AUGUST 18,1997
At a meeting of the Common Council, held at the City Hall in the City of
Saint John, on Monday, the eighteenth day of August, A.D. 1997, at 6:00 o'clock p.m.
Shirley McAlary, Mayor
Councillors Arthurs, Ball, Brown, Chase, Fitzpatrick, Gould, Knibb
and Waldschutz
- and -
Messrs. 1. Totten, City Manager; J. Nugent, City Solicitor; P.
Woods, Deputy Commissioner of Finance; J. C. MacKinnon,
Commissioner of Environment and Development Services; P.
Groody, Commissioner of Human Resources; S. Armstrong,
Director of Engineering; B. Morrison, Director of Recreation and
Parks; J. Baird, Manager of Community Planning; D. Logan,
Purchasing Agent; S. Lodhi, Manager of Real Estate and
Facilities Management; D. Sherwood, Chief of Police; D. Parks,
Police Constable; J. Wilcox, Police Constable; Mrs. M. Munford,
Common Clerk; and Ms. C. Mosher, Assistant Common Clerk.
1. MeetinQ Called To Order - OpeninQ Prayer
Mayor McAlary called the meeting to order, and Reverend George Davis
of the Saint John Alliance Church offered the opening prayer.
Mayor McAlary welcomed to the meeting Saint John Police officers Sgt.
Patrick Bonner, Public Information Officer; Cst. Janet Holt, District Service Coordinator;
Cst. Darrel Scribner, Polygraphist, Cst. Tony Hayes, and the children from Big Brothers-
Big Sisters of Saint John involved in a community-based policing initiative "Kids 'n
2. Approval of Minutes
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Ball
RESOLVED that minutes of the meeting of
Common Council, held on Tuesday, August 5, 1997, be approved.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
3. Mavor's Remarks
Mayor McAlary commended those involved in the Communities In Bloom
Contest which will be judged this week and for which there were over 1200 entries.
4. Saint John Police Force
Implementation Team Update
Chief Sherwood and Cst. Parks were present at the meeting with respect
to the report from the Saint John Police Force Implementation Team updating Council
on its activities during the past two weeks.
Chief Sherwood, in highlighting the above update report, commented on
the "Kids 'n Kops" community-based policing initiative launched earlier this date.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Waldschutz
RESOLVED that the report from the
Saint John Police Force Implementation Team updating Council on its activities during
the past two weeks be received and filed.
AUGUST 18,1997
Cst. Holt introduced Miss Bernice Grant of the Boys and Girls Club who
presented to Chief Sherwood a t-shirt in appreciation of his involvement of the
swearing-in of the "Kids 'n Kops" members earlier this date, and during discussion the
Mayor noted the presence at the meeting of other members of the Saint John Police
Force Implementation Team, including Cst. John Wilcox and Anne Marie Mullin, as well
as consultant Keith Taylor of Perivale + Taylor.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
5. 1997 Program For Improvements To
Provinciallv-DesiQnated HiQhwavs
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Ball
RESOLVED that the letter from Mayor
McAlary submitting a letter from The Honourable Sheldon Lee, Minister of
Transportation, advising that, under the 1997 Program for improvements to Provincially-
designated highways, his Department was prepared to assist the City by paving route
100 from Drury Cove Road to the Renforth limits, and the City may proceed with its top
priority, the reconstruction of Route 100 (Fairville Boulevard) from O'Brien Street to
Emco Lane with funding of up to $250,000 under the Program -- be received and filed.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
6. ParkinQ To West Of City Market
On motion of Councillor Waldschutz
Seconded by Councillor Fitzpatrick
RESOLVED that the letter from
Councillor Waldschutz regarding the issue of parking to the west of the City Market on
Germain Street, Council having earlier heard a delegation of merchants from Charlotte
Street concerned about a similar issue; and suggesting that Council consider Germain
Street on its own as it is a less problematic matter to resolve than the Charlotte Street
merchants' issue -- be referred to the City Manager.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
7. InitiatinQ Police Commission Discussion
Consideration was given to a letter from Councillor Waldschutz advising
that, without entering into debate on so major and time consuming a subject at this
meeting, he would like to set in train the discussion at an early date of the creation of a
Saint John board of police commissioners for governance of the Saint John Police
Force; and suggesting that Council refer this to Committee of the Whole as a matter of
Mayor McAlary reminded Council of discussion at the June 23, 1997
Council meeting in the above regard at which time Council tabled a motion proposed by
Deputy Mayor Chase and seconded by Councillor Waldschutz that the Mayor and
Council establish a date of January 1, 1998 for the implementation of a new police
commission, and advised that it would be necessary to take the June 23, 1997 motion
from the table prior to making another motion on this same issue.
On motion of Councillor Waldschutz
Seconded by Deputy Mayor Chase
RESOLVED that the motion tabled at
the June 23, 1997 Council meeting on the establishment of a date for the
implementation of a new police commission be taken from the table.
Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillor Fitzpatrick
voting "nay".
AUGUST 18,1997
Councillor Fitzpatrick proposed a motion to refer the above matter to
Committee of the Whole. Councillor Waldschutz noted the June 23, 1997 motion on
the floor as taken from the table above, whereupon the Mayor re-iterated the said
motion and Deputy Mayor Chase indicated that he was prepared to yield and withdraw
the June 23, 1997 motion from active debate and allow the Councillor to put forward his
own motion, and Councillor Waldschutz acceded as seconder of the June 23 motion.
On motion of Councillor Fitzpatrick
Seconded by Councillor Waldschutz
RESOLVED that the above matter be
referred to Committee of the Whole.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
8. Tender For Contract 97-12
On motion of Councillor Fitzpatrick
Seconded by Councillor Gould
RESOLVED that as recommended by the
City Manager, Contract 97-12: Francis Street - Milford Road water and sewer
construction, be awarded to the low tenderer, Nautilus Construction & Rentals Ltd., at
the tendered price of $381,248.90, as calculated based upon estimated quantities, and
the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary contract
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
9. Tender For Contract 97-13
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Ball
RESOLVED that as recommended by the
City Manager, Contract 97-13: Rothesay Avenue - sealing joints 900 mm watermain, be
awarded to the low tenderer, Aqua-Rehab Inc., at the tendered price of $187,475, as
calculated based upon estimated quantities, and the Mayor and Common Clerk be
authorized to execute the necessary contract documents.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
10. Tender For Contract 97-14
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Waldschutz
RESOLVED that as recommended by
the City Manager, (1) Contract 97-14: Church Street reconstruction, be awarded to the
low tenderer, Nautilus Construction & Rentals Ltd., at the tendered price of $85,582.80,
as calculated based upon estimated quantities; (2) a purchase order for an estimated
$52,210 be placed with the Power Commission of the City of Saint John for electrical
wiring and street lighting; and (3) the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to
execute the necessary contract documents.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
11. Tender For Contract 97-15
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Ball
RESOLVED that as recommended by the
City Manager, Contract 97-15: Montreal Avenue water, sanitary sewer and storm sewer
renewal, be awarded to the low tenderer, Fairville Construction Ltd., at the tendered
AUGUST 18,1997
price of $125,795, as calculated based upon estimated quantities, and the Mayor and
Common Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary contract documents.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
12. Tender For Motorized Equipment
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Waldschutz
RESOLVED that as recommended by
the City Manager, tenders for the purchase of various pieces of motorized equipment
be awarded as follows: (A) 97-389505T, 1 - 4 x 4 cab and chassis, to Downey Ford
Sales Ltd., in the amount of $42,304, plus tax; (B) 97-389506T, 1 - 4 x 4 extended cab
pickup, to Downey Ford Sales Ltd., in the amount of $34,279, plus tax; (C) 97-
389507T, 1 - 3/4 ton window van, to Lorne Brett Chev, Olds, Geo Ltd., in the amount of
$25,427, plus tax; (D) 97-389508T, 1 wheel mounted excavator, to A.L.P.A. Equipment
Ltd., in the amount of $149,900, plus tax; and (E) 97-389509T, 1 - 3/4 ton cargo van, to
Lorne Brett Chev, Olds, Geo Ltd., in the amount of $27,561, plus tax, as indicated in
the submitted summary of bids.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
13. Purchase Of Municipal Services
Easement - Simpson Drive
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Waldschutz
RESOLVED that as recommended by
the City Manager, Common Council approve the purchase of an approximately 140
square metre municipal services easement on Simpson Drive from TDT Holdings Ltd.,
for $10 per square metre plus a payment of $3,500 as compensation for disturbance
during construction and future loss of property value.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
14. HIP Applications #42. #39. #21
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Ball
RESOLVED that as recommended by the
City Manager, Common Council approve the following Housing Incentive Program
applications: (1) HIP #42 - Premium Investments Inc. for an estimated grant of $21,600
with regard to a development at 243 Sherbrooke Street; (2) a revision to HIP #39 to
provide for an estimated grant of $32,000 to Liberty Homes Inc. with regard to a
development at Lucas Street; and (3) a revision to HIP #21 to provide an estimated
grant of $20,000 to Saint John Drywall Homebuilders Ltd. with regard to a development
on Wallace Court.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
15. Sale Of Site "C". Cheslev Drive
On motion of Deputy Mayor Chase
Seconded by Councillor Knibb
RESOLVED that as recommended by the
City Manager, Common Council: (1) authorize the sale of Site "C", Chesley Drive (as
generally shown on the submitted plan), to Corporation 1906 Inc., for the purchase
price of $101,500 (plus HST and related land transfer fees), with a closing date of on or
before December 31, 1997; (2) inform Corporation 1906 Inc. that the proposed sale of
Site "C" does not explicitly or implicitly obligate the City of Saint John to approve any re-
zoning application that may come forth as a result of Council's authorization to sell the
AUGUST 18,1997
subject property; (3) authorize the Mayor and Common Clerk to execute the necessary
documents, including but not limited to the Agreement of Purchase and Sale, any
subdivision plan for the subject property and the deed; and further that, upon
completion of this sale, Council authorize payments (a) in the amount of $8,120 plus
HST to Realty World - Today's Realty, as commission for this sale; (b) in the amount of
50% of the proceeds of this sale (less an appropriate share of expenses) to CMHC, as
per the November 28, 1968 North End Urban Renewal Agreement; and (c) in the
amount of 20% of the proceeds of this sale (less an appropriate share of expenses) to
the Province of New Brunswick, as per the November 28, 1968 North End Urban
Renewal Agreement.
The Mayor noted Council's discussion in the above regard in Committee
of the Whole earlier this date; and Councillor Gould expressed concern about the lack
of a time limit for development in that, frequently, speculators purchase City land in
anticipation of escalating value, to which Mr. MacKinnon responded to the effect that,
while over the years the City put restrictions on land, development at that time was
moving a lot more quickly, and the City is now attempting to sell a lot of remnants of
land to get them into somebody else's hands rather than attempting to buy it back and,
in terms of the subject property, it is partnership land and, once sold and the funds are
disbursed, the City, if it were to take it back, would be taking it back as sole owner, thus
the suggestion is to sell this land without that condition.
Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillor Gould
voting "nay".
16. License Agreement - Operation
Of Tourist Information Centre
On motion of Deputy Mayor Chase
Seconded by Councillor Knibb
RESOLVED that as recommended by the
City Manager, Common Council approve the entering into of a license agreement with
the Province of New Brunswick for the operation of the Tourist Information Centre
located on Highway #1 West, subject to the following terms and conditions: (1) the term
of the agreement be one year commencing May 1, 1997; (2) the annual fee be $1; (3)
the City maintain a minimum $1,000,000 public liability insurance and insure the land
and building for a maximum of $50,000; and (4) termination by the Province be on 30
days notice; and further that the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute
the necessary all documents related to this license agreement.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
17. Tender For Compressor
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Waldschutz
RESOLVED that as recommended by
the City Manager, the tender of Cool Solutions, in the amount of $27,180, plus tax, be
accepted for the supply of one new Sabroe SMC 1 06L compressor for the Hilton
Belyea Arena.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
18. Chief Of Police - 92nd Annual Canadian
Association Of Chiefs Of Police Conference
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Waldschutz
RESOLVED that the report from the
Chief of Police advising, further to his report to Council on July 21 concerning the 92nd
Annual Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police Conference, of timing changes in the
AUGUST 18,1997
schedule of activities for August 28, the date for the arrival of Canadian Patrol Frigate
HMCS Fredericton in Saint John -- be received and filed.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
19. Chief Of Police - 1997
2nd Quarter Offense Report
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Waldschutz
RESOLVED that the 2nd Quarter
Offense Report for 1997 submitted by the Chief of Police be received and filed.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
34(a) Amendment To Section 39 Conditions
Of Re-ZoninQ 787-791 Loch Lomond Road
The Common Clerk advised that the necessary advertising was
completed with regard to a proposed amendment to the Section 39 conditions imposed
on the 1988 re-zoning to "B-2" General Business classification of a parcel of land at
787-791 Loch Lomond Road (NBGIC Number 436667), to amend the permitted use of
the property to permit it to be used for a retail furniture store and giftware
establishment, as requested by W. William Allison of The Rocking Chair, and no written
objections were received in this regard.
Consideration was given to a report from the Planning Advisory
Committee submitting a copy of Planning staff's report, a letter from the applicant and a
letter in support of the above proposal considered at the Committee's August 12
meeting at which the applicant expressed agreement with the staff recommendation
and advised that, while it was his intent to pave the parking area as required by the
previously-approved site plan, he would like to have two years to complete this work
and staff indicated that a two-year period to complete the paving would be acceptable
and that this condition would be noted on the change-of-use permit; and recommending
that Common Council amend the Section 39 conditions imposed on the 1988 re-zoning
to "B-2" General Business classification of a parcel of land located at 815 Loch Lomond
Road (formerly known as 787-791 Loch Lomond Road), also being NBGIC Number
436667, to permit the property to be used for general retail uses, including a retail
furniture and gift store, in addition to the present permitted use as a retail store
specializing in wedding gowns, dresses and apparel for special occasions.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Waldschutz
RESOLVED that as recommended by
the Planning Advisory Committee, Common Council amend the Section 39 conditions
imposed on the 1988 re-zoning to "B-2" General Business classification of a parcel of
land located at 815 Loch Lomond Road (formerly known as 787-791 Loch Lomond
Road), also being NBGIC Number 436667, to permit the property to be used for
general retail uses, including a retail furniture and gift store, in addition to the present
permitted use as a retail store specializing in wedding gowns, dresses and apparel for
special occasions.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
35(a) Zoning By-Law Amendment To
Re-Zone 199 Westmorland Road
The Common Clerk advised that the necessary advertising was
completed with regard to the proposed re-zoning of the property located at 199
Westmorland Road (NBGIC Number 315457), containing an area of approximately 520
square metres (5,597 square feet), from "R-2" One- and Two-Family Residential to "B-
AUGUST 18,1997
1" Local Business classification, to permit the building to be used for business offices
and a residential use, as requested by Harold M. Killam, Money Concepts Saint John,
and no written objections were received in this regard.
Consideration was given to a report from the Planning Advisory
Committee submitting a copy of Planning staff's report and two letters expressing
objections to the above proposal considered at the Committee's August 12 meeting at
which the applicant spoke in favour of his proposal and about his proposal to develop
parking within the street right-of-way close to the intersection and to remove the trees
from the site and, in order to improve visibility, he would request the property owner on
the opposite side of Fern Street to cut back a hedge, and John Quinlan of 195
Westmorland Road attended in opposition to the proposal and indicated a desire for
the neighbourhood to remain residential and expressed concerns about traffic and
parking; and recommending that Common Council re-zone a property containing an
area of approximately 520 square metres (5,597 square feet) located at 199
Westmorland Road, also being NBGIC Number 315457, from "R-2" One- and Two-
Family Residential to "B-1" Local Business classification, subject to a resolution
pursuant to Section 39 of the Community Planning Act, setting out the following
conditions: (a) the use of the property is limited to a business office and dwelling unit;
(b) the required parking area must be located at the rear of the site, in the area of the
existing garage, with a driveway off Fern Street located as far away from the
intersection as possible; and (c) the parking area mentioned in condition (b) above
must be developed and maintained in accordance with a detailed site plan to be
prepared by the proponent of the development and subject to the approval of the
Development Officer.
Harold Killam of Money Concepts Saint John, speaking in support of his
application, advised that the Planning Advisory Committee supported the re-zoning in a
manner that was very satisfactory to him and, although at the time of the Committee's
meeting he was feeling contrary to the recommended Section 39 condition that the
required parking area must be located as far back on the lot as possible, having
surveyed the lot again he felt that, with some accommodation from Council, he would
be able to meet that condition. Mr. Killam referred to Engineering's suggestion in the
above-mentioned report from Planning staff that the parking should be located entirely
on the lot itself; and explained that the accommodation required from Council would be
a variance or whatever form was needed to utilize the area in front of the garage for
parking, which is sufficient to provide all the parking that would be required and which is
currently being utilized for that purpose, and he would do some curbing work and
surfacing with crushed rock or whatever could be done to make the area look better;
and asked Council to give him permission in whatever form necessary to use that area
as the parking area, most of which would be on the City's right-of-way adjacent to Fern
During discussion Mr. Killam distributed to Council members copies of a
revised map of the subject site and, with regard to the question of parking, advised that
clients to his business, which is a personal financial planning organization, would be by
appointment only and would not generate as much traffic as, for example, an
optometrist or a doctor's office or a real estate office; also advised that he could live
with the Planning Advisory Committee's recommendation assuming that the parking
was allowed to be as he was asking for it to be, in front of the garage; and responded
to questions with respect to his proposal.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Arthurs
RESOLVED that the by-law to amend the
Zoning By-Law of the City of Saint John, insofar as it concerns re-zoning a property
containing an area of approximately 520 square metres (5,597 square feet) located at
199 Westmorland Road (NBGIC Number 315457), from "R-2" One and Two-Family
Residential to "B-1" Local Business classification, pursuant to Section 39 of the
Community Planning Act as recommended by the Planning Advisory Committee, be
read a first time.
AUGUST 18,1997
During his comments on the parking issue, Mr. Baird advised that if, in
fact, the proposal were to be developed in this fashion with the parking, it would require
not only approval of the re-zoning and Section 39 conditions but, in addition, approval
by Council of an arrangement of some sort, the nature of which possibly the Legal
Department could advise in terms of utilizing the street right-of-way for the parking lot
being proposed; and made the observation that this would be an unusual situation, not
something that would typically happen. Councillor Gould, having noted that Planning
staff recommended denial of the application to the Planning Advisory Committee,
asked if the parking problem had been taken care of to the satisfaction of Planning
staff to which Mr. Baird replied that the plan was not a development that was
satisfactory in staff's view and staff's recommendation had not changed.
The Mayor expressed the understanding that Mr. Killam would like to
make another point and, as in view of the public hearing process, asked if Council
would allow him to do so.
Mr. Killam clarified that, while he had addressed the parking question
which he thought was unresolved, he did not realize that perhaps he should have
reviewed the whole thing from his point of view; and, having made the observation that
a body shop currently operates on the subject property, advised the intent to clean up
and legitimize the use of the property as a business; and noted other businesses in the
area in question. Mr. Killam expressed the view that his business would add to, not
take away from, the area; and, with respect to parking, commented on the expense
involved to provide parking at the back of the property if it required tearing down the
garage and tearing out the concrete base that it is on and moving things around in that
he did not feel that, when this cost would be added to the cost of other renovations to
the property, it would allow him to buy the property at a reasonable rate.
The Mayor asked if, because Mr. Killam was allowed to make comments
further to his presentation during the public hearing, there was anyone present who
wished to speak in opposition to what Mr. Killam had said.
John Quinlan of 195 Westmorland Road appeared in opposition to the
proposed re-zoning as the area in question consists mostly one and two families and
seniors, and Westmorland Road is already a heavy traffic area, and expressed concern
about parking.
During discussion Mr. Baird advised that the issue of parking on the
right-of-way as requested by Mr. Killam was distinct and separate from the re-zoning
and Section 39 conditions and, if Council wished to have some type of arrangement
with respect to developing a parking lot on a street right-of-way, that would be a
separate issue and Council might want to refer it to the City Manager for a specific
report on that issue.
Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillor Gould
voting "nay".
Read a first time the by-law to amend the Zoning By-Law of the City of
Saint John.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Waldschutz
RESOLVED that the by-law to amend
the Zoning By-Law of the City of Saint John, insofar as it concerns re-zoning a property
containing an area of approximately 520 square metres (5,597 square feet) located at
199 Westmorland Road (NBGIC Number 315457), from "R-2" One and Two-Family
Residential to "B-1" Local Business classification, pursuant to Section 39 of the
Community Planning Act as recommended by the Planning Advisory Committee, be
read a second time.
Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillor Gould
voting "nay".
AUGUST 18,1997
Read a second time the by-law to amend the Zoning By-Law of the City
of Saint John.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Ball
RESOLVED that the correspondence
regarding the above-proposed re-zoning be received and filed.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
36(a) Zoning By-Law Amendment To
Re-Zone 1310 ManawaQonish Road
The Common Clerk advised that the necessary advertising was
completed with regard to the proposed re-zoning of approximately 2760 square metres
(29,709 square feet) of land situated at 1310 Manawagonish Road (NBGIC Number
398826), from "R-1A" One-Family Residential to "TH" Townhouse classification, to
permit the construction of six townhouse units with a private courtyard, as requested by
Toil Investments Ltd., and no written objections were received in this regard.
Consideration was given to a report from the Planning Advisory
Committee submitting a copy of Planning staff's report and seven letters considered at
the Committee's August 12 meeting at which Richard Turner of Hughes Surveys and
Consultants expressed agreement with the staff recommendation, and three area
residents expressed objection to the proposal and indicated concerns relating to the
density and design of the development in relation to the character of the area, snow
ploughing and existing on-street parking problems in the neighbourhood; and
recommending that Common Council: (1) re-zone approximately 2760 square meters
(29,709 square feet) of land situated at 1310 Manawagonish Road, also identified as
NBGIC Number 398826, from "R-1A" One-Family Residential to "TH" Townhouse
classification, subject to a resolution pursuant to Section 39 of the Community Planning
Act that would require a detailed site plan, subject to the approval of the Development
Officer, illustrating a minimum of six visitor parking spaces; and (2) consider amending
the Saint John Traffic By-Law in order to prohibit on-street parking along Horsier Drive
and Hillcrest Drive adjacent to the subject property.
Richard Turner appeared in support of the proposal on behalf of Hughes
Surveys and Consultants Ltd., the firm preparing the site plans and surveys for the
applicant; and expressed agreement with the Planning Advisory Committee's
recommendation to Council.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Fitzpatrick
RESOLVED that the by-law to amend
the Zoning By-Law of the City of Saint John, insofar as it concerns re-zoning
approximately 2760 square metres (29,709 square feet) of land situated at 1310
Manawagonish Road (NBGIC Number 398826), from "R-1A" One-Family Residential to
"TH" Townhouse classification, pursuant to Section 39 of the Community Planning Act
as recommended by the Planning Advisory Committee, be read a first time.
Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillor Gould
voting "nay".
Read a first time the by-law to amend the Zoning By-Law of the City of
Saint John.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Deputy Mayor Chase
RESOLVED that the by-law to amend
AUGUST 18,1997
the Zoning By-Law of the City of Saint John, insofar as it concerns re-zoning
approximately 2760 square metres (29,709 square feet) of land situated at 1310
Manawagonish Road (NBGIC Number 398826), from "R-1A" One-Family Residential to
"TH" Townhouse classification, pursuant to Section 39 of the Community Planning Act
as recommended by the Planning Advisory Committee, be read a second time.
Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillor Gould
voting "nay".
Read a second time the by-law to amend the Zoning By-Law of the City
of Saint John.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Ball
RESOLVED that the correspondence
regarding the above-proposed amendment be received and filed.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Councillor Brown asked the intent with respect to the Planning Advisory
Committee's recommendation (2) for an amendment to the Traffic By-Law to which the
Mayor replied that this could be dealt with at the time of the third reading of the
proposed re-zoning.
37(a) Amendment To Section 39 Conditions
Of Re-ZoninQ Of 180 Simms Court
The Common Clerk advised that the necessary advertising was
completed with regard to a proposed amendment to the Section 39 conditions attached
to the August 9, 1976 re-zoning of 180 Simms Court (formerly known as 180 Simms
Street), also identified as NBGIC Number 384206, in order to consider a revised
proposal to permit the establishment of an automotive body and repair shop and used
car and recreational vehicle dealership, as requested by James W. Ferguson, and no
written objections were received in this regard.
Consideration was given to a report from the Planning Advisory
Committee submitting a copy of Planning staff's report, a petition containing nine
names of neighbourhood property owners who support the application and three letters
of support from the business community considered at the Committee's August 12
meeting at which the applicant and present owner of the property spoke in favour of the
proposal, and a number of residents attended in opposition to the proposal, four of
whom addressed the Committee in concern about the impact of the proposal,
particularly the auto body shop operation, on the enjoyment of their residential
properties due to fumes, noise and traffic; and recommending that Common Council
amend the conditions attached to the August 9, 1976 re-zoning of 180 Simms Court
(formerly known as 180 Simms Street), also being identified as NBGIC Number
384206, to permit the site to be used as an automotive cleaning, detailing, repair and
body shop, sales of used cars and small recreational vehicles, and office uses, subject
to the following additional conditions: (a) the usual hours of operation for all automotive-
related uses are from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday to Friday; (b) all required licences and
permits must be obtained with respect to the proper operation of the auto body and
vehicle repair uses; (c) a minimum 5-foot high board-on-board fence must be erected
along the east side and south rear property lines and all other outstanding site
improvements, including paving and landscaping, must be completed in accordance
with the approved site plan; and (d) the proponent of the development must provide
security, in an amount and form acceptable to the Development Officer, to ensure
completion of the above-noted fencing requirement.
Leo Lohnes of 155 Sherbrooke Street appeared in opposition to the
proposed amendment on the basis of his concern about the pollution factor with the
paint and who would monitor the pollution controls if this business were in full
AUGUST 18,1997
and also his concern about traffic control; and expressed the understanding that,
although the business is currently operating but not on a big scale, there is no permit to
do so.
In response to Councillor Arthurs, Mr. Lohnes noted the noise that could
come from sandblasting and grinders used in the operation. Councillor Fitzpatrick
questioned the petition which Mr. Lohnes indicated to the Planning Advisory Committee
that he had against the proposal, which was referenced in the above report from the
Planning Advisory Committee, whereupon Mr. Lohnes circulated a copy of the petition
in question.
James Ferguson, the applicant, was present in support of his
application; advised that he was in attendance at the Planning Advisory Committee's
meeting and addressed all issues; and offered to respond to any questions that may
arise concerning his business proposal.
With regard to the concerns about pollution from paint and about traffic,
Mr. Ferguson advised of the necessity nowadays with paint operations to use CSA-
approved paint booths and ventilation systems, as well as of his willingness to go to
those lengths with his proposal and expressed the view that his garage, with open
business hours Monday to Friday, should not be of any more concern in terms of traffic
on what is already a busy street what with the bottle exchange that is currently there
and the Park at Saint's Rest. Concerning use of the site as a used car lot, Mr.
Ferguson explained that this would be more of a convenience to his customers in that,
when he files with the Province for his motor vehicle license, he has an option to file for
a recreational vehicle and used car dealership so that, if any of his customers would
like to purchase a car or recreational vehicle, they can do so through him for tax
purposes, and he could take care of everything right there. Deputy Mayor Chase asked
who would inspect the proposed operation so as to ensure correct set-up of the paint
booths and filtration system, to which Mr. Ferguson advised that Tom White of the Fire
Department would do so, and also that everything would be enclosed on-site in the
approximately 4800-square foot building. Councillor Arthurs asked if Mr. Ferguson
resided at the subject site, to which Mr. Ferguson replied in the negative, his current
place of residence being 766 Beaconsfield Avenue. Councillor Fitzpatrick asked
where, if a large number of vehicles were present, they would be placed for viewing on
the lot to which Mr. Ferguson replied that they would be mainly on the front of the lot
facing the traffic, and approximately 15 vehicles could be placed there; however, his
main concern was mostly service and not the aspect of selling.
In response to an indication from a person at the meeting of the desire to
speak in opposition to the proposal at this time, the Mayor, having called twice more for
persons who wished to speak in favour of the proposal, asked if Council wished to hear
any further opposition.
Robert Finley of 269 Montreal Avenue spoke against the proposal on the
basis that the proposed operation would only add to an existing problem in the area in
terms of traffic and pollution.
James Wilcox of 257 Montreal Avenue appeared in opposition to the
proposal, and expressed his view that, while it would be very easy to downgrade a
neighbourhood by placing something in one area and something else in another area
and ruin the purpose of a residential area, it was hard to upgrade a neighbourhood.
The Mayor declared the public hearing over.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Waldschutz
RESOLVED that as recommended by
the Planning Advisory Committee, Common Council amend the conditions attached to
the August 9, 1976 re-zoning of 180 Simms Court (formerly known as 180 Simms
Street), also being identified as NBGIC Number 384206, to permit the site to be used
as an automotive cleaning, detailing, repair and body shop, sales of used cars and
AUGUST 18,1997
small recreational vehicles, and office uses, subject to the following additional
conditions: (a) the usual hours of operation for all automotive-related uses are from 8
a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday to Friday; (b) all required licences and permits must be obtained
with respect to the proper operation of the auto body and vehicle repair uses; (c) a
minimum 5-foot high board-on-board fence must be erected along the east side and
south rear property lines and all other outstanding site improvements, including paving
and landscaping, must be completed in accordance with the approved site plan; and (d)
the proponent of the development must provide security, in an amount and form
acceptable to the Development Officer, to ensure completion of the above-noted
fencing requirement.
Deputy Mayor Chase asked if the Section 39 condition that no tractor
trailer transport trucks would be permitted to transport items to or from the subject site
would continue if the above-proposed amendment were approved, to which Mr. Baird
replied that this condition is part of what would be removed from the Section 39
conditions in that, when this condition was placed there, it was because of the nature of
the development of a wholesale operation where produce would be received and, if
Council wished to maintain that type of limitation, Council should add it to the
conditions; and, in concurring with Deputy Mayor Chase's view that transport trailer
trucks should not be allowed in the area concerned, made the observation that the
nature of the auto repair business does not tend to generate transport truck business.
Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillors Arthurs,
Ball, Fitzpatrick and Gould voting "nay".
38. Petition Re Intersection Of
Montreal Avenue / Bleurv Street
Consideration was given to a letter from James Wilcox of 257 Montreal
Avenue referencing an incident on July 24 involving a truck, which he understood to
have originated from Brookville Transport Ltd., failing to stop at the Bleury Street
intersection and striking a home on Sherbrooke Street and, in the process, narrowly
missing two pedestrians; submitting a residents' petition listing reasons that contribute
to the problem that Brookville Transport has brought to their neighbourhood and for the
relocation of Brookville to an industrial park; and requesting answers to questions as to
whether or not Montreal Avenue is a designated truck route.
Nina Sabin of 284 Molson Avenue addressed Council in the above
regard as a resident directly across from Brookville Warehousing which, she advised,
leases space to Labatts for storage; and commented on the basis that the zoning of the
subject property at 320 Montreal Avenue was to revert to residential, according to the
Comprehensive Community Plan of the 1970s, when Atlantic Wholesalers no longer
required its facility there, although Brookville took up residence and this did not happen.
Ms. Sabin gave examples of substantial changes in the subject property and building
thereon during the next few years about which City Hall staff was not notified, nor were
the neighbours notified; and advised that residents of Molson Avenue have put up with
truck noise, drinking parties and domestic disputes all hours of the night. Ms. Sabin
expressed concern about the danger associated with tractor trailers using a narrow 70
degree hill on a street occupied by 60 per cent seniors and 40 per cent young families
with young children; and requested that Brookville Warehousing Ltd. be relocated to an
industrial park as soon as possible and the zoning be changed to residential.
Richard Lee of 281 Montreal Avenue spoke of his concerns about
Brookville Transport and the danger it represents to his family and the community as a
whole, based on his personal experience last year when a truck jumped its brakes,
went over an embankment of 10 feet onto his property and another situation where a
tractor trailer was hanging over the bank by his property. Mr. Lee advised that, as his
home is located about 70 feet from the back of Brookville's parking lot, his family
experiences problems due to trucks idling all night, people using the parking lot as a
bathroom, fumes from the trucks, dust from the sand used in the lot during the winter
months which is not removed, snow piles of 15 feet with no catch basins, and
commented on the stress and fear in which they live.
Peter Heffernan of 268 Montreal Avenue, having indicated his intent to
read a letter on behalf of Patricia McLaughlin, advised of Ms. McLaughlin's worry when
AUGUST 18,1997
her children walk to school, go out to play or even sit on her front steps as the heavy
truck traffic from Brookville Transport is totally out of control, with large trucks going up
and down the streets and in the school area, at times of excessive speeds, and her
observation of trucks speeding down her street running over a stop sign, being in the
middle of the intersection before coming to a complete stop, and her request that
Brookville Transport be moved from her area and the land be reverted to residential
Jeannine Wilcox of 257 Montreal Avenue read a letter on behalf of Paul
Bordage of 830 Danells Drive based on his experience on July 24 when he was forced
off the road by a Brookville Transport truck which, totally out of control and sliding
sideways around a corner and going over a curb and sidewalk narrowly missing a
pedestrian, collided with a house to which it caused a lot of damage; and his questions
as to whether or not he should keep his children at home in fear of sending them out on
to the streets or if the elected officials will take the matter into their own capable hands,
and about the possibility of dangerous chemicals being stored at the Brookville
warehouse in view of the number of calls answered by the Fire Department to the
Ann Jeffrey of 870 Sand Cove Road spoke on the amount of pedestrian
traffic generated in the area with the location of a school, playground and, at times, the
large amount of vehicular traffic as Sand Cove Road is the only route to the Nature
Park in that this traffic for the most part, flows quite smoothly, with the exception of the
large transport trucks which often take Sand Cove Road to and from the depot on
Molson Avenue, coming up Bleury Street and turning left onto Sand Cove Road, often
going over the curb and part of the sidewalk forcing people to stand back until the turn
is complete and vehicles stopped at the Sand Cove Road stop sign to back up to let the
trucks complete the turn.
Robert Finley of 269 Montreal Avenue advised that, while for the most
part Montreal Avenue and the surrounding area has always been peaceful, quiet and
safe, since Brookville Transport has invaded the community it has been nothing but
havoc, and those in the community want Brookville Transport moved to an industrial
park and the existing property re-zoned from Light Industrial to Residential because of
a concern that, if this is not done, someone will be killed.
John McBriarty of 20 Ocean View Lane, Chairperson of the Seawood
School Parent Advisory Committee addressed Council, representing the School,
teachers, principals, parents and students of Seawood School which is located at the
intersection of Sand Cove Road, Seawood Lane and Bleury Street, based on concern
about the large trucks from Brookville Transport using Sand Cove Road as an access
route to their site as they have to turn off Bleury Street onto Sand Cove Road, across a
major student traffic route and then travel through a school zone to get to their
buildings on Molson Avenue, on occasion jumping over the curb in order to make this
turn, which with many children in the area is not a safe option; and expressed the view
that, as buses and parents' vehicles line up after school along Sand Cove Road
effectively blocking it from large truck traffic, the chances of a child getting hurt is too
great to allow large trucks to pass by a school so closely and, as this is a residential
area with many school-age children, having large transport trucks travelling through it is
not compatible with this type of residential neighbourhood.
During discussion the legal position of Brookville Transport with respect
to its operation from the subject site was questioned, as was the possibility of the
operation relocating to an industrial area, and Mayor McAlary suggested that this matter
should be referred to staff for a detailed report as staff was not prepared at this time to
respond to all the questions.
On motion of Councillor Fitzpatrick
Seconded by Councillor Arthurs
RESOLVED that the presentation
regarding the intersection of Montreal Avenue and Bleury Street and the petition
regarding Brookville Transport -- be referred to the City Manager for a detailed report to
Council as soon as possible.
AUGUST 18,1997
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
39. Interested University Students
Re ReversinQ Falls Park
Dyana Janes, a university student of the University of New Brunswick -
Fredericton, addressed Council on behalf of a group of interested University of New
Brunswick students at Saint John and Fredericton, and St. Thomas University, who
have been employed under the Federal Student Employment Program for the summer,
such students interested in the future development and appearance of the City of Saint
John, and the condition of the small park beside the Reversing Falls Restaurant and
Tourist Bureau. Ms. Janes expressed concern about the condition of the park that is
located on the hillside beside the Restaurant at the Falls between the River and the
parking lot as it is difficult and dangerous for the majority of visitors to make it to the
bottom of the hill to enjoy the view and the provided picnic facilities; and suggested the
following improvements to remove the possible danger that exists there:- (1) the
continuation of the stairs to the bottom or the construction of a safe walkway; (2)
landscaping of the hillside area to improve its appearance to what it was several years
ago; and (3) the installation of more picnic tables, or even benches. Ms. Janes
introduced the other University students involved in the Program - Andrea Buote, Patty
Leech, Leanne Mcintyre, John Medford and Lisa Vautour; and circulated photographs
of the Reversing Falls area during her presentation.
The Mayor commended the above delegation for bringing this matter
before Council because the Reversing Falls area is one of the City's main tourist stops.
On motion of Councillor Waldschutz
Seconded by Councillor Fitzpatrick
RESOLVED that the presentation on
behalf of interested university students with respect to the Reversing Falls Park -- be
referred to the City Manager.
Councillor Ball, a member of The Market Square Corporation, suggested
that the above matter should also be referred to the Corporation, which is soon to be
known as the Saint John Development Corporation.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
20. Zoning By-Law Amendment
To Re-Zone 103 Burpee Avenue
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Arthurs
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "By-
Law Number C.P. 100-442 A Law To Amend The Zoning By-Law Of The City of Saint
John", insofar as it concerns re-zoning four parcels of land identified as NBGIC
Numbers 23556, 23564, 55018808 and a former "local common" area, forming a
portion of the Rocmaura property located at 103 Burpee Avenue, from "RM-1" Three-
Storey Multiple Residential to "IL-1" Neighbourhood Institutional classification, be read a
third time and enacted and the Common Corporate Seal be affixed thereto.
The by-law entitled, "By-Law Number C.P. 100-442 A Law To Amend
The Zoning By-Law Of The City of Saint John", was read in its entirety.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
21. Committee Of The Whole Report
Read the report of the Committee of the Whole
(as follows)
To the COMMON COUNCIL of the City of Saint John
AUGUST 18,1997
The Committee of the Whole
Your Committee reports that it sat on Tuesday, August 5, 1997, when
there were present Mayor McAlary and Councillors Arthurs, Ball, Brown, Chase,
Fitzpatrick, Knibb, Trites and Waldschutz, and your Committee submits the following
recommendations, namely:-
1. That Council decline the request of Saint John Police Force Cst. Joseph
C. Oliver for financial assistance with regard to his and Cst. Hayward's recent
participation in the World Police/Fire Games in Calgary, Alberta.
2. That as recommended by the City Manager, Common Council: (1)
authorize the sale of 26 Lockhart Street (NBGIC Number 24927), 27 Lockhart Street
(NBGIC Number 24950), and 197-199 Cranston Avenue (NBGIC Number 31401), to
Phillip Huggard Properties Ltd. for the purchase price of $5,850 plus applicable taxes,
land transfer fees and property tax adjustments, and this sale be subject to the
following: (a) it shall be the responsibility and expense of the buyer (or subsequent land
owners) to extend any municipal services or public streets to the subject properties; (b)
the buyer (or the subsequent owners) agrees to develop the site in such a fashion so
as not to cause a drainage problem for the adjoining property owners; and (c) this sale
does not explicitly or implicitly obligate Common Council to close the undeveloped
portion of Lockhart Street in front of 26 and 27 Lockhart Streets; (2) authorize the
Mayor and Common Clerk to execute the necessary documents, including the
agreements of purchase and sale for the subject properties and the subsequent deeds;
and (3) authorize the payment of a commission in the amount of $2,000 plus HST for
the sale of 26 Lockhart Street, 27 Lockhart Street and 197-199 Cranston Avenue,
made payable to Realty World - Today's Realty, upon the successful completion of this
3. That as recommended by the City Manager, Common Council approve
the following expenditures from the 1997 Capital Budget with regard to Mispec Park: (1)
the provision of $6,000 towards the purchase and installation of playground equipment
and that this equipment be professionally installed; and (2) the provision of $5,000 from
the 1997 Capital Budget towards the cost of installation of a wastewater disposal
4. That as recommended by the City Manager, Common Council authorize
payment of $35,342 to The Market Square Corporation stemming from a calculation
error related to GST in 1996.
5. That as recommended by the City Manager, Common Council (a) ratify
the submitted letters of agreement with C.U.P.E. Local 18 and C.U.P.E. Local 486 with
respect to medical/dental plans; (b) authorize that similar arrangements, as applicable,
be extended to other participants in the plans; and (c) authorize the Mayor and
Common Clerk to execute the letters of agreement on behalf of the City.
August 18, 1997,
Saint John, N.B.
Respectfully submitted,
(sgd.) Shirley McAlary,
C h air man.
21.1. Participation In World Police/Fire Games
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Waldschutz
RESOLVED that section 1 of the
above report be adopted.
Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillors Ball and
Fitzpatrick voting "nay".
21.2. Offers To Purchase City Land
On motion of Councillor Knibb
AUGUST 18,1997
Seconded by Councillor Waldschutz
RESOLVED that section 2 of the
above report be adopted. (Rescinded October 9,2001 Bk. 88 pg. 704 )
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
21.3. Re Mispec Park
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Waldschutz
RESOLVED that section 3 of the
above report be adopted.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
21.4. Monies Due The Market Square Corporation
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Ball
RESOLVED that section 4 of the above
report be adopted.
In response to Councillor Gould, Mr. Totten explained that the above
payment resulted from the final settlement approved by Council with Meridian
Construction with respect to Harbour Station, following which it was realized that there
had been an error made in the calculation of the GST component of the payment which
resulted in the Corporation not having funds available to meet other obligations
requested of it by Council and, as that amount has stayed on the Corporation's books
since that time, it was considered appropriate to present it to Council in order to clear
up all the records and be done with it.
Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillor Gould
voting "nay".
21.5 Letters Of Agreement With C.U.P.E.
Locals 18 & 486. MedicallDental Plan
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Arthurs
RESOLVED that section 5 of the above
report be adopted. (Rescinded re Local 18 November 24,1997 Bk. 86 Pg. 734 )
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
22. Minister Of Municipalities, Culture
And HousinQ - 1995 BuildinQ Code
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Fitzpatrick
RESOLVED that the letter from The
Honourable Ann Breault, Minister of Municipalities, Culture and Housing, advising that
her Department is proceeding with a number of amendments to authorize the adoption
of the 1995 National Building Code of Canada as the official minimum Code for New
Brunswick and will replace the 1990 National Building Code currently in effect, and
expects it to come into effect in New Brunswick on September 1, 1997 -- be received
and filed.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
AUGUST 18,1997
23. Minister of Transportation - 1998 Construction
ProQram For Provincially-DesiQnated HiQhways
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Waldschutz
RESOLVED that the letter from The
Honourable Sheldon Lee, Minister of Transportation, requesting an annual update of
the five-year priorities for improvements to Provincially-designated highways within the
municipality -- be referred to the City Manager for submission of the five-year program.
Councillor Brown asked staff to submit to Council the list of priorities and
the documentation to support the recommendation.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
24. Charles LeBlanc - Flag Pole
Installation At KinQ's Square
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Gould
RESOLVED that the letter from Charles
LeBlanc suggesting that a flag pole should be installed at King's Square -- be referred
to the City Manager.
(Councillor Fitzpatrick withdrew from the meeting.)
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
25. Patricia Maloney & Maureen Maloney
Re-ZoninQ Of 54 Fifth Street
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Arthurs
RESOLVED that the application of Patricia
Maloney and Maureen Maloney for the re-zoning of property at 54 Fifth Street be
referred to the Planning Advisory Committee for a report and recommendation and the
necessary advertising be authorized in this regard, with the public hearing to be held on
Monday, September 29, 1997, at 7:00 o'clock p.m.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
26. Saint John Human Rights Association
Therapeutic RidinQ At Rockwood Park
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Deputy Mayor Chase
RESOLVED that the letter from the
Saint John Human Rights Association advising of a therapeutic horse back riding
program being conducted in Rockwood Park, with the full cooperation of the Rockwood
Park Stables operated by Dave White, Shining Horizon Therapeutic Riding Association,
for persons with mental and physical handicaps -- be received and filed.
(Councillor Fitzpatrick re-entered the meeting.)
Mr. Totten noted that the above program flows from the Saint John
Ability Advisory Committee and one City staff member is involved in it.
AUGUST 18,1997
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
27. City Of Miramichi Re Quebec
Consideration was given to a letter from the City of Miramichi citing a
resolution adopted at the regular Council meeting of July 24 demanding that the
Government of Canada and the Government of the Province of Quebec clearly and
unequivocally state that they support the right of federalist municipalities and regions
within Quebec to remain part of Canada today and in the future.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Arthurs
RESOLVED that the following resolution
be adopted, namely:-
"WHEREAS the population of the Province of Quebec voted against separating
from Canada, both in 1980 and in 1995; and
WHEREAS the current Government of Quebec has repeatedly reiterated its
desire to hold yet another referendum on Quebec separation; and
WHEREAS there are many loyal Canadians in Quebec who, via resolutions of
their local city councils, have declared that it is their wish to remain part of Canada,
irrespective of any future referendum result; and
WHEREAS those city councils have requested the support of Canadians
outside Quebec in their effort to remain Canadian:
BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Saint John supports the initiative of those
municipalities in Quebec who have declared their intentions to remain part of Canada
irrespective of any future Province-wide vote for separation:
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Saint John demands that the
Government of Canada and the Government of the Province of New Brunswick clearly
and unequivocally state that they support the right of federalist municipalities and
regions within Quebec to remain part of Canada, today and in the future, in accordance
with the legal, moral, political, constitutional, and territorial obligations of our nation:
AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be forwarded
to the Prime Minister of Canada, the members of Parliament from New Brunswick, the
members of the New Brunswick Legislature, the Premier of New Brunswick, the union
of New Brunswick Municipalities, all New Brunswick municipalities, the Federation of
Montreal Urban Community, and all municipalities on the Island of Montreal, and all
Provincial Municipal Associations.".
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
28. River Road Concerned Citizens Committee
Permitted Uses In "RF" Rural Zone
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Brown
RESOLVED that the letter from the River
Road Concerned Citizens Committee submitting a copy of correspondence to the
Building Inspector indicating that another situation has arisen regarding the use of the
"RF" Rural zone for excavation (quarrying) activity, and asking Council to take action on
this matter - be referred to the City Manager.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
AUGUST 18,1997
29. Johnson Engineered Solutions Limited
Municipal Plan Amendment & Re-Zoning
Requests - 2291 & 2690 Loch Lomond Road
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Waldschutz
RESOLVED that the letter from
Johnson Engineered Solutions Limited referring to the applications of Brian and Artith
Train and Victor Train for a Municipal Plan amendment and re-zoning of property at
2291 and 2690 Loch Lomond Road, respectively, the public hearings for which were
held on July 21; and requesting, on behalf of his clients, Victor, Brian and Artith Train
who did not receive notification of the new Planning Advisory Committee hearing date
until they opened their mail on the evening of July 15, several hours after the
Committee had met, that the applications be resumed with a new public hearing for the
Planning Advisory Committee set so that the Trains could participate and explain their
position concerning these applications to the members of the Committee -- be received
and filed.
The initial motion proposed by Councillor Knibb and seconded by
Councillor Ball was to refer the above matter to the City Manager, such motion
subsequently withdrawn upon Mr. Baird's indication that, in the case of these two very
similar applications from Victor Train and Brian Train, letters were sent to them on June
10 which is approximately 30 days before the meeting advising them of the date of the
meeting, and the correspondence on file in this regard can be made available.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
30. Myles Legacy - Traffic At Corner
Of Dorchester & Carleton Streets
On motion of Councillor Fitzpatrick
Seconded by Councillor Ball
RESOLVED that the letter from Myles Legacy
requesting that Council direct the appropriate City officials to look into a very significant
pedestrian traffic hazard at the corner of Dorchester and Carleton Streets -- be referred
to the City Manager and the Chief of Police.
Councillor Waldschutz proposed that the above letter should be received
and filed, rather than burden staff and the Police Department by referral of it, on the
basis of his opinion that a pedestrian crossing the street at 2:00 o'clock a.m. would be
responsible for his own safety.
Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillor Waldschutz
voting "nay".
31. Pot 0' Gold Consignments
Closure Of HardinQ Street West
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Waldschutz
RESOLVED that the letter from Karen
Randall of Pot 0' Gold Consignments advising of the drop in her business during the
recent shut-down of Harding Street West while workers replaced old lead pipes; and
requesting that a policy be put in place so this does not happen to some other
unsuspecting merchant, as well as some sort of restitution for the losses she occurred
due to the street closure -- be referred to the City Manager for a report to Council.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
AUGUST 18,1997
32. Multicultural Association Of Saint John
Re Establishment Of Race Relations Committee
On motion of Councillor Waldschutz
Seconded by Councillor Ball
RESOLVED that the letter from Multicultural
Association of Saint John, Inc., further to Council's consideration on April 14 of its letter
requesting the establishment of a race relations committee; and re-iterating its request
for Council to undertake to appoint such a committee -- be referred to the City
The Mayor asked if the above letter should be referred to the Nominating
Committee, if there is a need for the requested committee, and Mr. Totten suggested
that it would be appropriate for staff to submit a report to Council on the history in terms
of the previous committee and its mandate and update Council on the City's
involvement in race relations.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
33. Village Of Renforth Re
Water Service To New Church
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Waldschutz
RESOLVED that the letter from the
Village of Renforth advising of the plans of the Corporation of Saint James the Less
Anglican Church in Renforth to build a new church on land contiguous to the City of
Saint John; and requesting, in order for the Village of Renforth to supply municipal
water service to the church, that Council consider an amendment to section 10,
subsection 1 of the Village's water agreement with the City of Saint John so that a
service can be connected at the end of the line on Rothesay Road -- be referred to the
City Manager.
Councillor Knibb expressed the view the above request seemed
reasonable, and Mr. Totten advised that staff would certainly support the above
request, if necessary, in that the building is located on the particular lot such that a
portion is within the City and a portion is within Renforth, thus it would be a matter of
simply hooking up, depending on where the hook-up is and, if referred to staff, staff
would take action to have the appropriate documentation signed.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Mayor McAlary noted the conclusion on this date of the summer
schedule of Council meetings, with the next regular meeting of Council to be held at
7:00 o'clock p.m., Tuesday, September 2, preceded by Committee of the Whole at 4:00
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Waldschutz
RESOLVED that this meeting be
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
AUGUST 18,1997
Common Clerk