NOVEMBER 16, 1992
At a meeting of the Common Council, held at the City Hall in the City of
Saint John, on Monday, the sixteenth day of November, 1992, at 4:00 o'clock p.m.
Elsie E. Wayne, Mayor
Councillors Chase, Coughlan, Gould, Knibb, Landers, McAlary,
Rogers, Trites, A. Vincent and M. Vincent
- and -
Messrs. J. Brown, City Manager; F. Rodgers, City Solicitor; D.
Wilson, Commissioner of Finance; C. Robichaud, Assistant City
Manager - Operations; J. C. MacKinnon, Commissioner of
Environment and Infrastructure Services; P. Groody,
Commissioner of Human Resources; S. Bedford, Commissioner
of Development Services; S. Armstrong, Director of Engineering;
J. Baird, Manager - Development Division; R. McDevitt, Fire
Chief; A. Bodechon, Assistant Deputy Chief of Police; Mrs. M.
Munford, Common Clerk; and Ms. C. Joyce, Assistant Common
The Mayor offered the opening prayer.
The Mayor called for a motion to withdraw from the agenda the item
concerning the Greater Saint John Economic Development Commission.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor McAlary
RESOLVED that the City Manager's
report, concerning the implementation and establishment of the Greater Saint John
Economic Development Commission, be withdrawn from the agenda of this meeting.
The Mayor explained that, although a news conference had been
arranged for earlier this date regarding the above matter, there were some scheduling
problems which must be resolved, and it is anticipated at this time that a news
conference will be held on December 8.
(Councillor M. Vincent entered the meeting.)
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Trites
RESOLVED that minutes of the meetings
of Common Council, held on Thursday, November 5 and Monday, November 9, 1992,
be approved.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
The Mayor advised that arrangements will be made to forward a cable
on behalf of Common Council extending best wishes to Mr. Louis Murphy, Saint John
Harbour MLA, who is in hospital in France after suffering a stroke on Saturday,
November 14. Deputy Mayor McAlary noted the forthcoming Santa Claus Parade on
November 21; and advised that, at the Annual Business Improvement Areas Meeting in
Fredericton the past weekend, Uptown Saint John Inc. won the First Annual Downtown
Achievement Award for its efforts in revitalizing the uptown area and creating a better
place to live.
Read a report from the City Manager referring to the application of Irving
Paper Limited for a Municipal Plan amendment for property at 800 Bayside Drive and
Midwood Avenue, which is on the agenda of this meeting for further consideration
following the October 13 public presentation; and advising that, if a public hearing was
NOVEMBER 16, 1992
set for the next available meeting, it would be December 21; however, although initial
meetings have been held with the Provincial Department of the Environment and the
applicant submitted its environmental information to the Province last week, an initial
review of the material by the Province will be required to ensure that it is complete and
it will not be possible to have final environmental comments until the new year. The
report explains that, while it is the policy to facilitate development, it is also necessary
that the information is available to properly assess the application and, in this case, the
environmental review and the municipal review need to occur concurrently; also
advises that the applicant has no objections to the timing; and recommends that a
public hearing date not be set at this time but be tabled until the environmental
information is reviewed.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor M. Vincent
RESOLVED that as recommended by
the City Manager, a public hearing date not be set at this time for the application of
Irving Paper Limited for a Municipal Plan amendment and re-zoning of property at
Midwood Avenue and Bayside Drive, but the application be tabled until the
environmental information is reviewed.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Coughlan
RESOLVED that as recommended by
the City Manager, authority be granted for payment of the following construction
progress certificate, namely:-
1. OranQe Street - LiQhtinQ
The Power Commission of the City of Saint John
Original estimated value of work
Total work done, Estimate Number 1
Payments previously approved
G.ST Component
Sum recommended for payment, Progress
Estimate Number 1, dated November 4, 1992
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Read a letter from the Common Clerk advising that, further to the
procedure for amendments to the Municipal Plan, the necessary advertising and public
presentation regarding the City's submitted application concerning property at 2 Pokiok
Road have been completed and the required waiting period for objections expired on
November 12 with no written objections having been received.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor McAlary
RESOLVED that the application of the
City of Saint John for a Municipal Plan amendment and re-zoning of 2 Pokiok Road be
referred to the Planning Advisory Committee for a report and recommendation and that
the necessary advertising be authorized in this regard, with the public hearing to be
held on January 4, 1993.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Read a letter from the Common Clerk advising that, further to the
procedure for amendments to the Municipal Plan, the necessary advertising and public
presentation regarding the submitted application of Irving Paper Limited concerning
property at Midwood Avenue and Bayside Drive have been completed and the required
waiting period for objections expired on November 12 with a written objection having
NOVEMBER 16, 1992
been received from Louis and Frances Sharkey; and concluding that Council, if it so
wishes, may now authorize the necessary advertising for the proposed Municipal Plan
amendment and re-zoning and the eventual public hearing, and request the views of
the Planning Advisory Committee.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor M. Vincent
RESOLVED that the application of
Irving Paper Limited for a Municipal Plan amendment and re-zoning of property on
Midwood Avenue and Bayside Drive be laid on the table, in view of the City Manager's
report to Council at this meeting.
Question being taken, the tabling motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Rogers
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "A
Law To Amend The Municipal Plan By-Law", by redesignating on Schedule 2-A, the
Future Land Use Plan, a parcel of land at 555 Crown Street (NBGIC Number 2139),
with an area of approximately 50,000 square feet, from Medium Density Residential to
Light Industrial classification, be read a third time and enacted and the Corporate
Common Seal be affixed thereto.
The by-law entitled, "A Law To Amend The Municipal Plan By-Law", was
read in its entirety.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor McAlary
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled,
"By-Law Number C.P. 100-295 A Law To Amend The Zoning By-Law Of The City Of
Saint John", insofar as it concerns re-zoning a parcel of land at 555 Crown Street
(NBGIC Number 2139), with an area of approximately 50,000 square feet, from "T"
Transportation to "1-1" Light Industrial classification, pursuant to Section 39 of the
Community Planning Act as recommended by the Planning Advisory Committee, be
read a third time and enacted and the Corporate Common Seal be affixed thereto:
AND FURTHER that the said re-zoning be subject to the following
conditions pursuant to Section 39 of the Community Planning Act requiring that: (a) the
use of the property shall be limited to: (i) office, warehouse and showroom facilities;
and (ii) outdoor storage of material related to the use of the building in a compound
enclosed by a solid fence and not exceeding approximately 150 square metres (1,600
square feet) in area; and (b) materials stored in the outdoor storage area shall not
extend higher than the top of the fence surrounding the compound.
The by-law entitled, "By-Law Number C.P. 100-295 A Law To Amend
The Zoning By-Law Of The City Of Saint John", was read in its entirety.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Trites
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "By-
Law Number C.P. 100-296 A Law To Amend The Zoning By-Law Of The City Of Saint
John", insofar as it concerns re-zoning (a) the parcel of land at 344 Somerset Street
(NBGIC Number 55031652), from "IL-1" Neighbourhood Institutional and "RM-1" Three-
Storey Multiple Residential to "US" Utility and Service classification; and (b) the parcel
of land fronting on Taylor Avenue identified as NBGIC Number 471656, and an
adjacent portion of the parcel of land identified as NBGIC Number 46359, from "RM-1"
Three-Storey Multiple Residential to "US" Utility and Service classification, be read a
NOVEMBER 16, 1992
third time and enacted and the Corporate Common Seal be affixed thereto:
AND FURTHER that pursuant to Section 39 of the Community Planning
Act the said re-zoning be subject to conditions requiring that the development of the
lands be in accordance with a site plan approved by the Development Officer and
indicating: (a) location of building, driveways, parking areas, concrete curbs, walkways
and other site features; (b) landscaping of all areas not occupied by the above features;
and (c) the method of providing adequate site drainage facilities.
The by-law to entitled, "By-Law Number C.P. 100-296 A Law To Amend
The Zoning By-Law Of The City Of Saint John", was read in its entirety.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor Trites
Seconded by Councillor McAlary
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "By-
Law Number C-115-2 A By-Law To Amend The City Market By-Law", to permit Sunday
opening on November 29, December 6, December 13 and December 20, 1992, be read
a third time and enacted and the Common Corporate Seal be affixed thereto.
The by-law entitled, "By-Law Number C-115-2 A By-Law To Amend The
City Market By-Law", was read in its entirety.
Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillor A. Vincent
voting "nay".
Read report of the Committee of the Whole
(as follows)
To the COMMON COUNCIL of the City of Saint John
The Committee of the Whole
Your Committee begs leave to report that it sat on November 2, 1992,
when there were present Mayor Wayne and Councillors Chase, Coughlan, Gould,
Knibb, Landers, McAlary, Rogers, Trites and M. Vincent, and your Committee submits
the following recommendation, namely:-
1. That as recommended by the City Manager, (1) the proposed
development facilitator process as outlined in the submitted report be implemented in
1993; (2) this report be discussed with the development community; and (3) funding for
the automation option be addressed within the 1993 budget process.
November 16, 1992,
Saint John, N. B.
Respectfully submitted,
(sgd.) Elsie E. Wayne,
C h air man.
A motion was proposed by Councillor Knibb and seconded by Councillor
Gould to adopt the above recommendation. Mr. Bedford, in highlighting the above
process, advised that, as a result of concerns expressed by the Saint John
Construction Association, the Development Working Group and the Board of Trade
about the development process in the City, staff has been meeting with a committee
from the Association and reviewed several questions related to the process and, in fact,
are recommending to Council an increased level of service with respect to assisting the
processing of development through City Hall; and explained that the thrust of the three
submissions was the general topic of one-stop shopping that was considered to be the
solution to concerns within City Hall with respect to processing and, in working with the
Association, a program, which is more akin to facilitating or pushing development
applications through City Hall than to one-stop shopping, is being proposed, involving
all persons concerned working more closely together and having a far more rigorous
monitoring process. Mr. Bedford also explained that the development facilitator
process will involve a strong customer service focus, with one of the major steps being
to better inform persons about the process and have them aware of requirements
NOVEMBER 16, 1992
available and have them documented so that everybody in the process is fully aware of
the requirements and allow for review and revision where necessary. In response to
Council queries, Mr. Bedford advised that no staff increase is proposed, and that the
estimated expenditure of $50,000 for an automated tracking system is being referred to
budget consideration; and, with regard to a concern that the wording of the
recommendation is such that the process would be discussed with the development
community after Council has approved it, the Mayor suggested that Council could adopt
the process in principle, with staff to discuss it with the development community and
subsequently report to Council before taking any other action, and asked if the mover
and seconder of the proposed motion would agree to a change in wording of (1) in the
above recommendation to indicate that the proposed development facilitator process
be adopted in principle for 1993, and staff proceed to discuss the process with the
development community and report to Council at its next meeting in this regard.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Gould
RESOLVED that (1) the proposed
development facilitator process as outlined in the City Manager's submitted report from
the City Manager be adopted in principle for 1993; (2) this report be discussed with the
development community; and (3) funding for the automation option be addressed within
the 1993 budget process.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Read report of the Committee of the Whole
(as follows)
To the COMMON COUNCIL of the City of Saint John
The Committee of the Whole
Your Committee begs leave to report that it sat on November 9, 1992,
when there were present Mayor Wayne and Councillors Chase, Coughlan, Gould,
Knibb, Landers, McAlary, Rogers, Trites, A. Vincent and M. Vincent, and your
Committee submits the following recommendations, namely:-
1. That as recommended by the City Manager, the property in the Loch
Lomond watershed on Sands Road, known as NBGIC Numbers 352344 and
55041636, be acquired from Mary H. MacDonald and Daniel M. MacDonald for a price
of $10,700.
2. That as recommended by the City Manager, the City give a quit claim
deed to Saint John Non-Profit Housing Inc. for the land shown as "10' R/W - City of
Saint John" on a subdivision plan entitled Oakland Park Development filed in the Saint
John Registry Office as File 43#14.
November 16, 1992,
Saint John, N.B.
Respectfully submitted,
(sgd.) Elsie E. Wayne,
C h air man.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Rogers
RESOLVED that section 1 of the above
report be adopted.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Trites
RESOLVED that section 2 of the above
report be adopted.
NOVEMBER 16, 1992
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor McAlary
RESOLVED that the application of Mr.
Raymond J. Gagnon for the re-zoning of 358 Charlotte Street West be referred to the
Planning Advisory Committee for a report and recommendation and that the necessary
advertising be authorized in this regard, with the public hearing to be held on January
4, 1993.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor M. Vincent
Seconded by Councillor Trites
RESOLVED that the letter from Ruth R.
Koven concerning the proposed Smoking By-Law, further to her letter considered on
November 9 -- be referred to the City Manager.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor Gould
Seconded by Councillor McAlary
RESOLVED that this meeting be
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Common Clerk