1999-12-20_Agenda AGE N D A COMMON COUNCIL- as at December 17,1999. 1. Meeting called to order, 7:00 p.m., December 20, 1999 - prayer. 2. Approval of minutes (December 13, 1999). 3. Mayor's remarks COUNCIL MEMBERS 4. Re Quality of Life Infrastructure Program Proposal (Mayor McAlary). 4A. Re representatives for the Public Utilities Board (Deputy Mayor Chase). 5. Re benches in Boardwalk area and underground parking (Councillor Titus). 6. Re filling of vacancies on Preservation Review Board (Councillor Titus). CITY MANAGER 7. Re proposed 2000 Operating Budget - General Fund. 8. Re provision of compensatory storage - Westmorland Road development. 9. Re feasibility study and conceptual design for increased storage capacity - Mystery Lake. 10. Re applications for amendments to Zoning By-law, City-owned land at 171 and 257 Mark Drive (see also items #22 & #23). 11. Re licensed restaurants in "B-1", "RM-2" and "RM-3" zones. 12. Re 1999-2003 Collective Agreement with Outside Workers (CUPE Local 18). 13. Response to William Brienza's request for garbage collection at 36 Richmond Street. CITY SOLICITOR 14. Third reading of City Market By-law amendment re December 27, 1999 closure (1st & 2nd readings given December 13, 1999). 15. Re procedure to remove property from preservation area. 16. Re proposed Halloween By-law. COM MON CLERK 17. Third reading of Business Improvement Levy By-law amendment (1st & 2nd readings given December 13, 1999). COM M ITTEES/COM MISSIONS 18. Committee of the Whole (December 13, 1999) - (1) re subdivision and sale of 395 Churchill Boulevard; (2) re approval of Development Plan for Red Rose Tea and Drury Lane parking lot sites, and amendment to July 12, 1999 Council resolution pertaining to sale and development of sites. *18.(3) appointments to Planning Advisory Committee; (4) appointment to Preservation Review Board. 18A. Power Commission of the City of Saint John (Saint John Energy) re 1999-2000 Christmas Decorative Lighting Program. GENERAL 19. Letter from Multicultural Association of Saint John, Inc. re Millennium memorial. 20. Request of Convention 2002 for financial support re 13th Canadian National Round Dance Convention. 21. Letter from Horst Sauerteig re Fundy Region Solid Waste Commission's composting program. 22. Application of Moose Mountain Farms Ltd. for re-zoning of property on Loch Lomond Road and Mark Drive. 23. Application of Silver Falls Park Development Company Limited for re-zoning of property on Mark Drive. 24. Request of International Longshoremen's Association, Local 273, for support for position on issue of forgiveness of Port of Belledune's debt. Page Two. COMMON COUNCIL AGENDA - as at December 17,1999. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE - 4:30 p.m. 25. Nominating Committee report. 26. Re Exhibition Association / Simonds Arena (Councillor Desmond). 27. Letter from Solicitor General's Department re alleged criminal offence. 28. Re Council meetings (City Manager). 29. Re Water and Sewerage Utility Budget (City Manager). 30. Re license agreement - Thomas Construction (City Manager). 31. City Manager's update. 32. Mayor's update. LEGAL SESSION 33. Re Szymankiewicz v. City of Saint John and Daeres (City Solicitor). 34. Re NB Museum at Market Square (City Solicitor).