrete intitule << Arrete nO M-22,
concernant la prevention du bruit excessif dans The City of Saint John >>, relativement a
la traduction, fasse I'objet d'une deuxieme lecture.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Deuxieme lecture par titre de I'arrete intitule << Arrete nO M-22 concernant la prevention
du bruit excessif dans The City of Saint John >>.
Proposition du conseiller White
Appuyee par Ie conseiller McGuire
RESOLU que I'arrete intitule << Arrete nO M-22,
concernant la prevention du bruit excessif dans The City of Saint John >>, relativement a
la traduction, fasse I'objet d'une troisieme lecture, que ledit arrete so it edicte et que Ie
sceau communal y soit appose.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Troisieme lecture par titre de I'arrete intitule << Arrete nO M-22 concernant la prevention
du bruit excessif dans The City of Saint John >>.
8.2 Third Reading - Stop Up and Close Portion of Chesley Drive
On motion of Councillor Farren
Seconded by Councillor Ferguson
RESOLVED that the By-law entitled, "A By-law To
Amend a By-law Respecting the Stopping Up and Closing of Highways in The City of
Saint John" with regard to Chesley Drive be read.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
The by-law entitled, "A By-law To Amend a By-law Respecting the Stopping Up and
Closing of Highways in The City of Saint John" was read in its entirety.
On motion of Councillor Farren
Seconded by Councillor White
RESOLVED that the By-law entitled, "A By-law To
Amend a By-law Respecting the Stopping Up and Closing of Highways in The City of
MAY 18, 2005/Le 18 mai 2005
Saint John" with regard to Chesley Drive be read a third time, enacted and the Corporate
Common Seal affixed thereto.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Read a third time by title, the by-law entitled, "A By-law To Amend a By-law Respecting
the Stopping Up and Closing of Highways in The City of Saint John".
8.2 Troisieme lecture de I'arrete sur Ie zonage visant la fermeture et Ie barrage
d'un tronc;on de la promenade Chesley
Proposition du conseiller Farren
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Ferguson
RESOLU que I'arrete intitule << Arrete modifiant
I'arrete concernant la fermeture et Ie barrage de routes dans The City of Saint John >>,
relativement a la promenade Chesley, fasse I'objet d'une lecture.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
L'arrete intitule << Arrete modifiant I'arrete concernant la fermeture et Ie barrage de routes
dans The City of Saint John >> est lu integralement.
Proposition du conseiller Farren
Appuyee par Ie conseiller White
RESOLU que I'arrete intitule << Arrete modifiant
I'arrete concernant la fermeture et Ie barrage de routes dans The City of Saint John >>,
relativement a la promenade Chesley, fasse I'objet d'une troisieme lecture, que ledit
arrete so it edicte et que Ie sceau communal y soit appose.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Troisieme lecture par titre de I'arrete intitule << Arrete modifiant I'arrete concernant la
fermeture et Ie barrage de routes dans The City of Saint John >>.
9.0 Committee of the Whole Report
On motion of Councillor Chase
Seconded by Councillor McGuire
RESOLVED that the Committee of the Whole
Report, item number 1, Property Matter - Unsound Wall Supporting a Portion of Prince
William Street be received for information.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
2. Personnel Issue
On motion of Councillor Chase
Seconded by Councillor Court
RESOLVED that the Committee of the Whole
Report, item number 2, Personnel Issue, be received for information and the following
resolution be accepted.
"RESOLVED that Common Council authorize the payment of Career Transition Funding
to the incumbent with employee number 2104 equal to five (5) months of the
incumbent's current annual salary, upon condition that the City Manager receives a
satisfactory release in favour of the City on or before May 16, 2005."
Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillor Ferguson
voting "nay".
9.0 Rapport du comite plenier
Proposition du conseiller Chase
Appuyee par Ie conseiller McGuire
RESOLU que Ie rapport produit par Ie Comite
plenier, inscrit au point nO 1, question relative a la propriete, relativement a un mur de
soutenement en mauvais etat qui supporte une partie de la rue Prince William, soit
MAY 18 2005/Le 18 mai 2005
accepte a titre informatif.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
2. Question relative au personnel
Proposition du conseiller Chase
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Court
RESOLU que Ie rapport du Comite plenier, inscrit
au point nO 2, question relative au personnel, soit accepte a titre informatif et que la
resolution suivante soit egalement acceptee.
<< RESOLU que Ie conseil communal autorise Ie versement, a meme les fonds relatifs a
la reorientation professionnelle, a la personne dont Ie numero d'employe est Ie 2104,
d'un montant egal a cinq (5) mois de salaire annuel dudit employe en vigueur a I'heure
actuelle, contre quittance en bonne et due forme en faveur de la ville, delivree au
directeur general au plus tard Ie 16 mai 2005. >>
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Le conseiller Ferguson vote
9.1 Saint John Waterfront Development Partnership Request to Present
On motion of Councillor Farren
Seconded by Councillor Court
RESOLVED that the request of Saint John
Waterfront Development Partnership requesting to present to Council be referred to the
Common Clerk to schedule a presentation.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
9.1 Demande presentee par Ie Partenariat d'amenagement du secteur riverain
de Saint John visant a se presenter devant Ie conseil
Proposition du conseiller Farren
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Court
RESOLU que la lettre de demande reyue du
Partenariat d'amenagement du secteur riverain de Saint John visant a se presenter
devant Ie conseil soit transmise au greffier aux fins d'inscription de ladite presentation a
I'ordre du jour.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
9.2 Report from Nominating Committee
On motion of Councillor White
Seconded by Councillor McGuire
RESOLVED that the Nominating Committee consist
of the Mayor and 3 or 4 Councillors over a three year period as follows with each group
to choose a Chair; meetings to be held with the Common Clerk or Assistant Common
Clerk in attendance; and written reports with recommendations to be filed with the
Committee of the Whole:
May 9, 2005 - May 9, 2006 - Mayor McFarlane and Councillors Tait, Titus and Farren
May 10, 2006 - May 10, 2007 - Mayor McFarlane and Councillors Chase, Ferguson and
May 11, 2007 - Until new Council takes effect - Mayor McFarlane, Deputy Mayor Hooton
and Councillors White, McGuire and Court and also;
RESOLVED that item number 2, of the Committee of the Whole Agenda of April 25,
2005, namely, Nominating Committee 10.2(4)(b), be referred to the newly formed
Nominating Committee and also;
RESOLVED that Bernie Cullinan be appointed to the By-law Enforcement Advisory
MAY 18, 2005/Le 18 mai 2005
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
9.2 Rapport produit par Ie Comite des candidatures
Proposition du conseiller White
Appuyee par Ie conseiller McGuire
RESOLU que Ie Comite des candidatures se
compose du maire et de trois ou quatre conseillers pour remplir un mandat de trois ans,
tel que precise ci-dessous, que chaque groupe choisisse un president, que, so it Ie
greffier communal so it la greffiere communale adjointe assiste aux reunions, que des
rapports et des recommandations soient rediges et deposes aupres du Comite plenier.
Que Ie comite so it compose comme suit: du 9 mai 2005 au 9 mai 2006 : Ie maire
McFarlane et les conseillers Tait, Titus et Farren;
du 10 mai 2006 au 10 mai 2007: Ie maire McFarlane et les conseillers Chase, Ferguson
et Chang;
Ie 11 mai 2007 jusqu'au moment de la nomination des membres du nouveau conseil, Ie
maire suppleant Hooton et les conseillers White, McGuire et Court.
RESOLU que Ie point nO 2 a I'ordre du jour du Comite plenier date Ie 25 avril 2005, a
savoir Ie Comite des candidatures 10.2(4)b), soit transmis au Comite des candidatures
nouvellement constitue.
RESOLU que Bernie Cullinan soit nom me pour sieger au Comite consultatif sur
I'execution des arretes
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
9.3 Environment Committee - Cosmetic Pesticides Regulations
On motion of Councillor Chase
Seconded by Councillor Court
RESOLVED that with regard to Cosmetic
Pesticides Regulations, Common Council:
1. support ongoing review and appropriate regulations at the provincial and federal
2. provide a brief introduction to the issue on The City of Saint John website with
links to provincial, federal and other sources of information;
3. make provincial and federal government brochures regarding pesticide use and
alternatives available at city locations such as Shoppes of City Hall Payment Centre,
Rothesay Avenue or Adelaide Street Leisure Services offices, and further that,
the City Manager bring a report back on the use of the City's pesticides in parks and the
implications of suspending the use of these and substituting these with organic
Question being taken, the motion was defeated with the Mayor, Councillors.
Chang, Farren, Ferguson, McGuire, Tait, and White voting nay.
On motion of Councillor Tait
Seconded by Councillor Farren
RESOLVED that with regard to Cosmetic
Pesticides Regulations, Common Council:
1. support ongoing review and appropriate regulations at the provincial and federal
2. provide a brief introduction to the issue on The City of Saint John website with
links to provincial, federal and other sources of information;
3. make provincial and federal government brochures regarding pesticide use and
alternatives available at city locations such as Shoppes of City Hall Payment Centre,
Rothesay Avenue or Adelaide Street Leisure Services offices.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
MAY 18 2005/Le 18 mai 2005
On motion of Councillor Chase
Seconded by Councillor Ferguson
RESOLVED that the City Manager bring a report
back on the use of the City's pesticides in parks and the implications of suspending the
use of these and substituting these with organic pesticides.
Question being taken, the motion was carried, with Councillors Farren,
Court and Tait voting nay.
9.3 Comite sur I'environnement concernant les reglements sur les pesticides
Proposition du conseiller Chase
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Court
RESOLU que, relativement aux reglements visant
les pesticides cosmetiques, Ie conseil procede comme suit:
1. appuie I'etude en cours relativement aux reglements afferents provinciaux et
2. fournisse une breve presentation du sujet sur Ie site Web de The City of Saint
John, y compris des liens aux sources d'information federales et provinciales et autres;
3. publie des brochures gouvernementales aux paliers provincial et federal,
relativement a I'utilisation de pesticides ou d'autres produits disponibles a la boutique du
centre de paiement de l'h6tel de ville, aux bureaux des Services de loisirs de I'avenue
Rothesay ou de la rue Adelaide;
Ie directeur general presente un rapport au comite relatif a I'utilisation de pesticides dans
les parcs municipaux et aux incidences sur leur retrait et remplacement par des
pesticides organiques.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est rejetee. Le maire et les conseillers Chang,
Farren, Ferguson, McGuire, Tait, et White votent contre.
Proposition du conseiller Tait
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Farren
RESOLU que, relativement aux reglements visant
les pesticides cosmetiques, Ie conseil procede comme suit:
1. appuie I'etude en cours relativement aux reglements afferents provinciaux et
2. fournisse une breve presentation du sujet sur Ie site Web de The City of Saint
John, y compris des liens aux sources d'information federales et provinciales et autres;
3. publie des brochures gouvernementales aux paliers provincial et federal,
relativement a I'utilisation de pesticides ou d'autres produits disponibles a la boutique du
centre de paiement de l'h6tel de ville, aux bureaux des Services de loisirs de I'avenue
Rothesay ou de la rue Adelaide;
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Proposition du conseiller Chase
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Ferguson
RESOLU que Ie directeur general presente un
rapport au comite relatif a I'utilisation de pesticides dans les parcs municipaux et aux
incidences sur leur retrait et remplacement par des pesticides organiques.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est acceptee. Les conseillers Farren,
Court et Tait votent contre.
9.4 Saint John Board of Police Commissioners - Saint John Police Force 2004
Operating Budget Results
On motion of Councillor White
Seconded by Councillor Farren
RESOLVED that the report from the Saint John
Board of Police Commissioners submitting its 2004 Operating Budget results be
received for information.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
MAY 18, 2005/Le 18 mai 2005
9.4 Bureau des commissaires de la police de Saint John relativement aux
resultats du budget d'administration 2004 du corps de police de Saint John
Proposition du conseiller White
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Farren
RESOLU que Ie rapport produit par Ie Bureau des
commissaires de la police de Saint John, accompagne des resultats du budget
d'administration de 2004, so it accepte a titre informatif.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
9.5 Saint John Community Arts Board Request to Present
On motion of Councillor White
Seconded by Councillor McGuire
RESOLVED that the letter from Michael Wennberg,
Chairman of the Saint John Community Arts Board requesting to present to Common
Council the proposed Arts and Culture Policy be referred to the Common Clerk to
schedule a presentation.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
9.5 Conseil des arts communautaires de Saint John relativement a une
demande de presentation devant Ie conseil
Proposition du conseiller White
Appuyee par Ie conseiller McGuire
RESOLU que la lettre de demande reyue de
Michael Wennberg, president du Conseil des arts communautaires de Saint John, visant
a se presenter devant Ie conseil relativement a la politique proposee sur les arts et la
culture, soit transmise au greffier aux fins d'inscription de ladite presentation a I'ordre du
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
9.6 Saint John Aquatic Centre Commission - 2004 Audited Financial
On motion of Councillor White
Seconded by Councillor Farren
RESOLVED that the Saint John Aquatic Centre
Commission's Financial Statements for the year ended December 31,2004 be received
for information.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
9.6 Commission du centre aquatique de Saint John relativement aux etats
financiers verifies de 2004
Proposition du conseiller White
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Farren
RESOLU que les etats financiers de I'exercice
financier termine Ie 31 decembre 2004, de la Commission du Centre aquatique de
Saint John soient acceptes a titre informatif.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
9.7 Saint John Development Corporation - 2004 Audited Financial Statements
On motion of Councillor White
Seconded by Councillor McGuire
RESOLVED that the Saint John Development
Corporation's 2004 Financial Statements for the Corporation and the Market Square
Parking Garage be received for information.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
MAY 18 2005/Le 18 mai 2005
9.7 Etats financiers verifies de 2004 de la Saint John Development Corporation
Proposition du conseiller White
Appuyee par Ie conseiller McGuire
RESOLU que les etats financiers de 2004 de la
Saint John Development Corporation et du garage de stationnement du marche
municipal, soient acceptes a titre informatif.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
9.8 Planning Advisory Committee - Proposed Subdivision 141 Alloy Drive
On motion of Councillor White
Seconded by Councillor Farren
RESOLVED that Common Council assent to the
submitted tentative subdivision plan of the property located at 141 Alloy Drive (PI D
Number 55032957) with respect to the vesting of the proposed extension of Alloy Drive
as a public street, as well as the vesting of any required municipal services easements
and public utility easements and that Common Council authorize the preparation and
execution of one or more City/developer subdivision agreements to ensure provision of
the required work and facilities, including detailed site and drainage plans for the
approval of the Chief City Engineer.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
9.8 Comite consultatif d'urbanisme relativement au lotissement propose du
terrain situe au 141, promenade Alloy
Proposition du conseiller White
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Farren
RESOLU que Ie conseil communal approuve Ie
plan de lotissement provisoire presente relatif a la propriete situee au 141, promenade
Alloy (NID 55032957), relativement a la devolution du tronyon de prolongement de la
promenade Alloy en tant que rue publique, ainsi qu'a la devolution de toutes les
servitudes aux fins de services municipaux et d'utilite publique exigees et, que Ie conseil
communal autorise la redaction et la signature de une ou plusieurs conventions entre la
ville et Ie promoteur afin d'assurer I'execution des travaux requis et la mise en place des
installations necessaires, y compris les plans de situation et de drainage detailles
soumis a I'approbation de I'ingenieur municipal en chef.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
10.1 CNIB Request for Council's Endorsement of Fundraising Campaign
On motion of Councillor White
Seconded by Councillor Ferguson
RESOLVED that Common Council endorse the
CNIB's door to door fund raising campaign between May 17 to June 17, 2005.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
10.1 Demande de I'INCA au conseil pour Ie parrainage de la campagne de levee
de fonds
Proposition du conseiller White
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Ferguson
RESOLU que Ie conseil communal parraine la
campagne de financement porte-a-porte organisee par I'INCA entre Ie 17 mai et Ie
17 juin 2005.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
MAY 18, 2005/Le 18 mai 2005
10.2 Grant Request from Saint John Alpine Extreme Women's Ball Hockey Team
On motion of Councillor Tait
Seconded by Councillor Court
RESOLVED that the letter from Raoul Theriault,
Coach of the Saint John Alpine Extreme Women's Ball Hockey team requesting financial
support for the Canadian Ball Hockey Nationals in Calgary be received for information.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
10.2 Demande de subvention de I'equipe feminine de hockey-balle Alpine
Extreme de Saint John
Proposition du conseiller Tait
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Court
RESOLU que la lettre de demande de subvention
reyue de Raoul Theriault, entralneur de I'equipe feminine de hockey-balle Alpine
Extreme de Saint John relativement a une demande de subvention dans Ie but d'assister
au championnat national de hockey-balle a Calgary, so it acceptee a titre informatif.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
10.3 Letter from Dr. Jim Stephenson Regarding City Water and Services on
Ragged Point Road
On motion of Councillor Tait
Seconded by Councillor Court
RESOLVED that the letter from Dr. Jim Stephenson
requesting information on city water and services and asking to extend such services to
the Ragged Point area and to place warning signs regarding deer crossings be referred
to the City Manager.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
10.3 Lettre rec;ue du Dr Jim Stephenson concernant I'eau et les services
municipaux du chemin Ragged Point
Proposition du conseiller Tait
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Court
RESOLU que la lettre reyue du Dr Jim Stephenson
voulant de I'information visant les services d'eau et d'egouts, et plus particulierement
desirant que ces services soient prolonges dans Ie quartier de Ragged Point, et que
soient installes des panneaux de mise en garde relativement a la traverse de chevreuils,
so it transmise au directeur general.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
10.4 Letter from David Ryan Suggesting Uptown Site for Racino
On motion of Councillor Tait
Seconded by Councillor Farren
RESOLVED that the letter from David Ryan
suggesting the former Atlantic Sugar Refinery as a site for a Racino be received for
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
10.4 Lettre rec;ue de David Ryan pour la proposition d'un emplacement pour Ie
concept << Racino >> au centre-ville
Proposition du conseiller Tait
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Farren
RESOLU que la lettre reyue de David Ryan
proposant I'emplacement de I'ancienne raffinerie de sucre Atlantic aux fins
d'amenagement d'un racino, soit acceptee a titre informatif.
MAY 18 2005/Le 18 mai 2005
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
10.5 Loch Lomond School Request for Funding for Proposed Playground
On motion of Councillor Court
Seconded by Councillor Farren
RESOLVED that the letter from Donna Hennessey,
Principal of Loch Lomond School requesting funding for a playground under the Land for
Public Purposes Fund be referred to the City Manager for a report by June 7, 2005.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
10.5 Demande de financement rec;ue de I'ecole Loch Lomond relative au terrain
de jeux propose
Proposition du conseiller Court
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Farren
RESOLU que la lettre de demande de financement
reyue de Donna Hennessey, directrice de I'ecole Loch Lomond, visant un terrain de jeux
en vertu du fonds relatif aux terrains d'utilite publique, so it transmise au directeur general
aux fins de redaction d'un rapport au plus tard Ie 7 juin 2005.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
10.6 Letter from Eric Teed Regarding Relief from Taxation of Non-Profit
On motion of Councillor Farren
Seconded by Councillor White
RESOLVED that the letter from Eric Teed
submitting a resolution regarding the reduction of municipal taxation for non-profit
organizations be received for information.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
10.6 Lettre rec;ue de Eric Teed relative a I'allegement fiscal des organismes a but
non lucratif
Proposition du conseiller Farren
Appuyee par Ie conseiller White
RESOLU que la lettre reyue de Eric Teed
accompagnee d'une resolution relative a I'allegement fiscal a I'intention des organismes
a but non lucratif, so it acceptee a titre informatif.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
10.7 Boys and Girls Club 2004 Annual Report and Request for Funding Under
the Land for Public Purposes Fund
On motion of Councillor White
Seconded by Councillor Farren
RESOLVED that the letter from Debbie Cooper,
Executive Director of the Saint John Boys and Girls Club submitting its 2004 Annual
Report and requesting funding for a new playground under the Land for Public Purposes
Fund be referred to the City Manager.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
10.7 Rapport annuel de 2004 du Club garc;ons et filles et demande de
financement en vertu du fonds relatif aux terrains d'utilite publique
Proposition du conseiller White
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Farren
RESOLU que la lettre reyue de Debbie Cooper,
directrice executive du Club garyons et filles de Saint John, accompagnee du rapport
annuel de 2004 et d'une demande de financement aux fins d'un nouveau terrain de jeux
en vertu du fonds relatif aux terrains d'utilite publique, so it transmise au directeur
MAY 18, 2005/Le 18 mai 2005
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
10.8 Letter from William Knox Objecting to LNG Tax Concession
On motion of Councillor Tait
Seconded by Councillor White
RESOLVED that the letter from William Knox
requesting that Council give him a tax break and freeze on his property taxes be
received for information.
Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillor Court voting
10.8 Lettre rec;ue de William Knox s'opposant a I'allegement fiscal relatif au
terminal de gaz naturelliquefie
Proposition du conseiller Tait
Appuyee par Ie conseiller White
RESOLU que la lettre reyue de William Knox
relative a sa demande formulee aupres du conseil voulant que lui soit accordes un
allegement fiscal et un gel d'imp6ts fonciers, so it acceptee a titre informatif.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Le conseiller Court vote
10.9 Letter from Concerned Citizens Objecting to Possible Rezoning Under
Overpass to Milford
On motion of Councillor Tait
Seconded by Councillor White
RESOLVED that the letter from Carolyn Messer,
Gordie White and Abel LeBlanc requesting to be notified immediately if rezoning of land
under the overpass to Milford is to take place be received for information.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
10.9 Lettre rec;ue de residents interesses s'opposant au rezonage prevu des
terrains situes en dessous du passage superieur de Milford
Proposition du conseiller Tait
Appuyee par Ie conseiller White
RESOLU que la lettre reyue de Carolyn Messer,
Gordie White et Abel LeBlanc, voulant qu'un avis leur soit expedie immediatement dans
Ie cas ou une modification serait apportee au zonage des terrains situes en dessous du
passage superieur en direction de Milford, soit acceptee a titre informatif.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
10.10 M. Gerald Teed School Improvement Committee Request to Present and
Requesting Funding under the Land for Public Purposes Fund
On motion of Councillor Court
Seconded by Councillor Farren
RESOLVED that the letter from James Turnbull Jr.
on behalf of the M. Gerald Teed School Field Improvement Committee regarding the
upgrading of the athletic field at the M. Gerald Teed Elementary School in Millidgeville
be referred to the City Manager.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
10.10 Demande presentee par Ie Comite d'amelioration des terrains de jeux de
I'ecole M. Gerald Teed de se presenter devant Ie conseil et demande de
financement en vertu du fonds relatif aux terrains d'utilite publique
Proposition du conseiller Court
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Farren
RESOLU que la lettre reyue de James Turnbull Jr.,
au nom du Comite d'amelioration des terrains de jeux de I'ecole M. Gerald Teed, relative
MAY 18 2005/Le 18 mai 2005
a I'amelioration du terrain d'athletisme de I'ecole primaire M. Gerald Teed, a Millidgeville,
so it transmise au directeur general.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
10.11 Letter from Sonia Thorn Reqarding Quarry Operations on Ashburn Road
On motion of Councillor Tait
Seconded by Councillor White
RESOLVED that the letter from Sonia Thorn
objecting to blasting at the quarry operations on the Ashburn Road be received for
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
10.11 Lettre rec;ue de Sonia Thorn relative a la carriere situee au chemin Ashburn
Proposition du conseiller Tait
Appuyee par Ie conseiller White
RESOLU que la lettre reyue de Sonia Thorn
s'opposant aux travaux de dynamitage effectues a la carriere du chemin Ashburn soit
acceptee a titre informatif.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
10.12 Letter from Hardman Group Regarding Festivals and Events Schedule and
City Sponsorships
On motion of Councillor White
Seconded by Councillor Farren
RESOLVED that the letter from Heather Peterson,
Regional Property Manager of the Hardman Group requesting an opportunity to present
to Council the festivals and events scheduled for the upcoming summer season be
referred to the Common Clerk to schedule a presentation.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
10.12 Lettre rec;ue de Hardman Group relative au calendrier des evenements et
des festivals et au parrainage municipal
Proposition du conseiller White
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Farren
RESOLU que la lettre reyue de Heather Peterson,
gestionnaire immobilier regional de Hardman Group, voulant qu'une occasion lui soit
accordee pour presenter devant Ie conseil, Ie calendrier des evenements et des festivals
prevus pour la saison estivale prochaine, soit transmise au greffier aux fins d'inscription
d'une date de presentation a I'ordre du jour.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
10.13 Letter from Paul Russell Regarding Truck Traffic on Loch Lomond Road
On motion of Councillor Tait
Seconded by Councillor Court
RESOLVED that the letter from Paul Russell
requesting that Council look at closing Loch Lomond Road to heavy truck traffic be
referred to the City Manager and the Saint John Board of Police Commissioners.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
10.13 Lettre rec;ue de Paul Russell relative a la circulation des camions sur Ie
chemin Loch Lomond
Proposition du conseiller Tait
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Court
RESOLU que la lettre reyue de Paul Russell
voulant que Ie conseil interdise la circulation des camions lourds sur Ie chemin Loch
Lomond so it transmise au directeur general et au Bureau des commissaires de la police
de Saint John.
MAY 18, 2005/Le 18 mai 2005
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
10.14 Letter from Joe Cormier Requesting Use of M ispec Beach for Rugby
On motion of Councillor White
Seconded by Councillor Tait
RESOLVED that the letter from Jerry Cormier
requesting the use of Mispec Beach for a rugby tournament to be held June 18, 2005
and asking permission to include the sale of liquor as part of this event be referred to the
City Manager.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
10.14 Lettre rec;ue de Joe Cormier relative a I'utilisation de la plage Mispec pour
un tournoi de rugby
Proposition du conseiller White
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Tait
RESOLU que la lettre de demande reyue de Jerry
Cormier relative a I'utilisation de la plage Mispec pour la tenue d'un tournoi de rugby Ie
18 juin 2005 et voulant inclure la vente de boissons alcoolisees a cet evenement, so it
transmise au directeur general.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
10.15 Letter from Eric Teed Regarding Excavation on City Streets
On motion of Councillor Tait
Seconded by Councillor White
RESOLVED that the letter from Eric Teed regarding
the growing number of excavations and temporary filling in such a manner as to result in
dangerous depressions after a few day and causing great danger to cars be received for
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
10.15 Lettre rec;ue de Eric Teed relative aux travaux de refection des routes dans
The City of Saint John
Proposition du conseiller Tait
Appuyee par Ie conseiller White
RESOLU que la lettre reyue de Eric Teed relative
au nombre croissant de travaux de refection et de remplissage temporaire effectues sur
la chaussee de telle maniere a causer des depressions dangereuses quelques jours
plus tard et endommageant ainsi les voitures, soit acceptee a titre informatif.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
10.16 Letter from South Central Citizens' Council Regarding By-law Enforcement
On motion of Councillor Court
Seconded by Councillor Farren
RESOLVED that the letter from Dawn LeBlanc,
secretary of the South Central Citizens Council regarding the Stoop and Scoop By-law
and the lack of enforcement be referred to the By-law Enforcement Committee.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
10.16 Lettre rec;ue du conseil public du centre-sud relative a I'execution des
Proposition du conseiller Court
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Farren
RESOLU que la lettre reyue de Dawn LeBlanc,
secretaire du Conseil public du centre-sud, relative au non-respect de I'arrete
concernant la dejection canine, so it transmise au Comite sur I'execution des arretes.
MAY 18 2005/Le 18 mai 2005
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
10.17 Letter from Frank Rodgers Regarding Council Proceedings
On motion of Councillor White
Seconded by Councillor McGuire
RESOLVED that the letter from Frank Rodgers
regarding his concerns on the way Council meetings are being conducted be received
for information.
Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillor Court voting
Councillors Court and Ferguson brought to the Mayor's attention that they had requested
to speak before the question was put. The Mayor acknowledged the Councillors and
asked if they would like to propose a motion.
On motion of Councillor Court
Seconded by Councillor Ferguson
RESOLVED that the letter from Frank Rodgers
regarding his concerns on the way Council meetings are being conducted be referred to
the City Solicitor.
Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillors Chang,
McGuire and White voting "nay".
10.17 Lettre rec;ue de Frank Rodgers relative aux deliberations du conseil
Proposition du conseiller White
Appuyee par Ie conseiller McGuire
RESOLU que la lettre reyue de Frank Rodgers
relative aux procedures suivies lors des reunions du conseil, soit acceptee a titre
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Le conseiller Court vote
Les conseillers Court et Ferguson signalent au maire qu'ils avaient demande de prendre
la parole avant la presentation de la question. Le maire donne gain de cause aux
conseillers et leur demande de proposer une motion.
Proposition du conseiller Court
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Ferguson
RESOLU que la lettre reyue de Frank Rodgers
relative aux procedures suivies lors des reunions du conseil, soit transmise a I'avocat
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est acceptee. Les conseillers Chang,
McGuire et White votent contre.
10.18 Letter from Horst Sauerteig Regarding By-laws of FRSWC
On motion of Councillor White
Seconded by Councillor Farren
RESOLVED that the letter from Horst Sauerteig
regarding the changes to the By-laws of the Fundy Region Solid Waste Commission be
referred to the Fundy Region Solid Waste Commission.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
10.18 Lettre rec;ue de Horst Sauerteig relative aux arretes de la Commission de
gestion des matieres usees solides de la region de Fundy
Proposition du conseiller White
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Farren
RESOLU que la lettre reyue de Horst Sauerteig
relative aux modifications prevues relatives a I'arrete concernant la Commission des
matieres usees soli des de la region de Fundy soit transmise a la Commission des
matieres usees soli des de la region de Fundy.
MAY 18, 2005/Le 18 mai 2005
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
10.19 Request of Festival By The Sea to Present in Closed Meeting
On motion of Councillor Farren
Seconded by Councillor Chang
RESOLVED that the letter from Wendy Morton,
President of Festival By The Sea requesting to update Council on their current status
and program for 2005 be referred to the Common Clerk to schedule a presentation at
open session of Council.
Question being taken, the motion was carried
10.19 Demande rec;ue de I'organisme Festival sur mer de se presenter devant Ie
conseil en reunion privee
Proposition du conseiller Farren
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Chang
RESOLU que la lettre reyue de Wendy Morton,
presidente de I'organisme Festival sur mer, visant a mettre Ie conseil au courant de I'etat
actuel de I'organisme et de la programmation pour 2005, soit transmise au greffier
communal aux fins d'inscription a I'ordre du jour d'une date de presentation en seance
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
The Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 11 :05 p.m.
Cloture de la reunion
Le maire declare que la seance est levee a 23 h 05.
Common Clerk/greffier communal