1993-02-01_Minutes 83-927 COMMON COUNCIL FEBRUARY 1, 1993 At a meeting of the Common Council, held at the City Hall in the City of Saint John, on Monday, the first day of February, AD. 1993, at 7:00 o'clock p.m. present Elsie E. Wayne, Mayor Councillors Chase, Coughlan, Gould, Knibb, Landers, McAlary, Rogers, Trites and A Vincent - and - Messrs. 1. Totten, Acting City Manager; F. Rodgers, City Solicitor; D. Wilson, Commissioner of Finance; C. Robichaud, Assistant City Manager - Operations; J. C. MacKinnon, Commissioner of Environment and Infrastructure Services; P. Groody, Commissioner of Human Resources; S. Bedford, Commissioner of Development Services; S. Armstrong, Director of Engineering; W. D. Todd, Director of Housing and Property Management; J. Baird, Manager - Development Division; R. McDevitt, Fire Chief; B. Thompson, Deputy Chief of Police; Mrs. M. Munford, Common Clerk; and Ms. C. Joyce, Assistant Common Clerk. The Mayor offered the opening prayer. On motion of Councillor Knibb Seconded by Councillor Rogers RESOLVED that minutes of the meeting of Common Council, held on January 25, 1993, be approved. Question being taken, the motion was carried. The Mayor proclaimed February to be Heart and Stroke Month; February 1 to 7 to be Post Anaesthesia Nurse Awareness Week; and February 7 to 13 to be Bowl For Kids Week in support of Big Brothers-Big Sisters of Saint John. The Mayor welcomed to the Council Chamber Sister Margaret Vickers, Administrator of St Joseph's Hospital and Sister Marion Garneau, General Superior of the Sisters of Charity of the Immaculate Conception; Mr. Esmond Barry, Chairman, and Mr. Dave and Mrs. Maureen Callaghan, of the Friends of St. Joseph's Hospital, and a delegation of Sisters and members of Friends of St. Joseph's; and advised that Sister Garneau has asked to address Council relative to the Province's new health plan for St. Joseph's Hospital. On motion of Councillor A Vincent Seconded by Councillor Landers RESOLVED that Sister Marion Garneau be invited to address Council at this time. Question being taken, the motion was carried. Sister Marion Garneau addressed Council and, reading from a prepared brief (copies of which were distributed to Council members at this meeting), stated that the Sisters of Charity, owners of St. Joseph's Hospital, Saint John, do not accept the new health plan or St. Joseph's Hospital as announced by Dr. Russell 1. King, Minister of Health & Community Services on Thursday, January 28,1993. Sister Garneau explained that the Government has ignored the recommendation of the Region 2 Hospital Corporation, which was Option B and which meets the fiscal constraints imposed by the Government Master Plan of March 1992 while maintaining a full range of acute care services for St. Joseph's Hospital; and advised that the studies available to the Sisters of Charity find that St. Joseph's Hospital is not appropriate for an extended care facility, and Option B provides more services for more people in the downtown area; and also that any health provision for extended care patients in the name of the Sisters of Charity must be adequate and consistent with their mission. Sister Garneau advised that the Sisters of Charity need from the Government its rationale for the role of extended care for St. Joseph's Hospital, as well as studies relative to Option B; thanked 83-928 COMMON COUNCIL FEBRUARY 1, 1993 Council for its support and encouragement; and requested Council's assistance with this very important matter. The Mayor proposed that, based on the above presentation and if Dr. Russell King is not willing to dialogue, Council should ask Premier Frank McKenna to arrange for dialogue with the Sisters of Charity and the Friends of St. Joseph's Hospital to discuss Option B. On motion of Councillor Rogers Seconded by Councillor Trites RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Saint John request Premier Frank McKenna to arrange for dialogue with the Sisters of Charity and the Friends of St. Joseph's Hospital to discuss Option B for St. Joseph's Hospital. Question being taken, the motion was carried. During discussion Sister Garneau advised that the Sisters of Charity's Mission Statement at present, as well as encompassing its philosophy of mission, names the specific services that they have been carrying out at St. Joseph's Hospital, which have been acute care services, and the changes in it have, in effect, been made outside themselves by the Government; and that, with respect to the Provincial Government's commitment of $20 million for an expansion of St. Joseph's Hospital, advised that, while follow-up has been made by St. Joseph's Hospital with the Premier, to her knowledge that money is being reallocated; and Sister Vickers added that, while the $20 million was offered to the Hospital on several occasions in 1990, the last offer having been just previous to the Provincial election, this commitment remained on the Hospital records until March 1992 at which time the Province indicated that there was a new health reform on the books and that St. Joseph's Hospital would certainly be looking at a whole new platform, possibly an extended care rehabilitation role, and that as of January 28, 1993, the Province referred to approximately $8 to 10 million between both St. Joseph's and Saint John Regional Hospitals for interior renovations, not for expansion. The Mayor extended a message of sympathy to the families of the late Senator Nancy Teed of Saint John, and Saint John lawyer, the late Stephen R. Smith, who were victims of a highway accident on Friday, January 29, and called for a minute of silence in their memory. Councillor A. Vincent suggested that, as the Saint John Board of Trade has indicated its support of the Province's position relative to St. Joseph's Hospital, the Board of Trade should be asked to address Council to clarify its position in this regard. On motion of Councillor A. Vincent Seconded by Councillor Rogers RESOLVED that the Saint John Board of Trade be invited to address Council to clarify its position with respect to St. Joseph's Hospital. Question being taken, the motion was carried. The Mayor welcomed to the Council Chamber members of the Centenary-Queen Square Cub Pack to whom she briefly explained the Council meeting procedure. Public presentation was made of a proposed Municipal Plan amendment to redesignate on schedule 2-A, the Future Land Use Plan, an approximately one-half acre parcel of land located at 2086 Ocean Westway (NBGIC Number 287458), from Highway Commercial to Light Industrial classification, to permit the property to be re- zoned to an "1-1" Light Industrial Zone for the establishment of a marine sales and service business and the manufacture of small boats, as requested by Mr. James Tippett of Precision Marine Ltd. Public presentation was made of a proposed Municipal Plan amendment to redesignate on Schedule 2-A, the Future Land Use Plan, an area of land at 1624 83-929 COMMON COUNCIL FEBRUARY 1, 1993 Hickey Road (parts of NBGIC Numbers 55072763 and 436592), located on the southwest corner of Hickey Road and Heather Way, from District Centre Commercial to Low Density Residential classification, to permit the same area to be re-zoned and developed with townhouses, as requested by Scott Brows. Ltd. Mr. John Linck, President of the Multicultural Association of Saint John, addressed Council and, having commented on Council's actions to date with respect to the report to Council by the Working Group on Multiculturalism and Race Relations, referred to recommendations in the Working Group's report which could be adopted or implemented without the necessity of staff recommendations or reports as they are matters of policy or principle, as follows: - (1) with regard to recommendation #12 - that the City of Saint John take steps to ensure that its boards, committees and commissions generally reflect the rich ethnic and racial diversity of the community - the City is urged to adopt this as policy so that it can then be implemented over time as occasions arise and, once adopted as policy, it could then be referred to the Nominating Committee for future implementation; (2) concerning recommendation #13 - the City of Saint John ask the Human development Council to help form a race relations committee that is community based and is made up of representatives of ethnic groups and persons in the City of Saint John - the format for the establishment of a race relations committee could be adopted by Councilor Council could choose to set up its own race relations committee rather than ask for the assistance of the Human Development Council; therefore, this recommendation could be referred to the Human Development Councilor to an appropriate Council committee for implementation; (3) if recommendation #14- the City of Saint John take the lead in bringing together the New Brunswick Liquor Licensing Board, the New Brunswick Human Rights Commission, the hospitality industry, and concerned persons to discuss issues and workable resolutions to discriminatory incidents that occur in licensed establishments in Saint John - is adopted by resolution, it could then be referred to staff for implementation; and (4) with respect to recommendation #16 - that provision be included in the regulation of all licensing bodies operated under the auspices of the City of Saint John, i.e. taxis, etc., and to penalize those found guilty of violating the New Brunswick Human Rights Act - as this is considered to be a practical means of ensuring racial bias is not practiced throughout the City, if adopted, it could then be referred to the City Solicitor for a report on the number of licensing by-laws in existence which could contain a prohibition against violations of human rights and how such a prohibition could be incorporated in such by-law. On motion of Councillor Coughlan Seconded by Councillor Knibb RESOLVED that the presentation by Mr. John Linck, President of the Multiculturalism Association of Saint John, concerning recommendations in the previous report to Council of the Working Group on Multiculturalism and Race Relations - be referred to the City Manager for a report 0 Council within a two-week period. Question being taken, the motion was carried. Read a letter from Mayor Wayne submitting a letter from Mr. James H. Turnbull requesting financial assistance in the form of a corporate donation to help defray the cost of The YM-YWCA of Saint John's 4th Annual Red Triangle Award Dinner. The motion initially proposed by Councillor Chase and seconded by Councillor Rogers was to refer the above matter to the City Manager for consideration in accordance with the established policy. Councillor Knibb suggested that, as the City has already purchased two tables for the Dinner, the letter should be received and filed, whereupon the motion was withdrawn. On motion of Councillor Knibb Seconded by Councillor Chase RESOLVED that the above letter from Mayor Wayne be received and filed and The YM- YWCA of Saint John be advised that the City has purchased two tables for the 4th Annual Red Triangle Award Dinner. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 83-930 COMMON COUNCIL FEBRUARY 1, 1993 Read a letter from Councillor Landers asking that, as the City has released a portion of the Coopers & Lybrand water and sewerage study relating to the ordinary consumer, Council now have the full document released as public information. Councillor Landers asked that, as Council in adopting the 1993 Budget for the Water and Sewerage Utility followed through on a recommendation of the Coopers & Lybrand report by increasing the ordinary consumer's rate by 4.4% and as there are other issues in the report that should have been dealt with probably at the same time and as the report was paid for by taxpayers' dollars, the Coopers & Lybrand report now be released to the public. Councillor Landers proposed a motion, which was seconded by Councillor Coughlan, that the Coopers & Lybrand report be released to the public. The Mayor made the observation that Council agreed that the Coopers & Lybrand report was to be referred back to the City's consultants to meet with the Irving Group's consultants for discussion of water rates following which Coopers & Lybrand was to report to Council within thirty days and that all documentation would be made public once Council reached its decision; and also that the City is currently in negotiations with respect to water rates. Mr. Totten noted that Council made public a recommendation to increase rates by 4.4% to all flat rate customers and industrial users with the exception of three customers with whom staff is actively negotiating a new rate and, with Council's consent, staff has apprised Council of the status of negotiations and asked Council to bear with staff until negotiations were completed, following which a report would be submitted to Council. Councillor Coughlan withdrew as seconder of the proposed motion. On motion of Councillor Landers Seconded by Councillor A. Vincent RESOLVED that the Coopers & Lybrand report on the water and sewerage rates be released to the public. Question being taken, the motion was lost with all Council members present voting "nay". On motion of Councillor Knibb Seconded by Councillor McAlary RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager, authority be granted for payment of the following construction progress certificates, namely: - 1. Contract 92-22 Westmorland Road Storm Sewer Kevin Steele Contracting Limited Original estimated value of work Total work done, Estimate Number 2 Retention Payments previously approved Sub-Total G.ST Component Sum recommended for payment, Progress Estimate Number 1, dated January 25, 1993 Final Holdback Release $ 12,978.31 $ 78,984.00 79,706.88 Nil 66,728.57 12,978.31 849.05 2. Contract 92-15, Chipseal1992 Atlantic Colas Ltd. Original estimated value of work Total work done, Estimate Number 2 Retention Payments previously approved Sub-Total G.ST Component Sum recommended for payment, Progress Estimate Number 2, dated January 28, 1993 Final holdback release $114,992.20 110,030.29 Nil 93,525.75 16,504.54 1,079.74 $ 16,604.54 83-931 COMMON COUNCIL FEBRUARY 1, 1993 3. Contract 92-17, Connors/Busby Streets & Fundy Drive, Water & Sewer Construction Galbraith Construction Ltd. Original estimated value of work Total work done, Estimate Number 2 Retention Payments previously approved Sub-Total G.ST Component Sum recommended for payment, Progress Estimate Number 2, dated January 27, 1993 Final holdback release $169,805.00 159,449.20 Nil 128,864.25 30,584.95 2,000.88 $ 30,584.95 4. Contract 92-20 Provincially-DesiQnated HiQhways Classic Construction Ltd. Original estimated value of work Total work done, Estimate Number 2 Retention Payments previously approved Sub-Total G.ST Component Sum recommended for payment, Progress Estimate Number 2, dated January 28, 1993 Final holdback release. $132,035.00 219,554.13 Nil 183,998.43 35,555.70 2,326.07 $ 35,555.70 Question being taken, the motion was carried. Consideration was given to a report from the City Manager submitting the schedule of events arranged for Heritage Week commencing February 15. The Mayor commented on the list of activities scheduled for Heritage Week. Read a report from the City Manager submitting a recommendation with regard to the requests of the Congress of Black Women, Saint John Chapter, and the Victorian Order of Nurses, which were referred to the City Manager by Council on January 25 and January 18, respectively. On motion of Councillor Coughlan Seconded by Councillor Trites RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager, Common Council approve financial assistance to the Victorian Order of Nurses and the Congress of Black Women, Saint John Chapter, in the amounts of $475 and $500, respectively. Question being taken, the motion was carried. On motion of Councillor Rogers Seconded by Councillor Coughlan RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager, the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute the submitted Notice of Agreement regarding the Pedway Agreement and the Attornment Agreement regarding the Pedway Agreement, as requested by Standard Life Assurance Company, with respect to a mortgage being placed on the Mercantile Centre by Ellis-Don (Atlantic) Limited, subject to review of both Agreements by the Legal Department. Question being taken, the motion was carried. Read a letter from the Common Clerk submitting a resolution adopted in Legal Session of Council on November 25, 1992 concerning the decision in the action of Imperial Investments v the City of Saint John. 83-932 COMMON COUNCIL FEBRUARY 1, 1993 On motion of Councillor Knibb Seconded by Councillor Chase RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Solicitor, the City Solicitor or his designate appeal the decision of Mr. Justice Turnbull in the case of Imperial Investments Limited v The City of Saint John, dated November 16, 1992, to the Court of Appeal of New Brunswick. Question being taken, the motion was carried. Read report of the Committee of the Whole (as follows) To the COMMON COUNCIL of the City of Saint John The Committee of the Whole reports Your Committee begs leave to report that it sat on January 25, 1993, when there were present Mayor Wayne and Councillors Chase, Coughlan, Gould, Knibb, Landers, McAlary, Rogers, Trites and M. Vincent, and your Committee submits the following recommendations, namely: - 1, That as recommended by the City Manager, Common Council resolution of August 4, 1992 concerning the acquisition of the property at 279 Main Street from Mr. Bruce E. Polley be amended as follows: (1) increasing the amount to be paid for business and rental loss from $21,000 to $22,900; (2) increasing the amount to be paid for legal, appraisal and accounting fees from $22,000 to $23,538.53; and (3) Mr. Polley be required to execute a release stipulating that there will be no further claims. 2. That as recommended by the City Manager, Common Council resolution of June 8, 1992 concerning the sale of the land developed as Hilyard Place to Haldor (1972) Ltd. be amended as follows: (1) the purchase price to be $444,000 and the proceeds be shared as follows: CMHC - $230,000, NBHC - $85,600, and the City - $128,400; and (2) Haldor to make the annual lease payment due June 1, 1992 adjusted based on the number of months expired between the due date and the date the sale is completed. 3. That as recommended by the City Manager, Common Council approve the renewal of banking services provided by the Bank of Nova Scotia for a five-year period commencing January 1, 1993, at an annual fee of $24,420. 4. That the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute the Acknowledgement of Copyright acknowledging that the copyright in the original work entitled "On The Edge" by Brad Morrison is in and remains in the New Brunswick Amateur Speed Skating Association notwithstanding that such original work has been purchased by the City of Saint John from the artist. February 1, 1993 Saint John, N.B. Respectfully submitted, (sgd.) Elsie E. Wayne, C h air man. On motion of Councillor Knibb Seconded by Councillor Coughlan RESOLVED that section 1 of the above report be adopted. Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillors Landers and Rogers voting "nay". On motion of Councillor Trites Seconded by Councillor Knibb RESOLVED that section 2 of the above report be adopted. 83-933 COMMON COUNCIL FEBRUARY 1, 1993 Question being taken, the motion was carried. On motion of Councillor Knibb Seconded by Councillor Chase RESOLVED that section 3 of the above report be adopted. (Councillor Gould withdrew from the meeting). With respect to the City not tendering for its banking services, Mr. Wilson explained that staff has spent a fair amount of time with the Bank of Nova Scotia reviewing the services provided, the volume of activity that goes through its accounts, and the rates that have been charged the city, and staff is very pleased with the rates in relation to the activity because, as mentioned previously, this is the total banking for the City, the Power Commission, the Aquatic Commission, the Transit Commission, the Pension Fund, the Saint John Free Public Library and Saint John Non-Profit Housing Inc. and the rate of $24,420 yearly is a very small percentage of the going rate and staff feels comfortable recommending that the City stay with the Bank of Nova Scotia for five years and also in no small part is the good service that the city has received from the Bank of Nova Scotia. Councillor A. Vincent asked if it is true that some banks would charge less for payroll cheques to be cashed. Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillor A. Vincent voting "nay". (Councillor Gould re-entered the meeting.) On motion of Councillor Rogers Seconded by Councillor McAlary RESOLVED that section 4 of the above report be adopted. (Councillor Coughlan withdrew from the meeting.) Question being taken, the motion was carried. On motion of Councillor Knibb Seconded by Councillor Trites RESOLVED that as recommended by the Planning Advisory Committee, Common Council assent to the subdivision plan (photo- reduction submitted) with respect to vesting of the portion of Parcel "A-1" indicated "For widening of Harrison Street (Public)" as a public street. Question being taken, the motion was carried. On motion of Councillor Knibb Seconded by Councillor Trites RESOLVED that as recommended by the Planning Advisory Committee, Common Council: (a) approve the location of the streets and land for public purposes with respect to the proposed subdivision, Mahogany Heights Developments Inc., Phase 4 and Future Development; (b) assent to one or more subdivision plans showing one or more phases with respect to the streets, municipal services easements, utility easement and land for public purposes for Mahogany Heights Subdivision Phase 4 and Future Phases; (c) authorize the preparation and execution of one or more City/Developer subdivision agreements to ensure provision of the required services and provide for the following: (I) Mahogany Heights Developments Inc. shall construct the street connection to Westgate Drive; (ii) Mahogany Heights Developments Inc. shall landscape Parcel A and the balance of the street right-of-way not used for street construction, where the street right-of-way is adjacent to the existing lots fronting on Westgate Drive, and landscaping shall consist of the addition of topsoil and hydroseeding or sod; (iii) the pedestrian walkway leading to Island View School shall be developed with concrete sidewalk, chain link fence and/or a hedge and landscaping by Mahogany Heights Developments Inc.; and (iv) Mahogany Heights Developments Inc. 83-934 COMMON COUNCIL FEBRUARY 1, 1993 shall prepare a surface drainage plan and complete the work to the satisfaction of the Chief City Engineer and shall provide all necessary easements in connection therewith; and (d) authorize the Common Clerk to sign the final subdivision plan on behalf of the City as owner of the portion of Parcel P.L.6 which is part of the development, and authorize the exchange of Parcels Band C between the City and the Developer. Question being taken, the motion was carried. On motion of Councillor Gould Seconded by Councillor Trites RESOLVED that the report from the Planning Advisory Committee advising the members elected to the Executive for 1993 - be received and filed. Question being taken, the motion was carried. On motion of Councillor Knibb Seconded by Councillor McAlary RESOLVED that the letter from Saint John Jaycees noting community projects in which the Jaycees are involved; and requesting a financial contribution - be received and filed. Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillor Rogers voting "nay". On motion of Councillor Trites Seconded by Councillor Knibb RESOLVED that the letter from Mr. Mel Johnston, CanPro Host Chairman, New Brunswick Broadcasting Co. Limited, requesting financial assistance from the City of Saint John through its sponsorship of a reception at a cost of $3,500 during the CanPro Festival in Saint John on March 27 to 30, 1993 - be received and filed and a grant of $2,500 be approved. The Mayor noted that a bid was made in Ontario to attract the above Festival to Saint John which would be the first time for it to be held in this City. Question being taken, the motion was carried. On motion of Councillor Gould Seconded by Councillor Landers RESOLVED that the letter from Mr. Eric L. Teed of the N.B. Chapter of the United Nations Association of Canada noting the United Nations Association's proclamation of International Women's Day to be March 8 in each year; and inviting Council to submit its nomination with the reasons for nomination by February 15 - be referred to the Nominating Committee. Question being taken, the motion was carried. (Councillor Coughlan re-entered the meeting.) On motion of Councillor Rogers Seconded by Councillor Trites RESOLVED that the letter from Saint John Heritage Trust Inc. advising that it has found itself in the disquieting position of being unable to afford the cost of maintaining the properties at 5 and 13 Chipman Hill, which it purchased in 1984 as a means of saving them from demolition and on which extensive amounts of money were subsequently spent in effort to stabilize the buildings, and as yet has been unsuccessful in securing a buyer; and proposing that the City assume immediate responsibility for the properties in question, with the Trust's wish being that every effort be made to preserve these buildings, even if that should involve their sale too a private concern - be referred to the City Manager. 83-935 COMMON COUNCIL FEBRUARY 1, 1993 Question being taken, the motion was carried. Consideration was given to a letter from Willa Mavis and Garry Prosser, members of the Save Our Shores Citizens' Committee, referring to their correspondence considered by Council on January 18 and the subsequent response from the Common Clerk which does not answer the specific questions put to Mr. MacKinnon and Mr. Brown at their meeting with them on January 13; and asking that clear answers be given to the public record to the three questions stated in this letter as follows: - (1) has the City of Saint John agreed to treating a serious spill from the Irving toxic waste pipeline at the Lancaster treatment plant; (2) will the City of Saint John be legally responsible for property and environmental damage from any catastrophic spill which cannot be adequately handled by City storm sewers; and (3) has the City of Saint John made any prior agreement with the applicant as per the statement in the Sandwell Report to the effect that the outfall pipeline will discharge into the existing sanitary sewer outfall pipeline adjacent to the Hazen Creek sewage treatment plant. Mr. Totten gave a negative response to the three questions listed in the above letter, and the Mayor called for a motion to receive and file the letter. On motion of Councillor Trites Seconded by Councillor Knibb RESOLVED that the letter from Willa Mavis and Garry Prosser, members of the Save Our Shores Citizens' Committee, referring to their correspondence considered by Council on January 18 and the subsequent response from the Common Clerk; and asking that clear answers be given for the public record to the three questions stated in this letter - be received and filed. Question being taken, the motion was carried. Consideration was given to a letter from Anne Hickey and Joe Thompson, Co-Chair of the Saint John Region - Child Education Working Group, requesting Council's assistance by allowing the City of Saint John's name to officially stand as one of the sponsoring partners of an upcoming Symposium entitled "Energizing Partnerships: Education for Tomorrow"; advising that the Working Group is not seeking funding support from the City for this event, but does wish to officially recognize the City's significant role, as founder of the Goals For Saint John which actually provided the impetus for the Working Group; and submitting a more detailed explanation of the Working Group's purpose and the Symposium. The Mayor suggested that a copy of the above letter should be forwarded to Mr. Walter Flewelling of the Greater Saint John Education Committee, a sub- committee of the Greater Saint John Economic Development Commission, to ensure representation from the Committee at the Symposium. Councillor Trites noted that the request is for the City to allow its name to stand as one of the sponsoring partners of the Symposium, without a request for funding. On motion of Councillor Trites Seconded by Councillor Coughlan RESOLVED that Common Council accede to the quest of Anne Hickey and Joe Thompson, Co-Chair of the Saint John Region - Child Education Working Group, by allowing the City of Saint John's name to officially stand as one of the sponsoring partners of an upcoming Symposium entitled "Energizing Partnerships: Education For Tomorrow". Question being taken, the motion was carried. On motion of Councillor Knibb Seconded by Councillor McAlary RESOLVED that the letter from Mr. Warren Searle seeking permission to make a parachute jump into Shamrock Park and/or the Fisher Lakes on June 16-17 in conjunction with the First New Brunswick Senior Friendship Games; and submitting the suggested wording of the waiver the City may wish to use with respect to legal liability - be referred to the City Manager and the City Solicitor. 83-936 COMMON COUNCIL FEBRUARY 1, 1993 Councillor A. Vincent proposed an amendment to the above motion, which was not seconded, that Mr. Searle be required to make his jump on Mountain Road. Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillor A. Vincent voting "nay". On motion of Councillor Knibb Seconded by Councillor Chase RESOLVED that the application of Three Mile Beverage Room (1978) Ltd. for the re-zoning of 19 Golden Grove Road be referred to the Planning Advisory Committee for a report and recommendation and that the necessary advertising be authorized in this regard, with the public hearing to be held on March 15, 1993. Question being taken, the motion was carried. On motion of Councillor Knibb Seconded by Councillor Chase RESOLVED that the letter from Fundy Local, Canadian Union of Postal Workers, expressing support of Common Council resolution of January 25 concerning the retention of Federal jobs at the Canadian Armed Forces Supply Depot No.5 in Moncton; and asking Council to form a resolution condemning the Minister Responsible for Canada Post for service cutbacks and job loss in Saint John in view of the fact that the Main Post Office on Rothesay Avenue will soon be a commercial outlet only - be referred to the City Manager and Economic Development Director Don O'Leary for a report to Council in one week. Question being taken, the motion was carried. Linda Ewart, Chairperson of the Saint John North Community Action Group, appeared before Council to apprise Council of the Group's activities as a Goals For Saint John Group over the past year and, referring to the previously-submitted report, highlighting the Group's activities in the areas of safety and security, education, health, recreation and housing; including involvement with the Police in the North End Community Policing; the submission of a written brief in response to the Premier's Commission on "Excellence in Education" Issues Paper 1 and a brief in response to Issues Paper II; support to the efforts of the South Central Citizens Council to maintain the status of St Joseph's Hospital; addressing the problem of child hunger with the North End Food Bank through which evolved a hot lunch program for 150 school children at Crescent Valley School, as well as a breakfast program each school day, undertaken by the Crescent Valley Tenants' Association the new Somerset Recreation Centre and the Crescent Valley School; addressing the deteriorating condition of housing stock in the old North End; hosting the Recreation and Open Space Strategy study in the North End; and promoting the North End as a good place to live and work. The Mayor thanked Ms. Ewart for her presentation and expressed appreciation for the Saint John North Community Action Group's efforts in the community. Mr. Lloyd Betts, Chairperson of South Central Citizens Council which evolved from the Goals For Saint John, appeared before Council and, referring to a previously-submitted report, highlighted the group's activities during the past year, including the Youth Committee's efforts with the South End Little League and a Children's Fete, the development of the 'Art in Public Places' brochure by the Arts & Culture Committee, the involvement in the Saint John community policing program by the Safety & Security Committee, a concentrated effort to enter into positive dialogue with various City departments and staff, the establishment of an Advisory Board to work with the Community Centre, the formation of a Home and School Association at St. John the Baptist/King Edward School, the intervention before the Public Utilities Board concerning the Esso pipeline which had been planned for Broadview Avenue; the development of a series of videos on the South Central area; participation in the Safe City Audit, the Recreation and Green Space Master Plan, the Visions for Saint John and 83-937 COMMON COUNCIL FEBRUARY 1, 1993 petitioning the Minister of Health on behalf of St. Joseph's Hospital; and work by the Housing and Beautification Committee on a strategic housing plan for the south central peninsula. The Mayor thanked Mr. Betts for his presentation; expressed appreciation for the efforts of the South Central Citizens Council in the community; and suggested that, with the anticipated future downloading on local government through the Federal and Provincial Governments, there will be a need for many groups such as the South Central Citizens Council and the North Community Action Group to pick up the slack. Councillor A. Vincent asked about the lack of signatures on the above reports to which Mrs. Munford replied that the joint letter from Ms. Ewart and Mr. Betts, which was signed by both, requesting to make their presentation to Council was inadvertently omitted from the Council kits. On motion of Councillor McAlary Seconded by Councillor Gould RESOLVED that the presentations by the Saint John North Community Action Group and the South central Citizens Council, be received and filed and the groups be thanked for their efforts on behalf of the City. Question being taken, the motion was carried. On motion of Councillor Rogers Seconded by Councillor Knibb RESOLVED that this meeting be adjourned. Question being taken, the motion was carried. Common Clerk