OCTOBER 23, 1989
At a meeting of the Common Council, held at the City Hall in the City of
Saint John, on Monday, the twenty-third day of October, AD. 1989, at 7:00 o'clock p.m.
Elsie E. Wayne, Mayor
Councillors Coughlan, Davis, Fitzpatrick, Flewwelling, Gould,
Knibb, Landers, Rogers, A Vincent and M. Vincent
- and -
Messrs. G. Taylor, City Manager; N. Barfoot, Deputy City of Saint
John Manager; C. Robichaud, Assistant City Manager -
Operations; J. Brown, Assistant City Manager - Development; F.
Rodgers, City Solicitor; D. Wilson, Commissioner of Finance; J.
C. MacKinnon, Commissioner of Environment and Infrastructure
Services; P. Groody, Commissioner of Human Resources; W. D.
Todd, Director of Housing and Property Management; S.
Bedford, Director of Community Planning; S. Armstrong, Director
of Engineering; J. Johnson, Building Inspector; R. McDevitt, Fire
Chief; B. Thompson, Deputy Chief of Police; Ms. Y. Huntington,
Director of Tourism; Mrs. M. Munford, Common Clerk; and C.
Joyce, Assistant Common Clerk.
Her Worship the Mayor offered the opening prayer.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Coughlan
RESOLVED that minutes of the
meeting of Common Council, held on October 16, 1989, be approved.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Her Worship the Mayor proclaimed October 30 to November 4 to be
Affordable Housing Week; October 23 to 28 to be Insurance Information Week;
October 23 to 29 to be Block Parent Week; and October 22 to 28 to be Small Business
Week, in the City of Saint John.
Her Worship the Mayor extended a message of sympathy to the family
of the late Detective Douglas R. Titus, who passed away on October 19, 1989, the late
Mr. Titus having been a member of the Saint John Police Force since 1955.
Councillor Landers referred to the September 18 presentation to Council
by the Minister of Environment and to a recent announcement by the Minister's Office
that the equipment at the Irving Pulp & Paper Mill is operating at 99% capacity and his
staff is satisfied with the new equipment's operation, and made the observation that
persistent and offensive odors occurred on Saturday and Sunday this past weekend.
On motion of Councillor Landers
Seconded by Councillor Coughlan
RESOLVED that the Minister of
Environment be invited to appear before Common Council and the people of Saint
John in open session to personally explain to Council members and the citizens of the
City his current position with respect to the improvements made at the Irving Pulp &
Paper Mill's operations, the effectiveness of these in removing the offensive smells and
what the citizens can expect in the future, particularly in light of the air emissions this
past weekend and last.
Councillor Flewwelling stated his support for the above motion if the
Minister is also asked to address the matter of Coleson Cove emissions whereupon
Councillor Landers explained that the reason for her motion is that, although the
Minister's staff is suggesting that the Mill is working to its capacity with the new
equipment, she is suggesting that the odor problems from the industry have not been
OCTOBER 23, 1989
addressed and it is now necessary to address what further action can be taken in this
regard. The Mayor expressed the understanding that the Environmental Consultation
Committee, of which Councillor Landers is a member, is scheduled to meet on
November 1, to which Councillor Landers replied that, although she has had no
indication of a meeting, it is still her request for the Minister of Environment to appear
before Council, and Mr. MacKinnon advised that he has not had confirmation of the
time or location of the November 1 meeting of the Committee.
Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillors
Flewwelling and Knibb voting "nay".
Councillor A. Vincent extended condolences to the family of the late Mr.
Victor Jones, who passed away earlier this date, and advised that the late Mr. Jones
was one of the City's oldest master mason and a member of Local 1 for 64 years.
On motion of Councillor A. Vincent
Seconded by Councillor Knibb
RESOLVED that the Common Council of
the City of Saint John extend a message of sympathy to the family of the late Mr. Victor
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor Rogers
Seconded by Councillor Flewwelling
RESOLVED that the letter from Mr.
Louis E. Murphy, M.L.A., concerning the naming of the overpass on Church Avenue;
and the report from the City Manager on the 1989 visitor registrations (copies of which
were forwarded to Council members as information items) we added to the agenda for
consideration at this meeting.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
The Common Clerk advised that the necessary advertising was
completed with regard to (a) amend in the Municipal Plan redesignation on Schedule 2-
A, the Future Land Use Plan of the Municipal Development Plan, a 14,300 square foot
portion of 1260 Manawagonish Road (L.R.I.S. Number 398559), from Low Density
Residential to District Centre Commercial classification; (b) re-zoning the same 14,300
square foot area from "R-1A" One-Family Residential to "B-2" General Business
Classification; and (c) re-zoning the remainder of the lot at 1260 Manawagonish Road
from "R-1A" One-Family Residential to "RM-1" Three-Storey Multiple Residential
classification, to permit the present building and surrounding grounds to be developed
for commercial purposes and to permit a townhouse development on the remaining
portion of the lot, as requested by Hughes Surveys & Consultants Ltd., on behalf of Mr.
Walter Vincent, and that no written objections were received in this regard.
Consideration was given to a letter from the Planning Advisory
Committee advising that the submitted Planning staff report regarding the above
application was considered by the Committee at its October 17 meeting at which the
applicant was in attendance and his solicitor spoke in favor of his proposal in
agreement with the staff recommendation with respect to the townhouse portion of the
project; however, the Committee was requested to approve a limited commercial use
for the existing building; also advising that, in addition to the submitted letters of
objection received by the Committee, a local property owner spoke against the
application, both the commercial and the townhouse portion of the development; and
recommending that (1) the Municipal Plan amendment and the re-zoning of the 14,300
square foot portion of the site for commercial development not be approved; (2) the re-
zoning of the remainder of the property at 1260 Manawagonish Road from "R-1A" One-
Family Residential to "RM-1" Three-Storey Multiple Residential Classification be
approved, subject to an agreement, which would contain the following elements: (A) a
two-storey building for the four units located in the north-east portion of the site; (b) a
revised exterior building design compatible with existing structure; (c) a fence to
separate the
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existing development from the proposal; and (d) a landscaping plan; and (3) third
reading not be given until the agreement is executed.
Mr. Mark Wilson of 11 Quinton Avenue appeared before Council and, in
noting that his property is immediately adjacent to the property in question, expressed
opposition to the proposal in question on the basis that two- and possibly three-storey
townhouses and a commercial use would not be in keeping with the single-family
dwellings in the area and he made the observation that vacant commercial property
exists to both the left and right of Quinton Heights, and that he is not against
development of the subject property.
Mr. R. Turnau of 16 Quinton Avenue spoke in opposition to the proposed
amendments and, in noting that his property is located across the street facing the
proposed development, expressed concern about the addition to the area of fourteen
families in view of the possibility of a high concentration of children. Mr. Turnau
referred to Council's rejection of two years ago of a proposal for Senior Citizen housing
in the area which is now Westwind Terrace and questioned why such a development
would be considered worse that what is being proposed, and concluded that the
proposed development of the property does not fit in with the general development of
the area.
Mr. John O'Neill of 1294 Manawagonish Road appeared in opposition to
the proposed amendments, and advised that he, like Mr. Wilson, disagrees totally with
the row housing concept and business development. Mr. O'Neill suggested that the
property in question could be developed into a showpiece for the area rather than into
another small development of some kind.
Mr. Peter Zed, solicitor, appeared in support of the proposed
amendments on behalf of Mr. Walter Vincent, the developer; and circulated
photographs of the proposed townhouse development and the existing property. Mr.
Zed explained that the applicant does not presently own the property and has it under
agreement of sale conditional upon obtaining the requested re-zoning; and advised that
the applicant is in agreement with the suggested modifications to the townhouse
development, and asked Council to adopt the Planning Advisory Committee's
recommendation in this regard, the Planning staff report having dealt with the issues of
advisability of townhouses and traffic. Mr. Zed advised that the existing building on the
property is the old Quinton homestead of probably well in excess of 100 years of age,
and suggested that it appears ironic that the opposition essentially stems from the fact
that the developer wants to attain a building which, as indicated in the Planning staff
report, is of local significance, and the there would be a great many more neighborhood
residents present at this meeting if his proposal involved levelling that building. Mr. Zed
also explained that the applicant's proposal involves utilizing all but 13,600 square feet
of the approximate 1.2 acre site for the purpose of building townhouses, and restoring,
maintaining and converting the old Quinton homestead to an office use, as well as
retaining some of the natural landscaping, on the basis that a commercial use enables
him more flexibility than a residential use and to generate more revenue and that,
although the applicant's original request was for a zoning change to General Business
classification to allow for flexibility soliciting potential tenants, after speaking with staff
and appearing before the Planning Advisory Committee, it became evident that the
concern voiced by the Committee was about giving carte blanch approval; therefore,
the applicant is now indicating to Common Council that he is agreeable to a General
Business classification restricted to a business office use as defined in the Zoning By-
Law; in other words, the applicant does not want to house a restaurant, an amusement
hall, a bank, a church or dance hall in the existing building. With regard to staff's
concern about having more control over the landscaping and the applicant's plan
showing 24 parking spaces, Mr. Zed advised that there might be a need for 24 parking
spaces if a 120-seat restaurant were being put in the building for which the plan was
originally drawn, and also advised that the applicant is quite prepared to concede that
staff could have control under a Section 39 agreement of the placement of the required
number of parking spaces for an office use and how the lot is landscaped. Mr. Zed
noted the references to the area being residential and made the observation that, while
Quinton Heights is a residential area, the property under discussion is on
Manawagonish Road in an area which is anything but residential and is a commercial
area of apartment buildings, motels, restaurants and bed and breakfast facilities, with
very few single-family residences. Mr. Zed further advised that the developer is looking
at the property with the existing building as an enhancement to the value of the
OCTOBER 23, 1989
townhouse development and has a significant investment in the latter which he is not
prepared to make unless he can find a use for the building, and expressed the opinion
that fourteen townhouses and the existing building restored to something of its original
splendor accomplishes both providing housing and restoring a building of some
historical significance which will not interfere with the area residents and further, that as
the services are in existence and the property is on an arterial street, he does not know
what the objections would be to the proposal. Mr. Zed requested Council to adopt the
planning staff's recommendation with respect to townhouses and to enact the Municipal
Plan and Zoning By-Law amendments to allow a business office to be located on the
section of property as indicated in the application subject to a Section 39 agreement
limiting the use of the property and, if staff wishes, to also regulate the parking and
Councillor Knibb asked if the developer has considered the Planning
staff's suggestion that the existing building could be used for residential purposes, to
which Mr. Zed replied that the developer looked at the alternatives, especially in light of
the Planning Advisory Committee's meeting, and it is his opinion that it is not
economically feasible to restore the building and retain and maintain it as a rental
property unless it has a commercial use on the basis that, in the usual course, a good
portion of leasehold improvements would be put over onto a commercial tenant and a
higher rent charge, and that the developer agrees with the Committee's
recommendation for two-rather than three-storey townhouses and has no trouble with
changing the exterior design.
Mr. Bedford responded to queries of Councillor Coughlan respecting
Councils rejections of a previous proposal, referred to by Mr. Turnau in his above
comments, and concerning the density of the proposal in that, with appropriate design
considerations, a development such as that proposed could fit appropriately into the
area, whereupon Councillor Coughlan suggested that a tabling motion might be in order
for the purpose of reviewing other considerations raised at this meeting as there seems
to be a difference between what is being presented and the contents of the submitted
report. Councillor Rogers expressed concern about the effect of the proposed
development on the Lancaster sewerage lagoon to which Mr. Robichaud replied that it
is hoped that by the time the proposed development would be constructed, a new
expanded facility would be in place at the Lancaster treatment plant as it appears that
the facility will be designed for construction early in the spring for a fall completion and
with respect to the number of storeys of the townhouses, Mr. Bedford explained the
proposal for two-storey townhouses and three-story townhouses as indicated in the
submitted maps. At Councillor Fitzpatrick's request, Mr. Bedford read the definition in
the Zoning By-Law of a business office and explained that the reduction of the
townhouses from three- to two-storeys would mean that a garage would no longer be
located inside the building and that there would be at-grade parking outside which is
the manner in most of the townhouses in Saint John are developed at the present time;
however, where possible, staff appreciates the benefits gained by the development of
garages. Mr. Zed in response to Councillor Flewwelling, advised that an attempt was
made to discuss the proposal with adjacent residents with no success; and Councillor
M. Vincent asked what effect there would be on the townhouse proposal if the
commercial opportunity does not exist to which Mr. Zed replied that, if an office use is
not approved for the building, Mr. Vincent does not intend to purchase the property as it
is his feeling that he could commence work first on the existing building and attract a
tenant while he is finalizing the townhouse plans and before construction started, and
Mr. Bedford advised that staff has not been asked to respond to the request for only a
business office proposal with which staff became aware for the first time at the
Planning Advisory committee meeting, and that the recommendation was based on the
proposal for a very large scale, comprehensive commercial development, and further
that staff would like the opportunity to review the business office proposal; and during
discussion Mr. Zed explained that Mr. Vincent is prepared to concede that he does not
want to put any objectionable facilities on the property and thinks that the least
objectionable facility, which would still enable him to generate enough revenue to
maintain the existing building, would be a business office as he has come to the
conclusion that a residential use will not generate enough funds to finance the
restoration and maintenance of the building which has been vacant for about a year
and has fallen into a state of disrepair; and Mr. Bedford advised that, with regard to
Deputy Mayor Gould's question as to the concern about density for a business office
and townhouse development, if the size of the commercial operation is reduced, the
amount of land available to the townhouse
OCTOBER 23, 1989
development would be increased which, at least, arithmetically, would reduce the
density which exists and provide more open space for the residents of the 14-unit
development and that, with access to Manawagonish Road, proper fencing and buffers
between the single-family development and the townhouses, and reduction in height to
two storeys of those units which abut single-family dwellings, the proposed 14-unit
would be a compatible townhouse development.
On motion of Councillor A. Vincent
Seconded by Councillor Rogers
RESOLVED that the above application be
laid on the table for two weeks with Planning staff to review the proposal and arrange a
meeting between the two parties, and report to Council.
Question being taken, the tabling motion was carried with Councillors
Davis, Fitzpatrick and Knibb voting "nay".
Brenda Murphy and Lesley Tennant of the Saint John Housing Coalition
addressed Council regarding the availability, affordability and adequacy of housing for
low-income and special needs populations in the Greater Saint John area, the purpose
of the Coalition being to provide a common forum in which its members can share
Information, identify problem areas, investigate and advocate solutions to housing
problems and to take appropriate action as a group toward these ends; and expressed
the opinion that, from all available statistics, it is beyond argument that at least 25% of
Saint John's population is experiencing adequacy and/or affordability problems and that
the local problems are at least as severe as the Provincial average, at about 10,000
households. In jointly presenting a previously submitted brief, Mmes. Murphy and
Tennant noted that the Coalition's involvement in addressing some of the housing
needs through its release of the tenant handbook (copies of which were distributed to
Council Members at this presentation) and its presentation of briefs to all levels of
government including the Provincial Minister's Task Force on Housing; commended the
City for the initiatives it has taken through the Strategic Plan's goals for Saint John
which recognize housing needs as an integral part of the social and economic fabric of
the City and the enforcement of the Minimum Property Standards By-Law, and
recommended that (1) the municipality develop a social housing policy which clearly
defines its social housing responsibilities and provides direction for Common Council
and staff; (2) the municipality undertake a housing needs assessment study so that it
can comprehensively understand the housing problems which the community faces; (3)
the municipality become a major player in advocating Saint John's fair share of Federal
and Provincial housing dollars and in ensuring that Saint John receives housing
programs which most effectively compliment its needs; (4) the municipality advocate on
behalf of its citizens for a more comprehensive and effectively enforced Residential
Tenancies Act; (5) the municipality, on behalf of its social assistance recipients,
advocate for more reasonable income assistance benefits; (6) the municipality
encourage and support those community organizations and individuals who are
working to provide better housing conditions for those in need; (7) the municipality
encourage community-based delivery of non-profit and co-op housing programs and
that it only undertake non-profit housing projects as the developer of last resort; (8) the
municipality continue to encourage its enforcement of the Minimum Property Standards
By-Law and discourage, in every way possible, the existence of slum landlords who
profit from the poor; (9) the municipality work with the Saint John Housing Coalition and
other government and community-based housing agencies to establish a one-stop
housing information centre in Saint John; and (10) the municipality undertake a public
education program which demonstrates to Saint John Citizens that social housing
programs are necessary and valuable to the socio-economic health of the community.
Her Worship the Mayor apologized to the Coalition for the City's neglect
to make a presentation to the Province's Task Force on Housing and advised that a
brief would be prepared for submission to the Task Force, and she thanked Mmes.
Murphy and Tennant for their presentation to Council and for the Coalition's service to
the community. Councillor Knibb, a member of Saint John Non-Profit Housing Inc.,
noted the company's involvement in providing affordable housing units and indicated
his intent to propose a motion to refer the above presentation to the City Manager and
Saint John Non-Profit Housing Inc.
OCTOBER 23, 1989
Mr. K. Krauter, General Manager and Chief Executive Officer of the
Saint John Port Corporation; Captain C. Pringle, Director of Engineering and
Operations; and Captain A. Soppitt, Harbour Master; were present in the Council
Chamber and, through an audio-visual presentation, provided information on Marine
Contingency Planning for the Port of Saint John, including a Port Corporation overview;
a map of the Port's jurisdiction area; comments on Port facilities, liquid bulk terminals,
bulk liquid vessels, and Harbour traffic; an outline of the operating procedures for
vessels in the harbour; an explanation of the role of lead agencies in ensuring
environmental emergency is properly investigated and appropriate response is made by
the polluter in emergency and clean-up, and the groups involved in emergency plans,
the resource agencies, and resources available in Saint John; the composition of the
Regional Environmental Emergency Team, and examples of other emergency activities
in which the Port Corporation participates.
Her Worship the Mayor thanked the Port Corporation members for their
presentation and Captain Soppitt responded to Council queries regarding the manner
in which a situation in the Harbour would be handled in view of the lack of a firefighting
boat; the availability of charts and publications; the mystery clean-up fund supported
through Environment Canada and the frequency of mystery spills; a wind measurement
instrument in the Coast Guard Traffic Centre; pilotage rates set by the Atlantic Pilotage
Authority in Halifax, Nova Scotia; the operating procedures for vessels destined for the
Port of Saint John, and regulations in place with respect to oil pollution and prosecution
for violation by the Canadian Coast Guard under the Canada Shipping Act, as well as
the enforcement of the regulations; the Harbour boundaries; the mention in the port's
emergency plan of the Emergency Measures Office for the City; and Mr. Krauter
commented on the interaction between the Corporation and the Saint John Port
Development Commission, and invited the members of Council to a tour of the Port
facilities and a general briefing on the activity of the Corporation.
Mr. W. Gale, a volunteer of the IWK Children's Hospital Capital
Campaign, introduced Ruby Blois, Vice President of Nursing and Special Services of
the IWK; Dr. J. Finley, Head of the IWK Cardiology Department; the President and
several members of the Saint John Parents For Parents Group; Linda Tobias, a
member of the Saint John Telethon Steering Committee; Dr. Cecil Ojah, Neonatologist
at the Saint John Regional Hospital; Dr. David Stephen, a Saint John Pediatrician;
Laura Bennett, a member of the Board of Governors and Chairman of Municipalities for
the Capital Campaign; and Pamela Barker, IWK Foundation Officer; and following a
video presentation of the IWK Campaign illustrating the role of the IWK Children's
Hospital and its current need for expansion, Ms. Bennett referred to the previously-
submitted information package on the IWK Capital Campaign, and, having posed the
question of why Common Council should support a Halifax hospital, suggested that the
reason is that the IWK Children's Hospital is a community hospital, being the only one
in the Maritime Provinces, and also in view of the special relationship between the IWK
and Saint John which, outside the Halifax-Dartmouth metro area, exists with no other
municipality in the Maritime Provinces, such relationship involving the development of a
very special unique program for the children in the Saint John area.
At Ms. Bennett's request, Dr. Finley explained to Council that the IWK
Cardiology Department is typical of all other IWK Departments in that they consider
themselves to be an extension of the services available at the Saint John Regional
Hospital and that the doctors in the hospitals work very much as a team involving IWK
doctors visiting the Saint John Regional Hospital four or five times yearly for evaluation
and follow-up of children, particularly with heart disease; and described how now,
through modern telecommunications, diagnosis can be carried out in Halifax on a child
in the Regional Hospital involving simultaneous monitorings to determine if it is
necessary to transfer the child to Halifax or if treatment can be arranged in Saint John.
Ms. Bennett concluded the presentation by explaining that, in view of the
600 per cent increase in services provided by the IWK on the basis that the 1970
design of the facility was to treat 10,000 children a year and in 1988 the Hospital
treated 60,000 children, the IWK Children's Hospital is in urgent need of space and
equipment, and that the construction of the new Grace Maternity Hospital on land
immediately adjacent to the IWK has provided an opportunity to build an expansion to
the IWK that is connected to the Grace Maternity thereby providing for a reduction in
cost to both Hospitals as there would be no longer a need to provide duplicate services
as when the Maternity
OCTOBER 23, 1989
Hospital existed across the street; commented on the services to be provided in the
expanded facility; and requested, as well as on the current Capital Campaign to raise
$25 million through donations from Maritime businesses, foundations, service clubs and
governments at all levels; and requested that the City of Saint John make an annual
commitment of $30,000.00 to the IWK Children's Hospital Capital Campaign for a five-
year period, resulting in a total contribution of $150,000.00 and that, while whatever
type of payment schedule may be needed, Council's pledge is vital in order to assure
suppliers and contractors that there is funding to construct the building.
Her Worship the Mayor thanked the IWK delegation for the presentation
and agreed that, while the procedure is to consider such presentations later in the
meeting, in consideration of the Halifax persons in attendance, she would entertain a
motion at this time.
On motion of Councillor A. Vincent
Seconded by Councillor Rogers
RESOLVED that the presentation by the
IWK Children's Hospital Foundation regarding its Capital Campaign be referred to the
City Manager for a recommendation to Council.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor Rogers
Seconded by Councillor M. Vincent
RESOLVED that the presentation by
the Saint John Port Corporation of its Marine Contingency Plan for the City of Saint
John be received and filed.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor Gould
Seconded by Councillor M. Vincent
RESOLVED that the presentation by
the Saint John Housing Coalition regarding the City's housing needs be referred to the
City Manager and Saint John Non-Profit Housing Inc.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Wendy Bullock and Carol Bonnefant appeared before Council and,
following a slide presentation depicting features of the interior of the building at 207
Princess Street, Mrs. Bullock, a resident of the building, explained that while she cannot
argue for the preservation of the building based on heritage because it is not zoned as
a heritage home, she is going to argue the fact that Manford Thompson, who is
applying for a H.I.D. grant from the City, is trying to say that the building is dilapidated
and beyond repair. Mrs. Bullock filed with the Common Clerk a petition of over 500
signatures of Saint John citizens, not limited to Princess Street or the neighbourhood,
as in her opinion, this matter is an issue of City-wide debate in which the taxpayers
want to have a say as to whether or not persons like Manford Thompson can apply for
City grants and subsequently tear down homes of such value and heritage nature as
207 Princess Street, and noted that the persons who signed the petition are very much
opposed to the demolition of the building. Mrs. Bullock advised that, while she does
not have the knowledge to determine if the building is about to fall over, the interior of
the building is intact and in good condition; also advised that she became aware of the
situation through the newspaper only on October 17 and, being unable to understand
how this building could be considered for demolition, appeared before the Planning
Advisory Committee where she was basically told there was nothing she could do in
this regard; and expressed the understanding that the criteria for a H.I.D. grant is that
the property must be a vacant lot and, if not a vacant lot, it must involve a home that is
dilapidated and well beyond repair. Mrs. Bullock asked how, as in her opinion, the
building is not dilapidated nor is the lot vacant, Mr. Thompson could qualify for a H.I.D.
grant; and suggested that, while the building is not protected by its zoning, it can be
protected by not approving the H.I.D. grant. Mrs. Bullock asked if the Building Inspector
OCTOBER 23, 1989
has inspected the building and whether or not the $60,000.00 property assessment
takes into consideration exterior and interior renovations carried out in December 1988;
noted that it appears that the H.I.D. grant is recommended with reluctance; expressed
her disturbance by the manner in which she became aware of and the short notice of
the situation and expressed the opinion that there should be a procedure in place to
make all residents aware of proposed demolitions of this nature; and requested
Council, prior to making a decision on the H.I.D. grant application, to review the
eligibility of Mr. Thompson in view of her understanding of the criteria.
Councillor Landers asked if it would be possible for the Building
Inspector to inspect the property to which the Mayor replied that Mr. Thompson, if he
purchases the building, can demolish it if he so wishes as could any other property
owner and that it would not be up to the Building Inspector, where upon Mrs. Bullock
expressed the opinion that tax dollars should not be expended in this manner. Mr.
Todd clarified that, in order to qualify for a H.I.D. grant, the building does not have to be
dilapidated and beyond repair; and Councillor A. Vincent proposed that the matter be
tabled pending a legal opinion at the next meeting to which the Mayor replied that
Council will deal with the matter. Mrs. Bullock read from a Planning staff report to the
Planning Advisory Committee indicating that the building at 207 Princess Street does
not appear to be beyond rehabilitation and, therefore, it is unfortunate that, in this case,
the use of a City grant program will result in the destruction of a heritage resource
which the City would normally try to preserve, and further that, while the H.I.D. program
does allow new infill development on lots which are not vacant, the intent of the
program is to make funding available only when the existing building is deteriorated
beyond repair, and Councillor Landers expressed the opinion that, if the H.I.D. grant in
question is approved to demolish a building of the nature of 207 Princess Street,
Council must certainly look at the program regulations, to which the Mayor replied that
the grant is for infill housing and not to pay the costs. Councillor Landers asked if Mr.
Thompson will purchase the property if he does not receive the H.I.D. grant, and
suggested that the purpose of the grant in question must be addressed. Councillor
Rogers asked that Council consider at this time the City Manager's report regarding the
H.I.D. application for 207 Princess Street, the Planning Advisory Committee's letter
regarding the Manford M. Thompson Construction Company Limited Subdivision at 207
Princess Street, and the letter from Mr. Donald Gillis regarding the proposal to demolish
207 Princess Street.
Consideration was given to a report from the City Manager submitting a
summary of the application of Manford Thompson Construction Company Limited for
funding through the Housing Through Infill Development Program relative to the
construction of five townhouses at 207 Princes Street, which involves the demolition of
an existing building on the site; noting the concern expressed about the demolition of
the building due to its age and architectural features and that the present Program
guidelines do not preclude this from occurring, although the Planning Advisory
Committee has adopted a recommendation requesting Council to review the guidelines
in this regard; advising that, although it is the opinion of some staff that rehabilitation of
the property is both possible and reasonable, the applicant feels otherwise and is of the
opinion that it is more economical to demolish the building and replace it with another
housing form; also submitting an outline of a number of variances relative to this project
considered and approved by the Planning Advisory Committee, which should be a
condition of approval of the H.I.D. grant; also advising that the eligible H.I.D. grant is
estimated at $69,975.00; and recommending that (1) Common Council approve a
Housing Through Infill Development Grant of $69,975.00 in favour of Manford
Thompson Construction Ltd. relative to the development of a 5-unit townhouse project
at 207 Princess Street subject to the conditions imposed by the Planning Advisory
Committee; and (2) the H.I.D. guidelines be amended to remove the eligibility of
projects involving the demolition of existing buildings, pending a report by staff to
Council on alternative guidelines prior to November 30, 1989.
Consideration was also given to a letter from the Planning Advisory
Committee advising that, with regard to the subdivision application of Manford M.
Thompson Construction Company Limited for 207 Princess Street, both the property
owner and the applicant, as well as a number of persons who spoke in favour of or
against the application, attended the Committee's October 17 meeting, and those
against also expressed the need for the City to exercise greater control over demolition
of buildings, and that the Committee received one letter supporting the application and
one letter expressing concern about the demolition of the existing building; and
OCTOBER 23, 1989
recommending that (1) the payment of $1,760.00 be accepted as money in lieu of land
for public purposes; and (2) Council give consideration to: (i) control of the demolition of
buildings, and (ii) clarification of the objective to retain good quality historic building
stock while promoting infill housing.
Consideration was also given to a letter from Mr. Donald Gillis of 231
Princess Street expressing support to Mr. Manford Thompson's proposal to remove 207
Princess Street and replace it with five single-family, owner-occupied townhouses; and
urging Council to made the wise and informed choice and approve Mr. Thompson's
request for a H.I.D. grant.
Councillor Rogers suggested that Council can only deal with the intent of
the H.I.D. grant and referred to the indication in the City Manager's report that, in
developing the guidelines, it was contemplated that the buildings demolished would be
beyond reasonable rehabilitation, and that the subject case involves the demolition of
an occupied building with some heritage features and that it is the opinion of some staff
that rehabilitation of the property is both possible and reasonable, and further that the
City should not be encouraging the demolition of buildings which can be reasonably
rehabilitated, are contributing to the tax base and providing adequate accommodation.
Councillor Rogers asked if approval of the H.I.D. grant in question would be an
encouragement to other builders to demolish houses and subsequently apply for and
obtain H.I.D. funding from the City and, if so, this would be encouraging public money
in private enterprise which, in her opinion, is not the intent of the H.I.D. program, and
further that it is her concern that, in view of Council's support of heritage preservation
during the past three and a half years, approval of a H.I.D. grant to demolish a
historical house, in view of Mr. Thompson's open indication that he will not tear the
house down without the money, would be giving Mr. Thompson permission to demolish
one of the historical buildings in the City of Saint John. Mr. Todd explained that,
although the H.I.D. program was based strictly on economics in that it was assumed
that persons would take advantage of the program to tear down dilapidated buildings,
the person in this case has chosen to do otherwise and that, although staff is of the
opinion that the building can be rehabilitated, in this case the person who is looking at
purchasing the building feels otherwise, and that an inspection of the building by staff
or anyone else will not necessarily change that opinion as it is a decision Mr. Thompson
has to make. Councillor Rogers suggested that the intent of the H.I.D. grant is not to
tear down perfectly economically-feasible buildings in the City, especially those with a
heritage distinction, to which Mr. Todd replied that the important issue is that the intent
is not reflected in the H.I.D. program guidelines approved as it does not state in the
guidelines that what is being proposed can be turned down on that basis, and noted
that the second recommendation of the City Manager is that the H.I.D. guidelines be
reviewed with regard to an amendment to remove the eligibility of projects involving the
demolition of existing buildings.
During discussion Councillor Fitzpatrick made the observation that the
proposed H.I.D. grant is not to demolish the building and that, if the lot were vacant, the
grant amount would be the same as that recommended and based on the assessed
value; and Councillor M. Vincent, upon Mr. Todd's confirmation that the H.I.D.
application conforms with the specific guidelines, asked if the City Solicitor has had any
reason to review this from a legal status as to whether or not the application conforms,
to which Mr. Rodgers replied that he has not been requested for an opinion in this
regard. Councillor Knibb noted the presence in the Council Chamber of Mr. Manford
Thompson and suggested that he should be invited to address his application for H.I.D.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Gould
RESOLVED that Mr. Manford Thompson be
invited to address Council at this time.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Mr. Manford Thompson stated that he is not against preserving historic
buildings in the City of Saint John, and advised of the approach by the present owner
of 207 Princess Street several months ago for him to purchase the building as a result
OCTOBER 23, 1989
the owner's failure to obtain a grant to upgrade the subject property as the property
was not eligible for funding, and rather that, after entering into an agreement with the
property owner, he investigated and established that the building was not designated
as a historic building as it is not within the Preservation Area, and that he was informed
that his proposal required a number of variances but would meet the criteria for a H.I.D.
grant, such variances which were approved by the Planning Advisory Committee. Mr.
Thompson commented on the condition of the building based on his inspection which
led to his conclusion that, while the building could be repaired, it would cost tens of
thousands of dollars which is not economically feasible for the present owner or his
Deputy Mayor Gould asked if Mr. Thompson would be prepared to delay
his project if an interested party came forth to repair the building to which Mr.
Thompson replied that, if the project is to proceed, he would prefer to carry it out under
winter construction and that, although his agreement with the owner is to take over a
vacant building, the tenants must be given thirty days notice to vacate. Councillor
Landers suggested that the building at 207 Princess Street could be within the
Preservation Review Area in the future whereupon Mr. Thompson asked who, if the
building is designated as historic, is going to fund the repairs on the basis that a private
owner cannot afford to do so and with regard to Councillor Landers question as to
whether or not Mr. Thompson would proceed without the H.I.D. grant, Mr. Thompson
replied that, without the H.I.D. grant, it would not be feasible to do what he is trying to
do on the basis that he is passing the H.I.D. grant on to the purchasers of the
townhouses in the uptown area through a lower market price than he could without a
H.I.D. grant, and is using the grant to keep the sale price down. Councillor Fitzpatrick
expressed the opinion that Mr. Thompson has met the criteria and proposed that the
H.I.D. grant be given.
On motion of Councillor Fitzpatrick
Seconded by Councillor Coughlan
RESOLVED that Council approve a
H.I.D. grant estimated at $69,975.00 in favour of Manford Thompson Construction
Limited relative to development of a 5-unit townhouse project at 207 Princess Street
subject to the conditions imposed by the Planning Advisory Committee.
Councillor A. Vincent advised that he cannot support the above motion
without a legal opinion.
On motion of Councillor A. Vincent
Seconded by Councillor Rogers
RESOLVED that the above matter be laid
on the table pending a legal opinion.
Question being taken, the tabling motion was lost with the Mayor and
Councillors Coughlan, Davis, Fitzpatrick, Flewwelling and Knibb voting "nay".
The Mayor called for the question on the original motion whereupon
Councillor A. Vincent rose to a point of order and advised his intent to remove himself
from the Council table and abstain from voting on the motion on the basis that he would
not vote without a legal opinion.
(Councillor A. Vincent withdrew from the Council table.)
Councillor M. Vincent concurred with Councillor A. Vincent's request for a
legal opinion prior to voting on the motion to which Mr. Rodgers replied that he cannot
give a legal opinion at this time and would need to examine the relevant policies and
materials form the point of view of whether or not Mr. Thompson qualifies for the H.I.D.
grant, and suggested that Council may wish to adjourn the meeting for a few hours to
provide an opportunity for him to commence his examination forthwith and return to the
meeting with an opinion or a request for additional time.
OCTOBER 23, 1989
On motion of Councillor Fitzpatrick
Seconded by Councillor Coughlan
RESOLVED that the above matter be
laid on the table and that the City Solicitor attempt to provide his opinion later in the
Question being taken, the tabling motion was carried.
Discussion ensued regarding whether or not Council should continue
with or adjourn the meeting in view of the late hour and number of agenda items
remaining, and to resume the meeting at a later date.
(Councillors Davis and Fitzpatrick withdrew from and Councillor A.
Vincent re-entered the meeting.)
On motion of Councillor A. Vincent
Seconded by Councillor M. Vincent
RESOLVED that the letter from
Councillor M. Vincent expressing concern, on behalf of the Lakewood Heights Home &
School Association, with respect to safety for the children who use the walkway
between Summit Drive and Lakeview Drive both going to and coming from the
Lakewood Heights School, as there has been no action on the improvements to this
route following the Lakewood Avenue improvements in 1985; and requesting that this
matter be referred to the City Manager for a report to Council at the earliest opportunity
so that this problem can be rectified immediately -- be received and referred to the City
Manager for a report to Council, including a report on the matter of a sidewalk on
Summit Drive.
At Councillor Lander's request, the mover and seconder of the above
motion concurred to include a request for information on Summit Drive.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor Gould
Seconded by Councillor Coughlan
RESOLVED that the letter from Mr.
Louis E. Murphy, M.L.A. Saint John Harbour, expressing appreciation for naming the
overpass on Church Avenue after him, as it is a great honour to be so recognized by
the City of Saint John -- be received and filed.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor A. Vincent
RESOLVED that the report from the
City Manager advising that, during the 21 weeks of operation, a total of 151,865 visitors
registered at the City's tourist information centres in 1989 which represents a 42%
increase over the total registrations of 106,913 in 1988 and while visitors counselled at
the newly-acquired information centre on Highway 1 West numbered 42,891
contributing to the significant increase in a large part to the season's totals, the 1989
figures nonetheless, excluding the Highway 1 West centre registrations, are still ahead
of last year by more than 2,000; also advising that, comparing the City's 1989 figures
with the Provincial registration figures for 1988 at the Highway 1 west Centre for the
same 14-week period, registrations were up by 8% in 1989; and commenting on other
matters pertaining to the tourist information centres' 1989 operations -- be received and
Councillor Rogers suggested that a decrease of 29% recorded at the
Tug Tourist Information Centre, which should be taken into consideration when
preparing for the 1990 season.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
OCTOBER 23, 1989
(Councillor Fitzpatrick re-entered the meeting.)
On motion Councillor Gould
Seconded by Councillor Knibb
RESOLVED that as recommended by the
City Manager, authority be granted for payment of the following invoices, namely:-
Standard PavinQ Maritime Limited - supply of asphalt
October 4-10, 1989 $18,041.52
- supply of asphalt
October 11-17, 1989 $23,776.23.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor Fitzpatrick
Seconded by Councillor Knibb
RESOLVED that as recommended by the City
Manager, authority be granted for payment of the following construction progress
certificate, namely:
1. Contract 89-4, Sand Cove Road
12" Watermain
Hank E. Merchant Ltd.
Original estimated value of contract
Total work done, Estimate Number 3
Payments previously approved
Sum recommended for payment, Progress
Estimate Number 3, dated October 10, 1989
Final holdback release
$ 24,814.94
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor Rogers
Seconded by Councillor Knibb
RESOLVED that the report from the City
Manager advising that Buckley and Associates Ltd. was unable to discover a major
single cause for the deterioration of the Ashburn Lake road surface but has indicated
that failure was probably caused by a combination of several contributing factors,
including (a) the possible insufficient compaction of granular material in some areas, (b)
a suspicion that the emulsion spray rate in the chipseal operation may have been
inadequate for the encountered conditions, (c) the effect of high-speed traffic during
and after placing of chipseal, and (d) the effect of capillary action causing moisture to
contaminate the granular material both during construction and especially during
periods of storm run-off and winter conditions; also advising that the consultant's report
recommends that additional fill be placed on the existing road surface so that at least 3
feet of granular material exists above the level of water in the drainage ditches or peat
encountered under the road surface, which will require the placing of an average 1 foot
layer of compacted granular material over the entire 5,000 foot length of roadway,
which can be completed in the current construction season if an immediate start is
made, and that an asphalt surface be employed; further advising that staff
recommends the following procedure; - (1) the placement of the necessary fill this fall;
(2) the paving of an approximately 400 foot length of road by the commercial section
near Drury Cove Road, with funding allowed for costs of these tow items in the 1989
Transportation Capital Program; and (3) budgeting the paving of Ashburn Lake Road in
the 1990 Transportation Capital Program at an estimated cost of $140,000.00, and
recommending that this request for additional funding for further paving be referred to
the 1990 Capital Budget committee -- be received and filed and the recommendation
Mr. Robichaud, in response to Council queries, advised that as far as he
is concerned there is no liability on the part of any party otherwise he would be
OCTOBER 23, 1989
recommending action; that, with respect to the possibility of problems being
experienced by not completing the paving all at one time, a better foundation on which
to place asphalt will result by allowing the gravel to go through the winter; however, due
to the business located at one end of the road, asphalting in that area in 1989 is
recommended; and further that the only additional cost to the City is, in fact,
$33,400.00 worth of chipseal and $6,250.00 for the consultant's reports to date, and
that if staff had known then what is known now, the additional gravel would have been
included in the original contract for placement over the full length of the road.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor Flewwelling
Seconded by Councillor A. Vincent
RESOLVED that as recommended by
the City Manager, the tender of Otis Canada Inc. be accepted for supplying
maintenance to the St. Patrick Street pedway elevator and escalator at a monthly cost
of $1,137.00 for a period of two years commencing December 1,1989.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor Rogers
Seconded by Councillor Knibb
RESOLVED that as recommended by the
City Manager, the lowest tender received as indicated on the submitted bid summary,
be accepted for the supply of sand and gravel and other aggregates to be delivered on
an as-required basis over a period of 12 months.
The Mayor asked the manner in which it is determined that the suppliers
have the right type of sand and gravel, and also asked the principal of Maritime
Construction Ltd., to which Mr. Robichaud replied that material is tested to ensure it
meets the required degradation before purchasing and that a soil engineering firm
would be hired to test the material at the gravel pit; and Messrs. Armstrong and
Robichaud apprised Council of the tenderers' principals.
Question being taken, the motion was carried with the Mayor voting
Read a report from the City Manager advising that the development of
Brentwood Park Phase 4 met the original 24-month timeframe of the Greater
Residential Incentive Program grant by developing 40 units, and a further 8 units have
been constructed between the 24th and the 30th month thereby making the developer
eligible for GRIP funding on these units at a reduced rate as permitted by the policy
adopted by Council on December 12, 1988; also advising that, since the total grant for
which the development qualifies exceeds that approved by Council on July 7, 1986 and
subsequently increased on May 15, 1989, approval of the higher amount is required,
and that the total GRIP funding for this project will increase to $243,018.60 which will
be offset over time from the tax revenue received from the additional units developed;
and recommending that the level of GRIP funding be increased.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Rogers
RESOLVED that as recommended by the
City Manager, the level of Greater Residential Incentive Program funding for Brentwood
Park Phase 4 be increased from $209,818.60 to $243,018.60.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor Gould
Seconded by Councillor Coughlan
RESOLVED that the report from the
City Manager advising that, during the November budget preparation, specific items
OCTOBER 23, 1989
proposed to implement the Goals for Saint John will be recommended by staff, with the
next steps to involve other elements of the community, including the various boards,
committees and commissions; and noting several of the next steps identified to
communicate the Goals for Saint John even further by community involvement in their
implementation -- be received and filed.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor Rogers
Seconded by Councillor Coughlan
RESOLVED that as recommended by
the City Manager, an amount of $12,891.93 be paid to Micro Precision for the
microfilming done in the Building & Technical Services Department.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
(Councillor M. Vincent withdrew from the meeting.)
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Rogers
RESOLVED that as recommended by the
City Manager, the tender of Industrial Gold Milling Ltd., in the amount of $1.62 per
square metre, be accepted for planing asphalt on various City Streets.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor Rogers
Seconded by Councillor Coughlan
RESOLVED that the letter from the City
Solicitor regarding the question of hunting in Rockwood Park on which he was asked
for an opinion at the October 16 Council meeting; noting that, as indicated in the
submitted copy of his November 1986 opinion to Council in this regard, hunting and the
discharge of firearms is prohibited in Rockwood Park, and the relevant act for
enforcement is the Provincial Fish and Wildlife Act which is enforced by the police and
game wardens appointed by the Minister of Natural Resources and Energy; and
concluding that, while signs may be posted, because hunting is absolutely prohibited in
the Park during all seasons of the year, it is not necessary to post signs for the
enforcement of the Act -- be received and filed and appropriate action be taken, and
that a copy of the letter be referred to the Saint John Board of Police Commissioners.
Deputy Chief Thompson advised that, with regard to Councillor A.
Vincent's reference to an incident on Mountain Road involving the firing of gun shots,
the Department is investigating this matter and will provide a report.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
(Councillor M. Vincent re-entered the meeting.)
The Mayor asked Mr. Rodgers is he has a legal opinion with respect to
the motion to approve a Housing Through Infill Development grant for Manford
Thompson Construction Ltd. which was tabled earlier in this meeting, to which Mr.
Rodgers replied that it is his opinion that Mr. Thomspon, under the guidelines adopted
by Council in 1987, is eligible to make an application for a H.I.D. grant and that, as he
has made the application, Council is now is in a position to examine all of the evidence
put before it at this meeting and decide what weight it wants to give the information
pertaining to the historical significance of the building at 207 Princess Street; however,
the important point for Council to understand is that, even though Mr. Thompson is
eligible to apply under the guidelines adopted, he is not automatically entitled to a grant
as this is a Council decision.
The Mayor called for the question on the motion to adopt the City
Manager's recommendation that Common Council approve a H.I.D. grant estimated at
OCTOBER 23, 1989
$69,975.00 in favour of Manford Thompson Construction Ltd. relative to development
of a 5-unit townhouse project at 207 Princess Street subject to the conditions imposed
by the Planning Advisory Committee.
Question being taken, the motion was carried Councillor Landers and
Rogers voting "nay".
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Coughlan
RESOLVED that as recommended by
the City Manager, the Housing Through Infill Development program guidelines be
amended to remove the eligibility of projects involving the demolition of existing
buildings, pending a report by staff to Council on alternative guidelines prior to
November 30, 1989.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor Fitzpatrick
Seconded by Councillor M. Vincent
RESOLVED that the presentation by
Mrs. Wendy Bullock and the letter and the letter from Mr. Donald Gillis concerning 207
Princess Street -- be received and filed.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Read report of the Committee of the Whole
(as follows)
To the COMMON COUNCIL of the City of Saint John
The Committee of the Whole
Your Committee begs leave to report that it sat on October 16, 1989,
when there were present Mayor Wayne and Councillors Coughlan, Davis, Fitzpatrick,
Flewwelling, Gould Knibb, Landers, Rogers, A. Vincent, and M. Vincent, and your
Committee submits the following recommendations, namely:-
1. That as recommended by the City Manager, (1) the property at 63
Mecklenburg Street (L.R.I.S. Number 4432) be sold to Mr. Corey Stephen for a price of
$6,750.00; (2) Mr. Stephen be given an option to purchase the land for this price until
January 31, 1990, at a cost of $675.00 which will be used as part of the purchase price
and that, during the option period and as a condition for exercising the option, the
purchaser shall receive Planning Department, Building Inspection, and, if necessary,
Planning Advisory Committee approval for the development and must also receive
approval for a Housing Through Infill Development Grant and, if any of these are not
received, the cost of the option will be returned; and (3) the City retain an option to
reacquire the property for the purchase price if a residential building is not completed
on it within a period of one year of the transfer of title which will take place within 30
days of exercising the option.
2. That as recommended by the City Manager, (1) the City acquire from the
Jordan Estate represented by Regina Jordan the land shown as L.R.I.S. Number
350934 that is within the Loch Lomond watershed in exchange for an equal area of City
land on St. Martins Road that is outside the Loch Lomond watershed; (2) the City land
to be exchanged will include that portion of L.R.I.S. Number 354696 located on the
northern side of St. Martins Road that is outside the Loch Lomond watershed plus a
portion on the southern side of the road at the eastern and of the property with an area
sufficient to give the City parcel an equal area with the Jordan land; and (3) each party
will be responsible for preparing the necessary survey and subdivision plans of their
property to complete the exchange.
OCTOBER 23, 1989
3. That as recommended by the City Manager, (1) Moose Mountain Farms
Ltd. be granted a license for as long as the building exists to permit the encroachment
of a building on the municipal services easement crossing Lot 1 C of Eastwood
Subdivision Phase 3, the license to cover an area of 1.31 meters more or less x 7.32
meters as shown in a Surveyor's Real Property Report prepared by Kierstead Surveys
Ltd. dated September 13, 1989; (2) Moose Mountain Farms Ltd. be granted a license
for as long as the building exists to permit the encroachment of a building on the
municipal services easement crossing Lot 2D of Eastwood Subdivision Phase 3, the
license to cover an area of .49 meters more or less x 7.62 meters as shown on a
Surveyors Real Property Report prepared by Kierstead Surveys Ltd. dated July 7,
1989; (3) any costs associated with granting the license are to be paid by the applicant;
and (4) the license shall contain a clause exempting the City from any and all liability in
the event of any damage caused to the buildings as a result of excavation or other
work carried out within the easement and further that Moose Mountain Farms Ltd. shall
indemnify and save harmless the City from any action that may be brought for any
damage to such buildings.
4. That as recommended by the City Manager, the Draftsman II position in
the Planning Department be reclassified to that of Planning Technician I.
October 23, 1989,
Saint John, N.B.
Respectfully submitted,
(sgd.) Elsie E. Wayne,
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Gould
RESOLVED that section 1 of the above
report be adopted.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Fitzpatrick
RESOLVED that section 2 of the
above report be adopted.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Coughlan
RESOLVED that section 3 of the above
report be adopted.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor Coughlan
Seconded by Councillor Fitzpatrick
RESOLVED that section 4 of the
above report be adopted.
Councillor Fitzpatrick asked for confirmation from the Director of
Community Planning that it is not the intent to recommend to Council hiring another
Draftsman II in the near future, to which Mr. Bedford replied it is not anticipated that a
draftsman will be required because adoption of the above motion will delete the
draftsman position and replace it with a technician position.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
OCTOBER 23, 1989
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Rogers
RESOLVED that as recommended by the
Planning Advisory Committee, (1) Council assent to a subdivision plan of the Robert
Brown Subdivision at 200 Clark Road prepared in accordance with the submitted photo
reduction with respect to the 91 meter (300 foot) extension of the Clark Road; and (2)
Council authorize the preparation and execution of a City/Developer subdivision
agreement to ensure construction of the 91 meter (300 foot) extension of the Clark
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Coughlan
RESOLVED that as recommended by
the Planning Advisory Committee, Council assent to the four subdivision plans of which
photo reductions are submitted with respect to the vesting in the City of Parcels "M",
"N", "L" and "K" for the widening of McAllister Drive and Westmorland Road.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor Rogers
Seconded by Councillor M. Vincent
RESOLVED that the letter from the
Master Plumbers Examining Board recommending that, with the retirement of Burton E.
Gale, the position of Plumbing Inspector be filled forthwith by a licensed plumber and
that any vacancies that occur in the area of Plumbing Inspection be filled by licensed
plumbers -- be referred to the City Manager for a report to Council at its next meeting.
The motion originally proposed was to adopt the recommendation,
whereupon the Mayor asked Councillor A. Vincent, Chairman of the Board, if he has
discussed this matter with the Commissioner of Human Resources in view of the City
Manager's indication that this matter is under discussion through that Department.
Councillor A. Vincent replied in the negative and expressed the understanding, based
on his discussion with Mr. Johnson, that it is his wish to put an engineer in the position.
Mr. Taylor advised that he and Messrs. Groody and Johnson are presently reviewing
this matter in anticipation of posting the position in the very near future. The Mayor
called for the question on the motion to adopt the Board's recommendation and, during
discussion of whether or not the Plumbing By-Law requires that the position be filled
with a plumber or a master plumber, Councillor Coughlan made the observation that to
vote on the recommendation could prohibit staff in its action to post the position and
that it should first be determined whether or not the position must be filled with a
plumber or a master plumber, and the Mayor subsequently called for the question on a
motion to refer the matter to the City Manager for one week.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Rogers
RESOLVED that as recommended by the
Planning advisory Committee, (1) the sum of $1,760.00 be accepted as money in lieu
of land for public purposes with respect to the Manford M. Thompson Construction
Company Limited Subdivision at 207 Princess Street; and (2) Common Council give
consideration to (i) clarification of the H.I.D. objective to retain good quality historic
building stock while promoting infill housing.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
OCTOBER 23, 1989
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Rogers
RESOLVED that as recommended by the
Board of Trustees of the City of Saint John Pension Plan, Council approve the
retirement of Mr. Ronald Garland, an employee of the Works Department, in
accordance with section 9(1) of the City of Saint John Pension Act, the Board having
been supplied with the required medical reports as to his permanent disability.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Consideration was given to a resolution submitted by the Saint John
Parking Commission regarding the appointment of Mr. Raymond George Birt as a By-
Law Enforcement Officer.
On motion of Councillor Coughlan
Seconded by Councillor Rogers
RESOLVED that pursuant to Section 14 of
the Police Act of the Province of New Brunswick, the Common Council of the City of
Saint John does hereby appoint the following member of the Canadian Corps of
Commissionaires as By-Law Enforcement Officer with the responsibility to enforce
provisions of the Parking Meter By-Law and the provisions of Section 5, Section 7, and
Section 8 (1) of the Saint John Traffic By-Law, namely: Mr. Raymond George Birt:
AND FURTHER that this appointment shall continue until such time as
the appointee ceases to be a member of the Canadian Corps of Commissionaires or
until the appointment is rescinded by Common Council.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor Rogers
Seconded by Councillor Coughlan
RESOLVED that the letter from the
Chief of Police submitting correspondence considered by the Saint John Board of
Police Commissioners from Mr. George M. Melvin, Coordinator - Transportation of York-
Sunbury Search & Rescue Inc. wherein he requests a small annual grant; advising that
the Board was very supportive of the services provided by this group but did not feel
that the Force budget was the proper source from which such a request should be
addressed; and concluding that the assistance provided to the Police Force by five
ground search and rescue groups in situations such as the recent Greene Search in
the Red Head Area is immeasurable in terms of funds saved by the Force in particular,
and by the Community in general -- be referred to the grants committee.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor Rogers
Seconded by Councillor Coughlan
RESOLVED that the letter from the
Federation of Canadian Municipalities submitting a copy of the FCM brief to the House
of Commons Standing Committee on Finance with respect tot he proposed goods and
services tax; advising that, while the recent Technical Paper on the Goods and
Services Tax does not meet the commitment of the Minister of Finance to no greater
burden on municipalities, considerable progress has been achieved and that, through
negotiations and discussion with the Minister and his officials, the major deficiencies of
the original 1987 White Paper On Tax Reform with respect to municipalities have been
corrected, and that these were noted in the FCM's Brief; also advising the FCM has not
taken a position on the global merits of the proposed GST but has confined its efforts
to those matters of direct effect on municipal administration and, with respect to the
larger questions, the National Board of Directors recently urged the Government to
reconsider its implementation date of January 1, 1991 which, in light of all the
comments and
OCTOBER 23, 1989
concerns, is unrealistic and does not provide adequate time for full public consultation
and development of administrative structures; and concluding that FCM is hopeful that
the remaining deficiencies will be corrected by negotiations -- be received and filed.
The Mayor suggested that Mr. Wilson, who was involved in the
preparation of the above brief, should address at Council's next meeting the effect of
the general sales tax on the City of Saint John.
On motion of Councillor A. Vincent
Seconded by Councillor Gould
RESOLVED that the above matter be laid
on the table and the Commissioner of Finance address the effect of the general sales
tax on the City at the next meeting.
Question being taken, the tabling motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor Rogers
Seconded by Councillor M. Vincent
RESOLVED that the letter from
Provincial-Municipal Council Inc. submitting a further response to a resolution
originating from Saint John to the Cities of New Brunswick Association with respect to
VIA Rail -- be received and filed.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor Gould
Seconded by Councillor Flewwelling
RESOLVED that the letter from Libby
Shackleton making the observation that, with regard to recent media attention to the
problems of environmental pollution, cleaning up the air and eliminating the antiquated
system that dumps raw sewage into the harbour are major problems whose solution will
require major expenditures, and that action can be taken right away on the just as
serious but less costly and easier to tackle problem of the polluting effect of the
massive amount of garbage carted to dumpsites from homes, offices and retail
businesses, a large percentage of which is recyclable; and suggesting that there is
nothing anyone can do without a comprehensive recycling program which makes it
convenient to separate trash, have it collected and have it trucked to appropriate
recycling centres, and that it is timely for the City to join the conscientious by showing it
cares about the environment and the future -- be received and filed.
Mr. Taylor advised that the above letter has been responded to
whereupon the Mayor asked that Council members be provided with a copy of the reply
in their information items at the next meeting.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor Rogers
Seconded by Councillor M. Vincent
RESOLVED that the letter from the
Crescent Valley Tenants Association expressing concern about commercial vehicle
traffic in the Crescent Valley area, and asking that this matter be looked into to see if
anything can be done to rectify same -- be referred to the City Manager for a report to
Council at its next meeting.
Councillor M. Vincent asked that his previously requested report on truck
routes in the City be submitted with the above report.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
OCTOBER 23, 1989
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Coughlan
RESOLVED that the letter from the
Saint John Central Business Development Corporation referring to the October 10
presentation to Committee of the Whole with respect to its development of a sign to
attract pedestrian and vehicular traffic to the Trinity Royal area, and requesting the City
to pay for the ongoing hydro required to operate the lights to illuminate the sign -- be
referred to the City Manager for a report and recommendation.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Coughlan
RESOLVED that the letter from the
Saint John Central Business Development Corporation asking to work with City
departments as much as possible in the City's planning decision schedule for
streets/sidewalks improvement in the uptown area -- be received and filed and the City
Manager inform the Corporation of the scheduled improvements in this regard following
adoption of the 1990 operating budget.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor Fitzpatrick
Seconded by Councillor Coughlan
RESOLVED that the letter from Mr. Cyril
Page regarding fluoridation of the water supply -- be received and filed.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Rogers
RESOLVED that the application of Irving
Oil Limited for the re-zoning of 10 Sydney Street be referred to the Planning Advisory
Committee for a report and recommendation and that the necessary advertising be
authorized in this regard, with the public hearing to be held on December 4, 1989.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Gould
RESOLVED that the application of
Lawrence and Beverley Gallant for the re-zoning of 289 Churchland Road be referred
to the Planning Advisory Committee for a report and recommendation and that the
necessary advertising be authorized in this regard, with the public hearing to be held on
December 4, 1989.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor M. Vincent
RESOLVED that the letter from Rosi
Jori requesting, on behalf of the students and faculty at UNBSJ, a donation to assist in
the publication costs involved with a book, "Saint John, An Illustrated History", to be
published coinciding with the 25th anniversary celebrations of UNBSJ -- be referred to
the City Manager for a report to Council.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
OCTOBER 23, 1989
On motion of Councillor Rogers
Seconded by Councillor Fitzpatrick
RESOLVED that the letter from Mr. Del
Ferguson requesting, as he did not have enough time to voice his concerns fully at
Council's meeting of October 10, to appear at this meeting regarding the flood risk area
and the quarry and cement plan operation at 170 Ashburn Road; and also to be
granted the privilege of commenting on the City Manager's findings or report, as the
case may be, immediately after it is presented -- be referred to the City Manager for
consideration in his report to Council.
Councillor Landers asked if it is possible for Mr. Ferguson to appear
before Council at this meeting as requested to which the Mayor replied in the negative,
and Mr. Taylor advised that a report on Mr. Ferguson's presentation should be
submitted to Council in two weeks.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Rogers
RESOLVED that the letter from Anne M.
Byrne, solicitor for Willard Trites, explaining that Mr. Trites was at the Council meeting
of September 25, 1989 for the public hearing of his re-zoning application for 327
Charlotte Street but that, having been informed by his lawyer at 4:00 o'clock that he
would not be appearing and that Mr. Trites should represent himself, when the time
came to speak in favour of the re-zoning, he just could not get up as he has great
difficulty speaking in from of a crowd and was unable to garner enough courage to do
so; submitting a copy of a petition supporting his application; and requesting, in light of
the information submitted, Council to allow Mr. Trites to either immediately make
another application or the opportunity to have a representative appear before Council
to speak on the previous application which was denied -- be referred to the Legal
Councillor Landers asked why Mr. Ferguson is unable to speak on his
above letter to which the Mayor replied that Council has already considered Mr.
Ferguson's request, and she ruled that Council is now dealing with the above motion to
refer from Mr. Williard Trites' solicitor to the Legal Department.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Councillor Landers rose on a point of order on the basis that the Mayor
prevented her from completing her comments on Mr. Ferguson's request to appear
before Council at this meeting to which the Mayor replied that there is a procedure in
this regard, and the Common Clerk advised that, as the City Manager's report on Mr.
Ferguson's previous presentation has not been received by Council, she was unable to
schedule Mr. Ferguson for another presentation on the same matter.
On motion of Councillor Coughlan
Seconded by Councillor Rogers
RESOLVED that the letter from New
Brunswick Crafts Council Inc. requesting the financial support of Common Council in
the form of a Best Booth Award to be presented in the name of the City of Saint John
during the craft show and sale at the Trade and Convention Centre on November 25
and 26 -- be received and filed
Councillor Fitzpatrick questioned the amount concerned to which the
Mayor replied that a plaque will be given by the City.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
OCTOBER 23, 1989
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Gould
RESOLVED that the application of
Mediacom Inc. for an amendment to the Section 39 resolution with regard to the re-
zoning of 665 Loch Lomond Road be referred to the Planning Advisory Committee for a
report and recommendation and that the necessary advertising be authorized in this
regard, with the public hearing to be held on December 4, 1989.
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
On motion of Councillor Knibb
Seconded by Councillor Landers
RESOLVED that this meeting be
Question being taken, the motion was carried.
Common Clerk