1999-11-01_Agenda AGENDA COMMON COUNCIL - as at October 29,1999. 1. Meeting called to order, 7:00 p.m., Monday, November 1,1999 - prayer. 2. Approval of minutes (October 18, 1999). PUBLIC HEARING 3. 7:00 p.m. (a) Proposed amendment to Section 39 conditions imposed on July 3, 1973 re-zoning of Hilyard Place, situated at 560-600 Main Street, to adopt a revised sign proposal, as requested by ADI Limited. (b) Report from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendment. 4. 8:00 p.m. - Presentation by BDA re New Brunswick / Saint John trail. 5. Mayor's remarks COUNCIL MEMBERS 6. Re issue of public/private partnership of municipal services (Councillor Chase). CITY MANAGER 7. Report re tender for supply of highway salt. *8. Report re tender for new traffic truck. (WITHDRAWN) 9. Report re proposals for turn-out gear for Fire Department. 10. Re intersections - Old Black River Road and Grandview Avenue, and Red Head Road and Bayside Drive. 11. Re Housing Incentive Program Application #96 and #97 for developments in Mahogany Heights and Woodville Road, respectively. 12. Re designation of Building Inspector for enforcement proceedings re violations of Minimum Property Standards By-law, 3 Dorchester Street. 13. Re designation of By-law Enforcement Officer for enforcement proceedings re violations of Minimum Property Standards By-law, Garbage By-law and Animal Control By-law. 14. Re acquisition of Community Development computer applications. 14A. Proposed amendment to Traffic By-law re parking on Harmony Drive. COM MON CLERK 15. (a) Third reading of proposed Municipal Plan amendment re 124 Waterloo Street (1st & 2nd readings given October 18, 1999). (b) Third reading of proposed Zoning By-law amendment to re-zone above property, and imposing of conditions pursuant to Section 39 of Community Planning Act (1 st & 2nd readings given October 18, 1999). 16. Third reading of proposed Street Closing By-law amendment re Hilltop Drive (formerly Simpson Drive - 1st & 2nd readings given October 18, 1999). 17. Proposed amendment to Section 39 conditions imposed on December 10, 1979 re-zoning of property at 77 Glen Road, as requested by Solicitor for East Coast Convenience Stores Ltd. (public hearing held October 18, 1999 - tabled). COM M ITTEES/COM MISSIONS 18. Committee of the Whole report (October 18, 1999) - (1) re offer to purchase 29 Somerset Street. 19. Planning Advisory Committee re proposed subdivision 77 Glen Road, vesting of land as public street, and conveyance of Parcel C to East Coast Convenience Stores Ltd. 20. Planning Advisory Committee re land for public purposes dedication, subdivision 1771 Old Black River Road. 21. Board of Police Commissioners re Provincial protocol on release of information on high risk offenders. 22. Fundy Region Solid Waste Commission (a) Notice of Intention to vote on Borrowing Resolutions; (b) Annual Budget for Year 2000; (c) provisions for reserve funds for solid waste commissions - proposed regulatory changes, Province of New Brunswick. 23. Saint John Harbour Bridge Authority - Budget for Fiscal Year ending March 31, 2000. 24. Board of Trustees of City of Saint John Pension Plan re proposed amendments to Pension Act. Page Two. COMMON COUNCIL AGENDA - as at October 29, 1999. GENERAL 25. Letter from Dorothy Dawson re advertising of vacancies on boards and commissions. 26. Letter from Santa Claus Parade Committee re participation in and presentation of awards after November 13 parade. 27. Request of Gregory J. Kennedy for financial support for Jeff Kennedy to participate in 1999 World Amateur Snooker Championship. 28. Letter from District 6 & 8 Home & School Council re traffic problem at Red Head Road / Bayside Drive intersection. 29. Request of residents and property owners in vicinity of Crowe's Place at 319-321 City Road for Council to proceed with 3rd reading of proposed re-zoning of this property. 30. Letter from Bertha Wood-Holt re tree and monument in King's Square. 31. Application of Bell Camp Holdings Inc. for amendment to Section 39 conditions of re-zoning of 241 Millidge Avenue. 32. Letter from Mar-Jo Limited re status of August 28, 1998 request for heritage designation for building at 69- 71 King Street. 33. Letter from Human Development Council re accomplishments over past two decades. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE - 4:30 p.m. 34. 4:30 p.m. - Hearing of appeal re taxi license. 35. Re City's priorities/vision (Councillor Titus). 36. Re New Year's Eve celebration (Councillor Court). 37. Request of Prude Inc. for financial assistance in form of rent at City Market building. 38. Request of Recreation and Parks Advisory Board to appear re Volunteer Recognition Night. 39. Re Council Expense Budget (tabled October 18,1999). 40. Re Business Park Development Incentive Program (City Manager). 41. Re Mark Drive by-pass road (City Manager). 42. Re Smythe Street expansion joints (City Manager). 43. City Manager's update. 44. Re release of information on high risk offenders (City Solicitor). LEGAL SESSION 45. Re Meadowland Subdivision (City Solicitor). 46. Re Meadowland Subdivision (City Manager).