MAY 9,1994
At a meeting of the Common Council, held at the City Hall in the City of
Saint John, on Monday, the ninth day of May, AD. 1994, at 7:00 o'clock p.m.
Thomas J. Higgins, Mayor
Councillors Chase, Coughlan, Gould, Knibb, Landers, McAlary,
Rogers, Trites, A Vincent and M. Vincent
- and -
Messrs. 1. Totten, City Manager; F. Rodgers, City Solicitor; D.
Wilson, Commissioner of Finance; C. Robichaud, Assistant City
Manager - Operations; J. C. MacKinnon, Commissioner of
Environment and Infrastructure Services; P. Groody,
Commissioner of Human Resources; S. Bedford, Commissioner
of Development Services; S. Armstrong, Director of Engineering;
S. Galbraith, Director of Supply and Services; M. Jamer, Director
of Works; D. Logan, Purchasing Agent; B. Steeves, Deputy
Building Inspector; J. Baird, Manager - Development Division,
Planning; W. Edwards, Operations Engineer, Works; D.
Sherwood, Chief of Police; G. Tait, Fire Chief; Mrs. M. Munford,
Common Clerk; and Ms. C. Joyce, Assistant Common Clerk.
1. Call to Order - OpeninQ Prayer
The Mayor called the meeting to order, and Reverend C. French, Pastor
of Central United Baptist Church, offered the opening prayer.
2. Approval of Minutes
On motion of Councillor Landers
Seconded by Councillor Chase
RESOLVED that minutes of the meeting
of Common Council, held on May 2, 1994, be approved.
Councillor A Vincent, referring to the matter of the Simonds Arena
discussed under agenda item 3B at the last meeting, requested a copy of the
consultants' report which indicated that the Arena will require an expenditure of
$400,000, not $800,000 as was initially estimated. Mr. Totten replied that, having
received Councillor A Vincent's request earlier this date at which time he had not
received the subject report, he contacted the Property Management Department and
was advised that staff on the afternoon of May 6 received a draft report with respect to
the Simonds Arena and, having met with ADI earlier this date, staff was advised that
the final report will hopefully be ready within the week, and noted that the report will be
made available to Council. Councillor A Vincent expressed the opinion, after seeking
legal advice, that under the Charter of Rights he has the right to leave the Council
Chamber and address Council from the podium, and asked the City Solicitor to explain
to Council at the next meeting why, legally, at the last meeting he asked him to return to
his place at the Council table during presentations with regard to the Loyalist Burial
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
3. Mayor's Remarks
Mayor Higgins noted the 1994 National Wheelchair Championships
being hosted by Saint John at the Simonds High School on May 12 to 14, as well as
New Direction Inc.'s fund-raising effort, along with the Saint John High School Student
Council, through a campaign to clean up the Saint John Throughway on May 28; and
also noted that May 14, 1994 is Raise the Flag Day at which time the City's Flag will be
among 3,000 other municipal, provincial and Canadian flags on parade in Ottawa, the
nation's Capital.
MAY 9,1994
The Mayor advised that Planning is in receipt of a proposal from the
Irving Family, having received permission of the Provincial Department of Highways, to
tree and landscape the grassed areas of the section of the Throughway from Stanley
Street to the Mill Street Viaduct, and also the circular green areas and grassy knolls at
the exit ramps off the Viaduct and the Wall Street Interchange.
Councillor Coughlan commented on the May 5-6 Sister Cities' visit to
Bangor, Maine; and Mr. Totten commented on the City's involvement through its
Tourism Department and Visitor Convention Bureau, along with a delegation of hotel
staff, in a marketing trip to and a trade show in the New England area in June.
Councillor Chase noted the forthcoming Victorian Order of Nurses'
Loyalist Ball and Silent Auction at the Saint John Trade and Convention Centre on May
14; and Councillor Knibb advised that he represented the City on May 7 at the Annual
Inspection of the Sea Cadet Corps Rodney and on May 8 at the Simonds 527
* Added Item
On motion of Councillor Rogers
Seconded by Deputy McAlary
RESOLVED that a letter from Messrs.
James K., Arthur L. and John E. Irving be added to the agenda for consideration at this
meeting as item 3B.
Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillor A. Vincent
voting "nay".
3A. Loyalist Burial Ground
Councillor Chase asked that, in light of what has unfolded, Council
withdraw from the agenda of this meeting his letter requesting to address the future of
the Loyalist Burial Ground.
12. Reine Wojcik's Presentation re Services to Stevens Road
Councillor Rogers asked that item 12 - the City Manager's report on the
presentation by Mrs. R. Wojcik regarding McGuire Road, be withdrawn from the agenda
of this meeting based on her understanding that, as this report was to be translated into
French, it would provide an opportunity for appropriate translation.
Withdrawn Items
On motion of Councillor Rogers
Seconded by Councillor Coughlan
RESOLVED that items 3A and 12 be
withdrawn from the agenda of this meeting.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
3B. James K., Arthur L. and John E. Irving
Statue In Loyalist Burial Ground
Consideration was given to a letter from Messrs. James K., Arthur L. and
John E. Irving advising that, on reflection, they have decided not to proceed with plans
for a statue in their father's memory in the Loyalist Burial Ground, and that this is a
family decision and is firm and irrevocable; and also advising their intent to proceed
with all other plans for restoration of this historic site, with the only change proposed
being that an appropriate memorial be established in the location where the statue
would have been erected to honour the memory of all those who rest in the Loyalist
Burial Ground.
MAY 9,1994
On motion of Councillor Trites
Seconded by Councillor Rogers
RESOLVED that the letter from Messrs.
James K., Arthur L. and John E. Irving regarding the Loyalist Burial Ground, be
received and filed and the offer be referred to the City Manager.
Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillor A. Vincent
voting "nay".
4. Municipal Plan Amendment &
Re-ZoninQ 3636 Westfield Road
Public presentation was made of a proposed Municipal Plan amendment
to redesignate on Schedule 2-A, the Future Land Use Plan, the former Grand Bay
drive-in theatre property, located at 3636 Westfield Road (NBGIC Number 295253),
from Low Density Residential to Light Industrial classification, to place the property in a
Municipal Plan designation which reflects the current use as a storage yard for a
marina and permit the re-zoning of the property from "RS-2" One- and Two-Family
Suburban Residential to "1-1" Light Industrial classification, as requested by Saint John
Marina Ltd. and Loyalist City Boatworks.
4A. The New Brunswick Lung Association
Formation of Chapter in Saint John
Mr. Robert A. Higgins, a member of the Board of Directors of The New
Brunswick Lung Association, addressed Council concerning the Association's formation
of a new Chapter in Saint John, the inaugural meeting for which is scheduled for May
10; commented on the Association's efforts in fighting to prevent and control lung
disease through education and assistance to people with severe respiratory distress;
and noted the Association's role in promoting the City's No Smoking By-Law.
The Mayor thanked Mr. Higgins for his presentation.
5. 1994 Capital BudQet Works ProQram
Consideration was given to a report from the City Manager explaining
significant projects contained in the 1994 Capital Budget Work Program as set out in
the submitted Schedules A to I, Council having approved in January a 1994 Capital
Budget of $7,689,000 in the General Fund and $6,750,000 in the Water & Sewerage
Utility; noting that the 1994 Program has been significantly reduced in light of the
current fiscal situation, and the gross amount of the 1993 Capital Program was
$20,760,000 while the total of the 1994 Program has been established as $14,439,000,
and also that included in these budget allowances was an amount of $11,880,000 for
which staff was directed to produce detailed programs outlining which streets would be
reconstructed, which portions of the City's water and sewer systems will be rebuilt and
which buildings would be upgraded; and recommending approval of the 1994 Capital
Budget Work Program.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Coughlan
RESOLVED that as recommended by
the City Manager, the 1994 Work Program for various budget areas submitted as
Schedules A to I be approved in the total amount of $11,881,000.
Councillor M. Vincent, referring to a petition to Council in 1993 with
respect to a problem with ditching at the intersection of Loch Lomond Road and a road
that enters into one portion of the Lakewood Heights Subdivision and a problem with a
blind knoll adjacent to the Lakewood Heights School, advised his intent to oppose the
above motion as this work is not included in the 1994 Program; and also advised that,
while the minutes of the November 29, 1993 Committee of the Whole meeting indicate
that staff was to meet with the area residents before a report was submitted to Council,
to the best of his knowledge this meeting did not take place prior to the submission of
MAY 9,1994
the report to Council and as a result the residents are not aware of the course of action
and have not had an opportunity for any last-minute input for Council's consideration
before approval of the 1994 Work Program. Councillor M. Vincent asked that the area
residents be given an opportunity to appeal to Council in this regard and that the
relevant portion of the Work Program be held in abeyance until the opportunity is
provided. Mr. Totten, in requesting Council's approval of the above motion, advised
that he would be prepared to meet with the residents concerned, if Councillor M.
Vincent would like to pursue this matter further; and during discussion Councillor A.
Vincent questioned the ownership of the Loyalist Burial Ground.
Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillors A. Vincent
and M. Vincent voting "nay".
6. ProQress Payment - Contract 91-21
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Deputy Mayor McAlary
RESOLVED that as recommended
by the City Manager, authority be granted for payment of the following construction
progress certificate, namely:-
Contract 91-21, Main and Kennedy
Streets Water and Sewer Renewal
Dean Construction Limited
Original estimated value of work
Total work done, Estimate Number 6
Payments previously approved
G.ST Component
Sum recommended for payment, Progress
Estimate Number 6, dated May 2, 1994
Deficiency holdback release.
$ 4,689.00
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
7. Tender For Petroleum Products
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor M. Vincent
RESOLVED that as recommended by
the City Manager, the tender for the supply of petroleum products be awarded to the
lowest bidder to meet the specifications of the tender, as indicated in the submitted bid
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
8. Tender For GarbaQe Packer
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Coughlan
RESOLVED that as recommended by
the City Manager, the tender of Saunders Equipment Ltd., in the amount of $112,935
(plus taxes), be accepted for the supply of a new 1995 Freightliner model FL8C
complete with a Shu-Pak Packer.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
MAY 9,1994
9. Tender For Ice Resurfacer
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor M. Vincent
RESOLVED that as recommended by
the City Manager, the tender of H.L. Leclair Inc. be accepted for the supply of one new
ice resurfacer at a cost of $55,950 (plus taxes).
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
10. Spruce Lake Landfill
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Coughlan
RESOLVED that the report from the
City Manager advising the status of the closure of the Spruce Lake landfill and
submitting a schedule relative to the contained closure; and recommending that
Gemtec Limited continue to be retained to work on the Spruce Lake landfill project on a
per diem basis, in accordance with Revision 12 of the submitted schedule -- be
received and filed and the recommendation adopted.
(Councillor A. Vincent withdrew from the meeting.)
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
11. 1994 Bond Issue
Consideration was given to a report from the City Manager advising that,
further to the April 5 Notice of Motion regarding the 1994 Capital Financing, the New
Brunswick Municipal Finance Corporation is planning a bond issue in the near future
and, while the issue will not be sold until the Corporation feels that the rates are
reasonable, the Corporation has provided the following ranges within which the issue
could be sold: interest rate - not to exceed an average of 9.25%; price, net - not to be
less than $98 per $100 of debenture; and term - serial form to mature in equal annual
amounts over a term not to exceed 10 years; and recommending adoption of the
submitted recommendations in this regard.
Mr. Wilson clarified that, while the submitted recommendation refers to
an interest rate of 9%, the rate should be 9.25% as indicated in the body of the above
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor M. Vincent
RESOLVED that occasion having
arisen in the public interest of the following Public Civic Works and needed Civic
Improvements, that is to say:
General Government:
Computer Upgrade $400,000
Protective Services:
Computer-Aided Dispatch $477,867; Fire Apparatus $774,018; North End Fire Station
$1,277,200; North End Police Station $111,062; West Fire Station $828,853 --
Transportation Services:
Boars Head Road $95,690; Brentwood Crescent $30,096; Brookview Crescent
$65,894; Center Street $101,487; City Line $110,335; Clarendon Street $35,376;
MAY 9,1994
Coburg Street $96,247; Duke Street (C) $167,820; Duke Street (W) $90,639; Golden
Grove Road $64,981; Hillcrest Road $30,158; Main Street (N) $152,457;
Manawagonish Road $337,093; Manchester Avenue $141,778; Mansfield Street
$63,642; Market Place $52,163; McAllister Drive $528,297; Metcalf Street $20,317;
Millidge Avenue $61,532; Mount Pleasant Avenue (C) $143,020; Mount Pleasant
Avenue (E) $119,252; Municipal Operations Complex $164,301; Orange Street
$95,898; Peel Street $36,328; Pine Avenue $25,004; River Hill Drive $31,256; Sand
Cove Road $55,556; Sixth Street $37,352; St. James Street (W) $44,218; Union Street
$152,776; Westfield Road $38,063; Works North $130,974 -- $3,320,000
Environmental Health:
Spruce Lake Landfill $267,000
Environmental Development:
City Market Pedway $1,417,254; Harbour Station $5,948,133; Harbour Station Pedway
$1,666,590; Mercantile Centre Pedway $326,023 -- $9,358,000
Recreation & Culture:
King's Square Entrance $46,031; Millidgeville Community Centre $591,541; Rockwood
Park Loop Road $123,428 -- $761,000
Water System:
Clarendon Street $61,005; Duke Street (C) $98,414; East Side Fluoridation $12,763;
Glen Falls PRVs $9,991; Harvey Street $20,340; Lead Services $192,578; Little River
$7,676; Ludlow Street $7,819; Metcalf Street $38,590; Mount Pleasant Avenue (E)
$133,789; Old Black River Road $55,078; Rothesay Avenue $14,133; Service Box
Renewals $138,425; Somerset Street $42,947; Spruce Lake Fluoridation $25,584;
Spruce Lake Standpipe $18,512; Station Street $87,087; Victoria Street $10,707;
Walsh Place $25,002; Water Cad System $25,471; Watershed (Loch Lomond)
$70,821; Watershed (Spruce Lake) $8,268 -- $1,105,000
Sewer System:
Aberdeen Avenue $21,035; Boars Head Road $13,448; Charlotte Street (C) $9,032;
Clarendon Street $63,416; Connors Street $17,350; Duke Street $64,426; Duncraggan
Court $8,549; Elgin Road $10,954; Expansion Avenue $35,697; Foley Court $12,487;
Forest City Street $15,563; Fundy Drive $46,697; Glengarry Drive $42,414; Greenwood
Subdivision $15,025; Harbour/Wastewater Study $14,502; Harvey Street $25,887;
Hazen Creek Sewage Treatment Plant $8,084; Lancaster Sewage Treatment Plant
$33,803; Manawagonish Road $55,083; Metcalf Street $33,969; Mount Pleasant
Avenue (E) $109,305; Mountain Road $16,290; Upgrade Pumping Stations $80,495;
Newman Brook Trunk $116,787; Sewer Cad System $26,164; Sewer Laterals $23,749;
Victoria Street $15,546; Walsh Place $19,106; Wastewater pumping Stations
$101,414; Westmorland Road $12,528; York Street $21,195 -- $1,090,000
THEREFORE RESOLVED that debentures be issued under provisions
of the Acts of Assembly 52, Victoria, Chapter 27, Section 29 and amendments thereto,
to the amount of $19,770,000:
AND FURTHER that subject to paragraph 3 of this resolution, the
Commissioner of Finance be authorized to issue and sell to the New Brunswick
Municipal Finance Corporation (the "Corporation") a City of Saint John bond or
debenture in the principal amount of $19,770,000 on such terms and conditions as are
recommended by the Corporation:
AND FURTHER that the City of Saint John agree to issue post dated
cheques to the Corporation in payment of principal and interest charges on the above
bond or debenture as and when they are required by the Department of Municipalities,
MAY 9,1994
Culture and Housing:
AND FURTHER that the Commissioner of Finance be hereby authorized
to receive an offer in connection with the foregoing debentures at a price not less than
$98 per $100 of debenture, at interest rates not to exceed an average of 9.25% and at
a term not to exceed 10 years; and further that the Commissioner of Finance report to
Common Council the exact values for price per $100 of debenture, interest rate and
term in years, together with the date of the issue for approval by Common Council.
(Councillor A. Vincent re-entered the meeting.)
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
* Added Item
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Chase
RESOLVED that the City Manager's
report concerning 1994/95 salary provisions, which is on the Committee of the Whole
agenda of this date as item 29, be added to the agenda for consideration at this
meeting as item 12A.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
(The Mayor withdrew from the meeting whereupon Deputy Mayor
McAlary assumed the chair.)
*12A. 1994/95 Salarv Provisions
Consideration was given to a report from the City Manager submitting a
recommendation with respect to 1995/95 salary provisions for management and non-
union staff.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Chase
RESOLVED that as recommended by the
City Manager, Common Council approve the following salary scales: (a) for
administrative non-union personnel - maintain 1993 salary scales for the period 1
January 1994 to 31 December 1995; and (b) for management staff - maintain 1993
salary scales for the period 1 January 1994 to 31 December 1995.
Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillor A. Vincent
voting "nay".
13. Traffic By-Law Amendments - Parking On
Golden Grove Road and Station Street
Read a report from the City Solicitor submitting for Council's
consideration of third readings, proposed amendments to the Traffic By-Law with
regard to parking on Golden Grove Road and Station Street, which were given first and
second readings on May 2.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Rogers
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "A
By-Law To Amend A By-Law Respecting Traffic On Streets In The City Of Saint John
Made Under The Authority Of The Motor Vehicle Act, 1973, And Amendments
Thereto", with regard to parking on Golden Grove Road, be read a third time and
enacted and the Corporate Common Seal be affixed thereto.
The by-law entitled, "A By-Law To Amend A By-Law Respecting Traffic
On Streets In The City Of Saint John Made Under The Authority Of The Motor Vehicle
MAY 9,1994
Act, 1973, And Amendments Thereto", was read in its entirety.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Chase
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "A
By-Law To Amend A By-Law Respecting Traffic On Streets In The City Of Saint John
Made Under The Authority Of The Motor Vehicle Act, 1973, And Amendments
Thereto", with regard to parking on Station Street, be read a third time and enacted and
the Corporate Common Seal be affixed thereto.
The by-law entitled, "A By-Law To Amend A By-Law Respecting Traffic
On Streets In The City Of Saint John Made Under The Authority Of The Motor Vehicle
Act, 1973, And Amendments Thereto", was read in its entirety.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
(Councillor Trites withdrew from the meeting.)
14. Committee of the Whole Report
Read report of the Committee of the Whole
(as follows)
To the COMMON COUNCIL of the City of Saint John
The Committee of the Whole
Your Committee reports that it sat on May 2, 1994, when there were
present Mayor Higgins and Councillors Chase, Coughlan, Gould, Knibb, Landers,
McAlary and Trites, and your Committee submits the following recommendations,
1. That as recommended by the City Manager, Yesterday's Lounge Inc. be
given permission to erect and operate a stage on North Market Wharf for the period
May 10, 1994 to September 15, 1994, and that authority be granted for execution of a
letter of agreement which includes the terms and conditions outlined in the submitted
draft agreement.
2. That as recommended by the City Manager, the City enter into an
agreement with Fog Cutters Inc. to permit the utilization of the deck area adjacent to
the former decorative pool area at Market Square for the operation of a "Sand and Slip"
patio restaurant, the terms of the said agreement to include: (1) the agreement will be
for the period May 15, 1994 to September 15, 1994; (2) the rental will be $500.00
payable in advance; (3) the deck area will be used for the "Sand and Slip" operation
which shall comply with all the requirements of the applicable authorities including the
Department of Health, the Liquor Licensing Board and the Building Inspector; (4) Fog
Cutters Inc. will be responsible for all costs associated with the operation including
garbage removal, litter removal, etc., and any maintenance and repairs required to the
deck area due to the use for the prescribed purposes; (5) Fog Cutters Inc. shall arrange
for coverage in a minimum of $1,000,000 liability insurance to hold the City and The
Market Square Corporation harmless, so that no liability falls upon the City of Saint
John or The Market Square Corporation in any respect associated with the operations;
and Fog Cutters Inc. shall indemnify the City with regard to any claims arising out of this
operation and shall submit to the City a certificate of insurance confirming that the City
and The Market Square Corporation are named as insured; and (6) any structure to be
utilized in conjunction with the operation shall be approved by the Director of Housing
and Property Management before placement and shall be immediately removed at the
expiration of the agreement.
Respectfully submitted,
MAY 9,1994
May 9, 1994,
Saint John, N. B.
(sgd.) Thomas J. Higgins,
C h air man.
MAY 9,1994
14(1). StaQe On North Market Wharf
On motion of Councillor Chase
Seconded by Councillor M. Vincent
RESOLVED that section 1 of the
above report be adopted.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
(The Mayor re-entered the meeting and reassumed the chair; and
Councillor M. Vincent withdrew from the meeting.)
14(2). Utilization of Deck Area At Market Square
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Chase
RESOLVED that section 2 of the above
report be adopted.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
15. Subdivision - 1130 Hillcrest Road
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Deputy Mayor McAlary
RESOLVED that as recommended
by the Planning Advisory Committee, (1) Common Council assent to the submitted
photo-reduced subdivision plan of Lots 94-1 and 94-2, as well as to any required
municipal services or utility easements with regard to 1130 Hillcrest Road; (2) Common
Council accept a cash-in-lieu dedication for the required land for public purposes for Lot
94-2; and (3) Common Council authorize the preparation and execution of a
City/developer subdivision agreement to ensure the provision of the required work.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
16. Subdivision - 50 HiQh RidQe Road
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Chase
RESOLVED that as recommended by the
Planning Advisory Committee, (1) Common Council assent to the submitted photo-
reduced subdivision plan of Lot 94-2, as well as to any required municipal services or
utility easements with regard to 50 High Ridge Road; (2) Common Council accept a
cash-in-lieu dedication for the required land for public purposes for Lot 94-2; and (3)
Common Council authorize the preparation and execution of a City/developer
subdivision agreement to ensure the provision of the required work, and a notation on
the final subdivision plan indicating a requirement for a plan showing the proposed
elevations of Lot 94-2 before the issuance of a building permit. ((2) Rescinded October
17, 1994 Bk. 84 Pg. 896)
(Councillors Trites and M. Vincent re-entered the meeting.)
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
17. Subdivision - 180 Hill HeiQhts Road
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Coughlan
RESOLVED that as recommended by
the Planning Advisory Committee, (1) Common Council assent to the submitted photo-
reduced subdivision plan of Lot 94-1, as well as to any required municipal services or
MAY 9,1994
utility easements with regard to 180 Hill Heights Road; and (2) Common Council
authorize the preparation and execution of a City/developer subdivision agreement to
ensure the provision of the required work, which would include the following: (a) a
detailed site plan showing the proposed reconstruction of the existing facilities at the
intersection of Crown Hill Road and Hill Heights Road; and (b) a notation to be placed
on the final subdivision plan indicating a requirement for a plan showing the proposed
elevations of Lot 94-1 before the issuance of a building permit.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
18. Thomas E. Secord - Application To
Re-Zone Land In Secord Subdivision
On motion of Councillor Coughlan
Seconded by Councillor Landers
RESOLVED that the application of
Thomas E. Secord for the re-zoning of land in the Secord Subdivision be referred to the
Planning Advisory Committee for a report and recommendation and that the necessary
advertising be authorized in this regard, with the public hearing to be held on June 13,
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
19. LeQislation Re PornoQraphy Distribution
On motion of Councillor Coughlan
Seconded by Councillor Landers
RESOLVED that the letters from (a)
Members of Friendship Circle, International Order of The King's Daughters & Sons; (b)
Bonny Muir; (c) Jane Conrad; (d) Stacey Yerxa-Russell; (e) Irene Holmes; (f) Lynn
Lomax; (g) Fran Kern; (h) Doris Brown; (i) Ruth E. Murphy; U) Wendy Greer; (k) Kathy
Baird; (I) Dianne Banks; (m) Shirley M. Downard; (n) Jeanne M. Gallant; (0) Paula Ring;
(p) Ellen Powell; (q) Ellen LaFleur; (r) Mary E. White; (s) Sandra Thomas; (t) Sandra M.
Livingstone; (u) S. Hoyt; (v) Joy Lomax; and (w) Hendrien Kippers, urging Council to
develop and implement a by-law to control the number of adult video stores and the
locations of such in the City of Saint John -- be received and filed and the matter be
referred for consideration at the forthcoming Cities of New Brunswick Association
meeting on May 13 and 14, 1994 in Fredericton.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
20. New Brunswick Chapter, Canadian Criminal Justice
Association - Arrest For OutstandinQ ParkinQ Violations
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Chase
RESOLVED that the letter from the New
Brunswick Chapter of the Canadian Criminal Justice Association commenting on a
recent instance where two citizens, having sought police assistance in a matter, were
informed there were warrants for their arrest for outstanding parking violations and
were subsequently arrested and taken to the County Jail by City Police where they paid
their fine which was reduced to half due to the fact that they had been arrested;
advising that this appears not only incongruous but obviously a ridiculous situation in
that the City lost half of the fine, as well as the time for the two Police constables to
take the persons from City Hall to East Saint John; and recommending that
arrangements be made so that fines can be paid at City Hall -- be referred to the City
Solicitor and the Chief of Police.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
21. Saint John Youth Hockey
MAY 9,1994
Association - Simonds Arena
On motion of Councillor M. Vincent
Seconded by Councillor Trites
RESOLVED that the letter from the Saint
John Youth Hockey Association addressing the issue of what effect the closure of
Simonds Arena would have on the Saint John Youth Minor Hockey Program -- be
referred to the City Manager.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
22. Marine, Industrial & Technical Sales Co. Ltd.
Thermoplastic Road MarkinQs
On motion of Councillor Trites
Seconded by Deputy Mayor McAlary
RESOLVED that the letter from
Marine, Industrial & Technical Sales Co. Ltd. expressing concern and clarifying a few
points relevant to comments at the March 21 Council meeting on thermoplastic road
markings; and offering to provide a full presentation to Council proving that not only do
thermoplastic road markings ensure safety but can provide a long-term cost savings --
be referred to the City Manager.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor M. Vincent
RESOLVED that this meeting be
adjourned and Council meet in Committee of the Whole.
Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillor A. Vincent
voting "nay".
Common Clerk