SEPTEMBER 18, 1995
At a meeting of the Common Council, held at the City Hall in the City of
Saint John, on Monday, the eighteenth day of September, AD. 1995, at 7:00 o'clock
Shirley McAlary, Mayor
Councillors Arthurs, Ball, Brown, Chase, Gould, Knibb, Trites,
Vincent and Waldschutz
- and -
Messrs. 1. Totten, City Manager; F. Rodgers, City Solicitor; D.
Wilson, Commissioner of Finance; C. Robichaud, Commissioner
of Municipal Operations; J. C. MacKinnon, Commissioner of
Environment and Development Services; P. Groody,
Commissioner of Human Resources; W. Butler, Commissioner of
Community Services; J. Baird, Manager, Community Planning;
W. Edwards, Building Inspector; D. Logan, Purchasing Agent; G.
Tait, Fire Chief; G. Ingraham, Assistant Deputy Chief of Police;
Mrs. M. Munford, Common Clerk; and Ms. C. Joyce, Assistant
Common Clerk.
1. MeetinQ Called To Order - OpeninQ Prayer
Mayor McAlary called the meeting to order, and offered the opening
2. Approval of Minutes
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Arthurs
RESOLVED that minutes of the meeting
of Common Council, held on September 11, 1995, be approved.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
3(a) Municipal Plan Amendment
(b) Re-ZoninQ 121 Golden Grove Road
The Common Clerk advised that the necessary advertising was
completed with regard to (a) a proposed Municipal Plan amendment to redesignate on
Schedule 2-A, the Future Land Use Plan, an approximately 16.5-acre parcel of land at
121 Golden Grove Road (NBGIC Number 55088926 and part of NBGIC Number
301077), having a frontage of approximately 300 feet on the north side of Golden
Grove Road, from Low Density Residential to Light Industrial classification; and (b) the
proposed re-zoning of the same parcel of land from "RS-2" One- and Two-Family
Suburban Residential to "1-1" Light Industrial classification, to permit the development of
a multi-tenant business complex and self-storage/warehouse facilities, as requested by
R. A Howe Holdings Ltd., and that no written objections were received in this regard.
Consideration was given to a report from the Planning Advisory
Committee submitting copies of the Planning Department's report, a petition and a
letter in opposition to, and two letters in support of the above application, considered at
the Committee's September 12 meeting at which the applicant spoke in favour and Mrs.
Elsie Wayne and Mr. E. J. McAfee spoke in opposition to the application; and
recommending that the application be denied.
Mr. William Vicars of 144 Todd Street spoke in opposition to the above-
proposed re-zoning because of the property being in the flood zone.
SEPTEMBER 18, 1995
On motion of Councillor Trites
Seconded by Councillor Vincent
RESOLVED that as recommended by the
Planning Advisory Committee, the application of R.A. Howe Holdings Ltd. for a
Municipal Plan amendment and re-zoning of property located at 121 Golden Grove
Road be denied.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
4(a) Zoning By-Law Amendment To
Re-Zone 835 Loch Lomond Road
The Common Clerk advised that the necessary advertising was
completed with regard to the proposed re-zoning of a parcel of land at 835 Loch
Lomond Road (a portion of NBGIC Number 313700), having a frontage of
approximately 50 feet on Loch Lomond Road and a depth of approximately 215 feet,
from "RS-2" One- and Two-Family Suburban Residential to "B-2" General Business
classification, to correct the discrepancy between the zone boundaries and lot lines of
the property at 835 Loch Lomond Road so that the entire property will lie within a "B-2"
General Business zone, as originally intended, and that no written objections were
received in this regard.
Consideration was given to a report from the Planning Advisory
Committee submitting a copy of the Planning Department's report considered at the
Committee's September 12 meeting at which Planning staff, as the City initiated the re-
zoning, was present to answer any questions from the Committee and no one
appeared against the proposal; and recommending that Common Council re-zone a
parcel of land with frontage of approximately 50 feet on Loch Lomond Road and a
depth of approximately 215 feet, being a portion of NBGIC Number 313700 located at
835 Loch Lomond Road, from "RS-2" One- and Two-Family Suburban Residential to
"B-2" General Business classification.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Trites
RESOLVED that the by-law to amend the
Zoning By-Law of the City of Saint John, insofar as it concerns re-zoning a parcel of
land located at 835 Loch Lomond Road (a portion of NBGIC Number 313700), having a
frontage of approximately 50 feet on Loch Lomond Road and a depth of approximately
215 feet, from "RS-2" One- and Two-Family Suburban Residential to "B-2" General
Business classification, be read a first time.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Read a first time the by-law to amend the Zoning By-Law of the City of
Saint John.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Vincent
RESOLVED that the by-law to amend the
Zoning By-Law of the City of Saint John, insofar as it concerns re-zoning a parcel of
land located at 835 Loch Lomond Road (a portion of NBGIC Number 313700), having a
frontage of approximately 50 feet on Loch Lomond Road and a depth of approximately
215 feet, from "RS-2" One- and Two-Family Suburban Residential to "B-2" General
Business classification, be read a second time.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Read a second time the by-law to amend the Zoning By-Law of the City
of Saint John.
SEPTEMBER 18, 1995
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Deputy Mayor Chase
RESOLVED that the above report
from the Planning Advisory Committee be received and filed.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
5(a) Zoning By-Law Amendment To Re-Zone
Property In WestQate Park Subdivision
The Common Clerk advised that the necessary advertising was
completed with regard to the proposed re-zoning of the following property at Alcorn
Place in the Westgate Park Subdivision: (i) an approximately 1 ,424-square metre
portion of NBGIC Number 37929 to a "B-1" Local Business zone; (ii) an approximately
1 ,524-square metre portion of NBGIC Number 37929 to an "RM-1" Three-Storey
Multiple Residential zone; and (c) an approximately 1.15-hectare portion of NBGIC
Number 37937 to an "RM-1" Three-Storey Multiple Residential zone, to clarify and
correct errors in a by-law amendment enacted by Common Council in May 1994, and
that no written objections were received in this regard.
Consideration was given to a report from the Planning Advisory
Committee submitting a copy of the Planning Department's report considered at the
Committee's September 12 meeting; and recommending that Common Council amend
the City of Saint John Zoning By-Law by: (a) re-zoning an approximately 1424-square
metre (15,328-square foot) portion of NBGIC Number 37929 to a "B-1" Local Business
zone; (b) re-zoning an approximately 1524-square metre (16,405-square foot) portion
of NBGIC Number 37929 to an "RM-1" Three-Storey Multiple Residential zone; and (c)
re-zoning an approximately 1.15-hectare (2.84-acre) portion of NBGIC Number 37937
to an "RM-1" Three-Storey Multiple Residential zone; and (2) the above-mentioned
amendments be subject to a resolution pursuant to Section 39 of the Community
Planning Act that would prohibit the development of any apartment buildings.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Ball
RESOLVED that the by-law to amend the
Zoning By-Law of the City of Saint John, insofar as it concerns re-zoning the following
property on Alcorn Drive (formerly Alcorn Place) in Westgate Park: (a) an approximately
1424-square metre (15,328-square foot) portion of NBGIC Number 37929 to a "B-1"
Local Business zone; (b) an approximately 1524-square metre (16,405-square foot)
portion of NBGIC Number 37929 to an "RM-1" Three-Storey Multiple Residential zone;
and (c) an approximately 1.15-hectare (2.84-acre) portion of NBGIC Number 37937 to
an "RM-1" Three-Storey Multiple Residential zone, subject to a condition pursuant to
Section 39 of the Community Planning Act prohibiting the development of any
apartment buildings, be read a first time.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Read a first time the by-law to amend the Zoning By-Law of the City of
Saint John.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Trites
RESOLVED that the by-law to amend the
Zoning By-Law of the City of Saint John, insofar as it concerns re-zoning the following
property on Alcorn Drive (formerly Alcorn Place) in Westgate Park: (a) an approximately
1424-square metre (15,328-square foot) portion of NBGIC Number 37929 to a "B-1"
Local Business zone; (b) an approximately 1524-square metre (16,405-square foot)
portion of NBGIC Number 37929 to an "RM-1" Three-Storey Multiple Residential zone;
and (c) an approximately 1.15-hectare (2.84-acre) portion of NBGIC Number 37937 to
SEPTEMBER 18, 1995
an "RM-1" Three-Storey Multiple Residential zone, subject to a condition pursuant to
Section 39 of the Community Planning Act prohibiting the development of any
apartment buildings, be read a second time.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Read a second time the by-law to amend the Zoning By-Law of the City
of Saint John.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Vincent
RESOLVED that the above report from
the Planning Advisory Committee be received and filed.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
6(a) Zoning By-Law Text Amendment
231 Churchill Boulevard
The Common Clerk advised that the necessary advertising was
completed with regard to a proposed Zoning By-Law text amendment to (i) renumber
Section 520(2)(b) as Section 520(2)(b)(i); and (ii) add a new Section 520(2)(b)(ii) to
read: "(ii) notwithstanding sub-clause (i), an amusement place may be located at 231
Churchill Boulevard (NBGIC #55096440).", to permit an amusement centre to be
established at the Ricky's Shopping Centre, 231 Churchill Boulevard, notwithstanding
that the property is located less than 90 metres from a church and community centre,
as requested by Ray Dor 1988 Limited, and that no written objections were received in
this regard.
Consideration was given to a report from the Planning Advisory
Committee submitting a copy of the Planning Department's report and a survey from
the Crescent Valley Tenants Association voicing objection to the above application,
which were considered at the Committee's September 12 meeting at which the solicitor
for the applicant spoke in support of the application and no one appeared to speak
against the proposal; and recommending that the proposed amendment to the Zoning
By-Law be denied.
Mr. Martin Fineberg of the law firm of Mosher Chedore appeared on
behalf of the applicant in favour of the above-proposed amendment and, having noted
the Planning Advisory Committee's recommendation, advised that, while his client
would be willing to adhere to the Recreation Department's recommendations set out in
the above-mentioned report from the Planning Department with regard to hours of
operation and the minimum age requirement for individuals to gain admittance during
school hours, his client would disagree with the Police Force's comments as set out in
the Committee's report to the effect that extra manpower would be required to patrol
the area, as it is felt that rather the opposite effect would take place as the proposal
would provide a gathering place for young people and mean less time spent by the
Police in order to break up crowd gatherings at the complaint of the owner of the site.
Mr. Fineberg suggested that the separation requirements should be discounted as they
would not be significantly violated in that, although as stated in the By-Law they would
not be met, only a very small number of feet is involved and there is a very large
separation between the subject site and the Church which is across the boulevard and
a major intersection.
Deputy Mayor Chase, referring to the conclusion of the submitted
Planning staff report which indicates that there does not appear to be any extenuating
circumstances which would justify an exemption from the minimum separation
requirements, asked if Mr. Fineberg could offer any arguments as to extenuating
circumstances that would impact upon this conclusion, to which Mr. Fineberg replied
that, other than the natural inclination of a businessman trying to do business in the
community by providing space available for rental which is what his client has done in
trying to cover costs of ownership and operation of a strip mall located on Churchill
SEPTEMBER 18, 1995
Boulevard, there are no other extenuating circumstances; however, no where in the
application process was the applicant made aware that extenuating circumstances had
to be explained and the application form only provides for other remarks. During
discussion Councillor Arthurs asked about the type of security to be put in place for
identification of age, to which Mr. Fineberg replied that there would be someone
working at all times that the establishment is open for business and would have the
authority to ask for identification in order for someone to prove age during school hours
and to ask someone to not enter or to eject someone.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Trites
RESOLVED that as recommended by the
Planning Advisory Committee, the application of Ray Dor 1988 Limited for a Zoning By-
Law text amendment with regard to 231 Churchill Boulevard be denied.
Question being taken, the motion was carried with Deputy Mayor Chase
voting "nay".
7(a) Zoning By-Law Amendment To
Re-Zone 639 & 647 Brunswick Drive
The Common Clerk advised that the necessary advertising was
completed with regard to the proposed re-zoning of two properties located at 639 and
647 Brunswick Drive (NBGIC Numbers 12609 and 15719), from "RM-1" Three-Storey
Multiple Residential to "B-2" General Business classification, to enlarge the existing site
for Romero House to permit an expansion to its clothing, kitchen and parking areas, as
requested by Romero House Inc. (Soup Kitchen), and that no written objections were
received in this regard.
Consideration was given to a report from the Planning Advisory
Committee submitting a copy of the Planning Department's report considered at the
Committee's September 12 meeting at which the applicant was in agreement with
staff's recommendation; and recommending that Common Council re-zone two
properties known as 639 and 647 Brunswick Drive, also identified as NBGIC Numbers
12609 and 15719, from "RM-1" Three-Storey Multiple Residential to "B-2" General
Business classification, subject to a resolution pursuant to Section 39 of the Community
Planning Act requiring that the use of the addition and properties is limited to a soup
kitchen and clothing distribution centre.
Mrs. Carolyn McNulty, representing the Romero House Soup Kitchen,
appeared before Council in support of the application on the basis that, having been in
operation in the City for 15 years, the establishment has become, basically, an
essential service, serving 5,000 persons a month, or approximately 290 persons a day;
and explained the need for on-location space freezer space as it is now necessary to
go to St. Andrews once a month to bring back the required frozen food supply, as well
as to expand the clothing room as the facility now has a membership of 1900 families
coming for clothing and household things; and asked for Council's support in this
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Arthurs
RESOLVED that the by-law to amend the
Zoning By-Law of the City of Saint John, insofar as it concerns re-zoning two properties
at 639 and 647 Brunswick Drive (NBGIC Numbers 12609 and 15719), from "RM-1"
Three-Storey Multiple Residential to "B-2" General Business classification, subject to a
condition pursuant to Section 39 of the Community Planning Act requiring that the use
of the addition and properties is limited to a soup kitchen and clothing distribution
centre, be read a first time.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
SEPTEMBER 18, 1995
Read a first time the by-law to amend the Zoning By-Law of the City of
Saint John.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Vincent
RESOLVED that the by-law to amend the
Zoning By-Law of the City of Saint John, insofar as it concerns re-zoning two properties
at 639 and 647 Brunswick Drive (NBGIC Numbers 12609 and 15719), from "RM-1"
Three-Storey Multiple Residential to "B-2" General Business classification, subject to a
condition pursuant to Section 39 of the Community Planning Act requiring that the use
of the addition and properties is limited to a soup kitchen and clothing distribution
centre, be read a second time.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Read a second time the by-law to amend the Zoning By-Law of the City
of Saint John.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Vincent
RESOLVED that the above report from
the Planning Advisory Committee be received and filed.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
8(a) Zoning By-Law Amendment To
Re-Zone 370 Boars Head Road
The Common Clerk advised that the necessary advertising was
completed with regard to the proposed re-zoning of an approximately 2466-square
metre (26,545-square foot) portion of an undeveloped property at 370 Boars Head
Road (a portion of NBGIC Number 55062012), situated at the corner of Boars Head
Road and Caledonia Drive, from "R-1 B" One-Family Residential to "R-2" One- and Two-
Family Residential classification, to permit the construction of semi-detached dwellings
or one-family dwellings, as requested by Peter and Jody Pappas, and that no written
objections were received in this regard, with 8{c) a letter received from Peter and Jody
Pappas requesting Council to consider their original proposal which is simply to
subdivide a parcel of land fronting on Boars Head Road into three serviced lots to
construct semi-detached dwellings as they are in no way interested in a joint
development project suggested by the Planning Advisory Committee.
Consideration was also given to a report from the Planning Advisory
Committee submitting a copy of the Planning Department's report considered by the
Committee at its September 12 meeting at which Mr. Peter Pappas expressed support
for the staff recommendation and indicated that he also wanted the Committee to
approve the subdivision of the subject property into three serviced lots, and staff
explained that the necessary assent for the subdivision was not being recommended at
this time in order to provide an opportunity to discuss an alternative to the proposed
subdivision which would require discussions with the adjacent property owner, and Mr.
Bourque, an area resident, circulated letters (as submitted) from several other property
owners and expressed concern regarding the bedrock on the subject property and the
potential need for blasting and suggested that the proposed two-family dwellings would
not be consistent with the surrounding area; advising that the Committee referred the
matter back to staff in order to finalize a recommendation regarding the requested
subdivision which will involve discussions among the adjacent property owner, the
developer and the City; and recommending that Common Council hold the advertised
public hearing but not make a decision regarding this matter until such time as the
Planning Advisory Committee has provided a final recommendation.
Mr. Romeo Bourque of 401 Woodward Avenue, appearing in opposition
SEPTEMBER 18, 1995
to the above-proposed re-zoning, advised that, when he moved to his present location,
he moved into a single-family zoned area, and has made his concerns known to the
Planning Advisory Committee and, while he is in favour of development in the area, he
is solely in favour of single-family dwellings and the developer is seeking the re-zoning
so that he can build duplex housing; and suggested that consideration should be given
to heavier traffic and the lack of sidewalks on Boars Head Road. Mr. Bourque, using an
overhead slide depicting the area in question, asked why, as there is room in the area
for buildings of the type Mr. Pappas is proposing to build, the applicant would go into a
single-family area and do a spot re-zoning; and commented on a new single-family
development off Woodward Avenue being built by Mr. Pappas on the basis that the
people who recently purchased property in the development had not been advised that
re-zoning was about to happen in their own back yard.
Mr. Peter Pappas appeared in support of his proposal to subdivide one
piece of land on Boars Head Road into three lots on which to construct three semi-
detached properties side by side, individual houses attached by one common lot;
stated that he can guarantee everybody that there is going to be no blasting taking
place on the new development that fronts on Woodward Avenue or the proposed
development on Boars Head Road; and advised that, while he can certainly respect Mr.
Bourque's concerns, the subject property on Boars Head Road that he is trying to re-
zone has been given a recommendation from City staff and is fully consistent with the
existing development on Boars Head Road and is compatible with the area, and there
would be no additional traffic to Woodward Avenue as the driveways for the proposed
houses in the proposed development would front onto Boars Head Road, and there are
sidewalks on Boars Head Road. Mr. Pappas made the observation that there is a
development directly across the street which is an "R-2" zoning, and he is asking for the
same type of development to continue.
On motion of Councillor Vincent
Seconded by Councillor Ball
RESOLVED that as recommended by the
Planning Advisory Committee, the application of Peter and Jody Pappas for the re-
zoning of property at 370 Boars Head Road be laid on the table until such time as the
Planning Advisory Committee has provided a final recommendation.
Question being taken, the tabling motion was carried.
9(a) Amendment To Section 39 Conditions
Of Re-ZoninQ Of 1770 Rothesay Road
The Common Clerk advised that the necessary advertising was
completed with regard to the proposed amendment of the Section 39 conditions
imposed upon the 1991 re-zoning of a parcel of land at 1770 Rothesay Road (part of
NBGIC Number 30119747), lying within the City of Saint John, to permit the relocation
of St. James the Less Anglican Church to the subject site, as requested by St. James
the Less Church, and that 9{c) a copy of a letter to the Planning Advisory Committee
from Chase Sheehan, a lawyer acting on behalf of Mrs. Mavis McNichol and Mrs. Myrtle
Downey, being the owners of 1750 Rothesay Road, was received in opposition to the
Consideration was also given to a report from the Planning Advisory
Committee submitting a copy of the Planning Department's report and a letter on behalf
of the adjacent property owners at 1750 Rothesay Road considered at the Committee's
September 12 meeting at which a representative of the adjoining property owners
appeared to voice concern regarding the proposed changes to the Section 39
conditions; and recommending that Common Council amend the Section 39 conditions
imposed upon the 1991 re-zoning to "IL-1" Neighbourhood Institutional classification, a
parcel of land at 1770 Rothesay Road, being that part of NBGIC Number 30119747,
lying within the City of Saint John, by amending A(i) and A(ii) to read as follows: "(i) that
the location of the building have a minimum side yard setback of 11.6 metres (38 feet);
(ii) that a paved parking area be located no closer than 5.2 metres (17 feet) from the
side property lines.".
SEPTEMBER 18, 1995
Mr. William J. McNichol of the law firm of Chase Sheehan appeared on
behalf of Mrs. Mavis McNichol and Mrs. Myrtle Downey in opposition to the above-
proposed amendment; advised that three changes have been proposed to the plan as
submitted and it is his belief an agreement has now been worked out between the
applicant and him as follows:- (1) the proposed set back on the southerly side, which at
one time was limited to 5 feet, has now been increased to 17 feet 8 inches, with his
request being that Council enforce item A(iii) of the present By-Law and require conifer
trees to be planted on that strip; and (ii) with respect to a second dwelling which was
left off the plan submitted to the Planning Advisory Committee, being a cottage located
about 50 feet from the rear of the southerly sideline, if it is the case that the proposal is
that no driveway or parking surface be permitted within 50 feet of that structure, his
clients are in agreement with the proposal.
Mr. Blair Roma, architect for the applicant, spoke in support of the above
application, and, in concurring with the staff recommendation, advised that they are in
agreement with Mr. McNichol on the two points in question and could alter the plans by
providing evergreens as a buffer and there would be no drive on the south side of the
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Deputy Mayor Chase
RESOLVED that as recommended by
the Planning Advisory Committee, the Section 39 conditions imposed upon the 1991 re-
zoning, to "IL-1" Neighbourhood Institutional classification, of a parcel of land at 1770
Rothesay Road, being that part of NBGIC Number 30119747 lying within the City of
Saint John, by amending A(i) and A(ii) to read as follows:- "(i) that the location of the
building have a minimum side yard setback of 11.6 metres (38 feet); (ii) that a paved
parking area be located no closer than 5.2 metres (17 feet) from the side property
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
10(a) Zoning By-Law Text
Amendment Re Poster Panels
The Common Clerk advised that the necessary advertising was
completed with regard to a proposed Zoning By-Law text amendment to add the
following new sub-clause (iv) to Section 840(5) of the By-Law: "(iv) notwithstanding
sub-clause (i), the face of a poster panel may be increased to a maximum height of 7.4
metres, provided that the width does not exceed: 4 metres, in the case of a single
panel, and 8 metres, in the case of two panels located together as a unit.", to permit a
poster panel design that is taller than it is wide with a maximum height of up to 7.4
metres or such lesser height as may be deemed appropriate by Common Council, and
that no written objections were received in this regard.
1 O{b)
Consideration was given to a report from the Planning Advisory
Committee submitting a copy of a report from the Planning Department considered at
the Committee's September 12 meeting; and recommending that Common Council
amend the Zoning By-law by adding the following new sub-clause (iv) to Section 840(5)
of the By-Law: "(iv) notwithstanding sub-clause (i), the face of a poster panel may be
increased to a maximum height of 6 metres, provided that the width does not exceed: 4
metres, in the case of a single panel, and 8 metres, in the case of two panels located
together as a unit.".
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Trites
RESOLVED that the by-law to amend the
Zoning By-Law of the City of Saint John, by adding the following new sub-clause (iv) to
Section 840(5) of the By-Law: "(iv) notwithstanding sub-clause (i), the face of a poster
SEPTEMBER 18, 1995
panel may be increased to a maximum height of 6 metres, provided that the width does
not exceed: 4 metres, in the case of a single panel, and 8 metres, in the case of two
panels located together as a unit.", be read a first time.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Read a first time the by-law to amend the Zoning By-Law of the City of
Saint John.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Deputy Mayor Chase
RESOLVED that the by-law to amend
the Zoning By-Law of the City of Saint John, by adding the following new sub-clause
(iv) to Section 840(5) of the By-Law: "(iv) notwithstanding sub-clause (i), the face of a
poster panel may be increased to a maximum height of 6 metres, provided that the
width does not exceed: 4 metres, in the case of a single panel, and 8 metres, in the
case of two panels located together as a unit.", be read a second time.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Read a second time the by-law to amend the Zoning By-Law of the City
of Saint John.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Trites
RESOLVED that the above report from the
Planning Advisory Committee be received and filed.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
14. 2003 Canada Winter Games
On motion of Deputy Mayor Chase
Seconded by Councillor Knibb
RESOLVED that the letter from Mayor
McAlary submitting correspondence from the Minister of Municipalities, Culture and
Housing extending an invitation to the City to bid to host the 2003 Canada Winter
Games event which has been awarded to New Brunswick -- be referred to the City
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
15. Mayor's Remarks
Mayor McAlary advised that a voluntary community policing office will be
opening at the Lions Club Centre on Newman Street between 10:00 o'clock a.m. and
10:00 o'clock p.m.; and that the Marco Polo film will be aired on CBC Television on
September 22.
16. Tender For Contract 95-27
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Trites
RESOLVED that as recommended by the
City Manager, contract 95-27, Manawagonish Road improvements, be awarded to the
low tenderer, Nautilus Construction & Rentals Ltd., at the tendered price of
$274,363.30, as calculated based upon estimated quantities, and that the Mayor and
Common Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary contract documents.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
SEPTEMBER 18, 1995
17. Tender For Precommercial ThinninQ
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Deputy Mayor Chase
RESOLVED that as recommended by
the City Manager, the tender of Burns Silva Inc., in the amount of $688 per hectare, be
accepted for the precommercial thinning of approximately 20 hectares of the Loch
Lomond watershed area.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
11. Saint John Learning Exchange
October 5 Luncheon For Literacv
Consideration was given to correspondence submitted by the Saint John
Learning Exchange with regard to its October 5 Luncheon For Literacy.
Ms. Yvonne Bradley and her "silent partner" Milo appeared before
Council on behalf of the learners, staff and Board of Directors of the Saint John
Learning Exchange to invite the Mayor and Councillors to purchase a ticket for the first
annual Luncheon for Literacy to be held on October 5 at the Trade and Convention
Centre as a fund-raising event to support education and training programs for both
youth and adults at the Exchange; and Milo presented a gift to the Mayor in
appreciation of her support in attending this luncheon, and distributed to Council
invitations and ticket orders for this event.
18. Tender for StumpaQe Sale
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Vincent
RESOLVED that as recommended by the
City Manager, the tender of J.D. Irving Ltd. be accepted for the construction of 1.8
kilometres of woodland access road and the harvesting of selected wood stock from
approximately 25 hectares of woodland around the Spruce Lake watershed area, as
indicated in the submitted summary of bids.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
19. Tender For Supplv Of Trees
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Ball
RESOLVED that as recommended by the
City Manager, the tender for the supply of trees be awarded to the lowest acceptable
bidder in each case, as indicated in the submitted summary of bids.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
20. Establishment Change
Community Services
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Trites
RESOLVED that as recommended by the
City Manager, the following changes be made to the City of Saint John Establishment:
(1) the position of stockkeeper be deleted from the Community Services Establishment;
(2) one position of Gardener be deleted, changing the number of positions from 5 to 4;
(3) 2 positions of Gardener/Arborist be added to the Establishment; and (4) any future
vacancies in Gardener positions be replaced with Gardener/Arborist positions.
SEPTEMBER 18, 1995
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
21. Enterprise Saint John 1994 Results
Consideration was given to a report from the City Manager submitting a
copy of the audited Financial Statements of the Greater Saint John Economic
Development Commission (Enterprise Saint John) for its first year of operation ended
December 31, 1994; advising that, with regard to Enterprise Saint John's earlier
indication to Council that it anticipated an over-expenditure of approximately $50,000
for 1994, the Finance Department properly recorded this liability in the City's records
which received Council's approval earlier this year; and submitting a recommendation
with regard to the recent request for the City to reimburse Enterprise Saint John for the
deficit in the amount of $49,567.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Vincent
RESOLVED that as recommended by the
City Manager, the Commissioner of Finance be authorized to pay $49,567 to Enterprise
Saint John for the calendar year 1994, and Enterprise Saint John be requested to
provide Council with an update on its 1995 activities in the near future.
(Councillor Trites withdrew from the meeting.)
The Mayor noted the intent for Enterprise Saint John to meet with
Council within the next few weeks to give an update of its activities.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
22. Red Head Escarpment Failure
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Deputy Mayor Chase
RESOLVED that the report from the
City Manager providing a chronology of events and comments on the Red Head
escarpment failure from September 7 to September 14; and commenting on the future
of Red Head Road which is not in any immediate danger, water and sewerage
services, site security, and homes and embankment -- be received and filed.
Mr. Totten made the observation that the above report brings Council up
to date from the situation discussed at the last meeting, and advised that the Red Head
Road is not in any immediate danger, and that staff's thrust has been to work with the
residents and the other levels of government in an attempt to do what can be done to
deal with a safety issue and to facilitate the movement of two or three homes and to do
so as quickly as possible and, in the long-term, to address the issue of the likelihood
and planning of decisions that have to be made with respect to the Red Head Road
and any proposed alternative route.
(Councillor Trites re-entered the meeting during the above comments.)
Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillor Vincent
voting "nay".
12. Residents Of Red Head Road
& Mispec - Red Head Soil Erosion
Consideration was given to a letter giving notice, on behalf of residents
of Red Head and Mispec, of their intention to address Council at this meeting regarding
the erosion of the Red Head shore area and surrounding properties.
Mayor McAlary noted the presence at the meeting of a delegation from
the Red Head area.
Mr. Garry Prosser of Red Head thanked those members of Common
Council who attended the public meeting in the above regard on September 16 and the
SEPTEMBER 18, 1995
City Manager for releasing the preliminary report in advance of the September 16
meeting; and, having presented to Council a petition of 141 names (which was filed
with the Common Clerk) gathered at the public meeting, advised that the present road
and preserving it is the number one long-term priority, bar none; and that, while it is not
the intent to interfere with the private affairs of the three affected homeowners who are
involved in sensitive legal discussions at this time, it is hoped that they are
compensated and will suffer no financial loss. Mr. Prosser also advised that the Red
Head Affected Homeowners Trust Fund has been established at the Royal Bank;
commented on the extent of the erosion to date and that anticipated in the future; and
asked Council: (1) to petition the other two levels of government to initiate a plan for a
breakwater and back-filling of the affected area known as the Red Head stretch and
any other homes that would be affected by erosion, such a plan to be initiated as soon
as possible; (2) to ask the Police Department to call in a volunteer security group until
the final slide takes places either by nature or by man, and to restrict the Red Head
Road to a single lane in that area until the slide takes place and all necessary, if any,
roadside repairs are made; and (3) inform the Emergency Measures Organization that
the disaster may be over but the emergency is only half over as it is possible that Red
Head Road may have to be closed partially or totally when that final slide occurs and
that, on the basis that being without access to and from homes for any length of time is
not acceptable, the residents want an emergency or temporary road or a detour built
now, such to be built on the power line at the rear of Harbourview Subdivision.
The Mayor thanked Mr. Prosser for his presentation, expressed concern
for the residents of Red Head, especially the three families affected, and advised that
Council would take Mr. Prosser's comments under advisement and be back to him.
13. Uptown Saint John Inc.
Upper Floor Development In BIA
Mr. Charles Swanton, President of Uptown Saint John Inc., addressed
the previously-submitted letter from Uptown Saint John Inc. concerning the
development and use of upper floors in the Business Improvement Area (BIA) as an
extremely valuable component of uptown revitalization and as an economic
development tool to achieve heritage preservation; and referring to the City's Upper
Floor Grant Program in that Uptown Saint John Inc. is interested in assuming a more
direct role in pursuing the concept of upper floor development, specifically in
administering funds designed for it, since it has the ability to manage and market the
During discussion Mr. Swanton advised that Uptown Saint John Inc. is
not trying to take away any of the responsibility Common Council ultimately would have
with respect to the Upper Floor Grant Program and it would be the intent for Uptown
Saint John Inc. to make a recommendation to Council which would ultimately have the
responsibility of passing out the money, with Uptown Saint John Inc. to do so through a
committee on which there should be a representative from the Community Planning
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Vincent
RESOLVED that the presentation by Mr.
Charles Swanton, President of Uptown Saint John Inc., concerning the development
and use of upper floors in the Business Improvement Area (BIA) -- be referred to the
City Manager.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
23. Committee of the Whole
Read the report of the Committee of the Whole
(as follows)
SEPTEMBER 18, 1995
To the COMMON COUNCIL of the City of Saint John
The Committee of the Whole
Your Committee reports that it sat on September 11, 1995, when there
were present Mayor McAlary and Councillors Arthurs, Ball, Brown, Chase, Fitzpatrick,
Gould, Knibb, Trites and Waldschutz, and your Committee submits the following
recommendations, namely:-
1. That as recommended by the City Manager, Common Council: (1) inform
Mega Enterprises Inc. that the City is not interested in selling 40 Pokiok Road; (2)
inform Mega Enterprises Inc. and its related company, Sentral Welding, that the current
lease for 40 Pokiok Road will terminate on or after midnight of November 30, 1995; (3)
authorize staff to tender out the demolition of the "Baler building", the removal of all
debris on the site and the replacement of the old wooden fence with a chain link fence;
and (4) request staff to put forth an application to re-zone the site from "1-1" Light
Industrial to "P" Park classification as per the Municipal Plan.
2. That as recommended by the City Manager, the incumbents in the
positions of Commissioner of Human Resources, Fire Chief and Deputy Commissioner
of Finance be granted annual step adjustments on each of their anniversary dates,
consistent with Council's approved Policy, entitled, "Principles For Salary
Administration", approved on February 15, 1993.
September 18, 1995
Saint John, N.B.
Respectfully submitted,
(sgd.) Shirley McAlary,
C h air man.
23.1. 40 Pokiok Road
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Trites
RESOLVED that section 1 of the above
report be adopted.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
23.2. Salary Adiustments
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Trites
RESOLVED that section 2 of the above
report be adopted.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
24. Planning Advisory Committee - Land For
Public Purposes, 1087 Old Black River Road
On motion of Councillor Gould
Seconded by Councillor Knibb
RESOLVED that as recommended by the
Planning Advisory Committee, a cash-in-lieu of land for public purposes dedication be
accepted for Lot 6 at the Berryman Investments Incorporated Subdivision, Phase 2,
1 087 Old Black River Road.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
SEPTEMBER 18, 1995
25. Solicitor General Jane Barry
(a) City Line Lead Pipe Removal
(b) Greendale Crescent Signage
(c) PlaYQround In Area of Lowell Street
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Deputy Mayor Chase
RESOLVED that the letters from
Solicitor General Jane Barry (a) relating concerns of four residences at the eastern
most end of City Line with respect to the deteriorating condition of the City road and the
lack of removal of lead service pipe; (b) advising of a request for signage for children
playing on Greendale Crescent; and (c) advising of a request for consideration of
upgrading the playground behind residences on City Line and adjacent to the Belyea
Arena on Lowell Street -- be referred to the City Manager.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
26. H.C. Entertainment Co. Ltd.
Amendment To Section 39 Conditions
Of Re-ZoninQ 20 Prince Edward Street
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Vincent
RESOLVED that the application of H. C.
Entertainment Co. Ltd. for an amendment to the Section 39 conditions of re-zoning of
20 Prince Edward Street be referred to the Planning Advisory Committee for a report
and recommendation and that the necessary advertising be authorized in this regard,
with the public hearing to be held on Tuesday, November 14, 1995.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
27. McAllister Place Ltd. (Tritor Developments
Ltd.) Amendment To Section 39 Conditions
Of Re-ZoninQ 515-519 Westmorland Road
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Trites
RESOLVED that the application of
McAllister Place Ltd. (Tritor Developments Ltd.) for an amendment to the Section 39
conditions of re-zoning of 515-519 Westmorland Road be referred to the Planning
Advisory Committee for a report and recommendation and that the necessary
advertising be authorized in this regard, with the public hearing to be held on Tuesday,
November 14, 1995.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
28. John & Lynn Hoyt
Re-ZoninQ 267 Rockland Road
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Trites
RESOLVED that the application of John
and Lynn Hoyt for the re-zoning of 267 Rockland Road be referred to the Planning
Advisory Committee for a report and recommendation and that the necessary
advertising be authorized in this regard, with the public hearing to be held on Tuesday,
November 14, 1995.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
SEPTEMBER 18, 1995
29. Bav Area ReQional Trails Update Report
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Vincent
RESOLVED that the letter from Mr.
Rodney J. Gillis, Co-Chairman of Bay Area Regional Trails (BART), updating Council
on the trail development subsequent to the June 26 presentation to Council; advising
that the group is now in the process of preparing its development program for 1996,
including the concurrent development of Phase II (west) and Phase III (east) and, as
both Phases require selection of a route (or routes) within City boundaries, BART would
welcome the participation of the City in creating trail development partnerships and
identifying suitable route options for these Phases, and Common Council may wish to
identify two or more City employees to participate on the City's behalf in the Trail
planning and Trail development initiatives -- be referred to the City Manager.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Trites
RESOLVED that this meeting be
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Common Clerk