At a meeting of the Common Council, held at the City Hall in The City of Saint
John, on Monday, the 1st day of December AD. 2003, at 5:00 o'clock p.m.
Shirley McAlary, Mayor
Deputy Mayor White and Councillors Ball, Chase, Court,
Desmond, Fitzgerald, Fitzpatrick, Teed and Titus
- and -
Messrs. 1. Totten, City Manager; J. Nugent, City Solicitor; A
Beckett, Commissioner of Finance and Corporate Services; P.
Groody, Commissioner of Municipal Operations; J. Baird,
Commissioner of Planning and Development; W. Edwards,
Commissioner of Buildings and Inspection Services; R. Simonds,
Fire Chief; C. Cogswell, Chief of Police; S. Galbraith, Director of
Works; D. Logan, Manager of Materials and Fleet Management,
and P. Woods, Common Clerk and Deputy City Manager; and
Ms. E. Gormley, Assistant Common Clerk.
Etaient presentes a une reunion du conseil qui a eu lieu a I'hotel de ville de The
City of Saint John, Ie lundi 1er decembre 2003 a 17 h, les personnes suivantes :
Shirley McAlary, maire;
Ie maire suppleant White et les conseillers Ball, Chase, Court,
Desmond, Fitzgerald, Fitzpatrick, Teed et Titus;
- et-
MM. 1. Totten, directeur general; J. Nugent, avocat municipal; A
Beckett, commissaire aux finances et aux services administratifs;
P. Groody, commissaire aux operations municipales; J. Baird,
commissaire a I'urbanisme et au developpement; W. Edwards,
commissaire aux services d'inspection et des batiments; R.
Simonds, chef du service d'incendie; C. Cogswell, chef de police;
S. Galbraith, directeur des travaux publics; D. Logan, chef de
I'approvisionnement et du pare automobile, et P. Woods, greffier
et directeur general adjoint; ainsi que Mme E. Gormley, greffiere
1. MeetinQ Called To Order - Prayer
Mayor McAlary called the meeting to order and offered the opening
The Mayor thanked citizens who participated in and attended the Tree
Lighting Ceremonies held on November 21, and announced the beginning of Safe
Driving Week.
1. Ouverture de la seance - priere
La seance est ouverte par Ie maire McAlary qui recite la priere
Le maire remercie les citoyens qui ont participe et qui ont assiste a la
ceremonie d'illumination de I'arbre de Noel qui s'est deroulee Ie 21 novembre dernier, et
annonce Ie debut de la semaine de la prudence au volant.
2. Approval of Minutes
On motion of Councillor Desmond
Seconded by Deputy Mayor White
RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of
Common Council, held on November 24th, 2003, be approved.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
2. Approbation du proces-verbal de la derniere reunion
Proposition du conseiller Desmond
Appuyee par Ie maire suppleant White
QUE Ie proces-verbal de la reunion du conseil du
24 novembre 2003 soit adopte.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
3. Approval of AQenda
On motion of Councillor Desmond
Seconded by Councillor Fitzgerald
RESOLVED that the agenda of this meeting be
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
3. Adoption de I'ordre du jour
Proposition du conseiller Desmond
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Fitzgerald
QUE I'ordre du jour de cette reunion so it adopte.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
4. Municipal Plan Amendment - 198-200 Duke Street and 160 Carmarthen Street
Public presentation was made of a proposed Municipal Plan amendment
to redesignate on Schedule 2C a parcel of land with an area of approximately 186
square metres, located at 198-200 Duke Street and 160 Carmarthen Street, also
identified as being PID Number 4721 from Medium Density Residential to Approved
Commercial Development to permit an existing convenience store to be expanded as
requested by Shahnam Yousefi Arabi.
4. Modification du plan municipal - 198-200. rue Duke et 160. rue Carmarthen
Presentation publique d'un projet de modification du plan municipal en
vue de modifier, a I'annexe 2C, la designation d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie
d'environ 186 metres carres, situee au 198-200, rue Duke et au 160, rue Carmarthen et
portant Ie NID 4721, pour la faire passer de zone residentielle de densite moyenne a
zone d'amenagement commercial approuve pour permettre I'agrandissement d'un
depanneur existant, a la demande de Shahnam Yousefi Arabi.
7. CUPE Local 486 - Staff Request to Meet
With Council ReQardinQ Collective AQreement
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor Desmond
RESOLVED that as recommended by the City
Manager Council meet with staff regarding CUPE Local 486 Collective Agreement in
Closed Committee of the Whole on December 8, 2003.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
7. Section locale 486 du SCFP - Demande de rencontre du personnel avec Ie
conseil concernant la convention collective
Proposition du conseiller Titus
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Desmond
Comme Ie recommande Ie directeur general, QUE
Ie conseil rencontre Ie personnel concernant la convention collective de la section locale
486 de la SCFP au cours de la reunion privee en comite plenier du 8 decembre 2003.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
8. 2004 OperatinQ BudQet at a Glance
Consideration was given to a report from the City Manager summarizing
2004 budget figures as they are affected by the recent decrease of $1.9 million in the
unconditional grant, and a tax base increase of 4.6%, showing examples of amounts
budgeted with anticipation of a frozen grant and the amounts reflecting the decrease.
The report explains that with the decrease in Provincial funding through the
unconditional grant the City's short fall for 2004 is $1,071,568.
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Deputy Mayor White
RESOLVED that the report from the City Manager
summarizing the effect, on the City's 2004 budget, of the recent decrease of $1.9 million
in Provincial funding through the unconditional grant, and the tax base increase of 4.6%
be received for information.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
8. Apercu du budQet de fonctionnement de 2004
Examen d'un rapport du directeur general qui resume les chiffres du
budget de 2004 vises par la recente diminution de la subvention inconditionnelle de
1,9 million de dollars et I'augmentation de I'assiette de I'impot foncier de 4,6 %,
presentant des exemples de sommes prevues au budget dans la perspective d'un gel de
la subvention et les montants refletant la diminution. Le rapport explique qu'en raison de
la diminution du financement provincial par I'entremise de la subvention inconditionnelle,
Ie manque a gagner de la Ville pour 2004 sera de 1 071 568 $.
Proposition du conseiller Titus
Appuyee par Ie maire suppleant White
QUE Ie rapport du directeur general qui resume
I'effet de la recente diminution du financement provincial de 1,9 million de dollars par
I'entremise de la subvention inconditionnelle et de I'augmentation de I'assiette de I'impot
foncier de 4,6 % sur Ie budget de la Ville pour 2004, soit accepte a titre informatif.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
9. Municipal Revenue Sources: Unconditional Grant/Tax Base
Discussion was held on the Provincial decrease in the unconditional
grants to municipalities with the Mayor commenting that for the first time in 15 years the
City has realized a growth in the tax base, and that even though the decrease is across
the Province, other municipalities will not be as adversely affected as Saint John. She
continued by advising Council that the Cities of New Brunswick Association resolved to
send a letter to the Premier to reinstate the $67.7 million in unconditional grants to the
municipalities. She also recognized MLA's Stewart Jamieson and Abel LeBlanc who
entered the Council Chamber with a delegation of citizens.
Councillor Court commented on the issue by saying that the Province has
to realize that Saint John has an infrastructure larger than both Fredericton and Moncton
combined and that they have not allowed for this in allocating the unconditional grant.
Councillor Teed pointed out that the tax base is set by the Province and
that the City has no control over it noting that this is the largest source of revenue for the
City yet it is routed to the Province. He suggested that Council meet with MLA's to point
out the unique situation faced by Saint John regarding the unconditional grant and the
tax base.
Councillor Titus expressed his preference as to direction to the City
Manager to reduce expenditures by $1.1 million as opposed to raising taxes to deal with
the decrease of the unconditional grant.
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Deputy Mayor White
RESOLVED that the report from the City
Manager including documents from the Province of New Brunswick related to the City's
tax base growth and unconditional grant funding, advising that staff are currently
reviewing this information and incorporating the amounts into the City's budget
calculations, be received for information.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor Fitzpatrick
Seconded by Deputy Mayor White
RESOLVED that item number 15 on the agenda
be brought forward for consideration at this time.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
9. Sources des recettes municipales : Subvention
inconditionnelle et assiette de I'impot foncier
On discute de la reduction par la province des subventions
inconditionnelles versees aux municipalites et Ie maire souligne que pour la premiere
fois en 15 ans, la Ville a connu une croissance de I'assiette de I'impot foncier, et que,
bien que la diminution vise toute la province, d'autres municipalites ne seront pas
touchees aussi durement que Saint John. Elle poursuit en informant Ie conseil que
l'Association des villes du Nouveau-Brunswick a decide de faire parvenir une lettre au
premier ministre pour lui demander de retablir les subventions inconditionnelles versees
aux municipalites au montant de 67,7 millions de dollars. Elle souligne egalement la
presence de Stewart Jamieson et de Abel LeBlanc, membres de l'Assemblee legislative,
qui sont entres dans la salle du conseil, accompagnes d'une delegation de citoyens.
Le conseiller Court aborde la question en affirmant que la province doit
reconnaltre que Saint John possede une infrastructure plus imposante que celie de
Fredericton et de Moncton combinee et qu'on n'a pas tenu compte de ce fait au moment
d'allouer la subvention inconditionnelle.
Le conseiller Teed souligne que la province determine I'assiette de I'impot
foncier et que la Ville ne peut exercer aucun controle sur cette assiette, indiquant qu'elle
represente la source de recettes la plus importante pour la Ville et pourtant, ces recettes
sont envoyees a la province. II propose que Ie conseil rencontre les membres de
l'Assemblee legislative pour souligner la situation unique a laquelle Saint John est
confrontee concernant la subvention inconditionnelle et I'assiette de I'impot foncier.
Le conseiller Titus indique qu'il prefere I'orientation du directeur general
de reduire les depenses de 1,1 million plutot que d'augmenter les impots fonciers pour
compenser la diminution de la subvention inconditionnelle.
Proposition du conseiller Titus
Appuyee par Ie maire suppleant White
QUE Ie rapport du directeur general, comprenant
les documents de la province du Nouveau-Brunswick sur la croissance de I'assiette de
I'impot foncier et Ie financement au moyen de la subvention inconditionnelle, indiquant
que Ie personnel examine actuellement ces renseignements et integrant les montants
dans les calculs du budget de la Ville, soit accepte a titre informatif.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Proposition du conseiller Fitzpatrick
Appuyee par Ie maire suppleant White
QUE Ie point 15 de I'ordre du jour soit examine
des maintenant.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
15. Unconditional Grant Cuts
Mayor McAlary referred to her comments earlier which explained the
resolution of the Cities of New Brunswick Association to send a letter to the Premier with
a copy to the Ministers of Finance, and Local Government and the Environment
requesting that the $67.7 million which was cut be reinstated.
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor Desmond
RESOLVED that The City of Saint John send a
letter to Premier Lord with copies to the Ministers of Finance, and Local Government and
the Environment asking for the reinstatement of the $67.7 million in unconditional grants
to the municipalities until such time as the Cities of New Brunswick have an opportunity
to meet with the Province and put into place a new tax structure.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Consideration was given to a letter from Mayor McAlary citing a quotation
of the Minister of Local Government, "No municipality in the Province of New Brunswick
will have a loss of revenue.", and proposing that the City request the amount that Saint
John will lose as a result of the unconditional grant decrease from the Province.
On motion of Councillor Desmond
Seconded by Councillor Fitzgerald
RESOLVED that a request be made to the
Premier of New Brunswick to reimburse the loss experienced by The City of Saint John
as a result of the decrease in the unconditional grant consistent with the Honorable
Minister of Local Government's comment that no municipality in the Province will have a
loss of revenue.
Councillor Chase suggested that the request for these funds be delivered
by a delegation of councillors and appropriate citizens emphasizing that this is an
extremely important issue and a time for supreme diplomacy indicating that there are
citizens in the City who would be able to help with this request.
Councillor Fitzpatrick proposed an amendment to the motion that Council
meet with Government representatives in private to ensure that the position that Saint
John finds itself in as a result of its unique situation be fully understood by Government.
He noted that meeting only with Government officials is meant to facilitate progress
given that it is the Government that made the decision to decrease the funding, and in
no way is his proposal meant to be disrespectful to other MLA's.
On motion of Councillor Fitzpatrick
Seconded by Councillor Titus
RESOLVED that Council meet with local Provincial
Government representatives in private to ensure that Saint John's unique position in
terms of the effect of the decrease in unconditional grant funding is fully understood by
the Government.
Question being taken, the motion was carried with the Mayor McAlary,
Deputy Mayor White and Councillor Fitzgerald voting nay.
The Mayor re-introduced the original motion as amended, which was that
a request be made to the Premier of New Brunswick to reimburse the loss of $1.07
million experienced by The City of Saint John as a result of the decrease in the
unconditional grant consistent with the Honorable Minister of Local Government's
comment that no municipality in the Province will have a loss of revenue, and that
Council meet with local Provincial Government representatives.
On motion of Councillor Chase
Seconded by Councillor Desmond
RESOLVED that a request be made to the
Premier to reimburse the loss experienced by The City of Saint John as a result of the
decrease in the unconditional grant consistent with the Honorable Minister of Local
Government's comment that no municipality in the Province will have a loss of revenue,
and that, if possible this request be hand delivered by a delegation of councillors and
citizens to the Premier, and further that Council meet with local Provincial Government
representatives to ensure that Saint John's unique position in terms of the effect of the
decrease in unconditional grant funding is fully understood by the Government.
Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillors Teed and
Titus voting nay.
On motion of Councillor Chase
Seconded by Councillor Court
RESOLVED that a member of the public in
Council Chamber who previously expressed his wish to address Council be permitted to
Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillor Titus voting
MLA, Abel LeBlanc introduced Mr. Glen McAllister, a constituent who had
brought to Mr. LeBlanc's attention his dismay with the cuts made in the unconditional
grant by the Province. Mr. LeBlanc expressed his displeasure with Council's decision not
to include non-government MLA's in the proposed meeting with government
representatives on the issue of the unconditional grant funding.
Mr. McAllister spoke in support of Council on behalf of a delegation of
approximately 25 citizens present in the Council Chamber as well as others not able to
attend, who oppose the Provincial funding cuts noting that citizens of Saint John cannot
afford a tax increase and the resulting spin off effects of such a move, noting that 60% of
the citizens are on fixed incomes and that seniors and single parents who can ill afford a
tax increase will be placed in a hardship situation. He presented his position that the
Provincial Government lacks integrity and has shown disrespect to the citizens of Saint
John with this recent grant cut. Mr. McAllister requested that Council continue to push for
the reinstatement of the grant funding.
10. Easement Acquisition - 81 Sandy Point Road
On motion of Councillor Desmond
Seconded by Deputy Mayor White
RESOLVED that The City of Saint John:
1) acquire a 355 sq m :t easement for municipal services from Mr. & Mrs. Jason
King in PID 23879 at a unit rate of $5.00 square metre (plus HST if applicable) as
generally shown on the submitted sketch;
2) prepare any plan of survey required for conveyance purposes; and
3) pay to a maximum amount of $300. towards the legal costs (inclusive of HST and
applicable registration fees) incurred by Mr. & Mrs. King to finalize this
transaction; and
4) the Mayor and Common Clerk are authorized to sign any documents necessary
to finalize this transaction.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
10. Acquisition d'une servitude au 81. chemin Sandy Point
Proposition du conseiller Desmond
Appuyee par Ie maire suppleant White
QUE The City of Saint John:
1) acquiere une servitude pour services municipaux d'environ 355 m2, portant Ie
NID 23879, de M. et Mme Jason King au taux unitaire de 5 $ Ie metre carre (TVH
en sus, s'il ya lieu), comme Ie montre, de fayon generale, Ie croquis presente;
2) prepare les plans d'arpentage necessaires aux fins de transfert;
3) assume les frais juridiques jusqu'a concurrence de 300 $ (incluant la TVH et les
frais d'enregistrement applicables) que M. et Mme King ont encourus pour mener
a bien cette transaction;
4) autorise Ie maire et Ie greffier a signer tous les documents necessaires pour
mener a bien cette transaction.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
11. Easement Acquisition - 255 Hawthorne Avenue Extension
On motion of Councillor Desmond
Seconded by Councillor Titus
RESOLVED that The City of Saint John:
1) acquire a 95 sq m :t easement for municipal services from Mr. & Mrs. Bradley
Vye in PID 23978 at a unit rate of $5.00 square metre (plus HST if applicable) as
generally shown on the submitted sketch;
2) prepare any plan of survey required for conveyance purposes;
3) pay to a maximum amount of $300. towards the legal costs (inclusive of HST and
applicable registration fees) incurred by Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Vye to finalize this
transaction; and
4) the Mayor and Common Clerk are authorized to sign any documents necessary
to finalize this transaction.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
11. Acquisition d'une servitude au 255. avenue Hawthorne Extension
Proposition du conseiller Desmond
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Titus
QUE The City of Saint John:
1) acquiere une servitude pour services municipaux d'environ 95 m2, portant Ie NID
23978, de M. et Mme Bradley Vye au taux unitaire de 5 $ Ie metre carre (TVH en
sus, s'il y a lieu), comme Ie montre, de fayon generale, Ie croquis presente;
2) prepare les plans d'arpentage necessaires aux fins de transfert;
3) assume les frais juridiques jusqu'a concurrence de 300 $ (incluant la TVH et les
frais d'enregistrement applicables) que M. et Mme Bradley Vye ont encourus pour
mener a bien cette transaction;
4) autorise Ie maire et Ie greffier a signer tous les documents necessaires pour
mener a bien cette transaction.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
12. Celebration Saint John 400 Committee Request for Advance
On motion of Councillor Fitzgerald
Seconded by Deputy Mayor White
RESOLVED that as recommended by the City
Manager Council approve a grant of $6,500. to the Celebration Saint John 400
Committee, such amount to be charged against the 2003 budget, and the balance of the
Committee's request be deferred to 2004 for consideration.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
12. Demande de versement d'une avance
du comite des celebrations des 400 ans de Saint John
Proposition du conseiller Fitzgerald
Appuyee par Ie maire suppleant White
Comme Ie recommande Ie directeur general, QUE
Ie conseil approuve une subvention de 6 500 $ pour Ie comite des celebrations des
400 ans de Saint John, que Ie montant so it impute au budget de 2003 et que Ie reste du
montant demande par Ie comite so it reporte a 2004 aux fins d'examen.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
13. Tender for Sand and Gravel
On motion of Deputy Mayor White
Seconded by Councillor Fitzpatrick
RESOLVED that as recommended by the City
Manager the tender for the establishment of a supply agreement for the provision of
sand, gravel and aggregate be awarded to the lowest bidder for each of the items
tendered as indicated on the submitted summary of bids.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
13. Soumission relative a I'approvisionnement de sable et de Qravier
Proposition du maire suppleant White
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Fitzpatrick
Comme Ie recommande Ie directeur general, QUE
Ie contrat pour la mise en place d'une entente sur I'approvisionnement de sable, de
gravier et de granulat soit accorde au soumissionnaire Ie moins disant dans chaque cas,
comme I'indique Ie sommaire des soumissions presente.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
14. Hydraulic Control Assemblies
On motion of Deputy Mayor White
Seconded by Councillor Ball
RESOLVED that as recommended by the City
Manager Council authorize staff to purchase from CFM Fluid Systems Ltd., at a total
cost of $173,979. plus tax, the necessary components in order to facilitate the supply
and installation of new Dickie John ICS 2000 control units for the seven new trucks
purchased during the 2003 fleet replacement program.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
14. AssemblaQes de controle hydrauliQue
Proposition du maire suppleant White
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Ball
Comme Ie recommande Ie directeur general, QUE
Ie conseil autorise Ie personnel a acheter de CFM Fluid Systems Ltd, au cout total de
173 979 $ (TVH en sus), les composantes necessaires pour faciliter I'approvisionnement
et I'installation de nouvelles unites de controle Dickie John ICS 2000 destinees aux sept
nouveaux camions achetes dans Ie cadre du programme de renouvellement de la flotte
de vehicules 2003.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
16. BilinQualism
On motion of Councillor Teed
Seconded by Councillor Fitzgerald
RESOLVED that the topic of youth in Saint John
being ensured that the program of education in the schools will result in bilingualism as
the norm, be a topic for discussion when the members of this Council next meet with
area MLA's.
(Councillor Fitzpatrick withdrew from the meeting).
Question being taken, the motion was defeated.
16. BilinQuisme
Proposition du conseiller Teed
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Fitzgerald
QUE la question selon laquelle il faut assurer aux
jeunes de Saint John que Ie programme d'enseignement dans les ecoles aura pour
consequence de reconnaltre Ie bilinguisme en tant que norme, soit un sujet de
discussion lorsque les membres du conseil rencontreront les membres locaux de
l'Assemblee legislative.
(Le conseiller Fitzpatrick quitte la reunion.)
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est rejetee.
(Councillor Fitzpatrick re-entered the meeting).
17. GrowinQ Number of Seniors
On motion of Councillor Teed
Seconded by Councillor Chase
RESOLVED that the matter of future planning for
public services, taking into consideration the forthcoming growth in numbers of seniors
and their growing needs, be referred to the Seniors' Advisory Committee for a report and
Question being taken, the motion was defeated.
(Le conseiller Fitzpatrick se joint de nouveau a la reunion.)
17. Nombre croissant de personnes aQeeS
Proposition du conseiller Teed
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Chase
QUE la question de la planification future des
services publics, prenant en consideration la croissance future du nombre de personnes
agees et leurs besoins croissants, soit transmise au comite consultatif des alnes aux fins
de preparation d'un rapport et d'une recommandation.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est rejetee.
18. Need for Increase in Population
On motion of Councillor Teed
Seconded by Councillor Court
RESOLVED that the questions contained in a
letter from Councillor Teed: "What increase in population could be attained by
conversion of the upper floors of the present commercial buildings in Uptown Saint John
or central core areas to residential ones?", and "What changes in zoning to enable high
density buildings to be constructed, if any changes are needed, to provide for a realistic
increase in the population of the central core by a 5,000 or 10,000 population increase?",
be referred to the City Manager.
Question being taken, the motion was defeated.
18. Besoin d'accroitre la population
Proposition du conseiller Teed
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Court
QUE les questions suivantes posees dans une
lettre du conseiller Teed: << De combien pourrions-nous accroltre la population en
convertissant les etages superieurs des immeubles commerciaux actuels dans Ie centre-
ville de Saint John en residences ou, les zones centrales en quartiers residentiels? >> et
<< Quels changements au zonage pourrait permettre la construction d'immeubles a forte
densite, si de tels changements s'averent necessaires, pour permettre I'accroissement
realiste de la population dans les zones centrales de 5 000 a 10 OOO? >> soient soumises
au directeur general.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est rejetee.
19. Use of Bricks in The City of Saint John
On motion of Councillor Desmond
Seconded by Councillor Fitzgerald
RESOLVED that the letter from Councillor Teed in
which he proposes that the Department of Works, in the future when there are matters
regarding walks, sidewalks or otherwise where there is any traffic, the present type of
bricks not be used by the City, be received for information.
Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillor Teed voting
19. L'utilisation de briQues dans The City of Saint John
Proposition du conseiller Desmond
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Fitzgerald
QUE la lettre du conseiller Teed, dans laquelle il
propose qu'a I'avenir, les Services des travaux n'utilisent plus les types de briques
utilisees a I'heure actuelle, dans les allees, les trottoirs ou autres voies de circulation,
so it acceptee a titre informatif.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee, Ie conseiller Teed ayant vote
20(a). Uptown Saint John Inc. - 2004 Budget
(b). Business Improvement Levy By-law Amendment
The Common Clerk advised that the necessary advertising was
completed with regard to the request of the Board of Directors of Uptown Saint John Inc.
for Common Council's approval of a budget for the designated Business Improvement
Area which includes a special business improvement levy of 16 cents per $100. of
assessment for 2004 on business properties within the area designated by Council.
On motion of Deputy Mayor White
Seconded by Councillor Fitzgerald
RESOLVED that as requested by the Board of
Directors of Uptown Saint Inc., Common Council approve the 2004 budget for the
Business Improvement Area as follows:
Business Improvement Area Levy
Employment Grants
Bad Debts Recovered
Environmental Trust Fund Grant
Capital Interest Urban Development
Fund Raising - Christmas Campaign
Miscellaneous Revenue
Total Revenue
Waterfront Development
Urban Design and Planning
Festivals and Events
Uptown Development
Program Delivery
Annual Meeting
Total Expenditures
$ 15,000
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Deputy Mayor White
Seconded by Councillor Fitzpatrick
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "A Law to
Amend the Business Improvement Levy By-law", be read a first time.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Read a first time the by-law entitled, "A Law to Amend the Business
Improvement Levy By-law".
On motion of Councillor Desmond
Seconded by Councillor Ball
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "A Law to
Amend the Business Improvement Levy By-law", be read a second time.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Read a second time the by-law entitled, "A Law to Amend the Business
Improvement Levy By-law".
20(a). Centre-ville de Saint John Inc. - budget de 2004
(b). Projet de modification de I'arrete sur la taxe d'amelioration des affaires
Le greffier indique que les avis necessaires ont ete publies relativement a
la demande du conseil d'administration de Uptown Saint John Inc., pour I'approbation du
conseil d'un budget pour la zone d'amelioration des affaires indiquees qui comprend une
taxe speciale d'amelioration des affaires de 0,16 $ par 100 $ d'evaluation pour 2004, sur
les proprietes situees a I'interieur de la zone designee par Ie conseil.
Proposition du maire suppleant White
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Fitzgerald
Comme Ie recommande Ie conseil d'administration
de Uptown Saint John Inc., QUE Ie conseil approuve Ie budget de 2004 pour la zone
d'amelioration des affaires, comme suit:
Taxe sur la zone d'amelioration des affaires
Subventions a I'emploi
Recouvrement de mauvaises creances
Subventions du fonds en fiducie pour I'environnement
Interet de capital - Amenagement urbain
Campagne de financement de Noel
Recettes diverses
Recettes totales
237 950 $
22 000
15 000
1 500
292 450 $
Amenagement portuaire =
Planification et amenagement urbain
Festivals et evenements
Developpement du centre-vi lie
Realisation de programmes
Reunion annuelle
F onctionnement
Depenses non recouvrables
Depenses totales
15 000 $
22 000
48 000
15 000
15 000
155 000
292450 $
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Proposition du maire suppleant White
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Fitzpatrick
QUE I'arrete intitule <<Arrete modifiant I'arrete
relatif a la taxe d'amelioration des affaires >> fasse I'objet d'une premiere lecture.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Premiere lecture de I'arrete intitule << Arrete modifiant I'arrete relatif a la
taxe d'amelioration des affaires >>.
Proposition du conseiller Desmond
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Ball
QUE I'arrete intitule <<Arrete modifiant I'arrete
relatif a la taxe d'amelioration des affaires >> fasse I'objet d'une deuxieme lecture.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Deuxieme lecture de I'arrete intitule << Arrete modifiant I'arrete relatif a la
taxe d'amelioration des affaires >>.
21. Street VestinQ - 223 Rothesay Avenue
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Deputy Mayor White
RESOLVED that as recommended by the City
Manager, Common Council assent to the submitted plan that would vest an approximate
area of 187 square metres (2,013 square feet) of the Province of New Brunswick
property situated at 223 Rothesay Avenue, also being identified as a portion of PID
Number 00417899, as part of the Rothesay Avenue public street right-of-way.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
21. Inclusion d'une rue - 223. avenue Rothesay
Proposition du conseiller Titus
Appuyee par Ie maire suppleant White
Comme Ie recommande Ie directeur general, QUE
Ie conseil approuve Ie plan de lotissement provisoire presente qui permettra d'inclure
une parcelle d'environ 187 metres carres (2 013 pieds carres) provenant du terrain de la
province du Nouveau-Brunswick situe au 223, avenue Rothesay, portant Ie NID
00417899 ala voie de circulation generale de I'avenue Rothesay.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
22. Independence Plus Inc., Operator of Handi-Bus
ReQuestinQ to Meet with Staff
On motion of Councillor Desmond
Seconded by Councillor Fitzgerald
RESOLVED that the letter from Brenda Seeley,
Executive Director of Independence Plus Incorporated, operator of Handi-Bus, the
accessible transportation service in the greater Saint John area, expressing concern with
the alternate street parking in the South End as it affects the transport of persons in
wheelchairs, be referred to the Saint John Parking Commission.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
22. Demande de Independence Plus Inc.,
exploitant des Handi-Bus. de rencontrer Ie personnel
Proposition du conseiller Desmond
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Fitzgerald
QUE la lettre de Brenda Seeley, directrice
generale de Independence Plus Incorporated, exploitant de Handi-Bus, service de
transport accessible dans la region du grand Saint John, exprimant ses inquietudes
relatives a I'alternance du stationnement sur la rue dans Ie quartier sud, puisqu'il touche
Ie transport des personnes en chaises roulantes, so it soumise a la Commission sur Ie
stationnement de Saint John.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
23. Latimore Lake Area Residents
Presentation at September 22 2003 MeetinQ
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Deputy Mayor White
RESOLVED that the letter from Latimore Lake
area residents expressing their concern regarding proceedings at the September 22,
2003 meeting and requesting a public apology from Councillor Trites for the treatment
they received at that meeting be received for information.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
23. Residents de la region du lac Latimore
Presentation a la reunion du 22 septembre 2003
Proposition du conseiller Titus
Appuyee par Ie maire suppleant White
QUE la lettre des residents de la region du lac
Latimore, exprimant leurs inquietudes relatives aux debats de la reunion du
22 septembre 2003 et exigeant que Ie conseiller Trites leur presente ses excuses pour
la fayon dont illes a traites, soit acceptee a titre informatif.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
24. Property at 475 Latimore Lake Road
On motion of Councillor Fitzpatrick
Seconded by Councillor Fitzgerald
RESOLVED that the letter from Latimore Lake
area residents advising Council that they observed Fundy Bay Holdings hauling illegally
from the residentially zoned property at 475 Latimore Lake Road, and requesting that
the City enforce the by-laws that would correct this situation, be referred to the City
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Mayor McAlary announced a 10 minute recess with Council to re-convene
at 7 p.m.
24. Propriete situee au 475. chemin du lac Latimore
Proposition du conseiller Fitzpatrick
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Fitzgerald
QUE la lettre des residents de la region du lac
Latimore, declarant au conseil qu'ils ont observe Fundy Bay Holdings camionner
illegalement a partir de la propriete de zonage residentiel situee au 475, chemin du lac
Latimore et exigeant que la Ville mette en application les arretes pour corriger cette
situation, soit soumise au directeur general.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Le maire McAlary annonce une pause de dix minutes et que Ie conseil
reprend a 19 h.
5{a). Public HearinQ - Municipal Plan Amendment
(b). ZoninQ By-law Amendment - 2260 Loch Lomond Road
The Common Clerk advised that the necessary advertising was
completed with regard to (a) a proposed Municipal Plan amendment to redesignate on
Schedule 2A of the Municipal Development Plan, from Low Density Residential to
Unserviced Residential, a parcel of land with an area of approximately 10.6 hectares (26
acres), located at 2260 Loch Lomond Road, also identified as being a portion of PID
Number 00327106 and a portion of the City water pipeline easement as illustrated in the
submitted documents and redesignating the same parcel of land on Schedule 9A of the
Plan, from Stage 2 to Unstaged classification and (b) the proposed re-zoning the same
parcel of land from "RS-1" One and Two Family Suburban Residential to "RR" One
Family Rural Residential classification to permit the development of a rural residential
subdivision consisting of a new public street and unserviced residential lots as requested
by Fundy Bay Holdings Ltd.
5{c). Report from the PlanninQ Advisory Committee
Consideration was given to a report from the Planning Advisory
Committee submitting a copy of Planning staff's report considered at the Committee's
November 25, 2003 meeting at which the Committee recommended approval of the
proposal as set our in the staff recommendation; and recommending that Common
1. redesignate on Schedule 2A of the Municipal Development Plan, from Low
Density Residential to Unserviced Residential, a parcel of land with an area of
approximately 10.6 hectares (26 acres), located at 2260 Loch Lomond Road,
also identified as being a portion of PI D No. 00327106 and a portion of the City
water pipeline easement, as illustrated on the submitted photo-reduced tentative
subdivision plan.
2. redesignate the same parcel of land on Schedule 9A of the Plan, from Stage 2 to
Unstaged classification.
3. re-zone the same area of land from "RS-1" One and Two Family Suburban
Residential to "RR" One Family Rural Residential.
4. not give third reading to the re-zoning until confirmation is received from the New
Brunswick Departments of Health and Wellness, and Environment that the
proposed unserviced rural residential subdivision is acceptable.
The Mayor called for members of the public to speak against the
proposed amendments with no one presenting.
The Mayor called for members of the public to speak on behalf of the
proposed amendments with Stephen Langille speaking in favour of the rezoning.
On motion of Councillor Court
Seconded by Councillor Chase
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "A Law to Amend the
Municipal Plan By-law", by redesignating on Schedule 2A of the Municipal Development
Plan a parcel of land with an area of approximately 10.6 hectares (26 acres), located at
2260 Loch Lomond Road, also identified as being a portion of PID Number 00327106
and a portion of the City water pipeline easement as illustrated in the submitted
documents and redesignating the same parcel of land on Schedule 9A of the Plan, from
Stage 2 to Unstaged classification, and not give third reading to the re-zoning until
confirmation is received from the New Brunswick Departments of Health and Well ness,
and Environment that the proposed unserviced rural residential subdivision is
acceptable, be read a first time.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Read a first time the by-law entitled, "A Law to Amend the Municipal Plan
By-law" .
On motion of Councillor Teed
Seconded by Councillor Chase
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "A Law to
Amend the Municipal Plan By-law", by redesignating on Schedule 2A of the Municipal
Development Plan a parcel of land with an area of approximately 10.6 hectares
(26 acres), located at 2260 Loch Lomond Road, also identified as being a portion of PID
Number 00327106 and a portion of the City water pipeline easement as illustrated in the
submitted documents and redesignating the same parcel of land on Schedule 9A of the
Plan, from Stage 2 to Unstaged classification be read a second time.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Read a second time the by-law entitled, "A Law to Amend the Municipal
Plan By-law".
On motion of Councillor Teed
Seconded by Councillor Chase
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "A By-law to
Amend the Zoning By-law of The City of Saint John", by re-zoning a parcel of land with
an area of approximately 10.6 hectares (26 acres), located at 2260 Loch Lomond Road,
also identified as being a portion of PID Number 00327106 from "RS-1" One and Two
Family Suburban Residential to "RR" One Family Rural Residential classification, be
read a first time.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Read a first time the by-law entitled, "A By-law to Amend the Zoning By-
law of The City of Saint John".
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Deputy Mayor White
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "A By-law to
Amend the Zoning By-law of The City of Saint John", by re-zoning a parcel of land with
an area of approximately 10.6 hectares (26 acres), located at 2260 Loch Lomond Road,
also identified as being a portion of PID Number 00327106 from "RS-1" One and Two
Family Suburban Residential to "RR" One Family Rural Residential classification, be
read a second time.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Read a second time the by-law entitled, "A By-law to Amend the Zoning
By-law of The City of Saint John".
On motion of Deputy Mayor White
Seconded by Councillor Titus
RESOLVED that the correspondence received
regarding the above matter be received for information.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
5{a) Audience publiQue - modification du plan municipal
(b) Modification de I'arrete sur Ie zonaQe - 2260. chemin Loch Lomond
Le greffier avise que la publication des avis necessaires ont ete publies
relativement a) au projet de modification du plan municipal visant a modifier, a I'annexe
2-A du plan d'amenagement municipal, la designation d'une parcelle de terrain d'une
superficie d'environ 10,6 hectares (26 acres), situee au 2260, chemin Loch Lomond et
faisant partie du terrain portant Ie NID 00327106, pour la faire passer de zone
residentielle de faible densite a zone residentielle non amenagee, et une parcelle de la
servitude pour conduites d'eau de la ville, comme I'indique la documentation presentee,
et a modifier, a I'annexe 9A du plan, la designation de la parcelle en question de
phase 2 a phase non determinee et b) au projet de rezonage de la meme parcelle de
terrain pour permettre de faire passer Ie zonage du terrain a zone residentielle de
banlieue - habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales << RS-1 >> a zone residentielle rurale -
habitations unifamiliales << RR >> pour permettre I'amenagement d'un lotissement
residentiel rural, compose d'une nouvelle rue publique sur laquelle on retrouve des lots
residentiels non amenages, a la demande de Fundy Bay Holdings Ltd.
5{c) Rapport du comite consultatif d'urbanisme
Examen d'un rapport du comite consultatif d'urbanisme accompagne d'une copie d'un
rapport du personnel de planification qui a ete etudie a la reunion du 25 novembre 2003
a laquelle Ie comite a recommande I'approbation de la proposition telle que decrite dans
la recommandation du personnel et recommandant que Ie conseil :
1. modifie la designation, a I'annexe 2A du plan d'amenagement municipal, d'une
parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 10,6 hectares (26 acres), situee au
2260, chemin Loch Lomond et faisant partie du terrain portant Ie NID 00327106
et de la servitude pour conduites d'eau de la ville, pour la faire passer de zone
residentielle de faible densite a zone residentielle non amenagee, comme Ie
montre Ie plan de lotissement provisoire presente avec photo reduite;
2. modifie la designation de ladite parcelle, a I'annexe 9A du plan, de phase 2 a
phase non determinee;
3. rezone ledit terrain de zone residentielle de banlieue - habitations unifamiliales et
bifamiliales << RS-1 >> a zone residentielle rurale - habitations unifamiliales
<< RR >>;
4. ne procede pas a la troisieme lecture des modifications proposees avant que
confirmation so it reyue du ministere de la Sante et du Mieux-etre et du ministere
de l'Environnement du Nouveau-Brunswick que Ie lotissement residentiel rural
non amenage propose so it acceptable.
Le maire invite Ie public a venir exprimer son opposition aux modifications
proposees, mais personne ne prend la parole.
Le maire invite Ie public a venir exprimer son accord relativement aux
modifications proposees et Stephen Langille exprime son appui au rezonage.
Proposition du conseiller Court
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Chase
QUE I'arrete intitule << Arrete modifiant I'arrete relatif au
plan municipal >> en modifiant I'annexe 2-A du plan d'amenagement municipal, la
designation d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 10,6 hectares (26 acres),
situee au 2260, chemin Loch Lomond et faisant partie du terrain portant Ie
NID 00327106, et une parcelle de la servitude pour conduites d'eau de la ville, comme
I'indique la documentation presentee, et a modifier, a I'annexe 9A du plan, la designation
de la parcelle en question de phase 2 a phase non determinee et, de ne pas proceder a
la troisieme lecture au rezonage avant que confirmation so it reyue du ministere de la
Sante et du Mieux-etre et du ministere de l'Environnement du Nouveau-Brunswick que
Ie lotissement residentiel rural non amenage propose est acceptable, fasse I'objet d'une
premiere lecture.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Premiere lecture de I'arrete intitule << Arrete modifiant I'arrete relatif au
plan municipal >>.
Proposition du conseiller Teed
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Chase
QUE I'arrete intitule << Arrete modifiant I'arrete
relatif au plan municipal >> en modifiant I'annexe 2-A du plan d'amenagement municipal,
la designation d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 10,6 hectares
(26 acres), situee au 2260, chemin Loch Lomond et faisant partie du terrain portant Ie
NID 00327106, et une parcelle de la servitude pour conduites d'eau de la ville, comme
I'indique la documentation presentee, et a modifier, a I'annexe 9A du plan, la designation
de la parcelle en question de phase 2 a phase non determinee, fasse I'objet d'une
deuxieme lecture.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Deuxieme lecture de I'arrete intitule << Arrete modifiant I'arrete relatif au
plan municipal >>.
Proposition du conseiller Teed
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Chase
QUE I'arrete intitule << Arrete modifiant I'arrete sur
Ie zonage de The City of Saint John >>, relativement au rezonage d'une parcelle de
terrain d'une superficie d'environ 10,6 hectares (26 acres), situee au 2260, chemin Loch
Lomond, et faisant partie d'une parcelle du terrain portant Ie N I D 00327106, afin de faire
passer la designation s'y rapportant de zone residentielle de banlieue - habitations
unifamiliales et bifamiliales << RS-1 >> a zone residentielle rurale - habitation unifamiliales
<< RR >>, fasse I'objet d'une premiere lecture.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Premiere lecture de I'arrete intitule << Arrete modifiant Ie zonage de The
City of Saint John >>.
Proposition du conseiller Titus
Appuyee par Ie maire suppleant White
QUE I'arrete intitule << Arrete modifiant I'arrete sur
Ie zonage de The City of Saint John >>, relativement au rezonage d'une parcelle de
terrain d'une superficie d'environ 10,6 hectares (26 acres), situee au 2260, chemin Loch
Lomond, et faisant partie d'une parcelle du terrain portant Ie N I D 00327106, afin de faire
passer la designation s'y rapportant de zone residentielle de banlieue - habitations
unifamiliales et bifamiliales << RS-1 >> a zone residentielle rurale - habitation unifamiliales
<< RR >>, fasse I'objet d'une deuxieme lecture.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Deuxieme lecture de I'arrete intitule << Arrete modifiant Ie zonage de The
City of Saint John >>.
Proposition du maire suppleant White
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Titus
QUE la correspondance relative au projet de
zonage precite so it acceptee a titre informatif.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
6{a). Public HearinQ - ZoninQ By-law Amendment - Boars Head Road
The Common Clerk advised that the necessary advertising was
completed with regard to the proposed re-zoning of three parcels of land situated
between Boars Head Road and Woodward Avenue, having a total area of approximately
9.6 hectares (23.7 acres), also identified as being PID Numbers, 55162812, 55165054
and 55165047 from "RS-2" One and Two Family Suburban Residential to "R-2" One and
Two Family Residential classification as illustrated in the submitted plan to facilitate a
fully serviced residential subdivision development as requested by Barsa Ventures
6{b). Report from the PlanninQ Advisorv Committee
Consideration was given to a report from the Planning Advisory
Committee submitting a copy of Planning staff's report considered at the Committee's
November 25, 2003 meeting; and recommending staff's recommendation that Council
approve the rezoning.
The Mayor called for members of the public to speak against the re-
zoning with no one presenting.
The Mayor called for members of the public to speak in favor of the re-
zoning with Rick Turner of Hughes Surveys speaking in favor of the re-zoning on behalf
of Barsa Ventures.
On motion of Councillor Desmond
Seconded by Councillor Fitzgerald
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "A By-law to
Amend the Zoning By-law of The City of Saint John", by re-zoning three parcels of land
situated between Boars Head Road and Woodward Avenue, having a total area of
approximately 9.6 hectares (23.7 acres), also identified as being PID Numbers,
55162812,55165054 and 55165047 from "RS-2" One and Two Family Suburban
Residential to "R-2" One and Two Family Residential classification be read a first time.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Read a first time the by-law entitled, "A By-law to Amend the Zoning By-
law of The City of Saint John".
On motion of Councillor Desmond
Seconded by Councillor Court
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "A By-law to
Amend the Zoning By-law of The City of Saint John", by re-zoning three parcels of land
situated between Boars Head Road and Woodward Avenue, having a total area of
approximately 9.6 hectares (23.7 acres), also identified as being PID Numbers,
55162812,55165054 and 55165047 from "RS-2" One and Two Family Suburban
Residential to "R-2" One and Two Family Residential classification be read a
second time.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Read a second time the by-law entitled, "A By-law to Amend the Zoning
By-law of The City of Saint John".
6(a) Audience publique - modification de I'arrete
sur Ie zonaQe du terrain situe au chemin Boars Head
Le greffier indique que les avis necessaires ont ete publies relativement
au rezonage de trois parcelles de terrain situees entre Ie chemin Boars Head et I'avenue
Woodward, d'une superficie totale d'environ 9,6 hectares (23,7 acres), et portant les
NID 55162812,55165054 et 55165047, pour les faire passer de zone residentielle de
banlieue - habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales << RS-2 >> a zone residentielle -
habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales << R-2 >>, comme I'indique Ie plan presente, pour
permettre I'amenagement d'un lotissement residentiel entierement amenage, a la
demande de Barsa Ventures Limited.
6{b). Rapport du comite consultatif d'urbanisme
Examen d'un rapport du comite consultatif d'urbanisme accompagne
d'une copie du rapport du personnel de planification qui ont ete etudies lors de la
reunion du comite tenue Ie 25 novembre 2003 et recommandant d'accueillir la
recommandation du personnel que Ie conseil approuve Ie rezonage.
Le maire invite Ie public a venir exprimer son opposition au projet de
rezonage, mais personne ne prend la parole.
Le maire invite Ie public a venir exprimer son appui au projet de rezonage
et M. Rick Turner, de Hughes Surveys, s'adresse au conseil afin d'appuyer Ie rezonage
au nom de Barsa Ventures.
Proposition du conseiller Desmond
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Fitzgerald
QUE I'arrete intitule << Arrete modifiant I'arrete sur
Ie zonage de The City of Saint John >>, relativement au rezonage de trois parcelles de
terrain situees entre Ie chemin Boars Head et I'avenue Woodward, dune superficie totale
d'environ 9,6 hectares (23,7 acres), et portant les NID 55162812,55165054 et
55165047, pour les faire passer de zone residentielle de banlieue - habitations
unifamiliales et bifamiliales << RS-2 >> a zone residentielle - habitations unifamiliales et
bifamiliales << R-2 >>, fasse I'objet d'une premiere lecture.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Premiere lecture de I'arrete intitule << Arrete modifiant Ie zonage de The
City of Saint John >>.
Proposition du conseiller Desmond
Appuyee par Ie conseiller Court
QUE I'arrete intitule << Arrete modifiant I'arrete sur
Ie zonage de The City of Saint John >>, relativement au rezonage de trois parcelles de
terrain situees entre Ie chemin Boars Head et I'avenue Woodward, dune superficie totale
d'environ 9,6 hectares (23,7 acres), et portant les NID 55162812,55165054 et
55165047, pour les faire passer de zone residentielle de banlieue - habitations
unifamiliales et bifamiliales << RS-2 >> a zone residentielle - habitations unifamiliales et
bifamiliales << R-2 >>, fasse I'objet d'une deuxieme lecture.
A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee.
Deuxieme lecture de I'arrete intitule << Arrete modifiant Ie zonage de The
City of Saint John >>.
The Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m.
Cloture de la reunion
Le maire declare que la seance est levee a 19 h 15.
Common Clerk/greffier communal