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At a meeting of the Common Council, held at the City Hall in the City of
Saint John, on Monday, the thirteenth day of December, AD., 1999, at 7:00 o'clock p.m.
Shirley McAlary, Mayor
Deputy Mayor Chase and Councillors Chase, Court, Desmond,
Fitzpatrick, Titus, Trites, Vincent and White
- and -
Messrs. 1. Totten, City Manager; J. Nugent, City Solicitor; A
Beckett, Commissioner of Finance and Commissioner of
Corporate Services; J. C. MacKinnon, Commissioner of
Environment and Development Services; W. Butler,
Commissioner of Community Services; S. Galbraith, Director of
Works; J. Baird, Manager of Community Planning; W. Edwards,
Building Inspector; S. Lodhi, Manager of Real Estate and Facility
Management; P. Hanlon, Manager of Water and Sewerage
Services; G. Tait, Fire Chief; A Bodechon, Deputy Chief of
Police; Ms. A Poffenroth, By-law Enforcement Officer; Ms. Y.
Huntington, Director of Administration, Corporate Services; Mrs.
M. Munford, Common Clerk; and Ms. C. Mosher, Assistant
Common Clerk.
1. MeetinQ Called To Order - Prayer
Mayor McAlary called the meeting to order, and Rev. Paul Pattison of
Bethany Pentecostal Church offered the opening prayer.
2. Approval of Minutes
On motion of Councillor Desmond
Seconded by Councillor White
RESOLVED that the minutes of the
meetings of Common Council, held on December 6 and December 9, 1999, be
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
3. Uptown Saint John Inc.
(a) 2000 Budget; (b) Business
Improvement Levv Bv-Iaw Amendment
The Common Clerk advised that the necessary advertising was
completed with regard to the request of the Board of Directors of Uptown Saint John Inc.
for Common Council's approval of a budget for the designated Business Improvement
Area, which includes a special business improvement levy of 13 cents per $100 of
assessment for 1999 on business properties within the area designated by Council, and
no written objections were received in this regard.
Colin Whitcomb, President, and Margaret Campbell, General Manager, of
Uptown Saint John Inc., were present at the meeting, and Mr. Whitcomb, appearing in
support of the proposed budget and By-law amendment, offered to respond to any
questions in this regard.
On motion of Councillor Trites
Seconded by Councillor Fitzpatrick
RESOLVED that as requested by the
Board of Directors of Uptown Saint John Inc., Common Council approve the 2000
budget for the Business Improvement Area as follows:
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Business Improvement Area Levy
Employment Grants
Program Development
Bad Debts Recovered
Community Improvement Grant
Miscellaneous Revenue
Total Revenue
Public Relations
Urban Design & Planning
Program Delivery
Business Development
Administration & Office
Total Expenditures
$ 4,000
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor Trites
Seconded by Councillor Desmond
RESOLVED that the by-law to amend
the Business Improvement Levy By-law be read a first time.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Read a first time the by-law to amend the Business Improvement Levy
On motion of Councillor Desmond
Seconded by Councillor Trites
RESOLVED that the by-law to amend the
Business Improvement Levy By-law be read a second time.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Read a second time the by-law to amend the Business Improvement Levy
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor White
RESOLVED that the correspondence in the
above regard be received and filed.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
6. City Market By-law Amendment
Re December 27.1999 Closure
Read a letter from Mayor McAlary recommending a City Market By-law
amendment to allow the City Market to close on December 27, 1999, the City Market
merchants having requested this as per the submitted petition.
On motion of Councillor Fitzpatrick
Seconded by Councillor White
RESOLVED that the by-law to amend the
City Market By-law, with regard to a December 27, 1999 closure, be read a first time.
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In response to a question as to why the above request came through the
Mayor's Office rather than through the City Manager's Office to Council, the Mayor
advised that, as there was no City Market Merchants' group currently in place and she
understood that Deputy Market Clerk Patrick Palmer was on vacation, there seemed to
be a question of where to go. As to whether or not the names on the petition
represented all of the City Market Merchants, the Mayor advised that she thought there
were a couple of people who wanted to be open on that date; and Mr. Butler advised
that the names on the petition seemed to represent the majority of the City Market
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Read a first time the by-law to amend the City Market By-law.
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor White
RESOLVED that the by-law to amend the
City Market By-law, with regard to a December 27, 1999 closure, be read a second time.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Read a second time the by-law to amend the City Market By-law.
7. Priorities / Vision Of City
Consideration was given to a letter from Councillor Titus advising that he
would like to discuss the priorities / vision of the City and would like to propose a motion
to appoint member(s) of Council to chair with power to appoint a committee and take the
lead role in pursuing these priorities.
Councillor Titus, referencing the Provincia/ / Municipa/ Re/ations -
Priorities of the City of Saint John document adopted by Council on October 18, 1999,
expressed the view that, while he appreciated that such committees would have to get
input from City staff and have the responsibility to report back to Council for approval
before taking any steps and also that some of the priorities could take five or ten or
twenty years, it was important that Council take some initiative in this regard.
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Deputy Mayor Chase
RESOLVED that Council take the
initiative of referring the above matter to the Nominating Committee to appoint
member(s) of Council who may have a particular interest in one of the five priorities to
chair, with power to appoint a committee and take the lead role in pursuing Council's
priorities / vision.
Councillor Trites advised that, while he would not agree with the concept
of forming four or five committees to pursue individual priorities as he believed that a lot
of them were interfaced or intertwined, he could appreciate the concern that the priorities
might get lost without a champion to lead them forward; however, he could support a
committee of Council working with staff in developing an action plan to pursue the
priorities for Council's consideration at which time Council might be able to individualize
some of the jobs identified; and expressed concern that, if the priorities were divided into
different sectors, there would be the potential that the same ministers or departments at
the other levels of government would be pursued by Council members with a different
set of priorities. The Mayor advised that, when this matter was discussed in Committee
of the Whole, it seemed to her that most of the Councillors wanted to be involved.
Councillor Titus, on a point of order, advised that his understanding of the procedure
was that the Mayor was not at liberty to discuss in open session of Council what was
discussed in closed session, and the Mayor indicated that she agreed with the
Councillor's point of order. The Mayor commented on the basis of her view that the
whole Council was responsible for, and wanted to be involved in, its priorities, and on
her efforts to set up meetings for January and February with the key ministers, with
Council to be advised of the dates concerned and Council members able to attend these
meetings. Councillor Court spoke against the motion on the basis that one priority was
not more important than another and his concern in going with five different directions on
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the five priorities; and suggested that the central point should be the City Manager
leading Council, having established where it wants to go, in how to get there, providing
input on how Council could reach its priorities, with the Mayor and Council to do the
necessary lobbying for funding with the other levels of government. Councillor Vincent
advised his concern about Council, having established its priorities, becoming stagnant
and not moving them; and expressed the view that there has to be a committed
undertaking by Council in its entirety with staff and, in this instance, to immediately
circumvent the City Manager form of government may be an error; however, if nothing
was in place in two weeks, he would be prepared to support the motion if it were again
placed before Council. On the reference to a two-week time issue, Mr. Totten advised of
staff's efforts in working on three presentations dealing with wastewater, water and
transportation, which stemmed from the priorities, with the intent to provide them to
Council no later than mid-February for use as a resource for Council in moving forward
politically with the Federal and Provincial Governments; and commented on his
attendance with the Mayor at a meeting with the stakeholders interested in developing
the waterfront, suggesting that early in the year all of the people interested in this should
come together so that all concerned are provided with the same information and Council
could come to a consensus on how to move forward in this regard. Councillor White
expressed agreement with the method put forth by the Mayor in regard to pursuing
meetings with the appropriate individuals in Fredericton.
Question being taken, the motion was lost with the Mayor and Councillors
Court, Desmond, Trites, Vincent and White voting "nay".
(Deputy Mayor Chase withdrew from the meeting.)
4. Dangerous & Unsightly Building
And Property - 53-55 Albert Street
Notice had been given to Sharon Raeburn, and Nargis Kheraj to appear
to show cause, if any, why Common Council should not find the Raeburn building and
the Raeburn property located at 53-55 Albert Street (NBGIC Number 374793), to be in a
dangerous and unsightly condition, and also require Sharon Raeburn to remedy the
condition, within such time as Common Council may set, by either demolishing the
Raeburn building and removing the debris and other unsightly objects from the Raeburn
property or by carrying out the work set out in the said Notice.
Consideration was given to a report from the City Manager advising that
the owner of the two-storey wood frame building located on the property at 53-55 Albert
Street (NBGIC Number 374793) is Sharon Raeburn, who resides at 60 Newman Street,
the previous owner being Nargis Kheraj who holds a mortgage on the property, and the
building, which has been vacant for more than five years and involved in a fire in 1995, is
often open to the public and its interior has been extensively vandalized; stating that the
building has become dilapidated and deteriorated so as to be in a dangerous and
unsightly condition; and submitting as Schedule "E" an inspection report, dated
November 1 0, 1999, detailing the particulars of the condition of the building, as well as a
memo, dated December 2, 1999, from the investigation of the Divisional Chief of Fire
Prevention & Investigation. The report also advises of the efforts, beginning in 1990 with
the previous owner, of Building and Technical Services with respect to minimum
property standards and unsightly premises violations, and since April 1999 when Sharon
Raeburn acquired the property; and recommends adoption of the submitted resolution in
this regard.
Mr. Edwards presented an overhead slide illustrating the location of the
building at 53-55 Albert Street in relation to the North End Community Centre, Council
earlier this year having considered two buildings across the street from the Centre and,
in the final analysis, caused those buildings to be demolished, and also presented slides
of the subject building and property. Mr. Edwards apprised Council of the chronology of
the Building and Technical Services Department's dealings with this building beginning
in 1990; and advised that, since the Notice of Intention was served on Ms. Raeburn to
advise her that Council would be considering the dangerous and unsightly condition of
this building, his Department has inspected the building, practically on a daily basis, and
today it remains much as what was seen from the slide shown at this meeting, being
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open to the public and in a dangerous and unsightly condition. Mr. Edwards requested
Council, given the history of this building, the lack of success the Department has had
with the owners and its current condition, to consider the resolution in the above report
from the City Manager, and summarized the effect of this resolution, if Council were in
agreement that the building is in a dangerous and unsightly condition and adopted the
During discussion Mr. Edwards advised that, if the owner of the building
was unable or unwilling to effect any of the repairs requested and the City was required
to take it to completion, the earliest in his estimation that the City would have the building
demolished would be the end of March 2000; and expressed the opinion that,
structurally, the building was not in any danger of falling on the street or falling down;
and, as to whether or not the building should be torn down if not closed in and so on
within the next thirty days for the safety of the people living in the neighbourhood,
expressed the view that this building should be demolished.
Nargis Kheraj of 22 Marlin Court appeared before Council and, having
identified herself as the mortgage holder and previous owner of the building, related how
her building became inoperable as a result of the water having been shut off to her
building by the City because there was a water leak further up the street, which resulted
in frozen pipes and no heat in the building; and also related her efforts to sell the building
prior to its purchase by Sharon Raeburn, and incidents of vandalism in the building.
Sharon Raeburn of 16 Newman Street introduced herself as the owner of
the building at 53 Albert Street, advised of action taken in repairing break-in areas and
putting wood back on each time she was notified by the Police or the Fire Department or
Building Inspection and that, as the upstairs windows are plate glass and very secure,
they were boarded up from the inside; and also advised of her continuous contact with
City staff, her efforts in seeking financing to have the building repaired and her inquiry for
permission to install a chain link fence around the building to deter the trespassers and
the garbage, and of her plans for work inside the building in January to remove the lath
and plaster and in February for reconstruction, although the plans were not yet finalized
so as to request a building permit. Ms. Raeburn gave examples of vandalism in the
building; and, in acknowledging that the building was still open this day, advised that she
had plywood coming and it would be done by Friday, the intent being to screw larger
sheets of plywood on in such a way so that people, without a little bit of work, could not
get into it. Ms. Raeburn further advised of her renovation of her current residence at 15
Newman Street, which had been left empty and derelict, and of a property in the South
End which is now a rooming house maintained by her son who resides in it.
Ms. Raeburn responded to questions with regard to her efforts to keep
the subject property secure and her plans to renovate the building.
On motion of Councillor Fitzpatrick
Seconded by Councillor Vincent
RESOLVED that as recommended by the
City Manager, the following resolution be adopted, namely:
WHEREAS the records in the Saint John County Registry Office show Sharon
Raeburn to be the registered owner of the freehold title to the parcel of land
(herein called "the Raeburn property") that is located at 53-55 Albert Street, Saint
John, N.B. The Raeburn property is designated as parcel number 374793 on the
portion of the New Brunswick Geographical Information Corporation (NBGIC)
plan that is attached as schedule "B". The Raeburn property is more particularly
described in the schedule "A" that is attached hereto and was attached to the
deed from Nargis Kheraj to Sharon Raeburn that is dated April 8, 1999, and was
registered in the Saint John County Registry Office on April 28, 1999, in book 2037
as number 10197177 at page 533. The NBGIC Property Information Report that
is attached as schedule "c" also shows Sharon Raeburn to be the owner of the
Raeburn property. There is an undischarged mortgage registered in 1999 in
favour of Nargis Kheraj;
AND WHEREAS the Raeburn property is located in an area mentioned in the by-
law entitled "A By-law Respecting Dangerous Or Unsightly Premises Within The
City of Saint John";
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AND WHEREAS a two (2) storey house (herein called "the Raeburn building") is
located on the Raeburn property and has, contrary to the by-law, become
dilapidated or deteriorated so as to be in a dangerous and unsightly condition.
The condition of the Raeburn building and the Raeburn property is shown on the
attached schedule "0", and is described in the Inspection Report of Amy
Poffenroth, BScE., that is dated November 10, 1999, and is attached as schedule
"E". Ms. Poffenroth advises that there is easy entry to the Raeburn building, and
refers, with respect to danger, to such matters as: (1) no interior lighting, (2)
glass and other litter on the stairs and floors, (3) holes in the floor and ceiling, (4)
wires and plaster hanging from the ceiling, and (5) broken glass in the windows.
She also states that the Raeburn building and the Raeburn property
are unsightly, and she refers to such items as: (6) windows with broken glass or
no glass, (7) wooden clapboards, trim and sills that are in poor condition with
rotted wood and peeling paint, (8) the materials that have been used to cover
some of the openings are not uniform in appearance, and (9) garbage and debris
in the side yard;
AND WHEREAS, after having considered (a) the submitted inspection report of
Amy Poffenroth, BScE., that is dated November 10, 1999, and (b) the report from
the City Manager and others that is dated December 9, 1999, and (c) the
submitted report from Thomas P. White of the Saint John Fire Department, and
(d) the submitted report from Bert Martin of the Saint John Police Force, and (e)
the oral report of Mr. William Edwards, P.Eng., who is the Building Inspector for
The City of Saint John, we find that the Raeburn building and the Raeburn
property are in a dangerous and unsightly condition:
BE IT RESOLVED that Sharon Raeburn is hereby required to, within 15 days
after a notice from the Building Inspector is served on her in accordance with
section 190(4) of the Municipalities Act, remedy the dangerous and unsightly
condition by either demolishing the Raeburn building and removing all of the
debris and other unsightly items from the Raeburn property or by carrying out the
following work: (1) secure, with materials that present a uniform appearance, the
building against entry by children or other trespassers, and (2) remove the debris
from the stairs and floors and side yard, and (3) obtain any necessary building
permit and restore the Raeburn building to such a condition that it is no longer
dangerous and unsightly. Such restoration work shall include: (a) repair or
securely cover the holes in the floors and ceiling, and (b) replace the glass in the
windows or remove the broken glass from the windows and cover the windows
with materials that present a uniform appearance, and (c) remove any materials
that are hanging from the ceiling, and (d) as appropriate, repair or replace and/or
paint the clapboards and sills and trim:
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Building Inspector is hereby appointed to
serve upon Sharon Raeburn, in accordance with section 190(4) of the
Municipalities Act, a notice that requires her to, within 15 days of being served,
remedy the dangerous and unsightly of the Raeburn building and the Raeburn
property by carrying out the aforesaid work:
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in the event that Sharon Raeburn does not
comply with the Building Inspector's notice, then the Building Inspector is
directed to apply to the Court of Queen's Bench of New Brunswick for an Order
that would (a) require Sharon Raeburn to, within 15 days or such other time as
the Court may allow, remedy the dangerous and unsightly condition either by
carrying out the aforesaid work or by demolishing the Raeburn building and
removing the debris and unsightly objects, and would (b) authorize The City of
Saint John to cause the Raeburn building to be demolished and the debris and
unsightly objects to be removed from the Raeburn property at the expense of
Sharon Raeburn in the event that she does not comply with the Order.
During discussion Mr. Edwards, in commenting on the process he would
follow if the above motion were adopted, confirmed that proceedings could be stopped if
at any time during the process he was convinced that the owner was actually going to be
successful in rehabilitating the building and advised that he would like to continue in this
regard and have everything in place in case the owner, unfortunately, could not secure
the appropriate financing. The Mayor, referring to what the owner would be required to
do in the fifteen-day period in the above resolution in terms of remedying the dangerous
and unsightly condition, suggested that there would have to be substantial work done in
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order for the Building Inspector not to move forward, thus he would have to check to
determine if there were substantial work done or if it were going to be done. Ms.
Raeburn asked what the Mayor wanted done other than the building being boarded up,
and Councillor Vincent raised a point of order in that what was before Council was the
recommendation. Mr. Edwards advised that Council could make any resolution it
considered appropriate given the circumstances and given the information provided by
the City Manager in his report. Mr. Nugent commented on the procedure being followed
at this meeting in this regard in terms of his indication to the Mayor, upon her inquiry,
that there was no need to ask, having heard from two people identified as having an
interest in the property, if there was anybody else who wished to speak; however, if one
of the owners wished to speak again and Council was prepared to hear from that
person, he believed it appropriate for Council to do so; and the second issue being what
the resolution, if adopted, would require the Building Inspector to do. Mr. Nugent added
that Council, if it did not want to adopt what was recommended, could adopt a different
arrangement but would have to identify what it was and identify a time frame, addressing
what would satisfy Council and in what time sequence.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
5. Village Estates Holdings Inc.
Re Services And Taxation
Consideration was given to a letter from John 1. Reid, President of
Village Estates Holdings Inc., on behalf of the residents/owners of Village Estates off
Manawagonish Road, advising the services for which the owners are responsible and for
which each owner is assessed $80 each month, thereby paying for services that are
normally provided by the City and for which they would also pay in the tax structure (with
the exception of the installation and maintenance of lawns, hedges and flower beds);
referring to the matter of garbage removal and the inclusion of the tipping fee in the tax
rate on the basis that, under the present situation, the residents of Village Estates are
being double taxed, and asking that consideration be given to their particular situation
and the maintenance.
John 1. Reid of 8 Caitlin Court, in addressing Council further to his above
letter, advised that there were forty-four garden homes and sixty-three individuals living
in Village Estates, who pay taxes in total of over $100,000 on the total assessed value of
their properties of $5.5 million; and that each property owner was assessed $80 per
month to pay the total cost of $43,000 last year for services, including snow removal,
garbage removal, lawn care and street lighting; and, having reviewed the development
and approval process relating to Village Estates, requested Council, through City staff to
review the arrangement that was made during that process, and find some way to
provide garbage pick-up and street lighting at Village Estates. Mr. Reid suggested that,
as the residents of Village Estates were not alone in the regard, no doubt before long
Council would be visited with proposals of a similar nature, and concluded that they
hoped their experience would aid Council and City staff to avoid setting up small
enclaves, such as Village Estates, where the citizens are asked to bear the costs of civic
services while at the same time they pay for them in their tax system.
Questions were asked of Mr. Reid with regard to Village Estates, and to
Mr. Baird in terms of the number of other developments in the City of this nature and the
City's financial contribution to housing developments through such things as the Housing
Incentive Program and the Subdivision By-law, and Mr. Totten commented on his
meetings with Mr. Reid on this issue and his suggestion to Mr. Reid that he come before
Council in that, while it is one thing to deal with things in the past, the City must look to
the future in terms of developments of this nature, and to find a balance between the
needs of the developer in being seen as pro-development and the residents at some
point down the road; and advised his intent to report to Council on what could, if
anything, be done in terms of garbage for the Village Estate development and others.
On motion of Councillor Trites
Seconded by Councillor Vincent
RESOLVED that the presentation on
behalf of Village Estates Holdings Inc. be referred to the City Manager for a report to
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
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(Deputy Mayor Chase re-entered and Councillor White withdrew from the
8. DanQerous Crosswalks On ThrouQhwav
On motion of Councillor Chase
Seconded by Councillor Vincent
RESOLVED that the letter from Councillor
Chase referring to the situation of pedestrians crossing from Hilyard Street to Market
Square via the Throughway at the base of the Harbour Bridge, and expressing the belief
that pedestrians should be discouraged from crossing this area by undertaking the
practices of other cities such as Calgary and, for example, put a chain link fence down
the median, and asking that this matter be referred to the Harbour Bridge Authority and
the Department of Transportation, Province of New Brunswick, be referred to the
Harbour Bridge Authority and the Department of Transportation for review, and to the
City Manager for a report to Council.
(Councillor Trites withdrew from the meeting.)
The mover and seconder of the motion agreed to add to the motion a
referral of the above matter to the City Manager for a report.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
9. Indiantown Residents Association Concerns
(Councillors Trites and White re-entered the meeting.)
On motion of Councillor Chase
Seconded by Councillor Titus
RESOLVED that the letter from Councillor
Chase listing concerns of a group known as the Indiantown Residents Association, and
asking that Council refer the first two items to staff for consideration in the 2000 budget
and the third item be referred to staff for a report to Council, be referred to the City
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
10. Tender For Contract 99-27
On motion of Councillor Desmond
Seconded by Councillor Trites
RESOLVED that as recommended by the
City Manager, Contract 99-27, Spruce Lake butterfly valve and Mountain Road pressure
reducing valve construction, be awarded to the low tenderer, L. Halpin Excavating
Limited, at the tendered price of $155,993, as calculated based upon estimated
quantities, and the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary
contract documents.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
11. HIP Application #99
On motion of Councillor White
Seconded by Deputy Mayor Chase
RESOLVED that as recommended by
the City Manager, Common Council approve the following Housing Incentive Program
application: HIP #99 - Lloyd Cathline for an estimated grant of $15,600, for a
development on Sand Cove Road.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
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Councillor Titus asked if he could make a motion to add to the agenda of
this meeting a matter considered in Committee of the Whole earlier this date, to which
the Mayor replied that she wished to proceed with the agenda at this time.
12. Job Evaluation System
Consideration was to a report from the City Manager on the job
evaluation system further to the October 5, 1998 authorization for staff to proceed with a
review and classification of all management positions (excluding those of City Manager,
City Solicitor, Common Clerk and Assistant Common Clerk) as recommended and for a
Steering Committee made up of the City Manager, the Commissioner of Corporate
Services and two members of Common Council to be established to oversee this review,
Councillors Chase and Desmond subsequently named the two Council members serving
on the job classification review committee and Yvonne Huntington, Director of
Administration, Corporate Services, assigned as the staff person for this project;
commenting on the system utilized in the job evaluation process; and submitting a
recommendation in this regard.
On motion of Councillor White
Seconded by Deputy Mayor Chase
RESOLVED that as recommended by
the City Manager, Common Council approve the proposed job groupings for
management positions as detailed in Appendix B as submitted, and also approve the
Human Resources - Job Evaluation Policy in Appendix C as submitted.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
13. Salary Grid - ManaQement Positions
Consideration was given to a report from the City Manager referring to the
process followed in completing a comprehensive evaluation and relative ranking of
management positions, and the follow-up action of adapting the current salary grid for
management positions to reflect the new classifications; and advising that staff is
recommending the following basic structure for the revised salary grid: (1) each salary
group shall have six steps; (2) step increases shall be 2.5%, 2%, 1.5%, 1 %, 1 %; (3) for
all groups, with the exception of Groups I and L, Step 1 shall be equal to Step 5 of the
immediately preceding group; (4) Step 1 of Group I shall equal Step 6 of Group H plus
1 %; and (5) Step 1 of Group L shall equal Step 6 of Group K plus 4%, with a grid with
positions in Group A commencing at $38,000 being proposed and the resulting salary
grid submitted as Appendix A. The report also advises that, in assessing the existing
compensation levels for management positions, it was noted that a number of positions
currently receive extra payments for "excessive overtime" and, as in many cases this
overtime is an ongoing requirement for these positions, it was determined that these
additional payments should be incorporated into the base remuneration for the positions
placed in the new structure, and a new policy will be developed for Council's
consideration that would give management discretion to recognize occasional
"excessive" overtime by way of time-off in lieu. The report sets out some relevant points
arising from comparisons of the resulting salary grid with wages paid to the City's
unionized workforce, a limited number of external comparisons having also been made
to assess the proposed salaries in relationship to salaries paid to similar positions in
other Atlantic Canada communities, with the results indicating that the proposed salary
ranges are fair and reasonable; and explains that, in order to ensure a reasonable
transition from the existing salary grid to the new structure, a number of transitional
provisions are proposed as listed in the submitted Appendix B. The report further
advises that the difference between the proposed maximum salaries for the positions
and the existing maximum salaries is approximately $100,000, although the actual
financial impact in the year of implementation will be less than this as many individuals
will not be at their maximum salary levels for a number of years, with the additional cost
in 2000 estimated at approximately $50,000; and states that this report has been
reviewed by the City Solicitor who advises that the proposed implementation approach
will eliminate any situation where an employee could state that the City has breached
the employer/employee contract.
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On motion of Councillor Trites
Seconded by Councilor Titus
RESOLVED that as recommended by the
City Manager, Common Council approve the proposed salary grid for management
positions, submitted as Appendix A, and transitional provisions noted in the submitted
Appendix B, to be effective January 1, 2000; and that Common Council limit the
application of Human Resources Policy 811 "Recognition for Extraordinary Time
Requirements" to those positions remaining on the existing salary grid as noted in
Appendix C effective January 1, 2000.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
14. By-law RelatinQ To Halloween
Consideration was given to third reading of a by-law relating to
Halloween, which was given first and second readings on December 6, 1999.
The Mayor advised of the City Solicitor's request for Council to table third
reading of the above-proposed By-law until he has had a chance to review it.
On motion of Councillor Fitzpatrick
Seconded by Councillor White
RESOLVED that the above matter be laid on
the table.
Question being taken, the tabling motion was carried with Councillor Titus
voting "nay".
Councillor Chase proposed a motion that Council recess for ten minutes,
whereupon the Mayor expressed the view that it was up to the Chairman of the meeting
to call a recess and there were more agenda items to be considered.
15. Committee Of The Whole Report
Read the report of the Committee of the Whole
(as follows)
To the COMMON COUNCIL of the City of Saint John
The Committee of the Whole
Your Committee reports that it sat on Monday, December 6, 1999, when
there were present Mayor McAlary, Deputy Mayor Chase and Councillors Ball, Chase,
Court, Desmond, Fitzpatrick, Titus, Trites, Vincent and White, and your Committee
submits the following recommendations, namely:
1. That as recommended by the City Manager, Common Council authorize
the sale of 8 Webster Street (NBGIC Number 55026033) to Cheryl Yeomans, for the
purchase price of $5,000 (HST included), with the closing date on or before February 28,
2000, and the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute the deed; and further
that Cheryl Yeomans be advised that the subject property is not a building lot under its
current zoning (RM-1) and that this sale does not explicitly or implicitly obligate the City
of Saint John to approve any building permit or re-zoning applications arising therefrom.
2. That as recommended by the City Manager, Common Council authorize
the purchase of the fee simple interest in a 1,932 :t m2 portion of NBGIC Number 285932
and a 1,843 :t m2 temporary construction easement over the same parcel (as generally
shown on the submitted plan), from McAllister Place Ltd. for the Mark Drive by-pass
road, for the purchase price of $14,400 (+ HST if applicable), and the City prepare the
subdivision plan required for conveyance purposes.
3. That as recommended by the City Manager, Common Council (a) rescind
its resolution of October 28, 1968 authorizing the purchase of 11,914 square feet of land
from Irving Oil Limited; (b) rescind its resolution of March 9, 1992 authorizing the
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DECEMBER 13, 1999
initiation of expropriation proceedings; (c) authorize the purchase of approximately
13,496 square feet of land, now used as a public street located within the limits of
McAllister Drive right-of-way, from Irving Oil Limited for street widening purposes for the
price of $54,000; and (d) authorize the preparation and filing of a subdivision plan
vesting the land referred to in (c) as a public street.
4. That Council approve an amount of $18,105 to cover the deficit incurred
by the Lord Beaverbrook Rink during the 1997 and 1998 budget years.
5. That as recommended by the City Manager, the City of Saint John agree
to the secondment of Brian Malone, Planner III, to the Saint John Police Force, as per
the submitted terms.
December 13, 1999,
Saint John, N.B.
Respectfully submitted,
(sgd.) Shirley McAlary,
C h air man.
15.1. Sale Of 8 Webster Street
On motion of Councillor Trites
Seconded by Councillor Vincent
RESOLVED that section 1 of the above
report be adopted.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
15.2. Property Purchase For Mark
Drive Bv-pass Road Proiect
On motion of Councillor Trites
Seconded by Councillor Court
RESOLVED that section 2 of the above
report be adopted.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
15.3. Land Acquisition For
McAllister Drive WideninQ
On motion of Councillor White
Seconded by Councillor Court
RESOLVED that section 3 of the above
report be adopted.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
15.4. Lord Beaverbrook Rink Deficit
On motion of Councillor Trites
Seconded by Councillor Desmond
RESOLVED that section 4 of the above
report be adopted.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
15.5. Staff Secondment. Police Force
On motion of Councillor Court
Seconded by Councillor Trites
RESOLVED that section 5 of the above
report be adopted.
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DECEMBER 13, 1999
Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillor Desmond
voting "nay".
16. Planning Advisory Committee
Subdivision Assent 407 Rothesay
Avenue. Municipal Services Easement
On motion of Councillor White
Seconded by Councillor Trites
RESOLVED that as recommended by the
Planning Advisory Committee, Common Council assent to a subdivision plan for the
proposed lot at 407 Rothesay Avenue, with respect to any required municipal services
and public utility easements.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
(Deputy Mayor Chase withdrew from the meeting.)
On motion of Councillor Fitzpatrick
Seconded by Councillor Trites
RESOLVED that this meeting be adjourned
and Council meet in Legal Session.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Common Clerk