DECEMBER 15, 2003/LE 15 DECEMBRE 2003
At a meeting of the Common Council, held at the City Hall in The City of Saint
John, on Monday, the 15th day of December AD. 2003, at 6:30 o'clock p.m.
Shirley McAlary, Mayor
Deputy Mayor White and Councillors Ball, Chase, Court,
Desmond, Fitzgerald, Fitzpatrick, Teed, Titus and Trites
- and -
Messrs. 1. Totten, City Manager; J. Nugent, City Solicitor; A
Beckett, Commissioner of Finance and Corporate Services; P.
Groody, Commissioner of Municipal Operations; J. Baird,
Commissioner of Planning and Development; W. Edwards,
Commissioner of Buildings and Inspection Services; R. Simonds,
Fire Chief; C. Cogswell, Chief of Police; and P. Woods, Common
Clerk and Deputy City Manager; and Ms. E. Gormley, Assistant
Common Clerk.
Etaient presentes a une reunion du conseil communal qui a eu lieu a l'h6tel de
ville de The City of Saint John, Ie lundi 15 decembre 2003 a 18 h 30, les personnes
suivantes :
Shirley McAlary, maire;
Ie maire suppleant White et les conseillers Ball, Chase, Court,
Desmond, Fitzgerald, Fitzpatrick, Teed, Titus et Trites;
- et-
MM. 1. Totten, directeur general; J. Nugent, avocat municipal; A
Beckett, commissaire aux finances et aux services administratifs;
P. Groody, commissaire aux operations municipales; J. Baird,
commissaire a I'urbanisme et au developpement; W. Edwards,
commissaire aux services d'inspection et des batiments; R.
Simonds, chef du service d'incendie; C. Cogswell, chef de police;
P. Woods, greffier communal et directeur general adjoint; ainsi
que Mme E. Gormley, greffiere communale adjointe.
1. MeetinQ Called To Order - Prayer
Mayor McAlary called the meeting to order and offered the opening
1. Ouverture de la seance - priere
La seance est ouverte par Ie maire McAlary qui recite la priere
2. Approval of Minutes
On motion of Councillor Fitzpatrick
Seconded by Councillor Trites
RESOLVED that the Approval of Minutes item,
tabled at the December 8, 2003 meeting be lifted from the table.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor Fitzpatrick
Seconded by Deputy Mayor White
RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of
Common Council, held on December 1, 2003 be approved.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
DECEMBER 15, 2003/LE 15 DECEMBRE 2003
On motion of Councillor Desmond
Seconded by Deputy Mayor White
RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of
Common Council, held on December 8, 2003 be approved.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
2. Approbation du proces-verbal de la derniere reunion
Proposition du conseiller Fitzpatrick
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Trites
QUE Ie point <<Approbation du proces-verbal >>
reporte lors de la reunion du 8 decembre 2003, soit soumis aux fins de discussion.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Proposition du conseiller Fitzpatrick
Appuyee par Ie maire suppleant White
QUE Ie proces-verbal de la reunion du conseil
communal du 1 er decembre 2003 soit adopte.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Proposition du conseiller Desmond
Appuyee par Ie maire suppleant White
QUE Ie proces-verbal de la reunion du conseil
communal du 8 decembre 2003 so it adopte.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
3. Approval of AQenda
On motion of Deputy Mayor White
Seconded by Councillor Desmond
RESOLVED that the agenda of this meeting be
approved with the addition of item 5B, Authority to Expend Funds.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
3. Adoption de I'ordre du iour
Proposition du maire suppleant White
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Desmond
QUE I'ordre du jour de cette reunion soit adopte,
moyennant I'ajout du point 5B, Autorisation de depense de fonds.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
4. Public Presentation of Proposed
Municipal Plan Amendment - 1050 Sandy Point Road
Public presentation was made of a proposed Municipal Plan amendment
to redesignate on Schedule 2A of the Plan, from Medium Density Residential to
Neighbourhood Centre, a parcel of land with an area of approximately 2.82 hectares
(6.97 acres), located at 1050 Sandy Point Road, also identified as being PID Numbers
00050682, 55115521, 55156814, 55157903, and a portion of 00431676, as illustrated in
the submitted plan, and by amending Section of the Millidgeville Secondary Plan
(Development Policies - Commercial Development - Neighbourhood Commercial
Centre) by adding a new paragraph following the end of the existing paragraph: "Another
Neighbourhood Commercial Centre in the vicinity of the intersection of Sandy Point
Road and University Avenue is also encouraged. Given the proximity to the Saint John
Regional Hospital, offices for doctors and other medical practitioners is conceivable.
Other commercial land uses could also be permitted." as requested by Property
Management/Proman Ltd.
DECEMBER 15, 2003/LE 15 DECEMBRE 2003
4. Presentation publique d'un projet de modification du plan municipal relatif au
terrain situe au 1050. chemin Sandy Point
Presentation publique du projet de modification du plan municipal visant a
modifier la designation dans I'annexe 2-A d'une parcelle de terrain d'environ
2,82 hectares (6,97 acres), et portant les NID 00050682,55115521,55156814,
55157903 et une partie du NID 00431676, situee au 1050, chemin Sandy Point, en vue
de la faire passer de zone residentielle de densite moyenne a zone de centre
commercial de voisinage, tel qu'indique au plan soumis et en vue de modifier I'article du plan secondaire de Millidgeville (politiques d'amenagement, amenagement
commercial, centre commercial de voisinage) en ajoutant Ie nouveau paragraphe
suivant a la fin du paragraphe existant : << Un centre commercial de voisinage
supplementaire, pres de I'intersection du chemin Sandy Point et de I'avenue University,
est egalement encourage. Vu la proximite de l'h6pital regional de Saint John, les
cabinets de medecin et autres bureaux de praticiens medicaux sont concevables.
D'autres designations d'utilisation seraient egalement permises >> a la demande de
Property Management/Proman Ltd.
5. Expenditure Reduction Options and 2004 OperatinQ and Capital BudQet
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor Fitzgerald
RESOLVED that the Budget item tabled at the
meeting of December 8, 2003 be tabled until mid January, 2004.
Mayor McAlary explained that meetings have been taking place with the
Province of New Brunswick, and she is hopeful that some funding will be forthcoming
from the Province.
Question being taken, the tabling motion was carried.
5B. Authoritv to Expend Funds
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor Fitzgerald
RESOLVED that the following resolution be
WHEREAS the 2004 budgets for The City of Saint John have not been approved;
AND WHEREAS there are some day-to-day matters controlled by the general approval
of the budget;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Manager be authorized to approve
purchases up to the value of $25,000. where provision for same is normally contained in
the budget which has not been approved;
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that approval be given for the weekly payroll for civic
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Commissioner of Finance be authorized to
disburse funds to commissions and organizations which, in his opinion, would ensure the
continued economic and efficient day-to-day operation of these commissions and
organizations during this period.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
(Councillor Court entered the meeting.)
5. Options de reduction des depenses et budget
de fonctionnement et d'investissement de 2004
Proposition du conseiller Titus
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Fitzgerald
QUE Ie point << Budget>> reporte lors de la reunion
du 8 decembre 2003 soit reporte jusqu'a la mi-janvier 2004.
DECEMBER 15, 2003/LE 15 DECEMBRE 2003
Le maire McAlary explique que certaines reunions ont eu lieu avec la
province du Nouveau-Brunswick et qu'elle espere recevoir bient6t des fonds de la
A I'issue du vote, la proposition visant a reporter I'examen de cette
question est adoptee.
5B. Autorisation de depense de fonds
Proposition du conseiller Titus
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Fitzgerald
QUE la resolution suivante so it adoptee:
QUE les budgets de The City of Saint John pour I'annee 2004 n'ont pas ete approuves;
QUE certaines affaires quotidiennes dependent de I'approbation generale du budget;
QUE Ie directeur general soit autorise a approuver les achats d'une valeur de moins de
25 000 $ lorsqu'une telle disposition existe normalement dans Ie budget non approuve;
QUE I'allocation de salaires hebdomadaires des employes municipaux soit approuvee;
QUE Ie commissaire aux finances so it autorise a verser des fonds aux commissions et
aux organisations qui, a son avis, assure Ie fonctionnement quotidien economique et
efficace continu de ces commissions et organisations pendant cette periode.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
(Le conseiller Court se joint a la reunion.)
6. Contract 2003-30 Courtenay Avenue Water and Sewer Renewal
On motion of Councillor Trites
Seconded by Councillor Titus
RESOLVED that as recommended by the City
Manager Contract Number 2003-30 - Courtenay Avenue Water and Sewer Renewal, be
awarded to the low tenderer, L. Halpin Excavating Limited, at the tendered price of
$524,450.40 as calculated based upon estimated quantities, and further that the Mayor
and Common Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary contract documents.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
6. Contrat nO 2003-30 concernant Ie renouvellement
du reseau d'aQueduc et d'eQout de I'avenue Courtenay
Proposition du conseiller Trites
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Titus
Comme Ie recommande Ie directeur general, QUE
Ie contrat nO 2003-30, relatif au renouvellement du reseau d'aqueduc et d'egout de
I'avenue Courtenay, soit accorde au soumissionnaire moins-disant, L. Halpin Excavating
Limited, au prix offert de 524 450,40 $, etabli a partir de quantites estimatives et, de
plus, que Ie maire et Ie greffier communal soient autorises a signer la documentation
contractuelle requise.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
7. Contract 2003-27 - Britain Street Water and Sewer Renewal
On motion of Councillor Desmond
Seconded by Councillor Ball
RESOLVED that as recommended by the City
Manager, Contract Number 2003-27 - Britain Street Water and Sewer Renewal, be
awarded to the low tenderer, Fairville Construction Limited, at the tendered price of
$367,911. as calculated based upon estimated quantities, and further that the Mayor and
Common Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary contract documents.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
DECEMBER 15, 2003/LE 15 DECEMBRE 2003
7. Contrat nO 2003-27 concernant Ie renouvellement
du reseau d'aQueduc et d'eQouts - rue Britain
Proposition du conseiller Desmond
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Ball
Comme Ie recommande Ie directeur general, QUE
Ie contrat nO 2003-27, relatif au renouvellement du reseau d'aqueduc et d'egouts dans la
rue Britain, so it accorde au soumissionnaire moins-disant, Fairville Construction Ltd., au
prix offert de 367 911 $, etabli a partir de quantites estimatives et, de plus, que Ie maire
et Ie greffier communal soient autorises a signer la documentation contractuelle requise.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
8. Maber and Somerville Joint Venture Ltd. - 1099 Kennebecasis Drive
On motion of Councillor Trites
Seconded by Councillor Ball
RESOLVED that as recommended by the City
Manager, Common Council remove the restrictive condition on the sale and
development of three lots imposed in its October 2, 2000 resolution and contained in its
October 23, 2001 agreement with Maber & Somerville Joint Venture Ltd. and the
mortgagee, Royal Bank of Canada, and the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to
execute the necessary documents.
Councillor Fitzpatrick questioned the wisdom of removing the restrictive
condition on the sale and development of three lots at present rather than waiting six
months until the water line in that area is installed, with Councillor Trites proposing an
amendment to the main motion, which was seconded by Deputy Mayor White to add,
"that the developer be informed that the City is not prepared to provide water hookups to
more than three lots until the water supply extension is completed".
The Mayor called for the question on the amendment which was carried.
The Mayor called for the question on the motion as amended which was
8. Maber & Somerville Joint Venture Ltd. - 1099. promenade Kennebecasis
Proposition du conseiller Trites
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Ball
Comme Ie recommande Ie directeur general, QUE
Ie conseil communal revoque la condition restrictive, visant la vente et I'amenagement
de trois lots, stipulee a la resolution du conseil en date du 2 octobre 2000 et incluse aux
modalites de I'entente datee du 23 octobre 2001 entre Ie conseil, Maber & Somerville
Joint Venture Ltd. et Ie creancier hypothecaire, la Banque royale du Canada et, que Ie
maire et Ie greffier communal soient autorises a signer la documentation requise.
Le conseiller Fitzpatrick conteste la sagesse de revoquer la condition
restrictive visant la vente et I'amenagement de trois lots a I'heure actuelle plut6t que
d'attendre six mois pour I'installation de la canalisation d'eau dans la region et, Ie
conseiller Trites propose une modification a la proposition principale, appuyee par Ie
maire suppleant White, d'ajouter Ie texte suivant << Que Ie promoteur soit avise que la
ville n'est disposee a fournir les prises d'eau qu'a trois lots jusqu'a ce que so it termine Ie
prolongement de I'approvisionnement en eau. >>
Le maire demande que la modification soit mise aux voix. La modification
est adoptee.
Le maire demande que la proposition telle que modifiee so it mise aux
voix. La proposition est adoptee.
9. Release of Covenant over Former PID Number 2816 - 55-65 St. James Street
On motion of Councillor Trites
Seconded by Councillor Titus
RESOLVED that as recommended by the City
Manager, Common Council amend its December 16, 1996 resolution dealing with the
DECEMBER 15, 2003/LE 15 DECEMBRE 2003
property situated at 55-65 St. James Street by releasing Part 99-1 B shown on the
Subdivision Plan filed in the Saint John County Registry Office on November 15, 1999
as Plan Number 10635028 from the terms and conditions contained in the January 30,
1997 deed from the City, and the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to sign the
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
9. Liberation de I'engagement relatif au terrain portant anciennement Ie NID 2816
situe au 55-65. rue St. James
Proposition du conseiller Trites
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Titus
Comme Ie recommande Ie directeur general, QUE
Ie conseil communal modifie la resolution du 16 decembre 1996 relative a la propriete
situee au 55-65, rue St. James, en excluant la partie 99-1 B, indiquee au plan de
lotissement depose au bureau d'enregistrement du comte de Saint John Ie
15 novembre 1990 et portant Ie numero de plan 10635028, des modalites et conditions
stipulees a I'acte de transfert de la ville et, que Ie maire et Ie greffier communal soient
autorises a signer la quittance.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
10. PlumbinQ Bv-Iaw Amendment
On motion of Deputy Mayor White
Seconded by Councillor Fitzgerald
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "A By-law
Respecting the Plumbing Trade and Master Plumbers" enacted on the twenty-second
day of December, 1980 by repealing subsection 7(4)(b) and substituting: 7(4)(b) The
payment, for each building shown on the application and the submitted plan, of: (i) the
sum of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) where the application is with respect to residential
property containing less than three units, or (ii) the sum of fifty dollars ($50.00) where the
application is with respect to a commercial property or industrial property or residential
property that has three (3) or more units, and (iii) a fee of sixteen dollars ($16.00) for
each plumbing fixture shown on the submitted plan(s), be read a first time.
Councillor Desmond questioned the increase of 80% to the current fee
structure as being too high, to which Mr. Edwards, referring to his submitted report,
responded that the increase brings Saint John's fees in line with the fees being charged
by the Province.
Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillor Desmond
voting nay.
Read a first time the by-law entitled, "A By-law Respecting the Plumbing
Trade and Master Plumbers".
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Deputy Mayor White
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "A By-law
Respecting the Plumbing Trade and Master Plumbers" enacted on the twenty-second
day of December, 1980 by repealing subsection 7(4)(b) and substituting: 7(4)(b) The
payment, for each building shown on the application and the submitted plan, of: (i) the
sum of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) where the application is with respect to residential
property containing less than three units, or (ii) the sum of fifty dollars ($50.00) where the
application is with respect to a commercial property or industrial property or residential
property that has three (3) or more units, and (iii) a fee of sixteen dollars ($16.00) for
each plumbing fixture shown on the submitted plan(s), be read a second time.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Read a second time the by-law entitled, "A By-law Respecting the
Plumbing Trade and Master Plumbers".
DECEMBER 15, 2003/LE 15 DECEMBRE 2003
10. Modification de I'arrete sur la plomberie
Proposition du maire suppleant White
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Fitzgerald
QUE I'arrete intitule <<Arrete relatif au metier de
plombier et aux maltres-plombiers >> edicte Ie 22 decembre 1980, so it modifie en
abrogeant I'alinea 7(4)b) et subrogeant Ie texte suivant : << 7(4)b) Le paiement, pour
chaque immeuble indique sur la demande et Ie plan presente, de : i) la somme de vingt-
cinq dollars (25 $) visant une demande en vertu d'une propriete residentielle comptant
moins de trois unites; ii) la somme de cinquante dollars (50 $) visant une demande en
vertu d'une propriete commerciale ou industrielle, ou une propriete residentielle
comptant moins de trois unites; et iii) des frais de seize dollars (16 $) pour chaque
appareil de plomberie indique sur Ie ou les plans presentes >>, fasse I'objet d'une
premiere lecture.
Le conseiller Desmond pretend qu'une augmentation de 80 % a la
structure des frais actuels semble trop elevee et M. Edward repond, en se reportant au
rapport qu'il a soumis, que cette augmentation situe les frais de The City of Saint John
au meme niveau que les frais demandes par la province.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee, Ie conseiller Desmond ayant
vote contre.
Premiere lecture de I'arrete intitule << Arrete relatif au metier de plombier
et aux maltres-plombiers >>.
Proposition du conseiller Titus
Appuyee par Ie maire suppleant White
QUE I'arrete intitule <<Arrete relatif au metier de
plombier et aux maltres-plombiers >> edicte Ie 22 decembre 1980, so it modifie en
abrogeant I'alinea 7(4)b) et subrogeant Ie texte suivant : <<7(4)b) Le paiement, pour
chaque immeuble indique sur la demande et Ie plan presente, de : i) la somme de vingt-
cinq dollars (25 $) visant une demande en vertu d'une propriete residentielle comptant
moins de trois unites; ii) la somme de cinquante dollars (50 $) visant une demande en
vertu d'une propriete commerciale ou industrielle, ou une propriete residentielle
comptant moins de trois unites; et iii) des frais de seize dollars (16 $) pour chaque
appareil de plomberie indique sur Ie ou les plans presentes >>, fasse I'objet d'une
deuxieme lecture.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Deuxieme lecture de I'arrete intitule << Arrete relatif au metier de plombier
et aux maltres-plombiers >>.
11. Sale of Land - Cheslev Drive
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor Fitzgerald
RESOLVED that as recommended by the City
Manager, The City of Saint John sell Lot 03-01 shown on Plan Number 17143893, being
land along Chesley Drive, to Ferro-Chemi-Crete Engineering Limited for $2,511. (plus
HST, if applicable); and the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute the
transfer document.
Councillor Desmond questioned the fact that there was no closing date to
the sale of the property.
Councillor Titus proposed an amendment to the motion, which was
seconded by Deputy Mayor White to include a closing date of not later than February 28,
2004 to the sale of the property.
Councillor Trites objected to the inclusion of a closing date.
The Mayor called for the question on the amendment which carried with
Councillor Trites voting nay.
DECEMBER 15, 2003/LE 15 DECEMBRE 2003
The Mayor called for the question on the motion as amended which
carried with the Mayor and Councillor Trites voting nay.
11. Vente d'un terrain sur la promenade Cheslev
Proposition du conseiller Titus
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Fitzgerald
Comme Ie recommande Ie directeur general, QUE
The City of Saint John vende Ie lot 03-01, indique au plan numero 17143893 comme
etant Ie terrain longeant la promenade Chesley, a Ferro-Chemi-Crete Engineering
Limited, pour la somme de 2511 $ (plus la TVH, s'il y a lieu); et que Ie maire et Ie
greffier communal soient autorises a signer I'acte de transfert.
Le conseiller Desmond constate qu'aucune date de cloture n'est indiquee
pour la vente de la propriete.
Le conseiller Titus propose une modification a la proposition, appuyee par
Ie maire suppleant White, visant I'insertion du 28 fevrier 2004 comme date de cloture
pour la vente de la propriete.
Le conseiller Trites s'oppose a I'insertion d'une date de cloture.
Le maire demande que la modification soit mise aux voix et a I'issue du
vote, la modification est adoptee, Ie conseiller Trites ayant vote contre.
Le maire demande la proposition telle que modifiee so it mise aux voix et
a I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee, Ie maire et Ie conseiller Trites ayant vote
12. Grant of Easement - 361-363 Lancaster Street
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor Fitzgerald
RESOLVED that as recommended by the City
Manager, the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized, in consideration of the payment
of $1.00, to execute a grant of easement in favour of the owner of 361-363 Lancaster
Street, to permit the encroachment of the building at 361-363 Lancaster Street upon
Lancaster Street, such easement to terminate with the demolition or removal of the
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
12. Attribution d'une servitude au 361-363. rue Lancaster
Proposition du conseiller Titus
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Fitzgerald
Comme Ie recommande Ie directeur general, QUE
Ie maire et Ie greffier communal soient autorises, en contrepartie du paiement de la
somme de 1 $, a signer I'octroi d'une servitude en faveur du proprietaire du 361-363, rue
Lancaster afin de permettre I'empietement de I'immeuble situe au 361-363, rue
Lancaster sur la rue Lancaster et, que telle servitude demeure en vigueur jusqu'a la
demolition ou I'enlevement de I'empietement.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
13. Licence to Encroach upon an Easement
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Deputy Mayor White
RESOLVED that as recommended by the City
Manager, the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute on behalf of The City
of Saint John, in consideration of the sum of $1.00, a grant of license in favour of Sean
Gerald Hedberg to permit the encroachment on the service easement of the building at
14 Eastland Court, such license to terminate with the destruction or removal of the
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
DECEMBER 15, 2003/LE 15 DECEMBRE 2003
13. Permis d'empietement sur une servitude
Proposition du conseiller Titus
Appuyee par Ie maire suppleant White
Comme Ie recommande Ie directeur general, QUE
Ie maire et Ie greffier communal soient autorises a signer au nom de The City of Saint
John, en contrepartie de la somme de 1 $, I'octroi d'un permis en faveur de Sean Gerald
Hedberg pour permettre I'empietement sur la servitude de services de I'immeuble situe
au 14, cour Eastland et, que tel permis demeure en vigueur jusqu'a la demolition ou
I'enlevement de I'immeuble.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
14. Sunday ShoppinQ
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor Trites
RESOLVED that the letter from Mayor McAlary
attaching a copy of a letter from the Department of Local Government and Environment
giving the authority for The City of Saint John to permit Sunday shopping be referred to
the City Solicitor.
Discussion followed on the making of a by-law to deal with the issues of
employees being able to take statutory holidays off and the possibility of restricting the
number of hours employees would be required to work.
Councillor Chase commented on the importance of the public knowing
that they have the right to refuse to work on Sundays, as well as the retail
establishments having the right to refuse to remain open on Sundays.
Councillor Desmond expressed his concern that if there is a by-law to
restrict opening on statutory holidays there may be potential for a number of by-law
amendments, an example of which is a cruise ship visit.
Councillor Court expressed his objection to Sunday Shopping.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
14. MaQasinaQe du dimanche
Proposition du conseiller Titus
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Trites
QUE la lettre du maire McAlary, presentant une
copie de la lettre reyue du ministere de l'Environnement et des Gouvernements locaux,
a I'effet que I'autorite est accordee a The City of Saint John de permettre Ie magasinage
du dimanche, soit reportee a I'avocat municipal.
Une discussion s'ensuivit relativement a la redaction d'un arrete visant a
assurer que les employes puissent continuer a beneficier des conges feries et a la
possibilite de restreindre Ie nombre d'heures que les employes seraient exiges a
Le conseiller Chase souligne I'importance que Ie public sache que les
employes ont Ie droit de refuser de travailler Ie dimanche et que les etablissements de
vente au detail ont Ie droit de refuser d'ouvrir Ie dimanche.
Le conseiller Desmond exprime ses inquietudes relativement a la
necessite d'un nombre de modifications eventuelles si un arrete pour empecher
I'ouverture Ie jour ferie est edicte, par exemple, les visites de bateaux de croisiere.
Le conseiller Court exprime son opposition au magasinage du dimanche.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
DECEMBER 15, 2003/LE 15 DECEMBRE 2003
15. Her Excellencv Governor General Adrienne Clarkson's Visit to Saint John
On motion of Councillor Teed
Seconded by Councillor Trites
RESOLVED that Common Council express its
appreciation to the Governor General, Adrienne Clarkson and her husband for their
extended visit to Saint John in December, 2003 and extend the appreciation of all
citizens for her kindness, courtesy and interest, and that this resolution be forwarded by
the Common Clerk to the Governor General.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
15. Visite de son Excellence la tres honorable
Gouverneure Qenerale Adrienne Clarkson a Saint John
Proposition du conseiller Teed
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Trites
QUE Ie conseil communal exprime sa
reconnaissance envers la Gouverneure generale, Adrienne Clarkson et son epoux pour
leur visite prolongee a Saint John en decembre 2003 et qu'il temoigne la reconnaissance
de tous les residents de son amabilite, de sa politesse et de son interet et que cette
resolution so it transmise par Ie greffier communal a la Gouverneure generale.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
16. Upper Store Conversion
Councillor Teed proposed a motion, which was not seconded, to request
a report from Uptown Saint John to determine what action had been taken on the issue
of converting space on upper floors of retail establishments.
16. Reconversion de I'etage superieur d'un batiment
abritant un commerce de detail
Le conseiller Teed presente une proposition, qui n'est pas appuyee, pour
demander que Uptown Saint John soumette un rapport indiquant les demarches
entreprises relativement a la question de la reconversion des etages superieurs des
commerces de detail.
17. Wind and Solar Power
On motion of Councillor Teed
Seconded by Councillor Fitzgerald
RESOLVED that whereas there is a growing
concern over the production of green house gases in developing electrical energy, and
whereas appropriate use of solar energy particularly in new housing could result in
additional environmentally sound production of electrical energy, the matter of
developing wind production of electrical energy be referred to Saint John Energy for a
report, and the matter of developing solar energy in future houses be referred to the
Planning and Development Department and Building and Inspection Services for reports
on what changes if any to standards need to be made to allow solar energy to be utilized
in future buildings.
Councillor Titus reported that in the matter of developing wind power,
Saint John Energy is currently studying the possibilities, with Councillor Chase adding
that because the study involves scientific research, they are not yet prepared to report.
Councillor Desmond noted that residential solar power is available, and is
the home owner's choice.
Question being taken, the motion was defeated.
17. EnerQie solaire et eolienne
Proposition du conseiller Teed
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Fitzgerald
A TTENDU QUE les preoccupations s'amplifient
DECEMBER 15, 2003/LE 15 DECEMBRE 2003
relativement a la production de gaz a effet de serre visant Ie developpement de I'energie
electrique, et attendu que I'utilisation adequate de I'energie solaire, surtout dans les
nouvelles habitations, pourrait avoir comme resultat une production d'energie electrique
ecologique supplementaire, la question de I'elaboration de la production eolienne
d'energie electrique so it reportee a Saint John Energy aux fins d'un rapport et, la
question de I'elaboration de I'energie solaire dans les habitations futures so it reportee au
service d'urbanisme et de developpement et a la division des batiments et des services
d'inspection aux fins d'un rapport visant les modifications, Ie cas echeant, qui doivent
etre effectuees aux normes pour permettre I'utilisation de I'energie solaire dans les
habitations futures.
Le conseiller Titus affirme que, relativement a la question de I'elaboration
de I'energie eolienne, Saint John Energy etudie actuellement ces possibilites et Ie
conseiller Chase ajoute que, puisque cette etude implique une recherche scientifique,
elle n'est pas disposee a fournir son rapport.
Le conseiller Desmond affirme que I'energie residentielle solaire est
disponible et qu'il s'agit du choix du proprietaire.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est rejetee.
18. Bv-Iaw Enforcement for IncreasinQ Revenue
Councillor Teed proposed a motion which was not seconded proposing
the use of by-law enforcement for increasing revenue for the City.
18. Mise en application des arretes pour accroitre les recettes
Le conseiller Teed presente une proposition, qui n'est pas appuyee, de
mettre en application les arretes afin d'accroltre les recettes de la ville.
19.Taxicab Bv-Iaw
On motion of Councillor Fitzpatrick
Seconded by Councillor Desmond
RESOLVED that the report from the City Solicitor
following up on a referral made by Council on October 6, 2003 in response to a
recommendation made by the Saint John Taxicab Advisory Committee to make several
amendments to the Saint John Taxicab By-law be referred to the Taxicab Advisory
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
(Councillors Ball and Fitzpatrick withdrew from the meeting.)
19. Arrete relatif aux taxis
Proposition du conseiller Fitzpatrick
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Desmond
QUE Ie rapport de suivi de I'avocat municipal relatif
a un renvoi du conseille 6 octobre 2003 en reponse a une recommandation du Comite
consultatif des taxis d'apporter plusieurs modifications a I'arrete relatif aux taxis a Saint
John, soit reporte au Comite consultatif des taxis.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
(Les conseillers Ball et Fitzpatrick quittent la reunion.)
20(a). Report from City Manager - Municipal Plan, Zoning By-law and
Section 39 Condition Amendments - 151-183 Princess Street and 40
Sydney Street - St Malachy's Memorial High School
(b). Municipal Plan By-law Amendment
(c). Zoning By-law Amendment with Section 39 Conditions
(d). Amendment to Section 39 Conditions
Attached to the Julv 25.1988 Re-zoninQ of 173-177 Princess Street
DECEMBER 15, 2003/LE 15 DECEMBRE 2003
Consideration was given to a report from the City Manager updating
Council on the changes made, further to the initially proposed Municipal Plan, Zoning
By-law, and Section 39 amendments given at the public hearing on August 5, 2003 for
the property at 151-183 Princess Street and 40 Sydney Street. His report noted that first
and second readings having been given on August 5, a request was made that before
third reading the residents in the neighbourhood and the Preservation Review Board be
given an opportunity to review renderings of the proposed changes to the properties in
question. It was also noted that properties located at 181 and 183 Princess Street (PID
Numbers 8821 and 8813 are not required for the proposed expansion to St. Malachy's
School and are therefore excluded from the area to be redesignated and re-zoned to
Major Institutional, and that minor changes recommended by the Preservation Review
Board (PRB) having been incorporated into the submitted drawings, are acceptable to
both the residents and the PRB.
On motion of Councillor Court
Seconded by Deputy Mayor White
RESOLVED that the report from the City Manager
recommending Council proceed to consider third reading and adoption of the proposed
Municipal Plan amendment, re-zoning amendment, with Section 39 conditions and
Section 39 amendment be received for information.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
ebl. Municipal Plan Amendment
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor Fitzgerald
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "A Law to
Amend the Municipal Plan By-law" by amending Schedule 2C, the Future Land Use
Plan, by re-designating a parcel of land located at 159 to 177 Princess Street, also
identified as being PID Number 8854 and portions of PID Numbers 8862,9050 and
10413 from Medium Density Residential to Major Community Facilities classification be
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
The by-law entitled, "A Law to Amend the Municipal Plan By-law" was
read in its entirety.
On motion of Deputy Mayor White
Seconded by Councillor Desmond
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "A Law to
Amend the Municipal Plan By-law" by amending Schedule 2C, the Future Land Use
Plan, by re-designating a parcel of land located at 159 to 177 Princess Street, also
identified as being PID Number 8854 and portions of PID Numbers 8862,9050 and
10413 from Medium Density Residential to Major Community Facilities classification be
read a third time and enacted and the Corporate Common Seal affixed thereto.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Read a third time the by-law entitled, "A Law to Amend the Municipal Plan
By-law" .
eel. ZoninQ Bv-Iaw Amendment
On motion of Councillor Court
Seconded by Deputy Mayor White
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "By-law
Number C.P. 100-630 A Law to Amend the Zoning By-law of The City of Saint John" by
amending Schedule "A", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John by 1. re-zoning a
parcel of land located at 159-171 Princess Street, also identified as being PID Number
8854 and portions of PID Numbers 8862 and 10413, from "RM-IF" Multiple Residential
Infill to "IL-2" Major Institutional classification and 2. re-zoning an approximately 1.5
metre-wide parcel of land with an area of approximately 26 square metres, being that
portion of the existing St. Malachy's Memorial High School property at 40 Sydney Street,
PID Number 9050, lying immediately north of the property at 66 Sydney Street, from "IL-
DECEMBER 15, 2003/LE 15 DECEMBRE 2003
2" Major Institutional to "RM-IF" Multiple Residentiallnfill classification with Section 39
conditions as listed in the submitted report be read.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
The by-law entitled, "By-law Number C.P. 100-630 A Law to Amend the
Zoning By-law of The City of Saint John" was read in its entirety.
On motion of Councillor Trites
Seconded by Councillor Titus
RESOLVED that, pursuant to the provisions of
Section 39 of the Community Planning Act, the proposed development of a parcel of
land with an area of approximately 610 square metres, located at 159 to 171 Princess
Street, also identified as being PID Number 8854 and portions of PID Numbers 8862
and 10413, with a high school be subject to the following conditions:
a) the use of the re-zoned area is limited to the proposed expansion of St. Malachy's
High School;
b) development of the site shall be in accordance with detailed site and building
elevation plans to be prepared by the applicant and subject to the approval of the
Development Officer, indicating location and design of the building expansion,
including details of the building facades, and all other site features, including paved
parking and driveway, cast-in-place concrete curbs, exterior lighting, and site
c) the approved site plan must be attached to the application for building permit for the
proposed expansion;
d) all work shown on the approved site plan must be completed within one year of
approval of the building permit for the proposed expansion;
and further that upon the re-zoning the area, the land and any building or structure
thereon must be developed and used in conformity with the proposal and conditions
identified herein.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor Trites
Seconded by Councillor Fitzgerald
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "By-law
Number C.P. 100-630 A Law to Amend the Zoning By-law of The City of Saint John" by
amending Schedule "A", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John by 1. re-zoning a
parcel of land located at 159-171 Princess Street, also identified as being PID Number
8854 and portions of PID Numbers 8862 and 10413, from "RM-IF" Multiple Residential
Infill to "IL-2" Major Institutional classification and 2. re-zoning an approximately 1.5
metre-wide parcel of land with an area of approximately 26 square metres, being that
portion of the existing St. Malachy's Memorial High School property at 40 Sydney Street,
PID Number 9050, lying immediately north of the property at 66 Sydney Street, from "IL-
2" Major Institutional to "RM-IF" Multiple Residentiallnfill classification with Section 39
conditions as listed in the submitted report, be read a third time and enacted and the
Corporate Common Seal affixed thereto.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Read a third time by title, the by-law entitled, "By-law Number C.P. 100-
630 A Law to Amend the Zoning By-law of The City of Saint John".
(d) Amendment to Section 39 Conditions Imposed
on the Julv 25. 1988 Re-zoninQ of 173-177 Princess Street
On motion of Councillor Trites
Seconded by Councillor Teed
RESOLVED that the conditions imposed by
Common Council, pursuant to Section 39 of the Community Planning Act, on the July
25, 1988 re-zoning of a parcel of land located at 173-177 Princess Street, also identified
DECEMBER 15, 2003/LE 15 DECEMBRE 2003
as that portion of PID Number 9050 fronting on Princess Street with an area of
approximately 775 square metres, be amended to read as follows:
a) the use of the re-zoned area is limited to the proposed expansion of St. Malachy's
High School;
b) development of the site shall be in accordance with detailed site and building
elevation plans to be prepared by the applicant and subject to the approval of the
Development Officer, indicating location and design of the building expansion,
including details of the building facades, and all other site features, including paved
parking and driveway, cast-in-place concrete curbs, exterior lighting, and site
c) the approved site plan must be attached to the application for building permit for the
proposed expansion;
d) all work shown on the approved site plan must be completed within one year of
approval of the building permit for the proposed expansion.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
(Councillors Ball and Fitzpatrick re-entered the meeting.)
20 a) Rapport du directeur general - plan municipal, arrete sur Ie zonage et
modifications aux conditions de I'article 39 - 151-183, rue Princess et
40, rue Sydney - St. Malachy's Memorial High School
b) Modification a I'arrete relatif au plan municipal
c) Modifications a I'arrete de zonage et conditions de I'article 39
d) Modification aux conditions de I'article 39 qui accompagne la modification
de zonaQe du 25 iuillet 1988 relatif au terrain situe au 173-177. rue Princess
Examen d'un rapport de mise a jour par Ie directeur general relatif aux
modifications apportees au plan municipal propose initialement, a I'arrete de zonage et
aux modifications a I'article 39, proposees a I'audience publique du 5 aout 2003
relativement ala propriete situe au 151-183, rue Princess et au 40, rue Sydney. Son
rapport indique que la premiere et la deuxieme lecture ayant eu lieu Ie 5 aout, une
demande est reyue a I'effet que, avant la troisieme lecture, les residents du quartier et Ie
Comite de revision sur la conservation soient accordes I'occasion de passer en revue les
rendus des modifications proposees aux proprietes en question. II est egalement indique
que les proprietes situees au 181 et au 183, rue Princess, portant les NID 8821 et 8813,
ne sont pas necessaires a la prolongation proposee jusqu'a I'ecole St. Malachy's et, par
consequent, sont exclus de la region indiquee pour la faire passer a zone d'equipement
collectif majeur et, que les modifications mineures recommandees par Ie Comite de
revision sur la conservation incorporees aux dessins, sont acceptables par les residents
et Ie Comite de revision sur la conservation.
Proposition du conseiller Court
Appuyee par Ie maire suppleant White
QUE Ie rapport du directeur general,
recommandant que Ie conseil procede a la troisieme lecture et a I'adoption de la
modification proposee au plan municipal, de la modification au rezonage incluant les
conditions de I'article 39 et de la modification de I'article 39, so it accepte a titre
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
b) Modification du plan municipal
Proposition du conseiller Titus
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Fitzgerald
QUE I'arrete intitule <<Arrete modifiant I'arrete relatif
au plan municipal )) visant a modifier, a I'annexe 2C, Ie plan d'utilisation future des terres
pour modifier la designation du lot situe du 159 au 177, rue Princess et correspondant a
un terrain portant Ie NID 8854 et a une partie des terrains portant les NID 8862, 9050 et
0413, pour la faire passer de zone residentielle de densite moyenne a zone
d'installations collectives majeures fasse I'objet d'une lecture.
DECEMBER 15, 2003/LE 15 DECEMBRE 2003
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
L'arrete intitule << Arrete modifiant I'arrete relatif au plan municipal )) est lu
Proposition du maire suppleant White
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Desmond
QUE I'arrete intitule <<Arrete modifiant I'arrete relatif
au plan municipal )) visant a modifier, a I'annexe 2C, Ie plan d'utilisation future des terres
pour modifier la designation du lot situe du 159 au 177, rue Princess et correspondant a
un terrain portant Ie NID 8854 et a une partie des terrains portant les NID 8862, 9050 et
0413, pour la faire passer de zone residentielle de densite moyenne a zone
d'installations collectives majeures fasse I'objet d'une troisieme lecture, que ledit arrete
so it edicte et que Ie sceau communal de la municipalite y soit appose.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Troisieme lecture de I'arrete intitule << Arrete modifiant I'arrete relatif au
plan municipal )).
c) Modification de I'arrete relatif au zonaQe
Proposition du conseiller Court
Appuyee par Ie maire suppleant White
QUE I'arrete intitule <<Arrete nO C.P. 100-630
modifiant I'arrete sur Ie zonage de The City of Saint John )) en modifiant I'annexe << A ))
du plan de zonage de The City of Saint John afin de 1) faire passer la designation d'une
parcelle de terrain situee du 159 au 171, rue Princess et portant Ie NID 8854 ainsi
qu'une partie des terrains portant les N I D 8862 et 10413, de zone d'edification de
logements multiples sur terrain intercalaire << RM-I F )) a zone d'equipement collectif
majeur<< IL-2 )) et 2) de modifier Ie zonage d'une parcelle de terrain d'environ 1,5 metre
de largeur et d'une superficie d'environ 26 metres carres, faisant partie du terrain
qu'occupe la St. Malachy's Memorial High School situe au 40, rue Sydney, pour la faire
passer de zone d'equipement collectif majeur<< IL-2 )) a zone d'edification de logements
multiples sur terrain intercalaire << RM-IF )) conformement aux conditions de I'article 39
stipulees dans Ie rapport soumis, fasse I'objet d'une troisieme lecture.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
L'arrete intitule << Arrete nO C. P. 100-630 modifiant Ie zonage de The City
of Saint John )) est lu integralement.
Proposition du conseiller Trites
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Titus
QUE, en vertu des dispositions de I'article 39 de la
Loi sur I'urbanisme, Ie projet d'amenagement d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie
d'environ 610 metres carres, situee de 159 au 171, rue Princess et portant Ie NID 8854
et une partie des terrains portant les N I D 8862 et 10413 ou se trouve une ecole
secondaire, soit assujetti aux conditions suivantes :
a) I'utilisation du terrain dont Ie zonage a ete modifie est limitee a la proposition
d'agrandissement de la St. Malachy's High School;
b) I'amenagement du site do it etre fait conformement aux plans de situation et
d'elevation detailles devant etre prepares par Ie demandeur et approuves par I'agent
de developpement, indiquant I'emplacement et la conception de I'agrandissement du
batiment, incluant les details des fayades du batiment et toute autre caracteristique
du site, y compris I'aire de stationnement et I'entree asphaltees, les bordures de
beton coulees sur place, I'eclairage exterieur et Ie drainage du site;
c) Ie plan approuve du site do it etre joint a la demande de permis de construction pour
I'agrandissement proposee;
d) tout Ie travail indique sur Ie plan de situation approuve doit etre effectue dans I'annee
suivant I'approbation de la demande de permis de I'agrandissement proposee;
et qu'a la suite du rezonage du secteur, les terrains et tout batiment ou structure qui s'y
DECEMBER 15, 2003/LE 15 DECEMBRE 2003
trouve soient amenages et utilises conformement a la proposition et aux conditions
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Proposition du conseiller Trites
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Fitzgerald
QUE I'arrete intitule<< Arrete nO C.P. 100-630
modifiant I'arrete sur Ie zonage de The City of Saint John )) en modifiant I'annexe << A ))
du plan de zonage de The City of Saint John afin de 1) faire passer la designation d'une
parcelle de terrain situee du159 au 171, rue Princess et portant Ie NID 8854 ainsi qu'une
partie des terrains portant les N I D 8862 et 10413, de zone d'edification de logements
multiples sur terrain intercalaire << RM-IF )) a zone d'equipement collectif majeur<< IL-2 ))
et 2) de modifier Ie zonage d'une parcelle de terrain d'environ 1,5 metre de largeur et
d'une superficie d'environ 26 metres carres, faisant partie du terrain qu'occupe la St.
Malachy's Memorial High School situe au 40, rue Sydney, pour la faire passer de zone
d'equipement collectif majeur<< IL-2 )) a zone d'edification de logements multiples sur
terrain intercalaire << RM-IF )) conformement aux conditions de I'article 39 stipulees dans
Ie rapport soumis, fasse I'objet d'une troisieme lecture, qu'il so it edicte et que Ie sceau
communal de la municipalite y so it appose.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Troisieme lecture de I'arrete intitule <<Arrete nO C.P. 100-630 modifiant Ie
zonage de The City of Saint John )).
(d) Modification des conditions de I'article 39 imposees Ie 25 juillet 1988
relativement au rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain situee au
173-177. rue Princess
Proposition du conseiller Trites
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Teed
QUE les conditions imposees par Ie conseil
communal, conformement a I'article 39 de la Loi sur I'urbanisme, Ie 25 juillet 1998
relativement au rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain situee au 173-177, rue Princess,
faisant partie du terrain portant Ie NID 9050 et donnant sur la rue Princess, d'une
superficie d'environ 775 metres carres, soient modifiees comme suit:
a) I'utilisation du terrain dont Ie zonage a ete modifie est limitee a la proposition
d'agrandissement de la St. Malachy's High School;
b) I'amenagement du site do it etre fait conformement aux plans de situation et
d'elevation detailles devant etre prepares par Ie demandeur et approuves par I'agent
de developpement, indiquant I'emplacement et la conception de I'agrandissement du
batiment, incluant les details des fayades du batiment et toute autre caracteristique
du site, y compris I'aire de stationnement et I'entree asphaltees, les bordures de
beton coulees sur place, I'eclairage exterieur et Ie drainage du site;
c) Ie plan approuve du site do it etre joint a la demande de permis de construction pour
I'agrandissement proposee;
d) tout Ie travail indique sur Ie plan de situation approuve doit etre effectue dans I'annee
suivant I'approbation de la demande de permis de I'agrandissement proposee.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
(Les conseillers Ball et Fitzpatrick sont de nouveau presents a la
21. Taxicab Advisory Committee
On motion of Deputy Mayor White
Seconded by Councillor Desmond
RESOLVED that the letter from the Taxicab
Advisory Committee requesting an update on the status of the Committee's
recommendation considered at the Council meeting of October 6, 2003 regarding the
DECEMBER 15, 2003/LE 15 DECEMBRE 2003
age and condition of taxicabs; licence fees; testing for first-time applicants for positions
of operators, and appearance of taxicab operators be received for information.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
21. Comite consultatif sur les taxis
Proposition du maire suppleant White
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Desmond
QUE la lettre du comite consultatif sur les taxis
demandant un compte rendu de I'etat des recommandations du comite examinees
pendant la reunion du conseil en date du 6 octobre 2003 au sujet de I'age et de I'etat
des taxis, des frais d'immatriculation, des epreuves pour les nouveaux candidats au
poste de chauffeur et de I'apparence des chauffeurs de taxi, so it acceptee a titre
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
22. Street Vesting, CitylDeveloper Subdivision Agreement and
Cash-in-Lieu of Land for Public Purposes - 25 Ketepec Road
On motion of Councillor Trites
Seconded by Deputy Mayor White
RESOLVED that Common Council assent to a
tentative subdivision plan that is in general accordance with the submitted photo-
reduced tentative plan but provides a 20-metre (66-foot) wide public right-of-way for the
proposed Sutton Road vesting (widening), as well as to any necessary municipal
services or public utility easements; authorize the preparation and execution of a
City/Developer Subdivision Agreement to ensure provision of the required work and
facilities, and accept a cash-in-lieu Land for Public Purposes dedication for the creation
of proposed Lot 03-05.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
22. Entente de lotissement et compensation pour un terrain utilise
a des fins publiQues situe au 25. chemin Ketepec
Proposition du conseiller Trites
Appuyee par Ie maire suppleant White
QUE Ie conseil communal accepte Ie plan de
lotissement provisoire conformement, de maniere generale, au plan provisoire presente
avec photo reduite, mais qui fournit une voie de circulation generale de 20 metres
(66 pieds) en vue de I'acquisition du terrain propose sur Ie chemin Sutton
(elargissement), et relativement a tout service municipal ou servitude d'utilite publique
necessaire; autorise la preparation et la mise en 03uvre d'une entente de lotissement
entre la Ville et Ie promoteur afin de permettre I'execution des travaux requis et la mise
en place des installations necessaires et accepte une compensation pour Ie terrain
utilise a des fins publiques en vue de la creation du lot 03-05 propose.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
23. CUPE Saint John Police Protective Association Request for Information
On motion of Councillor Desmond
Seconded by Councillor Fitzgerald
RESOLVED that the letter from CUPE Local 61, the
Saint John Police Protective Association inquiring as to the reason they did not receive a
response to an inquiry to Police Management be referred to the Saint John Police
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
DECEMBER 15, 2003/LE 15 DECEMBRE 2003
23. Demande de renseignements du SCFP
(Saint John Police Protective Association)
Proposition du conseiller Desmond
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Fitzgerald
QUE la lettre de la section locale 61 du SCFP
(Saint John Police Protective Association) demandant la raison pour laquelle elle n'a
reyu aucune reponse a sa question qui a ete posee a I'administration policiere soit
soumise a la commission de police de Saint John.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
24. Saint John Horticultural Association Update and Request for Funds
On motion of Councillor Desmond
Seconded by Deputy Mayor White
RESOLVED that the letter from the Saint John
Horticultural Association updating Council on the Pavilion Restoration Project and
requesting response on its request for funding from the Capital Budget be received for
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
24. Mise a jour et demande de financement
de l'Association d'horticulture de Saint John
Proposition du conseiller Desmond
Appuyee par Ie maire suppleant White
QUE la lettre de l'Association d'horticulture de Saint
John faisant Ie point sur Ie projet de restauration du pavilion et exigeant une reponse a
sa demande de financement a meme Ie budget d'investissement soit acceptee a titre
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
25. Loyalist Man SiQns
On motion of Councillor Desmond
Seconded by Deputy Mayor White
RESOLVED that the letter from Wallace
MacMurray inquiring of the status of the loyalist man signs considering that new signs
are to be erected in conjunction with the City's growth strategy, be referred to the City
Mayor McAlary advised that there has not been a decision to remove the
loyalist man signs from various City locations, however there is a plan to erect several
new signs promoting the new brand on the outskirts of the City, replacing the ones
presently depicting the loyalist man.
Councillor Trites proposed an amendment to the motion, which was
seconded by Councillor Fitzpatrick to refer to the City Manager to ask Tourism for a
report of its vision for the future use of loyalist man signs as part of the City's promotion.
The Mayor called for the question on the motion as amended which was
25. Symboles loyalistes
Proposition du conseiller Desmond
Appuyee par Ie maire suppleant White
QUE la lettre de Wallace MacMurray demandant
des renseignements sur I'etat des symboles loyalistes etant donne les nouveaux
symboles qui doivent etre eriges dans Ie cadre de la strategie de croissance de la ville,
so it soumise au directeur general.
Le maire McAlary indique que Ie conseil n'a pas encore decide de retirer
les symboles loyalistes se trouvant dans divers emplacements de la ville. II est toutefois
DECEMBER 15, 2003/LE 15 DECEMBRE 2003
question d'eriger plusieurs nouveaux symboles en vue de promouvoir la nouvelle
marque dans les quartiers peripheriques de la Saint John et pour remplacer ceux
representant actuellement Ie loyaliste.
Le conseiller Trites propose une modification a la proposition, appuyee
par Ie conseiller Fitzpatrick, visant a soumettre la question au directeur general pour
qu'il demande a Tourisme Saint John de produire un rapport sur sa vision de I'utilisation
future des symboles loyalistes dans Ie cadre de la promotion de la ville.
Le maire demande que la proposition telle que modifiee so it mise aux
voix. La proposition est adoptee.
26. Fourplex Arena
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Deputy Mayor White
RESOLVED that the letter from Barry Ogden
proposing the possibility of building a Fourplex Arena in the community be received for
Discussion followed with Councillor Court speaking in favor of exploring
the idea by referring it to Enterprise Saint John, with the Mayor commenting that she has
had discussion in the past with a group of private citizens on the idea of partnering with
the City to develop such a complex. Councillor Titus advised that he had spoken to
Steve Carson of Enterprise Saint John approximately one year ago regarding this idea
and that he understood there was work being done on this and a report may be available
to the City Manager.
On motion of Councillor Fitzpatrick
Seconded by Councillor Titus
RESOLVED that the letter from Barry Ogden
proposing the possibility of building a Fourplex Arena in the community be referred to the
City Manager to explore the feasibility of the concept.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
26. Complexe comprenant Quatre patinoires
Proposition du conseiller Titus
Appuyee par Ie maire suppleant White
QUE la lettre de Barry Ogden proposant la
possibilite de construire un complexe comprenant quatre patinoires dans la collectivite
so it acceptee a titre informatif.
Les conseillers discutent ensuite de la question et Ie conseiller Court se
montre en faveur d'explorer I'idee en la soumettant a Enterprise Saint John, et Ie maire
souligne qu'elle a deja entretenu des discussions par Ie passe avec un groupe de
citoyens du secteur prive concernant I'idee de collaborer avec la Ville pour concevoir un
tel complexe. Le conseiller Titus affirme qu'il y a environ un an, il a discute avec Steve
Carson d'Enterprise Saint John a cet effet et qu'il a compris que des travaux seraient
executes pour ce projet et qu'un rapport pourrait etre mis a la disposition du directeur
Proposition du conseiller Fitzpatrick
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Titus
QUE la lettre de Barry Ogden proposant la
possibilite de construire un complexe comprenant quatre patinoires dans la collectivite
so it soumise au directeur general pour qu'il examine la faisabilite de ce concept.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
DECEMBER 15, 2003/LE 15 DECEMBRE 2003
27. Waterloo Biofilter - Fundv ReQional Landfill
On motion of Councillor Desmond
Seconded by Councillor Fitzpatrick
RESOLVED that the letter from Ian L. McQueen,
bringing to the attention of Council the prospects of biological treatment of leachate at
the Fundy Regional Landfill by a Waterloo Biofilter System, be received for information.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
27. Systeme de biofiltration Waterloo pour Ie site
d'enfouissement reQional de Fundv
Proposition du conseiller Desmond
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Fitzpatrick
QUE la lettre d'lan L. McQueen, portant a I'attention
du conseill'eventualite d'un traitement biologique du lixiviat au site d'enfouissement
regional de Fundy par Ie systeme de biofiltration Waterloo soit acceptee a titre informatif.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
28. Saint John YM-YWCA Request for Extension of
AQreement - Area at Market Slip for Vollevball on the Boardwalk
On motion of Councillor Trites
Seconded by Councillor Fitzpatrick
RESOLVED that the submission to Council by the
Saint John YMCA-YWCA to extend the terms of their agreement with The City of Saint
John for the former decorative pool area at Market Slip for the use of volleyball on The
Boardwalk, be referred to the City Manager and the City Solicitor.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
28. Demande du YMCANWCA de Saint John au sujet de la prolongation de
I'entente relative a I'emplacement du Market Slip utilise actuellement pour la
tenue de parties de vollev-ball sur la promenade
Proposition du conseiller Trites
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Fitzpatrick
QUE la soumission presentee au conseil par Ie
YMCA/YWCA de Saint John visant a prolonger les conditions de leur entente avec The
City of Saint John relativement a I'utilisation de I'ancienne aire commune decorative du
Market Slip pour la tenue de parties de volley-ball sur la promenade, soit soumise au
directeur general et a I'avocat municipal.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
29. YuMinQ Ye's ResiQnation from the Saint John Community Arts Board
On motion of Councillor Fitzpatrick
Seconded by Councillor Fitzgerald
RESOLVED that in response to her resignation
from the Saint John Community Arts Board, a letter of thanks be sent to YuMing Ye for
her work as a member of the Board and the issue of a vacancy on the Board be referred
to the Nominating Committee.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
29. Demission de YuMinQ Ye du conseil des arts communautaires de Saint John
Proposition du conseiller Fitzpatrick
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Fitzgerald
QUE, en reponse a sa demission du conseil des
arts communautaires de Saint John, une lettre de remerciements soit envoyee a YuMing
Ye pour son travail en tant que membre du conseil et que Ie poste vacant soit soumis au
comite des candidatures.
DECEMBER 15, 2003/LE 15 DECEMBRE 2003
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
The Mayor expressed condolences to the family of the late Patricia
Mooney Landers who had been an employee of The City of Saint John.
Mr. Beckett paid tribute to Greta Wiggins, a long-term employee with The
City of Saint John, having worked for the City for 40 years. Ms. Wiggins will retire on
December 31, 2003.
The Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.
Le maire offre ses condoleances a la famille de la defunte Patricia
Mooney, qui a ete une employee de The City of Saint John.
M. Beckett presente un hommage a Greta Wiggins, une employee a long
terme de The City of Saint John, qui a travaille pour la Ville pendant 40 ans.
Mme Wiggins prendra sa retraite Ie 31 decembre 2003.
Cloture de la reunion
Le maire declare que la seance est levee a 20 h 20.
Common Clerk/greffier communal