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At a meeting of the Common Council, held at the City Hall in the City of
Saint John, on Monday, the seventeenth day of May, A.D., 1999, at 7:00 o'clock p.m.
Shirley McAlary, Mayor
Deputy Mayor Chase and Councillors Ball, Chase, Court,
Desmond, Fitzpatrick, Titus, Trites and White
- and -
Messrs. 1. Totten, City Manager; J. Nugent, City Solicitor; A.
Beckett, Commissioner of Finance and Commissioner of
Corporate Services; J. C. MacKinnon, Commissioner of
Environment and Development Services; P. Groody,
Commissioner of Municipal Operations; B. Morrison, Director of
Recreation and Parks; J. Baird, Manager of Community Planning;
W. Edwards, Building Inspector; P. Hanlon, Manager of Water
and Sewerage Services; C. Cogswell, Chief of Police; Mrs. M.
Munford, Common Clerk; and Ms. C. Mosher, Assistant Common
1. MeetinQ Called To Order - Prayer
Mayor McAlary called the meeting to order, and Reverend Bob Freill of
the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saint John offered the opening prayer.
2. Approval of Minutes
On motion of Councillor Desmond
Seconded by Councillor Ball
RESOLVED that minutes of the meeting of
Common Council, held on May 10, 1999, be approved.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
3. Mavor's Remarks
Mayor McAlary thanked City's Works employees for their efforts during
Clean-up Week of May 10; and proclaimed May 20, 1999 to be a Day of Compassion for
voiceless senior citizens who have lost their autonomy because of Alzheimer's disease
and related illnesses.
4. Lantic SUQar Issue
On motion of Deputy Mayor Chase
Seconded by Councillor Ball
RESOLVED that the letter from Mayor
McAlary providing an update on the Lantic Sugar issue be received and filed.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
5. Re Council MeetinQs
Read a letter from Councillor Titus advising of the number of regular
Council meetings in Moncton, Fredericton and Miramichi City, and proposing a motion,
with the stated intention to operate in an efficient manner (time and resources of both
staff and elected), to change the number of meetings, the time of meetings and the
procedure at meetings.
Councillor Titus commented on the practice in Moncton, Fredericton and
Miramichi City, as well as in Halifax, Nova Scotia, relevant to the frequency of council
meetings, including open and closed sessions, and the clerk's time involved in preparing
council agendas in the respective municipalities, and the method of distribution of
council packages to the council members; and suggested that, in view of his concern
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about the amount of time Council spends meeting, it could be pared down so that rather
than meet every Monday in open session Council could meet two Mondays a month and
meet in Committee of the Whole, as need be, on the off Mondays, which should save
staff time in agenda preparation and responding to Council requests, as well as allow
Councillors time to be more accessible to the public.
Councillor Titus proposed a motion, which was seconded by Councillor
Fitzpatrick, that commencing in September Council continue with what is generally
called the summer schedule of meetings, which is two meetings per month, and have
Committee of the Whole on those off Mondays or maybe even on the same night.
Councillor Chase spoke in support of the practice of meeting on a bi-
weekly basis beyond the summer months; and Councillor Fitzpatrick advised that, while
he agreed with the motion in principle, he would like to go to three meetings per month
with the fourth meeting in closed session, commencing in the fall. Councillor Trites, in
concurring with having at least one Monday per month for teach-ins and such that time
does not permit now, suggested that, because of the nature of City business, the
wording of the motion, rather than stating two meetings per month, should refer to
alternate Mondays which could provide for a third meeting in a month; and advised that
he could support looking at the summer schedule for the four-month period of June
through the end of September at which time Council would have a chance to monitor
whether or not the workload was too heavy. The Mayor advised that she would like the
matter to be referred, perhaps until after the end of the summer to see how Council does
during its summer schedule of meetings, which will commence in June, recalling her
past experience during the summer schedule with lengthy Council agendas which
Council was not always able to complete at a meeting and public hearings every two
weeks, and noting the need now at times to reconvene in Committee of the Whole
following the public meeting of Council, as well as the past decision not to go to a
committee form of government as some of the other municipalities have. Councillor Ball
spoke in support of trying the summer schedule in September, as well as having three
meetings a month and especially one meeting a month as was held last Thursday; and
Deputy Mayor Chase spoke in support of the motion, with Committee of the Whole on an
as-need basis, noting that Council could change its meeting schedule by the simple
expedient of a vote. Councillor Court asked for clarification on the motion based on his
understanding that the intent would be to meet every Monday with two open sessions
and two closed sessions
Councillor Titus proposed an amendment to the motion, which was
seconded by Councillor Chase, that starting with the meeting of May 31,1999, Council
meet every second Monday until further notice. The Mayor asked if this would include
open and closed meetings, to which Councillor Titus responded in the affirmative.
Councillor Court advised his intent to vote against the motion as he was concerned
about the workload which could result in agendas of seventy to eighty items; and
Councillor Desmond spoke in support of three meetings in open session and one in
closed session; and Councillor White spoke in support of the motion on the basis that
Council, if it finds in September that the agendas are too much to handle, can go back to
the way it was. Councillor Trites advised that he could be supportive of the motion, if it
were the intent for Council to meet in open session every two weeks until further notice
which would still leave the option of having sessions to deal with items or teach-ins in
closed session on the alternating weeks; however, if the motion were to meet every two
weeks which is what is done in the summer when Council does not meet on the
alternate Mondays, Council would have to leave room for discussion in Committee of the
Whole; therefore, if Council could meet one week in open session and Committee, if
necessary, in the intervening weeks, that would cover Council very well and also allow
Council to begin its open session at 6:00 o'clock p.m. if there was no Committee meeting
leading into it; and advised that he would like something to come forward which would
allow Council to go to the summer schedule of every second week for June, July and
August, and continue with every second Monday public sessions into September while
allowing for Committee sessions in the intervening weeks and, keeping public hearings
at 7:00 o'clock p.m., move the public meeting times to 6:00 o'clock p.m.
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Councillor Titus commented further in this regard during which time he
referred to Councillor Trites' suggestion about meeting in Committee on the alternating
weeks, and proposed a modified motion that, starting with the meeting of May 31,1999,
Council meet in open session every second Monday until further notice; and noted that
this would leave Council the flexibility to meet in closed session as need be, which may
be on the alternative Mondays.
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor Chase
RESOLVED that, starting with the meeting
of May 31, 1999, Council meet in open session every second Monday until further
Question being taken, the motion was carried with the Mayor and
Councillors Court and Fitzpatrick voting "nay".
6. Tender For Contract 99-13
On motion of Deputy Mayor Chase
Seconded by Councillor White
RESOLVED that as recommended by the
City Manager, Contract 99-13, East transmission system sealing joints - 900 mm
watermain Rothesay Avenue to Loch Lomond Road, be awarded to the low tenderer,
Atlantic Underground Services Ltd., at the tendered price of $338,845, as calculated
based upon estimated quantities, and the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to
execute the necessary contract documents.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
7. Tender For Contract 99-16
On motion of Deputy Mayor Chase
Seconded by Councillor Ball
RESOLVED that as recommended by the City
Manager, Contract 99-16, Glen Falls floodways, be awarded to the low tenderer,
Galbraith Construction Ltd., at the tendered price of $420,600, as calculated based upon
estimated quantities, and the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute the
necessary contract documents.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
8. Protective Services Computer
OperatinQ System UpQrade
On motion of Councillor White
Seconded by Councillor Trites
RESOLVED that as recommended by the
City Manager, Common Council approve the purchase of Version 4 of the IBM AS400
operating system from IBM Canada, at a price of $47,368 plus HST, for a computer
operating system upgrade for Protective Services.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
(Councillor Trites withdrew from the meeting as he was not present for
the May 10, 1999 public hearing of the proposed re-zoning of property at 1360
Manawagonish Road.)
MAY 17,1999
9. Re-zoninQ Of 1360 ManawaQonish Road
On motion of Councillor White
Seconded by Deputy Mayor Chase
RESOLVED that the report from the
City Manager regarding the proposed Zoning By-law amendment to re-zone property at
1360 Manawagonish Road (Fairville Motel & Restaurant), which was given first and
second readings at the May 10, 1999 public hearing; advising that, while the applicant
during his presentation at the public hearing expressed agreement with the Section 39
conditions recommended by the Planning Advisory Committee, he also indicated that he
would relocate the proposed entrance for the lounge to the front of the building which, in
fact, would be prohibited by proposed condition (e); also advising that modification of the
proposal by placing the entrance in the front of the building is viewed as an appropriate
modification; thus, if Council wished to permit the proposed lounge to have its own
separate entrance on the front of the building, as proposed by the applicant, it would be
appropriate to delete condition (e) from the proposed Section 39 conditions, making the
subsequent conditions (e) to (g) rather than (f) to (h); and recommending the re-zoning
of the parcel of land located at 1360 Manawagonish Road subject to an agreement
pursuant to Section 39 of the Community Planning Act setting out the conditions in the
revised manner as set out in this report -- be received and filed and the recommendation
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
(Councillor Desmond withdrew from the meeting as he was not present
for the May 10, 1999 public hearing of the proposed re-zoning of property at 1360
Manawagonish Road.)
14. Zoning By-law Amendment To
Re-zone 1360 ManawaQonish Road
On motion of Deputy Mayor Chase
Seconded by Councillor Ball
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "By-law
Number C.P. 100-502 A Law To Amend The Zoning By-law Of The City Of Saint John",
insofar as it concerns by re-zoning a parcel of land located at 1360 Manawagonish Road
(NBGIC Number 397786), having an area of approximately one acre, from "R-1A" One
Family Residential to "B-2" General Business classification, be read a third time and
enacted and the Corporate Common Seal be affixed thereto:
AND FURTHER that the said re-zoning be subject to an agreement
between the City and the Developer pursuant to Section 39 of the Community Planning
Act setting out the following conditions: (a) the commercial use of the property is limited
to the existing non-conforming motel, the existing restaurant, and the applicant's
proposal to establish a small licensed lounge as an accessory use within the existing
restaurant building; (b) the lounge must be operated as a secondary use to the
restaurant that continues to be licensed as a dining room under the Liquor Control Act;
(c) the maximum occupancy of any lounge operation must not exceed 24 persons or
seats, or 40 per cent of the total combined restaurant/lounge capacity, whichever is less;
(d) there shall be no entertainment licence, and any recorded music must not be
detectable outside of the building; (e) there shall be no customer entrance or exit for the
restaurant or lounge on the westerly side of the building (facing the White House Court
development), other than an emergency exit if required by law; (f) the hours of operation
of the lounge shall be limited to the normal operating hours of the restaurant, except that
the lounge may remain open until 1 :00 a.m. each night; and (g) there shall be no
expansions to the existing building.
The by-law entitled, "By-law Number C.P. 100-502 A Law To Amend The
Zoning By-law Of The City Of Saint John", was read in its entirety.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
(Councillors Desmond and Trites re-entered the meeting.)
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10. Amendment To November 23, 1998 Council
Resolution Re Lease Of Land 40 Bavside Drive
Read a report from the City Manager advising of the need to amend
Common Council resolution of November 23, 1998, which authorized the lease of land at
40 Bayside Drive, as the purpose of the lease was to accommodate, on a temporary
basis, the City's East Works Operations and, while at the time of negotiating the term of
the lease, staff felt that by the spring of 1999 the East Works Operations would be in its
new permanent location. at this time construction of a new facility has not commenced
and the City will require further use of the 40 Bayside Drive location until such time as
the new facility is available.
On motion of Councillor Fitzpatrick
Seconded by Councillor Ball
RESOLVED that as recommended by the City
Manager, Common Council amend its resolution of November 23, 1998, pertaining to
the lease of land at 40 Bayside Drive, by deleting paragraph 1 therein and substituting
therefor: "(1) the term of the lease shall be twelve months, commencing on November
24, 1998, and shall expire on November 23, 1999"; and further that all other terms and
conditions of the aforesaid resolution remain the same, and the Mayor and Common
Clerk be authorized to execute a lease agreement.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
11. Re Odell Limited's Proposal To Construct
New Works GaraQe On Grandview Avenue
On motion of Councillor Trites
Seconded by Councillor White
RESOLVED that the report from the City
Manager advising of staff's action further to the referral of the letter from Odell Limited
(considered in Committee of the Whole on March 22, 1999) proposing that a new Works
garage be constructed on its property on Grandview Avenue, and recommending that
this report be received and filed and the Common Clerk advise Odell Limited that the
City would encourage submission of a formal proposal/tender when a call for such is
made -- be received and filed and the recommendation adopted.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
12. HIP Application #89
Re Sand Cove Road
On motion of Councillor Desmond
Seconded by Councillor White
RESOLVED that as recommended by the
City Manager, Common Council approve Housing Incentive Program application HIP
#89 for Gregory Howe, Daniel Ouellette and Greg Oram for an estimated grant of
$30,000 for a development on Sand Cove Road.
Councillor Fitzpatrick expressed concern that, although the purpose of the
Housing Incentive Program is to encourage new development, in the above case
development has already started.
Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillor Fitzpatrick
voting "nay".
13. Municipal Plan Amendment And
Re-zoninQ 2690 Loch Lomond Road
Read a letter from the Common Clerk advising that, following the
procedure for amendments to the Municipal Plan, the necessary advertising and public
presentation have been completed with regard to the submitted application of Victor
Train for a Municipal Plan amendment and re-zoning of property located at 2690 Loch
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Lomond Road, and no written objections were received in this regard, with letters of
support received from Paul and Karen Vandenbroeck and Wendy Gaudet.
On motion of Councillor Trites
Seconded by Councillor White
RESOLVED that the application of Victor
Train for a Municipal Plan amendment and re-zoning of property located at 2690 Loch
Lomond Road at be referred to the Planning Advisory Committee for a report and
recommendation and the necessary advertising be authorized in this regard, with the
public hearing to be held on Monday, June 28,1999, at 7:00 o'clock p.m.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
(Councillor Trites withdrew from the meeting as he was not present for
the May 10, 1999 public hearing of the proposed Municipal Plan amendment and re-
zoning of property at 177-187 Manners Sutton Road.)
15(a) Municipal Plan Amendment And
(b) Re-ZoninQ 177-187 Manners Sutton Road
On motion of Councillor Desmond
Seconded by Councillor Titus
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "A Law
To Amend The Municipal By-law", by amending Section 3.4.1 of the Millidgeville
Proposals - Development Area A: Millidgeville Core) by adding the following new
paragraph immediately before the existing final paragraph under the heading
"Development Theme/Character": "To also permit the development of two-family
dwellings at intensity 5 on the peninsula located on the western shore of Brothers Cove,
to the north of Manners Sutton Road, having NBGIC Number 55115562.", be read a
third time and enacted and the Corporate Common Seal be affixed thereto.
The by-law entitled, "A Law To Amend The Municipal Plan By-law", was
area in its entirety.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor White
Seconded by Councillor Ball
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "By-law
Number C.P. 100-503 A Law To Amend To Amend The Zoning By-law Of The City Of
Saint John", insofar as it concerns re-zoning a parcel of land with an area of
approximately 7 acres, located at 177-187 Manners Sutton Road (a portion of NBGIC
Number 55115562), from "R-IA" One Family Residential to "R-2" One and Two Family
Residential classification, and re-zoning a triangular parcel of land with an area of
approximately 4,000 square feet, located at 177-187 Manners Sutton Road, also
identified as the portion of NBGIC Number 55115562 that is intended to be consolidated
with NBGIC Number 55115554, from "R-1A" One Family Residential to "RF" Rural
classification, be read a third time and enacted and the Corporate Common Seal be
affixed thereto:
AND FURTHER that pursuant to Section 39 of the Community Planning
Act, the re-zoning of the said parcel of land with an area of approximately 7 acres,
located at 177-187 Manners Sutton Road, identified as a portion of NBGIC Number
55115562, be subject to the following conditions: (a) the use of the site is limited to the
applicant's proposal to develop a subdivision containing a mix of one-family and two-
family dwellings to a maximum of 23 dwelling units; (b) the number of two-family
dwellings is restricted to a maximum of 7 buildings (14 dwelling units); (c) the two-family
dwellings, if developed, must be completed in accordance with detailed elevation plans
to be prepared by the proponent and subject to the approval of the Development Officer;
(d) the transportation of fill material during the construction of the proposed private
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street, and the filling of land on proposed Lots 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 22-23 and adjacent Trustee
Lands must be limited to the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Mondays to Saturdays and
prohibited on Sundays; (e) the filling of land on proposed Lots 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 22-23 and
adjacent Trustee Lands must be in accordance with a detailed grading plan to be
prepared by the proponent and subject to the approval of the Development Officer; and
(f) the individual deeds for all the proposed lots and part-lots must indicate that the
proposed Yacht Haven Lane is a private access that will not be maintained by the City.
The by-law entitled, "By-law Number C.P. 100-503 A Law To Amend The
Zoning By-law Of The City Of Saint John", was read in its entirety.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
16. Committee Of The Whole Report
Read the report of the Committee of the Whole
(as follows)
To the COMMON COUNCIL of the City of Saint John
The Committee of the Whole
Your Committee reports that it sat on Monday, May 10, 1999, when there
were present Mayor McAlary, Deputy Mayor Chase and Councillors Ball, Chase, Court,
Desmond, Fitzpatrick, Titus, Vincent and White, and your Committee submits the
following recommendations, namely:
1. That as recommended by the City Manager, Common Council authorize
the sale of 134 Queen Street West (NBGIC Number 367557) to Habitat for Humanity
Saint John Region Inc. for the purchase price of $2,500 plus HST and all applicable
adjustments; the City of Saint John reserve the right to reacquire the subject property for
the purchase price is site development does not commence within 12 months of the title
transfer (site development meaning the pouring of a foundation and erection of flooring,
framing and trusses), and the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute the
necessary documents.
2. That as recommended by the City Manager, remuneration for the position
of Deputy City Manager be set at Grade 9, Step 2, on the Classification Table for
Management Positions, effective January 19, 1999
May 17, 1999,
Saint John, N.B.
Respectfully submitted,
(sgd.) Shirley McAlary,
16.1. Sale Of 134 Queen Street West
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor Court
RESOLVED that section 1 of the above
report be adopted.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
16.2. Remuneration - Deputv City ManaQer
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor Desmond
RESOLVED that section 2 of the above
report be adopted.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
MAY 17,1999
* Added Item
On motion of Councillor Desmond
Seconded by Councillor Court
RESOLVED that the Committee of the
Whole report of Thursday, May 13, 1999 (copies of which were distributed to Council
members on this date), be added to the agenda of this meeting for consideration as
item 16A.
(Councillor Trites re-entered the meeting.)
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
*16A. Committee Of The Whole Report
Read the report of the Committee of the Whole
(as follows)
To the COMMON COUNCIL of the City of Saint John
The Committee of the Whole
Your Committee reports that it sat on Thursday, May 13,1999, when there
were present Mayor McAlary and Councillors Ball, Chase, Court, Desmond, Fitzpatrick,
Titus and White, and your Committee submits the following recommendations, namely:
1. That Common Council approve a salary step adjustment for the Common
Clerk to Maximum, Grade 7, effective January 1, 1997.
2. That Common Council approve the following salary step adjustments for
the Assistant Common Clerk: Grade 4, Step 5, effective January 1, 1997; Step 6,
effective January 1, 1998, and Maximum, effective January 1, 1999.
3. That Common Council approve the following salary step adjustments for
the City Solicitor: Grade 9, Step 3, effective June 1, 1998, and Step 4, effective June 1,
4. That Common Council approve the following salary adjustments for the
City Manager: 3.75% effective January 1, 1998; and 1.25% effective January 1, 1999.
May 17, 1999,
Saint John, N.B.
Respectfully submitted,
(sgd.) Shirley McAlary,
16A.1. Salary Step Adjustment - Common Clerk
On motion of Councillor Trites
Seconded by Councillor Titus
RESOLVED that section 1 of the above
report be adopted.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
16A.2. Salary Step Adjustments
Assistant Common Clerk
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor Desmond
RESOLVED that section 2 of the above
report be adopted.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
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16A.3. Salarv Step Adjustments - City Solicitor
On motion of Councillor Titus
Seconded by Councillor Ball
RESOLVED that section 3 of the above report
be adopted.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
16A.4. Salarv Adjustments - City ManaQer
On motion of Councillor Desmond
Seconded by Councillor Court
RESOLVED that section 4 of the above
report be adopted.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
17. Greater Saint John Economic Development
Commission, Inc. - ReQional Transportation
On motion of Councillor Fitzpatrick
Seconded by Councillor Desmond
RESOLVED that the letter from Greater
Saint John Economic Development Commission Inc. (Enterprise Saint John) expressing
the belief that the issue of a regional transportation system should be addressed by all
municipalities in Greater Saint John; and suggesting that the City of Saint John's public
transportation system could be extended to Grand Bay-Westfield, Rothesayand
Quispamsis if there were a need or a desire for the system in these communities -- be
referred to the Saint John Transit Commission.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
18. Greater Saint John Economic Development
Commission, Inc. Re Cash Reserve
On motion of Councillor Fitzpatrick
Seconded by Councillor Ball
RESOLVED that the letter from Greater Saint
John Economic Development Commission, Inc. (Enterprise Saint John) asking Council
to consider approving a policy that would permit Enterprise Saint John to establish a
reserve over time from any surpluses that may occur, rather than have municipalities
take into account this surplus in approving its budgets in subsequent years -- be referred
to the City Manager for a report to Council.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
19. Minister Of The Environment Re Closure
And Remediation Of Spruce Lake Landfill
On motion of Councillor Desmond
Seconded by Councillor Trites
RESOLVED that the letter from the Minister
of the Environment confirming, further to Council's initiatives regarding the permanent
closure and remediation effort at the Spruce Lake landfill, that financial participation is
committed by the Department for the current budget year, 1999-2000 and, prompted by
estimates in the City's closure plan, a net amount of $300,000 based on a projected
expenditure of $600,000 has been reserved for landfill closure by the City of Saint John;
and submitting a brief guideline describing the funding process applicable to dumpsite
and landfill closures -- be received and filed.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
MAY 17,1999
20. Jane Barry, MLA Saint John Lancaster
(a) Sidewalks Centracare/Ridgewood Area
(b) Signage Russell Hill Road & Balmoral
Crescent Area; (c) Sidewalks On Gault Road
20{a) & (c)
On motion of Councillor Trites
Seconded by Councillor Fitzpatrick
RESOLVED that the letters from Jane
Barry, MLA Saint John Lancaster, advising that, with the recent construction of the new
Centracare facilities, staff, patients and families would greatly benefit from the
construction of a sidewalk from the railway overpass area, further toward South Bay; and
advising it would be appreciated if a sidewalk could be constructed at the end of Gault
Road, nearest to South Bay where the street is quite curved and twisty, as well as
narrow -- be referred to the next Capital Budget process.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor Trites
Seconded by Councillor White
RESOLVED that the letter from Jane Barry,
MLA Saint John Lancaster, advising that she has been approached about the lack of
signage notifying residents to slow down in the area of a triangular green space between
Russell Hill Road and Balmoral Crescent where a number of young children frequently
play, and that it would be appreciated if Council would have the Traffic Department
investigate the possibility of posting "children playing" signs in this area -- be referred to
the City Manager.
In response to a question as to the City's practice in the above regard, Mr.
Groody advised that it has not been the City's practice to install such signage on the
basis that, if there were too many such signs, people would tend to ignore them and
there might be a false sense of security among children that they can run out onto the
street to play and forget normal safety considerations, so experts in the field discourage
the usage of that kind of signage.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
21. Communities In Bloom Education
Co-ordinator - List of Projects
On motion of Councillor White
Seconded by Councillor Desmond
RESOLVED that the letter from Barry
Ogden, Communities in Bloom Education Co-ordinator, submitting a list of projects that
will greatly benefit the community -- be received and filed with appreciation.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
22. Celebrate Canada Committee For Saint John
Request For RecoQnition And Financial Support
On motion of Councillor Trites
Seconded by Deputy Mayor Chase
RESOLVED that the letter from the
Celebrate Canada Committee for Saint John requesting that the City of Saint John
recognize it as the official co-ordinating committee for Canada Celebrations In Saint
John and, if Council approves this request, to support the Committee financially in
planning its celebrations -- be received and filed and a grant of $1,000 be approved and
the Committee be recognized as the Co-ordinating Committee for Canada Day
celebrations in Saint John.
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MAY 17,1999
The initial motion proposed by Councillor White, and not seconded, was
to refer the above matter to the City Manager, whereupon the Mayor indicated that this
would be Council's decision.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
23. P. Cook - Request To Build
Up Yard At 3 Todd Street
Consideration was given to a letter from P. Cook asking for permission to
bring in fill to build up the driveway at 3 Todd Street, the driveway at present being about
one foot lower than surrounding grades and tends to get a lot of water from time to time.
A motion was proposed by Councillor Trites and seconded by Councillor
Ball to refer the above matter to the City Manager for appropriate action. The Mayor
made the observation that Council dealt with a request of this nature at the last meeting
and, in response to her query as to whether or not Council should make a decision at
this time, Mr. Edwards advised that he looked at the property in question and could see
no reason why Council would not accept this person's request; and also that his
recommendation would be to accept $4 per cubic metre.
On motion of Councillor Trites
Seconded by Councillor White
RESOLVED that P. Cook be advised that
Common Council will sell compensatory storage, calculated at the minimum rate of
$4.00 per cubic metre, for each cubic metre of flood storage displaced by the building up
of the driveway at 3 Todd Street.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
24. Cornelius Bean's Cafe Re
Outdoor DininQ, 68 KinQ Street
On motion of Councillor Fitzpatrick
Seconded by Councillor Ball
RESOLVED that the letter from the Co-owners
of Cornelius Bean's Cafe submitting a sketch of a proposed seating arrangement for
outdoor dining in front of its store at 68 King Street; and serving as a formal application
to assist them with their business venture -- be referred to the City Manager.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
25. Crowe's Place Ltd. - Re-Zoning
Of Property At 321 City Road
On motion of Councillor Desmond
Seconded by Councillor Trites
RESOLVED that the application of Crowe's
Place Ltd. for the re-zoning of property at 321 City Road be referred to the Planning
Advisory Committee for a report and recommendation and the necessary advertising be
authorized in this regard, with the public hearing to be held on Monday, June 28, 1999,
at 7:00 o'clock p.m.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
26. Corporation 1906 Inc. - Re-zoning
Of Lot 97-1, Paradise Row
On motion of Councillor Desmond
Seconded by Councillor Ball
RESOLVED that the application of
Corporation 1906 Inc. for the re-zoning of Lot 97-1, Paradise Row, be referred to the
Planning Advisory Committee for a report and recommendation and the necessary
MAY 17,1999
advertising be authorized in this regard, with the public hearing to be held on Monday,
June 28, 1999, at 7:00 o'clock p.m.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
27. Catherine Sherman - Building
Permit Denial, 115 Huxtable Street
Consideration was given to a letter from Catherine Sherman advising of
the building permit denial of Howard and Catherine Sherman with regard to 115
Huxtable Street, Lakewood Heights, for the reason that a sewer line had to be installed.
On motion of Councillor Desmond
Seconded by Councillor Court
RESOLVED that Council permit the
construction of a building at 115 Huxtable Street, Lakewood Heights, with an appropriate
letter to be received from the owners of the subject property agreeing that if the property
is further subdivided, they must install a sewer line and connect to the City's sewer
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
* Added Item
On motion of Deputy Mayor Chase
Seconded by Councillor Ball
RESOLVED that the report from the City
Manager (copies of which were distributed to Council members on this date), concerning
a subdivision agreement for 177-187 Manners Sutton Road, be added to the agenda of
this meeting for consideration as item 27 A.
Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillor Fitzpatrick
voting "nay".
*27 A. Subdivision Agreement Re
177-187 Manners Sutton Road
On motion of Deputy Mayor Chase
Seconded by Councillor Trites
RESOLVED that the report from the City
Manager referring to the May 10, 1999 public hearing for a Municipal Plan amendment
and re-zoning of property at 177-187 Manners Sutton at which time the applicant, G.A.
(Sandy) Robertson indicated that he did not wish to share in the upgrading or
replacement of the Bullock Street lift station; advising that, while it is anticipated that this
lift station will have to be replaced and the developer would contribute to the cost of this
replacement, it has been concluded that the Community Planning Act does not provide
for this type of developer contribution as part of the subdivision approval process, thus
the City may have to assume the full cost of upgrade or replacement of the Bullock
Street lift station, the latter anticipated to cost over $100,000 -- be received and filed.
(Councillor Trites withdrew from the meeting.)
Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillor Desmond
voting "nay".
On motion of Councillor Fitzpatrick
Seconded by Councillor White
RESOLVED that this meeting be adjourned
and a Committee of the Whole meeting be held.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Common Clerk