1997-11-17_Minutes 86-718 COMMON COUNCIL NOVEMBER 17,1997 At a meeting of the Common Council, held at the City Hall in the City of Saint John, on Monday, the seventeenth day of November, AD. 1997, at 3:00 o'clock p.m. present Shirley McAlary, Mayor Councillors Arthurs, Ball, Brown, Chase, Fitzpatrick, Gould, Knibb, Trites, Vincent and Waldschutz - and - Messrs. 1. Totten, City Manager; J. Nugent, City Solicitor; A Beckett, Commissioner of Finance; C. Robichaud, Commissioner of Municipal Operations; P. Groody, Commissioner of Human Resources; W. Butler, Commissioner of Community Services; P. Woods, Deputy Commissioner of Finance; W. Morrison, Director of Recreation and Parks; J. Baird, Manager of Community Planning; W. Edwards, Building Inspector; S. Lodhi, Manager of Real Estate and Facility Management; G. Tait, Fire Chief; C. Cogswell, Acting Chief of Police; G. Ingraham, Assistant Deputy Chief of Police; P. Palmer, Superintendent of Facilities; V. Fitzgerald, Director of Somerset Community Centre; K. Watson, Recreation Supervisor for Rockwood Park; D. O'Toole, Recreation Supervisor for Community Development; R. Nelson, Superintendent, Recreation and Parks; S. Doucette, Recreation Supervisor; L. Hughes, Recreation Supervisor; Mrs. Susan Fitzpatrick, Recreation Supervisor for Community Development; Ms. Susan Greer, Communications Officer; Ms. Y. Huntington, Director of Tourism and Communications; and Ms. C. Mosher, Assistant Common Clerk. 1. MeetinQ Called To Order - OpeninQ Prayer Mayor McAlary called the meeting to order, and offered the opening prayer. 2. Approval of Minutes On motion of Councillor Knibb Seconded by Councillor Ball RESOLVED that minutes of the meetings of Common Council, held on Saturday, November 8, 1997, Monday, November 10, 1997, and Wednesday, November 12, 1997, be approved. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 3. Mavor's Remarks Mayor McAlary proclaimed November 20 to be National Child Day in the City of Saint John; thanked the members of the Saint John Fire Department and the Saint John Police Force for their attendance at the November 11 Remembrance Day ceremonies; and noted the Santa Claus Parade on November 15. The Mayor also noted the opening of the Festival of Trees at the New Brunswick Museum on November 19; and the Saint John Port Corporation's fund-raising effort on behalf of the community food banks was commended. Note was also made of the copy of a letter from the Saint John Trade and Convention Centre to CBC (copies of which were forwarded to Council members as an information item) responding to comments of a CBC reporter about the operation of the Centre. The Mayor noted the letter from the Fundy Region Solid Waste Commission (copies of which were distributed to Council members at this meeting) 86-719 COMMON COUNCIL NOVEMBER 17,1997 regarding its 1998 Capital and Operating Budgets, and asked if Council wanted to add it to the agenda of this meeting or have it placed on the agenda of the next meeting, and it was suggested that the letter in question should be placed on next week's agenda. 4. Community Services 1998 BudQet Presentation With regard to the status of the departmental budget presentations, Mr. Totten noted the presentation by the Police Force requesting approximately $14 million and the need for the Police Force to update Council further on some of the items on which it has been working subsequent to its presentation, as well as the presentations by the Fire Department, Municipal Operations, and Environment and Development Services requesting $13.2 million, $15.4 million, and close to $3 million, respectively, and the forthcoming presentation by Community Services requesting approximately $6.7 million. Mr. Totten also noted the need for Council to hear submissions from some of the administrative departments much smaller in nature, as well as the number of non-departmental presentations already made to Council; and advised that, as Council at the end of the Community Services' presentation would have heard up to about 80% of the department and non-departmental submissions, he would over the next week or two be putting together a draft budget for discussion with Council two to three weeks from now. The Mayor suggested that, rather than have further special meetings of Council to deal with the budget, most of the departments from which Council has yet to hear could make their presentations at regular Council meetings. Mr. Butler, noting the number of Community Services' employees present at the meeting as well as the presence of Messrs. Ray Thompson and Murray Carpenter of the Recreation and Parks Advisory Board, referenced the Community Services' budget submission (copies of which were distributed to Council members at this meeting) and, through a slide presentation, reviewed the staff complement and services provided by the Community Services Department through the Recreation & Parks Division, the Tourism and Communication Division, and Public Affairs, as well as their respective budgets, reductions for Council to consider to meet the budget guideline and the issues. With regard to the overall departmental budget, Mr. Butler noted the approved 1997 budget of $6,571,610 and the proposed 1998 budget of $6,684,499, the latter including the contractual salary/wage increases and a 1 % increase in Goods and Services, and made the observation that, in order to present a 1998 budget that would reflect the same level of service provided in 1997 and meet the 10% budget guideline, it would be necessary to identify a reduction target of $770,000. With regard to Recreation and Parks for which the proposed 1998 budget was $5,351,934, Mr. Butler highlighted the administration budget and the services and budgets related to Parks and Green Space Management, Facilities Management, and Community Development; and presented the following considerations in meeting the 10% budget guideline: (1) an anticipated tax reduction for community centres and arenas in amounts of $14,500 and $74,600, respectively, due to Provincial action; (2) not filling a vacant Recreation Supervisor position for a saving of $41,700; (3) ceasing the $15,000 contribution to the City Market Promotion Fund; (4) increasing rents for space at the City Market by, effective January 1, 2.5%, which would provide an additional $10,500 in revenue; (5) transferring the replacement costs of fixed assets to the Capital Budget in an amount of $42,000; (6) reducing lifeguard service for a saving of $28,000; (7) suspending the summer playground program at a saving of $38,000, operating it only if funded by grants; (8) increasing the sportsfield rental rate for an increase in revenue of $20,000; (9) a subsidy reduction of $30,000 for minor group ice rental; (10) changing the subsidy reduction of $10,000 for minor groups based on hours rented rather than registration; (11) increasing all hourly rental rates beginning in October 1998 by $5/hour for an increase in revenue of $8,000 by December 1998; (12) suspending the operation of one arena at the end of the 1997-98 season for a saving of $40,000; and (13) a proposal for reducing community centre operating costs by $80,0000 through the establishment of community development teams and focusing on facilitating programs rather than direct program delivery; and reviewed issues related to Union/Management relations, a seasonal work force, arena ice rentals, provisions of service to charitable fund raising events, seasonal personnel and equitable distribution of resources. (Councillor Fitzpatrick entered the meeting during the above 86-720 COMMON COUNCIL NOVEMBER 17,1997 presentation. ) Mr. Butler responded to questions with regard to Recreation and Parks during which time the issue of community centres being organized and operated by volunteers was broached and Mr. Butler, noting the proposed budget reduction consideration of $80,000 in operating costs of community centres beginning in June 1998, advised that reason the for picking June was because it would give staff an opportunity to help solve the problem by considering whether or not community centres are open at the right time and whether a parents' group could be involved at certain times, and that he could foresee coming back to Council in February or March with a proposal showing how community centres could be operated as soon as possible and showing where the $80,000 could be saved; and advised that, while staff had not reviewed the outcome of closing four arenas at non-prime times and lumping their bookings into one to determine savings in wages, this could be done. With regard to the City Market, Mr. Totten advised that staff's position was that the City Market tenants should be paying a fair market rent, noting that Council previously turned down the City Manager's recommendation that would have resulted in the City Market operations being run in a different fashion; and made the observation that, when discussing the issue of community service groups looking after community centres, the staff component, some of whom are covered by security clauses, cannot be separated from the issue. On the issue of arenas, Mr. Totten advised that, as Council was aware, there was one particular arena that needs considerable capital work and, while an operating expenditure of $40,000 was identified in the proposed operating budget and may appear very small, dealing with that particular arena could result in the reduction in the capital budget of an amount of $900,000 to $1 million. With regard to Tourism and Communications, Mr. Butler, in noting the proposed budget of $883,015 for Tourism Services and $125,728 for Corporate Communications Services, outlined Tourism's 1996, 1997 and 1998 initiatives, the 1997 marketing activities, the challenges for 1998, and the meetings and conventions hosted by the City, as well as the economic impact of tourism to Saint John; and also outlined the services provided by Corporate Communications and Cultural Affairs, the proposed budget for the latter being $61,513; and put forth the following budget reduction considerations:- (1) suspending the regional television promotion at a saving of $56,000; (2) seeking alternate operation of Barbour's General Store at a saving of $20,000; and (3) reducing tourism promotion in an amount of $34,000. Mr. Butler commented on issues related to the forthcoming regional economic development commission, the need for a permanent supervisor to direct the operation of the Tourist Information Centres, the lack of a tourist information centre on Highway #1 East, revenue from advertising, the Bay of Fundy marketing program, promotional material and the Reversing Falls. Mr. Butler highlighted the services provided by Public Affairs for which the proposed budget was $136,283, giving examples of civic activities, liaison duties, ceremonial events and special events in which this division is involved; proposed a budget reduction consideration by the reduction of the current vacancy in the Community Services Establishment of a Clerk-Typist position which is funded for a half- year in an amount of $14,200; and, in terms of further considerations for budget reductions, advised that, as the target budget reduction for Community Services as directed by the City Manager was $770,000 and the above-listed services reductions would total $538,000, a shortfall of $232,000 still exists; and put forth the following considerations to address this shortfall, noting that these were not recommendations: (1) closing an arena in April 1998; (2) closing a community centre; and (3) reducing permanent staff to a level required to offset the shortfall, which would require the lay-off of the equivalent of five full-time positions. During discussion Mr. Totten advised that, in reviewing the proposed Tourism and Communications budget, he could take out economic-development related items such as tourism and conventions and include them in an overall economic development package for Council to consider, noting that economic development was Council's number one priority. The Mayor noted the procedure in terms of Council hearing delegations at its 7:00 o'clock p.m. meetings, and in order to hear from the Board of Trade at this meeting as requested under agenda item 19. 86-721 COMMON COUNCIL NOVEMBER 17,1997 On motion of Councillor Knibb Seconded by Councillor Gould RESOLVED that item 19, being a letter from the Saint John Board of Trade, be brought forward for consideration and the Board of Trade be invited to address Council at this time. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 19. Board of Trade - Request To Make Presentation Consideration was given to the letter from the Saint John Board of Trade requesting to make a presentation at this meeting to comment on the significant financial challenge being faced by the City of Saint John and to offer recommendations to the members of Common Council regarding the City's 1998 budget. Messrs. Thomas Gribbons, President; Gary Smith, 2nd Vice President; Tony Goguen, Task Force member; and Darryl Goyetche, General Manager, of the Saint John Board of Trade were present at the meeting; and Messrs. Gribbons and Goguen, reading in turn from a prepared brief (copies of which were distributed to Council members at this meeting), explained that, having become aware of the projected $6.4 million shortfall in the City's budget for 1998 and recognizing the implications, the Board's executive established a task force composed of a cross- section of members to consider and develop recommendations for the City in preparing its 1998 operating budget and the longer-term processes to be utilized by the City in order to ensure its continued financial well-being, and that the report and recommendations developed by the task force were subsequently reviewed and adopted by the Board of Trade's Executive and Board of Directors. Mr. Goguen advised of the Board's conclusion that there were three options available to the City with respect to its 1998 budget: expenditure reductions coupled with productivity improvements, an increase in the tax rate, or a combination of both; and put forth the following recommendations with regard to the 1998 operating budget: - (1) there must be no increase in the tax rate for 1998; (2) the expected budgetary shortfall must be offset through productivity improvements and expenditure reductions; (3) if necessary, all business and residential taxpayers in Saint John must be prepared to accept some reduction in the scope of services, at least in the short term, in order to ensure that the future, long-term best interests of the City are satisfied; (4) Common Council, in partnership with the City Manager, must take a leadership role in adopting and implementing a "no tax increase" policy for 1998 and beyond; and (5) all discretionary spending for 1997 - operating as well as capital - must be curtailed immediately in order for any savings arising therefrom to be utilized in the future, and all 1998 discretionary spending must undergo thorough scrutiny with a view toward expenditure reduction. For the 1999 operating budget and beyond, Mr. Goguen recommended that (1) an external review must be conducted to assess and determine the future role of municipal government for the City of Saint John in order to ensure the appropriate strategies are in place to facilitate service delivery and all decision-making associated therewith must remain under the control of Common Council and the City Manager; (2) as part of this review, the City must retain external expertise to conduct, with the assistance of the City Manager, operational and comprehensive reviews in selected departments, with a view to ensuring the delivery of municipal services in the most productive, effective and economical fashion; (3) the City should adopt activity-based costing models to accurately determine the "true" costs of service delivery and properly assess whether privatization of services is a viable option; (4) the City should adopt zero-based budgeting principles; and (5) growth of the tax base is a more effective revenue generator than is an increase in the tax rate, hence the City is encouraged to continue with aggressive efforts to expand the tax base (i.e. housing incentive program and efforts to promote economic development). Mr. Gribbons, in concluding the presentation, expressed the opinion that the City Manager and his staff have the necessary knowledge and expertise to properly identify and implement the required business improvement practices within City Hall; encouraged Common Council to demonstrate its support for these initiatives by expressly recognizing and encouraging 86-722 COMMON COUNCIL NOVEMBER 17,1997 the City Manager as he proceeds with building upon, and enhancing, those efficiencies which already exist within City Hall; expressed the opinion that home and business owners in the City should not be called upon to pay for increasing municipal expenditures but rather that civic leaders should be encouraged to listen to the voices of those, such as the Board of Trade, who sincerely believe that Saint John and Saint Johners simply cannot afford a tax increase. Mr. Gribbons responded to questions with regard to the Board of Trade's source of the referenced $1.7 million benefit to the City from the creation of regional commissions, and its recommendation for an external review and his suggestion in this regard that the City should prioritize what it should be doing for its current population of approximately 70,000 rather than for a population of 98,000 as it was in 1967 and benchmark this with other communities like Saint John through a consultant; and issues were broached, including the City's contractual obligations to employees in the bargaining units, examples of higher costs in Saint John which were identified in the Board's study comparing Saint John with other communities of its size in Canada, and the City's current involvement in Business Process Improvements; and Mr. Totten suggested that, while he was not opposed to having a very focused review with a very focused mandate done of any City department in an attempt to reduce costs, he should first be given an opportunity to recommend to Council how to reduce costs, following which the Board of Trade might still recommend to Council that particular departments should be reviewed in terms of productivity and concerns about pockets of administrative overhead. Mr. Goguen suggested a two-fold process involving a comparison of the City of Saint John services provided with other similar municipalities and subsequently going through the benchmarking exercise on those services that Council believes this City should be providing to determine the priorities in terms of expenditure reduction reviews, not to look at every City operation at once but rather to benchmark, pick some priorities and then look at individual components in order of priority, over a period of years; and expressed the view that the City now had a window of opportunity to start this process because of the crunch it was currently in and because of some of the clauses that expire the end of 1998. The Mayor thanked the Board of Trade for its presentation. 4A. Skateboard Enclosure Duke Street West On motion of Deputy Mayor Chase Seconded by Councillor Vincent RESOLVED that the letter from Deputy Mayor Chase asking for a report from the Police with regard to alleged illegal behaviour at the new skateboard enclosure on Duke Street West, across from the New Albert School -- be referred to the appropriate staff. Deputy Mayor Chase, noting that the skateboard facility has now closed for the season, suggested that staff should, in the general context of skateboard parks, look at the issue of supervision. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 4B. Organizing Efforts Of Harbour Station Workers Read a letter from Deputy Mayor Chase advising his intent to move a motion that Bob Hicks meet with Common Council in closed session next Monday to present the story related to the organizing of the workers at Harbour Station. On motion of Deputy Mayor Chase Seconded by Councillor Arthurs RESOLVED that Mr. Bob Hicks, Business Agent for the Union formed at Harbour Station, be invited to meet with Council to give a briefing on what can logically be expected as fall-out from the organization of a union at Harbour Station. 86-723 COMMON COUNCIL NOVEMBER 17,1997 The Mayor advised that she would be reluctant to get involved in labour negotiations, and also that she has spoken with The Honourable Roland Macintyre, Minister of Labour, who informed her that a mediator would be involved in the issue. Councillor Waldschutz advised that, while he agreed that Council should hear from Mr. Hicks, it should be in open, rather than closed, session of Council. Councillor Knibb spoke in opposition to the motion in that the Harbour Station Commission should determine what its relations would be in negotiating with a group of employees who wish to become unionized and it would be unfair to the Commission in its attempt to do its negotiations privately. Councillor Trites advised that he could not support the motion because of the process that was underway, it being his understanding that the issue would be before the Industrial Labour Relations Board tomorrow for an appeal of the certification and, while it was a semi-judicial process right now, it could ultimately end up as a judicial process should one of the sides appeal. Councillor Vincent agreed that Council should not become involved at this point in time, even if there were no process started, in that the Commission, which is appointed by the City, should tend to such affairs. Councillor Ball expressed the view that Council was not the proper forum for discussion in the above regard; and Councillor Gould made the observation that the Harbour Station Commission was charged with the responsibility of operating Harbour Station and that Council must not get involved in something delegated to the Commission and outside Council's jurisdiction. Councillor Arthurs advised her intention to vote against the motion, realizing that it was a labour situation and having seconded it only to get it on the table for discussion; and Councillor Fitzpatrick advised that, had Mr. Hicks submitted a letter asking to address Council, he would not have a problem with him so doing, but he would not want to invite somebody to meet with Council who was currently in negotiations with Harbour Station. Question being taken, the motion was lost with the Mayor and Councillors Arthurs, Ball, Brown, Fitzpatrick, Gould, Knibb, Trites, Vincent and Waldschutz voting "nay". 4C. Parking For Councillors And Visitors To City Consideration was given to a letter from Deputy Mayor Chase asking for discussion on a proposed motion to ask staff to acquire appropriate parking places in the basement of Market Square and free up the three, inadequate Council parking spaces in the City Hall parking garage with 15-minute parking to allow citizens easier access to City Hall; and advising that this was not to affect the Mayor's space nor was it the intent to relate to staff parking. On motion of Deputy Mayor Chase Seconded by Councillor Trites RESOLVED that the City Manager be asked if it would be appropriate to acquire parking spaces in the Market Square parking facility and free up the three Councillor parking spaces in the City Hall parking garage. Councillor Waldschutz expressed the view that, as there would be a cost involved, it would be totally inappropriate for Council to be running up expenses for its benefit at a time of budget restraint and also, that, if the three parking spaces in question were freed up, the 15-minute enforcement issue would be problematic. Councillor Trites advised that he seconded the motion because the Deputy Mayor changed it from what was in his above letter; and suggested that, for the common space charges being paid to Market Square by the City, there might be some parking spaces made available without additional cost to the City, although he would not support paying anything additional. Councillor Brown advised that he could not support the motion if there were a cost involved; and Councillor Gould expressed concern about cost. Question being taken, the motion was lost with the Mayor and Councillors Arthurs, Ball, Fitzpatrick, Gould, Knibb, Vincent and Waldschutz voting "nay". Councillor Vincent asked if the letter (copies of which were distributed to 86-724 COMMON COUNCIL NOVEMBER 17,1997 Council members at this meeting with regard to item 4) from the Carleton Community Centre Advisory Council and Concerned Parents should be received and filed, and the Mayor made the observation that this group wanted to meet with Council at a later date. (Councillor Vincent withdrew from the meeting as he was not present for the September 15, 1997 public hearing of the proposed re-zoning of 1770 Sand Cove Road.) 5. Zoning By-Law Amendment To Re-Zone 1770 Sand Cove Road Consideration was given to a report from the City Manager regarding the application of Mr. Brian Robert Thorne for the re-zoning of property at 1770 Sand Cove Road, which was tabled at the September 15 public hearing for two months to allow the applicant additional time to come up with a reasonable proposal to ensure that a first- class facility was possible in this area; advising that staff has received no additional information regarding the proposed use for a canteen facility and, in addition, the applicant was not able to pursue his proposal at this time; and recommending that the application be taken from the table and be denied. On motion of Councillor Trites Seconded by Councillor Arthurs RESOLVED that the above matter be taken from the table. Question being taken, the motion was carried. On motion of Councillor Knibb Seconded by Councillor Trites RESOLVED that the application of Mr. Brian Robert Thorne for the re-zoning of property at 1770 Sand Cove Road be denied. Question being taken, the motion was carried. (Councillor Vincent re-entered the meeting.) 6. Zoning By-Law Amendment To Re-Zone 600 Old Black River Road On motion of Councillor Knibb Seconded by Councillor Trites RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "By- Law Number C.P. 100-450 A Law To Amend The Zoning By-Law Of The City Of Saint John", insofar as it concerns re-zoning (a) approximately 1.02 hectares (2.52 acres) of land at 600 Old Black River Road, also being identified as NBGIC Number 55141204 and portions of NBGIC Numbers 55119184 and 55119176, from "1-2" Heavy Industrial to "1-4" Heavy Industrial Park classification; and (b) approximately 61 hectares (151 acres) of land at 600 Old Black River Road, also identified as NBGIC Numbers 424572, 340612 and 384545 and portions of NBGIC Numbers 434175,337386,424564, 370429 and 336198, from "RF" Rural to "1-4" Heavy Industrial Park classification, be read a third time and enacted and the Common Corporate Seal be affixed thereto. The by-law entitled, "By-Law Number C.P. 100-450 A Law To Amend The Zoning By-Law Of The City Of Saint John", was read in its entirety. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 7. Committee Of The Whole Report Read the report of the Committee of the Whole 86-725 COMMON COUNCIL NOVEMBER 17,1997 (as follows) To the COMMON COUNCIL of the City of Saint John The Committee of the Whole reports Your Committee reports that it sat on Monday, November 10,1997, when there were present Mayor McAlary and Councillors Arthurs, Ball, Brown, Fitzpatrick, Gould, Knibb, Trites, Vincent and Waldschutz, and your Committee submits the following recommendation, namely:- 1. That as recommended by the City Manager, Common Council amend the terms of sale of Lot 97-1, Paradise Row to Blair Construction Ltd., approved by Common Council resolution of October 20, 1997, by deleting reference to the restrictive covenant prohibiting the erection of a billboard-style advertising sign, and all other terms of this sale remain the same. November 17, 1997, Saint John, N.B. Respectfully submitted, (sgd.) Shirley McAlary, C h air man. 7.1. Amending Terms Of Sale Lot 97-1. Paradise Row On motion of Councillor Knibb Seconded by Councillor Ball RESOLVED that the above report be received and filed and the recommendation therein be adopted. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 8. Yolanda Lucus Re Lovalist Man Svmbol On motion of Councillor Fitzpatrick Seconded by Councillor Vincent RESOLVED that the letter from Ms. Yolanda Lucus advising of her recent promotion of the City of Saint John at a recent trade show in Toronto by decorating her booth with the Loyalist Day's "Squire John" flag and with the Loyalist Man pins -- be received and filed. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 9. Saint John Construction Association Inc. Re PlanninQ & BuildinQ Inspection's BudQet On motion of Councillor Vincent Seconded by Councillor Knibb RESOLVED that the letter from Saint John Construction Association Inc. commenting on the options put forth by Planning and Building Inspection for making up the projected shortfall in next year's budget -- be received and filed. Councillor Waldschutz suggested that the above letter should be forwarded to the City Manager for consideration as part of the budget process. Question being taken, the motion was carried with Deputy Mayor Chase and Councillors Brown and Waldschutz voting "nay". 10. Project H.O.P.E. Request For Support 86-726 COMMON COUNCIL NOVEMBER 17,1997 On motion of Councillor Vincent Seconded by Councillor Waldschutz RESOLVED that the letter from Mr. Pat Donovan, Chairman of Project H.O.P.E., a plan to locate a large eco-tourism and recreational park on lands west of Coleson Cove, advising that the Project would not be seeking financial support from the City but would appreciate assistance and guidance from staff where needed; and advising that it would be his hope to appear before Council in the coming months to outline the plans and progress, but for now the Project was seeking a general letter of support for its efforts as it may prove useful in concluding the lease arrangements to be able to show that the City was in support of the Project -- be received and filed and a general letter of support be forwarded to Mr. Donovan in recognition of his efforts relating to Project H.O.P.E. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 11. River Road Concerned Citizens Committee - Crane Mountain Landfill On motion of Councillor Vincent Seconded by Councillor Fitzpatrick RESOLVED that the letter from the River Road Concerned Citizens Committee submitting copies of correspondence to the District Medical Health Officer (Region 2) regarding toxic leachate at the Crane Mountain landfill; and asking to be advised, now that the landfill was about to commence operation without all of the promised features, of what the City would do to protect the health and quality of life -- be received and filed: AND FURTHER that the City Manager be requested, if not already on file, to obtain a copy of Dr. Monir Taha's documentation referenced in the above letter. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 12. Linda Burnett - Crossing Guard Paul Harris/Brunswick Drive On motion of Councillor Trites Seconded by Councillor Fitzpatrick RESOLVED that the letter from Ms. Linda Burnett referring to Council's approval on October 20 of a crossing guard for Martinon, and requesting a crossing guard at Paul Harris Street and Brunswick Drive -- be referred to the Chief of Police. (Councillor Gould withdrew from the meeting.) Acting Chief of Police Cogswell advised that, as far as he knew, there was now a crossing guard in place at the above location as of this date. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 13. Senior Swingers Senior Citizens Club Proposal For Senior Advisorv Committee On motion of Councillor Vincent Seconded by Councillor Fitzpatrick RESOLVED that the letter from Mrs. Alice M. Howe, President of the Senior Swingers Senior Citizens Club, asking Council to give serious consideration to the submitted proposal for a senior advisory committee for the City of Saint John -- be referred to the City Manager for study and a report to Council. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 86-727 COMMON COUNCIL NOVEMBER 17,1997 14. Canadian Federation Of Independent Business Request To Make Presentation At Pre-BudQet Session On motion of Councillor Waldschutz Seconded by Deputy Mayor Chase RESOLVED that the letter from the Canadian Federation of Independent Business requesting to make a presentation at Council's pre-budget sessions -- be received and the group be invited to address Council in open session. Councillor Knibb proposed a motion initially, which was not seconded, to thank the Canadian Federation of Independent Business for its interest and advise that the City already have expert advice locally, noting that the above group was from outside the City. (Councillor Gould re-entered the meeting.) Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillor Knibb voting "nay". 15. Andrew P. Aalund In Appreciation To Saint John Police Force On motion of Councillor Vincent Seconded by Deputy Mayor Chase RESOLVED that the letter from Mr. Andrew P. Aalund expressing his appreciation and that of his wife Barbara to the Saint John Police Force, most notably Cst. Tanya Lawlor and Cpl. Stephen Patterson, in their response to a call on July 16, 1997 regarding notification of the deaths of their children in a traffic accident on Prince Edward Island -- be received and filed and a copy be forwarded to the Saint John Police Force. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 16. Dr. Carl McDermott - Amendment To Section 39 Conditions Of Re-ZoninQ 815 Loch Lomond Road Consideration was given to an application from Dr. Carl McDermott for an amendment to the conditions of re-zoning of 815 Loch Lomond Road. Consideration was also given to a letter from Dr. Carl McDermott (copies of which were distributed to Council members at this meeting) advising that a private building inspector informed him that serious structural deficiencies existed that make the subject building unacceptable; and requesting that his application be withdrawn, hopefully without loss of his fee. On motion of Councillor Trites Seconded by Councillor Waldschutz RESOLVED that the application of Dr. Carl McDermott for an amendment to the Section 39 conditions of re-zoning of 815 Loch Lomond Road be withdrawn as requested by Dr. McDermott. It was noted that Dr. McDermott would not lose his fee. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 86-728 COMMON COUNCIL NOVEMBER 17,1997 17. Hodges Hamm - Suggested Areas For Revenue Generation On motion of Councillor Trites Seconded by Deputy Mayor Chase RESOLVED that the letter from Mr. Hodges Hamm expressing the view that the City most hold the existing tax rate, and providing suggestions of areas where revenues could be generated -- be referred to the budget process and a copy be forwarded to the Provincial Minister of Finance. Councillor Knibb initially proposed a motion, which was not seconded, to receive and file the above letter, and the Mayor asked that the motion include that a copy be forwarded to the Minister of Finance. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 18. Jeffrey Smith - Application For Re-ZoninQ 169-171 St. GeorQe Street West On motion of Councillor Knibb Seconded by Councillor Waldschutz RESOLVED that the application of Mr. Jeffrey Smith for the re-zoning of property at 169-171 St. George Street West be referred to the Planning Advisory Committee for a report and recommendation and the necessary advertising be authorized in this regard, with the public hearing to be held on Monday, December 22, 1997, at 7:00 o'clock p.m. Question being taken, the motion was carried. Adjournment On motion of Councillor Knibb Seconded by Councillor Trites RESOLVED that this meeting be adjourned followed by a Committee of the Whole meeting of Council. Question being taken, the motion was carried. Assistant Common Clerk