FEBRUARY 12, 2001
At a meeting of the Common Council, held at the City Hall in the City of
Saint John, on Monday, the twelfth day of February, A.D. 2001, at 7:00 o'clock p.m.
Shirley McAlary, Mayor
Deputy Mayor Chase and Councillors Ball, Chase, Court, Titus,
Trites, Vincent and White
- and -
Messrs. T. Totten, City Manager; B. Cullinan, Solicitor; G.
Yeomans, Comptroller; J. C. MacKinnon, Commissioner of
Environment and Development Services; P. Groody,
Commissioner of Municipal Operations; W. Butler, Commissioner
of Community Services; J. Baird, Manager of Community
Planning; W. Edwards, Building Inspector; S. Lodhi, Manager of
Real Estate and Facility Management; C. Campbell, Planner; J.
Bezanson, Heritage Planner; P. Asimakos, Planner; C. Cogswell,
Chief of Police; Mrs. M. Munford, Common Clerk; and Ms. C.
Mosher, Assistant Common Clerk.
1. MeetinQ Called To Order - Prayer
Mayor McAlary called the meeting to order and offered the opening
2. Approval of Minutes
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor White
RESOLVED that minutes of the meeting of
Common Council, held on February 5, 2001, be approved.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
8. Mavor's Remarks
Mayor McAlary proclaimed February 12 to 19, 2001 as Heritage Week,
and February 19, 2001 as Heritage Day in the City of Saint John; and February 15, 2001
as National Flag of Canada Day in the City of Saint John; and noted that February 11 to
17,2001 was Teachers/Staff Appreciation Week in School Districts 6 and 8. The Mayor
advised of the production of a new video by the operators of the Reversing Falls
Restaurant about the Reversing Falls and the intent to show it at the next Council
meeting, and noted the possibility of showing a new video prepared for the City's
Tourism Division at a future Council meeting. Mayor McAlary commented on the East
Coast Music Awards event in Charlottetown, PEl, during the past weekend at which she
and Councillor White attended with a contingent from the City of Saint John, the 2002
Awards event having been scheduled for Saint John on January 31, 2002.
* Added Items
On motion of Councillor Vincent
Seconded by Councillor Ball
RESOLVED that Nominating Committee
recommendations, an item on shipbuilding and the City Manager's recommendations on
property acquisition for the Marsh Creek Bridge replacement and street widening project
and annual step adjustments for management, which were considered in Committee of
the Whole earlier this date, be added to the agenda of this meeting for consideration as
items 8A, 8B, 8C and 8D, respectively.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
FEBRUARY 12, 2001
*8A.1. Greater Saint John Economic Development
Commission (Enterprise Saint John) - Appointments
On motion of Councillor Court
Seconded by Deputy Mayor Chase
RESOLVED that as recommended by
the Nominating Committee, Andrew J. MacGillivray and Dr. Rick Miner be re-appointed
to the Board of Directors of the Greater Saint John Economic Development Commission
(Enterprise Saint John) for a term of three years.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
*8A.2 Power Commission - Appointment
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor Court
RESOLVED that as recommended by the
Nominating Committee, Patrick Riley be re-appointed to the Power Commission for a
term of three years effective February 15, 2001.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
*8A.3. Board Of Police Commissioners - Appointment
On motion of Councillor Court
Seconded by Councillor Vincent
RESOLVED that as recommended by the
Nominating Committee, Edward W. Keyes be re-appointed to the Saint John Board of
Police Commissioners for a term of three years effective February 17, 2001.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
*8A.4. Trade And Convention Centre
OversiQht Committee - Appointments
On motion of Deputy Mayor Chase
Seconded by Councillor Court
RESOLVED that as recommended by the
Nominating Committee, Ralph Holyoke and Richard Tingley be re-appointed to the
Trade and Convention Centre Oversight Committee for a term of three years.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
*8A.5. Recreation And Parks Advisorv Board - Appointment
On motion of Councillor Trites
Seconded by Councillor Court
RESOLVED that as recommended by the
Nominating Committee, Bruce S. Latham be appointed to the Recreation and Parks
Advisory Board for a term for three years.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
*8A.6. Harbour Station Commission - Appointments
On motion of Councillor Ball
Seconded by Councillor Trites
RESOLVED that as recommended by the
Nominating Committee, Ralph McLenaghan and Donald Bonnell be re-appointed to the
Harbour Station Commission for a term of three years.
FEBRUARY 12, 2001
Question being taken, the motion was carried with Deputy Mayor Chase
voting "nay".
*8B. Committee On ShipbuildinQ - ShipbuildinQ Policv
Read a letter from Councillor Vincent, Chairman of the Shipbuilding
Committee, advising that the Committee is nearing the final stages of its report in
respect to a framework for a national shipbuilding policy; and asking Council to consider
and approve the submitted resolution that endorses the substantial effort made over the
past eighteen months to achieve a level playing field for the Canadian shipbuilding
industry, as well as to approve the submitted draft of a letter that Her Worship the Mayor
would send to the Minister of Industry, along with the resolution in question.
On motion of Councillor Court
Seconded by Councillor Vincent
RESOLVED that as recommended by the
Committee on Shipbuilding, Council adopt the following resolution reaffirming the City's
position and requesting the Government of Canada to establish a Canadian shipbuilding
policy and submit a copy of it to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, and further
that Council endorse the submission of the submitted draft letter from Her Worship the
Mayor to the Minister of Industry:
WHEREAS the shipbuilding industry plays an important role in the
economy of Canada and in the economy of Atlantic Canada as well as in the economy of
the City of Saint John; and
WHEREAS the Government of Canada does not yet have in place a
national shipbuilding policy; and
WHEREAS the absence of such national policy reduces the abilities of
Canadian shipyards to be competitive in a global market and attract new business; and
WHEREAS the establishment of a Canadian shipbuilding policy will allow
Canadian shipyards to compete on a level playing field with other shipbuilding
jurisdictions and at the same time allow the shipbuilding industry in Canada to play an
integral role in the socio-economic fabric of Canada:
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Saint John re-affirm its
position in requesting the Government of Canada to establish a Canadian shipbuilding
policy; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Saint John submit this
resolution to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities who have previously endorsed
this undertaking and we wish to keep them advised of our continuing efforts.
Councillor Vincent spoke in the above regard, noting to whom copies of
the letter in question would be forwarded.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
*8C. Marsh Creek Bridge - Replacement And Street
WideninQ Project - 551. 565. 567 Rothesav Avenue
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor Court
RESOLVED that as recommended by the
City Manager, the City of Saint John acquire a fee simple interest in a 492 :t m2 portion of
NBGIC Numbers 306118,304548 and 304576, at 551,565 and 567 Rothesay Avenue
(as generally shown on the submitted plan), on or before June 1, 2001, from MacKnight
Motors Ltd., for the price of $15,000 (plus HST, if applicable), such property required to
accommodate the Marsh Creek Bridge Replacement and Street Widening Project, upon
the following terms and conditions: as part of the transaction, the City of Saint John will:
(1) prepare any plan required for conveyance purposes; (2) pay to a maximum of $1000
the legal costs incurred by Grant Thornton (Bankruptcy Trustee) to facilitate this
transaction; (3) where applicable, reinstate the subject property to the same or better
FEBRUARY 12, 2001
condition as existing prior to construction, including the relocation of hydro poles and
related street signage; (4) demolish the existing building at 567 Rothesay Avenue to the
slab, but not including the slab; and (5) forgive $3,500 outstanding to the City of Saint
John from MacKnight Motors Ltd. for previous clean-up of the said parcels; and further
that the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute all necessary documents.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
3. Urban Core Support Network - Poverty Issues
Consideration was given to a letter from Cathy Wright, Chairperson for
the Urban Core Support Network (UCSN), a coalition of individuals living in poverty and
community organizations working together to address poverty in Saint John, focusing on
public awareness and actions to remove the barriers experienced by people living in
poverty; and submitting a list of opportunities for possible action by the City, as well as
information on changes being requested in the following four Provincial Family &
Community Services Policies: (1) Economic Unit/Household Income Policy; (2)
Transitional Supports (Health Card, Child Care, Transportation); (3) Wage Exemption;
and (4) Limited Housing for Non-Elderly Single People.
Cathy Wright, Executive Director of the Human Development Council and
Chairperson for the Urban Core Support Network, advised that the purpose of this
presentation was two-fold - to introduce "Stormy Seas", which is a collection of poems,
drawings and stories written by people in the community who are living in poverty, and to
introduce Brenda Murphy, Coordinator of the Urban Core Support Network. Debbie
Durant, Lisa Munn and Debra McCoy, in turn, read excerpts from "Stormy Seas", and
Brenda Murphy highlighted the list of opportunities, with the request that Council review
it and select one or two or more on which it would focus in the coming year, as follows:
(1) participate in a "Poverty Is Everybody's Business" workshop, (2) designate a
representative from the City to participate as a member of the Network; (3) write to the
Provincial Government expressing concern and asking for change to the four Policies in
question; (4) ask staff at City Transit to review how it can make bus transportation more
accessible to people living in poverty, and (5) urge the Province to enact legislation that
would allow more effective enforcement of the Minimum Property Standards By-law.
The Mayor thanked the members of the delegation.
On motion of Deputy Mayor Chase
Seconded by Councillor Ball
RESOLVED that the presentation on behalf of
the Urban Core Support Network be referred to the Mayor to draft a letter to the
Provincial Government for Council's review at the next meeting.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
4. Preservation Review Board - Annual HeritaQe Awards
Joan Pearce, Chairman of the Preservation Review Board, recognized
Board members Deputy Mayor Chase, Howard Cogswell and Deborah MacDonald, as
well as City staff support Jim Bezanson and Craig Campbell; and Mr. Bezanson
presented slides of heritage preservation projects for which citations were subsequently
presented by Ms. Pearce and Mayor McAlary in recognition of excellence in heritage
preservation in the following categories: in the Residential Upper Floors Category to
Peter S. Asimakos for the sensitive rehabilitation of the upper floors of the building at
126 Germain Street for use as residential apartments; (2) in the Commercial Storefronts
Category to Wayne Northrup of Family Enterprises Ltd. for completion of phase one of
the rehabilitation of commercial storefronts at 38-42 Water Street; (3) in the Preparation
for Preservation Program Category to the Church of Saint Andrew & Saint David for
preparation of a preservation program by Richard & Co. Architecture to guide the
sensitive rehabilitation of the Gothic Revival building at 164 Germain Street; and (4) in
the Civic Organization / Upper Floors Category to Church Street Pedway Inc., in
partnership with the Saint John Parking Commission, for construction of the Church
Street pedway to facilitate development of upper floors of buildings fronting onto Prince
William Street.
FEBRUARY 12, 2001
Mayor McAlary expressed appreciation to the Preservation Review Board
for its efforts in the community, and congratulated the Annual Heritage Award recipients.
5. Seniors' Resource Centre - Seniors' Advisorv Committee
Connie Erb, President of the Seniors' Resource Centre, reviewed the
previously submitted proposal for a municipal seniors' advisory committee for the City of
Saint John, whose objective would be to inform or advise Council on matters related to
seniors in particular; and requested Council to establish such a committee to assist
Council in dealing with problems and concerns faced by seniors in the City.
On motion of Councillor Trites
Seconded by Councillor Court
RESOLVED that Council endorse the
request of the Seniors' Resource Centre for the establishment of a seniors' advisory
committee for the City of Saint John, and refer the proposal to the Nominating
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
*8D. Annual Salarv Step Adjustments
On motion of Councillor White
Seconded by Councillor Trites
RESOLVED that as recommended by the
City Manager, the salary of the incumbent occupying the following positions be
increased by one step on the management pay scale, effective on the date specified:
Commissioner of Community Services, effective January 1, 2001; Commissioner of
Municipal Operations, effective March 1, 2001; Commissioner of Finance and
Commissioner of Corporate Services, effective November 3, 2000; Deputy City
Manager, effective January 19, 2001; and Fire Chief, effective January 1, 2001.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
6. Greater Saint John Economic Development Commission
(Enterprise Saint John) - 2001 Objectives
Stephen MacMackin, Chairman of the Greater Saint John Economic
Development Commission, Incorporated (Enterprise Saint John), and Stephen Carson,
General Manager of Enterprise Saint John, were present at the meeting, and Mr.
MacMackin addressed Council on the Commission's 2001 Objectives, which were tabled
by Council on December 4, 2000.
(Councillor Vincent withdrew from the meeting during the above
The Mayor read the following resolution which, she advised, was
discussed with the City Solicitor John Nugent.
On motion of Deputy Mayor Chase
Seconded by Councillor Trites
RESOLVED that Common Council hereby
authorizes the Greater Saint John Economic Development Commission Incorporated
(the Commission) to pursue: (1) the development of a comprehensive three-year growth
strategy for the region; (2) the development of a comprehensive communications
strategy to support the aforementioned three-year growth strategy; (3) the development
of an annual activity plan for 2001; (4) the development of enhanced strategies to
promote business and industrial development in the region; (5) further research in
conjunction with the Saint John Industrial Parks, the Saint John Port Authority and the
Province of New Brunswick respecting the feasibility of establishing a local free trade
zone; (6) the development of a plan to identify and prioritize new local business
opportunities for tourism products to complement the overall strategic direction of the
area and the Province; (7) the development of a strategy to support the establishment,
promotion and expansion of three business and technology parks within Greater Saint
FEBRUARY 12, 2001
John - Somerset Technology Park, Commerce Park East and the Kennebecasis
Knowledge Campus; (8) the coordination of the development of an electronic services
strategy for Greater Saint John; and (9) the development of a strategy to support the
waterfront initiative; all in accordance with the material submitted to Council under
covering letter from the Commission dated November 30, 2000, and to submit to
Common Council for its consideration and approval the Commission's recommendations
with respect to each of the foregoing matters:
AND FURTHER that Common Council hereby adopts the strategy to
"Promote and Encourage the Establishment, Development and Growth of New
Businesses and Industries in the Region", as identified in the material submitted to
Council under covering letter from the Commission dated November 30, 2000, and
authorizes the Commission to administer the implementation of that strategy:
AND FURTHER that the Common Council hereby authorizes delivery to
the Commission of $515,000 upon the condition that it be used solely for the purposes of
the Commission's undertaking activities identified in the immediately preceding
(Councillor Vincent re-entered the meeting.)
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
9. Support For Habitat For Humanitv
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor Trites
RESOLVED the letter from Mayor McAlary
asking for consideration of the request of Habitat for Humanity Saint John Region Inc. for
a donation of electrical, plumbing, building, water and sewerage and sidewalk permits, at
an approximate cost of $3,000 to $4,000, toward the construction of its fourth dwelling
unit in the Saint John area at 63 Coster Street, as outlined in the submitted letter, be
received and filed and the request be granted.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
10. Items Referred To City Staff
Read a letter from Councillor Titus expressing the view that it is very
difficult, with the current way of doing business, to follow items in open session referred
to City staff for report/action; advising his intent to propose a motion directing the
Common Clerk and appropriate staff to bring all the said items back to Council in open
session in the form of a brief report, with an explanation of the ultimate disposition of the
items; and suggesting that this be a regular item on the agenda (once a month) and so
Councillor Titus suggested that a reporting mechanism should be in
place, through an agenda item for old business or referral motions, once a month or
once every two months, in open session so Council would know the status of a referral
motion so that it comes to some logical or ultimate conclusion, as it is virtually impossible
to try to follow these motions through.
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor White
RESOLVED that an item be included on the
Council agenda on a monthly basis for old business or referred motions so that Council
can be updated in this regard.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
7. ReQion 2 Hospital Corporation - Health Care
Mike Walton, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Atlantic Health
Sciences Corporation, and the City's representatives on the Board, Gary Keating and
Jim Horgan, were present at the meeting, accompanied by Acting President and Chief
FEBRUARY 12, 2001
Executive Officer Mike O'Keefe and Vice President of Patient Programs Nancy Savage;
and, through a computer-aided presentation, Mr. Walton reviewed the current state of
health care services in Region 2 and provided an update on what the Corporation sees
as serious issues impacting on its ability to continue to provide quality, accessible care
to citizens of the City of Saint John, including the challenge of recruiting physicians and
trained health care providers; with Messrs. Keating and Horgan presenting a brief
overview of the structure of the Atlantic Health Sciences Corporation in its delivery of
health care to the community of Southwestern New Brunswick from Sussex to St.
Stephen, including the Fundy Isles, with Saint John being the primary referral centre for
the people in the Region and in a number of tertiary services for people throughout the
Province, identifying its distinctions and facilities in recognizing the three core
competencies of patient care, education and research. The Council members were
provided with copies of the documentation presented at this meeting by the
representatives of the Atlantic Health Sciences Corporation.
The Mayor thanked the Atlantic Health Sciences Corporation
representatives for their comments, and during discussion members of the delegation
responded to questions on matters, including the timeliness and availability of
emergency health care services at both the Saint John Regional and St. Joseph's
Hospitals, the waiting period for beds at the Regional Hospital, and the future plans for
St. Joseph's Hospital. As to how Council could assist the Corporation, Councillor Titus
asked if it would be appropriate to make a motion for Council to take the initiative of
contacting the Premier of New Brunswick, MP Claudette Bradshaw, and the Provincial
Minister of Health in this regard, and the Mayor recommended that they should be
invited to meet with Council and representatives of the Hospital Board at some future
date, and advised that she would undertake to arrange for such a meeting.
7 A. Environment Committee - Air Qualitv
Terry Gray, Chairman of the City of Saint John Environment Committee,
and Committee members Don Shaw, Mike Sauerteig and Susan Atkinson were present
at the meeting, and Mr. Gray presented the first in a series of draft policy documents
regarding Part Three of the Municipal Plan, this initial presentation concerning air quality,
and noted the Committee's intention to recommend to Council a draft update of all of
Part Three of the Municipal Plan, having met with Provincial Environment and Natural
Resources and City staff and representatives of other environmentally-related groups in
preparing the draft updates. Mr. Gray, through a computer-aided presentation, advised
of documents reviewed in formulating and recommending the following objectives and
policies: A. Proposed Air Qualitv Obiectives: (1) to enhance air quality in the City of Saint
John airshed by ensuring air quality meets or exceeds national or Provincial standards,
and to regulate land use and development which have the potential to impact the quality
of the City's airshed; and B. Policies - proposed Sub-Section 3.3.1 Air Quality/Pollution
Control: (1) - to evaluate activities which have the potential to degrade the
quality of the air when considering development proposals and, if necessary, regulate
such development initiatives through instruments such as municipal zoning and/or other
by-laws; (2) - to ensure proper separation and buffering of land uses which are
potentially incompatible due to air quality impacts, through zoning, by-laws, subdivision
and site plan review process by (i) establishing standards for minimum separation
distances, (ii) defining minimum buffering requirements (e.g. berm design, vegetation
type and density); (3) - to ensure the implementation of an energy policy that
focuses on cleaner alternate energy and energy conservation in order to improve air
quality and reduce air pollution caused by the burning of fossil fuels (see sub-section
3.5.2); (4) - to consider aesthetics as an air quality issue in relation to enjoyment
of property and the importance of the tourism industry; (5) - to ban open burning
within the City limits; (6) - to reduce air quality impacts from the use of wood as
an alternate home heating energy source by: (a) promoting through education, the
proper use of woodstoves and fireplaces and, encourage the replacement and
installation of CSA approved woodstoves, (b) giving consideration to lot size and
residential separation distances, when reviewing proposed subdivision plans; (7)
- to continue to emphasize to the Province the need for a regional/local approach to
addressing air quality issues resulting from regional-specific meteorology and impacts
by: (a) promoting the importance for community-based participation, (b) encouraging
implementation of improved air quality standards; and (8) - to reduce emissions
arising from transportation by: (a) promoting long-term and increased use of public
transportation and alternative transportation methods (rail, bicycling, carpooling), (b)
adopting a commercial vehicle idle limitation by-law.
FEBRUARY 12, 2001
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor Trites
RESOLVED that the above presentation on
behalf of the City of Saint John Environment Committee be received and filed.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
11. Traffic Problem On Mark Drive
Consideration was given to a letter from Councillor Court advising that he
would like to briefly discuss the traffic problem on Mark Drive and a possible solution to
the problem.
Councillor Court described a traffic problem on Mark Drive with vehicles
travelling between Loch Lomond Road and McAllister Drive, the problem originating
where Bonita Avenue joins Mark Drive with people who live on that turn having difficulty
getting into their driveways because there is no stop sign to slow down the traffic there,
and suggested that, until the new connector section of the roadway is completed, a stop
sign should be installed on a temporary basis.
On motion of Councillor Court
Seconded by Councillor Titus
RESOLVED that the above matter be
referred to the City Manager to, if possible, have a stop sign installed on a temporary
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
12. Board Of Trade's Request To Meet With Council
Consideration was given to a letter from Councillor Ball advising, further
to the Board of Trade's letter considered by Council at its February 5, 2001 meeting, that
he wished to discuss the Board's request to meet with Council at any time regarding its
concerns and recommendations; and expressing the view that it is most important that
Council and the business community continue to meet and communicate openly and
freely regarding the concerns of both parties as they affect this community.
On motion of Councillor Ball
Seconded by Deputy Mayor Chase
RESOLVED that Council accept the
Board of Trade's request to meet with Council in the near future at a time convenient to
both parties.
Moved in amendment by Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor Vincent
RESOLVED that the invitation be
extended to meet in open session of Council.
Deputy Mayor Chase, noting the lack of a mechanism by which Council
could sit down around a table with an agency such as the Board of Trade and converse,
advised that the problem he had with an open session presentation was that it would not
allow for the sharing of views and ideas that an informal setting such as a committee of
the whole structure would, where people are able to speak more than once and basically
converse more readily, thus the open session forum, unless the Board of Trade has
something formal to present to Council, is not really the vehicle.
Question being taken, the amendment to the motion was carried with
Deputy Mayor Chase and Councillors Ball and Chase voting "nay".
Councillor Chase expressed the view that an open session forum was an
arduous way to have a flowing dialogue, and proposed a compromise approach by
meeting with the Board of Trade in a round-table format publicly, with an invitation to the
press to attend.
FEBRUARY 12, 2001
Question being taken, the motion, as amended, was carried with
Councillors Ball and Chase voting "nay".
13. Re FCM Green Municipal EnablinQ Fund
On motion of Councillor Trites
Seconded by Deputy Mayor Chase
RESOLVED the report from the City
Manager advising that Municipal Operations staff has identified the following four
projects that appear to qualify for the Federation of Canadian Municipalities Green
Municipal Enabling Fund (GMEF): (1) a municipal street lighting study, (2) a watershed
highway protection study, (3) a municipal services study - KBMM area, and (4) a study of
fish habitat in Mystery Lake and, as a municipality is limited to two applications as noted
in the submitted information from FCM in this regard, staff feels that the street lighting
and the watershed protection projects best meet the program criteria; and
recommending that Council authorize staff to proceed with the intent to apply for funds
under the Green Municipal Enabling Fund for the two projects noted herein, be received
and filed and the recommendation adopted.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
14. Municipal Plan And Zoning By-law Amendments
To Establish "PQ" Pits And Quarries Zone
Consideration was given to a report from the City Manager referring to the
October 1 0, 2000 public hearing for proposed Municipal Plan and Zoning By-law
amendments respecting the establishment of a new zone called "PQ" Pits and Quarries
zone, as well as to the December 18, 2000 and February 5, 2001 public hearings for the
proposed re-zoning of sixteen existing pits and quarries to the "PQ" Pits and Quarries
zone, the five remaining quarries proposed to be re-zoned to a new hybrid zone that
would allow these sites to retain the list of uses permitted in the "1-2" zone while ensuring
they are subject to the same standards proposed in the "PQ" zone, such approach
having been approved by Council on January 22, 2001; summarizing the remaining
steps to amend the Municipal Plan, establish the new "PQ" Pits and Quarries zone and
re-zone the sixteen specific sites into the new "PQ" zone; and recommending that
Common Council (1) give second reading to the Municipal Plan and Zoning By-law
amendments establishing the new "PQ" Pits and Quarries zone (submitted); and (2)
consider third reading on February 19, 2001 of the Municipal Plan amendment, Zoning
By-law amendment and the re-zoning of the sixteen locations which received first and
second readings on December 18, 2000 and February 5, 2001.
On motion of Councillor White
Seconded by Councillor Ball
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "A Law
To Amend The Municipal Plan By-law", with regard to pits and quarries and approved
heavy industrial developments, be read a second time.
Councillor Vincent asked if Council would have an opportunity to raise
matters prior to third reading that may change some of the conditions but not drastically
change them, to which Mr. Baird advised that Council should refrain from making
changes to the by-law at this point, except where it is only a matter of clarification in that
if Council gets into the area of changes it would be running a greater degree of risk.
Councillor Vincent asked to have brought forward at the next Council meeting a copy of
the minutes of the Council meeting at which he delayed Council for quite some time
asking questions of Mr. Baird in this regard. Councillor Trites suggested considering
second and third readings of the proposed By-law amendments recommended in (a)
above at the next meeting so that Council can review the Council minutes in question.
On motion of Councillor Trites
Seconded by Councillor Titus
RESOLVED that second reading of the
above-proposed amendment be laid on the table for one week.
Question being taken, the tabling motion was carried.
FEBRUARY 12, 2001
On motion of Councillor White
Seconded by Councillor Trites
RESOLVED that Council consider third
reading on February 19, 2001 of the Municipal Plan amendment, Zoning By-law
amendment and the re-zoning of the sixteen locations which received first and second
readings on December 18, 2000 and February 5,2001.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
15. Municipal Plan Amendment Re
Cedar Point Estates Expansion
Read a letter from the Common Clerk advising that, following the
procedure for amendments to the Municipal Plan, the necessary advertising and public
presentation have been completed with regard to the submitted amendment to the
Municipal Development Plan and the Millidgeville Secondary Plan for the proposed
Cedar Point Estates expansion, and the required waiting period for objections expired on
February 7, with letters of objection having been received from Sherry L. Cunningham,
Rosi Jory and the solicitor for Cedar Point Estates Limited.
On motion of Councillor Vincent
Seconded by Councillor White
RESOLVED that the proposed Municipal
Plan amendment with regard to the Cedar Point Estates expansion be referred to the
Planning Advisory Committee for a report and recommendation and that the necessary
advertising be authorized in this regard, with the public hearing to be held on Monday,
March 19,2001, at 7:00 o'clock p.m.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
(Councillor Vincent withdrew from the meeting as he was not present for
the February 5, 2001 public hearing of the proposed re-zoning of property located at 7
Magazine Street.)
16. Zoning By-law Amendment & Imposing
Section 39 Conditions. 7 MaQazine Street
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor White
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "By-law
Number C.P. 100-548 A Law To Amend The Zoning By-law Of The City of Saint John",
insofar as it concerns re-zoning (1) an area of land located at 7 Magazine Street, having
an approximate area of 4970 square metres (52,498 square feet), also identified as
being NBGIC Number 55086250 and the southwestern portion of NBGIC Number
00024497, from "IL-1" Neighbourhood Institutional to "B-2" General Business
classification; and (2) an area of land located at 7 Magazine Street, having an
approximate area of 7780 square metres (83,746 square feet), also identified as being
the northeastern portion of NBGIC Number 00024497, from "IL-I" Neighbourhood
Institutional to "TH" Townhouse classification, be read a third time and enacted and the
Corporate Common Seal be affixed thereto:
AND FURTHER that pursuant to Section 39 of the Community Planning
Act, the re-zoning of the said parcel of land identified as NBGIC Number 55086250 and
the southwestern portion of NBGIC Number 00024497 be subject to the following
conditions: (a) the commercial development be limited to an office building; (b) the
development be in accordance with a detailed site plan approved by the Development
Officer illustrating an asphalt parking area and driveway enclosed by continuous
concrete curbing; (c) the commercial development be developed in accordance with a
detailed drainage plan subject to the approval of the Chief City Engineer including the
installation of any necessary catch basins; (d) the office building be serviced by
underground public utilities; (e) the facades of the proposed commercial building be
constructed in accordance with a detailed elevation plan approved by the Development
Officer; and (f) all parking areas not occupied by the proposed office building and
parking area (and driveway) be landscaped, except for the steeply sloped area along the
FEBRUARY 12, 2001
rear of the property, within eight (8) months from the issuance of a building permit for the
proposed commercial development; and the said parcel of land identified as being the
northeastern portion of NBGIC Number 00024497, be subject to the following condition:
that a board-on-board fence within a minimum height of 1.2 metres (4 feet) be installed
along the rear of the proposed townhouse lots abutting the proposed commercial
development, and that covenants to these properties ensure the proper maintenance of
this fence.
The by-law entitled, "By-law Number C.P. 100-548 A Law To Amend The
Zoning By-law Of The City Of Saint John", was read in its entirety.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
17. Street ClosinQ Bv-Iaw Amendment - Bavard Drive
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor Trites
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "A By-
law To Amend A By-law Respecting The Stopping Up And Closing Of Highways In The
City Of Saint John", with regard to stopping up and closing permanently the following
portion of highway:
BAYARD DRIVE - All that portion of Bayard Drive, a public street, in the City of Saint
John in the County of Saint John and Province of New Brunswick, comprising 77m2
along the southeastern sideline of the said Bayard Drive and shown on a survey plan
titled "Plan of Survey Showing a portion of Bayard Drive, City of Saint John, Saint John
County, New Brunswick" surveyed by Russell J. Robinson, New Brunswick Land
Surveyor on June 6, 2000
- be read a third time and enacted and the Corporate Common Seal be affixed thereto.
The by-law entitled, "A By-law To Amend A By-law Respecting The
Stopping Up And Closing Of Highways In The City Of Saint John", was read in its
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
18. Planning Advisory Committee
Subdivision - 7 MaQazine Street
On motion of Councillor Ball
Seconded by Councillor White
RESOLVED that as recommended by the
Planning Advisory Committee, Common Council (1) assent to one or more subdivision
plans, in one or more phases, for the proposed townhouse development at 7 Magazine
Street, with a new public street as generally illustrated on the submitted photo-reduced
tentative subdivision plan, and to any necessary municipal services or public utility
easements; (2) authorize the preparation and execution of one or more City/developer
subdivision agreements to ensure provision of the required work and facilities, including
detailed site and drainage plans for the approval of the Chief City Engineer; and (3)
assent to the proposed land for public purposes dedication illustrated on the submitted
photo-reduced tentative subdivision plan.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
19. Saint John Board Of Police Commissioners
Community Model For Saint John Police Force
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor Court
RESOLVED that the letter from the Saint
John Board of Police Commissioners submitting a copy of A Community Policing Model
for the Saint John Police Force, approved by the Board on February 6, 2001; and noting
that the Model represents a significant step in the development and implementation of
FEBRUARY 12, 2001
community policing in Saint John, be received and filed, and the Mayor and Councillor
Court, Council's representatives on the Board of Police Commissioners, be requested to
address the issue of the Commission making a presentation to Council in open session
in this regard.
The mover and seconder of the initial motion to receive and file the above
letter agreed to add to the motion as indicated above.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
20. Charlene Parfitt, Tim & Odette McGrath, Terry McGrath
Joseph & Joanne Moore - Truck Traffic On Lackie Road
21. Alexander McGrath - WoodcuttinQ Operation. Latimore Lake
The Mayor suggested that, as the letters under agenda items 20 and 21
appear to be related to truck traffic with regard to a proposed woodcutting operation,
they be dealt with together; and advised that the Planning Advisory Committee would be
dealing with an application for a temporary permit at its meeting on February 13, 2001,
and staff's recommendation to the Committee is not to use Lackie Road for trucking the
material out.
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Deputy Mayor Chase
RESOLVED that the letters from
Charlene Parfitt, Tim and Odette McGrath, Terry McGrath and Joseph and Joanne
Moore, requesting designation of Lackie Road as a no trucking route, and the letter from
Alexander McGrath in opposition to the proposed woodcutting operation on the property
of Mr. James Boyle in Latimore Lake, be referred to the City Manager for a report to
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
22. Medical Officer Of Health, Region 2
Fluoridation Of Municipal Water Supplv
On motion of Deputy Mayor Chase
Seconded by Councillor Titus
RESOLVED that the letter from David Assaff,
Medical Officer of Health, Public Health Services, Region 2, Saint John, commenting, as
asked by a member of Council, on a document titled, "Benefits and Risks of Water
Fluoridation - An Update of the 1996 Federal-Provincial Subcommittee Report", recently
released by the Ontario Ministry of Health; expressing the opinion that there may be
benefit in reviewing the City's fluoridation policy in light of this new report, and proposing
that such a review should include representation from the Dental Society, the City,
Public Health and from concerned citizens, be referred to the City Manager for further
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
The Mayor declared the meeting adjourned.
Common Clerk