OCTOBER 31, 1994
At a meeting of the Common Council, held at the City Hall in the City of
Saint John, on Monday, the thirty-first day of October, A.D. 1994, at 7:00 o'clock p.m.
Thomas J. Higgins, Mayor
Councillors Coughlan, Gould, Knibb, McAlary, Rogers, Trites, A.
Vincent and M. Vincent
- and -
Messrs. 1. Totten, City Manager; F. Rodgers, City Solicitor; D.
Wilson, Commissioner of Finance; C. Robichaud, Commissioner
of Municipal Operations; J. C. MacKinnon, Commissioner of
Environment and Infrastructure Services; S. Bedford,
Commissioner of Development Services; S. Armstrong, Director
of Engineering; B. Morrison, Director of Parks; D. Logan,
Purchasing Agent; B. Steeves, Building Inspector; J. Baird,
Manager - Development Division - Planning; P. Palmer, Deputy
Market Clerk; G. Tait, Fire Chief; G. Watson, Assistant Deputy
Chief of Police; Mrs. M. Munford, Common Clerk; and Ms. C.
Joyce, Assistant Common Clerk.
1. MeetinQ Called To Order - OpeninQ Prayer
Mayor Higgins called the meeting to order, and offered the opening
2. Approval of Minutes
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor M. Vincent
RESOLVED that minutes of the
meeting of Common Council, held on October 24, 1994, be approved.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
(Councillor Rogers entered the meeting.)
3. Re-ZoninQ 511 Somerset Street
The Common Clerk advised that the necessary advertising was
completed with regard to the proposed re-zoning of a triangular area of land having an
approximate area of 1,148 square feet situated at 511 Somerset Street (a portion of
NBGIC Number 55096432, formerly NBGIC Number 55003255), from "R-2" One- and
Two-Family Residential to "B-2" General Business classification, to place the subject
area of land into the same commercial zoning category as the remainder of the
property, which is being developed with a convenience store and gasoline bar, as
requested by Tobias Foods Ltd., and that no written objections were received in this
Consideration was given to a report from the Planning Advisory
Committee advising that Mr. Stephen Tobias of Tobias Foods Limited appeared before
the Committee's October 25 meeting in agreement with the recommendation of
Planning staff as indicated in the submitted report; and recommending that Council re-
zone a triangular area of land having an approximate area of 107 square metres (1,148
square feet) situated at 511 Somerset Street, also being identified as a portion of
NBGIC Number 55096432 (formerly NBGIC Number 55003255), from "R-2" One- and
Two-Family Residential to "B-2" General Business classification.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor M. Vincent
RESOLVED that the by-law to amend
OCTOBER 31, 1994
the Zoning By-Law of the City of Saint John, insofar as it concerns re-zoning a
triangular area of land having an approximate area of 107 square metres (1,148 square
feet) situated at 511 Somerset Street, also being identified as a portion of NBGIC
Number 55096432 (formerly NBGIC Number 55003255), from "R-2" One- and Two-
Family Residential to "B-2" General Business classification, be read a first time.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Read a first time the by-law to amend the Zoning By-Law of the City of
Saint John.
On motion of Deputy Mayor McAlary
Seconded by Councillor Gould
RESOLVED that the by-law to amend the
Zoning By-Law of the City of Saint John, insofar as it concerns re-zoning a triangular
area of land having an approximate area of 107 square metres (1,148 square feet)
situated at 511 Somerset Street, also being identified as a portion of NBGIC Number
55096432 (formerly NBGIC Number 55003255), from "R-2" One- and Two-Family
Residential to "B-2" General Business classification, be read a second time.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Read a second time the by-law to amend the Zoning By-Law of the City
of Saint John.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Deputy Mayor McAlary
RESOLVED that the above report
from the Planning Advisory Committee be received and filed.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
4. Amendment To Section 39 Conditions
Of Re-ZoninQ 670 Charles Street West
The Common Clerk advised that the necessary advertising was
completed with regard to a proposed amendment to the conditions imposed on the
October 27, 1980 re-zoning of a property located at 670 Charles Street West (NBGIC
Number 35196) at its intersection with Catherwood Street, to permit a revised proposal
for the development of an insurance office and two apartments in a new building, as
the present Section 39 conditions restrict the use to an insurance office and one
apartment, as requested by R. M. Scott Insurance Agency Ltd., and that no written
objections were received in this regard.
Consideration was given to a report from the Planning Advisory
Committee submitting a copy of Planning staff's report considered by the Committee at
its October 25 meeting at which the applicant expressed agreement with staff's
recommendation; and recommending that Common Council amend the conditions
imposed on the October 27, 1980 re-zoning of a property located at the intersection of
Charles Street West and Catherwood Street, being 670 Charles Street West, also
having NBGIC Number 35196, by deleting Part (a) of the said conditions and replacing
it with the following:- "the use of the property shall be restricted to an insurance office
and two apartments.".
Mr. Robert Scott, President of R. M. Scott Insurance Agency Ltd., was
present at the meeting in support of the application and offered to respond to Council
queries with respect to proposed amendment.
On motion of Deputy Mayor McAlary
Seconded by Councillor Rogers
RESOLVED that as recommended by the
Planning Advisory Committee, the conditions imposed on the October 27, 1980 re-
OCTOBER 31, 1994
zoning of a property located at the intersection of Charles Street West and Catherwood
Street, being 670 Charles Street West, also having NBGIC Number 35196, be
amended by deleting Part (a) of the said conditions and replacing it with the following:-
"the use of the property shall be restricted to an insurance office and two apartments.".
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor Rogers
Seconded by Councillor M. Vincent
RESOLVED that the above report
from the Planning Advisory Committee be received and filed.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
5. Re-ZoninQ 535 Somerset Street
The Common Clerk advised that the necessary advertising was
completed with regard to the proposed re-zoning of a parcel of land at 535 Somerset
Street (NBGIC Number 46136), located at the southeast intersection of Somerset
Street and the southern branch of Rope Walk Road, from "R-2" One- and Two-Family
Residential to "B-2" General Business classification, to permit the development of a
restaurant, as requested by Wm. P. Dowd & Sons Ltd., and that no written objections
were received in this regard.
Consideration was given to a report from the Planning Advisory
Committee submitting a copy of Planning staff's report considered at the Committee's
October 25 meeting at which the applicant expressed agreement with the staff
recommendation; and recommending that Common Council re-zone a parcel of land
located at the southeast intersection of Somerset Street and the southern branch of
Rope Walk Road, having civic number 535 Somerset Street and NBGIC Number
46136, from "R-2" One- and Two-Family Residential to "B-2" General Business
classification, subject to a resolution pursuant to Section 39 of the Community Planning
Act setting out the following conditions:- (a) all parking areas, loading areas, aisles,
manoeuvring areas and driveways must be paved with asphalt and enclosed by cast-in-
place concrete curbs to protect landscaped areas and facilitate proper drainage; (b)
adequate site drainage facilities must be provided in accordance with a detailed
drainage plan, prepared by the proponent and subject to the approval of the Chief City
Engineer; (c) a concrete curb and sidewalk meeting City specifications must be
installed along the Somerset Street frontage of the site, and concrete curb only (no
sidewalk) is required along the portion of the Rope Walk Road frontage of the site
which is to be developed, and curbing of driveway entrances shall extend onto the City
rights-of-way to join with the street curbs; (d) all disturbed areas of the site, which are
not occupied by buildings, driveways, walkways and parking or loading areas, must be
landscaped, and the required landscaping must extend onto the City street rights-of-
way to the edge of the curb (Rope Walk Road) or sidewalk (Somerset Street); (e) the
site must be developed in accordance with a site plan, prepared by the proponent and
subject to the approval of the Development Officer, indicating the location of all
buildings, parking areas, driveways, loading areas, signs, landscaped areas and other
site features, and no building permit will be endorsed by the Development Officer
(except foundation) until the site plan is approved, such site plan shall be attached to
the building permit for the development; and (f) all site improvements as shown on the
site plan must be completed within one year of building permit approval.
Mr. Bruce Dowd, President of Wm. P. Dowd & Sons Ltd., appeared in
support of the above application and offered to answer any questions which Council
might have with respect to the proposed re-zoning.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Deputy Mayor McAlary
RESOLVED that the by-law to
amend the Zoning By-Law of the City of Saint John, insofar as it concerns re-zoning a
parcel of land at 535 Somerset Street (NBGIC Number 46136), located at the southeast
intersection of Somerset Street and the southern branch of Rope Walk Road, from "R-
OCTOBER 31, 1994
One- and Two-Family Residential to "B-2" General Business classification, pursuant to
Section 39 of the Community Planning Act as recommended by the Planning Advisory
Committee, be read a first time.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Read a first time the by-law to amend the Zoning By-Law of the City of
Saint John.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor M. Vincent
RESOLVED that the by-law to amend
the Zoning By-Law of the City of Saint John, insofar as it concerns re-zoning a parcel of
land at 535 Somerset Street (NBGIC Number 46136), located at the southeast
intersection of Somerset Street and the southern branch of Rope Walk Road, from "R-
2" One- and Two-Family Residential to "B-2" General Business classification, pursuant
to Section 39 of the Community Planning Act as recommended by the Planning
Advisory Committee, be read a second time.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Read a second time the by-law to amend the Zoning By-Law of the City
of Saint John.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor M. Vincent
RESOLVED that the above report
from the Planning Advisory Committee be received and filed.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
6. Re-Zoning 25 To 39 Golding
And 18 Castle Streets
The Common Clerk advised that the necessary advertising was
completed with regard to the proposed re-zoning of a parcel of land consisting of five
separate properties at 25 to 39 Golding Street and 18 Castle Street (NBGIC Numbers
15982,14449,14431,14423 and 14498), from "RM-1" Three-Storey Multiple
Residential to "IL-1" Major Institutional classification, to use the site for a parking lot in
conjunction with St. Joseph's Hospital, as requested by St. Joseph's Hospital, and that
no written objections were received in this regard.
Consideration was given to a report from the Planning Advisory
Committee submitting a copy of Planning staff's report considered at the Committee's
October 25 meeting at which a representative for St. Joseph's Hospital indicated there
was no objection to staff's recommendation and, when asked if there was any objection
to a condition of re-zoning limiting the use of the subject site to a parking lot, indicated
no objection to the suggested amendment to the recommendation; and recommending
that Common Council amend the Zoning By-Law from "RM-1" Three-Storey Multiple
Residential to "IL-2" Major Institutional classification, five parcels of land known as 25 to
39 Golding Street and 18 Castle Street, also having NBGIC Numbers 14423,14431,
14449, 14498 and 15982, subject to a Section 39 resolution that the use of the subject
property be limited to a parking lot.
Mr. Robert Whipple was present on behalf of the applicant in support of
the proposed re-zoning.
Councillor Rogers noted the lack of a requirement for submission of a
detailed site development plan, which Mr. Baird explained relates to the fact that the
parking lot is part of a larger parking area that is presently being used by the Province
of New Brunswick; however, it is separated by quite a considerable difference in
OCTOBER 31, 1994
elevation from the Provincial parking lot, and it is hoped that those two parking lots can
be more fully integrated together, while still retaining their separate parking status for
the individual institutions and that the whole area can be improved; therefore, while a
site plan could have been requested for the site in question, it was the understanding
that the Provincial Government is still interested in making improvements to the larger
area and this would only become a small part.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Deputy Mayor McAlary
RESOLVED that the by-law to
amend the Zoning By-Law of the City of Saint John, insofar as it concerns re-zoning a
parcel of land consisting of five separate properties at 25 to 39 Golding Street and 18
Castle Street (NBGIC Numbers 14423,14431,14449,14498 and 15982), from "RM-1"
Three-Storey Multiple Residential to "IL-2" Major Institutional classification, pursuant to
Section 39 of the Community Planning Act as recommended by the Planning Advisory
Committee, be read a first time.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Read a first time the by-law to amend the Zoning By-Law of the City of
Saint John.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Rogers
RESOLVED that the by-law to amend the
Zoning By-Law of the City of Saint John, insofar as it concerns re-zoning a parcel of
land consisting of five separate properties at 25 to 39 Golding Street and 18 Castle
Street (NBGIC Numbers 14423,14431,14449,14498 and 15982), from "RM-1" Three-
Storey Multiple Residential to "IL-2" Major Institutional classification, pursuant to Section
39 of the Community Planning Act as recommended by the Planning Advisory
Committee, be read a second time.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Read a second time the by-law to amend the Zoning By-Law of the City
of Saint John.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Deputy Mayor McAlary
RESOLVED that the above report
from the Planning Advisory Committee be received and filed.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
8. Mavor's Remarks
Mayor Higgins extended a message of sympathy to the family of the late
Mr. Berton W. Huestis, who passed away on October 27, and Councillor Gould spoke
on the basis of having served with Mr. Huestis on Common Council, Mr. Huestis having
been Mayor of the former City of Lancaster during its amalgamation with the City of
Saint John and subsequently as Deputy Mayor of the amalgamated area.
Mayor Higgins extended condolences to the family of the late Mr.
George Marr, a former City employee of the Water and Sewerage Department, who
passed away on October 29.
The Mayor noted his attendance at the Towns of New Brunswick
Association meeting held in Saint John the past weekend, as well as at the Riverboat
Classic bonspiel at the Thistle-St. Andrews Curling Club; and proclaimed October 31 to
November 6 to be Poppy Week in the City of Saint John, encouraging all citizens to
wear the memorial poppy of the Royal Canadian Legion.
OCTOBER 31, 1994
* Added Items
On motion of Councillor M. Vincent
Seconded by Councillor Knibb
RESOLVED that the copy of the letter to
VIA Rail from the Saint John Board of Trade, and the copy of the letter to the Senior
Transportation Policy Advisor Ralph Murray from the A/Airport Manager (copies of
which were forwarded to Council members as information items) be added to the
agenda for consideration at this meeting as items 8B and 8C, respectively.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
8A. Air Qualitv
Read a letter from Councillor A. Vincent regarding the air quality in East
Saint John in that, over the past few months, there have been several incidents which
have been attributed to the Refinery and which are affecting the health of the citizens;
and asking for Council's support in requesting that the Minister of the Environment
make every effort to reduce the pollution in East Saint John and to meet with Refinery
officials to produce a plan that would mitigate the operational problems and, at the
same time, provide an adequate health alert to the citizens.
On motion of Councillor A. Vincent
Seconded by Councillor Coughlan
RESOLVED that the Minister of the
Environment be invited to appear before Common Council in open session to apprise
Council of her plans to improve the air control system in East Saint John.
During discussion staff was asked to access the various data and
reports available both from the Company and the Department of the Environment and
provide Council with an analysis of that data, prior to the Minister's appearance before
Council and, in addition where staff sees fit, provide Council with recommendations as
to what position Council might take in the future to avoid such situations or at least to
guarantee that there is at least some warning in place for the citizens.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
*8B. Board of Trade. Loss Of VIA Rail
On motion of Councillor M. Vincent
Seconded by Councillor Knibb
RESOLVED that the copy of the Saint
John Board of Trade's letter to the President and Chief Executive Officer of VIA Rail,
expressing concern regarding the loss of VIA Rail service from and to the City of Saint
John, supporting the proposed day-liner connection to Moncton, and encouraging VIA
to institute a rail link -- be received and filed and Common Council reaffirm its insistence
that VIA Rail shall continue to provide a passenger service by rail to connect the City of
Saint John to the rest of the country.
The Mayor noted his letter to the Minister of Transport, The Honourable
D. Young, with respect to the above matter and his discussion with him in this regard.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
*8C. Saint John Airport. Air Traffic Service
On motion of Councillor M. Vincent
Seconded by Councillor Knibb
RESOLVED that the copy of the letter from
OCTOBER 31, 1994
A/Airport Manager Wayne McAllister to Senior Transportation Policy Advisor Ralph
Murray, advising that the Regional Director General of Transport Canada Aviation has
informed him that the conversion of the Saint John Airport from a control service to an
airport advisory service will take place on December 3, 1994 -- be received and filed
and Council request a further explanation from the Minister of Transport on the
downgrading of service.
During discussion the Mayor noted his letter to The Honourable Sheila
Copps, Federal Minister of the Environment, and to the various school districts (copies
of which were forwarded to Council members as an information item at the October 7
Council meeting), and note was made of the copy of the letter to the Federal Minister
from the District Superintendent of School District No.6 (copies of which were
forwarded to Council members as an information item at this meeting). Councillor A.
Vincent asked the names of the persons on the Airport Consultative Committee and,
upon being advised by the Mayor that he did not know who was on the Committee but
would find out, Councillor A. Vincent proposed that the matter be tabled.
On motion of Councillor A. Vincent
Seconded by Councillor Rogers
RESOLVED that the above matter be
laid on the table until the names of the Committee members are determined.
Question being taken, the tabling motion was lost, with a majority of the
Council members present voting "nay".
Question being taken, the original motion was carried.
7. Proposals For Private Operation Of
Rockwood Park Golf Course & DrivinQ RanQe
Consideration was given to a copy of Proposal Call No. 94-032 for the
operation of a municipal golf course.
Consideration was also given to a copy of the proposal submitted in
response to the above Proposal Call by (a) Gerry Connolly and (b) Contemporary
Leisure Canada Inc.
On motion of Councillor M. Vincent
Seconded by Deputy Mayor McAlary
RESOLVED that the copy of
Proposal Call No. 94-032 be received and filed.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Mr. Gerry Connolly addressed Council with regard to his proposal to
assume the administrative, management and maintenance responsibilities associated
with the operation of the Rockwood Park Golf Course and Aquatic Driving Range on
behalf of the City; and explained that no funding, either capital or operating, would be
required from the City during the entire tenure of the proposed lease and that his
response to Proposal No. 94-032 was prepared in consideration of the Rockwood Park
Master Plan, the City's commitment to reduce costs and enhance services through
privatization, and the expense and information data provided in the Call for Proposal
covering the 5-year period from 1989 through 1993, as well as in consideration of his
strong desire to remain in Saint John; and also that, while his proposal requests a term
of agreement of 30 years which is necessary to allow sufficient time as specified in the
Call for Proposal to allow for the recovery of the proposed extensive capital
improvements, he is flexible on the duration of the lease, but the extent of capital
improvements would require adjustment if the proposed term must be shortened in that
the proposed long-term arrangement would ensure long-term stability in management,
operations and service and an opportunity to develop a rapport with all users and
provide users with a sense of security with the golf facilities. Mr. Connolly suggested
OCTOBER 31, 1994
that a short-term lease would lead to an approach to make a quick profit and almost
certainly lead to poor golf course and facility maintenance, costly services and few
capital improvements, unless the operation is subsidized by a large management fee
from the City of Saint John, and re-iterated that he proposes no cost to the City; also
explained that the reasons why his proposal calls for the equipment and furnishings to
be leased to him for $1 per year are as follows:- (1) at the end of the lease period,
equipment and furnishings, including those bought with private capital, will become City
property, such as golf power carts which he proposes to buy in 1995 at a cost of
approximately $50,000, and there will undoubtedly be a requirement to replace
expensive equipment which reaches the end of its useful life when down-time and
repair costs render them liabilities; (2) he proposes a generous maintenance budget
which assures that the course and equipment will receive the necessary attention to
keep them in top condition; and (3) no matter who assumes this project, any lease
charges will have an impact on expense budgets; that is, either capital and/or
maintenance spending will be reduced. Mr. Connolly advised of the Federal Business
Development Bank's tentative support, in writing, of the project; commented on the
proposal for more than $260,000 in capital improvements from 1995 to 1999, in the
area of improvements and expansion of the golf club house and range facilities,
referring to a graphic of the proposed expansion on an overhead slide, and on his
agreement to turn an agreed percentage revenue back into capital improvements;
made the observation that, as his team would be local, money would remain in Saint
John in that there would be no costly management board in another city or province,
further guaranteeing that decisions would be made by local people who could respond
to any issue expeditiously and knowledgeably; and also noted his proposal to keep the
club house open year-round and to work with the City to develop a sound winter
program. Mr. Connolly referred to an overhead slide depicting lower costs of green
fees and season passes for 1995 to 1999 for City residents in the adult group
compared to the cost for non-residents of the City of Saint John; and apprised Council
of the background of the principals of his group, as included in the submitted proposal,
and the requirement that all staff be residents of the City of Saint John.
Mr. Jon Skead introduced himself to Council on the basis that he, in the
Gerald Connolly proposal, would fill the General Manager position, and he apprised
Council of the skills and experience he would bring to the proposal.
Mr. Connolly apprised Council of the experience of the other persons
involved with the project and the positions they would fill, and outlined the marketing
plan, including the data/statistics, as set out in the previously-submitted proposal; and
concluded his presentation by indicating that he has put forth for Council's
consideration and approval a top-quality proposal which will provide many benefits for
the City over the duration of the lease period at no cost to the City, and that a letter of
support from a major financial institution should ease any concerns which may exist
with respect to financing, and that a long-term lease, of twenty to thirty years with
flexibility offered, is in the best interest of the City.
In response to Council queries, Mr. Connolly advised that he has no
plans to change the existing scenario at the facility with respect to reserved tee times
and walk-on golfers and that equipment replacement would be at his cost and also that,
with regard to grants, it would be the intent to look to the Federal or Provincial
Governments for possible funding; clarified the intent of including in his proposal a
number of supplementary recommendations on Rockwood Park; and further that,
having worked through all the expenses at the Golf Course based on having his staff
working, keeping the costs in line, maintaining the course in a-one condition and
providing good service, the bottom line came out to be a profit; and, during his
comments on an incident involving the timing of the sprinkler system on the assumption
that it happens under the collective agreement that staff at a certain time does certain
things, Councillor A. Vincent rose on a point of order on the basis that Mr. Connolly said
something he could not back. The Mayor indicated that he would recognize Councillor
A. Vincent's right to speak through his light signal, and ruled him out of order, and Mr.
Connolly subsequently clarified, in response to Councillor A. Vincent, that he did not
mean to imply anything against the integrity of City workers.
Messrs. James Durrell, President and Chief Executive Officer, and
OCTOBER 31, 1994
James Cain, Vice President of Business Development, of Contemporary Leisure
Canada Inc., were present at the meeting to outline their proposal for the operation of
the Golf Course. Having distributed to Council members, an information kit on the
Eagle Creek Golf Club managed by Contemporary Leisure Canada Inc., Mr. Durrell, in
his remarks, made the observation that funding to operate the Rockwood Park Golf
Course is limited to the revenue stream, if Council wishes to keep the Course, and that
Council has before it two different and very unique approaches in that Contemporary
Leisure Canada Inc. put its bid together on the basis that the City would still, effectively,
own and have say in the Golf Course through its control of the green fees and with the
Company reporting to Council through staff, and that his Company would manage the
Golf Course. Mr. Durrell explained that his proposal is based on ten years because
there has to be a subsidy in the first few years as the Golf Course is operating at a loss
and, if the existing pass membership formula is to be maintained, there are only so
many rounds of golf that can be played; although, if many of those playing a great
percentage of those rounds are people who have paid a very small membership, the
price per round drops dramatically, so what is critical is the price per round.
Mr. Cain, in addressing Council on how Contemporary Leisure Canada
Inc. would operate the course and on the composition of the management team,
expressed the view that, in order to preserve the facility in its present pristine condition,
a director of golf should be introduced into the operation so as to pull together the
Aquatic Driving Range and the golf because, as the operation is now heavily
subsidized, only an instructional program that maximizes its usefulness at that site will
cause the Aquatic Driving Range to become self-sufficient; noted the Company's
proposal to manage the entire food and beverage concept at the site, both in the
existing club house and on the course in anticipation of generating revenues of
$100,000 to $125,000; and made the observation that, as not much more than 24,000
rounds of golf annually would be played at the site and at an average of $20 per round,
not much more than $400,000 would be generated in revenue and, coupled with the
food and beverage, that is all that is in it, so it would be necessary to take today's
scenario, move it forward and improve it through marketing, make the Aquatic Driving
Range into a self-sufficient operation, and carry it forward where there would be
gradual reduction of the cost to the taxpayers, ultimately after 5 years, to zero and carry
it onward and, in conjunction with that in the Company's formula, a leasing
arrangement would be applied to the City's existing inventory of equipment on the site.
Mr. Cain explained that their proposal identifies in each and every year capital amounts
in excess of $10,000 to look at improvements to, in some way, make the facility operate
a little more efficiently, such as improvements to the parking lot and an expansion of
the first tee on the golf course which would fall into the $10,000 to $20,0000 range, as
there is not the revenue to, at any time, undertake improvements of $200,000 to
$250,000, and that Contemporary Leisure Canada Inc. would cause the particular site
not to be a burden to the taxpayers of the City which, effectively, means that the users
would pay for the site.
Mr. Cain, in response to Council queries, advised that, in retaining
memberships at the facility, Contemporary Leisure Canada Inc. would attempt to reach
a suitable agreement on capping the size of the user group with passes, and that, while
the City would bear responsibility for the major equipment life-cycle costs which would
be purchases in excess of $25,000, minor repairs and maintenance would be built into
the management cost in the proposal; and, in terms of a subsidy from the City,
explained that, based on their formula, there would be an approximate $82,000
operating deficit in year one at this particular site, compared to the City's 1993 figure of
$196,000, which would mean that the City would pay the value of that to Contemporary
Leisure Canada Inc., and in years two, three, four and five, the subsidies would be
$65,000, $48,000, $34,000 and $13,000, respectively, and thereafter zero. Mr. Cain
confirmed that, over a period of ten years, Contemporary Leisure Canada Inc. would
make $145,000 in capital improvements, based upon approval in consultation with staff
in terms of staff's overall priority to determine where that money would be spent, and
also that the proposal involves quite a bit more marketing than is currently being done
by the City; and, in terms of what benefit would result to the City and the taxpayers by
having Contemporary Leisure Canada Inc. manage the facility, Mr. Durrell suggested
that the City would get a better-operated golf course at substantially less cost to the
taxpayer, and that the average deficit at this time of $200,000 could be used to do
other things. Mr. Durrell, in responding to a question as to why Contemporary Leisure
Canada Inc. is the better company to provide this service to the City of Saint John, re-
OCTOBER 31, 1994
iterated that first and foremost this facility is a business and, as a municipal facility with
a very long history in the City of Saint John, deserves to be treated accordingly and to
be run in the best, most efficient and effective manner possible, and that Contemporary
Leisure Canada Inc. has the ability to do that and, in continuing to expand the golf
course operation, Rockwood Park and the City of Saint John will be promoted, and also
that Contemporary Leisure Canada Inc. would do a better job for the City because it is
in the business of recreation and knows the numbers. With respect to Mr. Cain's
indication that golf courses as opposed to membership fees on an annual basis would
be continued, while the financial notes indicate that annual memberships would be
eliminated in favour of full availability to public green fee use, and the manner in which
this would affect the financial proposal submitted, Mr. Durrell explained that this was
included in the proposal call in fulfilling its objectives in that, if a truly public course were
wanted, there would be no memberships and, as City staff indicated that this would be
a concern, they indicated to staff that they were prepared to live with the existing
situation and likely recommend a cap. Concerning the possibility that there may still be
subsidy required after year five should the City not agree to the proposed increasing
green fee structure, Mr. Durrell advised that Contemporary Leisure Canada Inc. feels
very confident that it can improve the tournament play in the area and in the ten-year
contract is prepared to guarantee and put up a performance bond for an amount to be
negotiated with the City; and Mr. Cain clarified that, with regard to the numbers in the
proposal and those related to tournament play, there appears to be a substantial
market for adult play where the full value of the price per round can be obtained and
that, in working through the numbers including junior, student and senior rates, it is the
intent to maximize the potential by getting the full adult rate for the rounds in
tournament play; and advised that, had he with him his back-up papers, he could
indicate that the numbers work out.
On motion of Councillor M. Vincent
Seconded by Councillor Coughlan
RESOLVED that the presentations by
Gerry Connolly and Contemporary Leisure Canada Inc. of proposals for the operation
of the Rockwood Park Golf Course and Aquatic Driving Range be received and
referred to the City Manager for a report and recommendation, as well as to the
Rockwood Park Advisory Board, with a report to be provided to Council as soon as
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
23. Municipal Golf 2000 - Future
Operation Of Rockwood Park Golf Course
On motion of Councillor M. Vincent
Seconded by Deputy Mayor McAlary
RESOLVED that the
correspondence from Cyril Oram, Chairman of Municipal Golf 2000, referring to the
public hearing at this meeting of proposals for the future operation of the Rockwood
Park Golf Course; and requesting the opportunity to present the members' views to
Council on November 14 to respond to these submissions -- be received and the
request to address Council on November 14 be granted, with no decision to be made
on the proposals presented until Municipal Golf 2000 has had an opportunity to make
its presentation.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
9. ProQress Payment Contract 93-8
On motion of Councillor M. Vincent
Seconded by Councillor Trites
RESOLVED that as recommended by the
City Manager, authority be granted for payment of the following construction progress
certificate, namely:-
OCTOBER 31, 1994
Contract 93-8, Asphaltic Concrete
Street ResurfacinQ 1993
Grove Construction (1986) Inc.
Original estimated value of work
Total work done, Estimate Number 5
Payments previously approved
G.ST Component
Sum recommended for payment, Progress
Estimate Number 5, dated October 26, 1994
Final holdback release.
$ 29,859.42
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
10. Tender For Pavement Repair Material
On motion of Councillor Rogers
Seconded by Deputy Mayor McAlary
RESOLVED that as recommended
by the City Manager, the tender of Atlantic Colas Ltd., in the amount of $84.75/tonne
(plus taxes), be accepted for the supply of pavement repair material for a period of one
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
11. Tender For Pump Controls
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Gould
RESOLVED that as recommended by the
City Manager, the tender of O'Brien Electric Co. Ltd., in the amount of $49,935.10
(including all taxes), be accepted for the supply and installation of new pump controls at
the Beach Crescent and Hickey Road pumping stations.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
12. Offer Of Wendy Gallant & Cathy Wisted
To Lease Space In City Market
Consideration was given to a report from the City Manager referring to
Common Council resolution of October 17 approving the relocation of Cafe au Lait in
the City Market, and to the subsequent availability for lease of its previous location; and
submitting a recommendation in this regard.
On motion of Councillor Coughlan
Seconded by Councillor M. Vincent
RESOLVED that as recommended by
the City Manager, a lease be approved between the City of Saint John and The
Butterfly Shoppe, owned by Wendy Gallant and Cathy Wisted, for stall #5 in the Saint
John City Market, for a period of thirteen (13) months (December 5, 1994 - December
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
13. Next Steps In Process For Removal of
65-67 Clarendon Street From Preservation Area
Read a report from the City Manager referring to Common Council
resolution of October 3 directing the City Manager to begin the process to remove the
building at 65-67 Clarendon Street from the Douglas Avenue Heritage Preservation
Area, subsequent to the request to Council on September 6 by William and Brenda
OCTOBER 31, 1994
James; and submitting a recommendation with respect to the next steps in the process.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor M. Vincent
RESOLVED that as recommended by
the City Manager, Common Council set December 12, 1994 as the date for a public
hearing to consider an amendment to the Saint John Preservation Areas By-Law which
would remove 65-67 Clarendon Street (NBGIC Number 379313) from the Douglas
Avenue Preservation Area and authorize the required advertisement.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
14. Appointment of Building &
Deputv BuildinQ Inspector
Consideration was given to a report from the City Manager advising that
the position of Building Inspector has been vacant since May 1, 1994 and will be filled
in the immediate future; and recommending that, until the position is filled, a further
extension of the temporary appointments of Mr. Bert Steeves and Mr. David Crawford
be approved.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Coughlan
RESOLVED that as recommended by
the City Manager, (1) Mr. H. Burton Steeves be appointed Building Inspector for a
temporary period ending November 28, 1994; and (2) Mr. David G. M. Crawford be
appointed Deputy Building Inspector for a temporary period ending November 28,
Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillor A. Vincent
voting "nay".
15. Temporary Location Of Mobile Home
1771 Old Black River Road
Read a report from the City Manager submitting a copy of the previous
letter to Council on October 24 from K. Hosford requesting permission to temporarily
locate a mobile home at 1771 Old Black Road; and submitting a recommendation in
this regard.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor M. Vincent
RESOLVED that as recommended by
the City Manager, a mobile home located at 1771 Old Black River Road be permitted to
remain for a period of one (1) year.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
16. Safety Issues, Westmorland
Road At MarQaret Street
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Coughlan
RESOLVED that the report from the
City Manager advising that, further to Council's September 26 meeting at which safety
concerns on Westmorland Road at Margaret Street were referred to staff, at the
present time, a crosswalk or signs is not required because the only crossing of the
street is for the school bus and this is covered by the bus with its flashing lights -- be
received and filed.
Councillor Gould noted that a speed limit is one issue, while enforcement
OCTOBER 31, 1994
of the speed limit is another, and Councillor Rogers noted her previous motion to refer
the matter to the Police Commission and the lack of this response to Council.
Councillor M. Vincent suggested that the Police Department should keep a closer watch
on traffic on Westmorland Road and perhaps make some announcements in this
regard as a form of prevention, and staff could review the situation to see if street
markings could be made more visible and also that, after so doing, apprise Council of
what has been done in this regard in two or three weeks after a reasonable
Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillors Gould,
Rogers, A. Vincent and M. Vincent voting "nay".
17. Schedule of Council MeetinQs
Consideration was given to a letter from the Common Clerk submitting,
for Council's consideration, a proposed schedule of Council meetings to the end of
February 1995 which proposes, to comply with the requirement for Council to meet
every two weeks, that no meeting be held the week of December 26 and that a regular
meeting be held on Tuesday, January 3, 1995 at 7:00 p.m.
On motion of Councillor M. Vincent
Seconded by Deputy Mayor McAlary
RESOLVED that Council adopt the
schedule of Council meetings as submitted above.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
18. Saint John Parking Commission
Appointment Of Bv-Law Enforcement Officers
Read a letter from the Saint John Parking Commission requesting that
Council approve the submitted resolution to appoint by-law enforcement officers.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Coughlan
RESOLVED that pursuant to Section
14 of the Police Act of the Province of New Brunswick, the Common Council of the City
of Saint John does hereby appoint the following members of the Canadian Corps of
Commissionaires as By-Law Enforcement Officers with the responsibility to enforce
provisions of the Parking Meter By-Law and the provisions of Section 5, Section 7 and
Section 8(1) of the Saint John Traffic By-Law, namely: Craig Gabriel Timmerman and
Kevin James Amburg:
AND FURTHER that this appointment shall continue until such time as
the appointee ceases to be a member of the Canadian Corps of Commissionaires or
until the appointment is rescinded by Common Council.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
19. Elsie E. Wayne, M.P.
GST Rebate To Municipalities
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Coughlan
RESOLVED that the letter from Elsie
E. Wayne, M.P., submitting a copy of her Statement to The House of Commons with
regard to the GST rebate to municipalities; and advising that, after her Statement on
October 21, the Chairman of the Standing Committee on Finance notified her that the
Committee has terminated the discussion of removing the GST rebate and has no
plans to eliminate the rebate to any municipalities for the time being -- be received and
filed and Mrs. Wayne be thanked for her support.
OCTOBER 31, 1994
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
20. Guiliano DeBortoli Application
Re-ZoninQ 421-425 DouQlas Avenue
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Deputy Mayor McAlary
RESOLVED that the application of
Guiliano DeBortoli for the re-zoning of 421-425 Douglas Avenue be referred to the
Planning Advisory Committee for a report and recommendation and that the necessary
advertising be authorized in this regard, with the public hearing to be held on December
12, 1994.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
21. Janet A. Brockway - Temporary Location
Of Mobile Home On Churchland Road
On motion of Councillor M. Vincent
Seconded by Deputy Mayor McAlary
RESOLVED that the letter from Janet
A. Brockway requesting permission to place a mobile home on property on Churchland
Road -- be received and filed and permission be granted to place a mobile home on the
subject property for a period of one year.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
22. Petition From Area Residents Re Proposal
To Drain Treadwell Drive Into Treadwell Lake
On motion of Councillor M. Vincent
Seconded by Councillor Coughlan
RESOLVED that the letters from
Catherine Jones submitting a petition from area residents objecting to the proposal to
drain the spring run-off from Treadwell Drive into Treadwell Lake, while not in
opposition to the digging of culverts or ditches on Treadwell Drive; and requesting that,
as their main objective is a clean lake, the City look into existing polluters and make
them clean up their areas in an environmentally-safe way -- be received and referred to
the City Manager.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor M. Vincent
Seconded by Councillor Gould
RESOLVED that notwithstanding the
above-requested report from the City Manager and should the residents of the
Treadwell Lake area feel the need to appear before Common Council, Council would
hear from the residents at the appropriate time.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
24. Grade 3 Class Morna Heights School
Possible Location of Dump In Area
OCTOBER 31, 1994
On motion of Deputy Mayor McAlary
Seconded by Councillor Coughlan
RESOLVED that the letters from the
teacher and students of the Grade 3 class of Morna Heights School expressing
concern about the possible location of a dump in the area -- be referred to Council's
representatives on Fundy SWAT.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
25. Dorothea Backa - Mountain
And Westmorland Roads
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor M. Vincent
RESOLVED that the letter from
Dorothea Backa thanking Council for addressing the two problems on Mountain and
Westmorland Road as outlined in a letter to Council at its June 27 meeting; and
suggesting that City bus drivers are going to destroy the asphalt around the manhole
covers once more because they hit them in travelling at excessive speeds -- be
received and filed and the references to speeding bus drivers and a traffic officer be
referred to the Saint John Transit Commission and the Police Department, respectively.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
26. Carol Tate - Irving Paper
Waste LaQoon. East Saint John
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Coughlan
RESOLVED that the letter from Carol
Tate expressing concern about and asking for answers from Council to her questions
as outlined with respect to the Irving Paper toxic waste lagoon in East Saint John -- be
referred to the City Manager.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor M. Vincent
RESOLVED that this meeting be
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Common Clerk