JULY 22, 1991
At a meeting of the Common Council, held at the City Hall in the City of
Saint John, on Monday, the twenty-second day of July, AD. 1991, at 7:00 o'clock p.m.
Elsie E. Wayne, Mayor
Councillors Coughlan, Davis, Flewwelling, Gould, Knibb,
Landers, Rogers, A Vincent and M. Vincent
- and -
Messrs. J. Brown, City Manager; F. Rodgers, City Solicitor; D.
Wilson, Commissioner of Finance, J. C. MacKinnon,
Commissioner of Environment and Infrastructure Services; P.
Groody, Commissioner of Human Resources; 1. Totten, Deputy
Commissioner of Finance: W. Butler, Director of Water &
Sewerage; S. Bedford, Director of Community Planning; J.
McNamee, Assistant Deputy Chief of Police; G. Tait, Deputy Fire
Chief; J. Baird, Manager - Development Division; Mrs. M.
Munford, Common Clerk; and Mrs. L. Linton, Secretary.
The meeting was opened with the reciting of the Lord's Prayer.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Flewwelling
RESOLVED that minutes of the
meeting of Common Council, held on July 15, 1991, be approved.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
(Councillors Coughlan, Landers and Rogers entered the meeting)
Her Worship the Mayor welcomed the return of Deputy Mayor Gould
following a recent hospital admission; referred to the Loyalist Days and International
Gathering of the Irish activities being celebrated this week; and encouraged the citizens
to visit the New Brunswick Museum to view the Irish Decorative Art Exhibit from the
Smithsonian Institute.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Davis
RESOLVED that an item regarding the
Saint John Fundy Aquatic Club (which was considered earlier in Committee of the
Whole), be added to the agenda for consideration at this meeting.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Councillor M. Vincent noted that during recent efforts to raise funds for
St. Joseph's Hospital, the City was honoured to have been assisted by Ferguson
Jenkins, who recently became the first Canadian to be inducted into the Baseball Hall
of Fame and the Mayor agreed to forward a letter of congratulations to Mr. Jenkins on
behalf of Council.
(Deputy Mayor Gould withdrew from the meeting due to a possible
conflict of interest)
The Common Clerk advised that the necessary advertising was
completed with regard to (a) a proposed Municipal Plan amendment to redesignate on
Schedule 2-A, the Future Land Use Plan, a parcel of land known as 300 Sandy Point
Road located on the southwest side of Sandy Point Road (NBGIC Numbers 369959,
48637,48645 and 55018824), from Low Density Residential to Light Industrial
classification; and (b) the proposed re-zoning of the same parcel of land from "R-2"
One- and Two- Family Residential to "1-1" Light Industrial classification, to permit the
continuing use of the property for a landscape contractor's business, as requested by
JULY 22, 1991
Frank R. Arbo, Sr., and that a petition containing 37 signatures and letters from Donald
May, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Jesso and Barbara and Donald Chipman were received
objecting to the proposed amendments.
Consideration was given to a letter from the Planning Advisory
Committee advising that at the Committee's meeting of July 16, 1991, the applicant
was present and represented by his solicitor, Mr. William Teed; that Mr. Arbo also
spoke to the Committee on his own behalf and three residents spoke in opposition to
the application on behalf of a number of residents who were in attendance; that the
area residents had concerns related to the applicants landscape contracting business,
his method of operation and the condition of his property; and recommending that
Common Council hold the public hearing and table any decision on the application in
order to give area residents, the applicant and staff time to meet and if possible
develop a set of conditions to be attached to the landscape contractors operation which
will be acceptable to all parties if a re-zoning was to be recommended.
(Councillor A. Vincent entered the meeting)
Consideration was also given to letters from John and Lynda Nickerson,
Albert E. Hogan, Ernest E. Morrell, Donald Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. Randy Oldfield,
Frank Moore, Country P,. Morrell and Josephine A. McNeill (copies of which were
distributed to the Council members at this meeting) in favour of the proposed
Mrs. Kathy Chipman of 33 Jack Street appeared in opposition to the
proposed re-zoning of the subject property and commented on several points
addressed in the staff letter to the Planning Advisory Committee, dated July 16. She
noted that the properties in question are in an unsightly condition and are visible to the
surrounding homes; that the proposed access road allows 1 '2" of space on either side
for the abutting neighbours and is not enough space for a fire lane nor even to allow
the owners enough room to shovel snow to get to their back doors; that concern has
been expressed by the adjoining residents over erosion of fill placed on the site by Mr.
Arbo to expand his usable yard area and that although this was not apparent at the
time of the site visit, she noted that more fill has been dumped and levelled on this site
and will present photographs taken on July 20th to substantiate this information.
Referring to Mr. Arbo's letter to the Committee, dated July 15th, Mrs. Chipman refuted
the claim that he had been in the business for 30 years and noted that the residents
contend he has been in business 10 to 15 years; that she has photographs and license
plate numbers of four half-ton trucks, one van, one boom truck and a car in his yard;
that he started with one lot of land and has since bought three others in order to
increase his business and when the matter was tabled at the Planning Advisory
Committee meeting on July 16th, he ignored the fact and ordered gravel for the access
road and would have started work if City Hall had not been notified and issued him a
Stop Work Order and noted that the only thing that has stopped him is constant calls to
City Hall; that he states he has three outbuildings on his property when in fact there are
seven; and that Mrs. Freda Byers, one of the property owners adjacent to the access
road, stated at the Planning Advisory Committee meeting that she will purchase the lot
of land referred to as the "access road" if this would enable Mr. Arbo to relocate;
reviewed excerpts from letters submitted by area residents in opposition to the
proposed re-zoning and reiterated that they do not want this application approved and
presented photographs taken July 20 of the subject properties for Council's information.
Mrs. Valerie Theriault of 298 Sandy Point Road appeared in opposition
to the proposed re-zoning and advised that the letter which she will present to Council
at this time will outline her concerns; her property is the pie-shaped area surrounded by
Mr. Arbo's property, that the road he is using is unsafe for not only the children, but for
several reasons and she is suggesting that the property be re-zoned, but Mr. Arbo not
be allowed the access road where he wants it - put the road in the middle of his
property and hidden by the trees. Responding to a query from Councillor Coughlan as
to whether she was opposed to the proposed re-zoning, Mrs. Theriault responded that
she is opposed unless another route of access is established as she has proposed.
Responding to Councillor M. Vincent's question as to whether she would favour an
opportunity for the area residents to discuss the matter further with staff and the
applicant, Mrs. Theriault replied in the affirmative and suggested that if a solution
cannot be found the application should be denied.
JULY 22, 1991
Mr. William Teed, solicitor, spoke on behalf of the applicant, Mr. Frank
Arbo, Sr., and pointed out the historical perspective of the property and noted that
when Mr. Arbo purchased the property in the 1950's, Sandy Point Road was almost
considered being in a rural area with small businesses conducted by homeowners in
their back yards; Mr. Arbo acknowledges he has been operating this business contrary
to the by-law, however, in the 1950's and 1960's zoning was not looked at in the same
way it is today and a small business in a backyard was something one just assumed
could be done, and time frame when this operation started must be looked at; the
present operation is a small landscaping business, which is seasonal in nature, with
five employees plus himself. He has four small storage areas and two trucks used in
this business and although he does have other vehicles, they are not used for this
business. Referring to the issue raised by Mrs. Theriault of access, he acknowledged
that the road presently being used is poor from the visibility point of view; Mr. Arbo has
purchased property over a period of time and there is a 16.5 foot access from Sandy
Point Road which provides improved visibility, however, Mr. Daley and Mrs. Byers have
a concern because their homes are built very close to the property line and noted that if
Mr. Arbo was so inclined he could put a fence down both sides of the road to ensure
the safety of children; that access seems to be one of the major issues raised by the
Planning Department; and that the charge laid against Mr. Arbo (as referred to by Mrs.
Chipman) was not for unsightly premises, but he was charged for operating a business
contrary to the Zoning By-Law and for which he was fined $25.00 and as a result he is
seeking permission to continue the operation. Mr. Teed referred to the petition
received by the Common Clerk on May 28th noting that half of the people who signed it
no longer object and referred to letters from John & Linda Nickerson, Albert Hogan,
Ernest Morrell, Donald Cameron, Frank Moore, Country Morrell and Josephine McNeill.
Mr. Teed advised that Mr. Arbo's landscaping business is a small seasonal operation
and that it does not take away from the residential nature of the area, and that there is
not a lot of activity at the site; the appearance of the property is improving and there is
a possible solution of the access problem and he asked that Council give favourable
consideration to the application. Her Worship the Mayor read the recommendation of
the Planning Advisory Committee and was advised by Mr. Teed that he and the
applicant are prepared to meet with the residents and staff and that a tentative date
has been set. Responding to a query from Councillor Landers as to whether Mr. Arbo
has considered moving into an area zoned for this type of operation, Mr. Teed replied
in the negative and noted it is a very small operation, not a large landscaping company,
and the cost of land and erecting buildings would not be considered feasible by him
and suggested this operation does not detract from the residential nature of the area
nor produce a lot of activity.
Mr. Frank Arbo, Sr., of 300 Sandy Point Road, appeared in support of
his application, noting that he has five or six people working for him and if he has to go
out of business he will have to lay the men off; advised that the fill he was spreading a
few days ago was on his neighbours property who was having a drainage problem;
referred to the problem of opening the proposed access road and noted that in 1970
his wife applied to the City to have the corner of Sandy Point Road improved and was
advised it was to be done; stated that if he owns a piece of land he should be permitted
to put a roadway out of it and he is willing to put up a fence on each side and is willing
to put trees in his back yard; referred to reference to the pile of sand and salt and his
conversation with Mr. Roy of the Department of Environment who indicated it was not
an environment problem.
Responding to a query from Councillor A. Vincent in reference to a
$25.00 fine resulting from a charge under the Zoning By-Law, Mr. Rodgers advised that
whether Council proceeds with the application or decides not to re-zone, the decision
should not be based on a Court decision in 1987, but based on the planning policy and
information surrounding that subject matter.
On motion of Councillor Coughlan
Seconded by Councillor Knibb
RESOLVED that as recommended by the
Planning Advisory Committee the above matter be laid on the table pending a meeting
between the area residents, staff and the applicant to develop a set of conditions to be
attached to the landscape contractors operation which will be acceptable to all parties.
JULY 22, 1991
Question being taken, the tabling motion was carried with Councillor A.
Vincent voting "nay".
(Deputy Mayor Gould re-entered the meeting)
The Common Clerk advised that the necessary advertising was
completed with regard to (a) a proposed Municipal Plan amendment to redesignate on
Schedule 2-A, the Future Land Use Plan, a parcel of land with an area of approximately
720 ha (1,780 ac) (NBGIC Numbers 354415,55029144,55006340,55029151 and
5504451), located at 4180 Loch Lomond Road being the Saint John Airport, from Rural
and Open Space to Light Industrial classification; and (b) the proposed re-zoning of the
same parcel of land from "RF" Rural to "T" Transportation and "1-3" Light Industrial
Park classifications, to permit the Airport to be located in an appropriate zoning
classification and the development of a 10 ha (25 ac) Industrial Park proposed on
airport lands adjacent to the main terminal entrance and parking areas, as requested by
Transport Canada - Saint John Airport, and that no written objections were received in
this regard.
Consideration was given to a letter from the Planning Advisory
Committee, submitting a copy of the staff report and advising that the Committee
considered the application at its meeting held on July 16, 1991; that the applicant was
represented by Bob Powell of Transport Canada and that while a number of area
residents were present, one person had the opportunity to speak to the Committee
before the item was tabled; that discussion centered around the exact location of the
watershed boundary and that the Committee was of the opinion that, although the staff
report did not recommend that any of the watershed lands be re-zoned, the exact
location of the watershed boundary should be defined before they deal with the
application rather than prior to third reading; submitting a petition and letters expressing
opposition to the proposal and recommending that the public hearing be held and any
decision on the application be tabled so that the applicant has the opportunity to
prepare a legal survey illustrating the exact location of the watershed boundary.
Councillor M. Vincent noted that the documentation does not give a
definition of the area in question and asked direction from the City Solicitor and stated
he has difficulty in addressing the application for re-zoning for a parcel of property for
which there is no definition or description. Mr. Rodgers advised that he has examined
the maps and plans that were attached to the advertisement and a watershed boundary
is shown, and because there is a recommendation for further work to be done in the
way of a survey, he has also examined a map of the Environmental Planning and
Science Branch of New Brunswick in which the reference to the watershed boundary is
referred on the plan and in his opinion that reference is accurate enough for public
hearing purposes. He advised that the plan shows the large area that was advertised
and Council, if it so wishes in the future after the public hearing is finished, can re-zone
a smaller area than advertised.
Mr. Dennis Boyle of 1967 Loch Lomond Road appeared in opposition to
the proposed re-zoning of the subject property, and spoke on behalf of area residents.
He advised that there were a number of letters addressed to the Planning Advisory
Committee which were not received by Dr. Paula Tippett in time to submit to the
Committee and suggested it would be appropriate to submit them to Council at this
time, along with a petition signed by area residents and photocopies of letters received
by the Planning Advisory Committee that were not distributed to Council; referred to a
statement from Dr. Paula Tippett, former District Medical Health Officer, that the
property in question lies between Treadwell Lake and Robertson Lake near the intake
pipe for the city water supply located near the dam on Lake Robertson, and that some
years ago when the dam was raised to increase the water supply for the City, the water
level in Treadwell Lake also rose and this would lead one to believe there is an
underground connection to Robertson Lake which extends underneath the proposed
industrial park; that the map under discussion shows a line of demarcation, one being
the water supply, and he presumes that the surveyor has established a height of land
so that everything on one side would flow into Treadwell Lake and on the other into
Robertson Lake and the City's water supply; any fluids and contaminants would flow to
the low lying areas and therefore dealing with water supplies that are residential and
recreational. He further noted that Dr. Tippett states that the water table is very near
the surface in the area and residents obtain their drinking water from shallow wells
which could become contaminated very easily and therefore, this is not an appropriate
JULY 22, 1991
development for the residential area and if a light industrial park is needed it should be
located on a more appropriate site, one which will not impose a risk to local wells or the
City water supply. Mr. Boyle emphasized that the protection of the environment is
primary. Her Worship the Mayor clarified that the Planning Advisory Committee report
states that the adjacent watershed area will require further survey work to determine its
exact location so that the area re-zoned will not be inside the watershed lands as an
industrial park. Mr. Boyle responded that this leads to the objection of the area
residents, the watershed would be defined as the watershed for the City water supply
and the area for the re-zoning is at a height of land between the two lakes, and any
flow has to go downhill and there is more than just the City water supply at stake, there
are wells and lakes. Mr. Boyle suggested the City presently has three industrials parks
which might provide the same type of services or some other site on the Airport
property which is far and away from the watershed, i.e. the far side at Clover Valley and
suggested the surveys should include a full hydrographic survey. Councillor
Flewwelling advised that Council is lacking information as to the type of industries to be
located in the industrial park and was advised by Mr. Bedford that the staff report
contains a list of specific industrial uses and staff and the applicant tried to be as
specific as possible to limit the number of uses to those which the applicant wishes
being those related to the aircraft industry. Mr. Boyle suggested these uses are very
broad and all encompassing.
The following correspondence in objection to the proposed amendments
was submitted to Council at this time: (a) comments from Dr. Paula Tippett; (b) a
petition to Council from 13 area residents; (c) a letter to Council from B. Prescott, C.
Waters and Jean Tippett; (d) eleven original letters addressed to the Planning Advisory
Committee; and (e) photocopies of twenty letters addressed to the Planning Advisory
Dr. Paula Tippett questioned whether a decision will be made on the
application tonight or if the residents will have another opportunity to speak and discuss
this issue and was advised by Her Worship the Mayor that this is the only public
hearing on this issue. Dr. Tippett noted that people in this area rely on private wells for
their water supply and that Treadwell Lake is a recreation lake for the area; that they
are concerned about traffic and do not feel this is an appropriate development for a
residential area; that she was told at the Planning Advisory Committee meeting on July
16th that this matter would be tabled and the residents would be informed when the
public hearing would be held and they could speak on it and that the public hearing
would be held after the plans had been changed. Mr. Bedford explained that if Council
tables the application tonight, the Planning Advisory Committee will be continuing its
hearing and the residents will have another opportunity to express their concerns at a
future Committee meeting.
Councillor A. Vincent stated he is shocked that the Federal Department
of Transport did not come to Council first and noted that the City has a splendid
industrial park in East Saint John. Mr. Rodgers advised that Council should proceed
with the public hearing at this time and the normal procedure of first hearing all parties
present should be followed. Speaking on a point of order, Councillor Vincent advised
that his comments did not conflict with the legal opinion; at this point Mayor Wayne
ruled Councillor A. Vincent's comments out of order.
Councillor A. Vincent expressed his opposition to such ruling, whereupon
Councillor Knibb proposed a motion of support for the chair, which proposed motion
was not seconded.
Following a ten minutes recess, called by the Mayor, the meeting
resumed, and the public hearing continued.
Mr. Ray Woodland of 17 Greenwood Lane on Treadwell Lake spoke in
opposition of the proposed re-zoning and noted that a point to remember is that
Treadwell Lake is spring fed, it has no inlet or outlet; there are people still drinking the
water and if there is any pollution it will mean the end of the Lake.
Mr. Harold Coughlan of 20 Treadwell Drive spoke in opposition to the
proposed re-zoning with the same concern as Mr. Woodland and stated he was of the
understanding that this matter would be tabled and sent back to the Planning Advisory
JULY 22, 1991
Committee and suggested that there would be more residents present at this meeting
had they realized that the public hearing was to be held tonight. He expressed the
opinion that carte blanche re-zoning on the 25 acres is a dangerous move, and control
is needed and the residents are concerned about the water tables. He submitted the
originals of two letters addressed to the Planning Advisory Committee in opposition to
the re-zoning.
Mrs. Sarah Robertson, 4283 Loch Lomond Road, spoke in opposition to
the proposed re-zoning and advised she lives across the street from the proposed site.
She advised that traffic is bad and noted that the new expressway is not a truck route
and all traffic will be travelling the Loch Lomond Road and expressed concern for the
increase in traffic. Responding to a query from Councillor Gould as to whether she was
aware this public hearing was to be held tonight, Mrs. Robertson replied in the
Mr. Bob Powell of Transport Canada - Saint John Airport appeared in
support of the above application; and explained that Transport Canada has to supply a
plan of the watershed boundaries and presented the following items for consideration,
namely: (1) that the airport lands in total be rezoned from the Rural to Transportation
designation as requested; (2) that the light 25 acre park be re-zoned after Transport
Canada has time to put together a proposal, which the Planning staff have identified,
with respect to sewer, drainage, hydro, etc., that can be presented to Council and the
residents and to ensure them that Transport Canada also has a very strong image in
regard to the environment and emphasized that they just had an environment impact
study done by the Federal Department of Public Works and they were given a level of 5
on a rating of 1 to 5 and asked that they be allowed 4 to 6 weeks to put a proposal
together and have a meeting with the area residents and he assured the residents that
they too use water from Robertson Lake and are just as concerned as the residents.
(Councillor Coughlan withdrew from the meeting)
Councillor Landers proposed a motion, which was not seconded, that the
matter be tabled pending additional information being supplied by Transport Canada
and a meeting between staff the residents and that the residents be given the
opportunity to address Council when the Planning Advisory Committee
recommendation is considered by Council.
On motion of Councillor Rogers
Seconded by Councillor Flewwelling
RESOLVED that the above
application be laid on the table until such time as Transport Canada submits further
details on the application and that the Planning Advisory Committee recommendation
that the applicant be afforded the opportunity to prepare a legal survey illustrating the
exact location of the watershed boundary be followed; and further that a meeting with
the area residents be arranged with the understanding that the public hearing has
taken place.
Question being taken, the tabling motion was carried with Councillor
Landers voting "nay".
The Common Clerk advised that the necessary advertising was
completed with regard to the proposed re-zoning of a vacant parcel of land on the
southeast corner of Albert Street and Victoria Street, having civic number 56-60 Albert
Street, (NBGIC Number 374819), from "RM-1" Three-Storey Multiple Residential to "B-
1" Local Business classification, to permit the construction of a building containing a
convenience store and one dwelling unit, as requested by Joseph Anthony Osborne,
and that no written objections were received in this regard.
Consideration was given to a letter from the Planning Advisory
Committee, submitting a copy of the staff report and advising that at its meeting of July
16, 1991, the applicant and his solicitor attended the meeting and spoke in favour of
the application; that a large delegation of neighbourhood residents also attended and
several spoke in opposition to the proposal; that the Committee received one letter in
favour and ten letters and a petition in opposition to the proposals, and recommending
JULY 22, 1991
that the application be denied.
Consideration was also given to a letter (copies of which were distributed
to the Council members at this meeting) from Marilyn MacKnight, 82 Victoria Street, in
favour of the proposed re-zoning.
Mr. Russell Trecartin of 123 Victoria where he resides and operates a
grocery store, appeared in opposition to the proposed re-zoning. He advised that a
number of area residents were present in the Council Chamber, and he expressed the
concern that if another grocery store is opened across the street from him, he may be
forced out of business and states he agrees with the recommendation of the Planning
Advisory Committee that the application be denied.
On motion of Councillor Flewwelling
Seconded by Councillor Gould
RESOLVED that as recommended by the
Planning Advisory Committee, the application of Mr. Joseph Anthony Osborne for the
re-zoning of property at 56-60 Albert Street be denied.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor Rogers
Seconded by Councillor Gould
RESOLVED that the above letter from the
Planning Advisory Committee be received and filed.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
The Common Clerk advised that the necessary advertising was
completed with regard to a proposed Street Closing By-law amendment with respect to
closing Chubb Street, Morgan's Alley and Logan's Alley, and that no written objections
were received in this regard. No person was present to speak in opposition to or in
favour of the proposed amendment.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Rogers
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "A
By-Law To Amend A By-Law Respecting The Stopping Up And Closing Of Highways In
The City Of Saint John", with respect to Chubb Street, Morgan's Alley and Logan's
Alley, be read a first time.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Read a first time the by-law entitled, "A By-Law To Amend A By-Law
Respecting The Stopping Up And Closing Of Highways In The City Of Saint John.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Flewwelling
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled,
"A By-Law To Amend A By-Law Respecting The Stopping Up And Closing Of Highways
In The City Of Saint John", with respect to Chubb Street, Morgan's Alley and Logan's
Alley, be read a second time.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Read a second time the by-law entitled, "A By-Law To Amend A By-Law
Respecting The Stopping Up And Closing Of Highways In The City Of Saint John.
On motion of Councillor Rogers
Seconded by Councillor Knibb
JULY 22, 1991
RESOLVED that as recommended by the
City Manager, a grant of $2,500.00 be given to the Saint John Fundy Aquatic Club.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor Rogers
Seconded by Councillor Flewwelling
RESOLVED that this meeting be
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Common Clerk