JANUARY 14,2002
At a meeting of the Common Council, held at the City Hall in the City of
Saint John, on Monday, the fourteenth day of January, A.D. 2002, at 7:00 o'clock p.m.
Shirley McAlary, Mayor
Deputy Mayor White and Councillors Ball, Chase, Court,
Desmond, Fitzgerald, Fitzpatrick, Teed, Titus and Trites
- and -
Messrs. 1. Totten, City Manager; J. Nugent, City Solicitor; A.
Beckett, Commissioner of Finance and Commissioner of
Corporate Services; P. Groody, Commissioner of Municipal
Operations; W. Butler, Commissioner of Community Services; J.
Baird, Commissioner of Planning and Development; W. Edwards,
Commissioner of Buildings and Inspection Services; S. Galbraith,
Director of Works; B. Cormier, Cultural Affairs Officer; C.
Cogswell, Chief of Police; Ms. A. Poffenroth, By-law Enforcement
Officer; Mrs. M. Munford, Common Clerk; and Ms. C. Mosher,
Assistant Common Clerk.
1. MeetinQ Called To Order - Prayer
Mayor McAlary called the meeting to order, and Rev. Lloyd Lake of Trinity
Anglican Church offered the opening prayer.
2. Approval of Minutes
On motion of Councillor Desmond
Seconded by Deputy Mayor White
RESOLVED that minutes of the meeting
of Common Council, held on January 7,2002, be approved.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
* Added Item
On motion of Councillor Fitzpatrick
Seconded by Councillor Desmond
RESOLVED that the letter from the Saint
John Transit Commission (copies of which were distributed to the Council members at
this meeting), regarding its 2002 operating grant, be added to the agenda of this meeting
for consideration as item 2A.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
*2A. Transit Commission - 2002 OperatinQ Grant
Consideration was given to a letter from the Saint John Transit
Commission highlighting its operating plan, further to its recent discussions concerning
its 2002 operating grant and Council's decision to allot an additional $150,000, as
follows: (1) there will be no changes made to weekday service (Monday to Friday), and
all current routes and schedules, including Red Head and the Harbour Bridge, will
remain the same; (2) Sunday and holiday service will remain unchanged; (3) Saturday
service schedules will be adjusted and will maintain coverage of all Saturday routes,
however, frequency of most routes will be reduced by approximately 30%, and service
will continue on the East-West and University routes until midnight; and (4) it will not be
necessary to eliminate the eleven employee positions as originally expected, however,
the elimination of three employee positions through attrition is anticipated; advising that
this operating plan does not necessitate a fare increase at this time and represents the
most viable resolution to its current budget issues; and expressing appreciation for the
support of Council in this matter.
JANUARY 14,2002
On motion of Councillor Trites
Seconded by Deputy Mayor White
RESOLVED that the above letter from
the Saint John Transit Commission be received and filed.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
11. Rescheduling Of Public Hearings For Re-Zoning
Of 10 Tim Street And 185 Loch Lomond Road
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor Fitzpatrick
RESOLVED that the report from the
City Manager advising that, due to a scheduling error by the Planning and Development
Department, the February 11, 2001 public hearing date set at the last Council meeting
for the applications for the re-zoning of property located at 10 Tim Street and 185 Loch
Lomond Road were set incorrectly as the two Council meetings in February for public
hearings and presentations are actually February 4 and 18, and recommending that
Common Council reschedule the public hearings for the 10 Tim Street and 185 Loch
Lomond Road re-zoning applications to Monday, February 18, 2002 at 7:00 o'clock p.m.,
and authorize the necessary advertising in this regard, be received and filed and the
recommendation adopted.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
12. Licence To Encroach Upon First Avenue (West)
Consideration was given to a report from the City Manager advising that
the principal of Hillside Motel Ltd. has approached the City to request the closure of an
additional portion of First Avenue (Nest), a 167m2 portion of this undeveloped street
located in West Saint John between Manawagonish Road and Fairville Boulevard having
been stopped up and subsequently sold to Hillside Motel Ltd. in 1983 to accommodate a
retaining wall for the motel parking lot and, as the retaining wall built to replace the one
that collapsed two years ago encroaches on the remaining portion of First Avenue and
the current owner of Hillside Motel Ltd. would like to retire and sell the business, the
encroachment of the retaining wall is the only loose end; and also advising that, due to
the presence of a sewer line, the owner was advised that staff could not support a
recommendation to close a further portion of First Avenue (West), however, staff could
support a licence for the retaining wall to encroach upon the street.
On motion of Deputy Mayor White
Seconded by Councillor Ball
RESOLVED that as recommended by the City
Manager, the City of Saint John give a licence to Hillside Motel Ltd., its successors and
assigns to permit a retaining wall built upon PID 55021786 and First Avenue (West), an
undeveloped street, to encroach upon the said First Avenue (Nest) as generally shown
on the submitted plan upon the following terms and conditions: (a) the licence shall be
for the life of the encroachment, (b) the licence fee shall be one dollar, (c) the City of
Saint John reserves the right to repair, maintain, renew and operate the sewer line under
and along First Avenue (West) and shall not be liable for any cost to repair or replace the
retaining wall except in the event the City of Saint John, one of its agents or contractors
acting negligently damages the aforesaid retaining wall, (d) in the event the retaining
wall must be secured to facilitate the repair, replacement or renewal of the sewer line or
appurtenances thereof, the cost of securing the retaining wall shall be borne by the
licencee, its successors or assigns, (e) the licencee, its successors or assigns at its own
expense shall during the term of the licence obtain and maintain a liability insurance
policy (in an amount not less than two million dollars) co-naming the City of Saint John,
and breach of this term shall be deemed forfeiture of the licence; and (f) the licencee, its
successors or assigns shall indemnify and save harmless the City of Saint John from
and against all manner of action, claims, demands, suits and loss of any nature
whatsoever occurring out of, or in respect to the granting of the licence to encroach upon
First Avenue (Nest); and further that the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to
sign the licence.
JANUARY 14,2002
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
13. Harbourfront Greenwav DesiQn Services
Consideration was given to a report from the City Manager referring to
Common Council resolution of October 15, 2001 to provide funding to the Waterfront
Development Partnership in the amount of $95,000 from the 2002 capital budget to
undertake detailed design, engineering and environmental work for the Harbourfront
Greenway project, and submitting a recommendation further to the call for proposals in
this regard to which two design teams responded, one led by BDA, Basic Design
Associates of Sussex, the other by Daniel K. Glenn Ltd. of Fredericton.
On motion of Councillor Desmond
Seconded by Councillor Fitzgerald
RESOLVED that as recommended by
the City Manager, Common Council approve that Daniel K. Glenn Ltd. in association
with the companies identified in the proposal, Saint John Harbourfront Greenway
"Turnkey" Final Design Services, dated January 3, 2002, be engaged to undertake
detailed design, engineering and environmental work for the Harbourfront Greenway
Project, at a cost of $70,000 plus HS1.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
14. ZoninQ Bv-Iaw Amendment - Martha Avenue Properties
On motion of Councillor Desmond
Seconded by Deputy Mayor White
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "By-
law Number C.P. 100-582 A Law To Amend the Zoning By-law Of The City Of Saint
John", insofar as it concerns re-zoning those properties known as civic #554, 558, 562-
564,566,570,574,578, and portions of 582 and 586 Martha Avenue, (NBGIC Numbers
55066344,55066351,55066369,55066377, 55066385, 55066393, 55066401 and
portions of 55057897 and 55066419) from "RM-1" Three Storey Multiple Residential to
"R-2" One and Two Family Residential classification, be read.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
The by-law entitled, "By-law Number C.P. 100-582 A Law To Amend the
Zoning By-law Of The City Of Saint John", was read in its entirety.
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor Trites
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "By-law
Number C.P. 100-582 A Law To Amend the Zoning By-law Of The City Of Saint John",
insofar as it concerns re-zoning those properties known as civic #554, 558, 562-564,
566,570,574,578, and portions of 582 and 586 Martha Avenue, (NBGIC Numbers
55066344,55066351,55066369,55066377, 55066385, 55066393, 55066401 and
portions of 55057897 and 55066419) from "RM-1" Three Storey Multiple Residential to
"R-2" One and Two Family Residential classification, be read a third time and enacted
and the Corporate Common Seal be affixed thereto.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Read a third time the by-law entitled, "By-law Number C.P. 100-582 A
Law To Amend the Zoning By-law Of The City Of Saint John".
15. C. R. Waldschutz - Tax Rate And Honouraria
On motion of Councillor Desmond
Seconded by Deputy Mayor White
RESOLVED that the letter from C. R.
Waldschutz commending Council for the result of its budget deliberations and the
resultant holding of the tax rate, and pleading with Council to follow through on its
JANUARY 14,2002
promise to eliminate honouraria for Councillors and to pass a by-law outlawing Council
honouraria, be received and filed.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
16. GeorQe M. Betts - Decision To Close ABEC
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Deputy Mayor White
RESOLVED that the letter from George
M. Betts advising that he is adding his voice to the chorus of protests at the decision to
close the Aitken Bicentennial Exhibition Centre, and suggesting it is up to the elected
body to safeguard this important arts, crafts and science facility, be received and filed.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
17(a) National Representative Of CUPE; (b) Saint John
& District Labour Council - City Transit Service
Consideration was given to (a) a letter from Bob Davidson, National
Representative for the Canadian Union of Public Employees, suggesting, as an option
for the Saint John Transit Commission to cutting its runs and reducing service, to charge
the Provincial Government for transporting students to schools the same fare ($3.50
round trip) as they are charging taxpayers of Saint John who have to use city buses, not
54% of the fare ($1.60); and (b) a letter from Bill Farren, President of the Saint John &
District Labour Council, opposing any cuts to the transit service that would affect a
group's ability to function in the community as it is felt that the citizens who will be
affected by the proposed cuts will be those who can least deal with the dilemma, being
seniors, students, the working poor, people on fixed income and others whose way of life
revolves around this form of transportation.
On motion of Councillor Trites
Seconded by Councillor Desmond
RESOLVED that the above letters be
received and filed.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
18. Dominick Eden - Request To Speak Re By-law
Enforcement & Creation Of Urban DesiQn Guidelines
On motion of Councillor Trites
Seconded by Councillor Titus
RESOLVED that with respect to the letter
from Dominick Eden requesting to speak at the next Council meeting regarding the need
for by-law enforcement and the creation of urban design guidelines, Mr. Eden be invited
to speak at the next meeting of open session of Council but he be asked to submit a
brief with his discussion points to the Common Clerk prior to his presentation.
Councillor Trites advised his intent to move such a motion from now on in
that, while the Council's Procedural By-law provided for a fifteen-minute presentation
and that a brief be submitted ahead of time, not having a brief prior to Council meeting
could necessitate the reading of a lengthy document at that time.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
18A. Enterprise Saint John - Sunday ShoppinQ
Read a letter from Stephen Carson, General Manager of Enterprise Saint
John, referring to the Sunday shopping debate in Moncton and the subsequent
discussion by the Moncton Council to request the Province to allow businesses in that
City to have the option to open on Sundays; advising that, while there are many
arguments for and against Sunday shopping, he thought it important for Council to hear
Enterprise Saint John's opinion from an economic development perspective that (1) if the
JANUARY 14,2002
retail sector were open on Sundays in Moncton and Saint John stores did not have the
option, it would have a detrimental effect on the local retail sector, and (2) as a
community, we compete head-to-head with other cities in New Brunswick on a regular
basis for new retail opportunities; and suggesting that, if the City believes it is important
to stay competitive in this sector and requests that the Province permit Sunday openings
year-round, it should make that request as soon as possible in that, if stores were open
in Moncton or other municipalities on Sundays, consumers would very quickly get in the
habit of a Sunday drive up the highway to spend retail and entertainment dollars and this
trend might be very difficult to break, even if this community were to follow suit with
Sunday shopping sometime in the future.
On motion of Councillor Trites
Seconded by Councillor Titus
RESOLVED that the above letter from
Enterprise Saint John be received and filed.
The Mayor expressed the understanding that, being a member of
Enterprise Saint John's Board and having spoken to some of the Board members, this
was not a resolution of the Board, and, in noting that there were letters for the Council
agenda next week from retail outlets in the City on this issue, suggested that Council
should, in a public meeting, hear from both the retailers and citizens so as to get full
information on how Sunday openings would affect the community. The Mayor noted that
the issue of Sunday shopping was a Provincial issue under the Days of Rest Act and,
rather than amend the Act, it was the Province's intent to deal with this issue by creating
tourist destination areas; and during discussion Councillor Trites raised a point of order
on the basis that the motion was to receive and file.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
3. Citizens' Advisory Committee Of The Saint John
Community Correctional Centre/Parole Office
Consideration was given to a report from the Citizens' Advisory
Committee of the Saint John Community Correctional Centre/Parole Office advising of
the service of such committees in a tripartite role of advisor, independent observer and
liaison to the community for the various correctional facilities and parole offices run by
Corrective Services, the Saint John Citizens' Advisory Committee having been in
operation for over ten years with the responsibility of discharging these roles for both the
Parrtown Community Correctional Centre (or more colloquially known as a "half-way
house") and the Saint John Parole Office; and outlining its 2001 activities in terms of
general business meetings, participation in the March Home Show as part of the larger
"Canada" booth, initiative to educate the justice partners of the Centre, the recruitment of
new members including a new member training package, its presence in the Parrtown
Community Correctional Centre, and membership. The report also advises that one of
the Committee's goals in discharging its responsibilities is the introduction and
communication both to and from the public at large as to the current state of the centre
to which it is attached, and the ferrying of information, opinions and concerns from the
public at large back to the Corrections Service of Canada, and the purpose of this report
was intended to continue that process by informing the community of the Committee's
activities for the year.
Steven Hinkley, Chair of the Citizens' Advisory Committee of the Saint
John Community Correctional Centre/Parole Office, highlighted the above report, and
acknowledged the presence of other Committee members at this meeting, as well as the
District Director New Brunswick West, Corrections Canada. Mr. Hinkley advised that
there were currently eighteen residents at the Parrtown Centre located on the corner of
Hazen and Carleton Streets, which also housed the Saint John Parole Office, and in the
year 2000-2001 the Centre and its associated Parole Office carried a payroll of
approximately $900,000 and put some $1.85 million into the community with respect to
its expenses and salaries, and spoke to the purpose of halfway houses in integrating
offenders back into the community, as well to the reason for the creation of citizens'
advisory committees to (1) advise Corrections Canada of the concerns of the community
and, from an impartial third-person point of view, of what was happening within the
institution that could be improved, (2) be impartial observers in the institution itself, and
(3) be the liaison between the community at large and the population within the
JANUARY 14,2002
The Mayor thanked Mr. Hinkley for his presentation and expressed
appreciation for the Committee's work in the community.
7. Survey To Compare ShoppinQ In City
Consideration was given to a letter from Councillor Teed regarding a
recent radio broadcast and debate and a news article about businesses and the closing
of stores in Uptown Saint John as well as how to encourage more shoppers to use the
Uptown area stores, and suggesting that one factor which has been substantially
overlooked is the difference between what can be termed day and all-shop shopping.
On motion of Councillor Teed
Seconded by Councillor Desmond
RESOLVED that Uptown Saint John Inc.
be requested to undertake surveys or whatever action as will present a comparison of
day and all-day shopping with a view of recognizing the differences and any methods of
resolving the needs of each.
Question being taken, the motion was lost, with a majority of the Council
members present voting "nay".
8. Reference To Saint John As Cultural Wasteland
Read a letter from Councillor Teed advising his concern after reading a
letter to the Editor wherein Saint John was described as a "cultural wasteland".
On motion of Councillor Teed
Seconded by Councillor Ball
RESOLVED that the City's Cultural Affairs
Officer be requested to prepare an inventory of the many cultural features and activities
which Saint John has so people may better understand and appreciate the City's positive
position in the cultural field and be in a better position to promote the City whenever
discussions involving culture take place.
Councillor Titus expressed the understanding that the Cultural Affairs
Officer already provided an inventory of this nature both in printed form and on the City's
Question being taken, the motion was lost, with a majority of the Council
members present voting "nay".
On motion of Councillor Trites
Seconded by Councillor Titus
RESOLVED that, through the City Manager,
the Cultural Affairs Officer be requested to look at developing an information package
letting citizens know that such an inventory is available and how to access it.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
4. Alan Benton - Traffic At Simms Corner
Alan Benton of 127 Horsier Drive appeared before Council and, through
an overhead presentation including a sketch (a copy of which he advised he would make
available to Council), put forth a concept for a traffic circle at Simms Corner as the safest
and most cost-effective solution to the traffic problem there, having noted the other
options of doing nothing or installing traffic lights; and advised that the benefits he would
see with the installation of a traffic circle included pedestrian and motorist safety,
financial savings with a minimal outlay required to install the circle, conformity in that the
direction of the traffic would be uniform going in the same direction, and less frustration
both for tourists and Saint John residents. Mr. Benton noted that there would be costs
associated with this concept in terms of installation and communication of the new traffic
pattern; and recommended that the City of Saint John assess the cost and benefits of
the circle and, if the cost and benefits were acceptable to the City, install the traffic circle
in the spring of 2002.
JANUARY 14,2002
On motion of Councillor Trites
Seconded by Deputy Mayor White
RESOLVED that the presentation by
Alan Benton of a concept for a traffic circle for Simms Corner be referred to the City
Manager for a report to Council.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
6. Notice To Appear Re BuildinQ At 153 OranQe Street
Notice had been given to Robert F. Bontaine and Liesje E. Bontaine to
appear to show cause, if any, why Common Council should not find the Bontaine
building located at 153 Orange Street to be in a dangerous and unsightly condition, and
also to require Robert F. Bontaine and Liesje E. Bontaine to remedy the condition, within
such time as Common Council may set, by either (1) demolishing the Bontaine building
and removing the debris, or (2) securing the building, with materials that present a
uniform appearance, against entry by children or other trespassers and, after having
obtained any necessary building permit, carrying out the necessary work described in
the inspection report as being necessary to restore the Bontaine building to such a
condition that it is no longer dangerous.
Consideration was given to a report from the City Manager advising that
the building located on the property at 153 Orange Street (NBGIC Number 11643) is a
two-storey woodframe structure and the title search of the property indicates that the
registered owners are Robert F. Bontaine and Leisje E. Bontaine, the building having
been vacant for approximately one year and having become dilapidated and deteriorated
so as to be in a dangerous and unsightly condition, posing a danger to the public and the
neighbourhood because it is open to the public and suffers structural instability; also
advising that the unsightly condition of the property, as well as the deteriorated and
dangerous condition of the building, results in potential danger to neighbours and
children in the immediate vicinity as well as any transients; and referring to By-law
Enforcement Officer Amy Poffenroth's submitted inspection report dated November 1,
2001 which sets out the particulars of the condition of the building. The report further
advises that the property has been listed for sale since September 2001 at an asking
price of $24,900 and, should it sell, any new owner would have to demolish the building
as it would not be economically prudent to attempt repairs, and also that staff has been
informed that, due to the property owners' health, they have moved to Calgary, Alberta
where they currently reside with their daughter, Elizabeth Fielding, who advised that her
parents do not have any money to repair or demolish the building; and includes a copy
of the Notice to Appear, a copy of which was also posted on the building at 153 Orange
Street on December 14, 2001, and as well as a copy of the supporting documents
served on December 21, 2001 to Elizabeth Fielding, who has power of attorney for her
parents' affairs authorizing her to act on their behalf, and a copy of the affidavit of
service; and recommends that Common Council adopt the submitted resolution
instructing the Building Inspector to serve notice upon the owners giving them the option
of either demolishing the building and removing the debris or carry out the work as noted
and, in the event the owners did not comply with the notice, directing the Building
Inspector to apply to the Court of Queen's Bench of New Brunswick for an order which
would (a) require the owners to either demolish the building and remove the debris or
carry out the work as noted and, in the event that the owners did not comply with the
Court order, (b) authorizing the City of Saint John to cause the building to be demolished
and the debris removed at the expense of the owners.
Mr. Edwards, through a computer-aided presentation including
photographs of the subject building, apprised Council of the dangerous and unsightly
condition of the building as indicated in the above correspondence, and advised that,
even before the Bontaines left the building, his office had discussions with them over a
number of years dating back to January 1996 related to minimum property standards
issues and it would appear that the Bontaines had neither the money nor the inclination,
or perhaps the skills necessary, to maintain the building to any particular standard. Mr.
Edwards also advised that, while normally he would advise Council that nothing is
beyond repair and while this is true in this instance as well, clearly it was his opinion that
it was not economical to try to repair this building and it would be far less expensive to
tear it down and start again; however, the recommendation in the City Manager's report,
if adopted, would give the owners the opportunity to either repair or demolish the
JANUARY 14,2002
On motion of Councillor Ball
Seconded by Deputy Mayor White
RESOLVED that the following resolution
be adopted, namely:
WHEREAS the records in the Saint John County Registry Office show Robert F.
Bontaine and Liesje E. Bontaine to be the registered owners of the freehold title
to the parcel of land (herein called "the Bontaine property") that is located at 153
Orange Street, Saint John, N.B. The Bontaine property is designated as Parcel
Number 11643 on the portion of the PLANET map that was submitted as
Schedule "B". The Bontaine property is more particularly described in the
Schedule "A" that was submitted and was attached to the deed from Beneficial
Realty Ltd. to Robert F. Bontaine and Liesje E. Bontaine that is dated August 18,
1993, and was registered in the Saint John County Registry Office on August 23,
1993, in book 1664 as number 388280 at pages 75-78. The PLANET parcel
information report that was submitted as Schedule "C", and the PLANET property
assessment information report that was submitted as Schedule "D", show Robert
F. Bontaine and Liesje E. Bontaine to be the owners of the Bontaine property;
AND WHEREAS the Bontaine property is located in an area mentioned in the by-
law entitled "A By-law Respecting Dangerous Or Unsightly Premises Within The
City of Saint John";
AND WHEREAS the two-storey woodframe building (herein called "the Bontaine
building") shown on the submitted Schedule "E" is located on the Bontaine
property and is, contrary to the By-law, in a dangerous and unsightly condition as
a result of dilapidation or deterioration. Submitted as Schedule "F" was a copy of
a report, dated November 1,2001, by Amy Poffenroth, BScE, By-law
Enforcement Officer for The City of Saint John, with respect to her inspection of
the Bontaine building on October 24, 2001, wherein she describes the exterior
and interior dangerous and unsightly conditions that she observed. The building
presents a danger to persons passing near to it and to persons entering the
building, including trespassers and children, as well as firemen, policemen and
emergency services persons who may have to enter for emergency purposes.
The building is open to easy entry and there is no interior lighting. Significant
structural problems are indicated by the fact that the rear ell portion is pulling
away from the main structure, and the rear shed portion is pulling away from the
rear ell, and the floors are significantly heaved and sloped. Various ceilings are
in stages of bulging and collapse. The second storey deck is rotted with holes in
its floor and a railing that is not secure. Floors and stairs have considerable
amounts of debris on them, creating a condition where people may trip and fall.
Broken glass in windows may fall out and injure persons passing near to the
building. The exterior appearance of the Bontaine building is unsightly as a
result of deterioration and broken windows;
AND WHEREAS, contrary to the By-law, the Bontaine building is in a dangerous
and unsightly condition as a result of deterioration or dilapidation;
AND WHEREAS, after having considered (a) the inspection report by Amy
Poffenroth, BScE, that was dated November 1, 2001, and was submitted as
Schedule "F", (b) the report by the City Manager and others that was dated
January 9,2002, and (c) the report from Thomas White, Divisional Chief, Saint
John Fire Department, that was dated December 4, 2001, and was submitted as
Schedule "H", and (d) the oral report of Mr. William Edwards, P.Eng., who is the
Building Inspector for The City of Saint John, we find that the Bontaine building is
deteriorated or dilapidated so as to be in a dangerous and unsightly condition:
BE IT RESOLVED that Robert F. Bontaine and Liesje E. Bontaine are hereby
required to, within 15 days after a notice from the Building Inspector is served on
them in accordance with section 190(4) of the Municipalities Act, remedy the
dangerous and unsightly condition of the Bontaine building by, after obtaining
any permits that may be required under the Saint John Building By-law and other
legislation, either demolishing the Bontaine building and removing all of the
debris and other unsightly items from the Bontaine property or by carrying out the
following work:
JANUARY 14,2002
1. Secure the building, with materials that present a uniform appearance,
against entry by children or other trespassers, and
2. Remove the debris from the stairs and floors, and
3. Identify and remedy any structural problems, and
4. Repair or securely cover the holes in the exterior deck, and
5. Replace any rotted wood in the exterior deck, and
6. Repair and secure the railing on the exterior deck, and
7. Secure the ceilings and remove any materials that are hanging from them,
8. Remedy the unsightly condition of the exterior of the building by either
repairing the glass in the windows or by covering the windows with materials
that present a uniform appearance, and by, as appropriate, repairing or
replacing and/or painting the shingles and sill and trim:
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Building Inspector is hereby appointed to
serve upon Robert F. Bontaine and Liesje E. Bontaine, in accordance with
section 190(4) of the Municipalities Act, a notice that requires them to, within 15
days of being served, remedy the dangerous and unsightly of the Bontaine
building and the Bontaine property by either demolishing the Bontaine building
and removing all of the debris and other unsightly items from the Bontaine
property or by carrying out the aforesaid work:
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in the event Robert F. Bontaine and Liesje E.
Bontaine do not comply with the Building Inspector's notice, then the Building
Inspector is directed to apply to the Court of Queen's Bench of New Brunswick
for an Order that would (a) require Robert F. Bontaine and Liesje E. Bontaine to,
within 15 days or such other time as the Court may consider appropriate, remedy
the dangerous and unsightly condition of the Bontaine building by either
demolishing it and removing the debris from the Bontaine property or by carrying
out the aforesaid work; and would (b) authorize The City of Saint John to cause
the Bontaine building to be demolished and the debris removed at the expense of
Robert F. Bontaine and Liesje E. Bontaine in the event that Robert F. Bontaine
and Liesje E. Bontaine do not comply with the Order.
During discussion Councillor Fitzpatrick expressed concern about the
length of the process and the cost to the City in pursuing an action of this nature and
proposed an amendment to the motion to include a referral of the City Manager's above
report to the Minister of Environment and Local Government who might see fit to pursue
an amendment to the Municipalities Act to expedite the process so that a building in this
condition would not be allowed to continue, and the Mayor suggested that a separate
motion could made after dealing with the motion on the floor.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor Fitzpatrick
Seconded by Councillor Court
RESOLVED that a copy of the report from
the City Manager regarding the dangerous and unsightly condition of the building located
at 153 Orange Street be forwarded to the Minister of Environment and Local
Government to encourage her to pursue an amendment to the Municipalities Act with
respect to expediting the process and recouping costs.
Councillor Fitzpatrick suggested that amendments to the Municipalities
Act should be pursued one at a time as opposed to changing the whole Act.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
5(a) Post Arts Summit Steering Committee
(b) Tim Blackmore, (c) Peter Buckland
Summary Report Of March 2001 Arts Summit
& VisioninQ Session - Arts And Culture
Consideration was given to a letter from Michael D. Wennberg of the Post
Arts Summit Steering Committee submitting a summary report of the Saint John Arts
JANUARY 14,2002
Summit & Visioning Session held on March 30, 2001, as well as a copy of a draft by-law
to appoint the Greater Saint John Arts & Cultural Board.
Consideration was also given to a letter from Tim Blackmore asking for
the opportunity to present to Common Council a petition signed by citizens of Saint John
and surrounding municipalities in support of the creation of a regional arts centre facility
to be located in the building at 20 Hazen Avenue, formerly the Aitken Bicentennial
Exhibition Centre.
Consideration was also given to a letter from Peter Buckland referring to
his previous letter to Council requesting to speak about his concern over cuts to the arts
and culture sector in Saint John, and re-iterating his request to speak, in tandem with the
report from the Post Arts Summit Steering Committee.
Peter McKelvey, Co-Chair of the Post Arts Summit Steering Committee,
addressed the need to add and maintain arts in the community on the basis that artistic
development is a vital part of any community development and an integral part of the
whole depth and breadth of a community experience, as well as to keep young people
in, and attract people to, the City; and commented on Saint John's rich cultural heritage
and architectural beauty. Mr. McKelvey introduced Gillian Sauerteig, a grade six student
at Barnhill Memorial School, who played a movement from Bach's Suite no. 1 from an
unaccompanied violin cello, as an example of how the artistic heritage was being passed
on in the City.
Michael Wennberg, Co-Chair of the Post Arts Summit Steering
Committee, referred to the above-mentioned summary report on the Saint John Arts
Summit & Visioning Session at which five major needs were identified for the support of
arts and culture in Greater Saint John, two of which were the need for a central arts and
cultural board and the need for a regional arts centre facility; and advised that the focus
of the Summit Steering Committee's request to Council at this time would be specifically
on the first of those two needs, being the establishment of what the Committee was
calling a Greater Saint John arts and culture board, noting the draft by-law submitted
with the summary report. Mr. Wenneberg made suggestions on the membership for
such as a board and the type of support it would require, as well as its relationship with
the City's Cultural Affairs Officer by working in conjunction with him but not intended to
duplicate City resources; and advised that, if Council saw fit to proceed with the
Committee's recommendation, the Committee would hope to have an opportunity to
work closely with City staff to make any necessary refinements to the by-law.
On motion of Councillor Trites
Seconded by Councillor Titus
RESOLVED that the presentation on behalf
of the Post Arts Summit Steering Committee be referred to the City Manager, the Saint
John Art Advisory Board and the Legal Department.
Councillor Fitzpatrick proposed an amendment to the motion, which was
seconded by Councillor Court, to also refer the matter to the Saint John Art Advisory
Board and the Legal Department, and the mover and seconder of the original motion
agreed to add this to it.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Tim Blackmore presented the Mayor with a petition which, he advised,
included 1,113 signatures in support the former Aitken Bicentennial Exhibition Centre
building becoming the home of an art centre facility, and requested that the City of Saint
John refrain from entering into any long-term arrangement for the commercial use of this
building if by sale, lease or otherwise so as to allow an opportunity for interested, non-
profit community groups to bring forward reasonable proposals for the future use of this
important heritage building.
JANUARY 14,2002
Peter Buckland appeared before Council and, reading from a prepared
brief (copies of which were distributed to the Council members at this time), expressed
the view that the current crisis with regard to funding for the arts compels people to
regard its importance to community life and also to ask what role government must play
in providing for the arts; and asked for recognition of the role the arts play in making the
City a good one and for vision in terms of long-range planning in this regard.
On motion of Councillor Desmond
Seconded by Councillor Court
RESOLVED that the presentations by Tim
Blackmore and Peter Buckland on the issue of arts and culture in Saint John be referred
to the City Manager.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
9. Petition Re GarbaQe Removal - Rotarv Court / Newman Street
On motion of Councillor Court
Seconded by Councillor Fitzpatrick
RESOLVED that the letter from
Councillor Court submitting a petition from the tenants of Saint John Non-Profit Housing
at 1-24 Rotary Court and 1-15 Newman Street about the lack of garbage removal as
they are apparently not entitled to City pick-up, and asking for help in finding a solution
to excess garbage from the overflow each week, be referred to the Deputy Mayor,
Council's representative on the Board of Saint John Non-Profit Housing Inc.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
10. ForthcominQ Presentation Bv Harbour BridQe Authoritv
Read a letter from Councillor Fitzpatrick requesting, as Chair of the Saint
John Harbour Bridge Authority, for him and the General Manager of the Authority to
make a presentation on the Harbour Bridge in open session of Council.
On motion of Councillor Trites
Seconded by Councillor Desmond
RESOLVED that Councillor Fitzpatrick,
Chair of the Saint John Harbour Bridge Authority, and the General Manager of the
Authority be invited to make a presentation to Council subject to submission of their
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
The Mayor declared the meeting adjourned.
Common Clerk