APRIL 6,1999
At a meeting of the Common Council, held at the City Hall in the City of
Saint John, on Tuesday, the sixth day of April, AD., 1999, at 7:00 o'clock p.m.
Shirley McAlary, Mayor
Deputy Mayor Chase and Councillors Ball, Chase, Court,
Desmond, Fitzpatrick, Titus, Vincent and White
- and -
Messrs. P. Woods, Deputy City Manager; J. Nugent, City
Solicitor; A Beckett, Commissioner of Finance and
Commissioner of Corporate Services; J. C. MacKinnon,
Commissioner of Environment and Development Services; P.
Groody, Commissioner of Municipal Operations; S. Galbraith,
Director of Works; W. Butler, Commissioner of Community
Services; W. Todd, Director of Information Technology; J. Baird,
Manager of Community Planning; S. Lodhi, Manager of Real
Estate and Facility Management; D. Logan, Purchasing Agent; R.
Simonds, Deputy Fire Chief; A Bodechon. Deputy Chief of
Police; Mrs. M. Munford, Common Clerk; and Mrs. J. Ferrar,
1. MeetinQ Called To Order - Prayer
Mayor McAlary called the meeting to order and Reverend David
Nicholson of Douglas Avenue Christian Church offered the opening prayer.
2. Approval of Minutes
On motion of Councillor Desmond
Seconded by Councillor Vincent
RESOLVED that minutes of the meeting of
Common Council, held on March 29, 1999, be approved.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
3. Mavor's Remarks
On a point of order, Councillor Titus stated he was unable to find
provision in Council's Procedural By-law for Mayor's Remarks to be included on the
Council agenda, and if there is no such provision, any remarks by the Mayor under this
item are out of order. Mayor McAlary stated that such item has been listed on the
agenda for at least her term of office, to make public announcements, express
appreciation, and for proclamations, and asked that the matter be referred to her for a
report to Council, whereupon Councillor Fitzpatrick proposed such a motion. Upon the
Mayor indicating that she intended to proceed, Councillor Titus stated he wished to
appeal to the full Council the decision of the Mayor in this regard. He suggested as a
courtesy that the Mayor inform Councillors before remarks are made under this item,
and provide background information. The Mayor stated that for this meeting this item is
out of order and there will be no Mayor's Remarks.
4. Year 2000 Computer Problem
Read a report from the City Manager advising Council of the initiatives
established as a guide for an Action Plan by the Year 2000 Project Team adopting the
following definition of 'readiness', "software or devices utilizing dates within them will
continue to perform adequately for specific business functions(s) during the change over
to the next century"; advising of the following ongoing activities: the City is currently
installing a new Management Information System which in part will respond to identified
Year 2000 issues with existing applications such as the Local Government Financial
system; the City's Emergency Measures Organization has initiated steps to prepare
contingency plans to respond to potential Year 2000 associated incidents; and staff is
participating in a number of regular information sessions with other agencies regarding
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APRIL 6,1999
Mr. Todd, on behalf of the Year 2000 Project Team, made an overhead
presentation explaining the process being taken through an Action Plan established by
the Project Team, as submitted, advising the potential impact on the City's software
which could affect the functioning of Protective Services, Communication Services,
Building Inspection and the water distribution network resulting in problems with the
delivery of these particular services; the Project Team will focus on the following critical
services: fire suppression, police patrols, potable (drinking) water, streets, and waste
water treatment; a comprehensive inventory is being undertaken of the City's entire fleet
as well as traffic controllers; an inventory has been taken of any potential Y2K issues
and those which are specific to a certain Department are the responsibility of that
Department to determine Y2K readiness; the Information Technology area has assumed
responsibility for all computer hardware and software issues; a corporate approach is
being taken in developing contingency plans which will be reviewed and approved by the
Executive Committee; the Materials Management Division of Corporate Services is
coordinating contacts with suppliers of software to the City to determine the current and
future compliance status; a clause regarding year 2000 compliance has been affixed to
all Purchase Orders, Quotations, Tenders and Requests for Proposals; a communication
plan is being developed by the Project Team and Mr. Todd noted he will be handling any
questions or requests regarding Y2K. Mr. Todd stated everything possible is being done
to assure the City is not adversely affected but the City does not, at this time, represent
or guarantee that all of its operations, including the services that it provides, will not be
adversely affected by the Year 2000 computer problem.
On motion of Councillor Ball
Seconded by Councillor Fitzpatrick
RESOLVED the above report from the
City Manager regarding the Year 2000 Project Team's Action Plan and ongoing activities
-- be received and filed.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
5. Status ReportinQ - Capital ProQrams
Read a report from the City Manager submitting a Status Report on 1998
Capital Programs - Transportation/Storm/Water/Sanitary for the period ending February
28, 1999, containing the following information: projects approved, method for estimating
scope and value of work required, payment process, and advising it is proposed to
provide these reports on the status of Capital Programs to Council on a quarterly basis
for the periods ending May 31, August 31, November 30 and February 28 of each year.
On motion of Councillor Desmond
Seconded by Councillor White
RESOLVED that as recommended by the
City Manager, Common Council approve the system of status reporting for Capital
Programs, as proposed in the submitted report -- be received and filed.
An overview of the submitted report was given by Mr. Groody noting the
report covers the general fund, from the property tax base, which covers the
transportation capital program, storm drainage capital program and environmental
capital program; and the water and sewerage fund, which comes from the rates payers
of the water and sewerage utility which covers the programs for water, sanitary
sewerage and infrastructure; Mr. Groody noted two critical goals in Municipal Operations
with regard to Capital Programs: (1) an early submission of project lists; and (2) develop
a system for regular reporting on the status of projects.
Mr. Groody responded to questions regarding the status report and noted
when there is a significant over expenditure for any particular project the variance is
reported back to Council for approval.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
APRIL 6,1999
6. Re Tender Calls for Capital Projects
Consideration was given to a report from the City Manager further to
Council's request on March 22, 1999, regarding the matter of timing of tender calls for
capital works projects; submitting a partial listing of the tentative schedule for tender
calls, and advising an additional report will be submitted to Council on the remainder of
the work in a few weeks.
On motion of Councillor Court
Seconded by Councillor White
RESOLVED that as recommended by the
City Manager the above report be received and filed.
Councillor Titus referring to his request on March 22, 1999 asked the
status of a report from staff verifying what City Commissions do not presently use the
City tendering process. Mayor McAlary advised this matter is being pursued by the City
Manager. Deputy Mayor Chase questioned the possibility of having local engineers
carry out the work for regular street reconstruction, curb and gutter work which would in
turn allow City staff more time to deal with other more urgent issues; Mr. Groody advised
there have been discussions on this matter and a policy could be ready for Council's
consideration in the near future.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
7. Request To Expend Monies From
Stockford Memorial Trust Fund
Read a report from the City Manager further to Council's referral on
March 15, 1999, regarding a request from staff for allocation of monies from the
Stockford Memorial Trust Fund to purchase a sweeper for a tractor used for
maintenance in King's Square and the Uptown area; advising that funds from the
Stockford Memorial Trust Fund must be used for maintenance items exclusively in King's
On motion of Councillor Desmond
Seconded by Councillor White
RESOLVED that as recommended by the
City Manager, Common Council authorize the expenditure of an amount not greater than
$10,000 to purchase bedding plants, mature trees, benches and waste receptacles for
use in King's Square and further that monies for these expenditures be provided from
the Stockford Memorial Trust Fund as supported by invoices.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor Fitzpatrick
Seconded by Councillor Court
RESOLVED that the possibility of placing a
memorial in King's Square in recognition of the Stockford Memorial Trust be referred to
the City Manager.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
10. Proposed Expenditure From The
Stockford Memorial Trust Fund
Consideration was given to a letter from the City Solicitor regarding the
City Manager's recommendation for Council's approval on March 15, 1999, for funding to
be provided from the Stockford Memorial Fund in an amount not greater than $10,000
for the purchase of a sweeper attachment for a tractor used for maintenance in King's
Square and the Uptown area; referring to Council's resolution on December 28, 1939
which established the Stockford Fund as a result of the bequest of $3,000 from the
APRIL 6,1999
Estate of Fannie M. Stockford; and advising it would be improper to expend money from
the Stockford Memorial Trust Fund to purchase a piece of equipment which is intended
from time to time to be used other than for the upkeep and maintenance of King's
On motion of Councillor Vincent
Seconded by Councillor Desmond
RESOLVED that the letter from the City
Solicitor regarding the proposed expenditure from the Stockford Memorial Trust Fund --
be received and filed.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
8. Tender For Collection Of
Residential Solid Waste
On motion of Councillor Ball
Seconded by Councillor Court
RESOLVED that as recommended by the
City Manager, the tender for the collection of residential solid waste as per the terms and
conditions of the tender, be accepted in accordance with the prices contained in the
submitted summary of bids; and in general terms as follows; 1) zones number 1, 2, and
3 to Mr. Dumpster Inc. and 2) zones 4, 5, 6 and 7 to Dominion Refuse Collectors Ltd.
In responding to a question regarding tipping fees Mr. Logan confirmed
they are included in the tender price. Councillor Chase noted next year the recycling
program will be underway to extract dry recyclables from the system and stated he
anticipates a reduction in this tender contract. Councillor Vincent inquired what the
pickup schedule for the eastern section of the City is when a statutory holiday falls on a
Monday, and Mr. Groody confirmed that when Monday is a holiday, the garbage is
picked up the following Monday.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
9. Tender For Asphaltic Concrete Mixes
On motion of Councillor Desmond
Seconded by Councillor White
RESOLVED that as recommended by the
City Manager, the tender of Lafarge Canada Inc., as per the prices contained in the
submitted summary of bids, be accepted for the supply of asphaltic concrete mixes for
the 1999 construction season.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
(Councillor Vincent withdrew from the meeting as he was not present at
the March 29, 1999 public hearings with regard to the Peninsula Neighbourhood Plan
and property at 91 Prince Edward Street.)
11. Municipal Plan Amendment
Peninsula NeiQhbourhood Plan
On motion of Councillor Fitzpatrick
Seconded by Councillor Court
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled "A Law
To Amend The Municipal Plan By-law" adopting the Peninsula Neighbourhood Plan as
Part 10, which sets out additional policies to guide the development of the peninsula
area surrounding the uptown; and amending Schedule 2-C, the Central Peninsula Land
Use Plan, be read a third time and enacted and the Common Corporate Seal be affixed
The by-law entitled "A Law to Amend The Municipal Plan By-law", was
read in its entirety.
APRIL 6,1999
Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillor Chase
voting "nay".
12. Zoning By-law Amendment To
Re-zone 91 Prince Edward Street
On motion of Councillor White
Seconded by Councillor Court
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "By-
Law Number C.P. 100-494 A Law To Amend The Zoning By-law Of The City Of Saint
John", insofar as it concerns re-zoning a parcel of land located at 91 Prince Edward
Street, having an area of approximately 850 square metres (9,150 square feet), also
identified as being NBGIC Number 12427, from "IL-1" Neighbourhood Institutional to "B-
2" General Business classification, be read a third time and enacted and the Corporate
Common Seal be affixed thereto.
The by-law entitled, "By-Law Number C.P. 100-494 A Law To Amend The
Zoning By-law Of The City Of Saint John", was read in its entirety.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
(Councillor Vincent re-entered the meeting.)
13. Municipal Plan Amendment And
Re-zoninQ 177-187 Manners Sutton Road
Read a letter from the Common Clerk advising that, following the
procedure for amendments to the Municipal Plan, the necessary advertising and public
presentation with respect to the submitted application of G.A (Sandy) Robertson
regarding property at 177-187 Manners Sutton Road have been completed, and no
written objections have been received.
On motion of Councillor Fitzpatrick
Seconded by Councillor Ball
RESOLVED that the application of
G.A(Sandy) Robertson for a Municipal Plan amendment and re-zoning of property at
177 -187 Manners Sutton Road be referred to the Planning Advisory Committee for a
report and recommendation and the necessary advertising be authorized in this regard,
with the public hearing to be held on Tuesday, May 10, 1999 at 7:00 o'clock p.m.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
14. 1998 Auditor's Report And Financial Statements
For Fundv ReQion Solid Waste Commission
Read a letter from John King, Chairman, Fundy Region Solid Waste
Commission, submitting the Auditor's Report and Financial Statements for 1998 for the
Commission, pursuant to Section 7.1 in N.B. Regulations 96.11 under the Clean
Environment Act.
On motion of Councillor Fitzpatrick
Seconded by Councillor Desmond
RESOLVED that the Auditor's Report
and Financial Statements for 1998, as submitted, for the Fundy Region Solid Waste
Commission -- be received and filed.
Councillor Chase advised that the Chairman and General Manager of the
Fundy Solid Waste Commission would accept an invitation to address Council regarding
the financial statements for 1998. Councillor Fitzpatrick questioned why rent is being
paid in the amount of $18,000 for a facility rather than having a structure on site; and in
referring to the Recreation Fund requested further information on the Fund and what
policies are in place.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
APRIL 6,1999
15. Elizabeth Fry Society
Re Police Commission Membership
On motion of Councillor Court
Seconded by Councillor Desmond
RESOLVED that the letter from
Elizabeth Fry Society of Saint John referring to the Police Commission membership,
noting there are no female City appointees on the board, as well as no appointee from
the eastern region of the City, and requesting Miss Sharon Nesbitt be given
consideration as a member of this Commission -- be referred to the Nominating
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
16. Eric L. Teed Re Policy
On Appointments To Boards And Commissions
On motion of Councillor Fitzpatrick
Seconded by Councillor White
RESOLVED that the letter from Eric L. Teed,
dated April 1, 1999, commending Council's decision to adopt a policy that Saint John
residents be appointed to its official boards and commissions -- be received and filed.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
The Mayor declared the meeting adjourned.
Common Clerk