2003-04-14_Minutes--Procès-verbal 89-665 COMMON COUNCIUREUNION DU CONS ElL MUNICIPAL APRIL 14, 2003/LE 14 AVRIL 2003 At a meeting of the Common Council, held at the City Hall in The City of Saint John, on Monday, the fourteenth day of April AD. 2003, at 5:40 o'clock p.m. present Shirley McAlary, Mayor Deputy Mayor White and Councillors Ball, Chase, Court, Desmond, Fitzgerald, Fitzpatrick, Teed, Titus and Trites - and - Messrs. 1. Totten, City Manager; J. Nugent, City Solicitor; A Beckett, Commissioner of Finance and Commissioner of Corporate Services; P. Woods, Deputy City Manager; P. Groody, Commissioner of Municipal Operations; J. Baird, Commissioner of Planning and Development; W. Edwards, Commissioner of Buildings and Inspection Services; G. Yeomans, Comptroller; S. Galbraith, Director of Works; B. Morrison, Director of Recreation and Parks; D. Logan, Purchasing Agent; D. Price, Project Engineer - Water and Wastewater; R. Simonds, Deputy Fire Chief; C. Cogswell, Chief of Police; and Mmes. C. Mosher, Assistant Common Clerk; and J. Ferrar, Administrative Assistant. Etaient presentes a une reunion du conseil municipal qui a eu lieu a I'hotel de ville de The City of Saint John, Ie lundi 14 avril 2003 a 17 h 40, les personnes suivantes : Shirley McAlary, maire; Ie maire suppleant White et les conseillers Ball, Chase, Court, Desmond, Fitzgerald, Fitzpatrick, Teed, Titus et Trites; et MM. 1. Totten, gerant municipal; J. Nugent, avocat municipal; A Beckett, commissaire aux finances et commissaire aux services administratifs; P. Woods, gerant municipal adjoint; P. Groody, commissaire aux operations municipales; J. Baird, commissaire a I'urbanisme et au developpement; W. Edwards, commissaire a la construction et aux services d'inspection; G. Yeomans, contr6leur; S. Galbraith, directeur des travaux publics; B. Morrison, directeur des loisirs et des pares; D. Logan, agent d'achat; D. Price, ingenieur de projet - eau et eaux usees; R. Simonds, chef adjoint des pompiers; C. Cogswell, chef de police; ainsi que Mmes C. Mosher, secretaire municipale adjointe, et J. Ferrar, adjointe administrative. 1. MeetinQ Called To Order - Prayer Mayor McAlary called the meeting to order, and Rev. David Nicholson, Pastor of Douglas Avenue Christian Church, offered the opening prayer. Mayor McAlary, in noting the change in the starting time for this meeting, advised that there would be some changes to Council's meeting schedule in the future due to amendments to the Municipalities Act, the details of which would be provided at the next Council meeting. 1. Ouverture de la seance - priere La seance est ouverte par Ie maire McAlary. Le reverend David Nicholson, pasteur de la Douglas Avenue Christian Church (Eglise Chretienne), recite la priere d'ouverture. Tout en soulignant que la presente reunion commence a une heure differente, Ie maire McAlary indique qu'il y aura des changements au calendrier des reunions du conseil en raison des modifications a la Loi sur les municipalites, dont les details seront fournis a la prochaine reunion du conseil. 89-666 COMMON COUNCIUREUNION DU CONS ElL MUNICIPAL APRIL 14, 2003/LE 14 AVRIL 2003 2. Approval of Minutes On motion of Councillor Desmond Seconded by Deputy Mayor White RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of Common Council, held on April 7, 2003, be approved. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 2. Approbation du proces-verbal de la derniere reunion Proposition du conseiller Desmond Appuyee par Ie maire suppleant White QUE Ie proces-verbal de la reunion du conseil municipal du 7 avril 2003 soit approuve. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 3. Approval of AQenda On motion of Deputy Mayor White Seconded by Councillor Desmond RESOLVED that the agenda of this meeting be approved Question being taken, the motion was carried. 3. Adoption de I'ordre du jour Proposition du maire suppleant White Appuyee par Ie conseiller Desmond QUE I'ordre du jour de cette reunion so it adopte. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 9. Tender For Asphaltic Concrete Mixes On motion of Deputy Mayor White Seconded by Councillor Desmond RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager, the tender of LaFarge Canada Inc. be accepted for the establishment of a supply agreement for asphaltic concrete mixes for the duration of the 2003 construction season, in accordance with the unit prices included in the submitted summary of bids. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 9. Soumission relative aux melanQes de beton asphaltiQue Proposition du maire suppleant White Appuyee par Ie conseiller Desmond Comme Ie recommande Ie gerant municipal, QUE la soumission de LaFarge Canada Inc. pour la fourniture de melanges de beton asphaltique pour la duree de la saison de construction 2003 soit acceptee, conformement aux prix unitaires compris dans Ie sommaire des soumissions presente. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 10. Tender For PrintinQ Visitor Guides On motion of Deputy Mayor White Seconded by Councillor Fitzpatrick RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager, the tender of Maritime Press Limited, Pictou, N.S., in the amount of $38,980.70, be accepted for the printing of 100,000 English and 10,000 French versions of the Tourism Information Guide for The City of Saint John. 89-667 COMMON COUNCIUREUNION DU CONS ElL MUNICIPAL APRIL 14, 2003/LE 14 AVRIL 2003 Question being taken, the motion was carried. 10. Soumission relative a I'impression de Quides destines aux visiteurs Proposition du maire suppleant White Appuyee par Ie conseiller Fitzpatrick Comme Ie recommande Ie gerant municipal, QUE la soumission de Maritime Press Limited (Pictou, N.-E.) au montant de 38980,70 $ pour realiser I'impression de 100000 copies anglaises et de 10000 copies franyaises du Guide de renseignements touristiques pour The City of Saint John soit acceptee. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 11. Amendments To Municipalities Act On motion of Councillor Court Seconded by Deputy Mayor White RESOLVED that the report from the City Manager submitting a copy of the background provided by the Minister of Environment and Local Government with regard to a series of amendments to the Municipalities Act, ranging from mundane (opening bank accounts) to more fundamental issues such as prescribing the duties of the mayor and councillors and limiting the authority to close council meetings to the public; and advising that staff will undertake a review of the specific legislative provisions and apprise Council of the consequences of the amendments and any issues or concerns that may arise, be received and filed. Councillor Desmond initially made a motion, which was seconded by Councillor Fitzgerald, to table the above report, whereupon the Mayor suggested a motion to receive and file in that Council would be receiving a full report at the next meeting on this matter. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 11. Modifications a la Loi sur les municipalites Proposition du conseiller Court Appuyee par Ie maire suppleant White QUE Ie rapport du gerant municipal presentant une copie du dossier fourni par Ie ministre de l'Environnement et des Gouvernements locaux sur une serie de modifications a la Loi sur les municipalites, allant de questions ordinaires, comme I'ouverture d'un compte bancaire, a des questions plus fondamentales, comme la definition des fonctions du maire et des conseillers et la limitation du pouvoir du conseil de tenir des reunions a huis clos; et indiquant que Ie personnel entreprendra un examen des dispositions legislatives determinees et avisera Ie conseil des consequences decoulant des modifications et de toutes questions ou preoccupations qui peuvent survenir, soit accepte et classe. Le conseiller Desmond presente d'abord une proposition, appuyee par Ie conseiller Fitzgerald, afin de reporter Ie rapport precite, apres quoi Ie maire propose d'accepter et de classer Ie rapport compte tenu que Ie conseil recevra un rapport complet sur cette question lors de la prochaine reunion. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 12. Sandy Point Road/Kennebecasis Bay Service Extension & Road Construction Proposal Consideration was given to a report from the City Manager seeking Council's direction on a service extension and road reconstruction proposal for the Sandy Point Road/Kennebecasis Bay area of Millidgeville - a major investment in service enhancement and future residential development. On motion of Councillor Ball Seconded by Councillor Chase RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager, Common Council (1) approve a budget of $5,150,000 for the work and 89-668 COMMON COUNCIUREUNION DU CONS ElL MUNICIPAL APRIL 14, 2003/LE 14 AVRIL 2003 authorize the City Manager to proceed with the water and wastewater service extension and road reconstruction project for the Sandy Point Road/Kennebecasis Bay area, subject to funding commitments being secured from UNBSJ, the Province of New Brunswick Department of Transportation, and Property Management - Proman Ltd., as outlined in the City Manager's report; (2) authorize the City Manager to proceed with a program for the sale of City-owned land in the Sandy Point Road/Kennebecasis Bay area, as proposed in the said report and subject to normal Council approval, and to allocate revenues from such sales to the subject project; and (3) authorize the City Manager to establish a future development fund, with all lot levies collected from the Sandy Point Road/Kennebecasis Bay and Drury Cove development areas placed in such fund; request that the City Manager develop terms of reference, for Council's approval, for expenditures from such fund with a focus towards investments that promote future development, and further request that the City Manager prepare detailed recommendations regarding the proposed approach for managing lot levies. Councillor Court proposed a motion, which was seconded by Councillor Fitzpatrick, to refer the above matter to Committee of the Whole for full discussion, and in proposing the motion Councillor Court indicated that one of the things he wanted to know about was the financial implication on other projects, for example, a new police station. The Mayor asked the City Manager to comment on the matter, adding that Mr. Groody would be making a presentation and indicating that at some point she would ask the City Solicitor to advise on the appropriateness of referring the matter to Committee of the Whole. Mr. Totten highlighted the above report, noting that it did not stipulate that all of the landowners in that particular looped area would be committing funds to this project at this point in time; and advised that, while staff has estimated to the best of its ability the potential for housing starts and has talked to at least two land owners and seems to have consensus on the lot levies that would be recommended, Council would essentially be making a capital investment on the basis of agreement with three or four parties and the City to impose lot levies on land to be developed. Through a computer- aided presentation, Mr. Groody reviewed the proposed service improvements that would involve both water and sewerage extensions and street reconstruction for what staff believed to be the best option for servicing of this area not only for new development but for people who live there now, and advised that, subject to Council's decision, the engineering plans and specifications would be ready by the end of April. Mr. Baird spoke to the proposal that, as dollars were returned to the City through lot levies and land sales, a future development fund would be established to be utilized in the future for other such projects; and reviewed the proposed lot levies, the establishment of which would be the most effective mechanism of ensuring that those who benefit from the development of the water and sewer lines would also be the ones who contribute to it. In terms of property tax base potential, Mr. Baird advised that the numbers were based on an assumption of a $100,000 property tax bill, no change in the tax rate and no inflationary increases, for a very conservative perspective. The Mayor, noting the motion on the floor to refer the matter to Committee of the Whole, advised that, according to the City Solicitor, the issue of how the City would dispose of its land was the only issue that could be discussed in Committee and the issue, for example, of whether Council does this project as a priority or how it relates to a new police station or other issues, would have to be discussed in open session of Council. The Mayor asked if the mover and seconder wanted to withdraw the referral motion, noting that discussion could continue on the issue of referral. Councillor Trites suggested that Council should have further discussion on this matter after Mr. Beckett's presentation at the next meeting on the long-term financial outlook for the City. Following discussion the Mayor expressed the understanding that the referral motion to Committee of the Whole could be on land only, and the other issues raised could be referred to the City Manager to come back to open session of Council, whereupon Councillor Trites raised a point of order on the basis of his understanding that the mover and seconder had accepted his suggestion to refer the matter for further discussion after Mr. Beckett gives his open presentation next week on the financial future of the City, the intent being for discussion to take place in open session of Council at that time. The Mayor, having received confirmation that the mover and seconder had agreed accordingly, called for the question on the referral motion. 89-669 COMMON COUNCIUREUNION DU CONS ElL MUNICIPAL APRIL 14, 2003/LE 14 AVRIL 2003 (Councillor Titus entered the meeting during discussion in the above regard). On motion of Councillor Court Seconded by Councillor Fitzpatrick RESOLVED that the above matter be referred for further discussion in open session of Council next week after Council receives the overall future projection presentation by the Commissioner of Finance. Question being taken, the referral motion was lost with the Mayor, the Deputy Mayor and Councillors Ball, Chase, Desmond and Fitzgerald voting "nay". The Mayor proceeded to call for the question on the original motion to adopt the City Manager's recommendation whereupon Councillor Trites proposed to move to the public hearings scheduled for this meeting and to continue discussion after on the basis that the Council members had not yet spoken to the original motion. 12. Proposition relative au prolongement des services et a la refection de routes dans Ie secteur du chemin Sandy Point et de la baie Kennebecasis Examen d'un rapport du gerant municipal en vue de recevoir les directives du conseil sur la proposition de prolongement des services et de refection de routes dans Ie secteur du chemin Sandy Point et de la baie Kennebecasis, a Millidgeville - un investissement majeur pour ameliorer les services et realiser I'amenagement residentiel futuro Proposition du conseiller Ball Appuyee par Ie conseiller Chase Comme Ie recommande Ie gerant municipal, QUE Ie conseil municipal 1) approuve un budget de 5 150000 $ pour la mise en 03uvre des travaux et autorise Ie gerant municipal a aller de I'avant en ce qui concerne Ie projet de prolongement du reseau d'aqueduc et d'egouts et de refection de routes dans Ie secteur du chemin Sandy Point et de la baie Kennebecasis, sous reserve des engagements de financement garantis par I'UNBSJ, Ie ministere du Transport du Nouveau-Brunswick et Property Management - Proman Ltd., comme I'indique Ie rapport du gerant municipal; 2) autorise Ie gerant municipal a lancer un programme en vue de vendre un terrain dont la Ville est proprietaire dans Ie secteur du chemin Sandy Point et de la baie Kennebecasis, comme Ie propose ledit rapport, sous reserve de I'approbation normale du conseil, et d'affecter les recettes provenant de la vente au projet en question; 3) autorise Ie gerant municipal a mettre sur pied un fonds d'amenagement futur dans lequel seront verses tous les imp6ts preleves sur les lotissements des zones d'extension du chemin Sandy Point, de la baie Kennebecasis et de Drury Cove; demande que Ie gerant municipal, sous reserve de I'approbation du conseil, definisse les conditions relatives aux depenses provenant du fonds, notamment les investissements visant a promouvoir I'amenagement futur, et demande egalement que la Ville fasse des recommandations detaillees sur la demarche proposee pour la gestion des imp6ts sur les lotissements. Le conseiller Court presente une proposition, appuyee par Ie conseiller Fitzpatrick, pour que la question precitee soit soumise au comite plenier afin d'en discuter de maniere complete et, tout en presentant sa proposition, Ie conseiller Court indique qu'un des points qu'il souhaite definir porte sur les repercussions financieres a I'egard d'autres projets, comme un nouveau poste de police. Le maire demande au gerant municipal de s'exprimer sur la question, ajoutant que M. Groody fera une presentation et indiquant que, Ie moment venu, elle demandera a I'avocat municipal de se prononcer sur la pertinence de soumettre la question au comite plenier. M. Totten presente ses observations sur Ie rapport precite, precisant que ce rapport ne prevoit pas que tous les proprietaires fonciers situes dans ce secteur particulier en forme de boucle engageront des fonds dans ce projet a ce moment-ci. II indique que, bien que Ie personnel ait evalue de son mieux Ie potentiel de mise en chantier et qu'il ait discute avec au moins deux proprietaires fonciers ou I'on semblait etre unanime quant aux imp6ts sur les lotissements a recommander, Ie conseil procederait essentiellement a un investissement en capital fonde sur I'entente avec trois ou quatre parties et la Ville en vue de prelever des imp6ts sur les terrains a amenager. Au moyen d'une presentation assistee par ordinateur, M. Groody procede a I'examen du projet d'amelioration des services portant sur Ie prolongement du reseau 89-670 COMMON COUNCIUREUNION DU CONS ElL MUNICIPAL APRIL 14, 2003/LE 14 AVRIL 2003 d'aqueduc et d'egouts et la refection de routes qui, pour Ie personnel, semblait representer Ie meilleur choix pour raccorder ce secteur, non seulement pour les nouveaux lotissements, mais egalement pour les gens qui y vivent presentement, et indiquant que, sous reserve de la decision du conseil, les plans et les specifications techniques seraient prets a la fin d'avril. M. Baird parle de la proposition, precisant que, comme des sommes ont ete retournees a la Ville grace aux imp6ts preleves sur les lotissements et les ventes de terrain, Ie fonds d'amenagement futur serait mis sur pied pour servir dans Ie cadre d'autres projets de ce genre dans I'avenir; et examine Ie projet d'imp6t sur les lotissements, dont la mise en place representerait Ie mecanisme Ie plus efficace pour s'assurer que ceux qui profitent de I'amenagement des reseaux d'aqueduc et d'egout sont egalement ceux qui y contribuent. En ce qui concerne I'assiette de l'imp6t foncier, M. Baird indique que les nombres se fondent sur I'hypothese d'un imp6t foncier preleve sur une propriete de 100 000 $, sans variation du taux d'imposition, ni augmentation de I'inflation, afin de maintenir une perspective tres prudente. Le maire, considerant la proposition visant a soumettre la question au comite plenier, indique que, selon I'avocat municipal, la question portant sur la demarche que la Ville entend adopter pour I'alienation de son terrain est la seule question dont on peut debattre au comite et que la question visant, par exemple, a determiner si ce projet est prioritaire pour Ie conseil ou de quelle maniere on etablit un rapport entre ce projet et un nouveau poste de police ou d'autres questions, devra etre discutee lors d'une reunion publique du conseil. Le maire demande si I'auteur de la proposition et Ie conseiller qui I'appuie souhaitent retirer la proposition, precisant que la discussion pourrait continuer sur la question du renvoi. Le conseiller Trites suggere que Ie conseil poursuive Ie debat sur la question apres la presentation de M. Beckett sur les perspectives financieres a long terme de la Ville lors de la prochaine reunion. Apres la discussion, Ie maire declare com prendre que la proposition qui sera presentee au comite plenier portera seulement sur Ie terrain et que les autres questions sou levees pourront etre soumises au gerant municipal pour etre presentees lors de la reunion publique en comite plenier, apres quoi Ie conseiller Trites souleve une objection en affirmant comprendre que I'auteur de la proposition et Ie conseiller qui I'appuie ont accepte sa suggestion de poursuivre Ie debat sur la question apres la presentation que donnera M. Beckett la semaine prochaine sur I'avenir financier de la ville, dont I'intention est d'engager une discussion lors de la seance publique du conseil. Le maire, ayant reyu la confirmation que I'auteur de la proposition et Ie conseiller qui I'appuie ont, par consequent, accepte la suggestion, demande que la proposition so it soumise au vote. (Le conseiller Titus arrive a la reunion au cours de la discussion a cet effet. ) Proposition du conseiller Court Appuyee par Ie conseiller Fitzpatrick QUE I'on poursuive la discussion sur la question precitee lors de la seance publique du conseilla semaine prochaine apres la presentation des previsions globales par Ie commissaire aux finances. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est rejetee, Ie maire, Ie maire suppleant, ainsi que les conseillers Ball, Chase, Desmond et Fitzgerald ayant vote contre. Le maire demande Ie vote sur la proposition initiale en vue d'adopter la recommandation du gerant municipal, apres quoi Ie conseiller Trites propose de passer aux audiences publiques prevues au cours de cette reunion et de poursuivre ensuite la discussion en tenant compte du fait que les membres du conseil n'ont pas encore discute de la proposition initiale. 4{a) ZoninQ By-law Amendment To Re-Zone 251 Watson Street The Assistant Common Clerk advised that the necessary advertising was completed with regard to the proposed re-zoning of a parcel of land located at 251 Watson Street, having an area of approximately 1020 square metres (10,980 square feet), also identified as being PID Numbers 00366708,55116750,55116776 and 55116768, from "R-2" One and Two Family Residential to "B-1" Local Business classification, to convert the existing five-unit apartment building into a four-unit building with a personal service shop (day spa), as requested by Nadine Hebert, and no written 89-671 COMMON COUNCIUREUNION DU CONS ElL MUNICIPAL APRIL 14, 2003/LE 14 AVRIL 2003 objections were received in this regard, with 4{c) a letter from the applicant having been received. 4{b) Consideration was also given to a report from the Planning Advisory Committee submitting a copy of Planning staff's report and three letters considered by the Committee at its April 8, 2003 meeting at which, after a lengthy discussion regarding the application which included discussion on how the proposal could be changed in order to satisfy the home occupation standards and avoid the necessity of re-zoning the property, the Committee resolved to adopt the staff recommendation; and recommending that the application be denied. Claire Hebert of 251 Watson Street, appearing in support of the proposed amendment, advised that she was the owner of the house in which her two daughters wanted to open a business, and spoke to the need of a day spa of this nature in the City based on an across-Canada survey. Mrs. Hebert, referring to a petition submitted with the above-mentioned letter from the applicant, also advised that her neighbours see no problem with parking and traffic in the area. Responding to questions, Mrs. Hebert confirmed that there would probably be only three or four clients a day, at the most four when at full business and off-street parking for seven could be provided, although the By-law required eleven, and expressed a willingness to do what Building and Inspection Services indicated needed to be done on the subject property as set out in the above- mentioned report from Planning staff. Natalie Hebert, speaking in support of the proposed amendment, advised the benefit to her, as a massage therapist, of being able to operate from the subject property. On motion of Councillor Desmond Seconded by Councillor Trites RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "By-law Number C.P. 100-616 A Law To Amend The Zoning By-law Of The City Of Saint John", by re-zoning a parcel of land located at 251 Watson Street, from "R-2" One and Two Family Residential to "B-1" Local Business classification, be read a first time. Question being taken, the motion was carried. Read a first time the by-law entitled, "By-law Number C.P. 100-616 A Law To Amend The Zoning By-law Of The City Of Saint John". On motion of Councillor Court Seconded by Deputy Mayor White RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "By-law Number C.P. 100-616 A Law To Amend The Zoning By-law Of The City Of Saint John", by re-zoning a parcel of land located at 251 Watson Street, from "R-2" One and Two Family Residential to "B-1" Local Business classification, be read a second time. Question being taken, the motion was carried. Read a second time the by-law entitled, "By-law Number C.P. 100-616 A Law To Amend The Zoning By-law Of The City Of Saint John". On motion of Deputy Mayor White Seconded by Councillor Court RESOLVED that the correspondence regarding the above-proposed amendment be received and filed. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 4(a) Modification de I'arrete sur Ie zonage en vue de modifier Ie zonaQe d'une parcelle de terrain au 251. rue Watson La secretaire municipale adjointe indique que les avis requis ont ete publies relativement au projet de rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain situee au 251, rue Watson, d'une superficie d'environ 1 020 metres carres (10 980 pieds carres) (NID 00366708,55116750,55116776 et 55116768), afin de faire passer la designation 89-672 COMMON COUNCIUREUNION DU CONS ElL MUNICIPAL APRIL 14, 2003/LE 14 AVRIL 2003 s'y rapportant de zone residentielle - habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales << R-2 >> a zone commerciale locale << B-1 >> et de permettre la conversion de I'immeuble d'habitation existant de cinq logements en immeuble de quatre logements abritant un etablissement de soins personnels (centre de sante de jour), ala demande de Nadine Hebert, ajoutant qu'aucune objection par ecrit n'a ete reyue a cet egard et qu'une lettre de la requerante a ete reyue [point 4{c)]. 4{b) Examen d'un rapport du comite consultatif de planification accompagne d'une copie du rapport du personnel de planification et de trois lettres etudiees par Ie conseil a sa reunion du 8 avril 2003 au cours de laquelle, a la suite de longues discussions au sujet de la demande, portant notamment sur la maniere dont la proposition pourrait etre modifiee en vue de respecter les normes de travail a domicile et d'eviter Ie rezonage du terrain, Ie comite a resolu d'adopter la recommandation du personnel visant a faire rejeter la demande. A I'appui de la modification proposee, Claire Hebert, proprietaire de la maison du 251, rue Watson ou ses deux filles veulent demarrer leur entreprise, indique que, selon un sondage effectue a I'echelle du pays, il existe une demande reelle pour ce genre de centre de sante de jour dans la ville. Mme Hebert, faisant mention de la petition accompagnant la lettre susmentionnee de la requerante, affirme egalement que ses voisins ne croient pas que Ie stationnement et la circulation dans Ie secteur posent un probleme. Repondant aux questions, Mme Hebert confirme que Ie nombre de clients ne serait probablement que de trois par jour, quatre tout au plus dans les periodes de pointe, et qu'un stationnement hors rue de sept places pourrait etre fourni, bien que I'arrete en exige onze; et souligne sa volonte de proceder aux travaux requis par les services de construction et d'inspection sur la propriete en question, comme I'indique Ie rapport susmentionne du personnel de planification. Parlant en faveur du projet de modification, Nathalie Hebert souligne I'avantage pour elle de pouvoir travailler, en tant que massotherapeute, dans la propriete en question. Proposition du conseiller Desmond Appuyee par Ie conseiller Trites QUE I'arrete intitule<< Arrete nO C.P. 100- 616 modifiant Ie zonage de The City of Saint John >>, relativement au rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain situee au 251, rue Watson afin de faire passer la designation s'y rapportant de zone residentielle - habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales << R2 >> a zone commerciale locale << B-1 >>, fasse I'objet d'une premiere lecture. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Premiere lecture de I'arrete intitule <<Arrete nO C.P. 100-616 modifiant Ie zonage de The City of Saint John >>. Proposition du conseiller Court Appuyee par Ie maire suppleant White QUE I'arrete intitule<< Arrete nOC.P. 100-616 modifiant Ie zonage de The City of Saint John >>, relativement au rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain situee au 251, rue Watson afin de faire passer la designation s'y rapportant de zone residentielle - habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales << R2 >> a zone commerciale locale << B-1 >>, fasse I'objet d'une deuxieme lecture. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Deuxieme lecture de I'arrete intitule <<Arrete nO C.P. 100-616 modifiant Ie zonage de The City of Saint John >>. Proposition du maire suppleant White Appuyee par Ie conseiller Court QUE la correspondance relative au projet de modification precite so it acceptee et classee. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 89-673 COMMON COUNCIUREUNION DU CONS ElL MUNICIPAL APRIL 14, 2003/LE 14 AVRIL 2003 5{a) ZoninQ By-law Amendment To Re-Zone 540 Westmorland Road The Assistant Common Clerk advised that the necessary advertising was completed with regard to the proposed re-zoning of a parcel of land located at 540 Westmorland Road, having an area of approximately 1.2 hectares (3 acres), also identified as being a portion of PID Number 307397, from "B-2" General Business and "P" Park to "SC" Shopping Centre classification, to permit an approximately 20,000 square foot expansion to the Exhibition Plaza Cinemas and additional surface parking, as requested by Exhibition Plaza Inc., and no written objections were received in this regard. 5{b) Consideration was given to a report from the Planning Advisory Committee submitting a copy of Planning staff's report considered by the Committee at its April 8, 2003 meeting at which the Committee adopted the staff recommendation; noting that a further recommendation concerning the subdivision aspect of the application will be provided should first and second readings to the requested re-zoning be given by Council; and recommending that (1) Common Council re-zone the parcel of land as described above, from "B-2" General Business and "P" Park to "SC" Shopping Centre classification; (2) pursuant to Section 39 of the Community Planning Act, the proposed development of a shopping centre on the parcel of land identified as 540 Westmorland Road, having an area of approximately 1.2 hectares (3 acres), also identified as being a portion of PID Number 307397, be subject to the following conditions: (a) development of the re-zoned areas shall be limited to the proposed expansion of the adjacent Exhibition Plaza development, resulting in a maximum floor area for the entire unenclosed mall of no more than 80,000 square feet; (b) drainage of the site shall be constructed in accordance with a detailed drainage plan which will be prepared for the applicant by a registered engineer, licensed to practice in the Province of New Brunswick, and approved by the Chief City Engineer; (c) location, design and construction of access (including reinstatement of concrete curb/sidewalk) are subject to the approval of the Chief City Engineer; (d) parking area shall be paved and enclosed with poured-in-place concrete curbs; (e) all utility services will be located underground; (f) all areas not occupied by buildings, parking areas, driveways, loading areas and sidewalks shall be landscaped in accordance with a plan prepared by the applicant and approved by the Development Officer, such plan to illustrate a minimum of 20 feet of landscaped area between the road allowance and the parking area; (g) the owner of the property must convey to the City a 10-metre wide (33-foot) easement for a drainage ditch or storm sewer along the rear of the residential properties facing Braemar Drive, such conveyance to take place prior to, or at the same time as, approval and filing of the subdivision plan for the subject site; (h) the developer must construct a landscaped buffer with a minimum width of 5 metres (16.5 feet) consisting of a landscaped berm and privacy fence, similar to that shown in the submitted plans, between the proposed parking lot and the 10-metre (33-foot) drainage easement mentioned in condition (g); (i) exterior lighting must be designed and constructed in a manner that prevents rays of light from shifting onto adjacent properties; 0) no building permit (except site preparation) shall be issued without the plans required in (b), (c) and (f) being submitted and approved as required; and (k) all work required in (b), (c), (d), (f) and (h) must be completed within one year of building permit approval; and further that upon re-zoning of the area, the land and any building or structure thereon must be developed and used in conformity with the proposal and conditions identified herein; and (3) Common Council (a) initiate the process of re-zoning the remaining "B-2" General Business portion of the Exhibition Association lands located to the rear of the Exhibition Plaza property, being a portion of PID Number 307397, from "B-2" General Business back to "P" Park; (b) refer the proposed re-zoning to the Planning Advisory Committee for a report and recommendation; and (c) authorize the necessary advertising in this regard, with the public hearing to be held on May 26, 2003. Charles Swanton, Secretary of the Saint John Exhibition Association, addressed Council in support of the proposed amendment, indicating the Association's support, in particular, of vesting a drainage easement to the City and the proposed re- zoning of the remaining "B-2" General Business portion of the Association's lands back to the "P" Park classification. Myles Martin appeared on behalf of Exhibition Plaza Inc., in support of the application, offered to respond to any questions in this regard and expressed agreement with Planning staff's report. 89-674 COMMON COUNCIUREUNION DU CONS ElL MUNICIPAL APRIL 14, 2003/LE 14 AVRIL 2003 On motion of Councillor Court Seconded by Deputy Mayor White RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "By- law Number C.P. 100-617 A Law To Amend The Zoning By-law Of The City Of Saint John", by re-zoning a parcel of land located at 540 Westmorland Road, from "B-2" General Business and "P" Park to "SC" Shopping Centre classification, be read a first time: AND FURTHER that as recommended by the Planning Advisory Committee, Common Council (a) initiate the process of re-zoning the remaining "B-2" General Business portion of the Exhibition Association lands located to the rear of the Exhibition Plaza property, being a portion of PID Number 307397, from "B-2" General Business back to "P" Park; (b) refer the proposed re-zoning to the Planning Advisory Committee for a report and recommendation; and (c) authorize the necessary advertising in this regard, with the public hearing to be held on May 26, 2003. Question being taken, the motion was carried. Read a first time the by-law entitled, "By-law Number C.P. 100-617 A Law To Amend The Zoning By-law Of The City Of Saint John". On motion of Councillor Desmond Seconded by Deputy Mayor White RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "By- law Number C.P. 100-617 A Law To Amend The Zoning By-law Of The City Of Saint John", by re-zoning a parcel of land located at 540 Westmorland Road, from "B-2" General Business and "P" Park to "SC" Shopping Centre classification, be read a second time. Question being taken, the motion was carried. Read a second time the by-law entitled, "By-law Number C.P. 100-617 A Law To Amend The Zoning By-law Of The City Of Saint John". On motion of Councillor Desmond Seconded by Deputy Mayor White RESOLVED that the correspondence regarding the above-proposed amendment be received and filed. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 5(a) Modification de I'arrete sur Ie zonage en vue de modifier Ie zonaQe d'une parcelle de terrain au 540. chemin Westmorland La secretaire municipale adjointe indique que les avis requis ont ete publies relativement a un projet de rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain situee au 540, chemin Westmorland, d'une superficie d'environ 1,2 hectare (3 acres) et portant Ie NID 307397, afin de faire passer la designation s'y rapportant de zone commerciale generale << B-2 >> et de zone de pare << P >> a zone de centre commercial << SC >> et de permettre I'agrandissement des cinemas Exhibition Plaza et I'amenagement d'une aire de stationnement supplementaire sur une superficie d'environ 20 000 pieds carres, a la demande d'Exhibition Plaza Inc., et qu'aucune objection par ecrit n'a ete reyue a cet egard. 5{b) Examen d'un rapport du comite consultatif de planification accompagne d'une copie d'un rapport du personnel de planification qui a ete etudie a la reunion du 8 avril 2003 a laquelle Ie comite a adopte la recommandation du personnel; indiquant qu'une autre recommandation relative a I'aspect lotissement de la demande sera formulee si la premiere et la deuxieme lectures de la demande de rezonage sont faites par Ie conseil; et recommandant que 1) Ie conseil municipal modifie Ie zonage de ladite parcelle de terrain, afin de faire passer la designation s'y rapportant de zone commerciale generale << B-2 >> et zone de pare << P >> a zone de centre commercial << SC >>; 2) en vertu de I'article 39 de la Loi sur I'urbanisme, Ie projet de construction d'un centre commercial sur Ie terrain situe au 540, chemin Westmorland, d'une superficie d'environ 1,2 hectare (3 acres) et faisant partie du terrain portant Ie NID 307397, so it 89-675 COMMON COUNCIUREUNION DU CONS ElL MUNICIPAL APRIL 14, 2003/LE 14 AVRIL 2003 assujetti aux conditions suivantes : a) I'amenagement de la partie rezonee do it etre limite au projet d'agrandissement de Exhibition Plaza, ce qui correspond a une surface de plancher maximale de 80 000 pieds carres pour I'ensemble du centre commercial non ferme; b) Ie drainage du site do it etre etabli conformement a un plan de drainage detaille qui sera prepare pour Ie requerant par un ingenieur agree, autorise a exercer dans la province du Nouveau-Brunswick et approuve par I'ingenieur municipal en chef; c) I'emplacement, la conception et la construction d'acces (y compris les bordures et les trottoirs de beton) doivent etre soumis a I'approbation de I'ingenieur municipal en chef; d) Ie pare de stationnement do it etre pave et etre dote de bordures de beton coulees sur place; e) tous les services publics doivent etre situes au sous-sol; f) toutes les zones non occupees par les immeubles, les aires de stationnement, les allees, les aires de chargement et les trottoirs doivent etre des espaces paysagers conformement a un plan prepare par Ie requerant et approuve par I'agent d'amenagement, qui do it comprendre un minimum de 20 pieds d'espace paysager entre la reserve routiere et I'aire de stationnement; g) Ie proprietaire du terrain do it transferer a la Ville une servitude de 10 metres de large (33 pieds) pour la construction d'un fosse de drainage ou d'egouts pluviaux Ie long de la partie arriere des proprietes residentielles situees face a la promenade Braemar, ce transfert devant avoir lieu avant ou en meme temps que I'approbation et Ie classement du plan de lotissement du site en question; h) Ie promoteur doit amenager une zone tampon paysagere d'une largeur minimale de 5 metres (16,5 pieds) composee d'une butte artificielle et d'une cl6ture, semblable a celie qui est indiquee sur les plans presentes, entre I'aire de stationnement proposee et la servitude de 10 metres (33 pieds) pour Ie drainage mention nee a la condition g); i) I'eclairage exterieur doit etre conyu et construit de maniere a eviter que la lumiere ne parvienne aux proprietes adjacentes; j) aucun permis de construction (a I'exception de celui relatif a la preparation du site) ne sera delivre avant que les plans requis aux points b), c) et f) n'aient ete soumis et approuves au besoin; k) tous les travaux requis conformement aux points b), c), d), f) et h) doivent etre termines dans les 12 mois suivant I'approbation du permis; et qu'a la suite du rezonage du secteur, les terrains et tout immeuble ou structure qui s'y trouve soient amenages et utilises conformement a la proposition et aux conditions stipulees; 3) Ie conseil municipal a) amorce Ie processus de rezonage des autres terrains d'Exhibition Association situes dans la zone commerciale generale << B-2 >> a I'arriere du terrain d'Exhibition Plaza portant Ie NID 307397, afin de faire passer la designation s'y rapportant de zone commerciale generale << B-2 >> a zone de pare << P >>; b) soumette Ie projet de rezonage au comite consultatif de planification en vue de I'etablissement d'un rapport contenant une recommandation; c) autorise la publication des avis requis a cet egard, I'audience publique devant avoir lieu Ie 26 mai 2003. A I'appui du projet de modification, Charles Swanton, secretaire de la Saint John Exhibition Association, fait part au conseil du soutien de I'association, plus particulierement pour ce qui est de I'acquisition par la Ville d'une servitude de drainage et du projet de rezonage des terrains de I'association afin de faire passer la designation s'y rapportant de zone commerciale generale << B-2 >> a zone de pare << P >>. Myles Martin, qui se presente devant Ie conseil a I'appui de la demande, propose de repondre a toutes les questions a ce sujet et accepte les conclusions du rapport du personnel de planification. Proposition du conseiller Court Appuyee par Ie maire suppleant White QUE I'arrete intitule <<Arrete nO C.P. 100-617 modifiant Ie zonage de The City of Saint John >>, relativement au rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain situee au 540, chemin Westmorland, afin de faire passer la designation s'y rapportant de zone commerciale generale << B-2 >> et zone de pare << P >> a zone de centre commercial << SC >>; fasse I'objet d'une premiere lecture. Comme Ie recommande Ie comite consultatif de planification, QUE Ie conseil municipal a) amorce Ie processus de rezonage des autres terrains d'Exhibition Association situes dans la zone commerciale generale << B-2 >> a I'arriere du terrain d'Exhibition Plaza portant Ie NID 307397, afin de faire passer la designation s'y rapportant de zone commerciale generale << B-2 >> a zone de pare << P >>; b) soumette Ie projet de rezonage au comite consultatif de planification en vue de I'etablissement d'un rapport contenant une recommandation; c) autorise la publication des avis requis a cet egard, I'audience publique devant avoir lieu Ie 26 mai 2003. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 89-676 COMMON COUNCIUREUNION DU CONS ElL MUNICIPAL APRIL 14, 2003/LE 14 AVRIL 2003 Premiere lecture de I'arrete intitule << Arrete nO C. P. 100-617 modifiant Ie zonage de The City of Saint John >>. Proposition du conseiller Desmond Appuyee par Ie maire suppleant White QUE I'arrete intitule << Arrete nO C.P. 100-617 modifiant Ie zonage de The City of Saint John >>, relativement au rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain situee au 540, chemin Westmorland, afin de faire passer la designation s'y rapportant de zone commerciale generale << B-2 >> et zone de pare << P >> a zone de centre commercial << SC >>; fasse I'objet d'une deuxieme lecture. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Deuxieme lecture de I'arrete intitule <<Arrete nO C.P. 100-617 modifiant Ie zonage de The City of Saint John >>. Proposition du conseiller Desmond Appuyee par Ie maire suppleant White QUE la correspondance relative au projet de modification precite soit acceptee et classee. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 6{a) ZoninQ By-law Amendment To Re-Zone 648 Westmorland Road The Assistant Common Clerk advised that the necessary advertising was completed with regard to the proposed re-zoning of a parcel of land located at 648 Westmorland Road, having an area of approximately 1,000 square metres (10,764 square feet), also identified as being PID Number 55161897, from "IL-1" Neighbourhood Institutional to "R-2" One and Two Family Residential classification, to permit the use of the property for a one or two family dwelling, not intended to be used in conjunction with an institutional use, as requested by the Parish of Cold brook and St. Mary's, and no written objections were received in this regard. 6{b) Consideration was given to a report from the Planning Advisory Committee submitting a copy of Planning staff's report; and recommending that Common Council re-zone the parcel of land as described above, from "IL-1" Neighbourhood Institutional to "R-2" One and Two Family Residential classification. Scott MacDonald appeared in support of the application, offering to respond to questions and indicating agreement with the above report. On motion of Councillor Court Seconded by Councillor Fitzpatrick RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "By-law Number C.P. 100-618 A Law To Amend The Zoning By-law Of The City Of Saint John", by re-zoning a parcel of land located at 648 Westmorland Road, from "IL-1" Neighbourhood Institutional to "R-2" One and Two Family Residential classification, be read a first time. Question being taken, the motion was carried. Read a first time the by-law entitled, "By-law Number C.P. 100-618 A Law To Amend The Zoning By-law Of The City Of Saint John". On motion of Councillor Court Seconded by Deputy Mayor White RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "By-law Number C.P. 100-618 A Law To Amend The Zoning By-law Of The City Of Saint John", by re-zoning a parcel of land located at 648 Westmorland Road, from "IL-1" Neighbourhood Institutional to "R-2" One and Two Family Residential classification, be read a second time. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 89-677 COMMON COUNCIUREUNION DU CONS ElL MUNICIPAL APRIL 14, 2003/LE 14 AVRIL 2003 Read a second time the by-law entitled, "By-law Number C.P. 100-618 A Law To Amend The Zoning By-law Of The City Of Saint John". On motion of Councillor Court Seconded by Deputy Mayor White RESOLVED that the correspondence regarding the above-proposed amendment be received and filed. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 6(a) Modification de I'arrete sur Ie zonage en vue de modifier Ie zonaQe d'une parcelle de terrain au 648. chemin Westmorland La secretaire municipale adjointe indique que les avis requis ont ete publies relativement a un projet de rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain situee au 648, chemin Westmorland, d'une superficie d'environ 1 000 metres carres (10 764 pieds carres) et portant Ie NID 55161897, afin de faire passer la designation s'y rapportant de quartier a vocation collective << IL-1 >> a zone residentielle - habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales << R-2 >> et de permettre I'utilisation du terrain pour la construction d'une habitation unifamiliale ou bifamiliale n'etant pas destinee a un usage collectif, a la demande de Parish of Cold brook and St. Mary's, et qu'aucune objection par ecrit n'a ete reyue a cet egard. 6{b) Examen d'un rapport du comite consultatif de planification contenant une copie du rapport du personnel de planification et recommandant que Ie conseil municipal modifie Ie zonage de la parcelle de terrain decrite ci-dessus afin de faire passer la designation s'y rapportant de quartier a vocation collective << IL-2 >> a zone residentielle - habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales << R-2 >>. A I'appui de la demande, Scott MacDonald se presente devant Ie conseil afin de repondre aux questions et se dit en faveur de la recommandation contenue dans Ie rapport susmentionne. Proposition du conseiller Court Appuyee par Ie conseiller Fitzpatrick QUE I'arrete intitule <<Arrete nO C.P. 100-618 modifiant Ie zonage de The City of Saint John >>, relativement au rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain situee au 648, chemin Westmorland, afin de faire passer la designation s'y rapportant de quartier a vocation collective << IL-1 >> a zone residentielle - habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales << R-2 >>, fasse I'objet d'une premiere lecture. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Premiere lecture de I'arrete intitule << Arrete nO C. P. 100-618 modifiant Ie zonage de The City of Saint John >>. Proposition du conseiller Court Appuyee par Ie maire suppleant White QUE I'arrete intitule << Arrete nO C.P. 100-618 modifiant Ie zonage de The City of Saint John >>, relativement au rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain situee au 648, chemin Westmorland, afin de faire passer la designation s'y rapportant de quartier a vocation collective << IL-1 >> a zone residentielle - habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales << R-2 >>, fasse I'objet d'une deuxieme lecture. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Deuxieme lecture de I'arrete intitule <<Arrete nO C.P. 100-618 modifiant I'arrete sur Ie zonage de The City of Saint John >>. Proposition du conseiller Court Appuyee par Ie maire suppleant White QUE la correspondance relative au projet de modification precite soit acceptee et classee. 89-678 COMMON COUNCIUREUNION DU CONS ElL MUNICIPAL APRIL 14, 2003/LE 14 AVRIL 2003 A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 7. Municipal Plan Amendment - 11 KinQ William Road Public presentation was made of a proposed Municipal Plan amendment to redesignate on Schedule 2-A, the Future Land Use Plan, a parcel of land with an area of approximately 16 hectares (40 acres), located on the east side of King William Road immediately north of Highway No.1, having civic address 11 King William Road, also identified as being PID Number 55159719, from Low Density Residential to Business Park classification, to permit re-zoning of the property from "RS-2" One and Two Family Suburban Residential to "BP" Business Park classification and subsequent development of a proposed business park, as requested by General Freight Carriers Inc. (Deputy Mayor White withdrew from the meeting.) 7. Modification du plan municipal- 11. chemin KinQ William Presentation publique du projet de modification du plan municipal visant a modifier la designation dans I'annexe 2-A, relative au plan d'utilisation future des terres, afin de faire passer la designation d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 16 hectares (40 acres), situee au 11, chemin King William, du c6te est du chemin King William, au nord de la route nO 1, et portant Ie NID 55159719, de zone residentielle de faible densite a zone de pare commercial, et de permettre Ie rezonage du terrain de zone residentielle de banlieue - habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales << RS-2 >> a zone de pare commercial << BP >> en vue de la construction d'un pare commercial, a la demande de General Freight Carriers Inc. (Le maire suppleant White quitte la reunion.) 8. Municipal Plan Amendment - 2075 Loch Lomond Road Public presentation was made of a proposed Municipal Plan amendment to redesignate on Schedule 2-A, the Future Land Use Plan, a parcel of land with an area of approximately 1.8 hectares (4.5 metres), located at 2075 Loch Lomond Road, also identified as being a portion of PID Number 325209, from Low Density Residential to Neighbourhood Centre classification, to permit re-zoning of the property from "RS-1" One and Two Family Suburban Residential to "B-2" General Business classification and subsequent development of a neighbourhood commercial centre, as requested by Dennis and Judianne Luck (Eire Holdings). (Councillors Fitzgerald and Titus withdrew from the meeting.) 8. Modification du plan municipal - 2075. chemin Loch Lomond Presentation publique du projet de modification du plan municipal visant a modifier la designation dans I'annexe 2-A, relative au plan d'utilisation future des terres, afin de faire passer la designation d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 1,8 hectares (4,5 metres), situee au 2075, chemin Loch Lomond et faisant partie du terrain portant Ie NID 325209, de zone residentielle de faible densite a zone de centre commercial de voisinage et de permettre Ie rezonage du terrain de zone residentielle de banlieue - habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales << RS-1 >> a zone commerciale generale << B-2 >> en vue de la construction d'un centre commercial de voisinage, a la demande de Dennis et Judianne Luck (Eire Holdings). (Les conseillers Fitzpatrick et Titus quittent la reunion.) The Mayor, noting the presence at the meeting of representatives of Ernst & Young - the City's auditors, asked that Council consider agenda item 19 at this time. On motion of Councillor Fitzpatrick Seconded by Councillor Desmond RESOLVED that agenda item 19 be brought forward for consideration at this time. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 89-679 COMMON COUNCIUREUNION DU CONS ElL MUNICIPAL APRIL 14, 2003/LE 14 AVRIL 2003 Le maire souligne la presence a la reunion de representants de Ernst & Young, les verificateurs de The City of Saint John, et demande au conseil que Ie point 19 de I'ordre du jour soit examine des maintenant. Proposition du conseiller Fitzpatrick Appuyee par Ie conseiller Desmond QUE Ie point 19 de I'ordre du jour so it examine des maintenant. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 19. Finance Committee - 2002 Financial Statements (a) General Fund (b) Water and SeweraQe Utility. (c) Reserve And Trust Funds Consideration was given to a letter from Councillor Desmond, Chair of the Finance Committee, submitting the 2002 audited Financial Statements for The City of Saint John General Fund, Water and Sewerage Utility and Reserve and Trust Funds to be presented at this meeting, at which time any questions related to the audit should be directed to Ernst & Young representatives in attendance and any questions relating to the operating results or the financial position of the General Fund or Utility should be directed to the Commissioner of Finance; also submitting general commentary from the Commissioner of Finance on the operating results indicating that the Statements are stamped Oraft simply to reflect that final statements cannot be issued until Common Council has approved them, and advising the major factors contributing to the net surplus for the year in the General Operating Fund of $104,442 - both positive and negative variances, and also that the Water and Sewerage Utility ended the year with a surplus of $333,283, with no further commentary presented at this time, given the extensive public discussion on the future finances of the Utility over the past several months. On motion of Councillor Desmond Seconded by Councillor Trites RESOLVED that the audited Financial Statements of the City of Saint John General Fund, the Water and Sewerage Utility and the Reserve and Trust Funds for the year ended December 31, 2002, be approved as presented. Mr. Beckett introduced City auditors William Higgins and Michael Bishop, and Mr. Higgins, in addressing Council, reviewed the Auditors' Report in the Financial Statements, the Auditors' opinion being that the Financial Statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the City of these Funds as at December 31, 2002 and the results of its operations and the source and application of its capital financing for the year then ended in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles adopted for New Brunswick municipalities. (Deputy Mayor White and Councillors Fitzgerald and Titus re-entered the meeting during the above comments.) Mr. Yeomans, through a computer-aided presentation, reviewed the major factors contributing to the surplus in the General Fund as set out in the above- mentioned general commentary from the Commissioner of Finance; and Mr. Beckett highlighted the Notes to Financial Statements for the General Fund, and commented on the Fleet Replacement Fund of $960,000, the disposition of which would be before Council in the next couple of months. (Councillors Fitzpatrick and Trites withdrew from the meeting during the above comments.) Question being taken, the motion was carried. 19. Comite des finances - etats financiers 2002 a) fonds d'administration, b) reseau d'aQueduc et d'eQouts. c) fonds en fiducie et fonds de reserve. Examen d'une lettre du conseiller Desmond, president du comite des finances, accompagne des etats financiers verifies 2002 relatifs au fonds d'administration, au reseau d'aqueduc et d'egouts et aux fonds en fiducie et de reserve de The City of Saint John, presentes a cette reunion, au cours de laquelle toute question 89-680 COMMON COUNCIUREUNION DU CONS ElL MUNICIPAL APRIL 14, 2003/LE 14 AVRIL 2003 relative a la verification doit etre adressee aux representants de Ernst & Young, presents a ladite reunion, et toute question relative aux resultats des activites ou a la situation financiere dans Ie cas du fonds d'administration ou du reseau d'aqueduc et d'egouts do it etre adressee au commissaire aux finances. La lettre fait egalement etat de remarques generales du commissaire aux finances relativement aux resultats des activites, qui indique que les etats financiers sont consideres comme provisoires tant qu'ils n'ont pas ete approuves par Ie conseil municipal, qui parle des principaux facteurs ayant contribue au surplus net de 104 442 $ du fonds general d'administration pour I'exercice, ainsi que des ecarts budgetaires positifs et negatifs, et qui signale enfin qu'un surplus de 333 283 $ a ete enregistre a la fin de I'exercice pour Ie reseau d'aqueduc et d'egouts, sans faire d'autres commentaires pour Ie moment, etant donne les nombreuses discussions publiques ayant eu lieu au cours des derniers mois sur I'avenir des finances du service public. Proposition du conseiller Desmond Appuyee par Ie conseiller Trites QUE les etats financiers verifies de The City of Saint John relatifs au fonds d'administration, au reseau d'aqueduc et d'egouts et aux fonds en fiducie et de reserve pour I'exercice termine Ie 31 decembre 2002 soient approuves sans modification. M. Beckett presente William Higgins et Michael Bishop, verificateurs de The City of Saint John. M. Higgins s'adresse au conseil et presente Ie rapport des verificateurs accompagnant les etats financiers, indiquant que les verificateurs sont d'avis que les etats financiers presentent fidelement, a tous egards importants, la situation financiere de la Ville relativement a ces fonds au 31 decembre 2002 et que la presentation de I'information financiere relative aux resultats des activites ainsi qu'a la provenance et a I'utilisation des fonds d'immobilisations pour I'exercice termine est conforme aux principes comptables generalement reconnus et adoptes par les municipalites du Nouveau-Brunswick. (Le maire suppleant White et les conseillers Fitzgerald et Titus se joignent de nouveau a la reunion au cours de I'intervention susmentionnee.) Au moyen d'une presentation assistee par ordinateur, M. Yeomans examine les principaux facteurs ayant contribue au surplus du fonds d'administration dont Ie commissaire aux finances a fait mention precedemment. M. Beckett reprend les principaux points presentes dans les notes accompagnant les etats financiers relatifs au fonds d'administration et parle du fonds de remplacement du pare de vehicules qui s'eleve a 960 000 $, somme dont la repartition sera presentee au conseil d'ici quelques mois. (Les conseillers Fitzpatrick et Trites quittent la reunion au cours de I'intervention susmentionnee.) A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 12. The Mayor noted the original motion on the floor from earlier in the meeting, under agenda item 12, to adopt the City Manager's recommendation with respect to the Sandy Point Road/Kennebecasis Bay service extension and road construction proposal. (Councillor Fitzpatrick re-entered the meeting.) Councillor Fitzpatrick advised his concern about not knowing what the City's return on its investment would be for this proposal, as well as its cost and what might suffer because of it, thus he would like to see the whole picture in terms of what would be done with respect to a police station and such and what the City's borrowing requirements would be for the next couple of years based on that, suggesting there should be more discussion on this matter. Councillor Court made the observation that one decision leads to a next, either positively or negatively, and Council may be affecting other things in approving this proposal, and expressed the view that Council would be unwise to make this decision without hearing from Mr. Beckett one week away on the financial needs and what the Council can or cannot do next year based on the City's financial situation. Councillor Trites asked if Council would hear back from staff that 89-681 COMMON COUNCIUREUNION DU CONS ElL MUNICIPAL APRIL 14, 2003/LE 14 AVRIL 2003 funding commitments were in place from the various groups prior to a tender call going out as he would like to know in advance that this was done prior to moving ahead with section (1) of the recommendation; and Mr. Totten advised that he would undertake to make sure that the commitments had been presented either as an agenda or an information item before issuing a tender. Councillor Teed spoke to the motion on the basis that he could not support the City committing itself to selling a hundred lots of City property without any commitment whatsoever as to time; advised that, with regard to the future development fund, he could not support the so-called money from the lots going into the fund and not into the project as it would put the price and the taxes up for everybody, and suggested that section (1) should be amended to include that any lot sales would not be subject to a HIP grant in relation to the property. (Councillor Trites re-entered the meeting during the above discussion.) Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillors Court, Fitzpatrick and Teed voting "nay". 12. Le maire considere la proposition initiale presentee plus tot lors de la reunion, qui constitue Ie point 12 de I'ordre du jour, en vue d'adopter la recommandation du gerant municipal concernant la proposition de prolongement des services et de refection de routes dans Ie secteur du chemin Sandy Point et de la baie Kennebecasis. (Le conseiller Fitzpatrick se joint de nouveau a la reunion.) Le conseiller Fitzpatrick se dit preoccupe de ne pas connaitre Ie rendement du capital investi par la Ville relativement a cette proposition, son cout de mise en 03uvre et les secteurs qui pourraient en subir les contrecoups; par consequent, il souhaiterait evaluer I'ensemble de la situation concernant Ie projet de realisation d'un poste de police ou d'autres edifices du genre et determiner les besoins de la Ville en matiere d'emprunts au cours des prochaines annees d'apres la proposition, ce qui suggere qu'il serait bon de poursuivre les discussions sur Ie sujet. Le conseiller Court remarque qu'une decision en entralne une autre, qu'elle soit positive ou negative, et la decision du conseil d'approuver cette proposition peut avoir des repercussions dans d'autres secteurs, et affirme que, selon lui, il ne serait pas sage que Ie conseil prenne une decision sans permettre a M. Beckett de s'exprimer sur les besoins financiers de la Ville et sur ce que Ie conseil peut ou ne peut faire I'an prochain compte tenu de la situation financiere de la Ville. Le conseiller Trites demande si Ie personnel tiendra Ie conseil au courant de la mise en place d'engagements de financement provenant de divers groupes avant de proceder a un appel d'offre etant donne qu'il souhaiterait savoir a I'avance qu'on a mene a bien cette etape avant d'aller de I'avant avec Ie paragraphe 1) de la recommandation; et M. Totten indique qu'il s'assurera que les engagements auront ete presentes sous la forme d'un ordre du jour ou a titre d'information avant de proceder a un appel d'offres. Le conseiller Teed parle de la proposition partant du principe qu'il ne pouvait pas appuyer la Ville qui s'engage a vendre une centaine de terrains lui appartenant sans se fixer d'echeance; indique que, en ce qui concerne Ie fonds d'amenagement futur, il ne peut appuyer Ie prelevement de soi-disant sommes issues des lots et versees dans Ie fond, non dans Ie projet, etant donne que cette demarche augmenterait les prix et les impots pour tout Ie monde, et suggere que Ie paragraphe 1) so it modifie pour prevoir que toute vente de terrain ne soit pas assujettie a une subvention du HIP en ce qui a trait ala propriete. (Le conseiller Trites se joint de nouveau a la reunion au cours de la discussion.) A I'issue du vote, la proposition est acceptee, les conseillers Court, Fitzpatrick et Teed ayant vote contre. 13. Street Surface Maintenance ProQram - 2003 On motion of Councillor Fitzgerald Seconded by Councillor Ball RESOLVED that the report from the City Manager submitting a list of streets in the 2003 Surface Maintenance Program for which funding of $1,410,000 and $130,000 has been included in the General Fund Operating 89-682 COMMON COUNCIUREUNION DU CONS ElL MUNICIPAL APRIL 14, 2003/LE 14 AVRIL 2003 Budget and Water and Sewerage Operating Budget, for total Program funding of $1,540,000, and providing a breakdown of the 2003 Program, be received and filed. (Councillor Court withdrew from the meeting.) Question being taken, the motion was carried. 13. ProQramme d'entretien du revetement routier 2003 Proposition du conseiller Fitzgerald Appuyee par Ie conseiller Ball QUE Ie rapport du gerant municipal presentant une liste de rues dans Ie cadre du programme d'entretien du revetement routier 2003, pour lequel des sommes de 1 410 000 $ et de 130 000 $ ont ete incluses dans les budgets de fonctionnement du fonds d'administration et du reseau d'aqueduc et d'egouts afin de porter Ie financement total du programme a 1 540 000 $, et presentant la repartition des couts du programme pour 2003 so it accepte et classe. (Le conseiller Court quitte la reunion.) A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 14. Provision Of Compensatory Storage First Professionals - Westmorland Road On motion of Councillor Desmond Seconded by Councillor Trites RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager, First Professionals be advised that Common Council will sell compensatory storage, calculated at the rate of $10.75 per cubic metre, for each cubic metre of flood storage displaced by the development, up to 12,900 cubic metres, at its development on Westmorland Road, and the City Manager's report in this regard be received and filed. (Councillor Court re-entered the meeting.) Question being taken, the motion was carried. 14. Offre d'entreposage compensatoire - First Professionals. chemin Westmorland Proposition du conseiller Desmond Appuyee par Ie conseiller Trites Comme Ie recommande Ie gerant municipal, QUE I'entreprise First Professionals soit avisee que Ie conseil municipal vendra des espaces d'entreposage compensatoire, au cout de 10,75 $ Ie metre cube, pour chaque metre cube d'entreposage en cas d'inondation deplace a la suite des travaux d'amenagement, jusqu'a concurrence de 12 900 metres cubes, sur les lieux de I'amenagement sur Ie chemin Westmorland, et que Ie rapport du gerant municipal a cet effet soit accepte et classe. (Le conseiller Court se joint de nouveau a la reunion.) A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 15. SprinQ Clean-Up Week On motion of Councillor Fitzgerald Seconded by Deputy Mayor White RESOLVED that the report from the City Manager submitting an information sheet providing details of the City's Spring Clean-up Week Program, which is the same as that offered last year, to be held during the 8-day period from May 10 to May 17, be received and filed. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 89-683 COMMON COUNCIUREUNION DU CONS ElL MUNICIPAL APRIL 14, 2003/LE 14 AVRIL 2003 15. Semaine du Qrand menaQe du printemps Proposition du conseiller Fitzgerald Appuyee par Ie maire suppleant White QUE Ie rapport du gerant municipal presentant un feuillet de renseignements faisant etat des details du programme dans Ie cadre de la Semaine du grand menage du printemps de la ville (identique a celui de I'an dernier) qui sera echelonne sur 8 jours, du 10 au 17 mai, soit accepte et classe. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 16. Speed Limit On Grandview Avenue On motion of Deputy Mayor White Seconded by Councillor Trites RESOLVED that the report from the City Manager advising that, further to the request at the March 3, 2003 Council meeting for a report on the speed limit on Grandview Avenue, it would be appropriate to reduce the speed limit between Champlain Drive and Heather Way to 50 km per hour; and recommending that Common Council amend Schedule M-1 of the Traffic By-law by removing the words "Bayside Drive to Hickey Road" beside "Grandview Avenue" and inserting the words "Bayside Drive to Champlain Drive and Heather Way to Hickey Road" beside "Grandview Avenue", and the City Solicitor be asked to prepare the By-law amendment in the proper form, be received and filed and the recommendation adopted. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 16. Limite de vitesse sur I'avenue Grandview Proposition du maire suppleant White Appuyee par Ie conseiller Trites QUE Ie rapport du gerant municipal, suite a la demande faite a la reunion du conseille 3 mars 2003 en vue de I'etablissement d'un rapport sur la limite de vitesse dans I'avenue, indiquant qu'il serait opportun de reduire la limite de vitesse a 50 km/h entre la promenade Champlain et Ie chemin Heather et recommandant que Ie conseil municipal modifie I'annexe M-1 de I'arrete sur la circulation en supprimant les mots << de la promenade Bayside au chemin Hickey>> a la suite de << avenue Grandview }} et les remplace par les mots << de la promenade Bayside a la promenade Champlain et de la voie Heather au chemin Hickey>> a la suite de << avenue Grandview >>, afin que I'avocat municipal puisse rediger la modification de I'arrete en bonne et due forme, soit accepte et que la recommandation soit adoptee. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 17. Amendment To Council Resolutions Re Sale Of 340 Metcalf Street On motion of Councillor Trites Seconded by Councillor Ball RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager, Common Council amend its resolutions of September 16,2002 and March 10, 2003 to sell a 1,500 m2:t portion of PID Number 414276 - 340 Metcalf Street to KAAS Enterprises Inc. by deleting "March 31,2003" and inserting in its place "May 31,2003", with all other elements of the resolution remaining unchanged. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 17. Modification des resolutions du conseil portant sur la vente d'une partie du terrain situe au 340. rue Metcalf Proposition du conseiller Trites Appuyee par Ie conseiller Ball Comme Ie recommande Ie gerant municipal, QUE Ie conseil modifie ses resolutions du 16 septembre 2002 et du 10 mars 2003 relativement a la vente d'une partie du terrain (NID 414276) situe au 340, rue Metcalf, d'une superficie d'environ 1 500 m2, a KAAS Enterprises Inc. en remplayant la date du << 31 mars 2003>> par Ie <<31 mai 2003 >> sans apporter d'autres modifications aux resolutions. 89-684 COMMON COUNCIUREUNION DU CONS ElL MUNICIPAL APRIL 14, 2003/LE 14 AVRIL 2003 A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 18. Residential Infrastructure Assistance Application #17 On motion of Councillor Desmond Seconded by Councillor Trites RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager, Common Council approve Residential Infrastructure Assistance as follows: #17 - Spectrum Enterprises Ltd. for the development of 28 one- and two-family homes in the Stanley Gardens Subdivision on Boars Head Road, with a maximum expenditure of $125,000 in 2003. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 18. Demande nO 17 dans Ie cadre du programme d'aide a I'infrastructure residentielle Proposition du conseiller Desmond Appuyee par Ie conseiller Trites Comme Ie recommande Ie gerant municipal, QUE Ie conseil municipal approuve les demandes suivantes dans Ie cadre du programme d'aide a I'infrastructure residentielle : la demande nO 17 de Spectrum Enterprises Ltd. pour la construction de 28 habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales dans Ie lotissement Stanley Gardens sur Ie chemin Boars Head, jusqu'a concurrence de 125 000 $ en 2003. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 20. Saint John Board Of Police Commissioners - Funding For Expenses Of Port Operations And Industrial Surveillance On motion of Councillor Desmond Seconded by Councillor Fitzgerald RESOLVED that the letter from the Saint John Board of Police Commissioners submitting a copy of a report from the Chief of Police responding to Council's January 6, 2003 request that the Commission investigate to see if provisions of the Police Act could be used to relieve some of the costs of policing in Saint John in relation to Port operations and industrial surveillance, be received and filed. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 20. Bureau des commissaires de la police de Saint John - financement des depenses relatives a la surveillance des operations portuaires et des industries Proposition du conseiller Desmond Appuyee par Ie conseiller Fitzgerald QUE la lettre du bureau des commissaires de la police de Saint John, accompagnant une copie du rapport du chef de police en reponse a la demande du conseil du 6 janvier 2003 pour que Ie bureau determine si des dispositions de la Loi sur fa Police pourraient permettre de reduire les couts du service de police de Saint John relatifs a la surveillance des operations portuaires et des industries, soit acceptee et classee. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 21. Taxicab Advisorv Committee - Mandate & Saint John Taxicab By-law On motion of Councillor Trites Seconded by Councillor Court RESOLVED that the letter from the Taxicab Advisory Committee advising its concern that some provisions of the Saint John Taxicab By-law are not being enforced or may not be enforceable; and requesting Council to investigate the enforcement of 12(3) of the By-law with regard to the posting of taxicab fares, be referred to the Saint John Board of Police Commissioners. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 89-685 COMMON COUNCIUREUNION DU CONS ElL MUNICIPAL APRIL 14, 2003/LE 14 AVRIL 2003 21. Comite consultatif des taxis - mandat et arrete relatif aux taxis a Saint John Proposition du conseiller Trites Appuyee par Ie conseiller Court QUE la lettre du comite consultatif des taxis faisant part de ses preoccupations concernant Ie non-respect de certaines dispositions de I'arrete relatif aux taxis a Saint John ou de I'impossibilite de les respecter et demandant au conseil de mener une enquete sur I'application du paragraphe 12(3) de I'arrete relatif a I'affichage des tarifs de taxi so it transmise au bureau des commissaires de la police de Saint John. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 22. PlanninQ Advisory - Proposed Subdivision 580 Sea Street On motion of Deputy Mayor White Seconded by Councillor Fitzgerald RESOLVED that as recommended by the Planning Advisory Committee, Common Council: (1) assent to one or more subdivision plans, in one or more phases, in general accordance with the submitted photo-reduced Sea Street Estates Subdivision tentative plan, with respect to the following: (a) the vesting of the proposed new public street (extension of Sea Street); (b) the Land for Public Purposes dedication situated between proposed Lots 18 to 33 and the Bay of Fundy, having an approximate area of 0.93 hectares (2.3 acres); (c) any necessary municipal services and public utility easements required for this subdivision; and (d) the creation of a maximum of sixteen (16) lots within the proposed subdivision until such time that municipal water is improved to the satisfaction of the Chief City Engineer in order to properly service the remainder of the proposed lots; (2) authorize the preparation and execution of one or more City/Developer subdivision agreements to ensure provision of the required work and facilities, including detailed site and drainage plans for the approval of the Chief City Engineer, as well as the work stipulated by the Planning Advisory Committee on April 8, 2003 regarding traffic control signals at the railway crossing and fencing along the rear of proposed Lots 4 to 17; (3) authorize cost- sharing outside the limits of the proposed subdivision in accordance with Section 26 of the Subdivision By-law; (4) authorize the preparation and execution of an agreement pursuant to Section 101 of the Community Planning Act that would ensure that (a) no buildings or structures are constructed, or any removal of soil occur, within the No Build Zone area as identified on the submitted Sea Street Estates Subdivision plan, and that such restrictions be binding on future landowners of proposed Lots 19 to 33; and (b) notice be provided in the deed of each individual lot within the proposed subdivision indicating that vehicular access may be restricted at certain times due to the necessity of crossing the existing railway line on Sea Street; (5) consider the necessary upgrades to the watermain along Sea Street in the 2004 Capital Works Program if the proposed development proceeds in 2003; and (6) monitor the need to impose a "no-whistle" by-law at the Sea Street railway crossing should the development proceed and signalization be installed. Councillor Teed advised his concern about the City's liability should the proposed Land for Public Purposes, as it fronts on the seacoast, wear away and there might be a need to build a retaining wall, and suggested that there should be some provision in the resolution that, if the land disappeared, the City would not be liable. Mr. Baird spoke to this concern on the basis of the conclusion reached by a soils consultant hired by the developer that there was very little erosion taking place at this location and the consultant's recommendation that certain specific measures be taken to limit erosion there, noting the Committee's recommendation with respect to the removal of soil in that area. Mr. Baird added that the land in question extends onto the beach area further than the ordinary high water mark, the developer having indicated that he has a special grant and his deed says he owns the beach which he is offering as Land for Public Purposes, and suggested that the developer and the City Solicitor could examine the deed accordingly. Councillor Trites advised that he had a problem with the Planning Advisory Committee telling Council how to allocate its 2004 capital budget, and the mover and seconder of the motion agreed to reword section (5) of the recommendation to the effect that Council would consider, rather than include, the necessary upgrades to the watermain along Sea Street. Councillor Fitzpatrick, questioning the City's liability should the Land for Public Purposes erode, suggested a referral to the City Solicitor. 89-686 COMMON COUNCIUREUNION DU CONS ElL MUNICIPAL APRIL 14, 2003/LE 14 AVRIL 2003 On motion of Councillor Fitzpatrick Seconded by Councillor Court RESOLVED that the above matter be referred to the City Solicitor for a legal opinion. Question being taken, the referral motion was carried with Councillor Ball voting "nay". 22. Comite consultatif de planification - pro jet de lotissement au 580. rue Sea Proposition du maire suppleant White Appuyee par Ie conseiller Fitzgerald Comme Ie recommande Ie comite consultatif de planification, QUE Ie conseil municipal: 1) approuve Ie ou les plans de lotissement en une ou plusieurs phases conformement, de maniere generale, au plan provisoire presente avec photo reduite pour Ie lotissement Sea Street Estates, en ce qui a trait: a) a I'inclusion de la nouvelle rue publique proposee (prolongement de la rue Sea); b) a I'affectation d'un terrain utilise a des fins publiques, situe entre les lots proposes 18 a 33 et la baie de Fundy, d'une superficie approximative de 0,93 hectare (2,3 acres); c) aux services municipaux et aux servitudes d'utilite publique necessaires a la realisation du projet de lotissement; d) a la creation de seize (16) lots au maximum dans les limites du lotissement propose jusqu'a ce que Ie service d'aqueduc municipal so it ameliore a la satisfaction de I'ingenieur municipal en chef afin d'offrir un service adequat aux autres lots proposes; 2) autorise la redaction et la signature d'ententes de lotissement entre la Ville et Ie promoteur afin de permettre I'execution des travaux requis et la mise en place des installations necessaires, notamment en ce qui concerne I'elaboration de plans de situation et de drainage detailles soumis a I'approbation de I'ingenieur municipal en chef, ainsi que I'execution des travaux indiques Ie 8 avril 2003 par Ie comite consultatif de planification relativement a I'installation de feux de circulation au passage a niveau et d'une cloture a I'arriere des lots proposes 4 a 17; 3) autorise Ie partage des couts au-del a des limites du projet de lotissement conformement a I'article 26 de I'arrete sur Ie lotissement; 4) autorise la redaction et la signature d'une entente en vertu de I'article 101 de la Loi sur I'urbanisme visant a s'assurer a) qu'aucun batiment ou structure ne soit erige et qu'aucune excavation ne soit effectuee dans la zone d'interdiction de construction delimitee dans Ie plan de lotissement de Sea Street Estates, et que ces restrictions s'appliquent aux futurs proprietaires des lots 19 a 33; b) que I'acte de cession de chaque lot du projet de lotissement fasse mention du fait que I'acces des vehicules peut etre limite a certains moments en raison de la necessite de traverser la voie ferree sur la rue Sea; 5) determine les ameliorations a apporter a la conduite principale Ie long de la rue Sea dans Ie cadre du programme de grands travaux 2004 si les travaux de construction commencent en 2003; 6) examine la necessite d'adopter un arrete interdisant aux trains de siffler au passage a niveau de la rue Sea au cas ou les travaux de construction seraient entrepris et la signalisation serait installee. Le conseiller Teed fait part de son inquietude quant a la responsabilite de la Ville en cas d'erosion du terrain utilise a des fins publiques puisqu'il fait face a la cote, ce qui pourrait necessiter la construction d'un mur de soutenement, et suggere que la resolution comporte une disposition afin que la Ville ne soit pas tenue responsable si Ie terrain devait disparaitre sous I'effet de I'erosion. En reponse a cette inquietude, M. Baird s'appuie sur la conclusion tiree par un expert en sols embauche par Ie promoteur selon laquelle I'erosion est tres limitee a cet endroit, ainsi que sur la recommandation de I'expert afin que des mesures bien precises soient prises pour limiter I'erosion, et souligne la recommandation du comite relative aux travaux d'excavation dans ce secteur. M. Baird ajoute que Ie terrain en question s'etend sur la greve au-dela de I'echelle de tirant d'eau ordinaire, Ie promoteur ayant affirme qu'il possede une autorisation speciale et que son titre de propriete indique qu'il est proprietaire de la greve qu'il offre comme terrain utilise a des fins publiques. II suggere que Ie promoteur et I'avocat municipal examinent Ie titre de propriete en consequence. Le conseiller Trites souligne qu'il n'est pas d'accord pour que Ie comite consultatif de planification dise au conseil comment affecter les fonds du budget d'investissement de 2004. L'auteur de la proposition et Ie conseiller qui I'appuie acceptent done de reformuler Ie point 5) de la recommandation afin que Ie conseil puisse determiner, au lieu d'inclure, les ameliorations a apporter a la conduite principale Ie long de la rue Sea. Le conseiller Fitzpatrick, mettant en doute la responsabilite de la Ville dans I'eventualite de I'erosion du terrain utilise a des fins publiques, propose que la question fasse I'objet d'un renvoi a I'avocat municipal. 89-687 COMMON COUNCIUREUNION DU CONS ElL MUNICIPAL APRIL 14, 2003/LE 14 AVRIL 2003 Proposition du conseiller Fitzpatrick Appuyee par Ie conseiller Court QUE la question susmentionnee soit soumise au gerant municipal en vue d'un avis juridique. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est acceptee, Ie conseiller Ball ayant vote contre. 23. Lancaster AQ Thundercats On motion of Councillor Desmond Seconded by Deputy Mayor White RESOLVED that the letter from Councillor Fitzgerald extending congratulations to the Lancaster AQ Thundercats for winning the Bolton Cup against the Cambridge Ontario Stingers and wishing them much success as they advance to the Allan Cup being played in Dundas, Ontario on April 15- 19, 2003, be received and filed. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 23. Lancaster AQ Thundercats Proposition du conseiller Desmond Appuyee par Ie maire suppleant White QUE la lettre du conseiller Fitzgerald transmettant ses felicitations aux Lancaster AQ Thundercats pour avoir remporte la coupe Bolton contre les Stingers de Cambridge (Ontario) et leur souhaitant beaucoup de succes pour la coupe Allan qui sera disputee a Dundas (Ontario) du 15 au 19 avril 2003 so it acceptee et classee. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 24. DrinkinQ In Taxis Councillor Teed proposed a motion, which was not seconded, that the matter of prohibiting drinking beer or liquor in a taxi or other form of public transportation, or giving a taxi driver the right to refuse to carry a passenger who attempts to drink in the taxi, be referred to the City Solicitor for a report on what steps, if any, the City can take to discourage or prevent such action. 24. UsaQe de boissons dans les taxis Le conseiller Teed presente une proposition, qui n'est pas appuyee, pour que la question relation relative a I'interdiction de consommer de la biere ou de I'alcool a bord d'un taxi ou de tout autre moyen de transport public ou a la possibilite de donner Ie droit a un chauffeur de taxi de refuser un passager qui tente de boire a bord de son taxi so it soumise au gerant municipal pour qu'il produise un rapport sur les mesures que la Ville peut prendre, s'il y a lieu, pour empecher ou prevenir un tel comportement. 25. Canadian Federation Of Independent Business - Tenders For Road Construction On motion of Deputy Mayor White Seconded by Councillor Fitzpatrick RESOLVED that the letter from the Canadian Federation of Independent Business asking if the City could consider moving to an earlier tendering so as to provide for an earlier and longer construction period, be received and filed. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 25. Federation canadienne de I'entreprise independante soumissions relatives a la construction routiere Proposition du maire suppleant White Appuyee par Ie conseiller Fitzpatrick QUE la lettre de la Federation 89-688 COMMON COUNCIUREUNION DU CONS ElL MUNICIPAL APRIL 14, 2003/LE 14 AVRIL 2003 canadienne de I'entreprise independante, demandant a la Ville d'effectuer sa demande de soumissions plus tot en vue de permettre une periode de construction plus precoce et plus longue, soit acceptee et classee. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 26. Saint John Real Estate Board Incorporated Appointment Of Liaison Person On motion of Councillor Trites Seconded by Councillor Desmond RESOLVED that the letter from Saint John Real Estate Board Incorporated advising of the appointment of Dave O'Brien to act as a liaison person for the industry between its Board and the City, be received and filed. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 26. Saint John Real Estate Board Incorporated nomination d'un aQent de liaison Proposition du conseiller Trites Appuyee par Ie conseiller Desmond QUE la lettre du Saint John Real Estate Board Incorporated, avisant de la nomination de Dave O'Brien a titre d'agent de liaison de I'industrie entre Ie conseil et la Ville, soit acceptee et classee. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 27. Catch The Sua OrQanizer - Support For 5th Annual Road Race On motion of Deputy Mayor White Seconded by Councillor Ball RESOLVED that, with regard to the letter from the Catch the Bug Organizer asking if Council would like to support the Saint John Police Force's 5th Annual Catch the Bug Road Race to be held June 8, 2003, from which all proceeds will be given to Juvenile Diabetes, a grant of $150 be approved. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 27. Organisateur de Catch the bug - soutien de la cinQuieme course sur route annuelle Proposition du maire suppleant White Appuyee par Ie conseiller Ball QUE, en ce qui a trait ala lettre de I'organisateur de Catch the bug sollicitant Ie soutien du conseil en vue de la cinquieme course sur route annuelle Catch the bug du service de police de Saint John qui aura lieu Ie 8 juin 2003, dont les profits seront verses a la Fondation de diabete juvenile Canada, une subvention de 150 $ soit accordee. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 28. Bruce Gordon - Re-ZoninQ Of 1925 Golden Grove Road On motion of Councillor Fitzpatrick Seconded by Deputy Mayor White RESOLVED that the application of Bruce Gordon for the re-zoning of property located at 1925 Golden Grove Road be referred to the Planning Advisory Committee for a report and recommendation and the necessary advertising be authorized in this regard, with the public hearing to be held on Monday, May 26,2003 at 7:00 o'clock p.m. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 89-689 COMMON COUNCIUREUNION DU CONS ElL MUNICIPAL APRIL 14, 2003/LE 14 AVRIL 2003 28. Bruce Gordon - modification du zonaQe au 1925. chemin Golden Grove Proposition du conseiller Fitzpatrick Appuyee par Ie maire suppleant White QUE la demande de Bruce Gordon relative au rezonage du terrain situe au 1925, chemin Golden Grove soit transmise au comite consultatif de planification en vue de la presentation d'un rapport et d'une recommandation, que la publication des avis requis a cet effet soit autorisee et qu'une audience publique ait lieu Ie lundi 26 mai 2003 a 19 h. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 29. Local 771 - Request To Meet Re Recent Cuts To ManninQ Level Of Rescue 3 On motion of Councillor Fitzpatrick Seconded by Councillor Court RESOLVED that, with regard to the letter from Local 771, IAFF, Saint John Fire Fighters' Association, requesting to meet with Council regarding the recent cuts to the manning level of Rescue 3, a meeting be scheduled in open session of Council. Mr. Totten advised that he recently met with representatives of Local 771 and made some decisions to try to address some of their concerns, and he understands from the above letter that the Union is not satisfied perhaps with how he addressed them and would like to seek Council's support for something other than that. Mr. Totten cautioned Council in terms of the Local's indication in its letter about the Chief feeling that the Rescue should be manned with four firefighters in that, while the Chief was very committed to firefighter safety, he was not sure he had made the same comment as the Local with respect to the solution of four firefighters. The Mayor, noting that Council made a budget decision on this matter and the City Manager had made adjustments in staffing so that there were now three firefighters on the Rescue Squad, advised that she would be reluctant to change the decision and would not support hearing from the Local. Question being taken, the motion was carried with a majority of the Council members present voting "yea". 29. Section locale 771 - Demande pour rencontrer Ie conseil concernant la recente reduction des niveaux de dotation de l'eQuipe de sauvetaQe 3 Proposition du conseiller Fitzpatrick Appuyee par Ie conseiller Court En ce qui concerne la lettre de la section locale 771 (IAFF) de la Saint John Fire Fighter's Association sollicitant la possibilite de rencontrer Ie conseil au sujet de la reduction recente des niveaux de dotation de I'equipe de sauvetage 3, QU'une rencontre soit ajoutee a I'horaire d'une reunion publique du conseil. M. Totten precise qu'il a recemment rencontre des representants de la section locale 771 et qu'il a pris certaines decisions afin d'apaiser quelques-unes de leurs preoccupations; il est d'avis que la lettre susmentionnee indique I'insatisfaction du syndicat, peut-etre en raison des decisions qu'il a prises, et que Ie groupe utilise ce pretexte pour obtenir Ie soutien du conseil sur d'autres points. M. Totten met Ie conseil en garde par rapport au passage de la lettre du secteur local traitant des commentaires du chef des pompiers voulant que I'equipe de sauvetage so it dotee de quatre pompiers; bien que Ie chef des pompiers soit engage a veiller a la securite des pompiers, M. Totten n'est pas convaincu qu'il a fait les memes commentaires que la section locale relativement a la solution des quatre pompiers. Le maire, signalant que Ie conseil a pris une decision budgetaire sur cette question et que Ie gerant municipal a effectue les modifications relatives a la dotation pour que I'equipe de sauvetage compte trois pompiers, souligne qu'elle hesiterait a renverser la decision et qu'elle ne rencontrerait pas la section locale. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee, la majorite des conseillers presents ayant vote pour. 89-690 COMMON COUNCIUREUNION DU CONS ElL MUNICIPAL APRIL 14, 2003/LE 14 AVRIL 2003 30. Festival By The Sea - Support For 2003 Festival On motion of Deputy Mayor White Seconded by Councillor Ball RESOLVED that the letter from the President of the Board of Directors of Festival By The Sea submitting a request for funding for Festival 2003 to be held August 5 to 10, inclusive, be received and Festival By The Sea be invited to make a presentation in open session of Council in this regard. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 30. Festival sur mer - soutien de I'edition 2003 du festival Proposition du maire suppleant White Appuyee par Ie conseiller Ball QUE la lettre du president du conseil d'administration du Festival sur mer, relative a une demande de financement pour I'edition 2003 du festival qui aura lieu du 5 au 10 aout inclusivement, so it acceptee et que les representants du Festival sur mer soient invites a faire une presentation au cours d'une reunion publique a ce sujet. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 31. Carol Taylor - ResiQnation From Saint John Arts Centre Board On motion of Councillor Trites Seconded by Deputy Mayor White RESOLVED that the letter from Carol Taylor advising of her resignation from the Saint John Arts Centre Board as Exhibition Chair, be received and filed and Ms. Taylor be thanked for her service. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 31. Carol Taylor - demission du comite du Saint John Arts Centre Proposition du conseiller Trites Appuyee par Ie maire suppleant White QUE la lettre de Carol Taylor avisant Ie conseil de sa demission du Saint John Arts Centre Board a titre de presidente des expositions soit acceptee et classee, et que des remerciements soient adresses a Mme Taylor pour ses services. A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 32. Multicultural Association Of Saint John Inc. (a) Celebrate Canada ProQram; (b) Review Of Proposed Vision Statement 32{a) On motion of Councillor Trites Seconded by Councillor Fitzpatrick RESOLVED that, with regard to the letter from Multicultural Association of Saint John, Inc., advising that it would be appreciated if Council would appoint a liaison Councillor to be a member of the Celebrate Canada Coordinating Committee, Councillor Teed be appointed as Common Council's liaison. The initial motion proposed by Deputy Mayor White and seconded by Councillor Desmond was to receive and file the above letter and, in response to Councillor Teed's indication that this was a new program instituted by the Federal Government and the above Committee was separate from the Canada Day Committee referenced by the Mayor, the above motion was subsequently proposed. (Councillor Titus withdrew from the meeting during the above discussion.) Question being taken, the motion was carried. 89-691 COMMON COUNCIUREUNION DU CONS ElL MUNICIPAL APRIL 14, 2003/LE 14 AVRIL 2003 32{b) On motion of Deputy Mayor White Seconded by Councillor Desmond RESOLVED that the letter from Multicultural Association of Saint John, Inc., advising of its review of, and commenting on, a proposed vision statement of the City which Council forwarded to a number of organizations requesting their views, be received and filed. (Councillor Court withdrew from the meeting, and Councillor Desmond withdrew from his place at the Council table.) Question being taken, the motion was carried. 32. Multicultural Association Of Saint John Inc. - a) programme Le Canada en fete; b) examen de I'enonce de vision propose 32{a) Proposition du conseiller Trites Appuyee par Ie conseiller Fitzpatrick En ce qui concerne la lettre de Multicultural Association of Saint John Inc. demandant au conseil de nom mer un agent de liaison au comite de coordination Le Canada en fete, QUE Ie conseiller Teed soit nom me en tant qu'agent de liaison du conseil municipal. La proposition initiale presentee par Ie maire suppleant White, appuyee par Ie conseiller Desmond, visa it I'acceptation et Ie classement de la lettre susmentionnee. En reponse a la mention par Ie conseiller Teed qu'il s'agit d'un nouveau programme lance par Ie gouvernement federal et que Ie comite en question n'est pas lie au comite du Jour du Canada que Ie maire a mentionne, la proposition susmentionnee est presentee par la suite. (Le conseiller Titus quitte la reunion au cours de la discussion.) A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. 32{b) Proposition du maire suppleant White Appuyee par Ie conseiller Desmond QUE la lettre du Multicultural Association of Saint John, Inc., partageant ses commentaires relatifs a son examen de I'enonce de vision propose de la Ville que Ie conseil a achemine a divers organismes dans Ie but d'obtenir leur avis, soit acceptee et classee. (Le conseiller Court quitte la reunion et Ie conseiller Desmond laisse sa place a la table du conseil.) A I'issue du vote, la proposition est adoptee. Adjournment The Mayor advised that the next regular meeting of Common Council on Tuesday, April 22,2003, would commence at 5:00 o'clock p.m., and declared the meeting adjourned. Cloture de la reunion Le maire indique que la prochaine reunion publique ordinaire du conseil aura lieu Ie mardi 22 avril 2003, a 17 h, puis declare que la seance est levee. Assistant Common Clerk/secretaire municipale adjointe